Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians 2014-2015 Board of Directors Orientation Manual BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 USAFP Vision/Mission Statements and Goals and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CHAPTER 2 USAFP Bylaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 CHAPTER 3 USAFP Policy Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Board of Directors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Constitution/Bylaws and Strategic Charter Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Clinical Investigation Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Education Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Executive Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Practice Management Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Medical Informatics Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Membership and Member Services Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Nominating Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Operational Medicine Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Annual Meeting Program Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Resident and Student Affairs Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Special Constituencies Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Website Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 USAFP Awards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Travel Funding Policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Financial Reserve Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Balanced Budget Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 CHAPTER 4 2013 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 CHAPTER 5 USAFP Strategic Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55 CHAPTER 6 AAFP State Chapter Dues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 AAFP State Chapter Membership Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 CHAPTER 7 Tri-Service Family Medicine Residency Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 2 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL CHAPTER 1 USAFP Vision and Mission Statement VISION The USAFP will be the premier professional home that provides services to enhance the experience of current and future Uniformed Family Physicians. MISSION The mission of the USAFP is to support and develop Uniformed Family Physicians as we advance health through education, scholarship, readiness, advocacy, and leadership. GOALS Goal 1: Membership. Sustain membership and enhance membership services. Goal 2: Operational. Enhance Uniformed Family Physicians’ and service members’ capabilities to excel in all operational environments. Goal 3: Educational. Provide quality education for our members: anytime, anywhere. Goal 4: Scholarship. Promote and facilitate scholarship. Goal 5: Leadership. Develop leaders and mentors. Goal 6: Advocacy. Advocate for the interests of the Uniformed Family Physician, our patients, and an improved healthcare system. 3 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL CHAPTER 2 USAFP Bylaws USAFP Bylaws CHAPTER I: Election of Members SECTION 1. The members of this chapter of the AAFP shall include the following: (1) active members, (2) resident members, (3) student members, (4) supporting members, (5) inactive members, and (6) state adjunct members. To hold membership in the USAFP, the individual must be of high moral and professional character. SECTION 2. ACTIVE MEMBERS -- The following shall be eligible for membership in this organization provided they meet the qualifications and conditions set forth in the Bylaws of the American Academy of Family Physicians: Family Physician members of the Uniformed Services serving on active duty and former members of the Uniformed Services who currently work within a military facility. Election to active membership shall be for a maximum period of three (3) years, at the expiration of which the member shall be eligible for re-election by the Board of Directors. No member shall be re-elected to membership who has not earned a minimum of one hundred fifty (150) credits of postgraduate study acceptable to the Board of Directors within the preceding three (3) year period. Any member failing re-election to membership may be reinstated by the Board of Directors provided he/she has fulfilled the requirements set forth in this section and has paid any delinquent and current dues. Active members who are dropped because they failed to meet the postgraduate studies requirement may be placed in the affiliate membership category. Active members shall be entitled to vote in chapter affairs, may hold office in accordance with chapter bylaws, may be a member of a chapter committee and may have the privilege of the floor at the Annual Business Meeting. SECTION 3. SUPPORTING MEMBERS Physicians in specialties other than family medicine must meet criteria established by the AAFP Board of Directors. Criteria are based on activities that support and enhance the family medicine specialty. SECTION 4. RESIDENT MEMBERS -Physicians in training in an ACGMEapproved Uniformed Services family medicine residency may be elected to resident membership in the same manner as provided for the election of active members. In addition, graduates of approved residencies that extend their training immediately upon completion of the family medicine residencies and who serve full time in extended structured supervised programs of at least one (1) year in duration shall be considered family medicine residents and may be elected as resident members. Election to such membership shall be for the duration of one's residency or extended training. Upon completion of residency training, and upon verification of eligibility for Active membership, Resident members automatically shall be transferred to Active membership. Resident members shall be entitled to vote in chapter affairs, may hold office in accordance with chapter bylaws, may be a member of a chapter committee and may have the privilege of the floor at the Annual Business Meeting. SECTION 5. illness, accident, or infirmity or who are totally retired from the practice of medicine with less than twenty (20) years continued membership in the USAFP may be elected to inactive membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. However, no person may hold inactive membership who does not hold a current medical license when such license has been revoked as a result of disciplinary action. Election to inactive membership shall be for a maximum of one (1) year unless the member is totally retired. Totally retired members need not be reelected annually. Inactive members shall not be required to meet postgraduate requirements. Inactive members may not have the right to vote, hold office, or be a member of a chapter committee, but shall have the privilege of the floor at the Annual Business Meeting. Active and resident members who interrupt their practice or residency training due to extenuating circumstances may be elected to inactive membership. SECTION 6. STUDENT MEMBERS -Students enrolled in the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences or the Health Professions Scholarship Program may be elected to student membership. Election to student membership shall terminate upon graduation from medical school. Student members elected to the Board of Directors shall have full voting privileges on the Board. Otherwise, student members shall not be entitled to vote, hold office, or be a member of a chapter committee, but may have the privilege of the floor at the Annual Business Meeting. INACTIVE MEMBERS -Members incapacitated by reason of 4 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Bylaws continued SECTION 7. STATE CHAPTER ADJUNCT MEMBERS - The Uniformed Services Chapter recognizes the benefit to certain individuals to be offered the category of Adjunct Membership. Active members in good standing of a constituent AAFP chapter who are separated or retired from the uniformed services, or who serve in the guard or reserve may apply for membership as Adjunct Members. Residents who are enrolled in full-time out service or civilian-deferred residency training as well as students who are enrolled in the Health Professions Scholarship Program and are members in good standing of a constituent AAFP chapter and prefer to maintain that membership as their primary affiliation may apply for membership as Resident Adjunct Members and Student Adjunct Members respectively. State Chapter Adjunct members shall not be entitled to vote, hold office, or be a member of a chapter committee, but shall have the privilege of the floor at the Annual Business Meeting. SECTION 8. Any member who changes his/her occupation or status in such a manner as to render him/her ineligible for membership in this chapter may resign or be stricken from the roll of the USAFP by action of the Board of Directors. Under unusual circumstances and on an individual basis, the Board of Directors by a two-thirds (2/3) vote may waive the payment of dues and may make exceptions to the foregoing membership rules and requirements. SECTION 9. AGREEMENT -- Acceptance of membership in the USAFP shall constitute an agreement by such member to comply with the Bylaws and to recognize the Board of Directors as the sole and only judge of the right to be or remain a member subject to the right of appeal to the AAFP. All rights, title, and interest--both legal and equitable--of a member in and to property of this organization shall cease in the event of any of the following: (a) the expulsion of such member, (b) the striking of his/her name from the roll of members, or (c) his/her death or resignation. CHAPTER II: Dues and Admission Fee SECTION 1. Dues for active members shall be fixed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors , They are due and payable upon election to membership and payable in advance on the first day of each subsequent year so long as the member shall remain a member in good standing. SECTION 2. An admission fee specified by the AAFP shall be paid by all new active members, said fee to be forwarded together with the first year's dues to the Executive Vice President of the American Academy of Family Physicians accompanied by the candidate's membership application. The total sum shall be refunded in the event his/her application is not approved. SECTION 3. The Board of Directors shall fix the dues of members of other categories. These members may be required to pay such dues to the American Academy of Family Physicians as may be prescribed by Bylaws of that organization. SECTION 4. Special assessments may be applied equally to all members by a twothirds (2/3) majority vote of the members of the Board of Directors, provided that no assessment shall be in excess of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) annually. SECTION 5. Any member whose dues or assessments are unpaid by July 31 shall be considered delinquent and ineligible to vote or to hold office. Such members shall be so notified by the AAFP by certified mail (or such other manner as member's duty station permits) to the member's address of record. Unless payment is received within thirty (30) days thereafter, the member's name will be stricken from the membership roll. If a member thus stricken from the roll shall pay the amount due prior to the end of the ensuing calendar year, the Board of Directors may, at its discretion, reinstate said member. If at the end of the ensuing calendar year the amount due remains unpaid, the member whose name has been stricken from the roll may apply for reinstatement provided he/she has paid all delinquent and current dues and meets all other requirements for membership. Members declared by the Department of Defense to be missing in action (MIA) or a prisoner of war (POW) or otherwise detained by a foreign power in performance of duty shall not be stricken from the membership roll under the provision of this section but shall be continued as a member in good standing throughout any such period. All dues and assessments shall be waived for the member for the duration of such period of time. CHAPTER III: Election of Officers and Directors SECTION 1. Each year the members shall elect a President-Elect, Vice President and one member from each uniformed service to serve on the Board of Directors, except the Public Health 5 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Bylaws continued Service (PHS) who shall elect a PHS Director two of each three (3) years. These Directors shall be elected to serve for a term of three (3) years. One resident member from each military service, plus one student member, shall be elected each year to serve on the Board of Directors for a term of one (1) year. Triennially, the Board of Directors shall appoint a SecretaryTreasurer for a three (3) year term. To promote Public Health Service (PHS) representation on the executive committee, uniformed PHS members will preferentially be considered for this position. If no acceptable candidate is identified, a member of another uniformed service will be appointed. No Secretary-Treasurer who has previously served a full three (3) year term shall be eligible for re-appointment to this position unless at least one (1) year has elapsed since the expiration of the previous term. In the event that the Secretary-Treasurer is unable to fulfill his/her term of office, the Board of Directors shall appoint a replacement for the unexpired term. At least one hundred (100) days prior to the annual meeting, the Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for each elective office and each impending vacancy on the Board of Directors and distribute such slate of candidates to all voting members of this organization. The Nominating Committee shall include at least two (2) candidates for each elected office whenever willing candidates exist. Balloting shall be by mail or by electronic means as available to insure widest possible contact with the voting membership. Winners shall be notified at least forty-five (45) days prior to the annual meeting. The Public Health Service shall have two members on the Board of Directors, while each military service shall have three members on the Board of Directors. The candidate for each impending vacancy on the Board of Directors who receives the greatest number of votes for that service-specific vacancy shall be declared elected. Each military family medicine residency program is entitled to cast two votes for residents nominated from their own branch of service for Resident Director on the USAFP Board of Directors. The chief resident(s) of each program is responsible for querying the residents of his or her program to determine who will receive the programs two votes. Each residency must vote for two candidates for the ballot to be valid and only one of these votes may go to a resident from their program if one is nominated. Programs may not cast only one vote and programs may not cast two votes for the same nominee, regardless of program of origin. Each year a student member of the Board of Directors will be elected from among the student members of the USAFP, with the student receiving the largest number of ballots declared the winner. Since the overwhelming majority of student members are students at the Uniformed Services University (USUHS), an election will be held at USUHS prior to the annual meeting with the winner being invited to the annual meeting. The nomination process and the election will be supervised by the Family Medicine Interest Group at USUHS under the direction of their faculty advisor. Each of the three uniformed services except the Public Health Service shall have a member who is President, President-Elect, or Vice President, with each service being represented in each of these offices once every three years by simple rotation. The Nominating Committee shall receive and solicit nominations of candidates and insure their eligibility and willingness to serve; thereafter, it shall prepare a slate of candidates for the offices of President-Elect and Vice President with such candidates to be members of the two services that are not represented by the incoming President. If a tie occurs among two or more candidates receiving the greatest number of votes for any office or vacancy on the Board of Directors, those tying shall be candidates on a runoff ballot at the time of the annual meeting. All voting members present at the annual meeting shall be entitled to vote on a runoff ballot and the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared elected. SECTION 2. The Board of Directors may appoint an Executive Director who may but need not be a member of this organization, for a term and stipend, if any, to be determined by the Board. SECTION 3. At the first meeting of the Board of Directors immediately following the annual meeting, the Board shall appoint alternates and delegates to the Congress of Delegates of the American Academy of Family Physicians when an opening exists. CHAPTER IV: Duties and Terms of Officers SECTION 1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and the Board of Directors and shall be a nonvoting member of all standing committees. His/her term of office begins upon his/her installation at the annual meeting and expires when his/her successor is installed. In the event of the death or resignation of the President during his/her term of office or if he/she shall for any reason be unable or unqualified to serve, the Vice President shall succeed to the office of the President for the unexpired portion of the President's term. In the event of the death, resignation or incapacity of both the President and the Vice President, the Board of Directors shall elect a President for the unexpired portion of the term. Once elected to the office of President, the member is not eligible for any other elected office. 