OPERATIONS MANUAL DELIVERY ADVICE Please be advised that the following amendments are to be made to the Australian Ballooning Federation Inc. Operations Manual and must be incorporated in the copy of the manual that you hold to maintain currency. Amendment number Date Amended Part Amended General Table of contents 2.01 14 November 2013 Remove page # Add page # GEN-3 to GEN-4 GEN-3 to GEN-4 CON-1 to CON-2 CON-1 to CON-2 S3-1 to S3-10 S3-1 to S3-14 New Section S10-1 to S10-12 A1-1 to A1-6 A1-1 to A1-8 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Section 10 ABF Syllabi of Training Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Actioned by Date Actioned Please update your ABF Operations Manual; and Check the list of effective pages GEN-4; and Sign and date the record of amendments page GEN-3; and Return the section below by email or post; and Insert this sheet into your Operations Manual folder. ACTION: This cut off section is to be completed by the recipient and emailed or returned to the address below as soon as the enclosed amendments have been incorporated. I have received the amendments to the Australian Ballooning Federation Inc. Operations Manual Version 2.01 and have updated my copy of the manual. Signed: Print name: ABF No. Date: Return to: ABF, National Administrator Post: PO Box 402 Emerald Vic 3782 Email: [email protected] For release 14 November 2013 Page 1 of 8 Name was Classes of certificates and Endorsements Name was Student Pilot Certificate (Balloons) Renamed Renamed Deleted Amdt. No. 2.00 added Amdt. No. 2.01 where appropriate. Name change to conform to revision of section 3. Name was Certificates and Endorsements Revised List of effective pages Added amendment Number 2.01 Description of change Renamed Added Amendment General Record of Amendments Table of Contents Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements 3.1 Types of Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements 3.2 Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Change Section/Paragraph Changes: A summary of the revisions and changes made to the ABF Operations Manual and, where relevant, justification for changes, are as follows. Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Reason for change Basic review of spelling, grammar and punctuation was followed by revision of “Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements”, Introduction of a Biennial Flight Review (BFR) and revision of the Instructor system. Review criteria of the Operations Manual included: This manual is the pivotal operational document on which all private flights are conducted and, therefore, must be accurate and up to date at all times. This manual is part of a suite of ABF manuals falling under the pivotal ABF manual which is the ABF Exposition. Considering that the ABF board (committee) is preparing the ABF Exposition and that manual will not be completed prior to the issue of this amendment there are items that belong in the exposition that have remained in this issue of the Operations Manual. General: The changes made to the ABF Operations Manual are instigated from the following: 1. Changes to CAO 95.54 2. CASA audit conducted 16th to 17th November 2009. 3. CASA audit conducted 8th and 9th February 2012. 4. General periodic revision. ABF Operations Manual - Amendment 2.01 ABF OPERATIONS MANUAL – Amendment 2.01 Summary of changes made by Ian Robinson – Operations Manager Multilevel list revision. “A1.4” was “A1.3” A1.5 Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Renamed “(Balloon) Certificate” was “Certificate (Balloons)” Certificate” was “Certificate (Balloons)” Deleted “classes and types” was 3.1.1 (b) Minor change to certificate names to be consistent with nomenclature in CAR 1988. Multilevel list revision. Removed superfluous wording. 1988 Clarification Housekeeping Clarification Clarification Housekeeping Clarification Clarification Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping For release 14 November 2013 Page 2 of 8 Reason for change Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Renamed “Certificates, Added Ratings and Appointments to header. Appointments and Ratings, Appointments Endorsements and Endorsements” was “Certificates and Endorsements” 3.1 Types of Certificates, Renamed “types” was Revision of name to a more appropriate description. Ratings, Appointments and “classes” Endorsements Student Pilot (Balloon) was 3.1.1 (a) Multilevel list revision Certificate Renamed “(Balloon) Minor change to certificate names to be consistent with nomenclature in CAR Conversion Factors Multilevel list revision. “A1.4” was “A1.3” New Section Added Multilevel list revision. Name was Balloon Pilot Examiner Certificate Renamed “A1.3” was “A1.2” Name was Balloon Pilot Instructor Certificate Renamed New paragraph Name was Radio Operator Certificate (Balloons) Renamed Added Description of change Name was Private Pilot Certificate (Balloons) Change Renamed A1.2 Commonly Used Definitions A1.3 Meaning of Auxiliary Verbs A1.4 Units of Measurement Section/Paragraph 3.3 Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate 3.4 Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate 3.5 Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating 3.6 Examiner Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Section 10 Syllabi ABF OPERATIONS MANUAL – Amendment 2.01 Summary of changes made by Ian Robinson – Operations Manager 3.1.3 The types of balloon appointments which may be made are as follows Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1 Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2 Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 3 3.1.2 The types of balloon ratings which may be issued are as follows Section/Paragraph Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate Clarification Specified the type of radio. Added “The types of balloon appointments which may be made are as follows:” Added “The types of balloon ratings which may be issued are as follows:” “Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grades” were “Balloon Pilot Instructor Certificate”. Deleted Theory Instructor. Added “Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 3” Added “Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2” Added “Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1” Moved “3.1.3 Endorsement to Logbook:” “3.1.3” was “3.1 (e)” Moved “3.1.2 Endorsement to Certificates:” “3.1.2” was “3.1 (d)” Housekeeping Reworded paragraph to be consistent with other certificates. “A certificate authorising” was “Authorises” Added VHF Clarification Housekeeping Multilevel list revision. Added a listing of balloon appointments Housekeeping Refer above Refer above Multilevel list revision. 3.1.3 Endorsement to Logbook: is now 3.1.5 Introduction of instructor rating grades Introduction of instructor rating grades Refer above Housekeeping CASA audit 2009 Observation AO1-309 Instructor nomenclature was revised for clarity. Theory instructor has been deleted to allow for self learning and theory instruction from non-instructors. Instructor system has been revised to enable grading of instructors. Introduction of instructor rating grades Clarification Housekeeping Multilevel list revision. Added a listing of balloon ratings Housekeeping Multilevel list revision. 3.1.2 Endorsement to Certificates: is now 3.1.4 Housekeeping Description of change Multilevel list revision. For release 14 November 2013 Page 3 of 8 Reason for change Change was 3.1.1 (c) ABF OPERATIONS MANUAL – Amendment 2.01 Summary of changes made by Ian Robinson – Operations Manager “Issue” was “Initial Issue” Reworded sub sub section in entirety. 3.2.1 Issue 3.2.2 Flight Privileges and Limitations Renamed “(Balloon) Certificate” was “Certificate (Balloons)” Added paragraph 3.2 Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Revised Revised to conform to instructor grading and ease of reading. Revised heading. Added an explanation of certificate. Revised to conform to instructor grading and inclusion of certification by the ABF Operations Manager. Revised to conform to instructor grading and inclusion of certification by the ABF Operations Manager. Minor change to certificate names to be consistent with nomenclature in CAR 1988 Revised 3.1.5 (a) Balloons greater than 120 3.1.5 (b) Flight in class C & D flight in Class C or D airspace Added “(e)” Multilevel list revision. flight lower than 2,000 feet above the aerodrome elevation while flying within 3 nautical miles of any certified or registered aerodrome; and Multilevel list revision. Introduction of examiner appointment grade 1. Introduction of examiner appointment grade 2. Introduction of examiner appointment grade 3. Description of change Examiner name was revised for clarity. Examiner system has been revised to enable grading of examiners. Added “(d)” Added “Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2” Added “Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1” “3.1.4” was “3.1.2” Change ‘Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grades” were “Balloon Pilot Examiner Certificate”. Added “Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 3” Misleading description Clarification and conformity. Clarification Clarification Housekeeping Housekeeping CASA audit 2012 Observation 120203 Compliance with CAO 95.54 CASA audit 2012 Observation 120203 Compliance with CAO 95.54 Housekeeping Housekeeping Housekeeping Clarification of examiner authorisations Allow non balloonists to conduct examinations Allow balloonists to conduct and mark examinations Replaces Flight examiner. For release 14 November 2013 Page 4 of 8 Reason for change 3.1.5 Endorsement to Logbook “3.1.5” was “3.1.3” 3.1.4 Endorsement to Certificates Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1 Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2 Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 3 Section/Paragraph ABF OPERATIONS MANUAL – Amendment 2.01 Summary of changes made by Ian Robinson – Operations Manager Added “A minimum of 15 minutes of tether flight” as a requirement for tethered flight was not mandatory. The student is to retain the ABF Student Training Record to avoid loss in the post. In lieu a copy preferably in PDF format shall be sent to the ABF Revised Revised Reworded Renamed “(Balloon) Certificate” was “Certificate (Balloons)” Added paragraph Revised “two years and one month” was “two years” Added (ii) Added “copy” Added paragraph 3.2.4 Student experience 3.2.5 Validity 3.3 Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate 3.3.1 Issue 3.3.1 (g) Examination validity 3.3.1 (i) Instructional flight time 3.3.1 (l) (iii) ABF Student Training Record 3.3.1 (l) (iv) Logbook The requirement for the student to forward to the ABF a copy of his/her logbook was not previously specified. Allow for annual/biennial training activities. Update to conform to existing requirements. CASA audit 2009 Observation AO4-3-09. Update to conform to existing requirements. Clarification Clarification Added an explanation of certificate Expanded number of points to clarify requirements. Revised to conform to new Instructor/Examiner requirements and nomenclature. Extended validity of examinations by one month. Clarification Consistency Clarification Update to conform to previous change. Clarification Minor change to certificate names to be consistent with nomenclature in CAR 1988 The ABF Student Training Record is no longer the logbook recommended by the ABF. “the “Flight Training Exercises Completed to a Competent Standard” sheet” was “the back sheet appended to the inside cover of the ABF Student Training Record” A new signature sheet has been introduced to comply with this paragraph. “under the direct supervision of a ABF Instructor and log instructional flight time up to a maximum total of two hours.” was “and log instruction flight time conducted by an ABF instructor, up to a maximum total of two hours.” This revision allows for unlimited unlogged flights and limits flights to exclude solo flights. Added “providing that he/she has attained the age of 15 years”. This addition disallows logging of flights for persons who have not attained the required age to apply for a SP(B)C. Reworded paragraph with no change to meaning 3.2.3 (e) Training to a competent standard 3.2.3 (a) ABF Logbook Description of change Minor change to certificate names to be consistent with nomenclature in CAR 1988. Change Renamed “(Balloon) Certificate” was “Certificate (Balloons)” Revised logbook For release 14 November 2013 Page 5 of 8 Reason for change Section/Paragraph 3.2.3 Logging of Flight Time and Exercises ABF OPERATIONS MANUAL – Amendment 2.01 Summary of changes made by Ian Robinson – Operations Manager 3.4 Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate and Non-currency 3.3.6 Currency 3.3.2 (h) Flights in a balloon, which has a capacity greater than 120,000 cu ft (3,400 cu m) 3.3.3 Recreational balloon pilot: regular flight review required 3.3.4 Examination Credits 3.3.5 Validity Housekeeping Consistency Added the requirements for a review of competency for Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate. Multilevel list revision. Multilevel list revision. Reworded paragraph with no change to meaning Added sub sub paragraph “3.3.4” was”3.3.3” “3.3.5” was”3.3.4” Reworded Minor change to certificate names to be