3. koncert GLASBENEGA POLETJA V BOHINJU rd 3 concert of the Bohinj Summer Musical Festival 4. koncert GLASBENEGA POLETJA V BOHINJU th 4 concert of the Bohinj Summer Musical Festival 5. koncert GLASBENEGA POLETJA V BOHINJU th 5 concert of the Bohinj Summer Musical Festival 6. koncert GLASBENEGA POLETJA V BOHINJU 6 concert of the Bohinj Summer Musical Festival th Ëetrtek, 30. julij ob 20.30 Cerkev sv. Martina, Srednja vas v Bohinju Thursday, 31th July at 8.30 pm St. Martin's Church, Srednja vas in Bohinj Ëetrtek, 6. avgust ob 20.30 Cerkev sv. Martina, Srednja vas v Bohinju Thursday, 7th August at 8.30 pm St. Martin's Church, Srednja vas in Bohinj Ëetrtek, 13. avgust ob 20.30 Cerkev sv. Martina, Srednja vas v Bohinju Thursday, 13th August at 8.30 pm St. Martin's Church, Srednja vas in Bohinj Ëetrtek, 20. avgust ob 20.30 Cerkev sv. Martina, Srednja vas v Bohinju Thursday, 20th August at 8.30 pm St. Martin's Church, Srednja vas in Bohinj EVA NINA KOZMUS flavta / flute KARMEN PE»AR violonËelo / cello MOJCA ZLOBKO VAJGL harfa / harp BARO»NI TRIO IZ PARME / BAROQUE TRIO FROM PARMA »RTOMIR ŠIŠKOVI» violina / violin ENRICO CONTINI violonËelo / cello LUCA FERRINI Ëembalo, orgle / harpsichord, organ TANIA BUSSI sopran / soprano ROSANNA VALESI harfa / harp SIMONA MALOZZI harfa / harp KAROL DANIŠ violina / violin MAGDALENA ONDI»EVA klavir / piano program / programme J.Ibert, M.Bruch, G.Rossini, N.Paganini, C.Debussy, F.Godefroid, M.Ravel Ko skupaj zaigrajo tri vrhunske glasbenice, zmagovalka prestižnega evrovizijskega tekmovanja na Dunaju flavtistka Eva Nina Kozmus, virtuozna in temperamentna Ëelistka Karmen PeËar in prva dama slovenske harfe Mojca Zlobko Vajgl, ljubitelji komorne glasbe koncerta v cerkvi sv. Martina nikakor ne smete zamuditi. When three top musicians play together, the winner of the prestigious Eurosong contest in Vienna, flautist Eva Nina Kozmus, spirited virtuoso cello performer Karmen Pečar, and the first lady of the Slovenian harp, Mojca Zlobko Vajgl, chamber music lovers will not want to miss it. program / programme Tartini in njegov glasbeni krog Tartini and his musical peers (G.Tartini, P.Bini, P.Lahoussaye, A.Vandini, G.B.Martini) Ljubitelji baroËne glasbe bodo prav gotovo uživali na koncertu BaroËnega tria iz Parme ki se posveËa predvsem glasbeni dedišËini znamenitega piranskega goslaËa Giusepa Tartinija in maestrovih sodobnikov. Admirers of baroque music will enjoy this concert by the Baroque Trio from Parma, whose works are dedicated to the musical heritage of the Piran violinist Giuseppe Tartini and his peers. program / programme VE»ER POPULARNIH ITALIJANSKIH IN FRANCOSKIH OPERNIH ARIJ TER OPERETE IN MUSICALA EVENING OF POPULAR ITALIAN AND FRENCH OPERA ARIAS, OPERETTAS AND MUSICALS G.Verdi, G.Puccini, G.Rossini, G.Bizet, Bochsa, Medley opereta, Medley musical Koncert popularnih opernih arij najbolj znanih glasbenih maestrov v 19. stoletju bo v interpretaciji priznane italijanske sopranistke ob zanimivi spremljavi dveh harf, na petem koncertu festivala prav gotovo prava glasbena poslastica. This concert of popular opera arias of the most famous music maestros of the 19th century will be a musical delight, performed by a distinguished soprano singer and accompanied by two harps. TURIZEM BOHINJ Triglavska cesta 30, Bohinjska Bistrica www.bohinj.si OB»INA BOHINJ Triglavska cesta 35, Bohinjska Bistrica www.obcina.bohinj.si program / programme A.Dvorak, J.Brahms, S.Prokofiev, J.Massnet, F.Waxman Violina in klavir sta gotovo najbolj popularni glasbili. »e pa glasbili v duetu dveh mladih, mednarodno