ACT SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE HANDBOOK Current as at February 2014 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 1|Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Checklist for Knockout & Regional Championships 3 Draws and competition formats 4 Organising Athletics Carnivals 6 Organising Swimming Carnivals 61 Organising Cross Country Carnivals 92 Sports Medicine ACT - Booking Form 100 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 2|Page CHECKLIST FOR KNOCKOUT & REGIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS KNOCKOUT: SEND DRAW TO SPORT (SAMPLES INCLUDED) INFORM SPORTS COORDINATOR OF DATES AND VENUES ARRANGE RIBBONS FROM SCHOOL SPORT ACT ORGANISE UMPIRES/REFEREES FOR FINALS KEEP FILE ON ALL INFORMATION, SEND OUT TO ALL COMPETING SCHOOLS INTERDISTRICT: ORGANISE GROUND BOOKINGS AT LEAST 3 MONTHS IN ADVANCE OF CHAMPIONSHIPS WITH SPORTSGROUND HIRE (FORM IN HANDBOOK) 62075141 LIST FACILITIES/EQUIPMENT REQUIRED ON THE DAY ORGANISE UMPIRES/REFEREES FROM APPROPRIATE ASSOCIATIONS ORGANISE SPORTS TRAINERS/FIRST AID (FORM AVAILABLE IN HANDBOOK) ORGANISE SIREN/HOOTERS/PA SYSTEM ORGANISE DISPLAY BOARD FOR NOTICES AND RESULTS CHECK CANTEEN FACILITIES AND CHANGE ROOMS PUBLICISE CARNIVAL SEND OUT DETAILS OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP TO ALL DISTRICT CONVENORS WELL IN ADVANCE OF THE EVENT THIS SHOULD INCLUDE RELEVANT CARNIVAL INFORMATION INCLUDING: • CANTEEN FACILITIES • DATE • DRAWS IN POOLS • COSTS • POINT SCORING • VENUE & ADDRESS • RULES • START & END TIMES • PRESENTATION • APPROPRIATE DRESS • CONVENORS NAME & CONTACT DETAILS ORGANISE SELECTORS FOR ACT REPRESENTATIVE TRAIN ON SQUAD LETTERS OF SELECTION INTO ACT REPRESENTATIVE TRAIN ON SQUAD TO BE GIVEN TO CHILDREN ON THE DAY ACT SQUAD SELECTION DETAILS: INFORMATION PACK TO INCLUDE: • CITY/TOWN • PERMISSION NOTE • MEDICAL CONSENT FORM • COSTINGS • UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS/TRY ON SESSION DATE & TIMES • TEAM TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS • PLAYER/SPECTATOR CODES OF CONDUCT • RELEVANT DATES FOR RETURN OF FORMS & PAYMENTS • ANY OTHER INFORMATION THAT HAS BEEN CIRCULATED IN THE HOST STATE’S BULLETIN CHAMPIONSHIOP DATES RULES AND CONDITIONS OF PLAY SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 3|Page DRAW FOR MATCH FIXTURES Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 2v1 3v14 4v13 5v12 6v11 7v10 8v9 1v8 9v7 10v6 11v5 12v4 13v3 14v2 DRAW FOR 3 OR 4 TEAMS 1v2 3v1 1v4 4v3 4v2 3v2 DRAW FOR 5 OR 6 TEAMS 1v6 3v1 1v5 2v1 2v5 4v2 6v4 3v6 3v4 5v6 2v3 4v5 1v4 5v3 6v2 DRAW FOR 7 OR 8 TEAMS 8v1 1v4 7v1 1v3 2v7 5v3 8v6 4v2 3v6 6v2 2v5 5v8 4v5 7v8 3v4 6v7 6v1 7v5 8v4 2v3 1v2 3v8 4v7 5v6 5v1 6v4 7v3 8v2 DRAW FOR 9 OR 10 TEAMS 1v10 5v1 1v9 4v1 2v9 6v4 10v8 5v3 3v8 7v3 2v7 6v2 4v7 8v2 3v6 7v10 5v6 9v10 4v5 8v9 1v8 9v7 10v6 2v5 3v4 3v1 4v2 5v10 6v9 7v8 1v7 8v6 9v5 10v4 2v3 2v1 3v10 4v9 5v8 6v7 1v6 7v5 8v4 9v3 10v2 DRAW FOR 11 OR 12 TEAMS 12v1 1v6 11v1 1v5 2v11 7v5 12v10 6v4 3v10 8v4 2v9 7v3 4v9 9v3 3v8 8v2 5v8 10v2 4v7 9v12 6v7 11v12 5v6 10v11 10v1 11v9 12v8 2v7 3v6 4v5 1v4 5v3 6v2 7v12 8v11 9v10 9v1 10v8 11v7 12v6 2v5 3v4 1v3 4v2 5v12 6v11 7v10 8v9 8v1 9v7 10v6 11v5 12v4 2v3 1v2 3v12 4v11 5v10 6v9 7v8 7v1 8v6 9v5 10v4 11v3 12v2 DRAW FOR 12 OR 14 TEAMS 1v14 7v1 1v13 6v1 2v13 8v6 14v12 7v5 3v12 9v5 2v11 8v4 4v11 10v4 3v10 9v3 5v10 11v3 4v9 10v2 6v9 12v2 5v8 11v14 7v8 13v14 6v7 12v13 1v12 13v11 14v10 2v9 3v8 4v7 5v6 5v1 6v4 7v3 8v2 9v14 10v13 11v12 1v11 12v10 13v9 14v8 2v7 3v6 4v5 4v1 5v3 6v2 7v14 8v13 9v12 10v11 1v10 11v9 12v8 13v7 14v6 2v5 3v4 3v1 4v2 5v14 6v13 7v12 8v11 9v10 1v9 10v8 11v7 12v6 13v5 14v4 2v3 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 4|Page KNOCKOUT COMPETITIONS If the number of teams does not equal 4, 8, 16, 32 etc. then byes must be included in the draw so that the number of teams and byes are brought up to 4, 8, 16 etc. All byes must be drawn in the first round. Six teams would mean 2 byes to bring the number up to 8. ROUND 1 ROUND 2 ROUND 3 WINNER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 This style of competition can be extended so that winners from round 1 continue to the right and the losers of round 1 continue to the left. The winners of round 2 continue to round 3 until finally there is a winner on the right and a winner on the left. These two play off for a final winner. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 5|Page ORGANISING ATHLETICS CARNIVALS SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 6|Page SCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVAL CHECKLIST TRY TO DO 6-12 MONTHS BEFORE: BOOK GROUNDS AND BACKUP DATE (Regional carnivals & above are booked through School Sport ACT) BOOK TRANSPORT (IF REQUIRED) DATE TO BE INCLUDED IN YEARLY PLANNER 6 WEEKS BEFORE ADVISE STAFF AND CANTEEN STAFF OF DATE (AND ALSO IF THERE IS TO BE A CANTEEN OPERATING & WHO WILL ORGANISE IT) CHECK GROUNDS BOOKING, INCLUDING COST AND AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT PUBLICISE CARNIVAL DATE IN NEWSLETTER LIAISE WITH STAFF ON OFFICIAL JOBS CHECK ON EQUIPMENT NEEDED ORDER EQUIPMENT (WHERE NECESSARY, FROM SCHOOL SPORT ACT 62059174) ORGANISE RECORDING SHEETS (SEE EXAMPLE) ORGANISE PROGRAMS, INCLUDING EVENTS AND OFFICIALS SELECT DATE FOR HOUSE MEETINGS ORGANISE CERTIFICATES, RIBBONS AND TROPHIES 3 WEEKS BEFORE: ORGANISE TO CHECK CANTEEN FACILITIES AND CHANGE ROOMS CHECK TRANSPORT FIND PERPETUAL TROPHIES (IF RELEVANT) ORGANISE AND DISTRIBUTE INFORMATION AND PERMISSION NOTES TO PARENTS CHECK RELEVANT DETAILS OF REGIONAL CARNIVAL ONE WEEK PRIOR: DISTRIBUTE PROGRAMS AND JOB LISTS TO STAFF MEMBERS (TRAINING MAY BE REQUIRED) MEET WITH HOUSE CAPTAINS (IF APPROPRIATE) COLLECT EQUIPMENT CHECK TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS PRINT PROGRAM PUBLICISE CARNIVAL INFORMATION IN NEWSLETTER (AGAIN IF POSSIBLE) SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 7|Page HOLD HOUSE MEETINGS MAKE WET WEATHER ARRANGEMENTS CANCELLATION ARRANGEMENTS WITH RADIO STATIONS & PUBLICISE IN NEWSLETTER ORGANISE STUDENTS TO ASSIST WITH – • FIELD EVENTS • REFRESHMENTS FOR OFFICIALS • PLACE MARKERS • RUNNERS ONE DAY PRIOR: CHECK AND PACK ALL EQUIPMENT MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING CHECK GROUND BOOKINGS AND ANY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS CHECK TRANSPORT DETAILS (AGAIN!) CHECK RECORDING CHEETS SPEAK TO STAFF ABOUT ALL ASPECTS OF ORGANISATION AND EXPECTATIONS BRIEF STUDENT HELPERS IF POSSIBLE DURING THE CARNIVAL: SET UP EVERYTHING EARLY – ALLOW TIME FOR UNANTICIPATED PROBLEMS SUPERVISE OFFICIALS – CHECK REGULARLY WITH ALL OFFICIALS HANDLE ANY PROBLEMS THAT ARISE ENSURE TOILETS ARE SUPERVISED REFRESHMENTS FOR OFFICIALS CHECK RESULTS ARE BEING SENT BACK FOR RECORDING AS EVENTS ARE COMPLETED AFTER THE CARNIVAL: PRESENT AWARDS COLLECT AND RETURN EQUIPMENT CHECK ALL EQUIPMENT IS IN WORKING ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR AND MAKE A LIST OF NEW EQUIPMENT NEEDED DETERMINE AGE CHAMPIONS (IF APPROPRIATE) SELECT SCHOOL TEAM FOR REGIONAL CARNIVAL BOOK TRANSPORT FOR REGIONAL CARNIVAL IF NEEDED PLACE MAJOR RESULTS IN LOCAL NEWSPAPER SEND LETTERS OF APPRECIATION UPDATE RECORDS COMPLETE STAFF EVALUATION OF CARNIVAL HAVE PERPETUAL TROPHIES ENGRAVED BOOK GROUNDS FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR ARRANGE TRAINING FOR SCHOOL ATHLETICS TEAM THANKS TO STAFF/STUDENTS/PARENT HELPERS (FUNCTION?) SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 8|Page How to Organise the ACT Athletics Carnival CHECKLIST! Date 10 weeks before the carnival 4 weeks before the carnival 4 weeks before the carnival 4 weeks before the carnival 4 weeks before the carnival 4 weeks before the carnival 4 weeks before the carnival 2-3 weeks before the carnival What has to be done Hold a briefing for the regional convenors Remind schools that they need school results to be sent to whoever is collating the program by the closing date for entries Organise budget and fax into School Sports office, include ground hire, hire ACT Athletics personel, equipment hire, catering costs, sports trainers Send email to organiser volunteers from ACT Athletics to help with major positions that we need. These positions are: 2x photofinish operators, track referee, field referee and starter Email address: [email protected] Check with school sport that the venue is booked Complete the AIS Carnival Operations schedule and fax it in Call AIS and arrange catering for lunches Ask schools for names of their staff attending, to act as officials explaining that you would like to place certain staff in key positions depending on their expertise. If schools wish to do a certain job, great! SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL Reference Phone 62059279 See attached sheet Phone 62141036 Email sent 9|Page 2-3 weeks before the carnival 2 weeks (or as soon as you have officials details) 2 days prior to carnival 2 days prior to carnival 2 days prior to carnival Night before On the day Day after Send out detailed carnival program and attachments such as rules etc. Email/fax all official duties to schools Email/fax all official duties and the program to schools again as a reminder and with any changes you have made Check with AIS that lunches are all organized Track and field recording sheets if required to be printed off and placed in individual folders for field events Buy morning tea – reimbursed by SSACT so keep receipt. Check with SSACT as we keep much of this in stock Send to regional President for distribution electronically to schools Phone call Suggest: 2 litre milk, coffee, tea, sugar sticks, 4 packs assorted biscuits, plastic teaspoons (about 60), foam cups (about 80) Make sure you bring extra things like: Pens/pencils, a ream of paper, masking tape and blu tac to post up results/signs, “keep out” signs for officials doors, spare copies of the event program for officials Thank you notes to any ACT Athletics helpers on the day BIG SIGH OF RELIEF Day after BIG TIPS: 1. ASK FOR HELP FROM PRECEDING SCHOOL IF YOU NEED IT 2. RUN THE CARNIVAL IN MOST WEATHER CONDITIONS – DON’T BE PUT OFF BY RAIN IF LIGHT, THE TRACK HANDLES IT 3. ORGANISE COMPETENT PEOPLE FOR THESE JOBS: STARTER (NEEDS TO BE AN OFFICIAL), MARSHALL, PHOTO FINISH LINE RECORDER, ANNOUNCER. These people will keep the day running smoothly! 4. KEEP REFRESHMENTS GOING OUT TO THE OFFICIALS – THEY NEED IT 5. WORK IN WITH ACT ATHELTICS STAFF ON THE DAY AS THEIR HELP IS INVALUABLE SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 10 | P a g e DUTIES OF KEY OFFICIALS FOR A TRACK AND FIELD CARNIVAL Officials need to be informed and capable. Use experienced officials in key positions. Athletics Association officials are often willing to assist. Explain duties clearly to each official and supply an information sheet outlining their tasks. STARTER Start all races with electronic beeper, using the commands “On your mark”, “Set” for distances up to 400m, “On your mark” for greater distances, followed by the start beeper. Control false starts. CHIEF MARSHAL Supervise all marshals, arrange duties for marshals, receive heats from marshals and check that the number of heats is correct. TRACK MARSHAL Check the names in all heats from the program, take heats to check starter. FIELD OFFICIALS Try to get all field officials to the venue 30 mins before the carnival begins. ACT Athletics will run a short in-service course for officials including technique, measuring and safety issues. ANNOUNCER Call events and inform of significant results and pointscores. CHIEF JUDGE Supervise judges and arrange their duties according to the system selected by the organiser. CHIEF TIMEKEEPER Signal the starter immediately the timekeepers are ready for the next race to begin and arrange for times to be taken according to the system selected by the organiser. CHIEF RECORDER Arrange and supervise recorders’ duties. NB. If using the photofinish equipment at the AIS the chief timekeeper and chief recorder are not required. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 11 | P a g e SPORTS TRAINER Be available for any injury requiring attention. These should be booked from Sports Medicine. Email [email protected]. Booking form attached. SUGGESTIONS FOR NUMBER OF OFFICIALS 1 Starter 1 Check starter *1 Chief timekeeper 1 Track referee *2 Track judges *8 Timekeepers Students as runners 1 Announcer 1 Marshal 1 Chief judge 2/3 Field event judges per event 1 Jumps referee 1 Throws referee 1 Competition manager – usually convenor NB. If using Meet Manager & the photofinish at the AIS you do not need those officials marked with an * ENTRIES Entries may be collected in a variety of ways. Each school/district and zone should establish a system for collecting entries. Meet Manager will be used for all carnivals at regional & ACT level. COMPILING THE HEATS Meet Manager will do this & seed the heats if times have been submitted. ORDER OF EVENTS Order of events for primary and secondary differ. Refer to previous events or contact ACT convenors. School Sport ACT has this information. TIMING If you are using the AIS track you will use the electronic photofinish equipment which is hired from ACT Athletics. Three stop watches are used for timing first place and one for each remaining place. Where three watches are used and only two agree, the time shown on the two watches becomes the official time. If all three disagree, the middle time is recorded as the official time. Where two watches are used and they fail to agree, the longer time is recorded as the official time. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 12 | P a g e JUDGING 1 Judge may be required if electronic timing is not used. Timekeepers must watch for the runners torso to pass between the upright poles marking the finish. THE MEETING PROGRAM The meeting program should include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. List of existing records – if available List of officials Order of events Basic rules for the meeting Points score system – if using this Each event with details of heats and space to record results – if not using Meet Manager EQUIPMENT NEEDED • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Bell for 800m runners Clip boards *Discus *Discus sheets Erasers First Aid – if not using Sports Medicine High jump measuring stick *High jump sheets High jump stands and bars House/School Flags *Javelin sheets Javelins (secondary) *Long jump sheets Measuring tapes Pencils • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Place batons/cards *Points score sheet Programs *Race result sheets Rakes and brooms Relay batons Ribbons *Shot put sheets Shots Stop watches Sunscreen Tables/chairs *Triple jump sheets Witches Hats/Markers Much of this technical equipment can be hired through ACT Athletics – email [email protected] or phone 62534420. Field event sheets (marked with an *) can be generated using Meet Manager. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 13 | P a g e TRACK AND FIELD GROUND MARKINGS Ensure that all markings for events are provided. You cannot use diesel to mark your tracks. Please use cones at any ACT oval. FOOD SERVICES Arrange for lunches and refreshments for officials and assistants. School canteens are often willing to assist with catering. AIS provide excellent lunch packs (Phone 62141036 to book) BRIEFING SESSIONS Officials should all be briefed immediately before the meet so that they understand their particular roles. ACT Athletics will provide competent officials for the technical briefing of field events. A sketch plan of the ground is most useful for officials and competitors. ORGANISATION ON THE DAY The convenor and referees should arrive with equipment in sufficient time to set it out prior to the beginning of the meet. The convenor is responsible for ensuring the meet begins and ends on time and runs smoothly. The convenor should not be allocated a specific duty. If using the AIS & hiring ACT Athletics equipment, the ground will be prepared for you PROVIDING you have sent in the completed Operations Schedule. RESULTS If at the AIS results should be displayed on the windows. The finals results of the meet should be copied and sent to all schools as soon as is practical after the event. The convenor must check results, select regional or ACT teams and prepare a report. Recommendations for future meets should be recorded along with copies of the program and permanent records. RIBBONS Ribbons are available from the School Sport ACT office. Please phone 62059279 for collection. If you have purchased labels, Meet Manager will print your labels to be stuck on the appropriate ribbons. Carnival convenors should have a set of envelopes with the name of each competing school written on the front. As ribbons are finalised they can be put into the envelopes for collection by schools at the end of the carnival. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 14 | P a g e TRACK AND FIELD: GENERAL INFORMATION School Sport ACT gives all students access to their level of competition for athletics. Every school can have its own athletics carnival as an annual event. These cater for the serious athletes as well as novelty and fun events to encourage participation by all students. These events are great to foster school spirit and a chance for the school community to come together as one. School Sport Regional Carnivals Schools then pick competitors from their own carnival to compete at their Regional Track and Field Carnival. For 8-12 year olds these will be held in 2013 at the AIS, Bruce (subject to venue availability) on: • • • • • • South Weston Region: Thursday 22 August (Entries close Fri 8 August) North Gungahlin Region: Tuesday 6 August (Entries close Fri 25 July) Tuggeranong Region: Tuesday 20 August (Entries close Fri 8 August) Belconnen Region: Thursday 8 August (Entries close Friday 25 July) ACT Track and Field Carnival (12 years and under): Thursday 5 September ACT Track and Field Carnival (13 years and over): Tuesday 12 November (College entries close Friday 31st October) There are events in 100m for all age groups (8-12 years), 200m events for students aged 10 – 12, 800m for students aged 10 and under – 12 and 70m events for students aged 8 and 9 years. There are also field events in long jump, shot put, discus and long jump (to be confirmed). These are for ages 10 years and under, 11 and 12 years The Regional carnivals for the 13 – 16 year olds will be held on: Northside: AIS on Tuesday 22 October (Entries close Tuesday 15 October) Southside: AIS on Thursday 24 October (Entries close Friday 18 October) ASC: AIS on Thursday 17 October (Entries close Friday 27 September) There will be a cut off date for entries for the Regional Carnivals to be received by School Sport ACT and Sue Knight. These dates WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO, and late entries will not be processed. This is a directive from the ACT Schools Sports Council to facilitate the smooth transfer of data and the efficient running of all carnivals. Please ensure you have your school carnival well before the cut off date to allow for wet weather contingencies. AWD Athletes AWD athletes will nominate directly to the ACT carnival. There will be a Classification Day for AWD athletes that is in the process of being organised at a venue to be advised. The cut off date for AWD entries is Friday 23rd August. School Sport Australia Track and Field Championships From the School Sport ACT Track and Field Championships, an ACT team is selected for the School Sport Australia Championships that are held later in each year. In 2013, the School Sport Australia Track and Field Championships will be held in Brisbane from 22 – 26 November. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 15 | P a g e SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 16 | P a g e Athletics Carnival Operations Schedule Event Details: Organization Name: Event Name: Date of event: Contact on the day: Venue Access Time (Officials): Mobile: Venue Access Time (Competitors): Warm up Start Time: First Event Start Time: Event Finish Time: Venue Exit time: Expected event officials Expected participants: Expected parents/ spectators: Catering: (Please Tick Requirements) Canteen Open Morning Tea Afternoon Tea Lunch Packs Canteen Opening times ______________________________ Tea/Coffee VIP Catering Coffee Cart required Request to self cater (Subject to approval, please indicate type of catering): Technical Equipment: (Please Tick Requirements) Photo finish / electronic timing: Standard Set-up: (Please Tick Requirements) Finish posts: Lap indicator: Judges/ timekeepers stands: Starters stands: Sector tapes: Shot Put Sector tapes: Discus Sector tapes: Javelin Sector tapes: Hammer (subject to approval) Programmed Events: Officiating Tents (Please Tick Requirements) Long jump: (If yes, please indicate how many pits required one / two / three / High jump: (If yes, please indicate how many mats required one / two) Triple jump: (If yes, please indicate how many pits required one / two / three / one / two / three) Hurdles: four) four) Pole vault: Shot put: (If yes, please indicate how many circles required Discus: (If yes, please indicate how many circles required Javelin: (If yes, please indicate how many ends throwing from one / two) one / two) Hammer: (All hammer throwing events are subject to approval. You will be contacted to discuss) Event Management Rooms: (Please Tick Requirements) Commonwealth room (meet manager and announcer) access. Tables:______ Chairs:_____ Commonwealth room phone (02) 6214 1127 / Competition management room phone (02) 6214 1704 Other : (Please Tick Requirements) Merchandise Sales (A fee of 12.5% of gross receipts is payable to the AIS, subject to approval. You will be contacted to discuss) Program of events attached Additional Shade Tents: ________ For set-up information please contact Karl Heath 6214 1057 For booking requirements please contact Tara Schwarze on (02) 6214 1036. Please return via fax on (02) 6214 1857 or email to [email protected] (not later than 2 weeks prior to your event) Hirer’s signature:………………………………………………………………. Date:……../………/………. Printed name:…………………………………………………………………… SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 17 | P a g e : SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 18 | P a g e AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SCHOOL SPORTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM FOR THE ACT SCHOOLS TRACK AND FIELD CARNIVAL Thursday 5TH SEPTEMBER at the AIS TRACK ENTRY FOR STUDENTS/ATHLETES WITH A DISABILITY(Para-athletes) Name: First ____________________ Surname ________________________ Age: ___________ Gender: male female Date of Birth: ___________________ School: ______________________ School Contact person: __________________ School contact email: ______________________ School phone: _______________ Classification: _____________________ (Leave blank if unknown) EVENTS: Please tick √ Girls 8-9 years 70m ( ) Boys 8-9 years 70m ( ) Girls 8-9 years 100m ( ) Boys 8-9 years 100m ( ) Girls 8-9 years long jump ( ) Boys 8-9 years long jump ( ) Girls 10-12 years 100m ( ) Boys 10-12 years 100m ( ) Girls 10-12 years 200m ( ) Boys 10-12 years 200m ( ) Girls 10-12 years 800m ( ) Boys 10-12 years 800m ( ) Girls 10-12 years long jump ( ) Boys 10-12 years long jump ( ) Girls 10-12 years shot put ( ) Boys 10-12 years shot put ( ) Girls 10 -12 years discus ( ) Boys 10-12 years discus ( ) Please email back to Chris Timpson and Sue Knight at [email protected] and [email protected] before Friday 23 August 2013. Note that no entries will be received after 23 August. Chris Timpson will organise and result the AWD students. He can be contacted on 6251 3414 or 0403 564 296 if you have any queries regarding classifications for this event. For any AWD students who may be interested in ongoing training, there are places available with the ACT Junior Talent squad. This squad trains at the AIS Athletics track o Monday afternoons from 3.45pm – 4.45pm. Please contact Chris Timpson on the above numbers if you are interested. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 19 | P a g e AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SCHOOL SPORTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM FOR THE ACT 13 YEARS AND OVER TRACK AND FIELD CARNIVAL Tuesday 12TH NOVEMBER 2013 at the AIS TRACK ENTRY FOR STUDENTS/ATHLETES WITH A DISABILITY (Para-athletes) Name: First ____________________ Surname ________________________ Age: ___________ Gender: male female Date of Birth: ___________________ School: ______________________ School Contact person: __________________ School contact email: ______________________ School phone: _______________ Classification: _____________________ (Leave blank if unknown) EVENTS: Please tick √ Girls 100m ( ) Boys 100m ( ) Girls 200m ( ) Boys 200m ( ) Girls 400m ( ) Boys 400m ( ) Girls 800 m ( ) Boys 800m ( ) Girls javelin ( ) Boys javelin ( ) Girls long jump ( ) Boys long jump ( ) Girls shot put ( ) Boys shot put ( ) Girls discus ( ) Boys discus ( ) Please email back to Chris Timpson and Sue Knight at [email protected] and [email protected] before Friday 1 November 2013. Note that no entries will be received after this date. Chris Timpson will organise and result the AWD students. He can be contacted on 6251 3414 if you have any queries regarding classifications for this event. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 20 | P a g e Room 3, Block C AIS Track and Field Facility Masterman St BRUCE ACT 2617 PO Box 176 BELCONNEN ACT 2616 P: F: E: W: 02 6253 4420 02 6253 4417 [email protected] Athletics Assistance Booking Form Contact Organising School/Company: Contact Person: _______________________ _____________ Email: Telephone & Mobile: _______________ Billing Address: Signature ____________________________ By signing this form the organising school/company acknowledges and accepts full responsibility for all aspects of health and safety from entering the venue to leaving for all concerned. (It is strongly recommended that the school/company appoints a Safety Officer to oversee this task). Date of Event: Name of Event: Start/Finish time: Competition ______________Access time: ________________ ______________________Name of Contact on the day: _______________ Contact’s Mobile: Athletics ACT (AACT) has a full range of athletics equipment which can be hired for use at Athletics competitions and also offers the services of officials on a paid basis. Equipment only will be hired on the basis that AACT will supply a technical officer. There is an additional fee of $150 for this person. Please send through the operations schedule that you provide to the AIS 2 weeks out from your carnival to let our equipment official know how many throwing and jumping areas you are using. Please circle / highlight one: Hiring Equipment Only OR Hiring Equipment and Athletics ACT Officials Equipment Stop Watches (tick or highlight box) Radios (tick or highlight box) Starter’s Guns (tick or highlight box) Yes□ Yes□ Yes□ No□ No□ No□ Long/Triple Jump Equipment (tick or highlight box) High Jump Equipment (tick or highlight box) Yes□ Yes□ No□ No□ Pole Vault) (tick or highlight box) Throwing Implements (tick or highlight box) Yes□ Yes□ No□ No□ SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 21 | P a g e Weights Needed: Discus Shot Put Javelin Please Note: Hurdles, Steeples, and Sector Marking are provided by the AIS. Officials Specific Roles (highlight or tick box/es of the roles you need filled by AACT) Yes□ No□ Meet Manager – AACT holds licence. If requested AACT will provide one person who will Yes□ provide advice on the entry of information into Meet Manager and for the day of competition will assist with the printout of start lists for all events (track, jumps and throws) and will assist the photo finish persons in the publication of results. No□ Yes□ No□ Track Referee – 1 person who will coordinate the finish line area including the placing of Yes□ runners in 800m events and longer and provide information to photo finish on all races. The Referee will also assist the start of 400m, 800m and relay races as necessary. No□ Yes□ No□ Yes□ No□ Yes□ No□ Photo Finish – 2 people who will record and read the results of all track events and with the assistance of a person working Meet Manager interface the results for quick information of the athletes and the schools. Starter – AACT electronic starting equipment will only be hired out if an AACT person is engaged to operate it. Field Referee – 1 person who will supervise and advise on the conduct of all Field (Jump and Throw) events but will not be able to assist at a dedicated event. OR Throws Referee – 1 person who will supervise and advise on the conduct of all Throws events but will not be able to assist at a dedicated event. and Jumps Referee – 1 person who will supervise and advise on the conduct of all Jumps events but will not be able to assist at a dedicated event. Technical Officer – 1 person who will advise on the use of the equipment, set-up and pack-up of the equipment. Yes□ Equipment Costs Equipment Hire Costs Primary School Zone Carnivals Secondary School Zone Carnivals Combined Primary and Secondary Open age-group Primary School Secondary School $300 $400 $400 $330 $220 $280 Officials While AACT will endeavour to meet your request for officials it is not always possible. You will be advised as soon as possible if your request cannot be filled. In that case(s) it is recommended that you appoint, from your own resources, someone who will undertake those duties at your carnival. AACT will provide your nomination with instruction prior to the carnival if requested to do so. The number and roles of officials you require need to be given to the AACT Office at least one month before the carnival date. All Officials need to be recorded in your records and arrangements made to cover them under your insurance policy. AACT officials should be requested to sign an attendance register as a record of their participation. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 22 | P a g e Provision of Official Costs: $130.00 for each Official per day. $150 for one technical Official who will be looking after the equipment hire as well as being an official in some cases. 6 Officials or more to a total maximum of $650. Conditions of Hire Equipment AACT is to be reimbursed the replacement costs for equipment that is lost, stolen or irreparably damaged. Officials For full day competitions a meal (lunch) is to be provided as well as drinks/tea and coffee etc. Information on Athletics Carnival Assistance In order for a carnival to be conducted according to the IAAF Rules of competition and with efficiency and the safety of the competitors and volunteers, Athletics ACT considers that the following are essential additional resources that will be provided by the competing schools: a. Competition Manager – 1 person who is responsible for the correct conduct of the competition including the appointment of adequate officials. b. Announcer – 1 person who will call events at an appropriate time and in accordance with the timetable of events. The announcer will ensure that there are no undue delays in the conduct of the programme and when the weather is unkind that the athletes are not waiting in the cold or heat at the detriment of their health. The announcer will ensure that athletes are directed to their respective event sites by the safest route and will monitor general safe behaviour on the field of play and draw attention of people at fault to safe behaviour (kicking balls around, walking across the infield, spectators on the field of play and people climbing on structures in the grandstands). c. Carer – 1 person part of the time. This person could provide meals and drinks to people on the field of play who are not in a position to collect their own and also assist the announcer with safety issues. d. For the Track – 2 marshals to place the runners in their drawn lanes/events according to the Meet Manager printout. Note: for efficiency purposes 400m, 800m 1500m, and 3000m events are marshalled off the track (outside) near to the start of the event. In 70m, 100m and 200m events athletes are marshalled on the track in their lanes behind the start line. e. For 800m events and longer – 2 people – one to record the finishers order and one to assist the Track Referee assemble all finishers in order so that their information can be recorded. f. For Horizontal Jumps – 4 people. One to call the athlete to compete and record performances, this person can also act as a safety person to ensure that all is safe before the next competitor jumps. One to judge that the competitor makes a legitimate trial (does not overstep the take-off board and leaves the pit correctly) and measures each competitors performance. One to spike the nearest mark in the sand to the take-off board made by the competitor in a trial. One to rake the pit so that the sand is level – this person should be fairly strong to order to move the sand. g. For Throws – 3 people. One to call the athlete to compete and record performances, this person can also act as a safety person to ensure that all is safe before the next competitor throws. Note: when performances are only measured at the end of competition this person is the recorder and checks the measuring of performances. One person to act as a judge to determine that the throw was completed in accordance of the rules and holds the tape to assist in measurements. One fall judge to determine that the implement lands correctly in the sector and marks the landing point of the implement. Note: In long throws Discus and Javelin you might need an additional person to carry the implements back to the throwing point. The rules specifically state that implements are to be carried back to the throwing point (this is for safety reasons only). Athletics ACT strongly recommends that a Safety Officer from the organising school or company be appointed to the carnival. As a guide the following is provided. SAFETY OFFICER The Safety Officer is responsible for the coordination of safety and health matters for all members and visitors. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 23 | P a g e The name of this person should be made known to the AACT Technical Official. Responsibilities and Duties will include: Ensure that members observe and follow established health guidelines. Be the focal point for all safety enquiries Ensure hazards are kept to a minimum and actioned promptly including: 1. Athletes crossing the infield whilst field events are taking place, 2. Athletes playing on the structure leading to the photo finish tower, 3. Athletes kicking or playing with balls (soccer, afl etc.) which have the potential to interrupt an event(s) in progress, 4. Equipment left at an event site that has potential to cause injury, and 5. Keeping non-competitors away from event site(s) for their own safety. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 24 | P a g e SAMPLE OF OFFICIALS REQUIRED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ACT ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Starter: Wayne Thomas Track Referee: Ian Colquhoun Photo Finish/Meet Manager: Jane McGlew, Mick Morris, Sue Knight, Jo Marshall: Justan Fuller Check Starter: Field events referee: Chris Timpson High Jump: John Hunt + 2 students Long Jump 1: Dianne Calvert + 2 students Long Jump 2: Belconnen + 2 students SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 25 | P a g e Shot Put 1: Tuggeranong + 2 students Shot Put 2: Sth Weston + 2 students Discus 1: Nth Gungahlin + 2 students Discus 2: Belconnen, Sth Weston, Nth Gungahlin Ribbon distribution: Tuggeranong, Belconnen Hospitality, result collection: Sth Weston, Nth Gungahlin SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 26 | P a g e SAMPLE ACT SCHOOLS ATHLETICS CHAMPIONSHIPS 2013 INFORMATION SHEET. DATE: Thursday 5th September 2013 VENUE: AIS Track, Bruce TIMES: 8.30am first event begins. Carnival should conclude by 2.30pm. The gates will be open for competitors and spectators at 8.00am. PROGRAM: Attached, but please inform parents that times are approximate and may vary on the day. This will be posted on the SSACT website during the week. CATERING: A canteen will be operating, however choice is limited. Healthy food should be bought from home. UNIFORM: Students are asked to wear their district singlets for this event. COST: $5 per student is needed to cover costs. This money is to be paid to each student’s school, and an invoice will be sent later. ENTRIES Entries have been done using the results from the Regional carnivals. AWD entries need to be to Sue Knight before COB Friday 23rd August. STUDENTS WHO MISSED REGIONAL CARNIVALS As per School Sport ACT policy, students who were unable to compete at their regional carnival due to illness (with a medical certificate), a conflicting School Sport event or a school event on the same day as the carnival, may be entered in the ACT Schools Championship if the school and the district are satisfied that the student(s) would have qualified to represent the district had they been able to compete at the district carnival. Emails for this need to be sent, along with the evidence, to Sue Knight on the above address by Friday 23rd August 2013. AACT OFFICIALS Athletics ACT (AACT) have indicated that they will be able to provide all of the following officials: Track Referee Starter Photo finish x2 Meet Manager (computer) Field Referee Throws Referee Jumps Referee SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 27 | P a g e OFFICIALS Obviously we will need a number of other officials to undertake the other tasks associated with the technical aspects of conducting the event (marshals, time keepers, measurers etc). Each region will need to provide at least FOUR officials to assist with these tasks. I would appreciate it if regional conveners could provide me with the names of their officials, and their qualifications (if any) or job preferences by Thursday 29th August so that I can allocate roles and get that back to you before the event begins. Officials will be supplied with lunches and tea and coffee. FIRST AID A Sports Medicine Australia Sports Trainer will be in attendance from 8.30am. SUPERVISION Regions will be responsible for the supervision of their team members. The regional banners will be hung on the fence, and each region will get a section of the grandstand. There will be no access to the track or field events area other than for competitors involved in an event or warming up at the appropriate time and meet officials. . Justan Fullar and Natalie Grieve (Convenors) SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 28 | P a g e 2013 ACT 12 YEARS AND UNDER TRACK AND FIELD CARNIVAL EVENTS LIST SESSION 1 8.30am – 9.30am 1. Girls 8 – 10 years 800m 2. Girls 11 years 800m 3. Girls 12/13 years 800m 31. Boys 8 – 10 yrs shot put 32 Boys 11 years long jump 33. Boys 12/13 yrs discus 34. Boys 12/13 yrs high jump 35. Boys and girls 10/12 yrs AWD shot put SESSION 2 9.30am – 10.30am 4. Boys 8 – 10 years 800m 5. Boys 11 years 800m 6. Boys 12/13 years 800m 36. Girls 8 – 10 yrs shot put 37. Girls 11 years long jump 38. Girls 12/13 years discus 39. Girls 12/13 years high jump 40. Boys and girls 10/12 years AWD discus SESSION 3 10.30am – 11.30am 7. Girls 8 years 70m 8. Girls 9 years 70m 9. Boys and girls 8/9 yrs AWD 70m 10. Girls 10 years 200m 11. Girls 11 years 200m 12. Girls 12/13 years 200m 41. Boys 8 - 10 years long jump 42. Boys 11 years discus 43. Boys 11 years high jump 44. Boys 12/13 years shot put SESSION 4 11.30am – 12.30pm 13. Boys and girls 10/12yrs AWD 200m 14. Boys 10 years 200m 45. Girls 8 – 10 years long jump 15. Boys 11 years 200m 46. Girls 11 years discus 16. Boys 12/13 years 200m 47. Girls 11 years high jump 17. Boys 8 years 70m 48. Girls 12/13 shot put 18. Boys 9 years 70m SESSION 5 12.30pm – 1.30pm 19. Girls 8 years 100m 49. Boys 8 – 10 years discus 20. Girls 9 years 100m 50. Boys 8 – 10 years high jump 21. Boys and girls 8/9 yrs AWD 100m 22. Girls 10 years 100m 23. Girls 11 years 100m 51. Boys 11 years shot put 24. Girls 12/13 years 100m 52. Boys 12/13 years long jump 25. Boys and Girls 10/12 yrs AWD 100m SESSION 6 1.30pm – 2.30pm 26. Boys 8 years 100m 53. Girls 8 – 10 years discus SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 29 | P a g e 27. 28. 29. 30. Boys 9 years 100m Boys 10 years 100m Boys 11 years 100m Boys 12/13 years 100m 54. Girls 8 – 10 years high jump 55. Girls 11 years shot put 56. Girls 12/13 years long jump 57/58. Boys and girls 8 -12 yrs AWD long jump SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 30 | P a g e TRACK AND FIELD EVENTS 2013 70 METRES 8 yrs 9 yrs 100 METRES 8 yrs 9 yrs 10 yrs 11 yrs 12 yrs 200 METRES 10 yrs 11 yrs 12 yrs 800 METRES 10 yrs and under 11 yrs 12 yrs LONG JUMP 10 yrs and under 11 yrs 12 yrs HIGH JUMP (Optional depending on quals of organisers) 10 yrs and under 11 yrs 12 yrs SHOT PUT 10 yrs and under 11 yrs 12 yrs DISCUS 10 yrs and under 11 yrs 12 yrs SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 31 | P a g e TRACK AND FIELD CARNIVAL HOUSE POINTS SCORE SHEET EVENT HOUSE Points Prog. Total Points Prog. Total Points Prog. Total Points Prog. Total ENTRY POINTS TOTAL PLACE SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 32 | P a g e ACTSSSA CHAMPIONSHIPS Event: Age: 12/13/14/15/16+ Place Performance Men/Women Name School Pts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 33 | P a g e ACTSSSA CHAMPIONSHIPS RESULT – HIGH JUMP Chief Judge AGE GROUP: 12/13/14/15/16+ MEN/WOMEN Recorder STARTING HEIGHT: Name School Zone Time National Qualifying: Clear: Fail: Pass: - Jumps Total Best Final Points at last failures Height Position height Cleared cleared 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 34 | P a g e ACTSSSA CHAMPIONSHIPS RESULT – LONG JUMP/TRIPLE JUMP/SHOT/DISCUS/JAVELIN Chief Judge AGE GROUP: 12/13/14/15/16+ MEN/WOMEN Time Recorder Implement Specs: Name School Zone Trial 1 Trial 2 National Qualifying: Trial 3 Best Result After 3 Trial 4 Best Result After 4 Final Position Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 35 | P a g e ACT PRIMARY SCHOOL SPORTS ASSOCIATION TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIP RULES AND CONDITIONS 1 EVENTS AND AGE GROUPS (All events are for girls and boys) EVENTS 70m 100m 200m 800m 4 x 100m relay High Jump Long Jump Shot Put Discus 2 AGE GROUPS 8, 9 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 10, 11, 12, 13 10 & under, 11, 12, 13 10 & under, 11, 12/13 10, 11, 12, 13 only 10, 11, 12, 13 only 10, 11, 12, 13 only 10, 11, 12, 13 only ENTRIES Each district may nominate competitors as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) three (3) competitors for each 70m event four (4) competitors for each 100m event three (3) competitors for each 200m event two (2) competitors for each 800m event two (2) SCHOOL relay teams in each relay event two (2) competitors for each high jump, long jump, discus and shot put event NOTE: Competitors shall be limited to 4 events (track and/or field) plus a relay. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 36 | P a g e 3 AGE DIVISIONS 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years A competitor whose birthday occurs during the current year is eligible for THAT AGE EVENT ONLY. NO COMPETITOR SHALL ENTER IN TWO AGE GROUPS. 4 SPIKED SHOES a) The use of spiked shoes shall be permitted for 70m, 100m, 200m, relays, high jump and long jump events. Spikes must be removed at the completion of the event. b) Spikes are not allowed in the 800m event due to the packed start. c) Maximum length of spikes is 7mm. 5 STARTING BLOCKS The use of starting blocks is permitted in all track events other than 800m. A marshalling assistant will remove the blocks from the track. Only AIS blocks are permitted. 6 MARSHALLING All competitors must report immediately to the marshalling area after the event is called. The marshals will place the competitors in lane positions. The marshalling areas will be behind the start of the 70m for 70m, 100m for 100m, 200m for 200m, 800m and relays behind judges stand. Field events will be marshaled at the respective area. 7 STARTING Method: 8 “ON YOUR MARKS – SET – GUN” “ON YOUR MARK – GUN” Sprint events 800m events FALSE STARTS A competitor causing a false start shall be warned for the first break as will all competitors in the race. The next competitor to break will be disqualified. 9 PROTESTS Protests shall be dealt with by the Disputes Committee consisting of the Meet Manager, Referee and Technical director. No protests will be considered unless lodged by the Team Manager (who must be a teacher) with the Committee within fifteen (15) minutes of the conclusion of the event. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 37 | P a g e 10 THE ARENA Only officials on duty at the time of the event and competitors shall be allowed on the arena. At the conclusion of the vent competitors MUST leave the arena and return to their area. NOTE: Parents, coaches and other unauthorized persons are not allowed on the arena or area that is being used for an event. PENALTY: Disqualification of the competitor involved if unauthorized persons are on the arena. For the purpose of this rule the following shall not be considered as unfair aid or assistance: a) ‘first aid’/medical help designated by the Meet Manager b) verbal or other communication, without the use of any technical device, from an individual who is not in the competition area. Ref IAAF Rule 143. 11 SUBSTITUTES Substitutes may be allowed by the Meet Manager on the recommendations of the Team Manager. Application for any additional entry must be lodged specifically. 12 PLACEGETTERS At the completion of each race, competitors must return to the finishing post in their respective lanes until places are allocated. Placegetters shall receive, from the judges, tokens denoting place gained and must immediately take these to the recorder. 13 RELAYS Relay teams shall consist of four (4) runners from the SAME SCHOOL, all eligible to compete in the age group entered. A team will be disqualified if: a) any of its runners does not remain in the allotted lane b) any runner interferes in any way with a runner from another team c) the baton is not handed over within the restricted zone (20m) when the change is being made. The acceleration zone (10m) may be used. 14 SHOT PUT Each competitor will have three (3) puts in rotation. The best put of each competitor will be marked. The best 6 athletes will qualify for a further optional put. The best of any four puts shall count. Ties will stand unless all legal puts are measured. Shot put weights: Girls and Boys 10 and 11 years 2kg Girls and Boys 12 and 13 years 3kg 15 LONG JUMP Each competitor will have three (3) attempts in rotation. The six (6) best competitors will qualify for a further optional fourth jump. Best four (4) jumps shall count. In the event of a tie the relative placing shall be decided by the next best effort in a count back. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 38 | P a g e 16 HIGH JUMP Each competitor will have three (3) attempts, in rotation, at each height. The bar will be raised 70mm, the second 50mm, the third may be 50mm and then in successive rises of 20mm. Bar heights will commence at: 12 Boys 11 Boys 10 Boys 1.25m 1.20m 1.10m 12 Girls 11 Girls 10 Girls 1.15m 1.10m 1.00m The winner will be allowed to progress if she or he so desires. Places will be decided as per IAAF Rules. 17 DISCUS Each competitor will have three (3) throws in rotation. The best throw of each competitor will be marked. The best 6 ahtletes will qualify for a further optional throw. The best of any four throws shall count. Ties will stand unless all legal throws are measured. Discus weights: 18 Girls and Boys 10 years Girls and Boys 11, 12 and 13 years 500g 750g FINALS a) In events where there are four (4) heats, the first two (2) runners in each heat to qualify for the final. b) In the 100m events where there are three (3) heats the first three (3) runners in each heat will qualify for the final. c) In other events where there are three (3) heats, the first two (2) runners in each heat and the next two (2) fastest competitors to qualify for the final. A list of competitors for each final event will be published before the commencement of the finals. Finalists will be called ONCE over the public address system. 