List of Publications Maria Eriksson Baaz,

List of Publications
Maria Eriksson Baaz,
Associate Professor and Senior Researcher,
The Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, and the School of Global Studies, Gothenburg, Sweden
Akesson, Lisa and Eriksson Baaz, Maria, (eds.) forthcoming 2015, Africa’s return migrants: New
developers? London and New York: Zed Books.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2013, Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War?: Perceptions,
Prescriptions, Problems in the Congo and Beyond. London and New York: Zed Books
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2005, The Paternalism of Partnership: A Postcolonial Reading of Identity in
Development Aid, London and New York: Zed Books.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Palmberg, Mai (eds.), 2001, Same and Other: Negotiating African Identity
in Cultural Production, Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria; Eriksson, Catharina & Thörn, Håkan (eds), 1999, reprinted 2002.
Globaliseringens kulturer: Den postkoloniala paradoxen, rasismen och det mångkulturella
samhället . Nora: Nya Doxa.
Articles in international refereed journals
Eriksson Baaz, M and Verweijen, J. 2014. “Arbiters with guns: the ambiguity of military
involvement in civilian disputes in the DR Congo”, Third World Quarterly. Volume 35, Issue 5,
Eriksson Baaz, M. and Verweijen J. 2013, The volatility of a half-cooked bouillabaisse. Reflections
on rebel-military integration and conflict dynamics in eastern DRC’, African Affairs 112(449)
(October 2013)
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2013, “Fearless Fighters and Submissive Wives: Negotiating
Identity among Women Soldiers in the Congo (DRC)”, Armed Forces and Society. Published
online before print February 22, 2013, doi: 10.1177/0095327X12459715
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Verweijen, Judith, 2013, “La ‘mère des armées’ n’est pas encore morte :
Des pratiques de justice (in)formelle dans les Forces armées de la République démocratique
du Congo”, Politique africaine, 2013/1 (N° 129).
Eriksson Baaz, Maria with Olsson, Ola, 2011, “Feeding the Horse: Unofficial Economic Activities
within the Police Force in the DR Congo”, African Security, Volume 4, Issue 4.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2011, “Whores, Men and Other Misfits: Undoing the
‘Feminization’ of the Armed Forces in the DR Congo”, African Affairs, Volume 110, Issue 441.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2009, “Why do Soldiers Rape? Masculinity, Violence and
Sexuality in the Armed Forces in the Congo”, in International Studies Quaterly. (2009) 53, 495518
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2008, “Making Sense of Violence: Voices of Soldiers in the
DRC”, in Journal of Modern African Studies 46(1).Cambridge University Press.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 1999, “Culture and the Eurocentrism of Development: The Noble Third
World versus the Ignoble West - and Beyond”, in Journal of International Relations and
Development. Vol 2, no 4.
Chapters in books
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, forthcoming 2015, “Useful Skills Acquired in a Developed North?
Experiences of Congolese return migrants” in Akesson, Lisa and Eriksson Baaz, Maria, (eds.)
forthcoming 2015, Africa’s return migrants: New developers? Signed contract with Zed books.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria and Stern, Maria, 2014, “Research in the Rape Capital of the World: Fame
and Shame”, in Sylvester, Christine, (eds.) Masquerades of War, Routledge series: War,
Politics, Experience. Routledge
Eriksson Baaz, Maria and Stern, Maria, 2014, ‘Studying the Will to Reform among the Armed
Forces in the DRC’ in Stina Hansson, Sofie Hellberg, and Maria Stern (eds.), Studying the
Agency of Being Governed, Routledge.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria and Stern, Maria, 2014,”Understanding sexual violence in conflict and postconflict settings”, in Plomien, Hemmings, Henry, Evans and Madhok (eds.), Handbook of
Feminist Theory. Sage
Eriksson Baaz, Maria and Stern, Maria, 2013, “The gendered subject of violence in recent African
conflicts”, book chapter in The Handbook of African Security, in James J. Hentz.(ed.)
