Provider Manual Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT) and Speech Therapy (ST) TNGA Provider Manual (3) TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents .....................................................................................................................................2 Welcome! ................................................................................................................................................3 Important Contact Information ................................................................................................................4 Referral Process .......................................................................................................................................5 Evaluations .......................................................................................................................................................5 Referral Process for Therapy Providers ...........................................................................................................6 Communicating Referral Information to Therapy Network ............................................................................6 Assignment of Levels .......................................................................................................................................7 Global Period of Assigned Levels .....................................................................................................................8 Upgrade Process ..............................................................................................................................................8 Recommendation of Denial of an Upgrade Request .......................................................................................9 Continuation of Care after 1st Global Period has Expired ............................................................................. 10 Multiple Case Referral Requests ................................................................................................................... 10 Therapy (PT/OT/ST) Practice Guidelines....................................................................................................... 11 Claims Submission Protocols and Standards............................................................................................ 13 TNGA Payment Policies ................................................................................................................................. 15 Reimbursement of Upgrades ........................................................................................................................ 15 Claim Status Inquiry ...................................................................................................................................... 16 Coordination of Benefits/Subrogation.......................................................................................................... 16 Timing of Claims Payment............................................................................................................................. 17 Supplies and Equipment ......................................................................................................................... 19 Provider Complaint Process.................................................................................................................... 20 Quality Improvement ............................................................................................................................. 21 Provider Participation in Quality Improvement Procedures ........................................................................ 21 Attachments .......................................................................................................................................... 22 2|Page GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 WELCOME! HN1 Therapy Network of Georgia (TNGA) welcomes your participation in the provider network. We are pleased that you have opted to join our organization. As a participating provider, you play a central role in the delivery of covered services to our affiliated health plan members. TNGA’s provider manual is intended to serve as a reference guide to assist you and your staff in providing outpatient Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT) and/or Speech Therapy (ST) services to our affiliated members. We hope that you will find the information included in this document to be concise and useful in your role as a therapy provider. The intention of this provider manual is not to dictate to the therapy provider the recommended plan of care, which remains entirely in your hands as a licensed, qualified practitioner. TNGA will send you updates to this provider manual from time-to-time, as the need to amend the content is identified. Meanwhile, due to the rapid and frequent changes that occur in health care policy and regulations, you may come across a discrepancy between a current law and the process outlined by TNGA. In such instances, the most current policy adopted by the member’s health plan, federal and/or state regulations and laws, and/or the terms of your Provider Agreement will supersede any such information contained in this provider manual. Thank you for your participation in our provider network. We look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with you. Sincerely, Denisse Monserrate, M.D. TNGA, Chief Medical