הצעת פתרון -בחינת הבגרות באנגלית מועד ב' קיץ 15שאלון 016117 F הצעת הפתרון נכתבה על-ידי קרין טרנס וחוה זלינגר מורות לאנגלית בבתי הספר של קידום. "- מדינת ישראל סוג הבחינה: משרד החינוך א. בגרות לבתי ספר על-יסודיים ב. בגרות לנבחני משנה ג. בגרות לנבחנים אקסטרנ"ם מועד הבחינה :קיץ תשע"ה ,מרעד ב2015 , מספר השאלון416,016117 : g Sl,illsו ki1ו i1וTl נספח: כישורי חשיבה )לפרק ראשון ושני( אנגלית שאלון ן1 ) (iVIODULE F ספרות הוראות לנבחן שעה וחצי א. משך הבחינה: ב. מבנה השאלון ומפתח ההערכה :בשאלון זה שלושה פרקים. פרק ראשון 35 נקודות פרק שני 45 נקודות פרק שלישי 20 נקודות 100 נקודות סה ' lכ ג. חומר עזר מותר בשימוש :מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-עברי או :מילון אנגלי-עברי /עברי-אנגלי או :מילון אנגלי-אנגלי-ערבי או :מילון אנגלי-ערבי /ערבי-אנגלי נבחן "עולה חדש" רשאי להשתמש גם במילון דו-לשוני :אנגלי-שפת-אמו /שפת-אמו-אנגלי. השימוש במילון אחר טעון אישור הפיקוח על הוראת האנגלית. .ד הוראות כי>וחדות: )( 1 עליך לכתוב את כל תשובותיך בגוף השאלון )בכ}קומות המיועדים לכן(. ) (2 כתוב את כל תשובותיך באנגלית ובעט בלב.ד אסור להשתמש בטיפקס. ) (3 כתום הבחינה החזר את השאלון למשגיח. ההנחיות כשאלון זה מנוסחות כלשון זכו ומכוונות לנבחנות ולנבחנים כאח.ד בהצלחה! /המשך מעבר לדף/ ( / :'>. .,,.,, J /\:י- J\j \'· \ן,1_, , נספח+ 416 .016117 )'סJ :ב. מועך.תשע"ה Y'V PART I Ans\ve1· tl וe qt1estio11s [01· eitl1e1· (A) 1\il1 .י A. , ספרות,אנגל>ת 1' r ן ~~1ן,1~\ '" '.,:;,\,ן 1 '\-/ן -:,. j ·'"יג:.. -2- 135 t סכi ) וts ) K11<J11' "כו.~/\~ 1,, >,!ן ~.:\· A'J r\11 OR (B) T/1e E11e111_ך.י '!J . . ,,'1 v: \ JVIR. I(NOvV ALL / W. So111e1·set l'v!a11g! וa111 ~ '\!ן \_,· j l'v!1.י (!e]ada t1·ies to mal<e f1·ie11ds וvitl וtl וe 11arrator by .)-( (i) te!li11g tl וe 11a1·rato1· abo11t l וis fan1ily (ii) t1npacl(j11g tl וe 11a1·1·ato1·'s lt1ggage (iii) te!Jing the na1·1·ato1· he is B1·itisl1 (iv) ag1·eeing \Vith eve1·ythi11g the 11a1·1·ato1· says !זו 1\)' 1 ~ ,"יj" 'j j ~ . ' ~ .~ ז -j ~ :! 1:' 1 ~·1- ,t_ו1ן,1}} '""-'">'ייי 1~ז...1,, ·' -,, 1 ... ~/\~ ;."' The na1·1·ato1· thought M1.!( יe!ada \Vas .)-( '.,\ז/.1~'\. (i) talkative !.~1.~,; (ii) 1111f1·ie11d!y (iii) p1·ej11diced (iv) 1111patriotic ~· \ןJ'."-1 "11 , ........ '"·'!~זו.!, '""-'יייי '""ו-,, "~,,~\ ....... '"!'~~:!. ~~· A1 ! (5 3. J"· ~ ~\ד '/1; (5 poi11ts) 2. ' ~; \~ 1 A11s וver q11estio11s 1-4 . 1. 1• , :X1 ~?י points) Afte1· seei11g Mi·s. Ramsay's 1·eaction to the cliscussion abo11t the pearls , M1. יI<:elacla "stopped \vith his mo11th ope11. He fl11sl1ed cleeply. You could almost see the effort he וvas mal<ing ove1· !1i1nself." Wl וy does Mi. יKelacla !.~1ב?נ,,/ '" '..,,-'יי-• ד.:~'~ו 1~' ,,,.,..-,, ~/\~ .,_-יי:כ. {ז.~>ין:!.1 ~·Q;\1 ! ! ~נl.,1.?~ "'g "ז.:~ ''/.-'יי-י ~'-,, ...,~' ...., 1 1·eact tl וis וvay? Explai11 . ~/\;: ,"":ו.; 1 ANSWER: pijo ............................................................................................... Mr. Kelada was conflicted after he examined Mrs.. ':l,"~~ו,,, \'-'1' . .' ~i ןs-- \'! ." ............... " " "ן \ ~ 1/\.;, :יי, Mr. kelada was conflicted after he examined Mrs. Ramsay's , " ..... " .......... ..................................... " ... " ............................. . pearls. He was sure that the pearls were real and worth a lot of money. " ...................................... " ... " ......... " ........................................... " .... " .... . However, Mr. Kelada realized, from Mrs. Ramsay's reaction, that by telling ................................................................................................................. the truth about the pearls- he might damage Mrs. Ramsay's marriage. .. "" .......... " . " ................ " .... " ... " " .. " ...... " .. " .... " ... " .......... " .... " " " .... " . " " . He had" ..... a serious dillema- on the one hand, he wanted to get everybody's ......... " ... " " ........ " .. " . " ... " ....... " " . " ... " " .. " . " . " .. " " .... " .. " . " ...... " .. "" .. respect on board the ship. This way they would appreciate his ... " .. " . " ......... " .. " " ..... " ....... " " . " .. " . " " .. " " ... " .... " " " " . " . " " . " " ... " ...... " .... . proffesionalism as an expert on pearls. On the other hand, Mr. Kelada ... " ... " .... " " .. " .. " .. " . " ... " .... "" .. " ...... " . " " " ....... " .. " " .. " ..... " " ... " ... " " .... " " knew he would earn this respect at the expense of Mrs. Ramsay's ················································································································· relationship with her husband. ••··••·•··•·••····••····••••··•·•••····•••··•·•···•••···••····••·····••···•••····•·····•••····•••····•••····•••·· ( 10 j סכints ) / 3 המשך בעמוד/ -;_lj ;c 'ן -""' 'י11 ; , n ""'1 '~11',,.,....." i:; ' 1 ~· l ו'ח- 1•"( / f '\ "'~ח-\· " "ן \ 1 '' 1" ;c \ / יייי:,ו-;"' i),, - :~יי ';\';.! r (1 , ,..... / -;ו ו," " r: ~'\ "11· / ",,-,, ';י:-'~ י/ -,, ...,......... l.;. /\ 1' ~..-:"' ,,' :,,...,, , .- 1 1''\ז-// ......... \ן.\ןן:-- \' ו"י•ן_ \ן י,, , ..... "ן '\ ?ב,,"_וון,. . . · ,,''",.,,,-,, .''"'י-'יי-י . \- \.... ,,י'ן ... - .... 1 .... "':י-~/\;..... j ~/(~~~,..!.· 1 +, -1-' "'\1J' \ ~' ;,:. 1"\"י #'~'ןג/.....\ן V1. . ~ 1 (\1 ב.,,.' 1f;..:;f1 ,,. 1 \ //-\ 1 1 ,-;;\י.... 1 ", ~'].{.;{\ fi 1 ·"''(ו/~rג כספח+ 4 16 .0 1611 7 ' ס1ב -1. /• \",l"\{. 1 "' ! , .... ... ~fi. (\/\1 .,.,~,,,_" ,. / - \ \ , . '/ 1 "/ - i.;'J ", ';יi 1 '" /• -.../ \...:\; 1-.,,; ..[\. \)\l,,.' ~\. n ,ין:,,, Fc·רi tl רis qt1esti רc 11. cl <ררosc ONE '!< רtl1e tl1i1 רl;i1 רg sl;ills ti·c1111 tl רe ;\ןכ-1כet רclix \)נספח <ר11 page 16 OR '111y וl1i11!;i11g sl<ill stt1cliecl i11 clo .