AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS SERIES: AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL WARNING! The equipment must be used only for the utilization for which they have been designed, as shown in the technical documentation. Read carefully this leaflet until the end before starting any operation. Proceed strictly according to all directions included in this manual. Automatic softeners series AM/D are designed to treat raw water supplied from municipalities or from well. ANY OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE EQUIPMENT DIFFERENT THAN THE MENTIONED ONES IS MADE UNDER THE ONLY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. For any assistance concerning the installations, maintenance or utilization of the equipment apply the NOBEL Service Center closest to you or directly : NOBEL S.r.l. via Monfalcone 8 – I-20132 Milano tel. +39 02 2827968 fax +39 02 2610839 rev. 7 Page 1 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER INDEX 1. Safety.......................................................................................................................................4 1.1. General ...............................................................................................................................4 1.2. How to displace the unit ......................................................................................................4 1.3. Hydraulics ...........................................................................................................................4 1.4. Electrical..............................................................................................................................4 1.5. Directions for storage, delivery, installation.........................................................................4 2. Principles of working................................................................................................................5 3. Technical characteristics .........................................................................................................6 3.1. Assumed raw water characteristics.....................................................................................6 3.2. Technical characteristics (general) .....................................................................................6 3.3. Characteristics for each model............................................................................................6 3.4. Dimensions .........................................................................................................................7 3.5. Weight .................................................................................................................................7 4. Installation................................................................................................................................8 4.1. Room conditions .................................................................................................................8 4.2. How to remove packaging...................................................................................................8 4.3. How to move and lift the unit...............................................................................................8 4.4. Placing & commissioning ....................................................................................................8 4.5. Hydraulic connections .........................................................................................................9 4.6. Electrical wiring connections .............................................................................................10 4.6.1. Special connections for AM/D METER, AM/RD METER only .................................10 5. End cycle and regeneration ...................................................................................................11 5.1. Volume mode (standard for AM/D METER and AM/RD METER models) ........................11 5.2. Time mode (standard for AM/DT and AM/RDT models) ..................................................11 5.3. Delayed volume mode ......................................................................................................11 5.4. Delayed volume and time mode (standard for AM/DV & AM/RDV models)......................11 5.5. Regeneration.....................................................................................................................12 5.6. Inhibit of the regeneration .................................................................................................13 6. Special working modes..........................................................................................................13 AM/DT and AM/RDT models .................................................................................................13 AM/D METER and AM/RD METER models............................................................................13 AM/DV and AM/RDV models..................................................................................................13 7. Control panel .........................................................................................................................14 7.1. Functions of the logical programmer.................................................................................14 7.2. Reports on the display of the programmer.......................................................................15 8. Settings..................................................................................................................................16 8.1. How to set language .........................................................................................................16 8.2. How to set current time and day .......................................................................................16 8.3. How to set the time of regeneration ..................................................................................17 8.4. How to set time of phases, time of service, end-cycle volume..........................................17 8.5. How to set parameters switch (ON/OFF) ..........................................................................18 8.6. Factory settings.................................................................................................................18 9. Starting-up .............................................................................................................................20 10. Service & maintenance..........................................................................................................21 10.1. Disposal........................................................................................................................21 11. Main components ..................................................................................................................22 12. Trouble shooting guide ..........................................................................................................23 s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 2 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER Annex DRAWING 1: dimensions AM/DT, AM/RDT, AM/DV, AM/RDV, AM/D METER, AM/RD METER DRAWING 2: components AM/DT, AM/RDT, AM/DV, AM/RDV models 900÷2100 DRAWING 3: components AM/D METER, AM/RD METER models 900÷2100 DRAWING 4: components AM/DT, AM/RDT, AM/DV, AM/RDV models 2700÷7200 DRAWING 5: components AM/D METER, AM/RD METER models 2700÷7200 DRAWING 6: installation AM/DT, AM/RDT, AM/DV, AM/RDV models 900÷2100 DRAWING 7: installation AM/D METER, AM/RD METER models 900÷2100 DRAWING 8: installation AM/DT, AM/RDT, AM/DV, AM/RDV models 2700÷7200 DRAWING 9: installation AM/D METER, AM/RD METER models 2700÷7200 Wiring diagrams Special instructions membrane valves s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 3 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 1. Safety 1.1. General The equipment has been designed and constructed according to D.P.R. n° 459 of 24th July 1996 (regulation for accomplishment of Norms 2006/42/CE, 91/368/CE, 93/44/CE and 93/68/CE regarding the unification of States members laws in so far as machines are concerned). It has been designed and constructed according to European Norms UNI EN 292-1, UNI EN 292-2, UNI EN 292-2/A1, UNI EN 983, CEI EN 60439-1, CEI EN 60 204-1. Only authorized and skilled personnel will be allowed to carry out installation, start up as well as routine and planned maintenance. 1.2. How to displace the unit Particular care and attention should be put in during moving and displacing of heavy items, in order to avoid injuries to persons or damage properties. The heavy parts must be lifted and displaced always hooking and lifting them by the points shown on the drawings (see fig. 1) and using only suitable ropes, hooks and/or chains, according to the weight (see weight table § 3.5 page 7). 1.3. Hydraulics All operations must be performed by and/or under direct supervision of skilled and authorized operators, using proper tools and personal protection devices if required (CE marked). Before any operation of taking out pipes or part of hydraulic system, it is required to release the pressure inside and empty the part of the system. 1.4. Electrical Before starting any operation on electrical devices, be sure that main power supply is OFF. All operations must be performed by skilled and authorized operators. In case of liquid leakage, switch off the main power supply before operate. Before the switching ON, be sure all the parts of the system are perfectly dry. Check that the available electrical power is correct, (see § 3.2 page 6) before connection. 1.5. Directions for storage, delivery, installation t = ºC • • • • closed rooms installation open space transport t = ºF humidity rel. 5÷45 41÷113 5÷45 5÷45 41÷113 5÷95% without condensate 41÷113 5÷95% without condensate notes 5÷95% without condensate protect from sun-light and rain protect from sun-light and rain s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 4 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 2. Principles of working Softening is the process that allows to remove calcium and magnesium from water. These two elements, together with bicarbonate, are the main cause of the scale inside thermal plant and domestic appliances (heating system, laundry machines, etc.). They also can cause big trouble in many industrial process. The process of softening is featured by ion exchange. The resins contained in the column exchange the ions calcium and magnesium (Ca++ and Mg++) against sodium ions (Na+), of which they are charged. When the resins are exhausted, they are fully charged of calcium and magnesium (Ca++ e Mg++) while they do not have any more sodium ions (Na+) available for exchanging and they need to be regenerated. Regeneration means re-built the charge of sodium ions (Na+) available from sodium chloride (NaCl), common salt used in kitchen. During regeneration, an exchanging back is performed of sodium ions (Na+) against ions calcium and magnesium (Ca++ e Mg++) which are carried away to drain. The equipment prepares automatically the brine from the salt (NaCl) in grain or tablets. AM/DT, AM/DV and AM/D METER series softeners are used for water treatment for residential and industrial applications as well. All the materials, resins included, are food grade and approved for drinking water. The range of models includes systems with capacity from 5 up to 60 m³/h and capacity from 900 up to 7200 m³ x ºF. The working of the system is controlled by an automatic programmer, allowing to schedule the frequency and the hour for the regeneration. Then the system automatically starts the regeneration that proceed automatically. During regeneration, the system supplies non softened water thanks to an internal by-pass; for AM/METER models water supply during regeneration is completely inhibited by means of a membrane valve mounted on the outlet. These system can be equipped with automatic sterilizing device (Nobel CL 90 or CL 180), according to the local laws of some countries for the treatment of drinking water. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 5 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 3. Technical characteristics 3.1. • • • • organics max. hardness water temperature (min÷max) water pressure (min÷max) 3.2. • • • • Assumed raw water characteristics ºFr ºC (ºF) bar (kPa) Technical characteristics (general) ºFr V ph/Hz W bar (kPa) min. hardness of treated water power supply compressed air supply regeneration time 3.3. NIL 120 5÷40 (41÷104) 2÷8 (200÷800) < 0.5 110÷240 1/50÷60 50 5÷8 (500÷800) 40÷70 Characteristics for each model connections for columns flow max cycle brine tank capacity MODEL AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM 900 /RD 900 /D 1200 /RD 1200 /D 1800 /RD 1800 /D 2100 /RD 2100 /D 2700 /D 3300 /D 3600 /RD 3600 /D 4200 /RD 4200 /D 4500 /RD 4500 /D 5400 /RD 5400 /D 6600 /RD 6600 /D 7200 /RD 7200 /D consumption for regeneration IN/OUT drain brine m³/h m³ x ºFr l tot ≅ kg salt salt kg water l 1¼" 1½" 1¼" 2" 1¼" 2" 1¼" 2" 2" 2" 2" 3" 2" 3" 2" 3" 2" 3" 2" DN80 2" DN100 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1" 2 x 1¼" 2 x 1¼" 2 x 1¼" 2 x 1¼" 2 x 1¼" 2 x 1¼" 2 x 1¼" 2 x 1¼" 2 x 1½" 2 x 1½" 2 x 1½" 2 x 1½" 9.5 mm 9.5 mm 9.5 mm 9.5 mm 9.5 mm 9.5 mm 9.5 mm 9.5 mm ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" 5,5 8,0 5,5 10,5 5,5 14,5 5,5 14,5 18.0 22.0 22.0 28.0 22.0 28.0 22.0 32.0 22.0 36.0 22.0 48.0 22.0 60.0 900 900 1200 1200 1800 1800 2100 2100 2700 3300 3600 3600 4200 4200 4500 4500 5400 5400 6600 6600 7200 7200 200 200 300 300 300 300 520 520 520 850 850 850 850 850 850 850 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 22,5 22,5 30,0 30,0 45,0 45,0 52,5 52,5 67.5 82.5 90 90 105 105 113 113 135 135 165 165 180 180 1200 1200 1600 1600 2400 2400 2800 2800 3600 4400 4800 4800 5600 5600 6000 