portfelj - Studio LIST

Ipavčev kulturni center - Ipavec Cultural Hall - Šentjur pri Celju
Year: 2014
Investor: Municipality of Šentjur
Location: Šentjur pri Celju
Project: A reconstruction, addition and equipping of Ipavčev Cultural Hall Šentjur (Slovene: Ipavčev kulturni
dom Šentjur)
Ipavčev Culture Hall Šentjur is regarded as the center of culture in the city of Šentjur. The areas it holds
are used for various theatrical and musical activities, conferences, reception of guests and other activities.
Furthermore, the western part of the building is used as a court.
The source object was appropriate in size but lacked in acoustic abilities. It also did not have the ability to
host the correct equipment and was inefficient in energy consumption. The staff rooms were too small and
impractical in cases of larger events. The facility also lacked bathroom facilities and outdoor space which
additionally prevented larger events from being held.
The new architectural design takes advantage of the potential that the older facility held. Instead of a large
scale overhaul it only provides minor interventions with the current design while mostly upgrading the
current equipment. Additionally it completely remodels the energy usage of the facility and transforms it into
a modern multi-purpose cultural center that houses 4 major areas used for various activies:
The main multi-purpose hall with a capacity of 230 chairs and state of the art technical and acoustic equipment,
A smaller multi-purpose hall, used primarily for smaller events,
A lobby, used either as a rallying point for visitors or as a smaller hall used for leisure activities such as dancing, exhibitions, receptions or workshops
Outer courtyard area, used as a host for outdoor activies
The social center is named after Ipavci – a family of doctors, patriots and composers. Pulse (doctors),
homeliness (patriots) and rhythm (composers) are the concepts with which the modern social center
addresses the visitors. Homeliness and tradition is found in the materials it comprises of. The façade,
which forms a musical stave, represents the composing of the Ipavci family. The halls represent different
ambiences which are formed under the influence of rhythm and pulse surrounding the individual when he
attends activities held in the social center. urejati
The facility is completely renovated in a construction manner having an upgraded foundation and main
walls. For the purpose of faster construction and adding as little stress on the structure as possible the
addition to the building is made from cross laminated timber. Moreover the facility has been completely
renovated in terms of energy usage with the upgrade of the outer wrap of the building and the addition of
air-conditioning systems to provide optimal conditions inside the facility.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
Turistično rekreacijski center Sviščaki - Tourist and recreation center Sviščaki
Leto: 2014
Investitor: Občina Ilirska Bistrica
Lokacija: Sviščaki
Projekt: Idejna zasnova hotela z depandanso in apartmajskih hiš
Sviščaki s smučiščem veljajo za osrednje zimsko - letno turistično in rekreacijsko središče v regiji. Želja
investitorja je raziskati možnosti razvoja nastanitvenih kapacitet na območju.
Hotel in depandansa sta večnivojsko povezana in s cestnim obračališčem oblikujeta vhodno dvorišče
obiskovalcev. Pomembno je, da so pogledi iz objektov usmerjeni mimo obstoječih hišic proti jasi sankališča
in okoliškim gozdovom. Hotel je pozicioniran neposredno ob peš poti obiskovalcev smučišča. Sončna
terasa je dostopna neposredno s smučišča. Štiri apartmajske hiše so zasnovane vzdolž plastnic in vkopane
v obstoječi teren. Skupna jim je terasa s panoramskim pogledom.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
Preureditev hotela Planja na Rogli
Leto: 2014
Investitor: Unior Zreče d.d.
Lokacija: Rogla
Projekt: Idejna zasnova prenove hotela
Investitor želi obstoječi hotel v celotni prenoviti in dvigniti nastanitveno kategorizacijo na 4 zvezdice.
Na južni strani se hotel dogradi in dopolni z balkoni. Sobe tako postanejo prostornejše. Predlaga se
lesena montažna konstrukcija v kombinaciji iz nosilnih CLT (križni lepljenih lesenih) plošc in okvirne
lesene konstrukcije. Predvidena je generalna obnova vseh vključenih prostorov in finalna obdelava vseh
novozgrajenih prostorov. Objekt bo obnovljen po sodobnih standardih nizkoenergetske gradnje.
