900 Daisy Bates Drive Little Rock, Arkansas 72202 Founded 1877 NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE, Inc. OPERATIONAL MANUAL 2012 Revision of Alumni Handbook Dear Philander Smith College Alumni, In 2010, National Alumni Association President Erma Williams appointed an ad hoc committee to review the Alumni Handbook and determine what needed to be updated, added, deleted, or remain in the document. The ad hoc committee, composed of the members listed below, reviewed very carefully every page of the handbook and made the following major changes. The first thing you will notice is that the name has changed. While some may feel that there is little difference in the two terms handbook and manual, the committee feels that “Operational Manual” better describes what we want the document to be. See our reasoning below. • The handbook is sometimes considered as a reference tool designed to be easily consulted and provide quick answers on a certain subject. It is also sometimes seen as a pocket reference that is intended to be carried at all times. • The Operational Manual, on the other hand, is seen as a more detailed reference to serve as a guide for organizations such as ours. It provides information pertaining to the duties and responsibilities for officers and members and approved methods of operation and time frames. It also provides descriptions of activities and how they are to be organized and managed. Other significant changes are: • Added the current College logo. It was added for consistency since it is placed on all college communications and publications: Letterhead, business cards, note pads, signs, promotional and recruiting items. • Deleted some details regarding the establishment of the Association. The information in the “Brief History” section outlines when the Association was incorporated and who was involved in the process. It also gives some background information about the first charter. Other details of the establishment are on file at the College and can be obtained upon request. • Included current membership fees. • Added a map of the regional boundaries. • Included the July 2003 revision of the Constitution and By-Laws. • Placed the Constitution and By-laws at the back of the Operational Manual as a separate document. The Constitution and By-Laws establish the broad structure and fundamental principles of the Association and outline the rules and procedures. Therefore, they should always be included in this manual. We recommend that the manual be updated by the current president or his/her designee(s) as frequently as changes occur. i Suggestions and proposed improvements are welcomed and should be sent to the President of the National Alumni Association. Sincerely, THE AD HOC COMMITTEE Herman L. Davis Sandra Davis Minnie G. Glover Barbara Brock Jordan, Chairperson Harry Roberson, Jr. Shirley Tolefree, Proofreader Lillie B. Tyler-Paddio Erma L. Williams, ex-officio ii CONTENTS Letter from the Ad Hoc Committee ------------------------------------------------ i-ii The College Shield ------------------------------------------------------------------The College Seal --------------------------------------------------------------------The College Logo/Slogan/Tagline ------------------------------------------------The College Motto ------------------------------------------------------------------The College Presidents -------------------------------------------------------------The College Accreditations and Degrees------------------------------------------The College Song -------------------------------------------------------------------The College Hymn ------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 The National Alumni Association -------------------------------------------------Purpose ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Brief History ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 6 6-7 NAAPSC Operational Manual ------------------------------------------------------Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------Membership in the NAAPSC ------------------------------------------------------Organization Structure of the NAAPSC ------------------------------------------The Functions of the Alumni Chapter --------------------------------------------Forming a Philander Smith College Chapter ------------------------------------NAAPSC Relationship with the National Alumni Council (NAC) of the United Negro College Fund, Inc. (UNCF) ----------------------------------------NAAPSC Funds and Scholarships -------------------------------------------------Guidelines for the National Convention -----------------------------------------Procedures for Handling Expenditures and Income ----------------------------- 8 8 8-9 9 9-10 10-16 Appendix A, NAAPSC Officers, 2012-2014 ----------------------------------------Appendix B, Model Organization Structure of the NAAPSC ---------------------Appendix C, NAAPSC Regional Map -----------------------------------------------Appendix D, Official Membership Roster Form -----------------------------------Appendix E, At-Large Membership Form ------------------------------------------Appendix F, Life Membership Form ------------------------------------------------Appendix G, Application for a Charter ---------------------------------------------Appendix H, Muldrew Scholarship Application ------------------------------------Appendix I, NAAPSC Expense Voucher --------------------------------------------Appendix J, NAAPSC Voucher Register Form -------------------------------------Appendix K, NAAPSC Check Register Form ---------------------------------------- 21-22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29-30 31 32 33 Constitution and By-Laws iii 16 17-18 19 19-20 Our Symbols THE COLLEGE SHIELD The Cross symbolizes our Christian origin and Heritage. The Hammer and Anvil indicate industry and hard work. These attributes were essential to the Smiths when family names were of great significance. The Rose is an emblem of Love. The word “Philander” is derived from the Greek word for Love. The Lamp stands for learning and truth as expressed in the Legend. The Open Book stands for Knowledge. The Latin, “VERITAS EST LUX,” means “Truth is Light”. The Shield reflects the heritage of all colleges/universities. It is used for ceremonies, and special events. It first appeared in 1953 as part of the Honor System (then called the Coat of Arms). THE COLLEGE SEAL The Seal is a legal mark of the college with watermarks. It is used on official documents, buildings and plaques. It first appeared in 1937. THE COLLEGE LOGO/SLOGAN/TAG LINE The Logo is placed on all communications and publications: Letterhead, business cards, note pads, signs, promotional and recruiting items, etc. It first appeared around 2000. The Slogan/Tag Line is a memorable phrase used to sum up the premise of the brand. It is brief evocative, and implies what we do and what we stand for. It is different from the Motto. 4 THE COLLEGE MOTO “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” THE COLLEGE PRESIDENTS The Reverend Thomas Mason The Reverend James M. Cox The Reverend George C. Taylor Dr. Marquis L. Harris Dr. Roosevelt D. Crockett Dr. Ernest T. Dixon Dr. Walter R. Hazzard Dr. Grant S. Shockley Dr. Hazo W. Carter, Jr. Dr. Myer L. Titus Dr. Trudie Kibbe Reed Dr. Walter F. Kimbrough Dr. Johnnie Moore 1877-1896 1896-1924 1924-1936 1936-1960 1961-1964 1965-1969 1969-1979 1980-1983 1983-1987 1987-1998 1998-2004 2004-2012 2012- ACCREDITATIONS AND DEGREES North Central Association of Colleges and Schools National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education Association for Collegiate and Business Schools and Programs Council on Social Work Education Offers four degrees: the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Business Administration, and the Bachelor of Social Work. THE COLLEGE SONG Dear Alma Mater, tried and true, We’ll win respect and love for you, We Pledge our hearts to you each day. To do our best at work, at play. Dear PSC, when from your fold We’ll lift the dear old green and gold; O’er Alma Mater vigil keep, her high ideals we’ll strive to meet. When college days are at an end, our hearts will ever toward you bend; With loyalty We’ll always be a part of you, dear PSC. THE COLLEGE HYMN Philander Smith, oh how we love thy name. Your rich tradition brought to you much fame. Through years of service you have grown to be: A place of wisdom, love, humility. Philander Smith, when we are far away, From your great teachings we will never stray. You’ve giv’n a gift none other could ever give. A wholesome and abundant life to live. Philander Smith, your high ideals we’ll keep: A Christian heart, and love for truth, we’ll seek: We’ll know the Truth and it shall make us free; Thy fruits shall grow through all eternity. 