2014-2015 Red Oak ISD Financial Procedures Manual 109 W. Red Oak Road P. O. Box 9000 Red Oak, TX 75154 972-617-2941 (phone) / 972-617-4333 (fax) www.redoakisd.org This page intentionally left blank. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS BUDGET CODE COMPOSITION .................................................................................... 4 CASH MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................. 13 ACTIVITY ACCOUNTS ................................................................................................. 14 SALES TAX................................................................................................................... 19 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE / PURCHASING ..................................................................... 23 DISTRICT TRAVEL ...................................................................................................... 27 GUIDELINES FOR ACCEPTABLE CREDIT CARD USE ............................................. 29 EXHIBITS……………………………………………………………………………………….33 2014 – 2015 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK RUN CALENDAR ....................... 34 DEE (REGULATIONS) FOR EMPLOYEE REIMBURSEMENT .......................... 35 COPIER PROCEDURES .................................................................................... 38 PURCHASING COPY PAPER FROM WAREHOUSE ........................................ 39 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR VS. EMPLOYEE ............................................ 40 VENDOR PACKET ............................................................................................. 41 DONATION FORM.............................................................................................. 44 TABULATION OF MONIES COLLECTED FORM............................................... 45 FUNDRAISING APPLICATION ........................................................................... 46 PAYROLL CALENDARS..................................................................................... 47 CONTACTS .................................................................................................................. 49 3 BUDGET CODE COMPOSITION The Texas Education Code requires adoption of a standard fiscal accounting system. Financial data, adopted budget and final expenditures are reported to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) annually. This standard coding structure facilitates decision making by various user groups. Below is an overview of the different sections of the code structure . The information provided by the account number is used by Federal, State and local entities for analyzing the financial stability of a district. It is critical that each segment be considered separately when determining the account number to use. 4 SEGMENT # OF DIGITS FUND XXX TYPE S FUNCTION OBJECT SUB-OBJECT ORGANIZATION YEAR PROGRAM INTENT "TAIL" / LOCAL XX XXXX WHAT IT MEANS EXAMPLES Tells us the source of the revenue which pays for the expenditures Used by Skyward, automatically assigned 199 – Money used for general use 2xx – Money used for Federal programs 461 – Money specific to campuses 5 R – Revenue - Tells us the type of expenditure ROISD defined for clarification of objects XXX Tells us the where or who 0 Tells us when the expenditure occurred XX Tells us the student group served XXX ROISD defined to designate grade, program or other account clarification E – Expenses 11 - Any expense used in the education or instruction of our students, no matter who "controls" the funds 23 - Only expenses used directly in or for the principal's office and office staff 31 - Only expenses used directly in or for the guidance & testing office 33 - Only expenses used directly in the nurse's office 6100 – Payroll and benefits 6200 – Professional services, contract labor 6300 – Supplies, materials, consumables 00 – Undesignated 06 – Band 11 – Copier 17 – Drill Team 42 – NJROTC 001 – Red Oak High School 041 – Red Oak Junior High 104 – Red Oak Intermediate 10x – Elementary Schools 870 – Little Hawks & ATB 874 – Fine Arts 0 – Used for most funds, Skyward automatically assigns year when applicable 5 – Used for some Federal Programs 11 – Basic education, no matter the fund 21 – Gifted and talented 22 – Career and technology 23 – Special education 24 – Compensatory (Accel Ed.) 25 – Bilingual 26 – Nondisciplinary AEP 28 – Disciplinary AEP 32 – Prekindergarten 91 – Athletics 99 – Undistributed 000 – Undesignated or not specified 00D – Grade 3 FOD – Travel Meals CRV – HS Credit Recovery Tells us the purpose of the expenditure. XX PAGE # 5 5 5-6 6 6-7 7 7-10 10 Fund Code – A mandatory 3 digit code is to be used for all financial transactions to identify the fund group and specific fund. The first digit refers to the fund group, and the second and third digits specify the fund. Examples: 199 – General Fund 461 – Campus Activity Fund 865 – Student Activity Fund Function Code – A mandatory 2 digit code applied to expenditures/expenses that identify the purpose of the transaction. The first digit identifies the major class and the second digit refers to the specific function within the area. Examples: 11 – Instruction 12 – Instructional Resources & Media Services (Library) 13 – Curriculum Development & Instructional Staff Development 21 – Instructional Leadership 23 – School Leadership (Principals) 32 – Social Work Services (Truancy) 31 – Guidance, Counseling & Evaluation Services 33 – Health Services (Nurses) 34 – Student Transportation 35 – Food Service 36 – Cocurricular/Extracurricular Activities 41 – General Administration 51 – Facilities Maintenance & Operation 52 – Security & Monitoring Services 53 – Data Processing Services 61 – Community Services Object Code – A mandatory 4 digit code that identifies the nature and object of an account, a transaction or a source. The first of the four digits identifies the type of account or transaction, the second digit identifies the major area, and the third and fourth digits provide further sub classifications. The following is a list of object codes commonly used by Red Oak ISD. 6118 – Professional Extra Duty 6121 – Paraprofessional Extra Duty 6249 – Contracted Maintenance & Repair 6259 – Utilities 6269 – Rentals – Operating Leases (Copier Lease, Rental of Equipment) 6291 – Consulting Services 6299 – Miscellaneous Contracted Services (Judges, Accompanists) 6321 – Textbooks 6329 – Reading Materials (Magazines, Reference Books) 6339 – Testing Materials 6343 – Items for Sale (Vending Machine, School Stores) 6395 – Furniture <$5,000 6 6396 – Technology Equipment <$5,000 ( Computer, Camcorder, Printer) 6397 – Other Equipment <$5,000 (Microwave, Band Instruments, Lawn Mower) 6398 – Software <$5,000 6399 – General Supplies (Consumables, Workbooks, Ink