Z obnovo hotela želimo poudariti obstoječe kvalitete objekta in jih nadgraditi z elementi sodobnega
oblikovanja, ki sledi funkciji objekta. Fasada spodnjega pritličja in celoten SZ del objekta sta vremensko bolj
obremenjena zaradi hladnih vetrov in snega. Tako smo v tem primeru fasado objekta oblekli v materiale,
ki so vremensko odpornejši - pločevina oziroma eternit (podobno kot obstoječa fasada). Vremensko manj
obremnjeno JV fasado smo po vzoru obstoječega objekta oblekli v les - predlagamo lesene skodle, ki veljajo
za vremensko naj odpornejšo leseno fasado. Poenoten ritem novih balkonov v vseh nadstopjih bo velika
dodana vrednost večjih in udobnejših sob. Obiskovalci bodo lahko, tako poleti kot pozimi, uživali v čudovitih
pogledih Rogle.
Wooden bird house
Year: 2014
Investor: Unior Zreče d.d.
Location: Rogla
Project: Idejna zasnova prenove hotela
The investor wants to renovate an existing hotel and raise the accommodation categorization of 4 stars .
New balconies will be built on the south side of the hotel. Rooms will also become more spacious. Frame
and CLT ( cross - laminated wood ) wooden structure will be proposed. The building will be renovated in
low - energy building standards .
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
Lesena ptičja hišica
Leto: 2014
Investitor: Studio LIST
Lokacija: Po želji
Projekt: Zasnova in izvedba lesene ptičje hišice
Glavna posebnost ptičje hišice je streha, ki je oblikovana iz enega kosa lesa - drva. Na ta način je zagotovljena
vodotesnost in daljša življenska doba. V polkrožno oblikovanem podstavku so vrezane okrogle vdolbine
nemenjene hrani. Hišica je lahko samostoječa - prenosljiva oziroma obešena na drevesu.
Wooden bird house
Year: 2014
Investor: Studio LIST
Location: Your choise
Project: Design and construction of wooden bird house
The main design feature of the bird house is the roof, which is formed from a single piece of wood. In this
way we achieved water resistance and longer lifetime. Round hollows for bird food are sculpted in the semicircular shaped base. The house can be a stand - alone or hung on a tree.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
Kindergarten Polzela
Year: 2013
Investor: Municilality of Polzela
Location: Polzela
Project: 15 class kindergarten design
The location is in the periphery of the town center. South of the location there is a primary school and parking
areas, west of the location is a jogger track, a playground and a sports field. The northern and eastern parts
of the location are cultural landscapes. The location itself is very calm and quiet – it is part of the educational
area of the town and is directly connected with the primary school.
The kindergarten is in an elongated shape with a SW-NE orientation and is inserted into the area in such
a manner that it uses the lot as much as possible for playing fields. The south part of the complex is used
as the main entrance. The design includes a smaller lobby used for parents next to the entrance. The idea
is to construct children areas east from this lobby while constructing ground floor business areas in the
west with management offices a floor above. The children areas are divided into four smaller units that
work independently and are connected through a central area. Three units have 4 playrooms, while the
last one has 3. Each unit has its own areas for extracurricular activities and cabinets for the employees.
The ground floor has a two-unit design which function as areas for the youngest children. Each unit has a
separate entrance. The unit on the northern part of the construction has 3 playgrounds and is designed for
the youngest children. The idea of the next floor is to construct two more units for children of the second age
group. Both units are accessible through a stairway.
The façade of the construction is made from two parts. The part that includes the children areas has a
wooden façade covering while the business and management areas have a plaster façade with a brighter
color shade. With this we achieve synergy with the surroundings and the construction receives a more
natural design while invoking a feeling of comfort and warmth.
The playground on the eastern side of the complex is intended for the children of the first age group and is
accessible from the ground floor playrooms. The playground on the western side is intended for the children
of the second age group and is accessible through an outer stairway on the northern side. The children who
have their playrooms on the upper floor have access to the eastern playground through a stairway on the
south of the complex. Both playgrounds are connected visually through a center room.
The object is ideally intended in wooden frame construction, based on reinforced concrete foundations.
