How to test EMC in semiconductors EMI TEST

How to test EMC in semiconductors
By Ding Ding
Product Engineer
Rohde-Schwarz China Ltd
With the increasing complexity of
ICs, test for electromagnetic radiation and susceptibility becomes
an urgent requirement to meet
new demands in design. Requirements for low EMI and strong
anti-EMI capacity demand further
improvements on electronic devices and systems to meet EMC
standards. Moreover, product engineers must address EMC issues,
particularly meeting threshold
requirements and reduced EMI
between the systems and other
electronic devices. IC integration
density doubles almost every
year, making EMC a key priority
in design.
To address the issue, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) released standards
IEC 61967, for EME test of ICs
with frequency from 150kHz to
1GHz, and IEC 62132 for EMS
test of ICs with frequency from
150kHz to1GHz. Scheduled to
be released soon is IEC 62215, a
complementary standard to IEC
62132 that addresses EM disturbance on ICs.
EME testing
IEC 61967 requires the use of a
transverse electromagnetic cell
( TEM cell) and field probe to
measure electromagnetic emission (EME). It uses spectrometers
or receivers with frequency range
from 150kHz to 1GHz. Normally,
the ICs to be tested are placed on
one circuit board. The specification of the circuit board is shown
in Figure 1.
A power supply with low RF
noise is needed for testing while
the temperature should be at
23°C (±5°C). There can be cases
of environmental noise as peripheral circuits are measured. If the
background noise is lower than
the threshold value by more than
6dB, a preamplifier is applied, if
This method measures radia-
Figure 1: ICs to be tested using TEM cell method are placed on one circuit board.
Figure 2: A flat chip as an inner conductor with a quadrate outer conductor connects to the receiver at one end and
the matched load at the other end.
Figure 3: The surface scan method tests the spatial distribution of the IC’s surface electric and magnetic fields.
tion using a TEM cell, which is an
irregular coaxial line. In the middle
of the line, a flat chip such as an
inner conductor with a quadrate
outer conductor connects to
the receiver at one end and the
matched load at the other end
(Figure 2). A quadrate vent at
the top of the outer conductor is
placed to fix the circuit board to
be tested. Specifically, the IC will
be installed inside the cell, with
Electronic Engineering Times-Asia | February 16-28, 2007 |
testing circuit boards recommended. By scanning the electronic magnetic fields over the IC
surface, we can get information
about the relative intensity of the
EM radiation source. This method
can accurately identify the area
on the IC that has too much radiation. Partially-shielded electronic
field probes and single-loop minielectronic field probes are recommended in this standard. Both
probes can be made by 0.5mm
semi-rigid coaxial cables.
Figure 4: The 150Ω direct coupling method tests the disturbance voltage of single- or multi-output signal lines for
impedance matching.
the wiring side and the peripheral
circuits facing outside. This way,
the radiation emission will mainly
come from the IC being tested.
High-frequency current produced
by the tested chip will flow along
the wire, while wielding pins and
package connections serve as the
antenna of radiation emission.
If the testing frequency is lower
than the first-order high-mode
frequency, only TEM as the major
mode is transmitted. Note that
Measuring instrument
the power of the TEM cell’s port
has a quantitative relation with
the emission power of the disturbance source. Hence, the voltage
value collected at a curtain area
of the TEM cell can help evaluate
the IC’s radiation emission.
The TEM cell method implements surface scan by testing
the spatial distribution of the
IC’s surface electric field and
magnetic field. In Figure 3, the
electronic or the magnetic field
probe scans over the IC surface.
The frequency, emission value
and spatial position are collected
every time and processed by
the software. Spatial frequency
distribution of the field intensity
is displayed in color figures. The
result’s quality relates closely to
the precision of the mechanical
locating system and the size of
the probes. Hence, this is applicable to general PCBs and may
not necessarily use the standard
Frequency band
150kHz to 30MHz
30MHz to 1GHz
Spectrum analyzer (3dB)
Receiver (6dB)
Table 1: EMC testing also requires selection of resolution bandwidth for spectrum analyzers and receivers.
EMI receiver
or spectrum
Electronic Engineering Times-Asia | February 16-28, 2007 |
feed through
Figure 6: The magnetic probe method evaluates the radiation emission of ICs
by testing the current through PCB wires.
