SCHOOL BUS RIDERS MANUAL CORNING~PAINTED POST AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT 2013~2014 Dear Parents: Over 4,000 students ride school buses to school on a daily basis to attend Corning-Painted Post Area School District schools. Over 5,000 miles are driven each day by approximately 100 permanent and substitute bus drivers. Together with over 50 bus monitors, they drive over 1,000,000 route miles during the school year. The District has its own fleet of buses and contracts approximately 80 other buses from private contractors in the local area. The opportunity to ride these buses is available to students who are eligible for transportation. However, this privilege is accompanied by a responsibility for everyone to make each trip as safe as possible. Each student, whether a walker or rider, will eventually ride buses due to field trips or sports events. Therefore, all students are involved in making our extensive transportation system a safe one. These rules and regulations have been developed with the safety and comfort of each school bus rider in mind. Please read this manual carefully and help us make sure that Corning-Painted Post Area School District buses are safe and provide adequate transportation for your children. Please feel free to contact the Transportation Director’s office (962-2493) between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. if you have any questions or concerns regarding District bus transportation policies, rules, regulations, or overall operation. For emergency transportation concerns, you may call the above number between 6:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. This manual can also be found on the district website at Larry E. Eccleston Larry E. Eccleston Director of Transportation TABLE OF CONTENTS I. II. PURPOSE.....................................................................................................1 GENERAL GUIDELINES..............................................................................1 A. Student Eligibility................................................................................1 B. Criteria for Routes and Bus Stops .....................................................2 C. Other Scheduling and Routing Information........................................3 POLICY REGARDING STUDENT CONDUCT ON SCHOOL BUSES .........3 INCLEMENT WEATHER CLOSINGS ..........................................................4 TWO-HOUR DELAY .....................................................................................4 SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS ............................................................5 Special Transportation Services per CSE Direction ................................5 RESPONSIBILITIES .....................................................................................7 I. Staff Responsibilities ...............................................................................7 A. Director of Transportation................................................................7 B. Principals .........................................................................................7 C. Bus Driver........................................................................................8 II. Parental Responsibilities .........................................................................9 III. Student Responsibilities ........................................................................10 A. Waiting for the Bus ........................................................................10 B. Loading the Bus ............................................................................10 C. Riding the Bus ...............................................................................11 D. Transferring Buses ........................................................................13 E. Unloading the Bus .........................................................................13 DISCIPLINE REFERRALS .........................................................................14 CHAPERONES/COACHES RESPONSIBILITIES......................................15 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION ...........................................................17 Bus Passes ...........................................................................................17 Transportation to Day Care Facilities ....................................................17 Transportation to Private Schools .........................................................18 Scheduled Early Dismissals ..................................................................18 Bus Drills ...............................................................................................18 Lost Children .........................................................................................18 Videotaping ...........................................................................................18 Seat Belts ..............................................................................................18 Changes in Individual Transportation Arrangements ............................19 SPORTS SHUTTLE ....................................................................................19 BUS