2014 Junior Summer Programs Parent Manual Essential Information for Parents, Guardians and Summer Program Participants The WaterFront Center 1 West End Avenue Oyster Bay, NY 11771 [email protected] 516.922.7245 (p) 516.922.2901 (f) www.TheWaterFrontCenter.org CONTENTS I. Program Policies, Page 3 A) Registration, p. 3 B) Enrollment Capacity and Class Size, p. 3 C) Safety, p. 3 D) Swim Check and Capsize Recovery Drills, p. 4 E) Medical Conditions, Learning Differences, Special Considerations, p. 4 F) Attendance, Late Arrivals, Early Pick-Up, p. 5 G) Code of Conduct, p. 6 H) Liability Waiver, p. 6 I) Communication, p. 7 J) Tipping, p. 7 II. Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures, Page 8 A) Drop-Off and Pick-Up Times, p. 8 B) Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures, p. 8 C) Extended Day p. 9 III. Daily Routine, Page 10 A) During the Course of the Day, p. 10 B) Lunch, p. 10 C) Inclement Weather, p. 11 D) Offsite Trips, p. 11 E) Overnight Trips, p. 11 IV. Packing List, Page 12 A) What to Bring Each Day, p. 12 B) Survivor and High School Mariners Overnight Packing List, p. 13 V. Contact & Staff Information, Page 14 A) Contact Us! p. 14 B) Staff, p. 14 Thank you for registering for a Junior Summer and/or Junior Sailing Program at the WaterFront Center (WFC)! Please read thoroughly and keep this Manual handy for reference. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us at any time. 2 I. POLICIES *** All policies are subject to change.*** Please see WFC website for changing information. All decisions will be made final by the Executive Director and/or WFC Board of Directors. A) REGISTRATION PROGRAM INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION: Please refer to www.TheWaterFront Center.org for all up to date program and registration information. REGISTRATION BEGINS: February 11, 2014 at 6am online at www.TheWaterFrontCenter.org PAYMENT: Full payment is required before the start of each registered program. If full payment is received by May 19, 2014, a $50 early registration discount is automatically applied to your final payment. Full payment is due immediately upon registration for those registering after May 20, 2014. CANCELLATION POLICY: Should a registered participant suffer an illness or injury prior to their program start date which prevents them from participating in regular program activities (a note from a doctor will be required) the balance paid will be refunded less a $75.00 processing fee. Should a registered participant decide not to attend a program for other reasons, not related to illness or injury, the balance paid will be non-refundable, UNLESS the WaterFront Center is able to confirm a fullypaid replacement for the spot before the program begins. A $75.00 processing fee will apply. Under no circumstances will a refund be issued once a program has begun. NOTES: There are no Junior Summer or Sailing Programs scheduled on Friday, July 4th, in observance of the Fourth of July Holiday. B) ENROLLMENT CAPACITY AND CLASS SIZE: ENROLLMENT: WFC Junior Summer and Sailing Programs capacity numbers vary and range from 8-23 students. WFC reserves the right to cancel any program due to low enrollment. Once enrollment caps have been reached, you may be added to a wait list. CLASS SIZE: Maximum class sizes for Marine Discovery & Sailing Programs: Bay Buccaneers: 16; Sound Swashbucklers: 23; First Mates: 23; Skippers: 23; High School Mariners: 10; Maximum class sizes for Sailing Programs (may vary based on session) class sizes range from 7 to 24: Lil’ Luffers, Opti Basic, Opti Intermediate, WFC Opti Race Team, Pixel Mix, 420 Prep, WFC 420 Race Team; Junior Keelboat: 4 per boat. Class sizes are subject to change based on enrollment. C) SAFETY Safety is our utmost priority. All WFC Instructors and Naturalists are trained in Professional Rescuer CPR/AED and First Aid. Additionally, there is an EMT and Lifeguard on staff. WFC has an Emergency Action Plan in place. In order to create and maintain a safe environment, PARENT/GUARDIANS must adhere to the following: Provide complete and accurate registration information, expressly emergency contact information and medical information. Review and sign the Code of Conduct with each participant they are responsible for. Adhere to safe Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures as outlined and as directed by WFC Staff. Sign and submit Alternate Dismissal Forms and Permission Slips, as needed. Communicate appropriately as needed with WFC Staff to discuss any concerns. Follow attendance, late drop-off and early pick-up policies. Send participants to WFC with everything on the packing list. Keep your child home if they are sick or injured. 