Exhibitor Manual China International Auto Products Expo 2014 Oct. 19 – 21, 2014

China International Auto Products Expo
Exhibitor Manual
Oct. 19 – 21, 2014
National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) (NECC)
Table of Contents
Part 1 Show Information and Rules and Regulations………….……….................4
1. Show Information …………………………………………………….......5
2. Key Contacts………………………………………………........................5
3. General Rules and Regulations....................................................................8
4. Intellectual Property Rights…………………………………….….............8
5. Show Schedule …………............................................................................9
6. Booth Contractor…………………….….....................................................9
7.Requirement for Booth Design and Construction........................................10
8. Badges for Construction Staff and Transportation Vehicles…………........15
9. Exhibit Shipping……………………………………………..………........16
10. Exhibit Delivery ……………………………………………………........16
11. Storage and Garbage Disposal……………………...................................17
12. Booth Cleaning……………………………..............................................17
13. Security Information of exhibitors and visitors………………….............17
14. Security Information of exhibits and personal properties…......................18
15. Badges……………..………………..........................................................18
16. Exhibitor Mover-out……………………...................................................19
17. Aisles ………………….............................................................................19
18. Paging & Announcements and Sound/Music/Noise………......................19
19. Prohibition of Selling…………………………….....................................19
20. Exhibition Delegation from Provincial Governments and Agencies….....19
21. Internet Connection………………………………………........................19
22. Dinning……………………………………………………………….......20
23. Organizer’s Rights……………………………………………………......20
24. Unforeseeable……………………………………………………............20
25. Accountabilities……………………………………………………….....20
26. Medical Care and Insurance……………..................................................20
Part 2
The Regulations and Services of Space Only’s Construction…………..23
1. The Reporting Procedures of Space Only’s Construction Contractors........25
2. NECC Exhibition Safety Management Regulations……………................30
Part 3
Application Forms ……………..................................................................41
1. F1 Fascia Board Information…………………..….....................................42
2. F2 Location Plan………..............................................................................43
3. F3 Furniture Rental………..........................................................................45
4. F4 Form of Space Only Booth Setting up………........................................48
5. F5 Water, Electricity, Compressed Air Form………....................................49
6. F6 EAC Insurance Registration Form………..............................................51
7. F7 Letter of Commitment of Safety Responsibility of Booth Construction……….....52
8. F8 Official Catalogue Form……….............................................................53
9. F9 Official Catalogue Advertising Form……….........................................55
10. F10 On-site Advertising Contract………..................................................57
Part 4
Intellectual Property Rights……………………………….........................63
Part 5 Shipping Manual…………………………………………............................71
Dear exhibitors,
Thank you very much for your interest in China International Auto Products Expo
(CIAPE). The Exhibitor Manual (hereinafter referred to as the Manual) contains
comprehensive services to assist you in making arrangements in advance for your
participation in CIAPE. Please read the Manual carefully and abide by the rules and
regulations, exhibition schedule and the deadline for related forms. Exhibitors are
suggested to bring relevant forms with them for reference. Some of the rules are
developed to make sure that the event goes on well while others are from rules and
regulations of the exhibition venue –NECC and the official freight forwarder, Shanghai
High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited ( Hereinafter referred to as
High-Fair ) . Great efforts have been made to include major points about rules and
regulations we now know. The Organizer,the exhibition center and the freight forwarder
reserve the right to develop other rules and regulations as situations require. Detailed
information on freight forwarding, stand-fitting, furniture renting and lodging
arrangements are also contained here.
For orders and enquires, please kindly contact the person in charge accordingly.
Should you require any further information or assistance, please feel free to contact us.
We will try our best to assist you. We wish you every success in CIAPE and look
forward to welcoming you at the expo!
Yours faithfully,
The Organizing Committee
China International Auto Products Expo
August, 2014
Part One
Show Information and Rules and Regulations
1. Show Information
Name:China International Auto Products Expo
Venue:National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)
North Gate: 333, Songze Street (for taxi and cars )
West Gate: 1888, Zhuguang Road (Subway line 2, Xujingdong Station)
Dates:Oct. 19 to 20, 2014
Oct. 21, 2014
Organizer: Genertec International Advertising & Exhibition Co., Ltd.
2. Key Contacts
2.1 Organizing committee
General enquiries: Ms. Zheng Jian, Ms. Yu Zhijie, Ms. Zhang Kaili, Ms. Wang Changye
Tel:86-10-68991416, 68991049, 68991430, 68991493
E-mail:[email protected]
Visitor and Exhibitor enquiries: Mrs. Zhang Yazhu, Mr. Xie Yufeng
Tel.: 86-10-68991436, 68991432
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Booth Construction: Mr. Cui Peng
Tel: 86-10-68991735
E-mail: [email protected]
Event Promotion: Mr. Zeng Xiaohua, Ms. Zhang Jin
Tel: 86-10-68991762, 68991763
Fax: 86-10- 68991944
E-mail: [email protected]
Official Catalogue: Ms. Jiang Kexin, Ms. Feng Yufeng
Tel :86-10-68991474, 68991486
E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]
Hotel Affairs: Ms. Guo Jing, Ms. Wei Yuan
Tel :86-10-68991401, 68991763
Fax :86-10-68991428
E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]
Accounting:Ms. Ning Ping
Tel :86-10-68991429
Fax :86-10-68991084
For more information please visit www.iapechina.com
2.2 Service providers
Official Contractor:Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Hall 1:
Ji Tianfei
Hall 2: Yu Le
Hall 3:
Su Dan
Hall 4.1:He Jiaying
E-mail: [email protected]
Official freight forwarder: GO-EXPRESS CO., LTD.
Address :Suite C-D, 17th Floor Fulong Mansion No. 277 Shiping Road. Shanghai 200081.
P.R. China
Domestic exhibits:
Contact: Mr. Lv Jingquan
Tel :86-21-65757706
E-mail:[email protected]
Overseas exhibits
Contact:Mr. Ryan Xia
Tel: 86-21-65757709
Cel: 86-13621692959
E-mail:[email protected]
Lodging:Shanghai Mengxuan Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Contact: Xing Zhiyuan
Tel: 86-21-51877530 / 51870708 / 31200858
Fax: 86-21-23025259
E-mail: [email protected]
3. General Rules and Regulations
3.1 The Organizer reserves the right in his absolute discretion to all matters at the show.
Exhibitors, their employees, agents and exhibitor appointed contractors (EAC) shall
comply with the Rules and Regulations.
3.2 The Manual and all documents developed by the Organizer apply to all exhibitors, their
employees, agents and EAC starting from the setting up of the expo.
3.3 The Organizer reserves the right in his absolute discretion to exclude or remove from the
expo any person whose presence (in the option of the Organizer) is or is likely to be
undesirable and the Organizer may exercise such rights not withstanding that any person
is the employee or agent of the Exhibitor or is otherwise in any way connected or
associated with the Exhibitor.
3.4 The stands in the exhibition halls shall be exclusively utilized by the exhibitor who has
signed upon the Exhibition Contract with CIAPE. The exhibitor shall be forbidden to
transfer or share any stand or parts of the stand, meeting room, office, storage etc with a
third party without prior written consent from CIAPE.
3.5 The exhibitor must occupy the space allotted to him by opening time on the first day of the
Exhibition. Any Exhibitor failing to do so will be deemed to have cancelled his space
booking. In this event the Organizer shall be under no obligation to reimburse all or any
part of such cancellation charges and may resell or reallocate such space.
3.6 THESE RULES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Should any questions arise about the
expo, please contact the Organizer or authorized service providers.
3.7 If the Exhibitor wishes to raise questions about the agreement or terms and conditions in
the Manual, then written notice of such wish must be forwarded to the Organizer. The
organizer reserves the rights to interpret, formulate and revise the Manual.
3.8 For the avoidance of doubt any contract between the Organizer and the Exhibitor for
exhibition booth space is only for an amount of such space and allocation of the
Exhibitor’s name to any particular part of the Exhibition floor plan or booth number will
not constitute any agreement warranty or representation by the Organizer that the
Exhibitor is entitled to exhibit at the Exhibition in such particular location and the
Organizer reserve the right without being required to give notice to the Exhibitor to alter
the layout of the Exhibition floor plan or position of any booth at any time.
3.9 It is suggested that exhibitors work with authorized service providers so that the Organizer
can secure the lawful rights of exhibitors. If exhibitors wish to employ service providers
not authorized by the Organizer, the exhibitor shall not have any claim against the
Organizer in respect of any loss or damage.
3.10 Exhibitors are kindly suggested to take the Manual for reference during installation, the
expo and dismantling.
Intellectual property rights
All exhibitors shall undertake to ensure that all exhibits and packaging, promotional
materials, catalogues, software and/or hardware used for on-site presentation and all parts of the
exhibition in the stands comply fully with relevant laws and regulations and do not infringe upon
others’rights, including intellectual property rights. Should any legal disputes arise, including
disputes over infringement of intellectual property rights, such disputes shall be handed over to
the law enforcement department under the expo for resolution.
4.1 Exhibitors shall take the copy of Business License for reference
4.2 In the case that the exhibitor’s exhibits, packaging of exhibits, promotional materials
and any part of his stand have independent IPRs, the exhibitor shall bring the
certificate documents of ownership for reference.
4.3 The exhibitor shall sign Letter of Undertaking (1) with the IPRs Protection Office of
CIAPE. Exhibitors who fail to do so will not be granted the Exhibitor Badge.
For more details please refer to “Complaint and Settlement Provisions of Being Suspected
of Infringement on Intellectual Property Rights”
Show Schedule
Space only, Custom-built Stand
Shell Scheme
All stands
Oct. 15 to 18, 2014
Oct. 18, 2014
Oct. 21, 2014
Note:After-hour payment of Stand setting up and dismantling
Exhibitors who need to work after-hour should apply to the Official Contractor, High-Fair,before
15:00 and pay the charges occurred. Application later than 15:00 will result in a 30% surcharge.
Application after 16:00 will not be accepted.
After-hour payment during stand setting-up
24:00- 03:00:20RMB/㎡
After-hour payment during stand dismantling
23:00- 02:00:20RMB/㎡
Note: 1. The fee will be charged for at least 200m2.
2. For two-level booths, the total area is the area of first level plus that of the second level
(the area of the second floor is half of that of the first floor)
Booth Contractor
6.1 Standard booth
All construction work of standard booth in the center shall be undertaken by High-Fair. Any
other company or individual are not allowed to build standard booth for CIAPE.
6.2 Space Only
1) The EAC shall declare construction procedures to the official contractor and can only enter
the exhibition center after obtaining the official contractor’s permission.
2) If exhibitors wish to build variation booth with aluminum, they shall obtain the permission
of High-Fair before construction.
Requirement for booth Design and Construction(shell scheme、space only)
Your exhibit, which includes your booth, displays, product, and signage must not exceed the
limits of your assigned space. All exhibits shall be arranged ready for inspection before 18:00 on
Oct 18, 2014.
Standard booth:
1. All construction work of standard booth shall be undertaken by High-Fair.
2. All construction work of standard booth is due to finish by17:00, Oct. 17th. Standard booth
exhibitors are not allowed to enter the exhibition center before that time.
3. Details of standard booth:
1) Area:9 ㎡(3mx3m);Height:2.5m
2) Walls:3(2 walls for corner stands)
3) Fascia board(Company name in English and Chinese, and booth No.)—1 (2 for
corner stands)
4) table——1
5) chair——3
6) spot light(100W)——3
7) socket(220V/5A)——1
8) carpet——9 m2
9)paper basket ——1
4. Remarks for standard booth exhibitors:
1)The above basic furniture in the standard booth is not exchangeable with other furniture
or equipment. No refund will be given to the exhibitors if they do not use it.
2)No partition panels for exhibitors with 2 or more standard booth. (Please contact
High-Fair if partition panels are needed.)
3)If other furniture is needed, please fill in F3 “Furniture Rental” and send it to High-Fair.
4)Under no circumstances shall the exhibitor dismantle or modify the configured fascia
board, show shelves, stand equipment and lighting lamps without authorization from
CIAPE, nor bring them out of the exhibition halls. In case any modification is needed,
the exhibitor shall apply to CIAPE for it in advance or submit the application to the
Organizer. Upon approval by CIAPE and full payment made by the exhibitor, the
official contractor will execute the modification works.
5)Pictures are not allowed to be pasted on the walls of the booth. If needed, exhibitors are
suggested to paste the pictures on a board and hang the board on the wall.
6)No lighting lamps or plug board brought by the exhibitor shall be used in the standard
booth. Electrical appliances exceeding the power capacity of 500W shall not be used.
7)Exhibitors shall get the approval from the official contractor before using non-lighting
appliances such as TV, video recorders and refrigerator.
8)The exhibitor shall by no means damage any configurations of the stand, cut the show
shelves and aluminum products, or paint, drill and nail on the show shelves, the
aluminum products, stand equipment and the like. If any such damage is caused by
misconduct, compensation for exhibition facility damage shall be borne by the exhibitor
9)Standard booths shall be dismantled once the expo is finished. Exhibitors shall move out
all the exhibits and promotional materials on the wall.
10)In case that any fire hydrant and/or distribution box is installed inside the stand, the
walls will be replaced with knock-down panels, folding doors or white drape.
