TM & © DC Comics (s12) F I G U R E S F O R T H E C O L L E C T O R INDEX INTRODUCTION.................................................................5 BASIC RULES..................................................................15 SIGHT.....................................................................................15 GAME COMPONENTS....................................................5 • • • • • • • • • PLAYING SURFACE..................................................5 DICE............................................................................5 COUNTERS................................................................5 MARKERS..................................................................5 MEASURES.................................................................6 THE ROUND OFF......................................................6 THE MINIATURES....................................................6 MINIATURES SIZE....................................................6 MOVEMENT ..........................................................................16 • • • • • • • • • • VOLUME.............................................................................6 CHARACTER CARD .......................................................8 • • • • • • • CHARACTER NAME / IDENTIFICATION...........8 RANK ......................................................................8 AFFILIATE ..............................................................8 REPUTATION.........................................................8 $ FUNDING.............................................................8 WEAPONS...............................................................8 TRAITS / SPECIAL TRAITS...................................8 DISABLED MOVEMENT........................................16 MOVE AROUND ARKHAM CITY.......................16 PASS A SMALL OBSTACLE....................................16 PASS A DIFFICULT OBSTACLE........................... 16 DIFFICULT GROUND............................................17 CLIMB A VERTICAL OBSTACLE..........................17 JUMP A GAP.............................................................17 SPRING INTO THE AIR.........................................17 FALLS........................................................................18 MANIPULATE.........................................................18 ATTACK ................................................................................18 CHARACTER PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS.......................................................9 • • • • • • • LIGHTS...................................................................15 STRENGTH..............................................................9 WILLPOWER ..........................................................9 MOVEMENT............................................................9 DEFENSE..................................................................9 ATTACK....................................................................9 ENDURANCE...........................................................9 SPECIAL....................................................................9 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CLOSE COMBAT...................................................18 HIT.............................................................................18 DAMAGE..................................................................19 NUMERICAL INFERIORITY. ................................19 DEFENSE POSITIONING.......................................19 CLOSE COMBAT GRAB. ......................................19 CLOSE COMBAT PUSH..........................................19 DEFENSE..................................................................19 RANGED ATTACK/SHOOT..................................21 RANGE......................................................................21 RATE OF FIRE (ROF)..............................................21 AMMUNITION........................................................21 DAMAGW.................................................................21 BLINK!....................................................................21 BLINK! ROLL. ..........................................................21 CROSS FIRE. ............................................................22 IMPACT.....................................................................22 • • • • • • • • • DAMAGE ACCUMULATION EFFECTS...............23 K.O KNOCK OUT....................................................23 CASUALTY. . .............................................................23 COLLATERAL DAMAGE......................................23 KNOCK DOWN.......................................................23 CRITICAL DAMAGE..............................................24 RECOVER . ...............................................................24 RECOVER FROM A STUN.....................................24 RECOVER FROM A K.O.........................................24 PLAYING SEQUENCE...................................................11 DAMAGE ..............................................................................22 1 TAKE THE LEAD...............................................................11 2 RAISE A PLAN..................................................................11 • BASIC SKILLS/ ABILITIES....................................11 • DISTRIBUTING THE ACTION COUNTERS............................................................12 • USING YOUR COUNTERS.....................................12 3 EXECUTE THE PLAN ......................................................12 • • • • ACTIVATE A FIGURE.............................................12 PASSIVE SKILLS......................................................12 PASS...........................................................................12 SKILL ROLL..............................................................13 4 CASUALTY RECOUNTS (end of a round) ......................13 2 W SET UP...............................................................................26 • PLACE THE SCENERY................................................26 CONFIGURING YOUR BAND ...............................................26 • • • • ESTABLISH REPUTATION....................................26 BAND LEADER .......................................................26 RANK........................................................................26 $ FUNDING..............................................................26 • EQUIPMENT..........................................................27 STRATEGIES (optional).....................................................28 CHOOSING STRATEGIES............................................28 Phase A/ Scenario Election .............................................29 Phase B/ Urban Furniture.................................................29 • • • SEWERS.................................................................29 GETTING IN AND OUT OF THE SEWER...........29 LAMPPOSTS.........................................................29 Phase C/ BANDS ................................................................30 Phase D/ OBJECTIVES ......................................................30 • • • • • CONTROLLING OBJECTIVES..............................30 LOOT. .......................................................................30 ENIGMA...................................................................31 AMMO CRATES.......................................................31 TITAN CONTAINER................................................31 