(Administration Department ) 29 April 2014 BIS/DGO(374)/2014

(Administration Department )
29 April 2014
Subject: Manual for Record Room of BIS Offices
It is considered necessary by the Competent Authority to establish a central repository
to provide for medium as long terms storage of official records that needs to be retained for
legal or other reasons. It is generally accepted that high density, low cost storage away from
the record generating department/office are much more economical.
The Competent Authority has directed to setup a centralized record room for
preservation of official records in the office premises at BIS HQ, NITS, all ROs /BOs and
regional T&Cs. Accordingly, necessary guidelines for preservation of records and
functioning of record room have been compiled in the form of “Manual for Record Room of
BIS offices” (Vol. I).
Henceforth, all the department at HQs and all ROs/BOs are hereby directed to strictly
follow and comply with the guidelines in the manual at Annexure-I.
This issues with the approval of DG, BIS.
Sd/(A.K. Bansal)
Director (Administration)
Ref: Admn/05/01/2014
Circulated to: All departments at BIS HQ,ROs/BOs/NITS/T&Cs through BIS
Annex –I to BIS/DGO(374)/2014
Manual for Record Rooms
of BIS Offices
Date of Issue : 29th April 2014
NEW DELHI – 110002
Sl. No.
Records Classification and Retention Schedule
Classification of categories
 Category A
 Category B
 Category C
 Category D
Method of sending records by each Deptt.
Requirements of a Record Room
Cleanliness and order
Storage of Records
Security & Access
Staffing for Record Room
Duties of Staff in Record Room
Administrative Duties
Action by Record Room on receipt of Records
Proper maintenance/safe custody of Records
Air Conditioning
Fire fighting arrangements
Protection from inspects & pests
Maintenance of records
Retreiving records on demand
Destruction of records
Annex I
Annex II
Annex III
Annex IV
Annex V
Proforma for transferring of files to Record Room
Record Room Accession Register
File Movement Register
Records Requisition proforma
List of files due for destruction after completion of
retention period
Page Nos.
‘Record Room’ needs to be set up for better management of records. It is expensive
and difficult to manage the records in each record generating department. It is, therefore,
necessary to establish a central repository to provide for medium as long-term storage of
records that need to be retained for legal or other reasons. It is generally accepted that highdensity, low-cost storage away from the offices are much more economical.
The term ‘records’ includes all information materials produced in the course of
official work. Most records are on paper, but other formats also exist (for example, audio or
videotape, photographs, maps, electronic records).
Records include a) any document, manuscript and file;
b) any microfilm, CD/DVD, microfilm and facsimile copy of a document;
c) any other material produced by a computer or by any other device.
It is necessary that no records should be transferred to the record room until an
Appraisal has taken place and a Retention Schedule has been decided. The words “Appraisal”
& “Retention Schedule” have the following meaning:
Appraisal: The process of determining the value of records for further use, for whatever
purpose, and the length of time for which that value will continue.
Retention Schedule: The period after which the record is scheduled to be removed from
a record room and destroyed or disposed off.
The record room is not simply a storage area but the documents held in the record
room must be available for reference. The Record Room should be safe, secure, clean,
efficient and economical. It should be capable of holding all classified records in all media
and able to provide a dependable retrieval service.
Overall records care is very critical to the success of a record-keeping system. The
care of both paper and non-paper records are covered by the procedures outlined in this
Records Classification and Retention Schedule
The records shall be classified in the following four categories:
Category ‘A’ - The retention period for records under Category-A shall be indefinite.
The Category-A shall cover records related to policy decisions, papers concerning
Acts, Rules and Regulations, important litigations, working of important committees
Category ‘B’ - The retention period for records under Category-B shall be 30 years.
Category ‘C’ - The retention period for records under Category-C shall be 10 years.
Category ‘D’ - The retention period for keeping the records under Category-D shall
be 2 years. The files and records pertaining to miscellaneous nature shall be covered
under this category.
The files shall be categorized in the levels i.e. Category ‘A’, Category ‘B’, Category
‘C’ or Category ‘D’ as per classification mentioned above.
