Kontrastekokardiografi Reidar Winter Överläkare Hjärtkliniken Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Professor i Medicinsk Teknik, KTH - Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, STH Stockholm Är det farligt att ge ultraljudskontrast? Contra indications: 1. 2. Significant intracardiac shunt Known hypersensibilty to the agent In acute conditions: Monitoring of vital signs for 30 minutes Slutsatser avseende säkerhet: • Samtliga tillgängliga ekokontrastmedel har extremt god säkerhetsprofil • Kontraindikationer: – Överkänslighet mot den aktiva substansen eller mot något hjälpämne. – Pulmonell hypertension med ett systoliskt lungartärtryck på > 90 mm Hg. – Betydande intrakardiell shunt Är det farligt att ge ultraljudskontrast? NEJ ! När och varför skall vi använda kontrast? Evidence-based recommendations by European Association of Echocardiography EJE 2009;10:194-212 www.escardio.org/communities/EAE/publications/Pages/papers-interest.aspx ä ASE SYNOPSIS OF SUGGESTED APPLICATIONS FOR ULTRASOUND CONTRAST AGENT USE: • • • • • • • To enable improved endocardial visualization and assessment of left ventricular (LV) structure and function when 2 contiguous segments are not seen on noncontrast images To reduce variability and increase accuracy in LV volume and LV ejection fraction (LVEF) measurements by 2-dimensional (2D) echocardiography To increase the confidence of the interpreting physician in LV functional, structure, and volume assessments To confirm or exclude the echocardiographic diagnosis of the following LV structural abnormalities, when nonenhanced images are suboptimal for definitive diagnosis Apical variant of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Ventricular noncompaction Apical thrombus Complications of myocardial infarction, such as LV aneurysm, pseudoaneurysm, and myocardial rupture To assist in the detection and correct classification of intracardiac masses, including tumors and thrombi For echocardiographic imaging in the ICU when standard tissue harmonic imaging does not provide adequate cardiac structural definition To enhance Doppler signals when a clearly defined spectral profile is not visible and is necessary to the evaluation of diastolic and/or valvular function ASE consensus statement JASE 2008;21:1179–1201 Lite praktikaliteter, fallgropar och artefakter Administration; infusion eller bolus? Intravenöst INFUSION BOLUS Intravenös inj/inf INFUSION BOLUS Sonovue/NaCl 5/5 ml, 0.8-1.2ml/min Sonovue 1-1.5 ml + 0.5 rep Optison/NaCl 3/10 ml, 1-1.5 ml/min Optison 0.5-1 ml + 0.3 rep +/- +/- Steady state intensitet ”Up and down” Kräver specialpump Kort duration Mer krävande administration Enklare att administrera The impact of Mechanical Index (MI) Destruktion av bubblor MI + 1,2 0,3 Bra kantdetektion, men destruktion i myokardiet MI Synlig perfusion men nedsatt penetration och kantdetektion 0.1 The impact of contrast dose (MI 0.15) Sonovue Bolus: 0,25 ml Ingen attenuering men apikal ”swirling” och dålig kantdetektion Relativt god kantdetektion, Ingen attenuering 0,5 ml 1 ml Mycket skarp kantdetektion apikalt och midventrikulärt, men lite attenuation i basala VK Impact of presets Adult echo preset, Tissue Harmonics, MI 1.2 LVO preset, issue Harmonics, MI 0.2 Adult echo preset, Tissue Harmonics, MI 0.3 Low MI preset (power modulation), MI 0.1 Nyttan av dedicerade kontrast inställningar: Patient med apikal hypertrofi: THI med MI 1,2 THI med MI 1,2 THI med MI 0.3 Power modulation med MI 0.3 Bubbles to the people…
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