Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing .............................................................................................................................2 Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-Appointment ...................................... 3 Practitioner Office Site Quality ...................................................................................... 27 A Division of Health Care Service Corporation, a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 1 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 2 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Policy Name: Policy Number: Effective Date: Revision Date: Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, ReAppointment Credentialing - 2 1/1/02 5/1/12 Review Date: Signature Approval: Senior Medical Director HMO, BA HMO, BlueChoice Vice President–Network Management Approved QI : 6/6/12 Approved P&P: 5/10/12 Policy: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) is dedicated to facilitate the provision of, cost-effective and accessible health care by providers in its networks. A key component of the Program is the formal process of credentialing, recredentialing, appointment, reappointment, and departicipation of network providers. The Credentialing/Recredentialing Program will be conducted in a manner to ensure that all credentialing requirements are uniformly applied and shall be non-discriminatory in areas of race, religion, ethnic/national identity, gender, age, sexual orientation or reimbursement for all applicants of the BCBSIL Networks. BCBSIL Networks to which this policy apply use requirements and processes derived from and in compliance with the State of Illinois and the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Credentialing standards as outlined in Addendum I. I. Definitions: Practitioners are physicians or other licensed individual providers of covered services who are listed in the directories of any credentialed network. The credentialing process reviews evidence relating to the eligibility of a practitioner for participation in any credentialed network. In this process, information relating to credentialing elements and requirements are reviewed by the Provider Selection Committee (PSC) or the Medical Director, and a credentialing determination is made regarding the practitioner i.e. eligibility for participation in a credentialed network. Appointment is the action taken by a specific network to effect participation in that network by a practitioner. At the time of recredentialing, the eligibility of a practitioner for continued participation in any credentialed network, with respect to information relating to recredentialing elements and requirements, is reviewed by the PSC. Reappointment is the action taken by a specific network to effect continued participation in that network by a practitioner. The PSC reviews and makes a recommendation, coincident with recredentialing, to the network regarding reappointment actions based on information obtained through the practitioner’s participation in the applicable network. Departicipation means termination of participation of a practitioner from a network. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 3 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 2 of 24 II. Organizational Structure The Board of Directors of Health Care Service Corporation (HCSC) has delegated to its Illinois Affiliate Board oversight of the Corporate Quality Improvement Program. The Illinois Affiliate Board has delegated this function to the Managed Care Quality Improvement Committee. The Quality Improvement Committee has delegated the process of practitioner credentialing, re-credentialing, appointment, and reappointment to the Provider Selection Committee. The Committee is responsible for the following and the role and participants of the Committee are outlined in Addendum IV. Credentialing and Recredentialing determinations; Reviewing and providing recommendations regarding reappointment determinations which the networks make; Facilitating appropriate exchange of information and action with respect to departicipation; Conducting appeal adjudication related to its actions; Reviewing the credentials of practitioners who do not meet the organization’s established criteria and offering advice which the organization considers; Annually signing a non discriminatory statement Addendum VIII, Credentialing Committee Non Discriminatory Statement. Medical Director: In addition to the PSC, the Medical Director also has the authority to sign off on all practitioners who meet the established credentialing criteria (i.e. clean files). The designated Medical Director may use a handwritten signature, or electronic identifier as documentation of sign off. The Medical Director’s sign off date is the credentialing decision date. Procedure: III. Credentialing A. Elements and Requirements for Practitioners Application HMO, PPO and BlueChoice Select network providers must have a Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) Universal Provider Datasource (UPD) Provider ID to register and begin the credentialing process. The credentialing criteria for practitioners is detailed in Addendum II. BCBSIL credentials the following practitioner types for participation in the networks: BlueChoice Select: MD, DO, DDS, DC, CNM HMO: MD, DO, DDS, DC, DPM, Ph.D, LCSW, LCPC, LMFT. PPO: MD, DO, DC, DPM, OD, PhD, CNM, LCSW, LCPC, LPC, LMFT, BCBA, BCaBA, Audiologist 1. Provider not registered with CAQH: a. Upon submission of the applicable application and service agreement for the HMOs of Illinois or BlueChoice Select contract, BCBSIL will add the provider’s name to its roster with CAQH. b. CAQH will mail the practitioner a Welcome kit with registration instructions, along with a personal CAQH Provider ID. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 4 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 3 of 24 c. Upon receipt of the CAQH Provider ID, the provider must log on to the CAQH website to register. d. After successfully authenticating key information, the provider will be able to create a user name and unique password to begin completion of the UPD application. 2. Provider is registered with CAQH: The provider has a CAQH Provider ID and has completed an UPD online application; the provider must authorize BCBSIL to access their credentialing information. This can be completed in four easy steps, as noted below. (If the provider has chosen "global authorization", then BCBSIL will already have access to the data). 3. To authorize BCBSIL to access data: Go to and enter the practitioner’s username and password Click the Authorize tab (located under the CAQH logo) Scroll down and check the box beside BCBSIL, or select "global authorization". Click Save to submit the changes. B. Process 1. The Enterprise Credentialing (ECR) compiles the information related to the credentialing elements (Addendum II). The ECR will contact the Independent Physician Association (IPA) or Provider Group by phone or email, to secure any missing elements. Missing documentation must be received within 48 hours. If the required elements are not received within the required timeframe the incomplete application will be returned to the sender. Once a complete application is received, queries will be requested. Once results of the queries are returned, the ECR will complete the credentialing process within 60 calendar days of receipt for those complete applications. 