6 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Bylaws continued SECTION 2. SECTION 4. SECTION 7. The Vice President shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall preside at meetings of the organization and the Board of Directors in the absence of the President. His/her term of office begins upon his/her installation at the annual meeting following his/her election and expires when his/her successor is installed. In the event of the death, resignation or incapacity of the Vice President, the Board of Directors shall elect a Vice President for the unexpired portion of the term. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be the custodian of all the funds of the organization and shall furnish bond, the premium for which shall be paid by the organization in such amount as the Board may require. He/she shall perform such other duties as the title of the office ordinarily connotes, including giving notices of and keeping a record of all meetings, enrolling and maintaining the records of members and acting as the custodian of all the official documents of the organization. The Immediate Past President shall become an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors for a period of one (1) year following his/her term as President, such term to begin at the conclusion of his/her term of office and ending at the conclusion of the next succeeding annual meeting. SECTION 3. The President-Elect shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall preside at meetings of the organization in the absence of the President and Vice President. He/she shall succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the President's term as provided in Section 1. In the event of the death, resignation or removal from office of the President-Elect, the Board of Directors shall nominate two candidates for that office who are members of the same uniformed service as the former President-Elect. An election to succeed the President-Elect shall take place by mail or by electronic means as available to insure widest possible contact with the voting membership and shall be announced at least forty five (45) days prior to the annual meeting. In the event that election cannot occur during the annual vote, the election of the President-Elect’s successor shall take place by vote on these candidates as the first order of business at the ensuing annual meeting. All voting members present at the annual meeting shall be entitled to vote, and the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes cast shall be declared elected. CHAPTER V: Board of Directors SECTION 1. SECTION 5. The Executive Director shall perform such duties of the SecretaryTreasurer as may be assigned by the Board of Directors and such other duties as the Board of Directors may prescribe. He/she shall be bonded in an amount fixed by the Board of Directors, the premium thereon to be paid by the organization. SECTION 6. Directors shall be elected to a three (3) year term of office which begins upon their installation at the annual meeting and expires when their successor is installed. Resident and student representatives shall serve terms of one (1) year which begins upon their installation at the annual meeting and expires when their successors are installed. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board for the unexpired term of the vacancy. No Director who has served a full three (3) year term shall be eligible for nomination to the Board unless at least one (1) year has elapsed since the expiration of his/her previous term. However, a Director who serves a term of office of less than three (3) years may be nominated to succeed himself/herself for a full three (3) year term. The Board of Directors shall meet once annually and such other times and places as the President may determine. SECTION 2. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business and unless provided otherwise in the Bylaws all matters shall be decided by a majority vote of the Directors present and voting. SECTION 3. There shall be an Executive Committee of five (5) members composed of the President, the Vice President, the Secretary-Treasurer, the President-Elect, and the Immediate Past President. Each of the three military services shall have at least one member on the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee, by a majority vote of its members, shall have full authority to act for and on behalf of the Board of Directors whenever business of the organization demands prompt action in the interim between meetings of the Board or when it is impractical or impossible to convene the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee may, in time of war or national emergency as declared by the United 7 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Bylaws continued States Government, extend the term of all officers until such times as annual meetings resume. SECTION 4. The Board of Directors shall appoint and dissolve committees according to the best interest of the membership. CHAPTER VI: Annual and Special Meetings for the transaction of business and unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws all matters shall be determined by a majority vote of those members present and voting. SECTION 5. The Board of Directors may adopt such rules of procedure for the transaction of business at the annual or special meetings of this organization, as it deems desirable unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws. SECTION 1. CHAPTER VII: Ethics A meeting of the members of this organization shall be held annually except in times of war or national emergency as declared by the government of the United States or in the judgment of the Board of Directors or its Executive Committee such a meeting would be impractical. SECTION 1. The Principles of Medical Ethics of the American Medical Association, as they now or hereafter may provide, shall be the principles of ethics of this organization and shall be and hereby are made a part of these Bylaws. SECTION 2. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors or by the President. Special meetings shall be called by the Secretary-Treasurer upon written request of 25 percent of the active members at a place determined by the Board of Directors. SECTION 3. Notice of annual or special meetings shall be given by the SecretaryTreasurer to all members at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of such meeting, either by letter mailed to the member's address as it appears on the secretary's records or by publication in the official publication, if any, of the organization. SECTION 4. Those active members of this chapter present at any regular or special meetings shall constitute a quorum SECTION 2. If any member is believed in good faith to have violated the Principles of Medical Ethics or the Bylaws of this organization or of the American Academy of Family Physicians or to be otherwise guilty of conduct justifying censure, suspension, or expulsion from this organization, any member may prefer charges against him/her in the form and manner hereinafter specified. Such charges must be in writing and signed by the accuser or accusers and must state the alleged conduct with reasonable particularity. Such charges must be filed with the Secretary-Treasurer; and at the first meeting of the Board held after the filing of said charges, the Secretary must present said charges to the Board. The Board shall then or at any adjournment of said meeting but not more than thirty (30) days thereafter, consider the charges and shall either dismiss them or shall proceed as hereinafter set forth. If the Board fails to dismiss said charges, it shall within thirty(30) days thereafter forward a copy of the charges to the accused by registered United States mail addressed to the last known address of the accused. The Board shall also fix a time and place for hearing said charges and notify the accused by the same mailing as the serving of the charges. The time set for said hearing shall be not less than fifteen (15) days or more than six months after serving of charges. The accused may answer in writing. Failure to answer shall not be an admission of guilt or a waiver of the accused's right to a hearing. The Board shall, having given to the accuser and the accused reasonable opportunity to be heard, including oral arguments and the filing and consideration of any written briefs, shall conclude the hearing and render a decision within thirty (30) day thereafter. A simple majority of the members of the Board present and voting shall constitute the decision of the Board, which may exonerate, censure, suspend or expel the accused member. The decision of the Board shall be expressed in a resolution containing no opinion and signed by only the President and the Secretary. Any member of the Board not present for the entire hearing shall not be entitled to vote. Censure shall mean a reprimand by the President administered to the accused in the presence of the said Board. No member shall be suspended for more than one (1) year and at the expiration of the period of suspension shall be reinstated to membership upon his/her application and the payment of any dues or assessments accrued during the period of suspension. Any elected or appointed officer or Director who is censured, suspended, or expelled by this organization shall immediately vacate his/her post. Any resulting vacancy shall be filled in accordance with these Bylaws for 8 OARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Bylaws continued Members who are unable to complete their terms of office. If the member appeals the Board's decision to the AAFP, he/she will retain their position with voting privileges held in abeyance until the appeal process is completed or their term expires, whichever is sooner. Any member who has been censured, suspended, or expelled may appeal such action to the American Academy of Family Physicians pursuant to the Bylaws of said corporation. CHAPTER VIII: Miscellaneous can be considered by the Board of Directors, it must be published as a proposed change in the USAFP Newsletter a minimum of sixty (60) days prior to the Board's vote. SECTION 4. In the absence of any provision in the Bylaws, all meetings of this organization and of the Board of Directors shall be governed by the parliamentary rules and usages contained in the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. SECTION 1. SECTION 5. INSPECTION OF RECORDS -The minutes of the proceedings of the Board of Directors, the membership books, and books of account shall be open to inspection upon the written demand of any member at any reasonable time, for any purpose reasonably related to the member's interest as a member, and shall be produced at any time when requested by the demand of ten percent (10%) of the members at any regular or special meeting of the members. Such inspection may be made by agent or attorney and shall include the right to make extracts thereof. Demand of inspection, other than at a meeting of the members, shall be in writing to the President or Secretary. FINANCIAL RESERVE: The Board shall ensure the maintenance of a financial reserve fund, to be guided by the USAFP Financial Reserve Policy, with the primary purpose to serve as a protective buffer against unexpected expenses that may threaten the mission and solvency of the USAFP. REVISED 1/9/2013 SECTION 2. As used in these Bylaws, the term "uniformed services" shall mean the Air Force, Army, Navy, and Public Health Service. When used in these Bylaws, the terms "he", "she", "him", "his”, and "her" represent both the masculine and feminine genders. SECTION 3. These Bylaws may only be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Before a Bylaws change 9 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL CHAPTER 3 USAFP Bylaws USAFP Policy Manual BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS The USAFP Board of Directors meets three (3) times a year: twice during the USAFP Annual Meeting (before and after) and usually during September or October during the AAFP Annual Meeting or as designated by the President. AGENDA ITEM FORMAT & REPORTS The Headquarters Office notifies Board members and Committee Chairs of deadlines for reports and agenda item request forms. The Headquarters Office will distribute the agenda for Board meetings to all Officers, Board members, Committee Chairs, Consultants and newly elected Board members (when applicable). Recipients should read the agenda and mark any items of concern or questions regarding any reports. BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL The Headquarters Office sends new Board members a “Board Orientation Manual” which will include the Policy Manual, Bylaws, Board minutes from the previous year, the Strategic Charter and a “Calendar of Events.” This manual will be mailed after the new Officer or Board Member is notified of his or her election. New Officers and Board Members are encouraged to review the manual in detail. MINUTES Timing: The Headquarters Office distributes the minutes to all Board members for review. Board members send corrections to the Headquarters Office within 30 days of receipt. The Headquarters Office distributes corrected minutes to Board members at the next Board of Directors meeting. The Headquarters Office maintains an accepted final copy of the minutes. Items included in minutes: Minutes are an official record of the Association and may be used as evidence of the proceedings including any content that a Board member asks to have reflected in the minutes at the time of the discussion. Introductory information should include day, date, time, location, attendance and type of meeting. Also, the presiding officer, the presence of a quorum, the recorder of the minutes, and adjournment time are to be noted. The minutes should detail what action was taken regarding previous minutes and a summary statement about the Treasurer's report. All motions should be clearly noted in the minutes. Board members should use the standardized form for submitting motions, as this will assure accuracy of recording. The action taken on each motion must be included. Discussion regarding these actions should not be included. Any points of order should be noted. Dissenting votes are recorded only if requested by the dissenter. 