Johnson City Schools Educare Parent Manual 2014-2015 School Year

Johnson City Schools
Educare Parent Manual
2014-2015 School Year
Mission Statement
It is the mission of the Educare Program to provide working parents with a quality, supervised, before and
after school program. Yet it is not a baby-sitting service, nor is it limited to working parents. The Educare
Program is a well-rounded program featuring several different and enriching components. The loosely
structured program offers art, crafts, music, free play, tutoring, and homework assistance. There are daily
snacks and share time. This is a non-discriminatory program, open to all children. Since our goal is to
strengthen the family, we work closely with parents and welcome their input, suggestions and volunteers.
Parents may call our Educare program at 610-6041 between the hours of 7:00-8:00 a.m. or 12:30-6:00 p.m. or
the school office 610-6030 any time questions or problems arise.
Johnson City Educare programs are licensed by the Tennessee Department of Education. Each staff member is
required to have a minimum of 12 hours of training annually from a State of Tennessee approved source.
The Johnson City Schools prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age,
or disability. We do not condone or practice discrimination in admission or access to or treatment or
employment in its programs or activities. If you feel that discrimination has taken place or that you have been
discriminated against, you should contact the principal or director of schools.
Educare Fee Schedule
The following are the fees and charges for Educare:
Application Fee
Registration Fee
7:00 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.
3:15 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
students not on fee waiver
students on fee waiver list
Half day/12:00 dismissal
All day care - weekly rate
All day care - daily rate
Late pick-up fee
Returned check fee
7:00 a.m. – 7:45 a.m.
All day care - weekly rate
All day care - daily rate
$5.00 per child
$10.00 per child
$2.00 per child/per day
(based on family income)
$7.50 (additional child(ren), $5.00)/per day ($37.50 A WEEK)
$5.00 (additional child(ren), $3.00)/per day
$10.00 per child
$80.00 / wk 1 child
$70.00 / wk each additional child
$20.00 per child/per day
$10.00 for 1 15 minutes
$10.00 each 15 minutes after
$10.00 per check
$2.00 per child/per day
$8.00 per child
additional $4.50 per child
$100.00 per child
$25.00 per child/per day
Fee Payment
You will be billed according to your signed contract. Any additional days or fees will be added
to your account. You will be billed for absences.
All fees must be paid in advance for child care services. You may pay monthly for your
convenience. In order for our program to operate efficiently, we cannot allow fees to become
past due. Please contact the Educare director if there are special circumstances concerning
fees. We encourage you to pay with checks if possible. Please make sure that your child’s name
is on the memo line of the check. All checks should be made payable to Lake Ridge School. If
cash payments are made, please place the money in an envelope with your child’s name,
guardian’s name, and the amount enclosed on the front of the envelope. Every payment will
receive a receipt.
An outstanding account of two weeks can result in the student being excluded from the
Educare program. A set fee is paid whether your child is present or absent.
Drop Off / Pick Up
Children must be signed in each full day they attend Educare. All children must be signed out
each and every day. Children may only be released to the person or persons, other than
parents, authorized on the child’s Registration and Application Form. Please notify the Educare
director as soon as possible in writing or by calling 610-6041 if your child will be picked up by
someone other than those authorized.
Please inform individuals that are unknown to the Educare staff that they must have their
identification with them when picking up your child. This is for the safety of your child and is
not meant to offend anyone.
Educare cannot be held liable for children that are signed out by minors.
Late Pick Up
The Educare program closes promptly at 6:00 p.m. It is very important that you be prompt in
picking up your child, late fees will apply. Late pick-up of students may result in the child being
dismissed from the program and/or could be referred to the Department of Human Services.
Meals & Snacks
A light, nutritional snack will be provided to all students after school. On days school is not in
session or on early dismissal days, children must bring a lunch and drink. Lunch will not be
provided during breaks. Educare will provide a morning snack from 8:00-8:30 during all day
Educare. If your child arrives after 8:30, please make sure that he/she has eaten breakfast
before being dropped off at Educare.
