Virtual Shield User Manual Date 30 Oct 2012 Description First Draft Created VBB Version V 4.19 28 May 2014 Renamed as Virtual Shield Added Virtualized Shields Updated VirtualShield firmware Updated VirtualShield Firmware VBB 5.01 23 July 2014 VBB 5.05 Introduction What is real? How do you define ‘real’. If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Morpheus, the matrix 1999 I have always been a big fan of the matrix. It came out in the same year as Virtual Breadboard (1999) and I immediately felt a connection between the concepts in Virtual Breadboard and the matrix. If your not familiar with the matrix ( I suppose it’s possible ), it’s a movie about a world where human minds have been plugged into a virtual world in such a convincing way that those in the virtual world are not even aware that what they are experiencing is not real. But how could that be? How could we mistake a simulation for reality? Morpheous explains that- real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. So if a machine simulated world provided the same electrical signals to your brain as what your sensors would produce experiencing the real world then indeed you would be unable to tell the difference. You would live in a dream-world and not be able to tell the difference between the real or virtual world. Keep that thought in your mind and now think about the VirtualShield. What if the VirtualShield was able to provide the exact same electrical signals to your Arduino (or other microcontroller) that a real shield it is virtualizing would. How would the Arduino know the difference between the Real shield and the VirtualShield. Well it can’t! and this means you can run the same program with a Real or VirtualShield and your microcontroller will never know the difference. So in this way VirtualShield is like a ‘mini matrix’ for your Arduino. The VirtualShield works with VirtualBreadboard to create the exact same signals for a growing number of different shields and circuits allowing you to immerse your Arduino in its very own virtual world. This is incredibly useful for reducing the number of shields you need to physically own to explore more projects. You can try out more stuff, test more stuff, share more stuff. And it’s not just the Arduino, any microcontroller using the Arduino connectivity form factor can be put into its’ own dream-world. See you ‘inside’ James Caska, Creator Virtual Breadboard Terminology VBB Shield VZ VZS VS Arduino Netduino Propeller ASC Amicus ChipKit Uno32 Virtual Breadboard embedded development software platform A daughterboard with the Arduino form-factor/footprint/pinout VirtualiZed VirtualiZed Shield Virtual Shield – the physical shield that virtualizes different VZ digital models of Shields Arduino Form Factor development board with AVR microcontrollers with Arduino IDE development Arduino Form-Factor development board with .net micro runtime Arduino Form Factor development board for parallax propeller Arduino Form Factor development board for microchip PIC18 with pbasic compile Arduino Form Factor development board for Microchip PIC32 devices Identifying Hardware Revisions There have been 2 versions of VirtualShield manufactured at the time of writing. Both have the ICEShield naming. Since manufacturing the ICEShield name has been changed to VirtualShield to clarify the product functionality. Both versions use the same firmware update from Virtual Breadboard. Name Maker Power L.E.D Color POT’s Processor Revision Errata WaveRaster ICEShield Yes Green 2 V18-26K22 MISO/MOSI swapped When using SPI you are limited to write only VZ Shields and you must put a link pins 11 and 12 VBB ICEShield No Blue 3 V18-26K22 MISO/MOSI swapped When using SPI you are limited to write only VZ Shields and you must put a link pins 11 and 12 Working with VirtualShield What is a Shield? Shields are boards that can be plugged on top of the Arduino PCB extending its capabilities. A shield has the Arduino form-factor or Pin-Out and can be stacked ontop of each other to add even more functionality. Why VirtualShield? VirtualShield is the ultimate Shield library. To have the same amount of flexibility at your fingertips you would have to own hundreds of physical shields costing thousands of dollars There are a multitude of ways to work with the VirtualShield VirtualiZed Shields ( All levels ) Visual Programmable Controller ( All levels ) In-Circuit Arduino Emulator I/O Source I/O Monitor Custom Circuit I/O ( Intermediate ) Standalone Operation as Output from VBB Synchronized Virtual Circuits ( Advanced ) Hybrid Circuits VirtualiZed Shields .... look, see those birds? At some point a program was written to govern them. A program was written to watch over the trees and the wind, sunrise and sunset. There are programs running all over the place. The ‘Oracle’, matrix reloaded 2003 If the VirtualShield is the physical matrix, then the VirtualiZed Shields ( VZ Shields ) are the programs the matrix runs. You could say each VZ Shields are digital versions of real shields. A VZ Shield reconfigures the VirtualShield to behave electrically like