ZCP trunk (build 46444) Zarafa Collaboration Platform The WebApp User Manual

ZCP trunk (build 46444)
Zarafa Collaboration
The WebApp User Manual
Zarafa Collaboration Platform
ZCP trunk (build 46444) Zarafa Collaboration Platform
The WebApp User Manual
編集 1.1
Copyright © 2014 Zarafa BV.
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unclear instructions or missing information not contained in these documents.
The Zarafa Collaboration Platform (ZCP) combines the usability of Outlook with the stability and
flexibility of a Linux server. It features a rich web-interface, the Zarafa WebApp, and provides
brilliant integration options with all sorts of clients including all most popular mobile platforms.
Most components of ZCP are open source, licensed under the AGPLv3 , can therefore be
downloaded freely as ZCP's Community Edition .
Several closed source components exist, most notably:
• the Zarafa Windows Client providing Outlook integration,
• the Zarafa BES Integration providing Blackberry Enterprise Server connectivity,
• the Zarafa ADS Plugin providing Active Directory integration, and
• the Zarafa Backup Tools.
These components, together with several advanced features for large setups and hosters, are
only available in combination with a support contract as part of ZCP's Commercial Editions .
Alternatively there is a wide selection of hosted ZCP offerings available.
This document, the WebApp User Manual, describes how to use Zarafa WebApp from a user's
view point.
1. Introduction
1.1. Scope of this document ............................................................................................. 1
2. Basics
2.1. What is the Zarafa WebApp? ...................................................................................... 3
2.1.1. Differences with WebAccess ............................................................................ 3
2.2. WebApp Requirements ............................................................................................... 3
2.3. Logging in .................................................................................................................. 4
2.4. WebApp Overview ...................................................................................................... 5
2.4.1. Shortcut Bar (1) ............................................................................................... 6
2.4.2. Main Toolbar (2) ............................................................................................. 7
2.4.3. Folder Navigation Pane (3) ............................................................................ 10
2.4.4. Main Window (4) ........................................................................................... 10
2.4.5. Widget Sidebar (5) ........................................................................................ 10
2.5. Changing the column layout .................................................................................... 10
2.6. Public Folders .......................................................................................................... 11
2.7. Using Search ............................................................................................................ 11
2.8. Logging out .............................................................................................................. 12
3. The Mail application
3.1. Mail Overview ...........................................................................................................
3.1.1. Mail: Main Toolbar ........................................................................................
3.1.2. Mail: Folder Navigation Pane ........................................................................
3.1.3. Mail: Main Window .......................................................................................
3.2. Working with Mail ....................................................................................................
3.2.1. Composing a new email ................................................................................
3.2.2. Managing email .............................................................................................
3.2.3. Downloading Attachments from an email ......................................................
3.2.4. Managing email folders .................................................................................
3.2.5. Printing emails ...............................................................................................
3.2.6. Sharing mail folders with coworkers ..............................................................
3.2.7. Opening shared email folders ........................................................................
4. The Calendar application
4.1. Calendar Overview ...................................................................................................
4.1.1. Calendar: Main Toolbar .................................................................................
4.1.2. Calendar: Folder Navigation Pane .................................................................
4.1.3. Calendar: Main Window ................................................................................
4.2. Working with Calendars ...........................................................................................
4.2.1. Appointment vs. Meeting ...............................................................................
4.2.2. Creating an appointment ...............................................................................
4.2.3. Creating a meeting ........................................................................................
4.2.4. Editing an appointment .................................................................................
4.2.5. Editing a meeting ..........................................................................................
4.2.6. Working with multiple calendars ...................................................................
4.2.7. Printing Calendar items .................................................................................
4.2.8. Sharing calendars with coworkers .................................................................
4.2.9. Accessing shared calendars ...........................................................................
4.2.10. Customizing the Calendar application .........................................................
4.2.11. Using time period controls ..........................................................................
5. The Contacts application
5.1. Contacts Overview ...................................................................................................
5.1.1. Contacts: Main Toolbar .................................................................................
5.1.2. Contacts: Folder Navigation Pane .................................................................
5.1.3. Contacts: Main Window ................................................................................
Zarafa Collaboration Platform
5.2. Working with Contacts .............................................................................................
5.2.1. Creating a new contact .................................................................................
5.2.2. Detailed Contacts ..........................................................................................
5.2.3. Distribution Lists ...........................................................................................
5.2.4. Printing contacts ...........................................................................................
5.2.5. Sharing contacts with coworkers ...................................................................
5.2.6. Accessing shared contacts ............................................................................
6. The Tasks application
6.1. Tasks Overview .........................................................................................................
6.1.1. Tasks: Main Toolbar ......................................................................................
6.1.2. Tasks: Folder Navigation Pane ......................................................................
6.1.3. Tasks: Main Window .....................................................................................
6.2. Working with Tasks ..................................................................................................
6.2.1. Creating a new task .......................................................................................
6.2.2. Printing tasks .................................................................................................
6.2.3. Sharing tasks with coworkers ........................................................................
6.2.4. Accessing shared tasks ..................................................................................
7. The Notes application
7.1. Notes Overview ........................................................................................................
7.1.1. Notes: Main Toolbar ......................................................................................
7.1.2. Notes: Folder Navigation Pane ......................................................................
7.1.3. Notes: Main Window .....................................................................................
7.2. Working with Notes ..................................................................................................
7.2.1. Sharing notes with coworkers ........................................................................
7.2.2. Accessing shared notes .................................................................................
8. Working with delegates
8.1. Introduction on delegates ........................................................................................
8.2. Adding delegates to an account ...............................................................................
8.3. Specifying Delegate Permissions ..............................................................................
8.3.1. Owner permissions ........................................................................................
8.3.2. Secretary permissions ....................................................................................
8.3.3. Only read permissions ...................................................................................
8.3.4. Permissions overview .....................................................................................
8.3.5. Allowing delegates to see private items .........................................................
8.3.6. Automatically send copies of meeting requests to delegates ..........................
8.4. Working on behalf of somebody else .......................................................................
8.4.1. Sending email ...............................................................................................
8.4.2. Scheduling a meeting ....................................................................................
8.5. Removing delegates from an account .......................................................................
9. Using Widgets and Plugins in WebApp
9.1. Widgets and Plugins Overview .................................................................................
9.2. Working with the widget sidebar ..............................................................................
9.2.1. Showing the widget sidebar ..........................................................................
9.2.2. Adding widgets to the widget sidebar ............................................................
9.2.3. Minimizing widgets ........................................................................................
9.2.4. Configuring widgets .......................................................................................
9.2.5. Removing widgets .........................................................................................
9.3. Working with the Zarafa "Today" application ............................................................
10. Settings
10.1. Settings Overview ................................................................................................... 71
10.2. Changing Settings .................................................................................................. 72
General .........................................................................................
Mail ..............................................................................................
Out of Office .................................................................................
Mail filters .....................................................................................
Calendar .......................................................................................
Delegates ......................................................................................
Plugins ..........................................................................................
Keyboard shortcuts .......................................................................
Advanced ......................................................................................
11. Providing feedback to Zarafa about WebApp
The Zarafa Collaboration Platform (ZCP) combines the usability of Microsoft Outlook and
Exchange with the stability and flexibility of a Linux server. It features a rich web-interface, the
Zarafa WebApp, and provides brilliant integration options with all sorts of clients including all
most popular mobile platforms. Most components of ZCP are open source, licensed under the
AGPLv3, and can therefore be downloaded freely with Zarafa Community Edition.
Several closed source components exist, most notably:
• the Zarafa Windows Client providing Outlook integration,
• the Zarafa BES Integration providing Blackberry Enterprise Server connectivity,
• the Zarafa ADS Plugin providing Active Directory integration, and
• the Zarafa Backup Tools.
These components, together with several advanced features for large setups and hosters, are
only available in combination with a support agreement as part of ZCP’s Commercial Editions.
Alternatively there is a wide selection of hosted ZCP offerings available.
This document, the WebApp User Manual, describes how to use the Zarafa WebApp from a
user’s view point.
1.1. Scope of this document
This manual is intended for users of the Zarafa WebApp.
Information on using ZCP with:
• Microsoft Outlook and the Zarafa Windows Client,
• the Zarafa WebAccess, our legacy open source web-based groupware solution, and
• various mobile platforms like: BlackBerry, Google Android, Windows Mobile and Apple iPhone,
can be found in their respective manuals.
