STATE ADOPTED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL 2013 - 2014 ECTOR COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents ____________________________________________________________ 2 Legal References ____________________________________________________________ 4 ECISD Board Policy that relates to Instructional materials ______________________________ 4 Texas Education Code_____________________________________________________________ 4 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS RESPONSIBILITIES ____________________________ 5 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL ____________________ 6 A. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES ___________________________________________ 7 1. Board of Trustees: _____________________________________________________________ 7 2. Superintendent: _______________________________________________________________ 7 3. District Instructional Materials Coordinator _______________________________________ 7 4. Principal/Instructional materials Manager: ________________________________________ 7 5. Teacher:______________________________________________________________________ 8 6. Student/Parent or Guardian: ____________________________________________________ 9 B. MEMBERSHIP _________________________________________________________ 10 1. Administrative Guidelines ______________________________________________________ 10 2. Definitions and Information ____________________________________________________ 10 3. Pre-enrollment Report _________________________________________________________ 11 C. ORDERING, DISTRIBUTION, AND USE ___________________________________ 12 1. District Administrative Guidelines and Procedures _________________________________ 12 2. Campus Administrative Guidelines and Procedures ________________________________ 12 3. Definitions and Information ____________________________________________________ 12 D. LOST INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS _____________________________________ 15 1. District Administrative Guidelines _______________________________________________ 15 2. District Procedures ____________________________________________________________ 15 3. Campus Administrative Guidelines ______________________________________________ 15 4. Campus Procedures ___________________________________________________________ 16 E. DAMAGED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS ________________________________ 18 F. INVENTORY ___________________________________________________________ 19 1. District Administrative Guidelines and Procedures _________________________________ 19 2. Campus Administrative Guidelines and Procedures ________________________________ 19 3. Definitions and Information ____________________________________________________ 20 4. Instructional materials Inventory Reconciliation ___________________________________ 22 2 G. FORMS ________________________________________________________________ 23 LOST INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS NOTICATION ______________________________________ LOST BOOK LETTER _________________________________________________________________ LOST BOOK LETTER in Spanish ________________________________________________________ CONTRACT FOR PAYMENT FOR LOST INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS _____________________ TIP LETTER FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT __________________________________________________ BOOK DAMAGE REPORT _____________________________________________________________ TYPES OF DAMAGE AND FINES - CURRENT ADOPTIONS: ________________________________ TIP DAMAGED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS LETTER___________________________________ BOOK CONDITION FORM _____________________________________________________________ NO FAULT INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS LOSS _________________________________________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS __________________________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT ____________________________________________________ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3 Legal References ECISD Board Policy that relates to instructional materials BAA (Local) CMD (Legal) DBD (Legal) DBD (Local) DLB (Legal) DLB (Local) FP (Legal) FB (Local) EF (Legal) EFA (Local) EFAA (Legal) EFAA (Local) EHAA (Legal) Board policy can be found on ECISD’s web site online online online online online online online online online online online online online Texas Education Code & Texas Administrative Code TEC Chapter 31 TAC Chapter 66 online online 4 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS RESPONSIBILITIES State Board of Education Sets state instructional materials policies T.E.A. Instructional Materials Division Sets state instructional materials procedures Local Board of Trustees Superintendent Appoints District Coordinator District Instructional Materials Coordinator Campus Administrator Teacher Student/Parent Sets local instructional materials policies Sets local procedures and enforces state and local policies Sets campus procedures and enforces state and local policies Enforces campus, local, state policies and procedures Is responsible for care and return of state property 5 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL The following is a listing of the department personnel, which will assist you in determining, which staff member can best answer your specific questions: Dana Wiest, Instructional Materials Coordinator/Records Management Officer [email protected] status of delivery or pick up of books contents of delivery or pick up requests for book covers contents of titles textbook quota and eligibility adoption matters any other questions forwarded by staff inventory schedules Yvonne Moreno, Secretary [email protected] orders/credits campus inventory communications guidelines and procedures manual information publisher information reports adoption cycles enrollment verification/textbook quota expiring, extended titles Everette Elmore, Warehouse Supervisor [email protected] Pick up/delivery of state adopted materials Pickup of out-of-adoption materials Most information needed is covered in the Instructional Materials Guidelines and Procedures Manual. This enables campuses to have answers whenever questions might arise. However, we are at your service to assist you with instructional materials matters. We highly recommend that campus questions regarding instructional materials be directed through the campus instructional materials manager or the principal. Your cooperation in this matter will expedite communication. 6 A. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Board of Trustees: a. Is designated as the legal custodian of the books. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.102(c)) b. Makes arrangements for the distribution of books to pupils in the most economical and effective way. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.102 (c)) c. Delegates to its employees the power to requisition, distribute, and manage the inventory of instructional materials. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.104 (a)) 2. Superintendent: a. Is ultimately responsible for instructional materials activity within the district. b. Designates a District Instructional Materials Coordinator. 3. District Instructional Materials Coordinator a. Is responsible for controlling state adopted instructional material activity within the district and coordinating instructional materials activity with T.E.A. b. Is accountable for state adopted instructional materials charged to the system. c. Is accountable for directing campuses to pay for lost or destroyed books, and for notifying appropriate personnel when campuses fail to pay. d. Must maintain records of materials activity including distribution to schools within the system. e. Must report lost or damaged instructional materials to T.E.A. and adjust campus and district inventory accordingly.[(19 TAC 66.107(a)] f. Must requisition instructional materials. g. Must accept material shipments for the district and report shipment errors and/or discrepancies. h. Will contact publishers for samples during the adoption process. i. Must ensure that an annual physical inventory is conducted of currently adopted instructional materials requisitioned and delivered to the district. (CMD Legal) (19 TAC 66.107(a)) 4. Principal/Instructional Materials Manager: a. Must keep extra materials that are within the maximum allowed in a controlled, clean, and organized area. b. Must return any surplus materials to the central district storage facility upon request. c. Must ensure that required accounting procedures be followed for monies collected for lost, destroyed, or damaged instructional materials. d. Must send money collected from students for sales (including payment for lost and destroyed instructional materials) to the Accounting or Instructional materials Department. (19 TAC 66.107(a)) e. Must conduct an annual physical inventory of all currently adopted instructional materials. Reimbursement and/or replacement shall be made for all instructional material determined to be lost. (19 TAC 66.107(a)) f. Must require regular instructional materials inspections be conducted. 7 g. Must verify instructional materials transactions and immediately report any discrepancies to the District Instructional Materials department delivery person. h. Must collect materials to the campus instructional materials storage area at the end of the school year or at the end of the first semester for classes that do not continue. i. Must report materials needing to be replaced due to destruction or wear. j. Must report students owing outstanding materials monies to any campus to which that student transfers. k. Must communicate instructional materials responsibilities to teachers/staff/students/parents. l. Must ensure that teacher instructional materials clearance is conducted at the end of the semester, the end of the year, and when teachers transfer to another grade or leave your campus. m. Must ensure that teachers, students, and parents are made aware that instructional materials damage fines will be assessed for damage to instructional materials and those funds are used to pay for unaccounted-for instructional materials. The principal has the primary responsibility for the care and distribution of state adopted materials at each campus. An assistant principal or clerk may be assigned the duty of campus instructional materials manager by the principal. The campus instructional materials manager will be responsible to the principal for the proper disposition of his/her duties. The principal, however, remains the primary custodian at the campus. 5. Teacher: a. Must keep an accurate record of instructional materials/materials received and issued to students unless instructional materials are issued directly to students through TIP software. b. Must keep a record of the instructional materials accession number (barcode on the inside cover) for books issued to each pupil unless instructional materials are issued directly to students through TIP software. c. Ensures that instructional materials are always covered. (CMD Legal) (19 TAC 66.107(b)) d. Conducts periodic instructional materials inspections as required by the principal. e. Ensures that instructional materials have the name of the student in the appropriate place. f. Must notify the parent when first becoming aware of a instructional materials/material that is lost, destroyed, or damaged (see lost Instructional materials Notification). g. Must check the instructional materials number and condition of the instructional materials as they are returned by the students (see Book Condition Report and Book Damage Report) and process fines being charged for damages (CMD Local). h. Must ensure students return instructional materials issued at close of school year, end of course, or at the time of W/D at elementary level and returned to campus instructional materials coordinator at secondary level. (CMD Legal) (19 TAC 66.107 (h)) 8 6. Student/Parent or Guardian: a. Must ensure proper use and care for instructional materials/materials. b. Must return instructional materials at the close of the school year or the end of the course or at the time of withdrawal. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.104 (c)) (19 TAC 66.107 (b)) c. Must reimburse the school for any lost, destroyed or damaged instructional materials/materials issued to that student. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.104 (d)) d. Student may enter his/her name inside the front cover of the instructional materials. Each student, or his parent or guardian, shall be responsible to the teacher for instructional materials not returned by the student. Any student failing to return instructional materials shall forfeit his right to state adopted instructional materials/materials until the instructional materials previously issued are returned or paid for by the parent or guardian. If a student loses instructional material(s) and fails to return or pay for it, the school shall allow the student to use the instructional material(s) at school during each school day but not to be assigned any instructional materials for out-of-class use. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.104(d)) If a book is not returned and payment is not made, the District shall NOT prevent a student from graduating or participating in a graduation ceremony, receiving grades, or receiving a diploma. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.104(d)) 9 B. MEMBERSHIP 1. Administrative Guidelines a. T.E.A. will use October 1st PEIMS data to determine estimated membership for the forthcoming fall. b. Each secondary campus shall input pre-enrollment data from pre-educational planning to document expected fall membership. Elementary PEIMS data will be rolled up a grade level. c. The campus shall report the current membership whenever requesting additional instructional materials once school begins. 