RIDERS’ INSURANCE.......................................................................20 BUS PASS ..................................................................................................21 SCHOOL BUS CONDUCT REPORT .........................................................22 THE DANGER ZONES ...............................................................................23 IMPORTANT SCHOOL BUS SAFETY ALERT ..........................................24 BUS RULES ...............................................................................................25 TRANSPORTATION QUESTIONS ............................................................26 TRANSPORTATION POLICY Corning-Painted Post Area School District policy is set by the Board of Education. State Education Law requires school districts to provide transportation to children who live more than two miles (elementary students) and three miles (secondary students) from the school they attend. (See Corning-Painted Post Area School District Policy Manual, pages 8410-8413.) STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES I. PURPOSE To establish equitable guidelines for the busing of students residing in the Corning-Painted Post Area School District attending public and private schools in state-approved learning centers. II. GENERAL GUIDELINES A. Student Eligibility 1. Children will be transported to school in accordance with guidelines determined by the shortest distance along public streets and roads so that children in grades K-5 will walk no more than one mile to the school they attend or to the appropriate bus route stop. Children in grades 6-12 will walk no more than 1½ miles to the school they attend or to the appropriate bus route stop. 2. Residents within the Corning City limits will be transported only in cases of disabilities, to be determined by the Committee of Special Education. 3. Transportation will not be provided for students attending Corning-Painted Post Area schools outside of their home school area unless a determination by the Committee of Special Education states otherwise. 4. Transportation will not be provided for students attending private schools located outside the District limits from their home in excess of 15 miles measured by the shortest distance along public streets and roads, or less the minimum distance designated for District students. B. Criteria for Routes and Bus Stops 1. Designated stops for all students will be set under safe conditions and can be located up to 1½ miles apart when applicable with the criteria of these guidelines. 2. Stops shall be approved by the Transportation Department. 3. Pick up and drop off points may be adjusted for distance to provide a location that is safe, reasonable and compatible with the criteria of these guidelines. 4. Stops will be reviewed at least once each year by the Transportation Department and other times when necessary. Routes may be extended, shortened or altered at any time to accommodate changes in population or state laws or to remain consistent with these guidelines. 5. Buses will not travel roads that are private, have restricted traffic flow, are not maintained by the appropriate highway department, or conditions are judged to be unsafe for student transportation. Such determination will be the responsibility of the Director of Transportation. 6. Reasonable effort will be made to limit the number of students at any one bus stop to 30 when there is adequate waiting space away from heavy traffic. Exceeding this limit will require a review and authorization by the Director of Transportation. 7. Bus drivers shall stop at designated bus stops only. Drivers shall use good judgment if an incident dictates any temporary exception. 8. Reasonable effort shall be made to limit a student’s morning and afternoon travel time to a maximum of 1½ hours each. 9. No route shall require a bus to back up unless specifically approved by the Director of Transportation. 10. Dead end roads and those thoroughfares with an outlet which has restricted travel flow will not be serviced by a bus unless such roads exceed 1 mile in length for students in grades K-5 and 1½ miles in length for students in grades 6-12, or such road plus connecting portions of other roads are more than 1 mile in length for students in grades K-5 and 1½ miles in length for students in grades 6-12 from the preceding or subsequent bus stop, and the turnaround is approved by the Director of Transportation. 