Phase E/ Start Playing .......................................................31 END GAME .......................................................................31 • • • RUN AWAY................................................................31 WINNING THE GAME AND VICTORY POINT COUNT . ..........................................................31 CREDITS........................................................................34 3 “Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. There’s a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth... Hope. Every man who has ventured here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy... So simple... And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope. So, as I terrorize Gotham, I will feed its people hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe they can survive so that you can watch them clamoring over each other to “stay in the sun.” You can watch me torture an entire city and when you have truly understood the depth of your failure, we will fulfill Ra’s al Ghul’s destiny... We will destroy Gotham and then, when it is done and Gotham is ashes, then you have my permission to die” Bane, The Dark Knight Rises 4 “Welcome to the madhouse, Batman! I set a trap, and you sprang it gloriously! Now let’s get this party started! Joker, Arkham Asylum INTRODUCTION BATMAN MINIATURE GAME is a new skirmish game, with an original gameplay based on action counters, and a previous stage where figures actions are planned, as we explain later on. The gameplay system is designed for both novice and veteran players. It has a strategic and dynamic orientation that avoids complex mechanisms and makes it suitable for all kind of players. This game is focused on DC Comics World, primarily in the Batman universe and the villains associated with him. GAME COMPONENTS Batman MiniWature Game requires: a scenery which represents the city area, a few six-sided dice, counters, a tape measure and Knigth Models Miniatures. Knigth Models Miniatures accurately represent each of our game characters. PLAYING SURFACE COUNTERS We must prepare any table or board with a minimum of 90x90 length and place the scenographic elements (houses, trees, cars, etc.) over it, simulating the streets, gardens, parks & harbors from Arkham or Gotham City. This scenographic items can be easily purchased or even made by the players with their own creative and imagination skills. As much scenographic area you dispose, more entertaining the game can be. The counters can be represented by gems, chips, tokens or even the dice. Please make sure that the counter you choose fits on the space specially designed for them on the character card. You will need from 4 to 8 counters per character. Counters can be easily purchased in most stores. Get a small non-transparent bag or container to keep the counters. This will be used to determine who will be the first player. The counter duties will be explain afterwards. “The world is cruel. And the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair.” MARKERS While you play the game there are many situations or states of the characters to remember (damage, poison, knock down, etc.) Knigth Models has designed special markers, which you can find the at the end of the rulebook. The markers should be placed next to the character miniature in order to keep track of the damage or special powers effects during the game. Also there are special target markers that designate missions. Two-Face, The dark Knight DICE You’ll need many six-sided dice to play the Batman Miniature Game. At least one of them should come in a different colour. Knigth Models will provide special branded band dice. 5 THE MINIATURES MEASURES To play Batman Miniatures Game you will need a tape The most important pieces in the game are the miniameasure (in centimeters, cm) to check the distance be- tures. Knigth Models offers a faithful representation tween characters and the lenght of their movements. of the characters from Batman´s world. All the miniatures include a base and the corresponding Character Card, which includes all the information required to play the game. This distances between miniatures, or between miniatures and obstacles, should be MINIATURES SIZE measured from their closest volume point. Almost all Batman Miniatures characters are humans with a similar length (30 to 40mm aprox.). The size difference between them is insignificant over the game scale, which is why we consider all of them in a standard size unless it specifically describes on a character that this is not the case. The miniature size and volume is determined by the base the figure is set on. Knigth Models will provide all miniatures corresponding base to stand on. The distance traveled by a miniature through the ground/land starts from its own base edge to its new position, without exceeding the allowed distance with any part of its base edge. VOLUME. The miniatures occupy a cylindric space: diameter base x height, not including equipment elements and limbs that exceed this cylinder. Note: The volume is a part of the miniature. If the miniature is on its knees or over a decorative element, take the volume as when the miniature is upright over its own base. Any time during the game any distance measures are allowed. THE ROUND OFF Many situations of the game will ask you to divide a numeric value. If there is a remainder, the number should be rounded down. 6 7 CHARACTER CARD All miniatures have their own Character Card. This card will not only describe all the character information that you need to play, but it will also work as a special tool during the game. Knigth Models will give each miniature a Character Card describing the following features: CASE:_______________ K35BAC001 1 2 3 Affiliate:__________ Bruce Wayne Batman Name:__________ Batman Alias:__________ Leader Rank:__________ Special Damage ROF Ammo Batarang / 2 / 3 / Remote Control ________________________ Throwing - M. Range / - / / - Personal Traits: _______________________ Batcape _______________________ Detective _______________________ Explosive Gel _______________________ Batclaw _______________________ Reinforced Gloves Special Traits: _______________________ Couterattack _______________________ Sneak Attack _______________________ Batarmor Mk1 _______________________ Total Vision _______________________ 7 ______________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ 4 Reputation: Strength 130 3+ 5 Defense 5 Endurance 8 Special 3 MC SC Attack 8 DC 3 Willpower: $0,00 AC Movement 5 $ Funding: Gov. Ghotam_________________ 1 4 CHARACTER NAME AND IDENTIFICATION In making a band the reputation will set the value of the character within the band. All the scenarios have their own reputation quantity (which can be established by the players) in order to configure the band. The sum of all band members’ reputation can not be higher than the established band reputation. This is what makes a character unique, because you can’t line up more than one of the same character in a band. Basically, how could we have two Batmans in the same band. 2 RANK 5 $ FUNDING Weapons and character equipment values comes in Dollars. Each band can include a maximum $ amount to their team, which depends on the total reputation the group owns. Please check “band configuration” for more details. Different ranks can be: Leader, Sidekick, Free Agent, Henchman or Lackey. This distinctions are important in arranging a band, as there are a few requirements and a limit on how many characters can join, and it will depend on the character rank. 3 REPUTATION AFFILIATE 6 WEAPONS On this section more than one band icon may appear. In this square are the weapons that can bring the chaThis icon shows the band or bands that the charac- racter ter can join. The icon of your Leader will determine which characters can line up with him. 7 TRAITS / SPECIAL TRAITS This means all band members will have the same icon Traits and special traits that owns the character. as their Leader. 