211 Milledge Road
Augusta, GA 30904
Approved at conference March 16, 2014
James 3 (KJV) “Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew
out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom. 14 But if ye have bitter
envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth. 15 This wisdom
descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. 16 For where envying and strife is,
there is confusion and every evil work. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then
peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality,
and without hypocrisy. 18 And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make
1 Corinthians 14 (NKJV) 33“For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the
churches of the saints”.
Ephesians 4 (KJV) “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of
the vocation wherewith ye are called, 2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering,
forbearing one another in love; 3 Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of
peace. 4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; 5
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, 6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through
all, and in you all. 7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the
gift of Christ. 8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive,
and gave gifts unto men”. … 11 “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of
the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith,
and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature
of the fulness of Christ: 14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and
carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness,
whereby they lie in wait to deceive; 15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in
all things, which is the head, even Christ: 16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together
and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the
measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love”. … 25
“Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbour: for we are
members one of another. 26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
Neither give place to the devil. 28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour,
working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use
of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of
God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. 31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and
anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: 32 And be ye
kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath
forgiven you”.
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TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................... 3
LIST OF REVISIONS ....................................................................................................... 5
BY-LAWS SECTION......................................................................................................... 6
MISSION AND PURPOSE STATEMENT ...................................................................... 7
................................................................................................ 8
NAME ............................................................................................ 8
DECLARATION ........................................................................... 8
RECEPTION OF MEMBERS ....................................................... 8
DISMISSION OF MEMBERS ...................................................... 9
DUTIES OF MAMBERS .............................................................. 9
OFFICERS ..................................................................................... 9
DUTIES OF OFFICERS.............................................................. 10
TEAMS ........................................................................................ 11
MEETINGS ................................................................................. 11
CONDUCTING OF CHURCH CONFERENCES ...................... 12
DISCIPLINE ................................................................................ 13
FINANCES .................................................................................. 13
AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS .............................................. 14
AMENDMENTS ......................................................................... 14
MARRIAGE ................................................................................ 15
GUIDELINES AND POLICIES SECTION ............................................................ 16
FACILITIES USE POLICY ............................................................................................ 21
.............................................................................................. 22
RECORDS RETENTION GUIDELINES ....................................................................... 24
.............................................................................................. 25
TEAMS SECTION ............................................................................................................ 28
THE LEADERSHIP TEAM ............................................................................................ 29
THE PROPERTIES TEAM ............................................................................................ 31
THE STEWARDSHIP TEAM ....................................................................................... 30
.............................................................................................. 32
............................................................................................. 33
.............................................................................................. 33
MINISTRY TEAMS OR SUPPORT TEAMS ................................................................ 33
ANNIVERSARY TEAM................................................................................................. 35
AUDIO/VISUAL SERVICES TEAM ............................................................................. 36
BAPTISM TEAM ............................................................................................................ 37
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS TEAM ......................................................................... 38
COUNTING TEAM ........................................................................................................ 39
HOSPITALITY TEAM ................................................................................................... 40
NURSERY TEAM........................................................................................................... 41
USHER TEAM ................................................................................................................ 42
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PERSONNEL SECTION ................................................................................................ 43
CHURCH BOOKKEEPER ............................................................................................. 44
CHURCH SECRETARY .............................................................................................. 46
MINISTER OF MUSIC .............................................................................................. 48
.............................................................................................. 49
.............................................................................................. 50
WEDNESDAY NIGHT HOST/HOSTESS ..................................................................... 51
.............................................................................................. 52
FORMS SECTION...........................................................................................................F-1
CHURCH CONFERENCE RECOMMENDATION FORM .........................................F-2
EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST FORM ....................................................F-3
INDEMNITY PROVISION FORM ...............................................................................F-4
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List of Revisions
Number Description
Approved at conference as presented.
Page last revised March 16, 2014
Page last revised October 30, 2012
We the members of Lake Park Baptist Church, Augusta, Georgia, recognize that a church of
Jesus Christ is a spiritual body with Jesus Christ as the head. We believe that a great
Commitment to the Great Commandment and the Great Commission will grow a great
Church. Our mission is to help people become fully devoted followers of Christ. We will
strive to fulfill the five purposes of the church as set forth in Holy Scripture:
(1) Celebrating God’s presence through WORSHIP;
(2) Demonstrating God’s love through MINISTRY;
(3) Communicating God’s love through EVANGELISM;
(4) Educating God’s people through DISCIPLESHIP;
(5) Incorporating God’s people into His family through FELLOWSHIP.
Believing that the Holy Bible alone provides the principles on which churches are founded
and the laws by which they are governed, the members of Lake Park Baptist Church do
hereby adopt the following by-laws.
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This congregation shall be known as the Lake Park Baptist Church of Augusta, Georgia.
This church is a congregation of baptized believers in Christ united by a covenant for the
worship of Almighty God and associated in the faith and the fellowship of the Gospel. We
will recognize and receive Jesus Christ as the Son of God, our supreme Law-Giver and
Ruler. The Church will practice the precepts of the Gospel, relying upon the Bible, as the
only standard by which all matters of belief and conduct are to be tried.
Reception of Members
SECTION 1. Any person professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and giving evidence of a
change of heart, may upon being baptized be admitted to the fellowship and privileges of the
church. Every applicant for admission by profession of faith, letter, statement, or by
restoration, shall appear in person before the church. An exception may be made if the
applicant is physically unable to come before the church at the time his or her name is
SECTION 2. Members of other Baptist churches may be received into the fellowship of the
church on presentation of letters of dismission and recommendation from their respective
SECTION 3. Persons who have once been members of Baptist churches, who cannot secure
a regular letter of dismission because of unusual circumstances, may be received into the
fellowship of the church upon their giving satisfactory evidence of Christian character,
former church membership, and a statement of why they cannot obtain a letter of dismission.
SECTION 4. Excluded members may be restored to the fellowship of the church upon
confession to the church of their errors and by giving satisfactory evidence of repentance.
SECTION 5. Any member may object to the reception of any applicant for membership.
The applicant shall not be received until the objector is satisfied or the objection is overruled
by a majority vote of the church.
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Dismission of Members
SECTION 1. A letter of dismission may be granted by this church for any member, but only
upon the request of another Baptist Church of like faith. A letter of dismission may not be
granted to an individual. Any member may object to the granting of a letter of dismission and
the request for a letter of dismission shall not be granted until the objector is satisfied or the
objection is overruled by a majority vote of the church.
Duties of Members
SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of members to honor, esteem and love their pastor, to pray
for him frequently, and to manifest a tender regard for his reputation.
SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the members of the church to attend its regular meetings
appointed by its authority; to cultivate personal holiness and family devotion; to sustain the
public worship of Almighty God and the ordinances of the gospel; and, to contribute to the
necessary expenditures of the church, the spread of the gospel to all nations, and to the relief
of the poor. The members will also watch over and counsel one another in the spirit of
brotherly love, strive for the growth of the whole body in Christian knowledge and holiness,
and govern their actions, conversation and hearts by the precepts of God’s Word. The
membership of the Church shall have final authority in all matters of church governance, as
set forth and described in these By-laws.
SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of each member moving from Augusta and not expecting
to return, to request a letter of dismission to some other Baptist Church.
SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of each resident member to give evidence of a vital interest
in the church by seeking continually to live and serve with his or her fellow church members
according to the provision of the Church By-laws.
SECTION 1. The officers of the church will be the pastor, deacons, trustees, clerk, and
Financial Secretary, or Treasurer, to be selected as hereinafter stated.