10 BOD RESPONSIBILITIES Board members will receive and should review the meeting agenda and supporting documents in advance. Active participation from all board members is encouraged. The board member is responsible for outreach to the general membership during the year and not just before the meetings. Membership concerns, suggestions or problems should be forwarded to the USAFP headquarters as appropriate for action (the Executive Committee is in regular contact and can act on timesensitive issues) or inclusion on upcoming board agenda. Outreach by board members includes visiting or contacting members in a variety of settings: training programs, hospitals, small clinics. The president may specify regions inclusive of all services. These initiatives put the responsibility of communication with the board, both internally and with the general membership. Board members will be assigned as a liaison to a committee chair. The liaison is a resource and conduit between the board and the committee. Examples of liaison services include explanations of board priorities, budget constraints and general procedures. If the committee chair is unable to attend a board meeting, the liaison will provide the report of the committee. The committee chair is responsible for submissions to the USAFP newsletter, but the liaison may be asked to assume this obligation. The work of the committees forms the backbone of the organization. It is expected that the board liaison will work with the chair to keep the committee on track throughout the year. It is the responsibility of both these individuals to assure that the committees are productive. Communication between liaison and chair should be on a regular basis (preferably monthly). USAFP board members are expected to attend each board meeting during their three-year tenure. It is recognized that service requirements may preclude this, but if repeated absences are anticipated, the board member should consider relinquishing their seat. RULES FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGS DESCRIPTION Rule 1 The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the business meeting in all cases to which they are applicable unless they are inconsistent with the Bylaws of the USAFP or these standing rules. Rule 2 A member desiring to address the meeting shall raise his/her hand and await recognition by the chair before addressing the meeting. Rule 3 Business interrupted by a recess of the business meeting shall be resumed at the point where it was interrupted when the Board reconvenes. Rule 5 No voting member may enter or leave the room during a vote. Rule 6 A two-thirds majority vote of all members present and voting shall be required to suspend any standing rules. Rule 7 Agenda items will be recorded on the standardized form by their originator in advance of the meeting if possible. Rule 8 Voting members of the Board include seated Officers and Directors only. 11 Roles and Responsibilities of Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the AAFP Congress of Delegates 1. The Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the AAFP Congress of Delegates are comprised of elected chapter officers. The immediate past-president and the preceding past president fill the two delegate posts. The current president will serve as the senior alternate delegate and the presidentelect will serve as the junior alternate delegate. 2. In the event that any delegate cannot complete their term, the Executive Committee will name a replacement. 3. At BOD meetings and at other venues (e.g. seminars, business meetings) during the Annual Meeting, issues which may be best served by exposure and discussion at the national level (AAFP Congress of Delegates) shall be identified and groomed in the period between the end of the Annual Meeting and up to 60 days before the AAFP Congress of Delegates. 4. Such resolutions can be assigned “champions” culled from the Executive Committee, Board of Directors and standing committees of the chapter as designated by the President. This “ad hoc” group will lead the working of the issues and writing of the resolutions. Resolutions must be sent to the Congress 30 days before the meeting through the USAFP Executive Director. 5. Prior to the Congress a large packet of reports and resolutions will be sent to you. Read in advance and pay attention to particularly controversial resolutions that will be debated on the floor. You may want to call some USAFP officers to get their opinions on what our membership thinks about the issues but we resolved some time ago that the delegates should vote the way they want. (You were elected because the membership trusted your opinions.) The resolutions can be looked at by the USAFP Board of Directors by going to the AAFP website. The delegate should check with the USAFP Board of Directors by e-mail to see if any particular points need to be made. 6. At the Congress, consider attending the delegate orientation but things are pretty straightforward and parliamentary in nature. a. Attend all the official sessions of the congress. b. Split up attendance at the reference committees between the members of the USAFP delegation. Be prepared to offer testimony (speak your opinion) on any resolution but particularly those that impact the military family physician, either good or bad. c. On the floor of the congress, resolutions coming out of the reference committees are again debated and brought to a vote. This is another place where you may want to express an opinion important to the military, however the delegates get annoyed with people who talk too much and slow the work of the congress – be direct, brief and relevant with any statements at the congress. (The USAFP has a reputation for being prudent, wise and engaged – not annoying or immaterial.) 7. After the Congress, write an after action report for the newsletter describing the major events and issues dealt with by the congress. 12 RESIDENT BOARD MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES Contact all family medicine residency programs early in the year to make yourself known (talk to the chief residents in each program). Attend the AAFP National Congress of Family Practice Residents and Student Members meeting in July/August (Kansas City) -- attend the meetings and all caucuses in uniform. The three Resident Board members are responsible for designating one of the three to serve as the voting delegate for the Uniformed Services Chapter seat at the conference. Submit a written report to the Board of Directors following the meeting. Attend the mid-year board meeting held in conjunction with the AAFP Scientific Assembly in the fall. Represent any views or interests expressed by the residents in your branch of the service. Attend the board meetings at the USAFP Annual Meeting in the spring. Represent any views or interests expressed by the residents in your branch of the service. Incoming Resident Board members (newly elected) are funded to attend both the pre- and postconference Board meetings associated with the USAFP Annual Meeting including the days between meetings. They are also funded to the mid-year Board meeting in the same fashion as all other Directors and Officers. STUDENT BOARD MEMBER RESPONSIBILITIES Contact medical students early in the year to make yourself known. Attend AAFP National Conference of Student Members meeting in August in Kansas City. Attend the meetings and caucuses in uniform. Sit as the voting delegate for the Uniformed Services Chapter. Attend the mid-year board meeting held in conjunction with the AAFP Scientific Assembly in the fall. Represent any views or interests expressed by the students. Attend the post-conference board meeting at the USAFP Annual Meeting in the spring. Represent any views or interests expressed by the students. COMMITTEE CHAIR RESPONSIBILITIES USAFP members who are Chairs of USAFP Committees are encouraged to provide reports of their Committee’s activities or a related topic for publication in the newsletter. This may be delegated by the chair. Each committee chair has a liaison on the Board of Directors The liaison will be able to present items to the Board in those circumstances where the chair is unable to attend. Communication between liaison and chair should be on a regular basis and especially prior to the twice-announced Board of Directors meetings. The committee chair should utilize the Board Liaison as a resource and conduit to the Board. Explanations of Board priorities, budget and procedures are examples. Both the chair and liaison should work to keep the committee on track throughout the year. It is desirable for the committee chair to attend both the annual meeting and mid-year Board of Directors meeting; but since USAFP funds does not your travel to these meetings, we acknowledge that money and time constraints often make this impossible. Committee Chairs who feel it is imperative that they attend a Board meeting should petition the President for funding approval. A committee membership roster will be able to track those individuals who need to be rotated or replaced. Please send your comments to the Headquarters office prior to the annual meeting. If you do not 13 wish to continue to serve as committee chair for the next year, inform the office of this so the incoming president can have time to seek out suitable candidates. Your input on this will be most helpful. Committee chairpersons who anticipate exceeding the approved budget's limit for their committee will submit a written request form to the Treasurer prior to commencing any committee activity that will exceed the committee's allocated funds. The Treasurer will consult with the Executive Committee and Headquarters Office to determine the feasibility of extended funding. The decision will be based on current budgetary limitations and the priority of committee goals. The Executive Committee will either approve or deny the requested funds and the Treasurer will notify the chairperson of the decision within 30 days of the date of request. The committee chairperson will send a copy of the Extended Funding Request Form to the Treasurer and Headquarters Office. This form will be distributed to the Executive Committee from the Headquarters Office. COMMITTEE STRUCTURE POLICY DESCRIPTION 1. Membership: a. b. c. Committee members will be selected by the chair from a qualified applicant pool solicited at the Annual Meeting. Members will be appointed to an annual term and may be reappointed by the chair excluding the Clinical Investigations Committee (see committee description). The Executive Committee, Nominating Committee and the Annual Meeting Program Committee members and their tenure are determined by chapter bylaws. 2. Chairs: a. b. c. Committee chairs will be appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors. Chairs will be appointed to an annual term and may be reappointed by the President. In general, nominees for chair positions should be experienced members of their respective committees. 3. Make-up: a. b. Committee size shall be based on the committee's tasks and functions as determined by the chair. Committee composition should reflect the composition of the entire USAFP membership. 4. Board Liaisons: Specific members of the Board of Directors will be assigned by the President to serve as Board liaisons to each committee. Board liaisons are responsible for regular communication and support of the committee chairs to ensure committee chairs remain productive and functional. The liaisons also report on the activities of their assigned committee at Board meetings when the committee chair is unable to attend. 14 CONSTITUTION/BYLAWS AND STRATEGIC CHARTER COMMITTEE DEFINITION Standing committee Responsibility: Assure that Bylaws remain current and reflect the objectives of the organization. Specific Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Review Bylaws for consistency with Board policy. Submit recommendations to the Board via written report. Make proposed Bylaws changes available for publication. Review chapter Bylaws every year for compliance with the AAFP Bylaws. CLINICAL INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE DEFINITION 1. 2. Promote scholarly activities, in general, and in particular original research among Academy members. Help educate USAFP membership in areas of research and scholarly activity. Responsibility: Committee work is limited to the specific purpose established by Bylaws and/or the Board. Membership: a. Committee members will be selected by the chair from a qualified applicant pool. b. Members will be appointed to a three year term and may be reappointed by the chair. c. Committee tenure will be limited to four consecutive terms. Duties of the committee members vary according to the task of the committee. General duties include: communicating with the chair, completing tasks assigned by the chair, and attending the committee meetings at the annual meeting in the spring and the Judges Workshop in the fall. If a committee member is unable to fulfill his/her committee obligation, the chair should be notified at once. If a committee member resigns from the committee, the chair should be notified immediately. Specific Functions: Annual Research Forum: This forum is held during the Annual Meeting and is open to all members of the Academy. Blinded abstracts are submitted to the chair, c/o USAFP Headquarters. The abstracts are mailed to the chair and judges for scoring. Typically there will be eight judges for the competition -- (2) Air Force, (2) Army, (2) Navy/PHS, and (2) civilians. A judges’ session to review grading criteria and to promote judging consistency is held twice a year. These sessions typically occur at the Judges Workshop in the fall to review guidelines for reviewing abstracts and interpreting hypotheses, methodology, results, and analysis when funding is available. Additionally, the judges meet the day prior to the Annual Meeting. The chair and the judges are in constant contact over the year through mailings and phone conversations. Abstracts are accepted in three categories: case report and literature review, clinical investigation, and poster. There are separate resident and staff subcategories. Research Seminar: A seminar is held annually during the Annual Meeting. Different material has been presented during each seminar. Past topics include: (1) developing a research question, (2) writing a protocol, (3) case report design, (4) guidelines to oral, written and visual presentations, (5) clinical investigation and educational 15 research design, and (6) basic statistics in medical research, to name a few. Faculty have been both military and civilian; practice-based clinician and university-based researchers. Materials from past workshops are posted on the research page of the USAFP website. DISEASE PREVENTION AND HEALTH PROMOTION COMMITTEE DEFINITION The Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Committee (DPHP) is charged with actively increasing interest in preventive health and encouraging increased quantity and quality of scientific activities that emphasize this important area of family practice. Responsibility: Tasked with the development or significant enhancement of creative, innovative, and effective patient education, clinical prevention, and health promotion activities. Specific Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Active implementation throughout the uniformed services of the Put Prevention Into Practice (PPIP) program to enhance the capability of providers to deliver clinical preventive services. Exploration of “best practice” models incorporating the features of disease prevention/health promotion that would benefit greatly the implementation of such models throughout military family practice. Maintain liaison with key DPHP groups as the Office for Prevention and Health Serves Assessment (OPHSA), Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine (CHPPM) and Navy Environmental Health Center (not an exclusive list). Devise programs and strategies with the long-term goal of transforming military family practice into an acknowledged leader in the area of disease prevention/health promotion. Communicate to the general membership via newsletter articles. Support of Tar Wars Program at military sites where applicable. EDUCATION COMMITTEE DEFINITION The Education Committee is composed of two subcommittees: continuing medical education (CME) and graduate medical education (GME). Together they focus on educational issues from residency through the remainder of a member’s career. The CME subcommittee promotes quality programs within the USAFP and serves as the conduit to the AAFP for CME approval of education programs sponsored by USAFP members in their community. USAFP members may report their CME hours through this committee or directly to the AAFP. The GME subcommittee promotes the development of curriculum and foster communication among the military training programs. It is not intended to duplicate the Resident committee, but rather to address educational issues and development. Responsibility: To promote affordable and accessible, quality Continuing Medical Education to the members of the USAFP. Specific Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Reports to the membership in the USAFP Newsletter. Educates members about CME requirements. Assists the Annual Meeting Program Chair(s) in conducting CME programs as appropriate. Serve as a clearinghouse for training program resources and assist in sharing common needs and concepts. 