Välkommen! - Fresenius Medical Care

Peritoneal Dialys
“Individual approach for excellence
in PD” – med fokus på vätskekontroll
Ett vetenskapligt möte som arrangeras
tillsammans med våra nordiska och
tyska kollegor.
Fresenius Medical Care
har nöjet att bjuda in till
Nordic Scientific Meeting
5–6 februari 2014
Mötet äger rum på Johannesbergs Slott
inte långt från Arlanda.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Opening session.
Main Meeting Chair:
Opening of the meeting.
Prof. Börje Haraldsson
Introductory lecture: The MONDO registry.
Dr. Peter Kotanko
Session 1: The “heart“ of peritoneal dialysis:
residual renal function. Chair: Dr. James Heaf
Hypertension, volume overload and volume control
in PD patients, the impact of these factors on RRF
and CVD in PD patients.
Prof. Wim Van Biesen
Clinical benefit of preserving RRF in PD patients:
an update for clinicians.
Prof. Bernd Stegmayr
When is the right time to start PD treatment?
Dr. Olof Heimburger
15.30 – 16.00
Coffee Break
16.00 – 17:30
Session 2: Why do we need advanced PD solutions.
Chair: Prof. Bengt Rippe
GDP and AGE in PD: from start to now.
Prof. Achim Jörres
PD solutions low in GDP: clinical experience
and outcomes. Prof. Börje Haraldsson
The need for low sodium solutions in PD patients.
Prof. Simon Davies
Dinner talk: Dialysis when the movies where young.
Prof. Jörg Vienken
19.00 – 19:30
Thursday, February 6 2014
Session 3, part 1: Fluid status and its management
in PD patients. Chair:
Dr. Olof Heimburger
How to optimize the sodium and fluid balance in
the PD patients?
Prof. Bengt Rippe
Body composition monitor measurement technique
for assessing the volume status in PD patients.
Dr. Ann-Cathrine
How do the BCM data support your routine work
on patient’s prescription – practical examples.
Dr. James Heaf
10.00 – 10.30
Coffee Break
Session 3, part 2: Fluid status and its management
in PD patients. Chair:
Prof. Wim van Biesen
Prelimary results of the “IPOD” PD study.
Dr. James Heaf
Nutritional status in PD patients– French experience.
Dr. Raymond Azar
11.30 – 12.30
12.30 – 14:30
Session 4: Peritoneal dialysis tailored to
patients’ need.
Dr. Annika Aldenbratt
Adapted APD: Consider the membrane for
the prescription.
Prof. Michel Fischbach
Experiences of patient cases regarding aAPD. Specialist nurse
Annika Bergman
Phosphate control in PD patients.
Prof. Anabela Rodrigues
Quality assessment in PD patients to improve
clinical outcome.
Dr. Virpi Rauta
Summary of meeting
Prof. Börje Haraldsson
14.30 – 15:00
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Tel +46 73 707 76 36
Obs! Antalet platser är begränsat, vi kommer att fördela platser så att
deltagare från hela landet får möjlighet att delta.
”De flesta presentationer kommer att spelas in och efter mötet finns
de tillgängliga på FLC. Om ni inte redan är användare kontakta oss
för mer information.”
Fresenius Medical Care Sverige AB
Box 548 · 192 05 Sollentuna · www.fmc-ag.se