The walls of the objects are intended to be in a wooden frame system in combination with cross laminated
timber where required. The object is constructed in an economical standard and will be heated through a
central biomass boiler which will be included in the frame of the complex. For the warm water requirements
during summer there is an intended heat pump. In the middle of the complex, next to the multi-purpose
room, will be a technical room with an AC device and a recuperator. With this we will shorten the ventilation
canals, the amount of secondary ceilings and lower the electrical energy required to ventilate the rooms of
the complex. The kindergarten will have a hybrid method ventilation system. In winter it will use mechanical
ventilation with the heat recuperator which saves up to 60% of energy. In spring, summer and autumn
there will be an added natural ventilation system through the window panels. The rooms will cool through
mechanical ventilation with the excess cooling from the heat pump that will heat the water. In summer, due
to the temperatures being higher, the classes will be organized into smaller groups and will take place in the
coolest areas of the kindergarten.
For our investor we designed the urban and architectural insertion plan of the kindergarten into this location.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
Kindergarten Šoštanj
Year: 2012
Investor: Municipality of Šoštanj
Location: Šostanj
Project: 16 class kindergarten design
We designed a 16 class kindergarten in energy efficient standards. The location of the object is located within
the center of the Šoštanj city. The kindergarten retains the already orderly outside surfaces and enables
maximum coverage of the outside for outdoor playgrounds. The design follows the existent terrain (which
is descending to the south) without supporting walls. The kindergarten object follows the division of the
terrain and the already built structure. Even lighting of the children playrooms is already achieved through
southeast orientation. Due to the size and complexity of the object (the kindergarten has 16 classes) there
are two access points for children and parents into the facility. Through the entrance lobby runs a pedestrian
axle trail that is evenly connected through levels. The service and staff entrances are located on the west
side of the object. The kindergarten is connected to the existing sports hall through a covered hallway.
The construction of the ground floor is made from reinforced concrete; the upper level is made through a
wooden panel construction. The roof construction is expected to be wooden with a possible green roof.
The design of the kindergarten volume seeks for balance between a compact structure volume and the
natural lighting of all spaces in the complex (most importantly the playrooms). All areas which are directly
hit by sunlight have the ability to use venetian blinds that align with the needs of the user. The designs in
the playroom areas include fixed canopies. In winter times the main method of shading the inner rooms
is through inner roller blinds which do not lower the heat absorption of the windows. Natural ventilation of
the playrooms is enabled through opening of individual windows. The air circulates through the walls to a
combined area and through roof openings back into the open – that is the main method of night cooling.
As a part of the competition we produced a idea design of the project.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
Preureditev prostorov banke Celje
Leto: 2011
Investitor: Banka Celje
Kraj: Celje
Projekt: Preureditev prostorov Banke Celje
Stavbo nekdanje celjske Ljudske posojilnice so zgradili med letoma 1928 in 1929. Plečnikova mojstrovina
predstavlja najpomembnejšo stavbo v Celju med obema svetovnima vojnama, ki je danes sedež Celjske
banke. Oblikovali smo notranjo opremo za večnamenske avle, ki se poleg funkcije sprejemne pisarne,
uporabljajo kot stičišče srečevanja ljudi in namestitve skupne pisarniške opreme. V vsaki avli je sprejemni
pult ter klop za obiskovalce. Oprema išče vzporednice s plečnikovo zasnovo glavne sejne sobe, ki je šre
danes opremljena v originalnem pohištvu. Za investitorja smo izdelali idejno zasnovo.
Rearrangement of work spaces in Banka Celje
Year: 2011
Investor: Banka Celje
Location: Celje
Project: Rearrangement of work spaces in Banka Celje
The building that formely hosted the National loan bank of Celje, today the registered seat of Banka Celje,
was built between the years of 1928 and 1929. It is acknowledged as a Jože Plečnik masterpiece and is
widely considered as one of the most important buildings in Celje that was built between the two world wars.