SECTION 2. The Pastor
The pastor shall be called for an indefinite period. The vote to call a pastor shall be by
written ballot. In order for a call to be extended, at least seventy-five percent of those voting
must be in favor of extending a call. The candidate shall be advised of the outcome of the
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vote. He shall be at liberty to resign as pastor of the church after giving thirty days’ notice of
his intention. The church shall have the right to dispense with his services upon giving
similar notice. The thirty days’ notice may be waived by mutual consent of the pastor and
church. The pastor shall receive such compensation for his services as the church may
SECTION 3. The Deacons
The duties and criteria for deacons as well as the deacon body will be set forth under the
DEACON heading in the “Guidelines and Policies” section of the Operations Manual.
SECTION 4. Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall consist of five (5) members of the church in good standing, and
shall be elected by the church for an indefinite period of time. Any vacancy that may occur
on the Board of Trustees shall be filled by calling an election for that purpose. The church
may vote to remove a trustee at any time and elect a successor to the Board. Nominations for
the Board of Trustees shall be made by the Body of Deacons, but additional nominations may
be made from the floor. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees shall be elected by the Board
of Trustees.
SECTION 5. The Clerk and Treasurer
The Clerk and treasurer shall be elected annually.
Duties of Officers
SECTION 1. Pastor: His duties are five-fold; as a preacher, to teach the Gospel; as a bishop,
to superintend the work of the church; as a pastor, to be shepherd of the flock; as minister, to
serve the people for Jesus’ sake; and to serve as Moderator of the church. Should the pastor
be unable to serve as Moderator, the chairman of the Body of Deacons will act as Moderator,
or designate another church member to serve in this position.
SECTION 2. Deacons: The duties of the deacons are to: be actively involved in the team
ministry program; ascertain such members of the church as may need assistance; devote
themselves to the spiritual welfare of the members and their enlistment in active church
service; cooperate with and assist the pastor in the administration of all interests of the
church; and, use all proper efforts to reclaim members who may have become remiss in their
covenant commitments, as outlined in Article XI. They shall be zealous to guard the unity of
the church in bonds of peace.
Special meetings of the Body of Deacons may be called at any time by the chairman or the
pastor. The active deacons shall meet at least once a month.
SECTION 3. Trustees: The Trustees will, as provided for in the By-laws and action of the
church, hold in trust the title of all the property of the church. They will represent the church
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in all matters of legal responsibility regarding the purchase or disposal of church property.
The Trustees have no power to buy, sell, mortgage, lease, or transfer any property of the
church without specific vote of the church authorizing such action. They will have no control
of the use of the church property except by vote of the church.
SECTION 4. Clerk: It will be the duty of the clerk to keep a correct record of the
proceedings of the church in business meetings; to keep a register of the names of all
members of the church; to sign all letters of dismission; to be the custodian of all records and
papers belonging to the church. The clerk will submit to the regular business meeting of the
church a statement of the gains and losses in membership, present requests for letters of
dismission, make recommendations for names to be dropped from the roll, and any other
recommendations pertinent to the records of the church.
SECTION 5. Treasurer: It will be the duty of the treasurer to: receive all monies and place
them in a designated depository, keep a true and fair book of accounts; and, present a
statement of all receipts and disbursements to the church at the regular business meeting. The
treasurer will disperse funds only according to budgetary allowance, designation, or special
The Church shall establish and maintain a Leadership Team, a Stewardship Team and a
Properties Team on a permanent basis. The Church shall form Ministry Teams or Support
Teams, Ad hoc Teams and Search Teams as necessary to carry out the mission and achieve
the goals adopted by the church. The guidelines for the formation and the duties of each team
as well as the criteria for selection of members for each team will be set forth under the
TEAMS heading in the “Guidelines and Policies” section of the Operations Manual.
SECTION 1. The regular meetings of the church for business shall be held no less often
than on a quarterly basis. The actual schedule for the meetings may be changed by a majority
vote at any church business meeting. The date and time for upcoming business meetings shall
be published in the Church Newsletter and announced to the congregation on the Sunday or
Wednesday immediately preceding the meeting. The church financial report shall be
distributed to the congregation on a monthly basis.
SECTION 2. Special Church Conferences may be called by the pastor, moderator, or upon a
written request signed by at least seven members. Notice of the Special Church Conference
shall be given to the church on the Wednesday or Sunday preceding the meeting.
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SECTION 3. The church shall meet regularly every Lord’s Day for the public worship of
Almighty God.
SECTION 4. Once in each week at least, it shall be the duty of the members to meet for
prayer and testimony.
SECTION 5. The annual meeting of the church for the election of officers shall be held in
connection with the regular business meeting in August of each year, or at an appointed time.
SECTION 6. The Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper shall be observed by the church quarterly
or at such time as the church may appoint
Manner of Conducting Church Conferences
SECTION 1. The pastor shall act as moderator in all meetings for the transaction of business,
or he may designate any member to serve in his stead; except that in his absence from any
business meeting, regular or called, the chairman of the deacon body shall act as moderator
or appoint someone to act in his stead.
SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the moderator to keep order, and to state and explain all
propositions offered, and to take votes and announce the results, and to perform such other
duties as devolve upon the presiding officer of a deliberative assembly. The moderator shall
prepare and publish an agenda that will be provided to the church the week prior to the
scheduled quarterly business meeting. The moderator may develop operational procedures as
deemed necessary to conduct the church conference in an orderly manner.
SECTION 3. The moderator shall call for the business of the church in an order, which
reflects reports from various officers, and Teams. A time for new business shall be held as
well as acknowledgments such as request for transfer of letters.
SECTION 4. All questions of a sensitive nature shall be decided by written ballot, upon the
discretion of the moderator or upon a majority vote of those members present.
SECTION 5. The business of the church shall be conducted in an orderly manner according
to the commands of Scripture. As far as parliamentary procedure, the church shall follow the
rules of the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, except in instances where they
conflict with the provisions of these by-laws or any special rules of order the church may
adopt, in which case the latter shall prevail.
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SECTION 1. In all cases of personal difficulty between members of the church, the parties
involved shall endeavor to bring about a reconciliation in the manner laid down by our
Savior and recorded in Matthew 5: 23, 24 and Matthew 18: 15,16.
SECTION 2. When a member is accused of any offense against the requirements and
discipline of the church, the deacons shall at once give notice to the persons implicated, and
shall proceed immediately to investigate it. Should the investigation result in favor of the
accused, or should the person remove the cause of grief, the deacons shall make no report to
the church.
SECTION 3. In every case in which a member is charged with an offense that would
subject him or her to expulsion, the deacons shall invite that member to meet with them to
hear the charges and offer such explanation and evidence as may be desired. After hearing
all, the deacons shall by themselves express a judgment on the merits of the case and
communicate their judgment with their recommendations to the church. The accused shall be
duly notified of their proposed actions. The church shall adopt or reject their
recommendations without discussion. If the accused demands a rehearing, it shall be held
before the church and conducted in the same manner as outlined previously in this
SECTION 4. It shall be considered a disciplinary offense if any member holds and
disseminates views of doctrine considered by the church to be unscriptural and hurtful, is
cause of strife and division, and persists in these harmful actions after all prescribed efforts
have been made to reclaim the member.
SECTION 5. Any member of the church willfully absenting himself from the meetings of
the church, or habitually refusing to contribute to the support of the church, will be regarded
as offending against their duties as a church member, as set forth in Article 5 and be liable to
the discipline of the church. These members, upon recommendation of the Active Deacon
Body and upon the action of the church, will be placed on an inactive roll for six months.
