第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 目录 Table of Content 目录 Table of Content ....................................................................................................................................1 递交表格指引 Instruction of Form Submit ................................................................................................2-3 展会资料 Show Information .......................................................................................................................4-5 展商注意事项 Important Notes ..................................................................................................................6-9 会刊广告电子文件要求 Exhibition Directory Advertisement....................................................................10 广告示意图 Advertisement Illustration ..................................................................................................11-12 展品运输资料 Forwarder Information: 展品运输须知 Forwarder Guide.........................................................................................................13-22 参展展品清单 List of Exhibits ...........................................................................................................23-26 酒店住房介绍 Hotel Accommodation....................................................................................................27-30 酒店订房表 Hotel Reservation Form...........................................................................................................31 其他酒店资料 Others Hotel Info .................................................................................................................32 展会地图 The Map of Exhibition Center.....................................................................................................33 交通指南 Traffic Information ......................................................................................................................34 年度展览计划 Exhibition Schedule...................................................................................... 封底 back cover 附錄 Appendix: 附錄一:交回主办机构之表格 Appendix 1: Form to be returned to the Organizer:........................................................................1.1-1.4 附錄二:标摊承办商、展具及灯具租用表格 (适用于纺织制衣展展商) Appendix 2: Information & form to be returned to「L&F」: .........................................................2.1-2.10 附錄二:标摊承办商、展具及灯具租用表格 (适用于鞋机鞋材展展商) Appendix 2: Information & form to be returned to「STC」:............................................................2.1-2.9 附錄三:电力承办商、水、电、气及照明接驳租用表格 Appendix 3: Information & form to be returned to 「GDE」:...................................................3.1-3.10 附錄四:外來施工搭建商专用表格 Appendix 4: Outside Stand Contractors form to be returned to 「GDE」& the Organizer: ....4.1-4.9 -1- 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 请依照下列指示填回有关表格 Please return the related forms along with following instructions 附件一:交回主办机构之表格 Appendix 1: Form to be returned to the Organizer 页数 表格 项目 Page Form Item 1.1 表格Form A 1.3 表格Form B 1.4 表格Form C (白表 White Form) 标摊展商 净地展商 Exhibitor (Shell Scheme) Exhibitor (Space) 请柬、参展商证 会刊资料 9 Exhibition Directory Entry 8-3-2014 广告订位单 视需要填回 Advertisement Order Form Applying Company Only 附錄二:标摊承办商、展具及灯具租用表格(适用于纺织制衣展展商) Appendix 2: Information & form to be returned to「L&F」 表格 项目 Page Form Item 「力輝」 表格 Form 1.1 「力輝」 2.7-2.8 表格 Form 1.2 「力輝」位置图 2.5-2.6 2.9-2.10 Location Plan 招牌板、家具租订申请 Fascia Name, Furniture Rental 电力照明装置申请 (綠表 Green Form) 标摊展商 净地展商 Exhibitor (Shell Scheme) Exhibitor (Space) 9 标摊设施位置图 Standard Booth Location Plan Applying Company Only 附錄二:标摊承办商、展具及灯具租用表格(适用于鞋机鞋材展展商) Appendix 2: Information & form to be returned to「STC」 页数 表格 项目 Page Form Item 2.5-2.6 「STC」 表格 Form 1.1 「STC」 表格 Form 1.2 「STC」位置图 2.7 2.8-2.9 Location Plan 招牌板、家具租订申请 Fascia Name, Furniture Rental 电力照明装置申请 标摊设施位置图 Standard Booth Location Plan Deadline (綠表 Green Form) 标摊展商 净地展商 Exhibitor (Shell Scheme) Exhibitor (Space) 9 视需要填回 Lighting Equipment 截止日期 8-3-2014前申订 可享九折优惠 10% order discount on or before 8-Mar-2014 ╳ 视需要填回 Lighting Equipment Deadline 9 Invitation Card & Exhibitor Badge 页数 截止日期 Deadline 8-3-2014前申订 可享九折优惠 10% order discount on or before 8-Mar-2014 ╳ Applying Company Only 其他表格:Other Form: 截止日期 (請參閱參展商手冊) 页数 表格 项目 Page Form Item 23-26 金怡运输 JES Logistics Forwarder Order Form 31 酒店订房表 Hotel Reservation Form 标摊展商 净地展商 Exhibitor (Shell Scheme) Exhibitor (Space) 视需要填回 Applying Company Only Hotel Reservation -2- Deadline 文件24-02-2014 货品19-03-2014 展品运输报表 酒店订房 截止日期 展商自行与 酒店确认 Arrangement by exhibitor 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 请依照下列指示填回有关表格 Please return the related forms along with following instructions 附錄三:电力承办商、水、电、气及照明接驳租用表格 Appendix 3: Information & form to be returned to 「GDE」 标摊展商 页数 表格 项目 Page Form Item 3.1 「GDE」 表格 Form J 水电气 - 开具发票表格 Invoice Application form 「GDE」 表格 Form 2.2 净地展商 视需要填回 Only 「GDE」 表格 Form 3 Compress Air & Water Supply 压缩空气、来去水申请 3.8 「GDE」 表格 Form 4 Telephone Line & Broadband Rental 「GDE」位置图 电力装置及压缩气适用 3.9-3.10 For Electricial & Compress Air only Location Plan 9 视需要填回 Applying Company Only 电话线、寛带申请 Deadline 24-3-2014 24-3-2014前申订 可享半价优惠 50% order discount on or before 24-Mar-2014 24-3-2014前申订 可享九折优惠 10% order discount on or before 24-Mar-2014 24-3-2014前申订 可享半价优惠 50% order discount on or before 24-Mar-2014 视需要填回 Applying Company Only 照明电申请 Applying Company Power Supply Main for Lighting 3.6-3.7 截止日期 Exhibitor Exhibitor (Shell Scheme) (Space) 申请机械电及压缩空气、来去 水的展商 「GDE」 机械动力电申请 3.2-3.3 表格 Form 2.1 Power Supply Main for Machine 3.4-3.5 (藍表 Blue Form) 视需要填回 Applying Company Only 视需要填回 Applying Company Only 24-3-2014 9 附錄四:外来施工承建商专用表格 Appendix 4: Outside Stand Contractor form to be returned to 「GDE」& the Organizer (粉紅表 Pink Form) 标摊展商 净地展商 Exhibitor (Shell Scheme) Exhibitor (Space) ╳ 9 安全责任书 Safety Guarantee Letter ╳ 9 吊点申請 Hanging Point Application Form ╳ 页数 表格 项目 Page Form Item 4.1-4.2 4.3 4.4-4.5 4.6-4.7 4.8-4.9 「GDE」& 「Paper Comm.」 表格Form D 「GDE」& 「Paper Comm.」 表格 Form E 「GDE」& 「Paper Comm.」 表格 Form F 「GDE」& 「Paper Comm.」 表格 Form G 「GDE」& 「Paper Comm.」 表格 Form H 外来施工承建商 Outside Stand Contractor 提前进馆卸货/卸机申请表 Advance Admission for Unloading Application Form 提前进馆施工申请表 Advance Admission to Exhibition Hall for Booth Construction Application Form -3- 截止日期 Deadline 视需要填回 Applying Company Only 视需要填回 ╳ Applying Company Only 视需要填回 ╳ Applying Company Only 24-3-2014 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 1. 展会资料 展览会名称: 展览会名称: 第十五 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展 会场: 会场: 2. 广东现代国际展览中心 地址:中国广东省东莞市厚街镇,S256 省道(107 国道)与家具大道交界。 3. 展览日期: 展览时间: 4. 展览日期及时间: 展览日期及时间: 入场参观: 入场参观: 主办单位: 主办单位: 年 4 月 1–4 日 年 4 月 1–3 日 上午 9:30–下午 5:00 年4月4日 上午 9:30–下午 2:00 展览时间结束前 30 分钟停止办理登记手续) 2014 2014 2014 ( 只供业内人士免费入场,观众须凭名片 2 张即场办理登记手续。(12 岁以下儿童恕不接待)。 5. 讯通展览公司 地址 :香港九龙观塘成业街 11 号华成工商中心 5 字楼 15 室 电话 :(852)2763 9011 传真:(852) 2341 0379 电邮:[email protected] 联络人 :周一帆先生 电话:(852) 2950 1914 电邮:[email protected] 谭惠贤小姐 电话:(852) 2950 1916 电邮:[email protected] 梁杰珠小姐 电话:(852) 2950 1917 电邮:[email protected] 丁泽锐先生 电话:(852) 2950 1913 电邮:[email protected] 广东讯展会议展览有限公司 电话 : (020) 8761 2356 传真:(020) 8730 5903 电邮:[email protected] 联络人 : 陈颖小姐/彭巧仪小姐/黄正勇先生/罗佩丽小姐/甄红霞小姐/郑敏小姐 上海讯展会议展览有限公司 电话 : (021) 6304 5419 传真:(021) 6418 1136 电邮:[email protected] 联络人 : 程靜宇小姐 6. 力辉展示服务有限公司 地址 : 香港粉岭安乐门街 28 号福成商业大厦 501 室 联络人 : 李正恒先生 电话:(852) 2676 0156 传真:(852) 2676 0360 电邮:[email protected] 广东力辉展示服务有限公司 地址 : 广东省广州市海珠区工业大道北 67 号凤凰创意产业园 34 号楼自编 203 室, 邮编:510250 联络人 : 苏慧敏小姐/黄伟安先生 电邮:[email protected] / [email protected] 电话 : (020) 8955 8379, 8955 8370 传真:(020) 8955 8450 7. 广东省对外科技交流中心会展工程部 地址 : 中国广州东风中路(中山纪念堂西侧)广东国际科技中心一楼, 邮编:510033 联络人 : 江文端小姐、申蓓小姐、何思淇小姐 电邮:[email protected] 电话 : (020) 8354 8200, 8356 3534 传真:(020) 8354 9400 8. 广东现代会展管理有限公司 地址 : 广东省东莞市厚街广东现代国际展览中心 3 号馆 13 号门四楼 联络人 : 尹雪珍小姐/林翠庄小姐 电邮:[email protected] 电话 : (0769) 8598 1895, 8598 1881 传真:(0769) 8598 1788, 8598 1901 9. 金怡国际展运有限公司 地址 : 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 联络人 : 锺学民先生 电话:(852) 2563 6645 传真:(852) 2597 5057 广州金怡展览服务有限公司 地址 : 广州市东风中路 501 号东建大厦西座 2005 室, 邮编: 510040 联络人 : 陈兴有先生 电话:(020) 8355 9738 传真:(020) 8355 3765 大会指定标摊承建商 大会指定标摊承建商、 标摊承建商、展具灯光租用 展具灯光租用: 租用:(适用于 DTC 参展商) 大会指定标摊承建商 大会指定标摊承建商、 标摊承建商、展具灯光租用: 展具灯光租用:(适用于 DFM 参展商) 大会指定机 大会指定机械动力电、 械动力电、水、气接驳租用: 气接驳租用: 大会指定展品运输商: 大会指定展品运输商: -4- 电邮:[email protected] 电邮:[email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair Show Information 1. 