יs Use tl רis tl1i11lzi11g slzill \\'l1e11 a11s רve1·i11g tl רe qt1estio11. ( 10 poi11ts !'01· tl1e co11te11t of tl רe Explai11 "h}' tl בe 1 רa ·הato1· jt1clges iVI1·. l\:elacla i11 011e 1vay at tl רe L רegit111i11g ot· tl רe sto1y· a11cl \\'l וy l וe jt1clges l רi111 clif!\e1·e11tly a וtl•וc et וcl . 1 .- 1-ר r--1 "' /· / י י/ -3- a1JS\\e1 .· 5 כןt רit בts l'o1· tl רe co1·1·ect t1se ot· tl רe tl רi1 רl;i11g sl;ill 1 .;/•!ן ..,,. ........ ·""· ..f\. \-.. כ,, מןעך. תשע"הj'D , ספררת.אכגל•ת Gi\e i1 רt'o1·111ntio11 f1·orn tl רe St \ כi·;' to Sll כ}קL ר1·t ')(ןt11· ri11s\ve1.· 1 ", 1, r- :' \" '(ן .... 1 ח/\ ,,, Thi11izi11g sl;ill l cl וose : """"""""""""""""."""""".""""""""""""""" ., r-:fl "" ,c\i'!S\VER : .. ""."" .. "."".".""."".""."""."""""."".""."""".""" ..... ""." .. .; ח l ;י. j .; ן ץ •\ ,~...,,. ...... "" '~' - יי1 11 ,,\ '~ו r•//I ~ <'- • .1 i ' י"ןi. .... " ...................................... " ... " . " . " " ............................. " ............ " . " " " . " .... " .. " .................................. " ........... " " ............................................ . ...... " .. " ............................................... " .. " ............................................... . ........ " " . " ... " ............ .... ...................... " " " " " .... " ... ... ...... ................ . " ."." 11-·' ·,:.. r:"l ןj 1~') ~ ( 1·~ ,! 1,./.,.., ..... 1 ,,, ...... \ ... 1 ' V-1' .('''' ,~,,,_" ... /-\\, 1 1 ,/__ ,..... , ", 1/ " '.,!,\~~ t/i i1\~~' }בf. - ,_,,..., •\/~'\~ , 1....,,_,.. " .... " OR: ,. ,1 '·' 't .... 11 '1 B. -1J .ב1"",\"f. !V--1~< 1 (\ " " " " " .. " ................... ............. . ..... ... " .. " .. " . " ... .................. ... .. .......... " . " . " . " .. ........ .................... . " ..... "."" ........ ......................... " " . " ..... ................ /' /י-\\. 1: '-" 1 ''--'~1 L'ר " " ..................... " . " . " ..... " Y\ !.- ן1.~ ( .1}ב1 ...ץ.\..,_ rV-1~< 1,(\ !,.-r' וf '"(ו " " ~if\ןf. וJi "''~' " ....... .......... "" .. " . " .... " ......................... ......... " 1 '\יי-\ ןl ", 1 " ················································································································· ... .......... " .. " .. " .. .. " ............. " ................. ... " .... " ................ ..... ...... .. ('/~;,ב1· " /• ן/-\\. " " " " " " " " 115 טכןi11ts ו Tfl !י: l<:NElVIY / f,eat·I S. Bוt cl' 1 , \· 1 וS\\'c1· t}LJtstior וs 5M8 . 1 '-"' 1-1 \, ' 1-::..'~ // ,·j \ 7' ",·ו ...., " ג-, ''' J . 11 '' "11 ~ ' . "'"' \ 1 '. \ץ/ "\" •"'\ו :.. : .': ג1 ' " 1 ' '1 ," \ -1 ' ..), / /...1 ''ן ~/\ 6 •1 ", 5. \Vl רy (ioes Saclf!o sny at tl רe begi111 רing "t.tl בe st טt·y tl בnt "l·Ie J1a(\ 111eJ tla11a i11 ,\111e1·ica. but l1e l וa<J וV> וile(! to f'al! i11 love "·it \1 ! בer t111ti ! he נ.·ן..ו1s si11·e t:i יl1e 'יt\ as Japa:nese . 11 :· 1i ו l·!e 1va111ecl tc רget to J;110\\' l רe1· fi1·st . ,, ו- ',~· , ,, "'/! ti[J t-lc- 1 ~1 " 1'~ '-<\• 1' ו I-Ie \\a1 רtecl !1is t'atl1e1· to a \כןJ·כC>ve of l1e1.· [r \ 1 •_:. i • :...'\ן1 .:!ו1'... '" !//-ג.'\ 1'\-"'\ ן1 ", ~i\1'].l/i Yi ~ V·''\(ו ... ןj י.,נ1.1'...:,\, ~~V'1 ~<' 1 ~\... ,,_,..' 1 \7\ \נ.:/ / I \-"ן/'\ן/'°'1 ", ~·1\,'].1/ i 1 !1;11.:V\i·'ז:' iii ו \\'<:l>; t1. ו\וl כLJS}' stLiCl)·i11 ~ t ח fall i11 IO\'e . ( iv 1 He 1vc111t•ccl to 111eel l1e1· f,1111ily . 15 כןc וi11ts 1 / 4 רדi שך בענ1הנ/ ., \ן.' 1 ~, וJ'''), י-\':!.1' 1 >ו:ג..· A1 פחD כ+ 416.016117 'D מ ,ה" מןעך ב. \"ק תשע. פרותD .אנגלית !!J ,;11 ~ -4- \~ l י..:;.\ייי 1 6. W!1e11 tl1e se1·vants fi1·st i·ealize tl1at tl1e \VOt ו11ded Aו11e1·ica11 is i11 the '1-C..-11\ ,,,. 1-~ "ג ,,,,\ .1 ,, . .''י.. , \ן,,//\:יי- >ו:ג..· A'ב ·י י,1 ' ו ' '' . . !1oi וse, they .)-( (i) fee! so1·1·y fo1· him (ii) go to tl1e police ,,11, \ - \ י7 ~'ר 1\;: .1 \ • / ~ .ג.·1 ",·כ '\';.! ( iii) offe1· to l1e!p hi111 !ו,.! j ~ (iv) a1·e f1·ightened \~ 1 . ~ ' (5 points) 1/1 ; -~ ~ );\ןנ: . 1 .;-..' 1' '' 7. p 1 not doing tl1is for n1y O\vn pleasure.In fact,I do not l<no\v 'vhy I am נ:ג..· " ! ו11.,1~\ '-/.'י-~'י 11,,-:::;-:.., doing it." Explain Saclao's co11flict using i11for111ation f1·om the sto1·y to .;-.. 1 /\ ",, ....... J \ן. support yoi וr answe1-. !..~ Befo1·e l1e ope1·ates 011 the woi וnded man, Sadao says to hi111self, "l am -,... .'. ,,,. 1' ן1 \ ,ו. >ו:ג..· A1 ANSWER: ............................................................................................... . Dr. Sadao is operating the wounded man telling himself that he isn't ················································································································· doing it for his pleasure, in fact he doesn't know the the reason he is doing it. Dr. Sadao has a strong conflict: as a medical doctor he knows ················································································································· 1;,J-ע '",,,.י-::!~,' -,'ייייי-""' ...1'' \ ~'ןן,..1,,, 1 ,,,......... ..... \ן/\ן:-- >ו:ג..· A1 .l !..1~,; ................................................................................................................. that" his responsibility is to" ........ save the wounded man. "But this man" ......... is an " " .. ...... .. " ........... " .............. " " .......... " ............. ................ '",,ד.;~,' ';.-'י-• ,,,. ..,-, ' \,,:,.;. . . ....... ················································································································· >ו:ג..· A1 ! ו1~;1~ enemy, being an American soldier. Dr. Sadao is also a Japanese who has to save the life of an American soldier- a sworn enemy. We can see at the ....... " " ............ " " " ... " . " .............. "" ..... " .............. " " . " " ....... " . " " ... ".".". beginning of the story that Dr. Sadao hesitates for a few minutes. But ." ... " . " " . " " . " .. " .. " " " .. " " " ... " .. " " ...... " .. " . " ... " " .. " " " . " " ... " " " . " " ... " . " " " later knows for sure that the only way for him is to save the life of the ." ... " "he . " " " ... " " " .. " . " ..... " " " " " " " . " . " ... " " . " " . " " .... " " " ... " . " . " .... " .. ".".". man lying in front of him. " ················································································································· (10 points) 1 ן,ו,,.,,, / \ן./;ןl\:יי- '..:;.'~'ייייי 1!.-ד.:1' 11 ,,,. 1-.- ' \ ~'ןןJ.ן :..;. ;ו,... " :-- ו,,"\ ·~:ג..· ~ i ~;•!..\ ~ " "ן 11, -"י::: \' .,, 'ח 1;:\/ c:; '. ן,:.[ - ( •ו// ~ ~:ג..· וr 'ו / 5 המשך בעמוד/ ~:" 1 "זר '" ". %: \ 1 י:::,' \ ,,,. . , -' ו ~ ון- ~ "'\ג:זf r ( ~:ג..· -'ו ו ! 11· r:. ~ ';.-~'י~י ,ד.:~,' .,,.-,1'.... ;...,,, ""''י.·\ן.\ןן:-1 ,, ......" >ו:ג..· A1 1 ,;!ו..~11~ '....:-'יי-• '. '.111... ,,ד: -, .... ' ""'י-'ו,', ,:. יו... , ...~_ ,,,. ~. \ ~, IZ'i" \I '"'- \,,,.'כ. .ץ \'';"\'<~ו ...., '.,,_,,..,,~ J. 1) ""_, ו.... .. , , ' .,(-\\(,,., / I ,\ו-_,,,, ~"1,,'Jfii ~ןa\. Y\i;" ·'ז,"~כ.,,,,, \/~'\~," ...., ,,_,,,~'ו ~\ב-/'\ !11'7י:"·-..,'" L~, ,,, J' ,,.' 1-,1 ·"'" ~.,,,, z ''"'ו 1\ ~,~ ", 1 " 4J'. '~,}\ ~נ.iג-- ; חJ,'l. .,,, i:; ,". 1 ,,,, ~- 1 , ... j·~ ~חi/i ~ ( חi ~\ \Yi ~.,.. z ·"'ז..... ~~ ~,,~1-....• --'jג ,,,, r \,1 ' ן:/ l -,,,~ ·.;'~ - ,,. fj . : \'} r: ........,1 ' 'il .,,\ 11 \ן./,,·, ...:י "' ",",,~ '"ו ~V''יי . .1 j"כ....!::ג; '~;י ,-..,,,,...... ,... ,,,, l//- 1 נספח+ 416 .016117 8. ' מס. מועד כ. ק>ץ תשע"ה. ספרות,אנגל>ת -5- Fo1· tllis q11estio1ו. clנoose ONE of tlנe thit ננkitg skills fi·on נthe Appendix ()נספח 011 page 16 OR a11y thinki11g skill stl!died in class. Use tl נis tl1inl<i11g skill \Vl נen ans\ve1·ing the q11estio11. ( 10 poii וts foi· tl נe co11te11t of the aIJS\ver, 5 points fo1· the co1·1·ect use of the tl נinking skill ) Tlנe sto1·y takes place i11 Japa11 d111·ing vV01·Jd vVai· II. Explain \Vl נy yo11 tlנink the a11thor chose tlנis pmticular setting fo1· he1· story. Inferring Thinki11g skill I chose: ......................................................................... . ANSWER: ............................................................................................... . The story "The Enemy" takes place in Japan during WW2. Japan was at ················································································································· at war with the U.S. They were true enemies. In our story, the Japanese ················································································································· doctor saves the life of a wounded American soldies. This setting ················································································································· emphasizes the strong dillema that doctor Sadao has. On the one hand, he is a surgeon, a medical doctor, that took the Hypocratic Oath. ~·1\,'Jiii ················································································································· . ., \'7 ~\ב:\'ן ,-..,,,, .....,,... ················································································································· ~ן.{Y·"\ו .... 1\,-''כ.) 'f. 11 ,......... ,,~<' ,,_,,,ב. ~1\,'Jiii ~,,,. Y\i·" ...:\ן.ן,ו,•ו - '"י/ ' 1 ' ~,·י ~<' 1 \ ....1 ,,_.,..,,ב. , ; ,1~~ /ן ,_..,,...... ,... ~1ir'Jfii According to this oath, the doctor must help every person who is in medical need, regardless of his color, race or nation. By coincidence ........................................................................................ " ...................... . the wounded person is an American, a real enemy of the Japanese. ················································································································· ················································································································· So the doctor has to overcome his patriotism as a Japanese and act as a ················································································································· doctor loyal to the Hypocratic Oath. (15 poi11ts) }"i ·'~(~'עו \,,,.'' ~ו}בf. ,,_.,,.,, "'\'<~ו....,.,,,1 ~ ,..... ~ .1'--1 ' 1 ' / /יון7 ," •• , ... "''· V, f"ii 1 '"' /\וגי,! ;Ji · .,,,. •'" 11 ", .·ף .,, '"" :~ "'.J',J ' 1 .... 11. , , " -'.'•\ן , "...1 ~ ,,, .. , ·"'· - ..:/'ן ... "\' ,....ג, ~. l 1 ~,·J ,, '~"-,''~ , ... _,,''·,,....,. ~ י '~ ., ' ~,\. 1-... , 1 ,, ,-,..,. . . ו,. . ~·1\,'J ו/ i { ~ויY·"\ו .11=ן.'~')ב \'<~ו....,.," . ., ,,_,ו,~, 1~~'\·\ד ,-..,,,,, ..... 1 , ... ...'-ו,,,-.,,.", ..,,., ,,,, ,, \ ~עןYA;~\! ! 6 המשך בעמוד/ .. \ / ' J "\ " ... ~ ;.t ~:;.., 11 ! 'j...' ..... \ן ,J'1.~,", , ... נספח. 416.0161 17 ' סi ב. מועד ב. ~'ק תשע"ה. ספרות.אנגל'ת ~ l_ ו1.,1),_'l'ן -6- \" \~-\, ן/ 1 ,,;\;ו-// '")ן1-..,'גי 1f~~,,/. \:! '...-1\f1 · .:--· \ן,,,,,ו. J P~\R'f II (45 1 כoi1 וts1 1 1\ 1>'וve1· tl1e q11estio1 וs !'01· ei וhe1· (CJ ?.// 11'!1· So11.v QR (D) TllC' \\\ 11 ",· ן.... 'J • , '\ 1/' " -~ ;"י \,,. 1?1 \ I C. '°' . . . ALL i'I!\' SONS / A1·tht11· 1\lille1· י/1·\~ ~ך A1 וsvve1· q11estio1s ד9-13 . l\ ; 1 ~": /~ •• ."\;.! ~· f !.:}'~ 9. [11 ,\ct 1 ~,!otl1e1· says to A1111. "As !011g as you'1·e l1e1·e, A1111ie, I 1va11t (ii) / ' lli - \ / .גי.