During the six months period, these members may request that the Body of Deacons
recommend that they be reinstated to full fellowship with the church. If such members fail to
be reconciled during the six months period, they shall, upon the recommendation of the Body
of Deacons, be continued on the Inactive Roll of the church and become subject to church
discipline as outlined in Article XI, Section 3.
As a church we adopt the system of tithing or proportionate giving as taught in the Bible:
“Upon the first day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in store as God has
prospered him.” (1 Cor. 16: 2) All funds contributed to the church by members, or others,
shall be deposited, by the authority of the treasurer, in the proper account. These funds will
be dispersed only as prescribed in the Financial Policy Manual.
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Auxiliary Organizations
SECTION 1. All auxiliary organizations must be authorized by the church at a Regular
Church Conference and must be subject to the church’s supervision.
SECTION 2. Unless otherwise ordered, each auxiliary organization will make a full written
report to the church quarterly. An annual report of the preceding year’s activities will be
presented at the Annual church conference meeting each year.
Representation in Denominational Meetings
SECTION 1. Once each year messengers may be sent to represent the church in the District
Association with which it is affiliated. The duty of these messengers shall be to furnish the
Association with a statement of the condition of the church and to cooperate with the
messengers of other churches in promoting the interests of the kingdom of Christ.
SECTION 2. Messengers may be elected each year to attend the sessions of the Georgia
Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention.
SECTION 3. The pastor shall be considered, by virtue of his office, an appointed messenger
to these denominational meetings. His and his wife’s expenses will be paid by the church.
Amendments, etc.
SECTION 1. These By-laws may be amended by a three-fourths majority vote of the
members present at any regular Church Conference, provided that one month’s previous
notice shall have been given, in writing, as to the article and SECTION affected, and the
proposed amendment thereto. A copy of the proposed revisions shall be made available in
SECTION 2. These By-laws shall be kept in duplicate in loose leaf form by the church clerk
and secretary of the Deacon Body. Any and all changes shall be incorporated at the time of
change. At each annual meeting, the clerk shall present all changes made in the By-laws
during the previous twelve months.
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Statement of Biblical Authority
The Southern Baptist Convention statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of our faith.
The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that speaks with final authority
concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of
all that we believe. For purposes of church doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our
pastor and deacon body are the church’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning
and application.
Statement on Marriage and Sexuality
We believe that term 'marriage' has only one meaning and that is marriage sanctioned by God
which joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture.
We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to only occur between a man and a woman who
are married to each other. We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual
activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.
We believe that any form of sexual immorality, such as adultery, fornication, homosexuality,
bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, pornography or any attempt to change one's sex, or
disagreement with one's biological sex, is sinful and offensive to God.
We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of the church as the local Body
of Christ, and to provide a biblical role model to the church members and the community, it
is imperative that all persons employed by the church in any capacity, or who serve as
volunteers, should abide by and agree to this Statement on Marriage and Sexuality and
conduct themselves accordingly.
We believe that God offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their
sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and
dignity. Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be
repudiated and are neither in accord with scripture nor the doctrines of the church.
------ End of By-Laws SECTION------
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Page last revised October 30, 2012
A. The Lake Park Baptist Church (LPBC) is committed to protecting preschoolers, children,
and youth from sexual, emotional and physical abuse. The Lake Park Baptist Church has a
zero-tolerance policy prohibiting any act of sexual, emotional, or physical abuse. The zerotolerance policy requires all employees and volunteers to immediately report any occurrence
or suspected occurrence to the Pastor or Deacons chairman.
B. Any paid employee or volunteer who works with minors (age 17 or under) will be given
the definition of child abuse in writing as well as the policy on reporting child abuse.
C. All paid employees / volunteers should have an application on file that includes a Legal
release statement allowing the LPBC to conduct criminal background checks. The
application includes questions pertaining to working with minors. The application may
include personal interviews, current address information, former churches, references, and
general experience working with minors.
D. Groups or organizations using LPBC facilities will sign an Indemnity Provision Form
(located on page F-4 of the LPBC Operations Manual), certifying on behalf of their
organization that they have an ongoing Child Protection program in place for screening and
protection against child abuse and that the program is being enforced.
In the event the organization does not have a policy, they must comply with the established
policy of LPBC. Volunteers must be a member of LPBC for at least six months, and will be
required to sign an application that includes a recommendation by the pastor or staff. The
application includes work experience with minors.
E. A criminal background check may be conducted on all paid employees and volunteers
working on projects directly related to minors.
F. Family groups using LPBC will be required to sign an Indemnity Provision releasing
LPBC from any liability resulting in child abuse/child molestation.
G. The LPBC practices the “Two Worker” rule, which requires a reasonable number of adult
workers to be maintained in each situation involving minors, but with a minimum of two
adults (that are not married or members of same family).
A. Defining Child Abuse
The State of Georgia has defined child abuse as physical injury or death inflicted upon a
child by a parent or caretaker by other than accidental means, neglect or exploitation of a
child. Further, child abuse may occur in the home by a caretaker, in a day-care situation,
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in an organized ministry, whether at the main facility or away, or in any other setting,
including on the street by a person unknown to the child.
Child abuse may be violent or non-violent. All child abuse is exploitation of a child's
vulnerability and powerlessness in which the abuser is fully responsible for the action.
Child sexual abuse is criminal behavior that involves children in sexual behaviors for
which they are not personally, socially, and developmentally ready. Child sexual abuse
includes behavior that involves touching and non-touching aspects.
B. Identifying Physical and Behavioral Indicators of Abuse or Neglect Disclaimer: These indicators are not exhaustive and do not verify actual abuse; however,
when observed, they may warrant further investigation. If the indicators are detected, see
reporting procedure.
Wary of others
Bruises, welts, burns, bite marks, bed
wetting, fractures
Cling (clinging) to others
Reluctant to change clothes in front of
Uncomfortable with emotions
Questionable sexual behavior
Emotional detached
Extreme changes in behavior when not
around parents
Manipulative or controlling / poor selfimage
Delinquent behavior
Pain or itching in genital areas
Self- mutilation, drugs, and alcohol abuse
Injury in genital area
A. Reporting abuse can precipitate severe consequences to those involved, so it should
never be done casually or thoughtlessly, and certainly not for malicious purposes. At the
same time, failing to report abuse can have severe consequences to a child at risk.
Therefore, anyone having reasonable cause to suspect abuse should follow the procedure
outlined in section B.
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B. Any suspicion or allegation of abuse and/or neglect of a child by a staff member or
family member or any individuals shall be confidentially reported to the Pastor or to the
chairman of Deacons of Lake Park Baptist Church immediately. Do not treat any
suspicion or accusation as frivolous.
C. The decision regarding further assessment of any danger seeking consultation,
notification of parents/custody holders, any further necessary services will be based on
the decision of the Pastor and Deacons.
D. Cases which are reported to the Pastor and/or Deacons shall be reported by them to the
Augusta Association of Baptist Churches Director of Missions for information and file
and input (if needed), at their discretion.
There shall be no release of information to the press unless approved by the Pastor and
I have read the Lake Park Baptist Church Child Protection Policy document, and
understand Sections I, II, and III. I agree to abide by the policy and procedures as detailed
in this document.
Print Name: _____________________________________________________________
Volunteer Signature: __________________________________Date: ____________
to Signature:
_____________________________________Date: ____________
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General Guidelines for Use and Care Of Church Facilities
1. All charts, pictures and decorations will be affixed to bulletin boards and tack strips.
Please do not put any tape on doors, walls or windows. If you hang things from the
ceiling, suspend it with a gym clip from the grid system. Posters, etc., may be displayed on
concrete block walls. Suspend with masking tape.