Absences & Vacations
We cannot deduct days missed from your fees. Your fees pay for the operational cost of the
Educare program. If your child is absent due to an extended illness, please provide medical
documentation to the director to assure your child’s space and to inquire about possible billing
adjustments. You are allowed one week of vacation during the school year. A written notice
must be submitted to the director two weeks prior to your vacation or charges will not be
Illness & Medication
Educare cannot provide care for sick children. Please do not send your child to Educare if
he/she is ill. We are concerned for the health and welfare of each child; therefore we require
that your child be picked up as soon as possible in the event that he or she becomes ill while at
school or in the program.
All medication sent to Educare must go to a staff member with signed permission to administer
such medication. All medications must be in its original packaging and will not be given if left
otherwise. We follow the same guidelines for administering medicine used by the Johnson City
School System. We must have an official form on file before we can administer any medication
to your child. Children are not allowed to have any type of medicine in their possession
(example - cough drops.)
Holidays & Snow Schedule
Educare will be closed in observance of the following holidays:
Labor Day (September 1, 2014)
Thanksgiving (November 26 ,27 ,28, 2014)
Christmas (December 24, 25, 26 2014)
New Year’s (January 1 and 2 2015)
Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 19, 2015)
Memorial Day (May 25, 2015)
If school has been closed due to inclement weather, please call 610-6041 to see if Educare
staff is able to open.
There will be no Educare on days that the students are dismissed from school early due to
inclement weather.
If there is a delay, Educare will attempt to open. Please call Educare at 610-6041 before
leaving home to verify that we are open.
Please understand that while you might live close to our school, our staff may have to travel
further on more dangerous roads in these harsh weather conditions.
Our concern is for everyone’s safety.
School Breaks
We will be open for all day care (7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) during our fall, winter and spring
breaks. You must sign your child up for each break in the Educare room. There will be
deadlines for each sign-up. If your child is not signed up by the deadline he/she may not be
allowed to attend Educare during that break. If you sign your child up to attend during these
times, you will be charged. Educare staff is not responsible for signing children up for parents
nor for taking children’s names off the sign-up sheet. If your child is sick for all days signed up
to attend, a doctor’s note is required before payment will be removed from the account.
Sign-up sheets and deadlines for the breaks are to ensure enough staff for the number of
students. Sign-up sheets will be put out three weeks prior to each break. The deadline is one
week before the break. Space will not be guaranteed after the deadline.
Lake Ridge ECLC
Students enrolled in Lake Ridge’s ECLC program are also welcome to enroll in Educare. Preschoolers who have not yet attended a Johnson City Schools preschool cannot enroll for
Educare. Please see Ginger Staten, Educare Director for more information.
All children enrolled in Educare will be expected to follow the rules established by the school
for the purpose of safety and smooth operation. Educare adheres to and is bound by the
Code of Conduct for Johnson City Schools.
The Educare staff is committed to positive reinforcement of appropriate behavior, and we
discourage any type of aggressive behavior. We have a zero tolerance policy for hitting,
punching and fighting. Permanent removal from the program may result from a single
serious incident or from repeated offenses. We encourage the children to let an adult be
responsible for handling any disciplinary issues. We talk to them repeatedly about relying on
the adults to manage any problems that may arise and to refrain from taking matters into
their own hands. Please stress with your child the importance of cooperation, good behavior,
and making good choices.
You may reach Educare by calling 610-6041. If no one is available, you may leave a message
and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. You may also contact the school office
at 610-6030.
If there is any important information that parents need to know, it will be posted at the signout area. Please make sure that you read all information posted.
Custody Information
Please let the director know of any custody issues concerning a child. We must have court
papers on file to be able to refuse a parent the right to pick up his/her child.
Closing Accounts
If your child no longer needs Educare services, you must see the Educare director to
withdraw from the program. If the account is not closed, charges will continue to be made to
the account.
Parent Involvement
Educare exists to serve families. The exchange of information can be very helpful. We can
better serve your child if we are aware of problems, fears, family issues, or illnesses that may
affect your child.
Please keep all your child’s records up to date. Transportation plans, emergency release
information, and medical information are required by law and must be in the Educare files.
We must comply with those laws. If your home, work, or cell phone numbers change, please
supply us with all the new information.
