Billington Process Technology AS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Org. No.: 966 233 575 MVA User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS BPT Document Information: Summary: Doc. No. Revision Date No of pages This is the OLX™ HYSYS User Manual, describing the OLGAHYSYS OPC Link. P12-0402-1000 01 30.12.2013 39 OLX™ versions covered: Product Name Product Version OLX™ with HYSYS V1.0 Build No (PVT Table based) 102 (Nov 2013) This document contains information about the following: • • • • Installation of OLX™ as extension in HYSYS Installation of a valid OLX™ license OLGA model configuration to comply with OLX™ specific requirements. Configuring the OLX™ within the HYSYS environment. BPT Contacts: Name Telephone E-mail Arne Gulbraar Per H. Billington Henrik Billington +47 67 56 99 90 [email protected] Picture: Courtesy of SIS(SPT Group) Billington Process Technology AS (BPT) develops, maintains and validates process simulation tools & models (both steady state and dynamic) to efficiently support our clients in their operational challenges in all phases of the project/field life time, from early conceptual design throughout tail end production. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 1 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 2 of 39 TABLE OF CONTENT LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................ 3 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ........................................................................................... 4 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 About this Document ........................................................................................................ 5 About OLX™ with HYSYS.............................................................................................. 6 2 ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................... 7 3 INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Pre-Installation System Requirements .............................................................................. 8 3.1.1 Hardware Requirements .................................................................................................... 8 3.1.2 Software Requirements ..................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Installation ......................................................................................................................... 9 3.2.1 Installation files ................................................................................................................. 9 3.2.2 Register OPC DA Auto Wrapper ...................................................................................... 9 3.2.3 Register the OLX™ Extension........................................................................................ 12 3.2.4 Install the OLX™ License file ........................................................................................ 14 4 CONFIGURE OLGA .............................................................................................................. 15 4.1 Pre-Requisites.................................................................................................................. 15 4.2 Minimum Requirements .................................................................................................. 15 4.2.1 General Server Configuration ......................................................................................... 15 4.2.2 Configure a Pressure Node .............................................................................................. 17 4.2.3 Configure a Pressure Node for compositional case......................................................... 17 4.2.4 Configure a Mass Source ................................................................................................ 17 4.2.5 Configure a Mass Source for compositional case ........................................................... 18 4.2.6 Generate Batch File ......................................................................................................... 18 4.3 Test OLGA OPC server .................................................................................................. 18 4.4 Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................. 18 4.5 Configure OLGA Input/Output Variables....................................................................... 19 4.5.1 Configure OLGA Input/Output Variables....................................................................... 19 4.6 Launch OLGA OPC Server............................................................................................. 20 5 CONFIGURE HYSYS ............................................................................................................ 21 5.1 Add OLX™ HYSYS Unit Operation, V1.0 (PVT Table based) .................................... 21 5.2 Setup ................................................................................................................................ 22 5.2.1 Specifying Connections & OPC Server .......................................................................... 22 5.2.2 Selecting calculation mode for “Mixed negative/positive flow handling” ..................... 26 Worksheet.................................................................................................................................. 27 5.2.3 Viewing stream conditions .............................................................................................. 27 CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 2 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 3 of 39 5.2.4 Viewing stream properties............................................................................................... 27 5.2.5 Viewing stream compositions ......................................................................................... 