KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION OPERATIONS MANUAL March, 2014 Contents CATEGORY: Organization ............................................................................................. 3 O1 KDA Operations Manual ........................................................................................ 3 O-2 Qualifications for Office ......................................................................................... 4 O-3 Election of Officers................................................................................................ 6 O-4 Proxy for Voting Members of Board and Executive Committee ............................ 7 O-5 Alternate for Delegate to the ADA House of Delegates ........................................ 8 O-6 Transition of Officers ............................................................................................. 9 O-7 District Dietetic Associations ............................................................................... 10 O-8 KDA Practice Groups .......................................................................................... 12 O-9 KDA Interest Groups........................................................................................... 13 O-10 Annual Meeting Locations ................................................................................ 14 CATEGORY: Professional ........................................................................................... 15 P-1 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................... 15 P-2 Copyright/Ownership/Patent ............................................................................... 17 P-3 Sunshine Law...................................................................................................... 18 P-4 KDA/KDAF Code of Conduct Attestation and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form ................................................................................................................................... 19 CATEGORY: Membership ........................................................................................... 20 M-1 Membership List for KDA Members .................................................................... 20 M-2 Use of Membership List by Non-KDA Entities .................................................... 21 M-3 KDA Fund Raising .............................................................................................. 22 M-4 ADA Foundation Fund Raising Committee ......................................................... 23 M-5 Job Bank ............................................................................................................ 24 M-6 KDA Supporter Membership ............................................................................... 26 CATEGORY: Communications .................................................................................... 27 C-1 KDA Newsletter................................................................................................... 27 C-2 Access to Membership Mailing Lists/Labels ....................................................... 28 C-3 Newsletter Advertising ........................................................................................ 30 C-4 New Members ..................................................................................................... 32 C-5 Listserv ............................................................................................................... 33 C-6 KDA Web Site Advertising .................................................................................. 35 C-7 Website Requests ............................................................................................... 38 March, 2014 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION C-8 Social Media ....................................................................................................... 39 CATEGORY: KDAF...................................................................................................... 43 KDAF-1 KDAF Functions and Funding ...................................................................... 43 KDAF-2 Donations ..................................................................................................... 44 KDAF-3 Endowments ................................................................................................ 45 KDAF- 4 Awards ........................................................................................................ 46 KDAF-5 Fifty Year Member Recognition.................................................................... 47 KDAF-6 Distinguished Dietitian of the Year ............................................................... 48 KDAF-7 Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year ...................................................... 49 KDAF-8 Recognized Dietetic Technician of the Year ................................................ 50 KDAF-9 Emerging Dietetic Leader............................................................................. 51 KDAF-10 The American Dietetic Association Awards ................................................ 52 KDAF-11 Scholarships .............................................................................................. 53 KDAF-12 Vaden Scholarship ..................................................................................... 54 KDAF-13 McCollum Scholarship ............................................................................... 56 CATEGORY: Financial Policy .................................................................................... 58 F-1Centralized Financial Administration (CFA) for State Dietetic Practice Groups .... 58 F-2 Fiscal Year .......................................................................................................... 60 F-3 Preparation and Approval of Annual Operating Budget ....................................... 61 F-4 Expense Reporting and Reimbursement for KDA Board and Committee Members ................................................................................................................................... 62 F-5 Cash Advances ................................................................................................... 65 F-6 Investment and Oversight of KDA, DHCC and KDAF Funds .............................. 66 F-7 Financial Statement Preparation ......................................................................... 68 F-8 Inventory Reporting ............................................................................................. 69 F-9 Tax Reporting ...................................................................................................... 70 F-10 Audits ................................................................................................................ 71 F-11 Bonding ............................................................................................................. 72 F-12 Penalty Fee for Returned Checks ..................................................................... 73 F-13 Reimbursement of Executive Director Expenses .............................................. 74 F-14 KDA Debit Card ................................................................................................. 76 CATEGORY: Meetings................................................................................................. 77 MT-1Budget Approval ................................................................................................ 77 MT-2 Registration Fees ............................................................................................. 78 1 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION MT-3 Refunds for KDA Sponsored Meetings ............................................................. 80 MT- 4 Speaker Fees and Honorariums...................................................................... 81 MT-5 Reimbursement for Program Planning Committee Members and KDA Board Members for KDA Annual Meetings........................................................................... 82 MT-6 Teleseminars .................................................................................................... 84 MT-7 Registration Fees and Costs for Award Recipients .......................................... 86 MT-8 Exhibits at KDA Meetings ................................................................................. 87 MT-9 Exhibit Fees...................................................................................................... 88 2 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O1 KDA Operations Manual All KDA policies and procedures will be reviewed and revised as needed after each board meeting and/or executive committee meeting based upon decisions implemented by vote of the board and/or executive committee. Guidelines ■ The master electronic copy of the KDA Operations Manual, the KDA Bylaws and the Standing Rules are maintained by the executive director (Word documents). ■ The Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair obtains and maintains a working copy of the documents to use to incorporate revisions. Procedure Members of the board may use the board action form to request the board revise a current policy or create a new policy to meet the changing needs of the organization. Policy creation and revisions will be discussed and voted upon at meetings of the board or the executive committee. If the Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair is not present at the meeting, the Secretary will inform the chair of the board decision and new or revised policy draft needed. The Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair will draft wording for a new policy or policy revisions making sure there is no conflict with KDA bylaws and standing rules. The Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair will then submit the policy draft to the Secretary and President for final approval of wording based upon the record of the board’s decision. If the policy draft requires further discussion from the board, the policy draft will be included in the agenda of the next board meeting. Upon final approval, revisions or additions to operations documents will be completed and updated copies of the revised documents will be submitted by the Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair to the Executive Director for posting on the KDA Website in PDF format. Annually, the President-Elect will send PDF copies of the operations manual and standing rules to the incoming officers and chairs. Officers and chairs of the organization are asked to review policies in the operations manual that apply to their roles within the organization at least twice annually and to bring to the board suggestions to revise or update policies as needed. As the updated versions of the documents are saved, the following format will be used in the document file name to indicate the last date changes were made: year, month, and date. For example, April 13, 2008 would be listed as 20080413. ORIGINAL DATE: 1/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 2/13 3 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-2 Qualifications for Office A nominee for office in the Kansas Dietetic Association shall meet the qualifications for the office as established by the Kansas Dietetic Association. This will ensure that elected Board members have the qualifications necessary to undertake their Board responsibilities. Procedures Nominating Committee designates annually, or as otherwise specified, the following candidates for office, using qualifications established by the Board of Directors. At least two (2) candidates for the office of President-elect At least two (2) candidates for the office of Delegate as needed (this is a 3 year term) At least two (2) candidates for the office of Chair-elect of the Council on Professional Issues. Four (4) to five (5) candidates for the Nominating Committee with representation from multiple geographic locations in Kansas. When possible, a candidate from each geographic area (district) established by the Board for a total of five candidates is the preferred ballot. At least two (2) candidates for the office of Secretary or Treasurer in alternate years The Nominating Committee Chair will verify ADA and KDA membership of all candidates. Refer to Article VIII, of the KDA Bylaws for the minimum criteria and procedures for the Nominating Committee including guidelines for write-in candidates, ballot and voting. Qualifications For all candidates: Must be members of the American Dietetic Association and the Kansas Dietetic Association District officers must be ADA/KDA members except for the Kansas City District Dietetic Association, a district jointly sponsored by the Kansas and Missouri Affiliates, where the elected officers may be either Kansas or Missouri Affiliate members. No person shall hold concurrent elected positions in the district, state or national association President-elect 4 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Candidate shall be active in affiliate association activities as an officer or committee chair within the last five (5) years; and active in development of leadership in the profession Available for office for three (3) consecutive years (third year serves as President of the KDA Foundation). Delegate Candidate must have been a member of ADA for at least three (3) consecutive years immediately proceeding the term as delegate. Available for office for a three (3) year term and may be re-elected for one (1) additional consecutive term. Secretary Candidate shall be active in district and/or affiliate association activities Available to serve for two (2) consecutive years Treasurer Candidates shall be active in district and/or affiliate association activities Experienced in budgeting, fiscal planning, and management Available to serve two (2) consecutive years; may be re-elected. Willing to be bonded. Chair-elect of the Council on Professional Issues Candidate shall be a member of an ADA practice group Familiar with affiliate and national association activities and operations Available to serve two (2) consecutive years Nominating Committee Candidate shall be active in district and/or affiliate association activities. KDA Bylaws, Article VIII Nominations and Elections, Section 2, General Criteria The Nominating Committee after reasonable effort is unable to nominate two willing candidates who otherwise meet the qualifications for office, as may be further defined by ADA materials a single candidate slate may be submitted to the membership. KDA elected officers may not, except in extraordinary circumstances, simultaneously hold an elected or appointed executive position in an ADA office, or an elected office in a related ADA organizational unit (e.g. affiliate district association or DPG). ORIGINAL DATE: 5/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 5 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-3 Election of Officers An official KDA ballot shall be prepared by the Nominating Committee. The committee in conjunction with the Executive Director will post the ballot, biographical sketches and voting instructions on the KDA website no later than two months prior to the annual meeting. Procedure The Nominating Committee presents a ballot to the KDA Board within 1-2 months prior to mailing of ballot. Nominating Committee Chair provides the KDA Executive Director with the official ballot and biographical sketches to be placed on the KDA website. The Executive Director prepares the online voting procedures. Members will receive an email via the listserv or blast email with online voting instructions and procedures for requesting a paper ballot. Email notification occurs at least two (2) weeks/fourteen (14) days prior to polls opening. An official ballot, containing biographical sketches, is posted on the KDA website not less than seven (7) days prior to the opening of the polls. Upon request, a paper ballot will be mailed by the Executive Director with a return envelope addressed to the Executive Director. When the