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2013, “Willing reform? An analysis of defence reform
initiatives in the DRC”, in Arne Bigsten (ed.), Globalization and Development: Rethinking
Interventions and Governance, Routledge.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2013, ”Maskulinitet och sexualiserat våld i krig och fred”, in
Paulina de los Reyes, Maud Eduards & Fia Sundevall (eds), Genus i Internationella Relationer,
Liber förlag.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2007, ”Börda och Stöd. Kongos betydelse för svenskkongolesiska familjer”,
in Eastmond, Marita & Akesson, Lisa (eds.), 2007, Globala familjer. Transnationell migration
och släktskap. Gidlunds Förlag
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2003, ”Biståndet och partnerskapets problematik”, in Faye, Louis and
McEachrane, Michael (eds.) Sverige och de Andra: Postkoloniala perspektiv. Stockholm: Natur
och Kultur. (Eng: International development co-operation and the problems of partnership)
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2001, "Introduction: African Identity and the Postcolonial", in Eriksson Baaz,
Maria & Palmberg, Mai (eds) 2001, Same and Other: Negotiating African Identity in Cultural
Production, Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute.
Other academic publications
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2011, The Price for Peace? Military Integration and Continued Conflict in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Africa Programme Report, Strategy Section, Swedish
National Defence College, February 2011, No. 2.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2007, “Paternalism: the ‘outside’ or ‘rejected inside’ of partnership?”, in
7. - 36k
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2002, ”Bortom likhet och särart: Västerländsk feminism och den Andra
kvinnan”, in Feministiskt Perspektiv nr 4. (Eng: Beyond Sameness and Difference: Western
Feminism and the Other Woman)
Policy oriented publications
Stearns, J., Verweijen, J. and Eriksson Baaz, M. 2013 The national army and armed groups in the
eastern Congo: untangling the Gordian knot of insecurity, Usalama project, London: Rift Valley
Institute, 96 pages. Also available in French.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Verweijen, Judith, April 2013, Between Integration and Disintegration: The
Erratic Trajectory of the Congolese Army, New York: Social Science Research Council, Congo
Affinity Group, 36 pages.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Utas, Mats, 2012, “Introduction”, in Eriksson Baaz, Maria and Utas, Mats,
Beyond “gender and stir”: Reflections on gender and SSR in the aftermath of African conflicts.
Policy Dialogue, Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2012, “Beyond Militarized Masculinity: the case of the DRC,” in
Eriksson Baaz, Maria and Utas, Mats, Beyond “gender and stir”: Reflections on gender and SSR in
the aftermath of African conflicts. Policy Dialogue, Uppsala: The Nordic Africa Institute
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2011, « L’inexplicable brutalité de la guerre dans la capital du viol ou de
l’ambiguité des représentations de la violence sexuelles au Congo », in Lamazou, Titouan,
Ténebres au Paradis : Africaines des Grands Lacs", Paris: Gallimard.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria (2010) The Complexity of Violence: A critical analysis of sexual
violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Sida and the Nordic Africa Institute,
Stockholm 2010, 70 pages. Also available in French.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria (2010) Understanding and addressing conflict-related sexual
violence: Lessons learned from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Uppsala: The Nordic Africa
Institute. Policy Note.
Gouzou, Jérôme; Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Olsson, Anna-Maria, October 2009, Gender Country Profile:
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Study Commissioned by Sida
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2006, External Analysis for Strategic Planning Purposes: DR Congo, for Concern
International, DRC.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2003, Colonialism and Postcolonialism in the Congo (DRC), background paper
for the World Culture Museum (Gothenburg) exhibition African Voices.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2002, Definitions of the concepts cultural, national and ethnic identity and
ethnocentrism for the Swedish Board of Integration website Sverige mot rasism:
kunskapsportalen om arbetet mot rasism, främlingsfientlighet och etnisk diskriminering (Eng:
Sweden against racism), at
Carlsson, Jerker; Eriksson Baaz, Maria; Fallenius, Anne-Marie; Lovgren Eva, 1999, Are Evaluations
Useful? Cases from Swedish Development Co-operation, Sida Studies in Evaluations 99/1, based
on data collection in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Botswana.
Carlsson Jerker & Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 1997, Two Years After: “A review of the introduction of the
LFA method at Sida.
Articles in newspapers and other non-academic journals
”Enjoying poverty? Ord & Bild i samtal med Maria Eriksson Baaz, Erik Pauser, Mats Rosengren &
Elin Wikström om Renzo Martens’ film Episode III,” Ord & Bild, nr 5 2010.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2010-11-01. ”Våldtäkten som turistattraktion”, in Dagens
Nyheter, Kultur.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2007. “Att leva på flera platser”, in Invandrare och Minoriteter 2/07, p. 29.
Eriksson Baaz, Maria & Stern, Maria, 2007-10-29. ”Rasistiska beskrivningar av valdet i Kongo”, in
Göteborgs Posten, Debatt
Eriksson Baaz, Maria, 2001-02-16, ‘Att legitimera förtryck’ Kuturessä, Dagens Nyheter.