5 THE NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE, INC. (NAAPSC) Purpose The Purposes of the NAAPSC, as stated in the July 2003 revision of the Constitution and By-Laws, are: 1. Promote the general welfare of Philander Smith College. 2. Promote close relationships among the Philander Smith College administration, faculty, students, graduates, former students and supporters. 3. Promote, encourage and recruit students for enrollment in the College. 4. Encourage, support and enhance high educational standards at Philander Smith College. 5. Provide support services to Philander Smith College in accordance with its status as a nonprofit organization. 6. Provide support to the United Negro College Fund and its affiliate, the National Alumni Council in accordance with its status as a nonprofit organization. Brief History*: “There are records suggesting that efforts to organize a National Alumni Association dates back to 1897 (National Alumni Association Bulletin No. 6, December 1979). “The Philanderian, a quarterly review edited by the faculty, students and alumni of Philander Smith College, published in its December issue of 1938 that the Chicago Chapter was interested in organizing a National Alumni Association 41 years ago. “In 1938, there were two alumni chapters, Little Rock and Chicago. “It is possible that the groundwork was laid in 1955 for our present association; however, we do know that the framer of our modern constitution met December 30, 1956. “It is believed that the first Charter was issued to the Little Rock Chapter on March 2, 1967. “The NAAPSC was duly incorporated on April 15, 1974, under the presidency of Robert Nelson. “The principal office or place of business was located at Philander Smith College, 812 West Thirteenth (renamed 900 Daisy Bates Drive), Little Rock, Pulaski County, Arkansas.” The resident agent for the Corporation was Willie Mae Shockley. The initial Board of Directors (since renamed Executive Board) consisted of seven persons. Members of the initial Board were: Richard King, Robert Nelson, Lavada Mason, Henrietta H. Torrence, Allene W. Oliver, B.H. Muldrew, and Willie Mae Shockley. 6 “The incorporators were: Robert Nelson, Lavada Mason, Henrietta H. Torrence, Allene W. Oliver, and Willie Mae Shockley. “The Articles of Incorporation were signed on April 15, 1974, in the presence of Aubrey Taylor, Notary Public. The document was prepared by John M. Bilheimer, Attorney at Law.” The Association was not granted tax exemption until 1999. This was accomplished largely through the efforts of Herman Davis, Treasurer of the NAAPSC at that time. This exemption continues in force with the Internal Revenue as of this date. *Historical information listed above, with the exception of taxation exemption, was taken from the NAAPSC Alumni Handbook revised 1994. 7 THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OPERATIONAL MANUAL Introduction: This manual provides information pertinent to the operations of the NAAPSC. It has been prepared specifically for use by the following: • • • • • • Organized alumni chapters. Alumni seeking to organize chapters. Alumni seeking to revitalize or reactivate their chapters. National Alumni Association Officers. NAAPSC Committee Chairs. Other members of the Association as designated by the NAAPSC President. Membership in the NAAPSC: Membership in the NAAPSC: (Regular, At-Large, Life, Associate and Honorary) • • • • Regular Membership At-Large Membership Life Membership Associate Membership $ 50.00 $ 55.00 $1,000.00 $ 50.00 Any graduate, former student or associate of the College may become a member of the National Alumni Association by paying the prescribed dues set by the association for the following memberships. (See Membership Applications, Appendices D, E and F.) Regular Membership Any graduate, former student, or associate who wishes to be become affiliated with a local chapter, may become a Regular Member by paying both the prescribed national and local dues through that chapter. • National Dues The local chapter must submit membership dues to the financial secretary no later than January 31, using Appendix D, the Official Membership Roster form. The current rate for each member is listed above. Each local chapter must also remit to the financial secretary an annual chapter renewal fee of $20 along with the Official Membership Roster by January 31. • Local Dues In addition to paying dues to the National Alumni Association, members are also required to pay dues to the local chapter. The amount is to be determined by the local chapter, and these dues stay with the chapter. At-Large Membership Any graduates, former student or associate that is not affiliated with a chapter may become an 8 At-Large Member by paying the prescribed dues directly to the financial secretary no later than January 31. The current rate for the At-Large Member is listed above. Life Membership Any graduate, former student or associate may become a Life Member of the NAAPSC by paying a one-time fee of $1,000.00. Payment for the Life Membership dues may be paid in three years. The initial payment is $250.00 with the remaining balance of $750.00 to be paid over the next three years. The Life Membership Application, Appendix F, should be completed and sent to the Financial Secretary at the time of the first installment. Upon completion of the installment payment plan, a life membership certificate and a permanent life membership card will be issued to the member. Associate Member Any person ascribing to the goals and philosophy of the Association may become an Associate member upon fulfillment of financial obligations. Honorary Member Anyone selected by The Association for acceptance and designation as Honorary. Organizational Structure of the NAAPSC The officers of the Association are the President, Vice President, Recording Secretary. Financial Secretary, and Treasurer. The names and addresses of the 2012-2014 officers can be found in Appendix A. As of January 1, 2010, four regions have been organized and functioning as cooperating units of the NAAPSC. The President of each region is appointed by the President of the NAAPSC at the beginning of his/her term of office. Regional designations include Far West, Midwest, Central American, and Eastern. (See Regional Map, Appendix C.) The duties and responsibilities of all officers and committee members are located in Constitution and By-Laws, pages 5-8, which is included as a separate document in this manual. As of January 1, 2012, nineteen chapters are affiliated with the NAAPC. Chapter presidents are elected by local alumni. The purpose, function and responsibility of the chapter are listed below. A model of the organizational structure of the NAAPSC can be found in Appendix B. The Functions of the Alumni Chapter: The fundamental purpose of a National Alumni Chapter is to organize graduates and former students, who reside in a city or in close proximity, into a unified body affiliated with the National Alumni Association. It is the vehicle which fosters the advancement of the College and programs which directly influence higher education. Efforts and services rendered in the name of a Philander Smith College Alumni Chapter strengthen the image of the College, in a particular local community. 