2. Definitions and Information MEMBERSHIP/ENROLLMENT Membership is defined as the number of students enrolled in a grade and/or course. Grades K-6 report the number of students enrolled in a grade. The membership for grades 7 through 12 is based on course enrollment rather than on current grade enrollment. The membership data is used to determine how many books for which the district or a campus is eligible. The membership for Grades Pre-K through Grade 6 is based on the number of students enrolled in the grade. TEACHER MEMBERSHIP The teacher membership is the total number of teachers who teach a subject. This is to include classroom teachers and any other teacher who teaches the subject. QUOTAS A quota is the number of books for which a campus or district is eligible based on the membership. SPECIAL POPULATIONS Students with visual handicaps are determined eligible for special instructional materials by a local ARD committee. These students must be verified by the annual registration through the Division of Special Education of the Texas Education Agency each January. These students may receive modified instructional materials which include books in Braille, large type, or audio tapes. To receive these modified instructional materials each student must be registered with the Matter of the Blind. Ordering of books for visually impaired students is directed by the Special Education Department. 10 SPECIAL EDUCATION Special education students who are performing off grade level may receive instructional materials at the performance level. These books will be made available based on ARD Committee Recommendations. BILINGUAL MEMBERSHIP Students identified as bilingual and enrolled in bilingual classes are entitled to bilingual instructional materials. Bilingual instructional materials are defined as instructional materials written in Spanish for pupils who are not proficient in English. Bilingual students are eligible for the bilingual instructional materials as well as the adopted English instructional materials for each subject. Therefore, when counting membership for bilingual students, count them once for bilingual membership and then once again for total membership. 3. Pre-enrollment Report The pre-enrollment report determines the actual pre-enrollment membership for the next school year. The membership data is used to determine how many instructional materials for which the district is eligible, given the individual quota. Each secondary campus is required to submit data based on student course requests. Membership figures reported must reflect the number of students enrolled in a subject for the next school year. Each elementary campus grade level Pre-K through 6 is rolled up to the next grade level. Pre-enrollment Data The pre-enrollment data provides information about student population for the coming school year. This information will reflect actual numbers of students enrolled in a grade or course. This information is used for placing instructional materials orders with the state. Total Overall Enrollment for Elementary This is the total rolled-up enrollment student data by grade for the next school year. Include both English speaking and bilingual students. Include teachers who teach the subject including special education and resource. Overall Bilingual Enrollment for Elementary This is the total rolled up bilingual enrollment for the next school year. Subject Level Enrollment for Secondary Beginning with Grade 7, indicate the total pre-enrollment by subject for the next school year based on course request figures. 11 C. ORDERING, DISTRIBUTION, AND USE 1. District Administrative Guidelines and Procedures a. The public schools of Texas may use instructional materials adopted by the State Board of Education. b. The district shall receive shipments send initial shipments to campuses to meet eligibility requirements. c. The district shall report any shipment discrepancies to the shipping location. 2. Campus Administrative Guidelines and Procedures a. The campus shall receive, verify, and sign for shipments. b. The campus shall report any shipment discrepancies to the instructional materials personnel delivering the books. c. The campus may request additional instructional materials from the District instructional materials department when eligible and when a need arises. d. All transactions shall be made through the instructional materials department. A campus may not transfer instructional materials to another campus. A campus may not lend instructional materials to an individual, organization, another campus, or another school district. e. Each campus shall establish a system for the distribution of instructional materials on that campus. The TIP inventory program is the only inventory tracking software that will be utilized. Order forms can be used to document distribution of instructional materials to teachers. 3. Definitions and Information CONSUMABLE WORKBOOK Consumable workbooks are to be sent with the student when a student transfers from one school to another within the district. Consumable workbooks are not to be sent with student records when a student transfers out of the district. If a campus is in need of additional consumable workbooks during the school year, complete a Consumable Order Form and submit it to the instructional materials department. LENDING INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS The state provides each child with one book unless mandated by an ARD. Instructional materials may not be loaned to individuals, outside groups, organizations, or other school districts for whatever purposes. The instructional materials department will furnish publisher’s name, address, and phone number, so individuals may arrange to purchase the instructional materials. 12 OUT-OF-ADOPTION INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (a) School districts or open-enrollment charter schools may retain out-of-adoption instructional materials. (b) Each school district or open-enrollment charter school shall make out-of-adoption instructional materials (other than electronic instructional materials) available to libraries maintained by city and county jails, institutions within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and other state agency institutions. (c) School officials may donate out-of-adoption instructional materials (other than electronic instructional materials) to students, adult education programs, and nonprofit organizations. Individuals and officials making requests for out-of-adoption instructional materials shall be responsible for transporting the materials. (d) After all efforts to donate out-of-adoption instructional materials (other than electronic instructional materials) to organizations listed under subsection (c) of this section have been exhausted; a school district or open-enrollment charter school may sell these materials for recycling locally or to used instructional material vendors. Recycling is defined as removing the bindings and shredding the instructional materials for the purpose of producing new products from the processed materials. REQUESTS When a campus needs and is eligible for additional instructional materials because of a membership increase, the instructional materials department is to be notified. Requests will be filled or denied based upon the current membership/enrollment and the number of books in the campus inventory. SHIPMENTS Before the