6000 7200 7200 8800 8800 9600 9600 s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 6 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 3.4. Dimensions MODELLO overall AM 900/D AM 1200/D AM 1800/D AM 2100/D AM 2700/D AM 3300/D AM 3600/D AM 4200/D AM 4500/D AM 5400/D AM 6600/D AM 7200/D (See DRAWING 1 dimensions ) vessels brine tank l x p x h mm h mm Ø mm Ø max mm 1300x700x2100 1450x850x2100 1500x1000x2100 1600x1000x2400 1700x1100x2400 1900x1100x2600 1950x1250x2400 1950x1250x2600 2050x1350x2400 2250x1450x2400 2350x1600x2600 2350x1650x2600 2100 2100 2100 2400 2400 2600 2400 2600 2400 2400 2600 2600 450 500 600 600 700 700 800 800 900 1000 1100 1100 600 700 700 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100 1100 1100 float valve h mm plate h mm type h mm 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 420 360 520 400 540 410 430 490 510 500 590 630 /8 " 3 /8 " 3 /8 " 3 /8 " ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" ¾" 520 460 620 500 640 510 530 590 610 600 690 730 3 The above data are used also for series AM/RD 3.5. Weight MODEL Vessel WEIGHT AM 900 AM 1200 AM 1800 AM 2100 AM 2700 AM 3300 AM 3600 AM 4200 AM 4500 AM 5400 AM 6600 AM 7200 resins brine tank Kg quartzsand kg l (≅ kg) kg total at shipping approx. kg 140 155 185 205 305 335 365 385 415 455 625 625 25 25 50 50 50 50 75 75 100 100 100 100 150 200 300 350 450 550 600 700 750 900 1100 1200 7 12 12 20 20 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 350 420 570 650 850 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 1900 2050 on service vessel fillled brine tank approx. kg approx. kg 550 650 900 1050 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2700 3500 3600 210 320 320 540 540 880 880 880 880 1040 1040 1040 The above data are used also for series AM/RD s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 7 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 4. Installation 4.1. Room conditions In cold countries, whether the room temperature is below 15 °C (59°F), the salt requires longer time to be dissolved, even up to 10 hours; this feature must be considered in designing and selecting the correct system. Apply Nobel Technical Dept. for further information. 4.2. How to remove packaging The vessels are shipped wrapped in a plastic foil; remove it with care before starting-up. The control board and pulse sender water meter are packed in a wooden crate. Withdraw carefully the components from the crate. The resins are shipped in bags of 25 l each, and the quartzsand in bag of 50 kg or fraction of it. Keep the cards and everything contained inside the packaging. 4.3. How to move and lift the unit The vessels can be displaced when they are empty, hooking and lifting by the special rings mounted on the upper part of the vessels. It is recommended to use proper sized hooks and ropes, according to the weight. It is also possible to hook and lift the vessel by the bearing legs. GOLFARI HOOKING CAUTION : DO NOT LIFT OR MOVE THE UNIT HOOKING OR CATCHING BY THE PRE-ASSEMBLED PARTS. GAMBE DI SOSTEGNO LEGS 4.4. Placing & commissioning • Place the column of resins and the brine tank on a perfectly flat surface. Their mutual position is shown on the installation drawing. The shown scheme is only suggested; the column can be placed in different positions; according to the inlet/outlet connections on the valve group. • Load the supplied quartz-sand into the vessel, through the lower man-hole, until the sand covers completely the filter-nozzles. Make a flat surface of the sand using a wooden tool, in order to avoid any damage to the coating of the vessel. Close the man-hole tightening the nuts. • Load the supplied resins into the vessel, through the upper man-hole (or through the upper head, see components drawing). The resins are shipped separately; check that the shipped and available quantity complies exactly with the quantity listed in the Weight Table § 3.5 page 7). • After completed the loading, close the upper man-hole (or upper head) • Fix the control board to the wall. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 8 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 4.5. Hydraulic connections In order to avoid shut-off during maintenance operations, an emergency by-pass line should be provided • Complete the line from inlet fittings to the raw water line. • Complete the line from outlet fittings (valve no. 2) to the treated water line, inserting the pulse sender water meter (for series AM/DV, AM/RDV, AM/D METER and AM/RD METER only) downstream of the outlet connections. • Connect the drain valves (nos. 1 and 6) to a floor drain. The gate valve mounted downstream of the valve no. 6 will be used to adjust the backwash flow rate. A common flexible pipe made in plastic or rubber can be used for the drain line; its diameter must be of at least one size larger of the one mentioned on “CHARACTERISTICS FOR EACH MODEL” table. It is suggested the drain line could be inspected in order to check quantity and quality of drain water, as well as any leakage of resins from the unit. CAUTION : Do not run the drain line together with overflow line of the brine tank; it will cause the filling of the brine tank. • Complete the line from the brine drawing fitting (on the injector of the column) to the float valve of the brine tank. For models up to AM 2100, use for the connection the supplied plastic tubing ø 9.5 (mm); for models AM 2700 and over use ¾" galvanized pipe, or proper sized PVC or plastic tubing, suitable to withstand the pressure and depressure (0.5 bar negative). • Connect the over-flow fitting of the brine tank to a floor drain, with a line separated from the drain lines of the vessels. Use proper sized flexible plastic or PVC pipe. • Connect the inlet air fitting, placed on the base manifold of the solenoid valves, to a compressed air-mains, complete with pressure reducer, dehumidifier filter and shut-off valve. The air pressure must be kept at value equal or higher of the pressure of water to be treated, with max value of 8.0 bar. • Whether water is used to pilot the valves, the inlet fitting of the base manifold of the solenoid valves must be connected to the pilot water fitting (¼"), pre-arranged on the inlet manifold of the column; run to the drain a pipe from the drain fitting (¼") of the base manifold of the solenoid valves. • Complete the line between the outlet fitting of each solenoid valve to the correspondent membrane valve: SOLENOID VALVE EV no. 1 2 3 4 TYPE NC NC NC NC MEMBRANE VALVE SERIES AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV no. TYPE V1 - V2 - V5 NC - NA - NC V3 NC V6 NC V4 NA MEMBRANE VALVE SERIES AM/D METER AM/RD METER no. TYPE V1 - V5 NC - NC V2 NA V3 - V6 NC V4 NA All the solenoid valves can be hand-driven by the lever placed at the base of each of them; the driving of the lever simulates the acting of the coil. Hence, for the NC (normally closed) solenoid valve, it is closed when the lever is on parallel to the base and it is open when it is on perpendicular to the base itself. Naturally, the compressed air supplying (air controlled valves) or pilot water supplying (water controlled valves) must be provided. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 9 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 4.6. Electrical wiring connections Make wiring connections in the control board QE according to following directions (see WIRING DIAGRAM): o o o o o o Power supply 110÷240V, 50÷60 Hz, directly to the inlet clamps of the main switch GND For softeners of series AM/DV, AM/RDV, AM/D METER, AM/RD METER only : o o + 11 o Pulse sender water meter WM o " " " " Available for external commands : I3 input (24V cc) to inhibit the starting of regeneration The following free voltage contacts (max 3A-24V), directly on the LOGO unit, are also available for remote signals : Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 enabling signal to start CL180 signal of running regeneration signal of running service signal of service for duplex mode working 4.6.1. Special connections for AM/D METER, AM/RD METER only For AM/D Meter and AM/RD Meter models only, the following features are also available: I4 I5 I6 input (24V cc) for low level water tank input (24V cc) for high level water tank input (24V cc) to inhibit the starting of service The level switches, whether used, must be the type open without water; the oulet valve of the column will open below the low level and will close over the high level. If not any level switch is connected, the outlet valve is always open during service. It is also allowed the installation of 2 softeners METER models, but working much the same way of a DUPLEX softener, hence only one softener will be on service while the other one is on regeneration or stand-by. In this case, make the crossing connections between the two control panels, as follows (directly on their own LOGO units) : column A + I6 Q4 Q4 column B Q4 Q4 + I6 s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 10 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 5. End cycle and regeneration The softeners are equipped with an electronic programmer with microprocessor that allows to run automatically the regeneration. The end of the service cycle (briefly "end-cycle"), can be featured according to different modes, depending of the entered programme. The end-cycle should be programmed according to the quality of available water and the consumption of water. The max quantity of available soft water that the equipment can supply between two following regenerations is to be calculated as follows: cycle of the softener (m³ ∗ ºFr) = m³ of available soft water per cycle total hardness of raw water (°Fr) where 1°Fr = 10 ppm CaCO3 = 0.56° German The cycle of all NOBEL softeners are expressed by the number identifying the model (i.e. AM 2700/D, the cycle is 2700 m3 x °Fr) The water meter sends 1 pulses every 100 liters of water supplied; the programmer will increase one unit for every pulse and will show the volumes in hectoliters (hl). 5.1. Volume mode (standard for AM/D METER and AM/RD METER models) End-cycle is reached when the preset volume of water has been supplied; in the same time the regeneration starts. The time of service is also counted (parameter-counter B5), although this feature has not any influence on the end-cycle. The countings of time and volume of service are re-set to zero at any regeneration. 5.2. Time mode (standard for AM/DT and AM/RDT models) End-cycle is reached after that the pre-set time of service (in hours) is elapsed, but the regeneration starts at a pre-set time of day. The pre-set number of hours of service does not have an absolute value, since the unit will continue in supplying water till the subsequent preset time of regeneration; hence to schedule one regeneration per day it is the same entering 3 hours or 23 hours of time of service. This feature should be taken into consideration during the programming operation. It is suggested to enter multiple of 24 hours decreased of 4 hours as time of service (20, 44, 68, 92, etc). Although it is allowed to schedule up to 3 different times of regeneration in the same day, it is suggested to pre-set only one time, in order to avoid problems due to unproper preparation of the brine (inadequate time of dissolution of the salt). 5.3. Delayed volume mode End-cycle is reached when the preset volume of water has been supplied, but the regeneration starts at the pre-set time of day. The time of service is also counted (parameter-counter B5), although this feature has not any influence on the end-cycle. The countings of time and volume of service are re-set to zero at any regeneration. 5.4. Delayed volume and time mode (standard for AM/DV & AM/RDV models) End-cycle is reached when anyone of the two pre-set limits (volume or time) is reached, but the regeneration starts only at a pre-set time of day. The countings of time and volume of service are re-set to zero at any regeneration. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 11 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 5.5. Regeneration The regeneration of resins can be automatically or manually controlled. An additional regeneration can be manually started, at any time, by pushing the button "START" for at least 3 second. • The pushing of the button "START", while a regeneration is already running, does not have any effect. • An undesired running regeneration can be stopped at any moment, just by pushing the button "RESET" for at least 3 second. CAUTION : The regeneration can also run during power failure, by hand-driving the lever of the pilot solenoid valves: the driving of the lever simulates the acting of the coil. Hence, for the NC (normally closed) solenoid valve, it is closed when the lever is on parallel to the base and it is open when it is on perpendicular to the base itself. Naturally, the compressed air supplying (air controlled valves) or pilot water supplying (water controlled valves) must be provided. The correspondent membrane valve (controlled by the pilot solenoid one), if NC type, is open when the solenoid valve is open, and viceversa if the membrane valve is NO (normally open) type. PHASE SERVICE BACKWASH DRAWING AND SLOW RINSE FAST RINSE DRIVEN SOLENOID VALVES (= OPEN) // E2 - E3 - E4 E1 - E2 - E4 E1 - E2 OPEN VALVES – FOR MODELS AM/DT AM/RDT AM/D METER AM/DV AM/RDV AM/RD METER V2 - V4 V2 - V4 V2 - V3 - V6 V3 - V6 V1 - V3 - V5 V1 - V3 -V4 - V5 V1 - V5 V1 - V4 - V5 For the time of each phase see § 8.6 page . The regeneration phases run one after another, as follows : 1. backwash : during this phase, the water flushes from the bottom to the top of the column, lifting the resins which are mixed together and carries the solids trapped on surfaces of the resins bed during the service. The backwashing water flows to drain from the top of the column. This is the only phase, during which the water crosses through the column from the bottom to the top. During this phase, it is very important to check that there is no leakage of resins to the drain. 