CTERS USER’S MANUAL 2014–2015 Career and Technical Education Reporting System Notice to the Reader In accordance with the requirements of the Civil Rights Act and other federal and state laws and regulations, this document has been reviewed to ensure that it does not reflect stereotypes based on sex, race, or national origin. Policy enacted by the General Assembly specifically prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, sex, color, national origin, religion, age, political affiliation, or against otherwise qualified persons with disabilities. The policy permits appropriate employment preferences for veterans and specifically prohibits discrimination against veterans as contemplated by state and federal law. The activity that is the subject of this report was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education. However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and no official endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education should be inferred. Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education Office of Career and Technical Education Services © 2014 Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Education Introduction The 2014-2015 Career and Technical Education Reporting System (CTERS) User’s Manual provides guidance for completion of the following reports: • Secondary Enrollment Demographic Form (SEDF)—fall and end-of-year submissions through the Master Schedule Collections • Secondary Student Career Cluster Enrollment Report (SSCCER)—reported through End-of-Year (EOY) Student Record Collection • Preliminary Completer Demographics Report (CDR)—reported through End-ofYear (EOY) Student Record Collection • CTE Program Completer Follow-Up—reported through the University of Virginia Demographics Research Group at the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service survey Web site • Career and Technical Education Credentialing Collection (CTECC) • Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR)—reported through Summer Student Record Collection (SUM) The information collected through CTERS is used to • plan budgets • determine the Standards of Quality (SOQ) funding for CTE programs • determine disbursements of federal funds for the administration of CTE programs • report CTE accountability data to federal, state, and local agencies or individuals in response to requests for specific information. There are several changes in the data collection, analysis, and reporting functions of the CTERS. Throughout this manual, the red arrow ( ) indicates information that has changed or is new. In the appendices, sections with changes are highlighted in yellow. The CTERS manual is available on the Virginia Department of Education’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Web site at http://www.doe.virginia.gov/info_management/data_collection/instruction/career_tech/. Thank you for your diligence in completing the CTERS data collection and submission process. Please send comments and suggestions for improvement of this manual to the following address: Data Management Office of Career and Technical Education Services Virginia Department of Education P. O. Box 2120 Richmond, VA 23218-2120 E-mail: [email protected] Phone: (804) 786-4206 Fax: (804) 530-4560 1 Table of Contents Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................................................................. 3 2014-2015 CTERS Important Dates ........................................................................................................................ 4 Perkins IV Performance Measures (2014-2015 Virginia Agreed-Upon Performance Levels) ........................... 5 Data Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 Secondary Enrollment Demographic Form (SEDF) .............................................................................................. 8 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................... 8 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION ................................................................................................................... 8 End-of-Year (EOY) Student Record Collection and Secondary Student Career Clusters Enrollment Report (SSCCER) ................................................................................................................................................... 13 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................. 13 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION ................................................................................................................. 13 RETURN VERIFICATION REPORT .................................................................................................................... 15 End-of-Year (EOY) Student Record Collection and Preliminary Completer Demographics Report (CDR) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 16 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION ................................................................................................................. 16 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CTE ADMINISTRATORS ................................................................................................ 17 COMMON DATA ENTRY ERRORS .................................................................................................................... 19 CTE Program Completer Student Follow-Up ...................................................................................................... 20 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................................................. 20 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION ................................................................................................................. 20 CTE Credential Collection (CTECC) ..................................................................................................................... 21 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION ................................................................................................................. 21 SCHOOL DIVISION DATA COLLECTION/SUBMISSION PROCESS ............................................................... 21 RESOURCES ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 CTECC FILE FORMAT—ASCII TEXT ................................................................................................................. 22 Summer Student Record Collection (SUM) and Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR) ................... 23 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION ................................................................................................................. 23 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CTE ADMINISTRATORS ................................................................................................ 23 Appendices .............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Appendix A: Agricultural Education Course Information....................................................................................... 25 Appendix B: Business and Information Technology Course Information ............................................................. 27 Appendix C: Career Connections (Including Special Programs) Course Information .......................................... 29 Appendix D: Family and Consumer Sciences Course Information ...................................................................... 30 Appendix E: Health and Medical Sciences Course Information .......................................................................... 32 Appendix F: JROTC (Military Science) Course Information ................................................................................. 33 Appendix G: Marketing Course Information.......................................................................................................... 34 Appendix H: Technology Education Course Information ...................................................................................... 35 Appendix I: Trade and Industrial Education Course Information .......................................................................... 38 Appendix J: CTE Finisher Codes .......................................................................................................................... 42 Appendix K: Career Pathway Codes and Descriptions ........................................................................................ 43 Appendix L: CTE Career Cluster Codes ............................................................................................................... 45 Appendix M: Graduate/Other Completer Codes ................................................................................................... 46 Appendix N: School Division Codes ..................................................................................................................... 48 2 Terms and Definitions Terms included in the CTERS User’s Manual are defined as follows: Career Pathway A career pathway represents a common set of skills and knowledge, both academic and technical, necessary to pursue a full range of career opportunities – ranging from entry level to management, including technical and professional careers. Certification/Licensure Assessments Completion of certain skill sets and coursework enables students to participate in the Board of Education-approved assessments for industry certifications, state licenses, and/or occupational competency skills certifications. Students who earn these credentials are eligible to earn verified credits toward graduation requirements. Completer A CTE completer is a student who has met the requirements for a CTE concentration (sequence) and all requirements for high school graduation or an approved alternative education program. NOTE: Students may take additional CTE courses that will enhance their career pathway goals. Concentration A concentration is a coherent sequence of state-approved courses as identified in the course listings within the Administrative Planning Guide (APG). CTE Serving Division The “CTE Serving Division” is where a student was first reported with a CTE Finisher Code of 1 or 5 in the Student Record Collection. CTE Serving School The “CTE Serving School” is where a student was first reported with a CTE Finisher Code of 1 or 5 in the Student Record Collection. CTE Serving Schools can include Regional CTE Centers, Division-Level CTE Centers, Governor’s STEM Academies, and Governor’s Health Sciences Academies. CTE Data Reporting School Year September 1 through August 31 (fall, spring, summer). Enrollee An enrollee is a secondary student in grades 6–12 who is enrolled in a state-approved CTE course. Finisher A finisher is a secondary student who has earned two (2) or more standard credits for stateapproved courses in a single CTE program area. Leaver A leaver is a secondary student who was enrolled in a CTE program and either transferred to another school or dropped out of school without graduating. Responsible Division The “Responsible Division” is where (a) the student resides, (b) the student attends a school through open enrollment, or (c) tuition is waived. NOTE: The Responsible Division must report the records of students when the Serving Division number is greater than 218 or not equal to 900. Serving Division The “Serving Division” is the division or agency that provides services to the student. NOTE: Only a division whose code number is less than or equal to 218, or is equal to 900, will submit a report to VDOE. If the Serving Division number is greater than 218 or not equal to 900, the Responsible Division must report the records of those students. Special Populations Special populations include individuals with disabilities; individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children; individuals preparing for nontraditional career fields; single parents, including single pregnant women; displaced homemakers; and individuals with limited English proficiency. Specialization A specialization is a student choice to take additional courses beyond a minimum completer course sequence in a specific career area related to his/her career pathway. 