28 5.2.6 Viewing stream pressure flow specs ............................................................................... 28 5.3 OLGA Inputs ................................................................................................................... 29 5.3.1 OLGA Times ................................................................................................................... 29 5.3.2 OPC Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 30 5.4 OLGA Outputs ................................................................................................................ 31 5.4.1 Viewing OPC Outputs ..................................................................................................... 31 5.4.2 Viewing Profile Plots ...................................................................................................... 32 5.4.3 Define Plots ..................................................................................................................... 33 5.5 OLGA File Data .............................................................................................................. 34 5.6 Messages ......................................................................................................................... 35 5.7 About ............................................................................................................................... 35 6 TIPS AND TRICKS ................................................................................................................ 36 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Location of Link interface ............................................................................................... 36 Controllers ....................................................................................................................... 36 SOURCE Label Names ................................................................................................... 36 OLGA parameters recommended to be exposed as SERVERDATA. ............................ 37 General variable exposure ............................................................................................... 38 OLGA parameters recommended to be exposed as EXPOSE. ....................................... 38 Integration ....................................................................................................................... 38 Snapshot files .................................................................................................................. 38 HYSYS PVT generated from MultiFlash via CAPE OPEN ........................................... 39 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4-1: Basic.opi screenshot from OLGA GUI ........................................................................ 16 Figure 5-1: Add Operation property view ....................................................................................... 21 Figure 5-2: “Setup - OPC Server” View (example). ....................................................................... 22 Figure 5-3: “Setup – Connections” View ........................................................................................ 23 Figure 5-4: “Worksheet” View (example) ...................................................................................... 27 Figure 5-5: “OPC Inputs” View (example) ..................................................................................... 30 Figure 5-6: “OPC Outputs” View (example) .................................................................................. 31 Figure 5-7: “Profile Plots” View (example) .................................................................................... 32 Figure 5-8: “Define Plots” View (example) .................................................................................... 33 Figure 5-9: “OLGA File Data” View (example) ............................................................................. 34 Figure 5-10: “Messages” View (example) ...................................................................................... 35 Figure 5-11: “About” View (example) ............................................................................................ 35 CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 3 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 4 of 39 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY Rev. 00-3 01A 01F 01G Date 11.01.2013 29.11.2013 30.12.2013 03.04.2014 Description Issued for Internal Approval Issued for IDC after release of V1.0 Build 102 Issued after release of V1.0 Build 102 Correction on required files Prep. AGU/HB AGU AGU WVW Chkd. Appr. SHM/HB SHM/HB PBI PBI CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 4 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F 1 Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 5 of 39 INTRODUCTION 1.1 About this Document This document contains user information about the software product OLX™ with HYSYS. The trademark name of the software link is OLX™ , and the OLX™ with HYSYS is in the following termed as OLX™ or as “the Link”. This document contains information about the following: • • • • Installation of OLX™ as extension in HYSYS Installation of a valid OLX™ license OLGA model configuration to comply with OLX™ specific requirements. Configuring the OLX™ within the HYSYS environment. All relevant installation files and product documentation (including this Manual) will be available from each Client’s site at BPT’s ProjectPlace. BPT will establish a dedicated account site in ProjectPlace ( ProjectPlace is an ISO 27001 certified information security system. Using this collaboration system enables an efficient platform to distribute the software/the license file/user manuals and may even be used to remotely assist our customers. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 5 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 6 of 39 1.2 About OLX™ with HYSYS OLX™ with HYSYS is a software enabling linking between the multiphase simulation software OLGA (v7.2 and onwards) from SIS (SPT Group), and the industry standard process simulation software HYSYS (v7.3 and onwards) from AspenTech. Transfer of data to/from the applications is via an OPC server, established by OLGA. In this context, the OLX™ with HYSYS is the OPC Client application. The OLX™ is a licensed software from BPT. The OLX™ with HYSYS is programmed as an HYSYS Extension with the following Unit Operation display names: HYSYS Unit Operation Name HYSYS-OLGA OPC Link V1.0 Description OLX™ based on OLGA with PVT table calculations HYSYS-OLGA OPC Compositional Link V1.0 OLX™ based on OLGA with Compositional Tracking module More information about OPC is found on More information about AspenTech and HYSYS is found on More information about SIS(SPT Group) and OLGA is found on CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 6 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F 2 Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 7 of 39 ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation BPT HYSYS Link OPC OLGA SIS (SPT) Description Billington Process Technology AS Aspen HYSYS OLX™ with HYSYS OLE for Process Control OLGA Schlumberger Information Solutions (former SPT Group) CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 7 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F 3 Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 8 of 39 INSTALLATION 3.1 Pre-Installation System Requirements The installation account must have local Administrator privileges. 3.1.1 Hardware Requirements Requirement Minimum Requirements Specification Intel® 1.00GHz or higher 40 GB 2 GB RAM 3.1.2 Software Requirements Requirement Operating System Aspen HYSYS SIS (SPT Group) OLGA Microsoft .NET Framework Recommended OPC server explorer Specification Windows 7 (64 bit) The software has been tested using Windows 7 (64 bit), but Windows 7 (32 bit) should work as well. Aspen HYSYS V7.3 (CP2) and onwards The software has been qualified with Cumulative Patch 2 installed, but earlier installations of HYSYS V7.3 should work as well. Minimum licenses required: HYSYS_Process HYSYS_Dynamic OLGA v7.2 and onwards Minimum licensed modules: OLGA 7 Three Phase (contains OLGA Basic and Water module) .NET Framework 3.5 SP 1 Usually installed as part of HYSYS installation. Example: Matrikon OPC Explorer CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 8 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 9 of 39 3.2 Installation 3.2.1 Installation files The following files are needed to install the Link. All of these will be installed in the application folder by the install routine, except the license file which will be provided separately.: Filename OPC Core Components Redistributable (x86).msi with associated setup.exe and .htm Description Only required if OLGA is not installed on the same computer. Otherwise it would already be installed. This file contains the install routine for the OPC core components required for any application to communicate via OPC. gbda_aut.dll interop.gbdaautomation.dll Greybox OPC DA Auto Wrapper interop.hysys.dll File that allows HYSYS to use .NET extensions. hyOlgaOPC.dll OLX™ Extension container code hyolgaopc.edf OLX™ Extension definition file. This file contains the definition of all variables the extension needs to communicate to HYSYS. It also contains the interface definition of the OLX™ unit operation in HYSYS. Hysysopcclient.ico Icon file for display in palette. This is only useful in HYSYS V8.0 and higher Hysysopcclient.tlb Type library for the extension BPT_OlgaLink.txt OLX™ License file 3.2.2 Copy the interop.HYSYS.dll to the HYSYS folder The provided file was created using HYSYS V7.3. It will work with HYSYS V7.3 or later versions. If you use version V8.x and you have other extensions installed, it is possible that you would already have an interop.hysys.dll. and this file may be based on .NET version 4.0. In that case you will need an updated version of BPT-OLX. We will provide an updated file for you at CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 9 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 10 of 39 not cost. So, if there is already an interop.hysys.dll present, make a backup copy before placing the supplied in the HYSYS folder! 3.2.3 Register OPC DA related files 1. Execute the setup.exe that will install the “OPC Core Components”, this is the setup.exe you will find in “C:\Program Files (x86)\Billington Process Technology\BPT-OLX for HYSYS”. 2. Verify the install has copied gbda_aut.dll to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Billington Process Technology\BPT-OLX for HYSYS” 3. Open the command window cmd by right-clicking and choose Run as Administrator 4. In the command window, navigate to the path where the module is located and register the dll module by entering “regsvr32 gbda_aut.dll” on the command line. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 10 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 11 of 39 Notes • To remove Graybox OPC Automation Wrapper from your system's registry – enter regsvr32 gbda_aut.dll –u in the command line. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 11 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 12 of 39 3.2.4 Register the OLX™ Extension To register the Link in HYSYS, do the following: 1. Start HYSYS with the “Run as Administrator” option. From the Tools menu, select Preferences. The preferences view opens. 2. On the Extensions tab, click Register an Extension. 3. Browse to the folder where the extension files are located on your computer, select the hyOlgaOPC.dll file and click the Open button. 