8 CHARACTER PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS All Batman Miniatures Game figures have their own particular principal characteristics, with their own abilities and skills. Every characteristic has a numeric value, which will be the key to success during the game. There are six principal characteristics: STRENGTH DEFENSE It is used to produce damage from an impact during This value represents the defense capacity against the an attack. The Damage Roll must be equal to or greater enemy’s attacks. The dice roll of your opponent must than the value of the opponent’s strength to damage. be equal or greater to this value to score a hit. This value also represents the number of opportunities to WILLPOWER block enemies’s hits. Willpower is one of the most important characteristics. It represents the character’s capacity to “act” during his turn. The more willpower a character has, the more he will be able to do when he is active. It may mean that he can run more, attack more times, defend himself, do special actions, etc… This value is the number of Action Counters the figure has to share out, on each turn, between his basic skills (move, attack, defend, special). ATTACK This value represents the character’s offensive capacity. The higher your Attack, the more times you can strike. It is also the number your opponent must surpass to block. There is a space in the Character Card to place Action Counters to attack. ENDURANCE MOVEMENT Represents the capacity to take hits or resist injuries. This number is the maximum of damages a figure can Basically all figures “walk” the same speed, but they endure before getting K.O. There is a space in the may not “run” with the same velocity. This value re- Character Card to place Action Counters to place the presents the capacity to make or force the miniature’s Damage Markers recieved. mobility (run, climb, dodg, etc.). There is a space in the Character Card to place Action Counters to move SPECIAL longer or execute special movements. This is a space in the Character Card to place Action Counters to perform Special Actions. 9 10 PLAYING SEQUENCE The playing sequence is structured by rounds. The players should execute the following stages consecutively in the following order, as shown below. Once these stages are done, a new round will start, and so on until the goals are achieved The player must divide up the action counters (Willpower value) between the skills the figure has. Place the counters on their empty space on the character card. This will help us to carry out the basic abilities and use the special rules during the different game stages. “You picked wrong, Dark Knight!” The Riddler, Arkham City 1 TAKE THE LEAD On the first round players have to introduce as many dice/counters as the number of rounds the stage has (used to be 6 to 8 turns) and put them into a non transparent bag or recipient. The dice/counters should be of similar shape, but in two different colors. Each player should have the same amount. At the beginning of each round one player will extract a die/counter from the bag and show it. The owner of the extracted die/counter will be the one who takes the lead for the round. Whichever player leads the round will choose the player who plays first at the next stage. Players must extract a die/counter each round until there are no more dice/counters left. If, for any reason, there are no more dice/counter to extract the game will be finished instantly. A game won´t have more rounds as initially decided even if there are dice/counters left to extract. Modifier to the rule: for every 2 damage markers the character accumulates at the beginning of the stage, the character will loose 1 action counter! DISTRIBUTING THE ACTION COUNTERS Please follow the conditions described before awarding the action counters to your figure. You can have empty spaces as you like. MOVE ABILITY The player can place as many action counters as his Movement value. These counters will improve the character’s movement capacity. We will call them from now on, Movement Counters or MC. “It doesn’t matter who we are. What matters is our plan... No one cared who I was ‘til I put on the mask...” ATTACK ABILITY The player can place as many action counters as his character’s Attack. These counters allow the character to make ranged and close combat attacks (check attack rules for more info). We call these counters Attack Counters or AC. Bane, The Dark Knight Rises 2 RAISE A PLAN DEFENSE ABILITY Place as many action counters as the character’s Defense value has. This is a “passive” skill and can be used when the character is “non active”. Each of the counters can be used to block an attack or hit from the opponent during close combat. We will call this counters Defense Counters, or DC. It is time to decide what your characters will do during your turn. The lead player will choose the player who starts raising his plan. The chosen player must award and give out the Actions Counters, equal to the character´s Willpower, between the basic skills shown on the character card. Once the first player has planned what his characters will do, the opponent must do the same with his figures. When both players are ready, and have made clear their own plans, we can start the next stage. SPECIAL ABILITY (value 3) Players can use up to three counters for this attribute. Each of these counters are for the character’s special ability, or to recover damage at the end of the turn. These counters will be called Special Counters or SC. BASIC SKILLS/ ABILITIES The character card has four blank spaces for each character ability (movement, attack, defense & special). 11 USING YOUR COUNTERS PASSIVE SKILLS During the game, you will need to use your basic skills consumig action counters. Remove the counter from the character card until it can be awarded again later. If an action requires you to use or consume more than one action counter and you do not posses enough action counters, you cannot carry out this action or rule. Many abilities are passive, such as defend or block. This can be used, during other player’s turn, as response to attacks or to special rules. The instructions and cost in counters will be shown on each passive skill. “Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just… do things. The mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon’s got plans. You know, they’re schemers. Schemers trying to control their little worlds. I’m not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are” PASS At the beginning of Execute the Plan, players must decide how many pass chances the player with fewer figures has. The pass chances are equal to difference between how many fewer miniatures the player has than their opponent (K.O. characters doesn’t count for this.) This way, the player with fewer figures can pass and give the chance of activation to the opposite player. This means a player can activate two characters consecutively. A player cannot pass more than twice consecutively. Joker, The Dark Knight 3 EXECUTE THE PLAN As soon both players had planned all their figures’ actions, it is time to activate them and start to attack or move. The players will alternate for figures activation. We will always start with the player who first raised the plan. Each character can only be activated once per round. Once all figures are activated during a round we will get to the final stage. ACTIVATE A FIGURE As soon as a figure is active, it can perform moves and attacks. It can also use the special skills. Players should declare, at the beginning of a character’s activation, their abilities and the order of consumption. This means the character can move & attack, attack & move, just attack, or just move. Once the character has done his basic abilities and spent the required counters, the activation will be finished and give way to the next player’s figure activation procedure. Note: Players are not required to use all counters. 