·1 ,,, ;ר ר.,, l \ן1 ~· ~~ ' 11" 7"" ,~ .... ..,, , Sl1e \\'a11ts Ch1·is to 111ove avvay !'1·0111 tl1e fan רily . La1·1·y 111igl1t l1ave t'lovv11 a כןla11e vvith c1·ac\,ed cyli11cle1· l1eads . (iiil She believes tl רat La1·1·y is livi11g 011 a11 isla11c\ so111evvl1e1·e . (iv) .Q ו "i to t נsl< 3·011 1 בe\'e1· to say tl1at agai ננ." \Vl1at clicl 1\1111 s11y ?· (i1 ! 11 "\~ -,· " -:-() ,, ' -,· ,'\ " ~'ן.-'י-יי 1 , l\/"\I,,,.. ?\ 1/1 ~\,-:;~ ... 1-# ' 1)\/f ~~'יי :1\';f ן/'( ,~,,_,,,, Eve1·yo11e sl1ot1lcl t'o1·give l1e1· father fo1· vvl1at l1e clicl . (5 poi11ts) \' ,,"....,,ז !...:י-1~,;... ~ l '\;:-\י\ י/\-~ 1 ... 1-ד' "ג 1 10. !11 Act III \\'e lea1·11 th11t D1» .Ti111 Bayliss 111acle a co111p1·011 וise i11 l1is lite J ....\ן "ן I-Ie ag1·eecl tv ר111c>ve 11ext c\001· to tl כe !(elle1·s . 1ii J I-!e cleciclecl to sto1 כdoi11g 111edical 1·esea1·cI1 . !,",,,_' "'' tl וat 11111\ces l1i111 L111l1<1 כןpy. \Vhat v•:as tl1at co1111Jl·o111ise ?· (i 1 -'"יו:''\~/\) ':l.\';j{.~1 1 ,[!ו..:י-J~};י \,,. 1\;.-\~ ;,l ~~j . \ ... 1-' " ' /.'י·'•:L11,.....,.,\.r ~ \ .1.: ;1; " · \ן,.,,,"-. ,_",' ,!ון..~1.~ 1iii J I-Ie sto כן1 כecl bei11g f1·ie1 cןls \vit\1 Cl11·is . "'' \" 'י--'י 1iv·) }[e l וelpevl Jv רe se תcl Steve to jail . -.1: ' 1/1 ,\,\-~ 15 1 טכi1 וts1 '" 1-'"ג '• ' /.ו,. z 11 /\ :.!, ן\י\'י:ז ~ 1" ~ IP. S" 1 !~'' l ·ן% :-.. ,~~\ך 1,-::.f' \' י:... 1• ח... / 7 הב}שך כענ}ןך/ , /\'/, ' 11" rז:; 1' ~.ג..· r1 1 -יי: ~ ,, ., ' ·,1, ~ z ' \ -1 ~ ח ... . , -' ו /\~ r- ; '\נ:.! r ; ~' 1 1l ~ן ~-:" \" -ו 1 r:: ;' ·;.-,,, ~1' ... 1"."-, ! 1 ~/\)~ ~'י\;.!'..-1"נ >ו:.י....· A~ !..!.tfב:., '" ;,-\,ן ~~,,, i "-,"., ·'>~/\~ 1 ' 1 ... - .. ., ו.•:.:,~,,, ,...",.,,. ·'ו \~ן.~ץ, J'1 111 ~ ,,_..,,,, .,7,1~\ב,:/ '\-:'ו,.., {ן1 ", ~... /'),"'/\ fi .:. ~r<ז. Y\ 1~ .... 1.\ן,"''ב./ נספח+ 416,01611 ו ' מס, מועד נ, \"ק תשע"ה, ספרות,ת,אנגל - ו - 11. vV11e11 Geoi·ge ru·i·ives at tl וe I<elle1· hoine i11 Act II. I<:ate calls !1i111 "Geo1·gie". \ l\Y<'~ J \~ז Sl וe also says. "You do 'ננt !1ate us, Geo1·ge, l J,11o;v you, yo11 ca 'ננt ,,, ... fool וונe, I diapered you.'' \Vhat is I<:ate t1yi11g to achieve by tall,i11g tl וis '\~ i.ב7'-""''' i.;' \ב:/~ 11 .... 1 ", ;~- " .... ,,,• ..f\. ,,, 1,,-, " l z ·"ז:(וי !"\""י \ ןl י vvay to Geo1·ge? Explain . ...:," (j !: ..f\. ·"י/\)' ..... חl ''יו... \~\בי. ,_,... 1\1' h / / - 1 \ן/ r- יי-: 1 ", ·"''· ' " ח ,,, ~ '"· ח/( 11-', ... 1' '1' 1 (j ~ , ....: z ·'ו.ו,, - ו11 ,\1 \.1 ' ,,,,;!r .,.,, /~ -1- . •\' j ..... _ 1 :'°'1 ,, l1 י ·,,; ., . . . ~ : ו"ז11 ·"'(ו \ Jl ...:\\יןן/ .,,.",.,.. ' 1 ' \l\Y,,_,...,, \' "<~ו°1 ANSWER: , ""," "". ". "". """ "," "". ""."" "". ," "","," "", "". "",, "", "" ""." Kate uses the nickname "Georgie" and reminds George of his childhood ················································································································· when she dispered him and took care of him. She does that because she •••••••·•••••••••••••••··••············•····•·········••···•··············•··•·······•·•••••··········••••••·•••• wants to soften him, to make him geel more relaxed and more friendly in ... " .........................................................................." ........ " " " .. "" .. " ....... . order to prevent him from acting in a way which might damage the ················································································································· family. Her efforts are successful, and indeed George relaxes and behaves ••••··•····································•·••••·••••·•••························•···••···•••••··••·•·•••••••••• in friendly and pleasnt way. .. "a"more . " " . " .. " " . " " .. " . " " " " " " " ... " . " . " " . " " " " . " . " " " " . " " " " . " .. " " " " " ..... " " " ~ ~~";' '\-~,,, 1 ", ,1-..11 ... \1,,,.111 .:.-/\ ..-; }'i';'f ז(ו. ץ.\,ב~"י. '.י. y.... 1J ~ ,",,~ ················································································································· ." ... " . " . " . " .. """" ".".""."".""." .. " " . " " " " " " " " " " " " . " ... " .... " .... " " . " . " . " " " " " . " " " " " " . " " " . " " . " " " " " " . " . " " . " . " " " " .. ב.. _ן,...ו, .... ...:,",,, 'ן.' ''וf (·זו /. ,...",".1' ' / , 1 :..1~\/~"\ץ..., ";._ן,...ו, \ ; \1 ~ 111 , ,/ '\-:;. \י1 ", ~1\,'Jiii ןוkY ·''\\ו !. 1ב.}1ץ.\,.1י l\Yl°\ ~ן.I', :.. -:.,'-""'ו, , ..... , -'~ 1J ו7' r. "~ 1 ,1 1 ''"·ר '/ '1'1! ' .,,," if·ז ·'"' -~·J',J11·;"'ו.". ' 1"~ :.. ;".." ב,." ,~;; ,,, ...... - fi .:. ~ ~ \, ! ~ }"'i . ~~· ~! ,/• '~, , 1,, :~~\'\;\ . ~ \/'·'י°1 """.""". (10 points) \\(ן '7\'....\~~ i -.... 1 \ ~'].,"/\ ii i .... " . " .. " .. " .. " .. " . " " .. 12. In Act III A11n 1·eveals La1·1·y's lette1· to the I<:ellei·s, This is a tL11·ni11g point i11 the play, Explai11 vvhy. ANSWER: .. ,., ......................................................................... ,, ...... ,,,,.,,,,, In act III, Ann shows the Kellers the letter that Larry had sent her. Until ················································································································· that point Larry's fate was unclear. Some members of the family assumed " " " " " " . " . " . " " " . " " " . " " " " . " . " " " " . " " " . " . " " " . " . " . " . " " . " . " " ... " " . " .. " " " " . he was sead, while others still believed that he might return one day. ··················•··•·••••••••••••••••················•···•·····•··············································· Larry's letter proved, without a shaddow of doubt, that larry was not only dead, but also that he had commited suicide. " " " . " . " " " " " " . " " .. " . " " . " " " " . " " " " ... " ... " " . " " . " . " " " " . " . " " " " . " . " " " " " . " . Larry did so because he