2. The Exhibition: The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair Venue: Guangdong Modern International Exhibition Center Address: Crossing of National Road 107(S256 Road) and Furniture Boulevard, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong Province, China. (Just opposite to the Jiahua Grand Hotel) 3. Exhibition Date & Exhibition Hours: Exhibition Date: 1 – 4 April 2014 Opening Hours: 1 – 3 April 2014 4 April 2014 4. 9:30am – 5:00pm 9:30am – 2:00pm Admission: Free admission by on-site registration and presenting 2 name cards at the entrance of exhibition hall. (For trade visitors only) No admission for children under 12 years old. Visitor registration will end 30 minutes before closing of the show days. 5. Organizer: PAPER COMMUNICATION EXHIBITION SERVICES Address: Rm. 15, 5/F., Wah Shing Centre, 11 Shing Yip St., Kwun Tong, Hong Kong. Tel: (852) 2763 9011 Fax: (852) 2341 0379 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Mr. Raymond Chau Tel: (852) 2950 1914 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. W. Y. Tam Tel: (852) 2950 1916 E-mail: [email protected] Ms. Jenny Leung Tel: (852) 2950 1917 E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Ding Chak Yui Tel: (852) 2950 1913 Email: [email protected] Guangzhou Xunzhan Convention & Exhibition Ltd. Tel: (020) 8761 2356 Fax: (020) 8730 5903 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Ms. Wing Chen / Ms. Yuki Pen / Mr. Michael Huang / Ms.Pan Luo / Ms. Milly Zhen / Ms. Daisy Cheng Shanghai Xunzhan Convention & Exhibition Ltd. Tel: (021) 6304 5419 Fax: (021) 6418 1136 E-mail: [email protected] Contact: Ms. Annie Cheng 6. Official Booth Contractor:Standard Booth Contractor, Furniture and Spotlight Rental: (For DTC Exh.) L&F Associates Company Limited Address: Unit 501, Fuk Shing Commerical Building, 28 On Lok Mun Street, Fanling, Hong Kong Contact: Mr. Clement Lee Tel: (852) 2676 0156 Fax: (852) 2676 0360 E-mail: [email protected] L&F Associates (Guangzhou)Company Limtied Address: Rm 203, Blk 34, Guangzhou Fenghuang Creative Park, 67 Gongye Dadao Bei, Haizhu District, Guangzhou 510250, China Contact: Ms. Grace Su / Mr. Ryan Huang E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Tel: (020) 8955 8379, 8955 8370 Fax: (020) 8955 8450 7. Official Booth Contractor:Standard Booth Contractor, Furniture and Spotlight Rental: (For DFM Exh.) Guangdong Foreign Science & Technology Center (Exhibition Dept.) Address: The 1st Floor, Guangdong International Science & Technology Center, Dongfeng Road Middle, Guangzhou, China Contact: Ms. Wendy Jiang, Ms. Shen Bei, Ms. Suki He E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (020) 8354 8200, 8356 3534 Fax: (020) 8354 9400 8. Electrical Contractor, Water, Compress Air and Lighting Connection: GD Modern Convention & Exhibition Management Co., Ltd. Address: GDMIEC Furniture Road, Houjie, Dongguan Guangdong, P.R. China Contact: Ms. Yin / Ms. Jane Lam E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (0769) 8598 1895, 8598 1881 Fax: (0769) 8598 1788, 8598 1901 9. Official Freight Forwarder: JES LOGISTICS LTD. Address: 26/F., Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Rd., Wanchai, H.K. Contact: Mr. Herman Chung Tel: (852) 2563 6645 Fax: (852) 2597 5057 E-mail: [email protected] GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. Address: Room 2005, Dong Jian Building, West Tower, 501 Dong Feng Zhong Rd., Guangzhou 510045, China Contact: Mr. Chen Xing You Tel: (020) 8355 9738 Fax: (020) 8355 3765 E-mail: [email protected] -5- 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 1. 知识产权保护与伪劣商品查处 2. 展商注意事项 参展的展品须符合国家有关知识产权保护、技术质量标准的规定。为避免在展会现场的争辩,参展商应携带 展品的有关证明文件,包括产品质量技术标准、产品质量检测报告、专利证书等。 展览期间,东莞市工商、质量技术监督、知识产权等部门有权按规定对展品进行查验。如发现假冒或伪劣商 品,有关部门可按法例赋予之权力没收展品。 展览期间,如有知识产权的侵权投诉,将由有关部门按国家商务部颁发的《展会知识产权保护办法》处理。 如牵涉任何侵权行为,大会有权禁止参展商展出该些展品,大会亦有终止参展合约的权利,而所有参展费用 亦不获退回。 所有展品必须符合展会主题及合约中申报的“产品范围”,并不牵涉任何侵权行为,否则大会有权禁止参展 商展出该些展品。大会亦具有终止参展合约的权利,参展租金将不获退还。大会将不会就展会的相关费用作 出任何补偿。 防火条例: 防火条例: 展馆内严禁吸烟。 展馆内必须使用阻燃材料进行搭建展位。 参展商在展场使用的电器,必须符合安全标准,如有明火作业,必须向大会申报。 供电规定: 供电规定: 3. 每个电插座只可接驳一部机器,严禁使用万能插座。所有电插座只供机器使用,不能用作照明电接驳。所有电力 装置必需经大会指定承建商承办。如参展商申报的用电量超越实际情况,而导致大会或其它展商不便,大会指定 承建商可以实时停止供应电力予此参展商。 4. 大会已安排整项展会场地的保安,但展会期间参展商应负责及看管好其展位、展品及个人对象。特别在展品进出会 场的时候,参展商应为其展位、展品及个人对象购买适当保险。 主办单位对涉及参展商/参观者,其展位、展品及其个人物品的任何风险,概不负财务或法律责任。参展商应为其 展位、展品、展馆及其它人士购买适当保险及第三者保险。投保时间应包括展会期间及展品搬进、撤出展馆时间。 保安及保险: 保安及保险: 影音发报: 影音发报: 5. 影音设备的位置及声量必须适量调校,不能影响其它展商及观众。大会保留终止影音设备使用的权利。 6. 大会将会安排展览馆及标准展位的清洁,申请以净空地报名参展展商,请按个别承建商安排清洁事宜。 7. 展会期间,一切推销或宣传活动只限在参展商租订的摊位内进行。大会严禁参展商在公众走道进行推销或宣传活动, 以免影响其它参展单位。 8. 清洁及废物弃置: 清洁及废物弃置: 推销活动: 推销活动: 展馆规格: 展馆规格: 展馆号 楼面负重 地渠盖可承重量 展馆净高 摊位可建高度 附有空调出风管的柱子 货物入口 电压 悬挂标语及柱身的应用 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 平方米 平方米 16 米 15 米 米 15 米 16 米 5米 前 4 排展位限高 米,後排限高 6 米 5米 特装在 5m 半径范围内不得超过 3.8m 高 6 米(高) X 5.8 米(阔) 220V 单相,380V 三相 展商不得使用展馆内柱身及墙壁作为悬挂标语等物体, 如须悬挂标语,请与大会联络。 特裝展位高度限制: 特裝展位高度限制: 1. 主出入口的前四排展商*,所屬特裝展位高度均不得超過 4.5 米。 2. 第五排及以後的特裝展位亦只限 6 米內 3. 超過 5 米需提供攤位結構安全保證函 5000kg / 1000kg / 21-30 4.5 -6- 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 9. 布展及撤展安排: 布展及撤展安排: 进馆时间 3 月 29 日至 31 日,上午 9:00–下午 7:00 (加班时间:下午 7:00–凌晨 1:00) 加班费 展商如须加班,请于当天 15:00 时前向主办单位申请,费用自付: 下午 7 时至凌晨 1 时 每平方米 RMB18 / 3 小时 凌晨 1 时后 每平方米 RMB33 / 3 小时 最低消费为 65 平方米起计算 重型展品/装搭材料 大型/重型展品之参展商,请于 3 月 29 日进馆时间内到展场把展品就位。 为有效管理货车入场秩序,所有货车必须向主办单位预先或到场时办理 所有货车必须向主办单位预先或到场时办理「 ,方 所有货车必须向主办单位预先或到场时办理「货车入场证」 货车入场证」 ,方 可驶进展览馆范围内装卸。 可驶进展览馆范围内装卸。 轻便展品 只有轻便展品的参展商,请于 3 月 31 日下午到展场布置。 撤展时间 展览会将会于 2014 年 4 月 4 日,下午 2:00 正式闭幕,为保持展会的整体气氛及避免 影响其它展商及参观者,大会严禁参 严禁参展商及承建商提早撤走或拆卸展品 展商及承建商提早撤走或拆卸展品。 严禁参 展商及承建商提早撤走或拆卸展品 。 撤展时,各参展公司必须委派最少一名职员在场当值。 撤展时间:4 月 4 日,下午 2:15–晚上 10:00 (自带吊车只可在下午 4:30-10:00 期间进场) 4 月 4 日下午 3:30 前,请勿拆卸装修材料或乱放材料,以免阻碍展品搬出。 10. 大会运作时间表 时段 布展期间 日期 参展商 吊车进场 外来施工单位 2014 年 3 月 29 日 13:00-19:00 13:00-19:00 2014 年 3 月 30 日 09:00-19:00 09:00-13:00 2014 年 3 月 31 日 2014 年 4 月 1 日 09:00-17:30 2014 年 4 月 3 日 撤展时间 08:30-17:30 2014 年 4 月 2 日 展览期间 09:00-19:00 观众 2014 年 4 月 4 日 09:00-22:00 2014 年 4 月 4 日 14:15-22:00 *大会严禁外来铲车进场操作 大会严禁外来铲车进场操作 -7- 09:30-17:00 09:30-14:00 16:30-22:00 15:30-22:00 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 1. Important Notes Intellectual Property Rights Protection and Fake Product Verification Exhibits should conform to the regulations of Intellectual Property Rights Protection and technology & quality standard. To avoid any disagreement on-site, exhibitors should bring along all relevant certifications of exhibits, including the standard of quality and technology of products, product quality report, the patent certificate and so on so forth. During the exhibition, bureaus and administrations of Industry and Commerce, Quality and Technical Supervision, Intellectual Property Rights and so on are authorized to carry out verification of the exhibits. All counterfeit exhibits seized will be forfeited. Should there be any complaints on Intellectual Property Rights infringement during the exhibition, the case of infringement will be handled by relevant department according to “The Measures for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights during Exhibitions” adopted by Ministry of Commerce. Should there be involvement in dispute about third party’s right. Organiser has the right to ban the exhibit and end the contract. Participation fee and related cost will not be rebated. Exhibits should conform to subject of fair & SCOPE OF PRODUCT and not involve in dispute about third party’s right. Organiser has the right to ban the exhibit and end the contract. Participation fee and related cost will not be rebated and compensated. 2. Fire Regulation: Smoking is not permitted in the Hall at any time during the period of the exhibition, build-up or dismantling. All construction materials must be fire-proofed. Exhibitors should declare before the show if their exhibits involve any flame, welding demonstration, oil tank, gas container or flammable items. 