beginning of school each year, an initial shipment of instructional materials takes place. This shipment will contain the first shipment of newly adopted titles, consumable workbooks, and instructional materials required to meet the needs of the fall membership. The instructional materials department using appropriate district transportation will do the initial fall shipment. It is the responsibility of both instructional materials personnel and campus personnel to count the shipment to verify the numbers. DISCREPANCIES: It is the responsibility of the receiving location to count the shipment to verify the numbers before signing the delivery ticket. The discrepancy is to be noted upon delivery. The numbers are to be verified by each location and the actual number of instructional materials in the shipment is to be recorded on the order form. SALE OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS The Board may sell books, other than electronic instructional materials, to students or other schools at the state contract price. Money accruing from sales of instructional materials shall be deposited in the District’s local instructional materials account. 13 SPECIAL EDUCATION A special education student is entitled to highlighted instructional materials when the modification is documented in the IEP. These instructional materials are counted as part of the campus inventory and cannot be returned to the instructional materials department. TRANSACTIONS A transfer of instructional materials takes place when books are moved from one location to another. In order to ensure that instructional materials records are accurate and up-todate, transfers are to be handled through the instructional materials department. Do not call another campus for additional instructional materials. 14 D. LOST INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS 1. District Administrative Guidelines a. The instructional materials department shall direct funds be paid to the Accounting Department for lost and paid instructional materials from each campus. 2. District Procedures a. The instructional materials department will conduct an annual physical inventory of campuses. b. The district shall provide each campus with a statement of charges for lost books after the annual physical instructional materials inventory. c. The district shall collect money identified for lost and paid instructional materials from each elementary, junior high, and high school campuses. The campus inventories shall be adjusted to reflect lost instructional materials for which payment has been received or made. d. The district shall send lost instructional materials information to T.E.A. so that the district records can be adjusted. e. The instructional materials department prepares a report of the district-wide findings and submits it to the Finance Department. f. The Finance Department makes arrangements to collect any funds due for the lost instructional materials, which are still outstanding and not paid for. 3. Campus Administrative Guidelines a. The campus shall ensure that required accounting procedures be followed for monies collected for lost, destroyed, or damaged instructional materials. b. The campus shall send money collected from students for lost and destroyed instructional materials to the instructional materials department. c. The campus shall report instructional materials that need to be replaced due to wear to the instructional materials department. A credit will be issued and arrangements made to pick up the books. d. The sending campus shall send notification to the receiving forwarding campus of any transfer student owing for lost, destroyed, or damaged instructional materials. e. The campus shall notify the parent or guardian when instructional materials are lost or damaged. (See Lost Instructional materials Notification form) f. When a student remits payment for the full price of destroyed instructional materials, the instructional materials becomes the property of the student, and the “Property of the State of Texas” label will be removed or marked out. The school receipts payment, which includes the price of the book, the ISBN#, the acession number, and the student’s name. Payment for damaged, but not destroyed instructional materials will be receipted the same as destroyed instructional materials. g. The campus may waive or reduce payment requirement if a student is from an economically disadvantaged family. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.104(d)). Economically disadvantaged in this instance is defined as students eligible for free or reduced lunch. However, it is encouraged that students pay for lost instructional materials, otherwise the campus will need to provide the funds for payment. 15 h. The campus may provide for a method of payment other than a lump sum payment of the full price of the book. (CMD Legal) See Contract for Payment for Lost Instructional materials form. i. In order for a campus to require a student to pay for lost instructional materials, it must first determine that the student was at fault. (Reyna, et al v. W.N. Kirby, et al.) Generally, a student who fails to return instructional materials because of acts of God (fires and floods, etc.) or third party misconduct (theft, etc.), would not be “at fault” and districts cannot require payment from that student. In the case of third party misconduct, a district police report must be filed. The instructional materials department must be notified and a No Fault Instructional materials form completed. (see No Fault Instructional materials Loss form) j. Campus personnel are responsible for lost or damaged instructional materials and teacher’s editions that have been issued to them for their use. 4. Campus Procedures a. The campus shall collect full replacement cost from students for lost instructional materials and destroyed instructional materials. The price can be obtained from your Campus Distribution Report, TIP software or from the instructional materials department. When one component of a multi-book set is lost or damaged, the student is responsible for the replacement cost of the set. b. The campus shall collect fines for instructional materials which have been damaged (See Regulation CMD Exhibit). Funds may be used to pay for “no fault” losses (see above) c. Teachers shall make three documented attempts to notify the parent or guardian when instructional materials are lost or damaged and payment is required. (Use Lost Instructional Materials Notification form) 1. A notice shall be taken home by the student. 