Each department shall classify all type of files that are dealt with in their respective
department. The retention schedule shall be framed by each department with the approval of
their Activity Heads and put up to Record Room Managing Committee for their approval.
Likewise, each DDGR, Chief (T&C) & H (NITS) classify their files and place the same to
Record Room Managing Committee for approval.
DDGR’s shall route their proposals
through DDG (PP&C) who shall ensure that a common policy is adopted by all the Regions.
Method of sending records by each Deptt.
3.1 Before sending a file to the record room, the files shall have to be weeded and properly
indexed. At the time of weeding all the drafts / duplicate/other papers in the files which are
not required for future reference as to how and what decision was taken, shall be removed by
the concerned department.
The file note sheets and correspondence pages shall be re-
numbered and shall be indicated in the index page in the file before forwarding the same to
the Record Officer.
Every file to be transferred to the Record Room shall be numbered properly for easy
retrieval of files.
a) Abbreviation of the concerned department followed by the abbreviation of the subject
handled by the department.
b) It will be followed by the year of opening of file by the concerned department e.g.
c) At the top of the cover of file, Category of the files shall be mentioned i.e. CategoryA/B/C/D.
Records should be transferred to the record room regularly. In general, department
should make small transfers more frequently rather than large transfers less often.
Requirements of a Record Room
The record room must be secure, clean, efficient and economical.
Cleanliness and Order
4.1.1 The record room must be clean. The records must be protected from damage, dirt,
insects or rodents or infestation by moulds. To maintain cleanliness, no one should be
allowed to eat or bring food into the record room: Smoking must be prohibited in the record
room at all times, and there should be prominent notices to this effect. The record room
should be cleaned, dusted and inspected on a regular basis.
4.1.2 The record room should be orderly. This means that the records kept in it must be in
proper order on the shelves, so that any record can be found at any time with a minimum of
delay. Records should be kept in proper containers or wrappings, clearly labelled with their
reference numbers. Regular checks should be made to ensure records are returned to their
appropriate locations and are not stored inappropriately.
4.1.3 The record room must be efficient. Every record held in the room should be
retrievable quickly and easily.
Records should also be disposed of according to a
predetermined records retention schedule.
Storage of Records
4.2.1 Most records held within the record room will be in file format, steel racks shall be
provided in the Record Room. However, it is likely that there will be a proportion of records
that cannot fit into standard shelf spaces or standard chest of drawers or that demand special
treatment. These include:-
a) Engineering Drawings
Engineering drawings, plans etc. are best kept in chest of drawers. If these are not
available, cardboard tubes should be used. It would be acceptable to roll the maps,
plans or drawings inside cardboard tubes, as this tends to protect them from accidental
damage during use.
b) Photographs
Photographs generated from Public Relation Departments etc. should be kept in acidfree folders, individually, and kept in a controlled environment. They also need
specialised indexing.
c) Electronic Records
Electronic records should be stored in areas free of dust and protected as much as
possible from temperature and humidity.
This link between records must be made wherever any documents in specialised format have
been extracted from their original context and stored elsewhere.
Security & Access
4.3.1 The record room must be secure. It is also important that the facility is safe and
secure. It should not be possible for unauthorized persons to gain access to the records in the
record room. No person except record room staff shall be allowed to enter the record room.
The entrance to the record room should have a prominent notice that no unauthorized persons
are permitted.
4.3.2 Where possible, a separate area be set aside for records under Category A & B. This
area should be separated from the rest of the storage area and access should be restricted to
staff who have been specially authorized for this purpose.
4.3.3 The record room should be isolated from any dangers that might threaten the safety of
the records, including fire, flood or natural disaster.
4.3.4 Staff should be trained in the use of fire extinguishers and should know what to do in
an emergency.
4.3.5 Records brought into the record room should be stored in randomly selected locations.
Usually, the racks on which records are stacked/the chest of drawers should not carry
markings showing the files/category of files that give a direct indication of their contents. It is
important to ensure the contents of racks are not easily identifiable, in order to ensure the
secure storage of the records.
4.3.6 A place outside the record room should be available for referring to the records under
the supervision of Record Room Officer. If duly authorized people come to the record room
to consult records there, they must do so under supervised conditions, and they must conform
to the rules in force.