could not live with the guilt of seeing his soldiers ················································································································· and friends die due to his father's greed. The letter is s turning point " " " . " " ..... " . " . " " " . " " . " . " " " " . " .. " .... " " . " " " " .. " " " " " " . " " " . " " . " " " . " " " " " because after reading it no one can avoid the bitter truth any more. Kate . " " . " " " " . " . " " " . " . " ... " .. " " .. " " . " " " . " " . " " " . " " . " . " . " .. " " . " " " . " . " " " " . " " " . ················································································································· ןy l;'f ז(ו. now knows her is. "dead, ... " " " "for " " sure . " " ...that """" . " "son "."" " . " " "and " . " "Joe . " "realizes . " . " . " " .that " " " .by ".""".""." shipping the cracked cylibder heads, he is the one to blame for his son's ( 10 points) death. ' \Yl° \ ~ן.I', ,,_,...,, ~~~,;, / 8 המשך בענ~וד/ ' .1 \-:;.\י°'1 1 ", :$,1\1'-J fi i =ן.\~'"'}בו ".""." .ב , ...., -.... " ו, ,/ ן...1\ ,,-,,,.1 1....\ lf ן ·'ו(ז/~yן \!ו:... 1:יי:\~ <. נספח+ 4 16,016117 ' מס. מועד ב, ק•ץ תשע"ה, ספרות,אנגל•ת /,/'/\~j , ,,. \ןz f< !; .... 1 1'\ !..:י-1,,1 , ,,,..!,?;" -8- '" \..,,-\, ן/ 1~{... !..' -," ........ \...,,,,,, 11 13. Fo1· tl1is q11estion. cl1oose ONE of tl1e tllinlcing skills fi·on1 the Appe11di,~ ()נספח 011 page 16 OR a11y thi11ki11g skill stt וdiecl i11 class. Use this thinki11g slcill vvhen a11s,ve1·ing the q11estio11. ( 10 poi11ts for tl וe co11te11t of tl1e a11s\Ve1·. 5 points for tl1e co1·rect t1se of tl1e thi11ki11g slcill) 1 ..... '/, ..;.\ן ,..... " _ן\ \ן1 !ג , "- ,J, . 1' 1/ן ,.." 'ו.... ' .~. ., יי1~ד \~ ~ -:"' \" 17' \J 1 • .... '\;.! . (1 "°' 1 ן,"\: כL ! l ן-'j ~1• In Act I Joe Kelle1· explains Steve's clecision to send 011! tl1e cylinde1· . ~\ךQ ~, heacls. He says. "The man \Vas a fool, bnt do11't malce a murderer ,, /י1: -~ '~\ \..,~ :~יי out of l1i1u." Why do you thinlc that Joe 111alces excuses for Steve ? 1 • ' ' 1' ' :-- Give info1·mation from the play to st1ppo1·t y סt וr ans\ve1.· ~· i ....j )""1 ., ,," .tt !.:\ב~; יי Inferring '" 1#\,,,-\, Thinking slcill I chose: """.""."""".""."""""""."."""".".".""""."".". ANSWER: .............................................................. " ........................ " ..... . Joe says that Steve's decision to send out the cracked cylinder heads was ················································································································· wrong, but that he should not be trated as a murderer. ················································································································· I assume that he makes excuses for Steve because he knows the truth .................... " ............ " " ............. " ............ " ........... " . " ...................... " ..... . which" ............. is that he" ........... was the"one who" made the""decision ship out ........ " .......... .... " ....... .......... "to " ......... " .....the ...faulty "." .. cylinder heads, and that he was the real one to blame. " . " " " " " " " .. .. " " . " " ... ........ " " " . " " " . " " . " ... " ... " " " " " " . " " . " .. " " . .. " " " . " .. " . " " . " .. " .. " " . " " ....... .. " " .. " . " " .. " " " " .. " " " .. " " " " . " . " " " .. "." ... . ... " " . " " " " " " " " .. " " . " " ..... .. " . " " " . " . " .. " " " . " .. " . " " " " . " " " " " . " .. " " . " """ :יי.. ':!. \.'ן° \ןf1 " """"" "" "".""" ················································································································· ················································································································· (15 points) ~,,~~'~י "-ו, 1' 1 "• 11 ~.1: -י:... '.,\!.! iC "ו !-;.ו.,,,: t ''''ז ~' !.,", 1,~,[ ~ 1·\.,,-\, ,' י1"--:;; -,.......~,, )•11 ~-י:';,:~ ':! \.\iC f1 , ' "'....\ן ,,,.!,",ו. 'י1~1? "',--;,,,ן,~ ,,..-:''~/\) ,~,,~~,' . .,,.-, 'י \.\:! 1't / 1 .,............. . ~ו.,, ,.,1 1 1 ! ו11~1'ן,, ',.;,,,ך,~ ~',~~,/ן ,,, 1--- ' ~,,~,,~ 'J.\'..,./\*'J ,: • " J" 1 ~'' S'\ ., ~~\ד ·, ! J ·ז% \~ \ -""'י ח...; 1; " /\~ r- ..., ~'-"'ין.'י ...1'''י , 'ח1, ז .. J ;!J: r1 ~ / 9 המשך בעמוד/ ... 1" \ 1'1" z \ "/\~f ''-~ - ';י\נ.! r (. ~~· -1 ! ·ווr: ~ ,.- 1 " 11 'י'י-'יי-' 1דC:~1' " 1--- .... ~ )\ו.גlן 1 ;.! , ...."':"'' ,," #j '"''' ! ו1[,l~\ ,-;.,,~ך -,"... ' 'י1,,~~ ~/\; ,,ג. 1 ·J ~ז:~'י.,,, ''" 1''/o\J~\/ 4 "" / ... ' 1 ' \" JV' "'\'<~ו 1 ~' ~ו-י::.''i'. . ..:'/\~\;'''ו ו1 \' 'ו-'\ן/ 1 ", נספח+ '\"''iZ 'י/\;ו- QR: -t,,'"1ii ~ iii ,.,"\ '\''\ו...., ~ J1j. ,ןוב,\ 'f • 11 _ץ,., \' '<~ו°1 V ~ן,,_.,.ו, ,~~ff ~~~~ ~..... ." S'>- !iii ''''-" ,..,,.. ,., ...., ,.,."i ~ '''\"'-' ~ ...:,,.. / ,._ -, "!. (j ץS'>- ,, ·ו, •\,\ן ..... .... י,','~ח... ''ו'ו ' i:; :/ z 1 , , , , , r - " י"";ן, 1~ '"· r1 !1i r\,\} ,,., .;1 \ 1 '" "~ןן,:: .... , r1 ג::: ...:\..:י 1 ~1~~; \ו,~ז,_ כi'גו:' ~ • ~ן-1', - / ' , ..... " '"'ו'ו r ו ". 1 1 " י,וי: 1 ''"'ו l'1 j(~ \ן1' 'ז:: lfj ' ''ו1 1j;;./\'ן t ~,~,,,. ,,_.,.,, " .... .,, ... ' l ' ~ \/~~ץ,.,'' 'i D. 4 16,0161 17 ' מס. מועד ב, סיץ תשע"ה, ספררת.אנגלית THE WAVE / Mo1·ton Rh11e Ans רve1· q11estio11s 14-18 . 14. Ho רv cloes Robe1·t change d111·ing tl רe expe1·in1e11t ? (i) He joins the football team . (ii) He cl1·esses cliffe1·ently. (iii) He begi11s to eiרjoy רvatchi11g 1novies . (iv) He becomes moi·e active at school . (5 points) 15. When La111ie's frie11ds 1·ead he1· article abo11tThe Wave, they decicle to (-). (i) \Vrite an a11swe1· ''1'ו/ -1"'-1 -, 'ן , f ן.... ' - , , (ii) threate11 he1· ,,,,-,...