Message Reference Guide

Nexus Personal
Message Reference Guide
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[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Document Number: MRG-PE-041600-ENG-100
Revision: 1.0
Messages from Personal
Application Messages in Reference Number Order .......................................................................3
Mac OS X Specific Messages............................................................................................ 33
Installation Program Messages in Reference Number Order ........................................................36
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Application Messages in Reference Number Order
The new PIN and the confirmation PIN do not match. Please try
Nytt lösenord och bekräftat lösenord är inte lika.
Reason: The user is trying to create a new token using the Registration
Utility. In the dialog box, the user must specify a token name and a PIN that
must be confirmed. This message is displayed if the PIN and the confirmation
are different.
Action: To complete the dialog, the PIN and the confirmation must be equal.
Electronic identity token name must be entered.
Namn på e-legitimation måste vara ifyllt.
Reason: The user is trying to create a new token using the Registration
Utility. In the dialog box, the user must specify a token name. This message is
displayed if no token name has been specified (the text box Token name is
Action: To complete the dialog, a name must be specified.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Failed to install some components in a Netscape or Mozillabased browser. Some features might be unavailable for the
affected browser.
Personal misslyckades med att installera en eller flera
komponenter i en Netscape- eller Mozilla-baserad webbläsare.
Reason: This message is only displayed when the user has at least one
Mozilla-based web browser installed. Personal has tried, but failed, to update
the browser database via the Mozilla API.
A reason for this failure could be that other security modules (PKCS#11) from
other applications are installed in the web browser. As a consequence of
Personal updating the web browser, the Mozilla system can call all installed
security modules and one of these may fail if that module cannot handle the
change in a correct way.
Personal will continue to execute normally after this event, but it is possible
that functions provided by Personal via the Mozilla browser will not work.
Even if the web browser is restarted, the error could remain, as the problem is
located in the Mozilla browser database or in a third-party security module
installed in the web browser.
Action: Identify which security modules, besides Personal, that are installed
and make sure they are uninstalled.
Failed to install some components in a Netscape or Mozillabased browser. Some features might be unavailable for the
affected browser.
Personal misslyckades med att installera en eller flera
komponenter i en Netscape- eller Mozilla-baserad webbläsare.
Reason: This message is only displayed when the user has at least one
Mozilla-based web browser installed. Personal has tried, but failed, to install
its security modules (PKCS#11) and its plug-in modules in the web browser
database via the Mozilla API.
A reason for this failure could be that other security modules (PKCS#11) from
other applications are installed in the web browser. As a consequence of
Personal updating the web browser, the Mozilla system can call all installed
security modules and one of these may fail if that module cannot handle the
change in a correct way.
Personal will continue to execute normally after this event, but it is possible
that functions provided by Personal via the Mozilla browser will not work.
Even if the web browser is restarted, the error could remain, as the problem is
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
located in the web browser database or in a third-party security module
installed in the web browser.
Action: Identify which security modules, besides Personal, that are installed
and make sure they are uninstalled.
A token with that name already exists. Give the token another
Det finns redan en e-legitimation med det namnet. Ge elegitimationen ett annat namn.
Reason: The user has tried to rename a token via the Personal
administration interface. This message indicates that the user is trying to
change to a name already used by an existing token. Two different tokens are
not allowed to have the same name.
Action: Change the token name.
The application must be restarted for the language change to
take effect. Do you want to restart the application?
Innan det nya språket används måste Personal startas om. Vill
du starta om Personal nu?
Reason: The user has selected a new language in the Web browser and
Language tab in the Preferences dialog and clicked OK. (It does not matter if
the user has switched to another tab before clicking OK.)
Action: If the user answers Yes to this question Personal will be restarted
with the new language. If the user answers No, Personal will not be restarted
and the language will not be changed.
If the user wants to finish the Preferences dialog without changing language,
Cancel must be selected. If the user selects OK instead, the message about
restart will reappear as long as the currently used language is not specified in
the Web browser and Language tab.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
The settings in your Netscape and Mozilla web browsers has
been changed so that the browser will always ask you to select
a certificate for authentication. If the browser is currently
running, the change will not take effect until the browser has
been restarted.
Inställningarna i webbläsare från Netscape och Mozilla har
uppdaterats så att webbläsaren alltid kommer att be dig välja
ett certifikat för legitimering. Om webbläsaren är startad, så
måste den startas om för att förändringen ska börja gälla.
Reason: The user has selected the option Always ask for certificate in the
Web browser and Language tab in the Preferences dialog. This function is
only applicable to Netscape or Mozilla-based browsers, but information that
the browser settings have been updated will be shown even if no browser of
this type is installed. The function has no effect in this case.
Action: Restart the browser to make the changes have effect.
The cryptographic module has been installed to be used by
Netscape and Mozilla web browsers. If the browser is currently
running, the change will not take effect until the browser has
been restarted.
Personals kryptomodul har installerats för användning av
webbläsare från Netscape och Mozilla. Om webbläsaren är
startad, så måste den startas om för att förändringen ska börja
Reason: The user has selected the option Install encryption module in the
Web browser and Language tab in the Preferences dialog. This function is
only applicable to Mozilla-based browsers, but information about installation
of cryptographic modules from Personal will be shown even if no browser of
this type is installed. The function has no effect in this case.
Action: Restart the browser to make the changes have effect.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Adding folders located on floppy disk is not allowed. To search
for tokens on floppy disk, use the checkbox "Enable Token
search on floppy disk".
Du kan inte lägga till mappar som finns på disketter, men om du
vill söka efter e-legitimationer på en diskett så markerar du
kryssrutan "Aktivera sökning av e-legitimation på diskett".
Reason: The user has tried to add a search path to a floppy disk using the
Add button in the Electronic Identity Token Search tab, which is not
allowed. Personal treats floppy disks in a special way and tokens (PKCS#12
files) on a floppy disk must be activated specifically using the option Enable
Token search on floppy disk. If only one floppy disk drive exists it will be
selected automatically. If more than one floppy disk drive exist, the user must
select which drive the floppy is mounted on.
Action: See the message.
Search path already exist.
Sökvägen är redan definierad.
Reason: The user has tried to add a search path using the Add button in the
Electronic Identity Token Search tab, but the path already exists and
multiple identical paths are not allowed. It is not necessary to add an existing
path as Personal will already be using all tokens in that search path.
Action: None.
You have entered an invalid path as a target for the log file. The
drive could be a removable media or the path does not exist.
The log file path will not be changed.
Du har angett en felaktig sökväg till loggfilen. Mappen måste
finnas och loggfilen kan inte läggas på diskett, USB-minne eller
CD. Loggfilens placering ändras inte nu.
Reason: The user has specified an illegal search path in the text box Log file
path in the Advanced tab in the Preferences dialog. Logging to floppy disk,
CD-ROM or USB memory is not allowed.
Action: Select a log path on a hard drive.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
You have changed the path of the log file. The application must
be restarted for the change to take effect. Do you want to restart
the application?