2. A practitioner has the right to review the information compiled. A practitioner will be notified by the ECR in the event that during the credentialing process, information obtained varies substantially from the information provided by the practitioner. This notification takes place prior to the review by the Medical Director or the PSC. The practitioner has the right to submit supplemental explanatory information. The practitioner has the right to correct erroneous information. If this occurs, the time necessary to gather additional information from the practitioner is not included in the 60 calendar days required to complete the credentialing process. 3. The Credentialing/Recredentialing Program will be conducted in a manner to ensure the credentialing requirements are uniformly applied to all applying practitioners and shall be non-discriminatory in areas of race, religion, ethnic/national identity, gender, age, sexual orientation or the type of procedure, patient, or specialty in which the practitioner specializes. Applications are worked based on date received in the ECR and the aging of date-sensitive documents. 4. The ECR is responsible for responding to all inquiries regarding the status of a Credential/Recredential application. IPAs/Practitioners may contact the ECR via phone, fax, or email, to request the status of their credentialing or recredentialing application and ECR staff will on average respond within 48 hours. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 5 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 4 of 24 5. For practitioners, the ECR screens the application and query results relative to the thresholds in Policy ECR04 Category I and Category II Matrix. When the threshold is met, the information regarding the practitioner is reviewed by the Senior Medical Director who makes a recommendation to the PSC. The recommendation would be to: a. pass the practitioner through credentialing without PHO status, b. mark the practitioner’s file with PHO status during the credentialing process, c. seek additional information from the practitioner, or d. deny the practitioner credentialing. The PSC reviews this recommendation, and may accept or alter it. If the decision is to deny the practitioner credentialing, the practitioner is notified and may appeal the decision using the appeals process set forth in Addendum III. If the decision is to seek additional information, the practitioner will be notified and the Senior Medical Director re-reviews the additional information within 30 calendar days and makes another recommendation to the PSC. If the determination is to pass the practitioner through credentialing, with or without PHO status, the networks are informed by their participation in the PSC meeting. 6. For practitioners meeting credentialing requirements, a listing or electronic file of practitioners recommended for credentialing is brought weekly to the Medical Director by the ECR. The Medical Director reviews the listing or electronic file and makes a determination as to whether to credential, which creates eligibility for appointment to a credentialed network. Newly appointed practitioners will be added to the directory, website and notified within 60 calendar days of the credentialing decision (reference policy IL-CR-05 Practitioner Directories). If the practitioner does not meet credentialing requirements, or is determined not to be credentialed by the PSC, the practitioner is notified within 14 calendar days from the PSC decision date. 7. For a practitioner not meeting credentialing requirements, the management of any network to which the practitioner is applying may review the credentialing information and bring it to the Senior Medical Director for temporary waiver based on considerations specific to that network. The Senior Medical Director makes a recommendation as to whether the practitioner should be granted a waiver. 8. The PSC reviews the information and makes a determination as to whether the practitioner is credentialed. A temporary waiver may be granted on a one-time basis for a period of up to one year. If the determination is made not to credential a practitioner, a letter is sent to the practitioner. The practitioner has the opportunity to appeal this determination using the procedure set forth in Addendum III. III. Appointment A. Elements and Requirements Each network sets its own elements and requirements for appointment (Addendum V), which include having been credentialed as described in Section III. These elements and requirements are provided to the PSC for informational purposes, and do not require approval by the PSC. B. Process Practitioners seeking to participate in a credentialed network require appointment to that network. The management staff of the network reviews the credentialing information, along BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 6 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 5 of 24 with any additional information required for the appointment determination, and makes a decision about appointment. A list of practitioners appointed is brought to the PSC by the network. The PSC reviews the list but does not take action with respect to it. IPAs/Practitioners are notified of the appointment decision within 60 calendar days. If the network’s decision is not to appoint, the practitioner has the opportunity to appeal the decision using the appeals policy for that network. IV. Recredentialing A. Elements and Requirements for Practitioners 1. The elements and requirements for recredentialing including the primary sources used to verify the information are set forth in Addendum II and are identical to that of initial credentialing. 2. Recredentialing will be initiated by the ECR consistent with NCQA and State of Illinois requirements. Effective 7/1/2002, the State of Illinois requires recredentialing to be conducted in accordance with the Health Care Professional Credentials Data Collection Act 410 ILCS 517 which stipulates recredentialing to be completed every three years based on the last digit of the Health Care Professional’s social security number. B. Process IPAs/Practitioners will be notified in the first month of the quarter in which the practitioner is due for recredentialing. See Addendum VI for the State of Illinois Recredentialing Single Cycle. V. Reappointment A. Elements and Requirements Each network defines its own elements and requirements for reappointment (Addendum VIII), which include having been recredentialed as described in Addendum IV, and acceptable performance within the network during the current period. Reappointment elements and requirements are provided for informational purposes to the PSC, and do not require approval by the PSC. B. Process Appointed practitioners seeking to continue to participate in a credentialed network require reappointment consistent with Addendum II. The Committee reviews the information and may request detail for further review. On that basis, the Committee either recommends reappointment or non-reappointment. The management staff of the network has final responsibility for making a determination as to whether the practitioner is reappointed to the network. IPAs/Practitioners are notified via the website of the reappointment decision within 60 calendar days. Practitioners have the opportunity to appeal a determination not to reappoint using the appeals policy for that network. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 7 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 6 of 24 VI. Monitoring and Departicipation A. Network Performance Criteria The administration of the individual managed care networks is solely responsible for the episodic and concurrent determination of practitioner and participation, continued participation and departicipation. Practitioners will be continuously evaluated against network-specific performance criteria by the network management. Those participants not meeting performance thresholds will be placed on monitoring or required to undertake corrective action, or both, or be departicipated from the network. The management of the individual networks will report network-specific decisions regarding departicipation to the PSC for informational purposes. B. Process When Network Management or the ECR obtains information which meets the thresholds for PHO (ECR04 Category I and II Matrix) review or a Level 3 Quality of Care Complaint regarding a practitioner who has previously been credentialed and is not in the process of current recredentialing, the information is reviewed by the Senior Medical Director. The Medical Director makes a recommendation to the PSC regarding any change in credentialing status. The PSC may then change credentialing status or leave it unaltered. When performance by a practitioner does not meet network standards, the network may place the provider on monitoring and undertake corrective action. Monitoring persists until the issues creating the action have been resolved, or the network takes other action, including involuntary departicipation. Practitioners may be either voluntarily or involuntarily departicipated from a network. Departicipation is voluntary when initiated by the practitioner. Examples would be retirement, relocation, not meeting Board Certification requirements within 24 months of the initial credentialing decision date or failure to provide a credentialing application within 30 days of termination from a delegated entity. Involuntary departicipation is effected by the management staff of BCBSIL Network/Quality Improvement (QI) Department under the terms of its contract with the practitioner (or his/her agent). Network/QI/or Special Investigations Department (SID) management report to the PSC any practitioners placed on monitoring/corrective action or departicipated as a result of conduct or practice that could impair the integrity of other networks or is deemed to be unprofessional, unethical or illegal. Such conduct or practice, includes, but is not limited to: loss, suspension, or probation of license or hospital privileges felony charges a quality of care or member satisfaction issue failure to meet site visit requirements refusal to cooperate with BCBSIL and/or contracted network policies and procedures suspected fraud financial insolvency The other networks review the situation to assess the appropriateness of maintaining participation by the practitioner. The management staff of each network subsequently reports its determination as to continued participation by that practitioner to the PSC. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 8 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 7 of 24 C. Reporting When monitoring or departicipation is occasioned by an issue of conduct or practice which is solely or primarily related to substantial findings of professional incompetence or professional misconduct which adversely affects, or could adversely affect the health or welfare of a patient, the network identifies and presents the findings to the other networks through the PSC. The ECR files a report with the appropriate authorities such as the respective state licensing agency, State Department of Professional Regulations as applicable, other local authorities as required by law, or the federal HealthCare Integrity and Protection DataBank (HIPDB). All involuntary departicipations will be evaluated by the ECR to determine if reporting to HIPDB is required. The ECR represents the Illinois Plan on the HCSC HIPDB Certification Committee and follows the corporate policy & procedures. When a provider is terminated for administrative and/or performance issues related to network performance standards and unrelated to the physician’s or professional provider’s ability to practice, reporting is not required. In those cases that involve suspected fraud by a physician or provider, the individual is reported to the SID. It is the responsibility of the SID to report the situation to the appropriate authorities. VII. Ongoing Monitoring of Sanctions, Member Complaints and Quality of Care Issues The ECR will conduct regular reviews of the credentialed provider networks using information regarding Medicare & Medicaid sanctions, sanctions or limitations on licensure, and member complaints. This information will be reviewed between recredentialing cycles as follows: A. The ECR & Corporate Compliance Department will monitor government sanctions by reviewing the OIG, FEP, GSA, Illinois Department of Public Aid-Medicaid Sanction Database, and the OFAC databases at the time of credentialing, as well as, monitoring the monthly change report compiled by the Corporate Compliance Department. B. The ECR will review sanctions or limitations on state licensure using data obtained from the appropriate state licensing agency on a monthly basis. C. The Senior Medical Director will review member complaints and quality of care issues as identified by the BCBSIL Consumer Services Management area which is responsible for resolving quality of care issues. The ECR will provide a monthly report of closed cases to the Network Medical Directors (reference the Ongoing Monitoring of Credentialed Practitioners policy). VIII. Confidentiality All information submitted and personally attested to by practitioners for the purpose of participation determinations is confidential and is not disclosed unless reporting is determined to be required Such information is collected and maintained electronically. IX. Annual Review This policy, as well as related BCBSIL credentialing policies and procedures, is reviewed, and any necessary revisions made, on at least an annual basis by the ECR. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 9 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 8 of 24 ADDENDUM I NETWORKS INCLUDED IN THIS POLICY Network BlueChoice Select HMO Illinois BlueAdvantage PPO BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 Credentialed Yes Yes Yes Yes Credentialing Requirements and Process NCQA-based credentialing NCQA-based credentialing NCQA-based credentialing NCQA-based credentialing 10 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 9 of 24 ADDENDUM II CREDENTIALING and RECREDENTIALING ELEMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS (NCQA-BASED) Note: Any occurrences not meeting PHO thresholds must be reviewed and accepted as consistent with credentialing/recredentialing requirements by the PSC. ITEM/ELEMENT Contracting Application/ Attestation State Board License Clinical Privileges CREDENTIALING and RECREDENTIALING REQUIREMENTS Practitioners must have signed a contract with a network. Initial Credentialing: Practitioners must submit a State of Illinois Health Care Professional Credentialing and Business Data Gathering Form electronically through the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH) Recredentialing: Practitioners must submit a State of Illinois Health Care Professional Recredentialing and Business Data Gathering Form electronically through the Council for Affordable Quality Healthcare (CAQH). Practitioners must submit: X. Current copy of the license for the state(s) in which the practitioner practices Practitioners must provide clinical admitting privileges information on the application, with the exception of the following: HMO/PPO/BlueChoice Select: Practitioners only see patients in an office setting and do not have hospital privileges will be exempt from the hospital admitting privilege requirement. Network Management will identify these practitioners exempt from this requirement. HMO/PPO: Practitioners participating in either network, must provide credentialing information for the practitioner covering inpatient admissions. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 TIME FRAME REQUIREMENTS PRIMARY SOURCE VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Prior to credentialing None Signature date on BCBSIL attestation to be within 365 calendar days of the credentialing decision Application/ Attestation XI. Verification to occur within 180 calendar days of the credentialing decision; and XII. License to be current at the time of the credentialing decision XIII. Illinois Department of Regulations; XIV. Indiana State Licensing Board; XV. Wisconsin Department of Regulations and Licensing. Application/ Attestation Information must be submitted on or with credentialing or recredentialing application. 11 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 10 of 24 ADDENDUM II ITEM/ELEMENT Clinical Privileges, cont’d Federal DEA an State CDS Certificate CREDENTIALING REQUIREMENTS TIME FRAME REQUIREMENTS PRIMARY SOURCE VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS HMO/PPO/BlueChoice Select: Practitioner types exempt from this requirement may include: MD/DO Allergist Dermatologist Ophthalmologist HMO/BlueChoice Select: PCPs part of a hospitalist group PPO: Hospitalist Other Practitioners: Audiologist (AUD) Chiropractor (DC) Optometrist (OD) Behavioral Health Practitioners: Clinical Psychologist (PhD) Licensed Clinical Prof’ Counselor (LCPC) Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist ( LMFT) Note: Additional admitting privilege information must be obtained for any occurrence not meeting PHO criteria. Practitioners must fax to CAQH: XVI. Current copy of the DEA certificate for each state in which they practice; and XVII. Current copy of the state CDS certificate for each state in which they practice. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 XVIII. Verification to occur within 180 calendar days of the credentialing decision; and XIX. DEA and CDS to be current at the time of the credentialing decision XX. Verification obtained from National Technical Information Services (NTIS); or XXI. Verification obtained from IDPFR website; or XXII. Copy of the DEA certificate; and XXIII. Copy of the CDS certificate. 12 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 11 of 24 ADDENDUM II ITEM/ELEMENT Education and training TIME FRAME REQUIREMENTS CREDENTIALING REQUIREMENTS Practitioners must submit Information relating to professional education and training. Initial Credentialing Only BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 XXIV. None PRIMARY SOURCE VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS If board certified, verification is obtained by proof of board certification which fully meets this requirement: XXV. American Board Certification through the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) If not board certified, the education and training is verified by one of the following: XXVI. Illinois State Licensing Board; or XXVII. AMA Physician Master File; or XXVIII. AOA Physician Master File 13 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 12 of 24 ADDENDUM II ITEM/ELEMENT Board Certification HMO/BlueChoice Select – ONLY PPO Providers are excluded CREDENTIALING REQUIREMENTS Initial Credentialing: Board Certification is not a requirement at the time of initial credentialing but must obtain board certification within 24 months of initial credentialing date. Requirement for any practitioner participating with any of the BCBSIL Networks are as follows: Board Certified in the specialty in which the practitioner practices and is listed in the directory within 2 years from completion of initial credentialing. Listed in the American Board of Medical Specialties directory if applicable. Any practitioner who does not meet this requirement will be departed from the network(s) after 2 years from the date of the effective date with the product. If a practitioner has taken the Board examination but has not successfully passed within 2 years after the initial credentialing, the practitioner would be departed. The practitioner may appeal the departicipation decision using the steps outlined in Addendum III. The provider should include the number of times the exam has been taken, dates for rescheduled exam, extenuating circumstances for added value to network. Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM): Must have certification through the American College of Nurse Midwives Certification Council, Inc. at initial and recredentialing. TIME FRAME REQUIREMENTS If MD/DO/DPM are board certified: Verification to occur within 180 calendar days of the credentialing decision. PRIMARY SOURCE VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Verification obtained from one of the following: XXIX. ABMS website; or XXX. AOA website; or XXXI. American Board Podiatric Orthopedics or American Board of Podiatric Surgery XXXII. Copy of American Board Certificate (If applicable); or XXXIII. Copy of congratulation letter from the American Board of Medical Specialties; or XXXIV. Copy of letter from American Board of Medical Specialties confirming the passing of part one of a two part exam. Recredentialing: Practitioner must be Board Certified within 24 months of initial credentialing date. Exceptions: Exceptions to the Board Certification requirement are: Practitioners whose specialty boards require a period of practice as a prerequisite to board certification; or Practitioners appointed to the network prior to 1/1/94 are not required to seek board certification if they were not board certified at the time of appointment; or Board certification of practitioners in their subspecialty is not required if appointed to the network prior to 1/1/01. Board Certification of practitioners is required in each primary specialty if the practitioner desires to participate under multiple primary specialties; or Network Management may exempt a practitioner, IPA from the Board Certification requirement due to geographical location; or Marketing exception. Non-board certified practitioners have no requirement. (i.e. grandfathered providers) BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 14 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 13 of 24 ADDENDUM II ITEM/ELEMENT Work History CREDENTIALING REQUIREMENTS Initial Credentialing Only: Practitioners must provide via application/curriculum vitae the last five years of relevant work history. Malpractice Insurance Coverage Malpractice History State, Medicare and/or Medicaid Sanctions Gaps greater than 30 days must be explained, in writing and attached to the application. Initial Credentialing/Recredentialing: Practitioners must submit one of the following documents in the required liability amounts: Practitioner/Group: $1,000,000/$3,000,000 BHC Provider: $1,000,000/$1,000,000 Indiana Provider: $250,000/$750,000 XXXV. Malpractice insurance carrier/coverage information on the application including the period of coverage, the insurance carrier name, and the coverage limits; or XXXVI. Copy of malpractice insurance certificate; or XXXVII. Copy of federal tort letter or an attestation from the practitioner stating that he or she has federal tort coverage, if applicable. Initial Credentialing/Recredentialing: Practitioners must complete the “Professional History “ section of the application as well as Form B, if applicable Initial Credentialing/Recredentialing: Practitioners must complete the “Professional History “ section of the application as well as Form A if applicable BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 TIME FRAME REQUIREMENTS PRIMARY SOURCE VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Information confirmed to be complete within 365 calendar days of the credentialing decision. Application/Attestation Malpractice certificate must be in effect at the time of the credentialing