-זן,"\ (iii) stop the experiment ~.~ 7'\~\ב:/~ \1" 1-, .lr'"ן. \'\}-:f 1 ,.,..,, ....~ . ~ .... }ן.ןוב,\רj k- ~ן,"\=''<~ו..,,,, C! ,,_.,.,, ,~,);7~~~ -9- (iv) s11ppo1·t l1e1· (5 poi11ts) 1 ' ו.:'~ "וL~ '",,ן: -:fl1~ l 1 ' 16. Afte1· the class has seen the film abo11t the Nazis at the begin11ing of the \ -,...-ן.," '' '" ~· .... }ן.ןוב,\ 'f 11ovel, David says to La11rie, " To me it's li!'e a piece of l רistory . "r\}'-\1 \J'_,, I k''V' Dt ~ן......,"\'<~ו ':.,_, You can't cl רange רvl1at l וappened then." Explai11 the impo1·ta11ce of ''.:'~'·''י ·יki\1-:f\1~ 1L'~וi this comment i11 1·elation to רvhat l רappens in the expe1·iment . \:'ן-;7~1~-'/ 1 \~·~"\'ון Y·°"'(ו .... 1ץ.\,בון.} \-).: 1~ "\'<~ו1 'ט1-~'-(~' 1':. ' - J 1Jו: 17' ~~( \·~י י"""·ר 11,~'. ,.. . .., . ...:\' ~~ גl •\ }'_ 1 ' ,..... .(:( \!'ו,~, i''\'-כ ו, 1,1., v . 1....'. 1"' ' f;)\1 '. ~ ;;z1 1 'ן/",,ו 1\; .ן, - '1- .; <) •• ", ~ Ki ... ,ג, ~ ,..fJ ,..\ y\' 1 ו. . ז..,,. "' 4 '·'"" ', ,1...1' "\ ",'' ' :,y ~ ~ ... '\;1\ .....,,, 7ו:':.:/\'\ ., 1 /('''''ו-"'ו "".~ !\ו,i .; , i(i,"~ ~1' , ,..,,.,,,J ןZ \;'' ו"\'\ y ...:,~,,,,, ·ו,,,,,," \""" .....,,_.,.,, -:זי '' V' ~ ,",,, ~,~ 7~~~, •~.~י r\J 1i1~ fii .. , \"\ Yiz .,~ן-, • 1-: ..... '! וl :י:\~ : .1,," 1 \' 'ן-'\ן/ 1 ", ,.,..,,ו ANSWER: ............................................................................................... . After the class has wawatched the film about the Nazis, David says that in his .......... " .... " ...... " ..... " ... " ..................... " .... " " " ......................................... . opinion it is a part of history that would not repeat itself again. .................................... " .............................. " " ... " ... " ................ " ... " .. " ... . The wave experiment actually refutes David's statement. ." ................................... " " ...... " ... " ........................... " .................... " .. " .. . During this experiment we slowly see the changes that a normative class of teens through, ... " .. goes " ......................................... " . " .... " " . " .. " ... " ........ " .... " " . " .............. ". We see how they slowly sacrifice their individuality and freedom of choice in ............... " " ...... " " ... " ... " ............ " " . " . " " .. " " " " . " .. " ............... " " " ........... . favor of unity, conformity and strong obedience. " . " " " ......................... " " " ........ " ....................... " ... " . " " ............. " " " ........ . They blindly follow the leader- much like the Germans during the Nzi regime ················································································································· who followed their leader Hitler and his ideology. " " . " . " .. ".",, .. "."" .. " " " " " . " . " . " .... " . " . " .. " . " " . " . " " . " . " " . " .. " .... " .. " . " .... ". •••••••••···················•··•••••··••••••·•··•••••·························•·••••••••·•········•••··········•• ( 10 points ) / 10 המשך בעמוד/ ,ן: ......... ,.~" }(/\~ 1 ·fו.{ \ ז'''ו1 \;~ כספח+ 416 . 01611 ס' ו1 כ. מועד ב, תשע"הX' ס. ספרות.אכגל'ת - 10 - 17. ,\fte1· tl וe article ab סt1t The \Vave appea1·s i11 T/1e G1 ,· 1 קe1·i11e. Be ווhea1·s tl בe te ,וcl1e1·s talki1 וg ab זסt t l וis expe1·i111e11t. He goes i ווto tlוe batl11·oon1 bt זt avoids looki ווg at l וin וself i11 the 111i1·1·01·. "vVas l נe afrai<l of vvl בo he n נight see? A l1igl1 scJ כool !1isto1·y teache1· \Vho l כad accidentally slipped i11to the 1·0Je of a dictator?" Wlוy clo yסt זtl כinl< Be11 feels this 1vay ab סt1t l1i111self at tl רis poi11t i11tl וe11ovel? Give i11fo1·111atio11 f1·0111 tl וe novel to st1ppo1·t yo111· a11s1ve1.· ANSWER: ............................................................................................... . When Ben looked at his reflection in the mirror he began to worry about ······•··················••••·•••••••••••••••••••••••••·•····•······················•····••··•••••••·••·········· the person that he saw in the mirror. Would it be a regular history teacher or···················•··••···•••••••••••••••••••••·••·•·•·•···•···························•••••••••••••·•·········· a type of a dictator. At the beginning he was considered a charismatic teacher who deals with regular teacher- student issues such as sutdents ················································································································· being late to class and don't submit homework. ················································································································· As the experiment progresses, Ben himself changed. For example, he wore ················································································································· more formal clothes, he agreed to have Robert as a body guard, he forgot ················································································································· about his everyday chores . In general he became less of a regular teacher ················································································································· and more of a dictator. .... " . " " .... " .. " " . " ................................. " ....... " ... " " " . " . " .. " ... " .. " .............. . ".".""" .. " " " " " " . " ..... " ................... " ..... " " ... " " ..... " . " . " . " " " ..... " ... " ....... . ( 10 poii וts ) !...:יי1r, 1"~\ ....... '" 1 j. •ן/\.:" "'''~'~ ,,. 