16 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE DEFINITION The Executive Committee shall act for the Board whenever business demands prompt action. Responsibility: The Executive Committee, by a majority vote of its members, shall have full authority to act for and on behalf of the Board of Directors whenever business demands prompt action in the interim between meetings of the Board or when it is impractical or impossible to convene the Board of Directors. General Functions: Chair: As per USAFP Bylaws, the chair of the Executive Committee is the current USAFP President. Membership: As per USAFP Bylaws, the Executive Committee includes the President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, President-Elect, and the Immediate Past President. PRACTICE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE DEFINITION This committee is charged to monitor and evaluate the provision of health care services to military beneficiaries by members, to include Family Practice representation on hospital staffs, and monitor changes in health care delivery as it impacts on the specialty and our patients. Responsibility: To promote the delivery of quality health care and full credentials for military health care providers within the limits of their training. Primary Purpose: Acts to represent the membership in monitoring the delivery of health care services, both service specific and at national levels, as they impact on the welfare of the patient beneficiary population and the profession. Specific Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. To monitor credentialing problems by members at their military hospitals. To remain abreast of national policy decisions that might impact on the provision of health care services to military members and their families by family physicians. To encourage activities by society members to enhance their capabilities to provide quality health care to their patients (e.g. flexible sigmoidoscopy training, fellowship training, certificates of added qualification, etc.) To promote the specialty of Family Practice among the services and its unique roles in peacetime, wartime, and contingency health care delivery, including promoting the broad application of the military unique curricula for all residency training programs. To broaden the interest among all military services for increased numbers of Family Physicians as a cornerstone of their primary care system. To constantly review activities in support of the membership and act in accordance with the guidance of the President and Board of Directors. To present recommendations and findings on an annual basis to the membership and keep them informed through the newsletter of committee activities at least twice annually. 17 CLINICAL INFORMATICS COMMITTEE DEFINITION The Information Technologies Sub-committee is charged to assist in the training and advising members of the USAFP to use the IT tools available to them at present and to encourage involvement in development of emerging products in the DoD. Responsibility: The committee will seek to provide a forum for discussion and guidance for the Academy in areas related to Medical Informatics, from our position as clinicians. This will be achieved through various vehicles including a listserv, an active and up to date series of resource pages at the USAFP website, and a listing of committee members outlining their areas of interest and expertise for reference of Academy members who seek assistance with various IT related projects. The committee will also support educational opportunities at the local, regional, and national levels of the DoD. Military operational aspects of mobile computing are a focal point of the group, and will be a unique offering to the medical community at large, not simply within the DoD alone. Other roles will certainly emerge as the field continues to mature in the years ahead. Specific Functions: 1. Maintain the IT Committee Web Area in the USAFP site: a. Post web links to military specific IT projects and homepages as references for others seeking details and POC’s for these projects b. Post how-to’s and tutorials via a collection of links and presentations available at the web site for downloading c. Maintain and update the PDA web site as a resource for members 2. USAFP Newsletter involvement a. Provide newsletter information describing and explaining the differences in several emerging IT solutions (ICDB, Provider GUI, healthEForces, MEDBASE, BMIST, aCPGs, among others) b. Publish articles in the newsletter addressing clinically or operationally relevant aspects of IT. 3. IT Committee projects a. Assist in creating and publicizing committees or interest group ListServ’s similar to those on the AAFP web site, if interest exists to do so b. Support CD-ROM and/or Wireless LAN versions of lecture presentations of the Annual Meeting by providing technical expertise and labor to set up, create, and maintain c. Collaborate with TATRC (Army’s Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center) to re-energize an orphaned database that is a repository of IT assets in the Military Healthcare System d. Establish a formal relationship with the newly created AAFP Center for Health Information Technology e. Develop a survey of military residencies to determine which skills are desired or needed by residents and staff that will assist clinical care and teaching f. Assist in developing IT solutions for USAFP members as time and expertise allow MEMBERSHIP AND MEMBER SERVICES COMMITTEE DEFINITION The purpose of the USAFP is to serve the membership. The MMSC will monitor this service and establish projects to serve the membership as needed. 18 Responsibility: Monitor the recruitment and retention of members, conduct an annual needs assessment, promote and publicize member programs and benefits. Ensure programs encompass the concerns and needs of the general membership as well as special groups. Specific Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Foster communication among the membership and investigate means for continued improvement. Inform the membership of the activities of the MMSC via reports in the USAFP newsletter. Work with the Education Committee in implementing USAFP/AAFP policies re: member CME requirements. Serve as ombudsman for member concerns. Coordinate avenues to increase membership and marketing of benefits within and outside the USAFP. Perform other tasks as directed by the USAFP Officers and Board of Directors. Develop and conduct member surveys as needed. The primary purpose is a needs assessment but the survey may be modified to include other items at the direction of the Board. Unless otherwise specified, the survey should be completed and report available by the initial Board meeting of the Annual Meeting. NOMINATING COMMITTEE DEFINITION The Nominating Committee nominates members for approval by the Board of Directors for various positions and chapter representative activities. Responsibility: To select qualified and interested members to be considered for elected and appointed positions within the organization. General Functions: Chair: The committee chair is the current sitting President. The chair assumes responsibility for reporting the activities of the committee to the Board of Directors at the semi-annual meetings. Membership: Committee members include the immediate Past President, the President-Elect, and the Public Health Services member of the Board of Directors on an as-needed basis whenever a candidate from the Public Health Services is needed for the ballot. If any of these three individuals is unavailable, the Committee Chair will appoint a replacement from the same service. Specific Functions: 1. 2 3. 4. 5. Prepare a slate of nominees for elected positions in the Uniformed Services Chapter. Ensure that the USAFP Ballot is prepared and sent in accordance with USAFP Bylaws. Inform individuals of election results in accordance with the USAFP Bylaws. Communicate with the membership via the newsletter announcing the opportunities to run for USAFP offices and to inform the membership of opportunities for AAFP Committee and Commission involvement. Prepare a formal agenda item for each Board meeting (when appropriate) to identify potential nominees for AAFP Commissions and for chapter representatives to various conferences including the AAFP Annual Leadership Forum and the AAFP NCSC Conference. 19 OPERATIONAL MEDICINE COMMITTEE DEFINITION The Operational Medicine Committee exists to support and enable USAFP members to successfully respond to ever-changing wartime, peacetime and contingency operational/readiness requirements through scholarly activities, information sharing and leadership. Responsibility: To strengthen the Operation Medicine roles of the Uniformed Family Physician by enhancing the operational knowledge, capabilities and leadership abilities of all USAFP members. General Functions: The chair assumes the responsibility to formulate and template strategies that: • Maximize the operational resources of the uniformed family physician. • Maximize the operational abilities of the uniformed family physician. • Cultivate leaders in operational medicine. • Advocate for increased uniformed family physician influence and involvement in operation activities. The chair assumes the responsibility to report activities of the committee to: • The Board Liaison through monthly informal communications. • The President via quarterly communications and as needed. • The USAFP Executive Director as needed. The chair assumes the responsibility to: • Publish committee reports for the newsletter. • Contact committee members on, at least, a bi-monthly basis. • Coordinate the efforts of the committee members. • Liaison with the other USAFP committees. • Facilitate the Committee Interest Meeting for the Operational Medicine Committee at the USAFP Annual Meeting. The committee members assume the responsibility to; • Actively participate in the committee activities. • Complete duties as designated by the chair. • Initiate activities that facilitate the USAFP’s Strategic Plan. • Attend meetings at the USAFP Annual Meeting. • Maintain regular communication with the chair throughout the year. • Share their expertise and experiences via presentations, publications and materials produced by the committee for USAFP members. Specific Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Publish an article on an “operational medicine topic “ in the quarterly newsletter. Maintain an up-to-date “reading list” on operational and readiness issues and publish the list once annually in the newsletter. Maintain an “operational medicine consultant/POC list” and publish the list once annually in the newsletter. Publish an “annual monograph” on an operational/readiness topic. Maintain a compilation of needs statements for potential medical/clinical research of operational importance. Maintain an operational medicine “website’ with referenced resources and operational information. 20 7. Seek speakers to conduct lectures, presentations, briefings and workshops at the USAFP Annual Annual Meeting as coordinated with the Program Chair. Provide resources, guidance and assistance in general membership education, military unique residency curriculums and activities, offer professional development sessions and career counseling pertaining to operational opportunities. Publish, maintain and update an operational medicine field handbook. Conduct activities and provide resources to cultivate future leaders. 8. 9. 10. ANNUAL MEETING PROGRAM COMMITTEE DEFINITION The Annual Meeting Program Committee facilitates the planning of the Annual Meetings, both short term and long term. Responsibility: To provide guidance concerning the overall goals and objectives of the meeting including program cost and quality improvement of the meeting in both short and long term time frames. General Functions: Chair: The chair(s) is(are) the member(s) in charge of the next Annual Meeting (Program Chair(s)).The chair(s) assumes responsibility for reporting the activities of the committee to the Board of Directors at the semi-annual meetings and to maintain close communication with the President and Board Liaison on issues germane to their mandate. Membership: The past, present and incoming Program Chairs, Secretary/Treasurer and the Executive Director. Specific Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establishes goals and objectives for future meeting planning including scope and depth of the meeting. Develop Long Range (3-5 years) Goals and Objectives Plan to be reviewed and updated annually. Improve member attendance at the meeting, and provide services leading up to and during the meeting. Prepare an “After Action Report” for presentation at the mid-year Board of Directors meeting. The Program Chair(s) is responsible for a column in the USAFP newsletter twice a year. Fiscal Responsibility: The Executive Director and Secretary/Treasurer as well as past and present Program Chairs are to provide input concerning the fiscal planning of the meeting and the financial goals of the meeting for both short and long term. RESIDENT AND STUDENT AFFAIRS COMMITTEE DEFINITION Established to study and address special problems, needs and concerns of students and residents in relationship to military family medicine. Responsibility: The work of the committee is limited to the specific purpose established by the Bylaws and/or the Board. 21 Duties of the committee members vary according to the task of the committee. General duties include: communicating with the chair, completing tasks assigned by the chair, and attending the committee meetings at the annual meeting in the spring. If a committee member is unable to fulfill his or her committee obligation, the chair should be notified. If a committee member resigns from the committee, the chair should be notified. Specific Functions: Promoting Family Medicine 1. 2. 3. 