2014 UNSW CO-OP PROGRAM SCHOLAR MANUAL UNSW Co-op Program office Library Annex (F21) P: 9385 5116 | F: 9313 6774 E: [email protected] W: www.co-op.unsw.edu.au Last updated: January 2014 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... 1 SCHOLAR MANUAL – YOUR GUIDE ........................................................................... 2 SPECIAL NOTE - .................................................................................................................................2 UNSW Co-op Program Mission ......................................................................................................3 Your Roles and Responsibilities .....................................................................................................3 YOUR SCHOLARSHIP .................................................................................................... 4 Scholarship Payments ........................................................................................................................4 Conditions of Holding Your Scholarship ......................................................................................5 Academic Performance – Guidelines and Support .................................................................6 Policies on Industry Training ............................................................................................................7 Working for a sponsor outside of your Industry Training Experience ..............................9 CAREER MANAGER ................................................................................................... 10 YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES ........................................................................................... 11 Timely response, notification and submission of forms...................................................... 11 Contact with sponsors ..................................................................................................................... 12 Grievance Handling .......................................................................................................................... 12 YOUR CO-OP PROGRAM EXPERIENCE ................................................................... 13 Participation in promotional activities ........................................................................................ 13 News and website ............................................................................................................................. 13 Scholar support for your academic performance, professional development, and Industry Training Experience ........................................................................................................ 14 Exit Survey ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Recruitment.......................................................................................................................................... 15 UNSW Co-op Program Alumni..................................................................................................... 15 APPENDIX ....................................................................................................................... 16 WHEN WILL I BE ON INDUSTRY TRAINING EXPERIENCE (ITE)? ....................... 16 BUSINESS ....................................................................................................................... 16 Accounting & Business Management, Marketing ................................................................. 16 Actuarial Studies ................................................................................................................................ 16 B. Information Systems (FKA. BIT), B.Commerce - Information Systems (FKA. ISM) 16 Finance & Banking ............................................................................................................................ 16 ENGINEERING ................................................................................................................ 17 Chemical Engineering, Civil/Environmental Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Photovoltaics & Solar Energy, Renewable Energy, Software Engineering/Telecommunications .................................. 17 Computer Science ............................................................................................................................. 17 Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering .......................................................................... 17 Materials and Ceramic Engineering, Physical and Process Metallurgy ...................... 17 BUILT ENVIRONMENT .................................................................................................. 17 Construction, Management and Property ................................................................................ 17 CONTACT US ................................................................................................................. 