Cartridges, Site Licenses, Paper) 6411 – Travel, Subsistence – Employee Only (Conference Registration Fees, Hotel, Mileage, Over-Night Meals) 6412 – Travel, Subsistence – Students (Participation Fees, Hotel, Meals) 6413 – Travel, Subsistence – Non Employee (Parents, Board, Corporate Representative) 6439 – Election Costs (Officials, Legal Notices) 6495 – Fees and Dues (TASA, TASP, TASB, Chamber of Commerce) Excluded: Registration fees as part of conference or seminar (6411) 6499 – Miscellaneous Operating Costs (Awards, Graduation Expenses, Food or Refreshment for School-Related Meetings, Newspaper Advertisements) 6631 – Vehicles >$5,000 6635 – Furniture >$5,000 6636 – Technology > $5,000 6639 – Other Equipment >$5,000 Sub-Object Code – A locally defined 2 digit code used at the discretion of the campus or department. The sub-object helps track specific expenditures or programs. Both numbers and letters are allowed. The following is a list of sub-object codes commonly used by Red Oak ISD. 00 – Generic Category 04 – Art 06 – Band 11 – Copier Costs 12 – Choral Music 17 – Drill Team 40 – Cosmetology 42 – NJROTC 48 – Theatre Arts 61 – Baseball 69 – Football 74 – RISO Costs 75-76 – Track 84 – Special Olympics DN – Dance RB – Robotics Organization Code – A mandatory 3 digit code that identifies the campus or the department performing a specific responsibility. Whenever possible, organization codes should be allocated to the campus regardless of where the activity occurs. Department codes are used to identify administrative activities not specific to a campus. The following is a list of organization codes commonly used by Red Oak ISD. 7 001 – Red Oak High School 041 – Red Oak Junior High 101 – Red Oak Elementary 102 – H.A. Wooden Elementary 103 – Eastridge Elementary 104 – Red Oak Intermediate 105 – Shields Elementary 106 – iScholars Magnet Academy 699 – Summer School 701 – Superintendent 703 – Tax Collection 720 – Direct Costs 726 – Business Office 727 – Assistant Superintendent of Operations 728 – Public Relations 729 – Human Resources 750 – Indirect Costs 870 – Child Care 871 – Curriculum Department 872 – Special Programs 874 – Fine Arts 898 – Education Foundation 991 – Transportation 992 – PEIMS 993 – Grounds 994 – Custodial 995 – Maintenance 996 – Security and Monitoring Services 997 – Technology 999 – District Wide Fiscal Year Code – A mandatory 1 digit code that identifies the fiscal year. For non-federal programs, the fiscal year code will be assigned by Skyward as a zero (0). Federal programs will utilize the last digit of the program’s fiscal year. Program Intent Code – A mandatory 2 digit code used to account for the cost of instruction and other services directed toward a particular need of a specific set of students. Districts should use the program intent code in all functions when a cost is clearly attributable to a specific program. The following is a list of program intent codes with a description of its intention. 11 – Basic Educational Services The cost incurred to provide the basic level of education/instruction to students in grades PK-12 as well as adult basic and secondary education services. Basic is defined as the curriculum provided for those students who are not in special education. Basic educational services include the cost to evaluate, place and provide educational services to students in honor, college preparatory and advance placement courses. 8 21 – Gifted and Talented Expenditures incurred for instructional services that are designed to meet the needs of students in gifted and talented programs beyond the basic educational program. Only expenditures related to gifted and talented programs should use this PIC code. Note: Honors, college prep courses, or advance placement courses not related to gifted and talented should be coded to PIC 11. 22 – Career and Technology Accounts for costs incurred to evaluate, prepare, place, and/or educate students for gainful employment, advanced technical training, homemaking, apprenticeship and job training. Costs also include Vocational Education for Handicapped (VEH) grades 7-12. Note: Vocational classes in Junior High should use PIC 11 and Vocational Adjustment Classes (VAC) should use PIC 23. 23 – Services to Students with Disabilities (Special Education) Accounts for costs incurred to evaluate, place and provide educational services to students who have Individual Educational Plans (IEP) approved by Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) committees (students with disabilities and/or learning needs). Note: Vocational Education for Handicapped (VEH) should use PIC 22. 24 – Accelerated Education Expenditures attributed to Compensatory Education including costs incurred for increasing the amount and quality of instructional time for students in at-risk situations. Also includes expenditures relating to Compensatory Education for concentrated efforts, specialized contractual services, specialized supplies and materials, specialized equipment, and activities that enhance and improve regular education program services provided to students in at-risk situations. Services provided must be described in the campus improvement plan including FTE’s. 25 – Bilingual Education and Special Language Programs Services for the bilingual basic instructional program in addition to programs that are intended to make students proficient in the English language, primary language literacy, composition and academic language related to required courses. Note: Foreign language courses should use PIC 11. 26 – Non-disciplinary Alternative Education Program (AEP Services) Costs to provide services to students who are separated from the regular classroom to a non-disciplinary alternative education program and are at risk of dropping out of school. Services must be described in the campus improvement plan including FTE’s. 9 28 – Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP Basic Services) Base line (non-supplemental) services to students who are separated from the regular classroom for disciplinary alternative education program. Amount is limited to 18% of the FSP compensatory education allotment. Services must be provided within the campus improvement plan including FTE’s. 29 – Disciplinary Alternative Education Program (DAEP Supplemental Costs) Supplemental services to students who are separated from the regular classroom to disciplinary alternative education program. These costs are supplemental costs in relation to standards for base level education resource allocations and must be described in the campus improvement plan including FTE’s. 30 – Title I, Part A School-wide Activities Related to State Compensatory Education Costs on Campuses with 40% or More Economically Disadvantaged Students. Services provided must be described in the campus improvement plan, including FTE’s. 32 – Prekindergarten (Pre-K) The costs incurred for prekindergarten programs designed to develop skills necessary for success in the regular public school curriculum, including language, mathematics, and social skills. 