2 C. Other Scheduling and Routing Information Side roads/private roads – Transportation will not be provided on private roads or on side roads that are not maintained by town highway departments if the lack of maintenance makes it unsafe to travel on these roads. Some examples of unsafe conditions are flooding, road erosion, ice, snow, and mud. Turnarounds–Turnarounds will not be established unless adequate space is available and this space is properly maintained (Education Law section 3602, 3635). All turnarounds must be approved by the Director of Transportation or designee. POLICY REGARDING STUDENT CONDUCT ON SCHOOL BUSES “A student does not come within the boundary of control of the School District until the student enters school property or boards a school bus. Further, this control ends upon the student leaving school property or getting off the school bus away from school property. Students will conduct themselves on a school bus in accordance with the rules of discipline established by the Board and administration. A student may have his bus privilege suspended by a school administrator if it is determined that a student had failed to comply with the rules of discipline. In such a case the District shall not be responsible to transport the child during the period of suspension. If a student is disruptive on a school bus, the student shall be delivered to his destination and a report shall be given of the incident to the appropriate school administrator. If a student has been classified as handicapped, the IEP of the student may provide for specific standards regarding bus transportation. If such a student is disruptive on a school bus, the report of the incident shall also be given to the Chairperson of the Committee for Special Education. Appropriate action shall be taken consistent with the child’s classification and IEP.” 3 INCLEMENT WEATHER CLOSINGS When hazardous road conditions or emergencies cause cancellation of school, announcement will be as soon as possible on local radio and television stations (See Two-hour Delay). PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE TRANSPORTATION OFFICE. It is very important that the telephone lines be kept open so that vital information can be received. It is recommended that you tune in to local AM/FM radio stations and local (Elmira) TV stations. Do not call them, as they also need to keep their lines open. They will announce school closings approximately every 15 minutes. To check the Internet, go to “” for school closing announcements. If a storm occurs while school is in session, we will make every effort to stay in school. This gives highway crews a chance to clear the roads so that the buses can take students home at the regular closing time. PARENTS: DURING INCLEMENT WEATHER, THE ULTIMATE DECISION IS YOURS AS TO WHETHER YOU SEND YOUR CHILDREN TO SCHOOL OR ELECT TO KEEP THEM HOME. TWO-HOUR DELAY (All buses will run two hours late) First Bus Run: Second Bus Run: Special Ed. Runs: PM Dismissal: (High/Middle/Parochial Schools) Bus runs start approximately 8:45 AM. Buses arrive at schools around 10 AM. (Elementary Schools) Start time is approximately 10:10 AM. Buses arrive at schools around 11 AM. Add two hours to the approximate Pickup times. Normal times The following events will be canceled or modified: ** Cancel AM BOCES classes at Coopers BOCES and Philo Road BOCES. ** Cancel all Co-op, Child Development, and Work Experience runs which pick up prior to Noon. ** Cancel all sporting events starting before Noon. ** Cancel all field trips and curriculum trips starting before Noon. *** CANCEL SCHOOL BREAKFAST *** 4 SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDENTS The Corning-Painted Post School District operates over 100 buses on routes daily. Many of these are buses designed for special education students. However, depending on location, a special education student may ride the regular route bus. These buses operate on a very tight schedule. In order to keep this demanding schedule running, the Board of Education has adopted the following policy concerning the transportation of students receiving special transportation. Special Transportation Services per CSE Direction Curb-to-curb transportation is authorized by the CSE Committee. The exact location of curb-to-curb pickup will be decided by the Director of Transportation in consultation with the Director of Pupil Personnel Services and parents, with the safety of the child and other children on the bus being the ultimate concern. If a child is to receive curb-to-curb pickup, it is the responsibility of the parents to bring the child to the pickup location, and to be there in the afternoon when the child is dropped off. Supervision at the bus stop is the responsibility of the parents. Each child should be accompanied by an adult and should be dressed and at the bus stop prepared to board the bus five minutes prior to the arrival time of the bus. In the afternoon, an adult must be available to accept the student five minutes prior to the scheduled drop off time. Parents are encouraged to talk to the bus drivers and aides regarding any special needs of their children, such as extra warmth or medical problems. Curb-to-curb services are provided from the residence to school and from school to the residence. Any deviation in pickup or drop off must be requested in writing by the parent to the Transportation Office and MUST be approved by the Director of Transportation. If a different location is requested, it must be constant throughout the week and year with no deviation. Parents are responsible for transportation of their children should they miss their bus or be denied transportation for disciplinary reasons. 5 In addition, below are several regulations that will insure trouble-free transportation of your student: 1. If your child is not going to school, call the appropriate bus garage approximately 6:30 a.m. Also let us know if the child will ride the afternoon bus, or the next day also. This call prevents us from going to houses and waiting, thus causing unnecessary delays. 