Programme Peace and Reconciliation in the Horn of Africa Your Participation Makes a Difference! Migration and Integration - the Contemporary Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Developments 28-29 may 2011 Kista Träff Our vision Saturday, May 28, 2011 We want a new Horn of Africa, which is peaceful, reconciled, democratic and has good governance. 19.00-24.00 Our mission Our mission is to promote democratic values in the Horn of Africa and strengthen ties between the peoples of the region socially, culturally and economically. To increase our knowledge and benefit from the Nordic experience of community development based on the various folk traditions’ movements including public education that led to democratization and good governance. Our organizations’ mission is to become a part of the civil societies’ arenas for dialogue between peoples and the political actors. We feel it is our common responsibility to work for the change of the current image and show that we have the will to live together in peace and harmony. Our Goal Our goal is to promote peace and reconciliation among the peoples who have their roots in the Horn of Africa but live here in Sweden or are Swedish citizens, and in the long run among the peoples of the Horn of Africa in the region. We also aim to disseminate information about the positive changes occurring in the Horn of Africa and convey positive images of the region. Why this Seminar? The Horn of Africa is a region that is suffering from perpetual conflicts and natural disasters that caused population movements in the region, and to the western world, specifically Sweden. The large number of refugees came to Sweden in the late 80’s and early 90’s.Today there are about one hundred thousand people with roots in the Horn of Africa. We want to draw attention to actual issues related to migration and integration in Sweden, and in particular to what is happening in the Horn of Africa. The reason we chose the theme “Migration and Integration” for this year is partly to stimulate debate and discussion on these issues among the actors of civil society and the public, in order to influence decision processes that affect the contemporary political, social, economic and cultural developments, and also to analyze the reasons why Swedes with roots in the Horn of Africa are one of the most severely affected groups in terms of migration and integration with the different negative consequences of these phenomena. We believe there is a link between peaceful engagement and integration. Increased integration leads to greater participation, community involvement and working for peace, while isolation and segregation lead to prejudices, antagonism and violence. Through collaboration between the Eritrean League for Reconciliation, Swedish Somalis for Peace, the Swedish Ethiopians for Peace and Development, the Sudanese Association in Stockholm, Somaliland National Association and Swedish Djibouti organization, we want to mobilize grass-roots peace work to help creating a peaceful environment and increase awareness of issues related to democracy and good governance in the Horn of Africa among Swedes with roots in the region and in the Swedish society in general. Arranged by Network for Peace in the Horn of Africa: Eritrean League for Reconciliation Swedish Ethiopians for Peace and Development Sudanese Association in Stockholm Swedish Somalis for Peace Somaliland National Association Swedish Djibouti organization Partners: Sensus studieförbund Kista folkhögskola Migration and Integration. The Contemporary Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Developments. May 28-29 2011, Kista Träff Cultural Eveningl Sunday, May 29, 2011 09.00-10.00 Opening ceremony and welcome speeches 10.00-11.00 Abdulaziz Shifa Migration and Economic Development – Challenges and Opportunities 11.00-12.00 Dr. Melika Yassin Migration and the Horn of Africa – Main Causes and Future Prospects 12.00-13.00 Lunch 13.00-14.00 Dr. Gasmelseed, Abdalla Mohammed & Åsa Richard Democracy and Integration: Case Study Immigrants from the Horn of Africa Living in Sweden 14.00-15.00 Sonia Sherefay Integration with Women in Focus - Who Defines the Needs of the Other? 15.00-15.15 Refreshments 15.15-16.15 Dr. Melika Yassin Integration – Australian Experience! 