4. The committee is to work along with the Membership and Member Services Committee to encourage Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) and HPSP medical graduates to enter the field of family medicine and join the membership of the USAFP. Serve as liaison between the Family Medicine Interest Group of the USUHS and Family Medicine Interest Groups of various universities who have students in the HPSP Scholarship Program to facilitate their participation in the USAFP. Act as a clearinghouse to collect concerns of military family medicine residents and present them to the Board of Directors. Prepare a column for the USAFP newsletter. Authorship of the column is variable. SPECIAL CONSTUENCIES COMMITTEE DEFINITION This committee was established to ensure cultural competence in regard to serving and educating patients and members; to promote enfranchisement of patients and physicians in special populations; to foster leadership and mentoring opportunities among special populations; to promote inclusivity within the USAFP by increasing representation of special population views and interests; and to address issues of current and emerging special populations. Responsibility: The work of the committee is limited to the specific purpose established by the Bylaws and/or the Board. Specific Functions: 1. Encourage members of special constituencies to join the USAFP and to participate in USAFP activities 2. Defined committee priority areas a. New Physician Priorities 1. Foster Academy interest and participation by new physician members. 2. Help develop New Physician Guide for Involvement in the USAFP (welcome letter/booklet) 3. Help develop a Welcome to the USAFP Annual Meeting – A Guide for First-Time Attendees (booklet) b. Women’s Priorities 1. Ensure focus on women's health issues in Annual Meeting topics and in newsletter articles. 2. Promote the development of women in leadership positions 3. Ensure focus is placed on the unique issues of women in the workplace c. Minority Priorities 1. Ensure focus on minority health issues in Annual Meeting topics and in newsletter articles 2. Promote the recruitment and retention of minority USAFP members 3. Promote increased minority and underserved representation in uniformed family medicine activities 4. Provide articles for the USAFP newsletter. Authorship of the column is variable. 22 WEBSITE COMMITTEE DEFINITION The Website Committee was established to plan, develop, and implement a new USAFP website. Responsibility: The work of the committee is limited to the specific purpose established by the Bylaws and/or the Board. General Functions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Develop new website options Explore companies to develop a new website format Assign updating responsibilities to appropriate members Continual monitoring of website content 23 USAFP AWARDS Michael J. Scotti, MD Family Physician of the Year Award Objective: To recognize a Uniformed Service Family Physician who exemplifies the tradition of the family doctor and the contributions made by family physicians to the continuing health of the people in the Uniformed Services. Eligibility Criteria: (These correspond to the AAFP FP of the Year criteria). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Provides his/her community with compassionate, comprehensive, and caring medical service on a continuing basis. Directly and effectively involved in community affairs and activities that enhance the quality of life of his/her home area. Provides a credible role model as a healer and human being to his/her community and as a professional in the science and art of medicine to colleagues, other health professionals, and especially, to young physicians in training and to medical students. Must be in good standing in his/her medical community. Must be a member of the USAFP. Selection Process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Nominations will be solicited in the spring/summer editions of the newsletter. Copies of each nominating packet will be sent to each member of the Executive Committee. Members will select their three top nominees. Results will be tabulated. Copies of each nominating packet for the three selected finalists will then be forwarded to the Board of Directors. Each member of the Board of Directors will rate the three finalists. The results will be tabulated with the ratings of the current President reserved for use as a tiebreaker if needed. Once the balloting is completed, the winner will be notified prior to the Annual Meeting. Ensure the winner will attend the meeting if possible. USAFP Headquarters office assists in the application process to enter the selectee into the AAFP Family Physician of the Year competition. The Nomination Packet must include: 1. 2. 3. A nominating letter explaining why this person should be selected written by the nominator. CV of the nominated person. Other supporting documents - limit of 3 additional letters of recommendation. Items to be considered in the selection process in addition to meeting the basic eligibility criteria include contributions to the community both military and civilian, participation in chapter and other organized medical activities, teaching, scholarly activities, etc. The USAFP Family Physician of the Year selectee will: 1. 2. 3. 4. Receive round trip airfare, 2 days per diem, 1 night hotel, and waiver of the registration fee to the Annual Meeting. Be recognized and receive a plaque at the Annual Meeting. Be the USAFP nominee to the AAFP Family Physician of the Year competition the following year. Be recognized in the USAFP newsletter edition following the Annual Meeting. 24 Operational Medicine Award DESCRIPTION: Objective: To recognize a Uniformed Service Family Physician that has exhibited outstanding achievement in the provision, promotion or research in operational medical care. Eligibility Criteria: 1. Demonstrated substantial contributions, dedication, initiative, leadership and/or resourcefulness in providing patient care in any operational environment. 2. Outstanding service, devotion, dedication or compassion while performing his or her duties in any operational environment. 3. Concepts, procedures or methods developed by the nominee which resulted in significant reduction in morbidity or mortality, workload required for mission accomplishment, financial expenditures or material utilization. 4. Involvement in continuing education as a researcher, participant, organizer or sponsor which directly and materially improves operational medicine. 5. Humanitarian or military community involvement that substantially improves the health and readiness of the service member, their families or the supported population. 6. Any other substantial contribution directly related to operational medicine no described above. 7. Must be in good standing in his/her medical community. 8. Must be a member of the USAFP. Selection Process: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Nominations will be solicited in the spring/summer editions of the newsletter. Copies of each nominating packet will be sent to each member of the Executive Committee. Members will select their three top nominees. Results will be tabulated. Copies of each nominating packet for the three selected finalists will then be forwarded to the Board of Directors. Each member of the Board of Directors will rate the three finalists. The results will be tabulated with the ratings of the current President reserved for use as a tiebreaker if needed. Once the balloting is completed, the winner will be notified prior to the Annual Meeting. Ensure the winner will attend the meeting if possible. The Nomination Packet must include: 1. 2. 3. Completion of Nomination Form and a nominating letter explaining why this person should be selected written by the nominator. CV of the nominated person. Other supporting documents - limit of 3 additional letters of recommendation. The USAFP Operational Medicine Award selectee will: 1. 2. 3. Receive round trip airfare, 2 days per diem, 1 night hotel, and waiver of the registration fee to the Annual Meeting. Be recognized and receive a plaque at the Annual Meeting. Be recognized in the USAFP newsletter edition following the Annual Meeting. 25 President's Award DESCRIPTION Selected by the USAFP President, this Award is designed to recognize individuals whose exemplary dedication and exceptional efforts has advanced the mission and vision of the USAFP along with providing past or present guidance to the President. Award of Merit DESCRIPTION Determined by the USAFP Board of Directors, this Award recognizes individuals whose long term effort and significant contribution of time, energy and commitment to the USAFP has resulted in distinguishing themselves and the USAFP. Lifetime Achievement Award DESCRIPTION Determined by the USAFP Board of Directors, this Award is for persons of distinction who have rendered outstanding service to the USAFP and recognizes long term dedication, exemplary leadership and exceptional individual effort towards the advancement of the USAFP and the USAFP membership. TRAVEL FUNDING DESCRIPTION This policy identifies USAFP funding provided to individuals for travel incurred from society activities. Executive Committee/Finance Committee Meeting: The Executive Committee, current Program Chair, immediate past Program Chair, incoming Program Chair, and Newsletter Editor are funded to this meeting to include: travel*, up to 3 hotel nights, up to 3 days per diem ($25 day). Mid Year Board Meeting: All Board Members, Officers, AAFP Delegates and Alternate Delegates, Newsletter Editor and current Program Chair are funded to this meeting to include: travel*, up to 2 hotel nights, up to 2 days per diem ($25/day). The President may authorize the funding of a Committee Chair to attend the mid year Board meeting if the President determines that the Committee’s work requires action by the Board at the mid-year meeting. AAFP Annual Meeting: The Delegates and Alternate Delegates are funded to the AAFP Congress to include: travel*, up to 4 hotel nights, up to 4 days per diem ($25/day). The current Program Chair is funded to this meeting to include: travel*, up to 3 hotel nights, up to 3 days per diem ($25/day). 26 Annual Board Meeting: Pre Conference All Board Members, Officers, incoming Resident Board Members, current Program Chair, incoming Program Chair, AAFP Delegates and Alternate Delegates, and Newsletter Editor are funded to this meeting to include: travel*, up to 2 hotel nights, up to 2 days per diem ($25/day). Annual Meeting related fees are not reimbursable. Post Conference All Board Members, Officers, current Program Chair, incoming Program Chair, AAFP Delegates and Alternate Delegates are funded to this meeting to include: travel*, 1 hotel night, 1 day per diem ($25/day). An exception is incoming resident members, who are funded for travel*, 6 nights hotel, and 6 days per diem ($25/day) pending attendance at the Pre-conference and Post-conference board meetings. Annual Meeting related fees are not reimbursable. USAFP Annual Meeting: Complimentary accommodations will be provided for current Program Chair, Incoming Program Chair and President. Complimentary registration will be provided to the Program Chair and the Incoming Chair. AAFP Leadership Conference (ALF): The President, President-Elect, a new upcoming leader, an additional representative and two staff are funded to this meeting, to include: travel*, 3 hotel nights, 4 days per diem ($25/day), and the meeting registration fee. AAFP Women, Minority, and New Physician Conference (NCSC): The USAFP Board of Directors selects annually, with recommendations from the Nominating Committee, three USAFP members to serve as representatives to the AAFP Annual Conference on Women, Minority and New Physicians. The representatives selected are funded to this meeting to include travel: up to four nights hotel, up to four days per diem and the meeting registration fee. Representatives are expected to provide the Board of Directors with a written report of the meeting. NCFPR/NCSM Meetings: Each USAFP Resident Director (3) is funded to this meeting to include travel*, 1/2 lodging rate for 4 nights, registration fee, and up to 4 days per diem ($25/day). Workshops are not funded. Annual Meeting Site Visit: Two site visits are authorized: shortly after selection of the site and approximately 1/2 year in advance of the Annual Meeting. The incoming Program Chair is funded to visit the conference site with staff to include: travel*: 2 nights hotel, up to 2 days per diem ($25/day). Miscellaneous Funding Information: 1. 2. Expense forms with receipts must be submitted to the Executive Director at the Headquarters Office for reimbursement. Any expenses that exceed $50.00 must be accompanied by supporting documentation (i.e. receipts) in order to be eligible for reimbursements. Committee Chairpersons and Consultants may attend meetings without USAFP Funding. Additional funding will be at the discretion of the Executive Committee. Travel Funding Specifics: 27 The USAFP reimburses travel as follows: 1. 2. 3. Economy airfare only unless the President approves full coach. If driving, reimbursement is at the prevailing government rate per mile up to the cost of roundtrip economy airfare. Roundtrip train fare not to exceed roundtrip economy airfare. Airfare Reimbursement: In order to control USAFP travel expenses, the policy states that airline reimbursement is limited to Economy airfare. Please don't wait to make reservations and get the tickets. The cost difference in most instances is significant. Depending on your status (leave or permissive TDY), tickets may be obtained well in advance of orders. (This applies if USAFP pays for the ticket. If local hospital or central funding is involved, the airline ticket is issued after orders.) Check with your service for specific policy. Many members are concerned that duty may prevent their attending at the last minute and they will be stuck with a useless ticket. Others don't like to have the charges on their credit card so far in advance. Three Options for Ticket Purchase: 1. 2. 3. Purchase the ticket and file for reimbursement at the conclusion of the meeting. Purchase the ticket and submit an expense report. The Headquarters office will reimburse you in advance of the meeting. Make the reservation. Within 24 hours call the USAFP office with airline phone number and reservation confirmation number. They will then contact the airline and authorize the fare be charged to the USAFP. The staff is not available on weekends or holidays so during these times no one is able to meet the 24-hour requirement. 