BENCH OFFICIALS MANUAL Kaiwawao Pae Whakahirihiri Updated January 2014 NATIONAL ACCREDITATION FOR BENCH OFFICIALS 2 BENCH OFFICIALS ACCREDITATION OVERVIEW 3 BENCH OFFICIALS ROLES 4 TRAINING GUIDE 6 BENCH OFFICIALS TABLE 7 PROTOCOLS FOR BENCH OFFICIALS 8 UNDERSTANDING AND APPLICATION 10 Interpretations 10 JOB DESCRIPTION SCORER 1: NZ DOMESTIC SCORESHEET 12 12 TEAM 2 15 JOB DESCRIPTION SCORER 2: NNZ RUNNING SCORESHEET/CALLER A - To indicate Pass Taken – no action B - To indicate pass taken with goal scored C - To indicate Pass Not Taken - 21 21 22 22 22 JOB DESCRIPTION TIMEKEEPERS - Umpire Alert Units TIME INTERVAL – ACTIVATE UMPIRE ALERT UNIT ACTIVATE UMPIRE ALERT UNIT/S ACTIVATE UMPIRE ALERT UNIT/S 24 24 25 25 25 JOB DESCRIPTION ANZ Championship TIMEKEEPERS – Full Countdown Clock and Umpire Alert Units TIME INTERVAL – ACTIVATE UMPIRE ALERT UNIT ACTIVATE UMPIRE ALERT UNIT/S ACTIVATE UMPIRE ALERT UNIT/S 27 27 27 28 28 28 JOB DESCRIPTION 30 JOB DESCRIPTION 32 JOB DESCRIPTION 34 IN THE EVENT OF A MATCH ENDING IN A DRAW AT THE 35 END OF REGULATION TIME 35 © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc. All rights reserved. All copyright, other intellectual property and information in this Bench Officials Manual is the property of Netball New Zealand Inc. No part of this document may be copied, adapted, modified or transmitted in any form by means without the prior written consent of Netball New Zealand Inc. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 1 Updated January 2014 NATIONAL ACCREDITATION FOR BENCH OFFICIALS 1. Zone Entities on behalf of Netball New Zealand shall deliver the Netball New Zealand Bench Officials programme. 2. Candidates who have achieved competence at Zone Level events and games in Scoring and Timekeeping will be awarded a Zone NNZ Bench Officials Accreditation certificate. Assessment of competence in these disciplines will be assessed at Zone level on Zone approved games or other specified games. Candidates who have achieved competence in Scoring and Timekeeping at National level events and games will be awarded a National NNZ Bench Officials Accreditation certificate. In order to achieve National certification two domestic scoresheets as Scorer 1 at the specified level of game must be submitted to NNZ for assessment. 3. The Zone Entity’s Bench Officials Coordinator shall register names of successful candidates with the Zone Entity. Candidate details will also be recorded on the Netball New Zealand Database. NNZ will only keep those candidates who have completed a Zone Qualification and above. 4. The Zone Entity will keep a record of accredited personnel who officiate on approved games. Revalidation will occur every three years for the maintenance of current qualification 5. For a Bench Official to be revalidated they must submit the prescribed number of domestic scoresheets as Scorer 1 on the appropriate level of games for the qualification that they wish revalidated. If an official does not revalidate within the three year time frame, unless there is an extension or exemption granted by NNZ or the Zone Entity, they will return to the level below that which they held e.g. if national accredited then without revalidation they are now considered to be Zone – if Zone then they become unaccredited. 6. Where changes or updates related to any of Bench Officials roles are made a training seminar or update session may be required to be completed for a candidate to retain their qualification. 7. Bench referee will hold National accreditation © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 2 Updated January 2014 BENCH OFFICIALS ACCREDITATION OVERVIEW NB: To achieve Zone qualification candidates must have attended or completed a training session with the Zone. Zone Certificate Zone Scorer 1 40 (4 x 10) or 60 minute (4 x 15) Zone Scorer 2 Zone Timekeeper 40 (4 x 10) or 60 minute (4 x 15) 40 (4 x10)or 60 (4 x 15) minute Zone approved games NZAGC NZSS Champs 2 domestic scoresheets Assessed by Zone Zone approved games NZAGC NZSS Champs 2 running scoresheets Assessed by Zone Zone approved games NZAGC NZSS Champs 2 games Assessed by Zone National Revalidation and Accreditation No of sheets Event Notes 2 International Tests Silver Ferns, U21, Men’s, NZA 2 ANZ Champs 3 NZ Netball Champs 3 College Netball 3 ANZ Prep Events 4 NZAGC 4 NZSS E.G Zone v Zone E.G Waipa, 1hr standard game For revalidation the Zone Bench Official Coordinator must endorse the current competence of the applicant in Scorer 2 and Time Keeper roles (including use of umpire alerts). Bench Officials seeking to officiate at elite domestic or international games should be working on 60-minute (4 x 15) games at the highest level available to them in the roles, which they will take on these games. International Test Series officials will be selected from those who have demonstrated recent, successful and competent experience at the elite domestic event level. Approval of these bench officials is at the discretion of NNZ. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 3 Updated January 2014 BENCH OFFICIALS ROLES Scorers In the Netball New Zealand Accreditation there will be 2 scorer roles. Scorer 1 shall complete the Domestic scoresheet. Scorer 2 shall complete the Running scoresheet and caller for Scorer 1 Timekeepers In the Netball New Zealand Accreditation programme there are 2 Timekeepers on each game. There are a number of tasks, which need to be completed by timekeepers – the allocation of the tasks will vary from game to game depending on the equipment used and specific protocols. A detailed description of each role can be found from page 13 onwards. TO ATTAIN ZONE ACCREDITATION AS A SCORER AND/OR TIMEKEEPER Games for Zone Accreditation are two four-quarter games of either 4 x 10 or 4 x 15 minute duration. The Zone has the right to approve games played in their Zone under the control of either the Zone or their Centres. A. B. Candidates who wish to be accredited as a Scorer shall: Attend a training seminar, approved by the Zone Successfully complete two Domestic Scoresheets on matches that are approved by the Zone Successfully complete two Running Scoresheets on a match that is approved by the Zone Candidates who wish to be accredited as a Timekeeper shall Attend a training seminar, approved by the Zone Successfully complete two matches as a Timekeeper Covering all components as listed in the Timekeeper role as relevant to specific games and equipment. TO ATTAIN NATIONAL ACCREDITATION AS A SCORER AND TIMEKEEPER. A. Candidates will have attended a training seminar, approved by the Zone or NNZ Candidates will have achieved Zone certification in all disciplines – Scorer 1 & 2 and Timekeeper 1 & 2 Candidates who wish to be accredited: Successfully complete the prescribed number of NZ Domestic Scoresheets as Scorer 1 on matches that are approved by NNZ Games for National Accreditation are four-quarter games of 4 x 15 minute duration at a level approved by NNZ. Examples of such games are; New Zealand Championships, Elite competition, International Test Series, International matches – e.g. Silver Ferns vs NZ “A”. NNZ may approve games on request by a Zone. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 4 Updated January 2014 To achieve National Accreditation the Domestic scoresheets must be assessed by NNZ as being competent and attain competence. Process: Scorer completes a minimum two scoresheets and requests the Zone Coordinator to submit them to NNZ for assessment accompanied by an official application for National Bench Officials Assessment form (Appendix G). For revalidation the Zone Bench Official Coordinator must endorse the current competence of the applicant in Scorer 2 and Time Keeper roles (including use of umpire alerts). NNZ will be responsible for the assessment of the scoresheets and will return the result to the candidate via the Zone Coordinator/Zone office indicating if unsuccessful the aspects, which require further improvement. If successful NNZ will update the database records for Bench Officials and forward the National Certificate and any other requirements (e.g. vest) Zones through the Zone coordinator and office will be notified of the candidates success. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 5 Updated January 2014 TRAINING GUIDE PROCEDURE 1. Seminar of two hours duration 2. Practice on local games of four quarter duration either 4 x 10 or 4 x 15, preferably with an experienced/accredited bench official to assist 3. And/or Train on games as a Timekeeper Train on Zone Accreditation games as a Scorer - on one game as Scorer 1, one game as Scorer 2. * A four-quarter game approved by the Entity TRAINING GUIDE FOR PRESENTERS 1. SUGGESTED TIME 30 minutes 2. 20 minutes 3. 40 minutes 4. 20 minutes 4. 