Online Marketing & Website Assessment Sample Audit Tuesday, 25 September, 2012 Prepared by: Jeff Schneider Prepared for: Page 1 of 13 Online Marketing & Website Assessment 1. Building Awareness Creating, optimizing and promoting interesting content and attracting website visitors. 2. Attracting Leads & Customers Converting website traffic into leads, and leads into customers using landing pages, conversion forms, and calls-to-action. 3. Tracking Results Measuring the successes and failures of your marketing tactics let’s you know what’s working and what’s not. Marketing Grade Page 2 of 13 11% 19% 7% CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT 8% 17% 0% CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT 0% 50% 0% CORRECT CORRECT CORRECT 12 38 14 /100 /100 /100 Building Awareness Creating, optimizing and promoting content are keys to building online awareness and attracting more website traffic and leads. The best part? Companies that create, optimize and promote their blogs get 55% more traffic and 70% more leads than those that don’t. Your Top Things To Focus On ✓ Create a blog for your company ✓ Add more pages to your website containing unique and useful content, probably by blogging ✓ Get more inbound links to your website Blogging Every page on your web site has the potential to rank well in searches and to draw traffic from other sources (i.e.: social media, etc.). Blogging is one of the best ways to add interesting content to your site, and it will assist with increasing your traffic and leads. Uh-oh...You don’t have a blog? You do realize blogging is one of the best ways to send out the useful and educational info your target audience is craving, and that it can make a dramatic difference in your search rankings, right? No recent blog posts found, because you don’t have a blog! Did you know, B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month than those that don’t? Your blog post titles aren’t optimized, because you don’t have a blog! Remember that companies that blog get 55% more web traffic and 77% more leads than those that don’t! Page 3 of 13 I guarantee you aren’t blogging enough. You aren’t blogging at all! Businesses that blog at least 20 times per month generate 5X more traffic and 4X more leads than those that only blog a few times per month. Hmm… I had trouble detecting an RSS feed. About 46% of daily Internet users read more than one blog every day. Having an RSS feed makes it really easy for people to subscribe to updates from your blog so they’re always in the loop when you post new content. Remember that people surfing the web are LAZY. We have to make it stupid simple for them. Your blog isn’t easy to find, because you don’t have one! 65% of daily Internet users read a blog. It could be YOUR blog... if you had one! Is your blog easy to share? No! Because you don’t have one! Blog posts that were shared on Twitter and Facebook got 149% more inbound links than those not shared on social media at all. Your blog posts aren’t being retweeted, because you don’t have a blog! Blog posts shared on Twitter get 113% more inbound links than those not shared on social media at all. Your blog posts aren’t being shared on Facebook, because you don’t have a blog! Don’t think sharing on Facebook matters? Did you know that Facebook is now the most preferred way of sharing content - second only to email? Page 4 of 13 Search Engine Optimization Using Search Engine Optimization to help your content get found in the search engines is a key ingredient in the traffic generation recipe. SEO gives your content the best chance possible of bringing traffic into your site. Realistically this means you are maximizing your ROC (return on content.) Since 89% of Internet users search online before they make a purchase, even when the purchase is made at a a local business, this is kind of important. Let’s see how your site did. Your site has 5 pages indexed by search engines. Okay. So you’re site is a little bit on the skimpy side. Create more content so it’s easier for both search engines and visitors to find you. The search engines look for fresh content all the time. The more fresh content, the more search engines will come back to your site looking for more. It’s like they crave it. Also, 46% of daily searches are for research on products or services. The more pages you have, the better chance you have of ranking high. Getting found is your first step to new leads. Active blogging will do the trick! Uh-oh. Your site is missing a 301 redirect. Check it: to a search engine, “” and “” are NOT the same thing. When you set up a permanent redirect (known as a 301 redirect) you’ll get full credit for whatever is on your site and it doesn’t matter how it was accessed. We found 29 images on your home page and 1 has an alt tag. Oh you don’t have alt tags on all of your images. Images are invisible to search engines so alt tags are an uber-awesome way to let the search engines know what’s on the page. This is important because 70% of the links search users click on are organic - not paid, so use a keyword and do some serious damage with the impact of your images. Page 5 of 13 Your Internal Pages Just for kicks we took a look at your internal pages. It seems to us you could try changing some of your page titles that start with your company name, check that you have page descriptions for all of your pages, and make sure it’s all unique. These are ridiculously easy adjustments to make, but they make a HUGE difference. Page Title Page Description Title Description Title Description Title Description How many page titles start with your company name? 3 So you’ve done a great job optimizing your page titles for your company