3 2014-2015 CTERS Important Dates Report Secondary Enrollment Demographic Form (SEDF) Fall Report Career and Technical Education Follow-up Survey of Program Completers (from School Year 2013-2014) Secondary Student Career Clusters Enrollment Report (SSCCER) Preliminary Completer Demographics Report (CDR) Career and Technical Education Credential Collection (CTECC) Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR) Student Enrollment Demographic Form (SEDF) End-of-Year Report (2014-2015 School Year) Brief Description Report enrollment counts that are recorded on October 1, 2014, for all CTE state-approved 6-, 9-, 12-, and 18-week first semester and yearlong (36-week) classes. Submission Method: CTE Administrator submits to VDOE through SSWS* Fall Master Schedule Collection. NOTE: Regional CTE Centers report MSC data using Excel files directly to VDOE Office of Information Management. Conduct the 2015 follow-up of the 2014 CTE Program Completers approximately 9–12 months after graduation. The survey measures completers’ transitions to postsecondary education or employment, their satisfaction, and quality of their high school education. Due Date January 30, 2015 July 1, 2015 (follow-up survey ends) Submission Method: Online data entry (managed by University of Virginia Demographics Research Group at the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service) Report unduplicated enrollment counts that are recorded on the last day of school for students participating in CTE classes in grades 9–12 and students in grades 7 and 8 who are earning high school credit. July 17, 2015 Submission Method: Within SSWS, upload the data text file to VDOE through the End-of-Year Student Record Collection. Report data elements that are recorded on the last day of school and used to analyze program completer demographics; calculate performance measures; and compile federal, state, and local accountability reports. July 17, 2015 Submission Method: Within SSWS, upload the data text file to VDOE through the End-of-Year Student Record Collection. Report data annually for students and teachers participating in CTE classes and industry credentialing external testing presented in the School Report Card. July 31, 2015 Submission Method: Within SSWS, upload the data text file. NOTE: Upon verification by the school division, the Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examination results will be reported directly to VDOE from CTECS. Report data elements that are recorded on the last day of summer school and used to analyze program completer demographics, calculate performance measures, and compile federal, state, and local accountability reports. Submission Method: Within SSWS, upload the data text file to VDOE through the Summer Student Record Collection. Report enrollment counts that are recorded on the last day of school for all CTE state-approved 6-, 9-, 12-, and 18-week second-semester classes. August 28, 2015 September 30, 2015 Submission Method: CTE Administrator submits to VDOE through SSWS* End-of-Year Master Schedule Collection. NOTE: Regional CTE Centers report MSC data using Excel files directly to VDOE Office of Information Management. *SSWS—Single Sign-on for Web Systems 4 Perkins IV Performance Measures (2014-2015 Virginia Agreed-Upon Performance Levels) Core Indicator Code 1S1 1S2 2S1 Core Indicator of Performance Academic Attainment English: Reading Academic Attainment Mathematics (Highest level) Technical Skills Attainment A. Student Competency Rate B. Completers Participating in Credentialing Tests C. Test Takers (Completers) Passing Credentialing Tests D. Completers Passing Credentialing Tests Completers who passed a credentialing test plus Completers who earned an Advanced Studies Diploma and did not pass a credentialing test Information Indicator–Completers who earned an Advanced Studies Diploma and passed a credentialing test State Negotiated Level of Performance 2014-2015 69.00%* • End-of-Course (EOC) Standard of Learning Test Scores 66.00%* • End-of-Course (EOC) Standard of Learning Test Scores 87.00% 58.00% 77.00% 38.00% E. 46.00% • Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR) • Career and Technical Education Credential Collection (CTECC) Not Applicable 3S1 Secondary Program Completion Rate 93.00% • Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR) • End-of-Year Student Record Collection Drop-out Report 4S1 Graduation Rate 89.00% • Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR) Transition Rate from Secondary School to Postsecondary Education, Employment, or Military 91.00% • CTE Follow-Up Survey of Program Completers Program Completer Survey Response Rate 75.00% • CTE Follow-Up Survey of Program Completers 6S1 Nontraditional Career Preparation Enrollment 29.00% • Secondary Enrollment Demographics Form (SEDF) 6S2 Nontraditional Career Preparation Completion 25.50% • Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR) 5S1 * Data Collection Source Based on Virginia’s Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) for all students under the ESEA Act, flexibility waivers were granted by USDOE in March 2013. Reading – Calculated based on results of the new statewide reading assessments administered for the first time during the 2012-2013 school year. Mathematics – Calculated in fall 2012, based on results of new statewide mathematics assessments administered the first time during the 20112012 school year. In July 2014, USDOE approved the extension of Virginia’s ESEA flexibility waiver based on revised methodology. 5 Data Definitions 1S1—Academic Attainment rate for English: Reading equals the pass rate percentage of CTE students on the Standards of Learning (SOL) End-of-Course (EOC) English: Reading test (Reported by Responsible Division) Numerator: Number of CTE completers who have met the proficient or advanced level on the statewide high school EOC English: Reading assessment based on the scores that were included in the school division's computation of Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education Denominator: Number of CTE completers who took the SOL assessments in EOC English: Reading whose scores were included in the school division's computation of AMO and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education 1S2—Academic Attainment rate for mathematics equals the pass rate percentage of CTE students on the SOL EOC mathematics test (Reported by Responsible Division) Numerator: Number of CTE completers who have met the proficient or advanced level on the statewide high school EOC mathematics assessment (highest level) based on the scores that were included in the school division's computation of AMO and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education Denominator: Number of CTE completers who took the SOL assessments in EOC mathematics (highest level) whose scores were included in the school division's computation of AMO and who, in the reporting year, left secondary education 2S1—Technical Skills Attainment: Rate for School Divisions is calculated by the Virginia Department of Education (Reported by CTE Serving Division) A. Student Competency Rate from End-of-Year (EOY) Student Record Collection (CTE Completers) Numerator: Number of CTE completers who attained a satisfactory rating (one of the three highest marks) on the Student Competency Rating (SCR) scale on at least 80 percent of the required (essential) competencies in a CTE course Denominator: Number of CTE completers B. Participation Rate Percentage of CTE Completers Taking External Credentialing Tests Numerator: Number of CTE completers who participated in an approved external examination Denominator: Number of CTE completers C. Passing Rate of CTE Completers Taking External Credentialing Tests Numerator: Number of CTE completers who passed an approved external examination Denominator: Number of CTE completers taking external credentialing tests D. Completers Passing Credentialing Tests Numerator: Number of CTE completers who passed an approved external examination Denominator: Number of CTE completers E. CTE Completers Who Passed a Credentialing Test Plus Completers Who Earned an Advanced Studies Diploma And Did Not Pass a Credentialing Test Numerator: Number of CTE completers passing a credentialing test plus the number of CTE completers earning an Advanced Studies diploma without passing a credentialing test Denominator: Number of CTE completers Information Indicator: CTE Completers who earned an Advanced Studies Diploma and passed a credentialing test Numerator: Number of CTE completers earning an Advanced Studies Diploma and passing a credentialing test Denominator: Number of CTE completers 6 3S1—Secondary Program Completion Rate (Reported by Responsible Division) Numerator: Number of CTE completers who earned a secondary school diploma, a General Educational Development (GED) credential or other state-recognized equivalent (including recognized alternative standards for individuals with disabilities), or a proficiency credential, certificate, or degree, in conjunction with a secondary school diploma (if offered by the school division) during the reporting year Denominator: Number of CTE completers who left secondary education during the reporting year 4S1—Secondary School Student Graduation Rate (Reported by CTE Serving Division) Numerator: Number of CTE completers who earned an Advanced Studies, International Baccalaureate, or Standard Diploma Denominator: Number of CTE completers who earned a secondary school diploma, a General Educational Development (GED) credential or other state-recognized equivalent (including recognized alternative standards for individuals with disabilities), or a proficiency credential, certificate, or degree, in conjunction with a secondary school diploma (if offered by the school division) during the reporting year 5S1—Transition Rate from Secondary School to Postsecondary Education, Employment, or Military (Reported by CTE Serving Division) Numerator: Number of CTE completers who left secondary education during the prior year and were enrolled in postsecondary education or advanced training, military service, or employment Denominator: Number of CTE completers who left secondary education during the prior year 5S1—CTE Completer Response Rate (Reported by CTE Serving Division) Numerator: Number of CTE completers who responded completely to the Follow-up Survey of Program Completers Denominator: Number of CTE completers who left secondary education during the prior year 6S1—Nontraditional Career Preparation Enrollment (Reported by CTE Serving Division) Numerator: Number of CTE enrollees from underrepresented gender groups who participated during the reporting year in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields Denominator: Number of CTE enrollees during the reporting year in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields 6S2—Nontraditional Career Preparation Completion (Reported by CTE Serving Division) Numerator: Number of CTE completers from underrepresented gender groups who, during the reporting year, completed a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields Denominator: Number of CTE completers during the program year of a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields 7 Secondary Enrollment Demographic Form (SEDF) GENERAL INFORMATION The SEDF report is collected two times a year, once in the fall and once at the end of the school year. The SEDF contains the CTE courses as reported on the Fall and EOY Master Schedule Collection (MSC). The course enrollment counts that coincide with each of those collections are based on active students on the Fall Student Record Collection for first semester classes and active students on the Spring Student Record Collection for second semester and yearlong classes. The signed verification reports for Fall SEDF are due Friday, January 30, 2015. The signed verification reports for the End-of-Year SEDF are due by Wednesday, September 30, 2015. The SEDF collects class enrollments and demographic data for students in each CTE class, grades 6–12. The data is used to calculate Nontraditional Career Preparation Enrollment for federal, state, and local accountability reporting and to determine the Standards of Quality (SOQ) funding for CTE programs. Reference http://www.doe.virginia.gov/boe/quality/index.shtml for information concerning SOQ. The following reports are available for download from the SEDF Report page in the Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS) for current and prior years: • CTE Course and School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED) Code Listing Report—provides all course information, as shown in the appendices of this manual • Teacher Listing Report—lists current-year teachers with pertinent information • Division/School Course Enrollment Report—provides a count of student enrollment by gender for each course offered • Division Verification Report—provides any data abnormalities, thresholds, nontraditional enrollment, and instructor listing sections for current-year enrollments INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION The SEDF report lists each CTE class taught at a school and the student demographics of each class. Instructions to complete the SEDF report are as follows: Phase I. Upload Course records in the Master Schedule Collection (MSC) The CTE administrator must communicate with the school division staff member who is responsible for submitting the Master Schedule Collection to ensure that teacher records and student enrollment are correctly submitted. For detailed documentation for completing the Master Schedule Collection, refer to: http://doe.virginia.gov/info_management/data_collection/master_schedule_collection/specifications_completing_msc.d ocx NOTE: Regional CTE Centers will report MSC data using Excel files directly to the Virginia Department of Education’s Office of Information Management. CTE Field Descriptions included in the MSC Each field described below is part of the MSC data records and should be completed as directed in the EOY Master Schedule Collection documentation. C Records: Minutes per course The Minutes per Course field is defined as the total time in minutes that the course section teacher is delivering instruction to students for the duration of the course. Note: This time may include up to five minutes per class period for interclass transfer time. 8 The following chart illustrates examples of what you should see on the SEDF report for the “Total Minutes per Course” column based on the number of weeks and period length of a CTE class. 