Officer 3|Page GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION The main telephone number for Therapy Network of Georgia (TNGA) is 1-855-8257818, which will give you the option of selecting the department you wish to reach. However, some functions have been issued dedicated telephone and fax numbers. Department TNGA Main Telephone Numbers Claims Processing (Outpatient Therapy ONLY) Member Services Provider Relations Referrals Verification of Eligibility Telephone 1-855-825-7818 OR 305-614-0119 Fax 1-855-597-2697 OR 305-614-0138 1-877-372-1273 Contact the Member Services Department at the member’s health plan. 1-855-825-7818 OR 305-614-0119 1-877-403-5544 1-855-825-7818 1-855-597-2697 Contact the member’s health plan. 4|Page GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 REFERRAL PROCESS PROVIDER TYPE Therapist (PT/OT/ST) EVALUATION Therapist must have a prescription or script from the ordering physician (Primary Care Physician [PCP] or specialist). No referral or “preauthorization” is needed from TNGA for therapist to perform an evaluation. PHYSICAL THERAPIES: PT/OT/ST Therapist must complete the TNGA Intake Form (Attachment A) and submit via fax to TNGA’s Referral Department for issuance of a referral for episode of treatment. Use a separate Intake Form for PT, OT or ST. Therapy Network’s provider network is contracted for outpatient therapy (PT/OT/ST) services ONLY. Inpatient services ARE NOT included in the scope of TNGA’s referral process and these services are subject to the patient’s health plan referral policies and procedures. Evaluations Patient evaluations are covered for eligible members with a physician prescription for therapy. No advance notification to TNGA is necessary. Referring physicians will be given complete lists of network therapy locations, but you are encouraged to educate your referral sources of your participation in the program. Eligibility should be verified with the health plan. As noted in your contract, TNGA will not guarantee payment except for those patients actually eligible with the payer at the time of service, and reimbursement is subject to all other TNGA contract provisions. 5|Page GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 Referral Process for Therapy Providers Patients are entitled to all medically necessary, covered care as determined by the treating therapist in consultation with the referring physician’s office. In the event of a disagreement between a therapy provider and the referring physician and/or patient (for example, the patient demands treatment with no further clinical value), the case may be submitted to TNGA for clinical review and to Wellcare for final medical necessity determination, if applicable. Communicating Referral Information to Therapy Network Hours of Operation Phone Number TNGA Referral Coordinator Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern time 1-855-825-7818 Fax Requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-855-597-2697 Voice Mail Message 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 1-855-825-7818 As soon as possible after completing your evaluation, fax the information requested on the applicable TNGA Patient Intake Form (Attachment A as appropriate) along with the corresponding ordering provider’s prescription to our Toll-free Referral Fax Line at 1-855-597-2697. You may also request a referral by contacting our main number and selecting the option of speaking to a TNGA Referral Coordinator. Upon receipt of an appropriately completed Patient Intake Form, TNGA will provide a referral number related to the therapy services that are to be provided. Please note the following regarding the TNGA Patient Intake Form: For medical diagnoses, we are looking for the diagnosis in medical terms (e.g., 723.1 Cervicalgia). It is not necessary but may be helpful to include the ICD-9 code so that the referral may be expedited more quickly. For therapy treating diagnosis, we are looking for the functional reason for therapy if not clearly evident in the medical diagnosis. 6|Page GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 Any developmental delays noted should be measured using a recognized, standard assessment tool such as Peabody, Bailey’s scales, Bruiniks Oferetsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education Plan (IEP), etc. You do not need to answer questions for therapies you will not be doing. (For example, if you are doing physical therapy, you would not answer the questions under occupational or speech therapy.) If providing therapy to a child, and the child is receiving any therapy service through the school system this information must be provided (describe type and frequency of treatment) along with the Individualized Education Plan (IEP). If the therapy is related to surgery, please identify the date and nature of surgery on the Intake Form. If the therapy is related to a CVA, please submit the date of the CVA. Please note that failure to submit a completed Patient Intake Form to TNGA could result in nonpayment for your services. Claims should not be submitted to TNGA prior to a provider receiving confirmation that therapy services have been authorized by TNGA. Assignment of Levels Extended Episode Fees (Case Rates) are fixed rates over a period of time for all necessary and appropriate treatment. Under this model, TNGA does not dictate or specify exact treatment requirements or visit limitations. It is expected that the therapy provider will provide appropriate