decision. Application/ Attestation Copy of malpractice insurance or federal tort letter Verification to occur within 180 calendar days of the credentialing decision. Verification to occur within 180 calendar days of the credentialing decision NPDB Verification obtained from one of the following: NPDB OIG, GSA, FEP, OFAC, Illinois Dept. Public Aid Medicare and Medicaid Sanctions and Reinstatement Report Chiropractic Information Network/Board Action Databank (CIN-BAD) State Board of Dental Exam. 15 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 14 of 24 ADDENDUM III APPEALS PROCESS FOR CREDENTIALING/RECREDENTIALING Practitioners appealing a credentialing or recredentialing determination must notify the ECR in writing of the reason for appealing within 30 calendar days of receipt of the letter denying credentialing. An appeal follows the process below: A. The ECR passes the appeal letter, and the credentialing/recredentialing information, on to the First Level Appeals Subcommittee of the PSC, which consists of one Medical Director from the PSC, two Provider Affairs representatives, and one representative from Corporate Credentialing. B. The Subcommittee reviews the information within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal request and makes a determination as to whether to uphold the original decision and deny credentialing/recredentialing, or to reverse it and credential/recredential the practitioner. C. If the decision is to uphold the original determination, the practitioner has the opportunity, within 30 calendar days of receipt of notification, to a second level appeal. This may be requested by submission of a written statement as to the reason for appealing further. D. The ECR brings this letter and relevant information to a meeting of the PSC at which time the practitioner may be present, within 30 calendar days of the appeal request. E. The PSC reviews the matter and the Second Level Appeals Subcommittee (consisting of PSC members not on the First Level Subcommittee) makes a final determination to either uphold the original decision and deny credentialing/recredentialing, or to reverse it and credential/recredential the practitioner. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 16 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 15 of 24 ADDENDUM IV Provider Selection Committee The PSC consists of a diverse and heterogeneous membership which includes the following responsibilities: credentialing and recredentialing determinations, receiving information regarding network appointment determinations, reviewing and making recommendations regarding network reappointment determinations, assuring appropriate exchange of information and action with respect to departicipation, conducting appeals adjudication’s related to its actions, adopting and overseeing compliance with the Policy which governs these activities, reviewing the credentials of practitioners who do not meet the organization established criteria and providing information to the practitioner related to the deficiencies, annually signing of the non discriminatory statement (reference Addendum VIII). Chair: Medical Director II Special Investigations Co-Chair: Senior Medical Director, Medical Management or Medical Director II, Policy Meeting Frequency: Meets on a monthly basis Quorum: 50% of voting members Voting Members: Medical Director II, Special Investigations Medical Director II, Policy Senior Medical Director, Medical Management Physician Representatives (2-5) Manager, Professional Network Management Senior Manager, Provider Operations Senior Manager, Special Investigation Department Senior Manager, Onsite Audits/Utilization Management Non-Voting Members: Assistant General Counsel I, Legal Department Senior Manager, Provider Administration & Enterprise Credentialing Senior Supervisor, Professional NM Senior Supervisor, Professional Network Management Senior Supervisor, Provider Operations Administrator, Professional Network Management Technical Support Specialist II Three Enterprise Credentialing Coordinators BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 17 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 16 of 24 ADDENDUM V Network Management Appointment/Reappointment Requirements Element Defined BlueChoice Select Appointment/ Reappointment Requirements HMO Appointment /Reappointment Requirements PPO Appointment/ Reappointment Requirements Appointment is the action taken by a specific network to effect participation in that network by a practitioner. All providers, within the scope of this policy, will be credentialed and appointed before participation in the network. Reappointment Is the action taken by a specific network to effect continued participation in that network by a practitioner. All providers, within the scope of this policy, are required to be recredentialed and reappointed every 3 years. Contracting Provider Types: MD, DO or CNM Appointment/Reappointment All BlueChoice Select practitioners must sign a BlueChoice Select contract prior to credentialing. Primary Care Physicians (PCP) are limited to one BlueChoice Select PCP contract. PCPs include Family Practice, General Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology and Certified Nurse Midwife. Participating Specialist Physicians (PSPs) may have multiple contract affiliations. Physician specialties listed on Addendum VII in the BlueChoice Select column will not be appointed by BlueChoice Select. Hospitalist physicians who see patients only in the hospital setting and are contracted with BlueChoice Select will be credentialed but will not be listed in the BlueChoice Select directory and will be appointed as a specialist. Practitioner must be contracted with a multi-specialty group to be considered a Hospitalist. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 Provider Types: MD, DO, DC, DDS, DPM, PhD, LCSW, LCPC and LMFT Appointment/Reappointment All HMO providers must be participating with an IPA that is contracted with HMO Illinois or BlueAdvantage HMO. Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) are limited to contracting with one IPA unless “added value” is identified by the IPA and approved by the network. See the PCP Affiliation with Multiple IPA Policy. Provider Types: MD, DO, DC, DPM, OD, CNM, PhD, LCSW, LCPC, LPC, LMFT, BCBA, BCaBA and Audiologist. All PPO practitioners must sign a PPO contract prior to credentialing. Hospitalist physicians who see patients only in the hospital setting and are contracted with PPO will be credentialed but will not be listed in the PPO directory. Practitioner must be contracted with a multi-specialty group to be considered a Hospitalist. PCPs include Family Practice, General Practice, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology and Chiropractors. (The PCP designation for Chiropractors is dependent on a request by the IPA.) Participating Specialist Physicians (PSPs) may have multiple IPA affiliations. Physician specialties not included in Addendum VII in the HMO column will not be appointed by HMO. Hospitalist physicians who see patients only in the hospital setting and are contracted with HMO will be credentialed but will not be listed in the HMO directory. High-volume behavioral health care providers will be identified by the IPA through an annual survey. 