Du har bytt sökväg till loggfilen. För att inställningen ska börja
gälla måste Personal startas om. Vill du starta om Personal?
Reason: The user has specified a new search path to a log file in the text box
Log file path in the Advanced tab in the Preferences dialog and then clicked
OK. (It does not matter if the user has switched to another tab before clicking
Action: If the user answers Yes to the question, Personal will be restarted and
logging to the new log file will start. If the user answers No, Personal is not
restarted and logging to the new log file will not start.
If the user wants to leave the dialog without changing the log file path Cancel
must be selected. If the user selects OK instead, the message about restart will
reappear as long as the previously used log path is not re-entered in the
Advanced tab.
You are about to sign a file from your local computer. As a
result, the file may be sent to another computer, which could be
a possible security risk if the file is an electronic identity token.
Do you want to proceed?
En lokal fil kommer att signeras. Det kan innebära att filen
skickas till en annan dator och om det är en e-legitimation kan
det innebära en säkerhetsrisk. Vill du fortsätta?
Reason: WebSigner is used with the parameter DataURL set to point at a
file. If the parameter PostURL is also set, the method http POST will be used
to send the signed file to the URL specified by PostURL. Since the file
specified by DataURL could possibly be a file that should never leave the disk
(e.g. a token), the user will be notified that he/she is going to sign and then
possibly send a file. This message is shown independently of whether
PostURL is set.
Action: None.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
You must choose a file in order to be able to export the token.
Du måste välja en fil att exportera till.
Reason: The user is trying to export a token from Personal Internal Store to
a file. A filename and a PIN for the token must be set in the dialog step named
Export token to a file in the Export Wizard. The user has entered a PIN but
no filename and then selected Next. A filename is required.
Action: A path can either be typed into the textbox or it can be found using
the Browse button.
Failed to export to file. The reason might be that the PIN is
incorrect, or that you do not have permission to write the file to
the given place.
Det gick inte att skriva i en fil. Du kan ha skrivit fel lösenord
eller också har du inte behörighet att skriva i filen eller
Reason: The user is trying to export a token from the Personal Internal Store
to a file. A filename and a PIN for the token must be set in the dialog step
named Export token to a file in the Export Wizard. The user has entered a
PIN and a filename and then selected Next. Either the filename is wrong or
write permission for the path to the file is missing.
Action: Correct the file name if it is wrong or make sure that you have write
permission before you retry.
The file cannot be imported. Either it is missing or it does not
have file type .p12.
Det går inte att importera filen. Antingen finns den inte eller
också har den inte filtypen .p12.
Reason: The user is trying to import a token from a file to the Personal
Internal Store. The name of an existing file with extension .p12 must be
specified. Either a non-existing file or a file with another extension than .p12
has been specified before selecting the Next button.
Action: Use the Browse button and select a file with a correct name and file
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
A token with that name already exists. Do you want to replace
the existing token?
Det finns redan en e-legitimation med angivet namn. Vill du
ersätta den befintliga?
Reason: The user is trying to import a token from a file to the Personal
Internal Store. The name of the imported token and a PIN must be specified. If
there already is a token with the specified name in Personal Internal Store, the
user will be asked whether the existing token should be replaced by the one
being imported.
Action: If you are sure that it does not matter if the old token, with the same
name, is deleted, you should answers OK. Otherwise answer Cancel.
Failed to import the electronic identity token. The problem
could be that the PIN was incorrect or that the file has an
unknown format.
Det går inte att importera filen. Du kan ha skrivit fel lösenord
eller också har filen felaktigt format. Den ska ha filtypen .p12.
Reason: The user is trying to import a token from a file to the Personal
Internal Store. The name of the imported token and a PIN must be specified.
This message is displayed if the format of the file selected in the previous
dialog step of the Import Wizard does not agree with the token standard
(PKCS#12) or if an invalid PIN has been specified.
Action: Specify a correct file name with file type .p12.
Incorrect PIN.
Fel lösenord.
Reason: The user is trying to migrate one or more tokens with an old format
to the new format that can be handled by Personal. The PIN for each token to
be migrated must be specified in order to perform the migration. An incorrect
PIN has been specified for one of the tokens. The name of the token is shown
in the current dialog window of the Migration Wizard.
Action: Make sure you enter the correct PIN.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
You have cancelled the migration of your token(s). If that is
correct, press Yes, otherwise: 1) Press No 2) In the next dialog,
confirm the migration by checking the "The selection shown
above is correct" box 3) Press Next
Du har avbrutit migreringen av din(a) e-legitimation(er). Om
det är korrekt, tryck Ja, annars: 1) Tryck Nej 2) I nästa dialog,
godkänn migreringen genom att klicka i "Jag vill att de visade
e-legitimationerna flyttas" 3) Tryck Nästa
Reason: The user is trying to migrate one or more tokens with an old format
to the new format that can be handled by Personal. This message is displayed
when the user has selected Cancel after entering a PIN for the current token.
The user should answer Yes to the question if he/she wants to cancel the
dialog, the Migration Wizard will terminate and no token will be migrated. If
the user answers No, the three steps listed in this message must be carried out
in order to complete the migration of the tokens.
If the Migration Wizard is used to migrate tokens created by Personal 4.0,
these tokens will be migrated even if the user answers Yes to the question if
he/she wants to cancel. The reason for the migration in this case is that it
occurs when the button Next was selected in the previous dialog step where
the PIN was given.
Action: Follow the actions in the message.
The operation has been cancelled from the PIN Pad reader.
Du har avbrutit med kortläsarens knappsats.
Reason: The user is trying to change or unblock the PIN for a token using
the PIN Management Wizard. This message is only displayed when the user
has a smart card and a PIN Pad reader. The keyboard of the PIN Pad reader
must be used instead of the PC keyboard to specify a new PIN as well as to
unblock an existing one. This message is displayed when the operation in
progress has been correctly cancelled via the PIN Pad reader.
Action: None.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
The requested token cannot be found. Please check that the
token is still present.
Personal kan inte hitta den efterfrågade e-legitimationen.
Kontrollera att e-legitimationen inte är borttagen.
Reason: This message is displayed when Nexus Personal Cryptographic
Service Provider is used in combination with a token no longer available. A
typical example could be a user of Internet Explorer with a token on a floppy
disk accessing a page for which client authentication is required. If the user
selects this token in a browser dialog and removes the floppy disk before the
dialog is completed, Personal will not be able to find the token matching the
selected certificate. Theoretically, this message could also be displayed in
other similar situations.
Action: In the scenario described above, do not remove the floppy disk until
the whole client authentication process has been completed.
Incorrect PIN.
Fel lösenord.
Reason: Registration Utility is used to personalize an existing token. An
incorrect PIN has been given.
Action: Make sure you enter the correct PIN.
PIN is locked. The wrong PIN has been entered too many times.
Lösenordet är låst. Fel lösenord har angetts för många gånger.
Reason: Registration Utility is used to personalize an existing token. The
PIN of the token is locked and must be unblocked before personalizing.
