RI MEDICAID PROVIDER MANUAL INDEPENDENT CLINICAL LABORATORY Version 1.2 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Revision History Version 1.0 1.1 1.2 Date November, 2013 March, 2014 April, 2014 PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Reason for Revisions New manual format Remove CMS 1500 Interactive Instructions NPI Enhancement Project Completed by HP Provider Services HP Provider Services HP Provider Services Page 2 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................. 5 Provider Participation Guidelines ............................................................................................................. 5 Provider Enrollment .................................................................................................................................. 6 Recertification ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Electronic Data Interchange Trading Partner ........................................................................................... 6 Reimbursement of Claims ............................................................................................................................. 6 Claims Billing Guidelines ........................................................................................................................... 6 Eligibility Verification ................................................................................................................................ 7 Medicare/Medicaid Crossover.................................................................................................................. 7 Patient Liability ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Reimbursement Guidelines....................................................................................................................... 7 Covered and Non-Covered Services.............................................................................................................. 8 Covered Services ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Individual and Panel Test Billing ............................................................................................................... 8 Unlisted Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 8 Reference Laboratory ............................................................................................................................... 8 Non-Covered Services ............................................................................................................................... 8 Handling Fee ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Venipuncture ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Interpretation ........................................................................................................................................... 9 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................... 10 Claims Preparation Instructions .............................................................................................................. 10 Clinical Lab Services – CMS 1500 Claim Form ..................................................................................... 10 CMS1500 Claim Form Instructions...................................................................................................... 10 Error Status Codes .................................................................................................................................. 10 ESC Code List (English) ........................................................................................................................ 10 Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Codes ...................................................................................................... 10 EOB Codes and Messages List (English) .............................................................................................. 10 EOB Codes and Messages List (Spanish) ............................................................................................. 10 Third Party Liability Carrier and Coverage Codes ................................................................................... 10 PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 3 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Third Party Liability (TPL) Carrier Codes.............................................................................................. 10 Third Party Liability (TPL) Coverage Codes ......................................................................................... 10 Billing Quick Reference ........................................................................................................................... 10 Recipient Eligibility Chart ........................................................................................................................ 10 Independent Laboratory Billing Quick Reference ................................................................................... 11 Paper Claims........................................................................................................................................ 11 Multiple Units ..................................................................................................................................... 11 Multi-page Claims ............................................................................................................................... 11 Rhode Island Medicaid as Secondary Payer-Commercial Payers ....................................................... 11 RIte Share-Paper Submission .............................................................................................................. 