Space only :
1. Custom-built booth construction material and application procedure. For details please
refer to Application Procedure for Custom-built Booth
Note: please turn in “EAC Insurance registration form” (F6) and “Letter of commitment of
safety responsibility of booth construction” (F7) with stamps of the exhibitor and the EAC
along with the design of the booth.
2. Application time:Sept. 1 to 30, 2014
1)Construction fee: 25RMB/ m2
2)Construction Deposit:
Deposit (RMB)
200m2 and under
201m2—400 m2
over 400m2
Surcharge:a 30000RMB surcharge for 2-level booth
a 10000RMB surcharge for booth using water
3) Note:
The deposit shall be transferred to High-Fair before Oct. 10, 2014. Cash and check
will not be accepted.
Account Name:
Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Account Number:4442 6619 2616
Company Address: 3/F, Building 2, 335, HuaXu Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai,
Bank Information
Bank of China,Shanghai Branch, Da Pu Road Sub-Branch
Bank Address: NO768 Xie Tu Road, Huangpu District, Shanhai, China
Please transfer the payment with the company account of the exhibitor or the EAC
and fill in booth No. and company name in Remittance Information or Transaction
Remark column.
Please send the scanned copy of the bank bill to High-Fair.
4)Deposit refund:
The deposit will be returned to the payment account of the exhibitor or the EAC
without interest within 90 days after completion of the expo if there are no safety
accidents and the EAC does not violate any rules and regulations stipulated by the
official contractor.
If the EAC violates related rules and regulations, the balance will be returned to the
payment account without interest.
The EAC and exhibitors are advised not to change the account information. If they
do, please inform High-Fair to ensure that they can receive the refund of the
 The EAC and exhibitors shall apply for permission to set up space only booths and
pay relevant fees to High-Fair as stipulated above so that High-Fair can provide
4. Maximum height: 6 meters
5. Construction application
For one level booth of 4.5 meters and under, please send the following application materials
to High-Fair
F4 Form of space only booth setting up
F5 Water, electricity, compressed air form
F6 EAC insurance registration form
F7 Letter of commitment of safety responsibility of booth construction
Original and copy of contractor’s business license
Colored 3D drawing of the booth(include aerial view)
Layout of the booth (indicate size and material)
Booth design from front and side (indicate height and material)
Cross section
Electricity distribution and power system diagram(indicate material)
NECC dictates that the design of the following booths must be approved by the
company appointed by the exhibition center before setting up.
The contractor
shall pay the examination or re-examining fee to the company.
Height between 4.5 to 6 meters
One-level booth with the top more than 50% of the booth area.
two-level booths
outdoor booths
Application Materials:
F4 Form of space only booth setting up
F5 Electricity application Form
F6 EAC insurance registration form
F7 Letter of commitment of safety responsibility of booth construction
Original and copy of contractor’s business license
Colored 3D drawing(include aerial view)
Layout of one-level booth (indicate size and material )
Layout of two-level booth (indicate size and material )
booth design from front and side (indicate height and material)
cross section
Electricity distribution and power system diagram(indicate material)
Structural details of beam column connection
Booth planning instructions and materials technology datagram
Static loading test report or static loading calculations and material instructions
(with stamp of B level and above institute of design , seal of Class A registered
structural engineer )(only needed in reexamining)
Copy of Class A registered structural engineer certificate(only needed in
Exhibitors or EAC who employ Class A registered structural engineer on their own shall submit
the following materials:
Original copy of the design with the engineer’ s
Copy of the engineer’ s certificate
stamp or signature
 The company will charge for re-examining the design.
Fee for checking the design
First exam
Indoor one-level booth:32RMB/ m2
Indoor two-level booth:60RMB/ m2
Indoor one-level booth:25RMB/ m2
Indoor two-level booth:25RMB/ m2
6. Suspension rigging:No suspension rigging services available
7. Electricity, water, compressed air
1) Electricity:Power for lights and machines used for setting up will be available from
9:00 Oct. 15, 2014 to 12:00 Oct.18 2014. Power for booth will be available from 12:00
Oct.18 2014.
2) Power for booth: Three-phase-five-wire system of power distribution, 380V/50Hz, 16A
to 400A. Please contact High-Fair in advance if other specification is needed.
3) Power will be cut off in 30 minutes after the expo is finished each day. Please contact
High-Fair in advance and make the payment if exhibitors need to extend hours of power.
4) Water is available for booth and machines. Water inlet and outlet for booth is DN15mm,
water inlet and outlet for machines is DN20mm
5) Compressed air≦0.4m3/min, inlet: DN15mm, pressure: 8bar
Compressed air≦0.9m3/min,inlet: DN20mm,pressure:8bar
Compressed air≦1.0 m3/min,inlet: DN25mm, pressure: 8bar
Compressed air is not available for outdoor booths
6)No pressure vessel or equipment is allowed in the exhibition center without its written
permission. Exhibitors shall comply with related safety standards and regulations
8. Insurance
1)The EAC is accountable for injury or demise of any party involved and for the loss of
property .
2)CIAPE requires that all EAC carry Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of
at least 300,000RMB per occurrence, 4 million aggregate. Insurance policy is needed
when applying for booth construction. This insurance must be in force during the lease
dates of the event, October 15 – October 21, 2014.
3) EAC must effect at his own cost full indemnity insurance against public liability and all
other usual risks in respect of loss, damage or injury to goods and persons and in
particular against theft.
4)EAC shall take the insurance policy or the copy during setting up, the expo and
dismantling and make sure the insurance is valid.
9. Garbage disposal
All construction materials and exhibits much be cleared out of the exhibition center by
exhibitors or EAC by 21:00 on Oct. 21, 2014. Otherwise the Organizer will have them
covered at exhibitor’s expense.
Badges for Construction Staff and Transportation Vehicle
Step 1: application for authorization
Freight forwarder and EAC need to get authorization from the NECC. The authorization is valid
for one year. Materials needed are as follows (stamped)
Original copy and 2 copies of the ID Card(or passport)of the person in charge of the
2 copies of business license
Application Form
Letter of commitment of safety responsibility of NECC
Step 2:Badges (badges for construction staff and freight forwarding vehicles)
1)ID card or passport of construction workers
The person in charge of the construction shall turn in the original copy of his ID card or
passport and the ID card or passport of all construction workers at the exhibition center.
The deposit receipt provided by High-Fair is needed when applying for authorization.
2) Badges for transport vehicles
The person in charge of the construction must present the deposit receipt provided by
High-Fair, copy of vehicle registration and driving license when they apply for the badges
at the exhibition center.
3) Fees
Badges for construction workers ( For booth setting up and dismantling ):
Badges for transport vehicles: 50RMB/vehicle (deposit 300RMB, maximum 1.5 hour,
100RMB is charged for each additional 30 minutes)
9. Exhibits shipping
9.1 Official freight forwarder: GO-EXPRESS CO., LTD.
9.2 More details please refer to the “Shipping Manual”
9.3 The Organizer does not receive any goods, exhibits or products.
All crates must be marked to ensure proper delivery. The information includes company
name, booth No, weight, centre of gravity etc.
You are kindly reminded not to assign unauthorized companies or individual to handle your
exhibits. Exhibitors shall be accountable for any harm to personnel, exhibits or the venue if
they do so.
10. Exhibits delivery
10.1 Exhibitors, their agents and contractors shall deliver heavy and/or large exhibits into
NECC according to the rules and regulations stipulated by the Organizer and the official
contractor. No heavy and/or large exhibits shall be moved when the setting up is finished.
10.2 For heavy and/or large exhibits in the exhibition halls that exhibitors haven’t assigned any
freight carrier to handle, the Organizer reserves the right to authorize the official freight
forwarder to move them at exhibitor’s expense.
10.3 The official freight forwarder is the only company that can move exhibits with machinery
such as forklift and crane. Machines of other companies are not allowed in the exhibition
11. Storage and garbage disposal
11.1 No storage space is available at the expo. Exhibitors must keep all packaging materials
such as containers and crates away from the expo. They are suggested to contact the official
freight forwarder for storage. Storage fee is borne by exhibitors.
11.2Exhibitors should dispose of any waste products they generate.
11.3Before the opening ceremony of the expo, the Organizer will clear everything in the
non-exhibiting area such as venue for the opening ceremony, aisles and outdoor vacant
space. All costs will be borne by the exhibitor.
11.4Exhibitors and/or their contractors shall take construction materials (crates, trays, cartons,
packaging materials, promotional materials etc), waste and all the exhibits out of the
exhibition center by 21:00 on Oct. 21st.
11.5The Organizer reserves the right to handle what is left at the venue after 21:00 on Oct. 21st
without informing exhibitors first at exhibitors’ expense.
12. Booth cleaning
12.1 General cleaning of exhibition halls, aisles and public areas (excluding exhibitor’s stand)
prior to the opening hours and after the closing hours will be arranged by the Organizer.
12.2 Exhibitors shall clean their stand(s) per se and keep the rubbish in the waste basket which
shall then be handled by CIAPE.
13. Security information of exhibitors and visitors
13.1In case noises, dangerous or inappropriate activities disturb the neighboring exhibitors or
order of the exhibition or a legitimate complaint is filed, the Organizer reserves the right to
adjust the location or expel the exhibitor. All damages and fees shall be borne by the
13.2Exhibitors shall be accountable for the safety of their display and demonstration. Security
measures must be taken for activities that threaten to injure visitors and other exhibitors.
13.3Exhibitors need to ensure that all equipment is operated by professional technicians.
Equipment is not allowed to be used without supervision of the above mentioned personnel.
13.4Demonstration of equipment shall be performed by professionals or under the directions of
such professionals. The equipment shall be equipped with anti-startup devices to avoid
accidental mal-operations of the visitors or non-professionals.
13.5All exhibits, especially the mobile large-scale equipment, shall be fastened upon in safe
locations to prevent slides. During demonstration, exhibitors shall ensure safety and good
order in the exhibition halls and avoid any potential danger or disturbance to visitors and
any third parties.
13.6No poisonous, inflammable, explosive and radioactive exhibits shall be allowed in the
exhibition center.
13.7Exhibitors shall ensure that no laser, harmful gas, ray or noise is generated from display or
demonstration. Radioactive, highly toxic products, narcotics and all exhibits that might
cause explosion are not allowed in the exhibition center.
13.8Exhibitor shall cooperate with related departments for inspection.
13.9Smoking is prohibited in the exhibition center. The exhibitor shall be accountable for any
damage caused by smoking.
14. Security information of exhibits and personal properties
14.1General security in the exhibition halls will be provided by CIAPE. Securities have the
right to check all the articles going into and out of the exhibition center.
14.2 Exhibitors shall arrive at the exhibition center 30 minutes before the opening of the expo
and leave the exhibition center within 30 minutes after the exhibition is closed every day.
Please do not leave the booth earlier than the closing hour. It is peak time of theft.
Ehibitors are suggested to take care of their valuables.
14.3 Exhibitors and their staff are not allowed to stay in the exhibition halls after the closing
14.4 At least one person shall stay in the stand to look after the exhibits during the opening time
to prevent theft.
14.5 Exhibitors shall ensure the security of their exhibits and personal belongings. At least one
person shall stay in the stand to look after the exhibits during the opening time to prevent
any pilferage. It is suggested that exhibitors keep ID card/passport and valuables such as
cash, camera, laptop in the safe of the hotel. Please report to the police (the police office is
near Gate 13 Hall 3) if you notice anything suspicious. Exhibitors shall be accountable for
their loss or damage.
14.6 If exhibitors wish to employ securities to protect valuable and fragile exhibits during
non-exhibition hours, please contact the Organizer in advance. Please be noted that
exhibitor shall not use their own staff or any other security agency.
14.7 Exhibit movement in or out of the halls during show hours is not permitted for security and
14.8 The Organizer reserves the right to stop activities that violate relevant rules and regulations
and might sabotage safety and image of the expo. Serious violator will be expelled from
the expo
14.9 The Organizer suggests that all exhibits and valuable belongings are insured during the
15. Badges
15.1 Official shows badges must be worn at all times while in the exhibit hall during move in,
move out and official show hours.
15.2 Exhibitors must present “Booth Confirmation” when they pick up exhibitor badges. The
exhibitor shall wear their exhibitor badges all the time during stand construction,
exhibition and dismantling in the exhibition halls.
15.3 Contractors must present “Construction Badge”when they enter the exhibition center. (For
details, please refer to NECC Safety Management Regulations, ie construction safety,
fire-prevention safety, security regulations, traffic safety regulations)
15.4 Exhibitor badges, construction badges, transport badges are valid during stipulated time
and area. The badges shall not be transferred, lent or sold to others. People violating the
rules will be fined 1000RMB and will not be allowed to enter the exhibition center. They
will be accountable for all the consequences.
16. Exhibitor move-out
16.1Organizer’s office in each hall will issue “Permit to move out exhibits” with which
exhibitors are allowed to take exhibits or furniture out of the exhibition center. Please fill
in the permit before dismantling.
16.2No exhibits, promotional materials, furniture, display rack, decoration materials, trees or
flowers are allowed to be moved out of the exhibition center between the official opening
of the expo and dismantling.
17. Aisles
17.1 All passages and aisles must be clear all the time.
17.2 Obstacles and obstruction are not allowed to be placed in aisles, passages or vacant
18. Paging & Announcement and Sound/Music/Noise
18.1Restrict announcements to general show information. Announcements will not be made
for exhibitor drawings, lost persons or articles, etc.