12 SKILL ROLL “I seem to be losing men like there’s a plague in town. I guess the bat is back” To succescfully execute some actions you must pass a roll. Compare the roll against the value of principal character characteristics: Joker, Arkham Asylum AGILITY ROLL To succeed you must roll one die which must be equal to or less than the character’s Movement value. RESISTANCE ROLL To succeed you must throw two dice and the sum of both should be equal to or less than the character’s Endurance value. WILLPOWER ROLL To succeed you must throw two dice and the sum of both should be equal or less than the character’s Willpower value. 4º CASUALTY RECOUNTS (end of a round) At the end of the round, the K.O. or stunned figures will have the chance to recover and get rid of stunned markers or wake up from a K.O. To make this happen, make a recover roll (check recover). Once the recover rolls are done the players must carry on with all those rules that must be enacted at “the end of the round”. Afterwards, remove all unused action counters from the character cards and check the victory conditions over the scenery. 13 14 BASIC RULES “Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING! Shadows betray you, because they belong to me” Bane, The Dark Knight Rises SIGHT If something is further than 30cm from a character, it won´t be seen so you cannot attack that object or objective. In Batman Miniatures Game it is always nighttime… That´s why visibility is reduced. None of the characters are able to see over 30cm away from its volume from in any direction. Of course, there are abilities and equipment which will let you see more or even less sometimes. LIGHTS In the game there will be streetlights, lanterns and spotlights which light up the street over the playing ground. In each case, we will specify the area each object illuminates. In all cases, if a character is under the effect of any light, it will become totally visible by the other figures which can draw a direct line of sight to the figure, regardless at what distance they are. To see another character you must be able to trace a straight, unobstructed line between any point of the volume of both figures. The easiest way is to draw an imaginary line between the figures using a ruler or a laser pointer. SEEN SEEN To see at least a quarter (1/4) of the miniature’s volume must be visible, not including as volume the open arms, or other equip elements that may stick out from the base diameter. NOT SEEN 15 “This place is dangerous. I like it.” MOVEMENT Catwoman to Batman, Arkham City All Batman Miniatures Game characters have the basic movement capacity (BMC), which is set on 10cm and may change according to their special rules. When a figure is active and moves, it can travel around the playing area as many centimeters (cm) as its BMC value. Furthermore, if the character has MC (meaning that the player added action counters to its move basic ability) it can be used to move further. A die must be thrown for each used MC and the sum all the die results (in cm) should be added to the character’s BMC. The total will be the characters new BMC during the activation. All the MC added to the BMC should be used at the same time. A figure which does not use the MC at its movement turn cannot use them to move at any other moment after the activation, but may use them to pay other costs. The miniature can not go through any space or volume already occupied by other miniatures. MOVE AROUND ARKHAM CITY The ground elements around the scenery are fundamental for the miniatures’ motion and sight. The Batman Miniatures Game combat will take place in the city, so the movement rules are designed to this evironment. All ground elements are considered obstacles, which will be divided in different categories: small obstacles, difficult obstacles, and vertical obstacles. PASS A SMALL OBSTACLE Small obstacles won´t exceed half of the miniatures height (around 2cm for a regular or human figure). Small obstacles can be garden hedges, boxes, buckets, chairs or any domestic furniture in general. Passing them won´t carry any penalty as they don´t exceed half of the miniature’s size. If it is higher, it is considered a difficult obstacle. RUN A character can double his BMC using 1MC and 1SC. During this movement the figure won´t be able to manipulate, cross any obstacle or difficult ground, climb, or make any jump, and must move at least 10cm. STAND When a figure is knocked down, it may stand up during its activation using 1 of any Action Counter. Once it is standing again it can move as usual. PASS A DIFFICULT OBSTACLE JUMP CAPACITY (JC) Some miniatures moves require jumping over obstacles or ground gaps. In these cases, check the jump capacity or JC, to determine the highest jump distance the character can make. As a default, the miniature’s JC is always the half amount of its BMC. These obstacles are those higher than half of the miniature size but not taller than the miniature itself (around 2 to 4 or 5cm for a “human” character). These obstacles can be high garden hedges, fences, cars, containers, big trash bins and the urban furniture in general. DISABLED MOVEMENT During the game there will be occasions where a character’s moves may be disabled by a ground difficulty or by a rule effect. When a miniature is under a disable movement effect, discount 2cm (centimeters) from the BMC per centimeter he may travel across. 16 JUMP A GAP DIFFICULT GROUND A character can horizontally jump a gap or empty space which is no higher than the JC, but must spend 1MC to proceed. Is considered a difficult obstacle ground areas as piles of debris, smashed zones, tree areas, waterways or harbor water. Before the mission starts the players must set which elements are considered difficult grounds. Equal or less than your JC If greater can not jump SPRING INTO THE AIR If a character needs to cross this difficult ground or difficult obstacle they will need 1MC, or they won´t be capable to do it. The characters can spring into the air when they find a very uneven piece of land. It will cost 1MC or it will count as a fall. If the jump height is less than the JC, the jump will succeed automatically, and you may place the figure CLIMB A VERTICAL OBSTACLE standing at the end of the gap and keep moving if theThese vertical obstacles are much taller than the mi- re are BMC left. niature, such as a wall or any other element which can If the jump is higher than the JC then the character be climbed. Don´t forget to set the vertical obstacles will suffer damage. The damage depends on the difference between the distance and the JC. Unless the plabefore the game starts. To move