10 minutes ACTIVITY Issue and go over NNZ National Accreditation of Bench Officials. Roles of each position NZ Domestic Scoresheet Running Scoresheet Event requirements o Domestic – team lists, sub/team change forms etc o International – outline when used Protocols for handling errors Presentation of Scoresheet Running Scoresheet Scorer 2 – can practice with a suitable video with the sound turned down Scorer 1 & 2 Practice - Using a completed scoresheet; call out the scoring at a reasonable speed. Domestic Scoresheet Timekeepers – o Candidates to be shown how to operate electronic scoreboards (if available), stopwatches and umpires electronic signal (if available). o Practice running behind the umpire and calling “Time” as this may be used for some events and games o Where possible practice the use of Umpire Alert Units o Where possible practice the use of processes and procedures specific to all levels of game. o Cover all roles of timekeepers and the division of tasks related to the equipment and requirements of the specific level of game Questions – Where to from here? © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 6 Updated January 2014 BENCH OFFICIALS TABLE Seating pattern at the Bench Officials table – facing out onto the court - 1. International: SCORER 1/ SCORER 2/BENCH REFEREE/ TIMEKEEPER 2/ TIMEKEEPER 1 Reserve Umpire / suspended player Team 2 Team 1 Sub writer 2 Sub writer 1 2. NZ Championships & Elite competition: SCORER 1/ SCORER 2/BENCH REFEREE/ TIMEKEEPER 2/ TIMEKEEPER 1 Reserve umpire / suspended player Team 2 Team 1 Sub writer 2 Sub writer 1 3. Age Group Championships and New Zealand Secondary Schools Championships: © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Where possible these events will follow the requirements as in 2 above. Refer to the Event Guidelines for specific requirements and accepted amendments. 7 Updated January 2014 PROTOCOLS FOR BENCH OFFICIALS Expected behaviours: Dress: Black or dark coloured tidy trousers, provided Sponsors top (if one not available a plain black shirt or top to be worn) Zone supplied apparel is acceptable if there is no sponsor apparel. If there is no supplied apparel then if qualified the wearing of NNZ National Bench Official vest is encouraged. Appearance must be tidy and presentable Behaviour is to be non-partisan (that is without bias) towards either team Pleasant and co-operative demeanour Concentration and focus of all officials must be on the game – refrain from unnecessary talk No food is to be on or eaten at the Score bench during a game. Where successive games are to be officiated, officials may require sustenance however, please move away from score bench to consume food ensuring that the bench remains tidy and clean. Hydration (water bottles) or spill-proof cups may be used and visible – ensure markings on these containers do not conflict with sponsor’s products. No use of cell phones Protocol for Handling Errors At NNZ Domestic Events: In the event of an error on the Domestic Scoresheet: Scorer 1 is the official scorer at these events Check with Scorer 2 - If the error can be identified and rectified easily, do not stop the game If the error is easily identifiable and fixable – fix it If the error is not easily identified nor able to be rectified easily then i. Scorer 1 or 2 ask the Bench Referee to assist them. Whichever scorer doesn’t have the issue keeps going. ii. While the Bench Referee works with the scorer who needs assistance IT IS CRITICAL that one scorer continues to keep an accurate score maintained. iii. Use the person designated to give bench official support from NNZ or Zone. iv. Option - Scorer 1 or 2 – leave some lines and continue further down the sheet. Cross out the blank lines at the end of the quarter so scoresheet can’t be adjusted. v. Option - if you think it is a numbering issue use a small tick to record who scored goals then when error is found and fixed turn these into numbers. vi. Emphasise in training the checking process between scorers on a regular basis. If at the beginning of any quarter the centre pass is in conflict with the umpire’s indication at the start of the game or interval then Scorer 2 calls out “Umpire – Pass check” If the centre pass that the umpires indicates is in conflict with what the scoresheet shows then simply note on the scoresheet by circling the centre pass where the difference occurred and continue in the pattern that the umpire has indicated. Where possible raise this at the end of the quarter or game with the umpire/s. If the umpire calls for a “pass check” during the game Scorer 2 calls out the team that the scoresheet shows is due to have the centre pass. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 8 Updated January 2014 Presentation of the Scoresheet Key competencies: Legibility – figures, writing and symbols used e.g. dots - must be clearly and consistently formed Size – writing and figures etc which fit neatly and legibly inside the boxes and spaces provided Mathematical skills –accurate addition of statistics and checking of such equations Errors – are to be crossed out with a tidy straight line - horizontally, diagonally or with an “X” through the incorrect items. Avoid the use of scribble-outs or block outs. NO whiteout or text erasing allowed on any official documents – e.g. scoresheet, team list, substitution forms © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 9 Updated January 2014 UNDERSTANDING AND APPLICATION Interpretations Scenario 1 A shooter (GA/GS) is about to or has released the ball for a shot at goal. The whistle is blown by the umpire to indicate that time is up for the end of a quarter or match. The ball has not been able to go completely through the ring as per rule 15.1 (v) Interpretation That the Attempt is NOT COUNTED. o Reason: it is unfair to count as an attempt something that could not be counted as a goal – if unable to be counted “in” then we should not penalize a shooter for an “out” The exception to this is if it is a PENALTY SHOT – in which case if it is successful it would count and therefore if unsuccessful must also be recorded as a missed PENALTY ATTEMPT Scenario 2 A shooter is shooting for goal and an opposition player is called for an unrelated penalty e.g. GS is shooting for goal and the GD is called for contact on the GA. Interpretation That the attempt is COUNTED o Reason: if the shot by the GS is successful it will be awarded as a goal by the umpire under the advantage rule. Scenario 3 A shooter is shooting for goal and one of her own players is called for a penalty e.g. GS is shooting for goal and the GA is called for contact on the GD. Interpretation That the attempt is NOT COUNTED o Reason: it is unfair to count an attempt against the GS as if the shot was successful it would be disallowed by the umpire as the penalty against the GA will take precedence. Scenario 4 If a penalty/or attempt occurs but the shooter misses and a contact occurs while going for a rebound which results in a penalty being awarded then two separate attempts are recorded Interpretation GA is awarded a penalty by the umpire but it is unsuccessful. So recorded with a P as per usual. In going for the rebound the GA is contacted by the GD and is awarded another penalty. These are two separate penalty attempts and should be recorded as such While it is the same shooter the initial penalty was completed and a new phase of play has occurred © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 10 Updated January 2014 Scenario 5 If a penalty is awarded to a shooter and in the process of taking it, a further penalty is awarded Interpretation Then this is recorded as only one attempt o GS is awarded a penalty because the GD contacts o GD stands beside o While the GS is attempting the penalty the GK obstructs and the umpire awards a further penalty o This penalty is set with both the GD and the GK standing beside o Only one penalty attempt is recorded because this is a penalty awarded on top of a penalty without the first attempt being completed or a new phase of play commencing – unlike the situation in 4 above Scenario 6 If a penalty is awarded to one shooter (eg the GS) and the other shooter takes it (eg the GA) Interpretation Record the attempt against the GA even though the GS was awarded it o Record as per usual – if successful = Penalty IN – if unsuccessful = Penalty OUT Scenario 7 Where a penalty is awarded and the shot is taken before the penalty is set (i.e. before infringing player stands beside and away) Interpretation If successful the umpire may award the goal without re-setting the penalty o The goal is counted as a successful shot. o If the umpire chooses to set the penalty after the first shot was taken regardless of whether it is successful or not do not count the first attempt Scenario 8 If the umpire advances a penalty against a mid-court player into the goal circle (i.e. neither GD or GK infringed) record the attempt as a penalty by the shooter who takes this. Scenario 9 If GD or GK tip/deflect a shot that is an unsuccessful attempt not resulting in a penalty – it is recorded as an unsuccessful attempt and called “OUT”. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 11 Updated January 2014 JOB DESCRIPTION SCORER 1: NZ DOMESTIC SCORESHEET 1. STEPS Complete Match Details (Section 1) 2. Complete Team Details (Section 2) EXAMPLE Names 1 2 3 4 GA 1 J. Jones 2 T. Brown C 3 K. Adams 4 T. Franks GK 5 I. Smith WD 6 Q. Ossie Note: positions are to be in the top left corner of box. 3. Complete Bench Officials Details (Section 3) 4. Record the Centre Pass Sequence (Section 4) © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc KEYPOINTS Court number e.g. 1 Tournament / title of event e.g. ANZ Champs Match Number (if known) Venue e.g. Westpac Trust Centre Date - today’s in numerals e.g. 10/2/06 Match name of team one on sheet Versus name of team two on sheet List umpire 1 & 2 in alphabetical order by surname Umpire 1 & Umpire 2 – Initial and surname Reserve Umpire – initial and surname Start time is real time that game commences e.g. 230pm End time is real time that game finishes e.g. 3-15pm Extra time – only entered if extra time is played due to a draw in games where a result is required From official team lists – 12 players and up to 5 team officials Transfer all details as per team list to the appropriate lines. Initial and surname of all team members only unless there are two team members with the same first initial and surnames e.g. A. Brown and A. Brown then put in first names too. Correct spelling – check if unsure Team 1 must be the same as recorded in match details in 1 above Team 2 must be the same as recorded in versus details in 1 above For both teams indicate starting position in top left hand corner of the first quarter player record box Only enter positions for those players on court for the start of the game. Print in full both first name and surname Scorer 1 name printed – must be person completing NZ Domestic Scoresheet Scorer 2 name printed – must be person completing the Running Scoresheet & calling Bench Referee, Timekeepers 1 & 2 – names printed in appropriate spaces in Bench Official detail section After result of toss notified st In the Ctr Pass column, top line, 1 quarter column. Use the agreed team abbreviation - e.g. W for Wellington and C for Canterbury Abbreviations for each team name, can be offset or directly under one another 12 Updated January 2014 5. Record Goals Scored in Each Quarter A] Numerically For GS & GA for each team GS 1 P (Section 4) Team 1 GA GS Team 2 GA . 1 .. . .. 1 1 Missed attempts at goal are shown as • Missed penalty attempts are shown as P Successful penalties are shown with a circle around the number of the goal e.g. Goals scored which are not penalties are recorded as a number e.g. 1, 2, 3 Goals are recorded for each shooter sequentially and separately i.e. Team 1- GS and GA goals are recorded separately as above NB: Do not record missed attempts at goal for which a penalty is subsequently awarded Do record attempts which miss that are deflected or rejected by a defender B] Progressively (Section 5) On far right of scoresheet (Section 5) Team 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 etc. Team 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 etc. 6. Cross Reference Scores Regularly By glance at scorer 2 - running score By request of scorer 2 to check score At each break / interval 7. Record Pass details when quarter time is indicated and play ceases A - To indicate Pass Taken – no action Centre Team 1 Team 2 Pass GS GA GS GA C 6 .P N . 3 P C 4 N © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc A. Pass Taken but with no attempts or goals scored There is no activity on the final pass of the quarter but it was taken. Rule a line through the middle of the row across the four columns. The down slash is to ensure that there can be no alteration to the sheet. The centre pass to start the next quarter should be C 13 Updated January 2014 B (i) To indicate pass taken – attempts only Centre Team 1 Team 2 Pass GS GA GS GA C 6 .P N . 3 P C 4 N . . P B. Pass taken with attempts and/or goal scored – there is activity on the final pass of the quarter but it was taken – so rule a line underneath the final pass taken. The centre pass to start the next quarter should be C. B (ii) To indicate pass taken with goal scored Centre Team 1 Team 2 Pass GS GA GS GA C 6 .P N . 3 P C 4 N . . 3 C - To indicate Pass Not Taken Centre Team 1 Team 2 Pass GS GA GS GA C 6 .P N . 3 P C 4 N © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc C. Pass Not Taken – To indicate that the pass was not taken rule a line across the middle of all 5 columns. This usually occurs when the timing of writing the centrepass and the umpire whistle don’t coincide. The centre pass to start the next quarter should be N. 14 Updated January 2014 8. Record Pass details for the start of the next quarter Wait until the umpires tell the score bench or ask the umpires which team has the first centre pass of the next quarter In the Centre Pass (Ctr pass) column under the appropriate quarter column Check pass with Scorer 2 If [A or B] above the sequence continues Y Z Y Z Pass is indicated as Taken as above The first pass in the next quarter will be Y If [C] above the sequence changes Y Z Y Z Pass is indicated as Not Taken as above The first pass in the next quarter will be Z 9. Document each quarters statistics nd rd th NB: after the 2 , 3 & 4 quarter complete the progressive score Note: this example shows pass taken with goal scored Ref: number 7 – B (ii) GS GA GS GA 1 .. P 2 . 3 1 1 1 2 . . .. .. 2 ..3 ..3 . 4 (Section 6) 10. Record quarter time score on progressive score, on far right of scoresheet, mark with a ¾ box/bracket At end of the game circle the final score on the progressive score © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Att 6 Scrd 3 Qtr Scr Prog Scr Team 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7] 8 9 10 etc. 10 4 7 13 3 2 8 3 5 10 Team 2 1 2 3 4 5 6] 7 8 9 10 etc 15 Updated January 2014 11. Record player involvement in the game & team changes (Section 7) A - To indicate team changes during a quarter Names 1 2 3 4 GA G 1 J. Jones / S 2 3 4 5 6 T. Brown K. Adams T. Franks I. Smith Q. Ossie - /WA C -/GA GK WD B - At end of each quarter – mark with an X those players who did not take the court at all during the quarter Names 1 2 3 4 GA 1 J. Jones 2 T. Brown X C 3 K. Adams 4 T. Franks X GK 5 I. Smith WD 6 Q. Ossie GS 7 P. Jackson WA 8 G. Andrew GD 9 B. Kadon From the official form handed to the bench by the team management In the appropriate quarter column note changes of position. Write all positions in the top left hand corner of the box at the start of the quarter in case of an injury or team change occurring during the quarter Record substitutions or team changes during a quarter in the bottom right hand corner of the box To indicate that a player did not start the quarter but has come on during the quarter use a dash (-) in the top left corner If you run out of room in the box for a particular quarter due to several team or positional changes use sub pad to assist and then record these changes in the comments box at the end of the game as – Team 2 – rd 3 quarter - ……. At the end of a quarter if a player does not take the court at all for that quarter then mark their box with an X. Do this at the end of the quarter! Do not anticipate the player participation/changes which may occur in a quarter C - At the end of the game the player involvement grid may look like this Names 1 J. Jones 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T. Brown K. Adams T. Franks I. Smith Q. Ossie P. Jackson G. Andrew B. Kadon 1 / - /WA -/C C / - -/GA GS GK WD GS/ -- X X X WA/ - X X WA GD GA G S © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 2 3 4 GA At the start of second/third/fourth quarters if a player remains in the same position then put either a tick or the position letters in the top left hand corner of the box. Or you may leave this until the end of the quarter as per X’s. Mark the rest of their participation as per A & B above. In the example of K. Adams – began the game in the 4th quarter at C but was taken off court during the quarter. A dash is used rather than an X to differentiate between a player, who has been on court vs one who does not play at all. 16 Updated January 2014 OR Like this Names 1 J. Jones 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T. Brown K. Adams T. Franks I. Smith Q. Ossie P. Jackson G. Andrew B. Kadon 1 / GS GS GA - /WA WA WA -/C C C C C/- -/GA GA GA GS GK GK GK GK WD WD WD WD GS/ -- X X X WA/ - X X WA GD GD GD GD GA G S 2 3 4 Either ticks or the position letters may be used to record the player grid. REMEMBER to complete the 4th quarter (or final) column for the game. This is very important! 12.