11 RIte Share-Electronic Submission ....................................................................................................... 11 Medicare Crossover Claims ................................................................................................................. 12 Timely Filing Guidelines ...................................................................................................................... 12 PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 4 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory INTRODUCTION HP Enterprise Services (HP), in conjunction with the Rhode Island Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), developed provider manuals for all Medicaid Providers. The purpose of this guide is to assist Medicaid providers with general Medicaid policy, coverage information and claim reimbursement. In addition the HP Customer Service Help Desk is available to answer questions not covered in this manual. HP ENTERPRISE SERVICES can be reached by calling: 1-401-784-8100 for local and long distance calls 1-800-964-6211 for in-state toll calls or border community calls Provider Participation Guidelines An independent clinical laboratory may be free-standing, operated by and within a hospital or physician’s office if the laboratory otherwise meets the criteria of an independent clinical laboratory, is certified to participate in Medicare and is licensed to provide services in the State of Rhode Island. Also, to be reimbursed by the Medicaid Program, all providers performing laboratory tests must have a Clinical Laboratory Improvement Act (CLIA) certification or registration number issued by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). To participate in the Medicaid Program, providers must be located and performing services in Rhode Island or in a border community. Consideration will be given to out-ofstate providers only if the covered service is not available in Rhode Island, the recipient is currently residing in another state or if the covered service was performed as an emergency service while the recipient was traveling through another state. Out of state providers must enroll with RI Medicaid and received authorization before a claim can be submitted. The public health laboratory in Rhode Island is a licensed provider of Medicaid Program services. To participate in the Medicaid Program, a clinical lab must have the ability to perform testing on-site at their Rhode Island facility. A clinical lab must be more than a “drawing station” for the purposes of the Medicaid Program. Any licensed provider may bill for laboratory procedures based on what their license permits under Rhode Island law. PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 5 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Provider Enrollment HP Enterprise Services is the fiscal agent for EOHHS and the Medicaid Program, and as the fiscal agent is responsible for the enrollment, claims processing and reconciliation. Providers must complete the enrollment process before claims are accepted. Information on enrollment is found on the Forms and Applications tab of the EOHHS website (www.eohhs.ri.gov). Select Provider Enrollment Application and Related forms to access the appropriate enrollment form and instructions for completion. As a rule, RI Medicaid does not enroll out of state laboratories. The exceptions to this are noted above. Recertification Clinical Laboratories are annually recertified by the RI Department of Health (DOH). The license expiration date for Clinical Laboratories is June 30. Providers obtain license renewal through DOH. Out of state providers must forward a copy of the renewal documentation to HP Enterprise Services. HP Enterprise Services should receive this information as soon as possible to prevent suspension from the program. Electronic Data Interchange Trading Partner Effective October, 2003, all Medicaid providers must utilize HIPAA compliant software to submit claims electronically. Providers in Rhode Island may use HP Enterprise Services’ free software, Provider Electronic Solutions (PES), or software that has completed HIPAA compliance testing with HP Enterprise Services. To submit claims electronically, providers must complete an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Trading Partner Agreement (TPA). A Trading Partner Agreement is also required to access the secured portion of the EOHHS website. This portion of the website allows you to check eligibility, claim status, Remittance Advice, and other necessary information. New providers should submit a Trading Partner Agreement with their enrollment application. This agreement is found on the EOHHS website (www.eohhs.ri.gov) on the Forms and Application Tab /Forms A-Z, titled Trading Partner Agreement. This completed form will generate an identification number and a password to access the EOHHS portal. For questions about completing the TPA, contact the EDI coordinator at (401) 784-8014. Reimbursement of Claims Claims Billing Guidelines It is important that the proper diagnosis code(s) be indicated on the claim form when billing for laboratory services. Inconsistency between a billed test and the diagnosis for which it is performed may cause the claim to deny. Instructions for completing the CMS PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 6 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory 1500 claim form are located at Claims Processing. See appendix xx for completed claim examples and instructions. Eligibility Verification Providers are required to verify a recipients eligibility prior performing services. This is required