18 Page 1 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL SCHOLAR MANUAL – YOUR GUIDE SPECI AL NO TE Some of the information in this manual may change over the duration of your program and procedures for the UNSW Co-op Program in your School may vary from the general guidelines set out in this document. Therefore, this document is subject to change from time to time without notice. Please visit the Co-op Program website (www.co-op.unsw.edu.au – Current Scholars Downloads) for the most recent version. Any questions about this document should be directed to the Co-op Scholar Manager (Michelle Morris) and/or your Co-op Academic Co-ordinator. How this manual should be used The Scholar Manual (along with the ITE Guidelines) is to be considered supplementary to the Scholar Agreement signed by the scholar prior to entering the Co-op Program. It is the scholars’ responsibility to clarify any uncertainties about these documents with the Co-op office. Page 2 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL UNSW Co-op Progr am Mission The principle purpose of the UNSW Co-op Program is to: 1. Attract, select, educate and develop outstanding students with leadership potential; 2. Involve industry in the development of a pool of exceptional graduates from which they can recruit their best staff; and 3. Provide an increased level of interaction between the University and the community at large. Your Roles and Responsibilities [For full details, see: Your Responsibilities - p11.] The Co-op scholars’ general roles and responsibilities as part of the Co-op Program are outlined below. Maintain academic requirements. Collaborate with sponsors, academics and the Co-op office. Participate in Co-op Program leadership and professional development activities. Complete all ITE (Industry Training Experience) obligations, as outlined in the ITE Guidelines. Participate in the sponsor recruitment function(s) for your program. Provide feedback (formal/informal) about the Program for review and development, including the completion of an Exit Survey upon completion of the Program. We expect you to help us continue to build the success of the UNSW Co-op Program. Your personal contribution will encourage employers and bright school leavers to get involved in the Program. It will also enable you to get the most out of being a UNSW Co-op Program scholar and become the best graduate/professional you can be. Page 3 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL YOUR SCHOLARSHIP Schol arship Payments Scholarship Amount: The Co-op Program scholarship payment is reviewed periodically by the UNSW Co-op Program sponsors. The payment in 2014 is $16,750pa 1. Payment Fortnightly1: This payment is paid in 26 fortnightly installments, using the University's pay-roll system and can only be made into a scholar's cheque or savings bank account, not a credit card. [Click here to view the pay schedule for 2014.] Scholars can login to my.unsw.edu.au at any time to confirm the amount paid into their account and the account into which it was paid. This is listed under the student’s “Staff Profile” tab (see image below). Scholarship payments may be used at the discretion of the scholar. Bank Account: Any change in your bank account details can be made through your MyUNSW account: https://my.unsw.edu.au > My Staff Profile > Bank Details > Change Bank Account Details. To avoid any delay to your payments, do not close your old account until a scholarship payment has been made to your new account. Finishing Bonus1 (if applicable): The receipt of a “Finishing Bonus” is as outlined in your Scholar Agreement. For the majority of scholars the “Bonus” is the amount that accrued from 1 January to 26 February in the first year of the scholarship program. If eligible you will receive the “Bonus” in March of the year following your final semester. This will only be paid after we have confirmed the successful completion of your program (including all conditions of your scholarship). Late/Replacement scholars should refer to their Scholar Agreement. 1 Mining Engineering UNSW Co-op Program Scholars will receive $10,600pa in tax-exempt scholarship payments over 40 weeks in Years 1 to 4 paid fortnightly. Unlike other programs, Mining Engineering scholars will be paid by the sponsor company while on ITE at a minimum wage of $615 per week, which is taxable. Because of this payment structure, the finishing bonus does not apply to Mining Co-op Scholars. Page 4 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Scholarship & Centrelink (IF RELEVANT): It is your responsibility to notify Centrelink of your change in circumstances. The Co-op office administrator can provide you with a statement that you have been awarded a scholarship. We are unable to speculate for you on the impact of your payments on any Centrelink benefit/payment. Each circumstance must be verified with Centrelink by you. Other monies/part time jobs/scholarships: You are at liberty to earn money apart from your Co-op scholarship (you may even hold other scholarships), provided that none of these interfere with your ability to fulfill your obligations to the Co-op Program. Additional