19 CONTROL Regions will be allocated an area and Team Managers must accept responsibility for the competitors throughout the day. All are requested to ensure tidiness of their areas before departure at the conclusion of the program. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 39 | P a g e 20 ATHLETIC FIELD CLEANING The ACTSSMC is responsible for leaving the athletic field in a tidy condition. THIS RESPONSIBILITY RESTS WITH EVERYONE PRESENT. 21 SEATING ARRANGEMENTS The AIS Athletics Fields has an abundance of seating. Districts will be allocated space in the stands. Please ensure that competitors remain in their area when not competing. 22 CANTEEN FACILITIES Will be available at the Athletic Field in the building behind the seating area. 23 POINTS SCORE In accordance with recommendations following the 2000 ACTPSSA Track and Field Carnival, the point scoring system has been abolished. 24 DISTRICT COLOURS Belconnen North Canberra Gungahlin Tuggeranong South Weston GOLD WITH GREEN RED AND BLACK LIGHT AND DARK BLUE BLACK AND WHITE SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 40 | P a g e SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 41 | P a g e SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 42 | P a g e SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 43 | P a g e Sports Medicine Australia Please find attached a booking form for Sports Medicine Officers from Sports Medicine ACT. You can complete this form and fax it into the SMA office and they will arrange for a Sports Medicine Officer to be at your event. Please fax the form at least 4 weeks prior to the event you are organizing. SMA can organise a Sports Medicine Officer for you if you cannot give them 4 weeks notice at times but it cannot be certain. Things to remember about booking a Sports Medicine Officer: • • • • • • Make sure the billing address is correct. All Regional, Zone and ACT events should have the billing address listed as School Sport ACT, Sports House, 100 Maitland St, Hackett 2602. If you are organizing an event for just your school make sure the billing address is your school. Convenors please make sure you state your school/contact numbers and what type of event it is (size etc) on the forms. The more information you provide the better SMA can service you. Confirmation of a booking will be sent to the convenor. All SMA Officers will be wearing their yellow and red shirts and name badges at all events so they will be easily recognisable. Please provide any feedback you can to SMA after an event, whether it is an improvement you would like to be seen or it is simply a message of congratulations. They wish to continue servicing everyone with the best service they can offer. SMA have posters on drinking fluids in sport, warm up and cool down information to give free to schools. Simply contact their office. SMA contact: Phone: 6247 5115 [email protected] or Fax 6247 6329 Sports Medicine Australia ACT Branch 100 Maitland Street Hackett ACT 2602 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 44 | P a g e access online SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 45 | P a g e Teacher resources for Track and Field The attached information has been copied from the “Hot Tracks” Track and Field Manual, which some schools will have. Essentially these sheets summarise the rules that govern athletics competitions based on the IAAF rules. The roles of key officials and their duties are also outlined. Competition Information The information contained in this section has been developed to provide assistance to teachers and students when organising an athletics meet (competition). It should be referred to when preparing the school regional or ACT Athletics Carnivals. Essentially this section is a summary of the rules that govern athletics competitions based on the International Amateur Athletics Federation rules as they apply for each track and field event. It has been arranged so that it can be used as a quick and easy reference in relation to athletics competitions. The roles of key officials and their duties are outlined also in this section. Teachers are encouraged to photocopy relevant sections, particularly the event rules, thus ensuring every official has event information to refer to if required. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 46 | P a g e 1. Officials Track Referee The referee is responsible for ensuring that competition rules are observed and to decide on any technical points which may arise during the course of the meeting. They decide on any protest or objection. Starter The starter is responsible for starting track events and ensuring that they are started fairly in the interests of sportsmanship. The starter generally requires a starting device usually an electronic starter, whistle or two blocks of wood to clap together. It is useful if the starter is able to stand on a stool so as to have a clear view of all competitors. Starting Procedure: 1. Athletes are warned by the starter’s whistle the event is about to begin and to stand 2 metres behind the starting line. 2. The athletes are called to their marks with the starter using the command “On Your Marks”. The starter ensures that no part of the body (fingers, feet, hands) is on or over the back of the starting line. 3. When competitors are settled, the starter gives the command “Set” for all events up to and including 400 metres (this command is not used in events longer than 400m). All starters should then assume the set position. 4. Once all competitors are motionless, the starter fires the device to begin the race. NOTE: If a competitor is unsteady while in the set position, the starter may instruct athletes to stand up. If an athlete starts before the gun is fired, a false start is recorded and a second gun is fired to recall the competitors. A second false start by the same competitor results in a disqualification. Judges Judges decide on the correct finishing order of competitors in track events. Ideally, they should have an elevated and uninterrupted view of the finish line. If you are using Meet Manager and the photo finish, this position becomes redundant. Judging Procedure Competitors shall be placed in the order in which any part of their bodies (that is the torso, including shoulders as distinguished from head, neck, arms, legs, hands or feet) reaches the vertical plane of the finish. Timekeepers for manual timing Timekeepers are responsible for timing all track events. Ideally, three timekeepers should be allocated to record the performance of the first place-getter. The Chief Timekeeper ensures that all watches are returned to zero. Timekeepers should be in line with the finish on the opposite side of the track and 5 metres from the outside lane of the track. The time is taken from the flash or smoke of the starter’s pistol to the moment that the competitor’s body (as described earlier) reaches the vertical plane of the finish line. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 47 | P a g e For all hand-timed events where hundredths are displayed on the watch, the time should be corrected to the higher tenth, i.e. 13.51 shall be recorded as 13.6. Photo Finish If you are hiring this equipment from ACT Athletics and using Meet Manager, all times are taken electronically and fed straight into the computer. Meet Manager then works out the heat placing and the overall place in the event. This information can then be printed and result displayed. Jumps All Jumping Events Recorder The Recorder calls each competitor for their respective trial and records their performances. They check the names of competitors against the list that is provided by the meet organisers. On the recording sheet the Recorder should record the competitor’s name, number, school, state (etc.) and the performance for each trial. At the conclusion of the event, the “best performance” of each performer is recorded in the appropriate column followed by the placing of each competitor. Meet Manager will work out all the placing following the event if it is being used. Horizontal Jumps – Long, Triple Take-off Board Judge The Take-off Board Judge watches the take-off board for any foot fault. A foot fault occurs when any part of the jumper’s foot passes the front of the take-off board. The Take-off Board Judge reads the distance jumped and ensures that the jump is measured properly. Landing Judge The Landing Judge marks the imprint in the sand created by the jumper at the point that is closest to the front of the take-off board. The Landing Judge also levels the sand after each competitor’s jump. High Jump Upright Judge The Upright Judge raises and measures the crossbar as directed and replaces the knocked crossbar. Pole Vault Two Upright Judges It is the responsibility of both Upright Judges to replace the knocked crossbar and to measure and raise the crossbar as directed. Throws All Throwing Events Recorder The Recorder calls each competitor for their respective trial and records their performances. They check the names of competitors against the list that is provided by the meet organisers. On the recording sheet the Recorder should record the competitor’s name, number, school, state (etc.) and the performance for each trial. At the conclusion of SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 48 | P a g e the event, the “best performance” of each performer is recorded in the appropriate column followed by the placing of each competitor. Meet Manager will work out the placings following the event if it is being used. Measuring Judge The Measuring Judge pulls the tape through the circle or the throwing arc for measuring throws. The Circle Judge then reads the measurement from the tape. Sector Judges Sector Judges (two or more, ideally) are positioned across the sector to record exactly where the implement lands. One of the judges marks the point where the implement landed with a marker or measures the throw. Shot Put, Discus, Hammer Throw Circle Judge The Circle Judge is responsible for any foot fault infringement and indicates any foul throw. The Circle Judge is also responsible for reading the measurement from the tape. Javelin Throwing Judge The Throwing Judge watches for foul throws as well as ensuring that no part of the body touches the arc or the ground beyond the throwing line. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 49 | P a g e 2. Rules Track Lane Rules • For all track events up to 400 metres (including 4 x 100m relays), all competitors stay in their assigned lanes. • For 4 x 400m relay events, the first leg runners run in assigned lanes. The second elg runners run in lanes until they exit from the first bend. Athletes should take care not to immediately cut into the inside lane and in so doing obstruct other relay athletes. Relays • The Baton: Shall be a smooth hollow tube, circular in section, made of wood or metal or any other rigid material, in one piece, the length of which shall not be more than 300mm and not less than 280mm. The circumference shall be 120mm to 130mm and the baton shall not weigh less than 50gm. The baton should be coloured so as to be easily visible during the race. • The baton must be carried in the hand throughout the race. If dropped, it must be recovered by the athlete who dropped it. In all relay races, the baton must be passed within the change-over zone. The passing of the baton is completed at the moment it is in the hand of the receiving runner only. Within the change-over zone, it is only the position of the baton which is decisive, and not the position of the body or the limbs of the competitors. • After handing over the baton, athletes should remain in their lanes or zones until the course is clear, to avoid causing obstruction to other competitors. Should any competitor willfully impede a member of another team by running out of position or lane at the finish of stage, the competitor’s team may be disqualified. • Assistance by pushing-off or by any other method will cause disqualification. Jumps Long Jump • A jump is considered invalid if a jumper oversteps the take-off board. A competitor may not touch the ground between the take-off board and the landing area with any part of the body, whether running up, preparing to jump or in the act of jumping. • The judge positioned at the take-off board must have a clear view of the jumper’s take-off foot in relation to the board. It must remain behind the front of the take off board. • A competitor may not take-off for a jump from outside either end of the take-off board. • In the course of landing, a competitor may not touch the ground outside the landing area nearer to the take-off board than the nearest break in the landing area made by the jump. • Following a jump, a competitor may not walk back through the landing area. • A competitor may not employ any form of somersaulting during a jump. • In regulation competition, each competitor is allowed up to six attempts, the winner being the competitor who achieves the longest valid jump. Most school competitions run as the best of 3 jumps. • In the event of a tie, a decision is made on the next best recorded jump of the tied competitors. Triple jump • To be a valid jump, the competitor must make three distinct jumps – a hop, a step and a jump. For the first jump (HOP) the competitor must take off and land on the same foot. For the second jump (STEP) the competitor must SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 50 | P a g e • • • • • • • • land on the other foot. For the third and final part of the jump (JUMP), the competitor must take-off from the foot on which the step was finished. If while jumping, the competitor touches the ground with the “sleeping leg”, the jump shall not be considered a failure. A jump is considered invalid if a jumper oversteps the take-off board. The judge positioned at the take-off board must have a clear view of the jumper’s take-off foot in relation to the board. A competitor may not take-off for a jump from outside either end of the take-off board. In the course of landing, a competitor may not touch the ground outside the landing area nearer to the take-off board than the nearest break in the landing area made by the jump. Following a jump, a competitor may not walk back through the landing area. In regulation competition, each competitor is allowed up to six attempts, the winner being the competitor who achieves the longest valid jump. Most school competitions are run as the best of 3 attempts. In the event of a tie, a decision is made on the next best recorded jump of the tied competitors. High Jump • • • • • • • • • Prior to beginning the competition, the Judges should announce to the competitors the starting height for the jump and subsequent heights by which the bar will be raised at the end of each round. Suggested bar increments between rounds are five centimeters for more than six competitors and three centimeters after any round. The competitor may approach the jump from any angle but must take-off for the jump from one foot. A jump is considered unsuccessful if the competitor knocks the crossbar off its supports irrespective of the competitor being on or off the landing area. A jump is unsuccessful if the competitor touches the ground or landing area beyond the plane of the uprights without first clearing the crossbar. Three consecutive failures, regardless of height, debar a competitor from further jumping, although a competitor may forgo a second or third attempt at a given height and still jump at a subsequent height. For recording purposes, a ‘ ’ or a ‘ ’ indicates the bar has been cleared, a ‘ ’ indicates a failure, and a ‘–‘ indicates the athlete did not jump. The competitor who clears the greatest height is the winner. If a tie occurs: o the competitor with the lower total of failures throughout the competition up to and including the height last cleared shall be awarded the higher place. If a tie still remains: o If it concerns first place, the tied competitors shall have one more jump at the lowest height at which any of those involved in the tie failed. If no decision is reached, the bar shall be raised or lowered to heights as determined by the Chief Judge. Each competitor shall then have one jump at each height until the tie is decided. If it concerns any other place the competitors shall be awarded the same place in the competition. Throws Shot Put • The competitor may enter the circle prior to the put from any direction. • The competitor must start the put from a stationary and balanced position inside the circle. • The shot must be put from the shoulder with one hand only. In the preliminary stance it must be held close to the chin and the hand must not drop below that position throughout the throw. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 51 | P a g e • • • • • • During the put, the competitor may touch the inside edge of the stop board or the inside edge of the circle but may not touch any part of the stop board or the circle or the ground outside the circle. A competitor may interrupt a put, lay down the shot inside or outside the circle and leave the circle before returning to a stationary position to begin a fresh put. The shot must land completely within the inner edges of the lines marking the sector, without touching the lines. It is still a valid put if the shot subsequently rules outside the sector. The competitor may not leave the circle until the put shot has landed and then the athlete’s first contact with the ground outside the circle must be completely behind the centre line of the circle. Each competitor is allowed up to six puts, the winner being the competitor who archives the longest valid put. Most competitions are run as the best of 3 attempts. In the event of a tie, a decision is made on the next best recorded puts of the tied competitors. Discus • The competitor may enter the circle prior to the throw from any direction. • The competitor must start the throw from a stationary and balanced position inside the circle. • During the throw, the competitor may touch the inside edge of the circle or the inside edge of the line marking the circle, but may not touch any other part of the circle or the ground outside the circle. • A competitor may interrupt a throw, lay down the discus inside or outside the circle and leave the circle before returning to a stationary position to being a fresh throw. • The discus must land completely within the inner edges of the lines marking the sector, without touching the lines. IT is still a valid throw if the discus subsequently rolls outside the sector. • The competitor may not leave the circle until the discus has landed and then the athlete’s first contact with the ground outside the circle must be completely behind the centre line of the circle. • Each competitor is allowed up to six throws, the winner being the competitor who achieves the longest valid throw. Most school competitions are run as the best of 3 attempts. • In the event of a tie, a decision is made on the next best recorded throw of the tied competitors. In major competitions, the leading eight athletes after the first three throws should be allowed a further three throws. If fewer than eight athletes are entered, all athletes should be allowed six throws. • • • • • • • Javelin The javelin must be held at the grip. The competitor may not cross the lines marking the edges of the runway nor touch or cross the throwing arc marking the end of the runway. At no time between preparing the throw and throwing may the competitor turn around so that the thrower’s back is towards the throwing arc. For the throw to be valid, the javelin must land point first, although it does not necessarily have to stick in the ground. The competitor may not leave the runway until the thrown javelin has landed and then the athlete’s first contact with the ground outside the runway must be completely behind the throwing arc and the two lines marking its extremities. If the javelin breaks at any time in the course of a throw, the throw does not count and the competitor is allowed another throw, provided that the throw was made in accordance with the rules. Each competitor is allowed up to six throws, the winner being the competitor who achieves the longest valid throw. Most school competitions are run as the best of 3 attempts. In the event of a tie, a decision is made on the next best recorded throw of the tied competitors. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 52 | P a g e 3. Measuring and Recording Jumps Long and Triple Jump 1. Identify the landing imprint closest to the take-off board. The imprint may be made by any part of the body, including the hands. Select the edge of this imprint closest to the take-off board and hold the zero end of the tape at this point with the spike. 2. Draw the tape taught and at right angles across the take-off board or its extension on either side. 3. The distance is measured at the point where the tape crosses the edge of the take-off board closer to the landing area. If the measurement is not whole centimetre, take the nearest centimetre below the measurement. High Jump – Pole Vault 1. A tape measure or measuring stick of approximately two metres is required. 2. The measurement for the height of the crossbar shall be made perpendicularly from the ground to the lowest part of the upper side of the bar. Throws Shot Put – Discus – Hammer 1. Select the nearest mark made by the fall of the implement (shot, discus, hammer) and hold the zero end of the tape at this point. 2. Draw the tape tightly across the circle so that the tape passes over the centre of the circle. 3. The distance is measured at the point where the tape measure touches the inner edge of the circle Javelin 1. Select the nearest mark made by the fall of the javelin and hold the zero end of the tape at this point. 2. Draw the tape tightly across the end of the runway so that the tape passes over the centre of the circle of which the arc is part. 3. The distance is measured at the point where the tape measure touches the inner edge of the arc. Recording Shot Put Discus, Javelin, Hammer Record the nearest whole centimetre. If measurement is not whole centimetre, take the nearest centimetre below the measurement. Distances are recorded in even 0.02 metre units (e.g. 62.44, etc.). SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 53 | P a g e 4. Event Specifications The following specifications have been prepared to support the 5 Star Award Achievement Award and should be used as a guide only when preparing students for school teams. Athletics Australia recommend that teachers and Track and Field Team Managers confirm event specifications with the respective School Sports Association each year. Due to differing state standards, it is possible that some of the event specifications outlined below will be different for your state. Hurdles Age Distance (metres) U/8-U/10 U/11-U/12 U/13 U/14 U/15 U/15 U/16 U/16 U/17 U/17 U18 U/19 U/20 Open U/18+ 60 60 80 80 90 200 90 300 100 300 100 100 100 100 400 WOMEN AND GIRLS Height of Distance First Number of Hurdles Hurdle Hurdles (cms) (metres) 5 45 14 5 60 14 9 76.2 12 9 76.2 12 9 76.2 12 5 76.2 20 9 76.2 12 7 76.2 50 10 84.0 12 7 76.2 50 10 84.0 12 10 84.0 12 10 84.0 12 10 84.0 12 10 76.2 12 Distance Between Hurdles 7.5 7.5 7 7 8 35 8 35 8.5 35 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 35 Distance to Finish (metres) 16 16 13 13 13 40 13 40 10.5 40 10.5 10.5 10.5 10.5 40 Walking Age Under 13 Under 14 Under 15 Under 16 Under 17 Under 18 Under 19 Under 20 RECOMMENDED DISTANCES FOR WALKING EVENTS Boys 1.5km 2km 2km 3km 3km 4km 5km 5km SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL Girls 1.5km 2km 2km 3km 3km 4km 5km 5km 54 | P a g e Shot Put Age Under 7 Under 8 Under 9 Under 10 Under 11 Under 12 Under 13 Under 14 Under 15 Under 16 Under 17 Under 18 Under 19 Under 20 Open Boys 1kg 2kg 2kg 