name. One little problem: that is the easiest thing to rank for! The first word in a page title is the most ‘important’ according to search engines (translation: Google). Since 60% of all organic clicks go to the top three organic search results, optimize your titles for something other than your company name to boost your rankings for keywords people are searching for. Do you have page descriptions and are they unique? NO So you’re either missing page descriptions or the ones you do have aren’t very unique. So while page descriptions don’t directly affect your rankings, that text shows up on the search engine results page (and prominently, I might add) and they do affect how likely someone is to click on your link. Since 75% of users never go further than the first page of search results, you should make your page description compelling, so that people want to click on your link and not any of the other ones. Page 6 of 13 Sorry, I couldn’t find your MozRank MozRank represents a link popularity score. It reflects the importance of any given web page on the Internet. Pages earn MozRank by the number and quality of other pages that link to them. The higher the quality of the incoming links, the higher the MozRank. MozRank is calculated on a logarithmic scale between 1 and 10. (Geek speak translation: it’s ten times as hard to move from a 3 to a 4 than from a 2 to a 3). An “average” MozRank is around 3. 0 other sites have linked to your site. Think of the internet as a giant popularity contest. Right now, you’re not the cool kid. Companies that blog have 97% more inbound links than those that don’t. Creating great content is the key to getting inbound links - there’s no substitute. Hmm… I couldn’t find any pages that are linking to you. So you can have tons of pages linking back to your site, but if they aren’t quality links, it doesn’t help. The sites linking back to you need to be from trustworthy and authoritative sources. Of course these are harder to find. Not having any pages linking to you is seriously impacting your website’s ranking in the search results. Page 7 of 13 Mobile Marketing This is becoming more and more important: ensuring your website is displayed well on mobile devices. Over 45% of phones out there are smart phones and 87% of smart phone users access the internet from their mobile. When you take this step, make sure you account for smaller screen sizes and slower bandwidths - things like smaller images, fonts and how much content is actually displayed on screen. Do you have a mobile version of your website? NO How are all those smart phone users going to access your site if you don’t have a mobile version? Do you have Apple icons? NO FYI: the iPhone and iPad both allow users to add a quick link to the desktop of whichever device they have to give them easy access. Normally it would default to a hard-to-see screenshot, which steals away an excellent branding opportunity from you. Do you have a meta viewpoint tag? NO This neat little thing tells a mobile device how to orient a page, determines if a page can be scaled larger or smaller and if it should rotate a page as the user rotates their device. Don’t be hatin’ on your mobile users - add this! Did you know? ✓ 86% of C-level executives use a smartphone. ✓ 74% of smartphone users have made a purchase from their smartphone. Page 8 of 13 Social Media In 2011, 54% of companies increased their investment in social media and blogs. Why? Because it’s beneficial to business since being active on Facebook and Twitter has shown to increase the number of inbound links, traffic and leads. And really, who doesn’t want that? Are you on Twitter? YES We found the account @YourTwitterAccount that looks like it belongs to you. Nice you’re working it on Twitter. Make sure you’re sharing awesome content there too. Psst! A little secret here: Blog posts shared on Twitter get 117% more page views than those not shared. Just sayin’... Followers Following Updates 4 15 2 Sorry, I couldn’t figure out how many times your homepage has been tweeted Get other people to spread the word about your website by including social sharing buttons on your home page and as always, create compelling content! These are the best kinds of sales people that don’t cost you a dime! You average 90 days, 1 hour between tweets. So you’re in a bit of a slump on Twitter...but that’s okay! Simply tweet more regularly so you can harness all the awesomeness of the power of Twitter. Blog posts, relevant news and stuff from other sites that could be interesting to your followers are all great ideas. Hmm… I wasn’t able to get your Klout Score Your Klout Score is a measurement of how much influence you have in the social networks. It doesn’t look like Klout has a score on record for you. Head over to and sign in using your Twitter account and then you’ll get your score. Your Facebook business page has 1 fan. Alright, a little work to do on the Facebook front. Keep in mind: Facebook is growing fast on search engines. Some time and effort put into promoting your page with awesome content will definitely pay off. Page 9 of 13 Attracting Leads & Customers If you’re wanting to use your website to generate new customers for your business then you need to focus on capturing your visitors information so that you can nurture them and develop a relationship with them. The best ways to do this are using landing pages, blogging, email marketing and social media. Your Top Things To Focus On ✓ Add a landing page with a conversion form to your website ✓ Share links to landing pages that contain web forms on Twitter ✓ Reply to individuals on Twitter to be more conversational General So the tools you use here are all about