Radiation measurement
The standard has three methods
for radiation measurement: direct
coupling, workbench faraday cage
(WFC) and magnetic field probe.
There are two measurement
types for the direct coupling
method: 1Ω and 15Ω. The 1Ω
method tests the total disturbance current of grounded pins,
while the 15Ω tests the disturbance voltage of output ports.
After going through the chip,
RF current will flow to the IC’s
grounded pins, so the measurement against the ground RF current can reflect more precisely the
IC electromagnetic disturbance. If
you connect a 1Ω resistance in
serial in the ground loop, you can
obtain the RF current from the
loop. Meanwhile, measure the
impedance matching of the testing instruments and the grounding pin. The 150Ω method can be
adopted to test the disturbance
voltage of single- or multi-out-
Figure 5: The IEC 61967 WFC method measures the conduction disturbance
voltage of power lines and I/O signal lines.
put signal lines (Figure 4). Note
that 150Ω is the statistic average
value of wire-harness common
impedance. To match it with a
50Ω impedance testing system,
apply a matching network.
Meanwhile, the WFC method
of the standard measures the
conduction disturbance voltage
of power lines and I/O signal lines.
Place a standard or an application circuit board with the IC to
be tested into the WFC. All the
power and signal lines in and out
of the WFC will be filtered. Connect the WFC testing ground port
to testing instruments and the
ground port to be tested to a 50Ω
matching load. A well-shielded
environment reduces the background noise. You can connect a
100Ω resistance in serial to match
the impedance (Figure 5).
Figure 7: The TEM cell method can also be used for susceptibility test.
Figure 8: In the BCI method, interference power is injected into the single wire or wire harness of IC pins.
Figure 9: DPI test injects capacitive coupling to measure susceptibility.
Magnetic probe
The magnetic probe method of
the standard evaluates the radiation emission of ICs by testing the
current through PCB wires (Figure
6). The pins of the chip are connected to the power source or
periphery circuits via wires on the
PCB; thus, the magnetic probe
can obtain the RF current. Based
on the law of electromagnetic induction, the voltage at the probe’s
output end is proportional to the
RF current of the wires.
An easy and repeatable method is needed to evaluate the interference immunity of a chip, which
is divided into two fields—radiation immunity and conduction
immunity. This method collects
the RF power if ICs fail to work.
IEC 62132 divides the operation
status of an IC into five grades; it
will then detect the continuous
and AM waves separately. Similar
to ISO11452, peak-level constant
AM with depth of 80 percent 1kHz
is applied. This is different from
IEC 61000-4-3. The IEC standard
demands that the peak power
of the modulation signal be 1.8x
the carrier wave signal. However,
when the peak level constant is
under testing, the modulated
signal power, with a modulation
depth of 80 percent, is only 0.407x
the carrier wave signal power.
The TEM cell discussed in IEC
61967 is also suitable for radiated
Electronic Engineering Times-Asia | February 16-28, 2007 |
susceptibility measurement. One
end of the cell is connected to
a signal generator and PA, while
the other end is connected to a
proper matching load. The TEM
waves—produced in the cell and
similar to remote TEM waves—can
be used to measure EMS. Other
status monitoring instruments
may be required to monitor the
IC status in real-time.
Figure 10: The WFC method in IEC 61967 can also test susceptibility, with the
receiver replaced with signal resource and AP.
Electronic Engineering Times-Asia | February 16-28, 2007 |
Set of testing
The standard uses three methods
for the susceptibility test: bulk current injection (BCI), direct power
injection (DPI) and WFC.
In the BCI method, interference power is injected into the
single wire or wire harness of IC
pins. Because of inductive coupling, the cable tested produces
the disturbance current that can
be detected by another current
probe. The method derives from
the automobile electronic susceptibility test.
Compared to BCI that injects
inductive coupling, DPI injects
capacitive coupling. RF signals are
injected directly to a single pin or
a group of pins of the chip. The
coupling capacitance prevents DC
from being directly placed on the
output end of AP (Figure 9).
The WFC method in IEC 61967
can also be applied for susceptibility test, but the receiver is
replaced with signal resource
and AP (Figure 10). The shielded
structure and good filtering hold
RF disturbance signals inside the
cage, thus protecting operation