2kg 2kg 2.2724kg 2.2724kg 3.632kg 3.632kg 4.535kg 4.535kg 5.449kg 5.449kg 7.260kg 7.260kg Girls 1kg 2kg 2kg 2kg 2kg 2.2724kg 2.2724kg 2.2724kg 2.2724kg 4kg 4kg 4kg 4kg 4kg 4kg Boys 3.632kg 4.535kg 4.535kg 5.449kg 5.449kg 7.260kg 7.260kg Girls 4kg 4kg 4kg 4kg 4kg 4kg 4kg Hammer Throw Age Under 15 Under 16 Under 17 Under 18 Under 19 Under 20 Open SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 55 | P a g e Discus Age Under 7 Under 8 Under 9 Under 10 Under 11 Under 12 Under 13 Under 14 Under 15 Under 16 Under 17 Under 18 Under 19 Under 20 Open Boys 500 grams 500 grams 500 grams 500 grams 500 grams 750 grams 750 grams 1kg 1kg 1kg 1.5kg 1.5kg 1.5kg 2kg 2kg Girls 500 grams 500 grams 500 grams 500 grams 500 grams 750 grams 750 grams 1kg 1kg 1kg 1.5kg 1.5kg 1.5kg 2kg 2kg Age Under 11 Under 12 Under 13 Under 14 Under 15 Under 16 Under 17 Under 18 Under 19 Under 20 Open Boys 400 grams 400 grams 600 grams 600 grams 600 grams 700 grams 700 grams 800 grams 800 grams 800 grams 800 grams Girls 400 grams 400 grams 600 grams 600 grams 600 grams 700 grams 700 grams 800 grams 800 grams 800 grams 800 grams Javelin SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 56 | P a g e 5. Competition Recording Forms TRACK EVENTS – SPRINTS EVENT BOYS HOUSE/SCHOOL RECORD GIRLS EVENT No PLACE No. UNDER DATE RECORDER JUDGE NAME HOUSE/SCHOOL TIME POINTS NAME HOUSE/SCHOOL TIME POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PLACE No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 57 | P a g e TRACK EVENTS – DISTANCE EVENT HOUSE/SCHOOL RECORD BOYS GIRLS EVENT No PLACE No. UNDER DATE RECORDER JUDGE NAME HOUSE/SCHOOL TIME POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 58 | P a g e FIELD EVENTS Event No DATE RECORDER BOYS JUDGE HOUSE/SCHOOL RECORD ORDER No. NAME GIRLS HOUSE/SCHOOL UNDER TRIAL 1 TRIAL 2 TRIAL 3 BEST (after 3 trials) SHOT PUT DISCUS JAVELIN HAMMER LONG JUMP TRIPLE JUMP PLACE (after 3 trials) TRIAL 4 TRIAL 5 TRIAL 6 BEST PLACE POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 59 | P a g e HIGH JUMP/POLE VAULT RECORDER Event No JUDGE BOYS ORDER LEGEND: No. = CLEARED NAME - = PASSED HOUSE/ SCHOOL = FAILED DATE GIRLS HIGH JUMP UNDER POLE VAULT HOUSE/SCHOOL RECORD BAR HEIGHT JUMPS AT LAST HEIGHT CLEARED TOTAL FAILED JUMPS BEST HEIGHT CLEARED FINAL PLACE POINTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 60 | P a g e ORGANISING SWIMMING CARNIVALS SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 61 | P a g e SCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVAL CHECKLIST TRY TO DO 6-12 MONTHS BEFORE: CHECK ACT & REGIONAL DATES. LEAVE AT LEAST 2 WEEKS BETWEEN SCHOOL AND REGIONAL CARNIVALS (School Sport ACT books Regional and ACT Events) BOOK POOL AND BACKUP DATE BOOK TRANSPORT DATE TO BE INCLUDED IN YEARLY PLANNER 6 WEEKS BEFORE: ADVISE STAFF AND CANTEEN STAFF OF DATE CHECK POOL BOOKING, INCLUDING COST AND AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT CHECK CANTEEN FACILITIES AND CHANGE ROOMS PUBLICISE CARNIVAL DATE IN NEWSLETTER LIAISE WITH STAFF ON OFFICIAL JOBS CHECK ON EQUIPMENT NEEDED ORDER EQUIPMENT (WHERE NECESSARY – phone School Sport ACT to see what is available) ORGANISE RECORDING SHEETS ORGANISE PROGRAMS, INCLUDING EVENTS AND OFFICIALS SELECT DATE FOR HOUSE MEETINGS INVITE GUESTS ORGANISE CERTIFICATES, RIBBONS AND TROPHIES 3 WEEKS BEFORE: BEGIN COLLECTION OF MONEY AND NOTES CANTEEN FACILITIES (IF REQUIRED) CHECK TRANSPORT FIND PERPETUAL TROPHIES ORGANISE AND DSITRIBUTE INFORMATION AND PERMISSION NOTES TO PARENTS CHECK RELEVANT DETAILS OF REGIONAL CARNIVAL ONE WEEK PRIOR: DISTRIBUTE PROGRAMS AND JOB LISTS TO STAFF MEMBERS (TRAINING MAY BE REQUIRED) MEET WITH HOUSE CAPTAINS (IF APPROPRIATE) COLLECT EQUIPMENT COMPLETE TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS PRINT PROGRAM PUBLICISE CARNIVAL INFORMATION IN NEWSLETTER (AGAIN IF POSSIBLE) SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 62 | P a g e HOLD HOUSE MEETINGS MAKE WET WEATHER ARRANGEMENT IF USING OUTSIDE POOL CANCELLATION ARRANGEMENTS WITH RADIO STATIONS ORGANISE STUDENTS TO ASSIST WITHo REFRESHMENTS FOR OFFICIALS o RUNNERS ONE DAY PRIOR: CHECK AND PACK ALL EQUIPMENT MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING OR PARTICIPATING CHECK POOL BOOKINGS AND ANY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS CHECK TRANSPORT DETAILS CHECK RECORDING SHEETS SPEAK TO STUDENTS ABOUT ALL ASPECTS OF ORGANISATION AND EXPECTATIONS BRIEF STUDENT HELPERS IF POSSIBLE DURING THE CARNIVAL: SET UP EVERYTHIGN EARLY – ALLOW TIME FOR UNANTICIPATED PROBLEMS SUPERVISE OFFICIALS – CHECK REGULARLY WITH ALL OFFICIALS HANDLE ANY PROBLEMS THAT ARISE ENSURE TOILETS ARE SUPERVISED REFRESHMENTS FOR OFFICIALS AFTER THE CARNIVAL: PRESENT AWARDS COLLECT AND RETURN EQUIPMENT CHECK ALL EQUIPMENT IS IN WORKING ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR AND MAKE A LIST OF NEW EQUIPMENT NEEDED AGE CHAMPIONS SELECT SCHOOL TEAM FOR REGIONAL CARNIVAL DISTRIBUTE NOTES FOR NEXT LEVEL CARNIVAL ARRANGE TRANSPORT FOR REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES PLACE MAJOR RESULTS IN LOCAL NEWSPAPER SEND LETTERS OF APPRECIATION UPDATE RECORDS COMPLETE STAFF EVALUATION OF CARNIVAL HAVE PERPETUAL TROPHIES ENGRAVED BOOK POOL FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR (if a School carnival) THANKS TO STAFF/STUDENTS/PARENT HELPERS SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 63 | P a g e NOTES FOR SWIMMING CARNIVAL ORGANISERS Following is a checklist: 1. Confirm your pool allocation date and other details, like cost, entry and exit time etc. with School Sport ACT. 2. The ACT convenor will hold a meeting for you at which you will be given a package relating to your commitments for the ACT carnival. If your carnival is at the AIS you will be given a pool layout plan which you will have to complete and return to the AIS (copy included. On the plan you will need to specify eg. How many chairs you will need and where you want them (suggestions on pool layout plan) in addition to the regular carnival set up. 3. Send out information packages to all the schools in your district as far in advance as possible. (Package to include 2 page general information letter, list of events and electronic entry sheet and instructions). Examples are included in the manual. Name a closing date, which gives you plenty of time to organise your program. Send each school a list of their entries which is generated by Meet Manager. All schools need to CHECK THEIR ENTRY SHEET CAREFULLY!!! Changes/alterations need to be sent back to the organizer so that there ARE NO CHANGES on the day of the carnival. 4. Find a referee. Contact Trevor Wuth from ACT Swimming for all officials. Email to [email protected] 5. Ask for voluntary help from your own school community. 6. Form a school carnival committee. There are many things, which can be done before the carnival and it is possible to delegate some of these tasks quite easily. 7. To save time, energy and inefficiencies on the day it is worth spending time beforehand. Suggestion: • use timekeepers’ slips (provided), then set up timekeepers’ clipboards with all the swimmers in each lane in order. (Only use if you are not using the electronic timing at the AIS) • Meet Manager will seed your events. The swimmers with no times entered will all be placed in the slowest heats. I suggest at school level you enter no times, but at regional level you should enter times for ALL students taking part on the day. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 64 | P a g e 8. Ribbons – another job which can be done ahead of time. Get the ribbons from School Sport ACT and Meet Manager will print off the labels for the ribbons. Ensure you have an envelope for each school so that at the end of the day each school can collect their ribbons. Try to allocate a person to stick the labels on the ribbons and place them in the appropriate envelope. 9. Allocate your officials (see the proforma for the officials you will need). Choose reliable people for the “chief” positions. It is usually possible to find volunteers with children who complete regularly or high school students to fill these positions. Make sure you find a starter who knows the procedure – whistle to the back of the blocks, “Take your marks”, BANG! (note, it’s not ready, steady, GO). Starter must ensure that timekeepers are ready!! • Teachers usually make the best marshals • Grade 6 children can usually do a reliable job as runners. You can use runners for any task but you will need to explain their jobs to them. 2 runners will need to be used to collect timekeepers’ slips after each heat (one runner collects one heat, the other runner collects the next heat) – stand at the lane 8 side and collect the slips in order. Go back to collect next heat. One runner can be in charge of claims board, keep current event up to date with claim three events ahead (will suit computer buff who can make digits out of straight lines). Other runners can help with refreshments if you have them. • There are notes included for marshals, timekeepers, judges and recorders which explain their duties. 10. Photocopying: • Programs – plan to give at least 1 per school plus another 10 for the officials who will need them (asterisked on the officials’ proforma). Programs should include list of events and list of officials as well. • Notes for officials – you will need 17 timekeepers, 2 marshals, 3 judges, 4 recorders SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 65 | P a g e 11. Stationary for the day: • 2 staplers + box of staples • Stickers and texta for officials’ names (write these beforehand if you like) • 2 boxes pencils • Several erasers • Several rulers • Highlighter • Pad post-it notes • 3 pads of scrap paper for judges to work on • Several ball point pens • About 12 clipboards, each lane will need one 12. Stopwatches: you will need at least 17. Check availability with School Sport ACT. A multitimer is also useful for timing 13. Banners for each team so you can allocate seating: delegate this to a grade 5 or 6 class. Allocation of seating is up to you, you can choose not to allocate or you can allocate alphabetically or on rotation. A logical way would be to allocate your school to the finishing end and then the remainder of the teams in alphabetical order following your school down the pool. 14. Refreshments: provide refreshments for your officials but you will need to check whether the region is prepared to foot the bill and work out your menu according to how much they will pay. Catering is available for lunch packs from the AIS. They are reasonably priced. Contact 62141036 to order. Refreshments aren’t necessary but they are welcome and we are using parent helpers so food helps to acknowledge their commitment. If you don’t provide refreshments, make sure you have enough helpers to free officials to get lunch, etc. 15. On the day: • Arrive at the pool early to delegate helpers to: Allocate seating banners, give program(s) to each school SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 66 | P a g e Set up recorders’ area – 2 programs (girls & boys), rubbers, rulers, calculators, notes for recorders Check that chairs have been placed for marshalling and timekeepers as requested Set up lanes for timekeepers with their clipboards and timekeeper slips, pencil, program (1 per lane is enough) notes for timekeepers, stopwatches Set up judges’ stand with scrap pads, pencils, notes for judges Set up marshalling area with 2 programs, pencils, biros, rulers, notes for marshals Check that the AIS has provided starting equipment and microphone for starter and microphone for announcer. Give both of them a program. Meet with your referee, starter and “chiefs” to ensure that they all know what they are doing. All chiefs should be clear on their jobs and will be able to explain to their helpers. The chief timekeeper should organise a watch check with the starter. • Once the meet is under way, give the referee and the starter any help they need to keep the meet running quickly and smoothly • Once the meet is over thank all the officials, tidy up the area, and make sure you keep all the results in a very safe place. 