Expenses on ITE: Your expenses during the ITE periods are likely to be greater than they are during an academic semester and you will generally not get any extra financial support from your sponsor company. It is, therefore, your responsibility to budget accordingly. Tax Exempt: The UNSW Co-op Program scholarship has been deemed by the Tax Commissioner to be a tax-exempt award. If a Co-op Program scholar has any other earnings, the UNSW Co-op Program scholarship should not affect the taxability of those earnings, but independent financial advice should be sought. University Fees/HECS debt: You are responsible for payment of your university fees/HECS debt. Conditions of Holdi ng Your Scholarship The conditions of holding your scholarship are clearly detailed in your Scholar Agreement. It is your responsibility to keep a copy of, and refer to this Agreement. Generally, the conditions refer to: Satisfactory academic performance - Failure of any course and/or failure to maintain a credit 2 in ALL courses (with the exception of GenEds) AND maintain a minimum credit2 WAM (weighted average mark), could result in the immediate suspension of your scholarship (including payments). [See Academic Performance – Guidelines and support – p6.] ITE performance 3 - Unsatisfactory performance on ITE will result in the immediate suspension of your scholarship (including payments). [See Policies on Industry Training - p7.] Attendance at compulsory events. Adhering to the UNSW Student Code Policy. You will generally be given the chance to “Show Cause” to the Co-op office and/or steering committee of sponsors (where appropriate) for failure to fulfill any term of your Scholar Agreement. 2 Distinction in Finance & Banking 3 A mark of Satisfactory (SY) or Unsatisfactory (USY) performance on your ITE is ultimately at the determination of the Co-op Academic Co-ordinator. Measures include (but are not limited to) your Sponsors Evaluation of your performance and conduct on ITE and your completion of the mandatory number of weeks of industry training required by your program. [See Appendix - p16.] Page 5 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Academic Performance – Guidelines and Support [Also see, Scholar Support – p14.] A study plan should be drafted, with the guidance of your Co-op Academic Co-ordinator, to ensure you complete the right courses required for the accreditation of your degree. Any variations to the study plan (including International Exchange) must be approved by the Co-op Academic Co-ordinator and Co-op office and recorded in Career Manager. To ensure that all scholars are on track to successfully complete the Co-op Program, academic results are checked at the end of each semester. A show cause process takes place should you fail to meet the academic requirements of the Co-op Program. You should immediately seek advice from your Co-op Academic Co-ordinator and the Scholar Manager if you have any concerns about your academic performance. Do not wait until the end of the semester before raising your concerns because if we don’t know about it, we can’t help you and/or take it into account. How much do I need to study? We encourage you to read the UNSW official explanation of Units of Credit as a guideline to how much study you should be doing: https://my.unsw.edu.au/student/atoz/UnitsOfCredit.html Where can I find advice/support about academic and other matters? As part of our mentoring program, you can consult with your Co-op Academic Co-ordinator and the Co-op Scholar Manager. Student Life and Learning – links you to all student services and support at UNSW. Go to: www.studentdevelopment.unsw.edu.au, or you can visit them at The Hub, located at: LG floor, Morven Brown Building - entry via Commerce courtyard Online academic skills resources @The Learning Centre: http://www.lc.unsw.edu.au/olib.html Page 6 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Withdrawing from the Co-op Program and/or conflict while on ITE If you are having difficulties with your academic studies and/or are considering withdrawing from the program and/or experience conflict/problems on your ITE, you must discuss it IMMEDIATELY with your Co-op Academic Co-ordinator AND the Scholar Manager before taking any action. You should also carefully note the obligations concerning ITE, academic requirements, and repayment of the scholarship (as detailed in the Scholar Agreement). If you do decide to withdraw, you must immediately notify the Co-op office in writing, stating your reasons for doing so. Excerpt from Scholar Agreement – Discontinuing Scholars: ...in any case where a scholar provides the Co-op office with less than 3 months notice of his/her intention to exit the program, before starting any subsequent ITE placement, he/she will be required to repay 6 months scholarship funds. (ie. a business scholar wanting to leave the program after completing ITE 2 and before starting ITE 3 without the required 3mth notice will be required to repay 6 months scholarship funds.) Please be aware that, at the discretion of the Co-op office, failure to repay