2. All students are expected to behave on the bus. Repeated infractions of bus rules can cause a disciplinary referral to the school and appropriate disciplinary action taken. 3. Administering medicines to students: The following regulations govern the giving of medication in school. A. Medication will be given only when a PHYSICIAN’S ORDER FOR GIVING MEDICATION IN SCHOOL form has been filed with the school nurse-teacher. B. Parents are requested to bring the medication to school and deliver it to the school nurse-teacher, or in her absence, to the school principal or designee. BUS DRIVERS WILL NOT ACCEPT MEDICATION. C. The parent is responsible for an adequate supply of medicine in the drug store container, labeled properly with directions and the child’s name. D. No change in dosage or frequency can be made without a physician’s order. E. Medication orders must be renewed annually. Any questions regarding these regulations should be referred to the school nurse-teacher or the principal. 4. If you have any questions on special education busing, call the Transportation Office at 962-2493. 6 RESPONSIBILITIES I. Staff Responsibilities A. Director of Transportation 1. Establish bus routes. 2. Assign routes to driver/contractor. 3. Arrange transportation for special trips to include field trips and sports trips, as well as other required trips. 4. Assist schools with bus drill requirements. 5. Work with building principals on discipline problems. 6. Advise building principals on safety issues involving transportation. 7. Ensure that safety requirements for drivers and monitors are adhered to. B. Principals 1. Ensure that teachers develop and teach programs of instruction in highway and bus safety. 2. Provide bus drills to the students 3 times a year as required by educational law. These drills should include location and use of emergency exits of the bus, fire extinguishers, first aid. In addition, drills should include safe boarding and exiting procedures, as well as emergency exiting procedures. Seat belt use, hazardous weather, and orderly conduct must be included. The school principal shall certify at the completion of each drill that it has been conducted for all students. 7 B. Principals (continued) 3. Provide adequate supervision of students while loading, unloading and transferring buses. 4. Ensure students understand that the same student behavior expected in the classroom is to be practiced on the bus. 5. Take prompt action on all Bus Discipline Referral forms. 6. Report to the Transportation Director any unsafe conditions or problems which are brought to their attention relating to the transportation program. 7. Require students to ride their assigned buses. 8. Administer the bus pass program. 9. Inform the appropriate bus garage when bused students have been suspended from school. C. Bus Driver 1. Drive the school bus safely and defensively and within speed limits. 2. Obey all traffic laws and regulations. 3. Keep the bus clean inside. 4. Report all student disciplinary problems to their supervisor in a timely manner. When required, make a written report of the discipline infraction to their supervisor. 5. Report all accidents and incidents to their supervisor. 6. Make out daily bus reports. 7. Make bus lists, seating charts, and revised time schedules as required. 8 C. Bus Driver (continued) 8. Instruct students daily on the proper way to exit buses, including walking 10 feet in front of bus and waiting for instructions before crossing the road. 9. Do not smoke on the bus at any time. II. Parental Responsibilities Parents play an important role in the safe and efficient operation of the school district transportation system. If the system is to operate properly, parents need to assume certain responsibilities for its operation: A. Parents are expected to have their children at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to scheduled pickup and dressed appropriately for the weather conditions. B. Parents should reinforce the rules of conduct on the bus and at bus stops so the driver can concentrate on safe driving. C. Parents are responsible for transportation of their children should they miss their bus or be denied transportation for disciplinary reasons. D. Parents are encouraged to call their local bus contractor or the Transportation Office at 962-2493 with questions. E. Students who are bused to school in the morning must return home on a bus unless they have parental permission and school office approval to do otherwise. 9 III. Student Responsibilities A. Waiting for the Bus 1. Students need to be at their stop 5 minutes before scheduled pickup time. While at the bus stop, the student will wait in an orderly manner several feet from the highway. Students who are not at the bus stop will have to find their own transportation to school. 2. Students are not to arrive at their bus stop earlier than 10 minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time. 3. Students must observe all safety precautions while waiting for the bus: a. If possible, avoid crossing busy roads. When crossing, look both ways and only cross if there is no moving traffic approaching from either direction. b. Do not push or chase others. c. Respect others’ property and privacy. 