3. Electrical Regulation: No multiplug is allowed. All sockets are for machine operation only, not for lighting. One socket for one machine. If the actual power consumption of any exhibitor exceeds the applied limit and affects the operation of other exhibitors or the power supply system of the venue, the organizer will stop power supply to their stands immediately and the Exhibitor will be liable for the damage caused. 4. Security & Insurance: General Hall Security is provided by the Organizer. Nevertheless. Exhibitors are advised to arrange their own insurance coverage and not to leave their stands and exhibits unattended and take responsibility for the security of their stand display, stand merchandise and personal items during the show. Exhibitors are responsible for public liability insurance against injury to persons and property of others at their stand, along with their exhibits and merchandise moving to and from the show and during the show. Exhibitors should contact their insurance broker to cover their exhibit and exhibit materials. The Organizer will not be held responsible for any loss of or damage to, exhibits. 5. Audio-Visual Presentations: Audio-visual display equipment must be positioned and the sound level adjusted so as not to annoy other exhibitors or visitors. The Organizer reserve the right to require any audio-visual presentation to be disconnected or discontinued. 6. Cleaning & Garbage Disposal: The Organizer will arrange for the general cleaning of the exhibition hall and shell scheme stands, prior to the opening of the exhibition and daily thereafter. For raw space stands, it is the responsibility of the exhibitor to arrange cleaning with their appointed contractor. 7. Promotion During the Show: No advertising, demonstration or canvassing for business may be carried out anywhere within the exhibition venue except at the exhibitor’s own stand. No exhibits or advertising signs shall be placed outside the confines of the exhibitor’s stand area. 8. Exhibition Hall of Specification & Regulation Hall 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 15 m 5000kg / SQM 1000kg / SQM 21-30 m 15 m 16 m 5m Floor Loading Loading of Electrial Trench Ceiling Height Max. Booth Height Pillar with Air-conditioning duct: Cargo Entrance Electricity Pillars & Hanging Banner 16 m 5m *4.5m Max. booth height: 3.8m within 5m radius 6m (H) X 5.8m (W) Single phase 220V: Three phase 380V Exhibitors may not use any columns / pillars for any purpose. Nothing can be affixed directly to the column/ pillar. Please contact the Organizer for the availability of hanging banner. *Restriction on Raw Space Stand Height Starting from the front entrance, the first four rows* stand height is restricted to 4.5m. The fifth row onwards, stand height is restricted to 6m. For stands exceed 5m height, a letter of guarantee for structural safety is required. -8- 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 9. Delivery of Exhibits: Move-in Time: 29 - 31 March 2014 9:00am – 7:00pm (Overtime: 7:00pm – 1:00am) OT charges: Exhibitors who need to work over time must apply to the organizer before 15:00 of that day and pay at his own cost. 7:00pm – 1:00am RMB18/ sqm / 3hours After 1:00am RMB33/ sqm / 3hours Minimum charge: 65sqm Bulky Exhibits Outside Contractor Exhibitors taking bulky exhibits should move in their exhibits on 29 March 2014. To effectively control the move in schedule of the drive in trucks, a “Vehicle Permit” should be applied at the Organiser in advanced or on site for the permission of loading inside the exhibition hall. Light Exhibits Exhibitors taking light exhibits should come to decorate on 31 March 2014. Move-Out Instructions: Neither exhibitors nor appointed contractors are permitted to dismantle any part of their exhibit before the official closing time of 2:00pm on 4 April 2014. At least, one of your staff must be present during moving-out. Move-out time: 2:15pm – 10:00pm of 4 April 2014 (Truck may enter the exhibition hall only from (16:30-22:00) Outside stand contractors are not allowed to dismantle any construction materials before 15:30 of 4 April 2014. 10. Time Schedule Period Date Exhibitors 29 March 2014 Move-in 30 March 2014 09:00-19:00 Truck Move-in Outside Stand Contractors 13:00-19:00 13:00-19:00 09:00-13:00 09:00-19:00 08:30-17:30 2 April 2014 3 April 2014 Move-out 4 April 2014 09:00-22:00 4 April 2014 14:15-22:00 09:30-17:00 09:00-17:30 Show Date 31 March 2014 1 April 2014 Visitors 09:30-14:00 16:30-22:00 * No Outside Forklift is allowed inside the exhibition hall.* -9- 15:30-22:00 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 会刊广告 Exhibition Directory Advertisement *广告申请表请参阅附件一第 4 页 发行数目: 10,000 本 Circulation: 10,000 copies 广告尺寸 SIZE: 钉装尺寸 全版 (不出血) 横半版 Trimmed size: Full page no bleed: Half page: 210 x 285mm (h) 184 x 260mm (h) 184 x 127mm (h) 全版 (出血) Full page bleeding 216 x 291mm (h) 电子文件截稿日期:2014 年 3 月 8 日 出版日期:2014 年 4 月 1 日 Publication Date: 1 April 2014 Deadline of electronic document: 8 March 2014 CTP(computer-to-plate) 电脑檔直接到版的要求 广告面积、档案像素要求 全页 Full Page 广告面积 半页 Half Page 广告面积 210mm x 285mm, 300-350dpi 像素 实际页面 216mm x 291mm, 300-350dpi 像素 连出血稿制作面积 190mm x 275mm, 图文超过此范围可能刊登时未能完全可见想刊登的 资料,敬请留意。 184mm x 127mm, 300-350dpi 像素 不出血稿及四边必须有 0.75 点的黑色外线框。 檔 案 种 类 Adobe illustrator 档案 数码图像档案 PDF 数码档案 CS3 或以下版本,必须把广告内的所有文字转化成路径(Creat Outlines)。而广告 内的图片定必嵌入(embed image)原档内,请勿使用连接档。 接受.jpg 或.tiff 档案,两者都必须是 CMYK,原广告尺寸加出血范围原尺寸之 300-350dpi 像数。 储存为印刷(PRESS)设定。必须把广告内的所有文字转化成路径(Creat Outlines)。 注意事项: 1. 制作一个符合商业印刷数码档案需要专业设计软件及技巧,亦必须由专业及有经验的广告制作公司负责以 确保质素。 2. 所有图像、绘图及文字均以 CMYK 存盘,如使用上 RGB/ index color 等非印刷色种,经转换回 CMYK 时, 广告的色彩有可能与贵客原档有所出入。 3. 设计稿件时,应以原稿之实际面积大小为佳,避免放大或缩小。 4. 提交稿件光盘(CD / DVD)时,必须附有彩色数码印稿 1 张。广告客户应小心核对,确保光盘内之图片及文 字等资料正确及不会遗漏。本公司不会再提供打印稿给广告客户检视。每张光盘只可储存一间公司之广告 稿件,及不要同时储存未更新之旧稿资料于同一光盘内,以避免错用稿件。 5. 经 FTP 上传:请每个广告开一个新的档夹存放(如使用 illustrator / pdf 档请连同一个 100-150dpi 的 jpg 档作 为参考之用),活页夹的名称为广告上的公司名字或展台号码,尽可能请以英文字作文件名称。 FTP地址如下:ftp://ftp.paper-com.com.hk 6. 7. 8. (DTC) (DFM) 登入名称:textile 登入名称:footwear 如使用 FTP 上传档案,请完成上传后以电邮形式与我司同事确认。 如用邮寄或速递至本公司,除原有光盘外,请连同一张彩色印刷品以作参考。 所有提交广告稿件之光盘及彩色数码稿,本公司一概不会退还。 - 10 - 密码:Te89760 密码:ff35607 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair *广告申请表请参阅附件一第 4 页 - 11 - 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair *广告申请表请参阅附件一第 4 页 - 12 - 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展(DTC 2014) 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair The 9th China (Dongguan) Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 2014 年 4 月 1 – 4 日 中国·东莞厚街·广东现代国际展览中心 April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China FORWARDING INFORMATION & SHIPPING TARIFF Official Freight Forwarder Guangzhou Office 金怡国际展运有限公司 广州金怡展览服务有限公司 JES Logistics Limited Guangzhou JES Exhibition Services Ltd. 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 中国广州市东风中路 501 号东建大厦西座 2005 室 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Room 2005 Dong Jian Buildingg, West Tower, No. 501 Wanchai, Hong Kong Dong Feng Zhong Road, Guangzhou 510045, China 电话 Tel : ( 852 ) 2563 6645 电话 Tel : ( 86-20 ) 8355 9738 传真 Fax : ( 852 ) 2597 5057 传真 Fax : ( 86-20 ) 8355 3765 电邮 E-Mail: [email protected] 电邮 E-Mail: [email protected] 联系人 Ctc: Herman Chung 锺学民 联系人 Ctc: Chen Xing You 陈兴有 AT / 041013 / DG 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China A. 海外展品运输指南 FORWARDING INFORMATION & HANDLING TARIFF 香港总部 Hong Kong office 金怡国际展运有限公司 JES Logistics Limited Hong Kong Tel : 852 - 2563 6645 Fax : 852 - 2597 5057 Email : [email protected] Ctc : Herman Chung 锺学民 B. 广州分公司 Guangzhou office 广州金怡展览服务有限公司 Guangzhou JES Exhibition Services Limited Guangzhou, China Tel : 86 - 20 - 8355 9738 Fax : 86 - 20 - 8355 3765 Email : [email protected] Ctc : Chen Xing You 陈兴有 运输指示及货运途径 (按一般展示用品) SHIPPING SCHEDULE (FOR GENERAL EXHIBITS ONLY) 1b. 展品从香港集货至东莞 All goods to be shipped to Hong Kong for consolidation shipment to Dongguan 展品文件及到货日期 DOCUMENTS & CONSIGNMENT DEADLINES TO DONGGUAN VIA HONG KONG 1. 海关审查文件 (货运委托书及清单) Customs documents for pre-clearance (List of Exhibit FORM B ) February 24, 2014 2. 