obligations under these conditions could result in a scholar not receiving their academic transcripts or any other official credentials, and not being permitted to graduate. [See Scholar Agreement for full conditions.] Policies on Industry Tr aining See ITE Guidelines, which forms part of your Scholar Manual. Note: Your sponsor also receives the ITE Guidelines. These guidelines are accessible through our website or can be emailed at the scholar or sponsor’s request. If there is any uncertainty about whether the placement is progessing satisfactorily, you must contact the Co-op Program office and the Academic Co-ordinator to seek clarifcation or mediation. To ensure that both parties gain value from the ITE, this should occur immediately, or as soon as possible, after an issue has been identified. As per your Scholar Agreement / ITE Guidelines: Each scholar is obligated to complete the full allocation (ie. ALL weeks) of each ITE placement. [See Appendix- p16.] Seeking an internship at the expense of your current obligations is not acceptable.* Interrupting your ITE is not permitted unless there are exceptional circumstances.* Negotiating a variation and/or interruption of an ITE placement directly with the sponsor is not acceptable.* Scholars taking unscheduled leave* (sick, personal etc) must always notify their sponsor company as soon as possible. Any absences in excess of 2 days must also be brought to the attention of the Co-op office and doctor certificates or other supporting evidence must be obtained and made available. You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. * Failure to seek permission from the Co-op office for a variation and/or interruption of an ITE placement will require you to Show Cause and could result in the suspension of your scholarship, as well as a possible repayment of scholarship (determined on a case by case basis – See Scholar Agreement). Page 7 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Note: Should you have a special circumstance requiring you to interrupt your ITE you must discuss this with the Co-op office first, prior to any discussions with your sponsor company or any of its representatives. Furthermore, if you interrupt or do not complete your ITE placement to embark on an internship (or for any other reason without approval) you will receive an Unsatisfactory (USY) grade for that placement. Pictured: Co-op Program scholar on their ITE - Dragline uncovering coal at Xstrata’s Bulga mine. Your Academic Transcript - ITE grade (Conditions of retaining your Co-op Scholarship) You must be enrolled in an ITE course to be covered by the UNSW insurance policy. If you cannot enrol directly (this should be limited to Engineering scholars), your Co-op Academic Co-ordinator can assist you with your enrolment into the ITE “course”. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that you are enrolled in the relevant ITE course prior to going on ITE. Your Academic Transcript must be updated after each of your ITE placements. This can only be done by your Co-op Academic Co-ordinator, and only once they have received your Sponsor Evaluation form and other course requirements. The granting of a satisfactory grade by the Academic Co-ordinator will take into account: the Sponsor Evaluation; plus - compliance with all the terms and conditions of your Scholar Agreement and ITE Guidelines (including conduct on ITE, completing the full number of weeks on ITE, end of ITE presentation, etc..); and - in the case of B.Commerce/BIS scholars, all other course requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit through Career Manager your Sponsor Evaluation and Scholar Evaluation (at which point a copy will be sent to both the Co-op Academic Co-ordinator and the Co-op office). You will not be permitted to progress through your Career Manager ITE Details until you submit each stage (Step 1: Sponsor Details, Step 2: Supervisor(s), Step 3: Professional Development Agreement etc). We may suspend payments if we do not receive your evaluations (within two weeks of your finishing ITE) until such times as we receive a satisfactory evaluation. You should also keep a copy of your evaluations for your own records. Page 8 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Conditions for ITE course accreditation – Co-op degrees ONLY - Bachelor of Commerce (Co-op) - Bachelor of Information Systems (Co-op) - Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Co-op) Scholars completing a Co-op degree must also meet all course criteria as outlined in the UNSW Handbook: www.handbook.unsw.edu.au - and/or by the Faculty/Co-op Academic Co-ordinator. Insurance If you were to be involved in an accident during your ITE, the University has an insurance policy which covers you for non-Medicare expenses. To be covered by this policy you must be enrolled as a full-time student (ie. minimum 18uoc), in addition to being enrolled in the ITE course. If you are not satisfied with the cover we provide, you may choose to take out a personal accident policy. NOTE: You are NOT covered by Worker's Compensation. Illness or