care, delivered efficiently and with the necessary patient (or parent/caregiver, as applicable) education to allow the patient to meet his or her goals from activities both inside and outside the clinic. The only acceptable course of action is to always provide appropriate care and follow the upgrade process where necessary. The assignment of levels is based on the diagnosis, intensity of services normally required for patients with like characteristics, patient utilization and circumstances to date. In general, levels are assigned as follows: • Level 1 One-time visit, Evaluation Only (e.g. Wheel Chair Consultation, after evaluation provider determines no other therapy needed) 7|Page GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 • Level 2 Mild to moderate diagnosis, including most fractures and spinal sprains and strains • Level 3 Moderate to more severe diagnosis; most shoulder issues other than joint pain, most post-operative treatment, arthritis, fractures, MS, CVAolder than 4 weeks, Arthroscopies, Spinal Stenosis • Level 4 Severe diagnosis; THR, TKR, TSR, CVA less than four weeks; Developmental Delays, Rotator Cuff Repair • Level 5 Severe and catastrophic cases (will be reviewed by a Clinical Consultant) Global Period of Assigned Levels Each referral is assigned a specific period of time. The following are general time frames that are determined by the condition. 2 Months 6 Months For all assigned levels except Developmental Delay Developmental Delay Exception to 6 month Global Assignment for Developmental Delay If a therapy provider determines that a presenting patient is an exceptional case requiring greater intensity of services, the therapy provider may request review of their case by a clinical consultant for a shortened time period of global assignment. The provider must indicate clearly in the documentation submitted a minimum of the following information to substantiate this request: IFSP/IEP, Functional Assessment Results, Percent of age delay. Upgrade Process There may be instances when a higher level than originally assigned may be justified due to special complicating factors requiring more intensive treatment relative to the basic diagnosis or, in other cases, TNGA may have based the level on inaccurate or incomplete information submitted by the requesting provider. For these cases, a review process that could result in a higher level is available. If necessary, a peer-to-peer consultation may be requested by a therapy provider. 8|Page GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 Requests for an upgrade of the assigned level can be made by filling out the Upgrade Request Form (Attachment C) indicating the nature of the request, the number of visits scheduled, the number of visits completed, the date of the last visit, and by submitting the Evaluation and Plan of Care and Progress Summary Report. Any request for an upgrade must be made during the time treatment is being provided to the member and within the time period for which services have been authorized. These requests will be reviewed by a TNGA Clinical Consultant. It is important that the evaluation and progress summary include the following appropriate standards of documentation: Patient deficits in strength (MMT), range of motion (ROM), etc. expressed objectively Specific treatment goals defined objectively with time frame to achieve goal Relevant factors included (e.g., date of surgery or a significant change in condition) For developmental delay, actual measurements of the delay using a standardized assessment tool and complete documentation of any improvement achieved in therapy In addition, please note the following regarding the upgrade process: When requesting an upgrade of an assigned level, you will need to submit the Evaluation, Plan of Treatment, and Progress Summary. For the benefit of the member, all providers utilizing the upgrade process should not discontinue or delay their treatment to the member. If at any time the provider would like to further discuss an upgrade request or issue, please call the Referral Department to request a peer-to-peer review with our clinical consultant who reviewed the upgrade request. Recommendation of Denial of an Upgrade Request TNGA will coordinate a peer-to-peer review before any recommendation of denial to an upgrade request is made. Historically, this peer-to-peer review resolves any need for such action by TNGA and TNGA and the provider come to an agreement on the level issued. If however, the provider is not in acceptance of the level 9|Page GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 issued, and TNGA must subsequently make a recommendation of denial. This recommendation of denial will be forwarded to Wellcare of GA by TNGA for final determination. Continuation of Care after 1st Global Period has Expired In order to facilitate a new referral, ALL of the following steps should be taken: Obtain a new or renewed physician prescription from the patient’s Primary Care Physician (PCP) or ordering specialist. Perform a re-evaluation of the patient and fill out a new Therapy Intake Form. Submit re-evaluation and previous evaluation, if available, to TNGA. Upon receipt of the information listed above, TNGA will review the submitted documentation. TNGA will issue a new level and a new episode of care begins. Multiple Case Referral Requests If a therapy provider determines there should be two separate case referrals instead of one for a patient under different therapy