91 – Athletics and Related Activities Costs incurred to provide for participation in competitive athletic activities such as football, golf, swimming, wrestling, gymnastics, baseball, tennis, track, volleyball, etc. Also includes costs associated with coaches and sponsors for drill team, cheerleaders, pep squad, or any other organized activity to support athletics. Note: Additional salaries and expenditures associated with band, UIL, speech, debate, science competition, class sponsors, student organizations, social clubs (NHS, Beta, etc.) should use PIC 99. 99 – Undistributed Used for administrators, central administration, maintenance, technology, transportation, and food service if the costs are not clearly attributable to any other specific program intent code. Also included are additional salaries and related expenditures associated with band, UIL, speech, debate, science competition, class sponsors, student organizations, social clubs, etc. 10 Fiscal Year Code – A mandatory 1 digit code that identifies the fiscal year. For non-federal programs, the fiscal year Local (Tail) Code – A locally defined 3 digit code used at the discretion of the campus or department. This local code helps track specific expenditures or programs. Both numbers and letters are allowed. The following is a sample list of local codes used by Red Oak ISD. 00C 00E AFT AWD HTL FOD REG Grade 1 Grade 3 After the Bell Awards Travel – Hotel Travel – Meals Travel – Registration 11 This page intentionally left blank. 12 CASH MANAGEMENT Collection of Money All money (cash or checks) collected by a campus or department should be properly recorded by using applicable cash receipt records. Money collected should never be taken home by an employee. Money should not be kept overnight in a desk or file cabinet. If, for some reason, all records cannot be completed and recorded before the end of the day, the funds should be locked and/or stored in the campus/district safe or vault. All cash received should be deposited. Personal check cashing by faculty members is prohibited. Cash collections may NOT be used to purchase supplies or pay vendors. Checks may be accepted only for the amount of the purchase. Acceptable checks should contain the following information and checks without this information should not be accepted: Name Address Phone number Post-dated checks should never be accepted. Depositing Collected Funds When a submitting collected funds to the secretary for deposit, the secretary should verify these funds in the employee’s presence. This is simply a prudent cash handling procedure that protects both the secretary and the employee. If for some reason immediate verification is not possible, the funds should be locked in the campus/district safe or vault until such time that both individuals are present for cash verification. The employee collecting the funds will bear responsibility for any missing deposits or deposit shortages if funds are not verified in the presence of the secretary. All deposits should be deposited within FIVE (5) calendar days. Checks are considered legal tender and are to be treated the same as cash. Never give money to a student to transport to the office. 13 ACTIVITY ACCOUNTS Activity funds consist of monies received and held by the campus to be expended or invested for the benefit of students in accordance with District policy. Specifically, activity funds accumulate from the collection of student fees and various schools approved fund raising activities. There are two types of activity funds that are common for Texas Public Schools. Fund 461 is a clearing account that is used for items such as school pictures, yearbooks, lost text books, flower fund, coffee fund, scholarships, etc. These funds shall be used to promote the general welfare of each school and the educational development and morale of all students. The campus principal is responsible for the proper collection, disbursement, and control of all campus activity funds in compliance with District Policy Fund 865 is used to account for bona-fide student organizations These funds are the property of student groups, i.e. student council, cheerleaders, etc. Decisions on the use of the club funds should be made by the student groups to whom the funds belong, as long as the decisions regarding the use of the funds do not conflict with Board Policy and/or legal regulations or restrictions. Student Organizations A student organization is one which has been properly approved by the campus principal and consists of elected student officers and a faculty sponsor. A roster of newly elected officers is to be furnished to the principal by October 1st of each school year. Clubs, which do not elect officers and/or hold regular activities for two consecutive school years will be considered inactive and any balances transferred to the principal’s activity account. In addition, organizations which do not have a slate of approved officers will not be allowed to conduct fund raising activities. The sponsor of each school organization is required to ensure that adequate financial records are maintained. These records, which are subject to audit, should include, at a minimum, the following: • Monthly Detail General Ledger Report • Sponsor’s copy of cash receipt forms • Sponsor’s copy of invoices Minutes must be recorded of each meeting. At a minimum, minutes should include details of attendance, approval of expenditures, discussion of fund raising activities, and approval of financial status. 14 Fundraising Activities Fundraising is an organized activity to raise funds for an organization or campus. As per District policy, all fundraisers must be approved by the campus principal and the superintendent using the form found on page 38. Under Texas Law, campuses are not allowed to conduct raffles or bingo. Sponsors are expected to follow the cash management procedures outlined in this manual. All required documentation should be submitted electronically to the Business Office within five (5) school days of the close of the activity. Sponsors who do not properly manage their activities and have large monetary amounts outstanding will not be allowed to conduct subsequent fundraising activities. Sponsor Responsibilities The sponsor of each student organization is required to sign a Sponsor Acknowledgement of Responsibilities form and submit to the campus principal. The principal should then forward a copy electronically to the Business Office. The sponsor of each student organization is required to maintain adequate records to support the financial activities of the group. These records are subject