misadventure It is your responsibility to notify the Co-op Scholar Manager in the event of illness, misadventure or any other case that impacts on the adequate progression of your program outline under the Coop Program (eg. If you become ill and are unable to attend classes and/or industry training for more than 2 days.) It is a requirement, as is the case in ordinary employment, that you produce appropriate documentation (eg. Doctor’s Certificate) to substantiate your situation. It is also your responsibility to follow standard UNSW policies and procedures with respect to applying for academic special consideration within the appropriate timeframe. This is especially important for any show cause consideration. If you are on ITE, the requirements are as per your ITE Guidelines and as outlined at the Scholars ITE Induction Workshop. Working for a sponsor outside of your Industry Training Experience If you receive an offer of part-time work with a sponsor, outside your official ITE placement, and the work period is during semester, you must notify the Co-op Academic Co-ordinator and the Co-op office in writing. Before accepting the position the scholar may be asked to attend a meeting with the Co-op Academic Co-ordinator and/or Scholar Manager to discuss any possible impacts of the work period on the scholar. Page 9 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Career Manager The Career Manager tool enables you, as a Co-op scholar to track your professional development and progress during your time at UNSW, on Industry Training placements and after graduation. Using the tool you can: Maintain: Personal details, online resume and complete industry training requirements. The Career Manager is your portal to notify us of any changes to your contact details, including details for International Exchange – p11. Track: Your participation in Co-op & UNSW Activities and our Professional Development Program. Selected activities that you participate in (eg. scholar ambassador) will appear in your UNSW AHEGS. Engage: Complete Self-Assessment Profiles that enable you to benchmark and reflect on current performance and opportunities for growth. The Career Manager is a “tool for life”. Alumni can continue to access the system after graduation to build their career portfolio, as well as engage with the Co-op Program through mentoring, participation in interviews and other Co-op events. In the future, greater Alumni features will be included. Generate: E-Resume and E-Career File that showcases your professional development, including graduate and professional attributes. The Career Manager is a tool for life – providing you successfully graduate from the Co-op Program, you can continue to update the tool and store your information after graduation. For more information see: www.co-op.careermanager.unsw.edu.au Page 10 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES Timel y response, notification and submission of forms Communication Scholar correspondence will only be sent to your student email account (eg. [email protected]). It is your responsibility to check* and respond to emails in a timely and professional manner. *See IT Support Services for advice on forwarding your student email to a personal account (such as gmail or hotmail). You must ensure your details, including International Exchange, are kept up to date in Career Manager. Got a question? Give us a call and we should be able to give you an immediate answer. We will also call you during your ITE placements to see how you are going; however, if you have any issues or concerns, you must tell us immediately because if we don’t know about it, we can’t help you and/or take it into account if things don’t go to plan. If all else fails, you can always visit our office for help. It is advisable that you make an appointment if the matter is complex. RSVP to Events You are required to respond to emails and RSVP to all events organised by the Co-op Program. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are aware of the dates of your professional development program (leadership camp, ITE Induction Workshop, ITE Reflection workshop, etc) and attend these events – your participation in such events forms part of your Scholar Agreement. ITE Forms It is your responsibility to ensure all your ITE forms (ie. PDA, Sponsor Evaluation Forms, Scholar Survey, etc) are submitted electronically through Career Manager for each ITE placement. These are due within two weeks of finishing each ITE. Failure to meet this deadline may result in the suspension of your scholarship payments, and/or the withholding of your finishing bonus (if applicable), until such time as your forms are received. If there is a delay at the sponsor end (eg. manager is overseas, etc) you must notify the expected date of delivery via email to the Scholar Manager; however, you should try and avoid this delay by planning ahead. Notification It is your responsibility to immediately notify the Scholar Manager that you have an issue or situation that may (or does) impact on your ability to fulfill the terms of the Scholar