(A) Record change in shooters on numerical columns Shooter changes must be indicated when they occur - that is during the quarter or at the end of the quarter. When a shooter is changed at the end of a quarter enclose in a red ink box all final actions by a GS or GA being replaced. If the shooter is being replaced in the middle of a phase of play through team substitution/change in a quarter put a small red ink box around all final actions by that player before they were changed. This is to allow for the possible addition of a goal etc in that phase of play by the new shooter entering the game. Example at end of quarter – e.g. GS GA GS ••3 GA ••3 • 4 Example if during a phase of play – e.g. GS GA GS GA 1 •• ••1 1 .P 2 © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 17 Updated January 2014 12. (B) Where a shooter is on the court but does not take any attempts Mark the shooters column at the point where the shooter changed. Place a red box with an X inside it at that point. GS GA 1 GS •• GA ••1 x 2 13.(A) Repeat steps 4-12 for subsequent quarters For example Team 1 GS GA . 1 C P C P 1 GS Team 2 GA P 2 2 .. 1 Att Team 1 Team 2 GA GS GA Scoring columns in here 3 2 4 1 Scrd 2 Ctr Pass © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Ctr Pass C P GS 2 1 1 Q. Scr. 4 2 Prog. Scr. 11 7 18 Updated January 2014 13. (B) Where two GS or GA have been used within a quarter (or to indicate that a GS or GA has been changed during the game) - use the second line to indicate the attempts and goals scored. See as shown in Team 1 GA - For example Ctr Pass C P Team 1 GS GA . 1 C P C P 1 2 .. 1 Ctr Pass GS Scrd Team 1 Team 2 GA GS GA Scoring columns in here 3 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Q. Scr. Prog. Scr. If there are more than four shooters then record quarter statistics in the comments section 4 2 11 7 For example Ctr Pass Att Scrd Q. Scr Prog. Scr © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Team 2 GA P 2 Att 13. ( C ) When up to four shooters play in a quarter divide the quarter statistics boxes diagonally. GS Team 1 Team 2 GS GA GS GA Scoring columns in here 10 5 10 7 13 3 7 4 9 3 10 22 50 5 15 37 19 Updated January 2014 14. At the end of the game complete the time details Calculate and complete shooter statistics Timekeepers tell Scorer 1 the Start Time and End Time of the game in real time – e.g. 3-15pm start, 5-05pm end. Also the duration in real time of any EXTRA time played. Remember this is only played and recorded in the event of a game, which cannot end in a draw – i.e. play to a result. Remember to enter the player’s team number in the first column – e.g. player 6 was GS first then player 4 was GS. Team 1: Glow Worms A Goal Shoot 6 Attempts 20 3 Scored 12 4 Attempts 18 6 Scored 16 Attempts Scored Attempts Scored 15. Complete sheet Complete the Match Shooting Statistics form as required. Goal Attack Attempts Scored Attempts Scored Attempts Scored Attempts Scored 10 6 15 14 Check score with scorer 2 Write the winning team in the Match Won by: section Record the final score – winner score first/loser score second All bench officials must put their initials by their name to indicate that they agree with the final recording on the scoresheet i.e. Final score, winning team etc 16. Other: A) Record suspensions B) Record any occurrences during game which involve extended stoppages e.g. lights going out 17. Handing over of scoresheets NB: the process of handing over scoresheets will vary from event to event – check on the process required © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc In space on form provided - Name of player - Length of suspension - Note in comments section on scoresheet In comments section of sheet Top copy of NZ Domestic Scoresheet & Running Scoresheet if used plus all team lists and substitution are given to NNZ Game Operation Official nd rd 2 and 3 domestic scoresheets to team managers – this may not be done until after the scoresheet is checked officially in the case of tournaments. th 4 sheet to media manager 20 Updated January 2014 JOB DESCRIPTION SCORER 2: NNZ RUNNING SCORESHEET/CALLER When calling ensure they continuously watch the game (i.e. not have head down writing anything at any time) as they are the only bench official able to do so. Most misunderstandings and incorrect entries occur because the person calling has their head down and so nobody was watching the game, e.g. when a goal is disallowed and they assume the ball returned for a centre pass when play actually continued. Where possible slightly elevate the Caller so that their view of the court is unimpeded Remember that the key is CONSISTENCY for the duration of the game – while we are aiming to achieve uniformity it is important that the statistics recorded in one particular game are recorded in the same way for both teams. If the Caller makes a call and it is incorrect – tell scorer 1 immediately and make a note on paper of the goal number and check the call with the scorer at the next interval Team 1 on the score pad should always be called first, followed by Team 2 Centre Pass 1. Specify the centre pass – timing of this is important so the caller may use a system similar to the umpires. Confirm the centre pass as taken or not taken in the event that the end of the quarter occurs. This may be checked with the umpires at the end of the quarter. Goal Attempts 1. When calling an attempt use Team Name, Position, and either IN or OUT. STEPS 1. Complete match details Responsible for calling for scorer 1 and completing running scoresheet. 2. Record the beginning pass sequence 1 2 Pass Direction KEYPOINTS Court number e.g. 1 Match names of both teams Event e.g. ANZ Champs Date - in numerals Venue e.g. Stadium Southland Team 1 Team 2 These must be the same order and initials as on the NZ Domestic scoresheet After result of toss notified Line immediately after Pass in first quarter Use arrow to indicate whether Team 1’s goal is to the right or to the left of the score bench. or 3a . Call centre pass at start of each ¼ and after each center pass has been taken E.g. Tasman Pass 3b. Check centre pass Check with umpires at the end of the quarter whether a Centre Pass was taken to determine the team to begin with the Centre Pass for the next quarter © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 21 Updated January 2014 4. Call goal attempts by each team when the is completed. action DO NOT ANTICIPATE THE COMPLETION OF AN ACTION 5. Record the running score of goals scored in each quarter Check that there is only one number on each line for one team only – to match each centre pass. 6. Cross reference scores regularly 7. Record pass details when quarter time is called and interval commences A - To indicate Pass Taken – no action Centre Team 1 Team 2 Pass C 6 N 3 C 4 N B - To indicate pass taken with goal scored Centre Team 1 Team 2 Pass C 6 N 3 C 4 N 5 C - To indicate Pass Not Taken Centre Team 1 Team 2 Pass C 6 N 3 C 4 N © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Team – position – action in this order only Correct language For a successful goal – Tasman GS In For a successful penalty – Tasman GS penalty In For an unsuccessful goal – Wellington GA Out For an unsuccessful penalty – Wellington GS Penalty Out Pass Team 1 Team 2 W 1 C 2 W 1 C 2 By glance at scorer 1 At each break / interval NOTE: the difference between the domestic and running scoresheet procedure is that attempts are not recorded. A. Pass Taken but with no goal scored There is no activity on the final pass of the quarter but it was taken. Rule a line through the middle of the row across the two columns. The down slash is to ensure that there can be no alteration to the sheet The centre pass to start the next quarter should be C . B. Pass taken with goal scored – there is activity on the final pass of the quarter but it was taken – so rule a line underneath the final pass taken. The centre pass to start the next quarter should be C. C. Pass Not Taken – To indicate that the pass was not taken rule a line across the middle of all 5 columns. This usually occurs when the timing of writing the centre-pass and the umpire whistle don’t coincide. The centre pass to start the next quarter should be N. 22 Updated January 2014 8. Record pass details for the start of next quarter Wait until the umpires tell the score bench or ask the umpires which team has the first centre pass of the next quarter In the Centre Pass (Ctr Pass) column under the appropriate quarter column Check pass with Scorer 1 If [A or B] above the sequence continues Y Z Y Z Pass is indicated as Taken as above The first pass in the next quarter will be Y If [C] above the sequence changes Y Z Y Z Pass is indicated as Not Taken as above The first pass in the next quarter will be Z Match won by the winning team Final score with winning team score listed first 9. Fill in Match shooting stats form at end of each quarter by using information provided by Scorer 1. 