2. The person in charge of any group meeting at the church is responsible for checking to
remove any food or drinks that are left and should put the trash in the dumpster; replace
chairs and tables as they were when they entered the room; turn off lights, and remove any
trash from floors, tables, or in the windows. Empty liquids from cups before putting them
in the trash cans. If any bathroom facilities were used, make sure lights are turned off. If
heating and air conditioning are not on a timer, they should be turned off. Secure the
3. Parents are responsible for their children’s care and conduct when on church property.
Please supervise your children to ensure that they are not running through the church or
shrubbery beds, climbing trees or sliding down stairs. Grass areas are provided for
exercise and play.
4. Use of Kitchen: If you use the kitchen, please clean up and return items used to place
obtained. Hang up dish cloths to dry and make sure no food is left in the sink. Make sure
the garbage cans are emptied. Stove, vent fans, coffee pot, lights, heating/air conditioning
unit will be turned off.
5. Social Hall: Chairs and tables should be replaced in the arrangement in which you found
them. Please do not place tables or chairs against the walls.
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Facilities Use Policy
1. Members may use the Social Hall for family gatherings. The principal user should
coordinate with the church secretary to reserve the date on the calendar.
2. Use of the facility by outside organizations will be considered on a case by case basis.
Approval of the request by the building and grounds Team is required before the Church
secretary can make a firm commitment for use of the facility.
3. Custodial Requirements:
a. Members using the Social Hall, other than Church sanctioned activities, may clean
up the facilities themselves. However, a $60 deposit will be required prior to use.
The money will be refunded if the facilities are cleaned to established standards.
The custodian will inspect the facility and inform the church secretary on its status.
The secretary will refund the money if the building has been cleaned to standards.
b. Outside organizations will be charged $100 for use of the facility; $60.00 is the
custodian fee for cleaning and $40.00 covers the utility cost.
4. Special requirements:
a. The person in charge of the activity should see the church to obtain a key to the
church. Lockup is the responsibility of the user.
b. No alcoholic beverages are allowed on the property. No smoking is allowed in the
c. Damages which are deemed the result of misuse are the responsibility of the person
who rented the facility.
d. See guidelines for the use and care of the church facilities.
e. Users will sign an indemnity provision form which releases Lake Park Baptist
Church in any child abuse matter. The church secretary will have the appropriate
5. A copy of this policy will be given the responsible user when the facility is
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Wedding Policies
1. Weddings may be held at Lake Park Baptist Church for members (or member related). A
proper reservation of date on Church Calendar coordinating with Church Secretary is
required. The Pastor must be contacted and arrangements made with him. If a minister
other than the Pastor will officiate at the wedding, this must be discussed and approved
prior to calendar reservation.
A. Everyone is charged a fee for the Custodian for setting up and removing tables, chairs
and kneeling bench, etc. and for cleaning up facilities. Fees charged as follows:
$40.00 for use of Sanctuary; $ 60.00 for each time the Fellowship Hall is used.
B. When the kitchen and/or Fellowship Hall is used for a Rehearsal Dinner, Reception,
or both; the same shall be left in a clean and orderly fashion, with the kitchen
equipment in place. Should the kitchen and Fellowship Hall be used for Rehearsal
Dinner in addition to a Reception, the user is responsible for the organization of the
facilities unless other arrangements are made with the Custodian (general clean-up
such as sweeping, mopping, setting up chairs, to be done by Church Custodian).
C. The Custodian will also see that the lights, heating/cooling, etc. are turned on and off.
A. Key: see Church Secretary for a key to use for rehearsal, wedding and reception.
B. Absolutely NO alcoholic beverages allowed on the property. Smoking is not allowed
in the building.
C. No rice, confetti or bird seed may be used on church property.
D. Protective covering shall be provided for the carpet and furnishings when burning
candles are used in the ceremony.
E. Damages which are deemed the result of misuse or abuse by the wedding party to the
building or equipment shall be repaired or replaced by the Wedding Party when such
assessment is made and notice of same is given by the Building and Grounds Team of
the Church.
F. Sign an indemnity provision form which releases Lake Park Baptist Church from
responsibility in any child abuse matter. See Church Secretary for form
(Continued on next page)
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You must make arrangements with Musicians, Organist and/or Pianist, for their services
and payment of same.
Audio / Visual equipment is very delicate and expensive, therefore, it is required that you
contact the Audio / Visual Services Team if you wish to use the System during the
Wedding. A telephone number is available through the Church Secretary. A fee may be
charged for their service.
6. A copy of this policy shall be given each wedding party at the time the Church facilities
are reserved by the wedding party.
------ End of Wedding Policy Document ------
Page last revised October 30, 2012
Records Retention Guidelines
TAX-FAX Up-Dates Church Financial Services Volume 2012, Number 8
Each church is unique and different. However, good record-keeping is an issue facing
every church. How long does a church keep a certain type of document? The answer
varies, but the following chart is a general guideline to assist churches in the minimum
length of time to keep a record. The length of time in keeping a document depends on the
historical interest, possible liability issues, and tax concerns. Depending on the church’s
needs, records might need to be kept longer than suggested.
Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, and By-Laws
Church Minutes
501(c)(3) Determination Letter to indicate Church’s Non-profit
Status from the Georgia Baptist Convention
General Ledger Books and Church Financial Statements
Employee’s Personnel File including the Application, Interview
Form, and Reference and Background Checks
Federal and State Employer Identification Numbers
Form 8274 if the Church elected Exemption from FICA Taxes
Bank Statements without Cancelled Checks or Deposit Slips
Church Financial and Employee Benefit Policies
Church Audits/Financial Reviews and Government
403(b) Retirement Plan Document
Cancelled Checks, Deposit Slips, Check Stubs
10 Years
Invoices and Receipts
10 Years
Annual Contribution Credit Statements
10 Years
W-4, G-4, I-9, and Georgia New Hire Reporting Form after an
10 Years
Employee leaves Employment
Salary Reduction Agreements of Employees
7 Years
Housing Allowance Designations given to Ministers
7 Years
Form 8282 to report to the Government the sell of Donated
7 Years
Property valued over $5,000
Payroll Tax Forms like 941s, 944, W-2s, 1099MISC, and W-3s
7 Years
Form 5578 used by Church Schools to comply with
4 Years
Nondiscrimination Requirements
Offering Envelopes
3 Years
From www.churchfinancialservices.org. The reader should not rely upon this document as a substitute for
independent legal consultation or IRS instruction
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A. Deacon Emeritus.
The position of Deacon Emeritus shall be awarded in recognition of exemplary service. A
person chosen shall fulfill the responsibility of deacon at their discretion. Any person
holding the honorary position shall be permitted to engage in discussion or debate and to
vote on all matters coming before the deacons. He shall be available for consultation and
advice to the deacon body. A person shall be elected a Deacon Emeritus by being
nominated by the deacons and elected by the church in conference. An elected Deacon
Emeritus shall not be eligible for nomination to the office of deacon and shall not appear
on the ballot for election of deacons. The number of those elected Deacon Emeritus shall
not be limited and shall not affect the number of voting deacons to be elected as
prescribed in Article VI, SECTION 3 of the Church By-laws.
B. The active deacon body will consist of as many members as the deacons determine
are necessary to minister to the needs of the church family. Each deacon elected to the
active body will serve a three (3) year term on the active body followed by no less than
one (1) year of inactive service on the deacon body.