6 Example Period Length in Minutes 45 9 45 2,025 12 45 45 45 90 Duration in Weeks 18 36 36 DOE Required Hours 140* 280** 6 Example Period Length in Minutes 50 9 50 2,250 2,700 12 50 3,000 4,050 8,100 16,200 18 36 36 50 50 100 4,500 9,000 18,000 Total Minutes per Course 1,350 Duration in Weeks OR DOE Required Hours 140* 280** Total Minutes per Course 1,500 DOE Required Hours: *Single block of instruction to meet minimum hours of instruction. **Double block of instruction to meet minimum hours of instruction. F Records: Work-based Learning defined Work-based learning is defined as a coordinated, coherent sequence of career-development experiences, based on instructional preparation, related to students’ career interests or goals. It involves partnerships with local businesses/industries and other community organizations; enables students to apply classroom instruction in a realworld business or service-oriented environment; and assists teachers and program leaders in helping students understand the relevance of classroom learning to their present and future development as workers, entrepreneurs, and citizens. Codes: 1 = Cooperative Education 2 = Youth Apprenticeship 3 = Internship 4 = Mentorship 5 = Job Shadowing 6 = Service Learning 7 = Clinical Experience 8 = Supervised Agricultural Experience Governor’s Academy Code types S = Governor’s STEM Academies are defined by program content, not by the location or delivery system of courses. The academy must have at least two pathways. One of the pathways must be STEM. Courses may be delivered in a high school, technical center or community college campus, online, or in other innovative ways. Governor’s STEM Academies may be full-day or part-day academic-year programs. The establishment of a Governor’s STEM Academy must be approved by the Virginia Board of Education. H = Governor’s Health Sciences Academies require the implementation of the five Health Science career pathways including Therapeutic Services, Diagnostic Services, Health Informatics, Support Services, Biotechnology, and Research and Development. The academies may be offered in a high school, technical center or community college campus, online, or in other innovative ways. Governor’s Health Sciences Academies may be full-day or part-day academic-year programs. The establishment of a Governor’s STEM Academy must be approved by the Virginia Board of Education. See listing in Appendix N I Records: Data elements included in the “I” record list one Primary and one Secondary section ID that link two class sections taught concurrently. When there are more than two concurrent sections, multiple “I” records should be recorded using the same primary section ID for each record. 9 J Records: Number of Students participating in Co-op (Cooperative Education) The number of students overseen by the Local Provider during the school year. Minutes of Co-op Period The average length in minutes of the Co-op teacher’s coordination section periods. Complete information concerning the Master Schedule Collection is located at: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/info_management/data_collection/master_schedule_collection/index.shtml Phase II. Review Teacher Data You may view the list of teachers by clicking the link to Find Instructors. Find Instructors Find Instructors is located in the upper right side of the screen. This section brings up a list of the teachers. Review alphabetical listing to identify current teachers submitted through the Master Schedule Collections. Threshold The threshold is a meter that tracks the teaching minutes. If the threshold of 54,000 teaching minutes is breached, the meter changes into a text box. As a text box, a written justification of the threshold breach is required before a course will be accepted by the system. The Threshold Justification entered via the SSWS will appear on the SEDF Report when printed. Steps: 1. ENTER the Threshold Justification in the text box. (Example: Teacher is compensated for teaching an extra class.) 2. CLICK the “Submit/Update Explanation” button. WARNING: All text boxes in white must have data entered, and the threshold must be justified before enrollment additions may be accepted by the system. Enrollment Breach: Enrollment greater than 35, 20, 15, 10. You will receive an enrollment breach when the limit set by the state is surpassed. Some courses have limited enrollment due to safety reasons. Justification entered via the SSWS will appear on the SEDF report when printed. Steps: 1. ENTER the Enrollment Breach Justification in the text box. 2. CLICK the “Submit/Update Explanation” button. WARNING: All text boxes in white must have data entered, and the Enrollment Breach must be justified before enrollment additions may be accepted by the system. Phase III. Retrieve Your SEDF Report for Review Prior to Final Submission Once the SEDF data are processed through the SSWS, the Division Verification Report may be generated and downloaded from the SSWS Web site. The Division Verification Report contains the following sub-reports: • Data Abnormalities • Threshold • Nontraditional • Instructor Listing Reports Page Steps: 1. CLICK on “Reports” at the bottom of the menu located in the upper right side of the screen. 10 2. Choose Division Verification Report. 3. SELECT the school year from the drop-down menu. 4. CLICK on “View Report.” 5. The system will open the report in PDF format. 6. You may then save the report or print a copy. Note: If there is a CTE student reported in the most recent MSC who is not in the most recent SRC, the demographic counts will display as blank. Phase IV. Correct Data A Data Abnormalities Report free of Critical Errors indicates that all data was submitted correctly. Changes or corrections must be resubmitted in the Master Schedule Collections (MSC). If abnormal data was submitted, the Data Abnormalities Report will list all items requiring correction—Critical Errors and items to double check. Critical Errors must be corrected before an SEDF submission will be considered complete. Warnings and Notices do not require correction and serve only as a reminder to double check your data submission. Corrections are to be made in the MSC and by following the steps in Phase I. The Threshold Report lists all teachers whose total instructional minutes surpass 54,000 minutes for the school year. All threshold errors must be corrected or justified before returning the verification forms. Some common reasons for threshold errors: • Two or more classes taught during the same period are reported separately instead of the enrollments being linked in the MSC as one record. • The same class is reported more than once. • Too many minutes are reported for a class. • A teacher has volunteered or is being paid to teach extra classes. The threshold of 54,000 minutes is determined by summing the minutes per course for each teacher reported in the course element of the MSC. The Nontraditional Report lists all the state-identified nontraditional courses by gender enrollments taught within the division. It is provided with the yearlong verification forms for informational and program improvement purposes. The Instructor Listing Report identifies all instructors for the division by school. Phase V. Finalize Submission Your report will need to be finalized to complete the submission. This is done by clicking on “Submit to DOE” in the upper right menu. If there are critical errors that need to be corrected, a red warning will show at the top of the page. • Fall Submission: If there are no critical errors, SELECT the button for Fall Submission: “This report contains ONLY the SEDF data for the first-semester and yearlong classes.” The Fall SEDF report must be submitted no later than January 30, 2015. Then CLICK on “Finish Submission.” • End-of-Year Submission: If there are no critical errors, SELECT the button for End-of-Year Submission: “This report contains all of the SEDF data for the 2014-2015 school year.” The End-of-Year SEDF report must be submitted no later than September 30, 2015. Then CLICK on “Finish Submission.” If you still have unexplained threshold(s) or enrollment breaches, an error box will pop up. This will give you another opportunity to enter the explanations for these errors. When your submission has been processed, a green message will appear at the top of the page indicating the data has been successfully submitted. Once you have finalized your submission, you will not be able to make any further changes without first contacting the CTE data management staff. If changes are determined to be necessary, VDOE will unlock the system to allow you to resubmit the SEDF or make changes to your submission via the MSC. The signature lines on the SEDF Verification Report (second page) will not appear until you finalize the SEDF submission and all justifications have been approved by VDOE, if applicable. Once the submission is finalized and justifications are approved by VDOE, the signature lines on the SEDF Verification Report will become visible. 11 If the Master Schedule Collection is reloaded to VDOE after Phase V, then return to Phase II and repeat all subsequent steps. This will require that the SEDF collection window be re-opened should data entry be required. Phase VI. Return Verification Form and Threshold Report Once you download the finalized Division Verification Report, both the CTE administrator and the Division Superintendent are required to sign it for approval. Please submit the signed verification form to VDOE, Office of Career and Technical Education Services by fax at 804-530-4560. 12 End-of-Year (EOY) Student Record Collection and Secondary Student Career Clusters Enrollment Report (SSCCER) GENERAL INFORMATION The Secondary Student Career Clusters Enrollment Report (SSCCER) collects unduplicated enrollment counts for students participating in career and technical education classes in grades 9-12 and middle school (grades 7 and 8) students earning high school credit. This unduplicated data is required for federal reporting. Be sure to communicate with the school division staff member who is responsible for submitting the End-of-Year Student Record Collection to ensure that appropriate records/fields have been flagged to be counted. Special Data Considerations NOTE the following information when completing the SSCCER: • Students who are enrolled in a middle or high school but attend a Regional CTE Technical Center, Governor’s STEM Academy, or Governor’s Health Sciences Academy will be reported to VDOE in the SSCCER by the “responsible division” where the students are enrolled. Regional CTE Technical Centers, Governor’s STEM Academies, and Governor’s Health Sciences Academies do not submit data directly to VDOE, but as “CTE serving schools,” they should verify that data is correctly reported to VDOE by the “responsible division.” • If a school division offers courses for high school credit at the middle school level, enrollment counts should be reported. • Postgraduate students should not be included in this count. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION Data Collection Sequence The End-of-Year Student Record Collection is electronically submitted to the VDOE by September 30, 2015, reporting enrollment counts recorded on the last day of school and containing all SSCCER data fields. This file is NOT submitted by the CTE Administrator but by the school division’s data reporting staff. The CTE administrator or a designee must verify the accuracy of the report. Phase I. Collect Data The CTE administrator must communicate with the school division staff member who is responsible for submitting the End-of-Year Student Record Collection to ensure that appropriate records/fields have been flagged to be counted accurately and submitted on time. Unduplicated Enrollments Even though a student may be enrolled in more than one CTE program during the school year, the student should be reported only once on this report. Report a student in the career cluster that matches his or her primary career goal. WARNING: The total number of students enrolled in CTE should not exceed the total enrollment of grades 9-12, or 7 and 8 if a school division offers courses for high school credit at the middle school level. List of Field Descriptions Each field described below is part of the SSCCER and should be completed as directed for the End-of-Year Student Record Collection. CTE Career Cluster Code Federal reporting procedures require that students enrolled in CTE courses be reported by career cluster. The CTE Career Cluster Code identifies the state-approved CTE course within the career cluster that the student has taken at any time in the current school year. 13 Ethnic Code Enter ‘Y’ (Yes) or ‘N’ (No) code to designate Hispanic ethnicity as defined by data elements for the Student Record Collection. Race Code Choose from Codes 01 through 32 as designated for use in defining a student’s racial membership for the Student Record Collection. Student Classifications Students can be identified in as many categories as applicable. Use the following definitions to determine which categories apply to each student: Individual with a Disability Refer to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1997 to define an Individual with a Disability. Individual Receiving English as a Second Language (ESL) services An Individual with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) refers to a secondary school student, an adult, or an out-of-school youth who has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language, and a. whose native language is a language other than English; or b. who lives in a family or community environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language. Economically Disadvantaged Economically Disadvantaged refers to individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children. Nontraditional Training and Employment Nontraditional refers to students who are classified as the nontraditional gender who are enrolled in one or more of the courses identified for Nontraditional Career Preparation. The term means occupations or career fields of work, including careers in computer science, technology, and other current and emerging high skill occupations, for which individuals from one gender comprise less than 25 percent of the individuals employed in each such occupation or field of work. Single Parent Single Parent refers to a student who is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse and who has a minor child or children for whom the parent has either custody or joint custody. This term includes a single pregnant woman. Displaced Homemaker Displaced Homemaker refers to a student who a. has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under Part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et. seq.) not later than two years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under this title; and b. is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. Phase II. Extracting SSCCER Report Once submitted, the SSCCER Verification Summary Report will be available for download and review through the SSWS. (The SSCCER Verification Summary Report may be extracted for any school year.) Steps: 1. LOG IN to the SSWS, and the welcome screen will appear. 