Executive Director receives a completed paper ballot, the ballot is entered into the online voting system through the KDA website so the votes will be included with the tabulation of all the votes. The process assures the confidentiality of the mailed ballots. Only web ballots submitted by the poll closing date will be allowed. Only paper ballots delivered or postmarked no later than the designated date shall be counted. A plurality of votes cast shall constitute an election. Newly elected officers will be notified and election results will be given to the KDA President by the Nominating Committee Chairperson within seven (7) days after the final election tally. Definitions: Plurality – one candidate receives more votes than the others Majority – more than half of the votes cast ORIGINAL DATE: 5/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/12 6 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-4 Proxy for Voting Members of Board and Executive Committee A voting member of the Board and of the Executive Committee who is unable to attend an official meeting including conference calls shall assign in writing his/her proxy to an attending Board member of his/her choice. The purpose is to ensure a quorum at Executive Committee and Board meetings in order to conduct association business. Procedure Each voting member of the Board and of the Executive Committee who is unable to attend an official meeting of the Board shall assign, in writing, his/her proxy to a member of the Board who will attend the meeting or conference call. An e-mail message sent to the president with a “cc” to the proxy and the secretary qualifies as “in writing” notice. Proxy to vote shall include: Date and place of Executive Committee and/or Board meeting Name of person to whom proxy is granted Signature of the Executive Committee and/or Board member granting the proxy Per KDA Standing Rules, Section VIII Proxy for Meetings, the number of votes is limited to a maximum of two (2) per person, i.e. a voting member of the Board may only be a proxy for one (1) other person. LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 7 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-5 Alternate for Delegate to the ADA House of Delegates The President of the Kansas Dietetic Association shall be the official alternate for the delegate. In the Event that the Delegate is unable to attend a meeting of the ADA House of Delegates, the following procedure will be followed: Delegate will notify President as soon as possible and will make available the meeting materials and will forward all subsequent notices related to the meeting posted to the House of Delegates Community of Interest. The delegate will contact ADA Headquarters staff and notify them who will be serving as alternate delegate. The President shall represent the Kansas Dietetic Association as the alternate delegate. If the President is unable to serve as alternate, an alternate shall be appointed from the following Kansas Dietetic Association Board members. President-elect KDA Foundation Chair (immediate Past-President) ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 8 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-6 Transition of Officers KDA officers shall change effective July 1 of each year at the first full Board meeting held after annual meeting. A leadership retreat and new board member orientation will be held in June or July each year often in conjunction with the Board meeting. Guidelines: ■ This orientation will provide training for new officers and provide for smooth transition of power. If funds are not available, the leadership retreat can be eliminated. The new board member orientation can be incorporated into the first board meeting following July 1. ■ Per the Standing Rules, if the outgoing position holder is unable to attend the new board orientation meeting, the transition of files and communications between the outgoing/incoming position holders should occur prior to the orientation meeting. ■ The KDA Operations Manual, Bylaws, Standing Rules and Board roster will be provided in electronic format to all officers, committee chairs and district presidents by August 1st of each year. Procedures: ■ The new board orientation and leadership retreat is scheduled by the President and President-elect. ■ The President-elect will notify out-going and in-coming officers and chairs of the date, location and agenda for the retreat. The President-elect will also send an electronic copy of the board roster to board members. ■ The Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair will send electronic copies of the bylaws, standing rules and operations manual to each new or returning board member. If funds are not available, the leadership retreat can be eliminated. ■ The outgoing position holder/committee chairs are invited to the new board orientation meeting to have an opportunity to transfer position files The transfer communication should include: o Committee members continuing for the next year, if applicable o A status report of position/committee activities o Budget, and o Responsibility for and status of tactics assigned in the KDA Strategic Plan ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/2012 9 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-7 District Dietetic Associations Principles of District Cooperation Background: The Principles of District Cooperation are based upon the Principles of Affiliation developed by ADA to guide the relationship between ADA and the state affiliate associations. This is necessary to assure that an affiliate association and its district associations (if not incorporated separately from the affiliate) meet the qualifications to participate in the liability insurance coverage for officers and chairpersons and assure that all legal and financial documents are filed with the state and IRS. Districts will sign the Principles of District Cooperation on an annual basis typically no later than July 1 as KDA’s report to ADA is due August 1. By signing such principles, districts agree to prohibit from district membership non-ADA members who are eligible for ADA membership. Non-ADA members may attend district sponsored CEU events but must pay an additional fee above that required for ADA and District members. The KDA Membership Chair or Executive Director will provide each district president with a listing of current ADA-KDA members on a quarterly basis or as requested for districts to use in screening their membership. The districts will be responsible for notifying members and CEU participants of district membership requirements. Operating Guidelines The structure and bylaws of the district association shall be consistent with that of the state and national associations. District bylaws must be reviewed by the KDA Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee for consistency with the KDA Bylaws followed by approval by the KDA Board of Directors. The district and state/affiliate association will communicate and operate in an organized manner. The district will function on a local level and the district president will represent the district as a voting member of the KDA Board of Directors. The district can submit agenda items for discussion, be involved in the development of the KDA Strategic Plan and tactics, and identify actions for follow though at the district level. 10 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION The Kansas City Dietetic Association (KCDA) will have the option of primary affiliation with the Kansas Dietetic Association or the Missouri Dietetic Association. This “primary” affiliation applies to the reporting of financial information as outlined in Reporting Guidelines (below) and verification of ADA membership for all district members. If KDA is the secondary affiliation, KCDA will still participate as a voting member of the KDA Board but will not be submitting the Principles of District Cooperation or financial information to KDA. State rebates are not impacted by the district’s choice of state affiliation as rebates are determined by state of affiliation chosen by the individual ADA member. The districts will conduct their own elections and programs, collect dues, disburse funds, and maintain financial records of their activities. District officers must be ADA/KDA members except for the Kansas City Dietetic Association, a district jointly sponsored by the Kansas and Missouri Affiliates, where the elected officers may be Kansas or Missouri affiliate members. Reporting Guidelines The district president will submit a report to the KDA Board at each scheduled Board meeting. The district president/treasurer will submit a financial statement of dues/income and expenditures to the KDA treasurer by December 31 and May 1 to be incorporated as a line item under the district’s name into the KDA financial statements used for reporting to the IRS. Submit signed Principles of District Cooperation annually by specified deadline. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/09 11 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-8 KDA Practice Groups A state dietetic practice group may be formed and will be affiliated with KDA upon approval of their governing documents by the Board of Directors. A state dietetic practice group will have corresponding ADA dietetic practice group. The practice group shall meet the needs and common interests of members who work in or have an interest in a similar area of practice. The Association will recognize state dietetic practice groups meeting operational and administrative standards established by the Association based on a petition submitted by a minimum of twenty-five (25) KDA members. The state dietetic practice group will engage in activities which meet the needs of its members and are consistent with the mission, strategic plan, and policies of this Association. All state practice group members must be members of ADA. State dietetic practice group dues and finances are centrally administered. The fiscal year and program year will correspond to KDA. Operating Guidelines A chairman, chair-elect, and secretary-treasurer are elected by the group and they are governed by their own governing documents. The governing documents will be submitted to the KDA Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair for review for consistency with KDA Bylaws followed by approval by the KDA Board of Directors. The chair of the practice group is a non-voting member of the KDA Board and is a member of the Member Team. All monies collected by a state practice group will be submitted to and be managed by the KDA Treasurer. The practice group budget showing income and expenses is developed by the KDA Treasurer in consultation with the practice group chairman and is reflected in the financial statement and IRS reporting for KDA. The state practice group sets its own meetings, continuing education events and election of officers according to its governing documents and policy and procedures. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 12 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-9 KDA Interest Groups KDA members who share common professional interests may form an interest group. The interest group will meet the varied interests of our members and provide networking and educational opportunities for members. Interest groups do not require minimum numbers for membership and dues are optional. The chairman is selected by the group. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 13 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Organization O-10 Annual Meeting Locations KDA shall hold its annual meeting each spring at sites throughout the state. Procedure The Annual Meeting Planning Committee may recommend for Board approval hosting the annual meeting at any location in the state. Approval is sought one (1) to two (2) years prior to the date of the meeting. A desire to hold the meeting in conjunction with the Kansas Nutrition Council or other group or program of interest to KDA members may dictate site location. Consideration should be given to five (5) cities-Topeka, Kansas City, Wichita, Lawrence, or Manhattan as primary locations for the annual meeting so that the meeting costs can be contained and relationships established with hotels and services in the cities. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 14 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Professional P-1 Conflict of Interest All volunteers of the Kansas Dietetic Association shall avoid conflicts between their personal interests and the interests of the Association. If a volunteer is aware of the personal interest related to an issue that exists or is under consideration by the Association, the individual shall immediately and prior to the discussion about or action on the issue: disclose the existence of all personal interests; and abstain from voting and/or attempting to influence the decision. The disclosure of personal interest shall be noted in the minutes of the meeting in which it is made and in the minutes of subsequent meetings at which the issue is discussed. If the individual is a voting member, the minutes will show that the individual abstained from voting. Definitions Conflict of interests includes situations wherein a volunteer or staff member: is involved in a KDA decision or action regarding another entity in which the volunteer or staff member has a financial interest, is an employee, is a director or is a consultant; discloses information relating to the business of the Association which can be used by another entity. The terms volunteer shall include the volunteer or any member of the volunteer’s immediate family. Other entities include any organization or individual which does business or seeks to do business with the Association or which competes with the Association in products or services. The President, after reviewing the matter with the Executive Committee, shall have final authority to determine whether a conflict of interest exists. The first attempt to resolve the conflict should be made by the presiding officer of the organization unit. If not resolved satisfactorily, a potential conflict may be submitted to the President for resolution. 15 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Guidelines The KDA Conflict of Interest policy shall align with the Conflict of Interest policy established by the ADA House of Delegates. This policy shall be furnished to each elected officer and to appointed board members Volunteers and staff will use discretion in accepting gifts, entertainment or other favors from another entity. In general, they should be accepted only in the conduct of normal business functions. ORIGINAL DATE: 8/89 ADA LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 KDA 16 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Professional P-2 Copyright/Ownership/Patent Any written materials, manuals, or devices developed by the teams of the Kansas Dietetic Association shall be the property of the organization. Kansas Dietetic Association will protect its members by collective ownership of and control over the production and/or use of items developed by the Association. The Team Leader presents a copy of this policy to his/her committee members at the beginning of each term of office. When written materials, manuals, or devices are developed, the chairperson may propose that the item(s) be considered for copyright/patent application by the KDA Executive Committee. The written proposal should include the estimated costs and the plans for the item to be copyrighted/patented. The Executive Committee reviews the materials and approves submission of the application. The KDA Secretary, with the Team Leader, submits the necessary information for the application to be copyrighted/patented, the approved materials, manuals, or devices for KDA. The Secretary advises the Team Leader and the KDA Executive Committee of the outcome of the application. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 17 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Professional P-3 Sunshine Law Any KDA member shall be allowed to attend all KDA Executive Committee and Board of Director meetings as an observer. The purpose is to encourage participation of all KDA members in Association affairs. The Newsletter Editor will include known meeting dates, locations and times in the official newsletter along with whom to contact for meeting information. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 18 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Professional P-4 KDA/KDAF Code of Conduct Attestation and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form The Kansas Dietetic Association (KDA) and Kansas Dietetic Association Foundation (KDAF) believe that all elected officers, appointed chairs and members of teams or committees, and paid contract staff acting on behalf of the organizations have a responsibility to demonstrate the highest standards of professional and personal conduct in order to protect the integrity of the Association and Foundation and maintain respect for the profession. Therefore, the KDA Board of Directors and KDAF Board of Directors request that each officer or member of the KDA/KDAF Board, committee or task force annually read and sign the Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Attestation. Procedure: Annually, the KDA President will send each elected officer, appointed chair, paid contract staff and members of committees or teams with a copy of P-1 Conflict of Interest policy and P-4 KDA/KDAF Code of Conduct for Elected and Appointed Members of the Board of Directors, Committees, and Task Forces; and Contracted Staff. Each member of the KDA/KDAF boards, committees and task forces will be asked to sign and return the Code of Conduct/Conflict of Interest Attestation form. (see attached form) o Signature should be scanned and then copied and pasted to signature line of the attestation form. Signed attestation forms will be returned to the secretary who will compile all signed attestation forms and will provide a copy to the executive director. Attestation statements will be kept with other board documents by the executive director for seven years with an additional copy kept by the secretary. ORIGINAL DATE: 3/2014 19 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Membership M-1 Membership List for KDA Members ADA continuously updates the list of ADA members in the Kansas affiliate (KDA) which shall include name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and all other information provided in the membership database by the American Dietetic Association Data Management Information System (DMIS). Using the DMIS, the Membership Chair will create and maintain the user defined fields (UDF). The UDF’s can be created with the approval of the current Executive Director and President. Current UDF’s are: District affiliation Listserv membership The Membership Chair or the Executive Director will distribute the Membership Directory to KDA members electronically as an Excel file or in hard copy form at the request of a member. Board members will receive an electronic copy when requested. The Membership Directory will be advertised in each newsletter. A member not on the board may purchase a hard copy of the Directory by paying the cost of copying and postage or may receive for free as an e-mail attachment. The membership list is to be used for KDA purposes only and cannot be released outside the organization unless approved by the Executive Board or is in accordance with KDA policy. Refer to C-2, Access to Membership Mailing Lists/Labels and M-2, Use of Membership List by Non-KDA Entities. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 20 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Membership M-2 Use of Membership List by Non-KDA Entities All requests for membership lists by non-KDA entities should be directed/forwarded to the Executive Director. The Membership Chair may respond to requests from KDA Board or KDA members as long as no payment of fees is involved. Organizations offering continuing professional education hours for dietitians may receive a roster under the following conditions: The roster will be used for the stated purpose on a one time only basis. The organization will be required to sign a contract, provide a copy of program or other materials being mailed for evaluation before the list will be mailed. A fee as set by the Executive Committee will be charged and be paid in advance prior to sending roster Two (2) weeks notice is required by the Executive Director. If mailing labels are desired, a 21 day notice to the Executive Director is required. Manpower surveys may receive the roster if the roster is not categorized by county and/or region and it will be used only once for the stated purpose. Roster requests for advertising or sales will be denied. Roster requests for research purposes will be considered on an individual basis. A written request is to include: the purpose of the research explanation of how the roster will be used All other roster requests not outlined above will be reviewed by the Executive Committee. Also see alternative to this under the Communications Category, policy C-2, Access to Membership Mailing Lists/Labels ORIGINAL DATE: 5/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 06/10 21 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Membership M-3 KDA Fund Raising The Fund Raising Chair of KDA serves as one formal means of generating revenue and shall develop project(s) to produce revenue to support the KDA annual fiscal budget. Also, serves as a member of the Annual Meeting Finalizing Committee (program year in which meeting occurs). The Chair and Co-Chair if one is appointed determine at the beginning of the fiscal year a Strategic Plan including a time line, reviewers, and resources in order to plan and implement fund raising project(s). The Strategic Plan will be submitted to the Member Education Team Leader and approved by the Board of Directors. Projects planned for the new fiscal year will be based on the success of projects previously used, membership interest, and association needs. Marketing activities appropriate for the project will be implemented by the Committee, including the KDA Annual Meeting. The Chair is an appointed position by the President-Elect. The Co-chair will serve as the Co-chair for the first year, and the Chair for the second year of service. If a vacancy occurs with either or both positions, appointing a replacement is determined by the current President. Any form that this committee uses is determined by the project being conducted at that time. Reports are submitted to the Member Education Team Leader according to the KDA Calendar outline or in response to requests for reports for Board meetings. Records of all monies collected and checks are to be forwarded monthly to the Executive Director who will make bank deposit and forward deposit slip to KDA Treasurer. Any cash received must be converted to check by the Committee before mailing to the Executive Director. ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 DATE TO BE REVIEWED: 6/12 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 22 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Membership M-4 ADA Foundation Fund Raising Committee The ADA Fund Raising Committee shall develop project(s) to produce revenue for the ADA Foundation. Attend or find a proxy for the annual training session for State ADA Foundation Fund Raising Plan at FNCE. Participate in fundraising planning calls presented by ADA. Prepare and implement the plan for ADA. Write article(s) for the KDA newsletter to encourage voluntary contributions to the ADA Foundation and the National Center for Nutrition and Dietetics (NCND). Cooperate with the Annual Meeting Committee to hold a fund raising activity during the KDA Annual Meeting. Records of all monies collected and checks are to be forwarded monthly to the Executive Director who will make bank deposit and forward deposit slip to KDA Treasurer. Any cash received must be converted to check by the Committee before mailing to the Executive Director. ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 23 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Membership M-5 Job Bank The Job Bank on the KDA website serves as a means of advertising positions available in the profession of nutrition and dietetics. The executive director manages the Job Bank. The Job Bank is accessible from a menu of services on the KDA home page. Guidelines: ■ Jobs will post for 30 days with the most recent job posted at the top of the page. Employers can renew job posts in advance of expiration to extend the original post by 30 or 60 days. Renewals will be placed at the top of the page according to date of renewal. Each post will include the date of origin. ■ The Job Bank is accessible to KDA members. ■ KDA reserves the right to reject ads that are not genuine recruitment ads or, for any reason, not considered in keeping with the mission of the association. ■ The fee schedule shall be updated to reflect market conditions using a standardized process to maintain an equitable schedule of fees across all categories. An “Active KDA member” is defined as a person in a current elected position or appointed position and is active in fulfilling responsibilities in the organization. Length of Job Post 30 day ad 30 day renewal added to same ad 60 day renewal added to same ad Fee Schedule for Job Posts Employers Employers Active KDA KDA member member $100 $110 $85 $95 $70 $80 Employers Non-KDA member $140 $117 $100 Procedures: ■ Employers set up a customer account to become registered as a job bank customer. This account enables ongoing usage once established. Inactive accounts for greater than two years will be deleted. ■ Position information is submitted using an electronic request form on the website. The registered customer chooses his/her product. The billing party must have authority for the position being posted. ■ The job posting is automated and posted within three business working days of receipt and automated billing is used. Payment options include Pay Pal, credit card or bank transfer. Fees may be charged for payment processing to cover related costs. Terms for payment are net 30 days from the date of each post or 24 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ renewal post. The registered customer is able to manage their account and print out related invoices and receipts. Delinquent accounts will be charged a $10.00 processing fee. Registered customer accounts that are delinquent in payments will be unable to post additional jobs or job extensions until outstanding balances are paid. Customer inquiry is available through the website. Once a post has been submitted, no refunds are available. Upon written request, a job post can be removed in advance of the expiration period. A job posting advertisement may be altered once during the initial 30 day period using the customer account. A job posting alteration can be done once every 30 consecutive days until the posting expires. All renewals and changes must be for the same position, location and employer. ORIGINAL DATE: 8/04 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 1/11 25 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Membership M-6 KDA Supporter Membership Supporter membership status in KDA is available to Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) members who have chosen a different state as their primary affiliate. Supporter membership with KDA allows the AND member access to most KDA benefits including the list serv, MyKDA resources, and member rates for continuing education events. Guidelines: Supporter members are not eligible to hold elected or appointed positions on the KDA Executive Board. Supporter members are classified as non-voting members. Membership fees (renewed annually) are: o $15 student or retired AND member o $40 active AND member Membership fees are non-refundable. Procedures: Application o The application form is available on the website as a data-enterable form that is submitted electronically. o Proof of AND membership is uploaded by the applicant as part of the application. o Payment is also prompted with completion of the application. o Applications are sent to the email account: [email protected]. KDA Membership Chair o The Membership Chair (Chair) is notified of new supporter members. Tracking this membership category will be done by the Chair and can be integrated into Community Builder software on the website in the future. o The Chair sends an electronic welcome packet to the new supporter member. o The Chair passes on email addresses of new supporter members to the listserv administrator once a month along with any new AND/KDA members from the monthly DMIS download. ORIGINAL DATE: 1/13 26 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Communications C-1 KDA Newsletter The KDA newsletter shall be the official publication of the Kansas Dietetic Association (KDA) and is used solely for the purpose of communicating pertinent KDA and practicerelated information. Produced by an appointed editor, the KDA newsletter is distributed by mail or electronic mail to: All active and retired ADA member categories. Notice of availability of a complimentary electronic copy at www.dietetics.com/kda is sent to: ADA staff liaison to affiliates to be distributed to the appropriate ADA headquarters staff KDA Lobbyist KDA Historian The KDA newsletter is available for subscription to non-members. The price will be determined by the Board. ORIGINAL DATE: 1/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 27 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Communications C-2 Access to Membership Mailing Lists/Labels As an affiliate of ADA, the Kansas Dietetic Association owns and maintains the listing of members who belong to the Kansas Affiliate through their membership in the American Dietetic Association. The database is updated Monday-Friday in the ADA Data Management Information System. Board members have access to the information listed below, to enable them to carry out the initiatives of KDA. Membership Lists On an annual basis the KDA board and each district president will receive: A complete electronic list of the KDA membership. A printed copy will be provided upon request to the executive director. Lists will include: member classification, name, address, telephone, and registration status. List will be sent by October of each year after the membership renewal list is finalized by ADA. A list of dropped members. Each fall the membership chair will send a dropped member list to district presidents; the list includes individuals who belonged to ADA/KDA last year and who did not rejoin for the current year. Officers, committee chairs, and district presidents or designees (e.g. membership chair) may e-mail the membership chair or executive director for updates to the membership list during the year as needed. Allow five (5) working days to receive the electronic list. Type of information that could be requested is: List of new members for the month. List includes member classification, name address, telephone, and registration status, district membership Member changes for the quarter. List shows changes in name, address, etc., and includes the same information as above. Mailing Labels - KDA Members: Committee chairpersons can order labels for KDA projects by submitting an Order Form for Mailing Labels (see Appendix). Request should include specific format for labels. Orders will be filled within 21 days of receipt. Mailing Labels may also be obtained by the districts printing their own labels using the district membership Excel file. The district membership file may be obtained from the membership chair. 