Action: Use the PIN Management Wizard to unblock the PIN.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
The length of the PIN is invalid.
Lösenordet har en ogiltig längd.
Reason: Registration Utility is used to create a new token. In the current
dialog, the user must enter and confirm the PIN (i.e., enter it a second time).
This message is displayed if the user has entered a PIN with a length not
corresponding with the parameters maxLen and minLen that are set in the
Registration Utility.
Action: In order to complete the dialog, the user must enter a PIN with a
length that is in accordance with the limits. Check the PIN policy for detailed
The PIN contains too few non-numeric characters.
Lösenordet innehåller för få ickenumeriska tecken.
Reason: Registration Utility is used to create a new token. In the current
dialog, the user must enter and confirm the PIN (i.e., enter it a second time).
This message is displayed if the user has entered a PIN with the content not
corresponding with the parameter minChars that is set in the Registration
Utility. The PIN must contain as many non-numeric characters (i.e. other
characters than 0 – 9) specified by minChars.
Action: Check the PIN policy for detailed information and try again.
The PIN contains too few digits.
Lösenordet innehåller för få siffror.
Reason: Registration Utility is used to create a new token. In the current
dialog, the user must enter and confirm the PIN (i.e., enter it a second time).
This message is displayed if the user has entered a PIN which does not
comply with the Registration Utility parameter minDigits. The PIN must
contain at least as many digits as specified by minDigits.
Action: Check the PIN policy for detailed information and try again.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
The suggested PIN repeats the same character too many times.
Lösenordet innehåller för många identiska tecken i rad.
Reason: Registration Utility is used to create a new token. In the current
dialog, the user must enter and confirm the PIN (i.e., enter it a second time).
This message is displayed if the user has entered a PIN which does not
comply with the Registration Utility parameter maxEqualInRow. The PIN
must not contain more identical characters in a sequence than the number
specified by maxEqualInRow.
Action: Check the PIN policy for detailed information and try again.
The suggested PIN consists of an invalid character sequence.
Lösenordet innehåller en ogiltig sekvens.
Reason: Registration Utility is used to create a new token. In the current
dialog, the user must enter and confirm the PIN (i.e., enter it a second time).
This message is displayed if the user has entered a PIN which does not
comply with the Registration Utility parameters compareStr and
maxCompareInRow. If only compareStr is specified, the PIN must not
contain this string. If maxCompareInRow is also specified the PIN must not
contain a substring of compareStr with more characters than the number
specified by maxCompareInRow.
Action: Check the PIN policy for detailed information and try again.
Error in underlying security system, rv = <hexadecimal
Fel i underliggande säkerhetssystem, rv = <hexadecimal
Reason: Registration Utility is used and OK is selected after entering
information in the dialog box. This message is displayed if another error than
the “expected” ones has occurred in Personal.
Action: Pass the hexadecimal error code to Nexus support where it can be
useful when trying to determine the reason of this error.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Incorrect PIN.
Fel lösenord.
Reason: The user is trying to sign data using WebSigner and has selected
OK. Personal is making an attempt to create the signature using the token
selected in the dialog but the user has given an invalid PIN for that token.
Action: Try again with the correct PIN.
PIN is locked. The wrong PIN has been entered too many times.
Lösenordet är låst. Fel lösenord har angetts för många gånger.
Reason: The user is trying to sign data using WebSigner and has selected
OK. Personal is making an attempt to create the signature using the token
selected in the dialog but the PIN for that token must be unblocked before the
sign operation can take place.
Action: Use the PIN Management Wizard to unblock the PIN.
No token found. You have not inserted a card in the card reader
or token files are missing.
Det finns ingen e-legitimation tillgänglig. Du har inte satt i
något kort i kortläsaren eller också saknas filer med elegitimationer.
Reason: The user is trying to sign data using WebSigner and has selected
OK. Personal is making an attempt to create the signature. This message is
displayed when there are no tokens available for signing. The user has not
been able to select any token in the dialog.
Action: Make sure there are tokens available and select one for signing.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Error in underlying security system, rv = <hexadecimal
Fel i underliggande säkerhetssystem, rv = <hexadecimal
Reason: The user is trying to sign data using WebSigner and has selected
OK. Personal is making an attempt to create the signature with the token
selected in the dialog. This message is displayed when an unexpected error
has occurred in Personal.
Action: Pass the hexadecimal error code to Nexus support where it can be
useful when trying to determine the reason of this error.
Incorrect PIN.
Fel lösenord.
Reason: The user is trying to sign data or to authenticate in an application
using Nexus Cryptographic Service Provider (e.g. signing e-mail). In order to
accomplish the current operation, the user must present a correct PIN for the
token used by the application. In this case, an incorrect PIN has been given.
Action: Try again with the correct PIN.
PIN is locked. The wrong PIN has been entered too many times.
Lösenordet är låst. Fel lösenord har angetts för många gånger.
Reason: The user is trying to sign data or to authenticate in an application
using Nexus Cryptographic Service Provider (e.g. signing e-mail). In order to
accomplish the current operation, the user must present a correct PIN for the
token used by the application. In this case, the PIN is locked and must be
Action: Use the PIN Management Wizard to unblock the PIN.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
No token found. You have not inserted a card in the card reader
or token files are missing.
Det finns ingen e-legitimation tillgänglig. Du har inte satt i
något kort i kortläsaren eller också saknas filer med elegitimationer.
Reason: The user is trying to sign data or to authenticate in an application
using Nexus Cryptographic Service Provider (e.g. signing e-mail). This
message is displayed when there are no tokens available for Personal to use
for this operation.
Action: Make sure there are tokens available and select one for
Error in underlying security system, rv = <hexadecimal
Fel i underliggande säkerhetssystem, rv = <hexadecimal
Reason: The user is trying to sign data or to authenticate in an application
using Nexus Cryptographic Service Provider (e.g. signing e-mail). This
message is displayed if another error than the “expected” ones has occurred in
Action: Pass the hexadecimal error code to Nexus support where it can be
useful when trying to determine the reason of this error.
The operation could not be cancelled. To cancel this operation,
use the cancel button on the PIN Pad reader.
Du kan inte avbryta på det här sättet. Om du vill avbryta så
trycker du på knappen Avbryt på kortläsaren.
Reason: The user is trying to change or unblock the PIN for a token using
the PIN Management Wizard. This message is only displayed if the user has a
smart card and a PIN Pad reader. The PIN Pad reader must be used instead of
the PC keyboard to specify a new PIN as well as to unblock an existing one.
This message is displayed when the user has tried to cancel the operation in
progress using the button Cancel in the PIN Management Wizard dialog.
Action: Use the PIN Pad reader to cancel the operation.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Unspecified error.
Ospecificerat fel.
Reason: The user is trying to change, unblock or activate the PIN for a
token. This message is displayed only if an unexpected error has occurred
during the PIN management operation.
Action: Turn on logging and reproduce the problem. Report the error to
Nexus support along with the log file.