4. As the bus approaches, line up at least 15 feet from the bus stop off the highway. Do not approach the bus until it comes to a complete stop and the driver has opened the door. 5. If crossing the road when the bus has stopped, wait for all traffic to stop and watch for the bus driver to signal you to cross. Cross 10 feet in front of the bus. B. Loading the Bus 1. Get on the bus quickly and in an orderly manner, taking a seat at once. 2. Make room for others. Bus seats were meant to carry 3 students each. 10 III. Student Responsibilities (continued) B. Loading the Bus (continued) 3. Listen carefully and obey any directions given by the bus personnel. 4. If requested by bus personnel, move to the seat you are directed to at once. 5. Bus personnel may, at any time, assign seats to an individual student or the whole bus, temporarily or permanently. 6. No students shall board the bus with oversized objects/ potentially dangerous objects, as outlined in this manual. 7. Be courteous to other students as well as bus personnel. C. Riding the Bus (The District Code of Conduct is in effect on all bus transportation. Students are expected to follow all applicable provisions of the Code.) 1. Each student must stay seated while the bus is in motion. It is appropriate to have 3 in each seat. Sit facing forward and be careful not to block the aisles. 2. Heads, arms, and legs must stay inside the bus. Nothing will be thrown inside or outside the bus. 3. Students must listen to and follow all directions of bus personnel. Noise must be kept to a minimum. 4. Students will not litter or mark bus. 5. Emergency exit doors and windows will only be used in emergency situations or when instructed to by bus personnel. 6. Students will give bus personnel their name and address when requested. 11 III. Student Responsibilities (continued) C. Riding the Bus 7. No eating/drinking is allowed on buses. 8. Absolutely no use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs on the bus. 9. Destruction or damage to the bus will be immediately referred to building principals, and restitution for damage will be required. 10. Prohibited objects include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Radios, recorders not related to instruction b. Glass objects, aerosol cans, perfume, flowers/plants (unless enclosed in plastic, to protect other riders from allergies) c. Weapons such as knives/guns d. Explosives/flammable materials e. Live animals, except guide dogs f. Oversized objects such as large instruments, skateboards, very large bags 11. Students who are disruptive, excessively loud, use profanity, or indulge in horseplay will receive a disciplinary referral turned in to their principal. 12 III. Student Responsibilities (continued) D. Transferring Buses 1. Students who require transfers will exit the bus at the transfer point when told to do so and either proceed directly to their transfer bus or wait quietly in the designated loading zone. 2. Students will not leave school grounds while waiting for transfer buses. 3. Students come under control of the school where their transfer point is. 4. All bus riding rules apply to transfer buses. E. Unloading the Bus 1. When students exit the bus at their stops, they must immediately move 15 feet from the door of the bus at a right angle, or 10 feet forward of the bus, never to the rear. Once the bus has departed, they can continue their walk home. 2. If students are required to cross in front of the bus, they will walk at least 10 feet in front of the bus and wait for the driver to signal it is safe to cross. When crossing, they will walk to the center of the road, look left and right, then wait for the driver to again signal it is safe to continue. If the bus horn sounds, the students must return immediately to the right side of the road. 3. Never return to the road if an item is dropped, without signaling the driver of your intentions and waiting for his/ her instructions. 4. Students must get off at their designated stop. A bus pass from the school is the only exception to this rule. 13 DISCIPLINE REFERRALS Continuous disruptive behavior on the bus will be referred to the building principal on a Bus Conduct Report form. This report is filled out by the drivers and/or monitors and turned in to their supervisors. Principals will handle discipline referrals. Should principals desire, arrangements will be made between the school, Transportation Department, and the parents for a meeting concerning the disruptive behavior. Although procedures in place in each school call for progressive discipline, a continuous or extremely unsafe or disrespectful attitude may call for immediate suspension from bus riding privileges. If a student’s bus riding privileges are suspended, the student is still obligated to attend school, and parents or guardians are legally responsible for ensuring attendance. 