Dear Parent: We are delighted with your continued interest in the Waterford School and have enclosed the information you will complete to update your application for the upcoming school year. Candidates to Waterford School must demonstrate an interest in learning and a readiness to develop their talents. Students enrolled at Waterford will study, practice and achieve in an academic environment. Students must be ready to learn and to engage with the faculty in the process of learning. The admissions process outlined below provides an opportunity for you to become more informed with Waterford even as we become better acquainted with you and your family. We want to make the best evaluation we can for any student applying to the school, and therefore ask you to provide us with the following information to complete the application process. These items must be completed and returned to Waterford School as soon as possible to be considered for fall enrollment. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS & PROCEDURES NURSERY & KINDERGARTEN • SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT SURVEY – This survey is completed by the parent and returned to the school. • TEACHER RECOMMENDATION – If your child has attended another preschool, please use the enclosed Teacher Recommendation Form and return envelope to obtain this recommendation. • REQUEST FOR SCHOOL RECORDS – If your child has attended another preschool, please use the enclosed Request for School Records Form and return envelope to obtain report cards and/or progress reports and comment sheets, other educational assessments and health and immunization records. • BIRTH CERTIFICATE – A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate is required. • SCHOOL VISIT & EVALUATION – We will schedule a time for a school visit. During this visit, the appropriate grade level teacher will evaluate your child. The evaluation will include both small group and individual activities. The Admissions Office will schedule this visit. Upon completion of the above, the Admissions Committee will review your child’s application. To gauge a student’s ability and assess achievement, the Admissions Committee will consider the evaluation completed during the admissions process, previous academic records (where applicable), teacher recommendations, progress in school, personal attributes, and special interests and talents. Ultimately, Waterford will enroll students who show promise, who are willing to make the commitment to work hard and whose parents are willing to provide the necessary support for the student and the school. It is not until after re-enrollment of current students (March 1) that we can determine the exact number of openings in each grade. You will be notified by letter of the committee’s decision soon thereafter. Once a class is filled, the Waterford School will maintain a waiting pool of candidates for spaces that may become available in the spring or summer. If you have any questions about the application process, please do not hesitate contacting the Admissions Office. Sincerely, Todd Winters Director of Admissions SPEECH AND LANGUAGE SURVEY APPLICANTS FOR NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN Child’s Name _________________________________________________________ Name of Parent Completing Survey _____________________________________________ Date of Birth ________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________________________________ Age ____________ (years) ____________ (months) Applying for: N3 ________ N4 ________ K ________ To t h e Pa r e n t : Please check the appropriate box for each item below that best describes your child’s history. Please use the space provided for detailed explanations. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Yes No Did mother and/or baby experience any complications during pregnancy or birth? If yes, please explain: ❑ ❑ Did your child reach developmental milestones, such as crawling, walking, first words, etc., at an age you consider to be developmentally age appropriate? In no, please explain: ❑ ❑ Has your child experienced any ear infections in the past or present? If yes, please answer the following: ❑ ❑ Has your child’s speech/language and/or hearing been tested within the past year? If yes, when? Where? ❑ ❑ Does anyone in the child’s immediate and extended family have a history of speech/language disorders and/or hearing loss? If yes, who? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Are you concerned with any areas of your child’s speech/language development or language acquisition, including word production, sentence structure, fluency or voice quality? If yes, please explain: ❑ ❑ Is a language other than English spoken in the home? If yes, what language(s)? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ At what age did ear infections begin? How frequent are/were the ear infections? Date of the most recent ear infection? Method used to treat ear infections? i.e., medications, tubes, etc? In your opinion, does your child currently demonstrate any difficulty with the following: Making speech sounds? Combining words? Following directions or understanding conversation? Answering, “who?” “what?” “where?” and “why?” questions? Repeating syllables or words during conversation? Are people outside the immediate family able to understand your child’s speech most of the time? If no, please rate how much of the time your child is understood by others, (i.e. child is understood 1% to 100% of the time): Would you be interested in Waterford providing you with a list of recommended professionals who provide screening services if it is determined your child needs additional testing? Additional Comments: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Compiled on behalf of The Waterford School