C. Nominations for new deacons shall be made by the church membership. By the third
Sunday in June, the church staff will prepare nominating ballots placing them along with
envelopes and sealed boxes in two prominent locations in the church building. The
ballots will show the names of active deacons who are not eligible for nomination, and
shall include Paragraph B. of this Section. Church members may nominate a number of
men equal to, or less than, but no more than the number of vacancies. After marking their
ballot, they shall seal the ballot in an envelope, sign a second envelope, place the sealed
envelope containing the ballot in the second envelope, and then they shall place this
envelope in the ballot box. In order for the ballot to be counted, the outer envelope must
be signed. Only one ballot per member will be counted. Announcements will be made
from the pulpit and in the church publications to encourage maximum in the nomination
process. No nominations will be accepted after the second Sunday in July.
D. Since the membership as a whole will function as a qualifying team, it shall be their
duty to give prayerful consideration to each person they nominate, observing their
actions, their loyalty to Christ, their faithful work in the church and their general
qualifications for the office of deacon specified in 1 Timothy 3: 8-13 and Acts 6: 1-8 as
interpreted by each member, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Popularity and
highly visible church work should not be the prime reason for nomination. Consideration
should be given to those who are qualified but work quietly and faithfully in church jobs
not so visible.
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E. Between the Monday after the second Sunday in July and the second Sunday in
August each year, a Deacons Balloting Team composed of three (3) deacons shall be
appointed by the Chairman of Deacons. After the church clerk has verified that each
ballot has been submitted by a church member, this team will count the ballots,
determining by the highest number of votes, one candidate for each vacancy. This
Deacons Balloting Team along with the pastor will then contact each previously ordained
candidate to verify his willingness to serve and strive to uphold the church covenant, the
church By-laws and the Biblical standards set forth for deacons in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and
Acts 6:1-8 as the candidate interprets these scriptures as led by the Holy Spirit and to
inform the candidate of the duties of deacons as set forth in these By-laws. Unordained
candidates who are willing to serve as deacons will go before the Deacon’s Examination
F. The Deacon Examination Council may consist of all ordained members of the church.
The purpose of the Examination Council is to determine if an unordained deacon
candidate has a close and personal relationship with Christ and accepts Southern Baptist
doctrine as set forth in the Lake Park Baptist By-laws herein. All unordained candidates
will stand an examination by the Examination Council. The Chairman of Deacons shall
call for a motion that the Examination Council recommend the candidate to the Church
for ordination if elected. Should the motion fail, the Deacon’s Balloting Team will select
the next nominee in accordance with the procedure outlined in Paragraph D above.
G. If one or more candidates are unwilling to serve, nominees with the next highest votes
will be contacted in like manner until one nominee is obtained for each vacancy. In the
event that two or more nominees receive equally the same number of votes cast,
following the procedures detailed, the same number of votes for nomination for the same
vacancy, the Deacon’s Balloting Team will determine by drawing lots in which order to
contact the nominees.
H. When it receives the report from the Deacon Examination Council, the Deacon’s
Balloting Team shall compile and publish the names of the nominees. These names shall
appear at least once in the Church publications and shall be announced from the pulpit on
the second Sunday in August. In the event the Deacon’s Balloting Team receives an
unfavorable report from the Deacon Examination Council, the Team shall select the
nominee receiving the next highest number of votes cast, following the procedures
detailed above.
I. The annual election of deacons shall be held at the regular Church Conference of the
church in August or September of each year. The election date may be changed by a
majority vote of votes cast by church members, provided the proposed change in election
date is published in the church publication one month in advance.
J. No nomination shall be made from the floor. In order to be elected, each nominee
must receive more “YES” votes than “NO” votes. Church members shall not be required
to vote on each nominee. Voting shall be by written ballot by church members only. Any
vacancy not filled will be referred back to the Deacon Balloting Team for the selection of
the next nominee of the Church in accordance with the manner described in Paragraph C.
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K. Any man who is elected to the office of deacon, and who has previously been
ordained by this, or another Baptist Church of like faith and order, will not be reordained; but any man elected to the office of deacon who has not been ordained will be
ordained by this church before assuming the office.
L. At the first session of the new deacon body, it will elect the following officers by
simple majority:
1 chairman, 1 vice chairman,
1 secretary.
Each officer shall serve in his elected capacity for a period of one (1) year.
M. The absence of a deacon from three (3) regular consecutive monthly meetings during
the calendar year shall cause a forfeiture by such deacon of his office. However, for the
purpose of this rule, no absence shall be counted if the reason for such absence is
approved by the deacons at their next regular meeting.
When a vacancy occurs on the Active Deacon Body for any reason, the Body may
recommend a previously ordained deacon for church approval to complete the remainder
of the unexpired term.
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Page last revised January 09, 2014
INITIAL FORMATION: The Deacon Body shall recommend to the Church for approval
five Church members to form the initial Leadership Team. The initial team members will
rotate off in a 1-2-2 schedule after the first year as determined by drawing lots. The initial
size of a five-member Leadership Team is to be considered the minimum team size.
COMPOSITION: The Leadership Team shall consist of five Church members approved by
the Church. Going forward, the Leadership Team may determine the need to increase its size
to properly conduct the business of the church. In that event, the rotation schedule will follow
a pattern similar to that for a five-member team. The Pastor and Chairman of Deacons shall
serve in an advisory capacity only, and, in that capacity will not have voting privileges. The
Chairman of Deacons, however, shall have voting privileges if he is also an elected member
of the Leadership Team. Team Members shall serve a maximum of three (3) years per term,
followed by no less than a one (1) year break in service on the Leadership Team. In addition,
each team member will be asked to assess their position annually.
A positive vote of 70 percent or greater of team members eligible to vote shall be required to
pass any item brought to a vote in the Leadership Team. The Leadership Team shall appoint
new members by unanimous consent of the current team members. The new members shall
then be presented to the congregation for a vote of confirmation.
The pastor shall serve as the Team Leader of the Leadership Team. The Assistant Team
Leader and Secretary shall be elected by the Leadership Team. The Chairman of the Deacons
shall serve as the Team Leader of the Leadership Team if the church is without a pastor.
A. Spiritual Maturity
B. Commitment to the mission and vision of the Church
C. A church member for at least one year
D. Availability in terms of time and resources
E. Evident gifts for the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom
F. Ability to maintain confidentiality.
A. Carry out Personnel Administrative duties as set forth in the Personnel Section of the
Operations Manual.
B. Serve as the Administrative Advisory arm of the Church.
C. Provide advice and support for the Pastor. The Pastor is directly responsible to the
Leadership Team. It holds the Pastor accountable for conduct, vision and morality.
D. Be responsible for maintaining the direction and mission of the church. It will, in
coordination with the Pastor, plan, oversee and coordinate the programs, activities
and ministries of the church.
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E. Recommend to the Church for approval Ministry Teams, Support Teams, Ad hoc
Teams or Search Teams as needed to accomplish the Mission and Goals adopted by
the church. Recommend, in coordination with the Stewardship Team, financial
resources to support the activities of the Ministry Teams, Support Teams, Ad hoc
Teams and Search Teams as needed. Ministry Teams, Support Teams, and Ad hoc
Teams shall be accountable to the Leadership Team.
F. Nominate church members to serve as Church Treasurer, Church Clerk, Sunday
School Director, Discipleship Training Director and members to serve on all Church
teams (note: Deacons and Trustees continue as set forth in the By-laws).
G. When necessary, the Leadership Team will recommend to the Church for approval
proposed changes to the Operations Manual, including By-laws. Church members
may present proposed changes to the Operations Manual and By-laws to the
Leadership Team for their consideration. The Leadership Team will study the
recommendation and present the proposed change in the Operations Manual to the
church for approval if deemed needed.