9 An alumni chapter networks between the College, its former students, and a particular community. It functions as a cohesive bond bringing all these elements together to achieve a common goal. Chapters network with the NAAPSC through the Regional President, but may also network directly with the NAAPSC. The Alumni Affairs Office and the National Alumni Association will work in concert to generate more support among alumni, to organize new chapters, to revitalize inactive chapters and to support active chapters. An alumni chapter may establish such specific objectives as: • Providing a medium through which former students and graduates may communicate with each other. • Assisting alumni in keeping abreast of recent developments, policies, programs, and progress of Philander Smith College. • Promoting increased involvement on the part of the alumni in academic cultural, and student activities at Philander Smith College. • Coordinating programs to recruit students who demonstrate potential for high academic achievement. • Assisting the Alumni Affairs Office at the College in locating and maintaining current alumni names, addresses and careers. • Supporting the Alumni fund-raising activities. • Generating interest and attendance at special college activities such as Commencement, Founder’s Day, athletic events, important social and civic events that involve Alumni. • Assisting the College in cultivating support from United Methodist Churches, special foundations, and businesses. • Helping Philander Smith College to achieve its desired goals. As individual alumni chapters progress, other worthwhile purposes may develop. Chapter leadership should be cognizant of local talents, interests, and needs as it relates to formulating and responding to alumni chapter purposes. • Providing financial support to the college administration when necessary for scholarship aid and operational expenses to the college. Forming a Philander Smith College Alumni Chapter: (See Appendix G) A Philander Smith College Alumni Chapter may be organized by: • Five (5) or more individuals may establish an alumni chapter. Three (3) of the five (5) must be graduates of Philander Smith College. • The Alumni Affairs Office deciding that a chapter would be beneficial to the College in a certain area providing there is enough potential membership in the area. 10 Whether the initiative originates from the alumni of the College, the initial organizing steps must be taken by the alumni. The Alumni Affairs Office is always willing to render assistance to the interested group. National Alumni Affairs Office Responsibility: When a group of at least five (5) alumni and associates want to organize a chapter, the Alumni Affairs will: • Provide a list of names and addresses of all known alumni in the area. • Provide copies of the Alumni Operational Manual, a sample chapter constitution with sample program suggestions, and a copy of the National Constitution. • Send a representative of the Alumni Affairs Office to assist the organizational meeting, if the Regional President or National President is not available. • Provide any other available information which the group requests and deems necessary in the initial organization stages. Local Alumni Group Responsibility: The Alumni Affairs Office recommends that the following steps be taken by a group seeking to establish a new chapter or to reactivate a chapter. Secure from the Alumni Affairs Office: • A list of names and addresses of alumni residing in the area. • Several copies of the Philander Smith College, Alumni Operational Manual. • Suggestions and information from persons who might be willing to assist with the organization of the chapter or from whose experience the group will profit. • Information concerning efforts of a chapter organized in the area and the names of former officers and members. Organize a Steering Committee Meeting: • All Alumni in the area should be invited to this meeting. A representative of the Alumni Affairs Office should be invited to attend this meeting. Where there are a limited number of alumni residing in an area, distance should be considered. This meeting may also serve as the Organizational Meeting. • A temporary chairperson should be elected until regular chapter officers are elected. • The temporary chairperson should appoint: 1. A Nominating Committee to prepare a slate of officers to be presented at the Organizational Meeting. A Constitution and By-Laws Committee to prepare a basic form of organization for the chapter. 11 2. Other persons to assume responsibility of arranging the initial meeting and its related chores. • Decide upon a date, place, and time for the Organizational Meeting Conduct an Organizational Meeting: • Review briefly the purpose of an alumni chapter. • Introduce the chairman of the temporary Nominating Committee and hear the committee’s report. After the slate has been presented, nominations may come from the floor. • Elect new chapter officers. • Present the constitution prepared by the Constitution and By-Laws Committee and vote on it. • Obtain names of alumni willing to serve on chapter committees. • Discuss chapter program budget and determine chapter dues. • Allow sufficient time for fellowship period. • Send the names, addresses, national dues and charter fees to the financial secretary. Follow up the Organizational Meeting: • Send a report of the Organizational Meeting to the Alumni Affairs Office and the National Alumni President. Include names of officers and copy of adopted chapter constitution. • Send a brief report of the chapter’s Organizational Meeting to the area alumni who were unable to attend the first meeting. • Give coverage of the proceedings to the local newspapers. Proceed now as an organized alumni chapter. Role of Elected Chapter Officers and Committees The effectiveness of your chapter program depends on you, the elected officers. Your selection is an indication of the confidence the alumni have in your leadership and guidance. The resourcefulness and vigor displayed by your members in attaining chapter goals will be in proportion to the quality of your success in assuming your designated responsibilities. Some duties of the elected officer are cited below. However, based on the talents and resources in your chapter, you may add others to your chapter constitution. Elected Chapter Officers President • Presides at all chapter and executive committee meetings. 12 • Is an ex-officio member of all committees, advising and encouraging, but not encroaching upon their responsibilities. • Assumes responsibility for the success of each activity and project the club undertakes. • Represents the chapter at designated National Alumni Association Conventions or special activities. • Represents the College within local area when necessary. • Compiles promptly with requests from the National Officers and Alumni Office for information about chapter affairs. • Cultivates new members for the chapter. • Keeps the chapter membership informed of important institutional developments and National Alumni Association affairs. • Acts as hostess to special guests of the chapter. • Nurtures new leadership within the chapter and seeks to encourage widespread involvement. • Prepares an annual report of the chapter’s program and sends a copy to the National Alumni President at the end of each calendar year. Vice President • Performs the duties of the president in his/her absence. • Assists the president in fulfillment of his/her duties. • Executes any other assignments given to him/her by the president. (The vice president is often asked to assume the chairmanship of standing or special committee, usually fundraising, program, or membership.) • Helps the president prepare the chapter’s annual report. Recording Secretary • Takes the minutes of all chapter and executive committee meetings to be maintained as a permanent record which can be passed on and referred to for future reference. • Compiles committee and individual reports. • Maintains and updates chapter roster. • Assists the Membership Committee’s fundraising solicitations. • Informs the Alumni Affairs Office of any newsworthy chapter events or membership achievements. 