Parents’ Rights
Parents have the right to:
1. Know their children are in a safe environment where they are free to select from a
variety of activities.
2. Know what types of programs and activities are being planned and to be offered
feedback on the kinds of activities children enjoy.
3. Share concerns with staff, at any time, about anything they do not feel is in the best
interest of the children.
4. Know if their child is misbehaving and to spend time talking with the staff concerning
a solution.
5. Know if their child does not report to the program as intended.
6. Voice special concerns and considerations not covered in this manual, and to discuss
special cases where occasional expectations may be made from the rules set forth in
this manual.
Parents’ Responsibilities
Parents have the responsibility to:
1. Let the staff know if their child will not be attending for the day.
2. Observe the rules of the Educare Program as set forth in this manual and in any
additional policy statements.
3. Listen to concerns that staff member have about their child’s behavior and to work
for an agreeable solution to any problems that might occur.
4. Know about any changes in policy procedures.
5. Sign their child in and out of the Educare program each day he/she is in attendance.
Also, notify a staff member when taking a child from the center, and notify a staff
member when another authorized person is picking up their child.
6. Inform staff if a child has been exposed to a contagious illness.
7. Notify staff of planned vacations and other absences in advance.
8. Notify staff of withdrawal at least one week in advance.
9. Pay fees on time.
10. Keep the child’s record up to date with changes in phone numbers and address.
11. Pick up children on time.
Children’s Rights
Children have the right to:
1. A safe, warm, encouraging environment.
2. Use of safe and reliable equipment and space on an equal basis, to find equipment
where it is intended, and in functioning condition.
3. Have their ideas and feelings respected.
4. Discipline that is fair, equal and respectful of them.
5. Express their anger, frustration, disappointment, joy, etc., in an appropriate manner.
6. Express their creative ability.
Children’s Responsibilities
Children need to be responsible:
1. For learning to take the consequences for their own actions.
2. For respecting the rules that guide them during their school day; for controlling
their feelings so that their actions do not harm anyone in the program.
3. For not willfully destroying or harming any equipment or property in the
building or anyone else’s projects or materials while they are in the program.
4. For sharing equipment and facilities with all children in the program.
5. For checking in when they arrive each day and notifying a staff member if they need
to be somewhere else.
6. For coming to their assigned area immediately after school dismissal, unless they
have permission and notify a staff member when they need to be somewhere else.
7. For respecting the rules of the Johnson City Educare Program.
8. For dressing appropriately for indoor and outdoor play; for having tennis shoes
available to wear in the gym.
9. For returning materials and equipment to the place they found them before taking
out a new activity.
10. For carrying out an activity to which they have committed themselves.
11. For remaining with a staff member at all times and notifying a staff member if they
need to be somewhere else.
To report suspected violations or possible illegal child care operations, call the Child Care Complaint
Hotline at 1-800-462-8261.
To report suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect, call
1-877-54-ABUSE (1-877-542-2873) or 1-877-237-0004 or
1-855-209-4226 or 615-770-1174.
Johnson City Board of Education
Review Annually, in
Child Abuse and Neglect
Issued Date
All personnel shall be alert for any evidence of child abuse or neglect.