16.15-17.15 Political Debate: with representatives of Swedish political parties 17.15-18.15 Summary and Conclusion Presentation of key-speakers: Dr Melika Yassin Sheikh-Eldin, Manager, Settlement Partnerships, AMES PhD, Fisheries, Deakin University. Degree in Project Management, Melbourne University. Consultant on Refugee Resettlement. Manager of AMES Social enterprises. Management member of the Horn of Africa Communities Network. Executive member of the Federation of African Australian Women’s Association. Coordinator of the first Horn of African Newspaper in Australia – The AMBASSADOR. Joint organiser of the Horn of Africa Live Night celebrations (10 years). Board member of the Refugee Council of Australia. Member of the UNHCR Multi-disciplinary Missions to Eastern Sudan, Thailand, Jordan and Uganda. Dr. Gasmelseed, Abdalla Mohammed Post doctor study: Department of Teacher Education, Uppsala University, Sweden 2003. PhD: Sociology Department, University of Bombay. MSC: Graduate studies Social Anthropology Dept. University of Khartoum. B.Sc:(Hons) Faculty of Economic & Social Studies, University of Khartoum, Sudan Researcher, and a lecturer in several universities and research centers in and out side Sweden as well as NGOs and UN Mission in Afghanistan. Present: Researcher at The Center Anti Discrimination, Stockholm. Abdulaziz Shifa, PhD Student Researcher in the PhD program at Stockholm University. M. Sc. in Economics from Copenhagen University (Denmark), affiliation with Ethiopian Development Research Institute, Which is engaged in development policy research. [email protected] Sonia Sherefay For more than 15 years, Sonia Sherefay works as an integration consultant, and she is a highly acclaimed and inspiring educator.She has a vast experience to shed light on life in exile, segregation, exclusion, inclusion and community problems and opportunities, as well as on children and young people’s living conditions. Her spectrum of interest covers a wide realm of issues among them, female issues, Islam in Sweden, multicultural care, and issues of migration and integration. Currently she works as a Director of Studies in Kista Folkhögskola, fulltime, beginning from January 2011. The project is partly funded by: Folke Bernadotte Akademi You are welcome to contact us: Yasin Ahmed, 0730-68 88 40, [email protected] Zein Omer, 0736-18 58 74 Abdelrahim Hag Ali, 0739-83 50 08 Saif Omar, 0704-88 07 25 Mustafa Ismail, 0730-90 55 744 Mohamed Ali, 073-569 48 71 Program Fred och försoning på Afrikas horn – Din medverkan gör skillnad Migration och integration De samtida politiska, sociala, ekonomiska och kulturella utvecklingarna Vår vision Lördag den 28 maj Vi vill ha ett nytt Afrikas horn, som är fredligt, försonat, demokratiskt och har en god samhällsstyrning. 19.00-24.00 Vår mission Vår mission är att främja de demokratiska värdena på Afrikas horn och stärka banden mellan folken i regionen socialt, kulturellt och ekonomiskt. Att öka vår kunskap och dra nytta av de nordiska erfarenheterna av samhällsutveckling som baseras på de olika folkrörelsernas traditioner bland annat genom folkbildning som ledde till demokratisering och god samhällstyrning. Våra organisationers ambition är att bli en del av de civila samhällens arenor för dialog mellan folken och de politiska aktörerna. Vi tycker att det är vårt gemensamma ansvar att verka för att ändra på den rådande bilden och visa att vi har en vilja att leva tillsammans i fred och harmoni. Våra mål 28-29 maj 2011 Kista Träff Att främja fred och försoning bland folk som har rötter på Afrikas horn här i Sverige och på längre sikt bland folken på Afrikas horn. Att sprida information om den positiva förändringen som sker på Afrikas horn och förmedla positiva bilder om regionen. Varför detta seminarium? Afrikas Horn är en region som är drabbad av långvariga konflikter och naturkatastrofer som orsakade folk förflyttning i regionen, till västvärlden och specifikt till Sverige. Den stora mängden flykting kom till Sverige i slutet av 80 talet och början på 90 talet. Idag finns det cirka hundra tusen personer med rötter i Afrikas Horn. Vi vill uppmärksamma aktivt frågor som handlar om migration och integration här i Sverige och med koppling till det som sker på Afrikas horn. Anledningen till att vi valde temat ”migration och integration” för det här året är dels för att väcka debatt och diskussion kring de här frågorna bland aktörerna i det civila samhället och allmänheten med syfte att påverka beslutprocesser som berör den samtida politiska, sociala, ekonomiska och kulturella utvecklingen, och dels för att analysera orsakerna