to review during the audit of the school’s activity funds and should include, at a minimum, the following: • Copies of money receipts and tabulations of monies collected • Detailed records of fund raising proceeds The sponsor should periodically compare his or her financial records to those kept by the Business Office. If there is a discrepancy, it should be reported immediately. Collection of Money All money (cash or checks) collected by a sponsor should be properly recorded by using applicable cash receipt records. Money collected should never be taken home by the sponsor. Money should not be kept overnight in a desk or file cabinet. If, for some reason, all records cannot be completed and recorded before the end of the day, the funds should be locked and/or stored in the campus safe or vault. All cash received should be deposited. Personal check cashing by faculty members is prohibited. Cash collections may NOT be used to purchase supplies or pay vendors. Again, never give money to a student to transport to the office. 15 Accepting and Depositing Checks Checks may be accepted only for the amount of the purchase and should be deposited within five (5) calendar days of the date of the check. Acceptable checks should contain the following information and checks without this information should not be accepted: Name Address Phone number Post-dated checks should never be accepted. Checks returned as uncollectible (NSF) will be handled by the Red Oak ISD Business Office. Individuals with outstanding returned checks must pay by cash or money order directly to the Business Office. Although the Business Office may ask the campuses to assist in the collection efforts of NSF checks by providing updated addresses or phone numbers, the campuses should not collect for returned checks. All accounting for returned checks and the subsequent collection of monies will be posted by the Business Office into the appropriate Student Activity Fund. Depositing Collected Funds When a submitting collected funds to the secretary for deposit, the secretary should verify these funds in the sponsor’s presence. This is simply a prudent cash handling procedure that protects both the secretary and the sponsor. If for some reason immediate verification is not possible, the funds should be locked in the campus safe or vault until such time that both individuals are present for cash verification. The sponsor collecting the funds will bear responsibility for any missing deposits or deposit shortages if funds are not verified in the presence of the secretary. All deposits should be deposited within five (5) calendar days. Checks are considered legal tender and are to be treated the same as cash. Deposit Slip Description All deposit slips should include the following detail: Purpose of the deposit (fundraiser, donation, fines, etc.) Type of the fundraiser Applicable account number 16 Cash Loss The student activity funds sponsors will be held responsible for any student activity fund entrusted to them. In the event of a cash loss/theft notify either the campus principal or the Business Office immediately upon discovery. Expenditures of Activity Funds All expenditures from activity funds should be made by check from the Business Office. No expenditures should be made using undeposited cash. Prior to the expenditure of funds, a purchase order must be completed and authorized by the principal. Expenditures must be made in compliance with existing purchasing rules, laws, and regulations. Under no circumstances should purchases be made without proper approval. Sponsors should keep on file a copy of all supporting documentation including the Authorization to Release Student Activity Funds, invoices, receipts, etc. To the greatest extent possible, purchases should be planned in sufficient time to allow them to be made by activity fund check. If a student desires reimbursement for an item which he/she has previously paid (lost textbooks or library books), he/she must return the original copy of the receipt indicating the payment of the fine. All refunds for students under eighteen (18) years of age for tuition, textbooks, etc. should be generated on a school check payable to the student’s parent or legal guardian. Payments to Employees Payments and gifts to employees are not permitted from the student activity 865 funds. Purchase of gifts for special occasions, e.g. baby showers, retirements, birthdays, should be purchased using the campus 46l funds at the discretion of the campus principal. Donations/Gifts At various times throughout the school year, sponsoring organizations or individuals may wish to donate monetary amounts or a fixed asset to a specific campus or program. Prior to accepting the donation, the superintendent will determine if the donation is acceptable to Red Oak ISD. On occasion the District is requested to issue thank you letters for tax purposes regarding donations made to campuses or to the district. Forms have been created to assist in receiving complete and correct information in order to send out accurate information to our donors. Donation forms are available on the district webpage under the Business Services. 17 Alcoholic Beverages The purchase of alcoholic beverages with school funds is strictly prohibited. 1099 Requirements A W-9 form will be required for all vendors who provide a service (consultants, disc jockey, trophy sales, t-shirts). If in doubt, the campus should contact the Business Office for clarification. Contracts Individual campus/department administrators do not have the authority to enter into contracts. According to District policy, only the Superintendent or Chief Financial Officer may execute contracts on behalf of the District. Vocational/Career and Technology Accounting Supplies which are to be used in a project are to be purchased from the shop activity account. The instructional budget should only be used to purchase items for instructional purposes. (Fund 461) All funds generated by the students during regular fundraising activities such as bake sales, car washes, etc.; will be deposited to the club account. These funds may be used for banquets, award jackets, etc. (Fund 865) Bank Account Red Oak ISD maintains only one bank account for all student activity funds. Transactions controlled by outside organizations (PTA, booster clubs) must be maintained in separate bank accounts and cannot utilize the District’s taxpayer identification number. 