Staffing for Record Room
The Record Room should have staffing as below:
a) Record Officer at the level of Section Officer (Part Time)
b) Record Keeper at the level of LDC/UDC/Assistant (Part Time/full time)
c) Attendant (Part Time)
Duties of Staff in Record Room
a) Receipt of records from other departments.
b) Checking of records with respect to categorization, indexing and file numbering.
c) Preparation and Maintenance of subject-listing of records after arrangement in their
respective series.
d) Binding of files received from other departments.
e) Arrangement of record on the shelves and issue reminders to the concerned
department for getting the files back in the Record Room
f) To issue and getting back of records from the concerned departments including
maintenance of File Movement Register (Annex III)
g) To arrange for proper dusting in the record room
h) To arrange for repair of torn, old and brittle records
Administrative Duties
a) The Record Officer shall make annual review of the records in the record room as per the
record retention schedule.
b) The Record Officer shall supervise and maintain Record Accession Register (Annex II),
Record Movement Register (Annex III)
c) The Record Officer shall compile the record retention schedules.
d) The Record Officer shall provide the files for reference purposes preferably.
e) The Record Officer shall provide the records under RTI Act for inspection purposes.
Record Officer shall issue certified copies of the documents or records to the information
f) Weeding out of the files in the record room shall be recommended by the Record Officer
in consultation with the concerned department after expiry of the record retention period.
A standing guard file shall be maintained by the Record Officer/Record keeper for
keeping the policy, circulars and instructions pertaining to the Record Room.
Action by Record Room on receipt of Records
All records sent to the record room should be accompanied by a Transfer List
(Annex I).
A proper binding of these files shall be done by Record Room Staff after verification
and checking of the received records to avoid any tampering of the records at a later date.
Record should be allocated numbering serially, at the time when the first transfer of
records is requested to be made by that office. No series should ever be repeated. The record
room should keep a register of series numbers. This register will be one of the record room’s
own permanent records. No index of series is necessary because allocated numbers are
written on the relevant files and on any correspondence and forms.
The serial number should be written on each transfer list, disposal form and so on. It
should be quoted on all correspondence with the records office, and files of such
correspondence should be filed under the code number by the record room.
When an office has been allocated a serial number, this number should remain
unchanged. If as a result of administrative reforms a particular records office is merged with
another, the new records office should be given a new code number. The old one will remain
in use to identify transactions that occurred and records that were created before the
On arrival, the record room staff should then check to see that the number of chest of
drawers sent out is the same as the number returned. They then enter initial details of the
transfer in the record room accession register. This ensures that there is a permanent record
of the consignment.
Proper maintenance/safe custody of Records
For proper maintenance and safe custody of records, it is necessary that a conducive
environment is maintained all the time so that the records are not destroyed due to insects,
pests, termites or other reasons because the records are valuable and have worth. The
following points are considered to be necessary for a conducive environment:-
Air conditioning:
6.1.1 Storage of records in an air-conditioned environment is conducive to their longevity;
therefore air-conditioning is essential for Record Room. In the existing buildings, which do
not have central air-conditioning facilities, use of split air-conditioner/window split type Airconditioner is recommended. For effective air-conditioning, ventilation should be so planned
as to permit minimum leakage of the conditioned atmosphere.
6.1.2 Humidity and temperature in the conditioned Records Room should be measured
regularly. The ambient conditions for the storage of records are mentioned as under:-
22oC – 25oC
Relative Humidity
45 + 55%
Fire Fighting arrangements:
6.2.1 To protect records against any accidental fire, all electric wiring should be through
conduit pipes and the main control switches of lights etc. installed in the storage area should
be located outside the Records Room. As far as possible, the Records Room should be made
fire resistant. In big Records room, the storage space should be divided into separate fire
resistant compartments.
6.2.2 Additional automatic dampers should be installed in the centrally air-conditioned
areas so that ducts could be immediately closed in case of fire, thereby preventing the spread
of fire to other compartments. It is advisable to provide emergency exits, besides the main
entry door to the Records Room should be fitted with a fire detection alarm system to detect
any fire in the storage area. Use of naked light, heaters and smoking in the room should be
prohibited. As a preventive measure against accidental fires, all light and power circuits
should be switched off after office hours. Watch and ward staff provided for this area may
use torches, if necessary.