2. brine drawing : during this phase, a concentrated solution of water and sodium chloride (common kitchen salt, in grain or, better, tablet) is drawn from the brine tank to the resins column, by an injector. The brine crosses through the column from the top to the bottom. 3. slow rinse : it is the first step of the rinse, during which the ion exchanges between sodium chloride and resins is featured. The time of this phase is not adjusted, since it starts when the brine tank is completely empty (all brine has been drawn); a special device built-in the brine float valve avoids the air drawing. 4. fast rinse : it is the phase during which the residual of salt is flushed away through the resins; at the end of this phase the resins column is ready to start again a new service cycle. NOTE : During the fast rinse phase the unit supplies the water to the brine tank, in order to prepare brine for the following regeneration. The brine tank refill will be automatically completed when the level mark of water reaches the float valve inside the tank. NOTE : During regeneration, an internal by-pass line allows the system to supply un-treated water; for AM/METER and AM/RD METER models, a membrane valve mounted on the outlet line avoids suplying of untreated water. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 12 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 5.6. Inhibit of the regeneration It is possibile to inhibit the starting of regeneration by mean of an external command, using the input I3 of the programmer (see electrical wiring connection) Hence, when the end-cycle is reached, the column will remain on REGENERATION REQUIRED until the inhibit signal is switched off. In the cases the time working modes are selected, the starting of the regeneration depends on the pre-set time of regeneration. Hence when the inhibit signal is switched off, the regeneration starts only at the pre-set time of day. Even if the inhibit signal is still on, it is also possible to start manually the regeneration, as above explained, by pushing the button “START” for at least 3 second. 6. Special working modes READ THIS CHAPTER ONLY IF THE EQUIPMENT WILL BE USED WITH DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS THAN STANDARD ONES. The programmer used for the equipments models AM/D, starting from november 2004, allows to select all the working modes described for every models of equipment. The limit to the selection of working modes depends on the different hydraulic arrangements of the several models. AM/DT and AM/RDT models The models AM/DT and AM/RDT are not equipped with pulse sender water meter; hence they cannot work in any volume working modes. Whether modified with additional installation of a pulse sender water meter, these models will became alike equipments AM/DV and/or AM/RDV ones. AM/D METER and AM/RD METER models All the described working modes can be selected; in any case, the units do not supply water during regeneration. AM/DV and AM/RDV models All the described working modes can be selected; in any case, the units supply (untreated) water during regeneration. CAUTION : for volume controlled models (V and METER), the selecting of a time working mode does not avoid the volume working mode. Hence, the end-cycle features at the pre-set time of day (time mode) but also when the pre-set volume of supplied water is reached. In order to set the time only mode, it is suggested to enter a very high volume as end-cycle (for example 900000) that will never be reached, or just take out the wires of the pulse sender. This working mode can be useful whether the consumption of water is very discontinuous and not constant (during long time), hence it is requested to run the regeneration even there is not consumption of water. The countings of time and volume of service are re-set to zero at any regeneration. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 13 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 7. Control panel 7.1. Functions of the logical programmer The logical programmer Siemens mod. LOGO controls the logical working of the whole system. The display allows the visualization of the current time and date, the status of the input signals (marked as I) and the output signals (marked as Q), the several messages enabled by the programme. It is also possible to modify the setting of the entered numerical parameters (marked as B). The numbering of the inputs and outputs is written on several lines, each of them is related to ten (I1÷I9, I10÷I19 etc.) By pushing the buttons or the display shows, alternatively, the visualizations of the service : current time and date, inputs, outputs, (M, to be ignored), function buttons (ESC+C..). By pushing the buttons and the messages enabled by the programme are visualized. The used functions are the following : LOGIC ADDRESS I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I8 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 DESCRIPTION button of manual START button to RESET input available for regeneration inhibit input for low level of water tank (LL) input for high level of water tank (LH) input for service inhibit input pulses from water meter WM (only for model with volume feature) enabling signal to start working of CL180 signal of running regeneration signal of running service signal for working of duplex system output signal for the solenoid valve E1 output signal for the solenoid valve E2 output signal for the solenoid valve E3 output signal for the solenoid valve E4 s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 14 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6-1 B6-2 B6-3 B6-4 B76 B79 B80 B100 counting of time of BACKWASHING (seconds) counting of time of DRAWING/SLOW RINSE (seconds) counting of time of FAST RINSE (seconds) counting pulses of water meter WM (hl) duration time of service (hours, for time controlled models only) 1° time slot to enable regeneration start (for time controlled models only) 2° time slot to enable regeneration start (for time controlled models only) 3° time slot to enable regeneration start (for time controlled models only) ON = switching pulse function of parameters B6-1, B6-2 and B6-3 ON = manual driving of CL180 ON = switching end-cycle by time ON = switching end-cycle by volume delayed ON = message in ITALIAN OFF = message in ENGLISH All adjustment of the automatic programmer are factory set, before shipment. For factory set, see the table of the times of regeneration. Follow the directions explained below at chapter "SETTINGS", to modify them. 7.2. Reports on the display of the programmer The report messages enabled by the programmer are visualized on the display one at a time, with a determinate priority. The buttons and are used to scroll the messages. The button is used to turn back to service visualizations. The messages that can be visualized are : "VOLUME