18 SALES TAX State Sales Tax Purchases by the school for educational or instructional use or for administrative use necessary to the educational function of the school are exempt from tax (office supplies, copy paper, etc.) A school must provide the vendor with a valid signed exemption certificate when claiming state sales tax exempt status. To be valid, exemption certificates do not require tax numbers. Parents, patrons, or alumni organizations may not utilize the District’s exemption status. Parent/teacher organizations and booster clubs must apply for their own exemption. Items, which become the personal property of the student (cheerleader uniforms, band t-shirts, etc., even though connected with a school or organization), are not exempt from tax. The exception would be that items, which are purchased through budgeted or student activity funds as an award to a student (perfect attendance and honor roll t-shirts), are not taxable. Meals purchased by the school for athletic teams, bands, etc. on authorized school trips are exempt from sales tax if the school arranges for the meals. The school must pay for the meals with a school district check and provide the eating establishment with an exemption certificate. Individual members of the athletic team, band, etc., may not claim exemption from the sales tax on the meals they purchase while on a school authorized trip. Organizations have the option of: • • Adding the tax to the item’s being sold. Absorbing the tax in the item’s selling price. All sales tax collected by the organization shall be remitted to the Business Office unless contractual agreements with a vendor stipulate that such taxes should be remitted to the vendor (school picture and book fair sales). Taxable Status of Sales School and school related organizations need not collect sales tax on the following: • • • • • • • • Non-Taxable Sales Ad Sales (yearbooks, athletic programs, newspapers, posters) Admission tickets (athletic, dances, dance performances, drama and musical performances) Admission (summer camps, clinics, workshops, project graduation, banquet fees, bids, prom, homecoming, tournament fees, academic competition fees) Club memberships Cosmetology services (Products sold to customers are taxable) Discount/Entertainment cards and books 19 • • • • • • • • Facility rentals for school groups Food and drinks sold at PTA/PTO carnivals Vending machine sales Meals and food products, including candy and soft drinks, served in an elementary or secondary school during the regular school day Candy and food items sold through fundraising drives by PTA/PTO or students of the school who are under eighteen years of age Labor (automotive, upholstery classes) (parts are taxable) Parking permits Services (car wash, cleaning) Tax-Free Days Each school district, each campus, and each bona-fide organization of each school is allowed to have two tax-free sales/days each calendar year. During these tax-free sales, the organization may sell any taxable item tax-free when the price of the item is $5,000 or less. State and local sales taxes shall be imposed and collected on all sales for: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Agricultural Sales Magazines (when sold individually) Art (supplies and work of art musical supplies such as recorders, reeds, etc.) Artistic (CDs, tapes) Athletic (equipment and uniforms) Athletic programs, posters Auction items Automotive (parts and supplies) Band (equipment, supplies, patches, badges, uniform sales or rentals) Book covers Books (workbooks, library) (when we are the seller) Booster club materials Calculators Calendars Candles Car painting, pin striping Clothing (school, club, class, spirit) Computer supplies, mouse pads Cosmetology products sold to customers Cups (glass, plastic, paper) Decals Directories (student, faculty) Drafting supplies Fees for materials when the end product becomes the possession of the student (i.e. vocational projects) Flowers Fundraiser items such as handicrafts, t-shirts, candles, cups, books, and school supplies sold by a school associated organization during a fund raising drive Greeting cards Handicrafts and stationery Hygiene supplies 20 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Identification cards (when they are sold to entire student body; does not include the fine for a lost ID) Locks (sales and rentals) Plants (holiday greenery and poinsettias) Rentals (equipment of any kind) Rings and other school jewelry School pictures (school and/or group if school is the seller) School publications (brochures, magazines, sheet music, hymnals, etc) School store supplies (all items except food) Yearbooks, directories, athletic programs, and other student publications except newspapers School store (i.e. pencils, erasers, paper, etc.) Sewing kits Stadium seats Uniforms of any kind (includes PE, dance team, drill team, cheerleaders, athletic, club shirts) Vending (pencils and other non-edible supplies when the school services the machine) Woodworking/crafts materials when kept by the student Yard signs Tax Exemption Certificates/Hotel Tax Exemption A school district is a political subdivision of the State of Texas and is, therefore, exempt from paying state sales tax. A tax exemption certification should be completed and sent to a vendor who has requested a tax number for his/her records. A Hotel Occupancy Tax Exemption Certification should be furnished to a hotel or motel when a district representative is occupying a room overnight while on school district business. These forms may be obtained from the Red Oak ISD Business Office or from the District website. Although Red Oak ISD is exempt from state sales tax, the District is responsible for local taxes. These taxes should be factored into payment requests for hotels. Questions concerning the hotel exemption certificate should be referred to the Business Office. 21 RED OAK INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACULTY SPONSORS OF STUDENT GROUPS The purpose for the raising and expending of funds by student groups is for the direct benefits of the students. Fund raising activities will contribute to the educational experience of the pupils and will not conflict with the instructional program. Money raised by the student groups and organizations will be held by the school as trustee. The faculty sponsor of a student club or group is responsible for maintaining adequate financial records as evidence of proper custodianship of money received by and disbursed from club accounts. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the General Financial Procedures Manual and that I am responsible for complying with it. In particular, I acknowledge that: 1. All fund raising activities will be approved in advance by the principal and using the Fund Raising Application. superintendent 2. I am responsible both for safeguarding and accounting for funds received from or on behalf of students. 3. Student activity money will be turned in to the office daily in the same form in which it was received. 4. At the completion of all fundraisers, the Fund Raising Recap will be completed and submitted to the principal for approval. 