priznanih glasbenih umetnikov najdeta skupno glasbeno govorico, zasijeta in se predstavita v svoji najlepši podobi. The violin and piano are certainly two of the most popular instruments. When combined in a duet performance of two young internationally-renowned artists, they shine in perfection and treat listeners to the most beautiful sounds. avstrijski kulturni forumlju Gostilna Pri Hrvatu Gostilna Rupa Hotel Gašperin Hotel Kristal Juliana Keuschnigg - Apartmaji Pod Rodico OkrepËevalnica Slap Voje Planinsko društvo Srednja vas v Bohinju RU-FI d.o.o. - Servis Finžgar, Vogel ŽiËnice Vogel Bohinj, d.d. Pizzerija Ema Gostilna Mihovc TuristiËno društvo Bohinj Organizacija festivala / Festival execution: Turizem Bohinj Koncertna zgibanka Glasbenega poletja v Bohinju 2015 Concert booklet of Bohinj Summer Musical Festival 2015 TehniËna izvedba / Tehnical realization: Karol JakšiË-Jaka Tekstovno uredil / Text editor: Roman Leskovic Oblikovanje / Design: Robert Turk Prevod / Translation: Doris Sodja Izdal in založil / Published by: Turizem Bohinj Zanj / Represented by: Klemen Langus Tisk / Print: C.U.T. Bled, d.o.o. Naklada / Printing: 2600 izvodov, junij 2015 / 2600 copies, June 2015 Informacije / Information: www.bohinj.si, [email protected] SPO©TOVANI LJUBITELJI GLASBE! DEAR GUESTS, DEAR FRIENDS OF MUSIC! NAJBOLJŠE V BOHINJU Veselilo bi nas, Ëe bi med prijetne dogodke iz poletnih dni vpletli tudi katerega izmed naših koncertov v okviru 20. jubilejnega poletnega glasbenega festivala Glasbeno poletje v Bohinju. It is our great pleasure to recommend you to spend a few summer evenings in Bohinj by visiting our concerts during the 20th Jubilee Summer Music Festival in Bohinj. Turizem Bohinj je leta 2011 prevzel organizacijo Glasbenega poletja Bohinj. Vrhunski koncerti klasiËne glasbene umetnosti ne samo, da bogatijo turistiËno ponudbo Bohinja v poletnem Ëasu, ampak Bohinj postavljajo ob bok krajem, ki organizirajo velike in pomembne kulturne festivale, ti pa so lahko pomemben dejavnik pri odloËitvi za obisk destinacije. Bohinj v okviru Glasbenega poletja obišËejo vrhunski ustvarjalci in poustvarjalci glasbenih del. Vedno znova navdušeni nad vrhunsko igro narave in kulture in prijaznostjo domaËinov ponesejo dober glas o Bohinju širom po Evropi in svetu. V Ëudovitem okolju cerkvice Svetega Martina v Srednji vasi in Svetega Nikolaja v Bohinjski Bistrici želimo z glasbenimi veËeri ustvariti razpoloženje, ki bo poletje 2015 naredilo še bolj mavriËno in zaradi katerega vam bo spomin nanj še hitreje priËaral nasmešek na obraz. V jubilejni sezoni smo se potrudili da smo z vrhunskimi domaËimi in tujimi glasbenimi umetniki oblikovali privlaËen in zanimiv program v katerem bo upamo vsak ljubitelj glasbe našel glasbeni utrinek za svoj glasbeni okus. Zato vas v imenu domaËih in svetovnih glasbenih umetnikov vabimo, da si ogledate program in se odloËite za obisk. Datumi koncertov: petek 19. JUNIJ; Ëetrtek 23.; Ëetrtek 30. JULIJ; Ëetrtek 6.; Ëetrtek 13,: Ëetrtek 20. AVGUST Vsi koncerti se priËnejo ob 20.30.uri Vstopnice za koncert (15 in 12 EUR) lahko kupite pol ure pred zaËetkom koncerta na lokaciji koncerta. V vašem hotelu lahko povprašate glede organizacije prevoza na prireditev in nazaj. Vljudno vabljeni! Umetniški vodja: Roman Leskovic Organizator koncertov: Turizem Bohinj Triglavska cesta 30, Bohinjska Bistrica Direktor Klemen Langus In the wonderful ambience of St Martin's Church in Srednja vas and St Nicholas' Church in Bohinjska Bistrica, we want to create an atmosphere that will make the summer of 2015 even more