vertically we must measure the initial and yer has a successful agility roll, the figure will always final miniature base position. While the character get knocked down. moves vertically we consider it a difficult move and he must expend 1MC or he cannot proceed. If a cha• If it exceeds until 5cm from the JC, the figure gets a damage marker (daze) racter tries to climb a vertical obstacle he must finish • If it exceeds from 6 to 10cm from the JC, the figure his move on a area where the miniature can be placed, gets a damage marker (injured) such as a roof or the top of a wall, that is thick enough • If it exceeds from 11 to 15cm from the JC, the figure to stand upon. Otherwise you will spring into the air gets as many damages markers (injured) was half of or suffer the fallen rules. his Endurance value. • OK NO If it exceeds more than 15cm from the JC, this counts as a casualty, remove the miniature from the game. To JC not damaged 17 Damage by distance jump CLOSE COMBAT Bruce, why do we fall? Thomas Wayne, Batman Begins To make a close combat and hit the enemy, both miniatures must be in contact on any part of their volumes. FALLS FALLS In many occasions occasionsthe thecharacters charactersmay may forced In many bebe forced to to make springinto intothe theairairoror push oppomake aa spring bebe push by by thethe opponent after an an attack. attack. IfIf this this happens, happens, near nearaahigh high edge nent after such as a terrace roof or balcony and the figure canedge such as a terrace roof or balcony and the figure not stand, thenthen the the character needs to jump from that cannot stand, character needs to jump from distance. that distance. If the miniature miniature jumps jumps into into the the void, void,ititwill willsuffer sufferthe the If the same effects as as ititsprings springsinto intothe theair, air,but butthe theJCJC will same effects will count as Zero “0” count as zero “0” Note: There are weapons and special attacks which allows a close combat with no contact. MANIPULATE Many scenery require the characters to manipulate objects. This must be decided before rolling the dice. Different manipulation actions may include opening a door, picking something up from the floor, etc…Please determine, before the game starts, which manipulate actions can be done by the figures and the effects or results after the manipulation. A character has to spend 1 MC to manipulate an object if he is in contact with it (or carry it), having the benefit of the object he is carrying. “Someone cut the mask off his face. No need to be gentle.” Penguin, Arkham City HIT Each AC used in a close compact counts as a strike or impact roll against the opponent. If there is more than one enemy in the close combat, the player can distribute the strikes between the adjacent enemies. This must be decided before throwing the dice. Just one attack per character is allowed per activation, so if you spend more than one AC to attack the same enemy figure, all the dice should be rolled at the same time. “You know how to fight six men, we can teach you how to engage six hundred. You know how to disappear, we can teach you to become truly invisible.” Ra’s al Ghul training Bruce Wayne ATTACK If the attacker carries one or more than one close combat weapons (described on the character card), it There are two ways for a figure to attack: a distance should be clarified which of the weapons will be used attack or a close combat (with or without weapon). A before the dice roll, and the character must use the figure can only attack using one (never both) of these same weapon for all the attacks during that round. ways, during its activation. The attack should be done before or after the movement (as the player stated before the attack) when all CLOSE COMBAT WEAPONS the requirements and counter costs are accomplished. This weapons provide higher impact and damage The player will distribute the hits or shoots (impact probabilities. They have the following special chadice) among his enemies. Afterwards you must make racteristics: the impact roll. Damage Baton 18 / / ROF 3- / / Ammo 2- / / Special Firearm - S. Range Handy - Tough Light DAMAGE The figure is surrounded on both sides by elements which stop the way, as when you protect a door, a corridor, or two difficult vertical elements. Each attack or weapon produces a number of Damage Markers per impact. A character can choose to attack unarmed or be forced to do so by a special rule (see Unarmed Damage). NUMERICAL INFERIORITY If during close combat a figure is in contact with at least 2 enemies (including the attacker) and at the same time these are not in contact with any other enemy, the attacked figure Defense value will be reduced -1. DEFENSE POSITIONING CLOSE COMBAT GRAB If during close combat the objective character position is in any of the following cases, it will raise his Defense value +1 at the impact rolls: Instead of attacking an enemy a character can grab him. Choose how many AC you want to use plus 1SC and make an unarmed impact roll. If the damage is achieved, the immobilize effect will be added to the damage (check effects). If a figure gets immobilized/grabbed by several enemies he will lose -1 to Defense per each enemy, until a minimum of 1. The figure is on a higher position than his aggressor, but they are still in contact. To release and get rid of the effect, the grabbed figure must spend at least 1AC at the activation and roll a die per each AC to beat his own Strength. If he succeeds it will release the figure and let him activate normally. The figure can be released as well if his captor moves away or attacks other figure. If the figure is grabbed by several characters he may spend at least 1 AC per each and get released from all of them. CLOSE COMBAT PUSH The figure is behind an object which is no thicker than 2cm, and it is not higher than the close combat fighting miniatures. This can be a fence, a hedge, wall, etc. Instead of hitting an enemy you can try to push. Please choose how many AC you want to use plus 1SC and make an impact roll, as you do when you attack. If the damage is achieved, the displaced effect will be added to the damage (see effects). DEFENSE If a character is attacked in close combat and he has DC left on his character’s card, he may use them to block or cancel his enemy’s attacks. This can be decided before the aggressor has launched his AC for the impact roll, but before the damage roll. 19 BLOCK To block or repeal an enemy impact, roll a die per every DC used. To any equal or higher result to the opposite’s attack value, you will have succeeded to repeal the impacts (please, choose which of the impacts) and the next damage roll will not be needed. 