18.2Sound and noise should not exceed 85 decibels
18.3The Organizer reserves the right to ask exhibitors to turn down or shut down the broadcast
if the volume exceeds 85 decibel. If communication fails, the Organizer has the right to
cut off the electricity and charge a 200RMB fine. The exhibitor shall present a written
guarantee if they need to use the power.
19. Prohibition of Selling
19.1Exhibitors shall not sell exhibits or anything at the expo. The Organizer reserves the right
to punish the exhibitors violating the rule.
19.2Sole agents of a product shall notify the Organizer of the name of the company they
represent when they apply for the booth. Explanation at the expo will be valid.
20. Exhibition Delegation From Provincial Governments and Agencies
Rules and Regulations in the exhibitor manual apply to exhibitors in Exhibition delegations
from provincial governments and agencies
21. Internet Connection
Exhibitors shall abide by related rules and regulations stipulated by the Chinese government and
the exhibition center.
Paid Wi-Fi is provided in the exhibition center.
CMCC: Shanghai China Mobile users
Users will pay fee according to their individual CMCC mobile package
Your cell phone number will be required for verification.
Speed : 200Kbps
22. Dining
NECC dictates that no food from outside the exhibition center is allowed at the expo to ensure
food safety. Food is provided on the second floor of Hall 4. Exhibitors are suggested not to dine in
the stands. Exhibitors may take turns to dine in the NECC dining area.
23. Organizer’s rights
The rules and regulations shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Chinese Law
and shall be deemed to include all other terms and conditions or rules and regulations issued from
time to time by the Organizer in relation to the expo whether contained in the Manual or otherwise.
24. Unforeseeable
The Organizer reserves the right to handle all unforeseeable circumstances not included in the
25. Accountabilities
25.1The Exhibitor shall fully and effectually indemnify the Organizer and keep the Organizer
indemnified against all costs claims demands actions proceedings and losses whatsoever
made against or incurred by the Organizer as a result of the Exhibitor exhibiting or
advertising any goods or services at the Exhibition.
25.2Exhibitors and/or their agents are accountable for the loss and/or damage of their employees
and their properties.
25.3The Exhibitor shall not have any claim against the Organizer in respect of any loss or
damage whatsoever consequent upon the Exhibition failing (for whatsoever reason) to be
held or the Exhibition venue being or becoming wholly or partially unavailable for the
holding of the Exhibition for whatsoever reason. No portion of the payment received by the
Organizer shall be reimbursed.
25.4Exhibitors are responsible for providing information in CIAPE Official
Catalogue. Thus
the Organizer is not accountable for errors and anything missing.
25.5The Organizer is not accountable for loss, damage or delay of shipping of exhibits
(including transportation, moving and customs declaration). Exhibitors are suggested to
purchase freight insurance on their shipments.
26. Medical care and insurance
26.1 Medical care
Exhibitors are suggested to carry medicine. For emergencies, exhibitors can turn to the
doctors arranged by the Organizer for help.
26.2 Insurance
Exhibitors shall make sure that they are fully covered by insurance, including but not
restricted to, all risks on their property, exhibits or articles of any kind, public liability and
comprehensive protection against any loss or damage caused by any circumstance
whatsoever whether by reason of fire, water, theft, accident, ignorance or any other causes.
The exhibitor shall insure against, indemnify and hold the Organizer harmless in respect of
all costs, claims, demands and expenses to which the Organizer may in any way be subject
as a result of any loss or injury arising to any person (including members of the public or the
Organizer’s staff, agents or contractors) or property whatsoever caused as a result of any act
or default of the exhibitor, his staff, agents or contractors or invitees.
Traffic Map
Venue: National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)
North Gate: 333, Songze Street (for taxi and cars )
West Gate: 1888, Zhuguang Road (Subway line 2, Xujingdong Station)
Part Two
Regulations and Services of Space only Construction
Official contractor: Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Co., Ltd.
Hall 1: Ji Tianfei
Hall 2: Yu Le
Hall 3: Su Dan
Hall 4.1: He Jiaying 86-21-69761100-8007
Address: Room2-3F, No.335, Huaxugong Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai City
Recommended contractors:
Beijing Zhongzhanhaoze International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Chen Yue: 86-18910658967
QQ: 2826897703
Lv Yanhong: 86-18910658252
QQ: 1463332195
Fax: 86-10-61581937
Beijing Headquarters Address: Room 11-2-1902, Liyuanhaitangwan, Tongzhou District, Beijing
Shanghai Factory Address: Hangnan Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai
Shanghai Trend-Expo Service Co., Ltd.
He Yan:86-13761010036、[email protected]
Feng Guangzhi:86-13761107547 、[email protected]
Address:Room C1-2-2, No.1555, West Jinshajiang Road, Business District, Shanghai Xijiao
Beijing Datang Century Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Tang Lina: 86-13911890996、 86-10-57571903、QQ:2690914961、E-mail:[email protected]
Wang Chunpeng: 86-13810818337, 86-10-53329589, QQ:109767937,
E-mail:[email protected]
Ren Hong: 86-15801177529, 86-10-53321739, QQ: 2361856752, E-mail:[email protected]
Address: Room 321, No.9, South changyingbeijingxiangsu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Zip code: 100000
Oubiao Exhibition (Shanghai)Co., Ltd.
Wei Zhen(IRIS):86-1391818224,86 -21-61993496
Fax: 86-21-50117701
Address: Room 4-1211, No.500, Jianyun Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai
Vision International Exhibition Co., Ltd.
Yang Juan(Echo) 86-13482657150, Wang Ning (filex) 86-18817709896
Tel: 86-21-66511999-8026
Fax: 86-21-66511999-8188
Address: Commercial Building A-4F, No.988, Datong Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai
Zip code: 200070
Shanghai Ruto-Expo Design Co., Ltd.
Miss Zhang:86-13482324435, QQ:1421785328
Address:Room B-1910, Lvzhou Square, No.3064, North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai
Zip code: 200063
Reporting procedures of space only installation contractors
Construction organizations must submit and handle construction procedures to the official
contractor-- Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as
High-Fair) from Sept. 25, 2014 to Oct. 10, 2014. (Attention: when the height of the stand is under
4.5m, we suggest that you email the official contractors; when the height of the stand is between
4.5m and 6m, you should submit the materials to the official contractor’s office. The mode of
payment is transference. Check and cash are not acceptable.)
Account Name:
Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Account Number:4442 6619 2616
Company Address: 3/F, Building 2, NO.335, HuaXu Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai, China
Bank Information
Bank of China,Shanghai Branch, Da Pu Road Sub-Branch
Bank Address: NO768 Xie Tu Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China
Reporting procedures
Standard booth
One-lever booth
(under 4.5m):
Email to official
Two-level booth
and superhigh
booth (4.5m-6m):
official contractor
materials and
Materials needed
F3 Furniture Rental
F4 Form of Space Only Booth Setting up
F5 Water, Electricity, Compressed Air Form
F6 EAC Insurance Registration Form
F7 Letter of Commitment of Safety Responsibility of Booth Construction
original and copy of builder’s business license
colored 3D drawing of the booth(include aerial view)
layout of the booth (indicate size and material)
booth design from front and side (indicate height and material)
cross section
electric distribution curve and power system diagram(mark its material)
HuaXu Road,
F4 Form of space only booth setting up
overdue; collect 50%
F5 Water, Electricity, Compressed Air Form
extra fees when
F6 EAC Insurance Registration Form
F7 letter of commitment of safety responsibility of booth construction
original and copy of builder’s business license
colored 3D drawing of the booth(include aerial view)
layout of two-level booth (indicate size and material )
booth design from front and side (indicate height and material)
cross section
electric distribution curve and power system diagram(mark its material)
If not qualified
structural details of beam column connection
after first trial,
booth planning instructions and materials technology datagram
retrial after
F2 Location Plan
the booth
designated by
F1 Fascia Board Information
layout of one-level booth (indicate size and material )
reports to the
Email to
Sept. 25,2014
1、with your
company seal on all
the materials;
3/F, Building
2, NO.335,
seal of designing institute,seal of national registered architect(only
needed in reexamining)
through examination.
collects fees
Copy of the Class A structural engineer certificate(only needed
drawing is
in reexamining)
applying on the spot;
certificates after
when the
extra fees when
3、issuing qualified
Static loading test report and material instruction (B above<include B>
2、apply for 30%
Building 2,
1、after qualified, official contractor emails payment notes to builder.
All fees should be
HuaXu Road,
dealt with remittance,
check and cash are
not acceptable.
2、the builder remits the fees to designated account number.
Space only
Oct. 10,2014
3、official contractor issues receipt and deposit receipt after collects
remittance(receipt and deposit receipt are important certificates)
4、builders draw receipt and deposit receipt from home court office.
of real name
management expenses receipt of construction
copy of company’s business license
ID card of person in charge of construction
copy of the ID card of person in charge of construction
proof of qualified check of drawing
NECC safety letter of commitment
form of authentication
deposit receipt of construction
Sept. 25,
management expenses receipt of construction
2014 to
ID card of person in charge of construction
Oct. 18,2014
ID card of constructors
form of authentication of real name
national convention center(Shanghai) safety letter of commitment
copy of company’s business license(seal)
deposit receipt of construction
management expenses receipt of construction
copy of vehicle driving license
copy of driver license
Certificate of
certificate of
return of down
payment and
deposit receipt of construction
deposit of electricity box: deposit receipt with signature of
power distribution man and electrician’s mark.
deposit of construction:receipt with signatures of person in
charge of every hall.
center of the
All the materials are
needed to be with
No.2 floor,
official seal
F1 hall
Oct. 21,2014
Oct. 21,2014
down payment and
construction deposit
center of F1
will be returned in 90
days after the
exhibition is finished.
Form of authentication of installation contractors and forwarding agent
Company name
Company address
Zip code
Company phone
Person in charge of
Cellphone of
in charge of construction
ID of the
person in
charge of construction
Copy the following words on the line:
I have understood the content of safety letter of commitment. I promise to strictly observe the
principles in the safety letter of commitment. My company and I will take the responsibility of all
the bad consequences triggered by construction quality, fire control and safety problems.
Company seal:
signature of person in charge of construction:
National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) safety letter of commitment
(for accreditation center)
We promise to strictly obey the following rules during decoration, construction, transportation
and dismantling to ensure public infrastructure safety and construction safety of NECC and eradicate
all kinds of unsafe factors triggered during the exhibition and construction:
No .1 We must strictly carry out general and specific policies relating to safety in production and
fire fighting. Strictly implement laws and regulations relating to labor protecting law.
No.2 Being responsible for training builders and transportation workers. Ensure that all workers
works with certificate. Supervise and urge them to obey safety operation specifications. Take
necessary safety measures and fire protection. Designate person in charge on site to be responsible
for safety inspection and supervision work in daily life.
No.3 Stick to the principles to work and be consciously subordinated to the office holders who
inspect and supervise construction and transportation process.
No.4 Strictly obey safety and fire protection management system of the exhibition hall during
the process of construction and transportation. Any breach of the rules, our company would like to
bear full responsibility for all the consequences.
No.5 When working high above the ground, construction workers need to possess corresponding
certificates and take safety measures. If anything happens, construction organizations should be
responsible for all consequences.
No.6 Behaviors which affect architectural construction and endanger security during
construction are strictly forbidden. Using phased-out decoration materials and facilities are strictly
forbidden. Any breach of the rules, construction organizations should be responsible for all the
No.7 Transport vehicles should be parked on designated place and enter the arena in order. The
place where vehicles are parked should be applied by letter. Take necessary measures to make sure
that the containers are safe and in good order.
No.8 Drivers should be subordinated to the commanding of security guards during loading and
unloading. Leave immediately when works are finished. Security guards have the rights to prevent
the vehicles which do not accept supervision from driving towards loading area.
No.9 Keep the ground, architecture, facilities and accessories intact during transportation and
loading. If anything is damaged or polluted, our company would like to bear full responsibility for all
the consequences.
Our company promises to read carefully the safety management regulations of National
Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai). Our company promises to supervise and urge relevant
staff to obey the regulations above and other related regulations. Our company promises: our
company will bear full responsibility of all the consequences of safety misadventure caused by any
accidents and violations. Besides, our company agrees that National Exhibition and Convention
Center has the right to take any necessary measures to deal with related potential problems and
promises to make compensation for any direct and indirect damages made to National Exhibition and
Convention Center.
If any behavior violates the regulations, our company would like to be at the disposal of the hall,
organizer and security guards of the hall and bear all the responsibilities.
Company seal:
Signature of person in charge:
National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai) Exhibition
Safety Management Regulations
1. Basic Regulations
1).Constructors who come into the construction site should wear safety helmet and should
always buckle up when working high above the ground.
2).Exhibition area construction should not overstep the designated boundaries. Construction that
violates the regulations should be removed. Related sponsor, organizer and exhibitors should be
held responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom.
3).The design of booth building should meet the requirement of related professional and
technical standards of safety in utilizing electric energy, fire control and water supply and
4).For details of the requirement of fire passage width see related contents included in fire safety
management regulations.
5).Must not destroy, pollute, or in any other ways do great damage to the main building of the
hall and its supporting facilities. Including: must not use nails on the walls to fix objects; must
not use materials on the wall or ground, which are not easily to be cleaned up, like grease, oil
paint and glues; must not lean, press, push on the walls, ceiling and all kinds of special
equipments (such as pipeline, inserted piece); must not hang structural load-bearing on the
facilities of the hall.