28 USAFP EXPENSE REPORT FORM Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________________________________ Pay to the Order of (if different from above): ______________________________________________ Reason or meeting attended: ___________________________________________________________ Dates of Expense: ___________________________________________________________________ The USAFP will pay economy airfare or .56 per mile if driving (up to the cost of economy airfare), hotel (room and tax) and $25.00 per day per diem. Other reasonable expenses incurred will also be reimbursed under miscellaneous (subject to approval). Please include receipts for reimbursement. Meeting Registration: (If Applicable) $________________ Airfare/Auto: $________________ Hotel: $________________ Per diem: $________________ * Miscellaneous $ ________________ * (Please explain): __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Total: $ Office Use Only Account # ______________ Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians 1503 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 207 Richmond, Virginia 23229 (804) 968 - 4436 (804) 968 - 4418 FAX Check #: _______________ Amount Paid: ___________ Date Paid: _____________ PLEASE NOTE: THIS VOUCHER MUST BE RETURNED NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 1, 2014 29 Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians Financial Reserve Policy Purpose The primary purpose of the financial reserve is to serve as a buffer for uncertainty in the funding of the activities of the USAFP. It is intended to provide a safety net in the rare event of an unforeseen circumstance that threatens the mission and solvency of the organization. The reserve will help provide time for the organization’s leadership to adjust policies, procedures, and budgeting to address the new circumstance. A secondary purpose for the reserve may be to provide funding for a major one-time purchase or to subsidize the cost of a time-limited new Special Project. Use of the reserves for this secondary purpose should not diminish the ability of the reserve to accomplish its primary purpose. To be assured that the USAFP has sufficient reserves for its primary purpose, a minimum amount will be established and designated as the “Required Reserve” amount. Calculation of Required Reserve Levels The Required Reserve funds will be calculated as the sum of the following: 1. Funds to cover six (6) months of budgeted operational expenses, excluding the Annual Meeting 2. Funds to cover the budgeted Annual Meeting expenses 3. Funds for any budgeted capital expenditures 4. Funds to cover one year of payments on any financial borrowings 5. Funds to cover future costs of previously Board-approved Special Projects (see below for definition). An assessment and recalculation of the Required Reserve level and funding (if needed) will be performed annually as part of the annual budgeting process, as well as any time it becomes necessary to release Required Reserves. Authorization of release of Required Reserves The Required Reserves may be used to address any unforeseen and unbudgeted contingency that threatens the ability of the organization to meet its financial obligations. Approval of the use of the Required Reserves should be by a majority of the Board of Directors. However, if circumstances require a more immediate response, approval may be given by the Executive Committee with timely notification to the Board of Directors. Actual Reserves greater than Required Reserve If the actual Reserves amount exceeds the calculated Required Reserve, the additional funds may be used, upon approval of the Board of Directors, for new Special Projects (in contrast to previously approved and ongoing Special projects, whose costs are now calculated in the Required Reserve). Special Projects are defined as: 1. Non-operational 2. Time-limited (no greater than three years) Replacement of Reserves When the actual Reserves are less than the calculated Required Reserves, budgeting must provide for a strategy to meet the Required Reserve amount in a time and manner as determined by the Board of Directors while preserving the core mission activities of the organization. Management of Required Reserve It is important that this reserve asset be of sufficient liquidity to meet short-term operational costs when needed. Thus, 25 percent of the required reserve should be placed in an investment vehicle that can be liquidated in less than 60 days. Policy Review The Financial Reserve Policy is to be reviewed annually by the USAFP Board of Directors at the fall Board meeting. 30 Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians Balanced Budget Policy To: USAFP Board of Directors 16 Sep 11 From: Mark Comnick Subject: Balanced Budget Policy Discussion: 1. The USAFP is financially sound and currently retains a cash reserve in excess of minimum requirements set forth by the Financial Reserve Policy. 2. The Academy’s favorable financial position in large part exists due to annual meeting success, 2008 dues increase, and placement of cash holdings in fiscally conservative accounts. 3. It is the inherent obligation of the Academy’s elected leadership to execute the strategic objectives of the USAFP in a fiscally responsible fashion. 4. In recent years, income streams from alternative sources (other than annual meeting and dues) have withered. As such, the USAFP has projected deficit budgets for 2011 and 2012. 5. Although the USAFP’s reserve can easily absorb proposed deficit for 2012 (and deficit for 2011, which did not materialize), prior debate regarding annual spending highlight the need to consider a balanced budget policy. 6. In conjunction with Financial Reserve Policy Bylaws, a Balance Budget Policy would ensure continued organizational financial viability and contingency capacity. Recommendations: 1. The USAFP Board of Directors should consider approval of a Balance Budget Policy. 2. Understanding that projected budgets are conservative estimates with some inherent variability, this policy should allow the Board of Directors to approve a deficit of up to 5% of the annual expenses. 3. At times, USAFP strategic priorities/projects or other circumstances will necessarily and appropriately require use of cash reserves which will result in a fiscal year deficit budget greater than 5%. Approval of an annual budget deficit in excess of 5% should require approval by two-thirds majority of the voting board members. However, any projected budgeted loss should not reduce actual reserve levels below the required amounts as established by Financial Reserve Policy (unless additional criteria met-see paragraph 4). 4. Cash reserves should continue to be maintained IAW established USAFP Financial Reserve Policy. In extreme or unusual circumstances, utilization of Required Reserve funds may be authorized with threefourths majority Board approval. However, if the USAFP’s actual Reserves are less than the Required Reserve, then the Academy’s subsequent fiscal year budget will be established so that net expenses do not exceed projected income. Furthermore, a long term budget strategy must be implemented to recover Required Reserve IAW Financial Reserve Policy. 5. As is required with Financial Reserve Policy, Balance Budget Policy should be “reviewed and accepted” annually at the midyear board meeting with presentation of the budget. 31 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL CHAPTER 4 USAFP Bylaws 2013 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians Board of Directors Meeting Sheraton Hotel at Crown Center Kansas City, MO 27 April 2013 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Mike Place, MD Pam Williams, MD, Leslie Knight, MD, Deb Manning, MD, Tim Mott, MD, Rob Oh, MD, Mark Flynn, MD, Christopher Paulson, MD, Doug Maurer, DO, Mike Oshiki, MD, Bruce Yee, DO, Caitlyn Rerucha, MD, Brooke Sciuto, MD, Joseph Perez, MD (participated via phone) MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Maureen Padden, MD, Trent Janda, DO, John Hallgren, MD, Steve Kewish, MD, Edgardo Alicea, MD, Marc Childress, MD COMMITTEE CHAIRS PRESENT: Anthony Beutler, MD, Heidi Gaddey, MD, Katie Crowder, MD, Luis Otero, MD, Stacy Fletcher, MD CONSULTANTS: Mark Reeves, MD, Jeff Quinlan, MD Michelle Milner, MD (participated via phone) STAFF: Terrence J. Schulte, Executive Director, Mary Lindsay White, Associate Executive Director, Kristie Duncan, Comptroller 2013-2014 INCOMING BOARD: James Ellzy, MD, Laurel Neff, DO, Chris Jonas, DO, Michelle Lynch, MD, Haroon Samar, MD, Sarah Avila, MD I. Meeting Called to Order II. Introduction of both incoming and outgoing Officers and Board members and review of logistics for this Board of Directors Dr. Place called the meeting to order at 0900. The Board introduced themselves and Dr. Place reviewed the logistics of the meeting. NONE NONE 32 Meeting III. Approval of Minutes from the 19 October 2012 USAFP Board of Directors meeting held in Philadelphia, PA (NOTE: Minutes were e-mailed on 31 October 2012) A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes as amended from the 19 October 2012 Board meeting. APPROVED IV. (FYI) USAFP Mission and Vision Statements Dr. Place referred the Board to Exhibit A. NONE V. Committee Reports A. Nominating Dr. Place referred the Board to Exhibit B. NONE 1. Congratulations to those elected to USAFP Officer and Director positions B. Finance Committee 1. Review of the 2012 USAFP Audit Dr. Perez referred the Board to Exhibit C and noted the net income from the two previous Annual Meetings. APPROVED A motion was made and seconded to approve the 2012 audit. C. Annual Meeting Program 1. Report on cancellation of the 2013 USAFP Annual Meeting scheduled 2126 March 2013 at the Walt Disney Dolphin Hotel and avoidance of any cancellation penalties D. Resident and Student Affairs Dr. Place noted that the USAFP was very fortunate to have been able to cancel the meeting with no penalty. NONE Dr. Manning noted that most of the activities of the Committee surround the Annual Meeting and that the Committee will continue to submit magazine articles. E. Membership & Member Services 1. (FYI) Dr. Ellzy referred the Board to Exhibit NONE 33 Membership Overview from the AAFP 2. 3. (FYI) AAFP Membership Recap 2013 All Member Survey D and noted the USAFP won the award for highest percent increase in active members and highest percent retention of new physicians. He also noted that the USAFP outpaced the AAFP on active members and the variation in student membership was discussed. Dr. Ellzy referred the Board to Exhibit E. Dr. Ellzy requested that each Committee submit 2-3 questions for the survey and the Executive Committee submissions with a deadline of May 15th. NONE Presidential Charge to create survey. F. Special Constituencies No report. Send questions to Committee Chairs from 2011 survey. NONE G. Constitution, Bylaws and Strategic Charter – Dr. Keck No report. NONE H. Clinical Investigations 1. Report on Judges Workshop held 2-4 November 2012 in Salt Lake City, UT. 2. Report on stats for the 2013 USAFP Annual Meeting Research Competition 3. (FYI) Final Grant Reports from Drs. McLeary and Ledford I. Education 1. STFM Residency Faculty Development Resources 2. Faculty Development Distance Fellowship Dr. Beutler referred the Board to Exhibit F and noted the two options for research presentations and that 15 people took advantage of the video option. Dr. Beutler referred the Board to Exhibit G and noted the winners for the 2013 competition. (See Appendix A) NONE Send plaques to the winners. Publish abstracts in the spring magazine. Dr. Beutler referred the Board to Exhibit H and referred the Board to Dr. Ledford’s report that was distributed. (See Appendix B) Dr. Maurer referred the Board to Exhibit I and noted that it is an on-line faculty development curriculum for 100 people at $4,200 per year. Dr. Maurer referred the Board to Exhibit J and noted the specific options in the included presentation. Discussion ensued on the semantics of the options. APPROVED A motion was made and seconded to table the discussion until the 34 later discussion of the 2013-2014 USAFP Board. Dr. Jeffrey Cain, AAFP President, joined the USAFP Board to install the 2013-2014 USAFP Board of Directors. J. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Dr. Paulson reported on behalf of the Committee and noted that Dr. May would like to see the AAFP’s AIM program as a focus of the Committee. Dr. Manning reported that the MHS is embarking on a large Preventive Medicine campaign titled the “Healthy Base Initiative”.. Presidential charge to Drs. Reeves and Manning to provide resources to the Committee. Drs. Manning and Reeves recommended a family physician (potentially Dr. May) for the MHS representative to the Military Health System Population Health Work which is a good opportunity for Family Medicine/Family Physician to lead, shape health promotions across the MHS. Dr. Paulson recommended polling the USAFP members for Best Practices. K. Operational Medicine L. Clinical Informatics M. Practice Management N. Web Site VI. Other Business and Reports A. Report on activities taking place during the AAFP Annual Leadership Forum and National Conference of Special Constituencies Dr. Oshiki reported on behalf of the Operational Medicine Committee. (See Appendix C) No report. Dr. Place referred the Board to the distributed report. (See Appendix D) Mrs. White noted that Web Success Agency in Palm Beach, FL was selected as the web designer and that content is currently being submitted. NONE Presidential charge to the Committees to submit needs for the website. Drs. Fletcher and Otero reported on the activities of NCSC and noted the interesting process of resolutions. Dr. Williams asked the Board for recommendations for 2014 NCSC attendees. IMG Ana Solis, MD (Pendleton) Merlene Horan, MD (White House) Jean Mathurin, MD (Pensacola) New Physician 35 Stacey Fletcher, MD (Offutt) Michael Braun, DO (Madigan) Janet West, MD (Pensacola) Shannon Broderson, MD (AF ??) Woman Beth Leonard, MD (Camp Lejeune) Francesca Cimino, MD (Madigan) Brooke Sciuto, MD (Travis) Michelle Szczepanik, MD (Ft. Gordon) Michelle Val, MD (Ft. Sill) Mandy Cuda, MD (Madigan) Jamie Riesberg, MD (Ft. Carson) Kristen Koenig, MD (Ft. Campbell) Julie Hundertmark, MD (Ft. Benning) Kristina Burgers, MD (Ft. Sill) GLBT/Minority Maria DeArman, MD (CG Boston) Taiwona Elliott, DO (Ft. Bragg) Luis Otero, MD (Travis) Julie Hundertmark, MD (Ft. Benning) Adam Sasso, MD (Ft. Leonard Wood) Jackie Naylor-King, MD (Madigan) B. Report from USAFP members serving on AAFP Commissions 1. Leslie Knight, MD – Commission on Quality and Practice 2. James Ellzy, MD Commission on Health of the Public Dr. Knight reported that the Committee reviews policy on behalf of the AAFP and other medical organizations including most recently policy on GI, Kidney, Diabetes, Diabetic Supplies and OB/Diagnostic imaging. Dr. Ellzy reported that the Commission worked on preparations for NCSC and ALF. He also noted that there is a proposed AAFP bylaws change “RECOMMENDATION: That the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) bylaws be amended so that members who do not transfer their membership within six months of relocating shall, upon verification of eligibility of membership, be automatically relocated to the chapter where they practice or reside. If membership eligibility cannot be verified in the 36 3. Aaron Saguil, MD, MPH and Dean Seehusen, MD, MPH – Commission on Continuing Professional Development new chapter where the member practices or resides, then the member shall be notified that after 30 days their membership will be canceled.” He also reported that the Committee discussed the dues waiver reduction for new physicians. Drs. Saguil and Seehusen were not present. NONE C. Recess VII. Meeting of the 2013-2014 USAFP Board of Directors A. Discussion relative to “next step” issues concerning the future of the USAFP Annual Meeting 1. Update/reports from Service Consultants regarding their understanding of the potential for funding availability in the future and also their understanding of what other medical service associations are considering/ doing Dr. Williams called the meeting to order at 1145. Dr. Williams provided the Board with the tasks for the afternoon in terms of small group discussions, a SOAR analysis and open discussion. She asked Mr. Schulte to provide background on the planning of an Annual Meeting including time frames. Dr. Milner reported on the fiscal climate in the Air Force noting that Faculty Development continues to be funded because it is not considered a conference and is required for residency faculty. She noted that packages approved without repeated questions are those that can draw a direct line for deployment medicine and readiness requirements. Dr. Milner indicated that ACGME requirements, Board certification, CME and retention are not justifications for funding. NONE NONE Dr. Quinlan noted that a resort location is not a viable option for Navy approval and emphasized that meetings can get approved and then disapproved. He has seen funding directly related to operational requirements pending orders on specific deployment. He also reported that the meeting has to be less than $3,000 per person or $600 per day with a $20,000 per event limit. A meeting over the $20,000 37 limit requires under Secretary of the Navy approval and most have been denied. Dr. Quinlan has submitted an application for the AAFP meeting and will know about approval in the next month. Dr. Reeves stated the challenges are defining mission critical and accounting for the scale of cost. Big picture, must demonstrate value and accountability to the service(s). He also noted that like the Navy, the Army can grant approval and then have it disapproved. He has seen