20 Batman: “No guns. No killing” Catwoman: “Where’s the fun in that?!” AMMUNITION The ammunition is how many times you can attack with this weapon during the game, and it is represented by ammunition magazines. When a figure shoots a weapon, he may discount a magazine. If all ammuRANGED ATTACK/SHOOT nition magazines are exhausted, he cannot use that If the character carries a distance weapon, he will be weapon any more. able to make a distance attack with it if he keeps the At many game situations the characters may be able to get additional ammunition. following requirements: Only one distance weapon attack is allowed per activation and 2 AC must be spent. This allows a player DAMAGE to make as many shoots or impact rolls as the fire rate allows (see rate of fire). This characteristic indicates the kind and the damage The Dark Knight Rises. markers quantity that weapons produce once a hit is scored. RANGE All distance weapons have unlimited reach, but the BLINK! character has to be able to see and draw a line to the objective. However, the weapons have a minimum use If you want to make a shot to a non-complete visible distance, which means that a character cannot attack object, as it may be hidden behind a car, street corwith a distance weapon if the enemy miniatures are ner… or even if a few obstacles are in your way, the closer than 5cm away. target player would be asked a blink! roll for each of this obstacles. RANGED WEAPONS The blink! roll should be done after a successfull imThis weapons can only be used for a “Ranged Atpact roll. tack”. They have special characteristics that define The miniatures next to an obstacle or another miniaits usage and capabilities. ture, may be able to shoot over the close object/miniature (as soon as the size of it allows you to) and we will Special Damage ROF Ammo not take it as a blink! obstacle. Firearm - S. Range Automatic Gun / 3 / 2 / Light RATE OF FIRE (ROF) Sets the number of shots or dice to impact. This impact dice can be distributed between several objectives, as soon as all the shot conditions are fulfilled. If the figure has declared to move at his activation, he will have 1 die to impact instead of the regular weapon BLINK! ROLL fire rate. If a character owns more than one distance weapon he must choose only one of them to attack during this If the enemy has been impacted, throw the die for the first obstacle which is blocking the trajectory. If you round. fail the blink! roll difficulty, you must keep on making blink! rolls, until the target is reached or the shoot fails. If a blink! roll is passed, the shot will impact against the obstacle and the shot will be considered failed. If the obstacle is a damageable element or character, it will suffer the “cross fire”. If all blink! rolls are failed the shot impacts against the target. 21 “Wanna know how I got these scars? My father was… a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn’t like that. Not-one-bit. So – me watching – he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it! Turns to me, and he says, “why so serious, son?” Comes at me with the knife… “Why so serious?” He sticks the blade in my mouth… “Let’s put a smile on that face!” And…Why so serious?” Blink! Difficulty Not all the obstacles have the same facility to repeal an impact. The blink! Difficulty level is set by the kind of obstacle: 4 or +, walls or objects considered “solid” or very resistant 5 or +, wood fences, trees, cars, streetlights or any urban furniture. Joker, The Dark Knight Rises 6, hedges, wire fences, boxes, tables or any domestic furniture. DAMAGE If an enemy impact is achieved, you must roll a die per each successful impact (please include the collateral damage die) to see what damages are produced. For each damage result equal or higher to the strength of the attacker, damage is achieved. This will be reflected by damage markers specified in each weapon or attack. Damage can produce also an effect (see advanced rules). CROSS FIRE If a character or damageable object has been impacted by a blink! roll, and then the damage roll is passed, it will just accumulate 1 injured marker instead of the normal damage the weapon produces. Sometimes the closed combat weapons can change the figure’s strength. A “+” or “-” symbol will be shown before a digit. An active character next to an obstacle can crouch next to it using 1 SC. This way, if afterwards the obstacle supplies him a blink! roll, he will obtain +1 on that roll. Example: If “+1” is indicated and the figure strength is “4+”, the result you need to cause damage with this weapon will be “+3”, as the marker is positive. IMPACT All damage rolls with 1 (without modification) as a result will be considered failed, if the result is 6 (without modification) always will be a successful damage. As soon as all the attack dice are awarded to hit the enemy, you must take all the dice and make an impact roll. Roll all the dice against the same character. Any result equal or higher to the opposition’s Defense value will be considered an impact. For each successful impact, a damage roll should be done (see Damage). Impact rolls with a 1 as die result (without modification) is always a fail, as any 6 die result (without modification) will be considered always an impact. For each damage against a figure, he may accumulate one or even more damage markers. There are two kinds of damage markers, STUN AND INJURED, depending on the characters and/or the weapon(s) which have caused the damage (this will be indicated at the figures or weapon characteristics). JO KE R JO KE R Q Q 22 For Example: A character ENDURANCE 4 that has suffered damage ( ), suffers another attack damage ( ). So the character is KO (4 damage ). The surplus Damage must replace the previous Damage. The result is so the miniature becomes a Casualty. UNARMED If a character has no weapons he can hit, kick, bite, etc. The damage caused by this kind of impacts will be always a stun marker. SCRATCH While impacting with distance weapons, even if you have failed the damage roll, always a stun marker will be achieved. CASUALTY If a figure gets both kind of markers on the same attack, please first award the injured markers and thenthe Stun markers. If the character gets more markers than his own Endurance value, the resting markers will be ignored. If the accumulated markers are injury markers, the figure will be considered a casualty and must be removed from the game. Example: If a figure gets 2 damages ( ), first award the 4 injured markers ( ) and after 2 stun markers ( ). If the figure has a Endurance valued in 5, it will get a K.O and the last stun marker will be ignored. At all damage roll you should also roll the Collateral Damage Die. This die color should be different, and it should be rolled at the same time as all the damage dice. However, its resolution will be different, and it has nothing in common with the damage dice consequences. The collateral damage die will set if the miniature is knock down, and the critic and special damage produced by the weapons or attacks. COLLATERAL DAMAGE DAMAGE ACCUMULATION EFFECTS Each time a miniature accumulates 2 of any damage markers, an Action Counter will be immediately removed at player’s election. At the Rise the Plan stage, if a figure has damage markers accumulated, he will loose 1 Action Counter per every 2 accumulated markers during this round. At the end of each turn, all characters can get rid of stun markers making a recovery roll (check recovery). KNOCK DOWN Any damage roll which collateral damage result is equal to any of the damage dice result, the character gets knock down. This can even happen without damaging the objective, but a twice “1” result will be still a fail and will not knock down the target. K.O KNOCK OUT As soon as a character accumulates as many damage markers as his own Endurance value, it will be an immediate K.O When a character is K.O, he loses all of his Action Counters and gets knocked down at that position until he gets recovered. Otherwise, he will stay K.O until the end of the game. A K.O figure cannot award counters at the rising a plan stage, either get activated but will have a chance to recover at the end of each round. Place a K.O marker next to the figure to tell the difference between other knocked down figures. When a character falls KO, any surplus Injury marker must be exchanged for previously Stun Markers, this can make the character to become Casualty. 