5. All purchases made on behalf of the student organization will be made by check and approved in advance by the principal and the business office. 6. I will maintain a positive balance in my organization’s account. I understand that I will be held responsible for any student activity funds entrusted to me and that I will reimburse the student organization for any money which is lost due to carelessness, theft, fraud, or failure to follow established procedures. ________________________________ Signature _________________ Date ________________________________ Student Club or Organization _________________ Campus ___ Scan & e-mail to Byron Bryant – [email protected] 22 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE / PURCHASING Each campus or department must prepare and enter its own requisitions. Decisions regarding personnel authorized to execute purchase requisitions and purchase orders will be left to the discretion of the building principal. Due to the fact that all purchase orders and numbers are generated electronically, it is imperative that procedures for entering required information be followed exactly. Any orders submitted for approval with missing information, misspelled words, or incorrect budget coded may be denied and returned for corrective action. Approval for Purchase Orders After the requisition has been entered into Skyward, notice is automatically sent to the principal or director for approval. The final approval will be done by the Business Office. Barring any requisition related questions, requisitions entered before 2:00 PM will be approved that day and electronic notification will be sent. A PDF copy of the purchase order will be saved on the I-drive in your appropriate folder for your use. No purchases should be made prior to the final approval from the Business Office. ANY PURCHASES MADE PRIOR TO THE APPROVAL OF THE PURCHASE ORDER ARE IN VIOLATION OF DISTICT AND STATE POLICY. Emergency Purchase Orders From time to time it is recognized that situations will arise whose urgency will dictate immediate processing of purchase orders. In such cases, the completed requisition should be entered into Skyward as normal and then an email sent to the CFO explaining the reason for the emergency. The order will be given priority approval status and sent back to the campus/department as quickly as possible. If an emergency is of an extreme nature and a purchase must be made without a purchase order, the following should steps should occur: 1. Obtain approval from campus principal or director. 2. Call the CFO to obtain authorization for purchase. Be prepared to provide the following information: a. Nature of the emergency b. Vendor’s name c. Total dollar amount d. Account number e. Brief description of merchandise 3. The CFO will advise of steps to be taken next. 23 PLEASE NOTE: The VISA card is not to be used as a replacement for emergency purchase orders. The CFO will determine the best course of action in each situation. Receiving Deliveries Deliveries are frequently made directly to a campus or department. The receiver should confirm the delivery address and verify the delivery manifest. DO NOT accept merchandise if it is addressed to another campus/department, if it is damaged, or if it does not match driver’s records. When merchandise is received by a campus or department, items must be electronically received in Skyward. Invoices given directly to campus or department personnel should be electronically forwarded to Accounts Payable with the purchase order number clearly indicated on it. This includes charge tickets, receipts and repairs. Cancellation of Purchase Orders All purchase orders will have an automatic ninety (90) day cancellation date affixed to them. Flexibility of assigned cancellation dates will be considered in such situations as proximity of vendor, availability of the merchandise, and quantities required. Any merchandise not received by that deadline will automatically be cancelled. Cancellation deadline extension may be granted to the requisitioning department or school by sending the request in writing to the Business Office in advance of the cancellation deadline. Both the vendor and campus or department will be properly notified of the extension. Premature cancellations may likewise be granted upon similar notification to the Business Office. In the event that a vendor has begun production of a custom-made part or product, or has secured for delivery to the district an article that the vendor is not likely to sell within the vendor’s normal scope for business, or if the vendor has incurred costs in preparation for special or custom production, the District shall accept such costs as the vendor may incur as a result of the premature cancellation. New Vendors Please electronically submit completed new vendor packets to the Business Office. The new vendor packet is available on the district website under Business Services - Purchasing. 24 Do’s & Do Not’s of Requisitions and Purchase Orders Do 1. Add as much detail as possible in the Description Box at the top [This prints on the check]. 2. Do fill out the Project/Grant field if applicable. 3. Do fill out the Due Date if applicable. 4. Give your requisition a Batch # to proceed. 5. Add the same if not more detail to the Detail Line Items Below. Each Item should be on a separate line with description and quantity with the accurate cost. 6. Be sure to attach your quote/estimate/shoppingcart to the file cabinet prior to business office approval. Do Not 1. Enter a requisition after the purchase or make a purchase prior to approval. 2. Leave out important information that the business office will need to process the request. It delays the approval. 3. Forget to notify the Business Office about any backorders, returns, replacements or incomplete orders. Please seek guidance from the Business Office. 4. Open more than one blanket PO at a time for any one vendor. 25 This page intentionally left blank. 