for all visits. Recipient eligibility can be verified on the EOHHS web portal. To access the portal, providers need to have completed a Trading Partner Agreement and will use their assigned identification number and password. Providers must have the recipient’s Medicaid ID number (MID). The recipient MID is present on all RI Medicaid identification cards. The web portal is found at https://www.eohhs.ri.gov/secure/logon.do. Medicare/Medicaid Crossover The Medicaid Program reimbursement for crossover claims is always capped by the established Medicaid Program allowed amount, regardless of coinsurance or deductible amounts. The standard calculation for crossover payments is as follows: RI Medicaid reimburses Medicare Crossover Claims using the following logic; a. b. c. RI Medical Assistance Allowed Amount (–) Medicare Payment = $X.XX Medicare Coinsurance (+) Deductible = $X.XX RI Medical Assistance Payment = Lesser of #1 and #2 Patient Liability The Medicaid Program reimbursement is considered payment in full. The provider is not permitted to seek further payment from the recipient in excess of the Medicaid Program rate. Reimbursement Guidelines The reimbursement rates for Clinical Laboratories are listed in the Fee Schedule. Clinical Laboratories cannot, by law, be paid more than the amount allowed in the published fee schedule or the amount reimbursed by Medicare, whichever is less. Providers must bill the Medicaid Program at the same usual and customary rate as charged to the general public and not at the published fee schedule rate. Rates discounted to specific groups (such as Senior Citizens) must be billed at the same discounted rate to the Medicaid Program. Payments to providers will not exceed the maximum reimbursement rate of the Medicaid Program. PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 7 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Covered and Non-Covered Services Covered Services The Medicaid Program covers the clinical laboratory services listed on the fee schedule. This list is reviewed and updated periodically. New procedures are added and old procedures removed based on criteria determining the validity and medical necessity of each procedure. Requests to review coverage of procedure codes will be considered by the Department of Human Services on a case by case basis. Refer to the Prior Authorization section. Individual and Panel Test Billing Clinical laboratories should bill lab tests individually when the rate for individual tests is less than the rate for billing an equivalent panel; however, if the rate for a panel is less than the rate for the individual tests billed separately, then a panel should be billed. In summary, when billing the usual and customary charge for a panel or the tests billed individually, always bill the procedure with the lower reimbursement rate. Unlisted Procedures Providers must request prior authorization for any procedure not listed in the fee schedule. Approved procedures will be billed using one of the “unlisted” (99) codes. Prior authorization requests may be made in writing and mailed to HP Enterprise Services, PO Box 2010, Warwick, RI 02887. Reference Laboratory The Medicaid Program will reimburse for testing performed within the laboratory billing for the service. Services are considered performed by the provider when either an employee. the individual provider, or reference laboratory performs the service. Payment is made to the billing laboratory and not the reference laboratory. Non-Covered Services Generally, procedures not listed in the fee schedule are not covered services. Services or procedures that are unproved, experimental or research in nature are not covered benefits of the Medicaid Program. Services which are not medically necessary to treat the patient’s condition, or are not directly related to the patient’s diagnosis, symptoms, or medical history are not reimbursable under the Medicaid Program. Handling Fee The Medicaid Program does not reimburse clinical laboratories separately for handling test samples. Handling fees are included in the reimbursement rate for the service billed. PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 8 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Venipuncture The Medicaid Program does not reimburse clinical laboratories separately for venipuncture. This procedure is included in the reimbursement rate for the service billed. Interpretation The interpretation (reading) of lab results can be billed by hospital providers only; therefore, clinical laboratories will not be reimbursed for services billed with a “26” modifier. PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 9 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Appendix Claims Preparation Instructions Clinical Lab Services – CMS 1500 Claim Form CMS1500 Claim Form Instructions Error Status Codes ESC Code List (English) Explanation of Benefits (EOB) Codes EOB Codes and Messages List (English) EOB Codes and Messages List (Spanish) Third Party Liability Carrier and Coverage Codes Third Party Liability (TPL) Carrier Codes Third Party Liability (TPL) Coverage Codes Billing Quick Reference Recipient Eligibility Chart PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 10 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Independent Laboratory Billing Quick Reference Paper Claims Paper claims for laboratory services must be submitted using the CMS-1500 (version 02/12) claim form. Multiple Units The total amount of units must be billed on one detail when billing for multiple units of a procedure code. When the units billed exceed the allowable daily units under Medicaid policy, the claim must be submitted on paper and