By request of our contractor we produced an idea that included the design and furnishing of the multipurpose halls that primarily function as reception offices and social junctures. Each hall was equipped with a
reception counter and a visitor bench. When forming the idea we focused on finding parallels to how Plečnik
designed the main boardroom which is equipped with the same furniture to this day.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
House P Laško
Year: 2011
Investor: Private
Location: Laško
Project: Single-Family home
The single-family home is located directly under the Tabor castle on a very steep terrace, turned towards
the south and with a view of the old town Laško. The building is one story tall with a terrace and garden exit.
The north wall of the building serves as a terrain support wall and also reduces visibility into the rooms from
the north side.
The foundations are made from reinforced concrete. The building is made by low-energy consumption
standards and will require 80% less energy for heating. The heat pump will use the energy from underground.
In winter the ventilation will work in a central manner with recuperation. In contrast, during summer, it will
work naturally with the system of natural night ventilation.
For our investor we designed the construction scheme, the project to receive construction permits and the
idea execution of the project.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
Novo upravno središče v Mozirju
Leto: 2010
Kraj: Mozirje
Tip gradnje: Preureditev upravnega središča in nova avtobusna postaja
Zasnova: Diplomska naloga Mihe Prosena pod mentrostvom prof. dr. Aleša Vodopivca
Z izgradnjo stavbe upravnega središča, kjer je sedež občinske uprave in ostalih pomembnih centralnih
dejavnosti, je območje postalo središče javnega življenja in srečevanj krajanov v Mozirju. Hkrati novo
nastali center oblikuje vhod v staro trško jedro in je pomemben sestavni del silhuete kraja. S točkovnim
zgoščevanjem centralnih dejavnosti na enem mestu imajo krajani olajšano opravljanje vsakodnevnih potreb.
Z novo zasnovo postane območje upravnega središča centralni javni prostor Mozirja. Trg pred zgradbo
upravnega središča je namenjen izključno pešcem in je nivojsko ločen od prometnih površin ter površin
mirujočega prometa. Obstoječi parkirišči pred zgradbo občinske uprave in trgovskega centra se združita
v enotno večje parkirišče. Parkirna mesta stanovalcev in zaposlenih se predvidijo v polvkopani parkirni
V pritličju novega objekta se nahajajo prostori avtobusne postaje (prodajalna vozovnic, pisarna, prostori
šoferjev), trgovski lokali in kavarna. Program avtobusne postaje je orentiran proti jugu, kjer so avtobusni
peroni. Trgovski lokali sooblikujejo promenado med trgovskim centrom in stavbo upravnega središča na
severu. Kavarna je trostransko orientirana proti trškemu jedru.
Prvo nadstropje sestoji iz restavracije, ki ima enako orientacijo kot kavarna
New administration center in Mozirje
Year: 2010
Location: Mozirje
Type of construction: Reformation of the administration court and new bus station
Design: Diploma work of Miha Prosen under the mentorship of prof.Aleš Vodopivec, PhD.
With constructing the new administration center, that became the municipality management office and other
center of other important tasks, the area became the core of the public life and a meeting point for all
inhabitants of Mozirje. Additionally the new complex provided a new picture of the old city entrance and
became a silhouette of the city. With becoming the meeting point for inhabitants in the city the performing of
everyday tasks became easier.
With the new design the area of the administration center became the center public area. The market in front
of the building is specifically intended for pedestrians and is separated from the roads surrounding the city.
The 2 existing parking spaces located in front of the building are joined into a single, larger unit. The parking
spaces of the nearby inhabitants and staff are planned to be located in on an entrenched platform.
The ground floor of the new complex hosts areas of the bus station (ticket booths, offices and staff rooms),
smaller shops and a coffee shop. The program of the bus station is oriented towards the south, where the
bus platforms are located. The shops form a promenade between the shopping center and the administration
offices in the north. The coffee shop is oriented to the market center from three sides.