Agreement and/or the adequate progression of your program under the UNSW Co-op Program. International Exchange It is your responsibility to immediately notify the Scholar Manager if you are going on international exchange and enter the details into Career Manager as soon as the dates are confirmed, and before leaving Australia. You must ensure that your exchange does not conflict with any of your ITE placements or cause any delays to your ITE commencement/completion. Your exchange should not delay the progression of your degree. You are also required to update your contact details at all times using the Career Manager online tool. [Also see, Academic Performance – p6.] Page 11 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Contact w ith sponsors You are expected to conduct yourself in a professional manner whilst on your ITE and at all sponsor events/functions. You are required to: Attend site visits at sponsor companies; Accept reasonable requests to attend sponsor related functions which have been organised for you (unless you have sought advice from and/or have been advised by the Co-op Program office that your attendance is not compulsory); Complete ALL weeks of your ITE (complete sufficient work hours, no unscheduled breaks, and no pro-rata leave entitlement); Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times; and Attend (where organised) the sponsor Graduate Recruitment evening for your program. Advise the Co-op office of any serious issues that arise during an ITE. [See Grievance Handling procedures.] You MUST NOT contact any Sponsor company/representative unless you have been advised to do so by the Co-op office or Co-op Academic Co-ordinator. Should you need to make contact at any other time, you are required to discuss this with the Scholar Manager, or Co-op Industry Liaison of the appropriate program, before going ahead. This is to ensure that all contact with our sponsors is properly monitored and recorded. Grievance Handling Your experience as a Co-op Program scholar is in large part determined by you. Your decision to participate in the social and networking events held by the Co-op Program, your Co-op Academic Co-ordinator and/or your sponsors will only enhance your experience in the Co-op Program. If any issue does arise, which causes you or your sponsor company concern, it is your responsibility to: (1) Address/raise the issue with the approropriate persons (your ITE Supervisor, HR Contact, and Scholar Manager, Industry Liason, Co-op Academic Co-ordinator) as soon as it occurs. (2) Mitigate the impact of the issue on your academic/work performance. (3) Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. Page 12 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL YOUR CO-OP PROGRAM EXPERIENCE Participation in promotional acti vities You are expected to assist the Co-op office and your UNSW School in promoting the UNSW Coop Program to school leavers. If your former high school or any high school/careers adviser invites you to give a talk about the UNSW Co-op Program, we actually encourage you to take up any such offer, but please contact the Co-op office before attending so you can register your visit and get relevant presentation and promotional material. The UNSW Co-op Program is involved in various activities to market the program to high school students. You should also be available to assist the Co-op office and your School with at least one of the following events: Careers Markets/School visits UNSW Open/Info Days Assisting with Interview Briefing days Scholarships/Information Evenings and Interview days. At times the Co-op office has clerical work available, particularly at the beginning, and during the mid-year break. We also advertise for scholar ambassadors to assist us with our school visits each year. If you are interested in earning some extra money through the Co-op office, be sure to let us know or apply. New s and w ebsite We welcome (in fact, we love) to hear about your experiences as a Co-op scholar (whether it be from your ITEs, Co-op events, or other significant achievements) and may share these through our website, other promotional material or activities/events. For example, at the induction ceremony held for new scholars each year, scholar highlights are presented - such as university based competitions (eg. UBS Business Case competition) or community achievement awards. Page 13 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Schol ar support for your academic performance, professi onal development, and Industry Tr aining Experience [Note: If any disputes or issues arise, please refer to the Grievance Handling (p6) procedure as outlined in this manual.] As a part of your Co-op scholarship, you receive mentoring from and through: • The UNSW Co-op Program office – through your induction, professional development and leadership program, social events and contact with the Co-op Program staff. However, the Co-op office is unable to advise you on academic subject selection or academic related matters. • Your Academic Co-ordinator, based in your School/study discipline