Faith Lutheran Church Confirmation Manual “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” -Micah 6:8 2 The confirmation booklet has been expanded this year! More details – More descriptions – More breakout calendars We hope you will find this new handbook helpful, and that you will refer to it often throughout the year. Table of Contents Page 5 Greeting Page 6 Confirmation Overview - What happens Wednesdays Page 7 Classroom Policies, Confirmation Leadership Page 8 What Happens on Sundays Page 10 A Note from Pastor Tim Page 11 Curriculum Page 12 Called to be an Acolyte Page 13 All about Retreats and Camps Page 14 All about Meal Sites . . . Page 15 All about other Service projects Page 15 Secret Prayer Partner Page 16 Individual Fund Raising Accounts and . . . Page 17 Fund Raising Schedule Page 18 Adult Volunteer needs, Fall & Spring Page 20 About Volunteering / About Checklists Page 21 Checklists for grades 7, 8, 9, 10 Page 28 CALENDAR 2013-12014 Page 30 DIRECTORY 3 4 Confirmation Program Welcome ! Sharing Christ through Worshiping, Discipling, Gathering and Serving Yt|à{ H 1. SHARE your highs & lows of the day. 2. READ and highlight a verse in your Bible. 3. TALK about how the Bible verse relates to your highs & lows. 4. PRAY for your highs & lows, for your family and for the world. The life of the Church encompasses these four communities: Worshiping, Discipling, Gathering & Serving 5. BLESS one another. For a complete well-rounded experience, students & families will engage in all 4 areas during their time in confirmation. Our hope & prayer is that parents & students, together, continue to grow in faith. By practicing the “Faith 5” above, families can achieve this! That is why the “Faith 5” will become an integral part of confirmation this year. “Confirmation is neither the beginning nor the end of learning, but rather another step in lifelong development & growth in grace.” Faith Lutheran Church LCMC 1611 41st Street Moline IL 61265 Ph (309)762-2824 Fax (309)762-6567 5 Confirmation Overview What does Confirmation mean? Confirmation is saying “Yes!” to God and all the wonderful plans He has for us! It is saying “Yes!” to the promises that parents and sponsors made for us when we were baptized – as we publicly profess the faith into which we were baptized. It marks the successful completion of our three-year program learning about God, based on the Bible and the teachings of the Lutheran Church. It truly encompasses all four areas of church life and a living faith: worshiping, learning, gathering and serving. Confirmation marks the beginning of adult faith and responsibility – including the weighty privilege as an adult voting member in our Faith congregation. What are the Objectives? 1. Confirmands know and believe they are the church of Jesus Christ. Confirmands experience and demonstrate kindness & acceptance through the church, fellow classmates and mentors – namely God's LOVE! 2. Confirmands are able to articulate their own personal faith. As the church of Jesus Christ, confirmands are called to proclaim the Good News to the world – by what they say and by what they do! What is the Confirmation Program at Faith Lutheran Church? 7th & 8th Grade – Students get together from 6:30-8pm Wednesday evenings at church. Through active and interactive learning experiences (games, movie clips, large group instruction, small group discussion (and yes, a bit of fun) we learn about the Bible while making new friends. We have chosen six core themes to be discussed over this two-year span. Three will be covered each year, alternating with the remaining three the following year. This assures that, no matter which year a student begins, everyone will enter the 9th grade curriculum with the same basic foundational teaching. Curriculum will include instruction on the following: Luther & the Small Catechism + Old Testament + New Testament, alternating with lessons on: Ten Commandments + Apostles Creed + the Lord's Prayer. New this year! Church-wide praise worship service on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm! Students are expected to attend (& possibly serve?) this abbreviated Vespers-style service (20 minutes) as part of their confirmation instruction. At 6:50pm students are to promptly assemble downstairs for the remaining class time. (Snack time has been eliminated so that class may conclude at the customary time of 8:00pm.) This presents parents with a great opportunity, as well – we strongly urge parents to attend this exciting new service themselves, and then remain until 8pm to take part in a study group that is tailored specifically to adults! 9th Grade – Freshmen have the opportunity to attend a series of four overnight retreats (here at church) instead of the weekly Wednesday evening sessions. Topics include Spirituality, Luther and the Reformation, Apostles Creed and Sharing One's Faith Story. Other retreats are offered, such as the popular “30-hour Famine” and the 2-night “ Fall Recharge” retreat at Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp. Heads up, parents – adult chaperones are crucial to the success of these retreats! Note that each retreat represents a total of 8 class credits. Please remember, freshmen, that you are always welcome at the regular Wednesday sessions! Remember Wednesday's “POWER” praise service is for you too! 10th Grade – One last go-around with Sophomores! Prior to confirmation day on the last Sunday of October, we offer a very special and unique overnight retreat called “Life after Confirmation”. We travel off-site to a scenic and comfortable location, and while there – we tie it all together and help students make a successful transition from “kid” to young adult in the church. Don't forget that the new Wednesday evening praise service is for you too! 6 Classroom Policies The perfect society needs no laws or rules, but since we are all confessed sinners and do not live in a perfect world, we will use the following guidelines: − Be on time with your Bible, highlighter & other class materials. − Be kind to each other. Listen when others speak. − Show respect to pastors, teachers and mentors. 'Nuff said. − Be respectful of other people's property. If it's not yours, hands off. − Be respectful of the church's property, too! − Please remain in designated class areas. Stay with your class or small group. − Attend class/retreats regularly. As the old song says, “Makin' up is hard to do!” − Cell phone use is prohibited. If we see it, we'll confiscate it until the end of class. Habitual misbehavior and continued disturbances will be dealt with by Pastors and Christian Education committee. We may find it necessary to contact parents. With the application of some common sense, basic common courtesy and self-control most problems can be avoided! Please remember that you are in the Lord's house, and He appreciates it when you treat it as such. We will be sharing the building with other groups, and they will appreciate it too. Finally, please remember that the parking lot is not a playground! We prefer that you wait for rides in a safe place. And please, please, please do not be afraid to ask your pastors, teachers or mentors for assistance! Confirmation Leadership There are many people who play a role in the confirmation of students here at Faith. Some you will see “up front and center”. Others remain in the background but also work hard toward the success of the program. This includes members of church council (particularly president Lori Turner and coordinator Elaine Pepping) and the Christian Education committee, chaired by Jeff Elkins. Sunday school superintendent Liz Winckler is part of this team as well. Confirmation Leader/Teacher - Introducing Rev. Tim Balfanz, new associate youth pastor! Pr. Tim has been called for the specific purpose of working with youth and their families – namely YOU. It's been a long wait, but we are thrilled to welcome him and wife Grace to our Faith family. Your cooperation and assistance will be especially appreciated in his inaugural year. Confirmation Teacher – Sr. Pastor Dr. Mark Gehrke, will substitute as needed. Confirmation Mentors – Also new this year! Tom Winckler and Andy Osborn will lead small groups each Wednesday evening. Jeff Thompson will substitute as needed. for their faithfulness and willingness to serve. We thank them Sunday School Teachers – Randy Oldenburg & Vicki Gehrke will continue to team-teach Jr High. They look forward to delving into The Story, as are Todd Rittenhouse and Marty Ellison, who will return as the Sr High teachers. Confirmation Coordinator – Chris Bogen (also Meal Site Coordinator) Fund Raising/Camp Coordinator – Kim Meyer, congregation administrative assistant This is the “nuts & bolts” team that plans, plots, pushes and pulls - basically does whatever is needed to carry the confirmation agenda forward. Acolyte Coordinator – Carla Osborne Prayer Partner Coordinator – Heidi Elkins These two programs are closely intertwined with confirmation. See the acolyting section on page 12, and on page 15 read about the Secret Prayer Partner program. Contact information may be found in the Directory of this handbook. 