6). The materials of construction should be nonflammable. For booths that must use materials
like woods and gauze they should be dealt with fire proofing before they come into use. Staff of
NECC and High-fair have the right to clean out the unqualified materials that do not meet the
requirements of fire proof. Must not use flammable materials on construction site.
7).The quality of carpets lying on public areas, passageway should meet the standards of
environmental protection, fire proofing and nonflammable. Non-residual adhesive tape is
allowed to fix carpets and other ground covers on the cement floor.
8).Glasses used for the booth should have good safety performance such as armoured glass and
plyglass. When the area of per piece of glass is greater than 2 square meters, it should have
toughening treatment and be less than 10 millimeter. Common glass must not do any damage to
the personnel. The corners of the glass should be processed in order not to do any damage to the
personnel. When transparent glass is used for the walls, it should be marked within normal view
distance in order not to do any damage to the personnel.
9). Exhibitors and EAC should take precautious measures for hard sharps, projections from the
ground and mark them strikingly in order to avoid accidental injury.
10).Establishing stairs or ladders within booth should meet the requirements of related technical
and safety regulations. Evacuation marks should be installed strikingly within the booth.
Handrail should be firm in case of slipping.
11).During construction, booth construction which does not meet the requirements of technical
regulations or other unsafe factors can be stopped by NECC. The exhibitor and EAC must rectify
and reform as requested.
12).During the exhibition, EAC cannot uncover the trench cover-plate to use as the pass route
without permission.
13).During move-out, EAC must move all materials and trash out of the exhibition center. The of
ficial contractor will return the deposit after checking.
14). EAC must apply for badges for construction workers. During construction, all workers must
wear valid construction certificate and be subordinated to the person in charge. The person in
charge has the authority to disqualify the workers who do not wear valid construction certificate
and not be subordinated to person in charge.
15).The exhibits on display and other bulky items should be far away from redline after shipping
out of the exhibition hall. Must not stock within the range of redline. Otherwise the items will be
moved out of the exhibition hall at the expense of the violators.
16). EAV must take necessary safety precautious measures to protect construction workers’
security according to related laws and regulations.
2 Regulations of Exhibition Booth’s Design
1). Structural strength of booth should satisfy load’s structural strength needed. Booths should
be built to ensure general intensity, rigidity and stability.
2). EAC must obey the layout approved by fire department during the process of construction.
Must not revise if not allowed.
3).Before the layout of the booth is submitted for approval, the Venue is allowed to put forward
amendments. Concrete audit requirements should be carried out according to related laws and
4).Exhibitors or EAC should send related materials of booth with a story height below 4.5m to
High-Fair for approval.
5).The design drawing (including three-dimensional effect diagram, detailed size chart, layout of
exhibition booth, elevation structure diagram, break-down list of materials and the relevant data)
of story height of exhibition booth which exceeds 4.5m and of which the overhead structure’s
construction area is larger than the exhibition booth’s 50% should be examined and verified by
Class A Registered Structural Engineer of People’s Republic of China. They can not only be
audited by reviewing company which is designated by the non-venue party, but also be audited
by reviewing company which is designated by the venue party. However, they should be
checked by the reviewing company that is designated by the venue party. If the exhibitors or
installation contractors hire Class A Registered Structural Engineer to audit the drawings, they
should submit to the Venue the original drawing which is confirmed by the seal of Class A
Registered Structural Engineer and the copy of Registered Structural Engineer’s qualification
certificate and the drawings should be checked by the reviewing company that is designated by
the venue. Fees should be charged according to related regulations.
6). The layout of exhibition booth should be based on the layout of the infrastructures of the
Venue. Must not cut down facilities of the venue, such as fence wall, guard bar, upright column
and so on.
7). The alleyway should be in a straight line and with no upright column or other obstructions.
3 Management of raw space construction
1) Regulations of exhibition booth construction
Construction material should meet the standards of materials used by temporary buildings.
Materials should be reasonable and firm.
Construction items must be built within the scope of due venue. Its vertical projection must
not exceed the underlined scope. Any exhibition booth structure or exhibition items
(company logo, symbol, light box and poster) must not exceed the scope of exhibition booth.
Must not take advantage of the buildings, decorations, handrails and walls within the venue
as parts of the exhibition booth structure. Exhibition booth construction must not occupy
green land.
The construction height of all one-level booths in the exhibition hall should be lower than
4.5m. Two-level booths should be lower than 6m. If one-level booth exceed 4.5m and
two-level booth exceed 6m, the design plan should be reported to the Venue for examination
in advance. After the Venue approves, the construction can be underway.
Booths in the exhibition hall should not be higher than two layers. When the second floor of
the construction area exceeds 200 square meters, the number of stairs should not be less than
2. Straight-line distance of two neighboring evacuation exits should not be less than 5m.
In order to make sure the firmness of the booths, upright column of steel structure should use
non-welding materials whose diameter is larger than 10 centimeters. Bottom welds chassis
and headpiece welds ring flange whose diameter is not less than 60 centimeters to increase
area of thrust surface of the upright column.
In order to make sure the contact area of the wall and the ground, the wall width of the
exhibition booth structure should not be less than 12 centimeters. Longspan wall and steel
structure that exceeds 6m should add crossbeam on the top and set up upright column on the
bottom to make sure the whole rigidity and stability.
Materials like steel angle, box iron and box section used by load-carrying member should be
GB products. Load-carrying member of raw space must not use flexible metal or hard brittle
material (such as glasses).
In order to ensure structural integrity, wooden heel post and spandrel girder should line
successive solid wood.
Single span of wooden structure should be limited to 6m and the height should be limited to
5m. Single span of steel structure and composite structure (including steel square tube,
brandreth) should be limited to 8m. The span of molding steel truss can be broadened
according to its section. But it cannot exceed 12m (excluding professional stage construction
frame). Exhibitors shall present professional structural stability calculations their booths do
not meet the standards above.
Wooden wall of frameless construction should be no less than 30 centimeters. Wooden wall
of frame construction should be no less than 10 centimeters. Load bearing wooden wall must
have square steel or seamless pipe as internal stay.
If exhibitors need to use glass in the booths, they must use armored glass with ensured
intensity and thickness. The installation method of the glass should be reasonable and
dependable. Exhibitors must make metal framework or use professional hardware to install
glasses. The area between hardware and glass material should be flexible materials to ensure
safety. Obvious signs should be marked at the height of 1.5m on large pieces of glass to keep
people from crashing into it. If glass floor is used, structural supporting column and walls
should be fixed below platform. Must not set up booth on smooth glass.
Structural back wall of neighboring booths should be decorated appropriately. Specially
decorated exhibition booth should be decorated appropriately if within the sight of the
alleyway to keep overall aesthetic of the Venue.
EAC must report construction procedures on the basis of actual construction area and the
number of construction people. Also, they should pay construction deposit and management
fee. If construction deposit is not paid for the first time, written warning will be carried out.
When construction deposit is not paid for the second time, it will be blacklisted and
cancelled construction qualifications within 2 years. No EAC is allowed to transact
construction procedures for other EAC. Otherwise, its construction qualification will be
cancelled for 2 years. Construction workers must wear construction certificate on the spot
and be subordinated to the person in charge and work with them.
EAC must not engage in any activity that has nothing to do with the construction of
exhibition booth. Once found, the Venue can cancel its construction qualification. In serious
cases, construction qualification will be cancelled forever.
EAC must have its own person in charge on the spot, which should be registered when
transacting construction qualification. The person in charge has an obligation to train
construction workers and be in charge of daily security inspection and supervision works.
Positive identification should be worn all the time.
Double ladder should be used for works under 2m. Movable scaffold should be used for
works between 2 to 3 meters. The trundle must be fixed and counterbracing must be buckled
up. Dependable climbing facility must be used and measure of safeguard based on related
national security regulations should be taken for works above 3 meters. EAC should arrange
people to watch over the workers to ensure safety. If necessary, warning tape should be used
to quarantine working district.
During construction, the construction materials should be put on the areas within its booth
and must not obstruct passage. If obstructing passage, the Venue will deal with them as
obsolete materials and take corresponding measures. The obsolete material produced in the
process of construction should be thrown into the dustbin at any time. Construction materials
must not lean on the booth.
Heavy-weight machinery must use floor board before installation.
Dismantling should be carried out top down. Barbaric construction is strictly forbidden.
Throwing materials is forbidden during dismantling.
The construction of standard booth must not crush the cover plate of booth box. Special
booth must reserve mobile boards on the top of booth box so as to operate the booth box if it
is needed.
Works like spray paint, mopping and flame plating are forbidden within the Venue.
2) Special regulations of construction outside
The design of exhibition booth outside should take unsafe factors that wind, rain and other
natural phenomenon have brought to exhibition booth into consideration and exhibitors or
EAC should take effective measures to complete the prevention work.
Load bearing structures in booths should not be less than 0.8 millimeter. Severely corrosive
load bearing structures should not be used.
The span of exhibition booth outside should not exceed 6m and should use upright column
to support it when the span exceeds 6m. To ensure the intensity and stability of the wall,
steel construction should be added to longspan walls.
Paint, coating material and sizing agent should not be littered on the ground and building.
Exhibitors and EAC must not drill holes or do other deeds that destroy the ground and
building during construction outside.
Exhibition booth outside should be equipped with fire-fighting equipment. Exhibitors
should tighten inspection during the exhibition to ensure personal security and booth
Waterproof electric utilities (like lamps and lanterns, receptacle and distribution box)
should be used for exhibition booth outside. For equipment that uses electricity, waterproof
measures and anti-leakage measures should be taken. Cables on the ground should not have
connections and should adopt board to protect.
4. Water, electricity and gas management
1) Water security management
If water installation of exhibition booth does not meet the standards of related national
regulations or could lead to hidden trouble of water using security, the Venue has the right
to order the construction contractors to rectify and reform. If they refuse to rectify and
reform, the Venue will take water-break measures. Expo participants and construction
contractors will bear full responsibility for all the consequences arising therefrom.
Exhibitors and EAC shall be held accountable for accidents and pecuniary losses.
Expo participants who do not conduct water use application should be deprived the right to
use water and charged 2 times more fees than that of actual water consumption.
Water application must not connect directly to the tubes of the Venue. It should install
valve in the water inlet.
Waste liquid must be poured into the closed containers that exhibitors prepared by
themselves. Must not pour into the sewer of the Venue or the bathroom sink.
Water supply line must have the boards to protect its safety when passing through the
2) Electricity safety management
If the expo participants of standard booth want to add electricity services, they should apply
to the official contractor. Exhibitors must not install lamps and lanterns or jacks by
themselves. If any of these irregularities happens, the official contractor should stop and
confiscate the lamps and jacks. Convenience receptacle that standard booth applies must not
dock lamps and lanterns of exhibition booth. Must not provide plug board for oneself. Using
within the maximal capacity 500w should be strictly controlled. The expo participants
cannot move or dismantle the electricity facilities installed.
Electric box that matches with the exhibition booth must be placed on the location where
the Venue approves. During exhibition layout, EAC must extract construction power supply
from the socket box that the Venue designates. Must not open the trench cover-plate
without authorization. Must not use the trench as the route of one’s exhibition booth.
If power distribution installation of exhibition booth does not meet the standards of related
national regulations or could lead to trouble, the Venue has the right to order the
construction contractors to rectify and reform. If they refuse to rectify and reform, the
Venue will cut the power. Expo participants and construction contractors will bear full
responsibility for all the consequences arising therefrom. Exhibitors and EAC shall be held
accountable for accidents and pecuniary losses.
Expo participants who do not conduct electricity use application should be deprived the
right to use electricity and charged 2 times more fees than that of actual electricity
The installers of electric circuit and electrical appliance should hold effective electrician
certificate. Installers without certificate operating against regulations is prohibited. All
operations and construction work must meet the standards of national regulations and
related regulations that the Venue sets.
Load carrying capacity of all cables should be limited within 80% of the designing volume.
The master switch must meet the standards of national regulations. Deploy electric leakage
protection device. Electric current should not be higher than the current applied.
Must not use the fixed electric box or other supporting facilities of the Venue.
Must not bring plug board connected in series.
The connections of the cables should be reliable. Wire terminal must take insulation
protection measures.
At least one in 8 standard booths should have one electric box (380V15A).
Circuit of standard booth must not cut across special booth.
Lighting electric box of every exhibition booth must install branch switch that has electric
leakage protection function.
Cross section of cable conductor and traverse must not be less than 1.5 millimeter.
Electrical materials must be equipped with adequate safe current carrying capacity. Must
not use non-sheathed wire, twisted-pair cable and aluminum conductor. Wiring must adopt:
line voltage use (L1,L2,L3,N,PE); phase voltage(L,N,PE).
Power lines must have the boards to protect its safety when passing through the walkway.
The outermost shell, display rack of electric devices must have reliable electrical grounding.
Inflammable goods and water dispenser should not be place near electrical boxes.
For other articles please refer to “Electricity management regulations of exhibition”
3) Compressed air safety management
Must not store and use pressure vessel. The Venue provides compressed air. The pressure of
the compressor exports should be 0.6-0.8Mpa. The expo participants should install drying
machine and strainer according to its equipment status. The expo participants who have
special needs of air supply should bring their own air container and put it on the designated
place after the application is approved. Security should be guaranteed.
