School of Energy Student Orientation Manual Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Technology Programs Chemical and Environmental, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics, Technology Teacher Education SEPTEMBER 2014 School of Energy September 2, 2014 I would like to offer you my congratulations on your acceptance into your BCIT program and welcome you to our campus. It is our intention to provide the best and most relevant industrial engineering education programs possible. We hope that you will find the program you have chosen meets your expectations. We expect that you will take an active role in your selected program since it is an investment in your future. Technology programs require a significant effort to be successful and your dedication will enable you to succeed. All of our faculty have an open door policy and I suggest that you discuss any problems that may arise with them, your program head, the associate dean or myself. Although your academic studies are the first priority, many other activities and the friendships made at BCIT will have a significant long-term effect on your life. I wish you the best of luck at BCIT and look forward to meeting you in the next few months. ______________________________ Trevor Williams Dean School of Energy CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2014/2015 BCIT is not open on statutory holidays. Note: The following dates apply to all full-time Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Technology Because of unforeseeable future events, some dates may require adjustment . FALL TERM SEPTEMBER 2014 1 2 3 16 16 Mon Tue Wed Tue Tue 16 Tue Labour Day – BCIT closed Program Registration and Orientation Fall Term – Classes Begin Fee Deadline Last day to withdraw and receive a full refund (less $200 commitment fee) Last day to apply for course credit exemption or change of status to “audit” for full-time courses OCTOBER 2014 8 13 Wed Mon st SET and TECH Rep 1 Meeting, 1430-1600, SW9-206 Thanksgiving Day – BCIT closed NOVEMBER 2014 7 Fri 11 Tue Last day to withdraw for fall term full-term courses and receive a “W” on transcript Remembrance Day – BCIT Closed DECEMBER 2014 8 - 12 20 24 25 26 31 Mon-Fri Sat Wed Thu Fri Wed Examination week Fall Term Technology grades available on the BCIT Web site Christmas Eve – BCIT closed Christmas Day – BCIT closed Boxing Day – BCIT closed New Years Eve – BCIT closed WINTER TERM JANUARY 2015 1 5 16 Thu Mon Fri 16 Fri 21 Wed New Year’s Day – BCIT closed Winter Term – Classes Begin Last day to apply for course credit (exemption) and/or change registration to “audit” status Fee deadline & last day to withdraw and receive a full refund (less $200 commitment fee) SET and TECH Rep Meeting, 1430-1600, SW9-206 FEBRUARY 2015 9 16 Mon Mon Family Day Last day to withdraw from Term A courses and receive a “W” on transcript MARCH 2015 9 - 13 16 23 Mon-Fri Mon Mon Spring Break Term B courses begin Last day to withdraw and receive “W” on transcript for 15 week courses APRIL 2015 3 6 13 29 Fri Mon Mon Wed Good Friday – BCIT closed Easter Monday – BCIT closed Last day to withdraw and receive “W” on transcript for Full Term courses Last day to withdraw and receive “W” on transcript for Term B courses MAY 2015 18 19 – 22 30 Mon Tue-Fri Sat Victoria Day – BCIT closed Examination week Winter Term Technology grades available on the BCIT Web sit JUNE 2015 17 - 19 17 - 19 Wed-Fri Wed-Fri Graduating Awards Ceremonies Convocation Ceremonies BCIT ORIENTATION Information for new students can be found at BCIT SERVICES For up-to-date information on services and programs, visit our website at The mybcit portal also has links to many BCIT service areas. INSTITUTE POLICIES – STUDENT REGULATIONS AND CODE OF CONDUCT For additional details, refer to BCIT Policies 5101 and 5102 at Attendance and Performance Requirements Regular attendance is essential for success in any program and is required of students for all lecture, tutorial, lab and shop classes. Unsubstantiated absences for more than 10% of the course/program may result in the student being prohibited from completing the course or program. If repeated absences are due to illness, the student is requested to submit a medical certificate. Absence for any cause does not relieve a student from the responsibility of completing the assigned work to the satisfaction of the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student: o In the case of illness or other unavoidable absence, to notify your Program Head, indicating the reason for the absence as soon as possible. o To obtain and present to your Program Head an official medical certificate substantiating an absence of three or more consecutive days. Students who are absent for any reason are responsible for determining what work was missed and the details of any assignments. In the event of extenuating circumstances (eg. documented illness) you may apply to the instructor to consider an extension of a due date. On occasion it is necessary for a student to arrange personal business (eg. medical appointments) during school time. Students are expected to make every attempt to avoid missing classes and should in each case provide advance warning to the instructor(s). Cheating and Plagiarism Acts of cheating, plagiarism or dishonesty will not be tolerated by this Institute. Honesty is expected and required of all students. This implies fairness, professional conduct, academic integrity, adherence to the facts and trustworthiness. Definitions Cheating: means to knowingly violate