13 • Sends list of new officers and members to the National President, Financial Secretary, Regional President and Alumni Affairs Office. (See Application for a Local Chapter of NAAPSC, Appendix G.) Financial Secretary • Assists the Membership Committee in fundraising solicitation by maintaining accurate records of the membership’s contributions. • Coordinates the distribution of membership cards with the corresponding secretary. • Receives all monies belonging to the chapter and make permanent records of all financial transactions. • Presents a monthly financial statement with the treasurer’s report. • Maintains an accurate record of the complete (dues, contributions and donations) financial standing of each member. • Provides the recording secretary with a complete list of financial members in the chapter. Treasurer • Receives the chapter funds; writes checks for the financial obligations of the chapter, and keep an accurate permanent record of all financial transactions. • Coordinates, with appropriate officers, the distribution of membership cards upon receipt from the National Financial Secretary. • Presents quarterly financial reports. • Signs, with the president, all written financial obligations and contracts, including vouchers for disbursement of chapter funds. • Arranges annual audit of financial records and present results to chapter in the annual report. Other officers include the Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Parliamentarian, and Sergeant-atArms. Chapter Committees The alumni chapter should have various standing committees. The number, size and types of committees will be determined by the purposes and scope of the chapter’s annual program. While distributing the workload among chapter members, committees also serve to provide opportunities for members to work with each other and make a contribution to the success of the chapter. The constitution of the chapter usually indicates the standing committees and authorizes their appointment by the president or executive committee. In some cases, the chairpersons are permitted to name other members for their respective committee. 14 Some of the traditional standing committees and their responsibilities are: Membership Committee • Conducts an annual membership drive. • Contacts alumni moving into the area and acquaints them with the chapter program. The Alumni Affairs Office will notify the chapter president of alumni moving into his/her respective area. • Assists the corresponding secretary in keeping a current list of active chapter members. • Prepares written notices and publicity of upcoming meetings or special events. • Organizes a telephone committee for chapter members. Program Committee • Shares with executive committee the responsibility of planning the total year’s program. • Appoints a committee member to take charge of a program for each meeting. • Arranges the entertainment, special activity, physical facilities, and necessary equipment. • Selects, when the occasion demands program, speakers, toastmasters, masters of ceremonies, music, etc. • Provides a place on the program or agenda for the introduction of new members. • Designates a member of the committee to act as hostess at each meeting in the absence of a hospitality committee or hostess grouping. Recruitment Committee • Arranges special recruitment activities in the area high schools, churches, youth organizations, etc., for colleges or chapter representatives; distributes posters and publications. • Plans chapter recruitment programs to acquaint area youth with Philander Smith College. In some cases, College Day Fairs may be planned which include representatives from other Black colleges. • Coordinates small and large group visitations to the College with the assistance of the Admissions and Recruitment Offices. • Arranges activities for the parents of prospective Philander Smith College students to acquaint them with its policies and programs. • Maintains close contact with college Admissions and Recruitment personnel; keeps updated college publications in supply. • Informs the Admissions and Recruitment Offices of prospective student pools in the area. 15 • Sends a current listing of high school counselors to the Recruitment Office. • Coordinates local alumni recruitment workshops for chapter members. A representative from the College may be invited to assist in this endeavor. Publicity Committee • Establishes working relationship with appropriate newspaper editors and broadcast personnel; invites them to newsworthy events. • Arranges for publicity prior to and following the chapter meetings or special events. • Arranges for pictures to be taken in advance and/or during the chapter activity. • Contacts the Alumni Affairs Office regarding information and pictures of college and National Alumni Association speakers which are required for advance publicity. • Publicizes not only chapter activities, but news of chapter member achievements and honors • Sends copies of information to the Alumni Affairs Office for publication in The Philanderian. NAAPSC Relationship with the National Alumni Council (NAC) of the United Negro College Fund, Inc. (UNCF) The NAC is a UNCF sponsored organization of concerned graduates, current students and individuals who want to advance the cause of black higher education. Its mission is to support, promote, influence and strengthen Historically Black Colleges and Universities. NAC endeavors to accomplish this mission by: • • • • • Raising funds for UNCF member colleges and universities. Recruiting students for UNCF member institutions. Encouraging cooperation among black alumni groups and friends of black higher education. Providing a national forum for educational issues. Stimulating public awareness and interest in Historically Black Colleges and Universities. NAAPSC through its affiliation with NAC works to cultivate and build an alumni support base for UNCF. This is accomplished by encouraging alumni to support local programs of UNCF InterAlumni Councils throughout the country. In areas where there is no Inter-Alumni Council, alumni are encouraged to support programs of UNCF Area Offices. NAAPSC has been a member of NAC in good standing since its found in 1946. To remain in good standing, annual membership dues are required. Business of the organization is conducted at the annual conference and board meetings. Throughout the years, members of NAAPSC have played active roles in the governance of NAC. Philander Smith College is the recipient of an annual grant and special stipends from UNCF. For information on UNCF Area Offices and Inter-Alumni Councils, please access: www.uncf.org. 16 National Alumni Association Funds and Scholarships: The Funds and Scholarships Alumni Endowment Fund The first large scale fund-raiser of NAAPSC (the “Association”) came under the leadership of Mr. Richard King in 1975. The goal was to raise $500,000 over a period of four (4) years that could be used to make annual contributions to the College from the earnings of the Endowment Funds. Members were challenged to make pledges and contribution to the Fund to be paid over a period of four (4) years. In accordance with the By-Laws of the Association, a resolution was approved on March 8, 1975, that allowed for the establishment of the NAAPSC Endowment Fund. The National Treasurer was empowered to open a separate interest bearing account at a bank for the Endowment Funds. Subsequent amendments to the resolution now allow the Treasurer to invest the Funds in other marketable investment type instruments to include stocks, bonds and government securities. Objective/Purpose: To raise funds that can be invested and the earnings can be used to make annual contributions to the College. Plan: To have each member of the Association donate $100.00 annually to the fund. The Committee: The NAAPSC Endowment Fund is operated under the control of the elected officials of the Associations with duties and responsibilities assigned to the Endowment Committee and the Finance Committee. The combined Endowment Committee and Finance Committee shall consist of no less than three (3) financial members of the Association to include the Treasurer, and no more than five f (5) financial members, including the Treasurer, that are in good standing with the Association. The National President can serve as a non-voting member of the combined committees. Duties and Responsibilities of the Combined Committee: The Endowment Committee will report directly to the Executive Board of the NAAPSC and meet annually at the National Convention, when in session. This committee will also: • • • • Report the status of the endowment fund. Make recommendations for increasing contributions to the fund. Determine and report proposed investments that will place the funds at risk. Review and recommend investment options to the National Convention for approval. Powers: The National Convention reserves all powers relating to the administration of the Endowment Funds. 