Manual code: MSU_pigs.R Authors: Jose Luis Gualdrón Duarte1 and Juan Pedro Steibel2,3 1 Departamento de Producción Animal, Facultad de Agronomía, UBA-CONICET, Buenos Aires, ARG Department of Animal Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA 3 Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, USA 2 Introduction The R code MSU_pigs.R is based on the paper Gualdrón et al. 2014. This code uses a gpData object called pigMSU as input file, which contains different files: genotype file, map, pedigree, and phenotype file. For further details of construction and structure of gpData objects please refer to synbreed package in R (Wimmer et al. [1]).This package was used for assembling of gpData pigMSU. Description of Input Files Each slot in pigMSU contains the following information: Genotype file (pigMSU$geno) In this file, animals IDs are row names and SNP names are column names. The genotypes are expressed as allelic dosage, having elements equal to 0,1, 2, i.e. the count of the allele used as reference, or a decimal number in the interval [0, 2] for imputed genotypes.: MARC0076778 MARC0015795 ASGA0086709 ALGA0112852 MARC0058092 M1GA0025062 0 0 1 1 0.00 1 0 0 1 1 0.89 1 0 0 1 1 0.00 1 0 0 1 1 0.00 1 1 1 0 2 1.00 2 1001 1002 1003 1004 1006 Map file (pigMSU$map) This file contains SNP names as row names and also, chromosome and physical position expressed in Megabases as columns. MARC0044150 ASGA0000014 ASGA0000021 chr 1 1 1 pos 0.286933 0.342481 0.489855 Pedigree file (pigMSU$pedigree) The pedigree file contains five columns: animal ID - Sire ID - Dam ID - generation - sex (1=male, 2=female). ID 6323 6458 160 330 Par1 Par2 gener sex 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 6323 6458 1 0 6323 6458 1 1 Phenotype file (pigMSU$pheno) The trait file contains: animal ID in row names and the trait in column name: 1001 1002 1003 1004 1006 1007 1011 bf10_13wk 8.38 11.94 10.16 7.87 5.59 8.38 8.64 Running MSU_pigs.R: Load required packages, functions and input files First of all, code MSU_pigs.R allows to load “Regress” package (version 1.3-10, R packages [2]) which is used in model fitting and variance components estimation process, performed by using REML algorithm.; and also, to load “Synbreed” package for data visualization and analysis of gpData "pigMSU". library(synbreed) library(regress) Then, input gpData (pigMSU) and functions (Functions_codes.R)for MSU_pigs.R are uploaded: load("pigMSU") source("Functions_codes.R") # Load functions Filter process by Minor Allele Frequency (MAF) Genotypes in the F2 haves a second editing process considering MAF < 0.01, as well as fixed SNP (MAF= 0.5). As a result, a filtered matrix "M" that contains information for 44055 SNP is created. ############################################################################## ## Filter by Minor allele frequency (MAF) in F2 genotypes # ## See Section: "Methods-Genotyping and data editing" in the reference paper # ############################################################################## ## Genotype Matrix # ge<-pigMSU$geno IDrowM<-rownames(ge) IDrow2M<-as.numeric(IDrowM) genf2<-(IDrow2M>1000)&(IDrow2M<6000) Mf2<-ge[genf2,] # Genotype matrix for F2 animals m1<-colSums(Mf2) m2<-m1/(2*nrow(Mf2)) # Vector with frequency of second allele in each marker ## Filter by Minor allele frequency (MAF) and SNP fixed in the F2 genotypes MAF<-0.01 #Note: the addition of the filter "m2<0.99" is because some SNPs are codificated as the major allele frequency f1<-(m2>MAF)&(m2!=0.5) &(m2<0.99) SNPf<-as.matrix(m2[f1]) ## New genotype "M" matrix (SNP 44055) with genotypes filtered by MAF### M1<-colnames(Mf2)%in%rownames(SNPf) M<-ge[,M1] # Total SNP 44055 for F0-F1-F2 generations Construction of Z and G matrices Following the approach of VanRaden [3], Z matrix for F2 animals (Znf2) is calculated applying the function "zstandard". Then, matrix G (GTo) for the same animalsis calculated using the Z matrix obtained previously (Znf2). ################################ ##1) Computation of G Matrix ## ################################ IDrow<-rownames(M) IDrow2<-as.numeric(IDrow) ## Frequency of P="2" in the F0 genof0<-(IDrow2>6000) # logical vector with TRUE in F0 ids gen0<-M[genof0,] # Genotype for F0 (1st column ID - Genotype) all_frq_f0<-colMeans(gen0,na.rm=T)/2 ## Computation of Z