Incorrect PIN.
Fel lösenord.
Reason: The user is trying to change the PIN for a token. This message is
displayed if the user has given an incorrect PIN during a change PIN
operation. The correct PIN must be given in order to change the PIN of the
Action: Try again with the correct PIN.
The new PIN and the confirmation PIN do not match. Please try
Nytt lösenord och bekräftat lösenord är olika.
Reason: The user is trying to change, unblock or activate the PIN for a
token. This message is displayed if the user has given a new PIN and a
confirmation that do not match. For security reasons, the PIN must be entered
twice to avoid typing errors.
Action: Try again with the same PIN.
PIN is locked. The wrong PIN has been entered too many times.
Lösenordet är låst. Fel lösenord har angetts för många gånger.
Reason: The user is trying to change or unblock the PIN for a token. This
message is displayed if the user has a smart card and the PIN is locked. If the
user is trying to change PIN, this PIN management operation must be
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
cancelled and then restarted and the unblock PIN operation performed.
Unblocking a PIN implies changing the PIN.
Action: Use the PIN Management Wizard to unblock the PIN.
The new PIN does not comply with the PIN policy.
Det nya lösenordet följer inte reglerna för lösenord.
Reason: The user is trying to change, unblock or activate the PIN for a
token. This message is displayed if the user has given a PIN that does not
correspond with the PIN policy defined for the token. The policy is defined
when the token is created.
Action: Check the PIN policy for detailed information and try again.
Do you really want to delete <name of electronic ID>?
Ta bort <namn på e-legitimation>?
Reason: The user has tried to delete a token stored in Internal Store. This
question is displayed for the user to confirm the deletion.
Action: Answer Yes to delete the token. This operation is not recoverable.
Answer No to keep the token.
This token does not support PIN changing.
Den här e-legitimationen tillåter inte byte av lösenord.
Reason: The user has tried to change the PIN, using the PIN Management
Wizard, of a token that does not support changing the PIN. If using a smart
card, it could either be the card itself or the card reader which does not support
the change operation.
Action: None, since the PIN cannot be changed. If the token is a smart card
the attempt to change the PIN will not count as a failed attempt, i.e. the trycounter of the PIN will not be decremented.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
This token does not support PIN unlocking.
Den här e-legitimationen tillåter inte upplåsning av lösenord.
Reason: The user has tried to unlock the PIN, using the PIN Management
Wizard, of a token that does not support unlocking the PIN. If using a smart
card, it could either be the card itself or the card reader which does not support
the unlock operation.
Action: None, since the PIN cannot be unlocked. If the token is a smart card,
the attempt to unlock the PIN will not count as a failed attempt, i.e. the trycounter of the PUK will not be decremented.
You have clicked cancel to terminate the Migration Wizard. If
you wish to continue later on, it will be possible to start the
Migration Wizard by going to the File>Migration menu. The
Migration Wizard is used to migrate your tokens from iD2,
SmartTrust or Nexus Personal 4.0 versions of Personal. If you
wish to cancel, please click Yes otherwise click No.
Du har valt att avbryta migrering av e-legitimation. Om du vill
återuppta migrering senare kan verktyget för migrering startas
genom att välja Migrera i menyn Arkiv. Verktyget för migrering
används för att migrera e-legitimationer från äldre versioner av
Personal, iD2, SmartTrust eller Nexus Personal 4.0. Svara ja
om du vill avbryta, annars svara Nej.
Reason: The user is trying to migrate one or more tokens with an old format
to the new format that can be handled by Nexus Personal. This message is
displayed when the user has selected Cancel. The user should answer Yes to
the question if he/she wants to cancel the dialog, the Migration Wizard will
terminate and no token will be migrated.
If the Migration Wizard is used to migrate tokens created by Personal 4.0,
these tokens will be migrated even if the user answers Yes to the question if
he/she wants to cancel. The reason for the migration in this case is that it
occurs when the button Next was selected in the previous dialog step where
the PIN was given.
Action: Follow the actions in the message.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
A token path name has been entered in the "Enter path to folder
on hard drive:" field. If you want to use this path, please click
Yes and then click the Add button. Otherwise click No to return
to the main application window.
En sökväg har angivits i fältet "Ange sökväg till en mapp på
hårddisk:". Om du vill använda denna sökväg, svara Ja och
klicka sedan på knappen Lägg till. Svara Nej för att återgå till
Reason: The user has entered a path and could have had the intention of
adding it to the list of paths to search. This message is shown if the there is
text in the field "Enter path to folder on hard drive:", when clicking OK and
the Add button has not been used.
Action: The user should check if the text in the field "Enter path to folder on
hard drive:" is a path that is to be added. If so, answer Yes to go back to the
Settings dialog and use the Add button to add the path. If the path in the text
field is not going to be added, answer No to quit the Settings dialog.
<Filename> already exists. Do you want to replace it?.
<Filnamn> finns redan. Vill du byta ut den existerande filen?
Reason: The user is trying to export a token from Personal Internal Store to
a file. A filename and a PIN for the token must be set in the dialog step named
Export token to a file in the Export Wizard. The user has entered the name of
a file that already exists.
Action: If the user answers Yes to the question, Personal will overwrite the
existing file with the new one generated by the token export. If the user
answers No, the token will not be exported and the user can enter a new
The folder <Foldername> does not exist. Please create the
folder before exporting.
Mappen <Namn på mapp> finns inte. Skapa mappen innan du
Reason: The user is trying to export a token from Personal Internal Store to
a file. A filename and a PIN for the token must be set in the dialog step named
Export token to a file in the Export Wizard. The user has entered a path that
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
does not exist and the token will not be exported. Personal does not
automatically create folders in this scenario.
Action: The user must manually create the folder where an exported token is
to be placed so that he/she is fully aware of where the exported token will be
located when the export has finished.
No token found. You have not inserted a card in the card reader
or token files are missing.
Det finns ingen e-legitimation tillgänglig. Du har inte satt i
något kort i kortläsaren eller också saknas filer med elegitimationer.
Reason: The user is trying to perform an operation which requires a token.
If, for some reason, the token has become unavailable, this message is
displayed. Any open dialog related to the operation in progress will
automatically be closed.
Action: If a smart card is used, check that it is properly positioned in the card
reader, otherwise, verify that the token file has not been moved or deleted.
The cache is successfully cleared.
Kort-cachen har nu rensats.
Reason: The user has pressed the "Clear Cache" button in order to empty
the file based smart card cache.
Action: No action to take. Next time the card is inserted in the card reader,
the complete card content will be read from the card and a new cache file will
be created.
Failed to clear cache. A possible reason could be that a cache
file is read-only or locked by another application.
Misslyckades med att rensa kort-cachen. En möjlig orsak kan
vara att någon cache fil är skrivskyddad eller låst av ett annat
Reason: The user has pressed the "Clear Cache" button in order to empty
the file based smart card cache.
Action: Wait a while and try the "Clear Cache" button again.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
You are not allowed to delete <name of electronic ID>. Tokens
of this type can not be deleted.