disciplines (e.g. PT and ST), a separate Intake Form along with the referring physician’s prescription for the separate condition must be submitted following the evaluation of the patient. TNGA will refer a request for a multiple case referral, or any subsequent, additional referrals for a patient who is already under a therapist’s care for a separate case to a clinical peer reviewer. The clinical peer reviewer may then contact the requesting provider for a peer-to-peer discussion if the reasoning for the multiple or additional referrals is unclear. In all instances, a requesting provider is always notified of the outcome of his or her request for a referral. Any additional referral issued by TNGA is for a specified time period, beginning on the date of the additional patient evaluation. In addition, please note the following with regard to multiple case referrals: 10 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 You will need to submit the ordering provider’s prescription in order for TNGA to make the appropriate determination. TNGA does not issue a separate episode level for symptoms or conditions associated with the main diagnosis. For example, for a therapy request for Status Post Total Knee Replacement, TNGA assigns a level according to date of surgery. Concurrent requests for pain, including back pain, gait, instability, muscle weakness, etc. are all due to the main diagnosis, and TNGA will not issue a separate level. If, after treating a member for several weeks, you find that the initial level is not sufficient, you have the option to initiate the upgrade process. Fixed Fees (no levels-fixed reimbursement) Fixed fee reimbursement provides for a fixed fee per patient per episode, regardless of diagnosis or the need for one or more types of therapy services (i.e. physicial therapy, speech therapy or occupational therapy). This referral process is exclusive to providers with a multi-discplinary practice who have a fixed fee reimbursement schedule contractually. There are two episodes that can be issued in the Fixed Fee model. A Full Episode is all services of one or more particular mode of therapy (physical, occupational or speech) within a nine (9) month period of time. This episode is issued for a patient who is receiving therapy services with the requesting provider as a new patient. A Transitional Episode is for services for patients whose course of treatment is partially covered under a different contractual arrangement prior to or after the services incorporated under this Agreement and/or for services provided to patients beyond the time period of the Full Episode Fee. In the fixed fee reimbursement model there are no upgrade requests. The referral is issued for a full episode of care or a transitional episode of care. The reimbursement is fixed at the full episode reimbursement fee or the transitional episode reimbursement fee. 11 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 Babies Can’t Wait Enrolled Members If providing therapy to a child, and the child is enrolled in the Babies Can’t Wait Program the provider must submit the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), which must indicate that the child is enrolled in Babies Can’t Wait. Services provided to a member who is enrolled in the Babies Can’t Wait Program will be eligible for a fee for service reimbursement. Therapy (PT/OT/ST) Practice Guidelines When making medical necessity recommendations of denial for Medicaid and Medicare members, TNGA’s clinical staff applies the applicable Clinical Guidelines. For Medicare members, TNGA’s staff adheres to CMS coverage guidelines. For Medicaid members, TNGA’s clinical staff applies the applicable Medicaid Benefit Policy Manual. For any medical necessity recommendation of denial, the clinical consultant shall make an attempt to contact the requesting provider for peer-to-peer consultation. In addition, the provider may request a copy of the clinical guidelines used to determine the recommendation of denial. 12 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 CLAIMS SUBMISSION PROTOCOLS AND STANDARDS TNGA offers three methods of claims submission for providers to submit their claims. EDI: TNGA’s preferred method of claims receipt is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). TNGA utilizes Emdeon (WebMD) as their clearinghouse for the receipt of all EDI claims. The payer ID* numbers to submit your EDI claims to TNGA are: • • For professional claims (837P): 65062 For institutional claims (837i): 12k89 *Please note that these payer ID numbers are listed as HN1 (Health Network One) Therapy Network with Emdeon. You do not need to be an Emdeon client to bill your claims via EDI to TNGA. Please contact your billing software vendor and have them add the TNGA payer ID number so your claims can be billed via EDI. For more information on how to submit your claims for TNGA via EDI, please visit the Emdeon website at DDE: Therapy Network offers providers a multi functioning Provider Web Portal that allows contracted providers to perform several claims features. Providers are able to submit their claims via Direct Data Entry (DDE) as well as to check claims status of their previously submitted claims (regardless of the submission method). Providers may access the Web Portal by logging into For questions concerning the web portal or to request a Provider Web Portal account, please send an email to [email protected]. Include your contact name, TIN, provider contact name, provider contact email and provider contact phone number. 