23 “Anyone want a slightly used Batsuit? I’m sure the blood’ll wash off.” Penguin, Arkham City CRITICAL DAMAGE In any damage roll in which you pass the roll at least with one die and the collateral damage result is 6, you will obtain an extra damage marker (stun marker) to the total inflicted damage. SPECIAL CRITICAL (CRT) Many weapons and attacks can produce a different effect, having a special critic as result, indicated as CRT at the weapon or rule description. The CRT always replaces the extra stun damage. “I broke you... How have you come back?” Bane, The Dark Knight Rises RECOVER At the end of each round, in the Casualty Recounts phase, all the characters who have accumulated stun markers or are KO, may attempt to remove a stun marker or get up from KO, performing a recovery roll. The injury markers cannot be recovered, and they will not be taken from the figure. RECOVER FROM A STUN To get recovered, please roll 1 die per figure. The die result of 4 or higher allows you to get rid of a stun marker. If the figure still has SC, at the end of the round, you can use them now and roll one more die per each SC to try to get rid from more stun markers. RECOVER FROM A K.O To recover from a K.O, please first make a Endurance roll. If the K.O figure passes the roll, it will be recovered and keep lay down at this position until it is able to stand up. Keep all the injury markers and all stun markers, except one. If you do not succeed, it will stay K.O. 24 25 SET UP Once you have everything you need to play is the time to set up a Batman Miniature Game. First place the scenery available and get ready a Band according to the established reputation. Then pick a scenario and, you are ready to start playing! “There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.” Selina Kyle, The Dark Knight Rises PLACE THE SCENERY By mutual agreement, the players must place all the scenery at their disposal and also must establish: which elements are objects or difficult terrain, which small or vertical, etc.. They must also establish the objects that can be manipulated and what is the result of it, if it is not covered on the scenario rules. “Now, our operation is small, but there’s a lot of potential for “aggressive” expansion. So, which one of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team? Oh, there’s only one spot open right now, so we’re gonna have… Tryouts. Make it fast”. Joker, The Dark Knight CONFIGURING YOUR BAND ESTABLISH REPUTATION • You can only include 1 Leader. This must be the “Band Leader” First you must set how much Reputation each player can spend to configure his band. Usually both players have the same reputation. We recommend a maximum of 150 points for short games and 450 for 2 hour games, being 300 the recommended reputation for the scenarios presented in this rules. • You can only include 1 Sidekick, unless you choose a Sidekick as “Band Leader”. In this case you may include a second Sidekick. • You can only include 1 Free Agent every 150 reputation points band total. Now you can start selecting characters, remember that the sum of the reputation of each character can never exceed the maximum Reputation established. • You can include any number of Henchmen. BAND LEADER • You can not include twice the same character, unless he is a Henchman (See Henchman). Each player must choose a “Band Leader” between the characters ranked as “Leader” or “Sidekick”. All other characters of each band must have the same affiliation as the “Band Leader”. If a character has an “Unknown” affiliation may be elected by any band. $ FUNDING Many of the characters have a cost in $ indicated in his character card, representing the quality and quantity of the equipment he carries. Add the cost in $ of all the characters aligned. A band can not spend more than 500$ per 150 Reputation. You can spend this money on characters or equipment for the Henchmen. RANK All characters have any of the following ranks: Leader, Sidekick, Henchman or Free Agent. This rank determines your choices as follows: 26 EQUIPMENT The Henchmen have several options of weapons or equipment. Each character can only choose one of the options available, from your Band equipment, and add their cost ($) to the total spent. The character can use the purchased equipment like any other character’s original rule. Each piece of equipment has a maximum quantity per Band, indicated next to the name. BATMAN PENGUIN 0-2 Magazine (200$) +1 to Ammo for 1 weapon. 0-2 Magazine (200$) +1 to Ammo for 1 weapon. 0-2 Flashlight (100$) gets “Lantern” rule. 0-2 Batclaw (300$) gets “thrower” rule. 0-2 Handcuffs(200$) gets “Arrest” rule. 0-2 Laser (150$) gets “Laser” rule. 0-2 Whistle (200$) gets “Halt!” rule. 0-2 Camouflage Uniform (200$) Gets “stealth” rule. JOKER BANE 0-2 Magazine (200$) +1 to Ammo for 1 weapon. 0-2 Magazine (200$) +1 to Ammo for 1 weapon. 0-2 Batclaw (300$) gets “thrower” rule. 0-2 Batclaw (300$) gets the”thrower” rule. 0-2 Clown Painting (150$) gets “Mislead” rule. 0-1 Titan Dose (100$) gets one “Titan Dose”. 0-2 Bengal (300$) gets “Bengal” rule. 0-2 Night Vision Goggles (200$) 27 STRATEGIES (optional) You can choose between a numbern of strategies to achieve your plans of victory. First choose strategies and then follow this phases order: A / Scenario election. B / Urban Furniture. C / Bands. D / Objectives. E / Start playing. CHOOSING STRATEGIES Each strategy has a value ranging from 1 to 3. Players can choose strategies for a maximum 3 value. Strategies should be played in the indicated phase (value/phase): • 3/A Global Plan – you can choose the scenario, instead a random pick. If both players choose this strategie they cancel each other. • 2/C Fast Advance - Increases your deployment area 10cm. If you have two zones, increases 5cm each. If both players choose this strategie they cancel each other. • 2/C Ambush - Deploy all your band after the other player. If both players choose this strategie they cancel each other. • 1/C Patrol - You can place a miniature 10cm outside your deployment zone. If there is no zone, you gain +1 to the entry roll. • 1/C Reinforcements – you can wait till the “Raise the Plan” stage of the second round to deploy a miniature if he gets a roll of 4+. You can deploy at any edge of the playing area which does not correspond to the enemy deployment zone. • 1/B Maps – gets 2 extra Lampposts or 1 Manhole. • 1/ A Secret Objective - Obtain 1 additional objective at your choice (maximum 1). • 1/ A Change of plans - Roll two dice, move an objective as many cm as the sum of the roll. • 2/? Informer - Cancels enemy strategy at the time it is used. A Informer can cancel another Informer. • 2/E Early Bird - You choose who takes the lead in the first round without taking any counter from the pouch. If both players choose this strategie they cancel each other. • 2/E Battle Cry - Your Band flees (see Run Away) when your Reputation is reduced 80% or more. • 3/C Perfect Plan - At the beginning of the game introduce 1 extra counter, of your Band, to determine who takes the lead. 28 Phase A/ Scenario Election Roll a die to see what scenario you will play. 1 - Chance Encounter. 2 – Plunder. 3 – Patrol. 4 – Skirmish. 