rules designed to ensure academic honesty and includes, but is not limited to: the copying or other use by one person of another person's work during an examination, test, or other form of assessment; the unauthorized use of materials or information whether physically or electronically stored during an examination, test, or other form of assessment; the bringing into an examination, test, or other form of assessment any unauthorized information or materials and having ready access to same. Plagiarism: means the presentation by a student(s) of materials or work prepared by another person or persons, as the student's own work and without reference credits. It includes, but is not limited to: literary theft; presenting as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source; failing to expressly acknowledge research or preparation conducted in whole or in part in respect of a term paper, project, report, or other form of assessment, other than the student claiming authorship to the term paper, project report or other form of assessment. Dishonesty: means, but is not limited to any unauthorized action or conduct of a student in a clinical, industry or laboratory work situation where the student allows other person(s) to complete his or her tasks and fails to report or explain same to his or her supervisor or instructor. If you are found guilty of the above, the degree of punitive action may range from a written warning in your student file to an expulsion from the program. These penalties may also be applied to students who knowingly contribute to the act of dishonesty, cheating or plagiarism. Computer Ethics Users should be guided by the following: Do not attempt to discover other users' passwords, or to use any password discovered by chance. Take all reasonable precautions to prevent anyone from discovering your password. Change your password on a regular basis or if you think it has been compromised. Do not attempt to read or copy any information stored on the computer system unless explicitly authorized to do so. This includes information which has been stored by IT Services, by other computer users, by a commercial vendor or by any other party. Do not use institute computer facilities for non-instructional projects or commercial purposes. Minimize incidental personal use. Do not move any computer equipment nor disconnect connected cables from computers and outlets. Users of the computer systems are cautioned that violation of the above rules may disrupt service to themselves and others. Furthermore, it could violate a copyright or other non-disclosure agreement into which BCIT has entered. IT Services staff who have access to information owned by users of the system will treat all such information as strictly confidential. Copying Software BCIT has a strict policy regarding software piracy. Unauthorized copying of software is forbidden and will be dealt with as a serious offence (theft). Please refer to BCIT Policy 3501 for a more information on acceptable use of information technology. Determination of Standing The course outline provided by the instructor outlines how your grade will be determined as well as describing any special requirements which are necessary to complete the course. Please refer to BCIT Policy 5103 for a more detailed explanation of the student evaluation process. Harassment and Discrimination It is the policy of BCIT to ensure a learning and working environment free of harassment and discrimination, where community members are treated with dignity and respect. This policy has been developed to ensure that a fair and confidential process is in place to handle harassment and discrimination complaints. If you have any questions or concerns, contact your Program Head or Associate Dean. Please refer to BCIT Policy 7507 for more information. DEPARTMENT PRACTICES Assistance with a Course If you require assistance with a course, contact your course instructor during his/her posted office hours or contact the assistant instructor assigned to your lab group. Assignments All assigned work must be submitted on or before the specified date. There is a loss of credit for late assignments as per the criteria established by the instructor of the course. Course Credit Procedure Credit may be granted for individual course(s). To apply for credit: 1. Fill out a request for course credit for each course 2. Attach a copy of your transcript and any available material on the course(s) you completed (course outlines, calendar descriptions, etc.) 3. Submit to Student Records within 14 calendar days of term start 4. Attend the course until your application for course credit has been approved. Course Outlines Detailed course information is available online. Students are responsible to be aware of any course specific requirements. Course outlines can be viewed at Dissatisfaction with Course or Instructor Attempts should be made to resolve any misunderstandings with your instructor. If unresolved, discuss the issue with your Program Head. Subsequent steps may be taken through the Associate Dean. Exam Identification In order to write exams, students will be required to produce photo-identification at examination centers. Photo ID must be placed on the desk before an exam will be issued to the student. The ID must remain in view on the desk while writing the exam for inspection by invigilators. Students should bring their BCIT ID Card or alternatively two pieces of identification, one of which must be government photo ID such as a driver’s license. Instructors All our