28 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Mailing Labels - Non-KDA Entities: Refer requests for labels and order forms to executive director. Mailing labels will be sold to other individuals or organizations to provide KDA members with product information, inform them of continuing education opportunities, or other projects approved by the KDA Executive Committee. Orders must be placed on the “Order Form for Mailing Labels” and mailed to address on form with payment. Requests should include specific format for labels. If the use for the labels complies with KDA policies and procedures, the request will be filled within 21 days of receipt. Personal Computer Diskettes Board members may receive information on diskette, for KDA/district projects, for use on personal computers. Diskettes may be ordered by submitting the “Order for Mailing Labels” and indicating their request. KDA Office will be responsible for the cost of disk and mailing charges. E-mail Board members may receive information via e-mail for KDA/district projects. Orders including mailing labels must be placed on the “Order Form for Mailing Labels” and mailed or faxed to executive director. Mailing labels can be forwarded via e-mail. Restrictions on use of membership information Membership lists, mailing labels, and information received by KDA Board members may be used only for KDA business and not for the personal/professional use of any KDA officer or chairperson, other member, or other entity. KDA officers or chairpersons may not sell their membership lists, mailing labels, or diskettes. KDA will not sell the KDA membership directory to non-members, unless those who are listed have agreed to their inclusion. ORIGINAL DATE: 1/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 29 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Communications C-3 Newsletter Advertising Advertising in the KDA newsletter will be accurate and ethical. It will be generally recognized as being for products or services which are beneficial to the health of the public and/or clients, or to dietitians in the performance of professional duties. The KDA Editorial Board reserves the right to evaluate all statements in advertisements and to refuse to accept any copy that does not conform to KDA policy or its philosophy. Statements accompanying advertising should be ethical and carry no direct or implied disparagement of another product. Statement of properties, performance, nutrient value, beneficial results, etc. of products should be such that they can be verified by adequate experimental data available in the literature or submitted from a reputable laboratory. There should be no statements which are misleading, exaggerated, open to misinterpretation, or contrary to accepted or proven facts. Advertisements for special purpose foods must include a list of ingredients and the quantitative nutritional analysis of the product or offer to supply this information on request. If the advertiser elects to state the nutritional value in terms of the RDAs, as well as the quantitative nutritional analysis, current federal regulations governing nutritional labeling should be followed or this information offered on request. KDA does not accept advertising copy which includes the names, professional affiliations, and/or photographs of professional and supporting personnel in managerial and supervisory positions in food service, except in the following instances: Individuals regularly employed by the advertiser and whose names, affiliation, and/or photographs are used employer-only in the ethical promotion of the products. Individuals whose names as authors are included in excerpts from periodicals included in the advertisement. KDA does not accept advertisement for contests. To promote consistency, dietitian should be spelled with a “t” not a “c” in all advertising copy. 30 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION The KDA newsletter shall contain the following disclaimer when advertisements are included: “Publication of an advertisement in the KDA newsletter should not be construed as endorsement of the advertiser or the product by KDA“. Guidelines for Criteria for Paid Advertising Prices for paid advertising shall be established by the KDA board annually. The schedule will be listed in each issue of the KDA newsletter. Listing of jobs openings should be considered as classified advertising. Advertising may be limited to products or services of interest to practitioners. Advertising cannot be restricted to only products/companies of KDA members. If advertising for a product/service is accepted, that company’s competitors must also be allowed the opportunity to advertise. Camera-ready copy must be submitted with the appropriate payment, for approval prior to the deadline for the issue the advertisement will be published. The copy will be reviewed using these guidelines. If the ad is rejected the copy and check will be returned to the advertiser. Advertisements may be rejected based only on the content of the ad (inaccurate information, etc.), not based on personal feelings or perceptions about the company/person placing the ad. NOTE: There may be circumstances in which compelling reasons may justify excluding an advertisement and violating one of these principles. This may be done only following a vote of the Executive Committee and the advice of legal counsel. Inserts shall be charged at the same rate as a full-page ad. One side of the page constitutes one full-page ad, two sided copy will be charged at the rate of two full pages. All advertising guidelines apply to inserts. Educational events sponsored by affiliates of ADA will be published at no charge; all other announcements will be treated as advertisement. It is necessary to date the requests as they are received. ORIGINAL DATE: 1/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 31 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Communications C-4 New Members New KDA members shall receive the following correspondence, within three (3) weeks after the membership chairperson has been notified, as a minimum: a letter from the membership chair the new member packet that includes at minimum, a copy of the board roster and the membership directory. The KDA newsletter for the current membership year. Current DPG in state-(CD-HCF is currently the only one) ORIGINAL DATE: 1/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 32 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Communications C-5 Listserv The Kansas Dietetic Association listserv provides a means for members of the American Dietetic Association to share information about professional issues, educational opportunities and best practices. Listserv Participants Participation on the KDA Listserv is considered a member benefit of the Kansas Dietetic Association. Primary participants on the listserv are individuals with current ADA membership who reside or work in the state of Kansas. In addition, Individuals with current ADA membership who reside or work in adjoining states (Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, Colorado or Oklahoma) may also participate. Other ADA members who do not meet the above residency/work criteria may request to become listserv participants; these requests should be submitted to the KDA Executive Director with written justification provided for admission to the listserv. These requests for inclusion will be considered individually for approval or denial by the Executive Director. Individuals are added to the KDA listserv upon submitting a valid e-mail address, ADA membership number, and state affiliation to the listserv administrator (currently Deborah Canter, [email protected]). ADA membership will be verified by the listserv administrator or designee. Use of the Listserv The KDA listserv is hosted by Kansas State University and thus all usage must comply with Kansas State University Information Technology Usage Policy found at http://www.k-state.edu/policies/ppm/3420.html#preface. Information may be posted on the KDA listserv from the following sources: American Dietetic Association (ADA) Other state dietetic associations District dietetic associations ADA Dietetic Practice Groups (DPG’s) or dietetics-related special interest groups Pertinent tax-exempt organizations KDA members Requests by individuals at accredited universities to use the KDA listserv for data collection may be allowed at the discretion of the KDA Executive Director and listserv administrator. The researcher must provide evidence that the research has been approved by the sponsoring university’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) and must be pertinent to dietetics practice. 33 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Information about available employment positions may not be posted on the KDA listserv. Job openings are to be advertised for a fee on the KDA website’s Job Bank. In order to comply with KSU listserv policy, communications from “for profit” organizations may not be posted on the KDA listserv. Individuals desiring to advertise products or services will be referred to the KDA Executive Director to discuss advertising on the KDA website for standard fee, in the Communicator newsletter, and/or becoming a sponsor for the KDA annual meeting. ORIGINAL DATE: 1/07 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 34 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Communications C-6 KDA Web Site Advertising The following policies will be used to govern advertisers on the KDA Web site. KDA will sell advertising space on its Web site only when the inclusion of such advertising does not interfere with the Mission, Vision or Values of KDA, or the development or implementation of its Strategic Plan. Guidelines: ■ The appearance of advertising on the KDA Web site will constitute neither a guarantee nor an endorsement by KDA of the product, service, or company involved, or of the claims made for the product within the advertisement. ■ The KDA Web site will include a Disclaimer statement regarding advertising on its web site. o The link disclaimer text is “The KDA Web site contains links to Web sites not under our control. We are not responsible for the quality, safety, completeness, accuracy or nature of the content of such sites. Content on Web sites may change without our knowledge. The links provided are for convenience to you and should not be considered an endorsement of products or services by KDA. Any views expressed on these Web sites do not reflect official policy of KDA.” ■ KDA retains sole discretion when deciding to approve or deny web site advertisements. This includes, but is not limited to, such factors as the advertisement’s size, format, appearance, placement, and the length of time the advertisement will appear on the KDA Web site. KDA reserves the right to not link to or to remove links to other Web sites. Products offered will be scientifically-sound and accepted by the healthcare community in general as a good practice. ■ KDA reserves the right to remove any advertisement that was previously approved. KDA has discretion to deny an advertisement because of the dubious nature of its content. If KDA terminates the agreement early, it will pay the advertiser a prorated refund of the amount having been paid by the advertiser at the time of termination. ■ The decision to sell advertising space will be made independently of editorial content on the web site. Advertisers will not influence editorial decisions or web site content. ■ Advertisements will be clearly distinguishable from editorial content. Advertisements will not be placed adjacent to any editorial content on the same topic, and will be placed such that they do not obstruct editorial content. 35 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION ■ Web site visitors will have the option to view or not to view each advertisement (i.e., to “click on” or not to “click on” the ad). Visitors will not be sent to a commercial site unless they choose to do so by “clicking on” the advertisement. Visitors will not be prevented from returning to the KDA Web site or to other previously-viewed screens (ex: the back-button will not be disabled by the advertiser), nor will the visitor be redirected to a site they did not intend to visit. To avoid not being able to get back to the KDA Web site, all links will open in a new window so that the KDA Website will be available. Text effects that increase download time of the Web page will not be used. ■ Advertiser web sites will not frame the KDA Web site content without the express permission of KDA. ■ KDA logos may not appear on the advertiser’s web site without prior written approval. The advertiser may not refer to the fact that its ad has appeared on the KDA Web site in any collateral advertising. ■ KDA will sell ad space only. KDA will not guarantee that advertisers will experience any specific increase in web site traffic and/or sales, such as in clickthrough rates or number of visitors, or make any other such guarantees in regards to the effectiveness of the advertisement. ■ A program or event will include specific information such as date, time, location, sponsor and sponsor contact information. The text or image announcing the program or event will open up when clicked on to reveal these details. ■ KDA Board will review the Web Site Advertising Fee Schedule yearly, or more often as necessary. ■ 2012 Fee Structure: o Print advertisement (250 ct) Wallet: $35.00 Banner: N/A Quarter page: $65.00 Half page: $120.00 Full page: $250.00 One page insert: $225.00 Double-side insert: $390 o Web Home Page Wallet: $56.00 Banner: $80.00 Quarter page: $105.00 Half page: $185.00 o Conference Page Wallet: $47.00 Quarter page: $85.00 36 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Half page: $160.00 o Add a link: $20.00 ■ Instructions for advertising and the Web Site Advertising Submission Form can be found on the KDA web page under Dietetic Association Web Site Advertising Agreement. ORIGINAL DATE: 11/07 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/12 37 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Communications C-7 Website Requests As a member service, KDA maintains a website at www.dietetics.com/kda/index.asp . The Website Coordinator is responsible for managing requests for the website with assistance from the Executive Director and the webmaster. Procedures: All requests need to be submitted using the Website Request Form available on the website on the KDA Forms page. This form is a fill-in form with enables data entry in text fields only. Requests may include such items as corrections, updates, promotions of KDA activities, news alerts and new website additions. All requests are sent to the Website Coordinator via an email message with the completed Website Request Form as an attachment. The email should also include as attachments all accompanying documents, graphic files etc. listed on the request form. Detailed instructions for completion are included on the form. Requests for advertising will not be accepted via the Website Request Form. If you wish to submit an advertisement, please refer to the Operations Manual for a guide and obtain the appropriate form on the KDA Forms page on the website. Advertising requests are sent to the Executive Director. ORIGINAL DATE: 1/09 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 38 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Communications C-8 Social Media The Kansas Dietetic Association (KDA) recognizes that web sites such as You Tube, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, collaborative Web-based discussion forums, online publishing, and user-generated media (collectively, “social media”) can be highly effective tools for sharing ideas and exchanging information of all kinds. KDA use of social media KDA will utilize social medial communication options to promote the organization’s visibility and maintain communications with current and prospective members, customers, business partners, vendors and suppliers, affiliates and subsidiaries, and the general public. KDA seeks to ensure that use of such communications serves the organization’s need to maintain brand identity, integrity, and reputation while minimizing actual or potential legal risks. KDA-authorized, -sponsored, or-affiliated blogs or other social media sites are used to: engage membership and potential members; obtain feedback, exchange ideas or trade insights about industry trends; reach out to potential new markets; provide sales and marketing