2. A notice shall be sent by regular mail. 3. A phone call shall be made and documented. d. If payment is not made, then the campus administration shall intervene and make contact with the parent or guardian. (See Lost Book Letter in English and in Spanish) e. If instructional materials are destroyed or lost and it is determined that the student was not at fault, the District instructional materials department must be notified and a No Fault form submitted. f. If instructional materials are worn out and no longer in usable condition, the campus will request that the instructional materials department pick up the book(s). Be sure to label worn out books as such. Whenever possible, the book will be replaced with another one in usable condition. Worn-out means ‘unusable due to normal wear and tear.’ g. All monies collected from students for lost or destroyed instructional materials shall be applied toward the payment for current instructional materials for which no payment could be collected. h. All monies collected by the campus for instructional materials shall be deposited in a campus lost activity fund. i. The campus shall send monies collected for lost and paid-for instructional materials and destroyed and paid-for instructional materials to the instructional materials department or, for journal entries, through email to the Accounting Department. The 16 campus may purchase lost instructional materials directly from the publisher or from an approved used book vendor to cover lost or damaged material. j. The receiving campus of a student who has transferred may withhold the issuing of instructional materials to students who have not returned or made payment for lost, destroyed or damaged instructional materials. Student use of the instructional materials in the classroom is required, but a book is not issued to the student to take from class. (CMD Legal) (TEC 31.104(d) k. If lost or misplaced instructional materials are found prior to the campus submitting payment to the district a refund may be issued. l. Paid for lost or misplaced instructional materials that are found after the district payment submission date belong to the person who paid for them. 17 E. DAMAGED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Fines will be assessed for any instructional materials, which have been damaged but are still in usable condition. (See Types of Damaged and Fines form) Record the damage and the fee on the inside back cover of the book indicating the date and explaining the damage. Any instructional materials, which have been damaged, or defaced beyond usable condition, are to be considered destroyed and the full price for the instructional materials will be assessed. Instructional materials that have been paid for in full by a student become the property of the student. Mark out the “Property of the State of Texas” on the inside back cover and indicate that the book has been paid for in full and the date. 18 F. INVENTORY 1. District Administrative Guidelines and Procedures a. The district shall conduct an annual physical inventory of current-adoption instructional materials and learning systems. (CMD Legal) (19 TAC 66.107) Announced physical inventories will be conducted by the instructional materials department. b. The district shall prepare a District Instructional Materials Accounting Report to be submitted to the Finance Department. c. The district shall draft against each campus’ discretionary expenditure account for net shortages identified during the annual physical inventory or the campus can pay for shortages through the building activity fund. d. The district may retain and use out-of-adoption instructional materials. (CMD Legal) (19 TAC 66.131(a)) District Procedures 1. The district shall send to each campus a copy of their Campus Distribution Report prior to the beginning of the annual inventory. 2. The district shall send a lost instructional materials statement to each campus upon completion of the annual inventory, which would charge each campus for the instructional materials identified as missing. 3. The district shall adjust the campus inventories to reflect missing instructional materials which have been paid for by the campus. 4. The district shall provide each campus with an adjusted inventory in the fall of each year. 5. The district shall pick up any out-of-adoption instructional materials no longer wanted at the campus. 2. Campus Administrative Guidelines and Procedures a. The junior high and high school campuses must return instructional materials to the campus instructional materials storage area at the end of the school year or at the end of the first semester for classes that do not continue. At the elementary level, instructional materials may be left in individual classrooms or returned to the campus instructional materials storage area. This is a building principal decision. b. The campus must conduct an annual physical inventory of instructional materials. The campus will be accountable to the instructional materials department for student books and teacher editions. The campus will need to account, for their own benefit, the inventory of teacher systems and ancillary materials. d. The campus must report instructional materials needing to be replaced due to normal wear. e. The campus shall be financially accountable for the amount of net shortage as identified on the annual inventory. 19 Campus Procedures 1. All state adopted instructional materials and teacher systems listed on the Campus Distribution Report must be collected from students and teachers for the purpose of inventory. This includes the corresponding teacher materials. It is highly recommended, for campus accountability, that teacher resources be collected, inventoried, or accounted for at the end of each school year. 2. The campus shall remit to the instructional materials department or Accounting Department monies for student instructional materials identified as missing during the annual inventory. If a system is missing one or more components, the campus is responsible for the replacement of the missing items through the publisher so the system remains complete. 3. The campus instructional materials inventory will be adjusted to reflect the missing instructional materials for which payment has been received. 4. Any out-of-adoption instructional materials that the campus does not want to keep are to be labeled “out-of-adoption” and the instructional materials department is to be notified when they are ready to be picked up. 3. Definitions and Information CONSUMABLE WORKBOOKS Workbooks designed to be used and written in throughout the school year. These workbooks are listed on the Consumable Order Form (on line). Consumables are replaced annually. ELECTRONIC INSTRUCTIONALL MEDIA SYSTEMS (EIMS) Learning systems whose primary method of communication is through electronic media is an EIM System. If any of the components are missing, the system is considered incomplete and cannot be inventoried. HIGHLIGHTED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Instructional materials may be highlighted for the instruction of special education students with the approval of the Special Education Department. This may be done only if the student’s IEP requires such highlighting. These books are part of the regular campus inventory. These will be stored in one location in the instructional materials storage area. A separate break out count by title will be made at the time of inventory each June. LEARNING SYSTEM A group of materials that includes the teacher materials and student materials is a “learning system.” Components of the system must be present for a system to be counted during inventory if listed on the Campus Distribution Report. MULTI-VOLUME SET Any instructional material that has more than one volume, which constitutes the entire book, is a “multi-volume set.” The titles of the volumes in a multi-volume set will be different. Components of the set must be present for the set to be complete 20 and counted during inventory. (Example: 1st grade reading books 1 through 5 with phonics book 1 and 2) OUT-OF-ADOPTION INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Instructional materials on which the state contract has expired are to be considered out of adoption. These instructional materials are no longer listed in the Campus Distribution Report. The district will pick up any unwanted out-of-adoption instructional materials during June/July. Out-of-adoption instructional materials retained by the campus must be stored separately from the currently adopted instructional materials. TEACHER EDITIONS, AIDS All teacher editions will be part of the yearly physical inventory. There are some teacher ancillary materials that are state accountable. Refer to your campus distribution report for these materials. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS A book, a system of instructional materials, or a combination of a book and supplementary instructional materials, that conveys information to the student or otherwise contributes in the learning process, or an electronic instructional materials. (TEC 31.001) ELECTRONIC INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Computer software, interactive videodisc, magnetic media, CD-ROM, computer courseware, on-line services, and electronic medium, or other means of conveying information to the student or otherwise contributing to the learning process through electronic means. TEC 31.002(e) CAMPUS-OWNED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Any instructional materials purchased by the district or campus for use at that campus are to be considered a campus owned instructional materials. These books are to be clearly marked that they are “campus-owned” and stored in a separate location from the state- or district-owned instructional materials. The campus is solely responsible for the inventory of these instructional materials. WORKBOOKS: A book, usually a paperback, provided in addition to a student instructional materials. If lost or destroyed beyond use, the student must pay full price to replace the workbook. Campuses should collect the money and order a replacement from the warehouse. If none are available, the instructional materials department will order directly from the publisher. 21 4. Instructional materials Inventory Reconciliation The instructional materials department will send out Campus Distribution Reports prior to the physical inventory and any time requested. Campuses are to verify counts and if a discrepancy is found then the instructional materials department will be notified. This is a verification of the “paper” inventory of books, not a “physical” inventory. 22 G. FORMS Lost Instructional Materials Notification: The top part of the form can be sent home with the student to notify the parent that a book is lost, destroyed, or damaged. The middle part of the form can be used to track parent contacts. Lost Book Letter: This is the 4th contact with the parent. When the instructional materials person posts the lost book to the TIP software, TIP will respond by asking if you want to print a Lost Book Letter. Lost Book Letter in Spanish: same as above Contract for Payment of Lost Instructional materials: If a parent is unable to pay for a lost, damaged, or destroyed instructional materials this form may be used for installment payments. TIP Letter for Partial Payment: When the instructional materials person posts a partial payment for a instructional materials, TIP will respond by asking if you want to print a letter for partial payment. This letter requests immediate payment of the outstanding balance, so if you’ve made a contract for installment payments, you will have to re-write the default letter if you want to send one. Book Damage Report: Note to student and/or his parents. It would be appropriate to use this after a book inspection Types of Damage and Fines: Dollar amount to charge for damaged to a book. Tip Damaged Instructional materials Letter: Letter requesting full payment of a damaged book. Book Condition Form: Form to be used at the first of the year/semester. The student or parent may indicate any damages already existing in the book so that they will not have to pay for these damages at the end of the year. No Fault Instructional materials Loss: Use if a book is destroyed by an “Act of God” or by theft. Authorized Signature for Instructional materials: Use this form to indicate which employees on your campus may sign for instructional materials. 23 LOST INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS NOTIFICATION Student____________________________________ Subject____________________________ Name of Book______________________________ Teacher____________________________ Instructional materials ISBN Number ___________________ Instructional materials Accession Number_____________ This is to notify you that your child has lost instructional materials and upon receipt of this notice, reimbursement or return of the lost book is required. Amount due is ______________ (cash or money order only) Third Contact by telephone date_____________________ comment_________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Second contact by regular mail Final contact sent to school office date________________ date________________ First contact sent home by student date________________ student signature Lost or destroyed instructional materials must be paid for in full according to T.E.A. regulations. Fines for damaged instructional materials must be paid for according to regulation CMD. (See Appendix Section) LOST INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS NOTIFICATION FORM Use the Lost Instructional materials Notification Form to contact a parent or guardian when a instructional materials has been lost, destroyed, or damaged. Three documented attempts to contact the parent are to be made. There should be no more than 2 weeks between each contact. After three attempts to contact the parent and no response has been received, then, final contact will be made by the Campus Instructional materials Manager. THIS IS A SUGGESTED PROCEDURE. THE LEVEL OF IMPLEMENTATION IS A CAMPUS DECISION. * ** ** Fill in the name of the student, name of the subject, name of the instructional materials, name of the teacher, the ISBN number and accession Number. Fill in the amount due. Full price is to be charged for any book which has been lost or destroyed and appropriate fines are to be charged according to the fine schedule for a damaged book. Document each contact. -First contact: document the date and have the student sign. Send a copy home with the student. -Second contact: document, make a copy and place in the U.S. Mail -Third contact: document the date of the phone conversation or the date a message is left on the machine. -Fourth contact: send copy to the Campus Instructional materials Manager and retain a copy for your records. 