Child abuse is defined as any wound, injury, disability, or physical or mental condition which is of
such nature as to reasonably indicate that it has been caused by brutality, abuse, or neglect or which on
the basis of available information reasonably appears to have been caused by such. Staff members
having knowledge or suspicion of any child who is suffering from abuse or neglect shall report such
harm immediately.1,2 The re-port shall be made to the judge having juvenile jurisdiction, the office of
the chief law-enforcement official where the child resides, or to the Department of Children’s Services
in a manner specified by the department, either by contacting a local representative of the department
or by utilizing the departments centralized intake procedure where applicable.1
The report shall include:
1. The name, address and age of the child;
2. The name and address of the parents or persons having custody of the child;
3. The nature and extent of the abuse or neglect; and
4. Any evidence to the cause or any other information that may relate to the cause or extent of the
abuse or neglect.1
The person reporting shall be immune from liability 3 and his identity shall remain confidential except
when the juvenile court determines otherwise.4
The Superintendent of Schools shall develop reporting procedures, including sample indicators of
abuse and neglect, and shall disseminate the procedures to all school personnel.5 However, nothing in
the reporting procedures shall eliminate the staff member’s legal responsibility to directly make a
report to the authorities stated above.6
School administrators and employees have a duty to cooperate and provide assistance and information
in child abuse investigations7 including permitting child abuse review teams to conduct interviews
while the child is at school; the principal may control the time, place and circumstances of the
interview, but may not insist that a school employee be present even if the suspected abuser is a school
employee or another student. The principal is not in violation of any laws by failing to inform parents
that the child is to be interviewed even if the suspected abuser is not a member of the child's
Legal References:
1. TCA 37-1-403(a)
2. TCA 37-1-412
3. TCA 37-1-409
4. TCA 37-1-408
5. TRR/MS 0520-1-3-.08(2)(e)
6. TCA 37-1-403(h)
7. TCA 37-1-611(b)
Cross Reference:
Interrogations and Searches
8. Tenn. Op. Atty. Gen. No.87-101 (June 9, 1987)
Johnson City Schools
Educare Program
Child Release Plan
This addendum to the release of all children in our
supervision is at the recommendation of the State
Licensing Board. We fully agree that allowing a child to
leave with anyone whose behavior may place the child
in an immediate risk is wrong.
Educare shall release children only to a responsible
designated person in accordance with the child release
plan in rule 0520-12-1-06(4) (b) (1) (iv).
This means that we will not release any child to
anyone whose behavior, as deemed by a reasonable
person, may place the child(ren) in imminent risk.
We are required to call our local law enforcement,
local judge having juvenile jurisdiction, and/or the
Department of Children’s Services immediately, prior to
the release of the child(ren). Please help us keep your
child safe by keeping your transportation plan updated
and sending a signed note of any change for the day!
This is a section by section summary of the State Board of Education School Administered Child Care Rules, Chapter 0520-12-01. Child
care centers inspected by the Department of Education must meet the requirements as defined by the rules in Chapter 0520-12-01 to
receive a Certificate of Approval. The unabridged School administered Child Care rules are available on the Tennessee Secretary of
State website,, or by writing the Office of School-based Support Services, Tennessee Department of Education, 9th
floor Andrew Johnson Tower, 710 James Robertson Pkwy, Nashville, Tennessee 37243-0375.
Chapter 0520-12-01 was revised to parallel Chapter 1240-4-03 except for sections of the rules specifically addressed in Title 49 of state
law: school bus transportation, criminal history background reports/ fingerprinting process, and restraint of children with special
needs. Chapter 0520-12-01 was revised in accordance with T.C.A. §§ 49-6-2101-2107, (Transportation), T.C.A. § 49-5-413 (Criminal
History Background Reports), and T.C.A. §§ 49-10-1301-1305 (Restraint of Children). A new section was added to adequately address
the adolescents participating in the Lottery Afterschool Education Programs (LEAPS), T.C.A. § 49-6-707.
1. Ownership, Organization and Administration, Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.05
A Child Care Center must have an adequate budget. Records, including health, must be kept on all children.
There must be a transportation plan for each child, including the names of persons to whom the child may be released.
Staff records must be kept on each employee that includes educational background, reference checks, TBI check, in-service
training, physical exams and performance reviews.
The center must have their Certificate of Approval posted, provide parents with a copy of the policies and procedures along
with a copy this summary and offer a pre-placement visit.
Parents must have access to all areas of the center when their child is present.
The parents must receive an educational program regarding child abuse detection, reporting and prevention.
If the center provides transportation, the driver should be appropriately licensed, there must be liability insurance and the
children must have adequate space and supervision. Transportation provided by the center or under center authorization
shall comply with state law.
2. Supervision , Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.06
Each group must have adult supervision at all times and adult/child ratios should be followed.
There must be a second adult available when more than 12 children are present.
Swimming and field trips require ratios to be doubled.
Each group must have their own space.
Infants and toddlers must have their own space and cannot be grouped with older children.
At naptime ratios may be relaxed for groups except infants and toddlers.
Minimum staffing requirements per groups of children (adult:child ratio) must be maintained.