converting traffic to prospects and leads. Then you nurture said leads and prospects to make it more likely for them to become clients. Things like landing pages, blogs, conversion forms, email marketing and social media are some of the ways you do this. Are you using landing pages with forms to convert visitors into leads? NO So landing pages with conversion forms are a great way to get leads but we didn’t find any on your site. How are you going to collect contact info so you can do some follow-up without one? Businesses with 31 - 40 landing pages on their site get 7X more leads than those with only 1 to 5. Make sure you collect contact info at every chance you get so you can follow-up, stay in touch and stay front-of-mind. Are you using any marketing automation software? NO Alright. We didn’t find any marketing automation software. Seriously, this can be a really effective tool for engaging potential customers as long as it’s done properly. But be careful not to subject your clients to endless programmed emails - just keep it real. = ) Page 10 of 13 Hmm… I wasn’t able to tell how engaged your visitors are. is a web traffic analysis service which publishes the approximate number of global visitors to the top 1,000,000 web sites in the world. It doesn’t look like you’re being tracked by Compete right now. But you know what? With a bit of work creating lots of great content, you’ll soon rank well in the search engines AND get more traffic to your site, and then I’m pretty sure Compete will pick you up. Blogging As we may have mentioned, blogging is a great way to get more traffic and leads AND it’s a great way to convert those leads into clients. Valuable and relevant calls-to-action, the ability to subscribe and encouraging them to follow you on social media - these are kick-ass ways to leverage your blog. Your blog isn’t getting any leads for you, because you don’t have one! A blog is a great way to give people the information they’re looking for. And it’s also a great place to put a strong call-to-action that links to a landing page where they can get more premium content. Did you know that businesses with more than 40 landing pages get 12X more leads than those with only a few landing pages? People can’t subscribe to your blog, because you don’t have one! 36% of daily Internet users read 5 to 10 blog posts per day. About the not having a blog thing… Yeah, you know what you need to do. You don’t have any social subscriptions on your blog, because you don’t have a blog! We already mentioned that companies that blog get 55% more web traffic and 70% more leads than those that don’t. And if you still think that Facebook is just for kids, you probably didn’t know that 52% of 55-64 year old Internet users have joined a social network.… did you? Page 11 of 13 Social You know social media is about more than the number of fans, friends and followers you have. But are you leveraging your social media efforts? Do you only talk about yourself or actually engage in conversation? Let’s find out, shall we? Are you linking to your social media accounts on your home page? YES Dang! You’re doing an amazing job of making it easy for people to follow you. That’s good because Internet users spend 3X more time on blogs and social networks than on email. 0 of your last 10 tweets were replies to someone else. Okay. Twitter isn’t just a place to talk about yourself. Have a dialogue, engage - this is the power behind Twitter! If you’re only talking about yourself and/or your business, people are going to stop listening. Ask some questions, reply to their tweets. Trust us. It’s fun. @YourTwitterAccount was mentioned 0 times in the last 24 hours on Twitter. So, nobody has mentioned your Twitter handle in the last 24 hours. It’s okay. Go write a kick-ass blog post NOW and post it to Twitter. Go ahead, we’ll wait... 0 of your last 10 tweets link to a landing page. You like leads right? Who doesn’t? I mean, including enticing offers and relevant links in your social media stream can increase lead generation by 90% or more. But that’s only if you like leads. Page 12 of 13 Tracking Results The only way to know if your marketing activities are actually producing results is by measuring and tracking your activity. After all, what you don’t measure, you can’t improve. Some of the Key Performance Indicators you should track are the number of visits, leads and customers each of your marketing campaigns are generating. Your Top Thing To Focus On ✓ Start measuring your marketing with analytics. It doesn’t look like you’re using any software to measure your site. How are you measuring your website’s effectiveness? Okay. Seriously. You’re kind of operating without a net here. Knowledge is power and you can’t improve what you don’t measure. You need the hook-up on analytics to know what’s working and what isn’t. Go and install Google Analytics on your website right now. It’s free and super powerful. Hmm… I can’t find how many unique visitors you have per month. We use to find out how many unique visitors you’re getting every month but it doesn’t look like they are tracking you yet. Start pumping out some great content, increase your ranking in the search engines, get more traffic to your site, and they’ll probably pick you up. Book A Free Consultation Today Marketing Ninjas offers a variety of different services and Internet marketing packages to help you maximize your efforts online. If you’re struggling in any of the areas outlined in your customized marketing assessment, we can help. Two Ways To Book Your No-Obligation Free Consultation ✓ Call Jeff at 780-450-1859 ✓ Email Jeff at [email protected] Page 13 of 13
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