In this manual we describe how to use the Zarafa WebApp, the next generation web-based
interface of the Zarafa Collaboration Platform (ZCP).
This chapter has not been completely documented yet.
2.1. What is the Zarafa WebApp?
In short, the Zarafa WebApp is a set of collaboration applications which can be accessed through
a web browser.
Aimed at (but not limited to!) corporate users, the Zarafa WebApp has all the major features that
users of i.e. Microsoft Outlook use on a daily basis, such as email, calendars, contacts, notes and
Next to these basic features, the Zarafa WebApp also offers advanced collaboration features
such as instant messaging, presence and integration with telephony (VoIP) and web meeting
solutions, social media integration and many more.
Because the Zarafa WebApp is an open platform, it is very easy for developers to create new
features and integrations for Zarafa WebApp. More and more of these features and integrations
are being developed every day.
Zarafa’s aim is to let WebApp not just match, but also grow more and more beyond Outlook with
every new release.
2.1.1. Differences with WebAccess
This section has not been documented yet.
2.2. WebApp Requirements
In order to use the Zarafa WebApp, a recent version of one of the following browsers is needed:
• Apple Safari (version 5.1 and up)
• Google Chrome (version 28) (starting with WebApp 2.0)
• Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 9 and up)
• Mozilla Firefox (version 5 or higher, preferred on all platforms)
第2章 Basics
While other browsers or other versions of the browsers mentioned above might work as well,
Zarafa cannot guarantee they will work with WebApp nor provide support in case the users
runs into issues.
2.3. Logging in
To login to the Zarafa WebApp, point the browser to the URL supplied by the local Zarafa System
Administrator. By default this URL will look like:
So for example, if the local domain name is mail.example.com, the WebApp URL would be:
In case https:// does not work, the local Zarafa System Administrator has not setup the
webserver to server encrypted webpages and http:// has to be used. However, please be
aware that all communication with WebApp will not be encrypted in that case and could be
monitored by third parties, including the specified login name and password. Zarafa always
recommends using an encrypted connection, at least when connecting from unsecure
connections. The local Zarafa System Administrator will have to configure this separately.
The Zarafa WebApp login screen will appear when the connection succeeded, as shown in 図
2.1「The Zarafa WebApp login screen」.
図2.1 The Zarafa WebApp login screen
The login credentials can be obtained at the local Zarafa System Administrator. These by default
consist of:
WebApp Overview
1. A username
2. A password
As a security measure all characters will be displayed as dots, when the password is entered.
Click Logon to log in to the Zarafa WebApp.
The Zarafa WebApp is available in several languages, which can be set from the welcome
screen after first logging in and later can be changed in the general user settings. Please
refer to 10章Settings for more information.
2.4. WebApp Overview
Currently the Zarafa WebApp supports the most used features of Microsoft Outlook in a fairly
comprehensive way. Additional features will be implemented in every new release.
WebApp offers a number of integrated applications, which are:
• Mail
• Calendar
• Contacts
• Tasks
• Notes
• Zarafa "Today"
All applications use the same interface style and elements, so a user will quickly find his or her
way around in each of them. Each application will be covered by this manual in it’s own chapter.
After logging in, the user will be presented with the Mail application by default. In the next
section we will illustrate the basics of the Zarafa WebApp, using the Mail application as an
example. More specific information on the Mail application can be found in 3章The Mail
Each application in the Zarafa WebApp can be divided into several main areas, as illustrated in 図
2.2「The main areas of WebApp」.
第2章 Basics
図2.2 The main areas of WebApp
The main areas are:
1. Shortcut Bar (「Shortcut Bar (1)」)
2. Main Toolbar (「Main Toolbar (2)」)
3. Folder Navigation Pane (「Folder Navigation Pane (3)」)
4. Main Window (「Main Window (4)」)
5. Widget Sidebar (「Widget Sidebar (5)」)
2.4.1. Shortcut Bar (1)
図2.3 The Shortcut Bar
Main Toolbar (2)
As it’s name implies, the Shortcut Bar contains shortcuts; shortcuts to the various applications
are located on the left while the Settings screen, Feedback and Logout are on the right side of
the Shortcut Bar.
The Shortcut Bar also shows the full name of the currently logged in user.
The currently active application is highlighted in the Shortcut Bar for the convenience of the
2.4.2. Main Toolbar (2)
This section has not been completely documented yet.
The Main Toolbar contains buttons with the most important functions for each application.
Some of the buttons have a drop-down option on the left side of the button, which allows to
quickly access additional items.
The buttons which are available in each application are described in the next sections.
Application specific buttons are described in their respective chapters. New button
図2.4 The New button
The New button allows to create a new email, appointment, contact, task or note.
What will be created when the user clicks the button, depends on the active application. For
example in the Mail application, the New button will create a new email, while in the Calendar
application, it will create a new appointment. In the Contacts application, it will create a new
contact and so forth.
The drop-down option on the right side of the New button (see 図2.5「The drop-down menu of
the New button」) allows to quickly create a different item without having to switch to the needed
第2章 Basics
図2.5 The drop-down menu of the New button Address Book button
図2.6 The Address Book button
The Address Book button allows the to access address lists such as the Global Address Book and
the personal contacts from any application in the Zarafa WebApp.
This allows to quickly look up the details of a coworker or one of his contacts.
For more information on address lists and contacts, please refer to 5章The Contacts application. Refresh button
図2.7 The Refresh button
Main Toolbar (2)
The Refresh button forces the WebApp to check for changes and new data on the Zarafa server
(i.e. new emails, changes in calendars etc.). This button is in a way comparable to the Send/
Receive button that many email applications have.
WebApp will automatically check for changes when interacting with it (i.e. each time the user
clicks on a folder or switches between applications). When there is is no interaction with the
WebApp, it will automatically check for new emails every 5 minutes and every minute for new
The Refresh button can be useful for situations like these:
• if the user wants to make absolutely sure he or she is looking at the latest data.
• when working with shared resources (a shared email box, shared calendars etc.).
• if the user is impatiently waiting for that important email he or she know it has been sent to him
or her. Print button
図2.8 The Print button
The Print button allows to print single items and/or overviews of multiple items in WebApp,
depending on the application he or she is printing from.
This means that the Print button will behave differently in each application.
As such, if the user wants to print for example an overview of his or her calendar, he or she will
have to navigate to the appropriate application (in this case Calendar) first. The user cannot
print, for example, emails from the Calendar application or a task list from the Mail application.
At the time of writing, printing functionality has been implemented for the following applications:
1. Mail (「Mail: Print button」)
2. Calendar (「Calendar: Print button」)
3. Contacts (「Contacts: Print button」)
4. Tasks (「Tasks: Print button」)
Please refer to their respective chapters for more information. Switch View button
This section has not been documented yet.
第2章 Basics
2.4.3. Folder Navigation Pane (3)
Archive stores are also shown in the Folder Navigation Pane, including archive stores of opened
shared stores.
This section has not been documented yet.
2.4.4. Main Window (4)
This section has not been documented yet.
2.4.5. Widget Sidebar (5)
This section has not been documented yet.
2.5. Changing the column layout
図2.9 Context menu form a mail view column
Public Folders
In Zarafa WebApp, each application has a default layout. For example, in the Mail application this
is: a list of messages with a From and a Received column. However, like in Outlook, it is possible
to change the layout by adding or removing columns. To do so, the user has to hover his or her
mouse over any of the column headers (for example the From header) and click on the dropdown arrow that appears on the right side of the column header. Now he or sha can select the
Columns option from the drop-down menu. A sub menu that looks like 図2.10「Field Chooser」
will appear.
図2.10 Field Chooser
The user can now select additional columns or deselect columns that he or she wants to hide.
Additionally, it is possible to sort the email list by selecting a specific column. By default email is
sorted by the Received date column.
2.6. Public Folders
This section has not been documented yet.
2.7. Using Search
To search the user has to click the Search button in the tool bar. A search bar (see: 図
2.11「Searching Options」) will then be added to the WebApp view (to remove the search bar, the
user has to click the Search button again).