2. CHOOSE Career and Technical Education (CTE) Reports from the list of available applications. 3. The CTERS welcome screen will become visible. CLICK on “Reports” in the menu on the upper right 14 side of the screen. 4. The Report Page opens with five report options. • SSCCER Verification Report—This report contains an unduplicated enrollment count of all students enrolled in any state-approved high school CTE course. The report displays the number of students enrolled by Career Cluster, special populations, gender, and race. The data displayed in this report is extracted from the End-of-Year Student Record Collection. • Preliminary CTE Completer Demographics Verification Report—This report provides divisionlevel and school-level summaries of preliminary CTE completer demographic data as submitted on the End-of-Year Student Record Collection. • Final Completer Demographics Verification Report—This report contains an unduplicated count of all completers for a school year (fall, spring, and summer). The data is presented for the division and the school(s). It is presented by Career Pathway Code by graduation information (competency attainment, diploma type, and diploma seals). The second set of tables presents the data by Career Pathway Code by Special Populations, gender and race. • Comparison of CTE Completer and Non-Completer Graduates—This report compares the Standards of Learning test pass rates for CTE Program Completer versus Non-CTE Program Completer graduates for tests taken while they attended school. • List of Completers—This list consists of the CTE Program Completers for the current school year, including those who graduated during the summer. (Example: Current school year 2014-2015 equals fall, end-of-year, and summer.) This list is available in Excel and PDF formats. 5. On the Report Page, CLICK the “SSCCER Verification Report” link. This will open the SSCCER Verification Report Page. 6. On the SSCCER Verification Report Page, you must SELECT the school year desired from the dropdown menu. 7. Once you have selected a school year, CLICK the “Launch Report” button. 8. The report will open, and you may SAVE it in PDF format to the location of your choice. Phase III. Verify Data The CTE administrator or a designee should review the report for errors and omissions. WARNING: If errors exist, the End-of-Year Student Record Collection must be resubmitted with the corrected data. An electronic resubmission is the only way to correct errors; pencil/pen corrections will not be accepted. RETURN VERIFICATION REPORT If the SSCCER Verification Report is correct, the CTE administrator must sign the verification report and submit it to the Office of Career and Technical Education Services by July 17, 2015, Attention: Data Management Team, by fax at 804-530-4560. NOTE: The SSCCER cannot be finalized without the CTE administrator’s signature on the verification report. The verification report can be accessed through SSWS, both under the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Reports application and under the corresponding Student Record Collections application. 15 End-of-Year (EOY) Student Record Collection and Preliminary Completer Demographics Report (CDR) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION The Preliminary Completer Demographics Report (PCDR) is used to analyze program completer data by gender, ethnicity, special populations, and technical competency attainment. It is one of the primary sources of data used in student demographic analysis and for completing many federal, state, and local reports for funding allocation. The required data elements for the CDR will be collected through the End-of-Year (EOY) Student Record Collection Report which is due July 17, 2015. CTE administrators must work with the division’s technology office to ensure that the data submitted to VDOE is accurate and complete. See PCDR verification report. NOTE: The CTE data-reporting school year for 2014-2015 is defined as September 1–August 31 (fall, spring, and summer). Phase I. Collect Data The EOY Student Record Collection is electronically submitted to the VDOE by July 17, 2015 and contains all required CDR data fields. This file is submitted by the school division IT/Data Management staff, not the CTE administrator. However, the CTE administrator or a designee must verify the accuracy of the report. Phase II. Verify Data Once submitted, the administrator will review the report for errors. If errors exist, the EOY Student Record Collection must be resubmitted to eliminate the errors. A resubmission is the only way to correct errors; pencil/pen corrections will not be accepted. To obtain the verification reports, follow the steps listed below: 1. LOG IN to the SSWS, and the welcome screen will appear. 2. CHOOSE Career and Technical Education (CTE) Reports from the list of available applications. 3. The CTERS welcome screen will become visible. CLICK on “Reports” in the menu on the upper right side of the screen. The Report Page opens with five report options. • SSCCER Verification Report—This report contains an unduplicated enrollment count of all students enrolled in any state-approved high-school CTE course. The report displays the number of students enrolled by Career Cluster, special populations, gender, and race. The data displayed in this report is extracted from the End-of-Year Student Record Collection. • Preliminary CTE Completer Demographics Verification Report—This report provides division-level and school-level summaries of Preliminary CTE completer demographic data as submitted on the Endof-Year Student Record Collection. • Final Completer Demographics Verification Report—This report contains an unduplicated count of all completers for a school year (fall, spring, and summer). The data is presented for the division and the school(s). It is presented by Career Pathway Code by graduation information (competency attainment, diploma type and diploma seals). The second set of tables presents the data by Career Pathway Code by Special Populations, gender, and race. • Comparison of CTE Completer and Non-Completer Graduates—This report compares the Standards of Learning test pass rates for CTE Program Completer versus Non-CTE Program Completer graduates for tests taken while they attended school. • List of Completers—This list consists of the CTE Program Completers for the current school year, including those who graduated during the summer. (Example: Current 2014-2015 school year equals fall, spring, and summer.) This list is available in Excel and PDF formats. Review, print, and compare the Preliminary Completer Demographics Verification Report with the List of Completers Report to ensure the accuracy of the report. 16 Phase III. Return Preliminary Completer Demographic Verification Report If the CDR Verification Report is correct, the CTE administrator or a designee must sign the preliminary verification report and submit it to the Office of Career and Technical Education Services by July 17, 2015, Attention: Data Management Team, by fax at 804-530-4560. NOTE: The Completer Demographics Report cannot be finalized without the CTE administrator’s signature on the preliminary verification report. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CTE ADMINISTRATORS Though the focus of this report is on Career and Technical Education completers, all students who have finished a state-approved CTE sequence of courses should be reported. The End-of-Year (EOY) Report will automatically merge the graduation code with the finisher code to determine completers. Use the following instructions to complete this demographics collection. Definition of a Completer: A career and technical education completer is a student who has met the requirements for a career and technical concentration (sequence) and all requirements for high school graduation, or an approved alternative education program. Refer to the Administrative Planning Guide (available at http://www.cteresource.org/apg/) to determine whether a student has finished the CTE requirement for completion. Regional CTE Center, Governor’s STEM Academy and Governor’s Health Sciences Academy Information NOTE: Students who complete a CTE program at a Regional CTE Center, Governor’s STEM Academy or Governor’s Health Sciences Academy will be reported to VDOE in the End-of-Year (EOY) Report by the “responsible division” where the students are enrolled. Regional CTE Technical Centers, Governor’s STEM Academies, and Governor’s Health Sciences Academies do not submit data directly to VDOE, but as “CTE serving schools,” they should verify that data is correctly reported to VDOE by the “responsible division.” It is critical that finishers are accurately reported to ensure that the center or academy is appropriately assigned with the completers for the Student Follow-Up. WARNING: If finishers for the centers or academies are not reported accurately, then the responsible school division will be responsible for completing the Student Follow-Up for those completers. Students who complete more than one program Report each finisher only once, regardless of the number of programs a student has completed. If the student finishes more than one program, choose the program that best represents the student’s primary career goal. List of Field Descriptions Each field described below is part of the CDR and should be completed as directed on the EOY Report Student Record Collection. Serving Division Number This is a three-digit, state-assigned number used to identify the division or agency that provides services to the student (the division where the student completed the CTE program). The three-digit number codes for school divisions, Regional CTE Centers, Governor’s STEM Academies, and Governor’s Health Science Academies are listed in Appendix N. Serving School Number This is a four-digit, state-assigned number used to identify the school that provides services to the student (the school where the student completed the CTE program). Enter the four-digit school number that identifies the school, Regional CTE Center, Governor’s STEM Academy, or Governor’s Health Sciences Academy where the student completed his/her CTE program. Example: If a student attends Anytown High School but finished a CTE program at Somewhere Tech Center, enter the four-digit code for Somewhere Tech Center. This rule applies to a Regional CTE or Division-Level CTE center. 17 Student’s First Name This information will be used by the division in the 2016 CTE Follow-Up of the 2015 Program Completers. Student’s Middle Name This information will be used by the division in the 2016 CTE Follow-Up of the 2015 Program Completers. Student’s Last Name This information will be used by the division in the 2016 CTE Follow-Up of the 2015 Program Completers. Mailing Address This information will be used by the division in the 2016 CTE Follow-Up of the 2015 Program Completers. City This information will be used by the division in the 2016 CTE Follow-Up of the 2015 Program Completers. Zip Code This information will be used by the division in the 2016 CTE Follow-Up of the 2015 Program Completers. Date of Birth (DOB) This information will be used by the division in the 2016 CTE Follow-Up of the 2015 Program Completers. Telephone Number Report any telephone number, including cell phone number, where the program completer can be contacted in spring of 2016. Include the area code and seven-digit phone number. Do not include parentheses, hyphens, or other special characters. Gender Code: Enter “M” or “F” only M = Male; F = Female Racial Code CHOOSE from Codes 01 through 32 as defined for a student’s racial membership for the Student Record Collection. Ethnic Code ENTER “Y” (Yes) or “N” (No) code to designate Hispanic ethnicity as defined by data elements for the Student Record Collection. CTE Finisher Code CHOOSE from Codes 1, 3, 4 or 5 as defined for a student’s CTE Finisher status for the Student Record Collection. See Appendix J. CTE Career Pathway Code ENTER state-assigned 4-digit code of the student’s Career Pathway. Refer to Appendix K for a complete listing. Note: Beginning with School Year 2013-2014, the CTE Program Code was retired, and the CTE Career Pathway Code was implemented. CTE Special Populations Code A student may be coded as a Single Parent, Displaced Homemaker, and/or in a Nontraditional Career Preparation. Competency Attainment Code ENTER “Y” (Yes) if the CTE Finisher obtained at least 80 percent of the essential competencies from the stateprovided, industry-validated competency list. ENTER “N” (No) if the CTE Finisher did not obtain at least 80 percent of the essential competencies from the state-provided, industry-validated competency list, available on the CTE Resource Center’s Web site at http://www.cteresource.org under the Virginia’s Educational Resource System Online (VERSO) menu tab and individual course listings. The CTE Finisher’s attainment of 80 percent of the essential competencies on the state-provided, industry-validated 18 course competency list is defined as achieving a satisfactory rating (one of the three highest ratings—1, 2, or 3) on the Student Competency Record (SCR) scale, as follows: …RATING SCALE…. 