24 Suggested letter for fourth contact with parents as specified in Lost Instructional materials Notification form. Modifications may be made to accommodate the needs of the campus. Using TIP software, print the following letter on an applicable letterhead. LOST BOOK LETTER 9/21/2006 ID: 012345678 To the parents/guardians of Joe Sample 1234 Elm Street Sample City MA 02468 Regarding ISBN Title 0192835750 673623483 0205084370 THE THREE MUSKETEERS. Scott Foresman Reading MYTHS AND THEIR MEANING. Price $10.30 $62.00 $18.10 TOTAL: Accession 11456 11122 11385 $90.40 When a student leaves school, instructional materials and materials must be returned to the school or purchased by the parent or guardian at current prices. Your child failed to return the instructional materials(s) listed above. If the instructional materials are lost or not available, as parent/guardian you must pay for the missing books in the amount stated above. Please call us if you want to make payment arrangements. We can set up a payment schedule for you. If the books are returned, payment is received, or satisfactory payment arrangements are made within the next ten (10) days, no further collection action will be taken. Failure to return these instructional materials or pay the amount due may lead to disciplinary action or legal action, whichever is appropriate. Please help us remove this debt from your record. Return the instructional materials to the school office (or to the District Office), or call us to make payment arrangements. Payments may be made directly to the school or District Office. If you have any questions about this letter please contact me. Sincerely yours, 25 LOST BOOK LETTER in Spanish 9/21/2006 ID: 012345678 A los padres o guardians legales de Joe Sample 1234 Elm Street Sample City MA 02468 En referencia a: ISBN Title 0192835750 0673623483 0205084370 THE THREE MUSKETEERS. Scott Foresman Reading MYTHS AND THEIR MEANING. Price $10.30 $62.00 $18.10 TOTAL: Accession 456 122 85 $90.40 Estimados padres de familia: Cuando un estudiante deja de asistir a la escuela, todos los libros y materiales que le fueron asignados deberán ser regresados a la escuela o comprados por sus padres o guardianes legales a precios actuales. Por este conducto les hacemos constar que su hijo(a) no regresó los libros identificados en la presente. Si estos libros fueron perdidos, o si no están disponibles, como padres o guardianes legales, ustedes deberán remitir pago a la escuela por la cantidad total mostrada al final de la lista. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina para establecer un plan de pagos. Si durante los siguientes diez (10) días ustedes regresan los libros, remiten pago, o nos llaman para establecer un plan de pagos, no llevaremos a cabo ninguna otra acción para recaudar estos fondos. En caso de que usted no regrese los libros o pague por ellos, nos veremos forzados a tomar medidas disciplinarias o legales en su contra. Por favor ayúdenos a eliminar esta deuda de sus registros. Regrese los libros a la oficina de la escuela (o a la del distrito), o llámenos para establecer un programa de pagos. Usted puede enviar sus pagos directamente a la oficina de la escuela o a la del distrito. Si tiene preguntas o dudas respecto al contenido de esta carta, por favor no dude en llamarme. Atentamente, Sonja Olivera, Assistant Principal 26 CONTRACT FOR PAYMENT FOR LOST INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS It is hereby agreed upon that I, _______________________________, will remit to ________________________ School the full amount of _____________ for lost, destroyed or damaged instructional materials(s). Fine Name of the Instructional materials Cost Instructional materials Number or Replacement _________________________________ _______________ _______________ _________________________________ _______________ _______________ _________________________________ _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________ Total There will be __________ number of payments made beginning on ____________ date. Final payment will be made by _______________________date. Payment Schedule Date Payment Student Initial School Initial __________ _______________ ____________ __________ __________ _______________ ____________ __________ __________ _______________ ____________ __________ __________ _______________ ____________ __________ __________ _______________ ____________ __________ Failure to complete the contract by the final date will result in forfeiture to the right to free instructional materials; meaning, that school issued instructional materials may be used only at school during each school day, and may not be taken home for individual use. __________________________________________ Student Signature ____________________________ Date __________________________________________ Campus Administrator ____________________________ Parent Signature 27 TIP LETTER FOR PARTIAL PAYMENT 9/21/2006 To the parents/guardians of Joe Sample 1234 Elm Street Sample City MA 02468 Regarding ISBN Title 0192835750 673623483 0205084370 THE THREE MUSKETEERS. Scott Foresman Reading +MYTHS AND THEIR MEANING. Payment $5.00 $11.00 $10.00 TOTAL: Accession 456 122 85 $26.00 We have received a partial payment for the instructional materials(s) listed above. The Outstanding Balance is due immediately unless other arrangements are made with the school. If you have any questions about this notice, please contact me. Sincerely yours, 28 BOOK DAMAGE REPORT _________________________________ ________ ____________________________ Student’s Name Room # Teacher’s Name These damages were found in your instructional materials(s). This includes torn pages, ink, or pencil marks, smears, damage to the cover, etc. Any damages are your responsibility, and you are expected to pay for them before the last day of school. Book Title & Number Damages Total Amount Due _____________________________________ Signature of Teacher Cost $___________ _______________ Date 29 Ector County ISD 068901 EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS CARE AND ACCOUNTING CMD (EXHIBIT)A ECTOR COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT TYPES OF DAMAGE AND FINES – CURRENT ADOPTIONS: The types of damage and suggested fines are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Ink markings $2.00 per page Torn pages $2.00 per page Missing pages $3.00 per page Moisture damage, loose covers and broken or damaged covers: First Year 100% of book replacement price Second Year 100% of book replacement price Third Year 100% of book replacement price Fourth Year 60% of book replacement price* Fifth Year 40% of book replacement price* Sixth Year 30% of book replacement price* *Textbooks must be returned to the school’s inventory. All fines collected must be submitted to the Textbook Department by the end of each school year. The total fine assessed cannot exceed the price of the book. If the total fine equals the price of the book, the book becomes the property of the student/parent. 