第2章 Basics
図2.11 Searching Options
The search bar allows a user to enter a search query and choose where to search. For example
if a user remembers just a part of a message’s subject he can select Subject from the pull down
menu. After the query is keyed in the user should click the Search button (looking glass icon) on
the search bar, or press the enter on the keyboard. As shown in 図2.12「Search Result」, the email
list is updated with the results of the search query.
図2.12 Search Result
When finished searching press the Clear button (X icon) to return to the normal list view. To
remove the search bar click the Search button in the tool bar again.
Archiving functionality is provided by the Zarafa Archiver, a product that is offered
separately from ZCP.
2.8. Logging out
This section has not been documented yet.
The Mail application
This chapter has not been completely documented yet.
3.1. Mail Overview
The Mail application contains the following elements, of which some are used in all other
applications as well:
1. The Shortcut Bar - Allows to switch between applications, access the Settings screen, provide
feedback and log out (used in all other applications as well)
2. The Main Toolbar - Contains buttons with the most basic functions (used in all other
applications as well but provides different buttons depending on the application)
3. The Folder Navigation Pane - This pane shows all email folders and allows to manage them
(used in other applications as well, but provides different folders for each application).
All Outlook folders and the Public folders (the account has access to) can be accessed.
Some functionality is only available in the context menu that appears when right clicking on
the folder items.
1. The Main Window - In the Email application the Main Window consists of a Message Pane
and a Preview Pane.
2. The Widget Sidebar - Can contain user defined Widgets. Examples are the chat Widget,
upcoming appointments and unread mail.
3.1.1. Mail: Main Toolbar
This section has not been documented yet. Mail: New button
This section has not been documented yet.
第3章 The Mail application Mail: Address Book button
This section has not been documented yet. Mail: Refresh button
The Refresh button allows to force the WebApp to check for any changes on the server, which in
the Mail application means that it will check for new emails. Mail: Print button
The Print button allows to print the currently selected message in the Message Pane.
For more information on printing emails, please refer to 「Printing emails」. Mail: Switch View button
This section has not been documented yet.
3.1.2. Mail: Folder Navigation Pane
This section has not been documented yet.
3.1.3. Mail: Main Window
This section has not been documented yet. Mail: Message Pane
This section has not been documented yet.
Working with Mail Mail: Reading/Preview Pane
This section has not been documented yet.
3.2. Working with Mail
This section has not been completely documented yet.
3.2.1. Composing a new email
1. Select the button New in the left corner. This will show a dialog like 図3.1「Create Mail」.
図3.1 Create Mail
2. Attachments can be added to the email by selecting the Attachment button or the Paperclip
3. The current state of email can be saved by selecting the Floppy disk icon. After an email is
saved, it is stored in the Drafts folder.
4. The email can be marked as high or low priority by clicking on the according symbols or the
gear icon next to them.
5. To add a recipient, either add their email address in the TO, CC, or BCC field manually, or
select a person from the Address Book. To access the Address Book, click on the TO, CC or
BCC button.
6. The BCC (as well as the From) field is hidden by default, but can be enabled by clicking the
according symbols.
7. By default the Global Address Book (which contains all internal users, among others) is
shown when opening the address book (see: 図3.2「Address Book」). By using the Show
names from the: drop-down menu, it is possible to view contacts from either a personal
contacts folders or a Public contact folder. Alternatively it is possible to search the current
folder using the search field positioned in the top left of the window.
図3.2 Address Book Using automatic email address suggestion
When typing an email address or contact information in the TO, CC or BCC fields the WebApp
automatically suggests names (a feature often known as auto complete). The suggestions are
第3章 The Mail application
listed below the input field (see: 図3.3「Automatic Suggestions」) and a suggestion can be
selected by both mouse or keyboard. The suggestions are based on email addresses and contact
information that have been used before.
図3.3 Automatic Suggestions Using Mailto: links
The WebApp supports the usage of Mailto: links. When a mailto: link is clicked, the webapp
automatically creates a new mail, with the adress in the to: field. Adding attachments to an email
Files can be attached to messages by clicking the Attachments button in the Create E-Mail
screen. A window will open, which allows files to be uploaded.
If an email is sent before the WebApp has finished uploading the attachment(s), an error appears
(see: 図3.4「Attachments upload warning」).
Composing a new email
図3.4 Attachments upload warning Message in Message
When you want to add attachments into a message you can chose between ‘File upload’ (1) and
‘Attach item’ (2). For example if you want to add an item from you inbox you should click on
‘Attach item’ from the drop-down menu as shown in 図3.5「Attach item」.
図3.5 Attach item
第3章 The Mail application
図3.6 Insert item window
The ‘Insert item’ dialog, as in 図3.6「Insert item window」 contains the following elements:
Look in: You can select the appropriate folder from the hierarchy in the ‘Look in:’ window (1).
For example you can select Inbox with a left mouse click.
Items: The ‘Items’ window (2) contains the content of the selected folder. By default, the item on
top is selected.
Insert as (3): This setting enables the user to add items as ‘attachment’ or ‘text’ only. By default,
setting is enabled as insert as attachment.
To add a file you must click on the ‘Ok’ button (4). For cancelling you should click on the
‘Cancel’ button (4). You are able to add only one item each time. Saving a draft an an email
Saving a draft of an email is possible by clicking the Save (a floppy disk) icon. The draft is stored
in the Drafts folder.
3.2.2. Managing email
The following screenshot (図3.7「Context menu from a mail message」) shows the context
menu that that gets displayed when clicking with the right mouse button on an email. This
menu incorporates the most used functions of the element, like opening, printing, replying or
forwarding (as attachment).
Managing email
図3.7 Context menu from a mail message Deleting email
There are several ways to delete an email. They are:
• With the delete key on the keyboard
• With the delete button in the context menu (as shown in 図3.7「Context menu from a mail
• With the garbage button in the top bar of the WebApp Moving email
To move a single item it is most convenient to simply drag the item to its new location. Place the
mouse cursor over the item to be moved, click and hold the left mouse button. Continue to hold
the button down while moving the mouse cursor until it is over the folder the message needs to
be placed.
第3章 The Mail application
図3.8 Moving Email
Notice that the folder names under the mouse cursor are highlighted while moving. This marks
the folder where the message will be placed when releasing the button.
It is possible to move multiple items by simply selecting multiple items before moving the
selection to the new folder (only items that are currently displayed can be selected, e.g. it is not
possible to move items that are spread over multiple views).
This selection can be done in two ways (just like in most file managers):
• To select a range of items click on the first item and then press and hold the shift button on the
keyboard. Before releasing the shift button, use the mouse to click on the last item in the range
that needs to be moved. All items between the two clicked items will become highlighted.
• Items that are not closely spaced can be selected by holding down the control (Ctrl) key on the
keyboard while clicking on each item. After selecting all desired items just release the control
key and drag on of the selected items to its designated folders.
Instead of using drag and drop, items can also be moved by clicking on the copy/move button as
displayed in 図3.9「Copy/Move Button」. Copying email
To copy an item, the drag-and-drop feature can not be used as it does not duplicate items.
Instead use the copy/move button as shown in 図3.9「Copy/Move Button」. See the section
above about moving multiple items for an explanation concerning how to select multiple items.
Downloading Attachments from an email
図3.9 Copy/Move Button
3.2.3. Downloading Attachments from an email
Attachments can be downloaded one by one, by right-clicking the attachment and selecting
3.2.4. Managing email folders
Creating, moving, renaming, copying or deleting (sub) folders is accomplished with the right
mouse button in the Folder Navigation Pane. This pops-up a context menu as shown in 図
3.10「The context menu of a folder」.
図3.10 The context menu of a folder
It is not possible to delete, move, or rename default folders (like Inbox, Drafts and Deleted Items). Emptying the Deleted Items folder
The Deleted Items folder can be emptied by using the right mouse button, and selecting option
Empty folder from the context menu. This option is only available from the context menu
(accessed with the right mouse button) of the Deleted Items folder and the Junk Email folder.
第3章 The Mail application Marking all messages in a folder as read
Marking all messages in a folder as “read” is accomplished by the right mouse button menu
option Mark All Messages Read. Please note that when this option is selected, no read receipts
will be sent when requested by a sender, even if that option is selected in the settings. Using mail Folder Properties
The context menu option Properties shows additional information about a specific folder (like
the storage size and the amount of items in the folder). For more details about the storage size,
use the button Folder size…. Here a list of all the subfolders of the current folder and their
individual sizes can be seen. Soft delete restore
The soft delete function makes the user able to recover an email that is deleted by accident.
