Manual FTD CC Light cycler 480 color compensation Bulk for 2 color compensations (catalog no. FTD-CC-BULK) Color Compensation For Research Use Only For use with the LightCycler®480 System I & II FRUO FTD-CC-BULK Fast-track Diagnostics; 38, rue Hiehl; L-6131 Junglinster; Luxembourg FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Table of contents 1. Identification of the manufacturer .............................................................. 3 2. Identification of the product ........................................................................ 3 3. Intended use ................................................................................................ 3 4. Contents....................................................................................................... 4 5. Precautions and warnings............................................................................ 5 5.1 Handling requirements ..........................................................................5 5.2 Safe waste disposal ...............................................................................5 6. Storage and stability conditions .................................................................. 5 7. Principle of the method................................................................................ 5 8. Additionally required equipment ................................................................. 6 9. Procedure: Create a new color compensation.............................................. 7 9.1 Pipetting a color compensation plate ......................................................7 9.2 Run a color compensation experiment on LC480 .....................................9 9.3 Create a color compensation file .......................................................... 21 9.4 Verification of the received color compensation file ............................... 22 10. Run an experiment on LC480 ................................................................... 25 11. Analysis of an experiment on LC480 ........................................................ 28 12. Legend of symbols ................................................................................... 33 FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 2 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 1. Identification of the manufacturer Fast-track Diagnostics Luxembourg S.à.r.l. 38, rue Hiehl Z. I. Langwiss L-6131 Junglinster Tel. +352 780290 329 Fax: +352 780290 514 [email protected] 2. Identification of the product FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Category: Singleplex PCR for color compensation of Light Cycler® 480-System I & II Reference: FTD-CC-BULK Indication: For Research Use Only Test for 2 color compensations 3. Intended use The Light Cycler® 480-System is able to simultaneously detect and analyze more than one fluorescent signal in each reaction of a Real-time-PCR. As we perform multiplex-assays with detection of two or more different dyes in one reaction, overlapping of the emission spectra of the dyes can occur and cause the phenomenon called “crosstalk”. This bleed-over fluorescence signal can result in misinterpretation of data. To correct the crosstalk, color compensation (CC) can be applied before data analysis. When the cc is activated, LC 480 Basic Software algorithms use the data from the CC object to compensate the fluorescence crosstalk. To obtain optimized conditions for your personal LC480 you have to create your own color compensation with our provided FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation kit. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 3 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 4. Contents Table 1: Contents of the FTD Light Cycler 480 color compensation kit. Color Yellow Red Mauve Green White Label YELLOW PP BULK RED PP BULK ORANGE PP BULK GREEN PP BULK BLANK PP BULK Brown YELLOW PC BULK Brown RED PC BULK Brown ORANGE PC BULK Brown GREEN PC BULK Brown BLANK PC BULK Contents Primer/Probe mix for yellow detection Primer/Probe mix for red detection Primer/Probe mix for orange detection Primer/Probe mix for green detection Primer mix for blank value determination Positive control (plasmid) for yellow detection Positive control (plasmid) for red detection Positive control (plasmid) for orange detection Positive control (plasmid) for green detection Positive control for blank value determination Tubes for 2 color compensations Amount of reagent 1x 12.1 µl 1x 12.1 µl 1x 12.1 µl 1x 12.1 µl 1x 12.1 µl 1x 66 µl 1x 66 µl 1x 66 µl 1x 66 µl 1x 66 µl The box itself, the cover of the box and each vial are labeled with a lot number. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 4 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 5. Precautions and warnings 5.1 Handling requirements Use of this product should be limited to personnel trained in the techniques of PCR. This product should be used in accordance with Good Laboratory Practice. Take the normal precautions required for handling all laboratory reagents. Do not mix reagents from different lots. Do not use the product after its expiration date (shelf life 1 year). 5.2 Safe waste disposal Dispose of unused reagents and waste in accordance with country, state or local regulations. 