till varför svenskar med rötter på Afrikas horn är en av de mest hårt drabbade grupperna när det gäller migrations och integrations olika negativa konsekvenser. Vi anser det finns en koppling mellan fredsengagemang och integration. Ökad integration leder till ökad delaktighet och samhällsengagemang och fredsarbete medan utanförskap och segregation leder till fördomar, motsättningar och våld. Genom samverkan mellan Eritreanska Förbundet för Försoning, Svenska somalier för Fred, Svenska etiopier för Fred och Utveckling, och Sudanesiska Föreningen i Stockholm, Somaliland Riksförbund, Life Organisation, Svenska Djiboutier organisation vill vi mobilisera ett folkligt fredsarbete för att medverka till att skapa fredliga förhållanden och öka medvetenhet kring frågor som handlar om demokrati och god samhällsstyrning på Afrikas Horn bland svenskar med rötter i regioner samt i det svenska samhället. Arrangerat av Nätverket för fred på Afrikas horn: Eritreanska Förbundet för Försoning Svenska etiopier för Fred och Utveckling Sudanesiska Föreningen i Stockholm Svenska somalier för Fred Somaliland Riksförbund Svenska Djiboutier organisation Migration och integration. De samtida politiska, sociala, ekonomiska och kulturella utvecklingarna • 28-29 maj 2011 Kulturkväll Söndag den 29 maj 09.00-10.00 Invigning och välkomsttal 10.00-11.00 Abdulaziz Shifa Migration and Economic Development – Challenges and Opportunities 11.00-12.00 Dr. Melika Yassin Migration and the Horn of Africa – Main Causes and Future Prospects 12.00-13.00 Lunch 13.00-14.00 Dr. Gasmelseed, Abdalla Mohammed & Åsa Richard Democracy and Integration: Case Study Immigrants from the Horn of Africa Living in Sweden 14.00-15.00 Sonia Sherefay Integration med kvinnor i fokus – vem definierar vems behov? 15.00-15.15 Fika 15.15-16.15 Dr. Melika Yassin Integration – Australian Experience! 16:15-17:15 Politisk debatt med representanter för olika politiska partier 17.15-18.15 Summering och avslutning Presenation av föreläsare Dr Melika Yassin Sheikh-Eldin, Manager, Settlement Partnerships, AMES PhD, Fisheries, Deakin University. Degree in Project Management, Melbourne University. Consultant on Refugee Resettlement. Manager of AMES Social enterprises. Management member of the Horn of Africa Communities Network. Executive member of the Federation of African Australian Women’s Association. Coordinator of the first Horn of African Newspaper in Australia – The AMBASSADOR. Joint organiser of the Horn of Africa Live Night celebrations (10 years). Board member of the Refugee Council of Australia. Member of the UNHCR Multi-disciplinary Missions to Eastern Sudan, Thailand, Jordan and Uganda. Dr. Gasmelseed, Abdalla Mohammed Post doctor study: Department of Teacher Education, Uppsala University, Sweden 2003. PhD: Sociology Department, University of Bombay. MSC: Graduate studies Social Anthropology Dept. University of Khartoum. B.Sc:(Hons) Faculty of Economic & Social Studies, University of Khartoum, Sudan Researcher, and a lecturer in several universities and research centers in and out side Sweden as well as NGOs and UN Mission in Afghanistan. Present: Researcher at The Center Anti Discrimination, Stockholm. Abdulaziz Shifa, PhD Student Researcher in the PhD program at Stockholm University. M. Sc. in Economics from Copenhagen University (Denmark), affiliation with Ethiopian Development Research Institute, Which is engaged in development policy research. [email protected] Sonia Sherefay For more than 15 years, Sonia Sherefay works as an integration consultant, and she is a highly acclaimed and inspiring educator.She has a vast experience to shed light on life in exile, segregation, exclusion, inclusion and community problems and opportunities, as well as on children and young people’s living conditions. Her spectrum of interest covers a wide realm of issues among them, female issues, Islam in Sweden, multicultural care, and issues of migration and integration. Currently she works as a Director of Studies in Kista Folkhögskola, fulltime, beginning from January 2011. Du är välkommen att kontakta våra kontaktpersoner: Sammarbetspartner: Projektet delfinansieras av: Sensus studieförbund Folke Bernadotte Akademi Kista folkhögskola Yasin Ahmed, 0730-68 88 40, [email protected] Zein Omer, 0736-18 58 74 Abdelrahim Hag Ali, 0739-83 50 08 Saif Omar, 0704-88 07 25 Mustafa Ismail, 0730-90 55 744 Mohamed Ali, 073-569 48 71
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