T- test purpose 1- Sample t- test 04/05/2010 Hajieh Jabbari T formula T obtained = (ybar - y) Sy/sqrt N Procedure: Compute t obtained from sample data Determine cutoff point (not a z, but now a critical t) based on Reject the null hypothesis if your observed t value falls in critical region (|t observed| > |t critical|) Z test requires that you know from pop Use a t- test when you don t know the population standard deviation. One sample t- test: Compare a sample mean to a population with a known mean but an unknown variance Use Sy (sample std dev) to estimate (pop std dev) T distribution Can t use unit normal table to find critical value must use t table to find critical t Based on degrees of freedom (df): # scores free to vary in t obtained Start w/ sample size N, but lose 1 df due to having to estimate pop std dev Df = N- 1 Find t critical based on df and alpha level you choose (cont.) To use the t table, decide what alpha level to use & whether you have a 1- or 2- tailed test gives column Then find your row using df. For = .05, 2 tailed, df= 40, t critical = 2.021 Means there is only a 5% chance of finding a t > = 2.021 if null hyp is true, so we should reject Ho if t obtained > 2.021 Note Note that only positive values given in t table, so If 1- tailed test, Use + t critical value for upper- tail test (1.813) Use t critical value for lower- tail test (you have to remember to switch the sign, - 1.813) If 2- tailed test, Use + and signs to get 2 t critical values, one for each tail (1.813 and 1.813) 1 Example Is EMT response time under the new system (ybar = 28 min) less than old system ( = 30 min)? Sy = 3.78 and N= 10 Ha: new < old ( < 30) Ho: no difference ( = 30) Use .05 signif., 1- tailed test (see Ha) T obtained = (28- 30) / (3.78 / sqrt10) = (28- 30) / 1.20 = - 1.67 (cont.) Cutoff score for .05, 1- tail, 9 df = 1.833 Remember, we re interested in lower tail (less response time), so critical t is 1.833 T obtained is not in critical region (not > | - 1.833 |), so fail to reject null No difference in response time now compared to old system 1- sample t test in SPSS Use menus for: Analyze Compare Means One sample t Gives pop- up menu need 2 things: select variable to be tested/compared to population mean Notice test value window at bottom. Enter the population/comparison mean here (use given to you) Hit OK, get output and find sample mean, observed t, df, sig value (p value) Won t get t critical, but SPSS does the comparison for you (if sig value < , reject null) Paired- Samples t Test Learning Objectives Learn purpose of paired- samples t test Discover particulars of the test Paired- Samples t Test Purpose of Paired- Samples t Test Purpose of Test To determine if means for two paired (matched) scores differs significantly from each other Understand definitions related to test Discover how to conduct a t test To determine significance of the difference b/w means of two paired samples (i.e. dependent means) Reminder: Mean is the average (as in mathematical average) & must be used with interval/ratio variables 2 Purpose of Paired- Samples t Test cont. Purpose of Paired- Samples t Test cont. Purpose of Test cont. Or in other words Purpose of Test cont. t- statistic tests null hypothesis Test is used when score underlying one mean has been paired w/ a score underlying another mean Reminder: Null hypothesis · A test using t - statistic that establishes whether two means collected from same sample (or related observations) differ significantly Assertion hoped to be disproven by data Hypothesis (alternative hypothesis) · · An assertion conjecture about the distribution of one or more random variables What you think may be true a prediction (Field, 2005) Purpose of Paired- Samples t Test cont. Purpose of Test cont. Example: Pre- test scores & Post- test scores from same sample · · · · Obtain mean from pre- test Obtain mean from post- test Same sample took both tests (they match!) Run procedure to determine if any significant difference b/w two means Definitions for Paired- Samples t Test Definitions of Test Sample mean is what researcher will find The value (score) by using statistical analysis (mean) Paired sample = paired scores Paired = matched (they go together) Definitions for Paired- Samples t Test cont. Definitions of Test cont. Reminder: Significantly different Researchers use statistical procedures to determine significance of difference Discrimination b/ w 2 statistical hypotheses · · Null hypothesis Alternative hypothesis Example of Paired- Samples t Test Ex: An experiment with paired scores A researcher drew a random sample from a population and administered a depression scale to the sample. Administration of the scale yielded pre- test scores, for which the researcher computed a mean. Then, the researcher administered a new antidepressant drug to the sample. Next, the researcher administered the depression scale again, which yielded posttest scores. As a result, for each pretest score earned by an individual, there is an associated posttest score for the same individual. These sets of scores are paired scores. 