7 What Happens on Sundays Remember! Wednesday activity is O substitute for Sunday worship and Sunday school! * * * * * * * * * * * Why does our confirmation program last 3+ years? It has been proven that “later and longer” models of confirmation yield more longlasting results in the life of a young person. There is a greater chance of instilling healthy and fruitful habits of attending church and participating in church life. Also, by waiting to confirm until the sophomore year, teachers and pastors have the chance to discuss weighty topics on a deeper abstract level – and apply them in more meaningful and relevant ways. What happens on Sundays during confirmation? There is no substitute for Sunday worship. Period. We were created for worship – lifelong and in fellowship with one another. We expect students to attend both a worship service and Sunday school on a regular basis. In fact, we require that students turn in sermon notes as an indication of their attendance and attention. The fill-in-the-blank worksheets provided in Sunday bulletins have greatly simplified this exercise, and you will observe people of all ages using them! Sunday school for both junior and high school age students takes place in the hour between the traditional and contemporary services. Often, sermons tie in directly with Sunday school lessons – never more so than this coming 2013-14 school year! The entire congregation will take part in a study of “The Story” that will take us clear through the spring. Parents are strongly encouraged to join a small group themselves! Be on the same page - literally & figuratively - with your kids! Sundays, on a rotating basis, students are required to serve as acolyte or assistant. This may seem a lot of bother for a seemingly “insignificant” task. Just ask Pastor Mark or Pastor Tim how important it is to them personally – and to the entire congregation – to have a smoothly run service! This is a significant function, both symbolically and operationally. Please refer to the acolyte section (p 8-10) of this booklet, and pay close attention to the schedule. You must secure your own replacement on any occasion you are unable to appear! Use the contact list provided, and let the horse-trading begin! Don't forget to contact church office. Optional – but recommended! Please check the calendar and watch for announcements and updates on a wide variety of Sunday activities – be it for fun, fund raising, gathering or service events. Youth breakfasts – As a big “thank you” to the congregation, the Jr & Sr high youth will serve breakfast on Sunday, Sept 29 between services. Other breakfasts (some as fundraisers) will be announced later. Sometimes on Sundays (from noon until 3 or 4pm) we will conduct what we affectionately refer to as “Ketchup” days. We provide students with a chance to catch up with reading, writing, and now even retreat assignments! We also provide lunch. Please take advantage of these opportunities when they are offered. Four Sundays a year, our congregation is committed to serve a hot meal to the underprivileged in our area (through the Churches United meal site program). Our youth and their families are an integral part of this effort. Please refer to the schedule on the “Meal Site” page. It is a bit of work, yes, but gratifying and worthwhile – and fulfills service requirements! For high school students – meet with Pastor Tim at Culver's on Sunday evenings! We hope to establish this as a well-attended and long-lasting tradition! 8 “Youth Sunday” Youth-Led Worship Services On at least one occasion during the school year, the youth will lead ALL Sunday worship services. This includes every facet of each worship service! (The exception to this is the institution of communion, for which an ordained minister is required, and we'll have Pr. Tim for that.) Preaching – deliver a sermonette Reading – short Bible texts Ushering – bulletins, offering, communion Greeting – prior to service as people arrive, then shift to another task Music instrumental or vocal, solo or duet Skit/drama – write, act, narrate, make props or costumes, puppets Service assistant acolyte, communion assistant (that should be familiar territory!) Tech assistant work lights or tech booth Do you have a skill, talent or interest that fits any of these? We will assign a role to every student currently in confirmation (and to recent confirmands as needed.) Not that we want to frighten anyone, but we may ask you to step outside your comfort zone a bit and try something new. You may be surprised by what you can do! This year, Youth Sunday is January 5. The Christmas break will allow for time to plan, write, rehearse & practice. Watch for announcements on planning & writing sessions, followed by rehearsals. Youth Breakfasts This schedule is still open-ended. We begin with a “Thank You” breakfast on “Serve Sunday” September 29. This will not be a fund raiser, but rather a service to the congregation as an expression of appreciation for their support – like the recent rummage sale, for example. Pastor Tim likes breakfasts! And he would very much like the Jr and Sr high to serve several throughout the year. These are not on any sort of schedule yet, so please watch for announcements. Most likely, these will be fund raising events that will be run in similar fashion to simple suppers during Lent – accompanied by a freewill donation. What about Friends? Can we invite our Friends? “Inviting” is one of the seven faith practices we encourage at Faith Lutheran Church Absolutely!! Friends are welcome any time you want to invite them! Can't think of a single reason why you shouldn't be inviting your friends! It doesn't matter what's going on . . . be it a class on Wednesday or Sunday school, Sunday evening gathering, a camp or retreat, worship service, a fund raising or service event, or for an event that's just for fun. You have some amazing friends, and we are always happy to meet them and try our best to accommodate them. Sometimes that would require some advance notice, other times it's OK to just show up. If you're not sure, just ask Pastor or your teachers and mentors. 