17 B. H. Muldrew Scholarship Fund The B. H. Muldrew Scholarship was initiated by the Midwest Region of the National Alumni Association of Philander Smith College in 1976 during the National Convention in memory of its recently deceased member whose name the Scholarship bears. Mr. Muldrew served as National Coordinator of Alumni Affairs and was an outstanding contributor to the Association. Subsequently, he was recognized by alumni nationwide and they joined the Midwest Region in support of this scholarship. Any student in the nation who has a high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher, and who will enter Philander Smith College as a freshman, may apply for the scholarship. The scholarship is a four-year full-tuition award; renewable each semester as long as the recipient maintains a 3.0 GPA; is enrolled for a minimum of 12 semester hours and is in good standing with the college. This scholarship is not available to a student who is currently receiving assistance from another scholarship. At the 2010 National Convention, the decision was made to transfer the responsibility of selecting the scholarship recipient to the Vice President for Enrollment and Financial Aid, Philander Smith College, 900 Daisy Bates Drive, Little Rock, AR 72202 To obtain a B.H. Muldrew Scholarship application, contact one of the following staff at Philander Smith College. Director of Alumni Affairs Vice President for Enrollment and Financial Aid Chairperson Scholarship Committee How to Apply See Scholarship Application form, Appendix H The Versie Winstead Scholarship The Versie Winstead Scholarship was established in 1986 by Mrs. Versie Winstead with a $10,000.00 donation. It was financed by Mr. and Mrs. Homer Winstead of Little Rock, Arkansas. It is named for Mrs. Versie Winstead, an efficient, hardworking and devoted member of the Greater Little Rock Chapter of the National Alumni Association. “I wanted to offer an incentive for some of the better (academic) students to enroll at Philander Smith College,” Mrs. Winstead said. She saw the scholarship as a systematic means of “giving back” to her Alma Mater. In 2008, the Administrator of the Estate of Mrs. Versie Winstead relinquished the funding and management of the scholarship to the National Alumni Association of Philander Smith College. At that time the Scholarship fund had increased to about $21,000.00. During the 2010 National Convention, the Association voted to participate in the Renaissances 100 Scholarship Fund via the Winstead Scholarship. This decision was made due to a lack of students applying for the scholarship. The goal of the Renaissances 100 Program is to secure scholarships (full ride, full tuition, half tuition, and grants) for 100 incoming students who have been identified as embodying the qualities of “Philanderians of old”. Students, who will through their ambitious pursuit of academic excellence, take the college to new educational heights. The National Alumni Association will fund, from Mrs. Winstead’s Scholarship, a $2,500 grant for the Renaissances 100 Scholarship Program. This grant will be administered by the Office of Institutional Advancement, Philander Smith College. 18 Guidelines for National Conventions: The National Convention is held annually in March unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board. • Conference dates for the immediate following year will be provided prior to close of present conference. • Host chapter/ convention committee will furnish the name of general chairperson to National President by November 1. • A list of conference committees, conference budget and tentative plans will be furnished to the National President and the Director of Alumni Affairs by host chapter/chairperson of convention by December 1. • Conference program participants shall be confirmed at least 60 days prior to conference. • Tentative agenda shall be forwarded to Executive Board no later than 90 days prior to convention. • Registration materials shall be forwarded to members of the Executive Board and all members of the NAAPSC no later than 90 days prior to conference. • Complimentary registration shall be provided to the College President and spouse (also two students when feasible). • The host chapter/chairperson of convention shall furnish a complete report of all phases of the conference, including names and addresses of registrants to the Executive Board within 90 days of the conference adjournment. • Plans shall not be finalized (contracts signed, speakers confirmed, etc.) until approved by National President. NAAPSC Procedure for Handling Expenditures and Income: The following procedures will be used for all expenditures and income of the NAAPSC: • Requests for payment of invoices or reimbursement for expenses paid will be made using the four part voucher form of the NAAPSC (See Appendix I) and submitted first to the NAAPSC National President with invoices/receipts. After the voucher is approved by the president, the entire package is forwarded to the financial secretary. • The financial secretary will record the voucher in the voucher register, sign and date the voucher, retain the receipts and send all four copies of the voucher to the treasurer. • Upon receipt of the voucher, the treasurer will prepare and sign the check and distribute the voucher copies as follows: 1. Yellow copy to the financial secretary. 2. Pink copy to the president. 3. Gold copy with check attached to it, sent to the president for her/his check execution. 19 4. White copy retained by the treasurer. • The president and financial secretary will maintain a voucher register. (See Appendix J.) • The financial secretary will maintain an income receipt register (See Appendix K) for balancing with the treasurer. All income of the NAAPSC will first be sent to the financial secretary and thereafter to the treasurer for deposit in the appropriate bank account. • Elected national officers, regional presidents, committee chairs and the director of alumni affairs requesting reimbursement for various authorized expenditures or requesting payment for invoiced expenses, must submit a voucher to the president for approval. The president will review the voucher for approval and forward it to the financial secretary for recording. • Each financial officer will prepare a report for the National President to be reviewed and approved for presentation at the annual NAAPC Convention. This report is due each year 30 days after the end of the NAAPSC fiscal year (December 31) The voucher form can be obtained by contacting the Office of Alumni Affairs or the National Alumni President. 20 APPENDIX A 21 APPENDIX A 22 APPENDIX C 24 APPENDIX D 25 APPENDIX E NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE OFFICIAL AT-LARGE MEMBERSHIP ROSTER (Please use this form to remit at-large dues) Region ___________________________________________________________ (See NAA Regions Listed below) Name ______________________________________ Class _______________ Address___________________________________________________________ City______________________State______________________Zip Code_______ Telephone ________________________________ E-Mail __________________ Philander Smith College National Alumni Association Regions Far West Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Midwest N. Mexico Nevada Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming Kansas Kentucky Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Central Minnesota Missouri Nebraska N. & S. Dakota Ohio Wisconsin National Dues • Regular Member • At-Large Member • Life Membership Arkansas Louisiana Mississippi Oklahoma Tennessee Texas Eastern Alabama Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Maine Maryland Massachusetts N. Hampshire New Jersey New York N. Carolina Pennsylvania Rhode Island S. Carolina Vermont Virginia West Virginia - $50 (For alumni who belong to a chapter) - $55 (For Alumni who do not belong to a chapter) - $1,000 (Payment of the Life Membership dues may also be done in three installments over a period of three years. The first installment must be for $250.00 with the remaining balance of $750.00 to