May 23, 2014 To:

May 23, 2014
Paramedic Chiefs, Deputy Chiefs, Managers, Educational Personnel and Operational Paramedics of:
Halton Region Paramedic Services, Peel Regional Paramedic Services , County of Simcoe Paramedic
Services, Muskoka Emergency Medical Services, Beausoleil First Nation Emergency Medical Services,
Rama First Nation Emergency Medical Services, and Toronto Emergency Medical Services.
Rob Acheson, Blake Forsyth, Base Hospital Patch Physicians, Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital
program staff
From: Maud Huiskamp
SUBJECT: Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital Policies & Procedures Manual 2014
It is with great pleasure that I am able to share the 2014 Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital Policies &
Procedure Manual with you. The creation of this completely revised manual spanned over two years and
includes significant input from base hospital staff, Medical Directors, as well as Paramedic Chiefs and front line
paramedics. The updated Policies & Procedures Manual will ensure that there is a single policy document for all
Paramedic Services, and their respective paramedics affiliated with the Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital
Program. This document will replace the 2006 version effective immediately.
The most current version of the Sunnybrook Regional Base Hospital Policies & Procedures Manual will remain
posted on our website at the link below which you can use for bookmarking purposes.
Paramedics will be given an orientation to the manual at the next scheduled compulsory CME cycle. Please
contact the Sunnybrook Manager of Paramedic Practice for your service with any questions you have regarding
the manual:
Beausoleil, Muskoka, Rama, Simcoe
Halton, Peel
Sioban Kennedy
Scott Gorsline
Sue Thomson
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thank you for your prehospital care when it matters most in patients’ lives.
Maud Huiskamp, ACP, CQIA
Senior Manager, Regional Base Hospital Program
Regional Base Hospital