MerSETA Discretionary Grants Training Manual 1 Contents 1. How to Register as a Stakeholder ....................................................................................................................... 2.How to Setup the Grant Funding Window ................................................................................................................ 3. How to Approve a stakeholder ............................................................................................................................. 4. How to access the Descretionary Grants application forms ................................................................................. 5.How to Upload documents ....................................................................................................................................... 2 I. .Logon to the system To logon to the system go to the following website The following screen will appear. Please click on the “Register for Discretionary Grants” icon. 1. How to Register as a Stakeholder The personal details form will open up where the users will capture and save their details 3 Please capture all the required information then click on the “Enter” button to save captured information. The registrtion message will appear after clicking on the enter button confirming that the registration was successful. Click on the Register an organisation tab at the bottom of the page to proceed with the registration. 4 The system will open up the page where the user will “Add” the organisation they belong to and by so doing they will be linking themselves to that specific. If the organisation is not in the system the user can still add an organisation to the system by selecting whether it’s an NLP or InterSETA Transfer organisation. The system will return the or 5 After clicking on either one of the organisations a popup shown below will appear. Please click on the “Enter button to add a new organisation. The organisation details form will oopen up, please capture the required information and click on the “Enter” button to save captured information. 6 After saving the Oganisation you have captured it will be listed under the users profile. 7 The system will list all the Organisations the user is linked to under their profile as shown on the screen below. 2. How to access the Descretionary Grants application forms The User will type in the Logon details , select “Merseta Grant Application” from the dropdown then click on the Enter button to access the system. Please select the “Stakeholder Profile”if you are linked to more than one Profile 8 The user will be able to see all the organisations linked to them and the ones that has been approved and those still on pending status. Click on the organisation that you have access to, which will be the one on an Approved Status. The system will open up the Discretionary Grants system.Please select the year from the dropdown the click on the Enter button. 9 Please select the discretionary Grants on the dropdown then click on the enter button to activate application forms. the 10 The form below will open up, please tick the relevent interventions then click on the “Save” button to save selected information. Should you have submitted the PIVOTAL plan via the Mandatory grant application process, the PIVOTAL interventions originally selected will already be ticked. Should you wish to add any additional PIVOTAL intervensions, you must select the intervention at this stage. The Discretionary Grants application main page will open as shown below. Please click on the select button to access the "contact details". Please complete the first form which is the details of the stakeholder and of the contact person, then click on the save button to save captured information. 11 Please click on the “Go to Next form” to proceed. The next application form is called “Application details”. It is important to note that where companies have captured their PIVOTAL programme information on th PIVOTAL plan during the mandatory grant application process, that the information will auto-populate at the bottom of the screen as indicated on the screen shot below. The company is required to verify the information and where changes are required, select the edit buttom, make the changes and click on save. Where additional selections for PIVOTAL and Non-PIVOTAL programmes were made during this application process, the information must be captured against the relevant intervention from the drop down. Please click on the save button to save the information captured. Please repeat this process until all the intervention information against the selection has been captured and saved. . For companies who have not applied via the Mandatory grant application process, you will be to capture the details against the relevant intervention from the drop down. Please click on the save button to save the information captured. Please repeat this process until all the intervention information against the selection has been captured and saved. 12 Please click on the “Go to Next form” to submit the application. On the sign off page, the user will be required to read the Grant policy by cliclking on the “Terms and Conditions Policy” and confirm that they have read and understand the terms and conditions by clicking on the tick box provided. 13 When the user clicks on the “Terms and Conditions Policy” hyperlink the policy containing the Grant Policy will open up as shown below. Once the user has read the merSETA grant policy, close the document and proceed with the sign off. The user must tick the tick box confirming that he/she has read and understands the terms and conditions and can only then sign off. The user will be prompted to print the sign off page for the Labour representative to sign and must upload the signed off page against the "Upload documents" tab. 3. How to upload documents Please click on the documents tab to upload documents. 14 The user has an option to upload Supporting documents or Training committee minutes. Please click on the Browse button highlighted in red and a popup will appear giving the user an option to select the document from the saved destination, click on the save button to save the uploaded document which will be listed underneath every option selected. 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