Please refer to ratio charts for specific adult:child ratios for each age group
Chart 1 - Single Age Grouping and Adult:Child Ratio Chart
Maximum Group Size and Adult Child Ratios
Infants: 6 wks. – 1:4
15 mos.
(12 mos. – 30
2 years
(24 mos. – 35
3 years
4 years
5 years
and 12 years)
13 to 18 years
Chart 2 - Multi-Age Grouping and Adult:Child Ratio Chart
Maximum Group Size and Adult:Child Ratio
Multi-Age Grouping
Infants/Toddlers: 6 wks. – 30 mos.
2-4 years
2.5 - 3 years
(30 – 47 mos.)
2.5 - 5 years
2.5 – 12 years
3 – 5 years
(includes 3 – 4years)
4 - 5 years
5 - 12 years
13 to 18 years
3. Staff, Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.07
A. Responsibility for Staff and General Staff Qualifications:
The director shall be responsible for the day to day operations, including staff and program.
An assistant director or other staff member shall be designated to be in charge in the
absence of the director and all staff shall be notified of this designation.
No individual with a prohibited criminal history may work, substitute or volunteer in a program
Staff must have knowledge of child behavior and development.
Staff must be physically, mentally and emotionally stable.
All new employees must have orientation and child abuse prevention training before working with the children.
The director must have High School Diploma (or Department recognized equivalent), and Tennessee Early Childhood
Training Alliance (TECTA) certificate for completing thirty (30) clock hours of orientation training, or the equivalent as
recognized by the Department and 4 years experience working with children.
All caregivers must be 18 years of age and one caregiver in each group must have a high school diploma.
Directors must have 18 clock hours in-service training each year and caregivers 12 clock hours.
4. Equipment for Children, Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.08
All indoor and outdoor equipment shall be well made, safe and kept clean.
There must be developmentally appropriate equipment for all age groups with variety.
Children must have a place for their belongings.
Large pieces of equipment must be secured.
Infants are to have space to climb, crawl and pull up without the restraint of playpens or cribs.
There must be enough equipment so children have choices.
There shall be an outdoor play area when children are in care for 3 or more daylight hours.
Children up to 5 years of age must be offered a naptime if in care for 6 or more hours.
There shall be equipment for napping or sleeping for each preschool child who is in
care for six (6) hours or more.
For napping children, cots or 2 inch mats must be provided and each child must have a cover to place under them
and another available to place over them.
Infants must have individual cribs with open tops.
5. Program, Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.09
A. Schedule and Routines.
Routines such as snacks, meals, and rest shall occur at approximately the same time
each day.
There shall be a balance between child’s choice and adult-directed activities.
Other activity choices shall be available to children during television/movie viewing or
computer use.
Parents shall be informed of movie showings and video/computer games and their
Computers, if used, shall be located in view of a caregiver for monitoring purposes.
An opportunity for outdoor play shall be extended to children of all ages who are in
care more than three (3) daylight hours; when the temperature range, after adjustment for wind chill and heat index, is
between thirty-two (32) degrees and ninety-five (95) degrees Fahrenheit and not raining.
A reclining rest period of at least one (1) hour shall be provided for all preschool
children in care for six (6) hours or more.
Each child shall be allowed to form his own patterns of sleep.
B. Behavior Management and Guidance.
Spanking or any other type of corporal punishment is prohibited. (“Corporal
punishment” is the infliction of bodily pain as a penalty for behavior of which the
punisher disapproves.)
Praise and encouragement of good behavior shall be used.
When a child is engaging in unacceptable behavior the caregiver shall, prior to
disciplining the child, first distract the child’s attention and substitute a desirable
Attention spans and skills of children shall be considered so that caregivers do not
require children to engage in developmentally inappropriate behavior.
Toilet training shall never be started until a child has been in the program long enough
to feel comfortable and is able to communicate a need to use the bathroom.
C. Educational Activities
A daily program shall provide opportunities for learning, self-expression, and
participation in a variety of creative activities such as art, music, literature, dramatic
play, science, and health.
Indoor physical activities, requiring children to use both large and small muscles, shall
be provided for children of each age group.