If expo participants do not conduct air use application , the Venue has the right to order the
construction contractors to rectify and reform. If they refuse to rectify and reform, the
Venue will not supply air. Exhibitors and EAC shall be held accountable for accidents and
pecuniary losses.
Must not bring any pressure vessel and device into the Venue without authorization.
Pressure vessel and device which obtains permission should obey related safety regulations.
Connections of the pipe orifice should use hose clamps. Must not use iron or other articles.
Exhibitors should do safety check work before they apply to the organizer for electricity or
air. After the Venue receives the application, safety check should be done by the exhibitors.
After safety check passes examination, the Venue could provide electricity and air for
Air supply line must have the boards to protect its safety when passing through the
5. Safety management of working high above the ground.
1) Working high above the ground refers to working 2 meters above the ground and likely to fall
2) People who pass physical examination and over the age of 18 can work high above the ground.
People who suffer from high blood pressure, heart disease, epileptic disease, mental disease and
other people who are not suitable for working high above the ground must not work at heights.
3) Operators should keep health. Safety helmet, safety belt, ladder, drawboard, scaffold and so on
should be in good working condition.
4) Operators must fasten safety belt and wear safety helmet. Portable instruments, accessories,
materials must be placed into utility pouch. All small instruments that are used for working high
above the ground should be put in an appropriate place and be fixed by ropes or iron wire.
5) The spot where people work high above should be marked “danger area” and set up obvious
signs, such as, warning like “No admittance except on business”, “No entry”. Unauthorized
people are prohibited.
6) Operators should clean out flammable and explosive instruments when welding high above the
7) Operators must not play and sleep when working high above the ground.
2. Fire safety regulations
2.1 Construction companies should conscientiously implement the policies and guidelines for safety
production and fire prevention issued by state, Shanghai government and higher authorities-labor
protection and safety production departments and strictly enforce relevant laws, rules and regulations.
2.2 Smoking is prohibited within the exhibition halls.
2.3 Using fire and fire operation are banned in the venue.
2.4 It is prohibited to use iodine tungsten lamp, neon lamp and any lamp with a trigger which is
unsafe under high temperature or high pressure.
2.5 It is banned to install lamps or any electrical equipment on flammable objects without
fireproofing treatment and isolation protection. Electrical equipment and lamps can be used after the
written permission by the venue. There shall not be flammable and combustible objects within 1
meter of lamps.
2.6 It is forbidden to turn spotlight and other heating device on or near the fire sprinkler device.
2.7 Obstruction of fire safety and monitoring facilities, such as fire alarm, fire hydrant, fire
extinguishers and safety door is prohibited.
2.8 Do not occupy the fire exit or block the aisle near the fire hydrant. Do not have any litter stacked
in the venue. Temporary goods must be piled up instead of being dumped.
2.9 It is not recommended to roof the cusom-built booth, if required, automatic fire alarm systems,
automatic sprinkler systems and qualified fire extinguishers should be set up. When full-closed or
semi-closed display area is more than 120 square meters, there should be at least 2 evacuation doors
with width no less than 0.9 meter.
2.10 All materials applied in the booth or other construction must be specified in fire safety rules and
regulations made by China or Shanghai government, with B1 or above combustible and combustion
diffusion rate. Combustible material must be processed to reach performance level before being used.
Venue staffs have the right to clean up materials that fail to meet the requirements. Unauthorized
flammable materials without fire prevention are prohibited in the construction site.
2.11 The carpet must be retardant and contractors are required to show the certificate proving that the
flame retardance of the carpet is not less than level B1.
2.12 Electrical wiring in hidden area should be coated by metal tube or flame retardant PVC pipe.
Closed light-box must have vents for heat dissipation.
2.13 No attachment or suspension on the ceiling sprinkler or lighting device.
2.14 For machinery exhibits such as internal combustion engines, automobiles, tractors, various types
of gasoline and diesel engines, fuel in tanks shall not exceed 10% of the total capacity.
2.15 All flammable and explosive, toxic, corrosive, radioactive substances and weapons, firearms,
tool exhibits cannot be brought into the exhibition halls without the venue’s permission. If exhibitors
need to display them they are suggested to display the models.
2.16 Hydrogen balloons cannot be brought into the exhibition halls without the venue’s permission.
The venue will clear away hydrogen balloons at the expense of the exhibitor.
2.17 For any matters not mentioned herein, please refer to "Shanghai Exhibition Hall Fire Safety
Management Standards" and "Key Unit Fire Safety Management Requirements"(DB31/540).
3. Safety and security regulations
3.1 The organizer has signed the “Exhibition Safety and Security Agreement” along with the
exhibition hall rental contract with the venue in order to define the responsibilities and obligations of
each party.
3.2 During the exhibition, the official contractor and exhibitor appointed contractor bear primary
responsibility of construction safety in their contracted construction areas. Each exhibitor is
accountable for booth safety.
3.3 Exhibitors and contractors must wear positive identification issued by the venue or the organizer
during the exhibition.
3.4 Venue staff (including security guard outside the exhibition halls) has the right to check badges or
tickets in exhibition area. The ticket inspectors should show their ID before inspection,. People being
inspected with an invalid ticket or entering in an illegitimate way, once identified, shall leave the hall
3.5 Exhibitors are responsible for safekeeping the goods, samples and personal belongings. The
goods demanding of anti-theft protection shall be taken away from the exhibition hall or
commissioned to the organizer to take preservation measures such as storage, installation of
monitoring equipments and sending guards.
3.6 Exhibitors are suggested to purchase property liability insurance for valuables
3.7 During the exhibition, any unit or individual must not place exhibits and other goods outside the
designated area.
3.8 Authorized by the organizer, the venue security may require exhibitors or other personnel to show
“Permit to move out exhibits” issued by the organizer when exhibits are moved out of the exhibition
hall during dismantling.
3.9 When the flow of people is too large and pose a security risk, the venue will take emergency
measures to control and facilitate passenger flow after soliciting opinions from the police and the
organizer, including suspension of entry pass application and prohibition of entrance for the
follow-up people.
3.10 The organizer is responsible for handling disputes among exhibitors such as the responsibility of
all kinds of emergencies related to the exhibition.
3.11Commercial photography within the boundary line of the venue shall get the permission in
advance, and conduct at the designated time and place in accordance with the requirements.
Non-commercial photography is forbidden in “No photo” area and should not disturb the exhibition
order and public order, otherwise it will be stopped.
3.12 In order to ensure the order of the exhibition and security within the boundary line, the venue is
entitled to stop the following activities:
1) Any activities without the venue’s permission such as business activities, promotion activities,
including varieties of goods and food sales and any services free or charge.
2) Posting and delivering leaflets, posters, magazines and all kinds of advertising materials in
exhibition section and public area without permission.
3) Any behaviors that impact, pollute, destruct the environment of the exhibition hall.
4) Staying in the exhibition area after the hall closes without permission.
5) Carrying pets without permission.
6) Carrying controlled goods and dangerous articles that are inflammable and explosive without
7) Any behaviors that violate state laws and regulations and social public ethics.
4. Transportation safety regulations
4.1 Buses and transport vehicles management
1) Buses and freight trucks during move-in and move-out should enter the venue parking area within
the boundary line with positive identification.
2) When buses and transport vehicles arrive at the venue, they are required to follow the staff’s
instructions and enter the designated parking area. During move-in and move-out, exhibitors’
transport vehicles should wait in the parking area when the loading area is occupied and follow the
staff’s instructions to enter other exhibition areas to unload.
3) If vehicles need to enter the loading area, they shall get the Pass for Loading and Unloading
Vehicles and Vehicles Guide Card from the venue card center in advance. Security guards have the
right to stop the vehicle which does not comply with the transportation safety regulations.
4) The fee for the pass and the card is 50 RMB per vehicle and the deposit is 300 RMB. Exhibitors
can get the deposit refunded with the pass, the card and the receipt after finishing loading and
unloading cargo. If there is any damage or loss for the Vehicles Guide Card, 50 RMB for each card
will be charged as compensation.
5) After transport vehicles arrive at the loading area, the time for loading and unloading cargo is 1.5
hours, 100 RMB will be charged for the overtime of every 0.5 hours, and so on. The time less than
0.5 hours is regarded as 0.5 hours.
6) Drivers must follow security guards’ instructions and not leave the vehicle during loading and
unloading cargo. It is required to leave the loading area immediately without staying. Anyone that
causes traffic jam will get the deposit deduction.
7) Vehicles are not allowed to park in the public passages and block fire escapes. Offenders shall be
fully responsible for the consequences. Illegal vehicles parking or storage of goods will be towed
away or cleared and the cost will be paid by the transporter or the owner.
8) During loading and unloading cargo, protective measures shall be taken to avoid damage to the
venue facilities, otherwise, the transporter or the owner will be responsible to compensate.
9) Vehicle operations should do strictly according to the safety rules and regulations in the exhibition
hall, and the operator must possess related certificates. Vehicles should go along the indicated lines
during the exhibition within the venue boundary line. The speed should not exceed 15 kilometers,
while the speed entering the hall should not exceed 5 kilometers per hour.
10) Qualifications for vehicles entering the second floor of the exhibition hall are: length limit is 10
meters (including 10 meters); weight limit is 5 tons (including 5 tons); height limit is 4.5 meters
(including 4.5 meters). Unqualified vehicles should load and unload at the designated parking area.
11) Vehicles should close doors and windows in time after parking. Take good care of valuables.
Vehicles are banned to stay overnight in the parking area.
12) Vehicles leaking, carrying inflammable, explosive, toxic, radioactive substances or polluting
substances are prohibited to enter the venue. Smoking, using open flames, car washing and vehicle
maintenance are strictly forbidden in the parking area.
4.2 Special vehicles management
1) Special vehicle includes but not limited to crane, forklift truck, overhead working truck etc.
2) Drivers of special vehicles must possess related certificate and not hand over to others. Driving
without a license is prohibited.
3) Comply with the requests of speed control by the venue. Speeding is forbidden.
4) Abide by the safety operation procedures. Working at risk, violation operation, drunk driving and
smoking in the cab are prohibited.
5) Special vehicle is for work purposes only. It is strictly prohibited to use after work or pick up
6) Special vehicle must be power off after completing its work or when it is no longer being used.
7) Special vehicle is forbidden to park at random. For those that cannot be parked in specified areas
must be guarded.
Part Three
Application Forms
F1 Fascia Board Information
Deadline: Sept. 25, 2014
Please email to :Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Tel: 86-21- 69761100-8011/8012
E-mail:[email protected]
Please fill in the company name in Chinese (No more than 20 Chinese characters)
Please fill in the company name in English ( No more than 40 letters, please type in BLOCK
Note : Late application will have a 30% surcharge. On-site application will have a 50%
Company Name:
Signature/Company seal:
Booth No.:
F2 Location Plan
Deadline: Sept. 25, 2014
Please email to :Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Tel:86-21- 69761100-8011/8012
E-mail:[email protected]
Please show positions of equipment in the booth such as furniture, water, electricity, shelf (height and
distance between two shelves). For corner stands, please also indicate if you need two or three walls.
Back Wall
Front of Booth - Aisle
1. If the exhibitor does not submit the application by the deadline, the official contractor will install the
equipment and furniture in proper positions. If the exhibitor needs to modify the position during
setting-up or the expo, a surcharge will be required.。
2. The socket shall not be used for lighting equipment. Exhibitors shall contact the Official Contractor
for installation of lights and pay relevant fees.
3. The payments shall be made by Oct. 10, 2014. Services will be provided for exhibitors who make the
payment by the deadline.
4. Late orders will have a 30% surcharge. On-site orders (starting from setting up) a 50% surcharge.
Company name:
Signature/Company seal :
Booth No.:
F3 Furniture Rental
Deadline:Sept. 25, 2014
Please email to:Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Tel : 86-21- 69761100-8011/8012 E-mail:[email protected]
glass cabinet
display case
registration Counter
glass table
Aluminum alloy counter
folding chair
short-arm spotlight
fluorescent lamp
long-arm spotlight
halogen lamp
quartz spotlight
1. Please show the position of the furniture in F2 and email F2 along with F3 by Sept. 25, 2014
2. High Fair will install furniture in proper position if F2 is not received. Changing position will have a surcharge.
3. Full Payment should be affected by Oct. 10. Late payment will be liable to cancellation of order. Please transfer
the payment through company account. The invoice will be in accordance with the name of the bank account that
transfer the payment
4. The furniture included in the shell scheme can not be exchanged for furniture in this form.
5. Late orders will have a 30% surcharge. On-site orders (starting from setting up) will have a 50% surcharge.
Company name:
Signature/Company seal :
Booth No.:
990L*495W*2480H mm
Glass table
*2000H mm
2480H*900W mm
990L*300W*495H mm
alloy counter
*500H mm
455S mm
150W HQI
F4 Form of space only booth setting up
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2014
Please email to:Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Tel: 86-21- 69761100-8011/8012
E-mail:[email protected]
Booth No.:
Booth Area:(length X width )
Two level booth:(Y/N)
Name of the company:
Person in charge:
Name of Contractor:
Person in charge:
Design(include floor plan of the booth, preview, Other materials:
circuit diagram)
As an exhibitor of China International Auto Products Expo, we promise to
abide by the standards and regulations on construction set by the Chinese
government. We will comply with CIAPE Exhibitor Manual in designing and
construction and prepare fire extinguishers. We promise to be accountable for any
loss and damage if we violate relevant rules and regulations.
