We know logistics and customs handling From customs declarant to versatile logistics partner Today, we offer a wide range of services in areas such as distribution, documentation, customs handling and customs storage. The road from being a one-man customs declarant to a modern, versatile logistics partner has been both exciting and enriching. Combiterminal, is a hypermodern logistics complex of 11,000 m2. Now, we have a total storage area of 19,000 m2 in Hallsberg and Åsbro. Finally, in 2008, ITS became what is known as a ‘gazelle company’ with a turnover growing by 170% in three years. When Sweden joined the EU, a large proportion of our traditional activities disappeared. We found ourselves forced into rethinking and changing attitudes, something that in retrospect has proved to be well worth the effort. In 1992, we built our first warehouse in Åsbro, and by the turn of the century we had extended it four times to its current capacity of 8,000 m2. In 2002, ITS was named Company of the Year in Askersund Municipality. Then, in 2007, we took the important decision to build a further warehouse in Hallsberg. This warehouse, which is located right next to the Hallsberg One of the major advantages of ITS is that we are a flexible and totally neutral family-owned firm, which means that we are not tied to any specific transporters, but are free to choose. Another important strength is our geographical location: over 71% of the population of Sweden, plus the whole Oslo region of Norway, lies within a radius of 250 km. Our activities are characterised by know-how, experience, and great flexibility. Quality assurance and adaptation to customers’ needs always have maximum priority. Ulf Dahl CEO and Founder of ITS The Åsbro plant. ITS since 1985 Storage services Goods handling Accounts Customs services Distribution Adsolutions lösningar fungerar hela vägen. Ni kan lämna hela upphandlingen av logistiktjänster till oss. I vårt nätverk ser vi till att finna det bästa och mest optimerade resurserna för ditt behov. Med hjälp av våra simuleringsverktyg optimerar vi ditt behov av t.ex. lager och transporttjänster. Med Adsolution som logistikpartner frigör ni resurser och optimerar processerna inom er verksamhet så att ni kan fokusera på er kärnverksamhet. Advisory Solution i Sverige AB Telefon 08 410 207 00 www.adsolution.se • [email protected] Initially, Import & Tullservice was a one-man operation dedicated to making customs declarations on behalf of clients. We worked continually in customs services and established a good reputation in that market. Over the years, we have developed into a full service company providing total solutions in logistics. Our range includes distribution, documentation, customs services and administration, pre-assembly and repackaging, as well as goods handling and storage services. VÄRDELÖST BLIR VÄRDEFULLT Avfall är en resurs, när återvinningen är effektiv. Vi finns över hela Sverige. Tel: 019-670 89 00 www.ilrecycling.com Many reasons for co-operation You save in many ways with us as partner Do your customers need flexibility? To meet the variety of demand, it is necessary to be able to adapt activities to requirements in order to provide a functional solution for the customer. Changing conditions require new solutions. By getting in touch with us, you can hand over a major part of your logistics administration to a qualified partner and leave yourself free to concentrate your resources and competence on your own activities. Distribution Because we have own agreements with transporters, we can provide off-theshelf solutions that mean you don’t have to waste time comparing prices and services from various transporters. We can therefore ensure high quality and maintain high service levels. Documentation By using this service, you obtain an overall solution in which we take over the physical activity, and also provide you with accounting support that shows how your workflow is progressing. Our sophisticated data system communicates with most other systems for mutual transfer. This service gives you easily-accessible information that supports your planning and decisionmaking. Customs service and administration For us, customs procedures are neither complicated nor strange. We keep you constantly updated and have all types of special authorisations from Swedish Customs. Our speciality is customs storage. This means that you can have your goods stored for an unlimited time without paying customs duty and VAT on them. You can therefore purchase greater quantities at better prices, for transport as well as goods. With our administrative services, you get a supplementary function that simplifies your daily work, leaving you free to develop your business. Med över 80 år i branschen utför Björks Åkeri AB transporter i hela Sverige samt delar av Norge. Fordonsflottan består av budbilar, distributionsbilar, fjärrbilar samt tippbilar. Vi åtar oss allt från mindre budbilskörningar till större godstransporter samt stora lagerförflyttningar. Björks Åkeri AB Pl 5131 716 91 Fjugesta Telefon: 0585-260 08 Fax: 0585-261 13 Mail: [email protected] Goods handling We deal with many different kinds of goods, and adapt our approach so that they are handled optimally. Preferably, we have a contact person at the office who has overall responsibility for administration of your order. At the warehouse, too, there is a contact person who can complete and be responsible for goods handling so that packaging, distribution, and marking are correct. And of course on every route there are at least two people who are familiar with your order. Storage service We work in modern premises located in Åsbro and Hallsberg, 30 km south of Örebro. This geographical location is no coincidence. Distribution from here can reach much of Sweden and our Scandinavian neighbours overnight. We handle electronics, ready-made clothing, kitchen equipment, books, and many other items. Assembly and repackaging In our fully developed factory, we undertake pre-assembly and other simple assembly work. We also undertake all types of repackaging, as well as sorting and labelling tasks. Behöver ditt företag en bättre anpassad lokal? Vi har lösningarna. www.nafastigheter.se Dry port Hallsberg The new 11,000 m2 ITS store lies right next to the Hallsberg Combiterminal, where some 45,000 units in the form of containers, demountable bodies, and trailers are handled each year. We ourselves handle about 600 containers per year at the new terminal. Much of the material is stored in our warehouse for distribution later. We can also offer very good prices for environmentally-friendly transport of containers to and from Gothenburg port. IDÉKATALOG Tel 019-57 28 98 Försäljning och service av truckar och truckbatterier Inredningar • Lager • Arkiv • Förråd • Butik • Kontor • Säkerhet We are a full service company in logistics with strategically-located premises at the demographic heart of Sweden. Thanks to sound knowledge, close collaboration, and personal service, as well as motivated staff, we can offer efficient services in storage, goods handling, distribution, documentation, and customs services. You’re welcome to contact us! ITS Logistikpartner AB Metallvägen 6 SE 694 60 Åsbro Sweden Utkällevägen 4 SE 694 91 Hallsberg Sweden Tel +46 (0) 582-884 50 Fax +46 (0) 582-884 59 [email protected] www.itslogistik.se Avone IT – med fokus på lösningar Med rätt affärssystem blir fördelarna många: - Integration mot ITS - Ökad kontroll på ert outsourcade lager låter er hitta hyllvärmare - Automatiserade processer ger ökad effektivitet och färre felkällor ITS har valt HansaWorld Enterprise. Kontakta oss, så förklarar vi varför du också kan ha fördelar av systemet! HANSAWORLD B U S I N E S S PA R T N E R Avone IT AB • Larmvägen 8 • 187 75 Täby • 08-562 03 110 • www.avoneit.com
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