3 In order to maintain a safe environment, Summer and Sailing Program PARTICIPANTS must adhere to the following: Follow the Code of Conduct. (Code of Conduct must be signed by participant and parent/guardian before participating in any WFC program.) Wear closed-toed, captive-heel shoes at all times. (Water shoes or water sneakers are recommended.) Properly wear lifejacket (provided) when on, in, or near water, or as directed by WFC Staff. Apply sunscreen before arriving at WFC and bring some to reapply as needed. Carry a refillable, environmentally friendly water bottle. We have coolers of water available for refills. Dress for the weather: light layers or sun-shirts for hot & sunny weather, windproof/waterproof layers for cool & wet weather. No sharing of food. Many of our participants have food allergies. D) SWIM CHECK AND CAPSIZE RECOVERY DRILLS SWIM CHECK: Swimming skills and comfort in open water are pre-requisites for many of our programs. Swim Checks are generally performed on the first day of a program or prior to sailing or on-the-water activity. Swim Checks must be repeated every year. WFC Swim Check involves entering the water wearing a lifejacket, removing the lifejacket in the water, swimming unassisted for 50 meters alongside the dock, treading water while talking, putting on and fastening a lifejacket in the water, and climbing out of the water. The Swim Check is supervised by WFC Staff and is the only planned time in the water without a lifejacket. The following programs require a Swim Check: First Mates, Skippers, High School Mariners, , Lil’ Luffers, Opti Basic, Opti Intermediate, WFC Opti Race Team, Pixel Mix, 420 Prep, WFC 420 Race Team. Sound Swashbucklers conduct the Swim Check without removing their lifejackets. Please keep in mind that even if your child is a confident swimmer in a pool does not mean they will be comfortable swimming in the Bay. If a participant does not pass the components of the Swim Check, or demonstrates lack of comfort in open water, a parent/guardian will be contacted to discuss whether the participant may continue in the program. CAPSIZE RECOVERY DRILLS Knowing how to recovery safely from a capsized (flipped over) boat is a pre-requisite for sailing programs. Instructors will demonstrate and teach sailors the proper way to recover from a capsize and how to right the boat safely and then sailors must demonstrate the skill on their own. (Yes, even Lil’ Luffers and Sound Swashbucklers will be able to right their own boats!) Capsize Recovery Drills are generally performed on the first day of a program or prior to sailing. Capsize Recovery Drills must be completed every year. The following programs require a Capsize Recovery Drill: Sound Swashbucklers, First Mates, Skippers, Lil’ Luffers, Opti Basics, Opti Intermediate, WFC Opti Race Team, Pixel Mix, 420 Prep, WFC 420 Race Team. If a participant does not complete the Capsize Recovery Drill, or demonstrates lack of comfort in open water, a parent/guardian will be contacted to discuss whether the participant may continue in the program. 4 E) MEDICAL CONDITIONS, LEARNING DIFFERENCES, SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Parents/Guardians, please include accurate and complete information on your registration, including all medical information, medications, allergies, learning differences, special circumstances, etc. This information is essential for providing all WFC participants a safe and appropriate environment and will help WFC Staff keep your child safe and happy! MEDICAL CONDITIONS: WFC may or may not be able to accommodate your child’s medical condition. Please speak with our staff prior to registering to see our programs are a good fit for your child. MEDICATION: WFC cannot administer any medication. Your child may self-administer any required medication under our supervision, e.g., inhaler. This medication must come in the original container with physician authorization, instructions for its use, and parental permission for use. Medication will be held by WFC Staff and the child must indicate a need to take it. In the event of an allergy or asthma emergency, an EMT may assist with prescribed medication such as an inhaler, Benadryl or EpiPen. Please send complete administration instructions and permission for us to assist with these medications. ALLERGIES: Please inform us of any allergies your child may have. Many programs involve handling live marine creatures, so please let us know if your child’s seafood allergy will allow them to touch these animals. While we do not allow food sharing, WFC may provide snacks and/or treats (e.g., watermelon, ice-pops), so please let us know if your child cannot have these. LEARNING DIFFERENCES AND SPECIAL NEEDS: WFC may or may not be able to accommodate your child’s learning, behavior or emotional difference. Please speak with our staff prior to registering to see our programs are a good fit for your child. PLEASE inform us of any special considerations that may help our staff serve your child most effectively, specifically any services that are received in school. While we are not a special needs specific program, WFC will do our best to accommodate participants with varying needs. In the event that we find WFC programs are not a good fit for your child, we may discuss removal from the program and any applicable refund, if available. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: To help us serve your child most effectively, please share with us any additional information that may affect his/her experience at WFC. This may include fears, family events, life changes, etc. WFC will do our best to accommodate and be sensitive to your child’s individual situation. F) ATTENDANCE, LATE ARRIVALS, EARLY PICK-UP, EXTENDED DAY While attendance is not mandatory, all participants are encouraged to attend the duration of their sessions. Besides, why miss any of the fun?! DAILY ATTENDANCE: We expect all registered participants to attend their scheduled program each day. Please call ahead or send a note if you anticipate an absence. LATE ARRIVALS: Our daily routine varies and our curriculum takes us outdoors and on the water. Late arrivals are difficult to accommodate. If you anticipate you will be more than 15 minutes late, please call to see if your child’s group can accept a late-comer. We may recommend that you drop-off your child during lunch time between 12noon and 1pm. EARLY PICK-UP: Often we are on the water or engaged in activities in the afternoon which make it difficult to accommodate early pick-ups. Please speak with us ahead of time to determine if your child may be picked up early. We may recommend that you pick-up your child during lunch time between 12noon and 1pm. EXTENDED DAY WFC offers Extended Day to help accommodate your family schedule. Extended Day provides supervised care that may include activities such as beach play, crafts or games. Morning Extended Day is from 8-9am and Afternoon Extended Day is 4-6pm. Extended Day must be 5 reserved in advance either during online registration or any time before or during the program, at least 24 hours in advance. Any child dropped off more than 15 minutes prior to scheduled program or 15 minutes after scheduled program will be automatically enrolled in WFC Extended Day and you will be charged accordingly. G) CODE OF CONDUCT The WFC Summer Program Code of Conduct (COC) must be signed by participants and parent/guardian prior to beginning any WFC Summer Program. In the event that the COC is not followed, the following steps may be taken: 1) WFC Staff will meet with child to review COC and try to resolve inappropriate behavior. 2) If inappropriate behavior continues, WFC Staff will contact parent/guardian to develop a plan for improvement. 3) If inappropriate behavior continues, a child has been put at a safety risk, or blatant disregard for the COC occurs, WFC reserves the right to dismiss a child from the program at any time with no refund. Participants will be responsible for any damage to WFC equipment and/or property. As a reminder, please review the COC below. A signed copy will remain on file at WFC. WFC JUNIOR SUMMER PROGRAMS – CODE OF CONDUCT Maintaining a safe and positive environment for all participants is paramount. Failure to abide by this Code may result in dismissal from our programs with no refund. As a WFC participant, I WILL: Be SAFE! o Always wear my closed-toed shoes o Wear a properly fitted USCG approved lifejacket when on, in or near the water o Stay within sight and sound of my Instructors and Naturalists and never go anywhere alone or without permission o Follow all instructions given by all WFC staff o Never throw rocks or sand, or engage in horseplay of any kind Be RESPECTFUL! o Always listen to Instructors and Naturalists o Take good care of equipment, marine life and the