从香港仓库集货至东莞 Cargo picking up in Hong Kong for onward shipment to Dongguan March 18 – 19, 2014 货运委托书及展品装箱清单(表格 A & B )必须在货到前 3 个工作天电邮或传真到我司办事处. 所有展品必 须按上述运货时间表抵达. 晚于截止日期会加收30%的晚到附加费,且不保证送货至展台时间. Please email or facsimile us your Transport Order and List of Exhibits (Form A & B attached) at least 3 working days prior to picking up your cargo. Cargo arriving after our deadlines will incur a 30% late arrival surcharge. JES will make all efforts to expedite the delivery schedule but no guarantee can be given. Cargo arriving earlier than the specified dates above will incurred storage fee. 2b. 香港收货人 CONSIGNEE IN HONG KONG All goods to be shipped to Hong Kong for consolidation shipment to Dongguan Consignee (air / sea) JES Logistics Limited 26/F., Winsan Tower 98 Thomson Road Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel : (852) 2563 6645 Fax: (852) 2597 5057 Notify Party JES Logistics Limited c/o DTC 2014 / c/o DFM 2014 / 提单上货物申报 DESCRIPTION OF GOODS Please state in the OBL or AWB: Exhibition Goods. (for DTC 2014 / DFM2014) 请电邮或传真有关发货通知至香港金怡国际展运有限公司 Pre-advice should be sent to JES Logistics Limited (email or fax: 852-2597 5057) as soon as available. 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. - 14 - HK Membership: 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China 3b. 文件 DOCUMENTS (Sea / Air - total gross weight on List of Exhibits must be the same as on OBL & MAWB) 请把下列清关文件必须在货到前 3 个工作天电邮或传真到我司办事处. Please email or fax us the following documentation to consignee at least 3 working days prior to the arrival of shipment. 1 copy of Original Ocean Bill of Lading (Sea) 1 copy of Master Airway Bill (Air) 1 copy of Transport Order (Form A) 1 copy of List of Exhibits (Form B) 1 copy of Insurance Policy (if insured) 海运提单 空运提单 委托书 展品清单 保险单 (1份) (1份) (1份) (1份) (1份己投保) 4b. 货运预告 PRE-ALERT 海运 - 请确保货物抵达目的港口之前 3 个工作天, 快递 2 份海运正本提单及 2 份展品清单给收货人. Sea shipment - 2 original of Bill of Lading plus 3 copies of List of Exhibits FORM B must be couriered to consignee at least 3 working days before shipment arrives. 空运 - 办理货物托运时, 请附加 2 份展品清单与空运单正本一起发运. 并在货物抵达机场前 48 小时内电邮 或传真空运提单及展品清单给收货人. Air shipment - Original AWB plus 2 copies of List of Exhibits FORM B must be attached to all air shipments and email or a facsimile advice giving AWB no. and details of consignment must be sent to us at least 48 hours prior to the arrival of cargo. 空运广州 AIR FREIGHT GUANGZHOU 请不要把展品直接空运发到广州机场, 因清关时间会比较长及手续烦覆. 如展品不能按时运到香港, 请先 与我司联络以作适当安排. Exhibitors are not advised to send air shipment to Guangzhou airport directly. The customs clearance time is not predictable. Exhibitor with late shipment is advised to contact us well in advance for arrangements. 5b. 货物熏蒸 FUMIGATION 所有木质包装货物 (如木箱、木托盘、木架) 必须要熏蒸. 箱外要有以下标记 All cargo containing wood packaging materials (e.g. crates, pallets, frames) must be fumigated. Please make sure the following information must be stamped on the outside packing. <国际植物保护公约> 英文缩写 IPPC 印记 国际标准化组织 (ISO) 规定的 2 个字母国家编号 输出国家或地区官方植物检疫机构 批准的木质包装生产企业编号 确应的检疫除害处理方法, 如溴甲烷熏蒸为 MB, 而热处理为 HT IPPC logo ( ) ISO country code (XX) License no. assigned to the company that fumigated Fumigation method HT or MB treatment used 熏蒸标记 SAMPLE OF MARKING 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. - 15 - HK Membership: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China 6b. 海关查验 CUSTOMS INSPECTION 东莞海关规定所有展品必需在展馆现场开箱查验, 查验时如发现装箱清单与货物不符, 货物将会被海关扣 留或没收而不能如时送到展台, 所有责任由参展商自负. 按海关查验科的要求, 所有展品装箱清单必须填 写准确货物名称, 机械品牌, 型号, 机身编号及其组装配件和件数, 均須如实申报. 为方便海关现场查验, 所有机械展品必需提供(1)份说明书及其组装配件的相片附装箱清单(表格 B). The Dongguan customs are strict and through in their inspection of goods. All packages can be expected to be opened and contents checked against the List of Exhibits (Form B). Exhibitors must provide us with the brand name, model number, serial number of machine and quantity of equipment / parts in the List of Exhibits form. Please ensure that the brand name, model number or serial number can be found on the machine and equipment itself to facilitate customs inspection. In order to obtain early release of goods from customs, machine catalogues or photo of equipment / parts must be attached with List of Exhibits. 7b. 宣传资料及小礼品 CATALOGUES AND PUBLICITY MATERIALS - CENSORING 产品小册子及小礼品, 例如: 原子笔, 钥匙圈, 宣传资料等等.. 此类物品若在展览会期间散发必须由中国海 关审核其数量及价值或征税后才可派发. 海关审查费 RMB 135.00 / 项 / 展商. 严禁光盘, 记忆棒与杂志进 口作展览用途. 须申领特别许可证. Brochures, giveaways and souvenirs items are permitted entry into China Give-aways e.g. souvenir (i.e. pens, key chains, note pads etc.) with reasonable quantities and low value may be duty-exempted. It is, however, subject to China customs approval. Customs censorship handling charges RMB 135.00 per item / exhibitor. Please do not send CD Roms, USB and magazine to the exhibition, as special permit is required. 8b. 危险物品, 含放射性材料及战略性物品 DANGEROUS, RADIOACTIVE AND STRATEGIC ITEMS 上述物品禁止或限制进入展览会场, 因此发运这些物品前请与我司联系, 提供有关物品的规格、成份、容量 和体积, 以便向有关部门申请进口许可文件和安排合适的仓库与运输工具. The above items are prohibited / limited to move-in to the exhibition hall, special import permits are required and the carriers will only accept those cargoes subject to availability. Thus, before shipping those items to the exhibition, please submit us all the specification and volume of the cargoes for checking with the relevant parties regarding confirmation and application of import permit. 9b. 展品包装 PACKING 由于在运输途中所有展品将经过多次装卸, 开箱查验和展览会后重新包装, 馆外或货场暂存. 因此包装箱 必须要结实以便保护展品不会破损以及雨淋. 展品可使用结实木箱或铝箱包装并适合反复装卸, 纸板箱不 适宜长途运输. 所有包装箱内须有防水, 防潮或真空包装并在箱外注明易碎展品包及注明向上防压标志. Please ensure your equipment is packed in a strong, waterproof packing case which lends itself to being re-packed after the exhibition. Please bear in mind that your exhibits will be in transit for long periods both to and from the exhibition and that cartons are not suitable to withstand the constant handling which takes place during transshipment. Shocking and bumping will sometimes be inevitable and cases may be placed in open air storage without cover, therefore exhibitors must take the necessary precautions against damage and rain. 10b. 现场开箱或装箱 UNPACKING OR REPACKING ON –SITE 在进出馆期间, 我司会协助参展商开箱就位及会后装箱等服务. 请参展商安排有关人员现场督导回运装箱, 对于包装箱己经破损, 残旧或无包装材料的回运展品, 如货物发生破损, 短缺, 丢失等情况, 参展商并应对 该操作负有全责. 无包装的回运展品如非由整体装集装箱载运, 我司不矛处理配载. We will assist in physical unpacking and installation of exhibits, however exhibitors must supervise and be responsible for those operations. Similarly, during exhibition closing, exhibitors must also supervise the dismantling and repacking of exhibits, especially for delicate or heavy equipment. When exhibits are repacked with used packing materials, the packing is regarded as no longer suitable to protect the contents against damage and or moisture compared with the original. Exhibitors should therefore bear the responsibility for any consequences arising therefrom. 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. - 16 - HK Membership: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China 11b. 超重或超大件展品 HEAVY AND OVERSIZES EXHIBITS 有重型展品及单一体积超过 1000 公斤或 5 立方米及其需用汽车吊和铲车在展场组装的展品之展商须及 早到达展场, 以便指导重型展品的拆箱和就位. 如需用汽车吊和铲车来对这些超重或超大件展品的拆箱就 位和安放, 展商必须提前与我们联系及提供详细的超重或超大件展品示意图以便我司展场操作. 展商如有 需要, 可向我司索取有关服务的报价. This applies to any single exhibit in excess of 1000 kgs and 5 cbm, that requires the use of a forklift or mobile crane for installation. Exhibitors with heavy and oversized exhibits must be on-site early to direct the operation of unpacking and positioning. If a mobile crane or forklift is required for installation of equipment, exhibitors should send your requirement to us as early as possible so that we could arrange contracting such equipment in advance. A quote will be given after receiving your enquiry. 12b. 回运展品 RE-EXPORT 在展览会闭幕前, 我司会派发展品回运委托书给各参展商填写展品回运方式. 复出口的海关及检验检疫手 续至少需要 1 星期的时间. 如有任何急需回运或转展的展品, 请参展商务必事先向我司提供相应运输时间 和特别的安排. 若不按照此程序, 我们只能于展览会结束后办理. Disposal and forwarding instructions will be discussed with you during the course of exhibition. Re-export formalities will require at least 1 week. Therefore, please do not make any plan on receiving the exhibits soon after the exhibition. We hold no liability for when the exhibits would be back to the desired final destination after the exhibition closes. If you need the exhibits to be re-exported urgently or transfer to other exhibitions, please contact our on-site representative of your request as applicable. 