specific real shield so when the Arduino interacts with the VirtualShield it can’t tell the difference. VirtualiZed Shield Mode VirtualiZed Shields are plug and play shields that add functionality to your physical project 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Connect the VirtualShield to USB mini and Host Arduino board Create a new VBB project Place a VirtualShield in VBB Update the VirtualShield firmware ( optional and once only ) Place a VZ Shield ontop of the VirtualShield Run VirtualBreadboard circuit Upload your Arduino Application Connect the VirtualShield to USB mini and Host Arduino board The VirtualShield connects to the PC using the USB mini connector. There are no USB drivers to install because the VirtualShield uses HID USB for which there are already drivers available on all PC implementations. Also install the VirtualShield on the stackable header pins on your Arduino Compatible Host Board. The pins can only fit one way. USB Connection H I D Create a new VBB project and place a virtual shield Create a new VBB project by starting VBB and double clicking the New Icon Place a Virtual Shield Component Place a Virtual Shield by clicking on the VirtualShield icon in the Toolbox and placing on the default breadboard. The VBB VirtualShield component creates a link with the real VirtualShield via the USB connection. VBB autodetects the VirtualShield so you don’t need to select or configure anything. Update the VirtualShield firmware If this is first time you are using a new version of VBB or VirtualShield you should update the firmware of the VirtualShield. You only need to do this once for each new release of that has new firmware. VBB 5.01 is the latest version. To update the firmware select the Update Virtual Shield menu item from the Help Menu This will launch the firmware updater and you will see progress bar appear while the firmware is updated. A progress bar with appear showing the progress of the firmware update. When its finished you will see a dialog box appear with a success message. Place a VZ Shield ontop of the VirtualShield Select the VZ Shield you want to use from the list of VZ Shield in the VBB VirtualiZed Shields component group. By placing the VZ Shield ontop of the VirtualShield , VBB will automatically configure the VirtualShield to behave like the VZ Shield. In this case a LiquidCrystal Display Run VirtualBreadboard circuit Click the VBB Run button to start the Virtual Circuit and activate the VZ Shield. VBB will start communicating with the VirtualShield and configure it to behave electrically as a Liquid Crystal display of the same pin configuration as shown by the digital VZ shield. Upload your Arduino Application So now the Arduino think it’s connected to a Liquid Crystal display (or other VZ Shield ) and you can upload your Arduino application that start learning, testing, developing as you would if it was a real Liquid Crystal display. Of course like any real shield you have to take care to have the correct pin connections and drivers in your Arduino software. Using VZ Shields is the easiest way to work with VirtualShield and VBB. It’s quick, plug and play and performs a specific well know task. VZ Shield Library Current VZ Shields VZ LIQUID CRYSTAL VZ DOTMATRIX VZ 7SEG VZ TFT VZ LIQUID CRYSTAL Virtualized 2 Line HD44780 Liquid Crystal Display HD44780 Datasheet. Features Currently Not Support • Custom Graphics • Visible Cursor • Display on/off Properties Display Cols 8 | 10 | 16 | 20 | 32 | 40 Pins 6 9 5 4 3 2 RS EN DB6 DB7 DB5 DB4 Register Select Chip Enable Data Bit Data Bit Data Bit Data Bit NOTE: R/W is not used.. is always write. Equivalent Circuit Distinct VZ Shields There are 5 distinct VZ_LCD shields possible based on the number of display columns selected Columns 8 10 16 20 1 Digit 32 40 Drivers Arduino: Arduino Standard LiquidCrystal Library: Initialisation Code: LiquidCrystal lcd(6, 9, 4, 5, 3, 2); VZ DOTMATRIX Virtualized a MAX7219 driven 8x8 Dotmatrix display with 1 to 4 digits. Features Not Support as at v5.01 • Intensity Properties Color Digits RED | GREEN | BLUE | YELLOW 1 to 4 Pins 7 11 12 13 CS MISO MOSI CLK Chip Select. Active Low Link to Pin 12 – see errata for your board SPI Input Pin. VZ_DOTMATRIX is a slave board SPI Clock Equivalent Circuit There are Digits MAX7219 display drivers daisy chained to drive Digits 8x8 DotMatrix L.E.D’s Distinct VZ Shields There are 16 distinct shields possible 1 Digit 2 Digit 3 Digit 4 Digit RED GREEN BLUE YELLOW Drivers Arduino Works with Arduino Uno libraries that use either shiftout command or the SPI library. When the SPI library is used it must be run at a slower speed by setting the clock divider to SPI_CLOCK_DIV64. SPI.begin(); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV64); Note: Make sure you are using CS = 7 #define cs 7 // VBB Virtual Shield SPI CS VZ 7SEG Virtualized a MAX7219 driven series of 7 Segment display. Features Not Support as at v5.01 • Intensity Properties Color Digits RED | GREEN | BLUE | YELLOW 1 to 4 Pins 7 11 12 13 CS MISO MOSI CLK Equivalent Circuit Chip Select. Active Low Link to Pin 