We shall be responsible for safety of exhibits, exhibitors and visitors in the
process of booth setting-up to dismantling. We promise to use water, electricity
safely and take measures to prevent fire in our booth.
We promise to abide by rules and regulations stipulated by NECC. We shall
be accountable for any loss and damage caused by our mal-operation
We promise to cooperate fully with relevant departments of the official
contractor and NECC to take measure and follow their decisions. We promise to
forfeit part or all our deposit if loss and damage was caused by our mal-operation.
F5 Water, electricity, compressed air form
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2014
Please email to :Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Tel: 86-21- 69761100-8011/8012
E-mail:[email protected]
Unit Price
Compressed air
inlet:DN15mm , pressure:
inlet:DN20mm , pressure:
inlet:DN25mm , pressure:
1、 Order from Oct. 1 to 9 will have a 30% surcharge. Order from Oct. 10 will have a 50%
2、 Exhibitors must rent distribution boxes if they need to use power. Electricians from NECC will
install the box in the booth. Exhibitors shall proceed with the work under the supervision of
electricians from NECC.
3、 The electrician from NECC will sign the deposit slip and stick a mark on it when they finish
uninstalling the distribution box. Exhibitors shall present the deposit slip with the signature and
mark when they get their deposit.
4、 The quotation includes a distribution box and 30-meter cable. The quotations for addition cable
are as follows: 63-100A: 25RMB/m、150A: 40 RMB/m、200A: 50 RMB/m、250A: 70 RMB/m、
300A: 90 RMB/m、350A: 110 RMB/m、400A: 130 RMB/m.
5、 Double price is required for the above quotation if power is needed 24 hours a day.
6、 Space only exhibitors must email completed F4 and detailed design plan by deadline.
7、 Full Payment should be affected by Oct. 10. Late payment will be liable to cancellation of order.
Please transfer the payment through company account. The invoice will be in accordance with
the name of the bank account that transfer the payment. Please send the bank slip and this form
to the official contractor when the payment is made.
8、 The order is not refundable or exchanged. On-site order will have a 50% surplus.
Company name:
Signature/Company seal :
Booth No.:
F6 EAC insurance registration form
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2014
Please email to:Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Tel: 86-21- 69761100-8011/8012
E-mail:[email protected]
Contractor insurance
Contractors are accountable for injury or demise of any party involved and for the loss of
CIAPE requires that all contractors carry Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of
at least 300,000RMB per occurrence, 4 million aggregate. Insurance policy is needed when applying
for booth construction. This insurance must be in force during the lease dates of the event, October
15 to 21, 2014.
Contractors must effect at his own cost full indemnity insurance against public liability and all
other usual risks in respect of loss, damage or injury to goods and persons and in particular against
theft. Contractors shall take the insurance policy or the copy during setting up, the expo and
dismantling and make sure the insurance is valid.
Insurance policy is needed when applying for booth construction permit and electricity. The
Organizer, NECC and the official contractor reserve the right to forbid exhibitors and contractors
from construction.
Exhibitors are suggested to urge their contractor to purchase relevant insurance and email the
form and scanned copy of insurance policy to the official contractor.
Booth No.
Booth area
Booth Height
F7 Letter of commitment of safety responsibility of
booth construction
Deadline: Sept. 30, 2014
Please email to:Shanghai High-Fair Advertising & Engineering Company Limited
Tel: 86-21- 69761100-8011/8012
E-mail:[email protected]
Dear Sir or Madam:
We undertake the construction of the exhibitor
Booth No.
, Booth area
m2 at China International Auto Products Expo.
We shall be responsible for safety of exhibits, exhibitors and visitors from booth setting up to
dismantling. We promise to use water, electricity safely and take measures to prevent fire in our
We promise to abide by rules and regulations stipulated by NECC. We shall be accountable for
loss and damage caused by our mal-operation
We promise to cooperate fully with relevant departments of the official contractor and NECC to
take measure and follow their decisions. We promise to forfeit part or all our deposit if loss and
damage was caused by our mal-operation.
Person in charge:
Person in charge:
F8 Official catalogue form
Deadline: Step. 15th ,2014
Please email to:
Ms. Jiang Kexin, Ms. Feng Yufeng
Tel :86-10-68991474、68991486
Cel: 86-13488789368、18618135681
E-mail:[email protected][email protected]
1、The information will be published in the official catalog of CIAPE 2014 free of charge.
2、Please limit the introduction in Chinese under 100 Chinese characters. For every 18 characters
more than that number, 200RMB will be charged. 200 words will be published for free for
introduction in English. For every 36 letters more than 200 words, 200RMB will be charged. If
no payment is made for introduction exceeding the permitted word limit by the deadline, the
Organizer reserves the right to cut it short.
3、 Please email the completed form to the contact person by Sept. 15, 2014. Fax and hard copy will
not be accepted. In case the application is sent after the deadline, the Organizer does not
guarantee the publication of the information in the official catalogue. If exhibitors have any
questions, please contact them on the phone.
4 、 For exhibit category, please choose one and only one from the 10 categories below: whole
vehicle, auto parts, electronics and information technology, clean fuels, technical equipment,
auto accessories, maintenance and diagnosis equipment, tire, auto tuning, motorcycle.
Name (in
Name (in
Hall No.
Exhibits (in
Exhibits (in
(no more than
(no more than
100 Chinese
200 English
F9 Official catalogue advertising form (used
as contract)
Deadline: Sept. 15, 2014
Company name:(company seal)
Contact Person
Booth No.
Official Catalogue advertising
Cover gatefold
Inside front cover
Last page
Inside Back Cover
Back cover
Back cover gatefold
Color inside page 1
Color inside page 2 to 5
Color inside page 2 to 5
Color Inside pages
Company logo (black and white)
1、 Please make the payment within 5 days after the contract is signed.
2、 The Organizer reserves the right to delete or reject advertising application that violates “The
advertisement law of the People's Republic of China”.
3、 Please provide pictures in JPEG format with resolution no lower than 300dpi.
4、 Binding size: 130mm *210mm(W*L);bleed size : 136mm *216mm(W*L)
Please mail, fax or email to
Ms. Jiang Kexin, Ms. Feng Yufeng
Organizing committee of China International Auto Products Expo
Add: 12/F, West Wing of Sichuan Mansion, 1 Fuchengmenwai Avenue,Xicheng
District, Beijing 100037, P.R. China
Tel :86-10-68991474、68991486
Fax: 86-10-68991414
Cel: 86-13488789368、18618135681
E-mail:[email protected][email protected]
Payment Details:
Beneficiary: Genertec International AE Co., Ltd.
12/F, West Wing of Sichuan Mansion, 1 Fuchengmenwai Avenue,Xicheng District,
Beijing 100037, P.R. China
Deposit Bank: Bank of China, Head Office, Banking Dept.
Add: 1 Fuxingmen Nei Dajie, Beijing 100818, P.R. China
Account No.: 778350035077
Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ
Please remark CIPAPE 2014 Official Catalog Advertising
F10 On-site Advertising Contract
Deadline: Sept. 18, 2014
On-site Advertising Contract
Company name:(company seal)
Contact Person
Booth No.
Hall No.
Item No.
1、 The ad order price includes space rental, installation and dismantling, maintenance etc. The
exhibitor shall design his own advertisement.
2、 No ad carrier or articles brought by clients can be installed at NECC to ensure effect and
safety of the advertisement.
3、 Exhibitors can choose to advertise outside the hall during the expo.
4、 Full payment shall be made within 7 days after the On-site Advertising Contract is signed.
Order after Sept. 2nd will have a 40% surcharge. No application will be accepted within one
week before the expo.
5、 Please send us pictures that meet the dimensions within 10 days after the contract is signed.
6、 The Organizer reserves the right to plan positions of advertisement. A written confirmation
will be sent to the exhibitor when the position and quantity is confirmed.
Please fax or email the form to
Organizing committee of China International Auto Products Expo
Contacts:Mr. Daniel Zeng, Mr. Cui Peng
Tel :86-10-68991762、68991735
E-mail:[email protected]
Payment Details:
Beneficiary: Genertec International AE Co., Ltd.
12/F, West Wing of Sichuan Mansion, 1 Fuchengmenwai Avenue, Xicheng District,
Beijing 100037, P.R. China
Deposit Bank: Bank of China, Head Office, Banking Dept.
Add: 1 Fuxingmen Nei Dajie, Beijing 100818, P.R. China
Account No.: 778350035077
Swift Code: BKCHCNBJ
Please remark CIPAPE 2014 On-site Advertising
On-site Advertising Preview
Position: Gate of Hall 2
Quantity: 1
Size: 26m(H) x18m(W)
Form: Painting
Price: 230,000RMB
Position: North square of NECC
Quantity: 48
Size: 8m(H)x{3.5m(W)+1m(W)}
Form: Painting
Price: 25,000RMB/pole( double-sided)
Position: North square of NECC
Quantity: 59
Size: 2.1m(H)x0.7m(W)
Form: Painting
Advertising: 3,000RMB /pole(double-sided)
Position: North square of NECC
Size: 5m(H)x8m(W)
Form: Rack + spray painting
Price: 32,000RMB/piece
Position: F3 West Hall(Metro Exit)
Quantity:2 pieces
Size: 2m(H)x20m(W)
Form: Spray painting
Position: North Square of NECC
Quantity: Minimum 100 pieces
Price: 150RMB/piece
Position: North Square of NECC
Quantity: minimum 50 pieces
Price: 500RMB/piece
Position: North Square of NECC
Quantity: as needed
Price: 600RMB/sqm
Position: F1 North Hall Indoor
Quantity: 3 pieces
Size: 14m(H)x28m(W)
Form: Painting
Price: 230,000RMB/piece
Position: Passage of North Square
Quantity: 6 pieces
Size: 3m(H)x6m(W)
Form: Rack + double-sided spray painting
Price: 26,000RMB/piece
Part Four
Intellectual Property Rights
Complaint and Settlement Provisions of
Being Suspected of Infringement on Intellectual Property Rights
Section 1 General Principles
1. This Complaint and Settlement Provisions of Being Suspected of Infringement on Intellectual
Property Rights is formulated according to the Patent Law, the Trade Mark Law, the Copyright
Law and the Measures for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights during Exhibitions for
the purpose of safeguarding the order in China International Auto Products Expo (hereinafter
referred to as CIAPE), intensifying the awareness of protection of Intellectual Property Rights
(IPRs) and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the exhibitors and owners of related
2. All exhibitors shall accept and abide by all the stipulations of CIAPE on IPRs protection when
signing the Exhibition Contract (meaning the Terms & Conditions and the Exhibitor Application
Form) with the organizer. All exhibitors shall undertake to ensure that all exhibits and the
packaging, promotional materials, catalogues, software or hardware used for on-site presentation
and all parts of the exhibition in the stands comply fully with relevant laws and regulations and
do not infringe upon other’s rights, including intellectual property rights.
3. The regulations are only applicable to the protection of IPRs during the period of CIAPE.
4. The exhibitor shall sign Letter of Undertaking (1) with the IPRs Protection Office of CIAPE.
Exhibitors who fail to do so will not be granted the Exhibitor Badge.
Section 2 Management of Complaints
1. The IPRs Protection Office (hereinafter referred to as “the Office”) established by CIAPE is the
only department coordinating and dealing with complaints concerning IPRs infringement. And
CIAPE has invited relevant government administrative department of IPRs to work with the
2. The Office shall accept and hear complaints concerning with being suspected to commit any
infringement on IPRs (hereinafter referred to as infringement) arising in the exhibition halls
during the period of CIAPE.
3. All disputes concerning IPRs during CIAPE shall be settled in accordance with complaint
procedures stipulated herein. Those who tend to avoid the Office and negotiate with the
infringing party directly thus cause a disorder in the exhibition shall be settled as disobey the
Exhibition Order Managing Regulations.
4. In the case that the exhibitor’s exhibits, packaging of exhibits, promotional materials and any
part of his stand has independent IPRs, the exhibitor shall bring the certificate documents of
ownership for inspection.
5. In the case that the exhibitor violates relevant agreements signed with CIAPE, he shall be
obliged to compensate for all expenses and losses in case of disputes arising from his exhibits,
packaging of exhibits, promotional materials and any part of his stand infringement on IPRs of
6. In the case that the appellant lodges a complaint to the Office and requests the Office to deal with
the defendant as per regulation herein defined, the appellant shall accordingly agree to pay for all
expenses incurred to the Office and compensate to the defendant for all losses arising therefrom.
Section 3 Complaint Procedures
1. Exhibitor with a valid badge of CIAPE may file a complaint with the Office in the case that any
have been detected in the exhibits, promotional materials in the stand or in any displaying parts
of the stand.
2. The appellant shall be required to show the ownership certificate to the staff in the Office.
Appellant shall be further required to demonstrate relevant follow up legal documents if such
patent and copyright infringement is a repetition of previous session of CIAPE, which has been
settled by this Office in previous session of CIAPE. The case will not be accepted unless relevant
documents from the appellant have been furnished. A repeated complaint upon the same
defendant for the same infringement on IPRs will not be accepted by this Office.
3. The appellant shall be required to fill out the Letter of Complaint upon verification of the
above documents by the staff of the Office.