colourful and give you wonderful memories of Bohinj. In this Jubilee season, we have reached out even further than usual and created an attractive and interesting programme with top quality local and foreign musical artists. We hope that all music lovers will be able to enjoy this great mosaic of music that we have produced for all kinds of musical tastes. So, on behalf of our distinguished musical artists, both local and international, we invite you to view the programme and make your choice! Concert dates: Friday, 19 JUNE; Thursday, 23; Thursday, 30 JULY; Thursday, 6, Thursday, 13; Thursday, 20 AUGUST All concerts start at 20:30. Tickets for the concerts (€12 and €15) can be purchased half an hour prior to the concert at the concert venue. Please find information about transport to the event at your hotel. You are warmly invited! Artistic Manager: Roman Leskovic Concert Organiser: Tourism Bohinj Triglavska cesta 30, Bohinjska Bistrica Director Klemen Langus A MUSICAL SUMMER IN BOHINJ - BEST OF THE BEST In 2011, Tourism Bohinj took over the organisation of the Bohinj Musical Summer. Top quality classical music concerts enrich what Bohinj offers to tourists during the summer; they also put Bohinj alongside places that organise major cultural events, which can be an important factor in deciding which destination to choose. Tourists and visitors, enthused by the magnificent play of nature and culture as well as the hospitality of the locals, will therefore carry their good impressions of Bohinj across Europe and the rest of the world. Veseli nas, da smo lahko del tako pomembnega dogodka in, da letos lahko skupaj praznujemo že njegovo 20 ponovitev. Verjamem, da bo Glasbeno poletje Bohinj tudi v prihodnje ostal del bohinjskega poletnega turistiËnega utripa. We are glad to be a part of this important event and to celebrate its 20th anniversary this year. I believe that the Bohinj Musical Summer will continue to be part of our summer tourist events in the future. Turizem Bohinj Klemen Langus, direktor Tourism Bohinj Klemen Langus, Director GLASBENO POLETJE V BOHINJU PRED DVAJSETIMI LETI A MUSICAL SUMMER IN BOHINJ TWENTY YEARS AGO Dobrih dvajset let je od tega, ko mi je Roman Leskovic, violinist Slovenske filharmonije predlagal, da skupaj z založbo Didakta pripravimo festival klasiËne glasbe, ki bo v Ëudoviti dolini z Bohinjskim jezerom domaËim in tujim gostom ter bohinjskim ljubiteljem glasbe med poletno turistiËno sezono s koncerti klasiËne glasbe v izvedbi vrhunskih domaËih in tujih glasbenih umetnikov ponudil obogatitev turistiËne ponudbe. Založba Didakta iz Radovljice je pomagala utreti pot festivalu s pripravo avtorskih pogodb nastopajoËim glasbenikom in organizacijskim delom. Od prvih nastopov mi bodo za vedno ostalo v spominu enkratno muziciranje mednarodno priznanih glasbenikov na Ëelu z Ireno Grafenauer, Matejem Bekavcem, Janezem LotriËem, Stankom Arnoldom, Godalnim kvartetom iz Leipziga klavirskim triom Jess ..... ki so skupaj z nami utirali pot festivalu v Bohinju. Po desetih letih je Didakta prepustila organizacijo organizatorju iz Bohinja in pomagala le kot sponzor. Festivalu želim ob dvajsetletnici še veliko uspešnih glasbenih poletij! Twenty years have passed since Roman Leskovic, violinist of the Slovenian Philharmonic, suggested that I prepared a classical music festival together with Didakta publishing house, to offer local and foreign guests, as well as locals who admire music, exceptional concerts performed by top quality local and foreign music artists in the wonderful valley of Lake Bohinj, thus