consistent with nomenclature in CAR 1988 Added an explanation of certificate. Deleted reference to the requirement to hold a ROC as this requirement is at 3.3.1 (c) Revised wording of non-currency requirements deleting Heading “Reissue” with no change to meaning. Deleted reference to radio qualifications “” and “” Was 3.3.6 Reissue Renamed added “(Balloon)” Added paragraph Consistency Reworded paragraph with no change to meaning Clarification Consistency and there is no reference to withdrawal of certificate Clarification Housekeeping Housekeeping Multilevel list revision. “3.3.6” was”3.3.5” Reworded CASA audit 2012 SA ABF120201 Item 2. Housekeeping Added requirement for theory and practical training. Added “(i)” and “(ii)” Compliance with CAO 95.54 CASA audit 2012 RCA 120202. Lack of understanding that an Instrument of Approval must be obtained from CASA for all night flights CASA audit 2012 RCA 120202. Clarification Although 6.6 is a mandatory requirement the reference to 6.6 has been upgraded to a must comply to 6.6 “certificate” was “logbook” Added “(ii)” 3.3.2(g) Night flights Description of change Expanded number of points to clarify requirements. Revised to conform to new Instructor/Examiner requirements and nomenclature. Night flights now require a certificate endorsement. Previously a night flight required a logbook endorsement. Added requirement for theory training. For release 14 November 2013 Page 6 of 8 Reason for change Deleted: “Refer” Replaced with: “Night flights must comply with” Deleted: brackets Change Revised Section/Paragraph 3.3.2 Flight Privileges and Limitations ABF OPERATIONS MANUAL – Amendment 2.01 Summary of changes made by Ian Robinson – Operations Manager Added Added Note Deleted CTAF (R) Appendix 1 – Definitions and Abbreviations A1.1 Commonly Used Added APF Abbreviations Added IAW Section 10 Syllabi 10.1 to 10.8 Syllabi 3.6 Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment 3.5 Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating 3.4.2 Validity “Validity” was “Validity and Currency” “Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating” was “Balloon Pilot Instructor Certificate” “Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment” was “Balloon Pilot Examiner Certificate” Revised existing method of issue Added new method of issue “” was “3.4.1” First method Second method Change Added Paragraph Section/Paragraph 3.4.1 Issue Compliance with CAO 95.54 section 2 Definitions. CASA audit 2012 SA ABF120201 Item 1. RCA 120202. RCA 120203 Housekeeping Clarification of examiner authorisations No currency requirement CASA audit 2009 Observation AO1-3-09. Conversion of prior qualification. Housekeeping Consistency Additional abbreviation Added abbreviation for IAW In Accordance With Additional abbreviation Deleted abbreviation for CTAF(R) Common Advisory Frequency All aircraft CTAF(R) is not must carry and use radio current. More abbreviations are shown in AIP GEN Additional information Added abbreviation for APF Australian Parachute Federation Inc Added the Syllabi of training for ABF ballooning certificates, ratings, endorsements and miscellaneous flights in entirety. (Refer to the definition of ABF Operations Manual contained within CAO 95.54.) Inadvertently removed from previous issue of the ABF operations manual. Examiner name was revised for clarity. Examiner system has been revised to enable grading of examiners. An additional grade of examiner (grade 3) has been introduced to enable appropriate non balloonists to conduct examinations. Examiner grade 2 is equivalent to a theory examiner. Examiner grade 3 is equivalent to a flight examiner. The ABF instructor requirements have been revised to include a grading system that enables more experienced instructors to oversight or monitor new instructors. Removed reference to currency. Added provision to convert a CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence to an ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate. Multilevel list revision. Added requirement to be a financial member with no other changes. Clarification For release 14 November 2013 Page 7 of 8 Reason for change Description of change Added sub heading with explanation including additional method for issue. ABF OPERATIONS MANUAL – Amendment 2.01 Summary of changes made by Ian Robinson – Operations Manager Clarification Clarification Sub paragraph re numbered Added used in TAFs to description Added used in ARFORs Added 24 hour clock A1.4 was A1.3 “Wind direction for take-off and landing, used in TAFs” was “Wind direction for take-off and landing “Wind direction, excluding above, used in ARFORs” was “Wind direction, excluding above” “Hours and minutes , 24 hour clock” was “Hours and minutes” A1.5 was A1.4 A1.5 Conversion Factors Sub paragraph re numbered Clarification Sub paragraph re numbered A1.3 was A1.2 Housekeeping Housekeeping CASA audit 2009 Observation 2-3-09 Housekeeping Description of change Added commonly used definitions in entirety. Change Added sub para. For release 14 November 2013 Page 8 of 8 Reason for change Section/Paragraph A1.2 Commonly Used Definitions A1.3 Meaning of Auxiliary Verbs A1.4 Units of measurement ABF OPERATIONS MANUAL – Amendment 2.01 Summary of changes made by Ian Robinson – Operations Manager Australian Ballooning Federation Inc General Record of Amendments The Operations Manager is the only person who can review and submit proposed changes to the Operations Manual. The ABF Committee authorise amendments to the Operations Manual. Members and CASA personnel can initiate amendments to the manual by writing to the Operations Manager, Australian Ballooning Federation Inc, PO Box 402, Emerald, Vic, 3782. The first issue/re-issue of this manual is shown as amendment 1.00, 2.00, 3.00 etc. Subsequent amendments – for example, amendments 1, 2 and 3 – are shown as amendment 1.01, 1.02 and 1.03; or 2.01, 2.02 and 2.03 etc. Amendments are marked with change bars beside the text. The List of Effective Pages shows which pages have changed. Amendments are by page replacement or addition, or by re-issue of the complete manual. Insert or replace pages as instructed in the Delivery Advice. Then complete the table below. Sign in the “Amendment Inserted by” column and record the date on which you inserted the updated pages. This amendment record sheet forms part of the manual and must be kept fully and correctly entered. Amendment Number 2.00 Sect/Page Amended Re-issue in total Date Amended Amendment Inserted by (signature) Date of Insertion 1 Feb 2007 Ian Hogben 1 Feb 2007 General 2.01 Table of Contents Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Section 10 Syllabi Appendix 1 – Definitions and Abbreviations Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 14 Nov 2013 General: 4 pages Page GEN -3 General Australian Ballooning Federation Inc List of Effective Pages Description Page General GEN-1 to GEN-2 Amdt. No. 2.00 GEN-3 to GEN-4 2.01 14 November 2013 Table of Contents CON-1 to CON-2 2.01 14 November 2013 Section 1 ABF Overview S1-1 to S1-4 2.00 1 February 2007 Section 2 Operational Organisation Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Section 4 Credits for Overseas Ballooning Qualifications S2-1 to S2-4 2.00 1 February 2007 S3-1 to S3-14 2.01 14 November 2013 S4-1 to S4-2 2.00 1 February 2007 Section 5 Certification and Airworthiness S5-1 to S5-2 2.00 1 February 2007 Section 6 Operational Procedures S6-1 to S6-4 2.00 1 February 2007 Section 7 Accident and Incident Reporting S7-1 to S7-8 2.00 1 February 2007 Section 8 Disciplinary Action S8-1 to S8-2 2.00 1 February 2007 Section 9 Safety Management System S9-1 to S9-2 2.00 1 February 2007 Section 10 ABF Syllabi of Training S10-1 to S10-12 2.01 14 November 2013 Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations A1-1 to A1-8 2.01 14 November 2013 Appendix 2 ABF Pilot Award Scheme A2-1 to A2-2 2.00 1 February 2007 Appendix 3 ABF Accident and Emergency Protocol A3-1 to A3-8 2.00 1 February 2007 General: 4 pages Page GEN - 4 Date 1 February 2007 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Table of Contents Table of Contents Sections: Section 1 ABF Overview 1.1 1.2 1.3 Section 2 Operational Organisation 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 Section 3 Application Assessment Examinations Temporary issue of PPC Exemption Certification and Airworthiness 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Section 6 Types of Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Examiner Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Credits for Overseas Ballooning Qualifications 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 Section 5 ABF Organisational Structure The ABF Committee The ABF Executive The National Administrator The Operations Manager Advisory Panel Appeals The Training Officer The National Safety Officer The Sport Aviation Representative Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Section 4 Introduction This Manual ABF Document System Standard Certificate of Airworthiness Special Certificate of Airworthiness Experimental Certificate of Airworthiness Light Sport Aircraft Certificate of Airworthiness Maintenance Operational Procedures 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Introduction Equipment Right of Way Compliance with Sensitive Zones (SZs) Hazardous Areas Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Table of Contents: 2 pages Page CON -1 Table of Contents Australian Ballooning Federation Inc 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Section 7 Accident and Incident Reporting 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 Section 8 Night Flights Cost Sharing Search and Rescue Procedures Accident and Incident Reporting Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) Immediate and Routine Reportable Matters (IRM and RRM) Notification of Immediate and Routine Reportable Matters Particulars to be Reported ABF Requirements Custody and Removal of Aircraft Investigation of Accidents and Incidents Accident and Incident Reports Investigating Officers Accident and Incident Investigation Media Comment Accident and Emergency Protocol ATSB Contact Details Disciplinary Action 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Disciplinary Action Disciplinary Panel Operational Breach Membership Issues Section 9 Safety Management System Section 10 Syllabi 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 Syllabus of training for ABF Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Syllabus of training for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Syllabus of training for ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate Syllabus of training for ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsements to Certificates Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsements to Logbook Syllabus of training for ABF Miscellaneous Flights Appendices: Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 Appendix 2 ABF Pilot Award Scheme A2.1 A2.2 Appendix 3 Commonly Used Abbreviations Commonly Used Definitions Meaning of Auxiliary Verbs Units of Measurement Conversion Factors Award Scheme Award Requirements ABF Accident and Emergency Protocol Table of Contents: 2 pages Page CON -2 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Section 3 – Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements 3.1 Types of Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements 3.1.1 The types of balloon certificates which may be issued are as follows: Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate A certificate authorising the holder to receive practical flight instruction in balloons which have a capacity of not more than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m) and to increase the standard of skill to that required for the issue of a private pilot (balloon) certificate or a higher category or to engage in flying practice for the re-issue of a balloon pilot certificate. Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate A certificate authorising the holder to pilot a balloon in private operations. Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate A certificate authorising the holder to operate a VHF radio for communication with other aircraft and with ATC. 3.1.2 The types of balloon ratings which may be issued are as follows: Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 3 A rating authorising the holder to conduct training in accordance with (IAW) the ABF pilot training syllabus under the direct or indirect supervision of an Instructor Grade 1 or 2 not including: (a) solo flights; and (b) advanced training flights; and (c) recommendation for a flight test. Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2 A rating authorising the holder to conduct training IAW the ABF pilot training syllabus including: (a) solo flights; and (b) advanced training flights; and (c) recommend a flight test under the direct or indirect supervision of an Instructor Grade 1. Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1 A rating authorising the holder to conduct training IAW the ABF pilot training syllabus 3.1.3 The types of balloon appointments which may be made are as follows: Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 3 An appointment authorising the recipient to conduct theory examinations. Operations Manual Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Page S3 - 1 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2 An appointment authorising the recipient to: (a) conduct theory examinations; and (b) mark theory examinations. Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1 An appointment authorising the recipient to: (a) conduct theory examinations; and (b) mark theory examinations; and (c) conduct flight tests. 3.1.4 Endorsement to Certificates: A Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate may be endorsed for: (a) Gas balloons; (b) Hot air airships; (c) flight at night; (d) flight in the vicinity of non-towered aerodromes; and (e) flight in Class C or D airspace. 3.1.5 Endorsement to Logbook: The holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate may have his/her logbook endorsed for: (a) certification of competency to fly a balloon, which has a capacity greater than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m). (Refer 3.3.2 (h) Flight Privileges and Limitations of this manual). The certification can be made only by: (i) an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2 or 1 who is similarly endorsed; or (ii) the Operations Manager. (Refer to section 10 Syllabi of this manual for syllabus). (b) Certification of competency to fly a balloon in class C controlled airspace and a class D control zone. (Refer 3.3.2 (f) Flight Privileges and Limitations of this manual). The certification can be made only by: (i) an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2 or 1 who is similarly endorsed and authorised for the purpose by the Operations Manager; or (ii) the Operations Manager. 3.2 Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate A certificate authorising the holder to receive practical flight instruction in balloons which have a capacity of not more than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m) and to increase the standard of skill to that required for the issue of a private pilot (balloon) certificate or a higher category or to engage in flying practice for the re-issue of a balloon pilot certificate. 3.2.1 Issue An applicant for a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate must: (a) Be a financial member of the ABF; and (b) Be able to read, speak and understand the English language; and (c) Have attained the age of 15 years; and (d) Forward to the ABF, a completed application form/medical declaration and such fee or fees as determined by the ABF Committee. Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Operations Manual Page S3 - 2 Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc 3.2.2 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Flight Privileges and Limitations The holder of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate may exercise the privileges specified in paragraph (above) subject to the following limitations: (a) Must not manipulate the controls of a balloon unless under the direct supervision of an ABF Instructor. (b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) above may, conduct solo flight training exercises provided that: (i) The flight is under the observation of an ABF Instructor grade 2 or 1; and (ii) No passengers are carried; and (iii) The theory exams in Aerostatics and Airmanship, Flight Rules and Procedures must be satisfactorily completed; and (iv) The student holds an ABF Radio Operators (Balloon) Certificate or a CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence. (c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b) above, the holder of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate may manipulate the controls of a balloon carrying passengers provided that: (i) The student is under the direct supervision of an ABF Instructor on board the balloon; and (ii) The flight training exercise requires the presence of passengers for loading or passenger management considerations; and (iii) Emergency procedures involving disruption of the fuel supply or intentionally heavy landings are not practised; and (iv) The passengers do not contribute in any way to the cost of the flight. (Refer Section 6 –Operational Procedures, para. 6.7) Note: For the purposes of 3.2.2 (c) the holder of a SP(B)C or PP(B)C may be regarded as a crewmember rather than as a passenger. 3.2.3 Logging of Flight Time and Exercises The holder of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate must: (a) Record all flight time in the ABF logbook or a ABF approved logbook; and (b) Record every flight in the course of instruction in the appropriate logbook columns, using one line for every flight; and (c) Ensure that flight time is not logged as instructional flight time unless physically operating the controls of the balloon under the supervision of an ABF Instructor or demonstration of flight exercises by the instructor. Note: Instructor demonstration time should be minimal; and (d) Ensure that at the satisfactory completion of each Flight Training Exercise as specified in the ABF Pilot Training Manual, the instructor supervising that exercise, also signs and enters details of exercises completed in the ABF Student Training Record and completes the debrief page; and (e) Ensure that the “Flight Training Exercises Completed to a Competent Standard” sheet is signed by both student and instructor when both are satisfied that exercises are completed to a competent standard. 3.2.4 Student Experience A person not in possession of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate may fly under the direct supervision of a ABF Instructor and providing that he/she has attained the age of 15 years log, instructional flight time up to a maximum total of two hours. Operations Manual Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Page S3 - 3 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Australian Ballooning Federation Inc 3.2.5 Validity A Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate remains in force whilst the holder is a financial member of the ABF, unless suspended, cancelled or otherwise varied by the Operations Manager or ABF Committee. 3.3 Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate A certificate authorising the holder to act as pilot in command of a balloon in private operations. 3.3.1 Issue An applicant for a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate must: (a) Be a financial member of the ABF, and (b) Hold a valid Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate, and (c) Hold a ABF Radio Operators (Balloon) Certificate, or (d) Hold a CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence and CASA medical; and (e) Have attained the age of 16 years; and (f) Have completed the ABF examinations in Flight Rules and Procedures, Meteorology, Aerostatics and Airmanship, Navigation, Code of Conduct, Radio Operators (Balloon) Certificate. (The syllabi of which are specified at section 10 Syllabi of this manual.); and (g) Have passed all examinations within two years and one month prior to successfully completing a PP(B)C flight test; and (h) Have completed the Flight Training Exercises to a competent standard as listed in section 10 Syllabi of this manual; and (i) Complete a minimum of 16 hours instructional flight time under either the direct supervision (dual flight) or observation (solo flight) of an appropriate ABF Instructor before submitting to a flight test with an appropriate ABF Examiner. The 16 hours must consist of at least six flights including inflation and deflation by the student, instructional or solo flight time excludes any time during which the balloon is at rest on the ground and will comprise the following: (i) A minimum of nine hours dual flight; and (ii) A minimum of 15 minutes of tether flight; and (iii) A maximum of one hour of tether flight; and (iv) A minimum of two hours solo flight consisting of three flights, two of which must occur on separate days; and (j) In the twelve months immediately prior to making the application have completed at least three flights including inflation and deflation; and (k) Have successfully completed a dual flight test of at least 30 minutes duration with an appropriate ABF examiner, and a solo flight test of at least 20 minutes duration under the observation of an appropriate ABF Examiner. The order in which these flights are conducted is at the discretion of the appropriate ABF Examiner; and (l) Forward to the ABF: (i) Completed application form/medical declaration (available from “Documents” on ABF website www.abf.net.au or the ABF office) signed by an appropriate ABF Examiner certifying that all the requirements for the issue of the certificate have been met; and (ii) Payment of such fee or fees as determined by the ABF Committee; and (iii) A copy of the ABF Student Training Record (preferably in PDF format) confirming completion of all training requirements as stipulated in this manual; and (iv) A copy of the relevant pages of the ABF logbook or an ABF approved logbook (preferably in PDF format); and (v) A copy of FROL with CASA medical if a RO(B)C is not held. Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Operations Manual Page S3 - 4 Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements 3.3.2 Flight Privileges and Limitations A Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate authorises the holder to act as pilot in command (PIC) of a balloon, subject to the following: (a) The holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate must not operate a hot air balloon unless they also hold an: (i) ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate; or (ii) CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence. Advisory Note: Persons exercising the privileges of a CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence must hold a current CASA medical certificate. (b) The holder of a PP(B)C must maintain a log providing a record (date, balloon registration, duration and route) of all flights in an ABF logbook or an ABF approved logbook. (c) The pilot in command of a balloon from which a parachute descent is made must: (i) Have at least 75 hours experience as pilot in command of balloons; and (ii) Ensure that: There is no risk of the aircraft becoming fouled by the parachutists or any of their equipment; and The operation will impose no adverse stress on any part of the aircraft structure; and No loose objects are carried in the aircraft which if dropped would constitute a danger to persons or property on the ground; and All operations are conducted in accordance with the requirements of CASA and the APF or appropriate parachuting organisation. (d) The holder of a PPC must not engage in aerial work or charter operations unless holding an Australian Commercial Pilot (Balloon) Licence (CP(B)L) and operating under an Air Operators Certificate (AOC) issued by CASA. (e) Operations by a PP(B)C holder in any area where the carriage and use of aeronautical VHF radio is required, may only be conducted if the pilot in command holds an ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate or, a CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence and makes transmissions in accordance with the requirements of the AIP. Advisory note: For areas where VHF radio is required refer to CAO 95.54 para 6.2 and CAAP 166-1 (f) Operations by a PP(B)C holder in a Class C and D control zone will only be permitted after a logbook endorsement for that specific control zone has been made by: (i) An instructor authorised for the purpose by the Operations Manager. Such logbook endorsement may only be made after successful completion of a check flight within the specific control zone; or (ii) The Operations Manager. Advisory note: Any pilot wishing to operate in controlled airspace or over urban areas will need to comply with all the requirements of the CAO's and CAR's (including CASA permission) and the general provisions of the AIP which normally include: carriage and use of radio and of a mode C transponder. Furthermore, particular attention should be paid to local government requirements such as land use permission and higher than usual insurance requirements. (g) Night flights may only be conducted by pilots who have their certificate endorsed for night flight. Applicants for this endorsement must apply to the Operations Manager. The general requirement will be that they: (i) have 75 hours pilot in command (balloons); and (ii) have satisfactorily completed Night Flight theory. (The syllabi of which is specified at section 10 Syllabi of this manual.); and Operations Manual Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Page S3 - 5 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (iii) (h) have satisfactorily completed night flight training with an ABF Instructor Grade 2 or 1 who has a night flight endorsement. (The syllabi of which is specified at section 10 Syllabi of this manual.) Night flights must comply with Section 6 Operational Procedures, para 6.6 of this manual. The holder of a PP(B)C must not act as pilot in command of a balloon that has a capacity greater than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m) unless he/she has: (i) satisfactorily completed a “Certification of competency to fly a balloon, which has a capacity greater than 120,000 cu ft (3,400 cu m)” theory. (The syllabi of which is specified at section 10 Syllabi of this manual.); and (ii) satisfactorily completed “Certification of competency to fly a balloon, which has a capacity greater than 120,000 cu ft (3,400 cu m)” training with an ABF Instructor Grade 2 or 1 that has a night endorsement. (The syllabi of which is specified at section 10 Syllabi of this manual.);and (iii) had his/her logbook endorsed for certification of competency to fly a balloon, which has a capacity greater than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m) by: (1) an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2 or 1 who is similarly endorsed; or (2) the Operations Manager A completed Flight Check Record (available from “Documents” on the ABF website www.abf.net.au or the ABF office) is to be forwarded to the ABF office for recording purposes. 