support to raise awareness of The Kansas Dietetic Association’s brand; respond to breaking news or negative publicity; brainstorm with members and customers; and discuss member-only events and community events. KDA member responsibility for KDA social media sites Members are personally responsible for their postings to KDA social medial sites and are expected to comply with KDA social media policies and guidelines as whether communicating on behalf of KDA or utilizing KDA social media for personal use. Members must avoid discussing publicly any organization-related matters, whether believed to be confidential or not, outside organization-authorized communications. (Nonofficial organization communications include but are not limited to social media channels, Internet chat rooms, members’ personal blogs and similar forms of online journals or diaries, personal newsletters on the Internet, and blogs on websites not affiliated with, sponsored, or maintained by the Kansas Dietetic Association.) Members must not disclose any confidential information entrusted to them by The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Kansas Dietetic Association or its suppliers, clients or members including trade secrets, marketing lists, member personal account information, strategic business plans, competitor intelligence, financial information, business contracts, and other proprietary and nonpublic organization information that members can access. Members cannot use social networks to harass, threaten, libel or slander, malign, defame or disparage, or discriminate against other members, employment applicants, managers, officers, directors, customers, clients, vendors or suppliers, any organizations associated or doing business with the Kansas Dietetic 39 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Association, or any members of the public, including website visitors who post comments about network contents. Members and organizations are not allowed to post employment advertisements on social medial sites. Job postings must be purchased from the KDA Job Bank. KDA cautions that members should have no expectation of privacy while using organization equipment and facilities for any purpose, including social networking. KDA reserves the right to monitor, review, and block-ban content on organization social network sites that violates the KDA social networking policies and guidelines. KDA elected officials reserve the right to remove immediately and without warning any illegal or otherwise nonconforming content including offensive content of sexual or racial nature. Procedures The KDA Marketing/Public team is responsible for the content of all KDA social media sites and ensures along with the KDA Board that all channels conform to KDA policies for social media listed above. All comments will be screened by the KDA Marketing/Public Team with inappropriate comments or material removed. Members wishing to add information to a KDA social media site must first obtain permission from the KDA Marketing/Public Team. Members desiring to engage or authorize third party social networking to communicate with KDA members must also obtain prior approval. Members posting comments in response to content on KDA social network sites must identify themselves by name and as members. KDA member responsibility for personal social media use Members who maintain personal social media accounts or websites and choose to identify themselves as members of the Kansas Dietetic Association must state explicitly, clearly, and in a prominent place on the site that views expressed in their social network sites are their own and not those of KDA or of any person or organization affiliated or doing business with KDA. KDA respects members’ right to express personal opinions in personal social media and understands that members may use their personal social media accounts for political purposes, organizing, or other lawful purposes that do not violate the policies and guidelines contained herein. Members must receive approval from the Marketing/Public Chair to use the KDA logo or trademark and are not allowed to post KDA copyrighted material on their personal account or those of others. Members cannot post on their own or others’ personal social media accounts photographs of organization events, other members or organization representatives engaged in KDA business unless permission has been granted by KDA Marketing/Public team. Members cannot advertise or sell organization products or services via their own or others’ personal social media accounts. KDA members are expected to adhere to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Code of Ethics in all use of personal social media accounts or websites. 40 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Violations Members may report actual or perceived violations of KDA social media policies to KDA elected officials and/or the Marketing/Public Team. The KDA Board investigates and responds to all reports of violations of KDA social media policies and other organization policies. KDA reserves the right to discipline members for violations with appropriate actions based upon findings. Some examples do's and don’ts of social networking posting: DO: Be professional by following the guidelines detailed in this policy. As a Registered Dietitian, you represent both the Kansas Dietetic Association and Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, its affiliates and our mission. Be authentic, truthful and tactful in your postings. Provide a link or reference for any information you are citing. Correct mistakes promptly and acknowledge them. Always allow comments on your public content, with the exception of spammers and blatant marketers. Exercise full disclosure. When you mention the Kansas Dietetic Association, identify yourself as a member. Respect copyright. Do not post any images or other content from another source unless you are sure it is in the public domain or that the owner has granted permission. Share your enthusiasm and positive comments about food and nutrition and the excellent services the Kansas Dietetic Association provides. Always adhere to HIPAA privacy rules regardless of the communication media. Include a statement identifying that these are your own thoughts and not necessarily representative of the organization. For example: “This blog or social media channel solely reflects my views and not the views of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics or the Kansas Dietetic Association. DON’T: NEVER post any information, photos or identifiable content about current patients in your care. Do not post material that is harassing, obscene, defamatory, libelous, threatening, hateful, or embarrassing to any person or entity. Do not post words, jokes, or comments based on an individual’s gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or religion. Do not complain about your work, coworkers, patients or organizational policies. Do not disparage competitors. Never plagiarize and never post information you know is inaccurate. TIPS: Be personal. Write as “I.” Let people know about who you are. 41 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Be clear. If you blog, state the purpose of your blog upfront. Be relevant. Keep your posts and comments focused on the topic. Be credible. Write about what you know and support it with references and/or examples. Be responsive. Has someone posted a question for you? Follow up. Do not restrict access to your blog by specific individuals or groups. Do not self-censor by removing posts or comments once they are published unless they are inappropriate under these guidelines. Contributing to a professional blog is an excellent way to build your reputation and support our organization’s goals. Update your content and respond to comments or questions on a regular basis. ORIGINAL DATE: 412 42 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-1 KDAF Functions and Funding The operations of the Foundation may be funded from the following sources. KDA fundraising efforts such as silent auction in the amount provided to the Foundation by the KDA board; Donations in the form of an unrestricted gifts, temporarily restricted gifts and permanently restricted endowment gifts; Proceeds after cost from KDAF sponsored educational events Other fundraising efforts determined by the KDAF board of directors; Donations from KDA as approved by the KDA Board. Expenditure of Foundation operating funds supports the KDAF mission of education and research to benefit of the public and dietetic practitioners. KDAF funds may be used for the following endeavors: Permanent student scholarships, McCollum and Vaden; Temporary scholarships as designated by the donor; Awards to practitioners recognizing their outstanding contributions to the Association and profession; Student educational opportunities and seminars; Public education opportunities. ORIGINAL DATE: 4-2009 REVIEWED: 5-2014 43 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-2 Donations There are three types of donations to KDAF that can be made to the Foundation. Unrestricted gifts Unrestricted gifts are those funds that the KDAF may use any way it chooses to support the mission of the Foundation. Unrestricted gifts are deposited into the operating fund for KDAF. Temporarily restricted gifts Temporarily restricted gifts are those funds that are not perpetual in duration and are intended to be totally expended for a specific purpose over some period of time. Temporarily restricted gifts are funded entirely by designated donations and not the operating or endowment investment funds of KDAF. Endowments or permanently restricted gifts (See policy on endowment funds) ORIGINAL DATE: 4-2009 REVIEWED: 5-2014 44 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-3 Endowments Endowments or permanently restricted gifts are funds for which the principle may not be expended. Only the interest generated from the principle in the of interest or investment income is available for release. The minimum to establish a named endowment or permanently restricted fund is $10,000. Funds that fail to maintain $10,000 minimum balance during a reasonable period of time may be reclassified as a temporarily restricted fund in which both principle and available balances may be expended. KDAF maintains an endowment fund for the purpose of funding scholarships from the interest or investment income earned. ORIGINAL DATE: 4-2009 REVIEWED 5-2014 45 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF- 4 Awards KDAF supports four awards for outstanding practitioners; Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year, Distinguished Dietitian of the Year, Recognized Dietetic Technician and Emerging Dietetic Leader. These awards are awarded to qualified recipients by the KDA Awards Committee with approval from KDAF. KDAF recognizes 50-year members for their service to the profession. Funding for awards comes from KDAF operating fund. ORIGINAL DATE: 4-2009 REVIEWED: 5-2014 46 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-5 Fifty Year Member Recognition KDA and KDAF wish to recognize and honor its 50 year members. Procedure The KDAF Awards Chair: Obtains the name(s) of the 50 year member(s) of AND from the KDA president. Sends the State Media Representative the resume of the recipient(s) for publicity in the KDA newsletter and area newspapers. Invites the fifty year member(s) to the KDA Annual Meeting and notifies the Executive Director of the need for complimentary registration and meal(s). Purchases a recognition gift for the 50 year member(s) Fifty year members will receive: Complimentary registration on the day of the award recognitions during the KDA Business Meeting/Luncheon. KDA provides complimentary registration during meetings solely sponsored by KDA. A complimentary luncheon meal is provided by KDAF. The KDAF awards committee may also choose to pay for the meal of one guest for each fifty year member depending upon budgetary allowances. A gift with 50 year designation such as a pen or a plaque provided by KDAF. ORIGINAL DATE: 1992 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 03/2014 47 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-6 Distinguished Dietitian of the Year KDAF and KDA wish to recognize AND members who have distinguished themselves in the service of the profession and nominate those members to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Procedure KDAF Awards Chair: Posts awards application form on the KDA website Sends letters to all District President and post on the KDA listserv in December explaining the deadlines for their nominations along with the AND application. All applications must be returned to the Awards Chair by the District Presidents or KDA board members. Upon receipt of applications, the KDAF Award Chair: Compiles the data sheets and duplicates sets along with the evaluation forms (see Appendix) for distribution to each voting member of the Awards Committee. The committee members shall return the evaluation forms within two (2) weeks to the Awards Chair. Tabulates the results, notifies recipient, all nominees, KDAF and KDA of the results at least four (4) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Once the award recipient is selected, the Awards Chair: Invites the recipient to the spring KDA Annual Meeting to receive their award. Purchases a recognition plaque from KDAF funds. Writes the article for publicity and provides to the Media Representative for communication to area newspaper and to Newsletter Editor the KDA Communicator. Notifies AND of the award recipient and sends all required paperwork to AND by the designated deadline. The Distinguished Dietitian of the Year will receive: Complimentary registration for the day of the award ceremony provided by KDA on the years when KDA solely sponsors the annual meeting. Complementary lunch including a guest at the annual meeting provided by KDAF. Recognition plaque provided by KDAF. ORIGINAL DATE: 1992 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 03/2014 48 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-7 Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year KDAF and KDA wish to recognize young AND members who have distinguished themselves in the service of the profession and nominate those members to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Procedure KDAF Awards Chair: Determines the number of RYDYs to be selected. The number is equal to the number of delegates allocated to the affiliate by AND. Advertises the award through the KDA listserv and by sending application information to the district presidents. Compiles the data sheets and duplicates sets along with the evaluation forms for distribution to each voting member of the Awards Committee. The committee members shall return the evaluation forms within two (2) weeks to the KDAF Awards Chair. Tabulates the results, notifies recipient(s), all nominees, the KDAF Chair and KDA President of the results at least four (4) weeks prior to the KDA Annual Meeting. Invites the recipient(s) to the spring KDA Annual Meeting to receive their award. Purchases a plaque for the recognition using KDAF funds. Writes the article and forwards to the Media Representative for publicity in the KDA Communicator and area newspapers. Notifies AND of the award recipient and sends all required paperwork to AND by the designated deadline. The Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year will receive: Complimentary registration for the day of the award ceremony provided by KDA on the years when KDA solely sponsors the annual meeting. Complementary lunch including a guest at the annual meeting provided by KDAF. Recognition plaque provided by KDAF. ORIGINAL DATE: 1992 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 3/2014 49 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-8 Recognized Dietetic Technician of the Year KDAF and KDA wish to recognize deserving AND dietetic technician members who have distinguished themselves in the service of the profession and nominate those members to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Procedure