4. Exit and re-start HYSYS. Notes • • • The extension definition file hyolgaopc.edf must reside in the same folder as the extension dll. The Link can be un-registered using the same approach, click Unregister Extension and exit HYSYS. This is an error message you get if you have not copied the interop.HYSYS.DLL to the correct folder. So make sure the interop.HYSYS.DLL is in the correct folder. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 12 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F • Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 13 of 39 If you get the message seen from the image below when you try to add the Link your license file is missing. If not you are ready to go. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 13 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 14 of 39 3.2.5 Install the OLX™ License file An OLX™ license may be valid for a specific MAC address or within a specific domain name. Use of the OLX™ requires that a valid license from BPT is available on each of the computers from where HYSYS is installed and executed. To install a valid license, do the following: • • • Download the license file from the Projectplace document folder “License file”. Typical name may be BPT_OlgaLink.txt Copy the file to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Hyprotech\Shared\ Or to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Hyprotech\Shared\ CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 14 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F 4 Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 15 of 39 CONFIGURE OLGA The OLGA model configuration needs to comply with OLX™ specific requirements relates to setting up the OLGA OPC server to enable external execution. OLGA User Manual/Documentation may also assist on this. 4.1 Pre-Requisites OLGA is installed and standalone OLGA simulations can be run. 4.2 Minimum Requirements Minimum requirements for enabling linking to HYSYS are to configure the OLGA model in one of the following ways: i) a single pressure node connection, or ii) a single mass source connection. As every OLGA case is different from one another, there may be additional requirements to specific OLGA models to make them suitable for linking to HYSYS. 4.2.1 General Server Configuration The key steps for enabling the OLGA OPC server and make the OLGA model ready for connecting to a HYSYS simulation model is: • • Set the Simulator Mode to EXTERNAL Expose global variables needed for time synchronization A step-by-step procedure is given below where the OLGA GUI is used to configure an OLGA model. Please note that the changes required may also be done using a text editor only, changing the OLGA input file (*.genkey) directly. From this point onwards, it is assumed that the OLGA sample case “Basic.opi” is the starting point. Basic.opi contains a single branch, a mass source and a closed node at the inlet end, and a pressure node at the outlet end. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 15 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 16 of 39 Figure 4-1: Basic.opi screenshot from OLGA GUI Step-by-step procedure: 1. Start OLGA GUI 2. From the available templates in the Start window, select “Basic.opi” and specify a file location. A copy of the Basic.opi case will be stored in the folder specified when the Create button is clicked. 3. From the Model View window, click on Case Definition and add Serveroptions. In the property window set SIMULATORMODE=EXTERNAL and choose unique names for SERVERNAME, MODULENAME and MODELNAME: 4. From the model view window under Case Definition click on INTEGRATION. In the properties window go to EXPOSE and add MAXDT and SIMULATIONSPEED to the list of variables 5. From the Model View window, right click on Output and add SERVERDATA. Specify the VARIABLE keyword to contain: HT, SIMTIME, SPEED, TIME. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 16 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 17 of 39 4.2.2 Configure a Pressure Node To connect to a pressure node in OLGA using OLGA GUI, do the following: 1. Click on the NODE named OUTLET. Set DPDGG, DPDGLTHL and DPDGLTWT to nondefault values (e.g. set values to 0.1 Pa-s/kg or preferably set manually to 0.0 Pa-s/kg). This will ensure that these variables are exposed by OLGA on the OPC server. 2. Under Pressure conditions, set WATERFRACTION=0 and GASFRACTION=1. Again, this is just to make sure OLGA makes these variables accessible on the OPC server. When connected to HYSYS, water and gas fraction are given by HYSYS in case of reversed flow. Finally, set EXPOSE=ALL. 3. From the Model View Window, expand the Flow Component folder, right click on NODE: OUTLET and add Output-> SERVERDATA. Select DGGDPB, DGLTHLDPB, DGLTWTDPB, GGBOU, GLTHLBOU, GLTWTBOU, PTBOU and TMBOU from the list of available variables. 4. In the model view window select Case Definition\ FILES. In property window select correct fluid tab file. 4.2.3 Configure a Pressure Node for compositional case 1 .If running a compositional case you should make sure GASCMASS, OILCMASS AND WATERCMASS are set to none default values, these variables replaces the specification under pressure conditions for WATERFRACTION and GASFRACTION. 2. An explicit SERVERDATA should be added to the pressure node. It should contain the variables: CGGBOU, CGLTHLBOU, CGLTWTBOU so that the composition is exposed to the server. 4.2.4 Configure a Mass Source 1. Click on the SOURCE you want to configure. Set DGGDP, DGLTHLDP and DDGLTWTDP to non-default values (e.g. set values to 0.1 Pa-s/kg or preferably set manually to 0.0 Pa-s/kg). This will ensure that these variables are exposed by OLGA to the OPC server. Finally, set EXPOSE=ALL 2. From the Model View Window, expand the Flow Component folder, then expand the flowpath folder right click on Output and add SERVERDATA. Select DPDGGS, DPDGLTHLS and DPDGLTWTS. Under properties->Equipment for this SERVERDATA you should give an explicit source. If you have several sources in your case you can choose all of them, but these variables need a specific source. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 17 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 18 of 39 4.2.5 Configure a Mass Source for compositional case 1. For a compositional case make sure GASFRACEQ, OILFRACEQ and WATERFRACEQ under Properties->Compositional are set to default (=1). Under Properties->General GASCMASSFLOW, OILCMASSFLOW and WATERCMASSFLOW should be set to nonedefault values so they are exposed to the server. The list length must be equal to the number of components in the fluid. 2. If you are running a compositional case you should add at least two more SERVERDATA. Add one and under properties->variable choose PT and TM. These variables must be given a position, the same position as your source. If you are working with OLGA version 7.3 or newer these variables can be exposed from the source itself and you do not have to use a specific position. For versions older than 7.3 this is however a necessity. 3. Add another SERVERDATA under Flowpath->output. This SERVERDATA should contain the variables CMG, CMLTHL and CMLTWT. Also here you should use position and choose the same position as for your source. These variables will expose the composition to the OPC server. 4.2.6 Generate Batch File 4. Click the Run Batch button or hit F4 to generate the OLGA *.genkey file. 4.3 Test OLGA OPC server To verify that the steps above have been successful, it is advisable to use an OPC explorer tool and check that all exposed OLGA variables exists on the OPC server. BPT has used the freeware Matrikon OPC Explorer from Matrikon. 4.4 Troubleshooting • • • Label names in OLGA model input files (*.genkey) should avoid space between letters, as well as the use of “ ” signs. In model view window check under Case Definition\ RESTART that READFILE = OFF in the property view window. Time series defined in the OLGA model will not be overruled if the OLGA controllers are not exposed to the OPC server interface. In such cases, the time series in the OLGA model may be deleted. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 18 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 19 of 39 4.5 Configure OLGA Input/Output Variables In principle, all variables in OLGA defined as Input variables and made exposed on the OLGA OPC server may be manipulated from the OLX™ interface in HYSYS. The OLGA keyword EXPOSE should be used to expose the relevant variables to the OLGA OPC Server. 4.5.1 Configure OLGA Input/Output Variables Similarly, all variables in OLGA defined as Output variables and made exposed on the OLGA OPC server may be read from the OLX™ interface in HYSYS. The OLGA keyword SERVERDATA should be used to expose the relevant variables to the OLGA OPC Server. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 19 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 20 of 39 4.6 Launch OLGA OPC Server OLGA OPC server should be running prior to connecting the OLGA model with HYSYS. Make sure the OLGA model file (*.genkey) is configured to run in server mode before proceeding. See section 4. Start OLGA OPC server by creating a batch-file (*.bat) which calls the OLGA executable (*.exe) with the model filename (*.genkey) as argument. To create a batch file: • • Use OLGA GUI by the Run Batch button or hit F4, or Use Notepad or similar and simply save a file with a (*.bat) extension. An example is shown below: @echo off title "Running Basic.genkey with C:\Program Files\SPT Group\OLGA 7.2\OlgaExecutables\OLGA-7.2.exe" pushd "C:\BPT\OlgaLink" call "C:\Program Files\SPT Group\OLGA 7.2\OlgaExecutables\OLGA-7.2.exe" "Basic.genkey" title "Finished Basic.genkey" pause exit Supporting information as follows: Type Description echo title pushd call ON/OFF, Set the window title for the command prompt window Refers to the folder with the project files (*.genkey) Refers to the OLGA executable path and the the GENKEY file, stored under the folder specified in “pushd” Exits the command window exit Double-click the batch file to start the OLGA OPC server. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 20 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F 5 Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 21 of 39 CONFIGURE HYSYS Scope: Configuring the OLX™ unit operation within the HYSYS environment. 5.1 Add OLX™ HYSYS Unit Operation, V1.0 (PVT Table based) You can add an OLX™ Unit Operation to your HYSYS simulation by: 1. From the Flowsheet menu, select Add Operation. The UnitOps property view appears. 2. Click the Extension radio button. 3. From the list of available unit operations select the OLX™ with the display name “HYSYS-OLGA OPC Link V1.0”. 4. Click the Add button. The OLX™ property view then appears. Figure 5-1: Add Operation property view CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 21 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 22 of 39 5.2 Setup 5.2.1 Specifying Connections & OPC Server 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. From the PFD double-click the OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link icon. The OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link property view appears. Click on the Setup tab, and click on the OPC Server page. In the OLGA Model File field specify the OLGA model path and filename. You may browse for the correct file by clicking the browse button. In the Snapshot File field specify the OLGA snapshot file. It is not always necessary to use a snapshot file and you may skip this step. You may browse for the correct file by clicking the browse button. Click Analyse OLGA File to read the OLGA genkey file. Available OLGA sources, positions, and boundaries will be populated in the Connections page. This command will also look for OLGA OPC Server name, Module Name and Model Name. Figure 5-2: “Setup - OPC Server” View (example). CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 22 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 23 of 39 6. 