The first floor consists of a restaurant which has the same orientation than the coffee shop and police
station. The second floor hosts the administration of the bus station and other business areas.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
Urbanistična študija Mozirja
Leto: 2010
Kraj: Mozirje
Tip gradnje: Urbanistična študija Mozirja
Zasnova: Diplomska naloga Mihe Prosena pod mentrostvom prof. dr. Aleša Vodopivca
Zasnovana je urbanistična študija Mozirja, sestavljena iz treh delov. Načrt urbane mobilnosti obravnava
zasnovo in prenovo peščevih in kolesarskih poti, strategijo javnega prometa in oblikovanje cestnih
profilov. Načrt uporabe javnega prostora prikazuje organizacijo in povezanost javnih prostorov kraja. Načrt
stanovanjskih, storitvenih in oskrbovalnih programov pa predlaga prenovo obstoječega in zasnovo novega
grajenega tkiva.
Stanovanjska tipologija
- vrstne in verižne hiše (število): 67
- prostostoječe hiše in dvojčki (število): 53
- večstanovanjske stavbe (število stanovanj): 207
Storitveni, oskrbovalni in poslovni program
- neto površine: 8890m2
Urbanistična študija predvidi bivališča za cca 1230 ljudi, kar po demografskih študijah (SAŠA regija, Savinjska
regija) ustreza dolgoročnemu načrtu razvoja Mozirja.
Urban study of Mozirje
Year: 2010
Location: Mozirje
Type of construction: Urban study of Mozirje
Design: Diploma work of Miha Prosen under the mentorship of prof. Aleš Vodopivec, PhD.
The Urban study design consists of three parts. First, the idea plan of urban mobility discusses about
the design and renovation of pedestrian and biker trails, public transport strategy and designing the road
profiles. Secondly, the plan of public space usage presents the organization and connection between the
public spaces of the city. Lastly, the plan of apartment, service and supply programs suggests a renovation
and design of the new look.
Apartment typology
Row and Chain houses (number): 67
Individual buildings and doublets (number): 53
Multi-apartment buildings (number of apartments): 207
Service, supply and business program
Surface: 8890 m2
The urban study predicts residence for 1230 people which, under the demographic studies (SAŠA and
Savinjska Region), meets the required needs of the long-term development plan of Mozirje.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
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Obnova poslovilne vežice Polzela
Leto: 2010
Investitior: Občina Polzela
Kraj: Polzela
Tip gradnje: Poslovilna vežica
Obstoječi nadstrešek pred poslovilnima vežicama na Polzeli v glavni osi pokopališča uokvirja gotsko
kapelico. Dobro premišljeno arhitekturno oblikovanje kakovostno zdržuje dve arhitekturni obdobji.
Zaradi dotrajanosti steklenega nadstreška smo po vzoru obstoječega stanja zasnovali projekt obnove, ki
brez dodanih arhitekturnih elementov ohranja kakovost prostora. Za investitorja smo izvedli idejno zasnovo
in projekt za izvedbo.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
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Hiša PP, Kaprije – Rekonstrukcija in prenova
Leto: 2010
Investitor: Zasebni
Kraj: Kaprije, Hrvaška
Zasnovali smo celotno prenovo stare kamnite hiše na otoku Karpije pri Šibeniku na Hrvaškem. Hiša stoji v
starem otoškem jedru neposredno ob manjšem trgu.
Na zahodni strani se odpirajo čudoviti pogledi proti morju, zato smo glavno teraso in zimski vrt zasnovali v
nadstropju in tako še povečali atraktivnost vedut. Kjub temeljiti prenovi smo ohranili vse kakovosti obsoječe
kamnite arhitekture.
House PP, Kaprije – Reconstruction and renovation
Year: 2010
Investor: Private
Location: Kaprije, Croatia
Reconstruction and renovation of an older stone house on the island of Kaprije in the Šibenik archipelago
in Croatia.
We designed a full renovation of an old stone house on the island of Kaprije. The house stands in the old
island city center next to a smaller market. The west side hosts a great ocean view so we designed the main
terrace and winter garden in the upper level, increasing the attractiveness.
We have retained the original qualities of the stone architecture despite the complete reconstruction and
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
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Univerzitetni kampus Sonce v Kopru
Leto: 2009
Investitior: Univerza na Primorkem
Kraj: Koper
Tip gradnje: Fakluteta, športna dvorana, knjižnica in študentski dom
Zasnova: Studio List v sodelovanju z Nino Bobinac m.i.a., Ksenijo Blazinšek m.i.a., Anjo Cvetrežnik m.i.a.,
Matejem Perčičem u.d.i.a. in Miho Prosenom m.i.a.