9 A note from Pastor Tim Balfanz . . . In confirmation this year we will embark on a journey through a brand new curriculum called “Head 2 Heart”. Designed by Faith Inkubators, it aims straight for the heart of each student! This curriculum will focus on those teachings that we have all learned through the ages - namely, the Ten Commandments, Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, Luther and the Small Catechism. My hope & prayer is that each student discover for himself the richness in what we all believe as Lutherans. “Head 2 Heart” takes these centuries-old beliefs and makes them relevant for today's modern day students – Not just through lectures, but with music, videos, interactive activities, and last but not least, prayer. All of these will be featured in each Wednesday class, and are guaranteed to challenge students while promoting greater participation & excitement ! Too often nowadays, youth cannot see the relevance of what they are taught. I truly believe that this curriculum can make a real difference in their beliefs and in their lives! volvement. An important component of this curriculum relies on parental in- “Head 2 Heart” calls on parents to set aside family time for reading Scrip- ture together, discussing it together and praying it together. Your children are here with us for only a few short hours each week. Help them experience & live their faith throughout the rest of the week. I am truly excited, and I know that God will do amazing things this year! So come and join me in the journey from “Head 2 Heart”. Pastor Tim “Head to the Heart” Journals at Faith Inkubators * * * * * * * * Join us each Sunday for “The Story” !! We've discovered that many young people are woefully lacking in their knowledge of the great stories of the Bible. The same might be true for some older folks, like new believers for instance. Many adults have not heard some of these since their own Sunday school days way back when. It's time to revisit those great stories and rediscover the truths to be found there! This coming school year our entire congregation - at all age levels - will study these great stories together! Sermons, small groups and all levels of Sunday school will be coordinated week by week, all the way from September through May. We encourage parents to bring their students to services & Sunday school - and to join an adult study themselves. There are many options from which to choose, even some conveniently scheduled for Sundays and Wednesdays. 10 Curriculum 2013-14 for Grades 7 & 8 As we go through each week, it is imperative that both youth & parents are active in the studies. Each week your child will come home with their Faith5, and it is expected that, as a family, you go through it together. When you are finished, both parent's and student will sign that you have completed the exercise. The student will hand it in to their Mentor each week. The goal is to not have a confirmation that is solely “filling in the blank”, but a curriculum that gets at the heart! Faith is not just for Wednesday evening, but a daily journey. It is our fervent hope that students' faith will grow as we delve into God's Word and prayer – here at church on Wednesday, but particularly at home through family discussion. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In confirmation we will not study “The Story” along with other groups on the churchwide schedule. However, we will cover similar material with a different emphasis. Remember that 7th & 8th graders will work through “The Story” during Sunday school with Randy Oldenburg & Vicki Gehrke. Look at the list of lessons below and you will immediately see the overlap during weeks 1-20. Second 10 weeks – New Testament 1. New Testament Overview 2. The Holy Spirit Comes 3. Peter and the Early Church 4. The Damascus Road 5. The Journeys of Paul 6. The Letters of Paul 7. The Letter to the Hebrews 8. The Universal Letters 9. The Revelation to John 10. The Bible and My Life First 10 weeks – Old Testament 1. Old Testament Overview 2. Creation 3. The Fall 4. People of the Promise 5. The Promise Continues 6. Moses and the Wanderings 7. Of Tents and Kings 8. The Psalms 9. Wisdom Literature 10.The Voice of the Prophets Last 10 weeks – Luther and the Small Catechism 1. The Story Monk 2. The Protesting Professor 3. Trouble, Trouble, Trouble 4. Heretic's Trial 5. Martin Luther: A Legacy 6. Ten Commandments Overview 7. Lord's Prayer Overview 8. Apostles' Creed Overview 9. The Sacrament of Baptism 10. The Sacrament of Communion 11 Called to be an Acolyte . . . You are joining a tradition that goes back to the year 250 A.D. The following is simply a general overview of the responsibilities of an Acolyte. Please refer to the booklet “Called to be an Acolyte” for all the details. For those who are new to acolyting – there will be a class on how to perform this essential job, to which parents are also invited! Watch for announcement on this. Experienced students will be on hand to demonstrate and help you practice. Also, you may be paired with an experienced student during communion services. Acolyting Basics As an acolyte, or “companion,” you help set the tone of worship. You will be assisting our Pastors before, during and after each worship service, and you will be working with other service assistants as well. Make yourself familiar with the following terms. Just like the Pastors, you will wear an “Alb” - the white or off-white robe cinched at the waist with a “Cincture” of rope. This is a reminder of the rope that bound Jesus as he was led to trial. Learn to use the “Candle lighter” carefully and properly. You will need to know about the baptismal “Font” and the location of the Chancel, Altar and Sacristy. The duties of acolytes vary according to the type of service. The early traditional service requires a bit more decorum, while the later contemporary service is more casual – no “alb.” Regardless, you need to arrive 15 minutes before the service. Review the service bulletin and, if needed, ask questions or get special instructions from the Pastors ahead of time. Make sure the candle lighter is in good working order. Make sure that you are in good working order – presentably dressed, groomed and alert. Please maintain a respectful demeanor throughout the service – no gum, candy or chatter. When the congregation sits or stands, so must you also. Have a hymnal on hand, and have worship notes or bulletin insert ready if you intend to take notes on the sermon. You will be asked to assist with communion when scheduled, to accept the offering, along with other routine duties. During certain seasons of the year, Advent for instance, you will perform certain tasks that are reserved for those special services. Students are assigned in a set rotating order. Two acolytes are required to serve at services that include communion, whereas only one is needed for non-communion services. Please study the acolyte calendar and hold to it as best you can. If you cannot be present on your assigned date, you are responsible for securing a replacement ASAP. . . and you must also inform the church office (no later than the Tuesday prior) so that Kim Meyer may send a reminder to the correct people and include correct names in service bulletins. There has been a fair amount of trading over the years, as you might imagine. * * * * * * * Carla Osborne has been our acolyte coordinator for several years, and luckily for us, has agreed to work with us this year too. We have just changed our Sunday worship schedule, and we are not quite set on confirmation enrollment. Between those two things, we find it difficult to set a firm acolyting schedule right out of the gate. The current acolyte schedule runs through the end of October, but we will have a new schedule ready for you long before then. Thank you Carla, for helping us to navigate through another year! 12 “All about Retreats and Camps” We place great value on these experiences and incorporate them into our confirmation program. In fact, we require and subsidize youth participation in camps and retreats! Through the course of the year, the confirmation program chaperones/sponsors 6 overnight retreats, including the “30hour Famine,” and through RLBC, endorses fall weekend “Recharge” retreats and a week-long summer group camp. Check the breakout calendar below: Sept. 28-29, 2013 Sat-Sun Oct. 18-19, 2013 Fri-Sat Nov. 8-10, 2013 Fri-Sun Nov. 22-24, 2013 Fri-Sun Dec. 13-14, 2013 Fri-Sat Jan. 17-18, 2014 Fri-Sat Feb. 21-22, 2014 Fri-Sat Apr. 25-26, 2014 Fri-Sat June 22-27, 2014 Sun-Fri July 20-25, 2014 Sun-Fri “Life after Confirmation”, 10th grade only, Turner's in Galena Retreat #1, 9th grade only, at