3.3.3 Private balloon pilot: Recreational balloon flight review required Recreational balloon flight review means a review of the aeronautical skills and aeronautical knowledge of the person being reviewed that is relevant to the safe flight of balloons in sport or private operations. From 31st December 2014 the holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate must not fly a balloon as pilot in command if the pilot has not, within the period of 2 years immediately before the day of the proposed flight, satisfactorily completed a recreational balloon flight review. A recreational balloon flight review: (a) must be conducted only by an approved person whose balloon pilot certifications are current and valid, and (b) must be conducted with the approved person on board; or (c) notwithstanding (b) where the balloon the pilot had flown the most time during the last ten flights, is a single person balloon, the review may be conducted by the approved person by observation from the ground or another balloon, and (d) must be conducted in a balloon that has a capacity not greater than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m) unless endorsed to act as PIC for a balloon of greater capacity and the approved person is similarly endorsed; and (e) must include at least 1 inflation of the balloon envelope, 30 minutes of flight time and 1 deflation of the balloon envelope. (f) May, where due to time and/or distance constraints, the approved person is unable to physically observe the operations of a certificate holder for the purpose of carrying out a recreational flight review under this section, utilise a video (Action Video Camera or similar), provided that: (i) the video is unedited; and (ii) the video is time and date stamped; and (iii) footage shows the pilots face and the pilot states: Date; and Balloon registration; and Location; and Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Operations Manual Page S3 - 6 Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (iv) (v) (vi) Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Purpose of the flight i.e. Flight Review; and the video clearly shows the satisfactory completion of the flying sequences nominated by the examining person; and approval is obtained from the Operations Manager; and the footage is forwarded to the ABF office as an official record of the review. approved person above means: (a) an ABF instructor who has accumulated at least 75 hours pilot-in-command of balloons; or (b) the Operations Manager. If the holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate undertakes a recreational balloon flight review and the requirements of above are not satisfied, the pilot is taken not to have satisfactorily completed the review. If the holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate satisfactorily completes a recreational balloon flight review, the approved person conducting the review must make an entry in the pilot’s personal log book to the effect that the pilot has satisfactorily completed the review. A holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate who, within the period of 2 years immediately before the day of the proposed flight, has: (a) passed a flight test conducted for the purpose of: (i) the issue of a private (balloon) pilot certificate; or (ii) the issue of a commercial balloon licence; or (iii) the issue or renewal of a instructor private pilot (balloon) rating; or (iv) the issue or renewal of a commercial flight instructor (balloon) rating; or (v) has satisfactorily completed a commercial (balloon) pilot flight review; or (b) passed a flight check for the purpose of: (i) maintaining the currency of a private (balloon) pilot certificate; or (ii) regaining the currency of a private (balloon) pilot certificate; or (iii) operating in controlled airspace; or (iv) operating at night; or (v) operating a balloon that has a capacity greater than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m);or (c) satisfactorily completed balloon conversion training conducted by the holder of a grade of instructor rating that allows them to conduct a flight review; is taken to have satisfactorily completed a recreational balloon flight review. A completed PP(B)C Balloon Flight Review Form (Form ABF 009 available from “Documents” on the ABF website www.abf.net.au or the ABF office) is to be forwarded to the ABF office for recording purposes. 3.3.4 Examination Credits Credits for all or some theory examinations except Flight Rules and Procedures, Aerostatics and Airmanship and Code of Conduct may be granted to: (a) Persons who, in the opinion of the Operations Manager hold or have held flight crew licence qualifications which warrant exemption from the requirement to sit some of the theory examinations (status may be granted for: Meteorology and Navigation); (b) Overseas pilots (Refer section 4 this manual). Advisory Note: Persons seeking to obtain theory examination credits should make application to the ABF providing proof of current or previously held qualifications. Operations Manual Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Page S3 - 7 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements 3.3.5 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Validity A Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate will remain in force whilst the holder is a financial member of the ABF, unless suspended, cancelled or otherwise varied by the Operations Manager or ABF Committee 3.3.6 Currency The holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate must not act as pilot in command (PIC) of a hot air balloon and will become non-current unless he/she has: (a) Flown as pilot in command at least three hours and made at least three flights including inflation and deflation in the previous 12 months; or (b) Satisfactorily completed a flight check with an ABF Instructor grade 2 or 1 within the preceding 90 days. For (b) above a completed Flight Check Record (available from “Documents” on the ABF website www.abf.net.au or the ABF office) is to be forwarded to the ABF office for recording purposes. If the period of non-currency, is greater than one year the holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate must not operate a hot air balloon unless he/she has: (a) Provided evidence of previous aerostat experience; and (b) Satisfactorily completed a flight check with an ABF Instructor grade 2 or 1; and (c) Demonstrated knowledge of sub section 10.2 Syllabus of training for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate of this manual. For (b) above a completed Flight Check Record (available from “Documents” on the ABF website www.abf.net.au or the ABF office) is to be forwarded to the ABF office for recording purposes. If the period of non-currency, is greater than three years the holder of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate must not operate a hot air balloon unless he/she has: (a) Provided evidence of previous aerostat experience; and (b) Provided evidence of a flight check with an ABF Instructor grade 2 or 1; and (c) Demonstrated knowledge of sub section 10.2 Syllabus of training for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate of this manual; and (d) Resat and passed the ABF examinations as per sub sub section 3.3.1 item (f) of this manual. All examinations must be completed before flight check at (b) above. For (b) above a completed Flight Check Record (available from “Documents” on the ABF website www.abf.net.au or the ABF office) is to be forwarded to the ABF office for recording purposes. 3.4 Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate A certificate authorising the holder to operate a VHF radio for communication with other aircraft and with ATC. 3.4.1 Issue There are two alternate methods for the issue of a Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate. First method. The applicant for a Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate must: (a) Be a financial member of the ABF; and (b) Demonstrate to an ABF Examiner the required standard in both the written and oral radio examinations. Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Operations Manual Page S3 - 8 Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (c) Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements (Refer sub section 10.3 Syllabus of training for ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate of this manual and ABF Pilot Training Manual for study notes.); and Submit to the ABF Administrator, a completed application form, signed by the Examiner, together with the application fee. Second method. The applicant for a Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate must: (a) Be a financial member of the ABF; and (b) Be the holder of a CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence; and (c) Submit to the ABF Administrator, a completed application form, proof of the CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence and medical, together with the application fee. 3.4.2 Validity Unless suspended, cancelled or otherwise varied by the Operations Manager or ABF Committee, an ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate shall remain in force whilst the holder is a financial member of the ABF. 3.5 Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating A rating authorising the holder to conduct training to the ABF pilot training syllabus. There are three grades of Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Ratings which may be issued. 3.5.1 Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating - (Grade 3,2 and 1). Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 3 under the direct or indirect supervision of an Instructor Grade 1 or 2, authorises the holder to: (a) Conduct practical flight instruction in accordance with the syllabi of knowledge and flight training exercises specified in sub sub Section 10.2.2 Syllabus for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate practical flight exercises of this manual limited to the following flight exercises; (i) Preliminary; and (ii) Pre-flight; and (iii) Flight Operations (Normal conditions) excluding first and subsequent solo flights; and (iv) In-flight procedures; and (v) Emergencies; and (b) Certify that the holder of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate has satisfactorily completed the flight training exercise listed at (a) above. Advisory notes: 1. A Grade 3 instructor may recommend a student for solo flight but must not supervise or conduct a student solo. 2. Grade 3 level is intended to give experienced pilots exposure to instructional experience and also to increase access to basic flying training for students. Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2 authorises the holder to: (a) Conduct both ground and flight instruction in accordance with the syllabi of knowledge and flight training exercises specified in sub sub Section 10.2.2 Syllabus for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate practical flight exercises of this Manual; and (b) Certify that the holder of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate has satisfactorily completed a flight training exercise; and (c) Recommend, under the direct or indirect supervision of an Instructor Grade 1 or the Operations Manager, to an ABF Examiner that the holder of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate is of a standard to attempt a flight test; and Operations Manual Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Page S3 - 9 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements (d) (e) (f) Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Provided the instructor is similarly endorsed, conduct both ground and flight instruction for and make recommendation to the Operations Manager to endorse a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate holder for; (i) Gas balloons; or (ii) Hot air airships; or (iii) flight at night; or (iv) flight lower than 2,000 feet above the aerodrome elevation while flying within 3 nautical miles of any certified or registered aerodrome; or (v) flight in Class C or D airspace; and Provided the instructor is similarly endorsed, conduct both ground and flight instruction for and endorse a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate holders logbook for certification of competency to fly a balloon, which has a capacity greater than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m); and Provided the instructor is similarly endorsed and authorised for the purpose by the Operations Manager, conduct both ground and flight instruction for and endorse a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate holders logbook for certification of competency to fly a balloon, in controlled air space. (Refer 3.3.2 (e) Flight Privileges and Limitations of this manual) Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 1 authorises the holder to: (a) Conduct both ground and flight instruction in accordance with the syllabi of knowledge and flight training exercises specified in sub sub Section 10.2.2 Syllabus for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate practical flight exercises of this Manual; and (b) Certify that the holder of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate has satisfactorily completed a flight training exercise; and (c) Recommend to an ABF Examiner that the holder of a Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate is of a standard to attempt a flight test; and (d) Provided the instructor is similarly endorsed, conduct both ground and flight instruction for and make recommendation to the Operations Manager to endorse a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate holder for; (i) Gas balloons; or (ii) Hot air airships; or (iii) flight at night; or (iv) flight lower than 2 000 feet above the aerodrome elevation while flying within 3 nautical miles of any certified or registered aerodrome; or (v) flight in Class C or D airspace; and (e) Provided the instructor is similarly endorsed, conduct both ground and flight instruction for and endorse a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate holders logbook for certification of competency to fly a balloon, which has a capacity greater than 120,000 c.ft (3,400 c.m); and (f) Provided the instructor is similarly endorsed and authorised for the purpose by the Operations Manager, conduct both ground and flight instruction for and endorse a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate holders logbook for certification of competency to fly a balloon, in controlled air space. (Refer 3.3.2 (e) Flight Privileges and Limitations of this manual) 3.5.2 Issue An applicant for an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 3 must: (a) Have been the current holder of a valid Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate or overseas equivalent, for a period of at least two years; and (b) Have a minimum of 50 hours Pilot in Command ; and (c) Demonstrate to an Instructor Grade 2 or 1 basic instructional skills and show evidence of good airmanship; and Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Operations Manual Page S3 - 10 Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (d) (e) (f) Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements Attain a level of competency to be able to: (i) Give ground lessons, pre-flight and post flight briefings on any or all parts of sub sub Section 10.2.2 Syllabus for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate practical flight exercises of this Manual. (Refer to ‘Instructor Assessment’ item 7 in the Instructor Training manual); and (ii) Accurately present all aspects of the syllabus with explanations adjusted to suit the individual; and Demonstrate an ability to assess a student’s understanding of syllabus topics; and Submit an application form to the ABF Administrator, certified by the Instructor Grade 2 or 1 for consideration by the Operations Manager. A holder of an ABF Balloon Pilot Instructor Certificate may be issued an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 3 by the Operations Manager. Advisory note: It is preferred that the assessment at (c) above be carried out at an organised training event/meeting. An applicant for an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2 must: (a) Have been the current holder of a valid Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate or overseas equivalent, for a period of at least two years; and (b) Have substantially trained at least two Students as a Grade 3 instructor; and (c) Have a minimum of 75 hours aeronautical experience in balloons as pilot in command; and (d) Resit and attain a pass in the written theory exams (the required pass mark is 5% higher than student requirement in each subject). Specified in sub sub Section 10.2.1 Syllabus for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate theory examinations of this manual; and (e) Satisfactorily demonstrate to an ABF Examiner the ability to impart the theory specified in sub sub section 10.2.2 Syllabus for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate practical flight exercises of this manual particularly demonstrating skills gained from instructor Section 8 & 9 of the Instructor Training Manual; and (f) Have satisfactorily completed flight tests with an ABF examiner, comprising the following: (i) Flight test of at least 30 minutes duration, instructing a student (simulated or actual student), incorporating pre-exercise briefing and follow-up debriefing analysis of the students’ performance; and (ii) Flight test of at least 30 minutes duration demonstrating a high degree of skill, airmanship, flight management, situational awareness and an ability to recover from unusual situations; and (g) Submit an application form to the ABF Administrator, certified by the Examiner for consideration by the Operations Manager, complete with ABF Instructor assessment form (IA-1). A holder of an ABF Balloon Pilot Instructor Certificate may be issued an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2 by the Operations Manager. Advisory Notes: 1. The level of competency required is to be able to give instruction on all Flying Exercises as listed in the Student Training Record. The Instructor grade 2 applicant must satisfy an examiner that he/she can impart knowledge, assess and correct student faults and display a high level of airmanship. The applicant must be able to fly any of the same exercises in a skilled manner. The relevant standard is set out in the Instructor Assessment Form (part 7 of ABF Instructor Manual). Each segment of the flight is assessed by the examiner to achieve a competent result for all exercises. Operations Manual Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Page S3 - 11 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements 2. Australian Ballooning Federation Inc The re-sit of the examinations and the flight test must be completed within a 90day period: An applicant for an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 1 must: (a) Have been an active Instructor with a minimum of 1 year as a Grade 2 Instructor; and (b) Have a minimum of 30 hours instruction time logged; and (c) Accrued a point score of 20; and (d) Submit an application form to the ABF Administrator, complete with documented evidence of having satisfactorily completed the flight tests at paragraph (f) (i) and (ii) for assessment by the Operations Manager. A holder of an ABF Balloon Pilot Instructor Certificate issued may be issued an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 1 by the Operations Manager. Advisory Note: Valid points may be earned as follows: Topic presentation to ABF members at approved training event/meeting 5 points One point for every 5 hrs instruction logged, up to max of 15 points Conducting a regional safety seminar, score 2 points Recognised prior learning or experience in flight instruction 5 points A Certificate IV in training and assessment, or other equivalent recognised qualification in education 15 points Pass CASA CPL Balloon Exams 5 points 3.5.3 Validity Unless suspended, cancelled or otherwise varied by the Operations Manager or the ABF Committee, an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating remains in force while the holder is a financial member of the ABF. 3.5.3 Currency The holder of an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 3 must not exercise the privileges extended by the certificate unless: (a) Within the preceding 24 months he/she has demonstrated to an to an Instructor Class 2 or 1 their ability to impart: (i) The theoretical knowledge specified in the ABF Pilot Training Manual; and (ii) The practical skills specified in the ABF Pilot Training Manual by way of a flight test of not less than 30 minutes; and (b) The flight test has been carried out in a balloon of 120,000 cubic feet or less; and (c) The flight test has been recorded and signed by the instructor in the certificate holders’ logbook; and (d) A completed Flight Check Record (available from “Documents” on the ABF website www.abf.net.au or the ABF office) has been forwarded to the ABF office for recording purposes within 30 days of the flight check. Notes: 1. The flight check and assessment may be carried out up to 90 days prior to expiry of the 24 months to avoid loss of continuity. 2. Where situations such as geographic location make it difficult to revalidate, the Operations Manager may assess individual cases for extensions of currency for up to a maximum of 90 days. One only extension can be granted in any currency period. Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Operations Manual Page S3 - 12 Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc 3. Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements The holder of a Flight Instructor Certificate to which this section applies must not give flight instruction unless: (i) He/she has flown as a pilot in command at least three hours and made at least three flights including inflation and deflation in the previous 12 months; or (ii) He/she has satisfactorily completed a flight check with an ABF Instructor Class 2 or 1 within the preceding 90 days. The holder of an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2 & 1 must not exercise the privileges extended by the rating unless: (a) Within the preceding 24 months he/she has demonstrated to an Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1 to successfully impart: (i) The theoretical knowledge specified in the ABF Pilot Training Manual; and (ii) The practical skills specified in the ABF Pilot Training Manual by way of a flight test of not less than 30 minutes; and (b) The flight test has been carried out in a balloon of 120,000 cubic feet or less; and (c) The flight test has been recorded and signed by the instructor in the certificate holders’ logbook; and (d) A completed Flight Check Record (available from “Documents” on the ABF website www.abf.net.au or the ABF office) has been forwarded to the ABF office for recording purposes within 30 days of the flight check. Notes: 1. The flight check and assessment may be carried out up to 90 days prior to expiry of the 24 months to avoid loss of continuity; 2. Where situations such as geographic location make it difficult to revalidate, the Operations Manager may assess individual cases for extensions of currency for up to a maximum of 90 days. One only extension can be granted in any currency period. 3. The holder of a Flight Instructor Certificate to which this section applies must not give flight instruction unless: (i) He/she has flown as a pilot in command at least three hours and made at least three flights including inflation and deflation in the previous 12 months; or (ii) He/she has satisfactorily completed a flight check with an Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1 within the preceding 90 days. 3.6 Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment. An appointment authorising the recipient to examine or flight test to the ABF syllabus. 3.6.1 Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grades. There are three grades of Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) appointment. Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grade 3. Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 3 appointment authorises the holder to Conduct theory examinations. Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grade 2. Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 2 appointment authorises the holder to: (a) Conduct theory and practical examinations; and (b) Mark theory and practical examinations; and Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grade 1. Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Grade 1 appointment authorises the holder to: (a) Conduct theory and practical examinations; and (b) Mark theory and practical examinations; and (c) Conduct flight tests for initial issue or re-issue of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate; and Operations Manual Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Page S3 - 13 Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements (d) Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Conduct flight tests for initial issue or renewal of an Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating. Note: Unless specifically authorised by the Operations Manager, an ABF Examiner must not conduct the flight test specified in paragraph 3.3.1(j) of this Section where the applicant has been trained principally by that Examiner. 