H. The Leadership Team is responsible for all administrative duties not expressly
assigned to another team.
The purpose of the Properties Team is to assist the Church in caring for all of the Church’s
property and buildings following the Policies and Procedures set forth in the Operations
manual. Team Members shall serve three (3) years per term, and barring extraordinary
circumstances, followed by no less than a one (1) year break in service on the Properties
Team. In addition, each team member will be asked to assess their position annually.
1. Inspect properties periodically to validate inventory and plan for preventive
maintenance work. Maintain a maintenance priority worklist and coordinate its
2. Consult with users concerning space allocation of church facilities. Make
recommended changes as needed.
3. Make recommendations concerning the employment and supervision of maintenance
personnel. The leader of this team is the supervisor of the church custodian.
4. Develop and recommend policies concerning church building and grounds.
5. Consult with organizations concerning their furnishing needs.
6. Make budget recommendations to the Stewardship Team.
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The purpose of the Stewardship Team is to oversee the Church’s finances following the
Financial Policies Manual. Team Members shall serve three (3) years per term, and barring
extraordinary circumstances, followed by no less than a one (1) year break in service on the
Stewardship Team. In addition, each team member will be asked to assess their position
1. Prepare the annual church budget. Proposed annual budget for the coming year should be
presented to the church for approval in the last quarter of the current year.
2. Meet monthly to review previous month financials. Meeting time will be determined at
the first meeting of each fiscal year.
3. Update bank signature cards on an annual basis. Only current Stewardship Team
members, the church treasurer and other members designated by the Stewardship Team
can sign checks.
4. Elect a new team leader each fiscal year. Unless there are extenuating circumstances,
team leaders should not serve consecutive terms.
5. Two members of the Stewardship Team will review reimbursement requests and cause
checks to be signed on a weekly basis.
6. Review and compare expenses on the following on an annual basis: Insurance (property,
vehicle, worker’s comp), utility expenses and copier lease.
7. The treasurer and one trustee will be signers responsible for opening, closing or rolling
over certificates of deposit. Signature cards will be updated annually.
8. The treasurer, Stewardship Team chair, deacon chair and trustee chair shall be
responsible for changes in the Stifel Nicholaus account. Responsible parties will confer
with Stifel Nicholaus representative on an annual basis to determine whether or not
changes to investment mix should be made.
9. Work with Leadership Team for the purpose of salary requirements for church staff. The
Stewardship Team will work with Properties Team for the purpose of salary for
maintenance contracts.
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Quick reference condensed for Permanent Teams. See Article VIII of the church
By-Laws and the remainder of the TEAMS section above of this Operations Manual
for complete guidelines.
POLICIES: The following are guidelines to help the church teams function properly.
They establish a standard method of operation for all teams.
Classification of teams: All teams will be designated as permanent team, ministry team,
support team, ad hoc team or search team when they are established.
Qrganization of teams: The team should have the minimum number of people to
accomplish its assigned task.
The leadership of the Leadership Team shall be formed as outlined in the Leadership
Composition section above. For all other permanent teams, the leadership of each team
shall be elected by that team’s members.
For all Mission Teams, Support Teams, Ad hoc Teams and Search Teams the Leadership
Team shall designate the Team Leader. Each of these teams shall elect their Assistant
Team Leader, and Secretary, if applicable.
Nomination of team members: The Leadership Team nominates to the church for
approval the team members of permanent, ministry, support, or search teams. Should a
new team of any of these types be required, a written job description will be provided to
the team by the Leadership Team. The leader of the team will be given an orientation and
instructions on the team’s assigned responsibilities. Immediacy of the need for an Ad hoc
team deems the foregoing process unworkable and therefore not applicable. The
Leadership Team should give a report to the church of the formation and activity of an ad
hoc team as soon as practical.
Rotation: Every effort should be made to retain an experienced member on each team to
provide continuity to its mission. As a goal, no more than a third of the team members
will be rotated off each year.
Vacancies: When a vacancy occurs on a permanent team for any reason, it shall be the
duty of the Leadership Team to recommend to the church for approval a church member
to complete the remainder of the unexpired term. The Leadership Team is responsible for
filling vacancies of all non-permanent teams. The Leadership Team should coordinate the
selection of new team members with the leader of the team.
Meetings: The frequency of the meetings is at the discretion of the Team Leader.
Budgeting: All teams will submit their requests for budget monies to the Stewardship
Team during its budget-planning period. Any expenditures above the budgeted amount
will require Stewardship Team and church approval before any financial commitments
can be made by the team.
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Purchasing or expending monies: The team or organization involved should consult with
the Stewardship Team to ensure that the necessary funds are available. A team or
organization is authorized to spend an amount up to $500.00 if that amount would not
cause them to exceed their annual budgetary allowance. If a team or organization
proposes to spend over $500.00 they must solicit three bids and obtain Stewardship Team
approval. Expenditures that fall under the budgetary category “5110– Repairs and
Maintenance” would be exempt from the above requirements. Documentation of
expenditures must be provided to the Stewardship Team for payment.
Upon occasion, there may arise an urgent ministry need where there is currently no
ministry team in place to meet that need and time is of the essence. Where the ministry
need meets the vision and goals of the church, the Leadership Team may form and
activate an ad hoc team to meet the particular need. The Leadership Team should give a
report to the church of the formation and activity of an ad hoc team as soon as it is
practical to do so.
The church will elect a Search Team as necessary to recommend to the church candidates
to fill the pastorate and staff ministerial positions. The length of service will be indefinite
or at the pleasure of the church. Search Teams may be elected at any church business
meeting two weeks after nominations have been presented to the church. Election shall be
by written ballot. It shall be the duty of the Leadership Team to present nominees to the
church for all Search Teams. The Search Team for any staff position shall consult with
the Leadership Team and the Stewardship Team to develop a salary package and job
description. The salary package and job description thus developed shall be presented to
the church for approval as a part of the Search Team’s recommendation of the candidate
to the church.
Ministry Teams or Support Teams may be started as the need arises. Each team thus
established is to carry out a specific function relating to the mission, goals, and vision
adopted by the church. These teams shall be comprised of church members who are led to
serve in a particular area of ministry or support.
New ministry or support opportunities should be proposed to the Leadership Team for
consideration and evaluation. If the Leadership Team determines a Ministry Team or
Support Team is warranted to meet the ministry or support need, it shall be formed in
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compliance with Teams Policies found elsewhere in the Guidelines and Policies section
of this manual.
The Ministry Teams and Support Teams in this initial Operations Manual being
submitted for approval are those considered needed to keep the church functioning as it
transitions to the Team concept. The inclusion herein does not preclude the Leadership
Team from adding, removing, or modifying any Ministry Team, Support Team, or their
duties once the Leadership Team is functioning.
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PURPOSE: To plan the annual church anniversary celebration.
1. Coordinate the financial needs with the Stewardship Team.
2. Develop a menu, purchase necessary food items, and notify the church members of
food needs.
3. Publicize the anniversary celebration in the church newsletter and local newspaper.
4. Notify the custodian about the date, social hall set, decorate, serve, and coordinate
the clean up of the facility.
5. Coordinate the schedule of events with the pastor and music director.
Page last revised November 07, 2013
PURPOSE: To coordinate the operation and insure maintenance of the sound, video, and
recording equipment.
1. Enlist, train and schedule operators for church events that require sound/video
2. Review systems operations and make recommendations for improvements.
3. Request and administer budget expenses.
4. Purchase and maintain all sound and recording equipment.
5. Inventory and safeguard equipment.
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PURPOSE: To ensure the provision of appropriate, well-maintained facilities,
equipment and materials necessary for baptism; to assist candidates in
preparing for baptism; and to assist the pastor in administering the ordinance.