26 DISTRICT TRAVEL Travel Forms A travel form must be filled out in Eduphoria Formspace if the District is paying for an employee to travel. A form must also be filled out if a substitute is required during an absence from duty even if the District is not paying for the trip. Below are a few guidelines to help you choose the correct form: Be sure to select the correct category (Athletics and Fine Arts MUST select their own form) o ATHLETICS – School Business Travel/Conference Attendance Approval o FINE ARTS – School Business Travel/Conference Attendance Approval o School Business Travel/Conference Attendance Approval If students are involved in the trip, you must also fill out a student travel request form. Please fill this out at least 2 weeks in advance if requesting a bus to allow the transportation department time to schedule a bus and driver. o ATHLETICS – Student Travel Request Form o FINE ARTS – Student Travel Request Form o Student Travel Request Form The travel forms can be found by logging into Eduphoria Formspace and selecting ‘Submit New Form’ in the lower left hand corner of the webpage. Then choose the category of Travel (indicated by the traffic light) and the forms will appear. Travel Expense Reimbursement Please attach the approved form to the purchase order for registration, mileage, hotel, or food reimbursement. Refer to DEE (REGULATION) in the Exhibits for more detail regarding allowable travel expenses. Here are a few guidelines: 27 Meal Reimbursement o A meal may only be reimbursed if an itemized receipt is acquired. Credit card receipts are not acceptable unless they include detail itemization. o No alcoholic beverages will be reimbursed. o Limits for reimbursement: $6 Breakfast $10 Lunch $20 Dinner o Sales tax may not be reimbursed; however a reasonable tip may be reimbursed. o A requisition must be entered in Skyward within 5 business days after returning. Attach itemized receipts and the approved travel form to the requisition. Please use the tail code FOD at the end of the budget code when submitting the requisition. Mileage Reimbursement o Mileage drive to and from an approved destination may be reimbursed at $0.56* per mile. (*Amount subject to change based on Federal & State rates.) o Mileage may not be reimbursed if the destination is within a 60 mile radius of the Red Oak ISD Education Service Center unless prior approval has been documented. o If a group is traveling to the same destination, only 1 out of every 4 people may be reimbursed for mileage. Please carpool when possible. o A requisition must be entered in Skyward with the approved travel form and a pdf map showing the total number of miles driven within 5 business days after returning. Please use the tail code MIL at the end of the budget code when submitting the requisition. 28 GUIDELINES FOR ACCEPTABLE CREDIT CARD USE Credit cards may be issued to Red Oak ISD (District) administrators as an efficient and alternative means of payment for allowable expenses, particularly expenses related to business travel and office supplies. Use of district-issued credit cards is a privilege, which the District may withdraw at any time. Use of district issued credit cards by a non-district employee is strictly prohibited. Any employee who permits the use of district issued credit cards by a non-district employee shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and possibly including termination of employment. In addition, any unauthorized, unlawful or impermissive use of district issued credit cards may lead to possible criminal charges. Allowable Uses District purchases such as office supplies, instructional materials, and books; Repairs and maintenance to District vehicles and/or equipment; Travel expenses consistent with the District’s travel and expense reimbursement policy; or Business related meals with proper documentation (see below). Prohibited Uses Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or controlled substances; Personal purchases including, but not limited to, home utilities, clothing, etc.; Purchases in violation of the District’s purchasing guidelines; Cash advances; or Loans. Procedures Purchase requisitions to VISA with the appropriate account code should be submitted and approved prior to the purchase. Tax-exempt certificates should be utilized whenever possible. Detailed receipts should be turned into the Business Office within two (2) business days of the purchase. Credit card receipts for meals must include the following documentation in compliance with Internal Revenue Service: 29 o o o o o Who: What: When: Where: Why: The names of all persons involved Services provided, i.e.: lunch, staff meeting The date services were provided The name and location of the restaurant or service provider A brief description of the business purpose or topic discussed Credit card receipts reflecting total charged only will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the designated cardholder to ensure all users abide by the prescribed procedures. Lost or stolen cards should be reported immediately to the Business Office. Cards should be surrendered upon resignation, nonrenewal or termination of employment. Cards should also be surrendered upon placement of an employee on administrative leave. Possible Consequences of Misuse Depending on the severity and repeated nature of the offense, the District may: Demand reimbursement of unacceptable expenses, including the possibility of payroll deductions. Withdraw the privilege to use a credit card. Enforce disciplinary action, up to and possibly including termination of employment. Pursue legal action, if required to recover the cost of such purchases, together with the costs of collection and reasonable attorney fees. 30 RED OAK ISD CREDIT CARD HOLDER AGREEMENT I, _______________________(print), hereby acknowledge receipt of credit card ending in ________ (last four digits). I confirm that I have read and understand the guidelines established by Red Oak ISD. As the designated cardholder, I agree to accept the responsibility and accountability for the protection and proper use of the card. I understand that the card is to be used for District use only. If the card is used for personal purchases or proper documentation is not provided, the District will be entitled for reimbursement from me of such purchases and may be allowed to obtain the amounts through payroll deductions. I also understand that further sanctions may be enforced in case of severe or repeated violations. ______________________________ Signature _________________ Date 31 This page intentionally left blank. 32 EXHIBITS 2014-2015 ROISD Financial Procedures Manual 33 2014 - 2015 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK RUN CALENDAR AUGUST 2014 S M T W TH F 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 S 2 9 16 23 30 SEPTEMBER 2014 S M T W TH F 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 FEBRUARY 2015 M T W TH F 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 S 7 14 21 28 NOVEMBER 2014 S M T W TH F 2 9 16 23 30 S 1 8 15 22 S 3 10 17 24 31 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 MAY 2015 M T W TH F 1 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 6 13 20 27 OCTOBER 2014 S M T W TH F 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 7 14 21 28 DECEMBER 2014 M T W TH F 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 29 30 31 S 6 13 20 27 JANUARY 2015 M T W TH F 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 MARCH 2015 T W TH F 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 31 S 7 14 21 28 APRIL 2015 S M T W TH 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 S 6 13 20 27 JULY 2015 T W TH 1 2 7 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 28 29 30 S S M 1 7 8 14 15 21 22 28 29 JUNE 2015 T W TH 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 F 5 12 19 26 S 4 11 18 25 S M 5 12 19 26 RED = DUE DATES FOR INVOICES & TRAVEL ADVANCE REQUESTS YELLOW = DATES CHECKS WILL BE READY FOR PICKUP 34 6 13 20 27 S 4 11 18 25 S 3 10 17 24 31 F 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 F 3 10 17 24 31 S 4 11 18 25 35 36 37 COPIER PROCEDURES In an effort to more accurately track, report, and pay copy expenses, the Business Office has implemented the following guidelines. Xerox Copiers 1. On the first Monday of every month send your copy counts for each machine to [email protected]. In order to get the count, push the “Machine Status” button and then touch the “Billing Information” tab on the screen. It should show your count on that screen. 