3.6.2 Issue A candidate for an Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grade 3 must be appointed by the Operations Manager or his/her delegate. A candidate for an Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grade 2 must; (a) Be the holder of a valid Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2 or 1 (b) Be appointed by the Operations Manager subject to the approval of at least three members of the Advisory Panel where the need for such an appointment is recognised. A holder of an ABF Balloon Pilot Theory Examiner Certificate may be appointed an Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grade 2 by the Operations Manager. A candidate for an Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grade 1 must: (a) Be the holder of a valid Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 1 who has; (i) a minimum of 40 hours flight instructional experience as pilot in command of a free balloon; or (ii) More than 200 hours flight instructional experience as pilot in command of an aircraft, of which at least 20 hours must be instructional experience as pilot in command of a free balloon; and (b) Be appointed by the Operations Manager subject to the approval of at least three members of the Advisory Panel where the need for such an appointment is recognised A holder of an ABF Balloon Pilot Flight Examiner Certificate may be appointed an Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment Grade 1 by the Operations Manager. Advisory Note: Unlike certificates, ratings and endorsements, the Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment should not be sought simply as a personal goal. An Examiner is expected to maintain and help to improve ballooning standards and to be accessible to all ABF members. 3.6.3 Duration of appointment Unless suspended, cancelled or varied by the Operations Manager or the ABF Committee, an Examiner Private Pilot (Balloon) Appointment shall remain in force for the period the holder continues to hold a current Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating. Section 3 Certificates, Ratings, Appointments and Endorsements: 14 pages Operations Manual Page S3 - 14 Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Section 10 Syllabi Section 10 - Syllabi Syllabi of training for ABF ballooning certificates, ratings, endorsements and miscellaneous flights. 10.1 Syllabus of training for ABF Student Pilot (Balloon) Certificate. There is no syllabus of training required for the issue of an ABF Student Pilot (Balloon) certificate. 10.2 Syllabus of training for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate. The syllabus of training for the ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate includes theory exams and practical flight exercises. 10.2.1 Syllabus for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate theory examinations: AEROSTATICS AND AIRMANSHIP Airmanship (a) (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) Identify typical actions and personal attributes which contribute to good airmanship. Principles of Flight Names and functions of balloon components - envelope, basket, fuel systems and accessories. Definitions of - buoyancy, false lift, terminal descent, ballast, overheat, vent, differential temperature, kinetic energy, momentum, inertia. Relationship between buoyancy and atmospheric factors - ambient temperature, altitude, humidity. Importance of atmospheric stability to balloon flight - safety considerations in relation to atmospheric instability. Balloon Operations Be familiar with typical flight limitations, including damage limits to preclude flight, as found in a manufacturer's flight manual. Be familiar with emergency procedures detailed in a typical manufacturer's flight manual and emergencies in general. Given a typical load chart, launch field elevation and ambient temperature calculate the load limit for a specific balloon size at a particular altitude (or the maximum safe altitude given the balloon size and all up weight). Understand the limitation of maximum all up weight. Recognise elements of a typical fuel system in a schematic drawing. Principles of fuel management, including fixed and variable fuel reserves. Refuelling - correct procedures and safety requirements. Properties and hazards of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and emergency procedures. Typical balloon controls, control reaction time (delay) and the importance of anticipating this. False lift and how to counteract it. Tethered balloon operations - safety procedures and use of ropes. Launch rope and quick release - requirements for use and safety procedures. Inflation fan safety procedures. Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 1 Section 10 Syllabi (m) (n) (o) (p) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Relationship of burner output to fuel pressure and importance of the fuel pressure gauge. Minimum checklists and briefings which must be carried out before take-off, during flight, before and after landing. Procedures for landing with higher than normal wind speed and/or descent rate. Positive deflation systems - advantages and safety considerations. Balloon Performance Use of instruments to measure flight parameters - altimeter, variometer (rate of climb indicator), temperature gauge (ambient and envelope), pressure gauge, fuel contents gauge and clock. Variation in control reaction time in relation to burner power, total mass or inertia of the system and other factors. Differing kinetic energy levels with fast and slow landings and with different size balloons and loads. Rates of climb and descent in reference to obstacle clearance. Factors affecting flight duration - high envelope temperature, altitude and load, heat loss from venting, climbs, rain, fabric porosity, solar heat input, radiant, conductive and convective heat output. NAVIGATION General (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) Know the units of measurement used in air navigation for speed, distance, direction, height and wind velocity. Understand the terms - magnetic deviation, magnetic variation and isogonal. Be familiar with - World Aeronautical Charts, En Route Charts, Visual Terminal Charts, Visual Navigation Charts, Planning Chart Australia and Topographic Survey Maps. Know conventional signs on Visual Terminal Charts, Visual Navigation Charts and Topographic Survey Maps. On a Visual Terminal Chart or Topographic Survey Map know how to measure a nominated position to an accuracy of one minute of arc of latitude and longitude. Be able to mark a position for which latitude and longitude is given. On a Topographic Survey Map know how to give a six or eight figure grid reference for a nominated position. Be able to mark a position for which a grid reference is given. Convert a true bearing to a magnetic bearing and understand the terms - heading, course, track, fix and dead reckoning position. Be able to express time and date as a six, eight or ten figure group. Convert Australian Standard Times to UTC and UTC to Australian Standard Times. Given latitude and longitude determine the beginning and end of daylight for a location in Australian. Know local factors which can cause daylight to end sooner than determined. Be able to calculate ground speed, fuel used, fuel required and fuel remaining. Given conversion factors convert: IMP Gallons/US Gallons/Litres, Pound/Kilograms, Nautical miles/Kilometres, Statute miles Degree F/Degree C, Feet/Metres. Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 2 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (m) (n) Section 10 Syllabi Calculate rate of descent given total descent and either estimated time interval or distance to run and ground speed. Match the terms QNH, Area QNH, AGL, AMSL, standard pressure, height, elevation, altitude, transition altitude, transition layer and transition height with their definitions. Select appropriate altimeter subscale settings for specified operational conditions. Flight Planning Pre-flight (a) (b) (c) With forecast wind at various flight levels and specified flight altitude plan predict average tracks and position after specified periods (ignore time taken to change levels). With forecast wind and specified maximum distance specify maximum flight duration. Given usable fuel, consumption in litres or kilograms per hour and wind velocity plot probable landing position and from maps state if projected area is suitable. Give reason and fuel reserve. Flight Planning In-flight (a) (b) Use protractor to calculate course given take-off position and present position. Calculate ground speed from present position, take-off position and flight time and predict position after further specified flight time. METEOROLOGY General (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Be familiar with the different ways to obtain public and aviation forecasts and reports by telephone, fax and internet. Given the AIP and details of a particular operational situation, identify the types of aviation weather forecasts and weather reports that are available for the flight. Be able to decode/understand a written Area Forecast, TAF, TTF, METAR and SPECI. Match the terms isobar, inversion, lapse rate, dew point, pressure gradient, air temperature, relative humidity, fog and geostrophic wind with their appropriate definitions. On a mean sea level synoptic chart of Australia showing typical synoptic situations for given seasons, identify and match each of these features with a description of the associated general weather characteristics: High and low pressure systems Warm and cold fronts A ridge of high pressure A trough of low pressure A tropical revolving storm Wind directions associated with the pressure systems. Recognise from a series of photographs the various cloud types. Describe the flying conditions associated with each type and the levels at which they may be found. Forecast weather conditions Identify the conditions under which the following weather phenomena may occur and the actions required to avoid or counteract the related effects and hazards on ballooning operations: (a) Thunderstorms (b) Low level temperature inversions and fog (c) Mountain waves (standing waves and rotors) Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 3 Section 10 Syllabi (d) (e) Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Low level wind shear especially in relation to balloons taking off and landing Sea breezes and vertical thermal convection currents. Micro Meteorology Identify the conditions under which the following micro meteorological weather phenomena may occur and the actions required to avoid or counteract the related effects and hazards on ballooning operations: (a) Anabatic and katabatic winds and drainage flow (b) Strengthening of winds up slopes and over ridges (c) Curl-over in lee of ridges and escarpments (d) Down drafts and rotors on lee slopes in lee wave conditions (e) Curl-over and wind shelter in the lee of tree belts and woods (f) Cool air down drafts and microbursts (from showers and beneath virga associated with convection clouds) (g) Thermals and dust devils. FLIGHT RULES AND PROCEDURES (AIR LEGISLATION) Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Determine whether a balloon flight can be legally conducted in accordance with the privileges and limitations of a Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate given various operational situations. (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (d) Aviation Documents List the documents that must be carried in a balloon in Australia. Know that the aircraft logbook must not be carried in the balloon. Be familiar with the use of: Civil Aviation Regulations and Orders Civil Aviation Safety Regulations Civil Aviation Advisory Publications Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP Book) including SUP, AIC, NOTAMs and charts En Route Supplement Australia (ERSA) ABF Operations Manual Manufacturer’s Flight and Maintenance Manuals Aircraft (Balloon) Log Book Pilot Log Book Understand which document/s take precedence in a given situation. Know the procedure to follow in the case of conflict or ambiguity between applicable documents. Flight Rules Know the rules for the prevention of collision between a balloon and other balloons and aircraft in the air and on the ground including the requirement to give way to balloons below. Know the visual meteorological conditions (VMC) for balloons. Using VHF radio and not using VHF radio Know the minimum heights at which, under normal circumstances, a balloon may be flown - Over a city, town or populous area and over any other area. Match prohibited area, danger area and restricted area with their appropriate definitions. Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 4 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (a) (b) Section 10 Syllabi Airways Operations Organisations Understand the role and responsibility of aviation authorities: Civil Aviation Safety Authority Airservices Australia Australian Transport Safety Bureau. Understand the functional difference between Flight Information Services and Air Traffic Control services. Airspace classification Understand the terms controlled airspace, control area, control zone, military airspace, nontowered aerodrome, flight information area and flight information region. Be familiar with airspace classes. (a) (b) (c) Aircraft Equipment Know the altitude above which it is mandatory for the pilot of a balloon to use oxygen. Know the flight level above which it is mandatory for oxygen to be available to all passengers in a balloon. Know the situations in which VHF airband radio must be carried and used in a balloon and the minimum required qualification to operate the radio. Carriage of Passengers and Cargo Know the minimum information which must be included in a passenger pre-flight briefing in respect of - passenger safety and comfort during flight, during landing and stowage of equipment. Reportable Matters (Accidents and Incidents) Know the responsibilities of aircraft owners, operators and pilots regarding the notification of reportable matters (accidents and incidents) to ATSB and the ABF. Consumption of alcohol or drugs Know the rules relating to the consumption of alcohol or drugs: By operating crew and other persons on board a balloon. Persons engaged in safety sensitive activities. (a) (b) (c) (d) Maintenance Know the responsibilities of the registered operator and pilot of a balloon with respect to: Reporting unserviceability’s Ensuring required maintenance is carried out by an appropriate person Maintaining balloon maintenance records Know how to determine whether a maintenance item may be carried out by: A balloon pilot A balloon Maintenance Authority holder A Certificate of Approval holder Match the terms Airworthiness Directive and Service Bulletin with the appropriate definitions. Know how to determine flight time and enter it in a pilot and balloon logbook. Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 5 Section 10 Syllabi Australian Ballooning Federation Inc 10.2.2 Syllabus for ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate practical flight exercises: (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) PRELIMINARY Familiarisation with balloon equipment, controls and terminology. Farmer/landowner relations (see Code of Conduct). Familiarisation with refuelling techniques, procedures and safety measures. PRE-FLIGHT Obtaining meteorological forecast and appreciation of conditions. Appreciation of downwind airspace, terrain and power line systems. Passenger and crew briefings. Choice of suitable launch site. Rigging the balloon for flight and pre-flight inspection. Inflation. Pre-take-off checks. Use of launch rope also hands on/hands off the basket exercise. FLIGHT OPERATIONS (NORMAL CONDITIONS) Take-off - slow climb out in light wind condition. Level flight - effect of burner. Climb and descent - effect of burner and vent. Approach and overshoot from low level - awareness of powerlines. Intermediate landing using vent. Final landing using rip panel. Flight to 4,000 feet AGL. Experience terminal velocity descent. Tethered flight - appreciation of hazards and precautions. Note: 1 hour may be logged in total 16 hours required for Certificate issue. Appreciation of the effect of variations in loading on balloon operations. First solo flight. Reserved. IN-FLIGHT PROCEDURES Use of maps and instruments - appreciation of position and movement of balloon. Fuel management. Considerations when operating in company with other balloons. Observation of weather developments. Detection of power line systems. EMERGENCIES Note:These situations are to be simulated where they cannot be put into practice safely. The student pilot to demonstrate reactions in theory as required. (a) Pilot light failure and fuel supply problems. (b) Power lines and use of handling line. (c) Considerations of landing in difficult conditions - trees, water and confined spaces. (d) Emergency landing procedures and briefing for passengers. (e) Considerations of fuel leaks and fire in air and on ground. Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 6 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Section 10 Syllabi OPTIONAL FLIGHT OPERATIONS (Advanced conditions – not mandatory) Take-off - fast climb-out from shelter in moderate wind. Fast (or running) take-off in moderate wind, fast climb-out and descent. Approach and overshoot from high level. Landing at high descent rates. Flight in mild thermal conditions. Landing in moderate wind. ENDORSEMENT FOR CAPACITY GREATER THAN 120,000 CU FT (3,400 CU M) Accelerations due to increased mass and momentum. Deflation systems. Basket orientation - use of rotation vents, divided basket and passenger control Burner - multiple burners, cross flow valves, manifolded and non-manifolded fuel systems. NIGHT FLIGHTS Regulatory requirements Flight planning Permissions required. Safety implications. Visual concepts. 10.3 Syllabus of training for ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate. The syllabus of training for the ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate includes theory and practical examinations. 10.3.1 Syllabus for ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate theory examination: Regulations and Organisation (a) (b) (c) (d) Understand regulations of the International Telecommunications Union regarding: Safety of life and priority of emergency transmissions Requirement to assist persons in distress Distress frequencies Prohibited transmissions Know the VHF aeronautical communication band and the qualifications which permit operations on this band. Know the privileges and limitations of the ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate. Know pilot responsibilities to limit transmissions to: Aircraft operational needs English language and to avoid: Unauthorised, false or deceptive transmissions Improper use of call signs Profane or obscene language Operational Situations Know the operational requirements, appropriate frequency type and standard phrases to be used in the following situations. Demonstrate examples of the appropriate calls in practice. Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 7 Section 10 Syllabi (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Australian Ballooning Federation Inc General: Difference between reports and broadcasts Format for a position report Requirements for maintaining a listening watch Frequency change procedures Uncontrolled airspace: Awareness of aerodrome traffic patterns and typical calls CTAF procedures at non-towered aerodromes Instrument Approach aerodromes Operations above 5000ft AMSL Controlled airspace: Obtain ATIS broadcast Request or amend airways clearance Read back requirements Advise operations complete CTAF procedures when tower is not operating Emergency procedures: Difference between distress and urgency situations Distress message format Urgency message format Procedure on intercepting a distress or urgency message Procedure for relaying a distress or urgency message Communication failure procedures Reporting of others in emergency Remote area operations: Use of emergency beacons Mode C Transponder operations: Requirement to use transponder in controlled airspace unless specifically exempted Controls and settings Procedure to set and squawk IDENT Emergency codes 10.3.2 Syllabus for ABF Radio Operator (Balloon) Certificate practical examination: (a) (b) (c) Practical Operations (VHF airband transceiver) Be familiar with functions and controls: Identify and select appropriate frequency Establishment of listening watch prior to transmitting Routine pre-flight test procedure Fault finding procedures and correction of faults Voice procedures and communications check Prepare the transceiver for use: Power supply including master switches where fitted Replacement of batteries or fuses and resetting of circuit breakers Visual indicators of battery level and other functions Function selectors and microphone/headphone/speaker selection Antennas and antenna systems Placement of transceiver for most effective operation Show practical knowledge of radio operations and procedure: Ability to transmit and receive correctly Microphone technique International phonetic alphabet Transmission of numerals Procedural words and phrases Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 8 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc (d) Section 10 Syllabi Know the propagation properties of VHF signals, the importance of effective line of sight and typical reception range at various altitudes. 10.4 Syllabus of training for ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating. The syllabus of training for the ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 3 is based on a demonstration of flying and instructing ability. Instructor Grade 2 syllabus includes revision of PP(B)C theory, training theory and practical flight training. Instructor Grade 1 has no formal syllabus but acquires the rating based on experience and a point scoring scheme as detailed in of this manual. 10.4.1 ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 3. Syllabus for ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 3 practical flight training: Demonstrable skills in ground training An ability to review student experience and explain objectives of flight Evaluate relevant operational and meteorological information Justify or assess flight planning, route, landing options, airspace, etc. Demonstrate or supervise passenger control and briefing Understand and critique inflation and launch site safety Demonstrable flying skills and airmanship Application of ABF landowner relations and code of conduct An ability to critique own performance and manage any weaknesses 10.4.2 ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2. Syllabus for ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2 revision of PP(B)C theory examinations. The theory component is as listed for the ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate (refer to section 10.2.1) and is assessed by exam. Pass marks are 5% higher than that required for the ABF Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate and are as follows. ABF Code of Conduct Aerostats and Airmanship Navigation Meteorology Flight Rules and Procedures Radio Operators (Balloon) Certificate (Theory) Radio Operators (Balloon) Certificate (Practical) 85% 75% 75% 75% 75% 85% 85% Syllabus for ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2 training theory. Principles of Instruction: Your objective as a ballooning instructor Two instructor essentials Some more important qualities How we learn Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 9 Section 10 Syllabi 10.4.3 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Principles of effective instructing Transferring responsibility Standardising balloon instruction Teaching safety Communication Constructive criticism Troubleshooting Methods of Instruction: Planning the lesson Familiarising with the balloon Flight location and conditions The training session and sequence Syllabus for ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 2 practical flight training: Demonstrable skills in ground training An ability to review student experience and explain objectives of flight Evaluate relevant operational and meteorological information Justify or assess flight planning, route, landing options, airspace, etc. Demonstrate or supervise passenger control and briefing Understand and critique inflation and launch site safety Demonstrable flying skills and airmanship Application of ABF landowner relations and code of conduct An ability to critique own performance and manage any weaknesses ABF Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 1. Instructor Private Pilot (Balloon) Rating Grade 1 has no formal syllabus but acquires the rating based on experience and a point scoring scheme as detailed in of this manual. 10.5 Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsements to Certificates. 10.5.1 Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsement to Certificate for Gas Balloons: There is currently no syllabus of training for ABF Endorsement to Certificate for Gas Balloons. 10.5.2 Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsement to Certificate for Hot Air Airships: There is currently no syllabus of training for ABF Endorsement to Certificate for Hot Air Airships. 10.5.3 Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsement to Certificate for Night Flight: Knowledge of minimum equipment for night operations Understand critical flight planning requirements Mandatory approvals/notifications required (ie CASA, NOTAMs) Appreciation of fuel requirements and reserves Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 10 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Section 10 Syllabi 10.5.4 Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsement to Certificate for flight lower than 2,000 feet above the aerodrome elevation while flying within 3 nautical miles of any certified or registered aerodrome. Pre Flight Planning Aerodrome Radio Procedure Aerodrome briefing requirements Mandatory radio requirements Pilot responsibilities Coordinating with other balloons Broadcast scenarios Broadcast format Aerodrome Layout and Terminology Parts of an aerodrome Occupied runway Details in ERSA Runway signals Runway identification Aerodrome Circuit Operations, Rules and Airmanship Good airmanship Ground operations Fixed wing circuit operations Right of way priorities Conflict avoidance Landing, flying and launching consideration Aerodrome Permission and Security Restricted access arrangements Contact other users Proficiency and respect 10.5.5 Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsement to Certificate for flight in Class C or D airspace Interpret ERSA airfield data Understand different communication frequencies Interpret relevant NOTAMs Manage clearance requests SARWATCH procedures Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 11 Section 10 Syllabi Australian Ballooning Federation Inc 10.6 Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsements to Logbook. 