12 – see errata for your board SPI Input Pin. VZ_DOTMATRIX is a slave board SPI Clock There are Digits MAX7219 display drivers daisy chained to drive Digits 7 Segment L.E.D Distinct VZ Shields There are 16 distinct shields possible 1 Digit 2 Digit 3 Digit 4 Digit RED GREEN BLUE YELLOW Drivers Arduino Works with Arduino Uno libraries that use either shiftout command or the SPI library. When the SPI library is used it must be run at a slower speed by setting the clock divider to SPI_CLOCK_DIV64. SPI.begin(); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV64); Note: Make sure you are using CS = 7 #define cs 7 // VBB Virtual Shield SPI CS VZ TFT Virtualized TFT 160x128 graphic LCD. Features Not Support as at v5.01 • SD Card not available on Shield Properties None Pins 7 11 12 13 CS MISO MOSI CLK Equivalent Circuit Distinct VZ Shields Drivers Chip Select. Active Low Link to Pin 12 – see errata for your board SPI Input Pin. VZ_DOTMATRIX is a slave board SPI Clock Arduino Works with Arduino TFT libraries that use SPI library When the SPI library is used it must be run at a slower speed by setting the clock divider to SPI_CLOCK_DIV64. Immediately after then TFTscreen.begin() call TFTscreen.begin(); SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV64); Note: Make sure you are using CS = 7 #define cs 7 // VBB Virtual Shield SPI CS Visual Programmable Controller In addition to being able place VZ Shields onto the VirtualShield you can also place a VirtualShield onto a Piping Board. This allows the Piping Visual Graphical Language to interact with the real world through your VirtualShield. TODO: In-Circuit Emulator TODO: Programmable Controller TODO: I/O Pass-Thru TODO: A VirtualaliZed Shield TODO: In addition to the standard and synchronised IO VirtualShield supports virtual peripheral objects. This allows faster performance than synchronised bit-banging. The way it works is when a VBB component with a supported peripheral is wired up to the virtual VirtualShield and the circuit is run a matching remote peripheral object is installed. Analog Output The VirtualShield has Digital Potentiometers which allow for the generation of Analog levels on the A0,A1,A2,A3 and VRef pins. When you connect an Analog generating virtual device such as a digital potentiometer to the Virtual VirtualShield these pins become configured as analog output. BarGraph Example For example, the VirtualShield in this example has an UNO as its avatar. The Slide POT is connected to pin A0 this configured the REAL VirtualShield to use the digital potentiometer Virtual Virtual Analog Virtual LEDS Real VirtualShiel d VirtualShiel d Analog Pin (A0) Digital POT VirtualShie ld Virtual Analog Pin (A0) Analog Real Arduino A0 VirtualShi eld Samples Pins Digital Real D2-D11 History The VirtualShield concept came into existence to solve a growing problem for VirtualBreadboard. When the Arduino form-factor proved a popular defacto standard numerous microcontroller platforms emerged to enjoy the benefits of crosscompatibilty. The Arduino of course but then came the Microsoft .NET based Netduino, the Microchip PIC32 based Uno32, the PBasic based Amicus, a Basic Stamp version and of course our very own V18’O series. It turns out to be impossible to simulate all and futureThat’s when the inquires started coming in, do you support the XX-uino? At first we tried to keep up and quickly put out versions of Netduino and also Amicus but just as quickly it became obvious it wasn’t going to work out. Simulation is a tricky business because it can only ever *not* be the same as the actual hardware so of course if function X from library Y of platform Z wasn’t supported users became disappointed. It just wasn’t really good enough to be ‘almost’ support a platform because you can be sure the feature a user really needs for a project is the feature that’s not supported. This has lead to a change of direction and the creation of the ICE Shield. The change of direction is to sharpen the focus of Virtual Breadboard as a circuit emulation tool and decouple the microcontroller platforms driving the virtual circuits with the VirtualShield. That is to say use REAL Microcontrollers with Virtual Breadboards using VirtualShield as the interface. Real Arduino Netduino Uno32 xxx VBB Virtual Shield Because the VirtualShield is reading the signals and co-ordinating with VBB it doesn’t really matter which microcontroller is on the other side. This allows VBB to used with any Microcontroller. There are many advantages to this approach • Any Micro can be be used • The preferred user toolchain can be used • Partial circuits can be created How it works. There are several elements of the VirtualShield system. Virtual ICE Shield VBB/ VBBExpress VBB-RT USB Connection H I D Physical Virtual Shield Host Micro The VirtualShield is connected to the Host Micro using the host pins Avatars An Avatar is a graphic of the host controller inside VBB. Even though VBB doesn’t have a software emulation of the Micro Controller by using the Avatar and the real Micro in conjunction with the VirtualShield it can appear