10. Complete details at bottom of Running Scoresheet 11. Initial NZ Domestic Scoresheet as Scorer 2 © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 23 Updated January 2014 JOB DESCRIPTION TIMEKEEPERS - Umpire Alert Units Stop visual clock at one minute There are two timekeepers on each game There are a number of tasks, which need to be completed by timekeepers – the allocation of the tasks will vary from game to game depending on the equipment used and specific protocols. The manual timer is the official time The timers may be shared by the timekeepers e.g. the interval and/or stoppage timer may be operated by the timekeeper operating the electronic timer/scoreboard This protocol is written for use with countdown timers. Umpire Alert Units – The Timekeeper will activate the umpire alert unit/s at the designated time to allow for any signal time lapse. Where both umpires have Umpire Alert Units – activate alerts simultaneously. Allow for 2 sec delay to reach umpire. The Timekeepers must ensure they understand and are competent in the operation of the Umpire Alert Units. STEPS 1. KEYPOINTS Maintain time record of game Operate the manual and electronic timers and scoreboard Start and stop time as indicated by umpires There may be four timers – Quarter/period timer Interval timer A stoppage timer: 2min A real time clock The manual Quarter/Period timer must be operated by the timekeeper operating the umpire alert units. # The visible score is maintained by either timekeeper depending on the system used in the venue 2. Communicate time protocols to umpires Time intervals and stoppages Start and stop time as indicated by umpires Time countdown to the start of the match and at the end of each interval – In the event that a stoppage period exceeds 2 minutes due to the nature of an incident Timekeeper is to start count-up timer to record the length of the total stoppage i.e. 2 minutes + extra stoppage time Record this in the comments section of the domestic scoresheet Time Stoppages Record two minute stoppage per ¼ per team as appendix form Raise either red 2 minute or green 30 sec or white U paddle as appropriate to indicate which stoppage type is in progress © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Start manual and electronic timers when game is started by umpires whistle Hold (Stop) time when requested by the umpire. Restart time when the umpire signals for play to be resumed Stop the electronic timer when one minute is left in the quarter or period of extra time Reset manual and electronic timers during the intervals to the appropriate time for quarters or periods of extra time Maintain visible score board – maintain accuracy of score Signal time at the end of each quarter or period Activate Umpire Alert Units Activate the umpire alert to notify the umpire of 30 second call 10 second call “time” call Commence 1 minute warning timing when instructed by umpire Inform umpires of elapse of 1 minute Time stoppages – 2 mins & 30 secs Inform umpire of 30 second call (for 2 min stop) 10 second call (for 2 min & 30sec) “time” call at the end of stoppage Activate umpire alert unit 24 Updated January 2014 STEPS KEYPOINTS Start time to countdown the appropriate stoppage period i.e 2 min or 30 sec. (Separate timers may be required) 3. Time Intervals Note: in the case of televised games liaise with NNZ personnel on the commencement of quarters Using a manual timer – time all intervals and as above complete countdown to the end of the interval and commencement of the quarter or period as in point 1. Activate umpire alert unit/signal umpire 4. Quarter and/or Period timing Time the quarters or periods on the manual and electronic timers Hold (Stop) time when requested by the umpire. Restart time when the umpire signals for play to be resumed Extra Time Periods (keypoint) In the event that the umpire alert unit is not felt/heard by either umpire or the unit fails to activate; o Only on court umpire whistle can end the time o One timekeeper to stand and activate air horn o One Timekeeper to move quickly behind the bench side umpire and call “time” loudly and clearly (as per Running Timekeeper) the other Timekeeper continues to press the umpire alert units. 5. Time Extra periods o In the event of extra time – Time Interval th Interval at end of 4 quarter – time as specified in specific NNZ Domestic Competition rules o Extra time – start and end – only where extra time is played in a game that must be played to a result Initial name on scoresheet Time interval – activate umpire alert unit In the event of extended extra time When one team is two goals ahead the Scorer 2 or Bench referee will indicate this to the timekeeper who will activate the umpire alert unit/s as per above Set the manual and electronic timers to the time period required As above stop the electronic clock when one minute is left in the quarter or period of extra time Time as per quarter – (Keypoint) o For first period of extra time begin timers o Activate umpire alert unit/s o Reset timers for the second period of extra time as quickly as is possible o Indicate to the umpire that the timer/s are ready o Time as per first period of extra time o Activate umpire alert unit/s Extended Extra time – when this phase commences timekeeper raises an orange flag or similar on the score bench No electronic or manual countdown timing is required in this phase Timekeeper activates manual count-up timer to record the time played beyond the two periods of extra time At the conclusion of the game this time and the two periods of extra time are added together and recorded in the extra time section of the domestic scoresheet © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 25 Updated January 2014 STEPS 6. Time Records Tell the Scorer the time records for completion on the NZ Domestic scoresheet Complete Domestic scoresheet © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc KEYPOINTS Start time End time Extra time – start and end – only where extra time is played in a game that must be played to a result Initial name on scoresheet 26 Updated January 2014 JOB DESCRIPTION ANZ Championship TIMEKEEPERS – Full Countdown Clock and Umpire Alert Units There are two timekeepers on each game There are a number of tasks, which need to be completed by timekeepers – the allocation of the tasks will vary from game to game depending on the equipment used and specific protocols. The visual electronic timer is the official time The timers may be shared by the timekeepers e.g. the interval and/or stoppage timer may be operated by the timekeeper operating the electronic timer/scoreboard This protocol is written for use with countdown timers. Umpire Alert Units – The Timekeeper will activate the umpire alert unit/s at the designated time to allow for any signal time lapse. Where both umpires have Umpire Alert Units – activate alerts simultaneously. Allow for 2 sec delay to reach umpire. The Timekeepers must ensure they understand and are competent in the operation of the Umpire Alert Units. STEPS 1. KEYPOINTS Maintain time record of game Operate the manual and electronic timers and scoreboard Start and stop time as indicated by umpires There may be four timers – Quarter/period timer Interval timer A stoppage timer: 2min A real time clock The manual Quarter/Period timer must be operated by the timekeeper operating the umpire alert units. # The visible score is maintained by either timekeeper depending on the system used in the venue 2. Communicate time protocols to umpires Time intervals and stoppages Start and stop time as indicated by umpires Time countdown to the start of the match and at the end of each interval – In the event that a stoppage period exceeds 2 minutes due to the nature of an incident Timekeeper is to start count-up timer to record the length of the total stoppage i.e. 2 minutes + extra stoppage time Record this in the comments section of the domestic scoresheet Time Stoppages Record two minute stoppage per ¼ per team as appendix form Raise either red 2 minute or green 30 sec or white U paddle as appropriate to indicate which © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Start manual and electronic timers when game is started by umpires whistle Hold (Stop) time when requested by the umpire. Restart time when the umpire signals for play to be resumed Reset manual and electronic timers during the intervals to the appropriate time for quarters or periods of extra time Maintain visible score board – maintain accuracy of score Signal time at the end of each quarter or period Activate Umpire Alert Units Activate the umpire alert to notify the umpire of 30 second call 10 second call “time” call Commence 1 minute warning timing when instructed by umpire Inform umpires of elapse of 1 minute Time stoppages – 2 mins & 30 secs Inform umpire of 30 second call (for 2 min stop) 10 second call (for 2 min & 30sec) “time” call at the end of stoppage Activate umpire alert unit 27 Updated January 2014 STEPS KEYPOINTS stoppage type is in progress Start time to countdown the appropriate stoppage period i.e 2 min or 30 sec. (Separate timers may be required) 3. Time Intervals Note: in the case of televised games liaise with NNZ personnel on the commencement of quarters Using a manual timer – time all intervals and as above complete countdown to the end of the interval and commencement of the quarter or period as in point 1. Activate umpire alert unit/signal umpire 4. Quarter and/or Period timing Time the quarters or periods on the manual and electronic timers Hold (Stop) time when requested by the umpire. Restart time when the umpire signals for play to be resumed Extra Time Periods (keypoint) In the event that the umpire alert unit is not felt/heard by either umpire or the unit fails to activate; o Only on court umpire whistle can end the time o One timekeeper to stand and activate air horn o One Timekeeper to move quickly behind the bench side umpire and call “time” loudly and clearly (as per Running Timekeeper) the other Timekeeper continues to press the umpire alert units. 