must include lab reports clearly indicating (highlighted and noted with corresponding procedure code) repetitive results. Note: some procedures are subject to Claim Check and National Correct Coding Initiative guidelines and edits. For a list of affected codes, please see the EOHHS website. Multi-page Claims Paper claims cannot be longer than 2 pages (12 details). If more than 12 details are needed, they must be submitted on separate claims. If applicable, complete EOB copies from primary payers must be attached to each claim. Rhode Island Medicaid as Secondary Payer-Commercial Payers When there is other insurance to consider, RI Medicaid will usually pay the difference between the total primary payment and the Medicaid allowable reimbursement. In most cases, you must send the primary EOB with your claim when submitting on paper. When billing electronically indicate yes to other insurance, enter Adjustment Codes, Group/Reason Codes and amounts…standard when billing RI Medicaid as the secondary payer. These codes should be entered as reported on the primary payers EOB. Secondary payment/non-payment is based on the total claim and is not calculated by procedure code. Note: A denials on primary EOB indicating non-compliance with policy are considered invalid and Medicaid will not consider the claim for payment. RIte Share-Paper Submission RI Medicaid will usually pay the patient responsibility (coinsurance and/or deductible) portion of claims for recipients enrolled in the Rite Share program. These should be billed using procedure code X0701. The amount billed should equal the total of the coinsurance and deductible. The primary EOB indicating the amount(s) must be submitted with the claim. Note: RI Medicaid no longer reimburses copays for Rite Share recipients. Providers are not allowed to collect the copays from recipients. RIte Share-Electronic Submission Patient Responsibility (coinsurance and/or deductible) should be submitted using the actual procedure code for the services performed. Indicate yes to other insurance and enter PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 11 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Adjustment Codes, Group/Reason Codes as reported on the primary payers EOB. The PR codes will indicate the amount of the coinsurance and/or deductible. Note: RI Medicaid no longer reimburses copays for Rite Share recipients. Providers are not allowed to collect the copays from recipients. Medicare Crossover Claims RI Medicaid reimburses Medicare Crossover Claims using the following logic; a. b. c. RI Medical Assistance Allowed Amount (–) Medicare Payment = $X.XX Medicare Coinsurance (+) Deductible = $X.XX RI Medical Assistance Payment = Lesser of #1 and #2 Timely Filing Guidelines The Rhode Executive Office of Health and Human Services has a claim submission restriction of twelve (12) months from the date of service provided to Medicaid clients. HP must receive a claim for services for Medicaid clients, with no other health insurance within 12 months of the date-of-service in order to process claims for adjudication. Any claim submitted with a date greater than twelve months from date of service will deny for timely filing. Adjustments and recoups are also subject to these guidelines unless they result in lesser reimbursement. Claims received more than 12 months after the date of service must meet one or more of the following qualifications to bypass the timely filing time limit: Retroactive recipient eligibility claims must be submitted within ninety days (90) of the eligibility update. Claims with a date of service over one year with an involved third party payer (insurance), must be submitted within ninety days (90) of the payers (insurance) valid Explanation of Benefits (EOB) date. Denials for timely filing or failure to comply with the primary payer rules are not included in this exception. Claims with a date of service over one year that had denied (other than timely filing) previously by HP must be submitted within ninety (90) days from the process date on the remittance advice. (This includes denials resulting from processing and/or recoupment errors.) Any claim with a service date over one year and a EOB date from another payer or a remittance advice from HP over (90) days will be denied for timely filing. Provider eligibility updates within ninety days (90) from the approval date Provider computer printouts are not considered acceptable proofs of timely filing. PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 12 RI Medicaid Provider Manual – Independent Clinical Laboratory Claims that meet any of the timely filing exceptions must be submitted on paper with the supporting documentation to your Provider Representative. PR0008 V1.2 04/30/14 Page 13 Recipient Eligibility Information – Recipient should present all active ID cards at all appointments. Medicaid • Each recipient is issued a Medicaid ID card, also known as the "Anchor Card". RIteSmiles • Recipients will also have an ID card issued by United Healthcare. RIteCare RIteShare • Recipients will also have a "Plan" ID card, issued by United Healthcare or Neighborhood Health. • Recipients will also have a primary insurer commercial carrier ID card. Rhody Health Partners Rhody Health Options • Recipients will also have an ID card issued by United Healthcare or Neighborhood Health. • Recipients will also have an ID card issued by Neighborhood Health. Connect Care Choice • Each recipient is issued a Medicaid ID card, also known as the "Anchor Card". Connect Care Choice Community Partners •Each recipient is issued a Medicaid ID card, also known as the "Anchor Card".
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