church w/possible trip off-site Fall Recharge, for grade 7,8,9, Riverside LBC Fall Recharge, for grade 10+, Riverside LBC Retreat #2, 9th grade only, at church w/possible trip off-site Retreat #3, 9th grade only, at church w/possible trip off-site 30-Hour Famine, for all Jr & Sr high, at church w/trip off-site Retreat #4, 9th grade only, at church w/possible trip off-site Confirmation Camp, entering grade 8,9, Riverside LBC Confirmation Camp, entering grade 10+, Riverside LBC 9th Grade Retreats Attendance for 9th grade students is required. Each 24-hour retreat equals approximately 8 regular class sessions. Most agree that this schedule accommodates high schoolers better than weekly attendance. Generally, each retreat will include 3 instructional sessions, a movie, maybe an off-site activity, and maybe a service project. Students are to arrive at 6pm (after dinner) and stay until approximately 4 or 5 pm the following day. Lock down at mid-night. Everyone stays together in the smart classroom – which serves as the main base of operations. Beverages, breakfast and lunch are provided. Students may bring a snack/treat to share. They also need to bring a sleeping bag/pillow, basic toiletries, and last but not least their Bibles. Students are encouraged to bring a friend, who are always welcome. Also required is at least one parent volunteer, who's needed to assist the pastors as a chaperone and to serve Saturday meals. 10th Grade Retreat The “Life after Confirmation” overnight retreat for 10th grade students just prior to their confirmation may just be the most important retreat of all! It certainly is the most unique of all the in-house retreats we offer. We cannot thank the Turner family enough for the many times they have graciously welcomed us into their lovely vacation log home at Apple Canyon Lake in the Galena area. Dr. & Mrs. Turner are wonderful hosts and mentors too! This year's retreat is scheduled for the last Saturday & Sunday in September. Thanks to Heidi Elkins and Krista Rittenhouse for serving as chaperones. 30-Hour Famine This is a nation-wide effort to draw attention to world-wide hunger while raising money to help address it. Students collect pledges prior to the designated weekend – this year February 21-22. Students will begin fasting after breakfast on Friday morning, then gather at church around 5pm for an evening of fun activity & stay overnight. On Saturday they may canvas area neighborhoods for canned goods for local food pantries – up until noon, when they may finally break their fast. Coordinator and chaperones needed for this event. Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp – RLBC Theologically sound and kid-endorsed … RLBC runs numerous camps, retreats and events throughout the year for all ages. They are located about 3-1/2 hours away in Story City, Iowa (north of Ames). Our program endorses two fall Recharge retreats and two summer confirmation camps. These fall weekend retreats are not mandatory, but qualify as a retreat requirement! Cost is $70 (+$5 if reserved w/in one week) with a non-refundable $25 deposit. Summer group camp runs between $395-455 including $125 deposit. Since we require students to attend at least one summer camp, the congregation will subsidize each first-time summer camper! Subsequent trips will be fully paid by the student - either by their family or by earning tuition through various fund raising activities. Please see page 15 of this handbook. Camp scholarships are also available - please see Pr. Balfanz. The congregation provides transportation and chaperones to these RLBC camps and retreats. Please contact our Camp coordinator if you have any questions. Sign-up sheets for the 2-night Recharge retreats are available right now. Reminder letter for summer camp will come in January – early registration deadline is February 15. Chaperones/drivers needed! Riverside LBC takes very good care of adult chaperones, so if you are in need of some “R & R,” you will definitely want to consider this! You may notice that our age brackets do not match exactly with those published by Riverside; we have imposed our own age restrictions to suit our program. You are encouraged to attend Riverside events as individuals or families on your own, if you wish. Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp publishes a full-color booklet describing all their programs – you may recognize some familiar faces! Many of you already receive one directly from the camp in the mail. Their website is excellent – - where you register and submit payment for deposits & tuition. Email them at [email protected]. They may also be reached by mail at 3001 Riverside Road, Story City, IA 50248 or by phone 515-733-5271 or by fax 515-333-4096. 13 “ All About Meal Sites . . . Our Faith congregation has served these continuously for so many years, that we take it for granted that everybody knows what these are. But not so! We are asked so often about these that we feel it merits a page of its own in the confirmation handbook. The meal site program in which our congregation participates is administered by an organization known as Churches United of the Quad Cities. Among other things, it oversees the operation of fixed meal “sites” scattered across the QC area to which member churches deliver and serve a hot meal to anyone who needs one. One such fixed site is Mt. Zion Baptist Missionary Church in East Moline, another site is Hope United Church of Christ on 41st Street in Moline. There are others, but those two are the sites where our congregation serves. Mt Zion in EM opens its site each and every week Monday through Thursday, and is staffed by a paid manager. Number of patrons has fluctuated greatly over the years, but has recently seen steady increases due to prolonged economic stress. We serve four meals each calendar year at Mt Zion – the first Tuesday of February, May, August and November. Hope United Church of Christ serves the needy each and every Sunday evening, and is managed by Pastor Lewis and his wife Kathy, who laughingly tell me it's their “date night.” They are joined by the same team of dedicated & delightful volunteers each week. Their numbers have seen a similar uptrend. We visit Hope four times a year also – generally the third Sunday in February, May, September and November. A good many of you may recall the collaborative Thanksgiving feast we served there the last few years. What happens on a meal site day? Be it a Tuesday or a Sunday, the schedule is similar. Food prep begins here at church around 2 or 3pm. Volunteers may arrive whenever they are able but no later than 5:20pm when everything and everyone is loaded into vehicles and transported to the site. We must be ready to serve by 6pm sharp. We really need a minimum of 4 (up to 6 or 7) people to carry, set up and serve. (Patrons are not allowed to serve themselves.) We stop serving around 6:30 and load up for the return trip to Faith, where we still may have a bit of cleanup. Usually back to church by around 7pm. What do we serve? We are required to provide a fully balanced and well rounded hot meal. That includes: meat/protein, hot vegetable, starch potato/rice/pasta/bread, salad, dessert and beverages/ milk. All that for between 40-80 people. That's a fair amount of food to plan, buy, haul, cook, load and serve. Adult coordinators handle planning & buying. We are fortunate to have Thrivent Financial reimburse our expenses through a community grant program – to the extent that this effort has become more or less self-funded. We are also blessed with some wonderful donations of bulk food items on occasion. “Many hands make light work.” Remember that old saying? We all know that the opposite is true too. All too often we have served short-handed, and that makes for a very hard day. The fact of the matter is that this is not just another “service project” but real-life mission outreach that addresses a real-life need right here in our own neighborhood. No matter if enough