matrix for F2 idgf2<-as.numeric(rownames(M)) idxg2<-(idgf2>1000)&(idgf2<6000) # index for F2 animals ID genf2<-M[idxg2,] # genotype for F2 animals Znf2<-zstandard(genf2,alfreq=all_frq_f0,procedure="heterogeneous") ## Computation of G matrix: G=ZZ' GTo<-Znf2%*%t(Znf2) Fixed effects matrix construction From object "pigMSU" are extracted: 1) the growth trait 13 week tenth rib backfat (mm) (bf10_13wk) and 2) sex for animals in the F2, to be used as response variable (y) and incidence matrix fixed effects (X) for the model respectively. ####################################### ## 2) Input files for funtion "snpe" ## ####################################### ##Phenotype pheno<-pigMSU$pheno[,"bf10_13wk",1] indx<-match(rownames(Znf2),names(pheno)) pheno<-pheno[indx] ##sex indx<-match(rownames(Znf2),pigMSU$pedigree$ID) sex<-pigMSU$pedigree$sex[indx] #model.matrix to create matrix X sex<-as.factor(sex) x<-model.matrix( ~ sex -1, contrasts.arg=list(sex=contrasts(sex, contrasts=F))) #sex ID psex<-cbind(pigMSU$pedigree$ID,pigMSU$pedigree$sex) #Extract ID and sex for all animals (F0-F1 and F2) idxsex<-psex[,1]%in%names(pheno) sexid<-as.numeric(pigMSU$pedigree$ID[idxsex]) rownames(x)<-sexid colnames(x)<-c("female","male") Estimation of variance components and breeding values Once incidence matrix X is constructed, "snpe" function allows to fit the model y = X + a + e . This function takes as input the phenotype file (y), X matrix, and also Z and G matrices. Internally, variance components are estimated by REML using regress package (version 1.3-10 R [2]). ########################################################################### ## 3) Apply function "snpe" ## # return: ## # g_hat=SNPe,a_hat,E_variance,A_variance,Heredability,#iteratons,Ginv ## ########################################################################### trout_SNPe<-snpe(pheno,x,Znf2,GTo) As a result, the function "snpe" gives: llik: Estimate of the LogLikelihood for the model a_hat: Genome breeding values (GEBVs). 2 E_variance: Error variance e ) Additive variance A ) Heritability: Heritability of the trait n_iter: Number of iterations to converge. Ginv: The inverse of G matrix A_variance: 2 2 Here, a_hat contains the random breeding values, such that a N (0, G A ) , and e is the random error 2 vector such that e N (0, I e ) , and I is the identity matrix. Estimation of SNP effects The marker effect, variance of the markers effects, and p-values are calculated for each marker or SNP. For this purpose, the function "GWA" is applied using elements obtained in function "snpe". ########################################################################### ## 4) Apply function "GWA" ## # return: ## # beta=uh ("g_hat"), snp_variance=vsnp, pvalues=pvalue ## ########################################################################### gwa_trait<-GWA(trout_SNPe,x,Znf2) As a result, the function "GWA" gives: beta: Estimate of each marker (SNP) effect snp_variance: Variance of each marker (SNP) effect pvalues: p-value for each marker (SNP) Histogram of p-values and Manhattan plot Here, the histogram of p-values and the Manhattan plot are displayed. However, for the Manhattan plot is necessary the absolute marker (SNP) position or “consecutive position”. Then, the function "abmap" is applied. ############################## ## 5) Map Absolute Position ## ############################## map<-as.matrix(pigMSU$map) map1<-rownames(map)%in%colnames(Znf2) map2<-map[map1,] #### Final map ##### mapmsu1<-abmap(map2) idxc<-2-map2[,1]%%2 # Read map # Final SNP 44055 # Apply funtion ab # Color index # histogram of p-values hist(gwa_trait$pvalues) # Manhattan Plot threshold<-0.05/nrow(map2) #pdf(file="Manhattan_trait.pdf") #option to save the Manhattan plot in format ".pdf" in the current directory plot(mapmsu1,-log(gwa_trait$pvalues,10),pch=16,col=ifelse(idxc==2,"red","blue"),abline(h=log(threshold,10),lwd=1.1,col="red"),xlab="Absolute position Mb", ylab="-Log10(p-value)") #option to save the Manhattan plot in format ".pdf" in the current directory Definition of candidate segments Candidate segments are defined by taking SNPs within one Mb upstream and one Mb downstream of the SNP with smallest p-value in each chromosome (see list "maxlogpv"). ########################## ## 4) Candidate Segment ## ########################## pvalue<-gwa_trait$pvalues