natural environment o Cooperate, be a good team-player and help keep it positive and fun o Keep it neat and clean- put all garbage and recycling where it belongs o Respect myself and peers- I will not bully, tease use foul and/or inappropriate language, and keep my hands and feet to myself Have FUN and LEARN! o Participate in activities o Have a positive attitude o Leave all electronics and valuables at home (cellphones, video games, jewelry, etc.) If I need to call home, I will use a WFC phone. o Leave all not-needed items at home (water-guns, water balloons, knives, etc.) H) LIABILITY WAIVER Before attending any WFC program, parents & participants must have read and signed our Liability Waiver and submitted it either online or in printed form. As a reminder, please review the Liability Waiver below. A signed copy will remain on file at WFC. 6 WFC JUNIOR SUMMER PROGRAMS – LIABILITY WAIVER The undersigned student acknowledges that participation in activities at The WaterFront Center are subject to certain inherent risks, and accepts all risks on land or water while participating in these activities. Therefore, the undersigned consents to participation in these activities and waives any right to bring action or claim regarding any incident, injury or loss occurring during participation in these activities. In addition, the undersigned agrees to reimburse The WaterFront Center for loss or damage to property resulting from his/her gross negligence, or misconduct. Student also agrees to allow The WaterFront Center to use any images of them participating in these activities for promotion which may include, but not be limited to, brochures, press releases, web site and fundraising activities. Further, if the student has not attained the age of eighteen (18) years of age, a parent or legal guardian must sign this waiver in addition to the student, and complete the medical information form. Additionally, the parent or legal guardian shall assume responsibility for incidents arising from the gross negligence or misconduct of the student, and waives on behalf of the student, the right to bring an action or claim as stated herein. I) COMMUNICATION WFC COMMUNICATION: WFC uses a variety of media to communicate. We send out emails, post on our website, blog and Facebook page, and publish a newsletter. In the event we need to reach you directly, we will email and/or call you. Please provide accurate and complete contact information, including day and evening phone numbers and email addresses during registration and update us with any changes. WITH INSTRUCTORS/NATURALISTS: If you would like to speak with your child’s Instructors or Naturalists, you may meet with them during pick-up or drop-off time, as long as it does not distract them from supervising their groups. If you wish to do so, please park in the Beekman Beach parking lot and walk over to the WFC’s building. Some conversations are best held in private, in which case, the best way to communicate is to leave a message with the Front Desk or one of the Directors, and they will have the appropriate staff member get in touch with you as soon as possible. REGARDING ABSENCE: If your child will be absent, please send a note or call and leave a message. (Dial 516 922 7245, ext 21) REGISTRATION/BILLING: Please contact the Front Desk. (Dial 516 922 7245, ext 21) J) TIPPING Tipping WFC Staff is at your discretion. Since there are many staff responsible for your child each day, you may consider a group tip or a donation to The WaterFront Center. All group tips will be shared equitably with each of your child’s Instructors/Naturalists at the end of each session. *** All policies are subject to change*** Please see WFC website for changing information. All decisions will be made final by the Executive Director 7 II. DROP-OFF & PICK-UP PROCEDURES A) DROP-OFF and PICK-UP TIMES Please see the chart below for appropriate drop-off and pick-up times. **Any child dropped off more than 15 minutes prior to scheduled program or 15 minutes after scheduled program will be automatically enrolled in WFC Extended Day. You will be charged accordingly. (See Extended Day for more information.)