V fazi natečaja smo urbanistično in arhitekturno zasnovali novi univerzitetni kampus v Kopru. Knjižnica,
športna dvorana in centralni vhod fakultet skupaj tvorijo mediteranski trg, ki je, s potjo preko obstoječega
oljčnega gaja, neposredno povezan s starim mestnim jedrom. Študentski domovi so zasnovani v zelenju,
stran od javnih poti. Zamikanje volumnov predavalnic sledi principu indirektnega naravnega osvetljevanja,
prezračevanja in poti študentov. Oblikujejo se atriji, ki v vse predavalnice dovajajo naravno svetlobo in jih
prezračujejo. Ves program fakultet je povezan v enovito celoto, ki izkorišča naravne danosti prostora.
University campus Sonce in Koper
Year: 2009
Investor: University of Primorska
Location: Koper
Type of construction: Faculty areas, sports hall, library and student dorms.
Design: Studio List in collaboration with Nina Bobinac, MSc; Ksenija Blazinšek, MSc; Anja Cvetrežnik, MSc;
Matej Perčič, BSc and Miha Prosen, MSc.
In the competition phase we designed the urban and architectural idea of the new university campus in
Koper. The library, sports hall and the main faculty entrance form a Mediterranean market which is connected
to the old city core with an olive tree grove. The student dorms are coupled with nature designs, away from
public spaces. The volume shift of the class rooms follows the principles of indirect natural lighting of the
rooms, coupled with ventilation and student pathways. Atriums are formed which provide the class rooms
with natural light and ventilation. The whole program of the faculty is connected with its singular form which
uses the natural resources of the space it is located in.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
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Soseska PE Komen
Leto: 2009
Investitior: Zasebni
Kraj: Komen na Krasu
Tip gradnje: Soseska indvidualnih hiš po standardu pasivne gradnje
Zasnova: Studio List v sodelovanju z Matejem Perčičem u.d.i.a. in Miho Prosenom m.i.a.
V soseski PE Komen je bilo zasnovanih 13 hiš, 3 različnih velikosti. Na ta naičin je dosežena fleksibilnost,
ki prebivalcem omogoča prilagoditev bivanjskega prostora njihovim potrebam. Hiše so primerne, tako za
raznovrstne mlade družine, kot za starostnike.
Urbanistična zasnova ohranja tradicijo kraške gradnje. Vsako parcelo zamejuje kamnit zid na katerem stoji
del hiše. Na ta način je možnost kakovostne izrabe parcele večja in zunanji zeleni prostor prijetnejši. Hiše so
orientirane proti jugu in jugozahodu ter na način, da si med sabo ne zakrivajo pomembnejših panoramskih
pogledov. V srcu soseske se nahaja manjši trg, namenjen druženju prebivalcev.Tlorisna površina je manjša
od povprečnih stanovanjskih hiš, vendar fleksibilnejša, in omogoča prilagajanje bivalnih prostorov glede na
potrebe prebivalcev. Tako zasnovana hiša je cenejša in nudi več kakovostnih zunanjih površin.
Hiše bodo grajene v standardu pasivne gradnje in bodo glede na povprečno stanovanjsko hišo porabile 90
odstotkov manj energije za ogrevanje. Prezračevanje v zimskem času bo centralno z rekuperacijo, poleti
pa naravno s sistemom naravnega nočnega prezračevanja. Za investitorja smo izvedli idejno zasnovo in
urbanistično preveritev umestitve objektov v prostor.
Neighborhood P Komen
Year: 2009
Investor: Private
Location: Komen na Krasu
Design: Studio List in cooperation with Matej Perčič, BSc and Miha Prosen, MSc.
Type of construction: A small neighborhood with passive standard houses.
The neighborhood ‘PE’ Komen has a design with 13 houses of 3 different sizes. This way we achieve
flexibility which allows the inhabitants to adapt their living space to their needs. The houses are appropriate
for families, individuals and the elderly. The urban design retains the tradition of karst construction. Every lot
is limited by a wooden wall on which part of the building stands on. This way the house has a better ability
to efficiently use the space available to it while also having a pleasant green outside area. The houses are
oriented towards the south and southwest in a way that they do not cover their panoramic views. The heart
of the neighborhood contains a smaller market square that allows socializing of the inhabitants.