logpv<- -log(pvalue,10) assoc<,mapmsu1,pvalue,logpv)) colnames(assoc)<-c("chr", "pos_Mb","Abspos_Mb","pvalue","logpv") #Extract max -logpvalues per chromosome result <- vector("list",18) for(i in 1:18){ pvch<-assoc[assoc$chr==i,] maxpv<-which.max(pvch$logpv) mpv<-pvch[maxpv,] result[[i]] <-mpv } # List "maxlogpv" with the highest -log(p-value) per chromosome maxlogpv<,result) ########################################### ## 4.1) Extract segments per chromosome ## ########################################### #model_result<- vector("list",nrow(maxlogpv)) model_result<- vector("list",2) # for(i in 1:nrow(maxlogpv)){ for(i in 1:2){ #Example!!! Chromosome 1 and 2 psnp<-maxlogpv[i,3] phigh<-as.numeric(psnp)+1 plow<-as.numeric(psnp)-1 #Extract SNP in this range slxmap<-(assoc[,3]<=phigh)&(assoc[,3]>=plow) slxmap<-assoc[slxmap,] Computation of Z and G matrices for candidate segments Using the markers or SNPs into the segment, a new Z ("Z1") and G ("G1") matrices are calculated, whereas genomic relationship matrix G2 was built using all remaining SNPs. Next, the model equal to: y = X + a1 + a2 + e ("model2"), where a1 is the vector of random effects associated with those SNP located in the segment, such that a1 N 0, G 12 1A and a2 is the vector of additive random effects associated with all SNPs except those involved with a1 , such that a2 N 0, G2 2A2 . The model2 is compared with the reduce model y = X + a + e ("model1"), from results obtained across the regress R package [2]. ################################################################### ## 4.2) compute matrix Z for snp selected (normalized separtely) ## ################################################################### # Create Gseg for the segement using the columns in Znf2 belong to SNP segment Zidg<-colnames(Znf2)%in%rownames(slxmap) Zs<-Znf2[,Zidg] ################## Extrac for the GTo G2<-GTo-(Zs%*%t(Zs)) ### compute matrix Z2 and G2 for snp selected in the segmwnt (normalized separtely) Zidx<-colnames(genf2)%in%rownames(slxmap) genof2fil<-genf2[,Zidx] idxfrq<-names(all_frq_f0)%in%rownames(slxmap) # Select the frequencies for the SNP segement sum(idxfrq==TRUE) fil_frq_f0<-all_frq_f0[idxfrq] # Extract the frequencies for the SNP segment # Matrices Z1 and G1 (use the selected markers) #Apply the function for the SNP segement Z1<-zstandard(genof2fil,alfreq=fil_frq_f0,procedure="heterogeneous") G1<-Z1%*%t(Z1) # G1 for SNP selected ########################################## ## 4.3) compute models with "regress" ## ########################################## model1<-regress(pheno~x,~GTo) # y=Xb+a+e model2<-regress(pheno~x,~G1+G2) # y=Xb+a1+a2+e ###################################### ## 4.4) Performed models comparison ## ###################################### llik<-list(Result=list(l0=model1,l1=model2)) ##################################################### ## 4.5) Results from Regress for model1 and model2 ## ##################################################### model_result[[i]]<-sapply(llik, # Results refer to Additional files in "Table 1" } comp_model<,model_result) The function list the results obtained by regress R package [2] for "model1" and "model2", as follow: Loglikem2: LogLikem1: LRT: LRTseg: varE1: LogLikehood "model2" LogLikehood "model1" Likehood Ratio Test for "model1" and "model2" p-value for Likehood Ratio Test for the segment 2 Error variance e ) of "model1" varA1: 2 Additive variance A ) of "model1" varE2: 2 Error variance e ) of "model2" VarA2: 2 Additive variance A ) of "model2" Varseg: Additive variance segment A1 ) of "model2" Varseg_pr: Proportion in % of the total variance explained by the segment. 2 Results for function are stored in the object "comp_model" To cite this code use: Gualdrón Duarte JL, Cantet RJC, Bates RO, Ernst CW, Raney NE, Steibel JP. Rapid screening for phenotype-genotype associations by linear transforming genomic evaluations. BMC Bioinformatics 2014. (Submitted) References 1. Wimmer V, Albrecht T, Auinger H-J, Schön C-C: synbreed: a framework for the analysis of genomic prediction data using R. Bioinformatics 2012, 28:2086–7. 2. Clifford D, McCullagh P: The regress function. R News 2006, 6:6–10. 3. VanRaden PM: Efficient methods to compute genomic predictions. J. Dairy Sci. 2008, 91:4414–23.
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