The KDAF Awards Chair: Advertises the award on the KDA listserv and send letters to all District Presidents by December explaining the deadlines of the nominations along with the AND application. Compiles the data sheets and duplicates sets along with the evaluation forms for distribution to each voting member of the Awards Committee. The committee members shall return the evaluation forms within two (2) weeks to the KDAF Awards Chair. Tabulates the results, notifies recipient(s), all nominees, the KDAF Chair and KDA President of the results at least four (4) weeks prior to the KDA Annual Meeting. The KDA President notifies AND of the award recipient, if one is qualified by March 1. Invites the recipient(s) to the spring KDA Annual Meeting to receive their award. Purchases a plaque for the recognition with KDAF funds. Sends the State Media Representative the resume of the recipient for publicity in the KDA newsletter and area newspapers. The Recognized Dietetic Technician of the Year will receive: Complimentary registration for the day of the award ceremony provided by KDA on the years when KDA solely sponsors the annual meeting. Complementary lunch including a guest at the annual meeting provided by KDAF. Recognition plaque provided by KDAF. ORIGINAL DATE: 1992 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/2014 50 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-9 Emerging Dietetic Leader KDAF and KDA wish to recognize deserving AND members who have demonstrated leadership in promoting the profession and nominate those members to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Procedure The KDAF Awards Chari: Sends letters to all District Presidents and advertises on the listserv in December explaining the deadlines for their nominations along with the AND application. By designated date established by the KDAF Awards Committee, all applications must be returned to the KDAF Awards Chair. Compiles the data sheets and duplicates sets along with the evaluation forms for distribution to each voting member of the KDAF Awards Committee. The committee members shall return the evaluation forms within two (2) weeks to the KDAF Awards Chair. Tabulates the results, notifies recipient, all nominees, KDAF and KDA Presidents of the results at least four (4) weeks prior to the KDA Annual Meeting. Invites the recipient to the spring KDA Annual Meeting to receive their award. Purchases a plaque for the recognition. Writes the article for publicity and forwards to the State Media Representative for publicity in the KDA Communicator newsletter and area newspapers. Notifies AND of the award recipient and sends all required paperwork to AND by the designated deadline. Emerging Dietetic Leader recipients will receive: Complimentary registration for the day of the award ceremony provided by KDA on the years when KDA solely sponsors the annual meeting. Complementary lunch including a guest at the annual meeting provided by KDAF. Recognition certificate provided by KDAF. ORIGINAL DATE: 2003 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 04/2014 51 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-10 The American Dietetic Association Awards The Kansas Dietetic Association wishes to nominate eligible candidates for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics awards annually. The Awards Committee will provide a uniform system for submitting nominations of eligible candidates for the AND awards. Procedure KDA President forwards criteria and nominating forms to KDAF Awards Chairperson when received from the AND. KDAF Awards Chair copies criteria and nominating forms and sends to District Presidents and advertises to the membership. District Presidents and members submit nominations to KDAF Awards Chair. KDAF Awards Chair copies completed nominating forms with supporting material and evaluation forms and sends to KDAF Awards Committee members. KDAF Awards Committee completes evaluation form for each candidate and returns completed forms to the KDAF Awards Chair. KDAF Awards Chair tabulates evaluation forms returned by committee members and confers with committee members as needed. KDAF Awards Chair submits list of proposed nominations to KDA President for consideration by the Executive Committee by November 15th. KDAF Awards Chair coordinates preparation and submission of nominating packets to the AND Selection Board. The AND Award nominees shall be recognized at the annual KDA conference. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Awards Nominees from Kansas will receive: Complimentary registration for the day of the award ceremony provided by KDA on the years when KDA solely sponsors the annual meeting. Complementary lunch including a guest at the annual meeting provided by KDAF. Recognition plaque provided by KDAF. ORIGINAL DATE: 00 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/2014 52 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-11 Scholarships KDAF supports two on-going scholarships, McCollum and Vaden. Scholarships are awarded to qualified recipients by the KDA Awards Committee with approval from KDAF. (See Awards policies in the KDA Policy and Procedure Manual) The amount of money provided by these two scholarships is determined annually based upon KDAF financial resources available. KDAF will administer designated scholarships from temporarily restricted gifts. Examples of scholarships from temporarily restricted gifts include scholarships to help fund student attendance at FNCE and scholarships designated from memorial gifts. These designated scholarships will end when the funds in the temporarily restricted gift are depleted. Funding for scholarships may come from KDAF operating fund, temporarily restricted gifts and endowment investment income. ORIGINAL DATE: 00 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/2014 53 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-12 Vaden Scholarship The Vaden Scholarship shall be granted to: student accepted for an AND approved internship who is a graduate of a Kansas college or university post baccalaureate student who is enrolled in an internship program in Kansas post baccalaureate graduate student in a Kansas college or university with the intent of practicing dietetics The KDAF will provide a uniform system for selection and awarding the Vaden Scholarship. Procedure The KDAF Board of Directors determines the amount of the scholarship at the November or January board meeting and notifies the KDAF Awards Chair of the amount of the award. KDAF Awards Chair: Posts awards application form on the KDA website Mails announcement and application forms to Kansas colleges and universities which have ADA approved/accredited program(s) in December-January. Upon receipt of scholarship applications, the KDAF Award Chair: Assembles and duplicate applications and evaluations forms and provides copies to KDAF Awards Committee members. KDAF Awards Committee members complete evaluation forms for each applicant and return them to KDAF Awards Chair by date set by chair. Tabulates results of evaluation forms and confers with committee members as needed. Notifies KDAF Chair, KDA President, KDA Treasurer, Media Representative and Newsletter Editor of recipient at least four (4) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Once the award recipient is selected: Newsletter Editor arranges for photograph and article regarding scholarship recipient. State Media Representative arranges publicity in hometown paper of recipient. Treasurer prepares check for recipient. Check is mailed to scholarship winner if they are unable to attend meeting. KDAF Awards Chair: Prepares certificate for recipient. Notifies recipient and invites them to attend KDA Annual Meeting when scholarships are presented 54 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Presents scholarship and certificate at annual meeting. Vaden Scholarship recipients will receive: Scholarship check in the amount determined by the KDAF board Complimentary registration for the day of the award ceremony provided by KDA on the years when KDA solely sponsors the annual meeting Complementary lunch including a guest at the annual meeting provided by KDAF Recognition certificate provided by KDAF. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 04/2014 55 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: KDAF KDAF-13 McCollum Scholarship The McCollum Scholarship shall be granted to a junior or senior student enrolled in a dietetics program at a Kansas college or university. The KDAF will provide a uniform system for selection and awarding the McCollum Scholarship. Procedure The KDAF Board of Directors determines the amount of the scholarship at the November or January board meeting and notifies the KDAF Awards Chair of the amount of the award. The KDAF Awards Chair: Posts awards application form on the KDA website Mails announcement and application forms to Kansas colleges and universities which have ADA approved/accredited program(s) in December-January. Upon receipt of scholarship applications, the KDAF Award Chair: Assembles and duplicate applications and evaluations forms and provides copies to KDAF Awards Committee members. KDAF Awards Committee members complete evaluation forms for each applicant and return them to KDAF Awards Chair by date set by chair. Tabulates results of evaluation forms and confers with committee members as needed. Notifies KDAF Chair, KDA President, KDA Treasurer, Media Representative and Newsletter Editor of recipient at least four (4) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. Once the award recipient is selected: Newsletter Editor arranges for photograph and article regarding scholarship recipient. State Media Representative arranges publicity in hometown paper of recipient. Treasurer prepares check for recipient. Check is mailed to scholarship winner if they are unable to attend meeting. KDAF Awards Chair: Prepares certificate for recipient. Notifies recipient and invites them to attend KDA Annual Meeting when scholarships are presented. luncheon. Presents scholarship and certificate at annual meeting. 56 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION McCollum Scholarship recipients will receive: Scholarship check in the amount determined by the KDAF board. Complimentary registration for the day of the award ceremony provided by KDA on the years when KDA solely sponsors the annual meeting. Complementary lunch including a guest at the annual meeting provided by KDAF. Recognition certificate provided by KDAF. ORIGINAL DATE: LAST DATE REVIEWED: 04/2014 57 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-1Centralized Financial Administration (CFA) for State Dietetic Practice Groups The Dietetics in Health Care Communities (DHCC) practice group as well as any future Dietetic Practice Groups shall have revenue and expense distribution processed centrally through the KDA Treasurer. DHCC will receive accurate statements coinciding with KDA Board meetings documenting all receipts, disbursements, and current assets. Supporting detail information will be maintained by the KDA Treasurer and will be available upon request. Purpose: The KDA budget and DHCC budget are maintained as separate documents for the purpose of transparency. The statement of assets includes the total for both groups. KDA Procedure: The KDA Treasurer will deposit income from DHCC into their account and will issue checks from the DHCC account for expenses. The KDA Treasurer will keep an accurate accounting of all income, expenditure and asset totals. The KDA Treasurer will include a financial report for DHCC with the KDA financial report provided at KDA board meetings. Discrepancies in accounting may be submitted by either party as a discussion item or action item at KDA Board meetings. DHCC Procedure: DHCC is responsible for maintaining operating funds through member dues and revenue-generating projects/events to support its activities. DHCC officers or members requesting reimbursement for expenses will submit an Expense Report form, with receipts attached, to the Executive Director within 10 days. The Executive Director will process the expense reports and forward to the Treasurer for the check to be written per KDA policy F-4. The DHCC Chair and Co-Chair will review the DHCC account bi-annually with the KDA Treasurer to assure the account balance is correct and Expense Reports are being turned in per policy. The DHCC Chair, with input from the KDA Treasurer, will update the annual budget and submit in February to be included in the KDA annual budget for next program year. DHCC will reimburse KDA for lunches provided to the 5 Star Gracious Dining Award winners at the KDA annual conference. The DHCC Chair will submit an Expense Report listing attendees, facility and price of the lunch. The Treasurer 58 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION will write a check from the DHCC account and deposit the funds into the Annual Conference income account. DHCC Oversight of Investments DHCC and KDA will review DHCC investment income and may choose to invest in the same investment funds as KDA. DHCC Chair will communicate with the KDA Treasurer who acts as the liaison with KDA fund advisors. The DHCC Chair/Co-Chair will provide a financial report to their membership annually. ORIGINAL DATE: 1/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 7/27/13 59 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-2 Fiscal Year For the purpose of budgeting and financial reporting, the fiscal year shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year. For tax purposes, the calendar year is used. ORIGINAL DATE: 5/8/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 60 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-3 Preparation and Approval of Annual Operating Budget All Board Members shall annually submit budget requests for operating budget for the upcoming fiscal year to the Treasurer. These recommended budget requests will be solicited by the Treasurer each January and are due by February 18. A draft budget is then prepared by the Treasurer. The Finance Committee then convenes in March to review the proposed budget based upon the current financial status of the organization. The Finance Committee prepares a budget to send to the KDA Board for approval at the Spring Board meeting. The Finance Committee is composed of the President, President-elect, Past President, Treasurer, CPI-Chair and Executive Director. The Finance Committee convenes again after the largest portion of the ADA dues rebates are received in August or September to review income and expenditures compared with the budget. The Finance Committee will then make recommendations to the Board and to the Annual Meeting Planning Committee. The Treasurer will send a monthly summary of income and expenditures to the President, President-elect, and the Executive Director. This information will be reviewed monthly and then be given to the Audit Committee on an annual basis along with the financial statements provided at each Board meeting. The budget must balance revenues and expenditures. At any given time, reserves must total at least half the operating expenses for the current fiscal year. ORIGINAL DATE: 5/8/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/09 61 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-4 Expense Reporting and Reimbursement for KDA Board and Committee Members An Expense Report form, with receipts attached, must be sent to the Executive Director within 10 business days. The Executive Director will process the expense reports and forward to the Treasurer for check to be written. All expense reimbursement requests, not requiring clarification, will be processed within fifteen (15) working days of receipt. Expense Reimbursement for Academy (AND)-Sponsored Meetings A maximum allowance of $50 per day of meeting plus one day of travel will be allowed. This covers meals, tips, limousine, airport parking, taxis, and other transportation. Only meetings specifically listed in the budget may be reimbursed. Air travel allowance is based on coach