4. The Office shall nominate staff to deal with the case upon reception of the Letter of Complaint.
The defendant shall cooperate with the Office to deal with the case.
5. Principle of Invert the Burden of Proof shall be employed to handle cases of infringement on
patent and copyright. In the event that he shall be accused of being suspected of infringing in his
exhibits, promotional materials or any parts of his exhibits, the defendant should immediately
prove his non-infringement by demonstrating relevant certificate of rights or other evidences to
prove that he is in possession of legitimate rights and interests for the items alleged. The
defendant shall accordingly be required to examine the alleged items with the staff of the Office.
6. In the case that the defendant shall be unable to effectively prove his non-infringement
immediately, the accused items shall be temporarily detained by the Office. The defendant shall
be meanwhile signed on the Letter of Undertaking (2) to commit that he shall not operate or
exhibit the accused items in case of his inability of furnishing effective evidences subsequent to
such accuse. The Letter of Undertaking (2) shall be made in duplicate and the defendant and the
Office shall hold one copy respectively.
7. In the case that he disagrees with the settlements of the Office, the defendant shall furnish
supplement evidences of non-infringement to the Office within a workday (based on the schedule
of CIAPE). The temporarily detained items should be immediately returned to the exhibitor
provided that the proof be effective; otherwise, those items shall be confiscated by the Office and
forbidden in the exhibition.
8. The appellant commits not to take any legal measures against the defendant in the exhibition hall
prior to the conclude of CIAPE and subsequent to the Office has settled the case in accordance
with the regulations herein defined and the outcomes have been accepted by the defendant.
9. Subsequent to the conclude of CIAPE, the Office will analyze related complaint data and report
the name list of the exhibitors suspected to have infringed on IPRs to related departments.
Section 4 Punishment
1. Responsibility for all infringement happened in the stand shall be borne by the exhibitor who has
entered into the Exhibition Contract with CIAPE and been registered by CIAPE. The exhibitor
shall accordingly accept the settlements finalized by CIAPE.
2. Any complaint involving infringement on trademark shall be resolved according to the
Trademark Law by the Office cooperating with relevant government trademark administrative
departments. Where any infringement committed by the exhibitor is established, the exhibitor
shall be treated as infringement and be punished in accordance with the Trademark Law of P. R.
Any complaint involving patent and copyright infringement will be settled by the Office as per
procedures stipulated herein. Exhibitor who is unable to prove himself as “non-infringement”
shall be regarded as being “suspected of infringement” and the infringing exhibits will be
forbidden in the exhibition and be disposed as
per regulations herein defined.
In the case that the exhibitor’s staff refuses to cooperate with the Office regarding any kinds of
investigation and inspection, the Office and the security office of CIAPE shall be authorized to
confiscate the badge of such person and stop such person from entering the hall afterwards
subsequent to an invalid persuasion of the staff of the Office.
Should the exhibitor be found out to exhibit the same infringing exhibit in the same stand
subsequent to an initial settlement has been performed by the Office, the Office and the security
office of CIAPE shall be authorized to confiscate the badges of the said participants in such stand,
stop them from taking part in this exhibition afterwards and circulate a notice of criticism of the
exhibitor on Newsletter of CIAPE.
In the case that during the same session of CIAPE, several stands in one exhibition hall or
several exhibits in one stand is suspected of infringement on IPRs, and one exhibit is suspected
of infringement on two ownership No.s, participation of these exhibitors for next session of
CIAPE shall be disqualified by the Organizer.
Those exhibitors who are suspected to have committed infringement for two consecutive
sessions shall be given written warning by CIAPE; those exhibitors who are suspected to have
committed infringement for three consecutive sessions shall be prohibited from participating in
Section 5 Interpretation of Terminologies
1. Intellectual Property Rights, in accordance with TRIPRS (Agreement On Trade-related Aspects
of Intellectual Property Rights) of WTO, shall include the following:
(1) Copyright and Related Rights
(2) Trademarks
(3) Geographical Indications
(4) Industrial Designs
(5) Patents
(6) Layout-Designs (Topographies) of Integrated Circuits
(7) Protection of Undisclosed Information
2. Exhibitor – the herein defined exhibitor who is responsible for infringement on IPRs shall be the
one who has entered into the Exhibition Contract with CIAPE and has been recorded by CIAPE
(i.e. the company shown on the fascia board).
3. Preliminary act – writ of ownership of IPRs including certification documents required by the
Laws and Regulations of the People’s Republic of China and documents required by the Office
from the appellant or the defendant as per actual situation.
Section 6 Supplementary Provisions
1. Whether the defendant has been punished by the Office or not, any further legal measures
undertaken by the appellant or the defendant subsequent to CIAPE shall be conducted through
the local administrative or judicial authorities pursuant to the closure of CIAPE, and has no
further connection to CIAPE and its organizer.
2. China International Auto Products Expo shall be responsible for the interpretation of the
3. The regulations come into force as of the day of promulgation.
4. This English version for your reference is subject to the Chinese one.
Form A Letter of Undertaking (1)
Deadline: Aug. 31 , 2014
This form shall be filled in and submitted prior to the deadline. The service herein shall be free.
Please submit this form to:
Contact person:
Zeng Xiaohua
The IPRs Protection Office of CIAPE
[email protected]
● Undertaking
We hereby undertake that all exhibits (including exhibit package), promotional articles and any
displaying parts of the exhibition stand we exhibit during the course of China International Auto
Products Expo (October 19-21, 2014) shall not violate any related laws and regulations or infringe
any rights of any other people including all IPRs.
In case of violation of this undertaking, we shall accept the settlements from the IPRs Protection
Office of China International Auto Products Expo in accordance with the provision of “Complaint
and Settlement Provisions of Being Suspected of Infringement on IPRs” stipulated in the Exhibitors’
Manual for the China International Auto Products Expo, and we shall compensate for all the expenses
and losses of the involved parties incurred here from.
● Remarks
This form shall only be accepted by express delivery, fax or direct submission. E-mail shall be
Stand No.:
Company Name:
(Company Seal)
Contact Person:
Authorized Signature:
Form B
Letter of Complaint
The IPRs Protection Office of China International Auto Products Expo,
The underwriter hereby formally lodges a complaint to the IPRs Protection Office of China
International Auto Products Expo regarding an infringement on IPRs of my own or of my consigner
of professional type
with a patent No.
by product/article titled
exhibited and operated by the exhibitor in stand No.
of Exhibition Hall No.
of China International Auto Products Expo. The underwriter hereby commits that the above
complaint shall be handled by the IPRs Protection Office of CIAPE in accordance with the provision
of “Complaint and Settlement Provisions of Being Suspected of Infringement on IPRs” stipulated in
the Exhibitors’ Manual of the China International Auto Products Expo. The underwriter furthermore
agrees to pay to the IPRs Protection Office of CIAPE all expenses incurred here from and
accordingly promises compensate for all losses may be created against the defendant in case of an
incorrect complaint.
Patent Right Owner:
Name of Exhibitor:
Stand/ Stands No.:
Contact Tel.:
Form C
Letter of Undertaking (2)
The underwrite company hereby formally undertakes to China International Auto Products Expo
that the company shall agree to accept the provisions of “Complaint and Settlement Provisions of
Being Suspected of Infringement on IPRs” stipulated in the Exhibitors’ Manual of the China
International Auto Products Expo. From today onwards, until the closure of the China International
Auto Products Expo i.e. 21st, October, 2014, this company shall not exhibit or operate the following
articles and relevant promotional products that being suspected of infringement on IPRs in any places
of the exhibition hall of the China International Auto Products Expo:
Product Name:
Patent Number:
In case of violation of this undertaking, we shall accept the settlements from the IPRs Protection
Office of China International Auto Products Expo in accordance with the provision of “Complaint
and Settlement Provisions of Being Suspected of Infringement on IPRs” stipulated in the Exhibitors’
Manual of the China International Auto Products Expo.
This Letter of Undertaking (2) shall be in duplicate with the IPRs Protection Office and the
underwrite company each holding one copy. The Letter of Undertaking (2) shall come into force
upon the date of signing.
Undertaker (Exhibitor):
Stand No.:
Representative of Undertaker:
Contact Tel.:
Part Five
Shipping Manual
19-21, Oct, 2014
National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)
Prepared by:GO-EXPRESS CO., LTD.
Go-Express is nominated as official freight forwarder for exhibition named “CHINA
INTERNATIONAL AUTO PRODUCTS EXPO 2014”, who is responsible to handle all exhibits at
mentioned exhibition, as well as on-site services exclusively.
To ensure smooth handling of exhibits, please consult us with following all points in this guideline
when they are shipping to exhibition. Failure to comply with these points is likely to create problems and
additional expenses.
All business is only transacted in accordance with our Standard
Trading Conditions. A copy is available upon request.
1. Communication
Exhibitors are kindly requested to direct all shipping inquiries, information and documents to:
Go-Express Co., Ltd
Suite C-D, 17th Floor Fulong Mansion
No. 277 Shiping Road. Shanghai 200081.
P.R. China
Ctc Person: Mr. Yong Li & Mr. Ryan Xia
Phone: +86 21 65757706
+86 21 65757716
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
2. Time Schedule
Freights destination to Shanghai Seaport/Airport from overseas
Documents Deadline
2rd Oct. 2014
5th Oct. 2014
Exhibits Arrival Deadline
For LCL Destination to Shanghai seaport
5th Oct. 2014
For FCL Destination to Shanghai seaport
For Airfreight Destination to PVG airport
9th Oct. 2014
There is no any guarantee success in-time delivery services when any arrivals later than above deadlines.
In the meantime, Surcharge will apply regardless of delivery date to show site.
All additional charges incurred due to the late arrivals shall be borne by the exhibitors.
3. Consignment Instruction
Destination Port: Shanghai seaport
Destination Port: PVG airport
Consignee in OBL
Consignee in Master AWB
TEL: 0086-21-65757709
TEL: 0086-21-33935512
FAX: 0086-21-65757716
FAX: 0086-21-33935615
Notify Party in OBL
Notify Party in Master AWB
C/O CIAPE 2014
C/O CIAPE 2014
Attn: Mr. Yong Li and Mr. Ryan Xia
Attn: Mr. Yong Li and Mr. Ryan Xia
TEL: 0086-21-65757709
TEL: 0086-21-65757709
FAX: 0086-21-65757716
FAX: 0086-21-65757716
All cargo must be consigned “Freight Prepaid” to the above consignee, otherwise a 5% outlay commission will
be imposed on all “Freight Collect” consignments.
In airfreight, Master AWB must be consigned strictly to above mentioned consignee. House AWB in is not
recommended, due to additional expenses at PVG terminal, as well as more complex procedure.
Additional charges will be incurred against any other consignment issued than above mentioned.
All freights must be shipped destination to Shanghai Seaport or PVG airport.
4. Shipping via Int'l Courier / Express Services
Exhibitor can use int’l courier / express services to ship some low-value items when direct consigned to
Go-Express Co., Ltd. Consignment is per follow instruction.
Consignee in Int’l Courier / Express AWB
Required Documents to Go-Express Co., Ltd
 One copy of Courier / Express AWB
 One copy of Form 1
TEL: 0086-21-65757709
FAX: 0086-21-65757716
Attn: Mr. Yong Li and Mr. Ryan Xia
Arrival Deadlines: at least 10 days prior to Show date
In regular, the services company should be responsible to go through all customs formalities at destination
and door delivery services to Go-Express Co., Ltd. But in sometimes, the shipment could most be
possibilities to be detained by Chinese Customs due to some uncertain reasons. And they are failure to
process customs clearance, as well as door delivery services.
When courier / express shipment is detained by Chinese Customs, the services company could forward
full sets of shipping documents to Go-Express to take over the responsibility in customs clearance, as well
as delivery services. Further more, some additional expenses incurred due to customs clearance from
Go-Express should be borne by exhibitors in separate.
Go-Express Co., Ltd do not take any responsibility to secure customs clearance even if when we take over
this responsibility from Courier /Express company.
5. Pre-alert & Documents to Go-Express
Once shipment is booked, please immediately advice GO-Express through email / fax with details
Pre -Alert with booking info
 One original OBL or 1 copy of Express BL or one copy of AWB
 Shipping schedule with ETD and ETA
 Info of booked forwarder
Shipping Documents that is required in necessary
Appendix is the samples of following documents.
 Services Order Form
 Form1 (LOE form)
 One declaration of fumigation
(IPPC) for wooden packing or non-wood packing material
 One copy of Insurance Policy (if insured)
 Label on package for both inbound & outbound
 Additional OC (Origin of Country) & HC (Health Certificate) are wanted for foodstuffs.
Exhibitors are kindly requested to return above forms to Go-Express without exception and delay.
Any absence or later arrival to Go-Express will cause failure in customs clearance.
Notes on Form 1 (LOE form)
It is the most important document that be submitted to Chinese customs both in exhibition inbound
and outbound movements. Any negligence will be a violation of customs’ regulations.
One sheet of this Form is Only used for one packed box with details of
Accurate description of each item with HS code, including major components
Quantity of each item with actual price in unit & total CIF value
Size and Gross/Net weight of packed box
Catalogs, display samples, gifts and foodstuff must also be specified with exact quantity & value on
this form
6. Bonded Exhibit On TIB Clearance
The Chinese Authorities permit exhibits to be imported into China on temporary import basis on
approved trade shows. Temporary import is allowed for 3 months from the date of entry and must be
re-exported unless duties and taxes are paid in the event of conversion to permanent import. Extension of
temporary import is allowed subject to Customs’ approval.