5. Textbooks damaged beyond use 100% of book replacement price 6. Students should not be charged for books with normal wear and tear. Worn‐out textbooks should be reported to the Textbook Department at the end of the school year. 7. Lost textbook charge 100% of book replacement price Students should not be charged for damage caused at no fault of the student to whom the book is issued. Complete a No‐Fault Documentation Form found in the Instructional Materials Administrative Guidelines and Procedures Manual. Textbook damage fees and fines may be waived for students on free or reduced lunch. Efforts should always be made to hold the parent and student responsible and accept whatever payment is made. The principal/designee will make the decision on how much the parent/student should pay. DATE ISSUED: 5/04/00 LDU 05.00 CMD(EXHIBIT)A REVIEWED: 8‐2008 Page 1 of 1 30 TIP DAMAGED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS LETTER 9/21/2006 To the parents/guardians of Joe Sample 1234 Elm Street Sample City MA 02468 Regarding ISBN Title 0192835750 673623483 0205084370 THE THREE MUSKETEERS. Scott Foresman Reading MYTHS AND THEIR MEANING. Price $10.30 $62.00 $18.10 TOTAL: Accession 456 122 85 $90.40 Each student receives instructional materials and materials that are used in the courses and classes the student is taking. The cost of these materials is substantial. As a result, the school expects to re-use the books and materials over several years in its efforts to control costs. Ensuring that instructional materials are not unnecessarily damaged is the responsibility of the student and his or her parents. The instructional materials(s) listed above were assigned to your child. When the instructional materials(s) were returned to us we noted that the condition of the instructional materials(s) showed much greater than normal wear and tear. As a result, the instructional materials(s) must be replaced. This letter is to inform you that per school policy we have assessed the amount indicated above to cover the cost of replacing the instructional materials(s). The payment of this amount is due immediately. If you have any questions about his letter, please contact me. Sincerely yours, 31 BOOK CONDITION FORM STUDENT INFORMATION: _____________________________ ______ Last Name, First Room # _________________________________ Title of Book _____________________________ Teacher’s Name ________________________________ ISBN Number _________________ Accession # In the space below, you are to list any and all things that you find wrong with your instructional materials. This includes torn pages, rips, ink or pencil marks, smears, damage to the cover, etc. Check each page carefully so that you are not charged for damage that you did not do. Any damage that is not recorded will be your responsibility and you will be expected to pay for the damage when the book is turned in. Condition of the text: NEW ________ GOOD ________ FAIR _______ POOR ________ Binding: _____________________________________________________________________ Cover: ______________________________________________________________________ Missing Pages: ________________________________________________________________ Torn Pages: __________________________________________________________________ Ink Marks (Pg. #):______________________________________________________________ Other Damage: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature of Student _____________________ Date ___________________________________ Signature of Parent _____________________ Date 32 NO FAULT INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS LOSS Student_____________________________________ Campus__________________________ The book(s) listed on this report were destroyed: by____________________________________________ (type of destruction) on____________________________________________ (date) in the_________________________________________ (building or home) Title______________________________________ ISBN________________________ Title______________________________________ ISBN________________________ Title______________________________________ ISBN________________________ Title______________________________________ ISBN________________________ __________________________________________ Administrator ____________________________ Date NO FAULT INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS LOSS Any instructional materials that is destroyed and is no longer in usable condition must be reported to T.E.A. within 60 days of the occurrence. The Instructional materials Department must be notified within 30 days of the occurrence. This notification form is to be used when the loss was no fault; i.e., books used by children with contagious diseases, or destroyed by fire of flood. If a student was responsible for the book at the time it was destroyed the campus must first determine that the student was at fault. (Reyna, et al v. W. N. Kirby, et al.) Generally, a student who fails to return instructional materials because of acts of God (fires, floods, or contagious diseases etc.) or third party misconduct (theft, etc.), would not be “at fault” and payment cannot be required from that student. If a student was caring for the instructional materials in a responsible manner at the time of the loss, (the book was stolen from a locker that belonged to the student and was kept locked), then, it could be determined to be a “no fault”. They key word to “no fault” loss is responsibility—was the student acting in a responsible manner at the time of the loss. In the event of no fault instructional materials loss, the campus must notify the Instructional materials Department using this form. If the loss was by theft, a campus security or police report must be attached to the No Fault Loss Report. At that time the campus inventory will be adjusted to reflect the loss and the district will notify the state so the district inventory can be adjusted. Whenever possible, the books must be returned to T.E.A. 33 AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES FOR INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS We need to know who may sign for instructional materials picked up and delivered at your campus this summer. Please complete and return as soon as possible. ___________________________________ typed or printed name _________________________________ signature ___________________________________ typed or printed name _________________________________ signature ___________________________________ typed or printed name _________________________________ signature ___________________________________ typed or printed name _________________________________ signature Campus_____________________________ _________________________________ principal’s signature BOOK LOCATION______________________________________________________ (Location where surplus, expiring, worn-out books will be for pickup) 34 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT This acknowledgement of receipt indicates that the person signing below has received the State Adopted Instructional Materials Guidelines and Procedures Manual. ________________________________________ ____________________________ Instructional materials Manager or designee Date ________________________________________ ____________________________ Printed Name Campus 35
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