Right mouse click on any folder from the hierarchy, for example the ‘Deleted Items’ folder, opens
the context menu as shown in 図3.11「The dropdown menu from the hierarchy」.
図3.11 The dropdown menu from the hierarchy
Select the ‘Restore Items’ button from the context menu to open a ‘Restore from (Deleted
Items)’ dialog, as shown in 図3.12「Restore items window」.
Printing emails
図3.12 Restore items window
The ‘Restore Items’ dialog contains the following elements:
Messages/ folders list By default the soft deleted ‘messages’ (1) list will be displayed. By
selecting ‘folders’ (1) the soft deleted ‘folders’ list will be displayed.
Restore Select a message to restore it from the list. Now press the ‘Restore’ button (2) from
the toolbar, the message is restored and can be found in the previous folder. In this case the
‘Deleted Items’ folder. By selecting multiple items (hold ctrl and select multiple items), you are
able to restore multiple items. Select multiple items and then press the ‘Restore’ button.
Restore all In case you want to restore all the items from the ‘soft deleted messages’ list, you can
use the ‘Restore All’ button (3). A warning appears: ‘Are you sure you want to Restore all items?
By pressing the ‘Yes’ button, the entire list is restored and can be found in the previous folders.
Permanent delete Besides restoring messages and folders, you are also able to delete messages
and folders permanently. Select an item from the list and then press the ‘Permanent Delete’
button (4). But beware; this item will be removed permanently.
Delete all The ‘Delete All’ button (5) helps the user removing all the items permanently. Use
your mouse to press on the ‘Delete all’ button and a warning appears: ‘Are you sure you
want to Permanently Delete all items? By pressing the ‘Yes’ button, the entire list is removed
3.2.5. Printing emails
To print an email:
1. In the Message Pane of the Mail application, select the email to print. Alternatively the user
can double-click the email to open it in it’s own tab.
2. A click the Print button in the Main Toolbar will open the print preview of the browser.
第3章 The Mail application
If you are using a WebApp version older than 1.2, double clicking an email will open it in
a popup window. To print the email from there, please use the small Print button which
resides in the toolbar of the popup window.
As a quick alternative, the user can also right-click on any email and choose Print from the
context menu.
A new browser tab will appear with a preview of the print. At the same time, the printing dialog
will show up, allowing select the right printer (if you have more than one) and specify printing
Since these printing options are unique to the local environment (OS and manufacturer),
describing them is beyond the scope of this manual. Please refer to the documentation of
the printer for more information on specific printing options.
Clicking on OK or Print (depening on the local environment) will start the printing job.
3.2.6. Sharing mail folders with coworkers
Just like in Outlook, the WebApp enables users to set permissions on their folders. To do so
use the right mouse button to click on a folder and choose the Properties option and select the
Permissions tab as shown in 図3.13「Folder Permissions」.
図3.13 Folder Permissions
Click on the Add button under the Permissions tab.
When the Address Book pops up, select the person (or group) to give permissions to and click
Ok. This person (or group) will then be added to the permissions list.
As Zarafa does not grant any permissions by default, simply adding a person or group to the
permissions list is not enough. Additionally the user will need to specify what permissions
each person or group will have. This is described in the next section.
Click Ok to save and close the permissions window. Changing email folder sharing permissions
Click on the person or group whose permission needs to be changed.
Opening shared email folders
Now the permissions can be manually set in the bottom part of the permissions window.
Alternatively a predefined profile can be selected from the Profile drop-down menu.
Click Ok to save and close the permissions window. Stop sharing an email folder
• Click on the person or group who should to be removed from the list.
• Click the Remove button.
• Repeat this for any other persons or groups that should no longer has access to this folder.
• Click Ok to save and close the permissions window.
3.2.7. Opening shared email folders
To open shared folders from the Zarafa WebApp click the Open Shared Folders… Buttom, at the
bottom of the folder list. A window as shown in 図3.14「Open Shared Folder」 will be presented.
The name of the buttom is spefic for each application. It is for instance labeled Open Shared
Mails…" when inside the Mail application, and labeled 'Open Shared Contacts… when
inside the Contact Application.
第3章 The Mail application
図3.14 Open Shared Folder
From the dialog shown in 図3.14「Open Shared Folder」 it is possible to either open a single
folder (for example the calendar folder), or open a complete folder list of a specific user.
The opened folders are stored in the users' WebApp profile, so the next time the user logs in to
the WebApp the opened folders are directly available.
To remove a shared folder from the view, right-click on the folder you want to remove and
choose Close store.
Removing a shared folder from the view will not delete it.
The Calendar application
This chapter has not been completely documented yet.
4.1. Calendar Overview
This section has not been documented yet.
4.1.1. Calendar: Main Toolbar
This section has not been completely documented yet. Calendar: New button
This section has not been documented yet. Calendar: Address Book button
This section has not been documented yet. Calendar: Refresh button
This section has not been documented yet. Calendar: Print button
The Print button allows to print:
• Single Calendar items (a single appointment or meeting)
第4章 The Calendar application
• Overviews of a certain time period (i.e. 5 days or 7 days)
For more information on printing with the Calendar application, please refer to 「Printing
Calendar items」. Calendar: Switch View buttons
The Zarafa WebApp calendar has five different views:
• Day view
• Workweek view
• Week view
• Month view
Views can be switched via the different view buttons in the tool bar.
The date picker is used to move the view to another day/week/month, which is at the top right of
the screen when the calendar is opened.
4.1.2. Calendar: Folder Navigation Pane
This section has not been documented yet.
4.1.3. Calendar: Main Window
This section has not been documented yet.
4.2. Working with Calendars
This section has not been documented yet.
4.2.1. Appointment vs. Meeting
An appointment is an item in the calendar of a user which is only applicable to him or her. No
other participants have been invited.
A meeting is an item in the calendar of a user which has more than one participant. As soon as
a user invites a coworker and/or schedule a resource with any appointment, it automatically
becomes a meeting.
Creating an appointment
4.2.2. Creating an appointment
To create an appointment simply double click on the time where the appointment has to be
created. This will open a new appointment window where the appointment can be created.
1. Select the Calendar section.
2. Click the New button to create a new appointment. A dialog as shown in 図4.1「New
Appointment」 pops up.
図4.1 New Appointment
3. Insert a subject for the appointment and optionally a location.
4. Select a start and end time for the appointment.
5. Optional: Enable the reminder option, this will trigger a reminder pop-up (see: 図
4.2「Reminder dialog」) before the appointment starts. The time interval between the
reminder and the appointment is adjustable in the field next to the reminder option. When it
is time for the reminder to pop-up, the Zarafa WebApp shows a list of these reminders with
buttons to Open the item, Dismiss the item, Dismiss All items or to Snooze the reminders by a
given time.
第4章 The Calendar application
図4.2 Reminder dialog
6. Using the button Invite Attendees one can send a meeting request as shown in 図
4.3「Meeting request」. To add attendees, simply add their email addresses. By clicking the
To: button contacts can be selected from the Address Book. The attendee will receive a
meeting request which the attendee can Accept, accept as Tentative or Decline, alternatively
the attendee can also Propose New Time for that request.
図4.3 Meeting request
7. By opening the tab Scheduling, the free/busy times for multiple people are shown (see:
図4.4「Scheduling/FreeBusy」). On this tab colleagues can be invited (Add a name); an
Creating an appointment
overview is showing exactly when a specific person is busy, out of the office, or available. If
an attendee has proposed a new date or time for a meeting, the proposals are shown on the
Scheduling tab as well.
図4.4 Scheduling/FreeBusy
図4.5 Meeting request
8. Colleagues can be added via the Add a name field.
9. Attendees can be marked either as “required” or as “optional”. It is also possible to
schedule a resource — like a room or a piece of equipment — needed for that meeting.
第4章 The Calendar application
Resources have to be created by the Zarafa System Administrator.
10. In the Tracking tab a list with all attendees for this appointment, with their responses, can be
図4.6 Tracking tab
4.2.3. Creating a meeting
This section has not been documented yet. Checking free/busy status
This section has not been documented yet.