instructors have an open door policy. In addition, each instructor should have office hours. For your convenience, instructors can be reached by calling their local from the internal telephones located throughout the campus. Please check with your instructor if myBCIT will be used for electronic communications. Timetabling Any changes to the timetable will be posted. Individual timetables are available through myBCIT and block timetables are also available online. Withdrawal from Program/Courses Students withdrawing officially from a course will be allowed to do so until the specified withdrawal date (refer to current calendar for the Fall Term) and will receive a "W" on their transcript. It is recommended that you discuss any course withdrawal with your program head. STUDENT ADVANCEMENT GUIDELINES Fail the Term Students who fail three or more courses in a term may not proceed in the program and must apply for formal re-admission to the program before advancing to the next level. Students may be eligible to register for individual, lower level courses. Modified Program Students who are unsuccessful in two or more courses may be placed on a modified program and be required to register course-by-course. Registration in individual courses is subject to space availability. Three Attempts in a Course - BCIT Policy 5103 Students must complete a course within a maximum of three attempts. If they do not complete within three attempts, they will not be eligible to graduate from the program. Students require written permission from the Associate Dean to register after two unsuccessful attempts. Student Performance Contract – BCIT Policy 5100 Initiated by the department or program to address the following issues: Failure to complete an outstanding course in a timely fashion. Cumulative total of five or more unsuccessful attempts in program courses. Other circumstances that the department identifies at a marks review relating to poor performance in a course or courses. Return to the Program Students who wish to return to day school programs after not attending for a period of one term or longer, must apply for readmission to the program to attend either full-time or on a modified basis. In some cases, signing a performance contract may be required. LAB AND SHOP SAFETY BCIT is dedicated to promoting safe and healthy working conditions and attitudes for employees, students and visitors. Failure to comply with the following regulations will result in your having to leave the shop/lab area. Note that these are minimum requirements and in many situations additional safety protection must be worn. These regulations do not apply to people passing through a shop within a clearly marked safety path. Students using shops will provide their own personal eye and foot protection equipment. Eye Protection Appropriate safety eyewear must be worn at all times except in situations where the instructor specifically states safety eyewear is not required. Foot Protection Everyone must wear CSA approved safety footwear (boots with Green Triangle logo, puncture proof sole, steel toes and ankle support). Clothing Suitable close fitting clothing protecting arms must be worn at all times, except where the instructor expressly indicates that bare arms are safe or desirable in a specific situation. Where long sleeves may be a hazard they are to be securely rolled up to a safe length. Bare legs are prohibited. Suppliers Approved safety glasses are available on campus from the bookstore and the T’n’T store in SE2, as well as from industrial suppliers. Safety footwear is available from department stores and speciality outlets, with prices starting in the $40 - $50 range. Required safety equipment for other types of labs will be outlined by the program area. Alertness Students are expected to be alert and aware of potential hazards. Personal music players (eg. iPods) are not permitted. Impairment resulting from use of alcohol or drugs will result in suspension. ___________________ 1 A working shop is defined as one in which manufacturing and/or service activity of any kind, even by a single individual, is taking place. This would include the demonstration of operations. ASSOCIATE DEAN’S OFFICE & PROGRAM HEADS* Paul Morrison 604-432-8488 Associate Dean SW9-201E Courtney Neish 604-432-8274 Administrative Assistant to the Associate Dean SW9-201D [email protected] Mary Woodbury 604-451-6868 Program Assistant SW9-201 [email protected] Alan Inglis 604-432-8331 Program Head SW9-201J Mechanical First Year [email protected] Ken Wong 604-451-6708 Program Head SW9-201C Mechanical Design [email protected] Dave Lewis 604-432-8925 Program Head SW9-201P Mechanical Manufacturing [email protected] Mehrzad Tabatabaian 604-451-6827 Program Head SW9-201F Mechanical Systems [email protected] Mark McDonald 604-432-8326 Program Head SW1-1580 Chemical & Environmental [email protected] Brent Dunn 604-432-8755 Program Head SW9-201Q Mechatronics & Robotics [email protected] Roger Bortignon 604-412-7412 Program Head SW9-201H Technology Teacher Education [email protected] Taco Niet 604-456-8032 Program Head SW9-210M Bachelor of Engineering [email protected] Mick Andic 604-432-8330 Program Head SW9-201G BTech in Manufacturing [email protected] * As of August 1, 2014 [email protected] Useful BCIT Links BCIT Homepage School Homepage Welcome to BCIT BCIT Commons myBCIT Events Calendar Parking Sustainability Student Association Financial Aid Extended Medical Plan Employment Services Bookstore
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