ATA Carnet is also accepted when temporary import in China, but should be issued for “Exhibition
Purpose” ONLY.
GO-Express will go through customs formalities for exhibitors. But in some occasions, the presence
of exhibitors will be required. As the requires GO-Express will be responsible for the control of all
exhibits, exhibitors should not allow their exhibits to be taken away from the show ground without prior
agreement with customs through Go-Express, otherwise exhibitors will get severe punishment by Chinese
customs. Besides, for those goods which will be consumed or abandoned in the exhibition, exhibitors have
to pay certain tax after measuring the actual amount by Chinese customs.
7. Advertising Materials & Consumable Goods
Exhibitors are allowed to ship some advertising materials (such as brochures and souvenirs) and
technical information materials to exhibition for distribution purpose. But in sometimes, they are
subject to import duties as assessed by Chinese Customs which must be payable on entry.
Samples of these materials (2 copies each) and souvenirs (2 each) must be delivered to Go-Express
with a List of Exhibits Form (Form 1) for customs inspection purpose.
All these materials only can be distributed at exhibition after have approval granted from Chinese
customs. These Samples should arrive at Go-Express no later than one month before show opening.
All promotional materials must not indicate or deem to indicate that Tibet or Taiwan is a Country.
For example, “ROC” is forbidden used in all printed materials or on any visuable items.
Any Films/ Slides/ Video tapes/ CDs, VCDs, DVDs to China for exhibition MUST have separated
granted from Chinese Authorities. When you want to ship these items to China, please confirm with
Go-Express. Without any double confirmation from Go-Express, these items would be detained by
Chinese Customs after they arrive at Shanghai.
Consumable exhibits, as well as cosmetics, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, and all other foodstuffs to
exhibitions are treated as dutiable goods either in China. The exhibitor should pay Import Duties.
8. Hand-Carried Exhibits
Exhibitors could bring their items to the exhibition by hand-carry. But kindly be noted that they
maybe impossible to go through the customs formalities with free-entry when they arrive at Shanghai. In
sometimes, exhibitors are requested to pay bonded deposit by cash that is guarantied to Chinese Customs.
The deposit can be refunded to exhibitors only while they are leaving China along with those hand-carried
9. Heavy and Oversize Exhibits
When one packed box is beyond 3000kgs, or size of box is substantial large, e.g. Volume is over 10
CBM, exhibitors should consult Go-Express in advance with a drawn-to-scale layout to facilitate
conversion process in transport and positioning of their exhibit. Case number and front side of the box
must be clearly shown on the layout as well as on the box.
Exhibitors are kindly requested to be on site as early as possible when operation of unpacking and
positioning their heavy exhibits. If a mobile crane is required in operation, exhibitors should inform
GO-Express in advance with detailed layout to secure smoothly on-site operations.
10. Dangerous Exhibits
Any goods which are in line with UN Convention on Dangerous Goods must be filled out in a special
Declaration Form. And the completed forms should reach to us before shipment is dispatched. There will
be special treated and handling charge for such goods.
11.Packing of Exhibits
 Case Marking
For easy identification of exhibits, all packages must be marked as follows:
Name of Exhibitor
Stand Number
Case Number
Gross /Net Weight (KG)
** Please also mark : "Front " or "back" & "center of gravity" on heavy packages as well. **
Fumigation Rulers on WPM
ALL CARGOS WITH WOOD PACKING MATERIAL (WPM) to China (such as wood block cases,
lath cases, wood pallets, wood frames, wood drums, wood axes, chocks, stow-wood, crossties and so on),
are forced to be fumigated in the country of origin before sending them to China.
To ensure the WPM is properly treated either by Heat Treatment (HT) or Methyl Bromide (MB),
following information MUST be marked or stamped on the outside packing as the below sample:
For cargo with non-wood packing materials, the cargo owner must provide the non-wood packing
declaration, which is printed out by company letter-head, signed with authorized signature and endorsed
with company chop. The original declaration letter must be attached to the original Master Airway Bill
or courier to our local office in China for Customs clearance purpose.
Proper Packing
Exhibitors will be responsible for the consequences of improper packing. As the exhibits are
repeatedly loaded and unloaded during transportation, shocking/bumping will sometimes be inevitable.
Moreover, exhibits will be placed outdoors many times, including open-air storage at the exhibition centre
before and after the exhibition. Therefore, exhibitors must take necessary precautions against damage and
rain, since we cannot assume any responsibility for the damage, especially when the return exhibits are to
be packed with used-packing materials (the case as well as aluminium foil, plastic covers, etc., very often
would have been damaged already during unpacking).The case or carton must be strong enough to be
protected against damage / rain during transportation as well as unpacking, and in particular, be suitable
for repacking and for sale or return movement after the exhibition.
Vacuum Packing Services at Exhibition Ground
We have additional Vacuum Packing Services at exhibition ground. Exhibitor can place the order to
Go-Express at least 2 days before required service date.
12.Exhibits Insurance
It is the responsibility of each exhibitor to arrange Marine (Transport) Insurance covering transport to
the exhibition, during the exhibition, till the return of the exhibits to domicile/ exhibits sold locally,
including the period the exhibits are handled by Go-Express tariff is computed on the basis of volume and
weight and has no correlation with the value of exhibits which means the cost of insurance cover is not
included in our charges. Exhibitors should also bring a copy of the insurance policy to Shanghai. It will be
required in case exhibitors need to file a claim for damage or loss in China.
Go-Express can offer the exhibitor insurance coverage at competitive premiums upon receiving
13.Move-in & Move Out Movement
Exhibits will be transferred to the exhibition venue during the move-in days. Representatives of
Go-Express will be available to help the exhibitors with the move-in logistics including unpacking and
storage of empties as applicable. However, a responsible representative of exhibitors must be available
on-site during the move-in period for supervision. In sometimes, however, Customs & CIQ officers may
inspect the case at the ports or fair site without your presence.
Similarly, during exhibition closing, exhibitors must also supervise the dismantling and repacking of
exhibits, especially for delicate or heavy equipment.
Prior to the move-out days, exhibitors are required to advise Go-Express what’s the final disposal of
exhibits in following information:
Sold or Given Away
To be returned
Pending or bonded store
Abandoned or Consumed
In the event of non-compliance of return instructions, all goods left at the exhibition venue shall be
subject to disposal by the Chinese Customs and all charges relating to the disposal including duties and
taxes if any, shall be borne by the exhibitor.
Exhibitors must pay special attention to the following Customs' regulations:
Items other than those declared exhibits (e.g. personal effects, souvenir bought in China) are
absolutely not allowed to be returned together with exhibits.
Violations of these regulations will result in confiscation and heavy fines imposed by the Chinese
14.Returning of Exhibits
The re-export formality will require about 2 weeks prior to the re-export shipment out of China. If the
exhibitor needs the goods to be re-exported urgently, please advise representatives of Go-Express on-site
of your request as applicable and double confirmed with us.
All the returning exhibits MUST BE booked at Go-Express and in terms of “Freight Prepaid” ONLY.
Upon uplift of goods, prior to delivery to stand.
Upon presentation of invoice/prior to delivery to premises.
All payments must be made to Go-Express without any deduction or deferment on account of any
claim, counterclaim or offset.
Please secure payment to following Bank’s Info:
Company :
Add .
Account No.
Swift No.
US Dollar
Rm.2106,Win Plaza,9 Sheung Hei Street, Sanpokong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
HSBC Hong Kong
1 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong
Bank Code
Company :
Bank of Communication Shanghai Branch Hongkou Sub-branch
16.Terms & Conditions
Go-Express Co., Ltd does not take any responsibility for:
Exhibits which are not allowed by the organizer or Chinese Customs to be sold or displayed at the
Any tax/duty for sold exhibits
III. Loss of goods whilst on display at the venue
All business is only transacted in accordance with our Standard Trading Conditions. A copy is
available upon request.
Use of Go-Express services – be it partly or in full – and any requirement for additional services at
any time before, during or after the exhibition express orally and/or in writing and/or by conduct, implies
acknowledge and acceptance of the foregoing.
Forwarding Services Tariff at China International
Auto Products Expo 2014
Inbound Movement
Ex free arrival at Shanghai Terminal / Port up to delivery CIAPE 2014 stand.
Services includes:
Documentation handling;
Bonded Customs clearance and handling at Shanghai Terminal / Port;
Customs & CIQ inspection, and Warehousing services prior to show time;
Transport from Shanghai Terminal / Port to Exhibition Ground, sorting and delivery to
exhibition booth;
Assisting Exhibitor for unpacking and one time on-spot positioning of heavy exhibits
(assembling excluded);
Removing empty cases and packing materials to on-site storage place (outdoor).
Services Tariff:
By Sea Freight
RMB400.00 per CBM
Min 1 cbm per Consignment per Exhibitor
Min 23cbm per 20’GP container
Min 46cbm per 40’GP/HC container
Min 50cbm per 40’OT/FR container
By Air Freight
RMB4.60 per KG
Shanghai Terminal charge
TerminalAgency fee , D/O fee
RMB665 per Consignment
RMB 280.00 per CBM
RMB 1500.00 per 20’GP,
RMB 2325.00 per 40’GP/HC
** weight not exceeding 30T in 1x40’
RMB2.80 per KG
(MIN 100kgs per AWB)
Empty containers handling
RMB1750 per 20’
RMB2450 per 40’
I.2 Freight Transfer from Other exhibition / Bonded Warehouse at Shanghai to CIAPE 2014
Services Includes;
Documentation handling;
Bonded Transfer clearance from other exhibition / Bonded Warehouse
Customs & CIQ inspection;
Transport to Exhibition Ground, sorting and delivery to exhibition booth;
Assisting Exhibitor for unpacking and one time on-spot positioning of heavy exhibits
(assembling excluded);
Removing empty cases and packing materials to on-site storage place (outdoor).
But excludes,
Exhibits handling at other exhibition / bonded warehouse
Services Tariff:
Bonded Transfer fee
Transport to CAIPE
RMB500.00 per Clearance
I.3 Local Sources from free arrival at CIAPE 2014 and delivery to stand
Services Includes;
Documentation handling;
Free arrival at CIAPE Ground, sorting and delivery to exhibition booth;
Assisting Exhibitor for unpacking and one time on-spot positioning of heavy exhibits
(assembling excluded);
Removing empty cases and packing materials to on-site storage place (outdoor).
Services Tariff:
RMB170.00 per CBM
I.4 Additional & Option Tariff
Basic Services Charges
RMB415 per Consignment per Exhibitor
Storage in prior to exhibition site.
(7 days free after arrival)
(7 days free after arrival)
(3 days free after arrival)
Bonded warehouse
(without free days, Min RMB140.00)
Quarantine Inspection fee
RMB70 per package(Min RMB210.00)
RMB560 per 20’ container
RMB840 per 40’ container
Customs Inspection fee
at Cost if any
Documentation fee
RMB350 per Consignment per Exhibitor
ATA Carnet EndorsementRMB350 per Carnet ATA by items not exceeding 10
RMB10 per items in additional when it is beyond
Wrong Consignment or
RMB700 per Consignment
House AWB if any
Additional surcharge for FCL which arrives at Yangshan Seaport
RMB700 per 20’
RMB1400 per 40’
Container demurrage
at exhibition ground
Container detention fee
At cost from carrier
II. Outbound Movement - Returning
Outbound services from exhibition booth up-to Shanghai Air/Sea Port.
Services and Tariff will be same as inbound movement
III. Abandoned Exhibits after exhibition
Customs formalities:
Transportation charges
RMB378.00/cbm (Min. 1cbm)
from booth to destruction room:
Destroy fee
RMB8.00/kg (min 100kg)
IV. Sold Exhibits to Bonded warehouse after exhibition
Re-delivery of the empty cases and packing materials to booth after closing of exhibition, assisting
exhibitors in repacking, moving exhibits from exhibition booth
Services Tariff:
Handling to bonded warehouse RMB400.00 per CBM
Min 3cbm per Consignment per Exhibitor
Storge fee
RMB7 per CBM per Day
Bonded warehouse handling
(Min: RMB140 per Exhibitor)
RMB105/cbm per entry or per out (Min. 2cbm)
a) Above rates are quoted for General Cargoes with standard seaworthy packing only, for specialized
cargoes, e.g. dangerous, reefer and high valued cargo, 100% additional charges will be levied
and accepted subject to availability.
b) For cargoes arrived after deadline, a surcharge amounting to 30% of inbound movement charges
and on-site service charges will be levied.
c) Volume / Weight Conversion for Airfreight is: 6 cbm = 1,000kgs
d) Chares of quarantine treatment of wooden packing material (such as fumigation, disinfections, heat
treatment, etc.), and sampling of wooden packing materials by the Quarantine Authority will be
accordingly at cost.
e) Vacuum Packing Services at exhibition ground = RMB350 per CBM, or RMB200 per CBM
without Packing Materials.
f) Customs formality fee for given-away or consumed exhibits on which duty and tax should be levied
during/after the exhibition will be RMB800/bill.
g) For individual package over 3 tons with dimensions 6m (L) x 2.3m (W) x 2.3m (H), the oversize /
weight surcharge will be advised upon request.