13b. ATA 单证冊 ATA CARNET 展品临时进口中国可用 ATA 单证册. 但展品不能在中国出售或留购, 必须在展览会闭幕后原数复出. ATA 进 出口单证报关费 RMB 1200.00 每运次. To co-ordinate the complete process of temporary import by ATA Carnet is RMB 1200.00 per transaction. Please note that ATA Carnet shipment must be re-exported after closure of the exhibition, it cannot be sold. 14b. 保险 INSURANCE 我司的货运收费是以展品的体积或重量收取, 而不是按展品的价值来计算. 因此, 所收取的费用不含保险 费在内. 为维护参展商权益, 展商应自行购买展品的全程保险 (建议通过由中国人民保险公司为代理的保 险公司办理保险), 包括展期内保险及责任事故的保险. 展商请备妥保险合同正本或其副本, 以备可能在展 览会现场发现短少, 残损时申报检验之用. Exhibitors are suggested to arrange a proper round-trip all risks insurance coverage for the exhibits (including exhibition period), preferable through a company of which the People's Insurance Company of China is the agent in China. For routing of shipments, it is advised to cover the insurance policy by both air and surface (sea / road), as it is possible that the cargo will be re-exported in either way. Exhibitors should also bring a copy of the insurance policy to China. 15b. 付款条款 PAYMENT TERMS 使用金怡公司或其指定代理的展商, 将会收到金怡公司或其指定代理的付款通知发票; 没有通过金怡公司 或其指定代理的展商, 必须在展览结束前, 付清全额费用 Companies using JES Logistics or its appointed agents will be invoiced by them for all services. Companies shipping other than by our offices or agents are advised that full payment must be received by us either on-site at the exhibition or in Hong Kong before the close of the exhibition. 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. - 17 - HK Membership: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China C. 来程费率 FREIGHT HANDLING TARIFF - INWARD MOVEMENT 1. FREIGHT FROM OVERSEAS / HONG KONG 基本费及文件通讯费 Basic service charge (Communication & documentation fee) 2a. 展品从香港至东莞运费 Freight charge Hong Kong to Dongguan 展品从金怡香港仓库运送至展台就位含海关 清查, 协助开箱及空箱材料移到馆外存放处. From JES HKG warehouse delivery up to exhibition stand, customs clearance, assistance with unpacking and removal empty cases to the on site storage place. (LCL 拼箱) RMB 600.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1.5 cbm / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 1.5 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 ( FCL GP 整箱 ) ¾ ¾ RMB 380.00 / exhibitor / consignment 展商 / 票货 RMB 13,800.00 / 20 ’ GP container 集装箱 RMB 25,500.00 / 40 ’ GP container 集装箱 开顶箱、平板箱运至展台服务, 费用另作报价. For delivery of open top, flat and platform containers, quotation will be furnished upon request. 2b. 香港本地提货服务 (如需) Cargo pick up in Hong Kong (where applicable) i. 展品从香港货运站或展商仓库提 货至我司仓库包括 3 日免费仓期 From cargo terminal, exhibitor’s warehouse in HKG delivery up to JES warehouse incl. 3 days free storage. 海运或本地提货 ( LCL 拼箱 ) Sea / Local cargo RMB 220.00 / cbm 立方米 min RMB 750.00 / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 RMB 750.00 / 展商 / 票货 ( FCL 整箱 ) RMB 2600.00 / 20’ GP container 集裝箱 RMB 2950.00 / 40’ GP / HC container 集裝箱 RMB 2.20 / kg 公斤 min RMB 750.00 / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 RMB 750.00 / 展商 / 票货 空运 Air cargo ¾ ¾ 不包括货运站处理费, 理货费, 仓库杂费, 滞箱费, 换单费及车场登记费, 需按实际发生额支付相关费用. All THC / CFS, consolidators fees, OBL / AWB documents fee, gate charges, demurrage, warehouse registration fee, etc.. (if any) incurred in the pick up location will be passed on as per outlay. ii. 进出仓库手续费 Warehouse handling RMB 180.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm / exhibitor / transaction 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 iii. 每件货物重量如超过1吨 Heavy-Lifting surcharge for any single piece over 1 ton 另作报价 to be quoted upon request 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. - 18 - HK Membership: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China 3. a. 超重或超限度附加费 Overweight / oversized cargo handling surcharge Weight of each single package over 每件展货物重量如超于 5001 kgs - 7000 kgs RMB 55.00 / 100 kgs 公斤 7001 kgs - 9000 kgs RMB 70.00 / 100 kgs 公斤 9001 kgs - 10000 kgs RMB 75.00 / 100 kgs 公斤 Over 10,001 kgs to be quoted upon request 另作报价 b. 每件货物如体积超于(长)500 cm,(宽)220 cm 或(高)220 cm Size of each single package over L 500 cm, W 220 cm or H 220 cm 单一展品限度数值超过上述所列的体积, 均视为超限. 则需加收 RMB 100.00 立方米超限附加费. If one dimension exceeds the above, surcharge of RMB 100.00 / cbm will be imposed. 4. 其它服务 (如需) Others (where applicable) 清单翻译费 Translation of list of exhibits a. RMB 35.00 / page 页 min RMB 200.00 / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 RMB 200.00 / 展商 / 票货 b. 空箱保管展会期间之仓存费 Storage of empty cases RMB 70.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 c. 退回空集装箱由展馆至堆场或提取 Return empty container to / from depot RMB 1700.00 / 20‘ GP container 集装箱 RMB 2450.00 / 40‘ GP container 集装箱 d. 中国口岸海关查验费用 China customs examination fee RMB 90.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm / consignment 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 e. 中国海关计算机录入费 Customs computer data entry fee RMB 40.00 / page of list exhibits 每页展品清单 f. 中国口岸建设费 0.05% on CIF value Port construction fee min RMB 90.00 / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 RMB 80.00 / 展商 / 票货 g. 中国商检 Merchandise inspection fee RMB 90.00 / cbm 立方米 min 1 cbm / consignment 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票货 h. 检疫及消毒服务费用 Quarantine inspection handling services 拼箱 / 空运货 LCL / air cargo 整箱 FCL RMB 90.00 / item 件 min RMB 250.00 / exhibitor / consignment 最低收费 RMB 210.00 / 展商 / 票货 RMB 1300.00 / 20’ GP container 集装箱 RMB 1950.00 / 40’ GP / HC container 集装箱 D. 回程费率 FREIGHT HANDLING TARIFF - RETURN MOVEMENT 回程与来程收费相同 Same as inward movement above with reversed services. 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. - 19 - HK Membership: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China E. IMPORTANT NOTES 1. The exact move-in / move-out schedule is subject to the organizer’s final arrangement and is subject to change with or without prior notice. 2. The exact routing is subject to availability of transportation services. 3. All return shipments will only be arranged when all customs clearance procedures are completed and all exhibits handed over to us. As the demand for transportation facilities in China is great, exhibitors must not make any plan on receiving exhibits soon after the exhibition, since it may take over 7 days for exhibits to reach Hong Kong or other destinations. 4. The volume / weight ratio for air cargo is 6:1 (i.e. 1 cbm = 166.7 kgs). The chargeable weight is based on the volume weight or actual weight which ever yields the greater. 5. The charges for sea / road cargo are based on 1 cbm or 1000 kgs whichever yields the greater. 6. All cargo must be sent with "Freight Prepaid" for inward movement. A 10% surcharge will be imposed for any shipment sent with "Freight Collect". For the return movement if freight charge is required to be prepaid at the port of loading, a 10% advance fee will be levied. 7. All FCL / LCL port charges and consolidator’s fees where applicable for sea freight arriving at Hong Kong will be charged extra, as per outlay. All air-terminal charges and consolidator’s fee for airfreight arriving at Hong Kong will be charged extra, as per outlay. 8. Minimum charge for full container loads is:- 9. Tariff prices are applicable only to single pieces not exceeding 5 m x 2.2 m x 2.2 m / 5,000 kgs. Any single pieces in excess of these dimensions / weights will be subject to a separate quotation if which not being quoted in this tariff. 10. Companies require assembling or lifting equipment for erection of exhibits are asked to contact us as soon as possible with details of their requirements. Prices for hiring equipment will then be quoted subject to availability. 11. Prices include free storage in our Hong Kong godown as 3 days prior to our last receiving date for inbound goods, and 3 days after arrival back in our Hong Kong godown for outbound goods. Additional storage will be charged at RMB 200.00 per cbm per week or part of minimum RMB 400.00 / transaction. 12. Application for Hong Kong import / export license for overseas exhibitors is at RMB 600.00 per application and license fee as per outlay. 