6. Storage and stability conditions The components of the FTD product should be stored in the original packaging at –20°C and are stable until the expiration date stated on the label. The product is shipped on deep frozen refrigerated packages which should ensure a transport temperature under +10°C (robustness measurement, according to stability studies). Freeze the product immediately after one column of reagents has been taken out. Each column of reagents within a kit is suitable for two runs. More than 10x thawing and freezing (≤10x, according to stability studies) of the reagents per tube should be avoided, as this may reduce assay sensitivity. For stability performance data, please refer to 7. Principle of the method Viral nucleic acid is amplified in a polymerase chain reaction by specific primers. Detection of product takes place via a dual-labeled molecular probes for each virus of the multiplex PCR. The presence of specific viral sequences in the reaction is detected by an increase in the fluorescence observed from the relevant dual-labeled probe, and is reported as a cycle threshold value (Ct) by the Real-time thermocycler. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 5 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 8. Additionally required equipment The FTD Light Cycler 480 color compensation kit is suited for use with the Roche-Light Cycler® 480-System I & II (Roche). The assay has been fully validated with FTD® mastermix and AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit (life technologies). If you want to use different enzymes please refer to FTD. Real-time PCR buffer and enzyme. We recommend FTD® mastermix or AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit (life technologies Disposable powder-free gloves Pipettes (adjustable) Sterile pipette tips with filters Vortex mixer Desktop centrifuge LightCycler®480 96 well PCR plates and plate sealers are recommended. Sample rack FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 6 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 9. Procedure: Create a new color compensation 9.1 Pipetting a color compensation plate If you want to use different enzymes to FTD® mastermix or AgPath-ID™ OneStep RT-PCR Kit please firstly check at! Preparation of PCR with FTD® mastermix: For pipetting of a color compensation plate, prepare a minimum of 3 (3.5) replicate color compensation reactions for each fluorescence dye (yellow, red, orange, green), including a blank. Each reaction (except the blank) contains one of the detected probes. 1. Thaw reagents for the reaction: (Reagents in each column are sufficient for 2 color compensations.) The reagents are yellow-, red-, green-, orange- and blank-PP, the positive controls and FTD® buffer (FTD® mastermix). Make sure to keep the enzyme of FTD® enzyme of FTD® mastermix cool (freezer or cooling block) at any time! Before use, the reagents have to be thawed completely, mixed (by pipetting or short vortexing and spinning down briefly! 2. For 1 color compensation pipette 5.25 µl of each PPmix in separate tubes and add 43.75 µl of FTD® buffer (FTD® mastermix) to each of them. Take care to change the tips after each pipetting step. 3. Pipette 3.5 µl of FTD® enzyme (FTD® mastermix) to each of yellow-, red-, green-, orange- and blank-PP. Take care to change the tips after each pipetting step. 4. Vortex the complete master mixes briefly and spin them down in a centrifuge. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 7 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Preparation of PCR with AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit: For pipetting of a color compensation plate, prepare a minimum of 3 (3.5) replicate color compensation reactions for each fluorescence dye (yellow, red, orange, green), including a blank. Each reaction (except the blank) contains one of the detected probes. 1. Thaw reagents for the reaction: (Reagents in each column are sufficient for 2 color compensations.) The reagents are yellow-, red-, green-, orange- and blank-PP, the positive controls and the 2xRT PCR buffer of AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit. Make sure to keep the enzyme of the AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit cool (freezer or cooling block) at any time! Before use, the reagents have to be thawed completely, mixed (by pipetting or short vortexing and spinning down briefly! 2. For 1 color compensation pipette 5.25 µl of each PPmix in separate tubes and add 43.75 µl “2xRT PCR buffer” (AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit) to each of them. Take care to change the tips after each pipetting step. 3. Pipette 3.5 µl of “25x RT-PCR enzyme mix” (AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit) to each of yellow-, red-, green-, orange- and blank-PP. Take care to change the tips after each pipetting step. 4. Vortex the complete master mixes briefly and spin them down in a centrifuge. Table 2: Amount of reagents needed for 3.5 wells (1 color compensation). The PP in one tube is sufficient for two color compensations plus 10% pipetting inaccuracy. The PPmixes contain all primers and one probe. The blank reaction PP has no probe inside. Number of reactions Preparation of the PCR assay 1x 3.5x PPmix 1.5µl 5.25µl Buffer 12.5µl 43.75µl Enzyme 1µl 3.5µl Total 15µl 52.5µl Aliquot 3 times 15µl of each master mix in 3 wells, add 10 µl of the appropriate sample in each of the wells. (please refer to the scheme below) Blank reaction Red reaction (Cy5) Yellow reaction (Vic) Green reaction (Fam) Orange reaction (Rox) A B C D E F G H FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91 1 1 0 1 2 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 9.2 Run a color compensation experiment on LC480 Open the Light Cycler 480 Basic Software and go in “Overview” and use the same programme settings you will use for your multicolor experiment and apply it as a template. You will need an additional temperature gradient, refer to the recommended programme below. You can also create a new experiment. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 9 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Detection Format Before starting the color compensation run, you have to choose the right detection format under “Tools” with the filter combinations given below. Click on “Detection format”. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 10 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Click on “New” under “Detection Formats” and choose a name for your new detection format. Tick the required wavelength in the “Filter Combination Selection”. In the “Selected Filter Combination List” you can change the name of the ticked combination after your work habits (Fam, Green or 465-510,…). Furthermore make sure to set “Melt Factor”, “Quant Factor” and “Max Integration Time” on 1. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 11 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Be aware that the two different Light Cycler Systems I and II have different filter combinations for the according wavelength to tick (Table 3). Table 3: Overview of different detection formats on LC480 system I & II Light Cycler System I Emission Filters 500 533 Excitation Filters 450 483 523 558 615 568 610 640 670 GREEN YELLOW ORANGE RED Light Cycler System II Emission Filters 488 510 Excitation Filters 440 465 498 533 618 580 610 YELLOW ORANGE 640 660 GREEN RED Safe your new detection format. For each new run you are now able to choose the new detection format under “Setup”. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 12 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Instrument Setting Please note that you have to choose the correct plate (white or clear). Make sure to use always the same plate type for your color compensation experiment and for your following experiments. Programme Setting By pressing “+” you are able to add further steps of your PCR protocol. Change the “Progam Name”, “Cycles”, “Analysis Mode”, “Target”, “Acquisition Mode”, “Hold”, “Ramp Rate” as provided in Table 4. Table 4: Programme of the color compensation run. Programme name Cycles Analysis mode Retro-transcription 1 None Pre-incubation 1 None Amplification 40 Quantification Temperature gradient 1 Color compensation Cooling 1 None FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 13 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation FTD® mastermix Programme name Target (°C) Acquisition mode Hold (hh:mm:ss) Ramp Rate (°C/s) Acquisitions (per °C) Retro-transcription 42 None 00:15:00 4.4 - Pre-incubation 94 None 00:03:00 4.4 - Target (°C) Acquisition mode Hold (hh:mm:ss) Ramp Rate (°C/s) Acquisitions (per °C) 94 None 00:00:08 4.4 - 60 Single 00:00:34 2.2 - 72 None 00:00:01 4.4 - 95 None 00:00:10 4.4 - 50 None 00:00:30 2.2 - 70 Continuous - 0.03 5 40 None 00:00:10 2.0 - Program name Amplification Temperature gradient Cooling AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit Programme name Target (°C) Acquisition mode Hold (hh:mm:ss) Ramp Rate (°C/s) Acquisitions (per °C) Retro-transcription 50 None 00:15:00 4.4 - Pre-incubation 95 None 00:10:00 4.4 - Target (°C) Acquisition mode Hold (hh:mm:ss) Ramp Rate (°C/s) Acquisitions (per °C) 95 None 00:00:08 4.4 - 60 Single 00:00:34 2.2 - 72 None 00:00:01 4.4 - 95 None 00:00:10 4.4 - 50 None 00:00:30 2.2 - 70 Continuous - 0.03 5 40 None 00:00:10 2.0 - Program name Amplification Temperature gradient Cooling FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 14 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation FTD® mastermix FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 15 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 16 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation If you want you can start the run immediately before setting up the samples on the “start run” button. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 17 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Sample Setting Subset Editor: To receive an optimal measurement and calibration of the LC480 it is necessary to create a subset for all the well`s which are included in the color compensation experiment. Choose the “Subset Editor” click on “+” and add the name of the new subset. Select the correct well`s and click “Apply”. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 18 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Sample Editor: Choose the “Sample Editor” and pick the created subset. Select “Configure Properties”. Tick “Replicate of”, “Color Compensation” and “Dominant Channel”. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 19 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Insert “Repl of”, “Sample Name” and “Dominat Channel”. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 20 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 9.3 Create a color compensation file After the run has finished, you have to click on “Analysis” on the Module bar. From the “Create new analysis” list below, select color compensation. Choose the created cc subset. Click OK (√). Click on “Calculate” to perform the color compensation analysis. Confirm the analysis with “Save CC object”. By default, the CCC folder in your “special data” folder is selected as location. Click OK (√). FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 21 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 9.4 Verification of the received color compensation file Click on “Analysis” and choose “Abs Quant/Fit Points” under “Create New Analysis”. Select the Correct cc subset click OK (√). Select “In Database” and choose the created cc. Compare all curves of different channels with and without color compensation (Figure 1). FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 22 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 23 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Without Color compensation With Color compensation GREEN Yellow Orange red Figure 1: Overview of verification of color compensation. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 24 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 10. Run an experiment on LC480 Programme and Detection Format setting Open the Light Cycler® 480 Basic Software and create a “New Experiment” using the recommended programme below. For further experiments you can save these programme settings and use them later as a template. For the detailed programme please refer to Table 5. Choose the detection format as mentioned under 9.2 Detection format. Table 5: LC480 FTD programme setup PCR programme: FTD® mastermix AgPath-ID™ One-Step RT-PCR Kit 42°C for 15 minutes hold 94°C for 3 minutes hold 50°C for 15 minutes hold 95°C for 10 minutes hold 40 cycles of: 94°C for 8 seconds 60°C for 34 seconds 40 cycles of: 95°C for 8 seconds 60°C for 34 seconds The PCR programme might differ if another enzyme than the recommended one is used. If the programme and detection format setup is finished and the plate is inserted, the run can be started with the “start run” button. The sample setup can take place any time after starting the run. You just have to define your samples according to the FTD kit manual instructions. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 25 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Sample setting Choose the “Subset Editor” click on “+” and add the name of the new subset. Select the correct well`s and click “Apply”. Add certain subset`s according to the amount of FTD kit`s or PPmixes you want to execute depending on your working habits. Choose the “Sample Editor” and pick the created subset. Select “Configure Properties”. Tick “Quantification Analysis” if you used a quantitative test. Tick OK (). Insert “Sample name”, “Quantification Sample Type” and for quantitative assays the “Concentration” for quantification standards. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 26 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 27 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 11. Analysis of an experiment on LC480 Click on “Analysis” and choose “Abs Quant/Fit Points” under “Create New Analysis”. Select the subset of interest and click OK (√). Make sure to choose the color compensation. We recommend to use the “Abs Quant/Fit Points” method for analysis to avoid to miss low positive samples. In case you use the “Abs Quant/2 nd Derivative Max” method make sure to verify uncertain samples with the “Abs Quant/Fit Points” method. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 28 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Choose the correct dye format and start to analyze. Check “Cycle Range”, “Noise Band” and “Analysis” for baseline and threshold settings. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 29 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation After setting the threshold click “Calculate”. For Quantitative assays you need to measure your standard curve by pressing “Std Curve (In run)”. The table overview gives you Ct values and concentrations of your samples, QS1-QS3 and NC. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 30 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation Analyze the channel of the internal control and check the “Cycle Range”, “Noise Band” and “Analysis” for baseline and threshold settings. Click “Calculate” and Check the results of Ct value for your internal control. FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 31 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 32 FTD Light Cycler® 480 color compensation 12. Legend of symbols Symbol Significance Manufacturer Date Of Manufacture Catalogue Number Batch Code Use By Suffices For FRUO For Research Use Only Temperature Limits Caution Consult Instructions For Use FTD cc Light Cycler 480 – MANUAL – v6 – 2014_02 EN 33
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