1. Coordinate with the pastor to determine the date for baptism. The pastor will notify
the candidates well in advance.
2. Insure that baptismal equipment and facilities are in order prior to the service. This
step includes
a. Baptismal pool filled and heated.
b. Changing rooms are in order.
c. Robes and towels are available.
Towels should be brought by candidate.
Robes remain in changing rooms.
Launder after each service.
d. Provide electric space heater as needed.
3. Meet the individuals at appropriate time and show them their dressing rooms.
Answer questions that may arise and see that each person has a robe and towel.
4. Identify each person entering the baptismal pool. Assist into and out of pool and to
dressing rooms.
5. Arrange for baptismal robes, towels, etc. to be prepared for next service.
6. Evaluate and improve baptismal procedures and facilities. Suggest changes to
appropriate teams and church.
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Purpose: To decorate the church sanctuary and fellowship hall for the Christmas holiday
1. Decorate the church before the beginning of Advent.
2. Design, set up, breakdown and store permanent decorations.
3. If the team decides to have a poinsettia tree, they will arrange for a supply of
poinsettias, set up the platform for the tree, take the platform down, and store it.
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PURPOSE: : To insure that monetary contributions received during all worship services
are secured until they can be brought to the church treasurer.
RESPONSIBILITIES: It is the responsibility of this team to receive, count, and deposit
church offerings and donations.
Each Sunday the counting team will:
Verify that the amount written on the offering envelopes matches the contents of
the envelopes.
Stamp all checks with a restrictive endorsement stamp immediately after the
offering envelope contents are verified.
Place now emptied contribution enveloped in designated location for the Church
Bookkeeper to access for the purpose of entering in the computer for member
statements and the various funds.
Count and prepare a collection report, including a list of all checks received, for
monies received from members and others.
Sign and date collection report verifying everything recorded is correct.
Place collection report in designated location for the Church Bookkeeper and
Agree whom of that day’s team will deposit the contributions in the bank.
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PURPOSE: To conduct church-wide receptions at the direction of the Leadership Team.
1. Coordinate with custodian for table/chair set up in the social hall.
2. Notify Sunday School classes of refreshment needs.
3. Establish a menu, procure supplies, set up, decorate, serve and clean up after social
4. Coordinate reception budget with the Stewardship Team.
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PURPOSE: To coordinate and oversee the nursery program.
1. Determine the nursery needs of the church.
2. Develop policies and procedures for operating and administering the program.
3. Assist Nursery Coordinator where needed.
4. Direct public relations efforts to inform, involve and educate church members about
the nursery program.
5. Organize the involvement of church members and parents as volunteers in the
6. Develop the nursery budget in coordination with the Stewardship Team.
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Arrive 15 minutes early.
Open doors.
Turn lights on.
Insure that hymnals and Bibles are in pew racks.
Most importantly - Greet attendees with special emphasis on guests.
One usher should cover each entrance.
Assist attendees as needed.
Keep front pew open for those who make decisions.
Two ushers should make security checks of parking lots.
Collect offering.
Respond to the pastor’s directions.
Count the number of people present, record the number and leave this in the church
Return Bibles and hymnals to racks.
Survey the sanctuary and pick up any trash or extra bulletins.
Turn off the lights.
Lock the doors.
Two members of each team should remain until the parking lots are clear for security
------ End of Teams SECTION------
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Personnel Section
Page last revised October 30, 2012
The church bookkeeper shall be responsible to the church treasurer and Leadership Team for
the conduct of their assigned responsibilities.
1. The church requires that the bookkeeper be affiliated with a Christian church where
they are an active member.
2. The bookkeeper must be proficient in computer programs such as Microsoft Word,
PowerChurch, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and others as needed.
3. The bookkeeper should have fundamental desktop publishing skills. The bookkeeper
will be offered training in the PowerChurch Program. They will be reimbursed at the
established hourly rate for this training.
The below list is intended to include only recurring and core duties. Irregular and other
duties as required by the Pastor, Church Treasurer, and Stewardship Team may arise
that are not part of this document.
1. Prepare financial publications, including but not limited to, a correctly balanced
monthly financial statement. A complete monthly financial statement will be printed
out and copies
available for the Stewardship Team's monthly meeting.
2. Maintain a file for each vendor's statements. All invoices should be filed with the
most recent statements in front. Inside each hanging folder there will be two manila
folders, with the vendor's name on it. One folder will be for the current year and
another for the previous year. After 2 years the statements should be moved to the
upstairs storage area. Vendor statements should be kept for a total of 10 years.
3. Each Sunday the Counting Team will fill out a weekly contributions statement
identifying all financial contributions received for the previous week in a book. The
bookkeeper will make a copy of the weekly form and place it in a file which will be
kept in the church office for a year. At the end of the calendar year, the file will be
placed in the upstairs storage area for 9 years.
4. The bookkeeper will work with the church treasurer to establish and maintain a log in
system for persons taking files, pertaining to church finances, out of the church office.
5. Record the contributions of members' financial giving and distribute the statements
by the end of January.
(Continued on next page)
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6. The bookkeeper will print and post all checks, except payroll checks, using
7. Establish and document in writing an up-to-date detailed description of all duties,
divided into daily, weekly, monthly, and annual categories. Also document nuances
of computer programs and deadlines pertaining to financial duties. They should
describe how accounts payable are handled and explain when, how, etc. invoices are
paid and how they are entered into the program.
8. Attend monthly Stewardship Team meetings and bi-monthly church conference
meetings to answer any questions regarding financial questions.
9. The bookkeeper will report hours to the payroll accounting group for their self and
other paid church staff.
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The church secretary shall be responsible to the pastor and Leadership Team for the conduct
of their assigned responsibilities. The church secretary has a unique position because they
represent the church in many ways.
1. The church requires that the secretary be affiliated with another Christian church
where they are an active member.
2. The secretary must be proficient in computer programs such as Microsoft Word,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint , and others as needed. The secretary should
have fundamental desktop publishing skills.
3. It is essential that the secretary have the ability to relate in a pleasant manner on the
telephone and with people coming to the church.
The below list is intended to include only recurring and core duties. Irregular and other duties
as required, by the Pastor, church treasurer, youth minister, and music minister, may arise
that are not part of this document.
1. Prepare church publications including, but not limited to, the weekly church bulletin,
Wednesday prayer list, monthly newsletter, a church membership roll with contact
information, information and paperwork for deacon balloting, church conference
agenda and minutes, the annual report to the association each year, information
/mailing list for Church Anniversary contacts, and other information as required.
2. Maintain policy files i.e. by-laws, wedding policy, facilities use policy, guidelines for
care of church facilities, policy on love offerings, duties of teams, job descriptions
and contracts for paid personnel. The secretary will establish a folder for each team
and organization. These teams and organizations will send a copy of their meeting
minutes and the secretary shall file the minutes in the folder.
3. Maintain a filing system that is accessible to church leaders. Each file drawer will
have a list in front of the drawer listing the folders in sequence. A copy of all file
drawers listings will be kept in a booklet for reference purposes. Files will be
reviewed annually by the secretary, the pastor, a member of the Leadership Team,
and Stewardship Team to determine the disposition of the files' contents. The
secretary will establish a log in system for persons taking files out of the office.
4. Work with the pastor, church treasurer, and other staff members to publish letters,
reports, etc.
(Continued on next page)
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5. Establish and document in writing an up-to-date detailed description of all duties,
divided into daily, weekly, monthly and annually categories. The church secretary
will also document nuances of computer programs and deadlines pertaining to the
clerical duties.