13 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 Once an you have a Provider Web Portal account, if you are having technical issues (e.g. locked accounts, password re-sets, etc…), please send an email to [email protected]. PAPER: If your practice is not currently able to submit claims either via EDI or DDE, please submit your paper claims on either a CMS-1500 or UB-04 form to: HN1 Therapy Network Attention: Claims Processing Center P.O. Box 350590 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33335-0590 How to bill TNGA (key points): • Only send to TNGA claims for outpatient therapy services that have a date of service of February 1, 2014 or later. • Always use a CMS-approved format, whether electronic or paper. • The NPI of the rendering provider or supervising therapist is required on each claim submitted, in addition to the group NPI number. • In addition to the rendering provider or supervising therapist NPI, please include the NPI of the Ordering, Prescribing and Referring provider. • The NPI submitted on the claim, must be the same NPI that you have used when enrolling in the Georgia Medicaid program. • Please ensure you submit your claims using the TIN you used when you contracted with TNGA. • Always make sure to include the service location on the claim. • Do not bill for different types of services on the same claim (e.g., do not list outpatient PT and outpatient OT on the same claim). • Therapy providers must always document the appropriate TNGA Referral Number on the CMS-1500 from, the fields are Box 23 for prior authorization. Claims that do not include this information may be denied for payment. • Therapy providers must always bill each episode of treatment separately so the referral number relating to the service you provided can be clearly identified on your claim. 14 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 • Therapy providers who have multiple referral numbers for the same member must list the referral number applicable for each episode of treatment on separate claims (e.g., if a member is provided therapy for shoulder and lower back at the same time). • Medicare-recognized Part B providers MUST bill on a CMS-1500 or 837P form and MUST submit both the group NPI and the rendering NPI information per claim. On the CMS-1500 form, the fields are Box 33a for the group NPI and Box 24j for the rendering NPI. TNGA Payment Policies Services are reimbursed as described in the Provider Services Agreement and/or the applicable Payer’s Plan Addendum of your contract. Any Extended Episode Fee (Case Rate) payments cover all services covered over a period of time and thus often will cover multiple dates of service; however, it is still necessary for a claim to be submitted for each date of service for a patient. This allows us to meet data reporting responsibilities to the health plan, enables us to give you accurate reports and profiles, and provides us with information needed for internal monitoring and review. A referral shall be in writing from TNGA. A notice in writing from any other person or entity, including a referral from a primary care physician, other provider or payer, shall not constitute a TNGA referral. To meet timely filing requirements, therapy claims submitted for payment must be submitted within six (6) months after the month in which services were rendered. Payment for therapy claims received beyond this time frame shall be denied for not meeting timely filing requirements. Any question you may have regarding your contract or other issues not specifically related to referrals or claims may also be directed to TNGA’s Provider Relations staff. Reimbursement of Upgrades If a member’s referral is upgraded to a higher level after TNGA issued payment at the initial level (e.g., a referral for a service is issued at Level 2; however, after treatment has begun, the provider is granted an upgrade to Level 4), the initial payment (at Level 2 rates) will be recouped and a new payment (at Level 4 rates) will be issued to the provider; the provider will be paid the full amount for the 15 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 higher level, less the payment that they already received for the initial level. This payment will be made to the provider after the issuance of the higher level by the TNGA Referral Department. See Timing of Claims Payment for a timeline. Claim Status Inquiry For claims status inquires, the Provider Web Portal enables the provider to check the status of your submitted claims 24/7. Most providers using this method find it the most efficient way to obtain the status on a submitted claim. You can also call the TNGA Claims Department and speak to a TNGA Claims representative Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 1-877-3721273. Please listen carefully to select the proper option. Coordination of Benefits/Subrogation TNGA will investigate and coordinate benefits, where applicable. TNGA may, from time to time, need to request information from its contracted providers in order to assist with this process. If payment had been issued on a case for which TNGA later determines that other coverage is available (for example, TNGA authorizes and reimburses a provider for treatment to a health plan member suffering from lower back pain, and after payment is issued, TNGA is notified by the plan or the provider that the patient/member was involved in a car accident and covered under the automobile insurance policy), TNGA will exercise its rights to subrogation through the health plan. Do Not Send Outpatient PT/OT/ST Claims To The Health Plan. Payments inadvertently made to you by the health plan are overpayments and must be returned to them. 16 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 Timing of Claims Payment TNGA’s claims payment turnaround standards are as follows: Medicare Recipients: • • 95 percent of clean electronic claims for are paid within 15 calendar days from the date of receipt. 