1—Can teach others 2—Can perform without supervision 3—Can perform with limited supervision 4—Can perform with supervision 5—Cannot perform CTE Diploma Seal Information ENTER the code of the corresponding Diploma Seal Information: 1 = Governor’s Seal 3 = Career and Technical Seal only 4 = Advanced Mathematics and Technology Seal only 34 = Career and Technical Seal and the Advanced Mathematics and Technology Seal 134 = All three: Governor’s Seal, Career and Technical Seal, and Advanced Mathematics and Technology Seal Other Seals Leave blank = If the student did not earn a seal Graduate / Other Completer Code ENTER the number that indicates the type of diploma or certificate the student earned. These codes are listed in Appendix M. Responsible Division Number ENTER the three-digit code for the division where the student graduated. These codes are listed in Appendix N. Responsible School Code ENTER the four-digit code for the school where the student graduated. Serving Division Number ENTER the three-digit code for the division where the student attended CTE classes. These codes are listed in Appendix N. Serving School Code ENTER the four-digit code for the school where the student attended CTE classes. State Testing Identifier (STI) ENTER the student’s ten-digit unique State Testing Identifier provided by the Virginia Department of Education’s Educational Information Management System (EIMS). COMMON DATA ENTRY ERRORS 1. Responsible Division must be a registered Local Education Agency (LEA). 2. Division Code (Graduating) and School Code (Graduating) submitted—cannot be those of a Division-Level CTE Center, Regional CTE Center, Governor’s STEM Academy, or Governor’s Health Sciences Academy. Students may finish but do not receive a high school diploma from a Division-Level CTE Center, Regional CTE Center, Governor’s STEM Academy, or Governor’s Health Sciences Academy. 3. Career Pathway Code does not match the Career Pathway Codes for Completer Demographics Report (CDR) located in Appendix K of this manual. 4. Completers can be classified as nontraditional only if they are of the nontraditional gender assigned to the state Course Code. The nontraditional genders are listed in Appendices A-I of this manual. The nontraditional finisher must be of the same gender listed. 5. Duplicates—a student may be reported only once. If the student completed two programs, report the career pathway that most clearly relates to the student’s primary career goal. However, if the completer is a nontraditional completer in one program and not the other, then the career pathway where the completer is nontraditional should be reported. 19 CTE Program Completer Student Follow-Up GENERAL INFORMATION The 2015 CTE Follow-Up of the 2013-2014 program completers begins April 2015. The CTE administrator submits the follow-up data electronically to the University of Virginia Demographics Research Group at the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at http://completers.coopercenter.org/ by July 1, 2015. The current Program Completer Follow-Up Survey has a maximum of 13 questions and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION Federal reporting guidelines of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) call for a follow-up survey of all CTE program completers 9-12 months after graduation. The survey measures the completers’ transition rates to further education and/or employment and satisfaction with the preparation they received in their CTE programs. A minimum 75 percent response rate is required for each school division. The Office of Career and Technical Education Services posts for each school division a list of CTE program completers to be surveyed and provides survey materials. An individual listed as a completer on the 2013-2014 Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR) is considered by the state to be a program completer (data for this report is derived from information on the division’s End-of-Year and Summer Student Record Collection reports). Divisions are requested to verify the accuracy of this report; therefore, the number of individuals listed as program completers on this report will be used to calculate the response rate for the division. The Demographics Research Group of the University of Virginia’s Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service manages the program completer survey Web site. Technical questions should be directed to the Weldon Cooper staff at [email protected]. A copy of the Career and Technical Education Follow-Up Survey Guide may be downloaded from http://ctefollowup.cooper.virginia.edu. 20 CTE Credential Collection (CTECC) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION The Career and Technical Education Credential Collection (CTECC) is the data collection application that allows CTE administrators to report industry credentialing for students and teachers participating in all CTE classes providing external testing. The data submission and report are due by July 31, 2015. This is a required annual report that should be completed for students and teachers who participated in a career and technical education program any time during the school year. Paper copy reports will NOT be accepted. This report must be submitted online using a text file submitted though the Single Sign-on for Web Systems (SSWS). The SSWS basic data collection process used for the previous school year will be used again for the 2014-2015 school year. Student “B” Record Changes to the student “B” record layout should be noted as two data fields, “Credential Awarded” and “StudentSelected Verified Credit Used” are no longer required and have been retired from the “B” student record format. Data related to these two fields should not be collected. These data fields in the “B” student record should be left blank. SCHOOL DIVISION DATA COLLECTION/SUBMISSION PROCESS 1. The example “record layout” for the SSWS Credentialing Data Collection System should be reviewed to determine which “data fields" must be collected for students who are externally tested. The "example batch” and “record format” of credentialing data should be reviewed to see how credentialing data must be displayed using the prescribed record format. The items are posted on the CTE credentialing web page at: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/career_technical/path_industry_certification/index.shtml. 2. Data should be collected locally, using a spreadsheet or database (as the collection tool), for credentialing in CTE courses in each school division. Cells/fields in the spreadsheet or database must conform to the prescribed SSWS data collection “field” format. If a school division is already using a database or spreadsheet established for external test collection/tracking, data fields can be extracted and conformed to the specified data record format required for submission to SSWS. 3. The summary spreadsheet or database file of credentials (students externally tested) must be saved to a tabdelimited file format before transmission/submission to SSWS. WARNING: Files will not be accepted by the system software unless they are in tab-delimited file format. 4. Data must be submitted to the SSWS Credentialing Data Collection System as a "one time" transmission/submission event during the “collection window” of May 1, 2015 to July 31, 2015. While multiple submissions of external testing data may be made, any file submission to the data collection system will replace the previous submission. Submissions must be made within the collection window. 5. If the submitted SSWS data file is not accepted by the SSWS software, indicated data or file errors must be corrected in the SSWS file and re-submitted. 6. If the data file is accepted by the SSWS system, any coding errors in "B" student data records (bad course or examination numbers, etc.) that are discovered by the SSWS software must be corrected and the data file resubmitted. It will replace the previously submitted SSWS data file. 7. Once a submitted data file is accepted without data errors noted by the SSWS system, school divisions may select various summary reports (generated from the data submitted) to verify its local credentialing records for the school year 2014-2015. If errors are noted and the collection window is still open, the data file for 2014-2015 can be re-submitted, and it will replace previously submitted file. NOTE: Corrections in external testing data cannot be made once the collection window is closed on July 31, 2015. 8. The SSWS Credentialing Data Collection System will report school report card data, pass/fail percentages by specific credential, and specific credentials achieved by school division and individual schools as well as specific credentials used by CTE courses. 9. The SSWS Credentialing Data Collection System will automatically transmit relevant data to the Virginia School Report Card System. NOTE: Upon verification by the school division, the Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examination results will be reported directly to VDOE from CTECS. 21 RESOURCES Documentation for the data file layouts and explanations related to data submission are available at: http://www.doe.virginia.gov/instruction/career_technical/path_industry_certification/index.shtml. CTECC FILE FORMAT—ASCII TEXT “A” and “B” Records for SSWS Application: Career and Technical Education Credential Collection (CTECC) SenderID=<three-digit Division Number of division submitting file (leading zero must be included, i.e. 001)> CreateDate=<current date in mm/dd/yyyy format> CreateTime=<current time in hh:mm:ss format> EMAIL=<sender’s e-mail address> ~~ DATATYPE= CTECC ~ “A” Record—fixed length Field Length Field Name Contents 1 Record Type Constant=A 4 Beginning School Year Four-digit year for beginning of school 3 Division Number Leading zero(s) must be included (e.g., 005) Use: 2014 “B” Record—tab delimited (39 columns) Field Length Field Name Contents 1 Record Type Constant=B 4 School Number Selection from list of Virginia school numbers 10 Unique Student Identifier State Testing ID as assigned through EIMS 4 State Career and Technical Education (CTE) Course Code Selection from list of CTE Course Codes as shown in APG 4 Examination Number for Specific Credential Selection from list of CTE Credentialing Examination Codes 4 Examination Result for Student PASS for passed examination Being Reported FAIL for failed examination 1 RETIRED FIELD (No data should be entered, as field will not be processed.) 1 RETIRED FIELD (No data should be entered, as field will not be processed.) 10 Examination Cost Show actual cost of examination to student or school division. Amount must be 0.00 or greater. Record Count Record (A sample would look like this: RECORDCOUNT=1256.) Row last Required Text RECORDCOUNT= Contents The number of A and B records in this file. 22 Summer Student Record Collection (SUM) and Final Completer Demographics Report (CDR) INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION The CTE Final Completer Demographics Report (FCDR) is used to analyze program completer data by gender, ethnicity, special populations, and technical competency attainment. It is a source of data used in student demographic analysis and for completing many federal, state, and local reports for funding allocation. The required data elements for the Final CDR will be collected through the Summer Student Record Collection (SUM) in the manner of the Preliminary CDR. CTE administrators must work with the division’s technology office to ensure that the data submitted to VDOE is accurate and complete. Phase I. Collect Data The Summer Student Record Collection is electronically submitted to the VDOE by August 28, 2015. This file is submitted by the school division IT/Data Management staff, not the CTE Administrator. However, the CTE administrator or a designee should verify the accuracy of the report. For a list of some of the Field Descriptions, see pages 1719. Phase II. Verify Data Once submitted, the administrator will review the Graduates Verification Report for errors. If errors exist, the Student Record Collection must be resubmitted to eliminate the errors. If no errors exist, the CTE administrator or a designee must sign the verification report and submit it to the Office of Career and Technical Education Services, Attention: Data Management Team, by fax at 804-530-4560. Phase III. Return Final CDR Verification Report If the Final CDR Verification Report is correct, the CTE administrator or a designee must sign the final verification report and submit it to the Office of Career and Technical Education Services, Attention: Data Management Team, by fax at 804-530-4560. The Final Completer Demographics Report cannot be finalized without the CTE Administrator’s signature on the final verification report. INSTRUCTIONS FOR CTE ADMINISTRATORS Though the focus of this report is on Career and Technical Education Completers, all students who have finished an approved CTE sequence of courses (as listed in the Administrative Planning Guide http://www.cteresource.org/apg/) should be reported. The Final Completer Demographic Report will automatically merge the graduation code with the finisher code to determine completers. Refer to the Administrative Planning Guide to determine whether a student has finished the CTE requirement for completion. Students who complete more than one program Count each finisher only once, regardless of the number of programs that a student has completed. If the student completes more than one program, choose the program that best represents the student’s primary career goal. Regional CTE Center, Governor’s STEM Academy, and Governor’s Health Sciences Academy Information NOTE: Students who complete a CTE program at a Regional CTE Center, Governor’s STEM Academy, or Governor’s Health Sciences Academy will be reported to VDOE in the End-of-Year (EOY) Report by the “responsible division” where the students are enrolled. Regional CTE Centers, Governor’s STEM Academies, and Governor’s Health Sciences Academies do not submit data directly to VDOE, but as “CTE serving schools,” they should verify that data is correctly reported by the “responsible division” to VDOE. It is critical that finishers be accurately reported to ensure that the center or academy is appropriately assigned with the completers for the Student Follow-Up. WARNING: If finishers for the centers or academies are not reported accurately, then the responsible school division must complete the Student Follow-Up for those completers. 