success in smaller scale conferences, such as the program directors workshop approved last month and few other recent examples. Examples of "mission critical criteria" include requirements for program accreditation (presenting research for example) or individual certification (invited speaker, course director, etc), training re: current operational imperatives in a deployed (TBI, pre-hospital care, area specific medical threats, lessons learned, etc) and garrison environment (PCMH, performance triad, health information technology, etc), general alignment with strategic objectives in the quadruple aim, Army Medicine Campaign2020, etc. Tailoring the agenda to training and interaction that requires face-face and/or hands-on involvement is another key element. Dr. Perez provided the PHS/CG perspective and noted that the USAFP Annual Meeting is a required training. He noted the challenges are that they need a formal curriculum and measureable outcomes or a testing mechanism to show measureable outcomes B. Open discussion and specific Dr. Beutler asked if having in a government facility would help the approval process and the general response was yes, it could be helpful but not a guarantee. How does USAFP show value in 38 next steps membership? SOAR Process Strengths • Community/Quad-service • Networking • People • Education • Leadership • Mentorship • Cost Effective/Value • Research/Scholarship • Professional Development • Facilitates Organizational Community Management • Administrative Staff • Financial Standing Opportunities • Increased participation on nonassembly activities • Creating an environment that promotes innovation in value for members • “Super” website/IT solutions • Define our relevance • Focus on committee activities • Help members with recertification, maintain licensure, etc. • Evolve magazine to publish research, CME, • Modify meeting curriculum that fits operational, mission critical, PCMH requirements • Increased exposure at national and state levels • Creative ways to provide mentorship, leadership and career mapping • Additional financial streams • AAFP advocacy • Lead innovation for the AAFP Aspire • Networking/interactive discussion groups • Leadership • Exceptional magazine, website, app to distribute materials • Role models of the military officer and family physician 39 • • • • • • • Premier professional home for our members Maintaining the military uniqueness Focus smaller meetings on the requirements (mission critical) Provide irrefutable evidence that demonstrates our value to the military leaders to defeat pre-conceived notions Communication hub for members General officer sponsor/advocacy Continued existence Results • Retention of members/military retention • Achieve justification of funding • Website hits • National AAFP leadership metrics • Demonstrate leadership impact in operational environment • Maintain high levels of scholarship in member publications, presentations • Young membership • New members coming to meetings • Job satisfaction • Defining mission critical set and what does it look like Where do we go next? • High value placed on a face to face meeting Do we have an Annual Meeting? • Yes If yes, what needs to be preserved? • Research, faculty development – ACGME requirement • Operational readiness – with measures to show the success – yearly certifications (ATLS, BCLS, etc.) • Specific volume of CME - 25 credits • MOC SAMs • Flag Officer interactions APPROVED If we can do one thing? Board 40 recommended including content on all listed below. • Readiness • Research/Scholarship • CME How much financial risk would the Board be willing to take? Discussion ensued with varied levels of financial risk. A motion was made and seconded to distribute a short survey to the membership on the likely hood that they would attend an Annual Meeting if no funding was available. This information is to be used to help inform the Executive Committee’s decision on whether or not to have a meeting not utilizing more than 15% ($125,000) of USAFP financial reserves to fund the meeting. C. Consideration of releasing USAFP member e-mail addresses to other state chapters D. Listing of 2013-2014 Committee Chairs and Board Liaisons E. 2013-2014 USAFP Board Listing F. (FYI) 2013-2014 Magazine Submission Dates Mr. Schulte suggested defining the specifics of the meeting (i.e. registration fee, possible locations, number of CME hours, etc.) before sending the survey and reminded the Board of the potential financial risk relative to hotel and meeting facility contracts should attendance not reach expectations. Dr. Williams asked the Board’s feedback on the release of member e-mail addresses. The Board recommended not to release the addresses and for the USAFP staff to send an all member e-mail providing the link on the AAFP site of all chapter’s meeting dates and locations. Mrs. White referred the Board to Exhibit K and noted that liaisons are needed from the Directors for the Membership and Member Services Committee and the Clinical Investigations Committee, Mrs. White referred the Board to Exhibit L and asked for any changes to the information. Summer 2013 – 20 July Fall 2013 – 20 September Winter 2014 – 15 December (mails in Staff to send e-mail to members providing the link to the AAFP’s Chapter Meeting site. Laurel Neff, DO – Member and Membership Services Christopher Jonas, DO - CIC NONE NONE 41 VIII. Determination of the time and place for the next USAFP Board of Directors meeting IX. Adjournment January 2014) Dr. Williams noted that the AAFP Congress of Delegates is scheduled 22-25 September 2013 in San Diego, CA and the next Board meeting is scheduled for Friday, 27 September 2013 in San Diego, California. Dr. Williams adjourned the meeting at 1504. NONE NONE Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians Board of Directors Meeting 27 September 2013 Sheraton Marina Hotel & Tower San Diego, California MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Mark Flynn, MD, Pam Williams, MD, Mike Place, MD, James Ellzy, MD, Rob Oh, MD, Doug Maurer, DO, Trent Janda, DO, Edgardo Alicea, MD, Michelle Lynch, MD, Haroon Samar, MD, Sarah Avilla, MD, Joey Perez, MD, John Hallgren, MD, Christopher Paulson, MD, Deb Manning, MD, Mike Oshiki, MD, Laurel Neff, DO, Steve Kewish, MD COMMITTEE CHAIRS PRESENT: Katie Crowder, MD, Heidi Gaddey, MD, Kevin Kelly, MD, Mark Stackle, MD, Janet West, MD, Anthony Beutler, MD CONSULTANTS PRESENT: Jeff Quinlan, MD STAFF PRESENT: Terrence J. Schulte, Executive Director, Mary Lindsay White, Associate Executive Director, Kristie Duncan, Comptroller I. Meeting called to order at 0800 hours Pamela Williams, MD, USAFP President called the meeting to order at 0800 hours. II. Approval of Minutes of USAFP Board of Directors Meeting held 27 April 2013 in Kansas City, MO III. F.Y.I. USAFP Mission and Vision A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes from the April Board meeting. Dr. Williams referred the Board APPROVED NONE 42 Statements VI. to Exhibit A. Committee Reports A. Executive/Finance Committee 1. Report on meeting held Thursday, 26 September at the Sheraton San Diego Dr. Williams reported on the meeting and reminded the Board of a motion that was approved at the April meeting to allocate up to $125,000 for 2014 Annual Meeting related expenses. a. Report/discussions regarding funding concerns relative to attendance at future USAFP Annual Meetings 2. Report on USAFP finances and presentation of proposed budget for fiscal year 2014 – Dr. Perez, Secretary/Treasurer NONE NONE Dr. Perez referred the Board to (see Appendix A) the minutes from the Exec/Finance meeting held 26 September 2013. The Board reviewed the budget with Dr. Perez pointing out several line items. Dr. Perez noted that the 2013 budget called for a $72,729 deficit. However, he noted for 2013 an increase in budgeted dues income and some expenses that were not incurred due to the cancellation of the Annual Meeting, that the USAFP is anticipating a net income in the area of $17,670. Dr. Perez indicated that the 2014 budget as presented calls for a $72,370 deficit. Dr. Williams noted some of the line items related to the Annual Meeting to include a reduced registration fee of $250.00. Dr. Perez noted that the 2014 budget is in line with the Balanced Budget Policy and the Cash Reserve Policy. APPROVED Dr. Williams tabled the item until 43 the end of the meeting to ensure that if there are additional fiscal items that they be included in the budget. A motion was made and seconded to accept the 2014 USAFP budget. B. USAFP Annual Meeting 1. Report on finalization of cancellation of the USAFP 2013 Annual Meeting 2. Report on Plans and Programming for the 2014 USAFP Annual Meeting Scheduled 13-17 March at the DoubleTree in Crystal City, VA Drs. Stackle and Kelly reported that “it would have been a great meeting!” Dr. Perez commended the Program Chairs and the staff on executing a strong contract that did not cause the USAFP to incur any cancellation penalties. Drs. Gaddey and Crowder reported on the highlights of the meeting, noting the theme of Learn and Lead. Dr. Gaddey noted that the Welcome Reception, Prayer Breakfast and 5K run/walk have been eliminated from the schedule and the Installation Luncheon, All Attendee Party, Resident & Student Reception and Committee Reception will be included on the program. NONE NONE Dr. Quinlan offered to the Board to conduct an ALSO Instructor or Provider Course in a separate space that would not impact the USAFP financially in any way. Discussion ensued on the Service Specific sessions and whether or not they should be included on the program. Dr. Quinlan noted that the Navy requires a 120 day time frame to submit paperwork for funding. He also noted the specifics of the Navy funding policies. Dr. Flynn reported that Janet 44 C. Clinical Investigation Committee — Dr. Beutler, Chair, Dr. Jonas, Board Liaison West, MD and Michael Mercado, MD will be the 2015 Program Chairs. Dr. Beutler reported that the Judges Workshop will be held in Baltimore 7-9 November and that they anticipate 100 submissions for the 2014 USAFP Annual Meeting. He noted the plan for the 2013 Annual Meeting included the “Rise with Research” sessions to give more an opportunity to present research and that they hope to offer spots for research to be presented that are outside the actual research competition. He stated that the goal in “accepting” additional research would be to enhance funding options for residents. Dr. Beutler reported that Jacki Resnick will retire as a Research Judge at the 2014 USAFP Annual Meeting. He asked the Board for civilian judge recommendations to replace Ms. Resnick. He also reported that 3 research submissions from last year have been published. D. Constitution, Bylaws & Strategic Charter Committee — Dr. Keck, Chair, Dr. Hallgren, Board Liaison E. Education Committee Maurer, Chair 1. — Dr. See Appendix B for full report. No report. Dr. Maurer referred the Board to Exhibit B and noted the specific activities of the committee to include the inclusion of materials that will be available on the new USAFP website. NONE (Carryover from 27 April 2013 Board Meeting) 45 a. Funding for a “distance” faculty development fellowship Dr. Maurer reported that many programs have not been able to send faculty to regional fellowships and therefore, he has created a “distance” faculty development curriculum. Dr. Maurer’s proposal is to train 1-3 “distance” fellows beginning in 1 July 2014 – 30 June 2015 with the requirement to complete a variety of projects with no degree at the end but a certificate of completion. The fellow would present at the spring 2015 USAFP Annual Meeting and his request would include a fiscal note of $2,000 per fellow (total of $6,000) to travel to the USAFP Annual Meeting. Dr. Maurer suggested that the fellow develop a presentation to be submitted for approval at the USAFP Annual APPROVED Meeting. Discussion ensued regarding whose responsibility it is to ensure faculty development. Dr. Manning challenged the Board to determine if there is a true need for this service that benefits a very small number of physicians. A motion was made and seconded for the USAFP to endorse and support the distance learning fellowship without any funding associated. Dr. Beutler recommended putting funding behind the motion to show that the USAFP has a stronger endorsement of this initiative. b. STFM teaching program website Dr. Maurer reported that STFM would offer the USAFP on-line faculty development resources 46 for a fee of $6,800 which includes access to the teaching physician website and up to 100 users annually. He noted that the resources would greatly assist the residency requirement for faculty development. Dr. Maurer volunteered to control the access. Discussion ensued as to whether or not this is the responsibility of the USAFP or a program specific issue as to where they get their faculty development resources. APPROVED A motion was made and seconded to task Dr. Maurer with poling the residency program directors to determine potential use and report back to the Executive Committee if there is a warranted need and if so, the Executive Committee would move forward with procuring the service for one year with a re-evaluation at the end of the year before agreeing to a subsequent year. F. Nominating Committee — Drs. Place, Williams and Flynn 1. Report on potential nominees for USAFP Officer and Director Candidates Dr. Williams requested proposed candidates from the Board and referred the Board to the previously submitted names from the Executive/Finance Committee. The following Officer and Director candidates were recommended. President-Elect – Army Rob Oh, MD Doug Maurer, DO Telita Crosland, MD Mike Oshiki, MD Dean Seehusen, MD 47 Vice President – Air Force Chris Paulson, MD Rich Sumrall, MD Chris Jonas, DO Army Director Mimi Raleigh, MD Mark Stackle, MD Shane Larson, MD Dana Nguyen, MD Kevin Kelly, MD John Edwards, MD Matt Fandre, MD Amanda Cuda, MD Shawn Alderman, MD Air Force Director Katie Hoy, MD Jennifer Chang, MD Scott Wiltz, MD TJ Croaker, MD Rich Sumrall, MD Luis Otero, MD Navy Director Leo Carney, DO Rowenna Papson, MD John Blair, MD Rob Lennan, MD Eric Sweitzer, MD Shari Gentry, MD Brian Smoley, MD Adam Saperstein, MD Gray Dawson, MD Leah Soley, MD CG/PHS Director Ryan Sheffield, MD Maria deArman, MD Estan Palacios, MD Paul Heidershi, MD Rochelle Nolte, DO Jeff Salvan-Harman, MD G. Practice Management Committee — Dr. Duque, Chair, Dr. Kewish, Board Dr. Kewish reported on behalf of Dr. Duque and noted that she requests authors for magazine 48 Liaison H. Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Committee — Dr. May, Chair, Dr. Paulson, Board Liaison I. Membership and Member Services Committee — Dr. Carney, Chairs, Dr. Neff, Board Liaison 1. Report on 2013 All Member Survey articles and that she is planning the workshops for the Annual Meeting. He noted that according to the survey report one focus could be on credentialing. Dr. Paulson reported on behalf of Dr. May and noted that he would like to generate more interest in committee membership. He recommended that local HEDIS champions participate in committee activities. No report. Dr. Williams referred the Board to the all member survey results in Exhibit C and noted that it is good data to utilize to develop future initiatives for the Board and the Committees. She asked the Board for feedback on potential projects that each glean from the responses. • The lack of knowledge that InfoPOEMs and Audio Digest are available as membership services. • New members did respond. • Page 14 – resident and students what they get from residency programs. Dr. Beutler recommended looking at other ways to poll the membership to enhance the number of responses. Dr. Oshiki recommended breaking the survey down into sections to decrease the time commitment for completion. Presidential Charge Dr. Williams tasked the Directors with getting ideas from Committee 49 Chairs on how to evolve this process to make it more efficient. 