בית הספר לפסיכולוגיה במרכז הבינתחומי הרצליה ובית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית ע"ש לואיס וגבי וייספלד באוניברסיטת בר-אילן ,מתכבדים להזמינכם לכנס בנושא: טראומטיזציה משנית בקרב בני משפחה ומטפלים – היבטים טיפוליים ומחקריים יום שלישי 41 ,בינואר ,4141 ,אודיטוריום איבצ'ר ,קמפוס המרכז הבינתחומי ,רחוב כנפי נשרים, הרצליה תכנית הכנס: 0::1 0:11 התכנסות פרופ' מריו מיקולינסר ,דיקן בית הספר לפסיכולוגיה ,במרכז הבינתחומי הרצליה פרופ' רחל דקל ,בית הספר לעבודה סוציאלית ע"ש לואיס וגבי וייספלד, אוניברסיטת בר-אילן דברי פתיחה וברכות 0:45 מושב ראשון Prof. Candice M. Monson, Ryerson University *The Effects of Trauma on Couples’ Relationships 41:11 Prof. Abigail Gewirtz, University of Minnesota Parenting Under Stress: Lessons from Intervention and Prevention *Research 41:15 44:45 הפסקה מושב שני Prof. Charles R. Figley, Tulane University *The Resilient Caregiver: Practical Steps in Working with the Traumatized 44:11 ד"ר אטי ברנט ,אוניברסיטת בר-אילן ,ונועם פיזם ,המרכז הרפואי ע"ש שיבא תל- השומר התקשרות בטוחה ,עשיית חסד ,תרומה לזולת ואמונה -גורמים מחסנים בהתמודדות מתנדבי "הצלה" עם אירועי טרור 44:15 4:::1 הפסקת צהריים מושב שלישי פרופ' מריו מיקולינסר ,דיקן בית הספר לפסיכולוגיה ,המרכז הבינתחומי הרצליה נקודת מבט התקשרותית על תהליכים של טראומטיזציה משנית 41:45 פרופ' זהבה סלומון ,אוניברסיטת תל אביב טראומטיזציה משנית :הדים מהחזית ההרשמה הינה מראש ובתשלום ותתאפשר עד לתאריך 02424141באתר האינטרנט: www.idc.ac.il/traumaconf2014 עלות ההרשמה הינה ₪ 11( ₪ 01בעבור סטודנטים\מתמחים\אזרחים וותיקים) *שימו לב ,ההרצאות המופיעות באנגלית יועברו בשפה האנגלית וללא תרגום סימולטני מידע על המרצים האורחים מחו"ל Candice M. Monson, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training at Ryerson University in Toronto, ON. Dr. Monson is one of the foremost experts on traumatic stress and the use of individual and conjoint therapies to treat PTSD. She has published extensively on the development, evaluation, and dissemination of PTSD treatments more generally. She has been funded by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, National Institute of Mental Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Defense, and Canadian Institutes of Health for her research on interpersonal factors in traumatization and individual- and conjoint-based interventions for PTSD. She is a Fellow of both the American and Canadian Psychological Associations. She co-authored Cognitive Processing Therapy: Veteran/Military Version and is the original developer of CognitiveBehavioral Conjoint Therapy for PTSD. She also has a forthcoming book, CognitiveBehavioral Therapy for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Introduction to Interventions That Work. Dr. Monson is well-known for her efforts in training clinicians in evidence-based assessments and interventions for PTSD. Abigail Gewirtz, Ph.D., L.P. is Associate Professor in the Department of Family Social Science and at the Institute of Child Development at the University of Minnesota. Her primary interests are in trauma, resilience, and promoting children’s healthy development with two distinct but interrelated research foci: the impact of exposure to traumatic stressors on parenting and child functioning, and the development, testing, and widespread implementation of family-based interventions. She is Principal Investigator on a National Institute of Drug Abuse-funded randomized controlled trial to develop and test a web-enhanced parenting program for National Guard families with parents returning from deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. Dr. Gewirtz also directs Ambit Network, a SAMHSA/National Child Traumatic Stress Network Community Services and Treatment center focusing on the implementation of evidence-based interventions for traumatized school-aged children and their parents. Other studies currently underway include a study of families exposed to rocket attacks on the Israel-Gaza border, and a randomized preference trial to examine motivational cognitions and parent preferences for delivery format of parenting interventions. Dr. Gewirtz has written and has presented widely at both the local and national level on prevention and intervention for highly stressed children. Prof. Charles R. Figley., PhD, since 2008 he has lived and worked in New Orleans in a collective effort to help the City and region rebuild from Hurricane Katrina and the failure of the US Federal Levee System that ruined large sections of the City that remained underwater for weeks. Tulane University recruited him to serve as the first Kurzweg Chair in Disaster Mental Health and Distinguished Professorship to help the City and the University through his innovation, scholarship, and graduate educational leadership. He his won most of the honors of his areas of stress, trauma, family, and resilience including the first winner of the American Psychological Association’s Lifetime Achievement Award in Trauma Psychology. He has authored or edited 24 books, five since joining the School of Social Work faculty at Tulane, in addition has published nearly 200 scholarly, peer-reviewed works. He has held tenured professorships at three full-time positions (Purdue University, Florida State University) and honorary positions at the University of Kuwait (Fulbright Fellowship), University of Utrecht (the Netherlands), Queens University (Northern Ireland). This month his massive open on-line course (MOOC), a survey course on trauma, will be taken by many thousands of students simultaneously with unlimited free access. It is the follow-through project of his 2012 Encyclopedia of Trauma (Sage Publications).
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