18 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 17 of 24 ADDENDUM V Element Clinical Privileges Education and Training Board Certification PPO Excluded BlueChoice Select Appointment/ Reappointment Requirements HMO Appointment/ Reappointment Requirements PPO Appointment/ Reappointment Requirements Appointment/Reappointment Practitioners must submit clinical admitting privileges information from a network hospital. Appointment/Reappointment Practitioners must submit clinical admitting privileges information from a network hospital. Appointment/Reappointment Practitioners must submit clinical admitting privileges information from a network hospital. Practitioners who only see patients in an office setting and do not have hospital privileges will be exempt from the hospital admitting privilege requirement. Practitioners who only see patients in an office setting and do not have hospital privileges will be exempt from the hospital admitting privilege requirement. Practitioners who only see patients in an office setting and do not have hospital privileges will be exempt from the hospital admitting privilege requirement. The IPA will notify HMO when The network will identify The network will identify these this occurs as well as provide these providers for the providers for the Credentialing credentialing information for Credentialing department, as department, as well as, provide well as, provide credentialing the practitioner covering credentialing information for inpatient admissions. information for the the practitioner covering practitioner covering inpatient admissions. inpatient admissions. Appointment Only: Practitioners must submit information relating to professional education and training. Appointment: Practitioners joining BCBSIL Network are not required to be Board Certified at the time of appointment but should be in the process of attaining Board Certification. Board Certification is required within two years after initial credentialing and will be based on the effective date with the product. Reappointment: Requirements for any practitioner participating with any of the BCBSIL Networks are as follows: Board Certified in the specialty in which the physician practices and is listed in the directory within 2 years from completion of initial credentialing. Listed in the American Board of Medical Specialties directory, if applicable. Board certified MD and DO practitioners must submit copy of American Board Certificate, if applicable or copy of congratulatory letter from the American Board of Medical Specialties. XXXVIII. Certified Nurse Midwives must have certification through the American College of Nurse Midwives Certification Council, Inc. to participate in BlueChoice Select. Departicipation: Any practitioner who does not meet this requirement will be departed from the network(s) after 2 years from the date of the effective date with the product. If a practitioner has taken the Board examination but has not successfully passed within 2 years after the initial credentialing, the practitioner would be departed. The practitioner may appeal the departicipation decision using the steps outlined in this policy. The provider should include the number of times the exam has been taken, dates for rescheduled exam, extenuating circumstances for added value to network. Exceptions to the Board Certification requirement are: 1. Practitioners whose specialty boards require a period of practice as a prerequisite to board certification must submit a copy of the letter from the American Board of Medical Specialties confirming the passing of part one of the two-part exam (i.e. OB/GYN, Neurology, Orthopedic and Neurological Surgery). 2. Practitioners appointed to the network prior to 1/1/94 are not required to seek board certification if they were not board certified at the time of appointment. 3. Board certification of practitioners in their sub-specialty is not required if appointed to the network prior to 1/1/01. Board Certification of practitioners is required in each primary specialty if the practitioner desires to participate under multiple primary specialties. 4. Network Management may exempt a practitioner, IPA from the Board Certification requirement due to geographical location. 5. Marketing exception. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 19 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 18 of 24 Appointment/Reap pointment Requirements ADDENDUM V HMO Appointment/Reappointment Requirements Site Visits Site visits are not required at initial credentialing. Site visits are not required at initial credentialing. Appointment and Reappointm ent Practitioners must meet BCBSIL corporate credentialing and recredentialing requirements or must meet the BCBSIL program requirements for delegated credentialing and recredentialing. Element BlueChoice Select PPO Appointment/Reappointment Requirements Site visits are not required at initial credentialing. Practitioners may participate as both a PCP and a PSP. (not required for PPO) Network Management will evaluate applicants with respect to the credentialing information along with other information including but not limited to network location, size and access criteria. The practitioner is required to meet the appointment requirements relative to the provider type designation. Each practitioner is required to be appointed to the contracted network. The criteria for appointment will be presented by Network Management to the PSC at the time of the proposed appointment. Network management has final responsibility for making the determination as to whether a credentialed practitioner or provider is appointed to that network. The recommendation to approve a provider for one of the following actions is based on credentialing/recredentialing documents, the results of primary source verification, HMO/BLUECHOICE SELECT will take the results of performance parameters for PCP’s into consideration and PPO, will take site visit results into consideration. Action taken includes Initial Credentialing: XXXIX. Appointment; XL. Pend for further review; XLI. Deny application. Recredentialing: Reappointment; Reappointment with monitoring; Reappointment with high-level monitoring; Pend for further review; Deny participation. Notification Appeals Appointment/Reappointment Appointment/Reappointment Appointment/Reappointment A letter from the Network A letter or report of appointed A letter from the Network Medical Medical Director is sent to practitioners is sent to the Director is sent to the practitioner the practitioner notifying HMO Group Administrator or notifying him/her of the decision him/her of the decision Credentialing Coordinator within 60 calendar days of the within 60 calendar days of within 60 calendar days of the Credentialing decision. The same the Credentialing decision. Credentialing decision. The information is also available on The same information is also same information is also the BCBSIL website. available on the BCBSIL available on the BCBSIL website. website Appointment/Reappointment The IPA/practitioner has the right to appeal the denial of the appointment as well as termination decisions. The appeal must be sent in writing to the BCBSIL Network Medical Director within 30 calendar days of the notice of the decision and must state the reasons for appealing the decision. Appeals will be reviewed by the Network Provider Affairs management team comprised of, at a minimum, the Senior Manager of Operations, and the Medical Directors. This committee will review the appeal within 30 calendar days of receipt of the appeal request and make a determination to uphold the original decision or to reverse it. No additional appeal level is available. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 20 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 19 of 24 ADDENDUM VI State of Illinois Recredentialing Single Cycle Year Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year Month January February March April May June July August September October November December BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 2011 Notify 2012 Notify 2013 Notify 8 0 4 9 1 5 Open Open Open Open Open Open 2 6 3 7 2014 Notify 2015 Notify 2016 Notify 8 0 4 9 1 5 Open Open Open Open Open Open 2 6 3 7 21 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 20 of 24 ADDENDUM VII BCBSIL NETWORKS Targeted Specialties Health Plan Targeted Specialties: American Board of Medical Specialties unless noted by ** ILLINOIS HMOI & BlueAdvantage PPO BlueChoice Select Allergy/Immunology X X X Colon-Rectal Surgery X X X X X X Specialty - MD/DO Subspecialty - MD/DO Dermatology Pediatric Dermatology Family Medicine/Practice X X Geriatric Medicine X Sleep Medicine Sports Medicine Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Disease X X X X X X X X X X X X X Cardiac ElectroPhysiology** X Clinical Cardiac Electrophysiology X Critical Care Medicine Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism X X X X Gastroenterology X X X Geriatric Medicine X X X Hematology X X X Hematology/Oncology (2) X X X Hospice and Palliative Medicine Infectious Diseases X X Interventional Cardiology X X X Medical Oncology X Nephrology X X X Pulmonary Disease X X X Rheumatology X X X Sleep Medicine X X X Sports Medicine X X X Transplant Hepatology X X Maxillofacial Surgery X X Neurology X X Neurology - Child X Neurological Surgery X Nuclear Medicine X X X X X Obstetrics-Gynecology X X X Gynecologic Oncology X X X Gynecology** X X X Hospice and Palliative Medicine X Maternal & Fetal Medicine X X X Obstetrics** X DO - Only X BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 22 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 21 of 24 ADDENDUM VII BCBSIL NETWORKS Targeted Specialties Specialty - MD/DO Subspecialty - MD/DO Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility Ophthalmology Orthopedic Surgery HMOI & BlueAdvantage PPO BlueChoice Select X X X X X X X X X Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Orthopedic - Surgery of the Hand Otolaryngology Pediatric Otolaryngology Sleep Medicine Pediatric Pediatric Adolescent Medicine Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics Hospice and Palliative Medicine Pediatric Allergy & Immunology** Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Pediatric Cardiology Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Pediatric Emergency Medicine Pediatric Endocrinology Pediatric Gastroenterology Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Pediatric Infectious Disease Pediatric Nephrology Pediatric Neurosurgery** Pediatric Ophthalmology** Pediatric Orthopedics** Pediatric Pulmonology Pediatric Rheumatology Pediatric Sleep Medicine Pediatric Sports Medicine Pediatric Transplant Hepatology Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Sports Medicine Plastic Surgery Surgery of the Hand X X Psychiatry - Child/Adolescent Psychiatry - Geriatric X X X Surgical Critical Care X X Preventive Medicine Psychiatry Radiation Oncology General Surgery BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 23 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 22 of 24 ADDENDUM VII BCBSIL NETWORKS Targeted Specialties Specialty - MD/DO Subspecialty - MD/DO Pediatric Surgery HMOI & BlueAdvantage PPO BlueChoice Select X X X Vascular Surgery X X X Thoracic and Cardiac Surgery X X X Urology X X X Pediatric Urology General Practice** X X X Surgery of the Spine** Prothesis, Orthotics &Pedorthists** X X X HOSPITAL BASED SPECIALTIES Following provider specialties are not credentialed. Anesthesiology X Emergency Medicine X Pathology Blood Banking & Transfusion Medicine X Radiology- Diagnostic X Pediatric Radiology X Pediatric Intensive Care** X Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine X BEHAVIORAL HEALTH: MID-LEVEL- OTHER PROVIDER TYPES HMOI & BlueAdvantage PPO Ph.D. X X LCPC X X Provider Type DEGREE BlueChoice Select Clinical Psychologist (Ph.D.) (psychology (clinical)) PPO: Neuropsychology Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor Licensed Professional Counselor LPC X Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) LCSW X X Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) LMFT X X Board Certified Behavioral Analyst - Doctoral Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst BCBA X BCaBA X BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 24 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 23 of 24 MIDLEVEL – OTHER PROVIDER TYPES American Board of Medical Specialties does not recognize or certify these provider types but some have their own National Certifying Bodies. See Credentialing Criteria for name of National Certifying body. Provider Type Certified Nurse Midwife Chiropractor Podiatry Optometrist CNM DC DPM OD HMOI & BlueAdvantage PPO BlueChoice Select X X X X X X X X X Audiologist X Occupational Therapy (4) OT Physical Therapy (4) PT Speech Language Therapist/Pathology (4) SLP ** 1 2 3 4 X Targeted Specialty/not credentialed Targeted Specialty/not credentialed Targeted Specialty/not credentialed No corresponding American Board of Medical Specialties Certificate. Abbreviated the ABMS Certificate name which is Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism. Combination for those providers Board Certified in both Hematology & Oncology. Providers Board Certified in Obstetrics-Gynecology but practice only one specialty. Targeted specialties for the BlueChoice Select Network but are not credentialed. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 25 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Credentialing, Recredentialing, Appointment, Re-appointment Page 24 of 24 Addendum VIII CREDENTIALING COMMITTEE NON DISCRIMINATORY STATEMENT To: Provider Selection Committee From: Corporate Credentialing Date: RE: Non Discriminatory Statement Each Provider Selection Committee member affirms: The Credentialing/Recredentialing Program is conducted in a manner to ensure that all credentialing requirements are uniformly applied and shall be non-discriminatory in areas of race, religion, ethnic/national identity, gender, age, sexual orientation or reimbursement to all applicants of the BCBSIL Networks. ________________ ______ Signed _____________________ Dated Reviewed 5/1/12 BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 26 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Policy Name: Practitioner Office Site Quality Policy Number: Effective Date: Revision Date: Credentialing - 8 5/1/2013 Review Date: Approval Signature: Senior Medical Director PPO, BlueChoice Select Approved QI: 05/01/13 Approved P&P: 04/11/13 Policy: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBSIL) has established standards for practitioner office site quality and will monitor and investigate member complaints related to the quality of practitioner office sites to determine whether the office site meets these standards. Purpose: To monitor whether members have appropriate access to health care services in a clean and safe environment. To define the standards and thresholds for the quality of network practitioner office sites including: o Physical accessibility o Physical appearance o Adequacy of waiting and examining room space o Adequacy of medical/treatment record keeping To define the methodology for investigating complaints about quality, safety and accessibility in office sites where care is delivered. Procedure: Site Standards 1. Environment: **The site should be clean and well organized to accommodate patient services. Restrooms, doorways and hallways should be easily accessible. The waiting room should have adequate seating for the volume of patients. There should be an adequate number of exam rooms based on the number of practitioners. The site should be accessible to those with disabilities. 2. Safety Measures: **The Practitioner and his/her staff should follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Universal Precautions guidelines when providing patient care. **Bio-hazardous waste must be discarded according to OSHA guidelines. **Sharp disposal containers must be available. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 27 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Practitioner Office Site Quality Page 2 of 5 3. Medication Maintenance/Storage: **Sample drugs, over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, and vaccines should be stored in restricted patient areas.* **Controlled substances, if present, should be stored in a locked area.* 4. Medical Supply Storage: **Sharps should be stored in restricted patient areas.* Prescription pads should be stored in restricted patient areas.* 5. Medical Record System: **Medical records should be handled in a confidential manner. All patient data should be filed in the medical record, (i.e., lab, X-ray, consultation notes, etc.) Chart Organization: The Practitioner should maintain a uniform medical record system of clinical recording and reporting with respect to services which includes separate sections for progress notes and the results of diagnostic tests. Biographical Information: Each medical record should contain the patient’s address, employer, home and work telephone numbers including emergency contacts, marital or legal status, appropriate consent forms and guardianship information, if relevant. Patient Identifiers: Patient identifiers should appear on each page of the medical record (patient name or unique ID number). Date and Signature: All entries are to be dated and signed/initialed by the author. Author identification may be a handwritten signature, unique electronic identifier or initials. Legibility: All entries should be legible. Allergy Status: Medication allergies should be noted in a prominent location in the medical record. If the member has no known allergies or history of adverse reactions, this should be prominently and consistently noted. Allergies to environmental allergens, food, pets, etc., should also be noted. Site Visit Performance Threshold To pass the site visit, the practitioner office site MUST PASS all standards marked with **. The auditor will provide feedback about any other deficiencies. Monitoring 1. The Practitioner Office Site Quality policy is made available to all providers in the Provider Manual. 2. Complaints related to the quality of a practitioner office site will be routed to Network Quality and Customer Service Department for investigation. The complaint will be reviewed. 3. If the complaint indicates a quality issue or a potential member safety issue, a site visit will be performed within sixty days after receipt of the complaint. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 28 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Practitioner Office Site Quality Page 3 of 5 4. When a site visit is scheduled for investigation of a complaint, the practitioner will be provided with a copy of the Practitioner Office Site Quality policy, including the performance thresholds. 5. Site visits will be performed to assess compliance with the site standards outlined in this policy. 6. Identified deficiencies will be reviewed with the practitioner (or office staff, if the practitioner is not available) at the time of the site visit. 7. The practitioner will receive a written report summarizing the site visit findings. 8. If a practitioner office site fails any of the MUST PASS standards marked with **, BCBSIL will request that the practitioner office site develop and implement a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to improve the deficiencies that did not meet the requirements. The CAP must be sent to BCBSIL within 30 days of receipt of the letter requesting of CAP. 9. BCBSIL will evaluate the effectiveness of the CAP by conducting a follow-up audit within six months of audit failure. 10. If a site visit is performed in response to a member complaint about the quality of the practitioner office site and the site fails to meet the standards established in this policy, the findings will be reported to Network Management, Corporate Credentialing, and the Provider Selection Committee (PSC). 11. Reports summarizing complaints about practitioner office site quality will be brought to the Managed Care Quality Improvement Committee at least annually 12. Practitioners failing three or more consecutive practitioner office site audits will be presented to PSC for further review and recommendations. BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 29 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Practitioner Office Site Quality Page 4 of 5 Attachment I Practitioner Office Site Quality Audit Tool Environment ** The site should be clean and well organized to accommodate patient services. Restrooms, doorways and hallways should be easily accessible. The waiting room should have adequate seating for the volume of patients. There should be an adequate number of exam rooms based on the number of practitioners. The site should be accessible to those with disabilities. Safety Measures ** The Practitioner and his/her staff should follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Universal Precautions guidelines when providing patient care. ** Bio-hazardous waste must be discarded according to OSHA guidelines. ** Sharp disposal containers must be available. Medication Maintenance/Storage ** Sample drugs, over-the-counter medications, prescription drugs, and vaccines should be stored in restricted patient areas.* Controlled substances, if present, should be stored in a locked area.* ** Medical Supply Storage ** Sharps should be stored in restricted patient areas.* Prescription pads should be stored in restricted patient areas.* Medical Record System ** Medical records should be handled in a confidential manner. Comments Comments Comments Comments Comments All patient data should be filed in the medical record, (i.e., lab, X-ray, consultation notes, etc.) Chart Organization: The Practitioner should maintain a uniform medical record system of clinical recording and reporting with respect to services which includes separate sections for progress notes and the results of diagnostic tests. Biographical Information: Each medical record should contain the patient’s address, employer, home and work telephone numbers including emergency contacts, marital or legal status, appropriate consent forms and guardianship information, if relevant. Patient Identifiers: Patient identifiers should appear on each page of the medical record (patient name or unique ID number). Date and Signature: All entries are to be dated and signed/initialed by the author. Author identification may be a handwritten signature, unique electronic identifier or initials. Legibility: All entries should be legible. Allergy Status: Medication allergies should be noted in a prominent location in the medical record. If the member has no known allergies or history of adverse reactions, this should be prominently and consistently noted. Allergies to environmental allergens, food, pets, etc., should also be noted. *Restricted Patient Area – a separate storage space away from the patient care area or a locked receptacle within the patient care area To pass the site visit, the practitioner office site MUST PASS all standards marked with **. The auditor will provide feedback about any other deficiencies. Reviewed: 5/1/13 BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 30 Health Care Management Policy and Procedure Practitioner Office Site Quality Page 5 of 5 Practitioner Office Site Quality Audit Date of Audit: Auditor: Onsite Audit Findings: Audit findings reviewed with: Practitioner Date of Review: Reviewed: 5/1/13 BCBSIL Provider Manual – Rev 5/13 31
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