95 percent of clean paper claims are paid within 30 calendar days of receipt. Medicaid Recipients: • • 95 percent of clean electronic claims are processed in 15 business days. 95 percent of clean paper claims are paid within 30 calendar days of receipt. Claims Payment Dispute: Medicaid providers of Therapy Network of Georgia (TNGA) have 3 months from the end of the month of payment to make a claims payment dispute. However, TNGA reserves the right to consider all requests received after the 3 months have been exhausted. For Medicare providers TNGA adheres to the CMS guidelines that govern the reopening and revising of finalized claims. CMS stipulates that clerical errors (which include minor errors and omissions) are classified as “re-openings” instead of reconsiderations. Clerical errors include both human and mechanical errors and include but are not limited to: Mathematical or computational mistakes, inaccurate data entry, or denial of claims as duplicates. In addition, if a Medicare health plan issues an adverse organization determination because it did not receive requested documentation and the party subsequently requests a reconsideration with the requested documentation, the organization must process the request as a “reopening”. TNGA classifies these re-openings as an adjustment claim. Re-openings and/or adjustments requests may be requested in writing or by telephone. Please call the Claims Department at 877-372-1273 and speak with a TNGA claims representative to inquire or to request a claims adjustment. Claims Appeals: 17 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 Claims Appeals or a redetermination requests “reopening/adjustment” must be submitted in writing. not classified as a All claim appeals received will be processed within 30 days of receipt. The PO Box to submit a claim appeal or a “reopening” is: Therapy Network P.O. Box 350590 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33335-0590 18 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT • Off-the-shelf supplies reimbursement. are not reimbursed separately from the listed • Custom splints made by hand therapists with a physician prescription are eligible for separate reimbursement. Fax in the specific request by completing the Splint Intake Form (Attachment B) with materials used, and payment will be assigned according to the TNGA fee schedule. • Other braces and splints, orthotics and prosthetics, and durable medical equipment are not included in our contracts with health plans and should be referred to the health plan’s designated, participating network providers by the physician. 19 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 PROVIDER COMPLAINT PROCESS Any participating provider can formally express their dissatisfaction with TNGA’s policies, procedures, or administrative functions by submitting a written dispute via facsimile or mail. Facsimile: 1-877-403-5544 Mailing Address: HN1 Therapy Network P.O. Box 350590 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33335-0590 Provider must file complaint 30 days from the date of the incident resulting in the complaint. • When your complaint cannot be resolved within five days, the Provider Relations Representative will acknowelde the complaint in writing and notify you that the issue will be resolved within 30 days of the original date of your complaint. • Once resolved, the Complaint Resolution Outcome Letter will be sent to complainant describing the outcome determination. 20 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 QUALITY IMPROVEMENT Provider Participation in Quality Improvement Procedures HN1 TNGA has a comprehensive Quality Improvement Program, which includes the following: • • • Quality Improvement (QI) Indicators that measure the outcomes of process of care and service, such as: referral timeliness, over-/underutilization rates, denial recommendations, denial overturns, inter-rater reliabilities, telephonic accessibility, etc. Recredentialing process that includes the timeliness of application and documentation submission by all participating providers in order to comply with the three-year recredentialing process. Peer review process that includes inter-rater reliability audits of providers, medical records reviews, approved practice guidelines and the Peer Review Committee process when a quality-of-care issue has been identified and researched that requires a determination to be made by a panel of peers. All participating providers are obligated to comply with the requirements of the Quality Improvement Program. 21 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631 ATTACHMENTS The following is a list of forms and referenced documents that are attached to this provider manual: Attachment A: Therapy Intake Form Attachment B: Splint Intake Form Attachment C: Upgrade Request Form 22 | P a g e GA_026087_PRO_LTR_ENG State Approved 04302014 ©Wellcare 2014 GA_04_14 59631
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