Document 295027

May 1, 2014
The Board of Directors of the Merced Irrigation District met on the above date, pursuant to
notice, at 2:00 P.M. in the Chamber Room at Merced Civic Center.
Roll call showed the following Board members present:
Tim Pellissier
President- Division 1
Scott Koehn
Division 2
Dave Long
Billy Pimentel
Vice President - Division 3
Division 5
Roll call showed the following Board member absent:
Kevin Gonzalves
Division 4
The following MID Employees were also present:
General Manager
Deputy General Manager, Water Resources
John Sweigard
Phillip McMurray
Bryan Kelly
Deputy General Manager, Water Rights/Supply
Deputy General Manager, Energy Resources
Don Ouchley
Director of Administrative Services
Jennifer Carter
Risk Management Officer
Dan Aguilar
Information Technology Specialist
Executive Assistant to General Manager
Michael Howells
General Counsel
Hicham Eltal
Crystal Guintini
General Counsel McMurray made a recommendation to combine the Safety Update Report and
Action Item Number 3.
Board Minutes
March 18, 2014
On a motion by Vice President Long seconded by Director Pimentel; the Board unanimously
accepted the Consent Calendar.
Risk Management Officer Aguilar presented a Safety Award to the Electric Services Department
on behalf of American Public Power Association ("APPA"). Mr. Aguilar stated the Electric Services
Department has had zero recordable injuries since 2010. The achievements and efforts of safety District
wide were presented to the Board of Directors. Mr. Aguilar recommended the Board of Directors to
consider adoption of Resolution No. 2014-23 ACWA/JPIA Commitment to Excellence Program. After
discussion and congratulating District employees, on a motion by Director Koehn to accept Resolution
No. 2014-23, seconded by Director Pimentel; the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Director of Administrative Services Carter requested the Board review and consider adoption of
revisions of MID Employee Handbook and Policy Manual. After discussion and on a motion by Director
Koehn, seconded by Director Pimentel; the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Ms. Carter requested the Board review and consider adoption of Resolution No. 2014-22
adopting changes to MID's classification and compensation plan and associated wage schedule for NonBargaining Unit Employees. Ms. Carter reviewed the classification and compensation survey that was
conducted earlier in the year and the methodology of the survey. Director Koehn stated that the
Finance/Administration Committee reviewed the material and recommended adoption of the
classification and compensation plan. After discussion and on a motion by Vice President Long to
approve Resolution No. 2014-22, seconded by Director Koehn; the Board unanimously approved the
Deputy General Manager Water Rights/Supply provided a Water Supply update to the Board.
After a discussion of updated hydrology information, Mr. Eltal indicated staff's recommendation that the
Board increase the available surface water supply for Class I Users from 0.5 AF/AC to 0.7 AF/AC, and
Class II Users from 0.25 AF/AC to 0.35 AF/AC. After further discussion Vice President Long made a
motion to increase the available surface water supply as recommended including the extension to the
water season, seconded by Director Koehn; the Board approved the motion. The vote was as followed:
Koehn, Long, Pellissier
Director of Finance Stubbert stated the draft 2014-2015 Operating and Capital Budget has been
received multiple times by the Finance/Administration Committee as well as the Board. Mr. Stubbert
stated it is recommended that the Board and public review the budget over the next 30 days, and the
item will return on the Board's June 3, 2014 agenda for final consideration and approval. In addition on
June 3, 2014.
General Manager Sweigard addressed the Board regarding the drought and its effects on the
mooring situation at Lake McClure. Mr. Sweigard stated that after significant consideration and
consultation with mooring and construction experts, there are two options to deal with the very low
lake levels anticipated at the lake; houseboats could be removed from the lake before lake levels get too
low to use the existing boat ramps, and/or the District could install new mooring lines that could allow
some houseboats to remain in the lake at times of very low water levels. Staff is currently looking for
volunteers to remove their houseboat from lake; the current plan is to keep no more than 180
houseboats on the lake. In addition, Mr. Sweigard asked for authorization to access the District's line of
credit in the amount of $500,000 to work with a construction company and engineer to develop a
construction and drought plan for new houseboat mooring lines. Mr. Sweigard stated the program
would benefit each houseboat owner and expects that the total cost for removing houseboats as well as
constructing new mooring lines will be divided evenly among all houseboat permit holders regardless of
whether their particular boat is pulled from the lake or left on a mooring. After further discussion, the
Board agreed with the direction summarized by Mr. Sweigard and on a motion by Director Koehn to
allow access to the District's line of credit in the amount of $500,000, seconded by Vice President Long;
the Board unanimously approved the motion.
Deputy General Manager Energy Resources Ouchley presented the March 2014 Energy
Resources Report.
At 3:30pm, President Pellissier announced that the Board would adjourn to closed session.
General Counsel McMurray reported that the Board would meet with counsel to discuss 2 matters of
anticipated litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2), and three (3) matters of
existing litigation involving the matters of Gallo Cattle Company v. MID, et al., Merced Superior Court
Case Numbers CV001051 and CV003031, and S&R Farms v. MID, Merced Superior Court Case No.
CV002682, pursuant to Government Code section 54956(a), each of these as described on the agenda.
There was no public comment on any item listed on the closed session agenda.
At 3:40pm, President Pellissier convened the closed session with Board members Koehn, Long,
Pellissier and Pimentel present. At 4:15pm, the Board returned to open session. General Counsel
McMurray reported that the Board took action in closed session authorizing legal proceedings in one (1)
matter of anticipated litigation. The names of parties, factual basis and other details of the proceedings
will be made public if and when legal proceedings commence. The vote on the action was as follows:
Koehn, Long, Pellissier, Pimentel
Mr. McMurray also reported that the Board received information and advice from Counsel on
the other items listed on the closed session agenda and provided staff with direction, but took no other
action in closed session.
President Pellissier adjourned the meeting at 3:42 P.M.
The next scheduled Board of Directors meeting is Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 10:00am.
Dave Long, Vice President
Tim Pellissier, President