10.6.1 Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsements to Logbook for certification of competency to fly a balloon, which has a capacity greater than 120,000 cu ft (3,400 cu m) 10.6.2 Additional resources required - crew etc. Inertial changes - effects of mass Reasons for minimum load requirements Changes in fuel expectations Physical size and clearances Syllabus of training for ABF Endorsements to Logbook for Certification of competency to fly a balloon in a class C and D control zone Procedures between control tower and balloons 10.7 Syllabus of training for ABF miscellaneous flights. 10.7.1 Syllabus of training for ABF parachute descents from balloons. Understand requirements of Australian Parachute Federation Inc. Consideration of loading, including Minima Understand balloon reaction to sudden load reduction Appreciation of sky diver’s needs Safety implications Section 10 Syllabi: 12 pages Page S10 - 12 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations Appendix 1 - Definitions and Abbreviations A1.1 Commonly Used Abbreviations The following are commonly used abbreviations which may be found in this Operations Manual, Manufacturers Manuals, Aeronautical Charts and Publications, text books and teaching syllabi. NOTE: As regulations change, there may be some alterations to this list; these changes may not be included until the next Operations Manual review. Current abbreviations and definitions may also be found in AIP GEN 2.2 on the Airservices Australia website. www.airservicesaustralia.com AAC Airworthiness Advisory Circular ABF Australian Ballooning Federation Inc AGL Above Ground Level (Expressed in feet, unless stated otherwise) AIP Aeronautical Information Publication AMSL Above Mean Sea Level (Expressed in feet, unless stated otherwise) AOC Air Operators Certificate APF Australian Parachute Federation Inc ARFOR Area Forecast. (In aeronautical Meteorological Code) ATC Air Traffic Control ATSB Australian Transport Safety Bureau AusSAR Australian Search and Rescue AUW All up weight BKN Broken (cloud descriptor) B050 Below 5,000 ft. AMSL C Degrees Celsius (Centigrade) CAA Civil Aviation Act 1988 CAAP Civil Aviation Advisory Publication CAO Civil Aviation Order CAR Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 CASA Civil Aviation Safety Authority CASR Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 CAVOK: Visibility 10 kilometres or more, no cloud below 5000 ft or below the highest minimum sector altitude, whichever is the greater, and no cumulonimbus; and no precipitation, thunderstorms, shallow fog, low drifting snow or dust devils. CoA Certificate of Airworthiness CoR Certificate of Registration CP(B)L Commercial Pilot (Balloons) Licence CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency CTR: Control Zone Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Appendix 1-Definitions and Abbreviations: 8 pages Page A1 - 1 Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations Australian Ballooning Federation Inc D Danger Area (Followed by number) ERC En Route Chart ERSA En Route Supplement Australia ETA Estimated Time of Arrival FEW Few (cloud descriptor) FPM Feet per minute FROL CASA Flight Radiotelephone Operator Licence FT Feet GS Ground speed H24 Continuous day and night service HDG Heading HJ Sunrise to sunset HN Sunset to sunrise hPa Hectopascal IAW In Accordance With ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation IRM Immediately Reportable Matter KG Kilograms KM Kilometres KT Knots LAT Latitude (Degrees North or South of the Equator) LONG Longitude (Degrees East or West of the Prime Meridian) …M Bearing or Course (Magnetic) M Metres (preceded by figures) MAX Maximum MTOW Maximum Take-off Weight NM Nautical Miles NOTAM Notice to Airmen. A notice containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in facility, service, procedure or hazard, which is essential to personnel, concerned with flight operations. OCTA Outside Control Area / Outside Controlled Airspace OVC Overcast (cloud descriptor) P… Prohibited area. (followed by identification) PAX Passenger(s) POB Persons on Board PP(B)C Private Pilot (Balloon) Certificate Appendix 1-Definitions and Abbreviations: 8 pages Page A1 - 2 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations PVT Private (As in type of Operation) QNH Altimeter subscale setting to obtain altitude R Restricted Area. (Followed by number) RAD Radius RCC Rescue Coordination Centre RRM Routinely Reportable Matter SCT Scattered (cloud descriptor) SIGMET Significant Meteorological information concerning Enroute Weather Phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations. SP(B)C Student Pilot (Balloons) Certificate SPECI Aviation Special Weather (in Aeronautical Meteorological Code) SUP Supplement. (AIP Supplement) SZ Sensitive Zone ...T Bearing or Course (True) TAF Terminal Aerodrome Forecast TR Track UHF Ultra High Frequency (300-3,000 MHz) U/S Unserviceable UTC Co-ordinated Universal Time (formerly GMT, also Z – Zulu) VFR Visual Flight Rules VHF Very High Frequency (30-300 MHz) VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions VNC Visual Navigation Chart. Scale 1:500,000 VTC Visual Terminal Chart. WAC World Aeronautical Chart. ICAO 1:1,000,000. WX Weather Z Co-ordinated Universal Time (in Meteorological messages). VFG VFG (Visual Flight Guide) contains information VFR pilots need from the CAR’s, CAO’s AIP and CAAP’s regarding procedures to be used when operating aircraft. It should be consulted for specific requirements and cross-checked against the parent documents for currency. Scale 1:250,000. Note: More abbreviations are shown in AIP GEN Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Appendix 1-Definitions and Abbreviations: 8 pages Page A1 - 3 Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations Australian Ballooning Federation Inc A1.2 Commonly Used Definitions Ab-initio Training Pre pilot certificate issue training. ABF Examiner ABF Instructor or Operations Manager as determined by the ‘privileges’ laid down in this manual. ABF Instructor ABF member who holds a valid ABF Pilot (Balloon) Certificate endorsed with a current Flight Instructor (B) Rating. Aircraft Log Book The manufacturer’s Aircraft Log Book. Approval or Approved Approved for a defined task by the Operations Manager on behalf of the ABF. CAO Civil Aviation Order: Contains orders concerning direction, instruction, notification, permission, approval or authority in regard to the operation of aircraft. See CAO 95.54. CAR Civil Aviation Regulation made pursuant to the Civil Aviation Act 1988 containing regulations concerning the operation of aircraft. CASR The new safety regulations formed under the regulatory reform process to replace CAR’s. Certified Aerodrome An aerodrome certified by CASA under subpart 139.B of CASR. A certified aerodrome has a runway suitable for aircraft with more than 30 passenger seats or able to carry a payload of 3,400 kg in Regular Public Transport (RPT) or charter operations. It has higher operating standards than a registered aerodrome (also see Registered aerodrome) Direct Supervision In the presence of the supervisor. The supervisor observes and checks the work being performed to ensure that it is being performed properly. Flight time The total time from the moment at which the balloon first becomes airborne and ends when the balloon comes to rest at the end of the flight, excluding any time during which the balloon is at rest on the ground. Free flight time In relation to a balloon, means any part of the flight time in the balloon during which it is not tethered. This time is recorded in the pilots log book under ‘In Command’. Indirect Supervision By the supervisor monitoring the operations through other persons. The supervisor monitors and checks the work being performed to ensure that it is being performed properly. Instructor Safety Alert An ABF document containing information regarding safety, training and testing normally distributed only to ABF instructors and examiners. Appendix 1-Definitions and Abbreviations: 8 pages Page A1 - 4 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations In the vicinity An aircraft is in the vicinity of a non-controlled aerodrome if it is within: airspace other than controlled airspace; and a horizontal distance of 10 NM from the aerodrome (reference point); and a height above the aerodrome (reference point) that could result in conflict with operations at the aerodrome. Medical Certificate A Certificate issued under CASR part 67. Operations Manager A person appointed by the ABF to oversee operational standards for recreational Hot Air Ballooning and Airships. Operations Manual The ABF Operations Manual. Pilot in Command (PIC) For ABF student purposes: solo flight time. Pilot Log Book A system that is used to keep an accurate record of a pilot’s aeronautical experience. Pilot Safety Alert An ABF safety and flight operations information document normally distributed to ABF certificate holders. Private airship A generic term for any hot air airship as defined in CAO 95.54 and is operated in accordance with this manual. Private balloon A generic term for any manned balloon as defined in CAO 95.54 and is operated in accordance with this manual. Recreational balloon flight review Means a review of the aeronautical skills and aeronautical knowledge of the person undertaking the review that is relevant to the safe flight of balloons in sport or recreational operations. Registered aerodrome An aerodrome registered by CASA under CASR subpart 139.C. A registered aerodrome meets certain minimum operating standards and is regularly inspected (also see Certified aerodrome) Safety Officer Means a person appointed by the ABF to receive reports of accidents and incidents concerning manned balloons and hot air airships and to promote the safety awareness of all ABF pilots. Supervision The regular surveillance, assessment and correction of ABF pilot training operations and of persons engaged in those operations. Supervision may be ‘direct’ in the presence of the supervisor or ‘indirect’ by the supervisor monitoring the operations through other persons. Tethered Means a balloon attached to the ground, or an object on the ground, by flexible restraints that limit movement. Tethered flight time Means any part of the flight time in the balloon during which the balloon is tethered. This is recorded in the pilots log book under ‘Tether’. Time in service The total time from the moment at which the balloon first becomes airborne and ends when the balloon comes to rest at the end of the flight. This is recorded in the balloon log book. Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Appendix 1-Definitions and Abbreviations: 8 pages Page A1 - 5 Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations Australian Ballooning Federation Inc A1.3 Meaning of Auxiliary Verbs Throughout this document, the following auxiliary verbs have the meanings defined below: (a) "must", means the application is mandatory; (b) "should" means the application is recommended; (c) "may" or "need not" means the application is optional; (d) "will" means futurity, not a requirement for application; (e) singular words include the plural and plural words include the singular unless a contrary intention is indicated by the context. Nouns of common gender such as manager, officer, supervisor, and singular pronouns that refer to common gender nouns in the same paragraph in either the feminine or masculine format may have a feminine or masculine meaning as appropriate. A1.4 Units of Measurement Units of measurement to be used in airways operations and air to ground communication are: Distances used in navigation. (Generally in excess of 2NM) Short distances Nautical miles and 1/10ths. Altitudes, elevations & heights Feet Horizontal speed, inc. wind speed Knots Vertical speed Feet per minute Wind direction for take-off and landing, used in TAFs Wind direction, excluding above, used in ARFORs Visibility Degrees magnetic Altimeter setting Hectopascals Temperature Degrees Celsius Weight (Mass) Metric Tonnes or kilograms Time (UTC) Hours and minutes, 24 hour clock Metres Degrees true Kilometres or metres Note: For further reference, consult AIP GEN. Appendix 1-Definitions and Abbreviations: 8 pages Page A1 - 6 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Australian Ballooning Federation Inc Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations A1.5 Conversion Factors Multiply By To obtain Pound (lb) 0.4535924 Kilogram (kg) Pound Force per sq. in. (lbf/in2) 6.8947 Kilopascal (kPa) Inch (in) 25.400 Millimetre (mm) Foot (ft) 0.3048 Metre (m) Mile 1.60934 Kilometre (km) Nautical Mile (n m) 1.852 Kilometre (km) Gallon, US liquid 3.785415 Litre (l) Gallon, Imp. (gal) 4.54609 Litre (l) All conversions should be rounded to one decimal place (except millimetres, to nearest whole number) which remains within that limitation. Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013 Appendix 1-Definitions and Abbreviations: 8 pages Page A1 - 7 Appendix 1 Definitions and Abbreviations Australian Ballooning Federation Inc This page intentionally blank Appendix 1-Definitions and Abbreviations: 8 pages Page A1 - 8 Operations Manual Amendment 2.01 – 14 November 2013
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