hl" "SERVICE" "STAND-BY" "TIME MODE" "VOLUME DELAYED" "BACKWASH" "BRINE SUCTION" "RINSE" The report visualizes the volume of water (in hl) already supplied during the running service (elaps.) and the pre-set limit of volume (set). This report can be visualized only during SERVICE This report can be visualized only when the column is WAITING TO START SERVICE. This status is allowed for METER models only, when the service is inhibited by mean of input I6 (for example with duplex mode working). This report can be visualized only when the END-CYCLE BY TIME has been selected. This report visualizes also the time elapsed from previous regeneration (elaps.), the pre-set limit of time (set h) and the pre-set time of day of regeneration (time). This report can be visualized only when the END-CYCLE BY VOLUME DELAYED MODE has been selected. This report visualizes also the pre-set time of day of regeneration (time) This report can be visualized only when the unit is on BACKWASHING This report visualizes also the time (in seconds) elapsed during the running phase (elaps.) and the pre-set time of the phase itself (set). This report can be visualized only when the unit is on BRINE SUCTION / SLOW RINSE This report visualizes also the time (in seconds) elapsed during the running phase (elaps.) and the pre-set time of the phase itself (set) This report can be visualized only when the unit is on FAST RINSE This report visualizes also the time (in seconds) elapsed during the running phase (elaps.) and the pre-set time of the phase itself (set). s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 15 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER "WAITING FOR REGENERATION" "NO WATER REQUEST" 8. This visualization appears only when the unit reaches the end-cycle, but the regeneration cannot run due to the regeneration inhibit signal (input I3). This visualization is available only when the unit does not supply water due to lack of enabling signal from the levels inside the storage tank. This visualization is allowed for METER models only. Settings 8.1. How to set language The programmer LOGO allows to select the language of menu and of messages : - To set the language of menu, proceed as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. push the button ESC push the button until the pointer > indicates "Set …" push the button OK . push the button or until the pointer > indicates "Menu language" push the button OK . push the button or until the pointer > indicates the language desired push the button OK to confirm (save) the modifications push twice the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service The programmer is already factory set on “english”. - Set the parameter “B100” on position “ON” to select the italian language of the messages; set on position “OFF” to select english language of the messages (proceed as described at chapter 8.5). 8.2. How to set current time and day The programmer is equipped with internal clock, keeping exact time for 80 hours in case of power failure. To set the current time and day, proceed as follows : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. push the button ESC push the button until the pointer > indicates "Set …" push the button OK the pointer indicates “Clock..”, push the button OK the pointer indicates “Set Clock..”, push the button OK push the button to point the day or the number to be modified when the pointer blinks on the day or the number to be modified, push the buttonor until the new desired day or value is shown (symbols related to days of week are explained at following chapter) 8. repeat the same operation with other values, if required 9. push the button OK to confirm (save) the modifications 10.push twice the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service. The programmer is already factory set for automatic updating with european summer time (S/W Time ON = EU) s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 16 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 8.3. How to set the time of regeneration This setting is required only when one of time modes workings are selected. The days can be scheduled one by one; they are shown on the display in the weekly order, allowing the selection ON (shown with the letter correspondent to the day) or OFF (shown with the symbol -). The order and explanation of the symbol shown on the display of LOGO are the following : M/- T/- Monday W/- Tuesday Wednesday T/- F/- S/- S/- Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday WARNING: since the duration of cycle is measured in hours (parameter-counter B5), not in days, ALL the days of the week must be selected ON. The digits between 00:00 and 23:59 are available to set the time of day; the simbol --:-indicates not any ON and/or not any OFF selected. Regeneration starts at the time scheduled on the line ON. The time on the line OFF MUST BE set 2 hours later than the time of the line ON. It is allowable to schedule up to three different time slots of regeneration (B6-1, B6-2, B6-3). Proceed as follows to modify: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. push the button ESC push several times the button until the pointer > indicates "set param" push the button OK . push several times the button until the the required parameter is visualized (B6 - 1 or other) push the button OK , the blinking pointer will point the line of the days (D) by pushing the button the pointer moves on the positions correspondent to the days of the week push the button to switch ON/OFF by pushing the button the pointer moves on the digits of the hours (lines ON and OFF) when the pointer blinks on the digit to be modified, push the button several times until the desired digit appears repeat the same operations with other digits, if required push the button OK to save/confirm the modifications push the button to visualize other parameters to be modified, and proceed as explained at above points between 5 and 11, or push the button ESC to quit the modification menu. push the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service WARNING : parameter B6-4 is concerning the pulse function of the parameters B6-1, B6-2 and B6-3; for a proper working of the whole system, this parameter must be necessarily set on OFF position. 8.4. How to set time of phases, time of service, end-cycle volume Proceed as follows to modify : 1. 2. 3. 