area, is able to address specific academic questions and also support your progression through the program. In some cases the Co-op Academic Co-ordinator delegates the mentoring of scholars on their ITE to Academic Mentors. • On your Industry Training Experience (ITE) you will receive support and guidance from the sponsor company you work with. This includes the HR Manager you may have initial contact with, the manager/supervisor in your team, or other staff that you interact/work with whilst on your placement. Many companies also appoint a ‘buddy’ for scholars – someone who you can speak to, and ask questions of, on an informal basis. Remember: The Current Scholars section of the Co-op Program website is a resource for you throughout your degree. Here you will find: FAQs, downloads, ITE Guidelines, mySupport, program information, and much more! The Student Life website is a great place to start looking for how to get involved on campus or to view the range of support services available to you at UNSW, including the UNSW Counselling Service. You may visit the UNSW Counselling Service yourself (located in the Quadrangle Building) or you may visit the Co-op office who can assist you in making an appointment. Don’t know where to start? Visit The Hub: www.thehub.unsw.edu.au LG floor, Morven Brown Building – entry via Commerce courtyard. Speak to a Student Participation Advisor who can assist you with welfare, study and uni related matters. Page 14 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Exit Survey All scholars are required to complete a survey on exiting or completing their program. This enables us to continue to demonstrate the value of your contribution as a Co-op scholar and also to continuously improve the program. Recruitment One of the prime incentives for Co-op Program sponsors to support scholarship places is their expectation of being able to recruit outstanding UNSW Co-op Program graduates. Likewise an important reason for a Co-op scholar’s involvement in the program is selection for a challenging job with one of the sponsors. However, it is in the interest of both UNSW Co-op Program scholars and sponsors that they keep their recruiting options open until the final year of their Co-op program. You should get to know all the sponsors (and not just the ones you worked with during the ITE periods) before applying for positions in your final year. Schools and sponsors run recruitment functions in the final year which give the opportunity for scholars and sponsors to meet before the general on-campus recruitment procedure. All scholars are required to attend these functions and we ask you to do so with an open mind and professionally consider any/all opportunities presented. UNSW Co-op Progr am Al umni The UNSW Co-op Program has been designed to produce graduates with the knowledge, skills, attitude and abilities required for future success. We believe that a high proportion of Co-op graduates will go on to become top managers and innovators, possibly leaders in their chosen industries. To fulfill the Program's (and your) potential, we are keen to promote the personal and career development of UNSW Co-op Program graduates in the future. The formation of the "UNSW Coop Program Alumni" consisting of UNSW Co-op Program graduates is an ongoing priority. This organisation will enable UNSW Co-op Program alumni to support not only each other's professional/career development but the University's need for advice and ongoing industry sponsorship as well. We hope that you will become an active alumnus of the UNSW Co-op Program when you successfully complete this exciting opportunity/experience. Remember: The Career Manager tool enables you to update your contact and work details at any time, even after graduation, so that we can remain in touch with you. Page 15 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL APPENDIX WHEN WILL I BE ON INDUSTRY TRAINING EXPERIENCE (ITE)? A complete overview of the ITE model for ALL programs can be found on the Co-op website. (#) – Number of weeks required to complete Industry Training P/T – Part-time study BUSINESS Accounting & Busi ness Management, Marketing YEAR 1 YEAR 2 ITE 1 (24) / UNSW (P/T) YEAR 3 YEAR 4 ITE 3 (24) / UNSW (P/T) Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW UNSW ITE 2 (24) / UNSW (P/T) UNSW Actuari al Studies YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 UNSW Summer Term Dec - Feb Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW UNSW Summer Term Dec - Feb ITE 1 (12) *Mar-Aug ITE 2 (24) / UNSW (P/T) UNSW UNSW *Sep-Feb ITE 3 (24) / UNSW (P/T) B. Information S yst ems (FK A. BI T), B. Commerce - Information Syst ems (FK A. ISM) YEAR 1 Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW YEAR 2 ITE 1 (24) / UNSW (P/T) YEAR 3 ITE 2 (24) / UNSW (P/T) UNSW ITE 3 (24) / UNSW (P/T) YEAR 4 UNSW UNSW Summer Term Dec - Feb Finance & Banki ng YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW UNSW Summer Term Dec - Feb ITE 1 (12) YEAR 3 ITE 2 (24) / UNSW (P/T) ITE 3 (24) / UNSW (P/T) YEAR 4 UNSW UNSW Page 16 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL ENGINEERING Chemical Engineeri ng, Ci vil/Environmental Engineering, Industrial Chemistry, El ectrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Photovoltaics & Solar Energ y, Renew able Energy, Soft w are Engineering/ Telecommuni cations YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW UNSW UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW UNSW UNSW Summer Term Dec - Feb ITE 1 (10) ITE 2 (10) YEAR 4 ITE 3 (24) / UNSW (P/T) YEAR 5 UNSW ITE 4 (24) / UNSW (P/T) UNSW Comput er Science YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 ITE 3 (24) / UNSW (P/T) Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW UNSW UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW ITE 1 (24) / UNSW (P/T) ITE 2 (24) / UNSW (P/T) UNSW Summer Term Dec - Feb Mining Engineering, Petroleum Engineering YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 YEAR 4 Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW UNSW UNSW UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW UNSW UNSW UNSW Summer Term Dec - Feb ITE 1 (10) ITE 2 (10) ITE 3 (10) Materials and Ceramic Engineering, Physical and Process Metallurgy YEAR 1 YEAR 2 YEAR 3 Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW UNSW UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW UNSW ITE 3 (24) / UNSW (P/T) Summer Term Dec - Feb ITE 1 (10) ITE 2 (10) YEAR 4 ITE 4 (24) / UNSW (P/T) YEAR 5 UNSW UNSW UNSW BUILT ENVIRONMENT Construction, Management and Propert y YEAR 1 YEAR 2 Semester 1 Jan - Jun UNSW UNSW Semester 2 Jul - Dec UNSW UNSW Summer Term Dec - Feb ITE 1 (10) YEAR 3 ITE 2 (24) / UNSW (P/T) ITE 3 (24) / UNSW (P/T) YEAR 4 UNSW UNSW Page 17 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL CONTACT US Visit our website for ALL contact details: http://www.co-op.unsw.edu.au/contact_us/index.html Co-op Program Contact List Shane Griffin is the Director of the Co-op Program, Student Recruitment, Admissions, Scholarships. Position Manager, UNSW Co-op Program and Industry Partner (Business) Co-op Scholar & Communications Manager Name Kay Carey Michelle Morris Contact Details For questions relating to: 9385 6024 [email protected] - Any issue relating to the Co-op Program - Business sponsors - How a Business sponsor company becomes involved in the UNSW Co-op Program - ITE administration (Business) 9385 5219 [email protected] - Any scholar issues - Withdrawing from Co-op - Academic performance - Liaison while on ITE and any proposed changes to ITE commitments - Co-op events / marketing materials - Maintain scholar records - Scholar events - Scholarship payments - Scholar recruitment / inductions - Career Manager Scholar & Schools Administrator Trinah De Leon Professional Development and Industry Partnership Manager (BIS, CIS, Sophie Zdenkowski 9385 9768 Barbara Vidos 9385 5222 [email protected] - How an Engineering sponsor company becomes involved in the UNSW Co-op Program - ITE administration (Engineering) 9385 5116 [email protected] - Letters for Centrelink/exchange - Scholar ambassadors - ITE student contact - General Enquiries 9385 5004 [email protected] [email protected] - How an I.S. sponsor company becomes involved in the UNSW Co-op Program - ITE administration (see programs in left column) CMP, SEN) Industry Liaison (Engineering) Co-op office Administrator Administration Officer Innes Soares Jessica Laverty 9385 0527 - Scholar ambassadors School visits Exit survey ITE follow-up Page 18 2014 | SCHOLAR MANUAL Co-op Program Academic Coordinators Program Academic Coordinator Contact Details BUSINESS PROGRAMS Accounting & Business Management (ACC) Ms Diane Mayorga Actuarial Studies (ACT) Ms Katja Ignatieva Ms Christine Van Toorn B.Information Systems (BIS) & B.Commerce - Info.Sys. (CIS) 9385 5814 [email protected] 9385 6810 [email protected] 9385 5642 [email protected] Zixiu Guo 9385 7174 (Program approval only) [email protected] Finance (FIN) Dr Natalie Oh Marketing (MKT) Dr Rita Di Mascio 9385 9883 [email protected] 9385 3383 [email protected] ENGINEERING PROGRAMS Chemical Engineering (CHM) A/Prof Pierre Le Clech Industrial Chemistry (INC) Dr Tony Granville Civil Engineering (CIV) & Environmental Engineering (ENV) Dr Sawekchai ‘Ball’ Tangaramvong Computer Science (CMP) & Software Engineering (SEN) Dr Oliver Diessel Dr Helen Paik Construction Management & Property (CON) A/Prof Sidney Newton Electrical Engineering (ELC) & Telecommunications (ELT) Dr Iain Skinner Mechanical Engineering (MEC) Dr Chris Menictas Materials Science & Engineering (MSA / MSO / MSC / MSY) Dr Owen Standard Mining Engineering (MIN) A/Prof Paul Hagan Petroleum Engineering (PET) Furqan Hussain Photovoltaics (PHV) & Renewable Energy (REN) Dr Stephen Bremner 9385 5762 [email protected] 9385 5745 [email protected] 9385 5474 [email protected] 9385 7384 / [email protected] 9385 5995 / [email protected] 9385 6826 [email protected] 9385 5153 [email protected] 9385 6269 [email protected] 9385 4437 [email protected] 9385 5998 [email protected] 9385 5187 [email protected] 9385 7890 [email protected] Page 19
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