23 Appendices Appendix A: Agricultural Education Course Information Appendix B: Business and Information Technology Course Information Appendix C: Career Connections (Including Special Programs) Course Information Appendix D: Family and Consumer Sciences Course Information Appendix E: Health and Medical Sciences Course Information Appendix F: JROTC (Military Science) Course Information Appendix G: Marketing Course Information Appendix H: Technology Education Course Information Appendix I: Trade and Industrial Education Course Information Appendix J: CTE Finisher Codes Appendix K: Career Pathway Codes Appendix L: CTE Career Cluster Codes and Descriptions Appendix M: Graduate/Other Completer Codes (Code for Diploma Type) Appendix N: School Division Codes 24 Appendix A: Agricultural Education Course Information Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Agricultural Business Fundamentals 36 F 33 Agricultural Business Management 36 F 18201 23 Agricultural Business Operations 36 F 8095 99012 11 Agricultural Education Dual Enrollment 36 8053 18099 11 Agricultural Education--Development 10 36 36 Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8022 18201 13 8026 18201 8024 Course Description Max Enroll 8050 18003 11 Agricultural Education--Preparation 15 8019 18404 11 Agricultural Fabrication and Emerging Technologies 20 36 F 8018 18402 12 Agricultural Power Systems 20 36 F 8020 18402 22 Agricultural Power Systems, Advanced 20 36 F 8012 18301 23 Agricultural Production Management 20 36 F 8010 18301 13 Agricultural Production Technology 20 36 F 8017 18403 11 Agricultural Structural Systems 20 36 F 8004 68001 33 Agriscience and Technology (18/36 weeks) 8003 68001 23 Agriscience Exploration 8072 18002 12 Applied Agricultural Concepts 20 18 8073 18002 22 Applied Agricultural Concepts 20 36 8086 18309 12 Biological Applications in Agriculture 36 8087 18309 22 Biotechnology Applications in Agriculture 36 8085 18308 11 Biotechnology Foundations in Agricultural Education 36 8045 03063 23 Ecology and Environmental Management 18 F 8046 03063 33 Ecology and Environmental Management 18 36 F 18 F 8015 18104 12 Equine Management Production 20 8080 18104 22 Equine Management Production 20 36 F 8041 18501 11 Fisheries and Wildlife Management 20 36 F 8055 18056 13 Floral Design I 36 M 8056 18056 23 Floral Design II 36 M 8038 18052 22 Floriculture 20 36 F 8042 18502 13 Forestry Management 20 36 F 8044 18502 23 Forestry Management, Advanced 20 36 F 36 8006 18001 11 Foundations of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources 20 8070 18401 22 General Mechanics--Preparation 15 36 8035 18053 11 Greenhouse Plant Production and Management 20 36 F 8034 18052 12 Horticulture Sciences 20 36 F 8002 68001 13 Introduction to Agriscience 8008 18101 11 Introduction to Animal Systems 20 36 8040 18504 12 Introduction to Natural Resources and Ecology Systems 20 36 8007 18051 11 Introduction to Plant Systems 20 36 36 F F 8016 18401 12 Introduction to Power, Structural, and Technical Systems 20 8047 18505 11 Land Use and Conservation Management 20 36 F 8036 18054 14 Landscaping 20 36 F 25 Appendix A: Agricultural Education Course Information (Continued) Max Enroll Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Landscaping II 20 36 F 20 36 F 22 Operating the Farm Business Outdoor Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Systems Management 20 36 F 18102 13 Small Animal Care I 18 8083 18102 23 Small Animal Care I 36 8084 18102 33 Small Animal Care II 36 8021 20110 15 Small Engine Repair 20 18 F 8082 20110 25 Small Engine Repair 20 36 F 8037 18056 33 Specialty Horticulture Arts 20 36 F 8054 18054 44 Turf Grass Applications, Advanced 20 36 F 8051 18054 34 Turf Grass Establishment and Maintenance 20 36 F 20 36 F 36 M Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8039 18054 24 8014 18301 33 8043 18504 8081 Course Description 8048 18502 33 Urban Forestry 8310 99019 12 Veterinary Assistant I 8311 99019 22 Veterinary Assistant II 20 36 M 8088 18105 11 Veterinary Science 20 36 F 26 Appendix B: Business and Information Technology Course Information Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 6320 12104 12 Accounting 36 6321 12104 22 Accounting, Advanced 36 6810 99003 11 Business and Information Technology--Dual Enrollment Course Description Max Enroll Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender 36 6745 12999 11 Business Individualized Program--Development 10 18 6746 62999 11 Business Individualized Program--Development 10 36 6132 12054 12 Business Law 18 6131 12054 22 Business Law 36 6136 12052 12 Business Management 18 6135 12052 22 Business Management 36 6617 10004 12 Computer Applications 18 M 6611 10004 22 Computer Applications 36 M F 6614 10005 14 Computer Information Systems 18 6612 10005 24 Computer Information Systems 36 F 6615 10005 34 Computer Information Systems, Advanced 18 F 6613 10005 44 Computer Information Systems, Advanced 36 F 6650 10109 12 Computer Network Software Operations 36 F 6651 10109 22 Computer Network Software Operations, Advanced 36 F 6610 60010 22 Computer Solutions 36 F 6609 60010 12 Computer Solutions (6/9/12/18 weeks) F 6660 10052 11 Database Design and Management (Oracle) 36 F 6661 10055 11 Database Design and Management (Oracle), Advanced 36 F 6662 10053 11 Database Design and Management with PL/SQL (Oracle) 36 F 6632 10203 14 Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies 18 F 6630 10203 24 Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies 36 F 6633 10203 34 Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies, Advanced 18 F 6631 10203 44 Design, Multimedia, and Web Technologies, Advanced 36 F 6160 10003 12 Digital Input Technologies 18 M M 6161 10003 22 Digital Input Technologies 36 6120 22210 12 Economics and Personal Finance 36 6121 22210 22 Finance 18 6670 10254 11 Information Technology (IT) Fundamentals 36 IB6135 12059 12 36 IB6613 10007 12 International Baccalaureate Business and Management International Baccalaureate Information Technology in a Global Society 6150 62005 12 Keyboarding (Middle School) (6/9/12/18 weeks) 6151 12005 13 Keyboarding (Secondary) 18 M 6153 12005 23 Keyboarding Applications 18 M 6152 12005 33 Keyboarding Applications 36 M 6736 12008 12 Legal Systems Administration 18 M Legal Systems Administration 36 M 6735 12008 22 36 F F M 27 Appendix B: Business and Information Technology Course Information (Continued) Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Medical Systems Administration 18 M 22 Medical Systems Administration 36 M 12003 12 Office Administration 18 M 6621 12003 22 Office Administration 36 M 6740 12004 13 Office Specialist I --Preparation 15 36 M 6741 12004 23 Office Specialist II--Preparation 15 36 M 6742 12004 33 Office Specialist III--Preparation 15 36 M 6116 12051 12 Principles of Business and Marketing 18 6115 12051 22 Principles of Business and Marketing 36 6640 10152 12 Programming 36 F 6641 10152 22 Programming, Advanced 36 F 6626 12006 12 Word Processing 18 M 6625 12006 22 Word Processing 36 M Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 6731 14153 12 6730 14153 6622 Course Description Max Enroll 28 Appendix C: Career Connections (Including Special Programs) Course Information Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 9074 22250 12 Career Interpretation Phase II 18 9071 22250 22 Career Interpretation Phase II 36 9069 72250 12 Career Investigation Phase I 18 9070 72250 22 Career Investigation Phase I 36 9030 72152 15 Education for Employment, Development--Introduction 10 6 9031 72152 25 Education for Employment, Development--Introduction 10 9 9032 72152 35 Education for Employment, Development--Introduction 10 12 9082 72152 45 Education for Employment, Development--Introduction 10 18 36 Course Description Max Enroll Length (weeks) 9083 72152 55 Education for Employment, Development--Introduction 10 9084 22154 12 Education for Employment, Level I--Development 10 18 9085 22154 22 Education for Employment, Level I--Development 10 36 9086 22156 12 Education for Employment, Level II--Development 10 18 9087 22156 22 Education for Employment, Level II--Development 10 36 9079 22155 12 Education for Employment, Level II--Preparation 15 18 9080 22155 22 Education for Employment, Level II--Preparation 15 36 9077 22153 12 Education for Employment, Level I--Preparation 15 18 36 NonTrad Gender 9078 22153 22 Education for Employment, Level I--Preparation 15 9020 72151 15 Education for Employment, Preparation--Introduction 15 6 9021 72151 25 Education for Employment, Preparation--Introduction 15 9 9022 72151 35 Education for Employment, Preparation--Introduction 15 12 9075 72151 45 Education for Employment, Preparation--Introduction 15 18 9076 72151 55 Education for Employment, Preparation--Introduction 15 36 9093 12053 12 Entrepreneurship Education 36 9094 12053 22 Entrepreneurship Education, Advanced 36 IB9098 22160 11 IB APPROACHES TO LEARNING (ATL) 9091 22102 11 Introduction to Leadership 18 9060 69001 12 Introduction to Virginia Teachers For Tomorrow 18 M 9061 69001 22 Introduction to Virginia Teachers For Tomorrow 36 M 9096 22101 12 Leadership Development 18 9097 22101 22 Leadership Development 36 9062 19151 12 Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow I 36 M 9072 19151 22 Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow II 36 M 29 Appendix D: Family and Consumer Sciences Course Information Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Career, Community and Family Connections 18 M 22 Career, Community and Family Connections 36 M 12 Child Development and Parenting 18 M 36 M Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8205 22249 12 8282 22249 8231 22204 Course Description Max Enroll 8232 22204 22 Child Development and Parenting 8275 16052 13 Culinary Arts I 20 36 F 8276 16052 23 Culinary Arts II 20 36 F 8279 16052 33 Culinary Arts Specialization 20 36 F 8285 19153 34 Early Childhood, Education, and Services I 20 36 M 8286 19153 44 Early Childhood, Education, and Services II 20 36 M 8222 99004 11 Family and Consumer Sciences – Development 10 36 8224 99005 11 Family and Consumer Sciences – Preparation 15 36 8266 99006 11 Family and Consumer Sciences Dual Enrollment 36 8204 72249 14 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory I 6 8206 72249 24 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory I 9 8207 72249 34 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory I 12 8208 72249 44 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory I 18 8260 72207 14 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory II 6 8261 72207 24 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory II 9 8262 72207 34 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory II 12 8263 72207 44 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory II 18 8241 72201 15 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory III 6 8242 72201 25 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory III 9 8243 72201 35 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory III 12 8244 72201 45 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory III 18 8245 72201 55 Family and Consumer Sciences Exploratory III 36 8264 19999 12 Family and Human Services I 36 8265 19999 22 Family and Human Services II 36 M M M 8223 22208 14 Family Relations 18 8225 22208 24 Family Relations 36 M 8280 22205 34 Fashion Careers I 36 M 8281 22205 44 36 M 8277 22208 34 18 M 8278 22208 44 36 M 8213 22247 11 Fashion Careers II GRADS (Graduation, Reality, And Dual-Role Skills): Family Focus GRADS (Graduation, Reality, And Dual-Role Skills): Family Focus GRADS (Graduation, Reality, and Dual-Role Skills): Work Focus 36 M 8202 16999 12 Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation I 36 M M 8203 16999 22 Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation II 36 8214 22201 12 Independent Living 18 M 8219 22201 22 Independent Living 36 M 30 Appendix D: Family and Consumer Sciences Course Information (Continued) Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Individual Development 18 M 22 Individual Development 36 M 22211 34 Interior Design I 36 M 8296 22211 44 Interior Design II 36 M 8249 16051 12 Introduction to Culinary Arts 20 18 F 8250 16051 22 Introduction to Culinary Arts 20 36 F 8233 19153 14 Introduction to Early Childhood, Education, and Services 18 M 8234 19153 24 Introduction to Early Childhood, Education, and Services 36 M M Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8209 22207 12 8210 22207 8295 Course Description Max Enroll 8237 19001 12 Introduction to Family and Human Services 18 8238 19001 22 Introduction to Family and Human Services 36 M 8247 22205 14 Introduction to Fashion Careers 18 M 8248 22205 24 Introduction to Fashion Careers 36 M 8258 16001 12 Introduction to Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation 18 M 8259 16001 22 Introduction to Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation 36 M 8254 22211 14 Introduction to Interior Design 18 M 8255 22211 24 Introduction to Interior Design 36 M M 8226 22206 12 Life Planning 18 8227 22206 22 Life Planning 36 M 8228 22202 12 Nutrition and Wellness 18 M 8229 22202 22 Nutrition and Wellness 36 M 31 Appendix E: Health and Medical Sciences Course Information Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Biomedical Innovation (PLTW) 36 M 11 Biomedical Technician 36 M 14252 11 Biotechnology Foundations in Health & Medical Sciences 36 8328 14054 12 Dental Assistant I 20 36 M 8329 14054 22 Dental Assistant II 20 36 M 8333 14055 13 Emergency Medical Technician I 36 8334 14055 23 Emergency Medical Technician II 36 8335 14055 33 Emergency Medical Technician III 36 8394 14155 11 Health and Medical Sciences Dual Enrollment 36 M 8370 64001 11 Health and Medical Sciences Exploratory 36 M 8331 14002 12 Health Assisting Careers 36 M 8364 14053 11 Home Health Aide 36 M 8380 14251 11 Human Body Systems (PLTW) 36 M 8302 14001 11 Introduction to Health and Medical Sciences 36 M 8390 14199 11 Introduction to Nutrition for Health and Medical Sciences 18 M 8345 14151 12 Medical Assistant I 36 M M Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8382 14297 11 8347 14049 8344 Course Description Max Enroll 8346 14151 22 Medical Assistant II 36 8381 14063 11 