Nya karaktäriseringsmetoder för fasta bränslen Malbarhet, tändvillighet och sintring Panndagarna 2011 9-10 februari S:t Gertrud Konferens Malmö Johan Wadenbäck Chemistry & Materials Outline 1. Background 2. Scope of the EXAS project 3. Grindability 4. Ignitability 5. Sintering 2 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 1. Background The demand of an extensive CO2 reduction indicates, that many qualities of biomass will be utilized in power plant boilers in the future • The biomass will be used alone or together with coals as co-firing • The grindability properties for biomass (or biomass/coal blends) are not characterized by the current ”standard – classic” methods • The combustion processes for biomass or biomass/coal blends are not characterized by the current ”standard – classic” methods • Fly-ash deposits at ”low” temperatures (Sintering) can cause trouble with biomass firing 3 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 2. Scope of the EXAS project (1) • Purchase of three lab-scale apparatus developed by Prof. śelkowski, Berg, Wadenbäck et al. for the determination of grindability-, sintring- and ignitiability properties of solid fuels – Installation in the fuel laboratory at the Amager Power Plant in Copenhagen • Initial evaluation of the hardware with a three solid fuels; coal, straw- and wood pellets – The results are compared with full-scale experiences in Vattenfall • Further evaluation of solid fuels and solid fuel blends used within Vattenfall such as torrified- or steam exploded biomass etc. continues… 4 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 2. Scope of the EXAS project (2) continues… • The novel methods are intended to be incorporated into the “routine analysis toolbox” of solid fuels • Different parts of Vattenfall will gain experience from the project through reference group attendance as well as seminars/workshops/reports – In addition: The possibility to test additional solid fuels and solid fuel blends relevant for different parts of Vattenfall • The novel methods are applied prior to introduction of new and unfamiliar solid fuels at power plants throughout Vattenfall • Ackreditaded analyses and standardization? 5 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 3. Grindability – Hardgrove index (HGI) • Simple test with simple device • 8 steel balls overroll 60 times a 50 g sample of the fraction • 0.600-1.18 mm • The mass M [g] of the produced material finer than 75 µm determines the HGI HGI = A + B ⋅ M ≈ 13 + 6.93M 6 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 3. Grindability – CMT-mill principle Measuring Ground material Suspended particles (staub) Feed (Mahlgut) 0,25 airsieve E m(Staub) / m(Mahlgut) 0,2 Mahlgut 0,15 0,1 Staub 0,05 0 Recycled material Raw sample 0 2 4 Durchlaufzahl Modeling of the recycling in a large mill 7 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 6 3. Grindability - The EXAS CMT-mill 8 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 3. Grindability – Solid fuels tested so far… Characteristic particle size vs. energy in the CMT-mill E [kWh/ton solid fuel] 100 Wood pellets Black pellets Straw pellets 10 Coal 1 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Characteristic particle size, ds [µm] 9 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 1200 3. Grindability – Correlation with full scale (1) • Loesche mill • 3 installed in Unit 1 on Amager CHP • Samples can be taken before and after the mill • The grinding energy and capacity can be recorded 10 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 10 3. Grindability – Correlation with full scale (2) Good correlation! 11 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 11 4. Ignitability – Combustion principles Loo and Koppejan 2008 12 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 4. Ignitability – Ignitability Index At the moment: No standardized methods The EXAS method: Ignitability index „Zündwilligkeitszahl“ (Zelkowski): Recirculation (tRez) Ignition (tZünd) The Ignitability index can be interpreted in praxis as the ability of a fuel to develop and maintain a stabile “strong” flame. The Ignition Temperature of a cloud of suspended fuel particles (tZ150 in °C) (which models the initial stages in the combustion process), the temperature