volunteers show up or not – people are counting on us! One of the site managers recently told me that it breaks her heart when she must turn people away because no one filled a gap in the schedule or a church group failed to appear. The meal site program is a pretty serious enterprise, subject to the regulations of several state-wide agencies and administered by paid staff people. While most churches send adult groups, we are somewhat unique by incorporating our youth. It provides our Jr and Sr high school students with a great opportunity to engage in mission work outside our own walls while gaining for themselves greater perspective, appreciation, understanding and compassion. But this is not just for kids. To do this job well - really well - and keep up with demand, we will need as much adult/parent support as we can muster. Oh, and by the way, Jesus commands us to demonstrate our faith in this manner. Meal Site Serving Schedule for the 2013-2014 school year: Sunday, September 15 at Hope United Tuesday, November 5 at Mt. Zion Sunday, November 17 at Hope United (do not serve Thanksgiving this year) Tuesday, February 4 at Mt. Zion Sunday, February 17 at Hope United Tuesday, May 7 at Mt. Zion Sunday, May 19 at Hope United Tuesday, August 5 at Mt. Zion 14 . . . all about other Service Projects” As Christian parents and teachers it is important to impart to our children and students the great intrinsic value of service. We here at Faith name service as one of the great faith values and practices, and we have an an entire “community” built around it. It is not always convenient or comfortable, but we are to reflect God's love and goodness in this manner. Jesus, at his last meeting with his disciples, graphically demonstrated this by taking up a towel to wash and dry their feet. The servant's towel has stood as a symbol for Christian service ever since. Today, as Christians we must also “take up the towel” and, like Jesus, demonstrate to our charges the importance of service to others. Beside the 8 (yes, eight!) meal site commitments listed on the opposite page, the following service events are planned: Sunday, Sept. 29 Sunday, Oct. 27 Sunday, Nov. 24 Sunday, Jan. 5 January/Feb TBA Fri-Sat, Feb. 21-22 Sun-Thu June 15-19 Back-to-Church '14 Youth “Thank-You” breakfast, between services Serve at confirmation reception (grade 9) Assemble & distribute Thanksgiving baskets Youth-led worship services Trivia night, assist in fund raiser/benefit 30-hour Famine, raise funds for world hunger, collect food Vacation Bible School, assist or even lead Plan and conduct rally/carnival You may notice the absence of things like Lenten Simple Suppers. Turn to the page about fund raising activities. The special distinction here is that service events are performed solely for the purpose of giving of oneself for the glory of God without the expectation of gain or anything in return. A big lesson. Beside planned events, students and their families are encouraged to perform acts of service wherever and whenever they see a need - be it in aid to a neighbor, friend, fellow parishioner or even a total stranger. There are plenty of projects around the church that need some attention too! Do this as a family project and record it on the checklist. Secret Prayer Partner Program While students go through the confirmation program, there is a group of devoted prayer warriors serving them! Even pastors, teachers, mentors and coordinators reap the benefit of having a secret someone faithfully lift them up in prayer. By name. Every day. Secret Prayer Partners also send cards and notes of encouragement occasionally. The idea here is to share spiritual gifts – not material ones. We spend a lot of time in confirmation on the topic of prayer: nature, purpose, value and exercise of prayer. Through a secret prayer partner, confirmation students and staff also become the focus of prayer and receive its blessings. The secret nature of this program adds an element of fun and surprise, but it also points to an important feature of Christian service – we are to serve in God's kingdom anonymously. The world may not always know or see what we do, but God does. And that's what matters. Nevertheless, the SPP banquet is held in May, when all is finally revealed and all prayer partners are paired up in person – accompanied by an exchange of cards or a small token gift. By the way, the banquet is tentatively scheduled for May 14, and it is a fun way to mark the end of the school year. Please make every effort to have your student attend! Thanks to Heidi Elkins for heading the program this year – she assisted last year, and already has things well in hand. If you are interested in serving as a prayer partner yourself, please contact her. Heidi's goal is to include high school & college age students, and even some military. Enhance and focus your personal prayer life by becoming a Secret Prayer Partner! 15 $ $ FUND $ Individual Fund Raising Accounts Jr & Sr high students have the opportunity to earn all the money they may need to attend any faith-building activity – namely, summer camp, fall Recharge or other trip. Below are some fund raising projects (5 of them, actually) to help them get there! Christmas Wreath Sales (November) Earn a percentage from each wreath order. Pretty straightforward. If you participate in the sales effort, you will also earn a percentage from orders recorded on general sign-up sheets. Super-Bowl Subs (Jan/Feb) & Pizzas (April/May) Students earn money in several ways – through selling and assembling. Earn 50% of profits of what is sold, then 50% of what is made. This motivates students to not only sell, but also ensures that enough people will be on hand to work the assembly line. Example: John sells a pizza at a profit of $6. John will earn $3 toward his personal account, but if he comes to help make that pizza, he will also earn the other $3! Additionally, participants share in the money that is collected from orders received directly from bulletin inserts. Car Wash (June) & Rummage Sale (July) Students earn money based on amount of time worked. The car wash takes place on one or two Sundays during church hours. The rummage sale requires many hours over the span of 6 days – set-up on Sunday, collection on Monday-Wednesday, actual sale on Thursday & Friday. Study the following example from a hypothetical rummage sale: John works 6 hrs, Jane works 7 hrs, Jimmy works 10 hrs = 23 hrs Rummage sale made $400, divided by hrs worked (23) = $17.39/hour John earns $104.34, Jane earns $121.73, Jimmy earns $173.90 It is easy to see how quickly a personal account can be built up to cover the registration fee and tuition for camp! Please be aware that even first-time campers (with a tuition subsidy) are still responsible for the initial $125 registration fee. Students are responsible for all camp costs thereafter and all Recharge weekends. However, we hope that we have shown that parents do not necessarily need to stretch the family budget to absorb these expenses. Also, students will place more value on the experience if they have worked to earn that trip! $ $ $ $ $ We engage in a wide variety of fund raising events throughout the school year and the summer season. There are some fund raisers where the proceeds are not divided into individual accounts, but are deposited into a general youth operating account. The fund raising coordinator is responsible for keeping track of individual accounts and will monitor the general youth operating account. Oh, and how's this for a teaser – There may soon come a time when a youth gathering or mission trip is on offer! Specially designated fund raisers may be added to the mix. 16 RAISING $ $ $ Fund Raising Schedule 2013-2014 Please review both the fund raising and service sections of this handbook. In confirmation, we teach that both have equal value and importance. Some fundraisers earn money for the youth program as a whole. Others (like those described on the opposite page) are