travel. The individual will be charged the difference when a more expensive rate is chosen. In lieu of air travel, auto or rail cost shall not exceed coach air fare. Funds budgeted for the AND annual meeting (FNCE) registration and travel may be advanced by the KDA Treasurer to the appropriate individual upon request. Members are required to share hotel rooms or they will be charged the difference in rate between double and single occupancy. Automobile travel will be reimbursed at prevailing IRS rate per mile as set each year when budget is determined. Only travel specifically listed in the budget may be reimbursed. In the event a KDA board/committee member resigns from office after attending one of these events, the resigning board member will reimburse KDA 50% of costs incurred. Exceptions to this will be at the discretion of the KDA executive board. Expense Reimbursement for Board of Directors meetings For Board of Directors members only, travel for board meetings will be reimbursed except when held in conjunction with the KDA Annual Meeting. For Board of Directors members only, turnpike fees will be reimbursed for travel to a board meeting not associated with the KDA Annual Meeting. Board members traveling over 25 miles one way to a Board meeting not associated with KDA Annual Meeting will be reimbursed one day maximum 62 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION allowance of $50 per day, plus motel expenses. Board members are encouraged to make arrangements to carpool and share hotel rooms. Persons participating in KDA activities shall be reimbursed only when costs are part of the approved budget or if approved by the Board of Directors. Calling card expenses for Board meetings are reimbursed when receipts are provided. Expense Reimbursement for KDA Annual Meeting Complimentary registration will be provided for the following committee members: o General Program Chair (CPI-Chair) o Other committee members as determined by the General Program Chair depending on their contribution to the success of the meeting. (Budget for these complimentary registrations at the time the preliminary budget and registration fees are established.) o All other committee members will not receive complimentary registration. Complimentary registration will be provided for the following KDA Board members: o President o Secretary o Treasurer o Delegate The General Program Chair will receive complimentary lodging during the meeting if they live more than 25 miles from the location of the meeting. All other committee members and board members will be responsible for their own lodging expenses. The KDA president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer shall be reimbursed one-half the double room rate at the KDA Annual Conference. The Executive Director is not charged to attend the Annual Conference. The Executive Director shall be reimbursed one-half the double room rate at the KDA Annual Conference if more than 25 miles away from their home. (Please see policy MT-5 Reimbursement for Program Planning Committee Members and KDA Board Members for KDA Annual Meetings) The Treasurer will review the expense report and make certain that: All arithmetic is correct. All receipts, and invoices necessary to process the expense report are attached. The expense report form is a current form. All applicable blanks on the form are clearly filled out. 63 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION The amounts requested do not exceed the limits specified by KDA expense guidelines. ORIGINAL DATE: 5/8/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 7/27/13 64 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-5 Cash Advances A Board member foreseeing an upcoming KDA expense of $100 to $200 shall request a cash advance in writing from the Treasurer. Procedure Written requests for advances must include the purpose of the expense. The Treasurer will issue the advance by check to the requesting board member within one (1) week of receipt. Advanced funds must be used within thirty (30) days of issuance. Receipts accounting for the expenditure of the advance and, if applicable, the balance of the advance must be provided to the Treasurer with in thirty (30) days of issuance. Expenses less than $100 or greater than $200 must be paid either by reimbursement or directly to the third party by the Treasurer. Funds budgeted for ADA travel and meeting registration for the President and President-elect are exceptions to this policy. ORIGINAL DATE: 5/8/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 65 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-6 Investment and Oversight of KDA, DHCC and KDAF Funds Investment of KDA, DHCC and KDAF Funds: Short-term funds for KDA operations shall be held in an interest bearing checking account. Reserve funds will be held in any of the following: certificate of deposit, bond fund, government reserve fund, total return fund, universe fund, capital opportunities fund, discovery fund, stock fund, or special fund. All changes in placement of funds must be approved by the Board of Directors. Documentation in the Board meeting minutes should include fund name, address, and contact person. The KDA Executive Director and Treasurer will both be signatories on each investment and checking account for KDA and KDAF. Within ten business days of transition of Treasurer, the Executive Director will provide the incoming Treasurer with proper forms to add his/her name to bank and investment accounts. In the event of a new executive director, the treasurer will provide the above information to the new executive director. Only the Treasurer and KDA Executive Director are allowed to make deposits, withdrawals or changes to KDA and KDAF operating and investment accounts. The Executive Director will forward all statements to the Treasurer and will retain a copy for KDA and KDAF files. An internal financial audit by the Finance Committee may be completed with each transition of a new Treasurer into the office or every two (2) years when the same individual is re-elected Treasurer, and/or a change in Executive Director. The Executive Director or outgoing Treasurer provides introduction of incoming Treasurer to account representatives for all active services used by KDA or KDAF, e.g., financial advisor, accountant, bank/investment accounts, as applicable. The treasurer will provide the proper introductions in the event of a new executive director. Oversight Responsibilities of Treasurer: The Treasurer is responsible for monitoring the activities in the checking an investment accounts for KDA (including DHCC) and KDAF in coordination with the Executive Director. The Treasurer will manage the checking and savings accounts for KDA, KDAF and DHCC in coordination with the Executive Director. The Treasurer prepares financial reports for Executive Board meetings or KDA and KDAF and the KDA Annual Business Meeting. (refer to F-7, Financial Statement Preparation). The Treasurer reviews the status of income/expenses with the Executive 66 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Committee to allow timely follow-up or to approve expenses between board meetings. The Treasurer is responsible for monitoring the performance of each investment account and presenting those findings to the Executive Boards of KDA, DHCC and KDAF. The Treasurer will review the performance of each investment account and will present investment recommendations as action items to the Executive Boards of KDA and KDAF. The Treasurer, with Executive Board approval, may utilize financial investment services. ORIGINAL DATE: 5/8/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 7/27/13 67 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-7 Financial Statement Preparation Financial statements shall be prepared prior to each Board meeting. In addition, statements will be prepared at the close of June and December so calendar and fiscal year records are easily distinguishable. Financial statements will include: Budget Activity report which shows the total approved FY budget, actual FYTD income and expenditures and the balance for each budget line Statement of Assets, which summarizes the movement in investment funds since last statement Dietetics in Health Care Communities Practice Group report, which summarizes income and expenses for that group since the last report. Financial statements will be presented at each Board Meeting. Note: Financial statements are presented to the Board for information and discussion. The reports are noted in the minutes. The financial reports do not need to be approved, adopted or accepted by the organization as the reports are not “official” until they are audited. The process is to file the reports for audit, the purpose of which is to certify the correctness of the financial reports. ORIGINAL DATE: 5/8/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/2014 68 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-8 Inventory Reporting All Board and Task Force members responsible for selling any items must provide a physical inventory twice yearly: at the close of the fiscal year (June 30) and the close of the calendar year(December 31). Copies of the inventory count statements (see Appendix) must be forwarded to the KDA Treasurer. Inventories will be valued using the original cost. Additional inventory items purchased should be reflected on invoices submitted to the KDA Treasurer. Attached support should include: The cost of the inventory A description and count of all purchased inventory items ORIGINAL DATE: 5/8/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 69 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial Policy F-9 Tax Reporting Each February the Executive Director with assistance from the Treasurer will prepare income tax information and forward it to an accounting firm for completion. Taxes will be calculated based on the calendar year. Sales tax must be paid annually and is due on January 25th of each year. ORIGINAL DATE: 5/8/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 70 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial F-10 Audits ____________________________________________________________________ Financial records are to be audited internally at least annually. The audit committee will consist of three members from the Executive Committee. The KDA president will appoint these three members to conduct the audit. They will submit a written report at the first board meeting following the audit. In the event that improprieties are discovered, the president will be notified immediately and he/she will decide if an Executive Committee meeting needs to be called to decide a course of action to take. A CPA audit is scheduled every two years to coincide with the changing of treasurers. The executive director will arrange for this audit to be conducted. The CPA will submit a written report of their findings to the Board through the executive director. In the event that improprieties are discovered, the CPA will report these to the president immediately. He/she will call an emergency meeting of the Executive Committee if warranted. Course of action will determine if bonder needs to be notified. _________________________ ORIGINAL DATE: 4/02 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 71 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial F-11 Bonding The treasurer will make the arrangements needed to be bonded prior to assuming term of office on July 1st of the year that they are elected into office. They will maintain the bonding for the duration of their term of office. The expense of becoming bonded will be the responsibility of the KDA organization. The treasurer will send the original copy of the bonding contract to the Executive Director and a copy to the President. _________________________ ORIGINAL DATE: 6/02 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 72 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial F-12 Penalty Fee for Returned Checks In the event that KDA has any checks returned for insufficient funds, the sender will be charged a $30.00 fee. All KDA sponsored and/or co-sponsored meetings shall contain a statement on the meeting brochure that there will be a penalty fee of $30.00 for any returned checks. _________________________ ORIGINAL DATE: 6/02 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/09 73 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial F-13 Reimbursement of Executive Director Expenses Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to direct the Executive Director regarding reimbursement of expenses. Compensation The Executive Director will submit a weekly activity log of business conducted during work hours to the KDA President and Treasurer by Thursday of the following week. Monthly payment may be delayed if activity logs are not submitted as specified. Per compliance with contractual agreement, the executive director will be paid within 10 days of receipt of itemized invoice for contractual services plus any additional authorized expenses. Additional Compensation Additional compensation beyond the basic contract must be approved by the KDA Executive Committee and/or Executive Board. Special arrangements may be entered into by the Executive Director for individual projects requested by state dietetic practice groups or district dietetic associations. Compensation for such activities will be the responsibility of the requesting group and not KDA. Approved KDA Operating Expenses KDA will pay for the installation of a telephone line into the Executive Director’s home office, the monthly basic charges, long distance calls conducted for KDA business and call answering services. This line could also be used for connection to the internet for e-mail service. Photocopies will be billed to KDA at cost. Fax services will be provided at cost. The Executive Director agrees to provide a personal computer that runs a basic operating system compatible with Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics software and current versions of Microsoft Office. Additional software requests will be purchased upon approval of the KDA Executive Committee. A bulk mailing permit will be obtained at cost by the KDA if a sufficient number of postal mailings are required to make this purchase cost effective. Travel expenses to attend KDA Executive Board Meetings and/or Executive Committee Meetings will be reimbursed according to the travel reimbursement policy for Board members. Time spent traveling will not be compensated. Office supplies, printer cartridges used for KDA business, stationery, stamps, postage, pressure sensitive labels, etc. shall be paid for, at cost, by the KDA. Special arrangements may be made with the KDA Treasurer for reimbursement of office equipment or high cost purchases which have been approved by the 74 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION KDA Executive Board. Other reasonable miscellaneous out-of-pocket costs shall be reimbursed when the expense has been pre-approved by the KDA President. Use of Debit Card and Reimbursement for Expenses Approved expenses incurred by the Executive Director may be paid for using the KDA debit card with expense report and receipt submitted to the Treasurer within 10 business days. (please see F-15 Debit Card Policy) In the event that a debit card form of payment is not acceptable, expenses incurred by the Executive Director shall be submitted to the Treasurer for reimbursement. Expenses exceeding $ 100.00 require prior written approval from the KDA or KDAF Executive Committee depending upon the expense Liability Coverage KDA will provide physical liability insurance coverage for the office maintained by the Executive Director. The Executive Director will maintain a casualty insurance policy insuring the equipment, records, software, publications and all other items belonging to KDA that the Executive Director is storing and/or using. In the event any of the KDA owned items are damaged by fire or other casualty covered by policies of insurance, the Executive Director agrees that the entire proceeds of the insurance coverage