be paid over the next three years.) All alumni dues must be mailed to the financial secretary by January 31. Ms. Shirley J. Brown 8719 Ridgeway Court Kansas City, MO 64138 26 APPENDIX F LIFE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PHILANDER SMTIH COLLEGE, INC. Date ________________ Applicant’s Full Name _________________________________________________ Applicant’s Current Street Address _______________________________________ City/State/Zip Code ___________________________________________________ Telephone Number/Home ( ) __________________Work ( ) _____________ Applicant’s Graduation/Month _____________ Date __________ Year __________ Applicants Graduate Chapter Affiliation ___________________________________ Payment Method: ____ Payment in Full $1,000.00 ____ Extended Payment Plan Desired: Payments(s) in _______One Year ______ Two Years ______ Three Years Initial Payment of $250.00 Check Made Payable to NAAPSC, INC. Application and Payment Mailed to Attention: Ms. Shirley Brown 8719 Ridgeway Court Kansas City, MO 64138 Applicant’s Signature: _________________________________________________ ************************INTEROFFICE USE ONLY********************** Application Received ________________ Life Membership Eligibility Verified _________________ (Date) Certificate Issued ______________ Life Membership Card # ___________ _______________ (Date) Certificate and Membership Card Mailed/First Class ________ Certified __________ Other _______ Annual Fee Due to National Association $ _______ Original Form should be sent: Attn: Herman L. Davis, Chairman Life Membership Committee, 405 Park Drive, Glenwood, IL. 60425 (773) 533-5208 27 APPENDIX G PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION DATE________________________ APPLICATION FOR A LOCAL CHAPTER IN THE NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE We the undersigned, hereby make application as graduates and/or former students of Philander Smith College, Little Rock, Arkansas, for a local chapter charter in the National Alumni Association to be known as _________________________________ Name of Chapter Located at _______________________________________, _____________________ City State Enclosed are the names and addresses of chapter members together with $20.00 Charter fee as required. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. MAIL TWO (2) COPIES TO: Financial Secretary CHARTER FEE ENCLOSED $__________ SIGNED___________________________ 28 APPENDIX H Page 1 of 2 NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE: JUNE 1, B. H. Muldrew Scholarship (Please type or Print) Name_____________________________________ Age _________ Sex ___________ Current Address__________________________________________________________ Street City State Zip Permanent Address________________________________________________________ Street Phone_____________ City or _______________ Present State Zip Student Classification ______________ Permanent High School_____________________City___________State________ Grad. Date_____ H.S. Grade Point Avg.______ Intended Major__________________Minor____________ Career Objective____________________________________Expected Grad. Date_____ Plans for Enrolling in College: ____________Full Time __________________Part Time Church Affilication________________________________________________________ Persons Living in Household: Mother’s Name__________________________________Occupation________________ Father’s Name___________________________________ Occupation_______________ Guardian’s Name_________________________________ Occupation_______________ Number of Brothers/Sisters_____________________________ Ages________________ Others in Household___________________________________ ___________________ Name Relationship __________________________________ ___________________ Name Relationship 29 Page 2 of 2 Annual Household Income $______________ In 200 to 500 words, on a separate sheet, identify your African American Hero and why chosen. State also what contributions to your community or society you will make as a result of completing your college education. Honors, Awards, Scholarships, Certificates you have received during your High School Career. (Attach separate sheet, if needed) Name Year Name Year Name Year Non-Academic Activities (Attach separate sheet, if needed) ________________________________________________________________________ Organization Position Year Organization Position Year Organization Position Year Please include with this application: 1. An official copy of your senior high school transcript. 2. Three letters of recommendation (high school counselor*, principal, teachers, pastor, etc.) (*Required Recommendation) I certify that the information submitted is complete and accurate. Signature_________________________________________Date_________________ Please mail the completed application to: Vice President for Enrollment and Financial Aid Philander Smith College 900 Daisy Bates Drive Little Rock, AR 72202 30 APPENDIX I NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION, PHILANDER SMITH, INC. EXPENSE VOUCHER VOUCHER NO.__________DATE_______SUBMITTED BY____________________ PAYBLE TO:______________________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________ INCLUDE BRIEF EXPLANATION – ATTACH INVOICES & RECEIPTS National President National Vice President National Treasurer National Financial Secretary National Record Secretary Regional President Alumni Affairs Director Awards Committee Scholarship Committee Nominating Committee Life Membership Committee Executive Board B.H. Muldrew Scholarship Versie Winstead Scholarship Convention Expenses Office Expenses Stationery & Printing Fidelity Bond NAC Dues NPAC Convention Registration Philanderian Newsletter Alumni Affairs Postage Alumni Operational Manual Alumni Affairs Printing Alumni Affairs Archives Alumni Affairs Supplies Miscellaneous Expenses AMOUNT TOTAL EXPENSE Voucher Approved by:__________________________________________Date:___________ National Alumni President Recorded at Register Page # ______by ____________________________Date:___________ National Financial Secretary Check No. _________________________________Amount $ ______________ Date:_____________________ Paid Approved by ______________________________________________, Treasurer 31 Date:_____________________ APPENDIX J 32 APPENDIX K 33 National Alumni Association, Philander Smith College, Inc. Constitution and By-Laws Revised: July 2003 NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE, INC. CONSTITUTION ARTICLE I - NAME The name of the organization shall be National Alumni Association Philander Smith College, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “The Association.” ARTICLE II – PURPOSE The purposes of The Association shall be to: 1. Promote the general welfare of Philander Smith College. 2. Promote close relationships among the Philander Smith College administration, faculty, students, graduates, former students and supporters. 3. Promote, encourage and recruit students for enrollment in the College. 4. Encourage, support and enhance high educational standards at Philander Smith College. 5. Provide support services to Philander Smith College in accordance with its status as a nonprofit organization. 6. Provide support to the United Negro College Fund and its affiliate, the National Alumni Council in accordance with its status as a nonprofit organization. ARTICLE III – GENERAL POWERS The Association shall have the power to own, accept, acquire, mortgage and dispose of real and personal property, and to obtain, invest and retain funds, advancing the purpose stated in Article II of the Constitution. The Association shall have the power to do any lawful act or thing reasonably necessary or desirable for carrying out its purposes as stated in Article II of the Constitution. The Association shall have the power to do any lawful act or thing reasonably necessary or desirable for protecting the lawful rights and interest of its members in connection therewith. 