designed to help students earn toward a personal account, which the student may access for approved faith-building trips. Both kinds of fund raisers are listed here in a general chronological order. Throughout November Christmas Wreath Sale Students may collect their own orders throughout November and/or tend sign-up table, assist with distribution first Sunday after Thanksgiving Throughout January Super-Bowl Subs Students may collect their own orders throughout January. Assemble, distribute & sell subs on Super-Bowl Sunday, first Sunday of February. January/February Trivia Night Here's a crossover. This event is held by our congregation, sometimes as a benefit for the youth program. The youth are on hand to serve & facilitate the event – no matter who benefits. That's why this event ap pears on the “service” page also. Good chance to sell snacks & baked goods, regardless. Beginning of Lent (Spring) Ash Wednesday Simple Supper 6pm Donate, deliver/prep & serve meal to congregation prior to Lent service. Free-will donation to confirmation program – Gr 7,8,9 serves Final Wednesday of Lent final Lenten Simple Supper 6pm Donate, deliver/prep & serve meal to congregation prior to Lent service. Free-will donation to youth – Jr & Sr High serves Throughout April Pizza Fundraiser Students may collect their own orders throughout April, then assemble pizzas on the Saturday before distribution Early June Car Wash Before Jr High camp departure. Need good weather! Work for personal account during church hours. Late June / early July Rummage Sale / Bake Sale Before Sr Hi summer camp. Work hours Sun-Fri. Sunday set-up, MonWed accept donations, Thur & Friday actual sale. Bank hours for camp this year or next year! 17 18 Jr & Sr Hi Nov TBA Tue Nov 5 Fri-Sat Nov 8-10 Sun Nov 17 Fri-Sun Nov 22-24 Fun event Meal Site Fall Recharge Meal Site Fall Recharge Grade 9 only Grade 7,8,9 Confirm. Retreat #2 Fri-Sat Dec 13-14 Wed Dec 18 During break TBA During break TBA Sun Jan 5 thru Jan Christmas Party Youth Service Snow Star Youth Worship Super-Bowl Subs Jr & Sr Hi Jr & Sr Hi Jr & Sr Hi Jr & Sr Hi Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Thanksgiving Bskt Sun Nov 24 Sr Hi only, gr 10+ Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Gr 7,8,9 Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi Sr Hi only Wreath Fundraiser thru Nov Sat Oct 5 6-Flags Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Grade 9 serves Sun Sept 29 Youth Breakfast Grade 10 only Confirm. Reception Sun Oct 27 Sat-Sun Sept 28-29 Confirm. Retreat Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Grade 9 only Tue Sept 15 Meal Site Participants Confirm. Retreat #1 Fri-Sat Oct 18-19 Day/Date Event Conduct all Sunday services Plan & organize Plan, rehearse for Sunday, Jan Organize potluck, publicize gift X Additional chaperone REQUIRED Sort donations, perishables, deliver (2) Chaperone required, drive, then relax Plan, shop, prepare, deliver, serve, cleanup (2) Chaperone required, drive, then relax Plan, shop, prepare, deliver, serve, cleanup Plan & organize, addtl chaperone needed Collect orders, distribute Set-up, serve, cleanup Additional chaperone REQUIRED Female chaperone REQUIRED Organize donations, service Chaperone, meals Plan, shop, prepare, deliver, serve, cleanup General Duties Kim Meyer & _________________ Collect orders Pr Tim, Chris Bogen & _________ Pr Tim, Kim Meyer & __________ Pr Tim, Chris Bogen & _________ Chris Bogen & Mentors Pr Tim & ___________________ __________________________ __________________________ Chris Bogen & ______________ __________________________ Chris Bogen & _____________ Pr Tim & __________________ Kim Meyer & ______________ Chris Bogen & Kate Bergstrom Pr Tim &________________ Pr Tim & Andy Osborn Kim Meyer & Tom Winckler Heidi Elkins & Krista Rittenhouse Chris Bogen & ___________ Coordinators Adult Volunteer Needs 19 Tue Feb 5 Sun Feb 16 Fri-Sat Feb 21-22 Wed Mar 5 thru April Wed Apr 9 Meal Site Meal Site 30-Hour Famine Ash Wednesday Pizza fundraiser Simple Supper Jr Hi only May TBA Sat May 3 Tue May 6 Wed May 14 Sun May 18 early June Sun-Fri June 8-13 Sun-Fri June 22-27 Sun-Fri June 22-27 Tue Aug 5 6-Flags Pizza fundraiser Meal Site Prayer Banquet Meal Site Car Wash Rummage Sale Summer Camp Summer Camp Meal Site Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Completing gr 9+ Completing gr 7, 8 Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi Grade 9 only Confirm. Retreat #4 Fri-Sat Apr 25-26 Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi Gr 7,8,9, Adult Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi, Adult Jr & Sr Hi Sun Feb 2 Super-Bowl Subs Jr & Sr Hi Grade 9 only Jan TBA Confirm. Retreat #3 Fri-Sat Jan 17-18 Fun event Plan, shop, prepare, deliver, serve, cleanup Invite, publicize, coordinate food & workers Plan, shop, prepare, deliver, serve, cleanup Coordinate assembly Additional chaperone REQUIRED Additional chaperone REQUIRED Coordinate food donations, workers Collect orders Coordinate food donations, workers Publicize, organize pledges, coordinate Plan, shop, prepare, deliver, serve, cleanup Plan, shop, prepare, deliver, serve, cleanup Coordinate assembly, distribution Additional chaperone REQUIRED Plan & organize, addtl chaperone needed (2) Chaperone required, drive, then relax Chris Bogen & ________________ Plan, shop, prepare, deliver, serve, cleanup __________________________________ ____________________________ (2) Chaperone required, drive, then relax Chris Bogen & ________________ Set-up, accept donations, sale ____________________________ Publicize, organize workers, supplies Chris Bogen & _______________ Heidi Elkins, Chris Bogen & _____ Chris Bogen & ______________ Kim Meyer & _______________ Pr Tim & ___________________ Pr Tim & ___________________ ___________________________ Kim Meyer & ________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Chris Bogen & _______________ Chris Bogen & _______________ Kim Meyer, Chris, Tom & _______ Pr Tim & ____________________ Pr Tim & ____________________ . . . About Volunteering Remember this old adage? “There's a special place in heaven for volunteers.” Well, that may not be the most Bible-based saying, but you get the idea. Let's model serving. No church event of any kind can run without volunteers, but most particularly those involving young people. They need transportation, supervision & guidance beyond the basic needs of the job at hand. The list on the previous two pages shows all the events where parents are needed – even required as in the case of chaperones. We ask that each parent “adopt” a few events that may involve their own kids or hold some interest for them. The open blanks are for parents willing to head up an event or share the responsibility with another adult volunteer. You may see a name already inserted – in that case, you are asked to help manage that activity. It's an “each one, teach one” kind of thing. Most, not all, but most will require a sign-up for students and other parents. So it should not be all on you! There is no new or exotic event on this list – they've all been done many times before, and there are plenty of people you can ask about the exact requirements and details of every event. You can start with Chris Bogen, Kim Meyer, Vicki Gehrke and Tom Winckler – all of whom are currently part of the confirmation leadership team. Pastor Tim, in spite of his recent arrival, already has a pretty good grasp of things. We welcome your participation – we need it – and we pray that you will be receptive to requests for help when they come your way. / / / / / / / About the Checklists . . . Those pesky checklists . . . some of us love 'em, some of us hate 'em, some of us just ignore 'em. Thank you to those who turn them in – you use them to great effect! Please do not rely on memory – it is best to check things off each week! There's a lot going on, and if you thumb through the handbook, you will notice the many facets of our confirmation program. Remember the four