Det går inte att ta bort <namn på e-legitimation>. 
e-legitimationer av denna typ kan inte tas bort.
Reason: The user has tried to delete a token that cannot be deleted. Token
types that cannot be deleted are mounted P12 tokens and smart cards.
Action: No action to take since the selected token cannot be deleted.
The PIN could not be unblocked. A possible reason is that the
PIN is not blocked.
Lösenordet kunde inte låsas upp. En möjlig orsak är att
lösenordet ej är låst.
Reason:The user has tried to unblock a PIN code using the PIN
Management Wizard. The PIN can only be unblocked if it is blocked.
Action: No action to take. The user does not need to unblock the PIN since it
is not blocked.
The new PIN is not accepted. A possible reason could be that
the new PIN must not be identical to the old PIN.
Det nya lösenordet tillåts inte. En möjlig orsak kan vara att det
nya lösenordet inte får vara identiskt med det gamla.
Reason:The user is trying to change or unblock the PIN for a token using
the PIN Management Wizard. This message is displayed if the token has a
builtin PIN policy (separate from the normal PIN policy that can be set when a
token is issued) and therefore does not accept the new PIN.
Action: Try another new PIN.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Incorrect PUK.
Fel upplåsningskod (PUK).
Reason: The user is trying to unblock the PIN for a token using the PIN
Management Wizard. This message is displayed if the user has given an
incorrect PIN unblocking code (PUK) during an unblock operation. The
correct PUK must be given in order to unblock the PIN of the token.
Action: Try again with the correct PUK. If an incorrect PUK is given too
many times, the token may enter a state where it cannot be unblocked.
The signature could not be created. The token does not support
the given signature algorithm.
Det gick inte att skapa någon signatur. Den här elegitimationen kan inte hantera den givna signaturalgoritmen.
Reason: The user is trying to sign data using WebSigner and has selected
OK. Personal is making an attempt to create the signature. This message is
displayed when the selected token is unable to create a signature due to the
fact that it cannot handle the signature algorithm which WebSigner has been
configured to use. This is usually only applicable to certain smart card models.
Action: Websigner needs to be reconfigured to use an algorithm which is
compatible with the selected token, or another token type has to be selected
for the signing operation.
The new PUK and the confirmation PUK do not match. Please
try again.
Ny upplåsningskod och bekräftad upplåsningskod är inte lika.
Reason: The user is trying to activate a PIN using the PIN Activation
function. This message is displayed if the user has given a new PUK and a
confirmation that do not match. For security reasons, the PUK must be entered
twice to avoid typing errors.
Action: Try again with the same PUK.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
The new PUK does not comply with the PUK policy.
Den nya upplåsningskoden följer inte reglerna för
Reason: The user is trying to activate a PIN using the PIN Activation
function. This message is displayed if the user has given a PUK that does not
correspond to the PUK policy defined for the token.
Action: Check the PUK policy for detailed information and try again.
The Transport PIN is not correctly typed. Please try again.
Aktiveringskoden är inte skriven korrekt. Försök igen.
Reason: The user is trying to activate a PIN using the PIN Activation
function. This message is displayed if the user has not re-typed the Transport
PIN, presented in the PIN Activation dialog, correctly.
Action: Re-type the Transport PIN and try again.
The PIN is already activated. If it is not YOU who have
activated the PIN, there is a threat that someone has already
used or manipulated the card. Please contact the card issuer in
this case.
Din e-legitimation är redan aktiverad. Om det inte är DU som
har aktiverat e-legitimationen, kan det vara så att någon annan
redan har använt eller manipulerat din e-legitimation. Om så
är fallet, kontakta din utgivare av e-legitimationen.
Reason: The user is trying to activate a PIN using the PIN Activation
function. The PIN is already activated. Activation of a PIN code can only be
performed once.
Action: If the user is NOT the one that did the first activation of the PIN
code, there is a security threat that someone has already used or manipulated
the card. The user should then contact the issuer of the card.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
The PIN code (<PIN label>) is successfully activated.
Din e-legitimation (<namn på lösenord >) är nu aktiverad.
Reason: The user is trying to activate a PIN using the PIN Activation
function. The PIN code is successfully activated.
Action: None.
Incorrect Transport PIN.
Felaktig aktiveringskod.
Reason: The user is trying to activate a PIN using the PIN Activation
function. An incorrect Transport PIN has been given. The Transport PIN will
get blocked if an incorrect value is entered too many times.
Action: Enter the correct Transport PIN.
The Transport PIN is blocked. PIN activation can no longer be
Aktiveringskoden är blockerad. Aktivering av din e-legitimation
är ej längre möjlig.
Reason: The user is trying to activate a PIN using the PIN Activation
function. An incorrect Transport PIN has been given too many times and the
Transport PIN is now blocked. Activation of the PIN is not possible.
Action: The card issuer should be contacted.
One or more tokens, which can be secured by Personal, have
been found. Securing of the tokens will be done automatically.
En eller flera e-legitimationer som kan säkras upp av Personal
har hittats. Konverteringen till det säkra formatet kommer att
göras automatiskt.
Reason: Personal has found tokens in PKCS#12 format that will be
automatically imported to Personal. The conversion to the internal format will
take place as soon as the user logs into the token.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Action: None.
The automatic conversion of the token to the secure format
Den automatiska konverteringen av e-legitimationen till det
säkra formatet misslyckades.
Reason: The automatic conversion of the token from the PKCS#12 format
to the internal format failed. The reason could be that the token file is writeprotected.
Action: Check that the token file is not write protected.
A new version of Nexus Personal is available.
Click "Update now" in order to upgrade.
En ny version av Nexus Personal finns tillgänglig.
Välj "Uppdatera nu" för att uppgradera mjukvaran.
Reason: A new version of Personal is available and you are recommended
to update.
Action: Click "Update now" and follow the instructions on the screen.
Nexus Personal is up to date!
Nexus Personal är uppdaterad. Ingen ny version finns
Reason: Personal has checked for a later version, but no one was found.
Action: None
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
A new version of Nexus Personal is available.
Please contact the administrator to upgrade the software.
En ny version av Nexus Personal finns tillgänglig.
Kontakta systemets administratör för att uppgradera
Reason: A new version of Personal is available but the user does not have
administrator authority on the computer and is thus not able to upgrade.
Action: The administrator of the computer should upgrade the version of
Saving the token to a floppy disk is not allowed.
Please select another location.
Du kan inte spara din e-legitimation på en diskett.
Ange en annan sökväg.
Reason: The user is trying to save a PKCS #12 token on a floppy disk which
is not allowed.
Action: Select another destination for the save operation.
The token directory is already mounted and ready to be used by
Nexus Personal.
Katalogen är redan registrerad i Nexus Personal för sökning
efter e-legitimationer.
Reason: The directory is already configured in Personal as a mount point
where Personal should search for tokens.
Action: None.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
The check for new versions of Nexus Personal failed. Please
contact the system administrator.