** PROGRAM Bay Buccaneers Sound Swashbucklers First Mates Skippers High School Mariners WFC 420 Race Team WFC Opti Race Team 420 Prep Lil’ Luffers Opti Basic Opti Intermediate Pixel Mix WFC Junior Big Boat Race Team DROP-OFF TIME 8:45-9:00am 8:45-9:00am 8:45-9:00am 8:45-9:00am 8:45-9:00am 8:45-9:00am 8:45-9:00am 8:45-9:00am 8:45-9:00am 12:45-1:00pm 12:45-1:00pm 12:45-1:00pm As scheduled PICK-UP TIME 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 12noon 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm As scheduled B) DROP-OFF and PICK-UP PROCEDURE North Parking Lot NO PARKING during drop-off/pick-up West End Ave dlkjfdkjf PARK HERE stop GROUP 3 AM & PM DROP-OFF & PICK-UP 1 2 3 4 WFC 5 Sagamore Rowing Tent DROP-OFF and PICK-UP LOCATIONS BY GROUP: 1 = 420 Race Team Opti Race Team 420 Prep 2 = Lil’ Luffers 3 = Bay Buccaneers 4 = First Mates Opti Basic Sound Swashbucklers Opti Intermediate Pixel Mix 5 = Skippers Mariners To ensure a smooth drop-off and pick-up routine, please follow this route, as in the diagram above: From West End Ave, turn right after the first stop sign and drive through the North Parking lot (across from WFC). WFC Staff will ask you to stop here until there is room to drive in front of the WFC building. Once directed, drive up to the sign for your child’s group where Staff is waiting to greet you. SIGN-IN: Bay Buccaneers, Sound Swashbucklers and Lil’ Luffers must be signed in on the roster by an authorized adult each morning. Sign-in can only occur in person and not from the car. Please park 8 your car in the Beekman Beach Parking Lot and walk to sign-in and drop-off your child(ren). Staff will not allow you to sign your child (ren) in from the car. All other program participants must report to WFC Staff at their program sign to be recorded in the roster. SIGN-OUT: Bay Buccaneers, Sound Swashbucklers and Lil’ Luffers must be signed out. Sign out can only occur in person and not from the car. Please park your car in the Beekman Beach Parking Lot and walk to sign out and pick-up your child(ren). Staff will not allow you to sign out your child from the car. All other program participants must sign out directly with WFC Staff by when eye contact with authorized parent has been made. ALTERNATE DISMISSAL AUTHORIZATION: Participants will only be released to a parent/guardian. An Alternate Dismissal Form must be filled out to allow any other individual to pick up your child. Please fill out this form (available online and at the office) and submit it to WFC Staff in advance. TRAVELING BY BOAT: WFC docks are not accessible to private vessels under any circumstances. WALKING, BIKE, TRAIN: If a participant will be walking, riding home or taking the train, written permission signed by a parent guardian must be on file with an Alternate Dismissal Form to release the participant at schedule program end time. C) EXTENDED DAY WFC will offer an Extended Day Program to help accommodate your family schedule. Extended Day will provide supervised care that may include activities such as beach play, crafts or games. Pre-care will be held from 8-9am and afternoon-care from 4-6pm. Extended Day must be reserved in advance either during online registration or any time before or during the program, at least 24 hours in advance. Any child dropped off more than 15 minutes prior to scheduled program or 15 minutes after scheduled program will be automatically enrolled in WFC Extended Day and you will be charged accordingly. 9 III. DAILY ROUTINE A) DURING THE COURSE OF THE DAY Each program follows a curriculum that combines a variety of engaging activities. These activities are chosen by Instructors/Naturalists based on themes, learning objectives, weather, skill, and interest level. The following is a guide to what a typical day may look like. Most of our activities occur outdoors, in a variety of weather conditions. Therefore, please check the weather forecast and send your child with the appropriate clothing for varied and changing weather conditions. BAY BUCCANEERS: Shore-based learning and discovery may include: theme-based activities and crafts, exciting stories, beach and habitat exploration. On-the-water adventures may include: rowing, sailing aboard Sonars, fishing, and sailing aboard Christeen. SOUND SWASHBUCKLERS: Shore-based learning and discovery include: theme-based activities and crafts, beach games, habitat exploration, a visit from wildlife organizations. On-the-water adventures may include: kayaking, sailing aboard Christeen, fishing, also included; half day introduction to sailing in dinghies (Optis or prams) and keelboats (Sonars or Rhodes 19s). Weather permitting Sound Swashbucklers have a sailing experience each day. FIRST MATES: Shore-based learning and discovery may include: theme-based projects, habitat and animal studies, beach activities and games, and