Project #: 512-13-021 Project Name: CMPD North Tryon Jobs Link Space Upfit INVITATION TO BID The City of Charlotte (hereinafter the “City”) will receive Single Prime sealed bids for the following Project: PROJECT NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) North Tryon Jobs Link Space Upfit 512-13-021 PRE-BID DATE AND TIME: March 4, 2014 at 11:00 AM PRE-BID LOCATION: 4045 North Tryon Street, Charlotte, NC 28206 WALK-THROUGH DATE AND TIME: March 4, 2014 at 11:30 AM BID DUE DATE AND TIME: BID OPENING LOCATION: March 12, 2014 AT 2:00 PM Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center, th 12 Floor, Room 1288 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Bid Clock: See Section 4.3.2 of AIA A701. Pre-Bid Meeting: The Pre-Bid meeting is not mandatory, but attendance is strongly encouraged. SCOPE OF WORK: Project is located in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department (CMPD) space of the Sugar Creek Service Center Building at 4045 North Tryon, Charlotte, NC near Sugar Creek. Scope of work shall include the renovation of approximately 2100 square feet of existing interior office space plus additional remote renovations to approximately 400+ square feet of existing CMPD office area to create three new semi private offices and a new bathroom. Scope will include demolition work, light gauge metal framing, sheetrock installation and finishing. Finishes shall include wall and ceiling priming and painting, lay-in acoustical ceiling panels and grid, carpet and base. Other items covered under this scope include minor millwork and tops, doors and frame, lighting and power, fire alarm adjustments, under slab and above slab plumbing and fixtures, HVAC modifications as well as a new HVAC unit. There will be minor work related to the roof and the installation of the HVAC. Project will be constructed in two phases. Estimated Cost: The estimated cost of this project is $240,700.00. Bid Bond: A 5% bid security is required with each bid that equals or exceeds $200,000.00. Performance and Payment Bonds: If the Contract is over $200,000.00 Performance and Payment bonds will be required prior to issuance of a Notice to Proceed for this Project. Substitutions: See Section 3.3 of AIA A701 – 1997 Instructions to Bidders. Questions: Please submit questions or inquiries at least seven (7) calendar days before the Bid Due Date. Questions or inquiries past this deadline may not be addressed by the City prior to the Bid Due Date. E-Verify: E-Verify Work Authorization Form shall be required at bid opening. Background Check: Contractor of record must pass the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department background check on all personnel, suppliers, vendors or others who are intent on being present on the jobsite. INVITATION TO BID 00 10 00 - 1 Project #: 512-13-021 Project Name: CMPD North Tryon Jobs Link Space Upfit Sales and Use Tax - Refer to Section 4.1.8 of AIA 701 of this Project Manual for additional information on sales and use tax. The City reserves the right to request from the bidder after bid opening the estimated amount of total Eligible Taxes that were used to calculate the Bid and any supporting documentation of such. The Bidder, in submitting the Bid for consideration, agrees to provide any such sales or use tax estimates or documentation that may be requested by the City. Contractor’s License: Bidders shall comply with all applicable laws regulating to the practice of Contracting as required by the General Statutes of North Carolina that require the Bidder to be licensed by the North Carolina Licensing Board for Contractors when bidding on this project. Additionally, Bidders shall comply with all applicable laws and must have proper licenses under the state laws governing their respective trades at the time of bid opening. Bidding Documents are available for a non-refundable charge of $70.00 (includes tax) at: Sudeep Vyas Richa Graphics 800 North College Street Charlotte, NC 28206 Email: [email protected] (preferred contact method) Phone: (704) 331-9744 Website: Project Document Questions: Please submit questions or concerns in writing by email or fax at least seven (7) calendar days before bid day to the following: Jennifer Miloy, Contracts Specialist 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202 Direct Phone: (704) 336-3629 Receptionist Phone: (704) 336-2291 Email: [email protected] City Website: Project information is available online at the City of Charlotte – Engineering & Property Management Website Charlotte Business INClusion Program (CBI): For information regarding the CBI Program, please submit questions or concerns in writing by email to: Wanda Richardson, SBO Liaison Direct Phone: (704) 336-4251 Receptionist Phone: (704) 336-2291 Email: [email protected] The City of Charlotte reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities or technicalities as it may deem to be in its best interest. INVITATION TO BID 00 10 00 - 2
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