Nexus Personal misslyckades med att kontrollera om en ny
version av programvaran finns tillgänglig. Kontakta systemets
Reason: The poll server response was fail. The reason could be a problem
on the server side.
Action: Contact the issuer of Nexus Personal.
The check for new versions of Nexus Personal failed. Personal
was not able to connect to any of the configured poll servers.
Please contact the system administrator.
Nexus Personal misslyckades med att kontrollera om en ny
version av programvaran finns tillgänglig. Anledningen är att
Personal inte fick kontakt med någon av de konfigurerade
servrarna. Kontakta systemets administratör.
Reason: There could be problems with the network connection or
Action: The user should check the network connection and configuration.
The proxy settings could be wrong. If nothing helps the user should contact
the system administrator.
Are you sure you want to delete the selected token/tokens?
Vill du verkligen ta bort de valda e-legitimationerna?
Reason: This message is shown in a dialog to verify that the user wants to
delete selected tokens.
Action: Click Yes to complete the dialog and delete the selected tokens, or
No to return to the selection dialog.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Personal failed to delete all of the selected token(s). Please
contact the system administrator.
Personal misslyckades med att ta bort alla de valda elegitimationerna. Kontakta systemadministratören om felet
Reason: This message could be shown if the user does not have significant
write permission to delete one or more of the token files, or a file may be write
Action: Verify that the user has sufficient write permission, and that the files
are not write protected. If the problem remains the user should contact the
system administrator.
A token with that name already exists. Give the token another
Det finns redan en e-legitimation med det namnet. Ge elegitimationen ett annat namn.
Reason: This message could be shown when unique token names are
required. This is a configuration option. If unique token names are not
required, the tokens are given a numeric suffix like “ThisToken-1”,
“ThisToken-2” etc.
Action: Change the name of the token.
Personal needs to verify that it is up to date. Click "OK" to do
this now.
Nexus Personal behöver versionskontrolleras. Klicka på
knappen "OK" för att göra det nu.
Reason: The automatic update function has failed repeatedly or software
has not been upgraded as prompted, and the user needs to do a manual version
Action: Click"OK" to open a browser directed to a web page for manual
version check.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Your version of Personal is obsolete and will stop working
unless it is updated. Click "OK" to upgrade.
Din version av Nexus Personal har gått ut och kommer att sluta
fungera. Du behöver uppgradera till en senare version. Klicka
"OK" för att fortsätta med uppgraderingen.
Reason: The version of Nexus Personal is reported obsolete by the update
Action: Click "OK" to open a browser directed to a webpage for software
Your version of Personal is obsolete and will stop working
unless it is updated.
Please contact the administrator to upgrade the software.
Din version av Nexus Personal har gått ut och kommer att sluta
Du behöver uppgradera till en senare version.
Kontakta systemadministratören för att göra detta.
Reason: The version of Nexus Personal is reported obsolete by the update
server and it needs to be upgraded, but the user does not have privileges to do
Action: Click "OK" to close the dialog.
You have successfully unblocked <PIN label> on <name of
electronic ID>.
Note: That old PIN is not valid anymore, and that always when
accessing <PIN label> on <name of electronic ID> the new
PIN should be used.
Du har lyckats låsa upp lösenordet <namn på lösenord> på elegitimationen <namn på e-legitimation>.
Obs: Det gamla lösenordet är inte längre giltigt. Använd
hädanefter alltid det nya lösenordet för <namn på lösenord>
på <namn på e-legitimation>.
Reason: The user has tried to unblock a PIN on the smart card. The PIN is
successfully unblocked and the old PIN is not valid anymore.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Action: Click "OK" to close the dialog
You have successfully unblocked <PIN label> on <name of
electronic ID>.
Note: The PIN code has not changed. It is the same as it was
before it got blocked.
Du har lyckats låsa upp lösenordet <namn på lösenord> på elegitimationen <namn på e-legitimation>.
Obs: Lösenordet har inte ändrats. Det är detsamma som det var
innan det blev låst.
Reason: The user has tried to unblock the PIN. The PIN is successfully
unblocked and it has not changed.
Action: Click "OK" to close the dialog.
You have successfully changed PIN on:
<name of electronic ID>.
Note: The old PIN is no longer valid. You have to use the new
PIN to access <name of electronic ID>.
Du har lyckats byta lösenord på e-legitimationen <namn på elegitimation>.
Obs: Det gamla lösenordet är inte längre giltigt. Använd
hädanefter alltid det nya lösenordet på <namn på elegitimation>.
Reason: The user has tried to change the PIN for the token. The PIN for the
token is successfully changed.
Action: Click "OK" to close the dialog.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
You have successfully changed <PIN label> on <name of
electronic ID>.
Note: That old PIN is not valid anymore, and that always when
accessing <PIN label> on <name of electronic ID> the new
PIN should be used.
Du har lyckats byta lösenordet <namn på lösenord> på elegitimationen <namn på e-legitimation>.
Obs: Det gamla lösenordet är inte längre giltigt. Använd
hädanefter alltid det nya lösenordet för <namn på lösenord>
på <namn på e-legitimation>.
Reason: The user has tried to change the PIN for the token. The PIN for the
token is successfully changed.
Action: Click "OK" to close the dialog.
The requested function is not supported.
If the token is a card perhaps your version of Nexus Personal
does not include support for the specific card or profile.
Det finns ingen stöd för den här funktionen.
Om e-legitimationen är ett smart kort, så kanske din Nexus
Personal version inte har stöd för specifikt kort eller profil.
Reason: The specific function requested on the token is not supported.
Action: Click "OK" to close the dialog.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Mac OS X Specific Messages
You have changed the token search settings.
The application must be restarted for the change to take effect.
Do you want to restart the application?
Du har ändrat sökinställningarna för elektroniska identiteter.
För att dina inställningar skall aktiveras måste programmet
startas om. Vill du starta om programmet nu?
Reason: The user has changed the settings for PKCS#12 token mount
points. This message only appears if is configured to restart
when application reloads the tokens present in Personal
Action: Press “Restart” if you want the change to take effect. Press “Skip”
Failed to export to file. The supplied PIN/password is incorrect.
Det gick inte att exportera den valda e-legitimationen eftersom
lösenordet är fel.
Reason: The user is trying to export a token from Personal to a file. In order
to be able to export the token, the user has to enter the PIN/password of the
token. The operation failed since the user has entered wrong PIN/password.
Action: Make sure you enter correct PIN/password.
Failed to export to file. You do not have write permission to the
supplied destination path.
Det gick inte att exportera den valda e-legitimationen eftersom
du inte har behörighet att skriva till den valda sökvägen.
Reason: The user tries to export a token from Personal to a file. The user
does not have write permissions in the destination folder and the export
operation fails.
Action: The user should export the token to another folder where he has
write permission.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Failed to export to file. You have specified a destination path
that already exists.
Det gick inte att exportera den valda e-legitimationen eftersom
filen redan finns på den valda sökvägen.