communities listed in the mission statement on the first page? Worshiping, Discipling, Gathering & Serving. They're all represented on the checklists. We may have redesigned the handbook, but the checklists should look pretty much the same to returning students – with a few tweaks. For grades 7 & 8 we added spaces on the back to help with recording projects & acolyting. Same for grade 9 - we added space on the back for projects to make it easier for them too. Some requirements have been increased, but nothing that doesn't make sense. Students will be held more accountable for reading and writing assignments this year. With a new associate Pastor on board and the Coordinator shifting away from other things, we'll be better able to monitor progress in these areas. Lucky you. Seriously, lucky you. We think the checklists are pretty straightforward, but if you have any question at all, let us know. With handing in homework each week, the checklist exercise should become more routine also. At least, that's the hope. The turn-in schedule remains the same – during January to cover fall semester activity, and during June to cover spring. Pretty simple! We will continue to schedule “Ketchup” days for writing and reading assignments, so please take advantage of those opportunities when they are offered. 20 7th Grade Expectations 2013-14 Student to complete & turn in: We will keep track of the following: Sermon Notes (Sunday) Worship cards (located at Prayer-Partner mailbox) or bulletin inserts when available. O Sermon Notes #1 __________ O 1_____Jan. 2014 O Sermon Notes #2 __________ O 2_____June 2014 O Sermon Notes #3 __________ Readings O Sermon Notes #4 __________ O John _______________ O Sermon Notes #5 __________ And 2 of these: O Sermon Notes #6 __________ O Matthew ____________ O Sermon Notes #7 __________ O 1 Timothy ___________ O Sermon Notes #8 __________ O 2 Timothy ___________ O Sermon Notes #9 __________ O Colossians __________ O Sermon Notes #10 _________ O Genesis _____________ O Sermon Notes #11 __________ During class at some point – student will paraO Sermon Notes #12 __________ phrase what they've read - to either O Sermon Notes #13 _________ Pastors or mentors. O Sermon Notes #14 _________ Updated checklist to confirmation coordinator mailbox. Sunday school, Wednesday evening O 1 _______ O 21 ________ O 2 _______ O 22 ________ O 3 _______ O 23 ________ O 4 _______ O 24 ________ O 5 _______ O 25 ________ O 6 _______ O 26 ________ O 7 _______ O 27 ________ O 8 _______ O 28 ________ O 9 _______ O 29 ________ O 10_______ O 30 ________ O 11 _______ O 31 ________ O 12 _______ O 32 ________ O 13 _______ O 33 ________ O 14 _______ O 34 ________ O 15 _______ O 35 ________ O 16 _______ O 36 ________ O 17 _______ O 37 ________ O 18 _______ O 38 ________ O 19 _______ O 39 ________ O 20 _______ O 40 ________ Retreats (1 required) O Recharge RLBC, Nov 8-10, 2013 O 30-hr Famine, Feb 21-22, 2014 Service Projects (3 required) 2 projects describe on back O ____________ O ____________ 1 family project, describe on back O ____________ Service/Worship Assistant Acolyte, greeter, reader, actor, usher, communion assistant, etc. Minimum of 10 times, as required by schedule. Please briefly record dates on back in the space provided. Written Paper Summarize what you feel you have learned during your first year of confirmation. O 2-page paper _________ Turn in to Pastor Tim for feedback. We will keep track of the following: Confirmation Camp RLBC (1 Required) Sun-Fri, June 22-27, 2014 – first time subsidized 21 Service/Worship Assistant Please record all dates here: Please describe your service projects here, indicate date. Minimum, but not limited to, 3. O ____________ O ____________ Description: O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ Description: O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ Description: O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ Description: O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________________________ O ____________ O ____________ Description: 22 8th Grade Expectations 2013-14 Student to complete and turn in: We will keep track of the following: Update of checklist to confirmation coordinator mailbox O 1 _______ Jan. 2014 O 2 _______ June 2014 Sermon Notes Worship cards (located at Prayer-Partner mailbox) or bulletin inserts when available. O Sermon Notes #1 __________ O Sermon Notes #2 __________ O Sermon Notes #3 __________ O Sermon Notes #4 __________ O Sermon Notes #5 __________ O Sermon Notes #6 __________ O Sermon Notes #7 __________ O Sermon Notes #8 __________ O Sermon Notes #9 __________ O Sermon Notes #10 _________ O Sermon Notes #11 _________ O Sermon Notes #12 _________ O Sermon Notes #13 _________ O Sermon Notes #14 _________ Readings (3 total) O Mark __________ O James _________ And 1 of these: O Hebrews _______ O Galations _______ O Philippians ______ O Jonah __________ During class at some point – student will paraphrase what they've read – to either Pastors or mentors. Retreats (1 required) O Recharge RLBC, Nov 8-10, 2013 O 30-hr Famine, Feb 21-22, 2014 Service Projects (3 required) 2 projects, describe on back O ____________ O ____________ 1 family project, describe on back O ____________ Service/Worship Assistant Acolyte, greeter, reader, actor, usher, communion assistant, etc. Minimum of 10 times, as required by schedule. Please briefly record dates on back in the space provided. Written Papers (2 required) What have you learned from the following passages? (see Readings above) O 1-page paper ________ Mark 10:13-31 -or Mark 15:1-47 & 16:1-8 O 1-page paper ________ James 1:9-27 –or James 3:1-18 Turn in to Pastor Tim for feedback. Sunday School, Wednesday evening O 1_________ O 21 ________ O 2_________ O 22________ O 3_________ O 23_________ O 4_________ O 24_________ O 5_________ O 25_________ O 6_________ O 26_________ O 7_________ O 27_________ O 8_________ O 28_________ O 9_________ O 29_________ O 10_________ O 30_________ O 11_________ O 31_________ O 12_________ O 32_________ O 13_________ O 33_________ O 14_________ O 34_________ O 15_________ O 35_________ O 16_________ O 36_________ O 17_________ O 37_________ O 18_________ O 38_________ O 19_________ O 39_________ O 20_________ O 40_________ Confirmation Camp RLBC (1 required) Sun-Fri, June 22-27,2014 – first time subsi- dized 23 Service/Worship Assistant Please record all dates here: Please describe your service projects here, indicate date. Minimum, but not limited to, 3. O ____________ O ____________ Description: O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ Description: O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ Description: O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ Description: O ____________ O ____________ O ____________ O ____________________________ O ____________ O ____________ Description: 24 Freshman Expectations 2013 -2014 Student to complete and turn in: We will keep track of the following: Update of checklist to confirmation coordinator mailbox O 1________ Jan 2014 O 2________ June 2014 Sermon Notes Worship cards (located at Prayer- Partner mailbox) or bulletin inserts when available O Sermon Notes #1________ O Sermon Notes #2________ O Sermon Notes #3________ O Sermon Notes #4________ O Sermon Notes #5________ O Sermon Notes #6 ________ O Sermon Notes #7 ________ O Sermon Notes #8 ________ O Sermon Notes #9 ________ O Sermon Notes #10 _______ O Sermon Notes #11 _______ O Sermon Notes #12 _______ O Sermon Notes #13 _______ O Sermon Notes #14 _______ O Sermon Notes #15 _______ O Sermon Notes #16 _______ O Sermon Notes #17 _______ O Sermon Notes #18 _______ O Sermon Notes #19 _______ O Sermon Notes #20 _______ Readings (6 total) O Luther Biography O Luke O Romans O Ephesians and 2 of these: O 1 Corinthians O 2 Corinthians O Acts O 1 Peter O 2 Peter Retreats (4 of following are required) O O O O O O Recharge RLBC, Nov 8-10, 2013 Retreat #1, Oct 18-19, 2013 Retreat #2, Dec 13-14, 2013 Retreat #3, Jan 