2. Each campus has an ‘allocation’ of copies determined by Xerox. The business office will monitor monthly the amount of copies made over that allocated amount. 3. A journal entry will be done each month by the business office to reflect the amount of the overage, and an annual ‘settle-up’ will occur at the end of the fiscal year. 38 PURCHASING PAPER FROM THE ROISD WAREHOUSE Step 1: Enter a Requisition to ROISD Warehouse. Step 2: Be sure to indicate in the project/grant field “paper”. Step 3: Enter the quantity of cases you will need. Step 3: Enter the price of $25.69 per case. (Price subject to change.) Step 4: Wait for approval from the business office. The normal approval process will take place. Step 5: Submit a work order request to Grounds for delivery, please attach a copy of the purchase order that is saved on your I:drive folder. Step 6: Once your delivery has occurred, please do not forget to receive the items in Skyward. 39 40 Red Oak Independent School District Purchasing Department Vendor Enrollment Application For (Description of goods/services to be provided) Company Name: Contact Person: Email Address: Mailing Address: Street Address (If different from mailing): City: _____________________________ State: ________________ Zip: Fax Number: _____________________________ Phone Number: Please list inter-local agreements and cooperative memberships (if any) in which your company participates: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Please return completed form along with the company’s W-9 and Conflict of Interest Questionnaire to: Byron L. Bryant Red Oak ISD P.O. Box 9000 Red Oak, TX 75154 [email protected] Fax: 972-617-4326 41 42 43 RED OAK ISD DONATION FORM CAMPUS/DEPARTMENT NAME: PURPOSE OF DONATION: DATE OF DONATION: NAME OF DONOR: MAILING ADDRESS OF DONOR: AMOUNT OF DONATION: ________________________ CHECK CASH YES NO - OR – DESCRIPTION OF ITEM: CONFIRMATION LETTER REQUESTED: FOR CAMPUS/DEPARTMENT USE ONLY FUNDS RECEIVED BY: ACCOUNT FUNDS DEPOSITED TO: DATE OF DEPOSIT: Scan & e-mail to Byron Bryant – [email protected] 44 45 Fundraising Application and Financial Recap Application School Year: ________________ School: ____________________ Club: ___________________ Acct #: Beginning Sale Date: ____________________ Ending Sale Date: ______ Description of product(s): ______ Who will do the selling? ______________________ Where: _______________________________ Will door-to-door solicitation be involved? ______ Vendor Name: ______________________________ Phone: Vendor Address: ___________________________ ___________________________ Expected Net Income: $ _______________________ I am familiar with the School and District policies regarding the sale of merchandise at school and in the community. I accept responsibility for the cash collections and Sales Tax collection involved. I understand that this form must be approved by the Superintendent prior to the start of the fundraiser. __________________________________ _________________________________________ (Signature of Sponsor) (Signature of Principal) APPROVED BY: __________________ Superintendent DATE: Financial Recap (Approved original must accompany deposit to campus secretary after fundraiser who will forward a copy to the Business Office. Deposits may be made only by the Campus Secretary). Total Sales $ All monies must be deposited. No cash expenditures, refunds or reimbursements may be made from the sales. All expenses, refunds or reimbursements must follow the standard requisition procedure. Status of any remaining inventory: _______________________________ (Signature of Sponsor) Date Original to Sponsor __________________________________ (Signature of Principal) Date Copies to Superintendent, Principal, and Business Office 46 PAYROLL CALENDARS Semi-Monthly Payroll Schedule Pay Date August 8, 2014 August 27, 2014 September 10, 2014 September 25, 2014 October 10, 2014 October 27, 2014 November 10, 2014 November 20, 2014 December 10, 2014 December 18, 2014 January 9, 2015 January 20, 2015 February 6, 2015 February 20, 2015 March 6, 2015 March 27, 2015 April 10, 2015 April 27, 2015 May 8, 2015 May 27, 2015 June 10, 2015 June 25, 2015 July 9, 2015 July 27, 2015 Time Sheet Due August, 4, 2014 August 18, 2014 September 3, 2014 September 17, 2014 October 1, 2014 October 20, 2014 November 3, 2014 November 17, 2014 December 2, 2014 December 15, 2014 January 6, 2015 January 13, 2015 January 27, 2015 February 10, 2015 March 2, 2015 March 23, 2015 April 6, 2015 April 21, 2015 May 4, 2015 May 18, 2015 June 2, 2015 June 15, 2015 July 1, 2015 July 20, 2015 47 Monthly Payroll Schedule Pay Date August 27, 2014 September 25, 2014 October 27, 2014 November 20, 2014 December 18, 2014 January 20, 2015 February 20, 2015 March 27, 2015 April 27, 2015 May 27, 2015 June 25, 2015 July 27, 2015 Time Sheet Due August 18, 2014 September 17, 2014 October 20, 2014 November 17, 2014 December 15, 2014 January 13, 2015 February 10, 2015 March 23, 2015 April 21, 2015 May 18, 2015 June 15, 2015 July 20, 2015 Substitute Payroll Schedule Pay Period August 26-29, 2014 September 2-30, 2014 October 1-31, 2014 November 3-21, 2014 December 1-19, 2014 January 6-30, 2015 February 2-27, 2015 March 2-31, 2015 April 1-30, 2015 May 1- June 5, 2015 Pay Date September 5, 2014 October 10, 2014 November 7, 2014 December 5, 2014 January 9, 2015 February 6, 2015 March 6, 2015 April 10, 2015 May 8, 2015 June 12, 2015 48 CONTACTS VICKIE BENBOW Chief Financial Officer Extension 4005 [email protected] BYRON BRYANT Director of Finance Extension 4031 [email protected] TAMMY WARDLAW Coordinator of Finance Extension 4163 [email protected] VICKI DENNIS Payroll Manager Extension 4161 [email protected] JERRONA CAMPBELL Payroll Assistant Extension 4036 [email protected] LESLIE GRUBBS Accounts Payable Manager Extension 4162 [email protected] KAREN DILLON Accounts Payable Extension 4165 [email protected] CATHY SMITH Administrative Assistant Extension 4164 [email protected] 49
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