Editing an appointment Sending meeting invitations
This section has not been documented yet. Accepting a meeting invitation
If someone invites a user to a meeting, he or she will receive a meeting invitation. At the top of
the invitation a bar containing the buttons Accept, Tentative, Decline and Propose New Time
is shown for sending a direct response to the owner of the appointment. See 図4.7「Meeting
invitation buttons」. With the Calendar button in the meeting invitation, the proposed day will be
opened so the user can check whether there is already an appointment on the suggested time.
図4.7 Meeting invitation buttons
By clicking Propose New Time a user can propose a new date or time to the owner. The owner,
upon receiving the proposal, can either accept it or decline it.
4.2.4. Editing an appointment
This section has not been completely documented yet. Moving an appointment
Moving an appointment can be achieved by opening the appointment and changing the start
time. In practise most users will prefer moving appointments by using drag-and-drop. To drag
an appointment click and hold down the left mouse button on an appointment and move (drag)
the mouse to the desired location and release the mouse button at that point. To help place the
appointment a red overlay (see: 図4.8「Dragging appointments」) follows the mouse to indicate
new place of the appointment when the mouse is released at that point.
第4章 The Calendar application
図4.8 Dragging appointments
It is also possible to drag an appointment to the store of another user (provided enough
permissions are granted). Simply move the mouse to another user’s row and the red overlay will
follow. Deleting an appointment
Appointments are deleted by the delete button in the context menu that shows when clicking on
an appointment with the right mouse button. Alternatively, one can use the Delete button in the
tool bar.
4.2.5. Editing a meeting
This section has not been documented yet.
Editing a meeting Moving a scheduled meeting
This section has not been documented yet. Canceling a scheduled meeting
If the user needs to cancel an already scheduled meeting, he or she can do this by first opening
the meeting from the calendar. What to do next depends on the fact if the canceling user is the
organizer of the meeting or not.
In case the user is the organizer of the meeting, he or she can is then presented with a Cancel
invitation button.
図4.9 Cancel invitation button.
If the user is not the organizer, he or she is presented a Decline button instead.
図4.10 Decline button.
In both cases, a pop-up will appear which enables to
1. send a response without comments (default)
2. send comments with his or her response, allowing him to tell the attendees or organizer why
he is canceling the meeting
3. cancel / decline the meeting without sending a response (not available to meeting
第4章 The Calendar application
図4.11 Options when canceling a meeting.
Once the user clicks OK, the meeting will be canceled.
If a user has to cancel a meeting now, but already knows the meeting will have to be held
anyway, he or she might want to consider scheduling / proposing a new time/date instead.
As an organizer the user can alter the existing meeting and send an update the attendees.
As an attendee a user can use the Propose New Time button.
4.2.6. Working with multiple calendars
The Zarafa WebApp offers the ability to open multiple calendars in a single overview. The
calendars can be opened side-by-side or in an overlay to see the calendars transparently stacked
on each other (see 図4.12「Multi User Layover Calendar」). By default the calendars are opened
The user can select the to be displayed calendars with the calendar list on the left panel or open
a new calendar from another user using the "Open shared calendar" button. By using the arrow
buttons on top of the calendars, the calendars can be placed in the stacked overlay.
Printing Calendar items
図4.12 Multi User Layover Calendar
To have the calendars opened in Overlay mode by default, change the appropriate setting in
the Settings screen. See 「Customizing the Calendar application」 for more information.
4.2.7. Printing Calendar items
The following items can be printed from inside the Calendar applicaton:
• Single Calendar items (a single appointment or meeting)
• Overviews of a certain time period (i.e. 5 days or 7 days) Printing single Calendar items
A single appointment or meeting can be printed by any user following these steps:
1. In the Main Window of the Calendar application the user has to select the item he or she
wants to print. Alternatively he can open the desired item in it’s own tab by double-click it.
2. Click the Print button in the Main Toolbar.
If you are using a WebApp version older than 1.2, double clicking an appointment will open
it in a popup window. To print the appointment from there, please use the small Print button
which resides in the toolbar of the popup window.
A new browser tab will open conatining a preview of the print, as well as the printing dialoge of
the operating system allowing the user to specify the correct printer (if there is more than one
configured printer) and specify printing options.
第4章 The Calendar application
Since these printing options are unique to the local environment (OS and manufacturer),
describing them is beyond the scope of this manual. Please refer to the documentation of
the printer for more information on specific printing options.
Clicking on OK or Print (depening on the local environment) will start the printing job. Printing Calendar overviews
A calendar overview can be printed by any user following these steps:
1. In the Main Toolbar, click on the the desired view.
2. Click on the dropdown arrow in the Print button in the Main Toolbar
3. From the dropdown menu, select Print overview
WebApp 1.2 and WebApp 1.3 only allows to print overviews of the workweek (5 days) and
the entire week (7 days). Overviews for other time periods will be implemented in future
versions of WebApp.
A new browser tab will open conatining a preview of the print, as well as the printing dialoge of
the operating system allowing the user to specify the correct printer (if there is more than one
configured printer) and specify printing options.
Since these printing options are unique to the local environment (OS and manufacturer),
describing them is beyond the scope of this manual. Please refer to the documentation of
the printer for more information on specific printing options.
Clicking on OK or Print (depening on the local environment) will start the printing job.
4.2.8. Sharing calendars with coworkers
This section has not been documented yet.
Accessing shared calendars
4.2.9. Accessing shared calendars
This section has not been documented yet.
4.2.10. Customizing the Calendar application
All customization options of the Calendar application can be found in the Calendar section of the
Settings screen.
Please refer to 10章Settings for more information. Setting multi-calender view to overlay by default
When viewing multiple calendars simultaneously, all calenders are displayed side by side by
default. This behavior can be changed by changing Calender view settings to overlay mode on
the Settings screen.
Please refer to 「Settings: Calendar」 for more information.
4.2.11. Using time period controls
The Previous Period and Next Period buttons on the tool bar at the top of the page (see: 図
4.13「Buttons for changing time period」) are used to view the next or the previous time line
period. The Previous Day and Next Day buttons merely move the time line by a single day.
図4.13 Buttons for changing time period
The Contacts application
This chapter has not been completely documented yet.
5.1. Contacts Overview
This section has not been completely documented yet.
5.1.1. Contacts: Main Toolbar
This section has not been completely documented yet. Contacts: New button
This section has not been documented yet. Contacts: Address Book button
This section has not been documented yet. Contacts: Refresh button
This section has not been documented yet. Contacts: Print button
The Print button allows to print single contacts from the personal Address Book.
For more information on printing contacts, please refer to 「Printing contacts」.
第5章 The Contacts application Contacts: Switch View button
The Contacts application has multiple views: card view and list view. Switching between views is
done with the buttons on the tool bar.
図5.1 Contacts
5.1.2. Contacts: Folder Navigation Pane
This section has not been documented yet.
5.1.3. Contacts: Main Window
This section has not been documented yet.
5.2. Working with Contacts
This section has not been completely documented yet.
Creating a new contact
Emails can be send directly to contacts by the right mouse button context menu option Email
The letters at right side of the contact view allow users to quicky move through the contact list.
5.2.1. Creating a new contact
A new contact is created with the New button in the tool bar, when viewing the Contacts folder.
The New Contact dialog is then shown allowing a user to fill in all the information about a
contact before it is saved with the Save button.
With the option Private, in lower right corner of the New Contact dialog, the contact can be
hidden from colleagues that have access to that Contacts folder.
By clicking the frame under Photo a contact-picture can be added to the contact.
5.2.2. Detailed Contacts
WebApp provides a detailed dialog for contacts as shown in 図5.2「Details of a contact」.
図5.2 Details of a contact
In the Contact window, buttons are available instead of labels; click a button to show the details
for that particular field. Screenshots of the detailed dialog boxes for Full Name (図5.3「Name
details dialog」), Phone Number (図5.4「Phone details dialog」) and Address (図5.5「Address
details dialog」) are shown below.
第5章 The Contacts application
図5.3 Name details dialog
図5.4 Phone details dialog
Detailed Contacts
図5.5 Address details dialog
There are three types of address fields (Home, Business and Other). The drop down menu
shown in 図5.6「Cascade menu to choose the address type」 is used to change between these
addresses. In this menu, ticks are shown besides the address types indicating which addresses
have been entered already.
図5.6 Cascade menu to choose the address type
Different types of Phone Number fields are available in the Zarafa WebApp. To change the Phone
Number type use menu shown in 図5.7「Cascade menu to choose the phone type」. In this menu,
ticks are shown besides the address types indicating which phone number types have been
entered already.