Reason: The user tries to export a token from Personal to a file. A file with
the destination path already exists.
Action: The user has to choose another destination path or delete the already
existing file.
Failed to import file. An existing token with the same filename
already exits on your computer.
Det gick inte att importera den valda e-legitimationen eftersom
den redan finns i datorn.
Reason: The user tries to import a token to Personal from a file. The
operation fails since there is already a token with the specified file name
present in Personal.
Action: The user has to delete the existing token in Personal in order to be
able to import.
Failed to import file. You do not have write permission to the
destination path.
Det gick inte att importera den valda e-legitimationen eftersom
du inte har behörighet att skriva till importsökvägen.
Reason: Personal is unable to write imported files to its default location (for
example ~/cbt).
Action: Check that the user has permissions to write to the directory.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Failed to import file. The supplied PIN/password is incorrect.
Det gick inte att importera den valda e-legitimationen eftersom
lösenordet är fel.
The connected reader does not support PIN change or PIN
Den anslutna läsaren stöder inte PIN ändring eller PIN
Reason: The user wants to administrate the PIN codes on a smart card
token. The smart card reader does not support changing or unblocking of PIN
Action: None.
The connected reader only supports PIN unblock.
Den anslutna läsaren stödjer bara PIN upplåsning.
Reason: The user wants to administrate the PIN codes on a smart card
token. The smart card reader does not support changing of PIN codes.
Action: None.
The connected reader only supports PIN change.
Den anslutna läsaren stödjer bara PIN ändring.
Reason: The user wants to administrate the PIN codes on a smart card
token. The smart card reader does not support unblocking of PIN codes.
Action: None.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Installation Program Messages in Reference Number Order
The installation of Personal is complete.
Installationen av Personal är klar.
Reason: The installation of Personal has completed successfully. This
message is shown only if no other functionality is configured to execute at the
end of the installation. The message disappears automatically after ten
seconds if the user does not click OK.
Action: None.
The system must be restarted in order to remove all files. Do
you want to restart the computer now?
Datorn måste startas om för att ta bort alla filer. Vill du starta
om datorn nu?
Reason: Personal is upgrading or uninstalling. This question is shown if the
installation program must restart the computer in order for the upgrading or
uninstallation process to complete. If the user clicks Yes, the computer will
restart immediately and the upgrading or uninstallation process will complete
during the startup that follows. If the answer is No, the computer will not
restart and Personal will not complete the upgrading or uninstallation process
until the next time the computer is restarted/started. If uninstalling, there
might still exist files copied/created by Personal until the next restart/start.
Action: Restart now or later.
Do you want to uninstall Personal? Remember to export your
tokens prior to uninstalling.
Vill du avinstallera Personal? Kom ihåg att exportera dina elegitimationer först.
Reason: Personal is uninstalling.
Action: If the answer to this question is Yes, the user confirms that this is
what is intended. If the answer is No, the uninstallation process will terminate
and Personal can be used as before.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Personal is already installed on this computer. Do you want to
Personal är redan installerad på denna dator. Vill du installera
om Personal?
Reason: The Personal installation program has been started in order to
install Personal on a computer where the application already exists.
Action: By answering Yes to this question, the user confirms that the existing
installation should be replaced and the files belonging to it will be
overwritten. However, the user’s tokens and configuration will not be deleted
or replaced. If the answer is No, the installation program will terminate and no
files will be replaced.
Do you want to upgrade Personal <current version> to version
<new version>?
Vill du uppgradera Personal <aktuell version> till <ny
Reason: The Personal installation program has been started in order to
upgrade Personal.
Action: By answering Yes to this question, the user confirms that this is what
is intended and Personal will be upgraded. If the answer is No, the installation
program will terminate and no upgrading will take place.
Another instance of this program is already running.
Installation program will terminate.
En kopia av installationsprogrammet är redan startad och
därför avslutas denna installation.
Reason: The Personal installation program has been started when another
instance of the same program is already running.
Action: Answer OK and the most recently started instance of the installation
program will be terminated.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
This program is not compatible with this operating system.
Installation will terminate.
Installationsprogrammet saknar information om aktuellt
operativsystem och måste därför avslutas.
Reason: The Personal installation program has been started on a computer
where the operating system version cannot be determined.
Action: Answers OK and the installation program will terminate since it
requires the system version information in order to install Personal.
Failed to create installation directory. Installation cannot
Kan inte skapa en installationsmapp. Installationen avbryts.
Reason: During installation, the Personal installation program could not
create the installation directory to which the files should be copied.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate since an
installation directory is required.
Failed to create a temporary directory. Installation cannot
Kan inte skapa en temporär mapp. Installationen avbryts.
Reason: During installation, uninstallation or upgrading, the installation
program must copy files to a temporary directory. Creation of the temporary
directory failed.
Action: Answers OK. The installation program will terminate.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Failed to set current directory to temporary directory.
Installation cannot continue.
Kan inte ändra så att den tillfälliga mappen blir aktuell mapp.
Installationen avbryts.
Reason: During installation, uninstallation or upgrading, the installation
program must copy files to a temporary directory. Changing the current
directory to the newly created temporary directory failed.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate. Reproduce the
problem with logging turned on and send the log file to Nexus support.
Failed to write files to temporary directory. Installation cannot
Kan inte skriva filer till den tillfälliga mappen. Installationen
Reason: During installation, the installation program must to copy files to a
temporary directory. Copying the files failed.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate. Reproduce the
problem with logging turned on and send the log file to Nexus support.
Failed to write installation program to temporary directory.
Installation cannot continue.
Kan inte skriva installationsprogrammet till den tillfälliga
mappen. Installationen avbryts.
Reason: During installation, uninstallation or upgrading, the installation
program must copy itself to a temporary directory. Copying of the executable
file failed.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate. Reproduce the
problem with logging turned on and send the log file to Nexus support.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
The installation program cannot be used with this version of the
operating system. Installation will terminate.
Installationsprogrammet kan inte användas i den här versionen
av operativsystemet.
Reason: The Personal installation program has determined that it cannot run
on this version of the operating system.
Action: Answers OK. The installation program will terminate.
You must have administrative privileges to install Personal. The
installation will be aborted.
Du måste ha administratörsrättigheter för att installera
Personal. Installationen avbryts.
Reason: A user, who does not have administrative privileges, has tried to
install Personal. The user is required to have administrative privileges in order
to install Personal.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate.
A newer version of Personal is already installed on the system.
En nyare version av Personal finns redan installerad.
Reason: When trying to install Personal, the installation program has
detected that a new version is already installed on the computer.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate.
You must have administrative privileges to uninstall Personal.
Uninstall will be aborted.
Du måste ha administratörsrättigheter för att avinstallera
Personal. Avinstallationen avbryts.
Reason: A user, who does not have administrative privileges, has tried to
uninstall Personal. The user is required to have administrative privileges in
order to uninstall Personal.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate.
Warning. Locked files are left on your computer. They will be
removed after restart. The locked files are listed below.