14 CHAPERONES/COACHES RESPONSIBILITIES Section 156 of the Commissioner’s Regulations states that the bus driver is held responsible for the reasonable behavior of pupils in transit. The chaperone and/or coach will assist the driver in maintaining order and see that the pupils adhere to the bus rules. Coaches/Chaperones are responsible for directions to the event or location they are traveling to and from. Coaches/Chaperones may also be required to assist the driver in following these directions. A list of students who are to ride the bus will be made out in duplicate by the teacher, activity sponsor or coach and signed for by the building principal and/ or designee. The principal will keep one copy, and the chaperone will take the other copy on the trip. In the case of a field trip, the teacher may use the attendance register for the list. Attendance will also be taken before returning. Chaperones/coaches should sit in an appropriate location to help maintain order. Bus riding rules that students shall follow and chaperones and coaches shall help the drivers enforce are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Stay in your seat. Do not change seats while the bus is in motion. Keep the aisle clear so that the driver can see out the rear of the bus. Sit up in your seat; do not lie down. Head, hands, and arms are to be kept inside the bus at all times. No chewing or smoking tobacco is allowed. Use or possession of alcohol or controlled substances is prohibited. No disturbance which may be a serious distraction to the bus driver will be allowed. The playing of musical instruments or noise making devices is prohibited. No “boom boxes”; no inappropriate cell phone use. Cheering and singing will be permitted as long as it is at a reasonable level--not vulgar or offensive in nature. The rear emergency door is not to be used for normal student loading or unloading. 15 CHAPERONES/COACHES RESPONSIBILITIES CONTINUED 12. No eating or drinking on the bus (See below). 13. If a group wants to pack a lunch to eat either at their destination, at a rest stop along the way, or on the bus, they may do so with the following provisions: a. To eat on the bus, prior approval of the building principal and/or Athletic Director, and the Transportation Director or designee is required. b. If permission is granted to eat on the bus while in transit, food must be carried in a box on the bus and passed out by the chaperone at one time so as to have a scheduled period to eat, pick up and clean up. The chaperone will walk the aisle passing out food to seated students. c. No glass bottles, silverware, or thermos bottles will be transported. d. The decision to stop and eat will be made by the chaperone of the group taking the trip. If more than one bus is on the trip, they will all either stop or come directly home. THE CHAPERONE AND THE BUS DRIVER HAVE A MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY TO COORDINATE ALL EATING ACTIVITIES, TO ENSURE STUDENTS ARE PROPERLY TAKEN CARE OF, AND TO CLEAN UP THE BUS. REPORT ANY INFRACTIONS TO THE PRINCIPAL AND/OR TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR. 16 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Bus Passes It is a district policy that all students who are bused to school must return home on their assigned bus unless parental and school office approval is received. Any alternative to this arrangement must comply with the following regulations: 1. If a student will not be riding a bus home or will be riding a different bus, a parent/guardian must submit a request in writing to the school office. 2. When a written parental request is not submitted by the student, a phone call request from a parent may suffice. However, such phone calls are discouraged, and a written request is preferred. 3. The school secretary or other designated personnel are responsible for verifying alternate busing arrangements before they are approved. Note: Requests to ride a different bus can only be granted if seats are available. Transportation to Day Care Facilities It is the practice of the school district that students may be transported to a day care facility only if that facility is on an existing route. Transportation to the day care service must be continuous. It cannot be left up to the school/driver to determine which day of the week a student does or does not go. This service is only available if there is room on existing route buses. 17 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Transportation to Private Schools The district provides transportation to private schools as required by state law, and in accordance with the Corning-Painted Post school calendar. When the Corning-Painted Post School District is closed for vacation/holidays, weather, etc., transportation is not available. Written requests from parents for the upcoming year must be received by the Transportation Director by April 1. Scheduled Early Dismissals Schools are required to notify parents of early dismissals. Please have someone home to receive your child. Bus Drills According to a schedule established by the State Education Department, at least 3 bus emergency drills will be conducted yearly by the school principal/ designee. The procedure for pupils to follow in case of an accident will be covered. Lost Children If your child does not get off the bus as expected, PLEASE CALL THE SCHOOL AT ONCE. The school will notify the District Bus Garage if necessary. Videotaping Buses can be equipped with video cameras, and taping is at the discretion of the Transportation Office. Taping will help ensure the safety of your student. Seat Belts All buses have seat belts. It is the responsibility of the parent to direct their child to wear one, if the parent so desires. 