For ages three (3) through school-age, the curriculum shall include instruction in
personal safety as needed but at least once a year.
D. Nighttime Care
If children receive night care, caretakers must provide a calm, nurturing environment and a routine hygiene plan
must be in place.
6. Health and Safety, Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.10
A. Children’s Health
Children’s health records shall be maintained as directed under subchapter 0520-12-01-.05.
Each child shall be immunized according to the current Department of Health guidelines unless exempted pursuant to
subchapter 0520-12-01-.05(8). Programs serving non-school-age children shall maintain written policies for dis-enrollment
of children who fail to comply with Department of Health immunization guidelines in a timely manner.
Parents of every child enrolled shall be notified immediately if any
communicable disease has been introduced into the program:
Parents must be notified if their child is hurt and becomes ill.
Medications must be labeled with instructions and must be kept under lock.
Documentation of administration and side effects of any medication given must be kept.
Smoking is not permitted in the presence of children.
The diapering area must be appropriate, near hand washing lavatory and cleaned after each diaper change.
B. Staff Health
Staff must have documentation that the staff person is capable of safely and appropriately providing care for children
in a group setting. The documentation shall be on file within ten (10) calendar days of employment or starting to work.
A statement of mental or emotional health shall be obtained from a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist
when deemed necessary by the Department.
Physicals are required every 3 years.
C. Safety
There shall be a staff member present at all times who has current certification in
CPR and first aid training.
A first aid kit must be on the premises as well as a first aid chart.
There shall be no firearms on the premises.
Emergency telephone numbers shall be posted next to all telephones
and be readily available to any staff member.
Kitchen knives and other potentially dangerous utensils or tools shall be secured so
that they are not accessible to children.
7. Food, Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.11
A. Nutritional Needs
Children will receive meals and snacks based on the amount of time spent in the program.
Menus must be posted.
Consideration must be given to daily food requirements when planning menu.
Special diets and instructions must be provided in writing.
New foods shall be introduced to infants and toddlers one at a time over a five (5) to
seven (7) day period with parent’s approval.
Parents and caregivers shall work together when weaning an infant to insure
consistency in the weaning process. Weaning shall be delayed until after an infant
adjusts to group care.
B. Meal Service
At mealtime, children shall be seated at appropriately sized tables and chairs, and
adults shall supervise them in accordance with subsection 0520-12-01-.06(1)(d).
Milk shall be placed immediately in the refrigerator.
All formulas remaining in bottles after feeding shall be discarded.
Previously opened baby food jars shall not be accepted in the center. If food is fed directly from the jar
by the caregiver, the jar shall be used for only one feeding.
Infants shall be held while being fed as long as they are unable to sit in a high chair, an
infant seat, or at the table.
8. Physical Facilities, Chapter Section 0520-12-1-.12
All facilities shall annually pass an inspection verifying compliance with all applicable
state and local fire and environmental requirements.
There shall be a working telephone in the center.
A minimum of thirty (30) square feet of usable indoor play space shall be provided for each child.
Outdoor play areas shall contain a minimum of fifty (50) square feet of usable play
space for each child using the area at one time.
9. Care of Children with Special Needs, Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.14
When children with special needs are enrolled, all reasonable and appropriate efforts shall be made to provide
those children equal opportunity to participate in the same program activities as their peers.
Adaptations to the environment shall be directed toward normalizing the lifestyle of the child with a disability by
helping him/her become independent and develop self-help skills.
The program shall inform parents of any specialized services available from the program, and if the program
is aware of any specialized services available through third parties, shall additionally inform the parent of such services.
Governing agency shall develop policies and procedures, in accordance with 0520-01-09-.23, governing personnel
authorized to use isolation and restraint, training requirements and incident reporting procedures.
10. After School Programs serving Adolescents Chapter Section 0520-12-01-.15
Rules are modified to meet the appropriate developmental stages of the adolescent regarding staff ratios and
supervision as well as activities appropriate for this age group.
(NASHVILLE AREA) 615–313-4820
Department of Education July 21, 2010; Publication Authorization No. 331046; 2000 copies. This public
document was promulgated at a cost of $0.34 per copy.