7. 8. 9. Click on the Setup tab, and click on the Connections page. In the Name field specify a name for the OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link In the Reference Stream field specify which reference stream HYSYS should use. In the Inlets list, click the <<Stream>> cell. A drop-down list appears. From the dropdown list, either select a pre-defined stream or click the empty space at the top of the list and type in the name of the stream. Repeat this step if you have multiple feed streams. 10. In the second matrix, match each of the HYSYS Inlet streams with a position on the OLGA side. 11. In the Outlet drop-down list either type in the name of the stream or if you have predefined your stream select it from the drop-down list. Figure 5-3: “Setup – Connections” View 12. Click on the Setup tab, and click on the OPC Server page. 13. Click Connect to OPC Server to make a connection to the OLGA OPC server. Make sure the OPC server is running first. 14. At this point, check the HYSYS trace window. If there are required OPC variables missing in your OLGA case configuration, these will be shown in the trace Window. 15. Click Disconnect from OPC Server to disconnect from the OLGA OPC server. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 23 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 24 of 39 Important note • Make sure the appropriate HYSYS stream connections are made on the Connections page before pushing Connect To OPC Server. If this is not done in the correct order the Link will not be able to connect properly. Notes • • • • It may be necessary to configure OLGA Communication Details manually (if the Analyze function doesn’t configure automatically), depending on the OLGA model setup. Ask the supplier of the OLGA case for name details or read through the OLGA genkey file using OLGA GUI, Notepad or similar. If one is to run a simulation case and wants to save the case and continue the simulation from this point one can use a snapshot file. Each time the HYSYS case is saved a snapshot file will be made. To continue the simulation from the saving point one will have to use the necessary snapshot file. The snapshot file is uploaded by double-clicking the OLGAHYSYS OPC Link icon. The OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link property view then appears. From here click on the Setup tab, and click on the OPC server page. In the Snapshot file field browse to apply the correct snapshot file. The easiest way to choose the right one is to look at the date and time for the creation of the file. At the bottom of the OPC server page there is a check box for loading a snapshot when connecting to OPC server. If this box is checked like in Figure 5-2, the last saved snapshot will be auto-loaded. OLGA restart file can be converted to a snapshot file by changing the file extension from rsw to snp. Inlets and outlets on the OLGA side, i.e. OLGA Sources, Available Positions and OLGA Boundaries will be populated by the OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link during OPC server configuration. The lists will be populated as they appear in the OLGA *.genkey file. It is not possible to change the list order. Material Stream(s) connection(s) in HYSYS should therefore be done after specifying OLGA OPC Server Name, Module Name and Model Name under the OPC Server page. Known Issues: • If the model name does not show up in the link upon clicking Analyse OLGA File, set EXPOSE = ALL in the serveroptions part of the *.genkey file: SERVEROPTIONS SIMULATORMODE=EXTERNAL SERVERNAME=<Name_Of_Server> MODULENAME=<OLGA_Module_Name> MODELNAME=<Model_Name> EXPOSE=ALL CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 24 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F • Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 25 of 39 If the names in OLGA OPC server writable data table in the OLGA input tab are missing, some required server data are likely missing. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 25 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 26 of 39 5.2.2 Selecting calculation mode for “Mixed negative/positive flow handling” From the OPC Server page, the user may select how the OLX is to treat conditions from the OLGA model that constitutes a condition with mixed negative/positive phase flows, as this is a condition not supported by HYSYS. 3 different calculation modes are available: • Maintain net flow (recommended) • Maintain dominant flow (recommended) • Only keep positive Below is a description of how the makes its calculations for each setting. Maintain net flow If phases flow in different directions, calculate the total flow. The direction of the total flow may for convenience be termed "right flow". Create a composition with those phases that flow in right direction and ignore the phase(s) that go the wrong way. Use the calculated total flow to determine the flows of each phase. The net flow produced will match the OLGA net flow, but none of the phase flows will exactly match the OLGA phase flows: • The phase flow(s) in the wrong direction will be set to zero • The phase flow(s) in the right direction will be reduced such that the total equals total of right flows minus total of wrong flows Maintain dominant flow If phases flow in different directions, calculate the total flow. The direction of the total flow may for convenience be termed "right flow". Create a composition with those phases that flow in right direction and ignore the phase(s) that go the wrong way. Use the OLGA phase flows to determine the flows of each phase. The net flow produced will NOT match the OLGA net flow • The phase flow(s) in the wrong direction will be set to zero • The phase flow(s) in the right direction will match the OLGA flow Only keep positive If phases flow in different directions, the negative flows are ignored. This has the drawback that you get a continuous positive flow out of the pipe, although according to OLGA that would not be the case. It may even be so that OLGA models a continuous net negative flow and despite that the link produces a net positive flow. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 26 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 27 of 39 Worksheet 5.2.3 Viewing stream conditions 1. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. 2. Click on the Worksheet tab. 3. Click on the Conditions page. The conditions for all the streams attached to the unit operation are displayed in the table Figure 5-4: “Worksheet” View (example) 5.2.4 Viewing stream properties 1. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. 2. Click on the Worksheet tab. 3. Click on the Properties page. The properties for all the streams attached to the unit operation are displayed in the table. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 27 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 28 of 39 5.2.5 Viewing stream compositions 1. 2. 3. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. Click on the Worksheet tab. Click on the Compositions page. The compositions for all the components in all the streams attached to the unit operation are displayed in the table. 5.2.6 Viewing stream pressure flow specs 1. 2. 3. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. Click on the Worksheet tab. Click on the PF Specs page. The pressure flow specifications for all the streams attached to the unit operation are displayed in the table. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 28 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 29 of 39 5.3 OLGA Inputs 5.3.1 OLGA Times 1. 2. 3. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. Click on the OLGA Inputs tab. Click on the OLGA Times page. The current OLGA integration time and the external time passed from HYSYS is shown. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 29 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 30 of 39 5.3.2 OPC Inputs 1. 2. 3. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. Click on the OLGA Inputs tab. Click on the OPC Inputs page. Figure 5-5: “OPC Inputs” View (example) Notes • • OPC Inputs will only appear after OLGA Communication Details have been configured under the Setup tab OPC Server page. Use the drag and drop method to export input variables to OLGA from HYSYS unit operations, such as an interface spreadsheet. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 30 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 31 of 39 5.4 OLGA Outputs 5.4.1 Viewing OPC Outputs 1. 2. 3. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. Click on the OLGA Outputs tab. Click on the OPC Outputs page. All available OPC outputs are displayed in the table. Figure 5-6: “OPC Outputs” View (example) Notes • • OPC Outputs are displayed in a matrix. The dimensions are determined by the variable count (rows) and the single largest data vector (columns). Use the drag and drop method to export outputs to HYSYS spreadsheets or trend charts. It is recommended to transfer data to a HYSYS spreadsheet where the correct units of measures can be applied. This may be especially useful for trending and further manipulation of the OLGA data. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 31 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 32 of 39 5.4.2 Viewing Profile Plots 1. 2. 3. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. Click on the OLGA Outputs tab. Click on the Profile Plots page. Figure 5-7: “Profile Plots” View (example) Notes • • Profile Plots are defined in the Define Plots page, see section 5.4.3. Change title, axis titles, xy ranges, line styles and so forth by right clicking on the plot view. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 32 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 33 of 39 5.4.3 Define Plots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. From the PFD, double-click the unit operation symbol you want to view. The property view of the selected unit operation appears. Click on the OLGA Outputs tab. Click on the Define Plots page. A list of all output names from OLGA will appear. Select up to 5 profile variables by typing y in the In Profile column. Select a branch length variable as the x variable (ZZVOL or ZZVOL) Figure 5-8: “Define Plots” View (example) Notes • • • • The variable listing is determined by the OLGA model input file (*.genkey) and how this file is read by the link. Any changes to the input file may result in wrongly displayed profile plots. Thus, it is good practice to re-define plots after any changes to the OLGA model file Length of y variables must be equal to the length of x. To define a plot of a volumetric OLGA variable, e.g. holdup in the pipeline, the parameter ZZVOL must be exposed in OLGA and set as the x axis. To define a plot of a boundary OLGA variable, e.g. massflow in the pipeline, the parameter ZZBOU must be exposed in OLGA and set as the x axis. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 33 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 34 of 39 5.5 OLGA File Data The OLGA genkey file may be viewed from within this window. Figure 5-9: “OLGA File Data” View (example) CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 34 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 35 of 39 5.6 Messages OLX™ messages may appear in this window. Figure 5-10: “Messages” View (example) 5.7 About The OLX™ version and build number is stated in this window. Figure 5-11: “About” View (example) CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 35 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F 6 Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 36 of 39 TIPS AND TRICKS The following is only meant as additional typical recommendations, and may not be applicable for certain OLGA models and scenarios. 