13. Charges for inbound movement must be settled in full before the opening of the exhibition. Charges for outbound movement must be settled before cargo released. 14. Unpacked cargo - there will be a 20% surcharge for handling unpacked cargo. JES Logistics or its appointed agents will not be liable for any loss or damage. 15. Dangerous goods - there is a 100% surcharge for handling dangerous cargo. 16. Exhibitors are suggested to arrange a proper round-trip all risks insurance coverage for the exhibits (including exhibition period), preferable through a company of which the People's Insurance Company of China is the agent in China. For routing of shipments, it is advised to cover the insurance policy by both air and surface (sea / road), as it is possible that the cargo will be re-exported in either way. Exhibitors should also bring a copy of the insurance policy to China. 17. Our fees and charges are based on presently in force tariff. It is subject to change as to reflect any increase in our cost caused by exchange rate variations, freight rate increase, fuel charges adjustments, insurance premiums or increase of any other charges beyond the control of this company which come into effect after acceptance of your order and prior to delivery. 18. Please do not ship LCL sea or air shipment to Dongguan directly. It takes times with customs clearance. Please ship all the exhibits to HK for onward shipment to Dongguan. 19. Please do not send CD Roms, USB & Magazine to the exhibition, as special permit is required. 20. Tariff prices are based on exhibits delivered to ground floor only, a 20% surcharge will be levied for delivery to upper floor. 21. Customs or duty:- All exhibits are importing to China on temporary entry. Give-aways e.g. souvenir (i.e. pens, key chains, note pads, magazines etc) with reasonable quantities and low value may be duty-exempted. It is, however, subject to China customs’ approval. 22. Hong Kong Government import / export declaration fee 0.05% of CIF value declared. Minimum charge RMB 100.00 per exhibitor per consignment. 23. All business is transacted only in accordance with our standard trading conditions. Please visit our web-site www.jes.com.hk or contact us for the details. a. 20 feet = 25 cbm 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. b. - 20 - 40 feet = 50 cbm HK Membership: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China F. 1. 2. 国内展品运输指南 大会指定展品运输商 金怡国际展运有限公司 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号 运盛大厦 26 楼 电话: 852 - 2563 6645 传真: 852 - 2597 5057 电邮: [email protected] 联系人: 锺学民先生 国内联系单位 广州金怡展览服务有限公司 广州市东风中路 501 号东建大厦西座 2005 室 邮编: 510045 电话: 020 - 8355 9738, 8355 8653 传真: 020 - 8355 3765 电邮: [email protected] 联系人: 陈兴有先生 / 展品运输途径及东莞厚街收货人: ( 一 ) 参展公司若有任何境外展品需由香港, 台湾地区或其它国家运往东莞参加上述展览会, 请于 2014 年 2 月 24 日前与香港金怡展运联系海外运输的门到门服务. ( 二 ) 金怡展运可提供在国内上门提货并将展品运至展台的门到门服务, 如参展商需要这种服务, 请于 2014 年 3 月 12 日前与我公司广州办事处联系. ( 三 ) 参展公司可将展品自行安排发运至广东现代国际展览中心. 请于 2014 年 3 月 29 日至 31 日将展品 运至广东现代国际展览中心外与我司办理现场交接手续. 请参展承运者留意行车路线, 现场必须遵守广东 现代国际展览中心工作人员交通指挥及进, 出馆的安排. 任何单一件展品重量如超过 10 吨, 请务必于 2014 年 3 月 12 日前与我司确定展品到馆时间, 日期及有关操作程序. 展品若晚于进馆规定的时间到达馆外现 场接货其所产生场地加班费由参展承运者自负. (按主办单位最后通知为准) 广东现代国际展览中心, 东莞, 厚街 金怡展运现场操作部: 陈兴有先生 电话: 1360 246 7623 并填写《国内展品现场托运表格》传真至 020 - 8355 3765 广州金怡展览服务有限公司. 3. 保险: 我司的货运收费是以展品的体积或重量收取, 而不是按展品的价值来计算. 因此, 所收的费用不含保险费 在内. 为了参展公司的保障与利益, 建议参展公司自行购买展品的全程保险, 包括展期内保险及现场操作 责任事故 的保险. 参展公司请备妥保险合同文本或其副本,以备可能在展览现场发现短少, 残损时申报检验 之用. 4. 额外搬运服务: (如需) 参展公司展出展品将由大会运输商金怡展运提供展品机器进出馆服务. 费用由讯通展览公司支付, 但展商 必须在 2014 年 3 月 12 日前向金怡展运申报, 服务包括进館一次机器卸车从展馆卸货区送到展台一次就位及 包括撤馆一次机器装车及由展台送到展馆卸货区裝车. 服务不包括印刷品、家具、装修材料、20 吨以上的 展品、拆箱、搬运空箱、装箱、提早进馆、迟走及闭馆前 30 分钟才到达所产生的搬运加班费、组装展品、 保险、提供特殊搬运工具 (如 10 吨义车、金属管、钢缆、缚绳等). 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. - 21 - HK Membership: 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China 5. 额外搬运服务项目及收费标准: (按每件展品不超过 10 吨计算) 5.1 展品包裝箱拆箱服务 不含展品组装安放及空箱运送服务 人民币 30.00 元 / 立方米 / 次 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票 5.2 展品包装箱装箱服务 不含展品组装拆卸及空箱运送服务 人民币 30.00 元 / 立方米 / 次 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票 5.3 空箱运送服务 空箱从馆内运送大会指定存放处 (单程) 人民币 20.00 元 / 立方米 / 程 最低收费 1 立方米 / 展商 / 票 5.4 展品组装费 机械臂, 机械帽 (叉车操作) 人民币 250.00 元 / 只 / 次 展品如需用吊机操作, 立起、放倒、特殊组装及二次移位, 则另外报价. 5.5 集装箱拆箱或装箱 集装箱拆装单件展品超过 3 吨附加费 集装箱如需用吊机落地拆装, 则另外报价. 5.6 人民币 50.00 元 / 立方米 晚到现场操作加班费 展品若晚于主办规定的进馆时间到达馆外卸车加班费 (19:00 – 21:00 作业时间) (21:01 – 23:00 作业时间) (23:01 – 01:00 作业时间) 人民币 50.00 元 / 立方米 最低收费 RMB 500.00 元 / 展商 / 票 最低收费 RMB 800.00 元 / 展商 / 票 费用则另行报价 展品如需用吊机操作的加班费 (19:00 – 23:00 作业时间) 人民币 3200.00 元 / 25 吨 / 台班 人民币 6000.00 元 / 50 吨 / 台班 8.4 单件展品超过 20 吨的附加费 请提供具体尺寸、重量、展位位置图给我司, 附加费用则另行报价. ¾ ¾ 上述费用不含保险, 展场加班费, 仓储费用等或如有任何上述未有提及之收费, 将再另行报价. 在展览前、期间或展览后, 无论全部或部分使用金怡的服务, 无论以口头、书面或行为方式所提出的 额外服务要求, 都表示您已清楚并接受上述各项条款. 由展品的重量或体积引起的争议, 应遵循中国的有关规定重新丈量以确定计费重量. 我司的货运收费是以展品的体积或重量收取,而不是按展品的价值来计算. 因此, 所收的费用不含保 险费在内. 为了参展公司的保障与利益, 建议参展公司自行购买展品的全程保险, 包括展期内保险及 现场操作责任事故的保险. 我司所提供的一切服务和经营活动皆遵照我们的标准营业贸易条款执行, 全文供索取. ¾ ¾ ¾ 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. - 22 - HK Membership: 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China TRANSPORT ORDER ( FORM A ) To : JES Logistics Ltd (email or fax no. + 852 2597 5057) We hereby authorize JES Logistics Ltd to deliver our exhibits as per the attached List of Exhibits to the exhibition and to unpack our cargo for customs inspection. All the charges are on our accounts. We accept JES Logistics Ltd standard trading conditions and understand that the charges are compiled on volume or weight basis and insurance coverage is not included. A1. □ A2. □ We will arrange the insurance coverage for the exhibits by ourselves. B1. □ Please pick up the cargo from the address below at extra charge Please arrange round-trip insurance coverage for our exhibits (insured value : ______________________________) (Insurance premium 1.5% on total sum insured, min RMB 900.00 / policy。 Deductible 1% - 5% on every loss / claim subject to final confirmation) Pick up address : ______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact : ___________________________________________ Tel : ______________________________________ B2. □ We shall make delivery to JES warehouse by ourselves. Please send delivery order to us. C1. □ From Hong Kong to GDE Houjie, Dongguan (air / sea / local) *please tick where applicable. We hereby certify that the information declared in the List of Exhibits attached is true and correct. We will be fully liable if the customs finds any discrepancy or any cargo not declared. Any additional costs or penalty incurred will be on our account. (The penalty will be 0.05% on the value per day). 如申报的数据与货物不符而产生的额外费用, 全数由我司(即参展商)负责. 海关将会由入单当天开始收取每天按货价的0.05%之滞报金, 直至纪录更正为止. Exhibitor : _____________________________________________________ Booth No : ________________________ Address : _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact No Tel : ________________________ Fax : _______________________ E-mail : ___________________________ Authorized Signature with Company stamp ___________________________________ Name in full and Business title 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. Date: ______________________________ - 23 - HK Membership: 电话 Tel : 传真 Fax : 电邮 Email: 香港湾仔谭臣道 98 号运盛大厦 26 楼 26/F, Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong Website: www.jes.com.hk (852) 2563 6645 (852) 2597 5057 [email protected] 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展暨第九届华南国际缝制设备展(DTC 2014) 第十五届中国(东莞)国际鞋机鞋材工业技术展(DFM 2014) The 15th China (Dongguan) InternationalTextile & Clothing Industry Fair The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair April 1 – 4, 2014, GDE Houjie, Dongguan, China 国内展品托运表格 Domestic Cargo Order Form (表格: B) 参展商 Exhibitor : __________________________________________________________________________________ 联络人 CTC Person : _______________________________________ 展台号 Booth No _______________________________________ : 作业日期 Date of Execution ______________________________________ 展品名称 Descriptions of goods 数量 Quantity 电话 Telephone: _________________________ 作业时间 Time of Execution : ______________ 体积 (长、阔、高) – (厘米) Volume (cm) 重量 (公斤) Weight (KG) 总数 Total 所需服务 Services Required 请于合适的方格 √ 上 Please check where appropriate A) 展览馆现场接货 Delivery from the fairground loading bay to stand in □ out □ B) 展品现场拆箱 / 装箱 Assistance with unpacking / Repacking on stand in □ out □ C) 空箱运送服务 Removal empty cases to the on site storage place in □ out □ D) 展品组装服务 Exhibits assembly or dismantling in □ out □ E) 集装箱拆箱 / 装箱 Container devanning and stuffing service in □ out □ F) 加班附加费 Overtime surcharges handling service in □ out □ G) 单件展品超过 20 吨的附加费 Heavy lifting surcharge for any single piece over 20 tons in □ out □ 本公司同意金怡展运的运输指南细则及费用. 