4. push the button ESC push several times the buttonuntil the pointer > indicates "set param" push the button OK push several times the buttonuntil the the required parameter is visualized (B1 or other) 5. push the button OK s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 17 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 6. by pushing the buttonthe pointer moves on the digit to be modified 7. when the pointer blinks on the digit to be modified, push the button several times until the desired digit appears 8. repeat the same operations with other digits, if required 9. push the button OK to save/confirm the modifications 10. proceed with other modifications, if any, or push the button ESC to quit the modification menu 11. push the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service NOTES : 8.5. • during modification operations the normal current service is NOT interrupted. • In modifications menu, related to timers, the digits visualized on the line (marked as Ta) underneath the one on the time settings (marked as T), indicate the status of the running counting of of the time of the selected timer. • In modifications menu, related to counters, the value On is the one actually used by the programmer; the value Off must be necessarily equal or lower than the value On (it is suggested to set Off value = 0) • In modifications menu, related to counters, the digits visualized on the line (marked as Cnt) underneath the one of the settings (On and Off), indicate the status of the running counting of the selected counter. s = seconds (00,00 ÷ 99,95) • The time base is : m = minutes (00:00 ÷ 99m:59s) h = hours (00:00 ÷ 99h:59m) • The setting of the volume is in hl (hectoliters) • The setting of the time of service (required only if time mode working is selected) is in h (hours). How to set parameters switch (ON/OFF) Proceed as follows to make any modifications of the parameters allowing only ON/OFF selection. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. push the button ESC push several times the button until the pointer > indicates "set param" push the button OK . push several times the button until the required parameter (B74 or other) is visualized. push the button OK , the pointer blinks on the notice "switch" push the button to change selection between ON and OFF push the button OK to save/confirm the modifications. proceed with other modifications, if any, or push the button ESC to quit the modification menu. push the button ESC to go back to the visualization of service 8.6. Factory settings Common settings for all models : Parameter utilization Time to enabling the starting of B6 - 1 regeneration (by time mode) " B6 - 2 " B6 - 3 Days of regeneration time ON MTWTFSS 00 : 01 02 : 01 MTWTFSS MTWTFSS -- : --- : -- -- : --- : -- Pulse function of parameters B6-1, B6-2 and B6-3 B6 - 4 Parameter Time of service B5 time OFF utilization OFF do not modify ! factory set 92 (h) s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 18 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER Common settings for AM/D T models only : Parameter B4 B76 B79 B80 utilization volume of service manual starting of CL180 selection of end-cycle by time selection of end-cycle by delayed volume factory set 900000 (hl) OFF ON OFF Common settings for AM/D V models only : Parameter B4 B76 B79 B80 utilization volume of service manual starting of CL180 selection of end-cycle by time selection of end-cycle by delayed volume factory set See table OFF ON ON Common settings for AM/D Meter models only : Parameter B4 B76 B79 B80 utilization volume of service manual starting of CL180 selection of end-cycle by time selection of end-cycle by delayed volume factory set See table OFF OFF OFF Whether a selection of an end-cycle different than the factory-set one is required, enter the new setting according to the following combination : working mode • • • • by volume by delayed volume by time by delayed volume and time parameter B79 B80 OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON ON Special settings for each models : MODEL AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM AM 900/D 1200/D 1800/D 2100/D 2700/D 3300/D 3600/D 4200/D 4500/D 5400/D 6600/D 7200/D END-CYCLE in hectolitre (B4) * 300 400 600 700 900 1100 1200 1400 1500 1800 2200 2400 REGENERATION PHASES (in minutes) backwash brine drawing & fast rinse (B1) slow rinse (B2) (B3) 05.00 45.00 (25+20) 15.00 05.00 45.00 (25+20) 15.00 08.00 50.00 (25+25) 15.00 08.00 50.00 (25+25) 15.00 10.00 50.00 (25+25) 15.00 10.00 50.00 (25+25) 15.00 10.00 52.00 (27+25) 17.00 10.00 55.00 (30+25) 20.00 10.00 55.00 (30+25) 20.00 10.00 55.00 (30+25) 20.00 10.00 60.00 (30+30) 20.00 10.00 60.00 (30+30) 20.00 * not used for AM/DT models time controlled The above data are used also for series AM/RD s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 19 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 9. Starting-up The starting-up of the unit consists of running a first regeneration cycle, during which the columns of resins and brine tank will be filled of water, all automatic features will be checked and the unit will be prepared to start the service. During the starting-up is not required that salt is available inside the brine tank. At the beginning, it is suggested to operate manually, hand-driven the valves, as above explained at the § "Regeneration". This way will allow to stop, to run for longer time or to repeat each phase as desired. The following operations must be performed one after another, in the listed order. To start-up the unit, proceed as follows: • be sure that the control panel is switched OFF. • close the gate valve along the backwash drain line • open the shut-off valve upstream of the system, as well as the by-pass valve, keeping closed the valve downstream of the system • hand-drive the solenoid valve E4 to close the membrane valve no. 4 • hand-drive the solenoid valves E2 and E3 to open the backwashing membrane valves • open slowly and gradually the gate valve on backwash drain line. The water will enter inside the vessel from the bottom and, during filling, will expel the air inside it. • When only water will come out from the drain, adjust the drain valve in order that the flow rate will be the highest allowable without any leakage of resins through the drain line; when the proper flow rate of backwash has been stated, adjust the gate valve definitely. The backwashing phase must run until all the water coming out the drain is perfectly clear. • Hand-drive the solenoid valves E3 to close the backwashing membrane valves. • Hand-drive the solenoid valves E4 to open the membrane valve no. 4. • Hand-drive the solenoid valve E1 to open the drain membrane valve no. 1. The rinse phase must run until all the water coming out the drain is perfectly clear. • Hand-drive the solenoid valves E1 and E2 to conclude the regeneration; the column is now ready for service. • Switch ON the control panel. • Open the outlet valve and close the by-pass valve. Starting now the unit is on service and feeds treated water. At the end of the first regeneration, put the salt into the brine tank (it can also be completely filled). It is required to use clean salt, better the type in tablets. Take care not to put salt inside the protection pipe. s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 20 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 10. Service & maintenance Softeners are equipment designed to treat raw water supplied from municipalities or from well. ANY OTHER APPLICATIONS OF THE EQUIPMENT DIFFERENT THAN THE MENTIONED ONES IS MADE UNDER THE ONLY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. The correct handling of the equipment requires: • take off the raw water suspended solids, if any, by an adequate filtration. • check that the water and/or compressed air pressure is within the stated values. • check the salt level in the brine tank. A salt lack will cause the incomplete regeneration of the resins, or not any regeneration at all; in that case the supplied water will not be treated (softened). It is suggested to use clean salt, better in the shape of tablets, available almost everywhere, in order to avoid residuals of sand or dirties in the tank and along the brine lines. Not any further special maintenance operations are required. The only consumption material is salt. The average life of the ion exchange resins is approx. 