6.1 Location of Link interface A general guideline would be to, if applicable, to position the OLX™ Link such that, if you are going to close a valve nearby the interface, then the valve is placed in OLGA. The reason for this is that HYSYS cannot handle flow in two directions simultaneously. Locating this valve in OLGA will ensure more stable simulations. It is advised that on the HYSYS side of the OLX™ there exist a holdup volume in the first unit operation. The larger the volume, the more stable will the OLX™ operation be, since gradients will be smaller with a large volume compared to a small volume. 6.2 Controllers It may be recommended to set controllers in auto when simulating interlinked. When using a controller in HYSYS to control your OLGA CONTROLLER, you can use the SETPOINT keyword. If your OLGA controller is set in manual mode, it is the keyword MANUALOUTPUT that should be used. 6.3 SOURCE Label Names Below relates to situations where the OLGA genkey file is modified for linking (and not using the OLGA GUI): • A SOURCE label should have “ ” around it. E.g. Source Label=”Gaslift” and so should the connected position e.g. POSITION=”GLV”. If the “ ” are missing, there may be problems when connecting to the OPC server. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 36 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 37 of 39 6.4 OLGA parameters recommended to be exposed as SERVERDATA. OLGA parameters that may be recommended to be exposed as SERVERDATA, and thus made available via the OLX™ are: • For flow paths : ZZVOL, PT, TM and HOL. o These variables are volume based and could be exposed together in one single SERVERDATA output. • For the last flow path (closest to the OLX™ Link it is further advised to include the phase densities : SERVERDATA(ROG, ROL, ROHL and ROWT) o These variables may be used to check that the PVT definitions in OLGA and HYSYS are aligned, and thus provides a correct transition of volumetric parameters as flow rates (since mass flow rates are the parameters that are transferred directly) • For flow paths : ZZBOU, GT o These variable are boundary based and must therefore be exposed by adding an additional SERVERDATA output. Examples of OLGA genkey calls exposing OLGA output parameters to the OPC Server interface: SERVERDATA VARIABLE=(GT NoUnit, ZZBOU NoUnit) SERVERDATA VARIABLE=(HOL NoUnit, PT NoUnit, TM NoUnit, ZZVOL NoUnit) SERVERDATA VARIABLE=(ACCGAG NoUnit, ACCGAQ NoUnit, ACCGT NoUnit, ACCLIG NoUnit,ACCLIQ NoUnit, ACCOIG NoUnit, ACCOIQ NoUnit, ACCWAG NoUnit, ACCWAQ NoUnit) SERVERDATA VARIABLE=GORST NoUnit SERVERDATA VARIABLE=(PT, TM, HOL, HOLWT, USLT, USLTHT, USLTWT, USG, GT, UG, US, TU, EVR, ROG, ROL) SERVERDATA VARIABLE=(GG, GLTL, GLTWT, QG, QLTHL, QLTWT, HOLTHTOT, HOLWTOT, DTHYD, YBoU, ZZBOU) SERVERDATA VARIABLE=(GASC, OILC), BRANCH=….. If it is required to add more SERVERDATA parameters later on, it is recommended to add additional SERVERDATA outputs. If you add more variables in an already existing SERVERDATA, the order of the input/output variables in the Link input/output tab may change. As a consequence, links to/from the Link’s input/output tab may also be affected. Therefore it is a good practice to consider in detail what to expose before making spreadsheets and strip charts in HYSYS with interfaces to the OLX input/output variables. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 37 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 38 of 39 6.5 General variable exposure 6.6 OLGA parameters recommended to be exposed as EXPOSE. Potential OLGA input parameters that may be recommended to be exposed as EXPOSE, and thus made available via the OLX™ are: OLGA Keyword CONTROLLER Description EXPOSE=SETPOINT VALVE EXPOSE=VALVEOP WELL EXPOSE =ALL SOURCE EXPOSE =ALL Recommendations may however vary from model to model and case to case. 6.7 Integration It is recommended to set MAXDT in OLGA to 5 seconds or higher. If this parameter is set to e.g. 1 second you might have some problems starting a simulation. The general OLGA “advice” would however be that the interval between MINDT and MAXDT should not be too large. Note also that the effective MAXDT will be governed by the HYSYS timestep. 6.8 Snapshot files Start-up from a snapshot file A snapshot file is created when saving your HYSYS case. It may be recommended to decrease the step size in HYSYS before saving, to avoid potential challenges when restarting from this snapshot file at a later stage. The stability of the case when saving may also effect this. Therefore, if a simulation is to be saved with large transient instabilities, there may be a need to reduce the time step accordingly. Recommended values may change from model to model and case to case. BPT has experienced that a step size of less than 0,1s may be required. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 38 Billington Process Technology AS User Manual OLX™ with HYSYS Hiltonåsen 36, N-1341 Slependen, Norway Phone: : +47 67 56 99 90 Fax No. : +47 67 54 46 39 Org. No. : 966 233 575 MVA V1.0 Title: User Manual for OLGA-HYSYS OPC Link Doc. No.: P12-0204-1000 Revision: 01F Date: 30.12.2013 Page: 39 of 39 Snapshot vs restart file OLGA restart file can be converted to a snapshot file by changing the file extension from rsw to snp. 6.9 HYSYS PVT generated from MultiFlash via CAPE OPEN In HYSYS go to basis environment --> Add fluid package. • Choose COMThermo and CAPE-OPEN 1.1. • Choose this for both vapor and liquid model phase. • Then find the desired Cape open file in the list that appears. • After this press the extended PropPkg setup button and then finish setup. Then you are finished. CONFIDENTIAL All information contained herein is confidential and may not be disclosed to a third party without the prior written consent of Billington Process Technology A.S. P12-0204-1000 OLX-HYSYS Manual Rev01G.docx Page 39
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