SAMPLE SYLLABUS WITH COMPUTATIONAL FORMULAS 1. The Language of Statistics A. What Is Statistics? B. Why Study Statistics? 1. Personal Reasons 2. Professional Reasons 3. Our Goals C. Statistics as a Second Language D. What You Need to Use This Book Successfully 2. Definitions and Scaling A. Statistics: Some Basic Vocabulary 1. Variable 2. Population and Parameters 3. Sample, Statistic, and Sampling B. Scales of Measurement 1. The Nominal Scale 2. The Ordinal Scale 3. The Interval Scale 4. The Ratio Scale C. Two Basic Uses of Statistics 1. Descriptive Statistics 2. Inferential Statistics 3. The Frequency Distribution A. Defining the Frequency Distribution 1. Continuous Variables and Discrete Variables 2. Real Limits and Apparent Limits B. Percentage or Relative Frequency and Cumulative Frequency Distributions f %age (percentage) = (100) N Percentage frequency from frequency Cum f Cum %age = (100) N Cumulative percentage from cumulative frequency 4. Graphing Data A. Rules for Graphing B. The Frequency Polygon 1. Comparison of Distributions Using the Percentage or Relative Frequency Polygon 2. Shapes of Frequency Polygons 3. The Cumulative Frequency (or Cumulative Percentage) Polygon C. The Histogram D. The Bar Graph E. The Stem-and-Leaf Plot 1. Comparing Groups With the Stem-and-Leaf Plot F. The Line Graph 5. Measures of Central Tendency A. The Mode, Mo B. The Median, Md 1. Locating the Median by the Counting Method: Even Number of Scores 2. Locating the Median by the Counting Method: Odd Number of Scores 13 C. The Mean, or Arithmetic Average, X or µ ΣX ΣfX or X = N N Mean frequency distribution 1. Rounding Conventions 2. The Mean as a Balancing Point Σ( X − X ) = 0 Mean for a Σf ( X − X ) = 0 or D. Comparing Measures of Central Tendency E. Positions of Measures of Central Tendency on a Frequency Polygon 6. Measures of Dispersion and Standard Scores A. The Range, R = HS – LS, highest score minus lowest score B. The Average Deviation Σ X−X Σf X − X or AD = AD = N N Average deviation Average deviation for a frequency distribution C. The Variance and the Standard Deviation 1. The Variance, σ 2, s2 s2 = (ΣX ) 2 N N −1 ΣX 2 − (ΣfX )2 N N −1 ΣfX 2 − or Computational formulas for sample variance 2. The Standard Deviation, σ, s s2 = (ΣX ) 2 N or N −1 ΣX 2 − (ΣfX ) 2 N N −1 ΣfX 2 − Computational formulas for sample standard deviation 3. 4. Visualizing the Standard Deviation on a Frequency Polygon Approximating the Standard Deviation Sapprox = 5. R 4 The Sum of Squares SS = ΣX 2 − (ΣX ) 2 N or ΣfX 2 − (ΣfX ) 2 N D. Standard Scores (z Scores) z = zs + X or z= X −µ σ Formulas to find a z score from a raw score X = zs + X or X = zσ + µ Formulas to find a raw score from a z score. 14 7. Probability A. Thinking About Probability 1. Probability and the Individual 2. Theoretical Probability 3. Real-World Probability 4. Subjective Probability B. Rules of Probability 1. The Addition Rule p(A or B) = p(A) + p(B) Formula to find probability of either one event or another, unrelated events 2. The Multiplication Rule p(A, B) = p(A) × p(B) Formula to find probability of a sequence of independent event sp(A, B) = p(A) × p(B|A) Formula to find probability of a sequence of nonindependent events 3. More on Conditional Probability 4. Bayesian Statistics C. The Binomial Probability Distribution 8. The Normal Distribution A. Curves and Probability B. Characteristics of the Normal Curve C. Review of z Scores X −X s X = zs + X z= or or z= X −µ σ X = zσ + µ D. Using the Normal Curve Table E. Finding Areas Under the Curve 1. Finding the Percentile Rank of a Score 2. Finding the Percentage of the Normal Curve Above a Score 3. Finding Percentage Frequency 4. Finding an Area Between Two Scores 5. Probability and Areas Under the Curve F. Finding Scores Cutting Off Areas 1. Finding the Score That Has a Particular Percentile Rank 2. Finding Deviant Scores 3. Probability and Deviant Scores 9. Confidence Intervals and Hypothesis Testing A. The Sampling Distribution of Means 1. Derivation 2. Properties B. Estimation and Degrees of Freedom 1. Estimated Standard Error of the Mean sX = s N 15 2. t Score Based on Sampling Distribution of Means tX = X −µ sX C. Confidence Intervals 95%CI = ±t.05 s X + X 99%CI = ±t.01s X + X D. Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample t Test t= 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. X −µ sX Seven-Step Procedure for Testing the Null Hypothesis Directional and Nondirectional Tests Type I and Type II Errors The Power of a Statistical Test Meta-Analysis Should Hypothesis Testing be Abandoned? 10. Significance of the Difference Between Two Sample Means A. The Sampling Distribution of the Differences Between Sample Means 1. Derivation 2. Properties 3. Standard Error of the Difference Between Means ( N1 − 1) s12 + ( N 2 − 1) s22 1 1 s X1 − X 2 = + N1 + N 2 − 2 N1 N 2 Computational formula for the estimated standard error of the differences, independent samples 4. Two-Sample t Test—Independent Samples tX 1− X2 = X1 − X 2 s X1 − X 2 B. Computing t: Independent Samples tX1−X 2 = 1. 2. X1 − X 2 ( N1 − 1) s12 + ( N 2 − 1) s22 1 1 + N1 + N 2 − 2 N1 N 2 One-Tailed Versus Two-Tailed Tests Assumptions of the Two-Sample t Test 16 C. Computing t: Dependent Samples 1. Obtaining Dependent Samples 2. The Direct Difference Method X t= D sX t= or D XD N sD Computational formula for the t test for dependent samples sX = sD D N Formula for the estimated standard error of the differences 11. One-Way Analysis of Variance With Post Hoc Comparisons A. Between-Subjects ANOVA 1. Visualization of ANOVA Concepts B. Measuring Variability: The Sums of Squares C. Computing the Sums of Squares 1. Total Sum of Squares (Σ X ) 2 N SStot = ΣX 2 − Computational formula 2. Sum of Squares Within Groups SS W ( ΣX g = Σ ΣX g2 − g Ng ) 2 Computational formula 3. Sum of Squares Between Groups ΣX g SSb = Σ g Ng ( 4. ) 2 2 − ( ΣX ) N Computational formula The ANOVA Summary Table ANOVA Summary Table Source Between groups SS df K–1 Within groups N–K Total N–1 MS SS b df b SS w df w F F= MS b MS w 17 D. Post Hoc Comparisons 1. The Fisher LSD 1 1 + LSDα = tα MSw N N 2 1 2. The Tukey HSD HSDα = qα MS w Ng E. Repeated Measures ANOVA 1. Subjects Sum of Squares SSsubj ( ΣX )2 ( ΣX )2 m − = Σ s K N Computational formula 2. Error Sum of Squares SSerror = SS tot − SS b − SSsubj Computational formula 12.Two-Way Analysis of Variance A. Main Effects and Effects of Interaction B. Advantages of the Two-Factor Design C. Logic of the Two-Way ANOVA D. Interpretation of Results 13.Correlation and Regression A. Linear Correlation 1. Classes of Correlation 2. Correlation and Causation B. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient 1. Computing the Pearson r r= N ΣXY − ΣX ΣY [ N ΣX 2 − (ΣX )2 ][ N ΣY 2 − (ΣY )2 Computational formula for the Pearson r 2. 3. 4. The Effect of Range on Correlation Testing r for Significance The Linear Regression Equation rs rs Yˆ = Y X + Y − Y X sX s X 5. Regression equation for predicting Y from X The Coefficient of Determination, r2 18 C. The Spearman Rank Order Correlation Coefficient 6Σ d 2 rS = 1 − ( ) N N 2 −1 1. Other Correlation Coefficients D. The General Linear Model 14. Chi Square A. Nonparametric Tests B. Chi-Square Goodness-of-Fit Test χ2 = Σ (O − E ) 2 E Equation for chi square. Used for both the goodness-of-fit test and the chi-square test of independence (significance) C. The Chi-Square Test of Independence 1. Finding Expected Frequencies E= RT × CT N Equation to find expected frequencies D. Degrees of Freedom 1. Goodness-of-Fit Test, df = K – 1 2. Test of Independence, df = (R – 1)(C – 1) E. Restrictions on Chi Square 15. Alternatives to t and F A. The Mann–Whitney U Test U = N1 N 2 + N ( N 1 + 1) 2 − R1 U ′ = N1 N 2 −U Equations for U and U´z = U’ z= N1 N 2 2 (N 1 )(N 2 )(N 1 + N 2 + 1) 12 U− Equation to convert large-sample U or U´ to a z score 19 B. The Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test 1. T = Sum of the Ranks With the Less Frequent Sign 2. Formula to Convert Large-Sample T to z z= T− N ( N + 1) 4 N ( N + 1)( 2 N + 1) 24 C. The Kruskal–Wallis One-Way ANOVA H= R2 12 Σ i − 3( N + 1) N ( N + 1) Ni 20
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