2. (FYI) Member Count by Chapter and Type J. Clinical Informatics Committee — Dr. Barnes, Chair, Dr. Janda, Board Liaison K. Resident and Student Affairs Committee – Dr. Vitrikas, Chair, Dr. Ledford, Co-Chair, Dr. Manning, Board Liaison L. Special Constituencies Committee – Drs. Otero and Fletcher, Co-Chairs, Dr. Alicea, Board Liaison M. Operational Medicine Committee – Dr. Alderman, Chair, Dr. Dawson, Co-Chair, Dr. Campbell, Op Med Web Page, Dr. Oshiki, Board Liaison Dr. Quinlan recommended utilizing an app that allows a text to appear on smart phones to facilitate a membership survey. Dr. Williams referred the Board to Exhibit D as an FYI and noted that the USAFP and AAFP membership has grown in the last few years. See attached report. (Appendix C) Dr. Manning reported that the Chairs are working on the USAFP Annual Meeting resident and student workshop offerings as well as soliciting HPSP student participation in the Annual Meeting. Dr. Manning asked for more clarification from the Executive/Finance committee minutes regarding the funds discussed to provide to residency programs to help with student interest at residency programs. Dr. Williams provided the background for the USAFP to provide money to each program to buy “swag”, pizza, etc. Dr. Williams charged Dr. Manning with discussing the idea with the Committee Chairs and for a process to be developed so that the USAFP staff was not overly burdened. No report. Dr. Oshiki summarized a report submitted by Dr. Alderman (see Appendix D). NONE Presidential charge to contact Resident and Student Affairs Committee to get feedback on idea from Finance Committee for USAFP funds to support student interest. NONE 50 N. Website Committee – Drs. Carney and Janda, Co-Chairs, Dr. Janda, Board Liaison Dr. Janda and Mrs. White presented screen shots of the USAFP website progress. Dr. Ellzy asked Dr. Beutler to explain the additional functionality required by the CIC Committee. Presidential Charge Dr. Williams charged Dr. Oh with developing a structure for updating the website content and who holds that responsibility to be presented at the spring Board of Directors meeting. Dr. Place recommended that the committees are apprised of their role in updating the website. Dr. Quinlan recommended a Specialty Leader/Consultants Corner on the home page by service with a blogging capability. O. Other V. New Business/Reports A. Report on activities of the AAFP Congress of Delegates Meetings held 2325 September 2013 at the San Diego Marriott Marquis and Marina Hotel (NOTE: Drs. Williams and Flynn served as AAFP Delegates) NONE Dr. Williams reported on the elections at the AAFP and noted that installed as AAFP President was Reid Blackwelder, MD from Tennessee and his goals are to lead the AAFP through the implementation of the ACA, specifically what the AAFP needs to do to advocate for AAFP members and their patients. She also noted that Dr. Blackwelder is focused on physician wellness. NONE Dr. Flynn noted that the same sex marriage issue was again discussed and was upheld to support. Dr. Williams noted the other issues discussed included: Gun violence Energy/Sugar drinks Meaningful Use 51 Aging physicians – keeping workforce vibrant EHR’s Contraceptions (IUD’s and the adolescent population) Streamlining of requirements Sports Medicine – reciprocity of licensures if you travel with a sports team B. Report from those USAFP members serving on AAFP Commissions 1. James Ellzy, MD – Commission on Membership and Member Services Dr. Ellzy reported that the current positions for Special Constituencies at the AAFP Congress are due to sunset in 2015 and a task force has been developed to determine if there is still a need and noted that there had been discussion on the differences between special constituencies and special interest groups. He noted that the AAFP has a Distinguished Service Award and recommended that the USAFP nominate a member for this award. 2. Aaron Saguil, MD and Dean Seehusen, MD – Commission on Continuing Professional Development C. Consideration of nomination for USAFP members interested in serving on AAFP Commissions and the American Board of Family Medicine’s Board of Directors (nominations due 15 October 2013) Dr. Williams tasked Dr. Place with vetting some nominees. Drs. Saguil and Seehusen are not present to report. Dr. Williams noted that Dr. Seehusen was nominated to serve as Chair of his Commission but was not selected. Dr. Williams apprised the Board of the issue that the Texas chapter raised to proportionately have delegates based on chapter size. In regard to that comment, she noted that the USAFP should have 1-2 Commission slots available at the AAFP level. Presidential Charge NONE She asked the Board for 52 interested nominees to include: Joey Perez, MD – Heath of the Public, Membership and Member Services and Finance Jeff Quinlan, MD – Education and Professional Development Janet West, MD – Education D. Consideration of request from Adam Saperstein, MD for USAFP to host the Family Medicine Mentorship Program on the new website Doug Maurer, DO – Education, Continuing Professional Development, Health of the Public Dr. Williams referred the Board to Exhibit E and reviewed Dr. Saperstein’s request. She noted that if the Board approves the integration, a fiscal note will be associated with the integration. Discussion ensued about the positive aspects of the program. E. Future Meetings of Interest F. Other A motion was made and seconded to charge the Special Constituencies Committee with vetting the proposal and reporting back to the Executive Committee the logistics and fiscal note associated with integrating the mentorship service. AAFP Annual Leadership Forum and National Conference of Special Constituencies – May 13, 2014 – Kansas City, MO Dr. Williams noted that the names reflected from the spring meeting minutes will be the basis to solicit attendees to NCSC and ALF. Dr. Williams requested the Board to submit nominees for the Family Physician of the Year Award and the Operational Medicine Award. APPROVED NONE NONE 53 VI. Miscellaneous A. Determination of time and place for the next meeting of the USAFP Board of Directors Meeting VII. Adjournment Dr. Place asked the Board for feedback on having a Town Hall Meeting in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. Discussion ensued on the pros and cons of having the Town Hall forum. It was suggested that an audience response type system be used to facilitate feedback versus having a Town Hall Meeting. Dr. Manning recommended having a “town hall” type forum at the Committee Reception. Dr. Williams noted that the next NONE meeting of the USAFP Board of Directors will be held Thursday, 13 March at the DoubleTree Hotel in Crystal City, VA Dr. Williams adjourned the NONE meeting at 1330. hours. 54 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL CHAPTER 5 USAFP Bylaws USAFP Strategic Plan 2012 Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians STRATEGIC PLANNING REPORT (BRIEF VERSION) 2011 - 2014 VISION The USAFP will be the premier professional home that provides services to enhance the experience of current and future Uniformed Family Physicians. MISSION The mission of the USAFP is to support and develop Uniformed Family Physicians as we advance health through education, scholarship, readiness, advocacy, and leadership. GOALS Goal 1: Membership. Sustain membership and enhance membership services. Goal 2: Operational. Enhance Uniformed Family Physicians’ and service members’ capabilities to excel in all operational environments. Goal 3: Educational. Provide quality education for our members: anytime, anywhere. Goal 4: Scholarship. Promote and facilitate scholarship. Goal 5: Leadership. Develop leaders and mentors. Goal 6: Advocacy. Advocate for the interests of the Uniformed Family Physician, our patients, and an improved healthcare system. 55 STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS (OBJECTIVES) Membership Goal 1: Membership. Sustain membership and enhance membership services. A. B. C. D. Obtain/maintain 90% of eligible Active Duty as members. Obtain/maintain 100% of residents as members. Increase medical student membership. Identify and examine strategies to address the top four items identified on the membership services survey. E. Maintain 90% satisfaction in annual meeting feedback. Goal Champion: Membership and Member Services, Clinical Informatics and Practice Management Committees, Resident & Student Affairs Operational Goal 2: Operational. Enhance Uniformed Family Physicians’ and service members’ capabilities to excel in all operational environments. A. Provide operationally relevant educational sessions annually to membership. B. Facilitate military medicine rotations for residents and students. C. Develop Operational Medicine invisible college and FAQ’s on USAFP website Goal Champion: Operational Medicine Committee Education Goal 3: Education. Provide quality education for our members: anytime, anywhere. A. Provide high quality, evidence-based Annual Meetings. B. Provide and expand “e-learning” opportunities (e.g., virtual, electronic, multi-media) for members worldwide. C. Provide medical educator support for membership. Goal Champion: Education, Clinical Informatics, Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and Practice Management Committees Scholarship Goal 4: Scholarship. Promote and facilitate scholarship. A. Sustain the premier research competition. B. Create a showcase highlighting scholarly activity by members. D. Maintain robust faculty development for local research mentors. E. Create tools to facilitate patient-centered research in and across military clinics. Goal Champion: Clinical Investigations Committee 56 Leadership Goal 5: Leadership. Develop leaders and mentors. A. Increase the leadership presence of first tour Uniformed Family Physicians on the USAFP Board of Directors and Committees. B. Assess the need for and develop up-to-date junior and senior leadership educational opportunities. C. Develop educational opportunities for training physicians in PCMH team leadership. D. Foster mentoring opportunities both virtually and at annual meeting. Goal Champion: Practice Management, Resident and Student, Special Constituencies Committees and Senior Service Directors on USAFP BOD: Advocacy Goal 6: Advocacy. Advocate for the interests of the Uniformed Family Physician, our patients, and an improved healthcare system. A. Have a member of the Executive Committee or Past Presidents of USAFP seek opportunities to meet with influential leaders within the MHS annually. B. Encourage and support USAFP members’ participation in AAFP. C. Bring at least one resolution to the floor of the Congress of Delegates annually. D. Recognize five or more remarkable Uniformed Family Physicians per year for their achievements. E. Annually/biannually ascertain the top four interests of the Uniformed Family Physicians. Goal Champion: Executive Committee and the USAFP Board of Directors 57 CHAPTER 6 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Bylaws USAFP Membership 2014 AAFP State Chapter Dues (FYI) 58 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Membership 2014 AAFP State Chapter Dues (FYI) continued 59 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Membership AAFP State Chapter Membership Statistics 60 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL USAFP Membership AAFP State Chapter Membership Statistics continued 61 CHAPTER 7 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL Tri-Service Family Medicine Residency Programs US Air Force Residency Programs US Army Residency Programs Family Medicine Residency, Nellis AFB (ACC) Department of Family Medicine, Ft. Bragg 99 MDOS/SGOF 4700 Las Vegas Blvd North Nellis AFB NV 89191 Womack Army Medical Center Ft Bragg, NC 28310 Program Director: MAJ Mark Stackle, MD Phone: (910) 907-8007 DSN: 337-8007 www.wamc.amedd.army.mil/dme/GME/res/FamilyMe d/Pages/default.aspx Program Director: Paul Crawford, MD DSN: 348-2978/COMM: 702-653-2978 FAX: DSN: 348-3622/COMM: 702-653-3622 www.nellis.af.mil/units/nellisfmr/index.asp Family Medicine Residency, Ft. Belvoir Eglin Family Medicine Residency, Headquarters Air Armament Center (AFMC) 96 MDG/SGOL 307 Boatner Road, Ste 114 Eglin AFB , FL 32542-1282 Program Director: Christopher Paulson, Lt. Col Phone: (850) 883-8288 DSN: 875-8288 www.eglinfmr.org/ St. Louis University School of Medicine Family Medicine Residency ( Belleville) 180 S. 3rd Street, Suite 400 Belleville, IL 62220-1952 (375th MDG, Scott AFB, IL Program Director: LtCol Kirsten Vitrikas, MD Phone: (618) 256-4287 ext 4426 DSN 576-4287 ext 4426 Fax: (618) 222-4792 medschool.slu.edu/fpp/ Family Medicine Residency, Offutt AFB 55th MDG 2501 Capehart Road, Ste 1M00 Offutt AFB, NE 68113-2160 Program Director: LtCol John Hallgren, MD Phone: (402) 294-9270 DSN: 271-9270 app1.unmc.edu/familymed/fmr/ Family Medicine Residency, Travis AFB 60th Med Group SGOL 101 Bodin Circle, Dept FP David Grant Medical Center Travis AFB, CA 94535-1800 NCC-Dewitt ACH 9501 Farrell Road, Suite GC 11 Ft Belvoir, VA 22060-5901 Program Director: LTC Dean Seehusen, MD Phone: 703-805-0146 DSN: 655-0146 Fax: 703-805-0049 www.dewitt.wramc.amedd.army.mil/residency/ default.aspx Department of Family Medicine, Tripler HSHK-FM Tripler Army Medical Center Tripler AMC, HI 96859-5000 Program Director: LTC Jeremy D. Johnson, MD Phone: (808) 433-3313 DSN: (315) 433-3313 CONUS www.tamc.amedd.army.mil/offices/ FamilyMedicine13/department/fmrp.htm Department of Family Medicine , Ft. Lewis MCHJ-FP Madigan Army Medical Center Ft Lewis, WA 98431 Program Director: John Edwards, MD Phone: (253) 968-1340/1335 DSN: 782-1340/1335 www.mamc.amedd.army.mil/famprac/ residency_program.htm Family Medicine Residency, Ft. Benning Martin Army Community Hospital Ft Benning, GA 31905 Program Director: LTC John W. Faught, MD Phone: 706-544-1556, Fax: 706-544-3234 www.martin.amedd.army.mil/meddepts/fp/fmr/ index.htm Program Director: LtCol Pamela Williams, MD Phone: (707) 423-5349 DSN: 799-5349 fpnetwork.ucdavis.edu/travis/intro.htm 62 BOARD ORIENTATION MANUAL Tri-Service Family Medicine Residency Programs continued Department of Family and Community Medicine, Ft. Gordon Dwight D. Eisenhower Army Medical Center Ft Gordon, GA 30905 Program Director: MAJ Matt Fargo, MD Phone: (706) 787-9358 DSN: 773-9358 Fax: 787-9356 www.ddeamc.amedd.army.mil/GME/ InterResPrograms/FamilyMedicine/default.aspx Department of Family & Community Medicine, Ft. Hood Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center Fort Hood, TX 76544 Program Director: MAJ Kevin M. Kelly, MD Phone: (254) 288-8234/8274 DSN:738-8234/8623 Fax: (254) 286-7196 DSN:566-7196 www.crdamc.amedd.army.mil/FMRP/ US Navy Residency Programs Jacksonville Family Medicine Residency Program Naval Hospital Department of Family Medicine 2080 Child Street Jacksonville, FL 32214 Program Director: CDR James Keck, MD Phone: (904)542-7762 Fax: (904)542-7836 www.med.navy.mil/sites/nhjax/JFMRP/Pages/default.aspx Camp Lejeune Family Medicine Residency Naval Hospital Family Medicine Residency 100 Brewster Blvd Camp Lejeune, NC 28547 Program Director: Phyllis MacGilvray, MD Phone: (910)450-3138 DSN: 750-3138 Fax: (910)450-4649 www.med.navy.mil/sites/nhcl/Staff/Pages/ NHCLResidencyOpportunities.aspx Puget Sound Family Medicine Residency Family Medicine Department Boone Road Bremerton, WA 98312 Program Director: CDR Erik Schweitzer, MD Phone: (360) 475-4339 DSN:494-4339 depts.washington.edu/fammed/network/applicants/ programs/psfm Family Medicine Residency, Camp Pendleton Box 555191 Department of Family Practice Camp Pendleton, CA 92055 Program Director: CAPT Mark Flynn, MD Phone: (760) 725-0406 DSN: 365-1398 Family Medicine Residency, Pensacola Naval Hospital Pensacola 6000 West Highway 98 Pensacola, FL 32512-0003 Associate Program Director: Kelly Latimer, MD Phone: (850) 505-6491 DSN: 534-6491 Fax: (850) 505-6501 www.med.navy.mil/sites/pcola/Departments/ FamilyMedicineResidency/Pages/default.aspx 63
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