SLOVENSKO DRUŠTVO MELBOURNE SLOVENIAN ASSOCIATION MELBOURNE Program praznovanja Program of Events Praznovanje diamantnega jubileja Celebrating Diamond Jubilee Sobota, 29. novembra in nedelja 30. novembra Saturday, November 29, and Sunday, November 30, 2014 1 82 Ingrams Road, Research Happy 60th Anniversary! It gives me great pleasure that you are reading these very words. Over the past 60 years, groups of dedicated members of the Slovenian Association Melbourne have created an establishment that we can all be incredibly proud of; united by a common yet powerful thread - our Slovenian heritage. As a second generation Australian-Slovenian, I was not even a wink in my father’s (or mother’s) eye when the club was founded in 1954. I often think about my parents and all the Slovenian immigrants who worked so hard establishing new lives in Australia…and how their determination, ingenuity and passion created and built a club that we continue to enjoy today, allowing us to express and experience our Slovenian heritage. On behalf of the Committee, I give heartfelt thanks to everyone who has selflessly contributed to the club over the past 60 years - your hard work, determination and generosity will always be remembered; it is the very fabric of our amazing history. I sincerely hope that you enjoy the Diamond Jubilee celebration; may your Slovenian spirit shine! Julija Čampelj President 2 Host: Frances Urbas-Johnson Prisrčen pozdrav – Welcome! Posebni gosti - Special Guests: Cr Ken King, Nillumbik Council, Councillor for Sugarloaf Ward Ms Jana Grilc, Chargé d’Affairs ad interim, Republic of Slovenia Fr Ciril A. Božič OFM OAM, Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre Ss Cyril and Methodius Mr Derry Maddison, Hon. Consul of the Republic of Slovenia for Victoria Mr Adrian Vatovec, Hon. Consul of the Republic of Slovenia for South Australia Mr Eddie Micallef, Chairperson, Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria Inc Mr Peter Mandelj OAM JP, Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenians Abroad Mr Roland Carmody, Chairperson, Council of Slovenian Organisations of Victoria Mrs Ivanka Kolačko, President, Slovenian Association ‘Planica’ Mr Milan Ogrizek, President, Slovenian Association ‘Jadran’ Ms Marta Mrhar, President, Slovenian Association ‘Ivan Cankar’ Geelong Mr Mario Jakin, President, Slovenian Sport Association St Albans Mr Franc Čulek, Slovenian Australian Association of Canberra Ms Marija Anžič, Lay Missionary, Slovenian Religious and Cultural Centre Ss Cyril and Methodius Kulturni program - Cultural program at 4pm 1. Avstralska himna - Australian National Anthem - Melissa Fistrič Slovenska himna - Slovenian National Anthem - Helen Trinnick and Anna Tegelj 2. Blagoslov - Blessing by Fr Ciril A. Božič OFM OAM Pesem - Song: Je Angel Gospodov oznanil Mariji 3. Welcome - MC Frances Urbas-Johnson, Podpredsednica Slovenskega društva Melbourne 3 4. Govor predsednice Slovenskega društva Melbourne - Speech by the President of Slovenian Association Melbourne - Ms Julija Čampelj 5. Govor predstavnika SSOVja, g. Rolanda Carmodyja - Speech by the Charperson of CSOV, Mr Roland Carmody 6. Govor gospe Jane Grilc, odpravnice poslov, Veleposlaništvo Republike Slovenije, Canberra - Speech by Mrs Jana Grilc, Chargé d’Affairs ad interim, Slovenian Embassy, Canberra 7. Predstavitev skupin, ki so delovale pri Slovenskem društvu Melbourne - Presentation of the groups active within the Slovenian Association Melbourne: a. Predsedniki in Dom Committee – Presidents and Dom Committee: Julija Čampelj, Marjan Lauko b. Ženska sekcija in Lepotice - Ladies Section and Miss Community: Marija Cvetko, Palma Ašenberger; Danila Štolfa c. Vestnik, Vesti s hriba, Arhiv - Vestnik, Vesti s hriba, Archive: Anica Markič č. Multikulturno sodelovanje - Cultural participation: Dragica Gomizelj, David Markič d. Upokojenci - Seniors: Helena Leber e. Šah - Chess: Virgilij Gomizelj f. Dramska skupina, sv. Miklavž - Drama Group, St. Nicholas: Maks Pišotek, Tone Urbas g. Pevski zbori - Choirs: Iva and Peter Mandelj OAM JP h. Balinarji - Bowlers: Branko Žele i. Knjižnica, muzej - Library, Museum: Dragica Gomizelj j. Folklorne skupine - Folkdancing groups: Alicia and Portia Bevc, Melissa Fistrič k. Slovenska šola - Slovenian school: Draga Gelt OAM, Magda Pišotek l. Mladina in šport - Youth and sports: Karl and Paul Bevc m. Gradnja in oskrba - Building and maintenance: Lojze Markič, Miro Ogrizek n. Socialno varstvo - Social welfare: Danila Štolfa o. Lovci in ribiči - Hunters and anglers: Janez Zemljič, Stanko Prosenak p. Likovna umetnost in ročna dela - Art and Craft: Greta Prosenik 4 r. s. š. t. Simbolični plesi - Symbolic dancing: Natasha Pišotek-Leaumont, Julia Markič-Smith Ansambli - Music bands: Helena Trinnick, Anna Tegelj, Maria Hervatin, Lily Conlan Spominska kapelica - Remembrance - Veronica Smrdel-Roberts Snooker - Paul Bevc Coat of Arms – Melissa Fistrič 8. Pesem - poem by Helena Leber: 60th Anniversary SDM read by Helena Leber 9. Venček pesmi - Medley of songs: Memories, Zlati časi, Slovenija, od kod lepote tvoje sung by Helena Trinnick and Anna Tegelj 10. Simbolična plesna skupina - Symbolic dancing group: Melissa Fistrič, Julia Markič-Smith, Alicia and Portia Bevc, Evie and Sabrina Johnson, Kelsey Markič. Choreography: Magda Pišotek and Natasha Pišotek-Leaumont Vocals: Perpetuum Jazzille - Na Golici 11. Recital - Recital Sadovi časa - Harvest of Time by Draga Gelt Presenters: Virgilij Gomizelj, Anica Markič, Draga Gelt and Frances Urbas-Johnson 12. Simbolična plesna skupina - Symbolic dancing group: Melissa Fistrič, Julia Markič-Smith, Alicia and Portia Bevc, Evie and Sabrina Johnson, Kelsey and Finton Markič, Harry Van de Laak, Matthew and Adam Markič-Smith. Choreography: Magda Pišotek and Natasha Pišotek-Leaumont FINALE: Diamant - Diamond KRATEK PREMOR - SHORT INTERMISSION Hall closes for intermission, with hall bar and outdoor bar open for refreshments. Hall re-opens at 6pm 5 5.30 pm - OTVORITEV KNJIŽNICE IN MUZEJA - OPENING OF THE LIBRARY AND THE MUSEUM 6 pm Slavnostna večerja - Celebration Dinner Ples - Dance to the music of Rdeči Cvet: Lily Conlan, Maria Hervatin, Helena Trinnick and Anna Tegelj Svečke na slavnostni torti in govori - Lighting the candles on the celebration cake and telegrams Acknowledgements: Events organised by the Committee of Management Cultural co-ordinator, narrating text author and program theme: Draga Gelt OAM Choreographers: Magda Pišotek and Natasha Pišotek-Leaumont Narrator and MC: Frances Urbas-Johnson Stage preparation: Janko Tegelj, Grant Johnson, Draga Gelt and Magda Pišotek Costume maker: Anica Markič Light and sound: Grant Johnson DVD preparation: Draga Gelt and Codeart Enterprises Flower arrangement: Greta Prosenik, Julie Marshman Graphic design: Tania Ledwich (nee Brgoč), Michelle Kohek, Draga Gelt and Sandra Krnel Photography: Richard Vizintin, Laura Conlan Video: Adrian Vatovec, Sandra Krnel Catering: Sherwood Receptions NEDELJA - SUNDAY from 12pm ZA VESELO RAZPOLOŽENJE - ENTERTAINMENT: Live Music by “Rockin Harmonik” Nastop pevskega zbora Planika - Performance by Slovenian Choir “Planika” Folklorni plesi - Folkloric Dancing by “Slomšek School” Barvanje obrazov - Face Painting 6 ZA ZABAVO - AMUSEMENTS - 12.00pm - 5.00pm Giant Slide, Whirly Bird, Jumping Castle, Bungy Basket Ball Najboljša peciva - Cake Competition: All welcome to enter. Entries must be in by 1.00pm Srečke, vesele igre in veliko več - Raffle, fun games and lots more! Sv. Miklavž bo prišel na obisk in prinesel veliko veselja in dobre volje za božično obdobje - St Nicholas will be visiting, spreading cheer & goodwill for the Christmas Season. Knjižnica in Muzej Slovenskega društva Melbourne s prikazom zgodovine - Library and Museum of SAM open and Club History on display. BBQ Meals/Drinks - Available from 12.00pm Balinarsko tekmovanje se bo zaključilo popoldne. Navijači, pridite na balinišče. - Bocce Competition concluding in the afternoon. Go down to the alley to cheer on the teams! Obiščite lovsko kočo - Visit the Hunters’ Lodge 1.30 – 3.30pm. 7 Sponzor - Sponsor: Victorian Multicultural Commission Hvala lepa in lepo praznovanje – Thank you and enjoy the celebration. 8
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