11-":נ. , -....1 '' ,,,,\ \,;:'י- ,, "'ן. ,,....... ,....... ,, \:>י- :l'J '''ו >ו.ג.· A1 \!.:\ ''יAJ•r""ןי ~'\ -:" '" 1 ' ?י/ / \ ''1·' •ן \ {\' ' ~~ו "'~ 11i' ב\{ו," '"'"'' ___, .... , l • /'ן,ף ,.. .ג.·1 J•j J \ ~ • !~ ~נ- "כ.~t. i ,\-, '" 1 () \ •;ן "'''-''~י -:.\~ .i 11 1\ J { ..! י1' ' • • ,,. ' , ':.... ,.,,.," ,, ,l -,· -~ " ,.,.-,,. ~/'ן '1J....\ ' ..... , 11,.... ?\ ", ''ו ~~'~י 1\!\ ·~\,,,-,, 1 ,.;:,,,.~,,.,,~ j\i ;',,,יJ.Cf·,,,.ו > ~~וA1 ~!.:\ 1"'''"ן"י/ -':'י J נן,."\....... '" 1,\- \/Ji /,\!__\~~~,,, 'j ' " '\-1;.\ , .... 1 \,,.....,,, ~ן. ..,. '\ן,'! ו,.1 /\:-;. J \ן. 1 ,!,,..,," '\ ,,,... ,..... \ן 1''ן !..:--t ;,"בץ,..., l -\יי- •ן/\ ,'",,,.\~~;ד,~ ,," ..,.-, , -....1 \...., , , :\י1"'\;. . . , . . , ,r., ..,, ,,........ ),., I \ ,>ן. , ....\ן "'ן-1"1 ,J ,\ ,... ""' , 11,",l?\ ", - ן "1-,· //\....:-'יי-י1' ,,-:,:~,, , , • ... .,;-ן ............ ,, , , ,גl '\ן. ,\1....,,, . . . . ,.,.... ,, 111., ;,:\;....1 כי1 ' ,, / ~' ז..l'\. " l('I~ !...;l;z ~,~,,,. / 11 המשך בעמוד/ " 1" \ '/ , 1-"~, ~\!_\ . , , 'ח,, '\/~ 1,, ~ /\~~ 1 h יייי: .,..," \ ז ~.ג.· ''~ 1·ן/ ' חi, 1'-t .1 - ; -1 ח ....//.... ", 1~, 1" %: ,,,, \ ., .~..... ,, -'\..-.:1 .....,,ן-., ,.,,., ' r '''~ יייי:\~ -'' ןi 't.,ו ~.ג.· r '' ייr.: ,...."1!' .... '" ן/\,ן.-,,, '"· - 1 ! \ - / / :\ ,,, .... ייי-,''~ 1 ()• 1f>~;_' זi , I :"<. ..........,,.., :-0 ~\1 .... , ,,, )ג;ו..· A1 ~'i !, ,,~,1,,,.., ן,.,,,, 1"' -,. " ,\..-::-\, ן/ \-//~ ז ,,1 ... J ,..._,~~ו 1 11(<t,~~~1 "!'זו ~י-..ו:\ו-· ...:,,,,,,, \" 'י1~1z jo ~ / !\ ....." 1(J ~ ....\)ן/l';. גו1~~(J-.;.,~< /~\~ 1 ,,.' 1\--\/ ,,... \ ) ;1 ';(Jי''י1\1\,! fi i ....,' נ.,\ עזy .ץ.:{ו " / 1,1" 1...: lf ; ' " ... ' 1 ' • \,גJ\y Vj , 1.:;-\<~ו ,,_,.. ~~)\';י. נf:I , l ;ן 'יי.-7'1 "\ ,",.....,.,, s--tfi .; r'1'\ . ., ,. .,,, t '\'1'i ~ ·.::/\ן.... ...:\; 1\i\~ s-- ;"ו,;, ץ ~'ב..~ '~ןrו '\ן- r-f .,,,, ן/·'"'"יl f,-1 /ו ·"'"י'י fi ) r...J '' ! ח,.,, • \ \ r 'ןf1 \I •.:: ץ/ ...:\.-:י .1~;; ~ z ·~,, '''גt - זi וו,1 ·-- 'וr- :!1... \}.'1' r 1~ < '1 ' ' F- .;.- ·;t ....1 r: '''י ,,,';ז, ·':::(ו y \ ןן-1<\/L ...:\ .1(/(; ...וי,..,)\.,. (\"נ..גןti~l. ''ו \)~7~~~ i'.<י"'י111'/\ו,! , \-.,,.\;/; 1 \ l\J ........ 1 • \ 1''1' 11;י: ", -,, , , ..:: l''י 1 / \' • 4 ".;'"' ...,ז ~ \ J;~,,~~~\ ;\ , 1... ,,_ "נ..~ן "'נ:';\~\ ~~., 1"י1, !'\י-'\ 1~ '"1i,',!fi •1' \' }\ו1 \J ..... ~ ,,"·'i?-.r \ 1 ., ~\ .! 1}וב...ץ.\, ,,_.,..,, ..,\ \ J\~~~ J \'י"ו 1:ע. -י 1 ~~~;,~,;i / 4 ן6 ,0 ן6117 ' סi כ:נ. \~ת מועד:.ה"ע. \' קי. ספרות,אנגלית - 11 - 18. Fo1· tl1is q11eslio11. cl1 ,רose ONE ot· tl1e tJ1i11l,i11g sl,ills f1·0111 tJ1e A1 כ1כe11Ji \. ()נספח 011 pcige 16 OR n11y tl1i11J,i11g sl,ill st11Cliecl i11 clnss. l!se tl1is tl1i11lci11g slcill \Vl1e11 n11S\\'e1·i11g tl1e c ךt1esticiו1. 110 poi11ts fo!' tl1e co11te11t oi' tl1e n11s\ve1·. 5 poi11ts fol' tl1e co1'!·ect tt.;e of tl1e tl1i11lci11g slcill J Exp ! בi11 Ltttll'ie's l'Ole in tl1e l1L·\ רel . ~ 1 , ... r- ,,,,, ,/:~זי," נספח+ Inferring Tl1i11ki11g slcill ! cl וcs וe : ".""."""."."".". .. """."""" .. ""." .. ""." .. "" .. ""." ANS\VER: "."."."""."""".""""."""" ... """."""""" .. """."" .. " .. ".""."". Laurie's role in the novel is a major one as the opposition. Many main ....... "."." " .......... " " ... " . " " . " to ............ " .. " ... " " ........ " ..... " .. excellent " ...... " . " ........ . events in...the plot are related this character. Laurie is an student, she is also considered to be very beautiful and popular. .......... " . " " " ................ " . " . " " ... " ........... " . " .. " . " . " " ............... "" ... " ...... " .. . she has a boyfriend named Davis who is the quarterbck in the school " ...... " ... " . " " " " ........ " . "editor " ............. " " .. " " " " " newspaper . " . " ....... " ...-""The . " . " ........ . football team. She is" ...... also"the of the school Grapevine". " .. " . " .... " " . " . " . " .......... " " . " " " " " ... " ........... " .. " " .. " ..................... " .. " " . " .. Her mother encouraged her to be an individualist who expresses her ." opinion ........... ".". " . " ...... " .. "beginning " " " " " . " .................. " " "to . " be " " .a " part ........... " " . ' .Wave, " . " ." .. . freely. At the Laurie enjoys of The like all the rest, including Davis and her best friend Amy. However as soon " .. " ... " ...... " .................... " .. " .. " " ................... " .. " " .. " ............ " " .. " ......... " as she realizes that kids are getting bullied into joining the movement and •............•.•...•••.............. .......•.•••••••................•.•.•••...............•...•..•.•.•••.•.•.... even being physically ,hurt, she decides to openly act against the movement. She writes an article to the school newspaper despite her . " " ..... " " " . " .. " " " ... " ...... " " .. " .. " " ... " ....... " ..... " " .. " " ... " . " " ............... ,."." closest friends disagreement with her actions. She thinks for herself and " acts .................. """ " ...... " .... " ..... " . " " " .............. " " " " " .. " ............ " " . " " ... " according to...her values. 115 poi11ts1 / 1 \ - \ I '\ 1~'"1i1\,!fi ן \J ........., '1 .1'} .... , ,"~ ' \"י-.r \ 1 ,, J' J ...:'"''"' \)t 1~ן \1~\, 1;,-',,_.,. ,),,"<' "' r?י,;,,·1'--1','~ ·.-,~ /:~זי.{ יrJ ,'יi ~ V.j .!י.J \ ' r '\ ' 1 ., ' 4Y ,.,,. / · "\' ... ·ו ~ \/ '1 ,,•כ 1 , -.,:/\ ' "1 :\'-)! J''\-. " 1,1,. ~ j J ~111~, • ,...,,, . - fi ' \'}\י...~\ ~ .\fy,," . ~· ·~/1 1, ..:\' \1 (\ץ/ : ו,ו 'נ..~ן....~ , .... .J ' ... 1 ;' <} ,\ ,_. .; ~ "':(\~ / I 1"י''י.,111'/\ו,! וJו''י \"YiZ \~J'J\I.....·.::' ~ .... 1ן:.\,"'}ב '",, f ;l.1 \--\ ",ו ''"....