5. Time Extra periods o Extra time – start and end – only where extra time is played in a game that must be played to a result Initial name on scoresheet In the event of extra time – Time Interval o 3 mins Time interval – activate umpire alert unit In the event of extended extra time When one team is two goals ahead the Scorer 2 or Bench referee will indicate this to the timekeeper who will activate the umpire alert unit/s as per above Set the manual and electronic timers to the time period required As above stop the electronic clock when one minute is left in the quarter or period of extra time Time as per quarter – (Keypoint) o For first period of extra time begin timers o Activate umpire alert unit/s o Reset timers for the second period of extra time as quickly as is possible o Indicate to the umpire that the timer/s are ready o Time as per first period of extra time o Activate umpire alert unit/s Extended Extra time – when this phase commences timekeeper raises an orange flag or similar on the score bench No electronic or manual countdown timing is required in this phase Timekeeper activates manual count-up timer to record the time played beyond the two periods of extra time At the conclusion of the game this time and the two periods of extra time are added together and recorded in the extra time section of the domestic scoresheet 6. Time Records Tell the Scorer the time records for completion © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Start time End time 28 Updated January 2014 STEPS on the NZ Domestic scoresheet Complete Domestic scoresheet © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc KEYPOINTS Extra time – start and end – only where extra time is played in a game that must be played to a result Initial name on scoresheet 29 Updated January 2014 JOB DESCRIPTION TIMEKEEPERS – Running Timekeeper STEPS 1. 2. 3. The Manual timer is the official time Timekeepers must work together to ensure the accurate and successful completion of the required tasks as listed; Maintain time record of game Operate the manual and electronic timers and scoreboard Start and stop time as indicated by umpires 4. Communicate time protocols to umpires Time intervals and stoppages Start and stop time as indicated by umpires When informing umpires of timing calls – Move out and walk in front of score bench to the umpires. When counting down to the start of a quarter for the 30 sec and the 10 second calls remain standing After the 10 sec call move behind the score bench to deliver the “time” call before sitting down DO NOT sit at the timekeeper end of score bench and call out to the umpires In the event that a stoppage period exceeds 2 minutes due to the nature of an incident Timekeeper is to start count-up timer to record the length of the total stoppage i.e. 2 minutes + extra stoppage time Record this in the comments section of the domestic scoresheet © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc KEYPOINTS Start manual and electronic timers when game is started by umpires whistle Hold (Stop) time when requested by the umpire. Restart time when the umpire signals for play to be resumed Stop the electronic timer when one minute is left in the quarter or period of extra time Reset manual and electronic timers during the intervals to the appropriate time for quarters or periods of extra time Maintain visible score board – maintain accuracy of score Signal time at the end of each quarter Running Timekeeper a) Stand up 10 seconds prior to end of quarter and with no less than 5 seconds remaining move behind the bench side umpire and call time when time is up b) Ensure the umpire hears the call – wait in position until the umpire has blown the whistle to end the quarter, period or game before moving back to score bench Time countdown to start of match and at the end of each interval Inform umpires of - 30 second call - 10 second call - “time” call Commence 1 minute warning timing when instructed by umpire if a team is late/slow to take the court Inform umpires of elapse of 1 minute Time stoppages – 2 mins or 30 secs Inform umpires of 30 second call (for 2 min only) 10 second (for 2 min & 30 secs) “Time” call at end of stoppage Stoppage for blood controlled by umpires stop the quarter/period timer. 30 Updated January 2014 Time Stoppages Record two minute stoppage per ¼ per team as appendix form Raise either red 2 minute or green 30 sec paddle or white U paddle as appropriate to indicate which stoppage type is in progress Start time to countdown the appropriate stoppage period i.e 2 min or 30 sec. (Separate timers may be required 5. Time Intervals Note: in the case of televised games liaise with NNZ personnel on the commencement of quarters Using manual clock – time all intervals and as above complete countdown to the end of the interval and commencement of the quarter or period as in point 1. 6. Quarter and/or Period timing Time the quarters or periods of on the manual and electronic timers Hold (Stop) time when requested by the umpire. Restart time when the umpire signals for play to be resumed Signal time at the end of each quarter or period as per protocol in 1 above. 7. Time Extra periods In the event of extra time – Time Interval th o Interval at the end of 4 quarter – time as specified in specific NNZ Domestic Competition rules Extended Extra time – when this phase commences timekeeper raises an orange flag or similar on the score bench No electronic or manual countdown timing is required in this phase A Timekeeper activates manual count-up timer to record the time played beyond the two periods of extra time At the conclusion of the game this time and the two periods of extra time are added together and recorded in the extra time section of the domestic scoresheet 8. Time Records Tell the Scorer the time records for completion on the NZ Domestic scoresheet Complete Domestic scoresheet Extra time periods Set the manual and electronic timers to time period required As above stop the electronic clock when one minute is left in the quarter or period of extra time Time as per quarter – o For first period of extra time begin timer/s o Reset timers for the second period of extra time as quickly as is possible o Indicate to the umpire that the timer/s are ready o Time as per first period of extra time In the event of an extended draw – o When one team is two goals ahead the Scorer 2 or Bench Referee will indicate this to the timekeeper. o The Timer 1 must be standing and near the side of the court during this phase. Indicate time to the bench side umpire as per protocol above. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Start time End time Extra time – start and end – only where extra time is played in a game that must be played to a result Initial name on scoresheet 31 Updated January 2014 JOB DESCRIPTION BENCH REFEREE STEPS 1. Must be nationally qualified Bench Official. 2. Co-ordinate with other personnel 3. Setting up the bench 4. Liaise with NNZ and/or Host Team 5. Backstop the bench 6. Distribution of lists/team changes etc KEYPOINTS Approved by NNZ for games. Appoint or be part of a panel to appoint the bench officials for that game. Make themselves known to Event Manager, Team Managers, Announcer, Match Delegate and the floor manager prior to commencement of the game Arrive at venue at least 1.5 – 2hrs before commencement of the game. Ensure all score bench personnel are present, 2 scorers, 2 timers, 2 sub writers and runners (media) Brief bench on any new or specific requirements. Receive team lists from managers and distribute to bench and media copies as required. Check equipment is supplied and functioning correctly. If necessary set up bench using equipment provided. Setting of clocks for team call on time. Work with event manager to supply correct times to team managers. Ensure correct positioning of signage near bench Sit in an accessible position in a close proximity to the bench as possible – may be positioned on the bench – To be mobile. Oversee scoring and timing during the game: - Watch who scores the goal - Listen to call from S2 - Watch electronic board - Verify and clarify correct score between scorers In the event of any problem occurring on the bench, assist as necessary providing cover or support as