orienteering. On-the-water adventures may include: kayaking, sailing aboard Christeen, fishing and learning to sail primarily in dinghies (Optis or prams) and possibly keelboats (Sonars or Rhodes 19s). Weather permitting, First Mates will sail each morning. SKIPPERS: Shore-based learning and discovery may include: theme-based projects, habitat and animal studies, beach activities and games, and orienteering and basic navigation. On-the-water adventures may include: kayaking, sailing aboard Christeen, fishing, and sailing primarily in dinghies (Optis or Pixels) and possibly keelboats (Sonars or Rhodes 19s). Weather permitting, Skippers will sail each morning. HIGH SCHOOL MARINERS: Shore-based learning and discovery may include: marine research and experiments, field and environmental studies and activities, and navigation. On-the-water adventures may include: kayaking, stand-up paddle boarding, sailing aboard Christeen, fishing and sailing in keelboats (Sonars or Rhodes 19s and larger cruising boats). Weather permitting, High School Mariners will sail each afternoon. For 2-week programs; during the second week of the program, High School Mariners will set sail with their Instructors to a neighboring harbor where they will anchor and spend the night on board. (Weather permitting, 2nd Thursday of each 2 week session.) LIL’ LUFFERS, OPTI BASICS, OPTI INTERMEDIATE, OPTI RACE TEAM, PIXEL MIX, 420 PREP, 420 RACE TEAM, EVENING PIXEL, JUNIOR BIG BOAT RACING TEAM, JR KEELBOAT: Shorebased include: skill introductions, land games and drills that simulate on-the-water skills; dock-side activities, rigging and de-rigging; most of the program time will be spent on-the-water sailing. New skills are introduced and sometimes practiced on shore through simulations and games. Activities on the water include skill drills, water games and sometimes racing, all designed to boost comfort and confidence on the water. Many programs culminate with an on-the-water “Treasure Hunt,” Destination Sail or Regatta (races). Race teams focus on race-specific skills and regatta preparation. B) LUNCH: All full-day programs will have lunch between 12noon and 1pm. Participants must bring their own lunches to be enjoyed picnic style at Beekman Beach. WFC Staff supervises all lunch-time activities which may include: playing cards or checkers, whiffle ball or kickball, beach games, digging and building in the sand or wading in the water. Or, participants may choose to enjoy a quiet rest in the shade. Remember, no food sharing! And don’t forget to pack a towel to sit on. 10 C) INCLEMENT WEATHER: It is our goal to be outside exploring, learning and playing in the natural environment as often as possible. However, we are at the mercy of Mother Nature. We will be outside in a variety of weather conditions, including hot days and light rain. Please dress your child accordingly for the conditions and be sure to send them with everything on the packing list, as weather conditions change quickly. In the event of extreme heat, no-wind, heavy precipitation and/or thunderstorms, we will adjust our activities accordingly. D) OFFSITE TRIPS: First Mates, Skippers, Mariners, 420 Prep, WFC Junior Big Boat Race Team, WFC Opti Race Team, and WFC 420 Race Teams may venture off-site for half-day and/or full-day trips. You will receive a permission slip home with details of the trip that must be signed and returned prior to trip departure. Trips may include destination sailing or paddling, off-site picnics, and/or visits to parks or nature preserves. All participants are encouraged to attend. Drop-off and pick-up will be at regularly scheduled times at WFC for all day trips. E) OVERNIGHT TRIPS: High School Mariners, WFC Junior Big Boat Race Team, WFC Opti Race Team, and WFC 420 Race Team have scheduled offsite overnight trips. HIGH SCHOOL MARINERS: For two-week sessions only: Weather permitting, High School Mariners will set sail with their Instructors to a neighboring harbor where they will anchor and spend the night onboard. Generally, this trip is held on the second Thursday night of the session. The overnight trip will have regular drop-off and pick-up times the morning of and the afternoon after the overnight. Trips are subject to change and/or cancellation based on conditions. Provisions for dinner, breakfast and lunch are provided. Please be sure to inform us of any food allergies or dietary needs. JUNIOR BIG BOAT RACE TEAM: Weather permitting, the Junior Big Boat Race Team will compete in local area regattas, some of which may be overnight where they spend the night onboard. 