有关费用我司在进馆前支付给金怡展运. We hereby confirm and accept the terms and charges in JES Logistics’ shipping tariff. We will settle JES Logistics’ charges before exhibits moving in the hall. 公司盖章及签署 __________________________________________ Authorized Signature with Company stamp ____________________________________________ 姓名及职位正楷书写 Name in full and Business title 广州金怡展览服务有展公司 GUANGZHOU JES EXHIBITION SERVICES LTD. 日期 Date: _____________________________ - 24 - HK Membership: AT / 041013 / DG AT / 041013 / DG 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 【酒店住房介绍 Hotel Accommodation】 嘉华大酒店 Regal Palace Hotel ★★★★★ 地址 Address 东莞市厚街镇家具大道口 电话 Tel 0769-8592 8888-6912 / 13669898363 传真 Fax 网址 Website 联络人 Contact www.regalpalacehotels.com Ms. Anna 梁飞小姐-营销部 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 1 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 房价 Room Rate 附设 Inclusive of Entrance of Furniture Boulevard, Houjie Town, Dongguan 0769-8590 6338 高级客房 Superior Room ¥500, 豪华客房 Deluxe Room ¥550, 高级套房 Superior Suite ¥700, 豪华套房 Deluxe Suite ¥800, 精英客房 Elite Room ¥800, 行政客房 Club Room ¥960, 行政套房 Club Room ¥1680 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE X 网络界面: Internet access 3 银联及国际 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance Credit Card & Debit Card 东莞喜来登大酒店 Sheraton Dongguan Hotel 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 房价 Room Rate ★★★★★ 东莞市厚街镇 S256 省道莞太路段 0769-8598 8888-88820 / 15989926681 S256 Provincial Highway, Houjie, Dongguan www.sheraton.com/dongguan Ms. Maggie Li 李青青小姐-销售主任 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 5 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 传真 Fax 0769-8599 6616 高级大床房 ¥750 (只含一份早餐), 豪华大床房 ¥830 (只含一份早餐) *额外早餐另加收 RMB147/位 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE X 网络界面: Internet access 3 银联及国际 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance Credit Card & Debit Card 海悦花园大酒店 Haiyatt Garden Hotel ★★★★★ 地址 Address 东莞市厚街镇厚街大道东(镇政府后方) E. Houjie Ave. Houjie Town, Dongguan 电话 Tel 0769-8588 5888-3272 / 18998067288 传真 Fax 网址 Website 联络人 Contact www.haiyatthoujie.com Ms. Jessica Shao 邵玉燕小姐-销售部 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 6 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 房价 Room Rate 雅致单人房 Elite Single Room ¥462, 豪华双人房 Deluxe Twins Room ¥583, 海悦套房 Haiyatt Room ¥682 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE X 网络界面: Internet access 0769-8590 2702 3 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance 东莞厚街国际大酒店 HJ International Hotel 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 房价 Room Rate 附设 Inclusive of 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card ★★★★★ 东莞市厚街镇东风路与 S256 省道交汇处 Intersection of Dong Feng Road & S256 Provinceal Road, Houjie, Dongguan 0769-8508 8888 / 15812833520 0769-8126 9999 传真 Fax www.regalpalacehotels.com/dongguan/in 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 15 分钟 min. ternational/index.asp 洪震东先生-销售部会议经理 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 高级客房 Superior Room ¥600, 精英客房 Elite Room ¥850, 名仕客房 Noble Room ¥890, 高级行政客房 Superior Executive Room ¥750, 精英行政客房 Elite Executive Room ¥950, 名仕行政客房 Noble Executive Room ¥990 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE 3 网络界面: Internet access - 27 - 3 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 【酒店住房介绍 Hotel Accommodation】 东莞富盈雅高美爵酒店 Cinese Hotel Dongguan 地址 Address 电话 Tel ★★★★★ 东莞市广深高速公路东莞东出口东莞大道交汇处 GZ-SZ Highway, Dongguan Exit, Dongguan Guangdong 0769-8588 8888 / 13929238596 传真 Fax 0769-8588 8822 网址 Website 联络人 Contact www.cinesehotel.com 范凤梅-客服主任 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 高级单/双人房 Superior Single/Twin Room ¥460(不含早餐) 高级单/双人房 Superior Single/Twin Room ¥610(含双早餐) 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE 3 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 15 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 网络界面: Internet access 3 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance 嘉映玥精品酒店 Joyc Hotel ★★★★★ 地址 Address 东莞市厚街镇新厚沙路宝龙大厦 A 室(厚街车站斜对面) 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 0769-82683333-6501 / 18988711100 http://weibo.com/joychotel 何小燕小姐-销售经理 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 精品单人房/精品双人房 Deluxe Single/Twin Room ¥420, 90 度景观房 90 View Room ¥580, 映玥套房 Joyc Suite ¥780 网络界面: 前往展馆专车: 早餐: 接受信用卡: 3 3 3 Internet access Shuttle Bus to GDE Breakfast Card Acceptance 附设 Inclusive of 0769-82683338 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 10 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 东莞虎门美思威尔顿酒店 Dongguan Humen Oriental Hotel 地址 Address 东莞市虎门镇虎门大道黄河商业城 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 0769-82888888-8729 / 18998088155 -N/AMs. Judy Shen 申小姐-销售经理 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 高级大床房 ¥633(单早), 高级双床房 ¥713(双早), 豪华大床房 ¥703(单早), 豪华双床房 ¥783(双早) 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE X 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card ★★★★★ 0769-8291 0999 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 25 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 网络界面: Internet access 3 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card 华庭花园酒店 Well Garden Hotel 地址 Address ★★★★ 东莞市厚街镇广东现代国际展览中心南侧 South of Guangdong Modern Int'l Exhibition Centre, Houjie Town, Dongguan 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 0769-8163 3333-1272 / 13609668341 www.wellgardenhotel.com 廖灵群小姐-客户经理 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 标准单人房 Standard Single Room ¥488, 标准双人房 Twin Bed Room ¥508, 豪华单人房 Deluxe Single Room ¥530, 豪华商务套房 Deluxe Business Suite ¥610 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE X 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 电邮 E-mail 网络界面: Internet access - 28 - 3 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance 0769-8163 3322 2 分钟 min. -N/A- 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 【酒店住房介绍 Hotel Accommodation】 珊瑚大酒店 Shan Hu Hotel ★★★★ 地址 Address 东莞市厚街镇 S256 省道珊瑚路口旁 Shanhu Road S256 State Ave., Houjie Town, Dongguan City 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 0769-8582 6888-298 / 13377770030 www.shanhuhotel.com 戴舒华小姐-营销副理 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 豪华房 Deluxe Room ¥268, (单/双人房同价 Same Rate for Single/Twin), 豪华商务客房(大床房) ¥298 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE X 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 电邮 E-mail 网络界面: Internet access 3 0769-8582 9703 5 分钟 min. [email protected] 银联及国际 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance Credit Card & Debit Card 豪京酒店 Sunshine Capital Hotel ★★★★ 地址 Address 东莞市厚街镇 S256 省道珊瑚路口旁 Shanhu Road S256 State Ave., Houjie Town, Dongguan City 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 0769-8589 1888 / 15917699155 -N/A吴娟小姐-销售部经理 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 附设 Inclusive of 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 电邮 E-mail 0769-8589 8811 5 分钟 min. [email protected] 豪华单人房 Deluxe Room ¥238, 行政大床房 Executive Room ¥278, 行政双人房 Executive Twin Room ¥289, 行政套房 Executive Suite ¥450, 商务套房 Business Suite ¥550 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE 3 网络界面: Internet access 3 银联及国际 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance Credit Card & Debit Card 君濠酒店 JunHao Hotel ★★★★ 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 东莞市厚街镇康乐南路(厚街汽车站后侧) Kangle South Road, Houjie Town, Dongguan 0769-8998 6688-8111 / 18666863079 0769-8998 8686 传真 Fax www.9ddf.com/hotel/7271.html 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 5 分钟 min. 