\'Y,,_.,.,, ,~,,~<' ,,_,, ";..,~ ~ \'ן. 1 /-\..,\ / 1 ' / / '\-'\ 1 ", ':\~1\,'3111 ','\'1~ '/V,..,·'ז.. ·ן... ו. ~ / 12 הנ~שך בעמוד/ " ...; /"j '~ 'r-1"f\1 ~ 1 ,{'"ו: {י'ו/\;-. 11 \ נספח+ 416 ,016117 ' מס, מועד ב, >ץ תשע"הD , ספרות,אנגל>ת - 12 - PART III (20 poi11ts) Ans\ve1· the q11estio11 fo1· (19) R11les of tlze Ga111e OR (20) Tlze Split Cl1e1·1y Tz·ee OR (21) Tlze Roczcl Not Ta/,e11. Suggested le11gth: 80-100 \VOt'ds. "l_j'f_,~\}, . . . ,, ''!..' \~ '..:;,'י-• , 1ד.:~,1 '',,;-'" !.-ן,~--:ו.:~,~\ו · י1' \ן..// ,...ן/""' ;-. ,,, ) ·~וf\1 ...·\ 1/ן ~ \, , .,_,,," J• , ,..... -:" \ן, 7' \ 1 / , 1 ,ר . "'ג.1 . ,, "י i' ' ~' ' !נ ,.. 1 , \ ' ·ףl ד ~·1 1/ן J•jJ \ ,,, 1 ~ ,... "', ,,"' " ר.,,~ () 19. RULES OF THE GAME / Amy Ta11 An1y Tan says abo11t her mothe1·, "She was11't a pe1fect motl1e1·, bttt a lot of ' י1' - \ ,, ' iJ ..,..,~ \~ • :ת~יי · י1י. ,, ... ;-. ' the thi11gs she did, she really did do out of love. Maybe tlוey were11't the 1·ight thi11gs to do, but it 1·eally \vas 011t of love. Once I realized that a11d stopped ,1 1 ,',,;-"ן taking it as a perso11al attack to to1·t111·e me and make my life mise1·able, then I co11ld look beyond it." - Amy Tan inte1·vie\v , 1996 /~,· '" l //\-ן,\ל. '!.' ''~, "ו11 .,,.;\י :.> ., '• ' ""'-'-'י,~ן.. ....'{1 ; , ·~ו)ן1L, ",,, l '\\ן '.'ו"ן.,,.\ן-יי:'י ''...::-'יייJ Make a connection bet\veen the above info1·mation and tl1e sto1·y. Give '!.'... \...... .,,,, '/.'י- י ,...",' ' 'ן info1·mation fro1n the story to support you1· a11s\ve1·. ~·.....ן_ \ן1"1!..1 .... QR: ד::~ 1 1 ,_,-'ו . ," /\;-. J ;''ו , "!,J ~\},;...... \~ '-;י.'י-• '' " 1'-" ..... ...1~.... ,,.... / -,,, , -, ,,":ו.:~/\ן. j THE SPLIT CHERRY TREE / Jesse St11a1·t "I kne\v my fathe1· had done the best l1e could and I had no 1·eg1·ets about the \Vay I t11r11ed 011t. Reg1·ets abo11t the jo11r11ey, maybe, b11t not tl1e destination." - Nicholas Spa1·ks, TJ1e Notebook l ';l.\';iC.f1 ; >ג;ו..· A1 t., '"''י....11l 'י 'ו-\· ·~"' ..., i , l...'..-:-'י~,,- ;ו ,---,,....-, " ....., .... l;:\l ~' ~' j ·.J. \.\;'ן . . .," \ ו1 ·~ו ,,,'- Make a co1111ectio11 bet\veen the above info1·mation and the story. Give :- !J; z ~..... i11formation f1·om the story to suppo1·t yo111· ans\ve1·. ~' יf\. :~.\ ~'"'~ח 1,...../\;: :~יי '' ,, : ;-. 1"... h~,,,.... /~· ~ח... ~. , ... QR: 21. / .;.o \ ..,,. '" l 11 20. ,,,, ,,, ... ,,,, ,,_,.:__ .......,, THE ROAD NOT TAKEN / Robe1·t F1·ost " Robe1·t Frost is conside1·ed 011e of the most i1n1 כo1·ta11t poets of the 20th century. His poet1·y seems simple and honest, but is also f11ll of deep meaning fo1· life. He 11nde1·stooc\ the lessons of life thro11gh natu1·e ". - Robert F1·ost's biography , .... 1 ..ח. '" 1" '\ /\ 1 ., , \ -"1 r1 'iיי " "ן \ 1,"r z- ,ייר ,, ",~)\ו ~~ r- ';\ג.! r (ן ,. .... / -! ן.ג," ! l•·r:: ~'\ " ,...J , "' "~,,ד:~', ;'"'--'י-' 1 Malce a connection bet\vee11 the above inforn1atio11 and tlוe poem . ""-'ו.... ~/\~ -י1'~~' 'ן'\ןi1\fן ,, ., ,.........~ \ן,",ו.. ~ 'J......'[-!)f-" '" .,..,.-, ,,, 1"'-1~, 1 ,-,, ... ... 1' 'ן.~/\;י: '~ ,_,' l ~"'' - נספח+ 416.016117 ' כ)ס. מועך נ. תשע"הX'P . ספרות.אנגלית - 16 - APPENDIX TO PARTS I and II Thinking Sl<ills • • • • • • Comparing and cont1·asting Distingt1ishing different perspecti ves Explaining cat1se and effect Uncove1·ing motives Infeחing Explaining patterns ו 19-20 נספח תשובות לשאלות 19. Amy Tan says that even though her mother was not perfect, she had good intentions and her motivation was the love of for her daughter. She also says that she could cope with her mother's attitude better once she realized she only acted out of love and no other reason. In the story Waverly also has a strong conflict with her Chinese immigrant mother. Waverly's mother tries to teach Waverly her Chinese custom and tradition. She gives her advice on how to deal with difficulties by using invisible strength- such as waiting for the right moment to strike, not to reveal all you know and so on. Waverly uses her mother's wise advice both in the game of chess and in life, however, she is also embarrassed by her mom's mentality which is different than the surrounding Western American society. For example, she doesn’t like the fact that her mother boasts in her daughter's achievements in front of strangers on the street . Therefore the relationship between t Waverly and her mother is quite tense and Waverly even considers her mother to be her rival. 20. Nicholas Sparks says in his book that he knows his father had done the best he could for him. He appreciates everything his father had done. He admits that the way his father acted might not have been smooth but the results were positive and successful. In our story, "The Split Cherry Tree" we see that Pa sends Dave to a modern school but he also wants him to help him in the farm. Pa isn’t an easy person but he finally understands that the world has changed. His son's hands will be softer than his and his son's clothes will be cleaner. Pa knows that he is a dead leaf and the bright future is waiting for his son. 21. We are reading in Robert Frost's biography that his poetry is simple and honest. He writes about the beautiful things in nature and nature in his poems is actually a metaphor for life. In the poem we see a traveler standing in front of a crossroad in the middle of the wood. He needs to decide which road to take. This is a metaphor for our dilemmas in life and the choices that we have to make. Like the traveler, we cannot see where the roads lead, and cannot predict the consequences of our decisions.
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