第5章 The Contacts application
図5.7 Cascade menu to choose the phone type
5.2.3. Distribution Lists
Sending a mail to a distribution list is done in the same way as sending a mail to a single contact.
Simply select the distribution list from the address list when adding entries to a TO, CC or BCC
Distribution Lists
field. After selecting the distribution list, all mail addresses will be placed in the chosen header
field. Creating new distribution lists
Select the Contacts folder the new distribution list has to be created in. Select the option
Distribution List from the New button on the tool bar. A dialog as shown in 図5.8「New
Distribution list window」 will open.
図5.8 New Distribution list window
With the button Select Members contacts can be selected from the Address Book to add to the
distribution list. Alternatively, the Add new button can be used to create a new contact that is
added to the distribution list immediately.
図5.9 Add new address dialog
第5章 The Contacts application
With the button Remove the selected contacts are removed from the distribution list. Contacts
are selected by single clicks in the lower part of the dialog.
Notes can also be added to the distribution list from the Notes tab.
5.2.4. Printing contacts
To print a single contact:
1. In the Main Window of the Contacts application, select the desired contact to print.
Alternatively the user can double-click the contact to open it in it’s own tab.
2. A click on the Print button in the Main Toolbar will open the print preview of the browser.
In WebApp versions older than 1.2, double clicking a contact will open it in a popup
window. To print the contact from there, please use the small Print button which resides in
the toolbar of the popup window.
As a quick alternative, the user can also right-click on any contact and choose Print from the
context menu.
A new browser tab will open conatining a preview of the print, as well as the printing dialoge of
the operating system allowing the user to specify the correct printer (if there is more than one
configured printer) and specify printing options.
Since these printing options are unique to the local environment (OS and manufacturer),
describing them is beyond the scope of this manual. Please refer to the documentation of
the printer for more information on specific printing options.
Clicking on OK or Print (depening on the local environment) will start the printing job.
5.2.5. Sharing contacts with coworkers
This section has not been documented yet.
5.2.6. Accessing shared contacts
This section has not been documented yet.
The Tasks application
This chapter has not been completely documented yet.
In the tasks application to-do lists can be created and managed.
6.1. Tasks Overview
This section has not been completely documented yet.
6.1.1. Tasks: Main Toolbar
This section has not been completely documented yet. Tasks: New button
This section has not been documented yet. Tasks: Address Book button
This section has not been documented yet. Tasks: Refresh button
This section has not been documented yet. Tasks: Print button
The Print button allows to print:
第6章 The Tasks application
• Single tasks
• Task lists
For more information on printing with the Tasks application, please refer to 「Printing tasks」. Tasks: Switch View button
With the Switch View button in the Main Toolbar the tasks can be displayed with certain
filterings. The WebApp offers the ability to:
• Show all tasks
• Show only the Completed tasks
• Show active tasks
• Show tasks for upcoming 7 days
• Show the overdue tasks
6.1.2. Tasks: Folder Navigation Pane
This section has not been documented yet.
6.1.3. Tasks: Main Window
This section has not been documented yet.
6.2. Working with Tasks
This section has not been completely documented yet.
6.2.1. Creating a new task
A task is created with the following steps:
1. Select the folder Tasks
2. Use the button New to create a new task. A New Task dialog will be opened as shown in 図
6.1「New task window」.
Printing tasks
図6.1 New task window
3. Fill in the preferred fields. The fields in this window are comparable with those in the New
Appointment dialog.
4. Use the Save button to confirm. The task can now be found in the task overview.
図6.2 Task overview
6.2.2. Printing tasks
In the Tasks application it is possible to print:
• Single tasks
• Task lists (all tasks in a task folder) Printing single tasks
To print a single task:
1. In the Main Window of the Tasks application, select the task to print. Alternatively doubleclick the email to open it in it’s own tab.
2. Click the Print button in the Main Toolbar.
第6章 The Tasks application
In WebApp versions older than 1.2, double clicking a contact will open it in a popup
window. To print the task from there, please use the small Print button which resides in the
toolbar of the popup window.
A new browser tab will open conatining a preview of the print, as well as the printing dialoge of
the operating system allowing the user to specify the correct printer (if there is more than one
configured printer) and specify printing options.
Since these printing options are unique to the local environment (OS and manufacturer),
describing them is beyond the scope of this manual. Please refer to the documentation of
the printer for more information on specific printing options.
Clicking on OK or Print (depening on the local environment) will start the printing job. Printing task lists
To print a task list:
1. In the Folder Navigation Pane, click on the task folder to print. All tasks in the folder will be
displayed in the Main Window
2. Click on the dropdown arrow in the Print button in the Main Toolbar
3. From the dropdown menu, select Print task list
A new browser tab will open conatining a preview of the print, as well as the printing dialoge of
the operating system allowing the user to specify the correct printer (if there is more than one
configured printer) and specify printing options.
Since these printing options are unique to the local environment (OS and manufacturer),
describing them is beyond the scope of this manual. Please refer to the documentation of
the printer for more information on specific printing options.
Clicking on OK or Print (depening on the local environment) will start the printing job.
6.2.3. Sharing tasks with coworkers
This section has not been documented yet.
Accessing shared tasks
6.2.4. Accessing shared tasks
This section has not been documented yet.
The Notes application
This chapter has not been documented yet.
7.1. Notes Overview
This section has not been documented yet.
7.1.1. Notes: Main Toolbar
This section has not been documented yet. Notes: New button
This section has not been documented yet. Notes: Address Book button
This section has not been documented yet. Notes: Refresh button
This section has not been documented yet.
第7章 The Notes application Notes: Switch View button
This section has not been documented yet.
7.1.2. Notes: Folder Navigation Pane
This section has not been documented yet.
7.1.3. Notes: Main Window
This section has not been documented yet.
7.2. Working with Notes
7.2.1. Sharing notes with coworkers
Notes can be shared with coworkers through the folder sharing functionality of Zarafa. You can
follow the example here: 「Sharing mail folders with coworkers」
7.2.2. Accessing shared notes
Notes can be accessed through the folder sharing functionality of Zarafa. You can follow the
example here: 図3.14「Open Shared Folder」
Working with delegates
8.1. Introduction on delegates
The Zarafa WebApp allows to specify coworkers who should be able to work on the behalf of the
current user. For example, a secretary can be granted permission to send email on behalf of his/
her superior or schedule meetings. This is commonly referred to as delegation.
Zarafa distinguishes two kinds of delegation:
1. User defined delegation a.k.a. Send on Behalf of: if a coworker, for example Michael, grants
the appropriate permissions to a user, this user can then send emails and schedule meetings
on behalf of Michael. These mails contain a modified From field in the following form
“<user> on behalf of <Michael>” to distinguish them. See the example below.
図8.1 An email sent on behalf of someone else
1. Administrator defined delegation a.k.a. Send As: if the system administrator gives a user the
rights to send as Michael, this user can send out emails or schedule meetings which appear
to be sent or scheduled by Michael himself. The receiver of such an email or meeting request
will not be able to see that it was another person who sent actually send it. The receiver will
only see Michael in the From: field.
Since Send As implies impersonating somebody else, this kind of delegation can only be set by a
Zarafa system administrator. Only Send on Behalf permissions can be set from WebApp.
The user defined delegation has a higher priority on the server. In case a user has privileges
to both send as and on behalf of, he will always send on behalf of. Also in the standard
configuration each mail that is send as a user or on behalf of a user will also be placed in the
sent items of this user.
8.2. Adding delegates to an account
1. On the left side of the Settings screen, click Delegates. The list of Delegates is now displayed
as shown in 図8.2「Delegate settings」. By default, this list is empty.
第8章 Working with delegates
図8.2 Delegate settings
2. Click Add….
The Global Addressbook pops up.
3. Select the person or group you want to add as a delegate.
If you notice that the group you want to add as a delegate is not in the list, this is
because the group probably is a Distribution Group. Only groups of the type Security
Group can be added as a delegate. Please contact your Zarafa System Administrator for
more information.
4. Click OK.
The Delegate Permissions screen pops up.