Varning. Låsta filer ligger kvar på din dator. De kommer att tas
bort vid nästa omstart. De låsta filerna listas nedan.
Reason: Personal is upgrading or uninstalling. This warning is shown if
there are files that cannot be removed by the installation program since they
are locked by the system. The files in question are listed in the dialog box and
will be removed after the next restart of the computer. Normally, when the
user has answered OK to this warning, another message box is shown asking
the user if he/she wants to restart.
Action: The user is not required to restart at this point. However, if the user
does not choose to restart, there will still exist files copied/created by Personal
until the computer is restarted.
The installation program failed to uninstall some components
from a browser based on Netscape or Mozilla. Uninstallation
Installationsprogrammet misslyckades med att avinstallera en
eller flera komponenter från en Netscape- eller Mozillabaserad webbläsare. Avinstallationen fortsätter...
Reason: Personal is upgrading or uninstalling. This warning is shown when
the user has at least one browser installed that is based on Netscape or
Mozilla. The installation program failed to remove the Personal security
module or a Mozilla plug-in module from the browser. However, this does not
make the installation program terminate and it will continue to complete the
upgrading or uninstallation process when the user answers OK.
Action: If the installation program fails to remove a security module or a
plug-in from the browser, try to remove it using the browser instead.
Failed to allocate memory. Installation cannot continue.
Minnestilldelning misslyckades. Installationen avbryts.
Reason: The Personal installation program failed to allocate the memory
required for its execution.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate. Try to close
down some other programs that are open and run the installation program
again. If the installation program is the only program that is executing on the
computer, there might be a problem with the hardware.
You must have administrative privileges to upgrade Personal.
The upgrade will be aborted.
Du måste ha administratörsrättigheter för att uppgradera
Personal. Uppgraderingen avbryts.
Reason: A user, who does not have administrative privileges, has tried to
upgrade Personal. The user is required to have administrative privileges in
order to upgrade Personal.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate.
The upgrade of Personal is complete.
Uppgraderingen av Personal är klar.
Reason: Upgrading Personal has completed successfully. This message is
shown only if no other functionality is configured to execute at the end of the
upgrading. The message disappears automatically after ten seconds if the user
does not click OK.
Action: None.
Do you want to upgrade Personal?
Vill du uppgradera Personal?
Reason: The Personal installation program has been started in order to
perform modular upgrade on Personal.
Action: By answering Yes to this question, the user confirms that this is what
is intended and Personal will be upgraded with the modules that the
installation program was built to upgrade. If the answer is No, the installation
program will terminate and no upgrading will take place.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
Personal is not installed. Upgrade cannot be performed.
Personal är inte installerad. Uppgradering kan då inte utföras.
Reason: The Personal installation program has been started in order to
perform modular upgrade on Personal. However, Personal is not installed and
can therefore not be upgraded.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate. To be able to
perform modular upgrade, install Personal first.
The installed version of Personal doesn't match the version of
the upgrade.
Den installerade versionen av Personal är inte samma som
versionen på uppgraderingen.
Reason: The Personal installation program has been started in order to
perform modular upgrading on Personal. However, the version of the existing
Personal installation is not the same as the version of the installation program
that is executing the modular upgrade, which is a requirement.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate. If possible,
perform a complete upgrade of Personal before trying modular upgrade. The
two operations might require two different installation programs.
Personal is successfully installed. The system has to be
restarted in order to have the changes take effect.
Installationen av Personal är klar. Ändringarna börjar gälla
nästa gång du startar om datorn.
Reason: The installation of Personal on Vista has completed successfully.
This message is shown only if no other functionality is configured to execute
in the end of the installation. The message disappears when the user clicks
Action: Personal application starts the next time the user starts the computer.
Alternatively, the user can start Personal application from the Start menu.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
Personal is successfully upgraded. The system has to be
restarted in order to have the changes take effect.
Uppgraderingen av Personal är klar. Ändringarna börjar gälla
nästa gång du startar om datorn.
Reason: The upgrade of Personal on Vista has completed successfully. This
message is shown only if no ohter functionality is configured to execute in the
end of the installation. The message disappears when the user clicks OK.
Action: Personal application starts the next time the user starts the computer.
Alternatively, the user can start Personal application from the Start menu.
Failed to collect the required information about an existing
installation. Installation cannot continue.
Misslyckades med att hämta nödvändig information om den
existerande versionen av Personal. Installationen avbryts.
Reason: Personal is installing and has failed to detect whether a restart of
the system is required in order to remove a previously installed version. The
failure is due to a system error and therefore, the installation program cannot
Action: The operating system has failed to function properly and it can be
hard to determine why this is the case. One possibility is that the system is
short of memory. It is recommended that you restart the computer and try to
run the installation program again.
A restart of the system is required to remove an existing
installation. Please, restart your computer before you run the
installation program again.
En omstart av systemet är nödvändig för att ta bort en redan
installerad version av Personal. Starta om datorn och kör
sedan installationsprogrammet igen.
Reason: Personal is installing and has detected that a restart of the system is
required in order to remove a previously installed version.
Action: Restart the computer and run the installation program again.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
The system must be restarted in order to remove all files. Do
you want to restart the computer now? Note: You have to login
as <user> in order to complete the operation.
Datorn måste startas om för att ta bort alla filer. Vill du starta
om datorn nu? Notera: Du måste logga in som <användare>
för att slutföra operationen.
Reason: Personal is upgrading on Windows Vista. This question is shown if
the installation program must restart the computer in order for the upgrading
process to complete. If the user clicks Yes, the computer will restart
immediately and the upgrading process will complete during the startup that
follows. If the answer is No, the computer will not restart and Personal will
not complete the upgrading the next time the computer is restarted/started.
Action: Restart now or later.
Personal is successfully installed. The system has to be
restarted in order to have the changes take effect.
Installationen av Personal är klar. Ändringarna börjar gälla
nästa gång du startar om datorn.
Reason: The installation of Personal has completed successfully. This
message is shown if the installation program has detected that there is a need
for restarting the computer in order for all of the functionality to work
properly. The message disappears when the user clicks OK.
Action: It is recommended to restart the computer. Some of the functionality
might not work as expected until a restart is performed.
Personal is no longer supported on this platform. Installation
program will terminate.
Personal supportas inte längre på denna plattform.
Installationen avslutas.
Reason: This platform is no longer supported by Personal. The installation
program is terminated without installing Personal.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate.
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
Messages from Personal
A Personal version with an incompatible classification is
already installed on this computer and installation is therefore
not allowed. Installation cannot continue.
En version av Personal som ej är kompatibel med denna
version är redan installerad på datorn, och en installation är
därför ej tillåten. Installationen avbryts.
Reason: The installation can not continue since the classification of the
installation is not compatible with the currently installed one.
Action: Answer OK. The installation program will terminate. Uninstall
Personal and run the installation again.
Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide [Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]
Messages from Personal
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07] Nexus Personal Message Reference Guide
[Rel. 1.0, 2011-01-07]