6.2.3 For combating fires, adequate equipment of carbon dioxide (CO2) type should be
provided at suitable places in the Records Room for easy accessibility. Besides, water pipes
and hoses should be installed at convenient points to fight any major conflagration.
Protection from insects and pests:
6.3.1 It is important to have a humid free environment in the Records Rooms as the
humidity allows insects and pests to enter the room and gradually destroy the records in due
course of time. The following measures should be taken for protection of Records Room:-
a) Naphthalene Balls in a perforated box should be kept in all the corners of the
b) Pest control treatment should be done once in 6 months.
c) Fumigation is another way to control the insects and pests and should be done at
the frequency of 3-4 months.
d) At the end of the week, DDTs/Baygon Spray should be sprayed on floors, walls
& ceilings duly protecting all records/papers from direct contact with such sprays.
For proper maintenance of records, the following points should be taken care of:-
6.4.1 Staff should keep all the records on shelves, chest of drawers in accordance with a
6.4.2 Staff should check the files/records periodically to ensure they are kept in good order.
Retrieving records on demand
When staff in the creating office request records, these should be retrieved in
accordance with agreed procedures. Record room staff should track the movement of records
issued to user departments and ensure that records are returned within 15 days of issue of
these records. If, the records are not returned within the normal period, a reminder shall be
sent to the user department. If records are not returned within 3 days of issue of 1st reminder,
the Record Officer shall issue a 2nd reminder. Further, action shall be taken for custody of the
Records may be made available to authorized persons by concerned HoDs of Record
Creating Deptt. only (Records Requisition Proforma, Annex IV). Record room staff is
responsible for retrieving the correct record, controlling its issue and return, supervising its
use in the reference/study area and ensuring its return to the correct location.
Ideally, records of category A & category B should be issued in photocopy form and
not in the original, wherever feasible, to protect originals from loss.
The records shall be made accessible only on requisition to be furnished by the
concerned department and later its acknowledgement of receipt to the concerned Record
Officer. A file movement register shall be maintained by the Record Officer.
Destruction of Records
a) No Public Records shall be destroyed without being recorded and reviewed. In
the month of January every year, the Record Officer after checking the records
retention Schedule records will prepare a list of files as per Annex V on which
action has been completed. This work shall be accomplished in consultation with
the record creating department.
b) A list of all such public records which are proposed to be destroyed shall be
prepared by the Record Officer and retained permanently for future reference.
c) Records shall be destroyed either by burning or shredding in the presence of
Record Officer.
d) These files shall be weeded out after expiry of their retention period. The Record
Officer shall weed out the files in consultation with the concerned department.
e) If files are to be kept beyond their retention schedule, there shall be sufficient
grounds warranting their further retention. In such case, Record Officer may send
the proposal of keeping the file beyond retention schedule to Department
Annex I
{Reference: Clause 5.1}
Proforma for transferring of files to Record Room
Department/Section _______________________
Date __________
Sl. No.
File No.
Year of
Signature: ___________
(Name of Officer/SO/PS)
(Record Officer)
Annex II
{Reference: Clause 4.6 (b)}
Record Room Accession Register
Record Room
Serial Number
Name of
Number & (add date when
Year of
Annex III
{Reference: Clause 4.5 (f), Clause 4.6 (b)}
File Movement Register
File No. ………………………………………
Date of
Issued to
Name of requisitioning Officer
Name of requisitioning Deptt.
Date of
Annex IV
{Reference: Clause 7.2}
Record Requisition Proforma
Date: ……………………….
File No………………………
Category under Classification
Purpose of requisitioning
(Requisitioning Officer)
Record Officer
(For Record Room Purpose)
Record Officer
Annex V
{Reference: Clause 8 (a)}
List of files due for destruction after completion of retention period
Name of
File No.
Date of
receipt in
File no.
Date of
Comple-tion of
n Period
Instruction of