刘洪江-销售主任 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 高级单人房 Superior Single Room ¥178, 豪华单人房 Deluxe Single Room ¥178, 豪华双人房 Deluxe Twin Room¥208 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE 3 网络界面: Internet access 3 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card 江龙大酒店 Jiang Long Hotel ★★★★ 地址 Address 东莞市厚街镇 107 国道边 107 National Road, Houjie, Dongguan 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 0769-8583 8888-129 / 13538379892 www.9ddf.com/hotel/3314.html 梁裕亮小姐-营销部 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 电邮 E-mail 房价 Room Rate 附设 Inclusive of 0769-8589 9968 6 分钟 min. -N/A- 豪华单人房 ¥240, 豪华双人房 ¥250, 行政单人房 ¥280, 行政双人房 ¥290, 商务 套房 ¥370, 行政 套房 ¥500 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE 3 网络界面: Internet access - 29 - 3 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 【酒店住房介绍 Hotel Accommodation】 文怡酒店 Wenyi Hotel ★★★★ 地址 Address 东莞市厚街镇 S256 省道厚街路段 107 National Way, Houjie Town, Dongguan 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 0769-8505 8888-1118 / 13556729127 www.wenyihotel.com 王敏小姐-市场营销部 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 0769-8599 4433 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 6 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 房价 Room Rate 附设 Inclusive of 标准单人房 Standard Single Room ¥228 / 258*, 豪华单人房 Deluxe Single Room ¥248 / 298*, 豪华双人房 Deluxe Twin Room ¥258 / 308*, 豪华蒸气房 Deluxe Steam Room ¥258, 商务套房 Business Suite ¥318 / 378* *注:此酒店部份房间已装修,有"*"号为已装修房间之新价格,敬请留意。 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE 网络界面: Internet access 3 3 银联及国际 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance Credit Card & Debit Card 水舞悦氏酒店 The Q Hotel ★★★★ 地址 Address 东莞市厚街镇珊美富康路 1 号 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 0769-8169 6888 / 13829153454 www.theq-hotel.com 温群丽小姐-销售部 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 高级单人房 Superior Room King ¥368, 豪华单/双人房 Deluxe Room King/Twin ¥400, 行政客房 Executive Room King ¥488, 悦氏套房 Q Suite ¥588 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE No. 1, Shanmeifukang Rd., Houjie Town, Donnguan City X 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 电邮 E-mail 网络界面: Internet access 3 0769-8156 8777 10 分钟 min. [email protected] 银联及国际 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance Credit Card & Debit Card 康帝俱乐部酒店 Kande Club Hotel ★★★★ 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 东莞市厚街镇康乐南路 0769-8588 9988-8812 / 18002709092 www.kandehotel.com 何秀鸣小姐-房务经理 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive 房价 Room Rate 高级客房大床 ¥396, 高级客房双床 ¥421, 豪华客房 ¥475, 豪华套房 ¥836, 行政套房 ¥1568 附设 Inclusive of 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE X KangLe Road, Houjie Town, Dongguan 0769-8592 7666 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 10 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 网络界面: Internet access 3 银联及国际 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance Credit Card & Debit Card 银座商务酒店 Ginza Hotel Hotel 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website 联络人 Contact 房价 Room Rate 附设 Inclusive of ★ ★ ★ 东莞市厚街镇家具大道 3 号 0769-8588 2828 / 13412365208 -N/A肖艳平小姐-市场营销部 以下房价已含服务费 Service chg. Inclusive No.3, Kangle Road south, Houjie, Dongguan 0769-8505 1288 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 10 分钟 min. 电邮 E-mail [email protected] 单人房 Single Room ¥238, 双人房 Twin Room ¥258, 套房 Sile Room ¥680 早餐: Breakfast 3 前往展馆专车: Shuttle Bus to GDE X 网络界面: Internet access 3 接受信用卡: Card Acceptance 银联及国际 Credit Card & Debit Card 注意 ※ 订房时,请使用第 31 页之酒店订房表。 ※ 以上房间价格及服务資料,全由酒店提供,只供参考,最终收费及服务标准,由酒店自行决定,请直接与 酒店方联络查询。 ※ 客人须自行与酒店方确认房间,大会不作代订。 - 30 - 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 酒店订房表 HOTEL RESERVATION FORM 订房酒店 Hotel Name: 日期 Date: 填选类别 Type: □预订 Reservation 订房资料 Reservation Information □修改 Amendment 订房 Booking 1 订房 Booking 2 宾客姓名 1 Guest Name: 宾客姓名 2 Guest Name: 到达日期 Arrival Date: 离开日期 Departure Date: 房间种类 Type of Room: 晚数 No. of Night: 付款方式 Method of Payment: 公司名称 Company Name: 地址 Address: 订房者 Booked By: 传真 Fax : 电话 Tel. : 特别要求 Special Request: 信用咭订房资料 Credit Card Guarantee Information 持咭者姓名 Name of Card Holder: 信用咭类别 Type of Card: 信用咭到期日 Expiry Date: 信用咭号码 Card Number: 持咭者签名 Signature: <Hotel Confirmation 酒店回复确认> 房间价格 Room Rate: 日期 Date: 经手人 Confirmed By: 备注 Special Remark: - 31 - □取消 Cancellation 订房 Booking 3 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 【其它酒店资料 Others Hotel Info】 *以下酒店房价请自行与酒店联络 ★ ★ ★ ★ 思锐商旅酒店 Sirui Tourist Hotel 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website 东莞市厚街镇厚街大道 18 号 No.18 Houjie E. Ave. Houjie Town, Donnguan 0769-8156 8111 传真 Fax NIL 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 波士酒店 Boss Hotel 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website ★ ★ ★ 东莞市厚街镇新凰凰路 88 号 No.88 Fenghuang Road, Xintang, Houjie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong 0769-8508 3888 / 13827284818 传真 Fax 0769-8558 8008 www.bosshotel.net 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 5 分钟 min. 格林豪泰酒店 GREENTREE INN 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website ★ 东莞厚街镇 S256 省道莞太路厚街路段 S256 Province Highway Between Guantai Road, Houjie 0769-8583 2998 / 18925550708 传真 Fax www.greentree.com.cn 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 富康旅馆 Fu Kang Hotel 东莞市厚街镇康乐南路 87 号 87 Kangle Road South, Houjie Town, Dongguan 电话 Tel 网址 Website 0769-8588 6333 NIL 传真 Fax 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE 欧陆商务酒店 Euro Business Hotel 电话 Tel 网址 Website 龙御阁旅馆 Dragons Hotel 地址 Address 电话 Tel 网址 Website - 32 - ★ 0769-8163 7889 1 分钟 min. ★ 东莞市厚街镇康乐南路 (上岛咖啡正对面) Kangle Road South, Houjie, Dongguan 0769-8575 8388, 8575 6669 传真 Fax NIL 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE ★ 0769-8590 6668 5 分钟 min. ★ 东莞市厚街镇家具大道 9 号 No. 9 Furniture Boulevard,Houjie Town, Dongguan 0769-8163 7888 传真 Fax NIL 距展馆车程 Drive to GDE ★ 0769-8588 2008 5 分钟 min. ★ 地址 Address 地址 Address 0769-8152 9588 7 分钟 min. 0769-8575 5777 10 分钟 min. ★ 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 展 会 地 图 Exhibition Hall Location Map - 33 - 第十五届中国(东莞)国际纺织制衣工业技术展 暨 第九届华南国际缝制设备展 The 15th China (Dongguan) Int’l Textile & Clothing Industry Fair / The 9th South China Int’l Sewing Machinery & Accessories Show 第 十 五 届 中 国 (东 莞) 国 际 鞋 机 鞋 材 工 业 技 术 展 The 15th China (Dongguan) International Footwear Machinery & Material Industry Fair 交 通 指 南 Traffic Information 1) 广州白云机场 展馆 Y展会期间附设免费穿梭巴士 乘坐机场 1 号快线 民航售票处(火车站旁边) (07:00~航班结束,約每 20 分钟一班,¥16) 选择 1) 广州市汽车站(火车站对面) Æ 沙田镇(途经展馆) (06:30~20:30,每 15 分钟一班,¥40) 选择 2) 广州市汽车站(火车站对面) Æ 厚街专线车站 (06:30~20:30,每 15 分钟一班,¥35) 往来以下地点 1. 虎门黄河商业城ÅÆ广深港高铁虎门站ÅÆ展馆 (每 30 分钟一班) 2. 厚街专线车站ÅÆ 厚街汽车总站ÅÆ 展馆 (每 30 分钟一班) 1Y可换乘大会免费穿梭巴士到展馆 2) 深圳国际机场 展馆 在机场门口乘搭:蛇口 Æ 东莞汽车总站 转乘:乘坐东莞 虎门(途经展馆) 3) 广州、东莞、深圳火车站 a) (07:30~20:30,每 1 小时一班,¥50) (06:30~18:30,每 10 分钟一班,约¥6) 展馆 广州火车站 展馆 选择 1) 广州市汽车站(火车站对面) Æ 沙田镇(途经展馆) (06:30~20:30,每 15 分钟一班,¥40) 选择 2) 广州市汽车站(火车站对面) Æ 厚街专线车站 (06:30~20:30,每 15 分钟一班,¥35) 1Y可换乘大会免费穿梭巴士到展馆 选择 3) 省汽车站(火车站旁边) Æ 厚街汽车总站 (06:30~20:30,每 30 分钟一班,¥38) 1Y可换乘大会免费穿梭巴士到展馆 b) 东莞火车站(常平) 展馆 乘坐 92 路公共汽车Æ厚街汽车总站 (06:10~18:00,每 30 分钟一班,约¥20) 1Y可换乘大会免费穿梭巴士到展馆 c) 深圳火车站 展馆 罗湖商业城汽车站Æ厚街专线车站 (07:35~21:05,每 30 分钟一班,¥45) 1Y可换乘大会免费穿梭巴士到展馆 4) 厚街 广州、深圳、中山、顺德等主要城市 a) 厚街汽车总站(省道 S256) ÅÆ - 广州(省汽车总站) 深圳(福田) 中山(石岐) 顺德(途经伦教) 珠海(拱北汽车站) 花都 佛山 5) 香港 (06:30~20:30,每 30 分钟一班,¥40) (07:00~19:00,每 60 分钟一班,¥40) (07:35~18:00,每 40 分钟一班,¥50) (4 班:07:30/08:30/13:30/14:50,¥55) (08:20~18:30,每 1.5 小時一班¥70) (08:35~19:00,每 60 分钟一班,¥45) (07:00~18:45,每 60 分钟一班,¥51) b) 厚街专线车站 - Æ 深圳(罗湖商业城 2 号位) 中山(石岐) 珠海(拱北汽车站) 番禺(市桥汽车站) (05:35~19:30,每 30 分钟一班,¥45) (07:30~18:00,每 30 分钟一班,¥55) (08:50~18:30,每 60 分钟一班,¥70) (07:30~18:30,每 60 分钟一班,¥35) 厚街展館 选择 1) 24 小时跨境快线 深圳皇岗口岸(http://cepa.com.hk) 上车点:湾仔/太子/观塘/油尖/荃湾/元朗 轉乘皇岗口岸 厚街喜来登酒店(中旅大巴¥ 60,皇岗开 8:25,9:25...每小时 1 班) 查询: 0755-8339 1086 选择 2) 中旅大巴(香港) 厚街喜来登酒店 (车费 HK$100 起,全程约 3 小时,约每小时一班) 查询:852-2998 7888;www.ctshk.com 6) 虎门黄河商业城 广深港高铁虎门站 展馆 香港买家可乘港铁东铁线至落马洲站,过境于福田口岸转乘深圳地铁至深圳北站,转乘广深港高铁虎门站下车, 1Y可换乘大会免费穿梭巴士到展馆 广州买家可乘广深港高铁广州南站至虎门站下车, 1Y可换乘大会免费穿梭巴士到展馆 以上資料,只供参考,如有任何改更,恕不另行通知 - 34 -
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