17-18, 2014 30-hr Famine, Feb 21-22, 2014 Retreat #4, Apr 25-26, 2014 Service Projects (3 required) 2 projects, describe on back O _________ O _________ 1 family project, describe on back Sunday school (or Wednesday eve) O 1_____ O 2_____ O __________ Written Paper (2 required) O O O O O O O O What have you learned from the following passages? O 1-page paper ________ Luke 11:1-13 – or Romans 10:1-17 – or Ephesians 4:1-16 O 1-page paper Luke 10:1-23 – or Romans 8:1-17 – or Ephesians 2:1-10 3_____ 4_____ 5_____ 6_____ 7_____ 8_____ 9_____ 10_____ O 11_____ O 12_____ O O O O O O O O 13_____ 14_____ 15_____ 16_____ 17_____ 18_____ 19_____ 20_____ Confirmation Camp RLBC 1 required Sun-Fri, July 20-25, 2014 – First time subsidized 25 26 10th Grade Expectations Retreat Attendance O “Life after Confirmation” retreat ____________ Travel off site to the Turner's vacation home in Galena area. Scheduled for Saturday through Sunday, September 28-29 It is a very special retreat in a special location. Make every effort to attend! Clear your calendar. Written Paper (1 required) O 2-page minimum ___________ To cover the following topics: What do you feel you have learned during the course of confirmation? In your own words, what do you believe it means to be confirmed? Why do you believe you are ready to accept confirmation? What do you plan on doing after confirmation to continue growing in your faith. The above topics will be the focus of discussion at the retreat, and you will have the opportunity to work on your paper while there. Scripture Verse O Memory verse _________ Choose a verse to memorize to share with the congregation on the morning of your confirmation. You may have the verse written on a small card from which to read, if you wish. * * * * * This year you will have the rare opportunity to not only catch up on reading and writing assignments, you may also catch up on missed retreat time with Pastor Mark! Please take advantage of this unique opportunity. The final catch-up session is October 20 and is the deadline for all work – papers, letter to council, etc. Watch for mailings and texts, and refer to the calendar at the back of the confirmation handbook. * * * * * October 27 is Confirmation Sunday! Please invite family, friends, godparents or sponsors to this special event in your life! Traditional Service 27 FAITH LUTHERA CHURCH Confirmation Program Calendar for 2013-2014 *ew this year! “POWER” praise service each Wednesday at 6:30 pm. *ew this year! Students are to attend “POWER” then move downstairs immediately following service for remaining class time. Sunday school between services each Sunday. Exceptions noted below. Fall Semester 2013 Sept 8, Sun Sept 18, Wed Sept 22, Sun Sept 25, Wed Sept 28-29, Sat-Sun Sept 29, Sun Back to Church Sunday & potluck “Ketchup” day Confirmation Banquet/Orientation Meal site service 1st confirmation class “Ketchup” day SYATP “See You at the Pole”! Confirmation Retreat, Turner’s cabin Youth “Thank You” breakfast 8am – 1pm, all grades & ages 1-4 pm following potluck, make up missed retreats Between services, all grades & adult 4-7 pm, leave church 5:20 pm & return by 7 pm 6:50-8 pm, grades 7 & 8, following “Power” service Noon-4pm, Luther movie encore w/popcorn Prayer 7am. Rally leave church 6:30 pm Off-site from 4 pm Sat to 6pm Sun, grade 10 only, between services, Jr & Sr high Oct TBA Oct 5, Sat Oct 6, Sun Oct 16, Wed Oct 18-19, Fri-Sat Acolyte training 6-Flags, Gurnee !! “Ketchup” day “Ketchup” day Confirmation Retreat #1 Instruction & demonstration, for any new acolytes Sr high only, leave 7:30am – return 8:30pm, Noon-4pm, lunch available, 2-5 pm (½ day Moline HS), preceding service/class 6pm Fri thru 4pm Sat, grade 9 (gr10 optional) Oct 20, Sun Oct 26, Sat “Ketchup” day w/Pastor Mark! Confirmation rehearsal Noon-4pm, lunch available, make up missed retreat Time TBA (about 1 hour) Oct 27, Sun Confirmation Sunday, grade 10 9 am service, reception 10:10 am (grade 9 serves) Nov 3, Sun Nov 8-10, Fri-Sun Nov 5, Tue Christmas wreath fundraiser begins Fall Recharge at Riverside LBC Meal site service Jr & Sr High, throughout the month Grades 7-9 w/friends, Faith trans & chaperones 4-7 pm, leave church 5:20 pm & return by 7 pm Nov ??? Nov 17, Sun Nov 22-24, Fri-Sun Nov 24, Sun (fun event TBA) Meal Site service Fall Recharge at Riverside LBC Thanksgiving baskets, sort & deliver Jr & Sr High, w/friends, chaperones needed 4-7 pm, leave church 5:20pm & return by 7 pm Grades 10-12 w/friends, Faith transport & chaperones 10am - 2pm Dec 1, Sun Dec 13-14, Fri-Sat Dec 15, Sun Dec 15, Sun Dec 18, Wed Dec (during break) Dec (during break) Dec 25, Wed Dec. 29, Sun Christmas wreath pick-up Confirmation Retreat #2 Sunday School Christmas Program Christmas Caroling Conf. Christmas potluck & gift exchange Snow Star tubing Prepare/rehearse for Youth Sunday O confirmation class O Sunday School after Sunday services 6 pm Fri thru 4 pm Sat, grade 9 only w/Pr Tim Contemporary service time TBA 6:50-8 pm, following “Power” service, gr 7.8.9 Jr & Sr High w/friends, chaperones needed Jr & Sr Hi - prepare for youth service Jan 5 Merry Christmas! Sept 11, Wed In spite of all our careful planning, try as we might, this calendar is subject to change. Unlike the 10 Commandments, it is not cast in stone! 28 SPRIG SEMESTER, 2014 All Jan Jan 1, Wed Jan 5, Sun Super Bowl sub fundraiser begins O confirmation class Jr & Sr High, earn toward personal account Youth Worship Sunday Youth lead worship service, Jr & Sr high Jan 8, Wed Jan 12, Sun Jan 17-18, Fri, Sat Jan ??? Feb 2, Sun Feb 2, Sun Feb 5, Tue Feb 16, Sun Feb 21-22, Fri-Sat O Sunday School Confirmation class resume s Sunday school resumes Confirmation retreat #3 (fun event TBA) Super Bowl Subs Congregational annual meeting Meal site service Meal site service 30-hour Famine, begin after b’fast 6:50-8 pm, grades 7 & 8, following “Power” Between services, all ages 6pm Fri thru 4pm Sat, grade 9 only Jr & Sr High, w/friends, chaperones needed 8am – 1pm, Jr & Sr High, assemble, distribute, sell 2pm Serve Sandwiches/Meal 4-7 pm, leave church 5:20 pm & return by 7 pm 4-7 pm, leave church 5:20 pm & return by 7 pm At church from 5 pm Fri-2 pm Sat, Jr & Sr high Mar 5, Wed Mar 12, Wed Mar 19, Wed Mar 26, Wed Ash Wednesday Lent service/confirmation class Lent service/confirmation class Lent service/confirmation class Jr high serves Simple Supper 6 pm, Simple supper 6 pm, class/Lent service 7 pm Simple supper 6 pm, class/Lent service 7 pm Simple supper 6 pm, class/Lent service 7 pm All April Apr 2, Wed Apr 9, Wed Apr 16, Wed Apr 20, Sun Apr TBA April 25-26, Fri-Sat Pizza fundraiser begins Lent service/confirmation class Lent service/confirmation class O confirmation class Happy Easter! O Sunday school Fun Event Confirmation Retreat #4 Jr & Sr High, earn toward personal account Simple supper 6 pm, class/Lent service 7 pm Youth serves Simple Supper 6 pm, May TBA May 3, Sat May 6, Tue May 7, Wed May 14, Wed May 18, Sun 6-Flags, Gurnee, IL Pizza fundraiser Meal site service Last confirmation class Prayer Partner Banquet Last Sunday school Meal site service Jr High only, all day, w/ Pr Tim, chaperones needed Jr & Sr Hi, assemble pizzas 4-7 pm, leave church 5:30 pm & return by 7 pm 6:30-8 pm, grades 7 & 8 6:50 pm, meet your Secret Prayer Partner between services, all ages 4-7 pm, leave church 5:20 pm & return by 7 pm TBA ?? June 8-13, Sun-Fri June 15-19, Sun-Thur June 22-27, Sun-Fri July 20-25, Sun-Fri Aug 5, Tue Car Wash Rummage Sale & Bake Sale Vacation Bible School Riverside LBC summer camp Riverside LBC summer camp Meal site service Easter egg hunt after early service Jr & Sr High, w/friends, chaperones needed 6 pm Fri thru 4 pm Sat, grade 9 only Summer Season Jr & Sr Hi, earn toward camp or trip Jr & Sr Hi, earn toward camp or other trip Evenings, Jr & Sr Hi, service – lead or assist Jr Hi (completing gr 7-8), Sr Hi (completing gr 9 & up) 4-7 pm, leave church 5:20 pm & return by 7pm 29
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