to be virtual. This is a bit like the movie Avatar where the real person drives a remote Avatar body in a different world. The VirtualShield infrastructure becomes transparent Uno Avatar Under the Hood - Advanced VirtualShield development VirtualShield works transparently for slow moving signals or pre-made VirtualiZed Shields but if you want to write drivers to access custome create custom circuits Turning on a LED Lets walk through and example to see how it works together. Micro 13 The Host Microcontroller wants to Blink a LED on an off on Pin 13. So it will have a program something like. I have used Arduino pseudocode – the actual code will depend on the actual Host Microcontoller. setup(){ pinMode( 13, OUTPUT ) } loop(){ digitalWrite(13, HIGH); delay(200); digitalWrite(13, LOW); delay(200); } If a real circuit you would wire a LED and a resistor to pin 13 and run the program and the LED would flash. If your fresh out of LEDs you can plug the VirtualShield into the HostController and wire a virtual LED to a Virtual VirtualShield on Pin 13 , run VBB and run the Host Micro and the LED will flash in VBB. But how does it do that? Lets start from the VBB side. Inside VBB, A LED is wired to pin 13 of the virtual VirtualShield. To drive a LED requires an OUTPUT PinMode and this is how the Virtual VirtualShield knows that the Host Micro will try to drive the LED pin. It doesn’t need to know the program it will run it only needs to know which components are wired to which pins and what the signals those components use. So the Virtual VirtualShield analyses the virtual hardware wiring connections to deduce the configure the real VirtualShield will need to interface with the real host microcontroller. So the logic goes something like this. • • • • • • • • Run the VBB Program Virtual VirtualShield detects that pin 13 requires an OUTPUT Pin mode by circuit analysis Virtual VirtualShield sends a message to Real VirtualShield requesting Pin 13 be configured an a INPUT and to listen for changes The real VirtualShield configures pin 13 as an INPUT and starts listening The real Host Micro starts running its program Pin 13 is driven high and the change is detected by the real VirtualShield which sends a message the virtual VirtualShield notifying the change The Virtual VirtualShield receives the message and drives the virtual Pin 13 HIGH which in turn drives the Virtual LED turning it on. The process continues with the VirtualShield listening for changes and notifying the virtual VirtualShield update the virtual circuit Run VBB Circuit Analysis Configure Pin 13 As INPUT Listening Pin 13 Run Micro Program Pin 13 HIGH MSG Pin 13 digitalWrite(13, HIGH); Changed HIGH Pin 13 = HIGH Pin 13 HIGH delay(200); MSG Pin 13 digitalWrite(13, LOW); Changed HIGH Pin 13 = LOW Sim Runtime delay(200); Race Conditions and Advanced interfaces As the sequence diagram clearly shows there are unavoidable communication delays created by sending and receiving messages. VirtualShield has been designed for lowcost so delays of several milliseconds are introduced into each step. For many human interface signals, blinking LEDS, pressing buttons, turning relays on and off these delays are of no concern. However for timing sensitive signals such as LCD interfaces or logic interfaces the delays can corrupt the logic. In addition to the basic IO there are several additional features to support more advanced signals and thus electronic components that use them. • • • Read – The Read Pin can be configure to pulse on pin sample Synchronize – The Synchronize pins can be configured to Peripherals – Peripheral Objects mirror peripheral IO for high speed exchange Conditional Compile Libraries for Host Microcontrollers What the race conditions mean is that VirtualBreadboard hardware is *not exactly* the same real hardware after all. Logically it is the same but race-conditions can throw off the timing of software drivers. When you plan to work with Virtual Hardware you may need to add conditional compile statements to you libraries that can work with the timing features of the VirtualShield (wait and synchronise) but then are conditionally removed when deploying to real hardware. Wait The Virtual VirtualShield has Wait Read Pin property which can be set to any of the digital pin 0 to 13. The default is none but when a pin value is set the real VirtualShield will be configured to pulse the read pin high while it is sampling the input pins to determine if any of the pins it is listening for have changed. Sampling Pins Wait A common example is a shift register with 2 pins, a data a clock pin which increments on the rising edge. Normally a microcontroller would just pulse the clock high and low without worry about timing. However due to the sampling delay a software driver needs to work with the Wait() to ensure capturing the time critical rising edge of the CLK signal CL K DAT Shift Register WAIT CL K WAIT 1 2 3 4 To ensure the signal is captured the drive must insert wait states that ensure the signal is captured. For example CLK = LOW While( wait == LOW) While(wait==HIGH) CLK = HIGH