5. Set the desired permissions as described in the next session and click OK.
6. Click Apply. The delegate can now start working on behalf of the user.
Setting up a delegate conflicts with Send-As permissions set by the local Zarafa
administrator. If a user should only have access to a certain folder and also should send
mails in the name of the current user please refer to 「Sharing mail folders with coworkers」
to learn about sharing individual folders.
Specifying Delegate Permissions
8.3. Specifying Delegate Permissions
Permission for the following folders can be set from the delegate screen:
• Calendar
• Tasks
• Inbox
• Contacts
• Notes
• Journal
The Journal is currently used by Outlook only and has been added to this list for
convenience. It is not possible (yet) to access the Journal from within WebApp.
For each folder the following permission profiles can be set:
• Owner
• Secretary
• Only read
• None
By default, WebApp sets the permissions for each folder to None, which means the delegate will
have no permissions to access these folder. Permission levels can be changed by clicking on the
drop down button and selecting the desired permission from the drop down menu.
8.3.1. Owner permissions
The Owner permission profile allows the delegate to:
• Create items
• Read items
• Create subfolders
• Set folder permissions
• Actually see the concerning folder
• Edit all items
• Delete all items
8.3.2. Secretary permissions
The Secretary permission profile allows the delegate to:
第8章 Working with delegates
• Create items
• Read items
• Actually see the concerning folder
• Edit all items
• Delete all items
8.3.3. Only read permissions
The Only read permission profile allows the delegate to:
• Read items
• Actually see the concerning folder
8.3.4. Permissions overview
The following table contains the same data as mentioned in the previous sections, but now
combined in a single view.
表8.1 Delegate permissions overview
Permission \
Only read
Create items
Read items
Set folder
Actually see
the concerning
Edit all items
Delete all items
8.3.5. Allowing delegates to see private items
By default, only the user himself is allowed to see his private items. To allow delegates to see the
contents of private items, click the checkbox next to Delegate can see my private items in the
Delegate Permissions screen.
Please have in mind that the regardless of the above setting, every user with Secretary or
Owner privileges can move or delete items that are marked as private. Only viewing its
contents is denied.
Automatically send copies of meeting requests to delegates
8.3.6. Automatically send copies of meeting requests to delegates
By default the delegate of a calendar is not informed when receiving a meeting request. To have
a delegate automatically updated as well he or she can receive copies of all meetings requests
sent to a user.
To enable this feature the checkbox Delegate receives copies of meeting-related messages sent
to me in the Delegate Permissions screen has to be marked.
8.4. Working on behalf of somebody else
Once the according permissions to Send On Behalf of or Send As have been granted, the user
can start working on behalf of.
8.4.1. Sending email
To send an email on behalf of someone else, first create a new email message. Then, click the
Show From button, as shown in 図8.3「The Show From button」. The From: field will now be
added above the To: field. Here it is possible to specify any coworker, group or resource, the
same way as with the To: or CC: fields. Finally, click the Send button to send the email.
図8.3 The Show From button
第8章 Working with delegates
In case delegation permissions have not been granted for a certain user, the sender will
receive the following (bounce) message in his Inbox soon after the mail has been sent: You
are not allowed to send as user or group <name>. If this happens, please be aware that the
email has not been delivered the its original recipient.
8.4.2. Scheduling a meeting
To schedule an appointment or meeting on behalf of someone else, first open his/her calendar.
Then, double click on the date / time where the new meeting should be created. In the new tab
that appears, fill out all the details and click Save (when scheduling an appointment) or Send
(when scheduling a meeting request).
The meeting request will now be sent by on behalf of the owner of the account.
You can also use the New button to schedule a new meeting. However, WebApp does not
allow you to specify the calendar when you have multiple calendars open. Instead, it will
always add the new meeting to the left-most calendar.
8.5. Removing delegates from an account
To remove a delegate from ab account:
1. On the left side of the Settings screen, click Delegates. The list of Delegates is now displayed
as shown in 図8.2「Delegate settings」.
2. Select the delegate that should be removed from the account
3. Click Remove…
4. Click Apply
Using Widgets and Plugins in WebApp
9.1. Widgets and Plugins Overview
The functionality of the WebApp can be extended by using plugins and widgets.
Widgets are best described as miniature applications running inside the WebApp. There are two
designated areas in the WebApp where widgets can be used:
• The widget sidebar (図9.1「The widget sidebar, expanded」)
• The Zarafa "Today" application (図9.2「The Zarafa "Today" application」)
第9章 Using Widgets and Plugins in WebApp
図9.1 The widget sidebar, expanded
Widgets and Plugins Overview
図9.2 The Zarafa "Today" application
After installing and enabling the widget on the Zarafa system (can only be done by the local
system administrator), a widget can be added to, moved around in or removed from these two
areas. Depending on the functionality offered by the widget, it is also possible to interact with
the widget itself and or change it’s settings. While from a technical standpoint a widget is also a
plugin to WebApp, we will differentiate between the two in this manual. The main reason is that
a plugin is not necessarily a widget (but a widget can be part of a plugin) and a user will clearly
notice it when this is the case.
A few examples of widgets that are shipped with every Zarafa system are:
• Appointments
• Clock
• Quick Appointment
• Quick Contact
• Quick Mail
• Quick Note
• Quick Task
• Shell Game
• Tasks
• Unread Mail
When refering to plugins in this manual, we are talking about extra functionality added to the
WebApp, which is integrated more deeply into the user interface. While a plugin in most case will
allow you to use it and interact with it, you will not be able to add, move around or remove it as
you see fit.
A few examples of plugins for Zarafa WebApp are:
• Google Maps plugin
第9章 Using Widgets and Plugins in WebApp
• Spreed plugin
• Presence plugin (which contains the Chat widget as well)
• SugarCRM plugin
• Alfresco plugin
• Twitter plugin
Widgets and plugins can only be installed and removed by an administrator of the Zarafa
9.2. Working with the widget sidebar
9.2.1. Showing the widget sidebar
The widget sidebar is located on the right side in all views. By default, it is collapsed. To show the
widget sidebar, click on it.
Showing the widget sidebar
図9.3 The widget sidebar in it’s default, collapsed state.
Clicking on the clear area of the widget sidebar will quickly reveal the widget area as an overlay
on top of the rest of the WebApp. This overly will close again itself as soon as the mousepointer
第9章 Using Widgets and Plugins in WebApp
moves to another area. This allows to have the widgets available when needed, but at the same
time keeping a clear view when not. Which is ideal for small (or non-wide) screens.
Upon clicking on the double arrow icon at the top of the widget sidebar, the widget area will
be shown permanently until clicking it again. This allows to have a permanent overview on all
enabled widgets all the time.
図9.4 The widget sidebar’s double arrow button.
9.2.2. Adding widgets to the widget sidebar
By default the widget sidebar will be empty. To add widgets:
1. Make sure the widget sidebar is shown, as described above.
2. Click the + icon next to the double arrow. A popup will appear as shown in 図9.5「The widget
chooser popup window.」.
3. Double-click on the widget that should be added to the widget sidebar. The widget will now
be added.
4. If there are already widgets on the sidebar, the new widget will be added to the bottom.
Widgets can be rearranged by clicking on its title bar and moving it to the desired position.
Minimizing widgets
図9.5 The widget chooser popup window.
9.2.3. Minimizing widgets
When not using a specific widget very often, it can also be minimized by clicking the up arrow
button at the upper right side of the widget. The button will change into a down arrow once the
widget is minized. Clicking this down arrow restores the widget’s full view.
9.2.4. Configuring widgets
If the widget supports it, a gear button will be shown at the upper right side of the widget.
Clicking it will reveal the configuration options for the widget.
第9章 Using Widgets and Plugins in WebApp
9.2.5. Removing widgets
To remove a widget, click the X button in the upper right corner of the widget. Widgets can be
restored at any time following the steps in 「Adding widgets to the widget sidebar」.
9.3. Working with the Zarafa "Today" application
The Zarafa "Today" application is a dedicated view for widgets. This enables to have many
widgets combined into a single view. To get to the Zarafa "Today" application, click on the Zarafa
link in the Shortcut Bar.
The Zarafa "Today" application will appear, as shown in 図9.2「The Zarafa "Today" application」
From there the same procedure as with the widget sidebar can be used to add, minimize,
configure and remove widgets. The only difference is that here it is possible to have multiple
columns to place widgets on.
By default the Zarafa "Today" application is populated with the Appointments and Tasks widgets.