The ground plan surface is smaller than the one of apartment buildings but more flexible and allows for
adaption of the housing to the needs of inhabitants. Houses designed in this manner are cheaper and offer
quality outside areas. The houses will be constructed in a passive house standard and will use 90% less
energy for heating than average houses. In winter times the ventilation will work through recuperation and
in summer through natural ventilation at night.
For our investor we produced the idea design and tested the urban insertion of the object into the designated
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
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Prenova Pustega gradu v Šoštanju
Leto: 2009
Investitior: Občina Šoštanj
Kraj: Šoštanj
Tip gradnje: Prenova stavbne in naravne kulturne dediščine
Stari šoštanjski grad ima bogato srednjeveško zgodovino. V drugi polovici 15. stoletja so ga razdejali Turki.
Od nekdaj obsežne zasnove se je ohranil del obodnega zidovja in stolp iz grobo obklesanih peščenčevih
zidakov. Projektna skupina želi Pustemu gradu povrniti nekdanjo veličino in mu dodati turistično privlačnost.
Prenova poti in gradu bo omogočila ponovno obuditev družabnih dogajanj z organiziranjem manjših
kulturnih prireditev ter ponudila nove možnosti razgledov proti Šoštanjski in Velenjski dolini.
Arhitekturna zasnova v kortenski izvedbi uokvirja nekdanje dimenzije stolpa . V notranjosti stolpa se oblikuje
stopnišče, ki se zaključi z razglednim balkonom v obstoječi odprtini stolpa. Nov konstrukcijskih sistem
je jasno ločen od obstoječe kamnite strukture stolpa. V sklopu projekta se prenovi gozdna pot, ki grad
povezuje s starim mestnim jedrom Šoštanja, in zaščitijo arheološke ostaline. Za investitorja smo izvedli
idejno zasnovo prenove in okoliško zunanjo ureditev.
Renovation of Pusti Grad Šoštanj
Year: 2009
Investor: Municipality of Šoštanj
Location: Šoštanj
Type of construction: Renovation of an object of cultural heritage.
The old Šoštanj castle has a rich cultural heritage dating back into the middle ages. It was ransacked by the
Turks in the 15th century. From the former construction only a part of the masonry and the tower still remain.
The project group wishes to return the greatness of the Pusti castle and add tourist value to that greatness.
The renovation of the castle will once again allow the organizing of smaller cultural events thus allowing the
castle to regain its former position as a social center. Additionally it will offer new possibilities to have a view
over the whole Šoštanj valley.
The COR-TEN steel architectural design will frame the older dimensions of the tower. The interior will have a
new stairwell that will end with a balcony in the existing opening of the tower. The new construction system
is clearly separated from the existing stone structure of the tower. As an additional part of the project the
forest road, that connects the castle with the city core of Šoštanj, is also renovated.
For our investor we produced the idea design of the renovation and the arrangement of the outer areas.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
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Apartmajska hiša PE, Ljubno
Leto: 2009
Investitior: Zasebni
Kraj: Ljubno ob Savinji
Tip gradnje: Apartmajska hiša po standardu nizkoenergetske gradnje
Objekt bo stal med cesto Ljubno - Mozirje in reko Savinjo. Južno in vzhodno stran objekta omejujeta prometni
hrup in obstoječe stanovanjske stavbe, ki zahtevajo neovirane poglede proti severu in zahodu. Geometrija
objekta poudari vhod v apartmajsko hišo in turistično-informacijski center. S premičnimi lesenimi paneli
stavba mimoidočemu naznani njeno (ne)obratovanje.
Severna in zahodna stran objekta sta bogati s pogledi. Preko Savinje je obiskovalec deležen silhuete
krajevnega jedra, okoliškega hribovja in savinjskih Alp. Apartmajska hiša, tako v pritličju (večnamenski
prostor), kot v prostorih apartmajev uokvirja dane pogede.