5÷8 years, according to the quality of raw water and how often regeneration is featured. 10.1. Disposal In case of disposal of the unit or parts of it, it must be made according to local laws concerning the waste of the materials. It should be taken in consideration that resins are usually listed as plastic materials and not as toxic or harmful material (the safety bulletin of resins are available upon request). s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 21 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER 11. Main components Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 1 # # 6 4 1* 1 1 # DESCRIPTION vessel in coated carbon steel (see table DIMENSIONS) internal water distribution system (see following table) injector for brine brine tank made in polyethylene c/w cover (see table DIMENSIONS) separation plate for salt inside brine tank (see table DIMENSIONS) float valve inside brine tank (see table DIMENSIONS) quartz-sand (see table WEIGHT) cation resins (see table WEIGHT) membrane valves made in cast-iron (see following table) pilot solenoid valves mod. 6012 24Vcc pulse sender water meter (see following table) control panel electronic programmer series LOGO galvanized steel fittings several size * NOT expected for series AM/DT AM/RDT membrane valves MODEL AM 900/RD AM 900/D AM 1200/RD AM 1200/D AM 1800/RD AM 1800/D AM 2100/RD AM 2100/D AM 2700/D AM 3300/D AM 3600/RD AM 3600/D AM 4200/RD AM 4200/D AM 4500/RD AM 4500/D AM 5400/RD AM 5400/D AM 6600/RD AM 6600/D AM 7200/RD AM 7200/D meter * distribution system water V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 Ø number/type 1"NC 1¼"NA 1"NC 1¼"NA 1"NC 1"NC 1¼" 6 x B144 1"NC 1½"NA 1"NC 1½"NA 1"NC 1"NC 1½" 6 x B144 1"NC 1¼"NA 1"NC 1¼"NA 1"NC 1"NC 1¼" 6 x B175 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 6 x B175 1"NC 1¼"NA 1"NC 1¼"NA 1"NC 1"NC 1¼" 6 x B175 6 x B175 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 1"NC 1¼"NA 1"NC 1¼"NA 1"NC 1"NC 1¼" 6 x B175 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 6 x B175 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 30 plate 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 30 plate 1¼"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 36 plate 1¼"NC 3"NA 1"NC 3"NA 1"NC 1"NC DN80 36 plate 1¼"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 36 plate 1¼"NC 3"NA 1"NC 3"NA 1"NC 1"NC DN80 36 plate 1¼"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 42 plate 1¼"NC 3"NA 1"NC 3"NA 1"NC 1"NC DN80 42 plate 1¼"NC 2"NA 1"NC 2"NA 1"NC 1"NC 2" 56 plate 1¼"NC 3"NA 1"NC 3"NA 1"NC 1"NC DN80 56 plate 1½"NC 2"NA 1¼"NC 2"NA 1¼"NC 1¼"NC 2" 68 plate 1½"NC DN80 NA 1¼"NC DN80 NA 1¼"NC 1¼"NC DN80 68 plate 1½"NC 2"NA 1½"NC 2"NA 1¼"NC 1½"NC 2" 68 plate 1½"NC DN100 NA 1½"NC DN100 NA 1¼"NC 1½"NC DN100 68 plate s.r.l.Milano - ITALY Page 22 of 24 amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 FOLLOWS s.r.l.Milano - ITALY amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc –r7 • increase the water pressure • check the connections and the integrity of the brine drawing tubing • clean the injector • clean or replace the brine float valve • check the proper working of the pilot solenoid valves check and clean the seat of the plate of the membrane valves. HOW TO SOLVE • connect electrical power • replace the programmer • connect electrical power • adjust correctly the programmer • replace the programmer • connect properly the supplying of pilot water or compressed air • replace the defected solenoid valves • replace the geared motor • connect the drain line and over-flow line separately to floor drain • clean or replace float valve • re-built correctly the drain line Page 23 of 24 • injector dirty • brine float valve blocked or damaged • one or both membrane valves no. 3 and 4 do not close properly during the brine drawing phase • one or more solenoid valves are defected • the geared motor of the programmer is defected • Brine tank is completely filled • the drain line of the softener is joined together with and water overflows over-flow line of brine tank • brine float valve blocked or damaged • During regeneration the unit • drain line of the softener clogged or, however of too does not draw brine small size • too low water pressure • drawing of air along the brine drawing line • Regeneration is electrically started but it does not run hydraulically • • • • • • CAUSE electrical power is disconnected the programmer is defected electrical power is disconnected the programmer is not correctly adjusted the programmer is defected there is not supplying of pilot fluid (air or water) Trouble shooting guide PROBLEM • The electronic programmer does not switch ON. • The regeneration does not run 12. AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL • • • • • The unit does not feed water • The unit feeds salted water after regeneration • There is a leakage of resins to the drain or to outlet line • • • • • • • • • • Page 24 of 24 the membrane valve no. 2 does not open a water failure occurred during regeneration the fast rinse time is too short one nozzle of distribution system is damaged or broken regeneration does not run brine is not drawn a water failure occurred during regeneration resins spoiled the membrane valve no. 3 does not close properly s.r.l.Milano - ITALY • • • • • • The unit does not feed treated water PROBLEM CAUSE • There is a leakage of water to • one or both membrane valves no. 1 and 6 do not drain during service close properly. FOLLOWS amd_tvm_mi-r7.doc HOW TO SOLVE check the proper working of the pilot solenoid valves check and clean the seat of the plate of the membrane valve see above see above run regeneration again replace resins check the proper working of the pilot solenoid valves check and clean the seat of the plate of the membrane valve check the proper working of the pilot solenoid valve allow the water flowing until it is not salted any more adjust a longer time of fast rinse replace the nozzle –r7 AM/DT AM/RDT AM/DV AM/RDV AM/D METER AM/RD METER AUTOMATIC SOFTENERS INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL
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