by Lori M. Fox, MS, CCC-SLP, Speech/Language Pathologist. This document is intended for information only, not for diagnosis. REQUEST FOR SCHOOL RECORDS APPLICANTS FOR NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN To t h e Pa r e n t s : Please print the name of your child and the name and address of current school and give this form to the head of school, principal, or guidance counselor. APPLICANT’S I N F O R M AT I O N Applicant’s Full Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ F last first middle M ❑ ❑ Name of Current School ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address of Current School ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ address city state zip phone I hereby give my permission to release the information requested by the Waterford School below. Parent Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date __________________________________________________ To t h e S c h o o l O f f i c i a l : The student named above has applied for admission to the Waterford School. Please send a COPY of the complete student record including the following: 1. Report card and/or progress reports and comment sheets from the CURRENT YEAR through the current term. 2. Report cards and/or progress reports and comment sheets from the PREVIOUS YEAR. 3. Any psychological or educational assessments. 4. Health and Immunization records. Please send copies of these records directly to: Mr. Todd Winters, Director of Admissions The Waterford School 1480 East 9400 South Sandy, Utah 84093 We appreciate your cooperation in sending copies of these records. They provide one way of getting to know the student and are only part of the information we obtain during the admissions process. Your immediate response is most appreciated. Please return this original form, or a copy of it, along with the materials we have requested. Thank you for your assistance. TEACHER RECOMMENDATION APPLICANTS FOR NURSERY AND KINDERGARTEN _____________________________________________ is a candidate for admission to Nursery or Kindergarten at The Waterford School. Your response to the following items will be very much appreciated and your comments will be held in the strictest confidence. This information provides one way of getting to know the child and is not the only evaluation we use in making admissions decisions. Please evaluate this child in relation to other children of the same age you have taught. Please check the appropriate box for each item below. In the event that an item is not applicable, simply indicate “N/A”. SKILL DEVELOPMENT Area of Concern Needs Development Age Appropriate Exceeds Expectations Area of Concern Needs Development Age Appropriate Exceeds Expectations Identifies letters and/or recognizes sounds at appropriate age level Reading and/or writing at appropriate age level Identifies and creates patterns (mathematically) Identifies numerals Counts with one-to-one correspondence Attention span Listens in a group Contributes appropriate remarks to group discussions Follows and understands directions Works cooperatively Demonstrates ability to focus on and complete tasks Respects classroom routines and established rules Is willing to try new activities Exhibits curiosity Enjoys new challenges Exhibits problem solving skills Understands sequence Remembers information Makes transitions easily Uses materials purposefully Works independently PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Small motor control and coordination (cutting, drawing, and handling manipulatives) Large motor control and coordination (running, skipping, climbing, jumping) Speech development (articulation) Cares for own needs (toilet care, dressing) SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT Area of Concern Needs Development Age Appropriate Exceeds Expectations Can be a friend Is supportive of peers Is comfortable with adults Plays alone happily Cooperates with adults Cooperates with other children Shares well Initiates play activities Is imaginative Has the capacity to lead Has the capacity to follow Self-motivated Acceptance of consequences Exhibits self-control Resolves conflicts independently Tolerates frustration Separates from parent To your knowledge, has a psychological or education assessment ever been completed for this child (such an evaluation might include testing for special needs, learning differences or disabilities)? ❑ NO ❑ YES If yes, please explain: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please comment on this child’s health and school attendance: _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Briefly describe the relationship of the child’s parents with the school (parental expectations, level of support, and cooperation): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Briefly describe the emphasis of your school’s program: __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are there any other areas of concern that we should be aware of ? _________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your thoughtfulness and the time you have given to complete the evaluation of this child. The information you have provided is confidential and will not become part of this child’s permanent file nor will it be available to the child or parents. We ask that you mail this completed form to the Office of Admission in the envelope provided by the Waterford School. _____________________________________________________________ Name _____________________________________________________________ Title/Position _____________________________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________ School _____________________________________________________________ Date _____________________________________________________________ Telephone
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