Zunanjost in notranjost objekta sestojita iz naravnih, avtohtonih materialov. Leseni stiki so izvedeni po
vzoru gradnje v predalpskih dolinah. Ambient in objekt, s pridihom sodobnosti, predstavlja način okoliške
tradicionalne gradnje in je izhodiščna točka in vir informacij za obiskovalce Ljubnega in Zgornje savinjske
Za investitorja smo izvedli idejno zasnovo in urbanistično preveritev umestitve objekta v prostor.
Apartment building PE, Ljubno
Year: 2009
Investor: Private
Location: Ljubno ob Savinji
Type of construction: Low-energy consumption standard apartment building.
The object wil stand between the Ljubno – Mozirje road and the river Savinja. The south and east side of the
object is limited by traffic noise and bigger apartment buildings that limit the view – this requires the object to
have no limitation on the north and west view. The geometry of the object puts emphasis on the apartment
building entrance and the tourist information center. With movable wooden panels the building denounces
whether it is operating or not. The north and west sides of the object host a wide and beautiful view. With
a view over the river Savinja the inhabitant witnesses the silhouette of the city center, the surrounding
hillside and the Alps. The apartment building frames views in the ground floor (multi-purpose area) as well
as in apartment spaces. The interior and exterior consist of natural local materials. The wooden circuits
are inspired by the construction from the Alpine valleys. The ambient and the object presents a view upon
traditional constructing with its hint of moderness. Furthermore it is the starting point for information gathering
to all visitors of Ljubno and the upper Savinja valley.
For our investor we produced the idea design and tested the urban insertion of the object into the designated
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
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Večstanovanjski objekt na Polzeli
Leto: 2009
Investitor: Občina Polzela
Kraj: Polzela
Tip gradnje: Večstanovanjski blok
Objekt je lociran v centru Polzele in dopolnjuje obstoječo večstanovanjsko sosesko. Stanovanja različnih
velikosti so zasnovana v šestih nadstopjih s panoramskim pogledom proti jugu. Glede na potrebe prebivalcev
se lahko njihova velikost spreminja.
Dvostranska orientacija sever – jug omogoča kakovostno naravno prezračevanje in pasivno naravno
ogrevanje ob sončnih zimskih dneh. Toplotni ovoj stavbe je zasnovan brez toplotnih mostov. Enokapna
streha je skozi podstrešje prezračevana in tako naravno hlajena v vročih poletnih dneh.
Dostop do stanovanjskih enot v novem objektu je predviden kot skupno komunikacijsko jedro s stopniščem
in dvigalom, ki nista ogrevana. Na ta način smo zmanjšali toplotni ovoj stavbe in posledično stroške za
Za investitorja smo izvedli idejno zasnovo, postopek pridobitve do pridobitve gradbenega dovoljenja in projekt
za izvedbo. Že v zgodnji fazi projekta smo pridobili informativne ponudbe za konstrukcijske, ogrevalne in
druge sisteme ter tako tudi iz ekonomskega vidika določili najprimernejšo gradnjo
Apartment building Polzela
Year: 2009
Investor: Municipality of Polzela
Location: Polzela
Type of construction: Apartment building
The building is located in the center of Polzela and is inserted into an already existing apartment building
neighborhood. The apartments of different sizes are designed through six floors with a panoramic view
towards the south. Depending on the needs of the inhabitants the size of the apartments is subject to
change. The two-sided orientation north to south enables quality natural ventilation and passive natural
heating in sunny winter days. The thermal wrap of the building is designed without thermal bridges. A singlepitch roof is ventilated through the attic and therefore naturally cooler during hot summer days.
Access to the new apartment units in the new building is expected to be through a collective area with
a stairway and an elevator which are not heated. With this we reduce the needed thermal wrap of the
building and also reduce the cost of heating. For our investor we produced an idea design, the procedure
for attaining the needed construction permits and the performance project. In the earlier stages of the project
we acquired offers for construction, heating and other systems and with those we deducted the most cost
efficient method of construction.
Studio LIST, projektiranje in svetovanje, d.o.o., Celje | Oblakova ulica 30, SI-3000 Celje | www.studio-list.si | [email protected] | +386 41 767 790
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