While( wait == LOW) While(wait==HIGH) [1] Ensures the LOW is sampled [2] [3] Ensures the HIGH is sampled [4] The Wait pin is useful for write-only operations. So writing to a LCD or a shift register and so on. Synch Request/Response The Wait pin can be used for write-only circuits but when you need feedback then you need to use the Synch pin. A feedback circuit is where you write one or more outputs of a circuit block and then read back the result where the result is a function of the write pins. Write Micro Circuit Block Read = F( Write ) An example of a feedback circuit is the KeyBoard scanner where the you write the output pins of the rows and read the columns values which are function of the row pins and the currently pressed button. You need to use Synchronize pins to make sure the virtual function has finished calculating and the resulting outputs are available on real pins Virtual Read Virtual Write So the whole process goes something like this 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The Micro Writes to a REAL pin VirtualShield samples the real pin and sends a message to VBB VBB drives the value into the virtual circuit and calculates any circuit changes The changes are sent back to the VirtualShield which writes to the real pins The Micro reads the REAL pin So steps 2,3,4 have a time-delay that is often nearly instantaneous when connected to a real circuit. But how long is the delay? You could put a long wait delay but the recommended method is to use synch properties to configure the synch pins and use these to determine the delay Write Read Virtual Circuit with Feedback Synch Request Synch Ready 1 2 4 3 Write(n) Request Ready Read(n) Busy Invalid valid 1. A change was written for which there is a feedback function to be read where Read(n) = F( Write(n) ). When the Write is performed the values on the read pins become invalid until F has been calculated. 2. The micro sets the Request pin high to request the circuit synchronisation 3. The VirtualShield sets the Ready Pin High to indicate the request has been registered and is now Busy with the synchronisation process 4. The Ready pin is set to low to indicate synchronisation is complete and the read pins are valid with the circuit function F Remote Peripheral Objects In addition to the standard and synchronised IO VirtualShield supports virtual peripheral objects. This allows faster performance than synchronised bit-banging. The way it works is when a VBB component with a supported peripheral is wired up to the virtual VirtualShield and the circuit is run a matching remote peripheral object is installed. • UART UART The smart UART peripheral works to enable UART communications to be passed through to the virtual circuit at full speed. A Virtual UART Object can be configured to take control of pins 0, 1 to pass through serial communications. VirtualShield currently only supports 115,200 baud in the current firmware version So an application can run the following standard type print statement (@115Kbaud) and when a UART component like the mini terminal is wired in VBB the message will pass through the VirtualShield into the Virtual Circuit public void loop(){ Serial1.println("Blink" + count++); toggle = toggle ^ 1; digitalWrite(13, toggle ); delay(500); } RX/TX Pins When you wire up the UART RX/TX pins you need to take care. The VirtualShield graphic and indeed the VirtualShield itself have the RX/TX pins on the opposite pins than the host micros ( Arduino, V18’O, Netduino etc ). This is to enable the correct RX<>TX pairing when the VirtualShield is plugged ontop of the Host micro. If you select a Avatar then the marked RX/TX pins are the same orientation as the rest of the circuit. If you keep the VirtualShield graphic then they will be opposite, ie from the point of view of the VirtualShield in the real world. – See using the VirtualShield as a Controller Appendix Documentation Avatars VirtualShield This is the default Avatar and is a visual representation of the VirtualShield itself V18’O V18’O is VirtualBreadboards own Java based Microcontroller Uno Uno is the popular Arduino Uno footprint Uno32 Uno32 is the Microchip PIC32 ChipKit board Netduino Netduino is the popular Microsoft .NET board Working with 3V3 Host Boards By default the VirtualShield runs at 5V and is powered by the USB. This allows the VirtualShield to operate in standalone mode with VBB executing the application code. However the VirtualShield has 3 solder bridges SLD1, SLD2 and SLD3 which allow you to reconfigure the board in 3 different ways SLD1 SLD3 SLD2 There are 3 configurations possible which allow you to operate the VirtualShield at different voltages and also different current limits. Powered By 5V USB SLD1 SLD2 SLD3 SOLDER OPEN OPEN 5V HOST OPEN SOLDER OPEN 3V HOST OPEN OPEN SOLDER Powered by 5V USB. • Standalone Mode • Current Limited by USB current ~500mA Powered by Host 5V Supply • Requires Host • Current Limited by Host Power Supply Powered by Host 3V3V Supply • Requires Host • Current Limited by Host Power Supply
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