needed © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Receive team changes from Sub-Writer – check and hand to S1 Distribute appropriate copies to announcer, media, TV and floor manager 32 Updated January 2014 7. Extra time duties and procedures 8. Other duties 9. Blood Kit - Rubber gloves - Anti-bacterial spray - Towel - wet wipes/chux cloth - Hand sanitizer 9. On completion of the game © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Liaise with umpires, floor manager, event coordinator and announcer. Ensure bench is equipped and aware of extra time procedures Ensure timekeepers have reset clocks as necessary In the event of a suspension co-ordinate with the reserve umpire, the supervision of the suspended player. Co-ordinate the notification of the bench side umpire when the supervision period is completed in conjunction with scorers or timekeepers. Ensure this is present and easily accessible at the scorebench When signaled to by an umpire get Blood Kit and either Hotst team personnel and /or NNZ and/or Bench Referee clean blood as required – from floor, ball etc. Ensure bloody material is disposed of correctly. On completion of the game initial name on domestic scoresheet Collect sheets used, check for completion and distribute to appropriate personnel – event manager/match delegate/teams nd copies/media. Top copy to NNZ, 2 & rd th 3 to team managers and 4 to media. Gather up equipment on completion of game and return to event manager or storage area. 33 Updated January 2014 JOB DESCRIPTION SUBSTITUTION WRITER Relay substitutions and/or team changes information to appropriate personnel STEPS 1. Ascertain who is to receive forms KEYPOINTS Ensure you have a copy of the team list Liaise with Bench Referee, Match Delegate or Event Manager (this may vary according to the event) 2. Team Allocation Introduce yourself to team officials and inform them where you will be seated. 3. Be alert during the game Be prepared by having a header complete with date, team name and current quarter circled. Anticipate possible changes 4. Completing Forms © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc At any stoppages and intervals, stand behind the team bench and watch for any team changes and substitutions Enter the player surname against the number as per team list eg. Beside number 3 – EDGE In the position column write the new position that this player is moving into e.g. – EDGE – GS Where player is leaving the court to the bench this is no longer has to be indicated The score bench will assume that if they are not shown as moving to a new position and another player has taken their position they will now be on the bench Write information clearly and neatly on form provided and pass to appropriate personnel If no changes indicate this to the bench referee 34 Updated January 2014 IN THE EVENT OF A MATCH ENDING IN A DRAW AT THE END OF REGULATION TIME Know the rules of the specific competition Confirm whether draws are permitted in the competition or not. Preparation: nd 2 Domestic & Running Scoresheet is required. Extra Match Statistics Sheet th Ensure that a timer is set to the required interval between the end of regulation time (the 4 quarter) and the start of the first period of extra time (e.g. 2 minutes for international games or 3 minutes for ANZC) Bench Referee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Confirm with the Scorers that the game is drawn according to the official scoresheet. Liaise with the appropriate Event and Game Officials (e.g. NNZ, ANZC Match Delegate etc) Ensure that a timer’s set Ensure that the Scorers and Timekeepers are clear on their duties and ready for the start of the first period of extra time. If the game goes into extended extra time – ensure that the orange flag is placed on the score bench. Domestic Scoresheet – Scorer 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Complete Team Details as per Domestic Sheet 1. For both teams indicate starting position in top left hand corner of player record box. If there is a change of shooter record on Sheet 1 by enclosing in a red ink box the last goal scored, penalty or attempt by GS or GA. Record Centre Pass sequence. Record goals scored as in previous quarters on Sheet 1. Record Pass Details at the completion of the first period of extra time and play ceases. See Step 7. Record Pass Details for the start of the second period extra time. Record goals/attempts etc as per usual Scorer 1 role on Domestic Sheet. In the Event of an Extended Draw 1. 2. 3. 4. Underline where the second period of extra time ended indicating the drawn score of that point. Continue recording goals in the same column. When one team is 2 goals ahead indicate this to the Bench Referee who will then inform the timekeeper who will immediately signal umpires A. Bench Referee will also indicate to the reserve umpire. At the completion of the game 5. 6. 7. 8. Complete team and game details as per sheet 1. In the top right corner of sheet1 record Sheet 1 as 1 of 2 and Sheet 2 as 2 of 2 All individual Shooters statistics for the drawn game to be completed on Sheet 1. Total individual shooters stats from sheets 1&2 to be completed on sheet 2. Running Scoresheet – Scorer 2/Caller 1. 2. 3. 4. Complete Match Details Record the beginning pass sequence. Record the running score of goals in each period of extra time. Assist scorer 1 in completing all scoresheets and documents. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 35 Updated January 2014 5. Ensure that the Match Shooting Stats summary matches the Scoresheet. In the event of an Extended Draw see above At the completion of the game 1. 2. 3. Complete team and game details as per sheet 1 Complete the final Match Statistics summary sheets – there will be two of tese. Number all scoresheets and papers as 1 of 2 (1/2) or 2 of 2 (2/2). Timekeepers 1. 2. th At the start of the 4 quarter ensure that a timer is set to the required interval between the end of th regulation time (the 4 quarter) and the start of the first period of extra time (e.g. 2 minutes for International games or 3 minutes for ANZC). Keep checking the electronic scoreboard score display against the official score. Stoppages – Only one two minute stoppage is allowed for the entire period of extra time per team (i.e. the entire duration – 2 x 7 minute periods + extended extra time). All other stoppages the 30 second rule applies. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 36 Updated January 2014 Netball New Zealand Running Score Sheet Used in compliance with NNZ Bench Officials Procedures Court No: ___________________ Event: ________________________ Date: _______________________ Venue: _______________________ Team 1: ______________________ Team 2: _______________________ First Quarter Pass Team 1 Direction Team 1 Second Quarter Team 2 Pass Team 1 Team 2 Progr. score Match Won by:___________________________ © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc Third Quarter Pass Progr. score Team 1 Fourth Quarter Team 2 Pass Team 1 Team 2 Progr. score Final score: _____________________ 37 Updated January 2014 Match Shooting Statistics Date: ____________ Venue: _________________________________ Time: __________ Team 1: ____________________ GS/GA – cross-out non-applicable position, and enter quarter attempts/goals scored ie. 12/8 Player 1 GS/GA 2 GS/GA 3 GS/GA 4 GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA Attempts Team Qtr Stat Attempts Player Stats Scored % TOTALS Scored Attempts Scored % % Team 2: ____________________ GS/GA – cross-out non-applicable position, and enter quarter attempts/goals scored ie. 12/8 Player 1 GS/GA 2 GS/GA 3 GS/GA 4 GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA GS/GA Attempts Player Stats Scored % Attempts Team Qtr Stat TOTALS Scored Attempts Scored % % © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 38 Updated January 2014 Netball New Zealand Stoppage Sheet Start Time Each Qtr Qtr Team 1 Stoppages Team 2 Stoppages 1 2 3 4 Extra Time Start Time End Time Extraordinary Notes for Use In the start time for each quarter – enter the REAL time – that is 7pm or 6:15pm etc. Record in the respective teams column the two minute stoppage occurrence – all other stoppages are 30secs Note the time left in the quarter when the stoppage occurs e.g. 3mins 15sec and the position of the player for whom the stoppage was granted e.g. GA Where a team does not use their 2min stoppage in any quarter mark the relevant box with a full diagonal cross. In the Start and end time boxes enter the REAL time of the game Where required any extraordinary stoppages e.g. lights/extreme injury etc may be noted in the box provided. This form is given to the Bench Referee/Scorer 1 for information transfer to the main score sheet. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 39 Updated January 2014 ANZ Champs Stoppage Sheet Start Time Each Qtr Qtr Team 1 Stoppages Team 2 Stoppages Blood Stoppages 1 2 3 4 Extra Time Start Time End Time Extraordinary Notes for Use In the start time for each quarter – enter the REAL time – that is 7pm or 6:15pm etc. Record in the respective teams column the two minute stoppage occurrence – all other stoppages are 30secs Note the time left in the quarter when the stoppage occurs e.g. 3mins 15sec and the position of the player for whom the stoppage was granted e.g. GA Where a team does not use their 2min stoppage in any quarter mark the relevant box with a full diagonal cross. In the Start and end time boxes enter the REAL time of the game Where required any extraordinary stoppages e.g. lights/extreme injury etc may be noted in the box provided. This form is given to the Bench Referee/Scorer 1 for information transfer to the main score sheet. © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 40 Updated January 2014 NNZ Bench Officials Scorer 1 - Assessment Schedule To receive a Pass, 9 out of 11 sections must be marked competent or satisfactory. Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 11 must be marked competent Key: • Competent Satisfactory Not Yet Competent Candidate: ______________________________ Zone: ____________________________ Sheets Marked: ___________________________ Overall Assessment: Pass / Fail Section Descriptor 1 1 Both teams names with initial and surname, unless same or similar – split with full first name All subs/positional changes to the initial team on-court list are clearly noted in the appropriate box by playing positions eg GA Quarters are indicated when the sub/positional change takes effect by playing positions Changes or subs in the case of a stoppage are indicated 3 4 5 Comment 4 All sections completed (except extra time unless required) Match Number, could be round number, game in sequence etc 2 Key 2 3 Pass sequence is accurate Last pass in each quarter is identified and completed correctly Numbers for goals by each shooter are sequential and accurate Penalties are clearly indicated with a ‘P’ or the goal number is circled Missed attempts are shown with a clear dot/fullstop Changes in shooters are indicated with red square around the last attempt or goal scored by the shooter. If no attempts taken or goals scored by shooter prior to sub/change then indicated by ‘X’ in box Statistics for each shooter are placed in the correct boxes © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 41 Updated January 2014 Section Descriptor 1 6 7 8 11 Accuracy Numbers are consistently marked off – either horizontal or diagonal line through individual number Quarter score is half bracketed ]- Final score is circled Winning team name listed Final score in order of winning team score first, losing team score second Names written in first name and surname with initial signed beside name Comments section – as required and appropriate Numbers, symbols and letters must be: o legible o consistently formed o sized to fit with spaces provided Mathematically correct sequencing Accurate addition Correct scoring Errors are neatly corrected 10 Style Comment 4 Quarter score is indicated for each team Progressive score is indicated for 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters Statistics for each teams shooters are indicated and completed by player number Where more than one GS or GA has played, this is clearly shown Team names are completed 9 Key 2 3 Assessed by: _______________________________ Date: ________________________ (Print Name): _______________________________ © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 42 Updated January 2014 NNZ Bench Officials Scorer 2 - Assessment Schedule At the completion of the game to be judged competent all sections must be ticked; Key: Competent Not Yet Competent Candidate: ______________________________ Zone: ______________________________ Descriptor Section Competent /Not yet competent Comment All sections completed – Court, event, venue, date, teams etc 1 2 3 Team 1 and 2 identified clearly Team 1 in left column and team 2 in right column Direction of play Team 1 Pass sequence is accurate Last pass in each quarter is indicated as per role tasks Numbers for goals scored by each team are sequential and accurate When the goal not scored by a team is indicated with a horizontal or diagonal line Progressive score is carried forward for 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters and entered in progressive score section 4 Final score by each team at end of the 4th quarter or game is circled 5 Winning team name listed Final score in order of winning team first/losing team score second Voice Pleasant, even tone to voice Speaks clearly and is able to be heard and understood by scorers Terms Use of appropriate terms to describe action i.e. Tasman GA In, Tasman GA Out etc in correct © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 43 Updated January 2014 Descriptor Section Competent /Not yet competent Comment order Calls are made after actions are completed Demeanour Style Consistency Accuracy End of Game Calm Copes with bench communications well Maintains minimal talk Watches all the game and remains focused on their role Is aware of and communicates well with other Bench Officials Numbers, symbols and letters must be; o Legible o Consistently formed o Sized to fit with spaces provided Maintains tasks throughout game Consistent and timely calling for the scorer Mathematically correct sequencing Accurate addition Correct scoring Errors are neatly corrected Completes scoresheet Initials name Assessed by: _______________________________ Date: ________________________ (Print Name): _______________________________ © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 44 Updated January 2014 NNZ Bench Officials Timekeepers - Assessment Schedule There are two timekeepers on each game There are a number of tasks, which need to be completed by timekeepers – the allocation of the tasks will vary from game to game depending on the equipment used and specific protocols. At the completion of the game to be judged competent all sections must be ticked; Key: Competent Not Yet Competent Candidate: ______________________________ Descriptor Section Before game During game End of game Consistency Accuracy Zone: ______________________________ Competent/Not yet competent Comment As required - set timers to indicate time until the game is due to commence Operation of all equipment – electronic and manual is clearly understood Indicate time protocols to the umpires as per the appropriate protocols Note actual start time of the game (real time) Stop and start timers on umpires whistle and indication Maintain electronic scoreboard etc as required Maintain accurate quarter time intervals and for stoppages Time protocols indicated to the umpires Timekeeper to indicate end of quarters – as per the appropriate protocols in operation Note end time of the game Use of Paddles is accurate and appropriate Completion of stoppage record form Complete scoresheet The start and end times of game Extra time duration where required Initials placed beside full name Maintains tasks and concentration throughout game All protocols correctly applied Consistent protocols for umpires Timing is accurate Timers are operated promptly Electronic scoreboard is maintained accurately and promptly Assessed by: _______________________________ Date: ________________________ (Print Name): _______________________________ © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 45 Updated January 2014 APPLICATION FOR NATIONAL BENCH OFFICIALS ASSESSMENT Candidate Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Mobile: _________________________________ Zone: Email: _________________________________ _________________________________ New Assessment YES - The Candidate has completed all the requirements for Zone Accreditation Re Validation YES - The Candidate is competent at Time Keeping YES - The Candidate is competent as Scorer 2 - Request for assessment of the following scoresheets: 1. 3. Game: ____________________________ 2. Game: ____________________________ Event: ____________________________ Event: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Game: ____________________________ 4. Game: ____________________________ Event: ____________________________ Event: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ Signed: ______________________________________________ Name: ______________________________________________ Position: ______________________________________________ Date: ______________________________________________ Please return to: Netball New Zealand, PO Box 99710, Newmarket, Auckland, 1149 [email protected] Fax: (09) 623 5777 NNZ ONLY Assessment outcome: _____________________________ Assessed By: _____________________________ Date: ___________________________ Candidate/Zone notified: _________________________________ NNZ database updated: _____________________________________________________________________ © 2014 Netball New Zealand Inc 46
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