will be applied toward the repair or replacement of the KDA owned items. The Executive Director shall provide the KDA with a certificate from his or her insurance carrier showing this coverage to be in force and effect before the beginning of this contract. The Executive Director shall be solely responsible for and shall protect and indemnify the KDA against any loss or liability occasioned by the negligence of the Executive Director or anyone directly employed by the Executive Director. ORIGINAL DATE: 7/27/13 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 75 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Financial F-14 KDA Debit Card The Executive Director and the KDA Treasurer will have access to the KDA bank debit card. No purchase over $100.00 may be completed with the debit card without prior authorization by the KDA Executive board/executive committee with the exception of Teleseminar purchase. The Executive Director may use the debit card for: Office supplies – paper, printer ink, envelopes, and other items needed to support a functioning office Postage and mailings Other expenses with prior written approval of the KDA executive board/executive committee The Executive Director will submit an expense report noting the debit card purchase. The receipt is attached to the expense report and both are submitted to the treasurer within 10 days of the debit card purchase. The KDA Treasurer may use the debit card for: AND Teleseminar registration for various sites for KDA members as requested by the Continuing Education Coordinator Postage Office supplies such as paper, ink and envelopes Office expenses such as software updates Other expenses with prior written approval of the KDA executive board/executive committee. The Treasurer will complete an expense report noting debit card purchase and attach the receipt. ORIGINAL DATE: 7/27/13 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 76 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meetings MT-1Budget Approval All budgets for KDA sponsored meetings shall be approved by the KDA Board of Directors within the following time line: KDA Annual Meeting......minimum of four (4) months prior to meeting date CPI Workshops..............minimum of three (3) months prior to date of meeting ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 DATE LAST REVIEWED: 6/10 77 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meetings MT-2 Registration Fees The following guidelines shall be used to establish registration fees for KDA sponsored meetings. Procedure The annual planning committee, using budgeting and cost analysis, will determine the base registration fee for the annual meeting. Additional expenses for food, special events and receptions will be considered. The fee for members will be based on no less than $20.00 per CEU with a markup margin of greater than or equal to 20% phased in by 2014. When KDA partners with other organizations to host a membership event, exceptions to the fee base may be submitted to the KDA board for approval. Example: CEU cost Mark-up % $20.00 20% Registration fee/CEU $25.00 The non-KDA member fee will be no less than 150% of the member registration fee. The registration fee for students and retired members will be no less than 50% of the registration fee for members. o Students must provide a university ID to verify full time student status. o ADA retired members are verified using the DMIS membership printout. An early bird registration discount may be offered at events. The discount will be in the range of 5-10% of the registration fee for each registrant category. o Amounts may be rounded to whole numbers for simplicity. o The calendar deadline for discount eligibility will expire no less than 20 business days prior to the event date. o Early bird registration procedure will be clearly communicated to registrants. A surcharge fee may be implemented for on-site registration. o This fee will not exceed $25.00 and will be uniformly applied to all registration classifications. 78 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION o The surcharge will be communicated in advance in meeting marketing. o The fee will be determined annually. A processing fee for registration and payment method may be applied for all registrants and is to be determined annually. ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/12 79 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meetings MT-3 Refunds for KDA Sponsored Meetings Partial refunds for KDA sponsored meetings shall be permitted for extenuating circumstances. Refunds for an emergency crisis will be determined on a case by case basis. Procedure All requests for refunds MUST be submitted in writing via postal mail or email. o These requests are to be mailed to the Executive Director and RECEIVED no later than midnight CST by the dates listed. o Contact information for the central office is published on the website. o Telephone requests and faxes CANNOT be honored. Refunds will be issued approximately 4-6 weeks after the meeting. A minimum $25.00 fee will be charged for all refunds except for an emergency crisis. Cancellation of lodging is the responsibility of the attendee. Written requests for refunds will be processed as follows: Receipt date in advance of event 26 days 19 days Less than 19 days Emergency Crisis Eligible Refund 75% 50% Non-refundable Minimum 50% Less: Administrative Fee $25 $25 To be determined Fees are non-refundable if received less than 19 days in advance of event unless for emergency crisis. o An advance phone call is requested for an emergency crisis. o Under these circumstances, a minimum of 50% refund is granted. o The refund amount is determined on a case by case basis. o A written request within 21 days after the meeting date is required for this refund. ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 DATE LAST REVIEWED: 6/10 80 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meetings MT- 4 Speaker Fees and Honorariums KDA shall reimburse all speakers participating in KDA sponsored or co-sponsored meetings. KDA member speakers shall be reimbursed in the same manner as a nonmember speaker. Within budget constraints and in so far as possible KDA member speakers should receive equitable reimbursement compared with other speaker honorariums. The following expenses will be reimbursed: o Lodging, meals, and travel expenses, unless other arrangements are made. o An honorarium as negotiated with the Program Chairperson or a meeting committee member designee. o For speakers not requesting or unable to accept honorariums, a contribution to a scholarship fund or charity of the speaker’s choice would be appropriate. o Speakers should be invited to attend any meals or social functions that are part of the meeting event on the day they are on the program. These meals and functions will be complimentary. Reimbursement will not be made for duplicate meals. Procedure Speakers will be informed of the above policies at the time they are initially contacted by the program planner to participate. Speakers will be required to sign a Speaker Confirmation which outlines the speaker fee agreement. Speaker’s registration, honorarium, and complimentary meals should be included in the meeting budget. __________________________ ORIGINAL DATE: 6/02 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 81 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meeting MT-5 Reimbursement for Program Planning Committee Members and KDA Board Members for KDA Annual Meetings Committee chairpersons shall be reimbursed for travel, if planning meetings are held away from their local district or at a time not associated with another KDA meeting. Chairpersons are encouraged to keep travel expenses to a minimum by doing as much work as possible by e-mail, telephone and fax. Scheduling a conference call can be less expensive than travel. In addition to travel, committee members will be reimbursed for Postage Printing and photocopying Telephone calls, fax messages Supplies An expense voucher must be completed with attached receipt and invoices, telephone bills, etc before being reimbursed. All expenses which chairpersons and committee members incur shall be authorized by the General Program Chairperson before submission for reimbursement. Final expenses should be submitted to the General Program Chair within 30 days after the close of the meeting. After approving expenditures, the General Program Chair will forward expense report to Treasurer or Conference Services, if used. Most expenses should be approved in advance by the General Program Chair. Complimentary registration will be provided for the following committee members: General Program Chair (CPI-Chair) Other committee members as determined by the General Program Chair depending on their contribution to the success of the meeting. (Budget for these complimentary registrations at the time the preliminary budget and registration fees are established.) All other committee members will not receive complimentary registration. 82 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION Complimentary registration will be provided for the following KDA Board members: President Secretary Treasurer Delegate The General Program Chair will receive complimentary lodging during the meeting if they live more than 25 miles from the location of the meeting. All other committee members and board members will be responsible for their own lodging expenses. The Executive Director is not charged to attend the annual meeting. ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 83 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meetings MT-6 Teleseminars Purpose: o The purpose of KDA facilitation of teleseminars is to inform and provide access to continuing education hours that is convenient and cost-effective for KDA members. o Teleseminars will be a source of income to support the activities of KDA The KDA Continuing Education Coordinator (CEC) will advertise upcoming teleseminar/webinars via the listserv. There are two options for registering a site for teleseminars. o Request the KDA Continuing Education Coordinator register the site. o Contact ADA directly to register and pay for the teleseminar If the site host chooses to be KDA registered, the following will apply: o The Continuing Education Coordinator will send the site host instructions and request registration information from the site host. o The Continuing Education Coordinator will advertise the site(s) hosting the teleseminar via the listserv. o KDA members will sign up for the teleseminar with the site host o The Continuing Education Coordinator will register the site with ADA and will purchase the teleseminar using their personal credit card or the KDA credit card. (If the CEC must use their own credit card for purchase of teleseminars, they will be reimbursed by KDA after submission of the expense.) o Cost for teleseminars coordinated through KDA are as follows: o 6 or more attendees: $20/ADA member and $35/non-ADA member o 5 attendees: $25/ADA member and $40/non-ADA member o 4 attendees: $30/ADA member and $45/non-ADA member o 3 attendees: $40/ADA member and $55/non-ADA member o 2 attendees: $60/ADA member and $75/non-ADA member o Site host will determine the price to charge students. If there are sufficient registrations to cover the cost, KDA encourages site hosts to allow students to attend at no charge. 84 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION o Non-ADA members will apply for CPE credit through ADA after the event and pay the fee determined by ADA-CDR. Instructions for printing the CDR certificate are provided on the handouts. If the site host chooses to register for the teleseminar directly with ADA without utilizing the KDA Continuing Education Coordinator, the following will apply: o Register for the teleseminar directly with ADA o Purchase the teleseminar directly from ADA o Advertise the teleseminar (listserv or other means) o Determine the cost to attendees with non-ADA members asked to pay a higher price o Non-ADA members will apply for CPE credit through ADA after the event and pay the fee determined by ADA-CDR. ORIGINAL DATE: 5/08 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 85 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meetings MT-7 Registration Fees and Costs for Award Recipients The KDAF Awards Committee and KDA shall be responsible for designated expenses associated with recognition of members at the KDA Annual Meeting including program for awards recognition, corsages, gifts, and meeting expenses. KDAF will provide plaques, certificates, corsages, gifts and meals for recipient and one guest . KDA will provide one complimentary registration on the day of the award when KDA is the sole provider of the annual meeting. Award/Honor Recipients include: Distinguished Dietitian of the Year (DDY) Recognized Young Dietitian of the Year (maximum of 1) (RYDY) AND Award Nominees from Kansas Scholarship Recipients Kansas ADA 50 Year Members Recognized Dietetic Technician of the Year (RDTY) Emerging Dietetic Leader (EDL) Complimentary Registration (1 day) Meal Meal for 1 Guest Plaque Certificate Corsage 50 Year Members DDY RYDY RDTY EDL KDA Scholarships AND Award Nominees X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Development and printing of the Awards Program distributed at the awards recognition during the KDA Annual Meeting Business Meeting Luncheon or reception is the responsibility of the KDAF Awards Committee. ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 4/2014 86 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meetings MT-8 Exhibits at KDA Meetings Exhibits shall be permitted at all KDA sponsored meetings. Exhibits shall be educational, ethical, informative, and nutritionally sound. Exhibits shall be an aid to members in their varied fields of work, such as techniques, equipment, books and food products. Selection of exhibitors will be made by KDA members or members of their sponsoring associations inviting reputable companies that produce quality products or provide quality service. Only companies that have registered may participate in the exhibition. Exhibiting in addition to meeting/speaker sponsorship is sought and encouraged. The distribution of items by exhibits should be limited to samples, literature, and advertisement accessories. Companies that have been asked to support KDA functions by providing financial support will be acknowledged in printed programs. KDA should have no jurisdiction regarding exhibits in hospitality suites provided by companies. Companies desiring to exhibit products of questionable nutritional value or who use misleading statements which are not proven facts shall not be allowed to exhibit. Exhibitors selling products or services are responsible for collection and payment of applicable sales tax. ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 87 KANSAS DIETETIC ASSOCIATION CATEGORY: Meetings MT-9 Exhibit Fees Exhibit fees shall be approved by the KDA Board of Directors. Fees apply for one 6-8 foot table. Exhibit fees will be a minimum of $300.00 for for-profit organizations. Nonprofit organizations will be charged $150.00 for exhibiting. KDA member owned organizations will be charged $150.00 for exhibiting. Exhibit fees can be waived if the exhibitor is contributing at least $500.00 for underwriting a speaker, meal, break, or reception costs. Exhibitors from for profit organizations will be allowed one complimentary registration on the day of the exhibits. All other exhibitors must pay registration fee if attending meeting sessions or participating in meal or social functions. They are not provided free meals unless they have contributed to underwriting the cost of that meal or have provided food items for the meal or a social function. Free exhibit space will be provided to the Kansas Dietetic Association, Kansas Dietetic Association Foundation, student dietetic associations in Kansas, the American Dietetic Association, and ADA or KDA dietetic practice groups. ORIGINAL DATE: 6/95 LAST DATE REVIEWED: 6/10 88
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