420 & OPTI RACE TEAMS: The 420 Race Team and Opti Race Team Big Boat will compete in local area regattas, some of which may be overnight where they spend the night at a hosts house. Please see the Race Team manual or your child’s coach for more information. 11 IV. PACKING LIST A) WHAT TO BRING EACH DAY Most of our activities occur outdoors, in a variety of weather conditions. Therefore, please check the weather forecast and send your child with the appropriate clothing for varied and changing weather conditions. We are in and out of the water several times a day and we will not be changing in between activities. Please dress your child to get wet. We recommend breaking in new water shoes prior to program start date, as new, wet shoes often cause blisters. Remember, shoes must be worn at all times. WFC provides lifejackets, which are required for many activities. Participants may bring and wear their own if it is a properly fitting, USCG type III vest. WEAR TO WFC EVERY DAY: Bathing suit Light layers (shorts, t-shirts) Sun shirts/ rash guards are recommended- they dry quick and keep kids cool. Closed-toe, captive-heeled shoes, such as water shoes or water sneakers. Shoes must be able to get wet and stay on, and will be worn at all times! Sunscreen Hat, sunglasses (recommended) with retaining clips or straps * If your child wears eyeglasses, they must have a retaining strap! Remember to dress and pack for the weather conditions! We’ll be outside getting wet! BRING TO WFC EVERY DAY in 1 BAG OR BACKPACK: LABEL ALL ITEMS WITH NAME! Reusable, refillable water bottle Towel (2 towels for Bay Buccaneers and Sound Swashbucklers) Warm layers, such as sweatshirt and sweatpants and/or windbreaker Waterproof jacket Change of clothes Sunscreen Lunch, packed in cooler or insulated bag with cold pack. No glass. Bay Buccaneers: morning snack and afternoon snack Sound Swashbucklers: morning snack Extended Day: afternoon snack Remember to dress and pack for the weather conditions! We’ll be outside getting wet! DO NOT BRING or WEAR: Valuables, including money Jewelry Gum Weapons of any kind, including toys Water guns or balloons Electronics of any kind! * Cellphone use is not permitted. WFC phones are available for use, as needed. ** Backpacks and bags are stored in cubbies and are not locked. While items are usually safe, WFC is not responsible for any missing, misplaced or stolen items. ** 12 B) HIGH SCHOOL MARINERS OVERNIGHT PACKING LIST The morning of the scheduled overnight, please bring the following items to WFC: OVERNIGHT PACKING LIST Reusable, refillable water bottle Towel Warm layers, such as sweatshirt and sweatpants and/or windbreaker Waterproof jacket and pants Sunscreen Lunch, packed in cooler or insulated bag with cold pack. No glass. Sleeping bag Pillow Cup, bowl, plate, fork and spoon (No glass. Plastic or aluminum is best.) Flashlight or headlamp Toiletries, including toothbrush & toothpaste Change of clothes for the next day Pajamas or comfy clothes to sleep in Extra dry shoes Socks Bug spray Book, playing cards (not required) High School Mariners Only: One gallon drinking water We recommend bringing a large garbage bag to put your gear in so it stays dry. 13 V. CONTACT & STAFF INFORMATION A) CONTACT US! ADDRESS: The WaterFront Center 1 West End Ave Oyster Bay, NY 11771 PHONE: (516) 922-SAIL (7245) FAX: (516) 922-2901 EMAIL: [email protected] WEB: www.TheWaterFrontCenter.org FACEBOOK: The WaterFront Center TWITTER: _WFC_ INSTAGRAM: @_WFC_ BLOG: Our blog can be found at the bottom of our homepage thewaterfrontcenter.org YOU TUBE: TheWaterFrontCenter B) STAFF Margaret Reddington – General Information and Registration Program Director [email protected] 516 922 7245 x29 Cameron Jenness – Marine Discovery Programs Education Director [email protected] 516 922 7245 x24 Alicia Martorella – Sailing Programs Sailing Director [email protected] 516 922 7245 x31 David L. Waldo Executive Director [email protected] 516 922 7245 JUNIOR SUMMER PROGRAM STAFF WFC Marine Discovery Programs are led by WFC Naturalists and Sailing Instructors certified in Professional Rescuer CPR/AED and First Aid. WFC Naturalist staff is comprised of teachers, environmental educators, marine scientists, outdoor educators and kid enthusiasts. WFC Sailing Instructors are US SAILING certified Level 1 and Level 2 Instructors and Coaches with Safe Powerboating certification. 14
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