6. Order publications and supplies. Compile a list of office supplies currently on hand.
Establish a system that will ensure an adequate supply of materials. Purchase of new
supplies will approved by the pastor.
7. Maintain a master calendar for planning church facilities use.
Page last revised January 03, 2014
Minister of Music
The Minister of Music is responsible to the Pastor for the development, coordination,
conduct and evaluation of a comprehensive Church Music Program.
• Be a born-again, committed Christian and is encouraged to be a member of Lake Park
Baptist Church.
• Be able to read music.
• Have sufficient music skills to direct music for church needs.
• Conduct congregational singing.
• Direct sanctuary choir.
• Coordinate and approve the Church Music Program (choir, small groups, soloists, etc.) with
the Church calendar. This includes Sunday morning and evening services, plus Wednesday
evening services.
• Assist the pastor in planning, conducting, and evaluating the music worship services of the
• Supervise and work closely with accompanists.
• Be accountable for church music instruments and coordinate their maintenance.
• Maintain and upgrade the Music Library.
• Prepare the annual music budget.
• Is responsible for organization of Choir areas.
• Perform other responsibilities as directed by the Pastor.
• Choir/Special rehearsals will not be scheduled during normal Sunday or Wednesday night
• On a quarterly basis, outside commitments by Lake Park Church musical groups may be
scheduled during Sunday services.
The Pastor, Minister of Music, and representatives of the Leadership Team will evaluate the
Church Music Programs on a regular basis to ensure the music meets the needs of the
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Under Article VII Section 1 of the church constitution: “Pastor: His duties are fivefold: As a
preacher to teach the Gospel (1 Tim. 3:2, 1 Tim. 4:13; 1 Tim. 5:17; 2 Tim. 4:2; Titus 1:9); as
bishop to superintend the work of the church (1 Peter 5: 1-3); as pastor to be the shepherd of
the flock (1 Peter 5:2); as minister to serve the people for Jesus’ sake (Matt. 20:28, Gal.
5:13); and to serve as Moderator the Church”.
1. Give evidence of being a born again, committed Christian who is well grounded in the
Word of God.
2. Give evidence of a divine call to this specific ministry.
3. Give evidence of being a recognized pastor within the Southern Baptist Convention.
4. Give evidence of additional specific training for the position of pastor.
1. Proclaim the gospel and lead the church in proclaiming the gospel to the church and
unsaved community. (Acts 20:20; Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 2:1, 2; 1 Tim. 4:15)
2. Administer the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. (Matt 28:9; Mark 16:16;
1 Cor. 11:23-29)
3. Care for persons and equip the church for the work of ministry in and missions outside
the church. (Eph. 4:11, 12)
4. Lead and coordinate congregational services and serve as Team Leader of the
Leadership Team.
5. Provide leadership to assist all church programs and ministries.
6. Counsel with and assist in training deacons for their responsibilities.
7. Conduct wedding ceremonies and funeral services as requested and deemed
8. Supervise other members of the church staff in meeting their objectives, as well as
planning staff development needs.
9. Recommend and advise on the selection of all staff members and in determining their
10. Preach at all worship services or arrange for someone else to perform this function
when away.
11. Actively participate in the outreach, benevolence, hospital, home bound, and nursing
home ministries.
12. Assume other mutually agreed upon duties requested by the church.
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• The pianist should be a born-again, committed Christian.
• The Pianist should have sufficient experience to read and play a variety of styles of music
appropriate to worship services and as requested by the Music Director.
• The pianist, together with the organist, is responsible for providing music for Sunday
morning services, Wednesday night adult choir rehearsals, and performances. Individual
assignments will be made by the Music Director. Substitutions may be made as needed
upon discretion of the Music Director. The Music Director may request that the Pianist
accompany other choir groups or soloists as part of the Wednesday/Sunday duties.
• Assist the Director of Music in music selection and choir development.
• Clear all absences with the Music Director far enough in advance for replacement except
during emergencies.
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The Wednesday Night Hostess shall be responsible to the pastor for the conduct of their
assigned responsibilities.
• Experience is required in food preparation.
• Verbal and written communications skills are a must to ensure recipes and guidelines are
being followed.
• Must demonstrate ability to serve as lead worker to assigned food service workers.
• Plan, procure food, and prepare food for Wednesday night suppers and other meals under
direction of the church and mutually agreed upon.
• Procure expendable kitchen supplies - napkins, plates, cups, forks, knives, table clothes,
table covers, towels, etc. for church use. Store supplies on shelves - keep floor clear.
• Clean kitchen after designated meals (tables, stove, sinks, and dishes - not floors)
• Clean out refrigerator monthly.
• Publicize cleaning guidelines for other users of kitchen.
• Except during emergencies, clear all absences with the Pastor and notify Leadership Team
far enough in advance for scheduling a replacement. If the absence is not part of the two
weeks annual paid vacation, salary will be deducted.
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The Youth Minister is responsible to the Pastor for the development, coordination, conduct
and evaluation of the comprehensive Church Youth Program. Representatives of the
Leadership Team will serve in an advisory capacity.
• Be a born-again, committed Christian
• Have ability to lead and manage a Youth Program
• Adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message
To fulfill the 5 purposes of the Church as set forth in the Holy Scripture:
1. Celebrate God’s presence through WORSHIP
• Responsible for the development/implementation of a Wednesday night study time. All
speakers are subjçct to the approval of the Pastor.
2. Demonstrate God’s love through MINISTRY
• Develop a monthly ministry to those in need in the local community (i.e. visit soup
kitchens, nursing homes, and local schools) on a regular schedule).
• Develop a program of service to God within the Church.
3. Communicate God’s love through EVANGELISM
• Plan and develop Outreach Activities in the local community.
• Provide opportunities for students to witness and share their testimonies.
4. Educate God’s people through DISCIPLESHIP
• Responsible for working with Sunday School and Discipleship Training directors to
provide leadership and to give input in youth department learning activities.
• Provide opportunities for students to be trained in sharing their testimony and witness.
5. Incorporate God’s people into His family through FELLOWSHIP
• Develop and implement regular activities, at least monthly, in which students can grow
The Youth Minister is to direct any scheduled Youth activities at or away from the church
building. All directions are to be reported to the Pastor.
The Pastor, Youth Minister and representatives of the Leadership Team will evaluate the
Youth Program regularly to ensure that the youth program meets the needs of the church
------ End of Personnel SECTION-----52
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Page last revised October 30, 2012
Church Conference Recommendation Form
COPY TO: Motion initiator
Action Agency
Suspense File
Page last revised October 30, 2012
Expense Reimbursement Request Form
Requester’s Name:
Expense Category:
Description of Expense:
Please attach receipts detailing expense.
Requester’s Signature:
Approvers’ Signature:
Office Use Only
Check #:
Page last revised October 30, 2012
Lake Park Baptist Church is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all
children and youth that may use our facility. All organizations that bring children and youth to
our facility are expected to have a proper and adequate child protection program in place and
in use for screening and protection against child abuse. By signing this document you are
certifying on behalf of your organization that your organization has an ongoing child
protection program in place for screening and protection against child abuse and that the
program is being enforced.
(name of organization/family using the facility)
for itself and for and on behalf of its officers, employees, representatives, volunteers, and
agents; covenants and agrees that it will indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Lake Park
Baptist Church, its Pastor, officers, employees, volunteers, and members from any
responsibility in any child abuse matter.
/ date)
Page last revised February 05, 2013
------ End of Forms SECTION----------- End of Operations Manual------
Page last revised January 27, 2014