18 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION (CONTINUED) Changes in Individual Transportation Arrangements The Transportation Office will attempt to honor all reasonable requests to change student transportation within established guidelines and routes. Requests should be made in writing to the Transportation Director, 2666 Goff Road, Corning, New York 14830-3606. SPORTS SHUTTLE The after-school sports shuttle buses are used to transport students between schools for practices and games. The only students authorized to ride the sports shuttle are those actually participating in a currently running school sponsored sport or activity. The sports shuttle buses operate daily. These schedules change based upon the requirements of the Athletic Department. Schools, coaches, and students will be notified of all sports schedules. 19 BUS RIDERS’ INSURANCE The school district provides insurance coverage for all students in the district in the event they are injured in a school-related accident. Coverage provides for reimbursement of medical expenses after the parents’ basic insurance has paid, if a student should be injured while: * attending regular classes or school-sponsored activities; * traveling between home and school for these activities; * attending or traveling to or from any religious education activities or services. The Board of Education has requested that district parents be made aware of the effect of New York State No-Fault Insurance Law on school bus riders. Under the terms of this law, if an injury is sustained, regardless of fault, a claim for reimbursement for medical expenses will be made against the parents’ automobile insurance policy. If the parent has no automobile insurance, the claim would then be made against the owner of the school bus. A claimant may not bring suit against the owner of the bus or the school district, regardless of who is at fault for the accident, unless “serious injury” as defined in the no-fault law is sustained. 20 BUS PASS Note Telephone Call has permission to: Ride bus # Get off the bus at Not ride the bus today Date: Signed: White - Building Principal TF2 Canary - Bus Driver 21 22 THE DANGER ZONES 23 IMPORTANT SCHOOL BUS SAFETY ALERT HELP US PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN AS THEY TRAVEL TO AND FROM SCHOOL Certain types of children’s clothing can create a hazard as your child exits the school bus. Especially dangerous are: Long, dangling jacket or sweatshirt drawstrings Long backpack straps Long scarves or other loose clothing Such items can be caught in the bus handrail, door, or other equipment as the child exits the bus. In recent years, a number of children across the U.S. have had their clothing caught as they left the bus. Several children were dragged by the bus and then killed when the bus ran over them. Please take the time to check your children’s clothing to make sure it is safe. Also, please talk with your children about these safety rules: Stay away from the DANGER ZONES around the bus. Don’t try to pick up something dropped near the bus – the bus driver might not see you. Remember that other motorists don’t always stop for a stopped school bus – use extreme caution whenever getting on or off the bus. SCHOOL BUS SAFETY IS A TEAM EFFORT NOTHING IS MORE PRECIOUS THAN A CHILD’S LIFE Courtesy of the Pupil Transportation Safety Institute 24 BUS RULES (Posted in each bus) 1. Observe classroom conduct. 2. Be courteous. Use no profane language. 3. Do not eat or drink on bus. 4. Keep bus clean. 5. Do not smoke. 6. Cooperate with driver. 7. Do not damage bus or equipment. 8. Stay in your seat. 9. Keep head, hands, and feet inside. 10. Do not fight, push, or shove. 11. Do not tamper with bus equipment. 12. Do not bring pets on bus. 13. Do not bring flammables on bus. 14. The bus driver is authorized to assign seats. 25 TRANSPORTATION QUESTIONS We attempt to solve busing problems at the lowest level. If you have any busing concerns, please call your particular bus company first. Know your student’s bus number(s); this makes it faster and easier for us to help you. Parents: If you have questions about busing for your child, call the numbers below at least a week before school begins: Area You Live In Contact Beaver Valley, Caton, Coopers Plains, East Corning, Hornby, Meads Creek, Painted Post, Pine Hill, Route 414, Smith Hill, South Corning Birnie Transportation 962-0560 East Corning, Erwin Valley, Gang Mills, Gorton Rd, South Corning, Loren Smith Buses Spaulding Dr, Steege Hill, Woodland Park, Elmira Private Schools Phone # 936-3412 Lindley Area, Montessori Leland Harris Buses 523-8867 Big Flats, Corning Community College, South Corning, Spencer Hill, Special Education C-PP District Transportation Office 962-2493 ** PLEASE DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO CALL. OUR TELEPHONES GET VERY BUSY JUST BEFORE SCHOOL BEGINS, AND YOU MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO GET THROUGH. 26
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