Medical Interventions (PLTW) 36 M 8377 14102 12 Medical Laboratory Technology I 36 M 8378 14102 22 Medical Laboratory Technology II 36 M 8383 14154 11 Medical Terminology 36 M 8332 14002 22 Mental Health Assisting Careers 36 M 8360 14051 12 Nurse Aide I 36 M 8362 14051 22 Nurse Aide II 36 M M 8305 14152 12 Pharmacy Technician I 36 8306 14152 22 Pharmacy Technician II 36 M 8365 14060 12 Physical/Occupational Therapy 36 M 8357 14052 13 Practical Nursing I 18 M 8358 14052 23 Practical Nursing II 18 M 8359 14052 33 Practical Nursing III 36 M 8379 14254 11 Principles of the Biomedical Sciences (PLTW) 36 M 8375 14105 12 Radiologic Technology I 36 8376 14105 22 Radiologic Technology II 36 8372 14061 12 Respiratory Therapy I 36 M 8373 14061 22 Respiratory Therapy II 36 M 7660 14062 12 Sports Medicine I 36 7662 14062 22 Sports Medicine II 36 8351 14056 12 Surgical Technologist I 36 M 8352 14056 22 Surgical Technologist II 36 M 32 Appendix F: JROTC (Military Science) Course Information Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence Course Description Max Enroll Length (weeks) Non- Trad Gender 7913 09051 11 Army Military Science I 36 F 7916 09052 11 Army Military Science II 36 F 7918 09053 11 Army Military Science III 36 F 7919 09054 11 Army Military Science IV 36 F AF7913 09151 11 Air Force Military Science I 36 F AF7916 09152 11 Air Force Military Science II 36 F AF7918 09153 11 Air Force Military Science III 36 F AF7919 09154 11 Air Force Military Science IV 36 F MC7913 09201 11 Marine Corps Military Science I 36 F MC7916 09202 11 Marine Corps Military Science II 36 F MC7918 09203 11 Marine Corps Military Science III 36 F MC7919 09204 11 Marine Corps Military Science IV 7920 09004 14 Military Science V 36 36 F F 7922 09004 24 Military Science VI 36 F 7924 09004 34 Military Science VII 36 F 7926 09004 44 Military Science VIII 36 F NA7913 09101 11 Naval Military Science I 36 F NA7916 09102 11 Naval Military Science II 36 F NA7918 09103 11 Naval Military Science III 36 F NA7919 09104 11 Naval Military Science IV 36 F 33 Appendix G: Marketing Course Information SCED Code SCED Sequence 8125 12162 11 Digital Marketing 36 8140 12153 12 Fashion Marketing 36 M 8145 12153 22 Fashion Marketing, Advanced 36 M 8135 12056 12 Global Marketing and Commerce 36 8136 12056 22 Global Marketing and Commerce, Advanced 36 8160 12159 12 Hotel Marketing 36 M 8162 12159 22 Hotel Marketing, Advanced 36 M 8111 12160 12 Introduction to Marketing 18 8110 12160 22 Introduction to Marketing 36 8109 62151 14 Make It Your Business 6 8112 62151 24 Make It Your Business 9 8113 62151 34 Make It Your Business 12 8114 62151 44 Make It Your Business 18 8120 12164 11 Marketing 36 8130 12152 11 Marketing, Advanced 36 8198 99007 11 Marketing Education Dual Enrollment 36 8132 12166 11 Marketing Management 36 8175 12163 12 36 F 8177 12163 22 Sports, Entertainment, and Recreation Marketing Sports, Entertainment, and Recreation Marketing, Advanced 36 F 8165 16151 11 Travel and Tourism Marketing 36 M 8167 16152 11 Travel and Tourism Marketing, Advanced 36 M Course Description Max Enroll Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Course Code 34 Appendix H: Technology Education Course Information Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Advanced Drawing and Design 36 F 22 Advanced Technology Studies II 36 11 Aerospace Engineering (PLTW) 36 F F Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8438 21149 11 8466 21097 8428 21013 Course Description Max Enroll 8487 21055 12 Aerospace Technology I 36 8488 21055 22 Aerospace Technology II 36 F 8492 21103 12 Architectural Drawing and Design 18 F 8437 21103 22 Architectural Drawing and Design 36 F 8467 21049 11 Bioengineering 36 F 8429 21014 11 Biotechnical Engineering (PLTW) 36 F 8411 21999 12 Biotechnology Foundations 18 F 8468 21999 11 Biotechnology Foundations in Technology Education 36 F 8430 21012 11 Civil Engineering and Architecture (PLTW) 36 8418 11002 12 Communication Systems 18 F 8415 11002 22 Communication Systems 36 F 8442 21010 11 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (PLTW) 36 F 8432 17002 12 Construction Technology 20 18 F 8431 17002 22 Construction Technology 20 36 F 8440 21008 11 Digital Electronics (PLTW) 36 F 8459 11153 11 Digital Visualization 36 F F 8417 17106 14 Electronics Systems I 18 8416 17106 24 Electronics Systems I 36 F 8412 17106 34 Electronics Systems II 36 F 8413 17106 44 Electronics Systems III 36 F 8495 20101 12 Energy and Power 20 18 F 8448 20101 22 Energy and Power 20 36 F 8451 21005 23 Engineering Analysis and Applications II 36 F 8452 21005 33 Engineering Concepts and Processes III 36 F F 8443 21007 11 Engineering Design and Development (PLTW) 36 8493 21106 12 Engineering Drawing and Design 18 F 8436 21106 22 Engineering Drawing and Design 36 F 8450 21005 13 Engineering Explorations I 36 F 8453 21047 11 Engineering Practicum IV 36 F 8491 21002 11 Engineering Studies 36 F 8409 15053 11 Forensic Technology 36 8476 71002 12 Gateway to Technology Core 18 F F 20 8479 71002 22 Gateway to Technology Specialty 18 8423 21056 12 Geospatial Technology I 36 F 8424 21056 22 Geospatial Technology II 36 F 8419 20151 12 Global Logistics & Enterprise Systems I 36 F 8422 20151 22 Global Logistics & Enterprise Systems II 36 F 35 Appendix H: Technology Education Course Information (Continued) Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Graphic Communications Systems 18 F 22 Graphic Communications Systems 36 F 11054 12 Imaging Technology 18 F 8455 11054 22 Imaging Technology 36 F 8473 21098 12 Industrial Occupational Exploration 18 8472 21098 22 Industrial Occupational Exploration 36 8496 13999 11 Information Technology in Production Systems 36 F IB4585 10206 12 International Baccalaureate Design Technology I 36 F F F Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8494 11155 12 8458 11155 8474 Course Description Max Enroll IB4586 10206 22 International Baccalaureate Design Technology II 36 8439 21006 11 Introduction to Engineering Design (PLTW) 36 8480 71051 15 Introduction to Technology 6 8481 71051 25 Introduction to Technology 9 8484 71051 35 Introduction to Technology 12 8482 71051 45 Introduction to Technology 18 8483 8456 71051 Introduction to Technology 36 71003 55 15 Inventions and Innovations 6 8454 71003 25 Inventions and Innovations 9 8485 71003 35 Inventions and Innovations 12 8464 71003 45 Inventions and Innovations 18 8461 8426 71003 55 Inventions and Innovations 36 13002 Manufacturing Systems I 20 18 F 8425 13002 13 23 Manufacturing Systems I 20 36 F 8427 13002 33 Manufacturing Systems II, Advanced 20 36 F 8478 13052 12 Materials and Processes Technology 20 18 F 20 36 F 36 F 8433 13052 22 Materials and Processes Technology 8460 21015 11 Modeling and Simulation Technology 8444 20102 12 Power and Transportation 20 18 F 8445 20102 22 Power and Transportation 20 36 F 8441 21004 11 Principles of Engineering (PLTW) 36 F 9811 10153 12 Principles of Technology I 36 F 9812 10153 22 Principles of Technology II 36 F 8446 13101 12 Production Systems 20 18 F 20 36 F 8447 13101 22 Production Systems 8408 17105 11 Renewable Energy 36 F 8414 21053 11 Sustainability and Renewable Technologies 36 F 8434 21101 12 Technical Drawing and Design 18 F 8435 21101 22 Technical Drawing and Design 36 F 8477 71004 15 Technological Systems 6 8457 71004 25 Technological Systems 9 8486 71004 35 Technological Systems 12 8463 71004 45 Technological Systems 18 8462 71004 55 Technological Systems 36 8406 21054 12 Technology Assessment 18 F 8407 21054 22 Technology Assessment 36 F 36 Appendix H: Technology Education Course Information (Continued) SCED Code SCED Sequence 8498 99011 11 Technology Education Dual Enrollment 8471 13099 11 Technology Education--Development 10 36 8469 21099 11 Technology Education--Preparation 15 36 8402 21003 12 Technology Foundations 18 F 8403 21003 22 Technology Foundations 36 F 8420 99009 11 Technology of Robotic Design 18 F 8421 99010 11 Technology of Robotic Design 36 F 8465 21097 12 Technology Studies I 36 F Course Description Max Enroll Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Course Code 36 8404 21052 12 Technology Transfer 18 8405 21052 22 Technology Transfer 36 F 8497 11055 11 Video and Media Technology 36 F 37 Appendix I: Trade and Industrial Education Course Information (*Note: These courses are transitioning into two year courses.) SCED Code SCED Sequence 8570 05163 13 Advertising Design I 36 8571 05163 23 Advertising Design II 36 8572* 05163 33 Advertising Design III 36 8734 20999 11 Air Traffic Controller 20 36 F 8731 20053 13 Aircraft Pilot Training I 20 36 F 8732 20053 23 Aircraft Pilot Training II 20 36 F 8733 20053 33 Aircraft Pilot Training III 20 36 F 20 36 F 20 36 F Course Description Max Enroll Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Course Code 8679 20149 13 8681 20149 33 Auto Body Repair I--Collision and Repair Auto Body Repair III Collision and Repair and Painting and Refinishing 8680 20149 23 Auto Body Repair II--Painting and Refinishing 20 36 F 8676 20117 13 20 36 F 8678 20117 33 Auto Body Technology I--Collision and Repair Auto Body Technology III--Collision and Repair and Painting and Refinishing 20 36 F 8677 20117 23 Auto Body Technology II--Painting and Refinishing 20 36 F 8506 20104 13 Automotive Technology I 20 36 F 8507 20104 23 Automotive Technology II 20 36 F 8508 20104 33 Automotive Technology III 20 36 F 8728 20114 12 Aviation Maintenance Technology I 20 36 F 8729 20114 22 Aviation Maintenance Technology II 20 36 F 8730 20998 11 Aviation Operations Management 8740 19102 13 Barbering I 20 36 F 36 F 36 8741 19102 23 Barbering II 20 8742* 19102 33 Barbering III 20 36 F 8675 20116 11 Basic Auto Body Repair 20 36 F 8600* 17005 11 Basic Carpentry 20 36 F 8546 19107 11 Beauty Salon Assistant 36 M 8549 17049 11 Bricklayer 36 F 8590 16103 13 Building Management I 20 36 F 36 F 20 8591 16103 23 Building Management II 20 8592 16103 33 Building Management III 20 36 F 8515 17009 13 Building Trades I 20 36 F 8516 17009 23 Building Trades II 20 36 F 8517 17009 33 Building Trades III 20 36 F 8604 17007 13 Cabinetmaking I 20 36 F 8605 17007 23 Cabinetmaking II 20 36 F 8606* 17007 33 Cabinetmaking III 20 36 F 8601 17003 13 Carpentry I 20 36 F 36 F 36 F 8602 17003 23 Carpentry II 20 8603 17003 33 Carpentry III 20 38 Appendix I: Trade and Industrial Education Course Information (Continued) SCED Code SCED Sequence 8607 11052 12 Commercial Photography I 36 8608 11052 22 Commercial Photography II 36 8621 10252 11 Computer Maintenance 36 F 8542 10101 14 Computer Networking Hardware Operations I 18 F 8543 10101 24 Computer Networking Hardware Operations II 18 F 8544 10101 34 Computer Networking Hardware Operations III 18 F 8545 10101 44 Computer Networking Hardware Operations IV 18 F 8622 10002 13 Computer Systems Technology I 36 F F Course Description Max Enroll Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Course Code 8623 10002 23 Computer Systems Technology II 36 8624 10002 33 Computer Systems Technology III 36 F 8527 19101 13 Cosmetology I 20 36 M 8528 19101 23 Cosmetology II 20 36 M 8529* 19101 33 Cosmetology III 20 36 M 8702 15051 13 Criminal Justice I 36 F 8703 15051 23 Criminal Justice II 36 F 8704* 15051 33 Criminal Justice III 36 F 36 F 8613 20107 13 Diesel Equipment Technology I 20 8614 20107 23 Diesel Equipment Technology II 20 36 F 8615* 20107 33 Diesel Equipment Technology III 20 36 F 8530 21102 13 Drafting I 36 F 8531 21102 23 Drafting II 36 F 8532 21102 33 Drafting III 36 F 8533 17102 13 Electricity I 20 36 F 8534 17102 23 Electricity II 20 36 F 20 36 F 8535 17102 33 Electricity III 8536 17101 13 Electronics Technology I 36 F 8547 17101 13 Electronics / Industrial Robotics Technology 36 F 8537 17101 23 Electronics Technology 36 F 8538 17101 33 Electronics Technology III 36 F 8705 15152 12 Firefighting I 20 36 F 8706 15152 22 Firefighting II 20 36 F 8660 11154 13 Graphic Imaging Technology I 20 36 F 36 F 8661 11154 23 Graphic Imaging Technology II 20 8662* 11154 33 Graphic Imaging Technology III 20 36 F 8503 17056 13 20 36 F 8504 17056 23 20 36 F 8505* 17056 33 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration I Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration II Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration III 20 36 F 8901 17998 14 Industrial Cooperative Training I 36 36 36 8902 17998 24 Industrial Cooperative Training II ** 8903 17998 34 ** 8904 17998 44 Industrial Cooperative Training III Industrial Cooperative Training Senior Intensified Program 8575 13203 13 Industrial Maintenance Technology I 20 36 36 F 39 Appendix I: Trade and Industrial Education Course Information (Continued) Max Enroll Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Industrial Maintenance Technology II 20 36 F 33 Industrial Maintenance Technology III 20 36 F 21009 22 Industrial Robotics Technology 36 F 8750 20111 13 Marine Service Technology I 20 36 F 8751 20111 23 Marine Service Technology II 20 36 F 8752* 20111 33 Marine Service Technology III 20 36 F 8512 17008 13 Masonry I 20 36 F 8513 17008 23 Masonry II 20 36 F 36 F Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8576 13203 23 8577* 13203 8558 Course Description 8514 17008 33 Masonry III 20 8509 20105 13 Motorsports Technology I 20 36 F 8510 20105 23 Motorsports Technology II 20 36 F 8511 20105 33 Motorsports Technology III 20 36 F 8692 19105 12 Nail Technician I 36 M 8693 19105 22 Nail Technician II 36 M 8551 17058 13 Plumbing I 20 36 F 8552 17058 23 Plumbing II 20 36 F 36 F 8553 17058 33 Plumbing III 20 8539 13204 13 Precision Machining Technology I 20 36 F 8540 13204 23 Precision Machining Technology II 20 36 F 8541 13204 33 Precision Machining Technology III 20 36 F 8700 15101 12 Public Safety I 36 F 8701 15101 22 Public Safety II 36 F 8640 11051 13 Radio Communications I 36 F 8641 11051 23 Radio Communications II 36 F F 8642* 11051 33 Radio Communications III 36 8557 21009 13 Robotic Workcell Technology I 36 F 8559 21009 33 Robotic Workcell Technology III 36 F 8663 13205 13 Sheet Metal I 20 36 F 8664 13205 23 Sheet Metal II 20 36 F 8665 13205 33 Sheet Metal III 20 36 F 8724 20109 11 Small Engine Repair 20 36 F 8725 20110 35 Small Engine Technology I 20 36 F 36 F 8726 20110 45 Small Engine Technology II 20 8727* 20110 55 Small Engine Technology III 20 36 F 8650 10006 12 Telecommunications I 20 36 F 8651 10006 22 Telecommunications II 20 36 F 8688 11103 13 Television and Media Production I 36 8689 11103 23 Television and Media Production II 36 8690 11103 33 Television and Media Production III 36 8801 99008 11 Trade and Industrial Education--Dual Enrollment 36 8616 17048 13 Utility/Heavy Construction I 20 36 F 8617 17048 23 Utility/Heavy Construction II 20 36 F 8618* 17048 33 Utility/Heavy Construction III 20 36 F 8672 13207 13 Welding I 20 36 F 40 Appendix I: Trade and Industrial Education Course Information (Continued) Course Code SCED Code SCED Sequence 8673 13207 23 8674 13207 33 Max Enroll Length (weeks) NonTrad Gender Welding II 20 36 F Welding III 20 36 F Course Description *Note: These courses are transitioning into two year courses **Refer to Superintendent’s Memo #181-14 reference temporary flexibility in pupil/teacher ratio. 