of the gases, of a defined particle size probe, which is injected in a defined gas environment and ignites after 150 msec. Ignitability Index The Ignition potential Nz500 (in MJ/kg solid fuel) is the chemical energy per kg, which is released (volatile matter) from a dry solid fuel up to 500 °C. 13 ZWZ = N Z 500 t Z 150 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | MJ kg Kohle ⋅ °C 4. Ignitability – Ignitability oven 14 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 4. Ignitability – TU Clausthal / E2 Zündwilligkeitskennzahl ZWZ kJ/(kg*°C) 25 Steinkohlen Braunkohlen ENERGIEKohlen BIOMASSEN 20 15 Rusva-Spitzbergen Holz Kisselewsky Poduff 10 Stroh 5 ADARO 0 0 15 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 flüchtige Bestandteile F(i.waf) % | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 90 4. Ignitability – EXAS ignitability oven Ignitability oven Jenkner device 16 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 6. Ignitability – Some results… 0,55 0,55 0,5 0,5 0,45 0,45 BP1 100% B P1 Fuel 2 RuPod60%+BP40% 60/40 Fuel 1/Fuel 2 RuPod60%+BP40% 80/20 Fuel 1/Fuel 2 RuPod80%+BP20% RuPod80%+BP20% 100% Fuel 1 RuPod 100% RuPod 100% Zündz eit [msec] Zü n d z e it [m s e c ] 0,4 0,4 0,35 0,35 0,3 0,3 0,25 0,25 0,2 0,2 0,15 0,15 0,1 0,1 0,05 0,05 0 0 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Temperatur im Ofen °C Temperatur im Ofen °C 17 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 6. Ignitability – Some more results… d(Probe) d(Probe) d(Probe) << 200 63 µm < 63 µm 80% 60%RuPod+ 60% 100%Black 0% 80%RuPod+ RuPod 1 100 80%RuPod+ 60%RuPod+ 100%Black % 20%Black 40%Black Pellets % 20%Black 40%Black Pellets 2: 0% 20% 40% 100% Pellets Pellets Pellets Pellets Nz (500) MJ/kg Nz (500) MJ/kg ZWZ kJ/(kg*[°C]) ZWZ kJ/(kg*[°C]) Fuel 1:100% Fuel 2: 0% 18 80% 20% | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 60% 40% 100% Black 100% B lack Pellets P ellets Fuel d(Probe) d(Probe) < 200 µm < 200 µm 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 60% RuP od+ 60% RuP od+ 40% Blac k 40% B lac k Pellets P ellets Fuel 1:RuPod 100% 1 100 d(Probe) d(Probe) < 200 µm < 200 µm 80% RuP od+ 80% RuP od+ 20% Blac k 20% B lac k Pellets P ellets d(Probe) d(Probe) < 200 µm < 200 µm RuP od 1 RuP od 1 100 % 100 % tz(150) [°C] tz(150) [°C] 840 840 820 820 800 800 780 780 760 760 740 740 720 720 700 700 680 680 660 660 Zündtemperatur tz(150) Zündtemperatur tz(150) 0% 100% 5. Sintering – Classic analysis of ash melting Often used methods: Leitz-Method: Determination of the ashmelting behavior (Influence of the temperature: e.g. DIN 51730, CEN/TS 15370); Change in physical form of a relatively fast (10 K/min) heated ash probe. The EXAS Method: Determination of ash melting properities: Influence of the temperature and time on the physical- and mechanical properties of an ash probe. 19 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | 5. Sintering – EXAS sintering oven Manufacturing of ash pellets 20 >17 hours in oven Strength of pellets | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | Presentation of solid fuel results – An example R uP o d 1 1 Fuel R uP o d 1 D ic h te D ichte HG I HG I Fuel 2 A s c h e (w f ) B la c k P e lle ts A s che(wf) B lack P e llets 1 ,5 0 1 ,5 0 1 ,2 5 1 ,2 5 F l.B e s t,(w f ) 1 ,0 0 F l.B e st,(wf) 1 ,0 0 0 ,7 5 0 ,7 5 0 ,5 0 0 ,5 0 0 ,2 5 0 ,2 5 0 ,0 0 C (i.w a f ) 0 ,0 0 C (i.waf) Rel m(Br) Rel m (Br) 1,40 1,40 1,20 1,20 1,00 1,00 H u (w f ) Hu(wf) H (w a f ) H(waf) 0,80 0,80 0,60 0,60 0,40 0,40 tz(150) tz(150) S (w a f ) S (waf) F(wf) F(wf) 21 100% RuPud 100% Fuel 1 100% RuP ud 80% 80/20RuPod+20%BP1l Fuel 1/Fuel 2 80% RuPod+20%B P1l 60%RuPod+40%BP1 60/40 Fuel 1/Fuel 2 60%RuP od+40%B P 1 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | Hu(mittl)(i,wf) Hu(m ittl)(i,wf) A(i,wf) A(i,wf) Acknowledgements • Prof. śelkowski, TU Clausthal • Mogens Berg, Vattenfall • Nader Padban, Vattenfall • The laboratory staff at AMV • Troels Christansen, DTU • Mr, Schäfertöns, SBS, Braunschweig • Etc. And the work goes on… 22 | Panndagarna 2011, 9-10 February, Malmö | Malbarhet, sintring och tändvillighet | Johan Wadenbäck, Chemistry & Materials | Thank you for your attention! 02/22/10 | EXAS - EXpanded Analysis of Solid Fuels | 23
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