This chapter has not been completely documented yet.
10.1. Settings Overview
The Zarafa WebApp allows to change many parts of it’s behavior by changing options and
settings. Most of these options and settings have been gathered in the Settings screen.
When clicking Settings in the Shortcut Bar, the Settings screen will appear as shown in 図
10.1「The Settings screen」.
図10.1 The Settings screen
The Settings screen contains sections for various parts of WebApp. At the time of writing, these
sections are:
• General (「Settings: General」)
• Mail (「Settings: Mail」)
• Out of Office (「Settings: Out of Office」)
第10章 Settings
• Mail filters (「Settings: Mail filters」)
• Calendar (「Settings: Calendar」)
• Delegates (「Settings: Delegates」)
• Advanced (「Settings: Advanced」) (has to be enabled by the local administrator)
• About (Copyright information of the WebApp, used libraries and plugins)
10.2. Changing Settings
When clicking on a section, it’s settings will be shown. The individual settings can be changed
changing its values. The General section will always be shown first when opening the settings.
After changing a setting it is neccessary to click on the Apply buttom in the lower right part of
the screen to make it permanent. As an additional failsave the WebApp will also ask if unsaved
changes should be applied, when navigating to a different settings screen or application inside
the Webapp.
More information on each section’s settings can be found below.
10.2.1. Settings: General Language
The WebApp is available in several languages. To change the language:
1. Click on the drop-down button
2. Select the language of your choice from the drop-down list
3. Click Apply to make the setting permanent.
To fully apply the language change the WebApp either has to be reloaded or the user has to log
out and in again.
When you change the language setting to English (US), the time and date formatting will be
changed as well. Default startup folder
By default, WebApp starts with the Mail folder when logging in. This can be changed to any of the
other application by setting the preferred application via the Startup folder drop-down setting. Configurable address book
In the General Settings window (1) you can configure the default Address Book, so you get the
configured Address Book by default when opening your Address Book. Select the default folder
(2) as shown in 図10.2「Settings: General (address book)」.
Settings: General
図10.2 Settings: General (address book) Reset WebApp Settings
The Reset WebApp settings button resets all the WebApp settings.
図10.3 Settings: Reset Settings
第10章 Settings
10.2.2. Settings: Mail
図10.4 Settings: Compose mail General mail settings
Location preview panel - Default is "Right"
Offering the same functionality as the Switch View button in the Mail application, this setting
allows to specify if the Preview Pane should be displayed on the right side, on the bottom or
turned off.
Close mail when responding - Default is "set"
When set an email, which was opened in a new WebApp Tab, will be closed when replying to this
mail. If unset the Tab with the email will stay open. Compose mail settings
Compose mail in this format - Default is "HTML"
Compose new mails as either Plain text or HTML (rich formatting).
Always request a read receipt - Default is "not set"
When set a read reciept will always be requested from the reciever. Autosave
To prevent losing data when your WebApp automatically logs out or the connection fails; the
system has an auto save function for unsent mail.
Settings: Mail
図10.5 Settings: Mail (autosave)
By default, the ‘Autosave’ function is enabled and saves unsent mail every single minute as
shown in 図10.5「Settings: Mail (autosave)」. You can enable or disable this function on the
settings screen. When you click on the ‘Settings’ button (1) in the Shortcut Bar, followed by a
click on the ‘Mail’ button (2), the ‘Mail Settings’ screen appears.
‘Autosave unsent mail every … minute(s)’. (3) This setting allows you to specify if and when
WebApp should Autosave unsent email. By default, WebApp will save the unsent mail after 1
minute. To save your changes you should click on the ‘Apply’ button (4). Incoming mail
How to respond to requests for read receipts - Default is "Ask me before sending a response"
In case the sender of an email has requested a read receipt, the WebApp will by default ask you if
you want to respond to this request.
Automatically mark mail as read after … second(s) - Default is "0"
Mails will be marked as read upon choosing a new email, regardless of how long the mail has
beed read, Signatures
The Zarafa WebApp is capable of managing multiple signatures and also using distinct signatures
for new messages and replies and forwards. See 図10.6「HTML signature」.
第10章 Settings
図10.6 HTML signature
10.2.3. Settings: Out of Office
Using the WebApp a user is capable of setting an Out of Office (OOF) message for himself. This
message will be replied to every incoming mail that is directly send to a user (e.g. there will be no
reply send to messages send to a distribution list).
For convenience this reply will only be send once a day, even if multiple message were sent from
a sender.
Please refer to your local Zarafa administrator to check if there are any restrictions or guidelines
on using the Out of Office functionality.
10.2.4. Settings: Mail filters
The filter "Is received from…" does not require complete email-adresses, but also allows words
and domains as its value.
This section has not been completed yet.
10.2.5. Settings: Calendar General Calendar Settings
First day of the week - Default is "Monday"
Settings: Calendar
This setting allows to define a starting day for the week. The Calendar will then always start with
this day.
Start and End of workday - Default is "8:30" and "17:30"
This setting allows to define the work hours of the day. Any time outside these hours will be
displayed in a different color in the Calendar application, to indicate that an appointment or
meeting is scheduled outside office hours.
Calendar resolution - Default is "30 minutes"
Setting the value to less than 30 minutes will make the WebApp ‘zoom in’ on the calendar,
setting it to a bigger value will ‘zoom out’ of the calendar.
Show busy dates as bold in the date picker- Default is "set"
When enabled, this setting will make dates on which there is at least on meeting and/or
appointments sheduled show up as bold in the date picker (see 図10.7「‘Busy’ dates are
displayed as bold in the date picker」). This easily allows the user to locate a ‘free’ day when
scheduling a whole day meetings.
図10.7 ‘Busy’ dates are displayed as bold in the date picker Calendar view settings
View multiple calendars in - Default is "Side-by-side mode"
This setting allows to specify how multiple calendars are displayed by default.
• Side-by-side mode will display each calender next to the other.
• Overlay mode will display all calendars transparently on top of each other, where each
calendar will have it’s own color. Reminder settings
Enable reminder for new appointments - Default is "set"
This setting allows to disable the automatic reminder for appointments.
Default reminder time - Default is "15 minutes"
Defines the default time for new reminders. Can be overruled each time setting up a new
第10章 Settings
Default all-day appointment reminder time - Default is "18 hours"
Defines the dafult time for whole day appointments. Can be overruled each time setting up a new
10.2.6. Settings: Delegates
On this settings screen the user can set his delegates.
Please refer to 8章Working with delegates for more information.
10.2.7. Settings: Plugins Webodf preview
You are able to see Openoffice documents in webapp when documents are attached as
To work with this functionality you need to activate the plugin at the settings window.
10.2.8. Settings: Keyboard shortcuts
To faster perform actions in the WebApp keyboard shortcuts can be used.
By default, the keyboard shortcuts are enabled. You can enable and disable this preference on
the settings screen. When you click on the ‘Settings’ button (1) in the Shortcut Bar and then
followed by a click on the ‘Shortcuts’ button (2), the ‘Shortcuts Settings’ screen will appear as
shown in 図10.8「Settings: Shortcuts」.
図10.8 Settings: Shortcuts
To enable or disable the ‘keyboard shortcuts’ setting select the ‘Enable Keyboard Shortcuts’
button (3). At the same screen you can find all the keyboard combinations of the shortcuts. For
example the combination of: CTRL + ALT + A, will open a ‘New Appointment’ dialog (4). If you
make use of Mac OS, the CMD key replaces the CTRL key.
To save your changes you should select the ‘Apply’ button (5).
Settings: Advanced
10.2.9. Settings: Advanced
The more advanced settings and settings that have not been placed into its own Settings tab
are stored. With every new WebApp release, more advanced settings will be implemented and
moved to the regular Settings tabs. There is no need for the normal user to change any value
here under normal circumstances.
The advanced settings are not displayed by default, but have to be enabled inside the
config.php file of the WebApp.
Please be very careful when working with the advanced settings. Do not change any values
unless asked to do so by your Zarafa system administrator. Changing a wrong value can
damage the current WebApp account and may prevent you from logging in.
Providing feedback to Zarafa about WebApp
The Feedback button in the Shortcut Bar can be used to provide direct feedback to the
developers of the Zarafa WebApp. Please include contact information when expecting a reply.
This chapter has not been documented yet.