2 ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Regular Member: Any graduate or former student of Philander Smith College may become a regular member upon fulfillment of financial obligations. A Regular member may be a chapter or at-large member. An at-large member is one who is not affiliated with a chapter. Section 2. Associate Member: Any person ascribing to the goals and philosophies of The Association may become an associate member upon fulfillment of financial obligations. Section 3. Honorary Member: Any person selected by The Association for acceptance and designation as Honorary. Section 4. Life Member: Any person ascribing to the goals and philosophies of The Association may become a life member upon payment of the Life Membership fee. ARTICLE V – OFFICERS Section 1. The Association officers shall be President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer. The President shall appoint Region Presidents. Section 2. National officer shall be elected or appointed as provided in the By-Laws and continue in office for two consecutive years or until their successors are elected or appointed and installed. Section 3. The elected national officers shall not serve more than two consecutive twoyear terms in the same office. ARTICLE VI – EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the President of all chapters, the elected and appointed National Officers, the immediate past National President, the Director of Alumni Affairs, and the Director of Alumni Affairs Emeritus. The President of the College shall be an ex-officio member of the Executive Board. Section 2. The Executive Board shall have power to act on and carry out the business of The Association between national conventions. An Official report shall be made to the General Body of such business at the next convention. Section 3. A majority of the members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum for transactions of business. Section 4. The Executive Board, at different intervals, shall support the Director of Alumni Affairs and the President of the College with the circulation of a news 3 publication that will cover such matters as may be of interest to alumni, friends and supporters. ARTICLE VII – NATIONAL MEETINGS AND QUORUM Section 1. The National Convention shall be held annually in March unless otherwise ordered by the Executive Board. Section 2. An official notice of the dates of the National Convention shall be mailed to chapters and members by the person so designated by the President or the By-Laws, at least 90 day prior thereto. Section 3. A simple majority of the registered voting members at the National Convention shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VIII – COMMITTEES The Standing Committees of The Association shall be: Nominations, Finance, Distinguished Alumni, Budget, Audit, Life Membership, Resolutions, and Constitution and By-Laws. The President shall appoint all members of committees, with the concurrence of the Executive Board. The National President is an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations Committee. ARTICLE IX – AMENDMENTS Section 1. This Constitution may be amended at any National Convention by a majority vote of the voting members, provided the proposed amendment is submitted in writing to the Chairperson of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, with a copy to the Recording Secretary at least 90 days prior to the National Convention. Copies of the proposed amendment shall be forwarded to each chapter 60 days prior to the National Convention. Section 2. Standing rules may be adopted, amended, or repealed at any National Convention by a two-thirds vote of members. Proposed changes must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Constitution and By-Laws Committee for dissemination to members at least one day prior to action on any proposal. 4 NATIONAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION PHILANDER SMITH COLLEGE, INC. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I – MEMBERSHIP Section 1. There shall be four classes of membership: Regular, Associate, Honorary, and Life. Section 2. A Regular Member is any graduate or former student of Philander Smith College. Section 3. An Associate Member is any person ascribing to the goals and philosophies of The Association. Section 4. An Honorary Member is any person selected by The Association for acceptance and designation as Honorary. Section 5. A Life Member is any person who pays the Life Membership fee to The Association. ARTICLE II – NATIONAL OFFICERS Section 1. Pursuant to Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution, the National Officers shall be: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, and Treasurer, who are all elected by ballot of all financial alumni. The President shall appoint the Parliamentarian annually at the opening session of the National Convention. The President shall appoint Regional Presidents at the beginning of the two-year term of office of the President. Section 2. Each term of office shall be for two consecutive years. Elected officers shall not hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms. In case of a vacancy prior to expiration of a term, the President shall appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next election can be held. Section 3. To be eligible for an office in The Association, a person must have been financial and an active participant at national conventions for a period of two consecutive years prior to nomination or appointment to office. Section 4. Nominations for elected offices must be submitted to the Chairperson of the Nominations Committee at least 60 days prior to the Convention. ARTICLE III – DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE OFFICERS Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of The 5 Association. He/She shall perform the duties that are usually executed by the Chief Executive Officer. He/She shall be Chairperson of and shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board. He/She shall appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, the chairperson and members of all committees of The Association. He/she shall fill any vacancies on committees, except as otherwise provided for in the By-Laws. The Association annual programs shall be under his/her direction, and he/she will assume responsibility for the success of each project, including leadership development and membership growth. He/she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations Committee. He/she shall approve all vouchers for payment of bills. He/she shall be a member of the Executive Board. Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside and otherwise act in the absence of the President. He/she shall coordinate the work of the Finance Committee, the National Alumni Endowment Fund and the B.H. Muldrew Scholarship Fund. He/she shall report progress and recommendation to chapters and the National Body on fund raising activities. He/shall be a member of the Executive Board. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep proper minutes of the meetings of The Association and the Executive Board. He/she shall be the official custodian of records and official documents. He/she shall be a member of the Executive Board. Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Financial Secretary to receive all monies belonging to The Association for forwarding to the Treasurer. He/she shall record vouchers for payment of bills and mail all membership cards. He/she shall maintain a current roster of all alumni members by chapters and all other members. He/she shall be a member of the Executive Board. Section 5. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to deposit all monies in the bank in the name of The Association. He/she shall pay all bills by check, after receiving vouchers for same, which have been signed by the President and Financial Secretary. He/she shall be a member of the Executive Board. Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Parliamentarian to assist the presiding officer in the interpretation of the Constitution and By-Laws of The Association. The Parliamentarian shall also assist the presiding officer in the conducting of business and procedures, using ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED. Section 7. The duties of each Regional President shall be: a. To develop and coordinate methodologies for increasing memberships in the chapters. b. To establish new chapters. c. To commend and recognize chapters for outstanding achievements. D. To keep abreast of political climate and keep the region aware of political activities. e. To provide a written report of activities to the National President 30 days prior to National Convention. 