5 – Securing the area. 6 – Ambush. Phase B/ Urban Furniture At the beginning of the game, and before any miniature, both players must deploy alternatively, 1D3 Sewer markers. Starts the player with more markers. They can be placed anywhere in the playing area, 20cm. or more from any other sewer and more than 5cm from the edges. SEWERS GETTING IN AND OUT OF THE SEWER To enter or exit a sewer you must spend 2 SC and 1 MC (as payment for a Difficult Movement and Manipulate a manhole cover). Furthermore, in the round a character gets out of a sewer, its basic BMC is reduced to 0, so if he wants to move he has to use MC. A character can enter a sewer any time during your turn if you are adjacent to it and pay the counter costs. Remove the miniature from the play area and leave him visible aside as a reminder that he is inside the sewer system. Only a miniature per band can be inside the sewers at a time and must pass at least one full round on the inside. At the next round you can pay again the same counter costs and activate the miniature returning to the game by any sewer marker. Place the miniature next to a sewer marker, it can move and attack, if still has Action Counters. If a player has 1 or more miniatures adjacent to a Sewer marker, the opposing player can not use it to leave or enter the sewer. To block the passage to a Big character you must have at least 2 miniatures blocking the manhole. "I see you, Batman." Sacrecrow, Arkham Asylum LAMPPOSTS At the beginning of the game, and before any miniature, both players must deploy alternatively, 1D3 Lamppost markers. Starts the player with more markers. They can be placed anywhere in the playing area, 20cm. or more from any other lamppost and more than 5cm from the edges. The lampposts light a circle 10cm radio. Players should consider that light does not pass through solid obstacles (walls, fences, containers, etc.) and must decide the shade areas. 29 Phase C/ BANDS Both players have to divide his band in two groups of equal number of miniatures if possible. Toss a coin to decide who deploys first. First player chooses a deployment area and places on it all the miniatures of one of its groups. Then the other player places the miniatures of one of his groups in the opposing deployment area. First player places miniatures of the another group and then the second does the same. Some scenarios may vary this order or have several areas of deployment, these features come indicated in each of them. The miniatures should be placed entirely within the corresponding area, but may be “Crouched”. Phase D/ OBJECTIVES There are four types of objectives, represented by markers, players must choose 3 of them but can not repeat its type. The player that first deployed his band places one of his objectives, players take turns till all the objectives are placed. The objectives must normally (see Loot) be placed in the deployment area of the enemy, but this can vary depending on the objective type or the chosen scenario. The objectives must be placed at least 5cm away from any edge of the playing area or another object. “We come here not as conquerors, but as liberators, to return this city to the people.” Bane, The Dark Knight Rises CONTROLLING OBJECTIVES To control an objective must be at least a character adjacent to it, and no other characters or enemies adjacent to that character or objective. Only take account the position of the characters at the end of the round in the casualty phase. Each objective provides, to the player who placed and control it, a number of Victory Points or VP. Some objectives, like Loot and Enigmas, can provide VP to the enemy. LOOT (1VP) Loot markers can be deployed 20cm off the enemy deployment zone (in neutral zone). Can be carried by the characters, to take the Loot you must Manipulate the objective. Whenever you want to move, carrying the loot, you must spend 1 MC. You can drop it any time and loot can be Stolen like a gun. 30 “Are you ready for some more? Explore! Find my challenges. And when you fail to solve them and lie blubbering like an ignorant child on the floor, you will know that The Riddler... is better than you." The Riddler, Arkham City ENIGMA (?PV to the one that solves it) Enigma markers can be deployed 20cm off the enemy deployment zone (in neutral zone). To solve an Enigma you must Manipulate the objective and declare that you want to try to resolve it. Request to the opposing player to say a number from 1 to 6 and roll a die. • If the result is equal to that number, you resolve the riddle winning 3VP. • If the result differs by one, the Enigma remains one more round in play and may retry to resolve it later. • If the difference is greater than 1, get 1 VP and discard the objective. AMMO CRATES (3VP) Ammo Crate markers are considered Small Obstacles and Objectives. If an activated character is adjacent to an ammo crate, you can Manipulate and take an “Ammo Magazine” (see Ammo). TITAN CONTAINER (2VP) The Titan container markers are considered Small obstacles and Objectives.If an activated character is adjacent to an ammo container, you can Manipulate and take a “Titan Dose”. TITAN DOSE (one use only). If a character has a Titan Dose may use it, in the Raise a Plan phase, to add 1 to all values of its Basic Skills until the end of the round. A character can only take a dose during the game, because a second will kill him. Phase E/ Start Playing Begin the game by stage 1 Take the Lead and follow the 4 stages. 31 END GAME The game ends at the end of the round indicated in the scenario rules or when a band Runs Away. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight RUN AWAY At the end of a round, when the "reputation" of a band is reduced by 70% or more counting casualty and KO miniatures, that band player must choose a standing character and immediately take a Willpower Roll. If you pass it, you may continue playing another round, otherwise the Band flees and the game ends immediately. When a band flees, the opposing player takes as many VP as many rounds remain to play, unless both sides Run Away in the same round. WINNING THE GAME AND VICTORY POINT COUNT The winner is the player with most VP at the end of the game. At the end of each round, in the Casualty phase, players must add the obtained VP by Objectives and casualties. When the game is over sum all PV obtained in each round to find the winner. Casualties and first K.O VPs. Only occur on the turn a KO or casualty is achieved, they are not cumulative. LEADER OR BAND LEADER SIDEKICK FREE AGENT HENCHMAN CASUALTY 6VP 4VP 4VP 2VP 32 KO 4VP 2VP 3VP 1VP 33 Character Perfil Desing : Gustavo Adolfo Cuadrado Egea Luis Escudero Moran Francisco Conde Nuñez Management: José Miguel Caballero Delso Artistic Management: Jorge Rubio Gonzalez José Miguel Caballero Delso Testing Management: Luis Escudero Morán Game Desing: Gustavo Adolfo Cuadrado Testers and Collaborators: Adriana Egea Illescas Adrián Echeverría Ana Soto Errazquin Alejandro Fernández Castaño Daniel Mayoralas Martínez Diego Carlos Magdaleno Sanjuan Enrique Jalón Salcedo Gustavo Adolfo Cuadrado Jacinto Soriano Villaroel Jose Ramón Gallego Galán Luis Escudero Morán Luis Garcia Pelayo Mauro González Miguel Pérez Valencia Paco Conde Pedro Soriano Villaroel Raúl Fernandez Ricardo Garcia Solano Roberto Jose Magdaleno Sanjuan Sergio Segura Tania Retortillo Victor Saboya Bengochea Vicente Moran Del Saz Rules: Gustavo Adolfo Cuadrado Francisco Conde Nuñez Drafting: Francisco Conde Nuñez Andrés Herranz Alonso Translation: Andrés Herranz Alonso Alba Sanchez Galán Desing/Miniature Painting/Scenery: José Miguel Caballero Delso Alfonso Gozalo José María Alises Cosmen Grafic Desing and Layout: Jorge Rubio González Editor: Andrés Herranz Alonso TM & © DC Comics WB Shield: TM & © Warner Bros. 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