diversifying tourist activities in the area. Didakta, a publishing house based in Radovljica, helped pave the way to the festival with organisation and by preparing copyright contracts for the performers. I will always remember the excellent performances by internationally distinguished guests, i.e. Irena Grafenauer, Matej Bekavec, Janez LotriË, Stanko Arnold, the String Quartet from Leipzig, and the Jess Piano Trio, which were the first concerts organised by the Bohinj Music Festival. After ten years, Didakta passed the organisation of this event on to local organisers from Bohinj, although they continue to support it by sponsorship. At this year's twentieth anniversary, we wish that this success will continue to provide musical summers in the future! Rudi Zaman Direktor Didakte Rudi Zaman Didakta, Director 1. koncert GLASBENEGA POLETJA V BOHINJU st 1 concert of the Bohinj Summer Musical Festival 2. koncert GLASBENEGA POLETJA V BOHINJU 2 concert of the Bohinj Summer Musical Festival nd sobota, 19. junij ob 20.30 Cerkev sv. Nikolaja, Bohinjska Bistrica Saturday, 19th June at 8.30 pm St. Nicholas' Church, Bohinjska Bistrica Ëetrtek, 23. julij ob 20.30 Cerkev sv. Martina, Srednja vas v Bohinju Thursday, 23rd July at 8.30 pm St. Martin's Church, Srednja vas in Bohinj ORKESTER IN ZBOR SLOVENSKE FILHARMONIJE SLOVENIAN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA AND CHOIR UROŠ LAJOVIC dirigent / conductor MARTA MO»NIK PIRC sopran / soprano BARBARA JERNEJ»I» mezzosopran / mezzo-soprano MARTIN SUŠNIK tenor / tenor IVICA ŠARI∆ bas / bass SAŠA DEJANOVI∆ kitara / guitar JASMINA MAKOTA sopran / soprano program / programme W.A.Mozart: Requiem v d molu, KV 626 / Requiem in D minor, KV 626 VeliËastno Mozartovovo zadnje glasbeno delo bo v izvedbi orkestra in zbora Slovenske filharmonije ter izbranih solistov pod vodstvom maestra Uroša Lajovica prav gotovo vrhunec letošnjega glasbenega festivala v Bohinju. Z Mozartovo mašo za umrle se bomo na otvoritvenem koncertu Glasbenega poletja v Bohinju poklonili vsem žrtvam ob 100 letnici zaËetka bojev na Soški fronti in 70 letnici konca Druge svetovne vojne. Mozart's final, grand opus, performed by the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir with selected soloists and conducted by Maestro Uroš Lajovic, will be the highlight of this year's music festival in Bohinj. This concert will celebrate the opening of the Musical Summer in Bohinj and will be dedicated to the memory of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the struggles at the Isonzo Front and the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. program / programme J.S.Bach, A.B.Mangore, J.Cardoso, ameriški blues, latinsko ameriške kancone, bosanske sevdalinke J. S. Bach, A. B. Mangore, J. Cardoso, American blues, Latin American canzoni, Bosnian "sevdalinke" folk songs Vrhunskemu hrvaškemu kitaristu, ki je že dvakrat navdušil poslušalce v cerkvi Svetega Martina v bohinjski Srednji vasi, se bo na koncertu ob dvajsetletnici glasbenega festivala v Bohinju z ameriškim bluesom, latinskoameriškimi kanconami in sevdalinkami pridružila izvrstna sopranistka Jasmina Makota. The excellent Croatian guitarist, who has overwhelmed the listeners at St Martin's Church in Srednja vas twice so far, will be joined by the distinguished soprano Jasmina Makota at a concert celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the Musical Summer in Bohinj. They will perform American blues, Latin American canzoni and Bosnian "sevdalinke" folk songs.
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