3 Example of Paired- Samples t Test Interval/ratio data Conducting a Paired- Samples t Test Instrument Ex. cont. 1st set of scores Mean for 1st set of scores A researcher drew a random sample from a population and administered a depression scale to the sample. Administration of the scale yielded pre- test scores, for which the researcher computed a mean. Then, the researcher administered a new antidepressant drug to the sample. Next, the researcher administered the depression scale again, which yielded posttest scores. As a result, for each pretest score earned by an individual, there is an associated posttest score for the same individual. These sets of scores2nd aresetpaired scores. of Treatment Instrument Paired scores scores Conducting Paired- Samples t Test cont. SPSS Procedures - Paired- Samples t test Open SPSS data file or Create new data file In Variable View Click Analyze Click Compare Means Click Paired- Samples T Test Interpreting SPSS Output for t Test Interpreting Output SPSS Procedures cont. In Paired- Samples T Test box Ch. 12 Holcomb Paired-Samples t Test Output Click on 1 st variable want to use for test · First set of scores (ex: pre- test scores) Pair 1 Second set of scores (ex: post- test scores) Mean 11.5556 9.6667 Pretest Posttest Click on 2 nd variable want to use for test · N 9 9 Std. Deviation 2.29734 2.23607 Std. Error Mean .76578 .74536 Paired Samples Correlations N Pair 1 Pretest & Posttest 9 Click on arrowhead · Unformatted Paired Samples Statistics Correlation .527 Sig. .145 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences Moves chosen variables to Paired Variables box Pair 1 Pretest - Posttest Std. Error Mean .73493 Mean Std. Deviation 1.88889 2.20479 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper .19414 3.58364 t 2.570 df 8 Sig. (2-tailed) .033 Click Ok Interpreting Output for t Test cont. Mean for each set of scores 2 variables Ch. 12 Holcomb Paired-Samples t Test Output Sample size for each set of scores Standard Deviation for each set of scores Unformatted Paired Samples Statistics Pair 1 Reminder: SD is the # of score points out Pair 1 from the Mean of a normal distribution Pair 1 Mean 11.5556 9.6667 Pretest Posttest N 9 9 Std. Deviation 2.29734 2.23607 Std. Error Mean .76578 .74536 Standard Error of the Mean for each set of scores Paired Samples Correlations N Pretest & Posttest Pretest - Posttest 9 Correlation .527 Sig. .145 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences Mean Std. Deviation 1.88889 2.20479 Aka SD of sampling distribution Std. Error Mean .73493 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper .19414 3.58364 t 2.570 df Sig. (2-tailed) 8 .033 Interpreting SPSS Output for t Test Sample size for both variables Pair of (should be exactly the same!) variables being Ch. 12 Holcomb Paired-Samples t Test Output Unformatted tested Paired Samples Statistics Pair 1 Mean 11.5556 9.6667 Pretest Posttest N 9 9 Std. Deviation 2.29734 2.23607 2nd box in output describes Correlations Std. Error Mean .76578 .74536 Relationship one thing is to another Paired Samples Correlations N Pair 1 Pretest & Posttest 9 Correlation .527 Sig. .145 Paired Samples Test Paired Differences Pair 1 Pretest - Posttest Mean Std. Deviation 1.88889 2.20479 Std. Error Mean .73493 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper .19414 3.58364 t 2.570 df 8 Sig. (2-tailed) .033 Amount of variability across sample from same population 4 Interpreting SPSS Output for t Test Standard Error of Mean 3rd box in Output is results of Paired-Samples t test Ch. 12 Holcomb Paired-Samples t Test Output Unformatted Pair 1 Mean 11.5556 9.6667 Pretest Posttest N 9 9 Std. Deviation 2.29734 2.23607 Further Explanation of Terms cont. t (Reminder) Paired Samples Statistics SD Interpreting Output for t Test This tests hypothesis Std. Error Mean .76578 .74536 A negative value of t indicates · Paired Samples Correlations N Difference in mean b/w set of scores Pair 1 Pretest & Posttest 9 Correlation .527 Significance aka Probability value (p) Sig. .145 t score Paired Differences Pair 1 Pretest - Posttest Mean Std. Deviation 1.88889 2.20479 95% certain true difference b/w means in this range Std. Error Mean .73493 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper .19414 3.58364 t 2.570 df 8 Sig. (2-tailed) .033 · · Further Explanation of Terms cont. Sig. (2- tailed) (Reminder) SPSS defaults to a 2 tailed t test Most common type of t test Sig. = significance Sig. also called the probability value · p value Sig. must be .05 or less to be significant Sig. tests the hypothesis Interpreting Output for t Test cont. Further Explanation of Terms cont. Probability Values cont. If p value is equal or less than .05 but greater than .01 · · p = < .05 Declare the difference to be statistically significant at the .05 level If p value is greater than .05 · · P > .05 Declare the difference to be not statistically significant at the .05 level If positive then t is on positive side of distribution A t score can also help indicated whether p value is significant or not Degrees of freedom N-1 Interpreting Output for t Test cont. If negative then t is on negative side of distribution A positive value of t indicates · Paired Samples Test t Larger the t value = smaller the p value Size of t score also dependent on sample size Interpreting Output for t Test cont. Further Explanation of Terms cont. Probability Values (p Values) (Reminder) If p value is equal to or less than .001 · · p = < .001 Declare the difference to be statistically significant at the .001 level If p value is equal to or less than .01 · · p = < .01 Declare the difference to be statistically significant at the .01 level Hypotheses & Significance Hypothesis & Sig (Reminder) If p value is significant (p < .05) Reject the null Null hypothesis is rejected If p value is not significant (p > .05) Failure to reject the null Null hypothesis is not rejected df = 8). Thus, we fail to reject the null. 5 Summary Researchers use a Paired- Samples t test for a determine if means b/w two paired (matched) set of scores from the same sample differ significantly from each other Means from each set of scores are compared in procedure Only interval/ratio (scale) variables are used Summary cont. Results of the t test help researchers determine statistical significance Gives Sig. (p value) Gives t value Gives 95% CI of Difference range Can either reject the null hypothesis Or fail to reject the null Results of t test presented in APA report Include mean, SD, t , whether statistically significant or not, df, & if reject null hypothesis or fail to reject the null hypothesis 6 This document was created with Win2PDF available at http://www.daneprairie.com. The unregistered version of Win2PDF is for evaluation or non-commercial use only.
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