41 Appendix J: CTE Finisher Codes Code Description 1 Student has finished CTE course requirements for program completion. 3 Student took at least one state-approved CTE course since 7th grade but has not finished CTE course requirements for completion. 4 Student has not taken any state-approved CTE courses since 7th grade. 5 Student finished CTE requirements for completion and completion of a CTE dual enrollment course(s). 42 Appendix K: Career Pathway Codes and Descriptions Code 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0201 0202 0203 0301 0302 0303 0304 0305 0306 0401 0402 0403 0404 0405 0501 0502 0503 0601 0602 0603 0604 0605 0701 0702 0703 0704 0705 0706 0707 0801 0802 0803 Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources Food Products and Processing Systems Plant Systems Animal Systems Power, Structural and Technical Systems Natural Resources Systems Environmental Service Systems Agribusiness Systems Architecture and Construction Design/Pre-Construction Construction Maintenance/Operations Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications Audio and Video Technology and Film Printing Technology Visual Arts Performing Arts Journalism and Broadcasting Telecommunications Business Management and Administration General Management Business Information Management Human Resources Management Operations Management Administrative Support Education and Training Administration and Administrative Support Professional Support Services Teaching/Training Finance Securities and Investments Business Finance Accounting Insurance Banking Services Government and Public Administration Governance National Security Foreign Service Planning Revenue and Taxation Regulation Public Management and Administration Health Science Therapeutic Services Diagnostic Services Health Informatics 43 Appendix K: Career Pathway Codes and Descriptions (Continued) Code 0804 0805 0901 0902 0903 0904 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1101 1102 1103 1104 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1301 1302 1303 1304 1305 1306 1401 1402 1403 1404 1405 1501 1502 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 Health Science (cont.) Support Services Biotechnology Research and Development Hospitality and Tourism Restaurants and Food/Beverage Services Lodging Travel & Tourism Recreation, Amusements and Attractions Human Services Early Childhood Development and Services Counseling and Mental Health Services Family and Community Services Personal Care Services Consumer Services Information Technology Network Systems Information Support and Services Web and Digital Communications Programming and Software Development Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security Correction Services Emergency and Fire Management Services Security & Protective Services Law Enforcement Services Legal Services Manufacturing Production Manufacturing Production Process Development Maintenance, Installation & Repair Quality Assurance Logistics and Inventory Control Health, Safety and Environmental Assurance Marketing Marketing Management Professional Sales Merchandising Marketing Communications Marketing Research Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Engineering and Technology Science and Mathematics Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Transportation Operations Logistics Planning and Management Services Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management and Regulation Health, Safety and Environmental Management Sales and Service 44 Appendix L: CTE Career Cluster Codes CTE Career Cluster Code Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 1 Architecture and Construction 2 Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications 3 Business Management and Administration 4 Education and Training 5 Finance 6 Government and Public Administration 7 Health Science 8 Hospitality and Tourism 9 Human Services 10 Information Technology 11 Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security 12 Manufacturing 13 Marketing 14 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) 15 Transportation, Distribution and Logistics 16 45 Appendix M: Graduate/Other Completer Codes (Used with Completer Demographics Report) Graduate/ Other Completer Code Graduate/Other Completer Code Description 1 Standard Diploma 2 Advanced Studies Diploma 3 Special Diploma 4 Certificate of Program Completion 5 General Educational Development (GED) Certificate as a part of an alternative education program 6 International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma 7 Modified Standard Diploma 8 General Educational Development (GED) Certificate as a part of an ISAEP 9 10 11 General Achievement Diploma No award in this school year - school-age student whose IEP allows for multiple years in grade 12 No award in this school year - foreign exchange student Definition Diploma awarded to a student who has earned the standard diploma units of credit prescribed by the Board of Education, passed the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests, and who meets such other requirements as may be prescribed by the local school board and approved by the Board of Education. Diploma awarded to a student who has earned the advanced diploma units of credit prescribed by the Board of Education, passed the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests, and who meets such other requirements as may be prescribed by the local school board and approved by the Board of Education. Diploma awarded to students with disabilities who complete the requirements of their individualized education programs (IEP) and do not meet the requirements for other diplomas. Certificate awarded to students who do not qualify for a diploma but who complete a prescribed course of study as defined by the local school board. Document awarded to high school students in attendance and enrolled in a General Educational Development program who have earned a General Educational Development Certificate. Diploma awarded a student who has completed the requirements for the Advanced Studies Diploma and has also completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma program given by the International Baccalaureate Organization of Switzerland. Diploma awarded a student with disabilities who completes the requirements of his or her individualized education program (IEP). Document awarded a student who has successfully completed all of the requirements of his or her ISAEP, which includes passing the GED exam. Diploma awarded a student who has (1) achieved a passing score on the GED examination; (2) successfully completed an education and training program designated by the Board of Education; and (3) satisfied other requirements as may be established by the Board of Education for the award. (HB1473 approved by the 2003 General Assembly to be effective September 1, 2003) No award in this school year. Use this code for seniors whose IEP allow for multiple years in grade 12. This code should also be used for school-age students with an IEP who return to school after graduating. No award in this school year - foreign exchange, part-time private, or part-time home school student. 46 Appendix M: Graduate/Other Completer Codes (Continued) (Used with Completer Demographics Report) Graduate/ Other Completer Code 12 13 Graduate/Other Completer Code Description No award in this school year - student whose age and LEP status allows for multiple years in grade 12 No award in this school year - previously earned a Graduate/Other Completer Code 3-7 or 7-9 in a prior school year Definition No award in this school year. Use this code for seniors whose age and LEP status allow for multiple years in grade 12. No award in this school year. Use this code for a student who has previously earned a Graduate/Other Completer Code of 3-7 or 7-9 in a previous school year or another state. This is not an IEP or LEP student. 47 Appendix N: School Division Codes Counties Accomack Albemarle Alleghany Amelia Amherst Appomattox Arlington Augusta Bath Bedford Bland Botetourt Brunswick Buchanan Buckingham Campbell Caroline Carroll Charles City Charlotte Chesterfield Clarke Craig Culpeper 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 Cumberland Dickenson Dinwiddie Essex Fairfax Fauquier Floyd Fluvanna Franklin Frederick Giles Gloucester Goochland Grayson Greene Greensville Halifax Hanover Henrico Henry Highland Isle of Wight King George King & Queen 025 026 027 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 048 049 King William Lancaster Lee Loudoun Louisa Lunenburg Madison Mathews Mecklenburg Middlesex Montgomery Nelson New Kent Northampton Northumberland Nottoway Orange Page Patrick Pittsylvania Powhatan Prince Edward Prince George Prince William 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 062 063 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 Pulaski Rappahannock Richmond Roanoke Rockbridge Rockingham Russell Scott Shenandoah Smyth Southampton Spotsylvania Stafford Surry Sussex Tazewell Warren Washington Westmoreland Williamsburg/ James City Co. Wise Wythe York 077 078 079 080 081 082 083 084 085 086 087 088 089 090 091 092 093 094 095 101 140 102 103 104 136 106 107 108 Falls Church Franklin City Fredericksburg Galax Hampton Harrisonburg Hopewell Lexington Lynchburg 109 135 110 111 112 113 114 137 115 Manassas Manassas Park Martinsville Newport News Norfolk Norton Petersburg Poquoson Portsmouth 143 144 116 117 118 119 120 142 121 Radford Richmond City Roanoke City Salem Staunton Suffolk Virginia Beach Waynesboro Winchester 122 123 124 139 126 127 128 130 132 131 096 097 098 Cities Alexandria Bedford Bristol Buena Vista Charlottesville Chesapeake Colonial Heights Covington Danville Towns Colonial Beach Special Schools 202 West Point Div Code School code VSDB-Staunton 218 4013 Enterprise Academy (NNHampton) 402 0402 207 48 Appendix N: School Division Codes (continued) Regional Career and Technical Education Centers Amelia-Nottoway Technical Center Bridging Communities Regional CTE Center 311 313 New Horizons Regional Education Center 307 Northern Neck Technical Center 310 Charlottesville-Albemarle Technology Center 301 The Pruden Center for Industry & Technology 308 Jackson River Technical Center 302 Rowanty Technical Center 309 Massanutten Technical Center 304 Valley Vocational-Technical Center 306 Governor’s STEM Academy Division and School Codes Div Code School Code Blue Ridge Crossroads Governor’s Academy for Technical Education (BRCGATE) 018 7313 Fostering Innovation and Relevance through STEM and Trades (FIRST) 308 0130 Governor's Career &Technical Academy for Renewable Resources and Agricultural Sciences 041 1665 Governor's Career and Technical Academy for Engineering Studies 021 0980 Governor's Career & Technical Education Academy in Arlington (GCTAA) 007 0623 Governor’s STEM Academy at Chantilly High School 029 2446 Governor’s STEM Academy at Christiansburg High School 060 0810 Governor’s STEM Academy at George C. Marshall High School 029 2454 Governor’s STEM Academy at Harrisonburg High School 113 0211 Governor’s STEM Academy at the Burton Center for Arts and Technology 080 0591 Governor’s STEM Academy for Engineering, Marketing and Information Technology Studies 128 1031 Greater Peninsula Governor’s STEM Academy 307 0230 Hampton City Public Schools Governor’s STEM Academy 112 1200 Heritage High School Governor's STEM Academy 117 1455 Loudoun Governor’s Career and Technical Academy 053 0990 Lynchburg Regional Governor’s STEM Academy 115 0380 Northern Neck Technical Center Governor's STEM Academy for Agriculture and Maritime Studies 310 0020 Pulaski County Public Schools Governor's STEM Academy 077 0610 Stafford Academy for Technology (STAT) 089 0900 STEM for LIFE Governor's Academy 083 0903 The Bridging Communities Governor’s STEM Academy 313 0020 The Governor's Career and Technical Education Academy for STEM in Richmond 123 3120 The Grassfield High School Governor’s STEM Academy 136 0965 Div Code School Code Albemarle County Public Schools Governor’s Health Science Academy at Monticello High School 002 0350 Bedford County Public Schools Governor’s Health Sciences Academy 010 0600 Chesterfield County Public Schools Governor’s Health Sciences Academy 021 0990 Fairfax County Public Schools Governor’s Health Sciences Academy at Falls Church High School 029 2452 Fairfax County Public Schools Governor's Health Sciences Academy at West Potomac High School 029 2456 Gloucester County Public Schools and Mathews County Public Schools Governor’s Health Sciences Academy 036 0290 Hampton City Public Schools Governor’s Health Sciences Academy Newport News Public Schools and York County Public Schools Governor’s Health Science Academy 112 117 1100 1445 Superintendent's Region 8 Governor’s Health Sciences Academy 025 0910 Governor’s Health Science Academy Division and School Codes 49
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