6 f. To provide and present a report of regional activities at the National Convention. g. To develop fundraising activities in the region. h. To serve on the Executive Board. Section 8. It shall be the duty of each officer to deliver to his/her successor all files, supplies, and other materials in his/her possession 45 days after the close of the National Convention. ARTICLE IV – COMMITTEES Section 1. The Constitution and By-Laws Committee shall consist of five (5) members. This Committee shall propose necessary changes in the Constitution and By-Laws. The Committee shall carefully examine proposed amendments to the Constitution and ByLaws from chapters and/or members and formulate all proposed changes for circulation in accordance with Article IX of the Constitution. Section 2. The Nominations Committee shall consist of five (5) members. This Committee shall certify the credentials of all candidates (assisted by the Financial Secretary and Treasurer) for office and prepare the official ballot of nominees for circulation to members in good standing no later than 45 days prior to the National Convention (Members in good standing are those who have paid dues by January 31). Each member shall return the ballot to the Chairperson of the Committee in an envelope with a postmark no later than seven (7) days prior to the opening of the National Convention. The Chairperson shall transfer the unopened ballots to the Tellers Committee at the National Convention for tabulating and reporting the results. Section 3. The Budget Committee shall consist of five (5) members and shall recommend the annual budget for The Association. Request for appropriations for the next year shall be submitted to the Chairperson 45 days prior to the National Convention. Section 4. The Audit Committee shall consist of five (5) members and shall be responsible for auditing the financial records of The Association. Section 5. The Finance Committee shall consist of five (5) members and shall be responsible for suggestions and recommendations for maintenance and growth of the various funds of The Association. These funds include the National Alumni Endowment Fund, the B.H. Muldrew Scholarship Fund, the Life Membership Fund, and any other funds established. This Committee shall be responsible for creating fund raising activities while working cooperatively with the Regional Presidents. Section 6. The Distinguished Alumni Committee, consisting of five (5) members, shall evaluate the credentials of nominees in accordance with a system approved by the Executive Board and select an award recipient. 7 Section 7. The Resolutions Committee, consisting of five (5) members, shall accept and present all resolutions at the National Convention for consideration. Resolutions shall be presented to the Chairperson the first day of the National Convention. Section 8. The Life Membership Committee, consisting of five (5) members, shall maintain records, files and enrollment data of Life Members. The Committee shall be responsible for promotional activities and for providing Life Membership cards and plaques to new members. Section 9. The President shall establish committees, in addition to those listed in Article VII of the Constitution, as necessary during or after the National Convention. One such ad hoc committee is the Tellers Committee. ARTICLE V - FINANCES Section 1. The fiscal year of The Association shall be January 1 to December 31. Section 2. All regular dues and assessment are due and payable to The Association by January 31. Section 3. The Life Membership fee may be paid at any time, and once paid, the member’s dues to The Association are paid forever. The Life Membership fee may be paid in a lump sum or in three installments over a three-year period. Section 4. Each local chapter shall remit an annual charter renewal fee to the Financial Secretary, payable to The Association, by January 31. Section 5. Each member shall pay an annual membership fee by January 31. Section 6. The Life Membership application and fee, payable to The Association, shall be submitted to the Financial Secretary. The Financial Secretary shall forward the application to the Chairperson of the Life Membership Committee and notify him/her of all payments. Section 7. Upon receipt of Life Membership fees from the Financial Secretary, the Treasurer shall record and deposit the same into the Life Membership Fund Account. Upon receipt of an approved voucher, the Treasurer shall transfer annually in January the dues from the Life Membership Account to the General Fund Account for those life members who were fully paid members at the end of the year. Dues for each life member to be transferred shall be the amount approved by The Association for regular or at-large members. The Life Membership fee shall be $1,000. Section 8. In the event of the death of a life member before the transfer of all of the membership fees to the General Fund, the remaining balance shall be donated to The Association in January of the year following the member’s death. 8 Section 9. One hundred percent (100%) of the net income from the National Convention, not to exceed $5,000 shall accrue to the benefit of The Association. All net income in excess of $5,000 shall be distributed on a pro-rate basis: Sixty percent (60%) to the host chapter and forty percent to The Association Section 10. The Executive Board shall execute the Financial and administrative affairs of The Association. ARTICLE VI – CHAPTERS Section 1. Five (5) or more individuals may establish an alumni chapter. Three (3) of the five (5) must be graduates of Philander Smith College. Section 2. The name of the chapter shall indicate its location. Section 3. Local alumni chapters shall be charted by The Association to promote the welfare and the progress of Philander Smith College and to support and fulfill the purposes of The Association as listed in Article II of the Constitution. Section 4. The Association shall provide a copy of the Constitution and By-Laws to each local chapter and at-large member. Section 5. Each chapter shall forward a current roster of officers and members to the national President, Financial Secretary and Recording Secretary by January 31. ARTICLE VII – REPORTS Section 1. It shall be the responsibility of all National Officers and Committee Chairpersons to submit annual written reports to the Recording Secretary of The Association at the National Convention. Each chapter President shall provide a written report to the Regional President 45 days prior to the National Convention. All National Officers, Regional Presidents, and Committee Chairpersons (when required) shall submit written reports to the National President 30 days prior to the National Convention. The National President shall submit the reports to the Office of Alumni Affairs for reproduction and distribution at the National Convention. Section 2. It shall be the responsibility of each National Officer and Committee Chairperson to present a brief oral report at the National Convention if requested by the president officer. ARTICLE VIII – RULES FOR THE NATIONAL CONVENTION Section 1. Each registered members shall be entitled to one vote. Section 2. A majority vote of the members shall be required for action on all convention business unless otherwise stipulated in these By-Laws. 9 Section 3. The Host Chapter, within 45 days after the close of the convention, shall balance the books relating to the convention and pay to the National Financial Secretary the funds due The Association according to the formula stated in Article I, Section 5, of these By-Laws. ARTICLE IX – PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY All matters provided for in the Constitution and By-Laws of The Association and the conduct of all meetings and deliberations of The Association shall be governed by ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER NEWLY REVISED. ARTICLE X – AMENDMENTS These By-Laws may be amended in the same manner as provided in Article IX of the Constitution. 10
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