16. Afterwards: • Prepare results with individuals’ times and distribute to all schools involved. • Follow instructions from ACT convenor regarding entries for your regional swimmers to participate in the ACT carnival. • Thank the appropriate people in a suitable manner. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 67 | P a g e COMPETITION GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED AT THE POOL 1. Marshalling: Competitors must report to the marshals immediately their event is called. (Watch the claims board). The marshals may disqualify latecomers. 2. Children must swim in lanes indicated by marshal. 3. Children will be placed in heats and lanes behind the starting position. • Whistle blast: Competitors take position on back of blocks. Backstrokers enter the water. • Take your marks: Competitors take up diving position on front of blocks. Backstrokers gather for push off. • Starting beep: Race starts (in the event of a false start there will be a double beep and the false start rope will be dropped). • At finish: All swimmers must remain in the water and in their own lane at the end of the race until told to leave the water (double whistle). 4. Stroke judges will notify disqualifications. Please ensure that swimmers are aware of the rules for their events (see attached sheet). 5. Individual Medley Races: Order of strokes shall be Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke, Freestyle. 6. Final placing in all events will be decided on times and judges’ decisions. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 68 | P a g e PSSA SWIMMING CARNIVAL OFFICIALS LIST CARNIVAL CONVENOR REFEREE MARSHALS STARTER ANNOUNCER STROKE JUDGE RUNNERS SUPERVISOR CHIEF JUDGE CHIEF RECORDER RECORDERS 1 2 3 4 CHIEF TIMEKEEPER LANE TIMEKEEPERS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 69 | P a g e NB. If using Meet Manager and electronic timing you will not need pieces of paper for writing times or for judge places. NOTES FOR RECORDERS if manual recording We suggest you work in pairs with one pair doing the girls’ results and the other pair doing the boys’ results. Here are some pointers we hope you find useful. 1. Familiarise yourself with the program format: note that many events have more than one heat and sometimes the heats are not all on the same page. 2. Each event is to be treated as a whole, not each heat individually, so in theory the winner of an event could come from any of the heats. 3. The runners will bring to you a timekeeper’s slip from each lane and record all times. We suggest one calls out while the other writes. If there are additional comments like disqualification or illegal strokes (almost certain for some in the breast and fly events!) please record them on the program. 4. When an event is complete, determine the first 3 placings from the times. The winner need not necessarily by in the final heat although it is anticipated that the faster swimmers will be in the later heats. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 70 | P a g e NOTES FOR JUDGES Here are some pointers we hope you will find useful. 1. Familiarise yourself with the lane numbering. The lane number is marked on the side of each block. 2. Stand in line with the end of the pool. Find a position where you can see across the lanes without hindrance. 3. As the swimmers approach the flags, watch the wall and determine the order in which the swimmers actually touch the wall with any part of their body – be careful, they sometimes just miss and need to take an extra stroke. 4. The chief judge will record the results on the judge’s slip. You will have some paper on which to record your decision. 5. In the event of a dispute seek advice from the referee. 6. A runner will collect the judge’s slip after each heat and will take it together with the timekeepers’ slips to the recorders. Thank you for your help, we hope you enjoy your day. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 71 | P a g e NOTES FOR TIMEKEEPERS Thank you very much for offering to be a timekeeper at the carnival. Here are some pointers we hope you find useful. 1. Familiarise yourself with the watch – they are all different. You should be able to start, stop and reset with ease. 2. You will have practice before the events start and you will be allocated to a lane with another timekeeper. 3. When the events are being swum, the starter will give a whistle and competitors will get on the blocks. They starter will say “Take your marks” and they will get into a diving position. The gun will then fire to start the race. Start your stopwatch when you see the smoke from the gun (it will be marginally before you actually hear the report, as for most of the races the starter will be at the far end of the pool). 4. Check that your watch is going! If you missed a start or your watch failed to start then advise the chief timekeeper who will either cover your lane or find a relief timekeeper. 5. Watch the swimmer coming down your lane and when the swimmer approaches the flags go right up to the wall and look down the wall – do not look at the swimmer – when any part of the swimmer’s body touches the wall, stop your watch. Do not worry whether the swimmer touched “properly”, the referee will decide that. 6. Each lane will have a clipboard with a time slip for each swimmer who will be competing in that lane. Write both times onto the slip. The first placegetter will also be timed by the chief timekeeper and will have 3 times. Put a circle around the slowest of the two times or the middle one of the three times – this will be the official time. The referee may tell you that a swimmer is disqualified or has an illegal stroke (but is not disqualified) it is important that you note this on your time slip. 7. Reset your watch. 8. The chief timekeeper will let the starter know that you are ready to begin timing, so make sure you are quick to record the times and reset the watch (in that order) 9. A runner will collect your timeslip after each heat. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 72 | P a g e NOTES FOR MARSHALS Thank you very much for offering to be a marshal at the carnival. Here are some pointers we hope you find useful. 1. There will be two of you to marshal the events. We suggest one does the initial lane allocation and the other checks that the swimmers are in the correct lanes immediately before their heat is swum. 2. There will be a claims board showing the event being claimed (marshalled) and the event being swum at the moment. One marshal can supervise a runner to make sure this is kept up to date. Swimmers should group to claim for their events three races ahead and the claims board should reflect this. It is not your responsibility to chase up non-attenders! 3. There will be 3 or 4 rows of 8 chairs parallel to the side of the pool for the competitors to use while waiting for their event and behind each lane at the end of the pool there will be two chairs. 4. When all the swimmers have gathered for their event, call out the names, check them off on your program and allocate them to a chair in the bank. (number them 1 – 8 starting at the left) with the next heat in the row behind. 5. As each heat is swum, competitors will move forward to the next row until two heats before their heat when they will move to their lanes and sit in the back seat. At this point the check marshal should ensure that the swimmer is the in the correct lane. Please not that 50m swimmers will start at the far end of the pool, 100m, 200m and relays will start at the timekeepers’ end. Relays will need the odd number swimmers at the timekeepers’ end and the even number swimmers at the far end. Thank you for your help, we hope you have a good day. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 73 | P a g e From AUSSIE SPORT SWIMMING, LEVEL 0-COACHING MANUAL SWIMMING GAMES The Coach considers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Age of participants Ability of participants Sex of participants Temperature of air and water Number of participants Time Pool space Equipment required Facilities Swimmer interests and preferences Relationship of activity to previous swimming lessons Benefits Danger The occasion Remember 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Elimination games are not suitable for young participants. All games can be adapted to suit your purpose. Emphasise those activities, which keep the whole group active. Explain activities clearly and then give participants the opportunity to ask questions. Try to make teams equal in number and ability. Exercise judicious control over participants, not permitting one person or team to disobey rules without penalty. 7. Rules should be simplified to the minimum necessary. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 74 | P a g e 1. What’s the Time Wolf? One person stands at the edge in the water facing away from the pool, remaining players on other side of the pool in the water. The aim for the players is to touch the wolf without the wolf seeing them. Continue as usual with the wolf sending back those students seen moving when the wolf turns to answer their call ‘What’s the time Wolf?’ and eliminating those wolf catches when he/she says ‘Dinner Time!’ 2. • • Egg and Spoon Race – a relay use pingpong balls instead of eggs the spoon is carried in the mouth (use plastic spoons) 3. • • 3 Legged Race – a relay tie stocking around left leg of one swimmer and right leg of other swim in any manner 4. • • Over and Under players form a long line one behind the other leader passes through legs of the next person and then over the top fo the following one, continuing alternately until the leader reaches the end new leader follows etc. play in deep or shallow end • • 5. • • Towel Relay in pairs each swimmer holds 1 end of a towel on which is placed a ball the object is the to get to the other side of the pool without getting the ball wet 6. • • Water Volleyball play in shallow or deep end ball must be received on the full 7. • • • • Cat and Mouse players in circle join hands and must not let go mouse on inside and cat on outside to begin cat must catch the mouse members assist the mouse by letting him go in or out but try to stop the cat 8. • Marco Polo one person is ‘Marco’ and closes his/her eyes counting aloud to 20 while rest swim off (staying within limits of pool) ‘Marco’ must find other players by calling out ‘Marco’ to which all must reply ‘Polo’ players may move around in the area as much as they like to avoid being caught but must respond to Marco’s Call when caught, this player becomes Marco • • • 9. • • • Aquaball players are divided into 2 teams – throwers and fielders fielding team takes up position in centre with 4 basemen placed as in softball 1st thrower throws the ball and must then swim around the 4 bases before the fielders can secure the ball and pass it to the 4 basemen in correct order SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 75 | P a g e 10. Balloon Races Blowing up and swimming any way they wish + relays. 11. Dog and the Bone Number equal numbers of swimmers off on each side of peal. Throw the ball in the middle and call a number. Those two swimmers race to the ball and throw it back to their team on the full. 12. ‘Six Oar Race’ Three members of each team on either side of the pool. First member swims across and touches, then second swimmer jumps in and latches on to first and they swim across to ‘pick up’ the 3rd swimmer etc., until sixth joined on. All must get out of water to finish. 14. ‘Retriever’ Teams of six, all on one side of the pool. On the other side are piles of six items (one pile for each team). Each member is shown the item which he must retrieve. Swimmers follow relay pattern, swimming across and bringing back their item. First team with all items back wins. 15. Tyre Tube Relays 16. Panty-hose Race Put on wet pantyhose then swim to other end. 17. PJ Relay or Race Mix everyone’s PJ’s up – swim down, find PJ’s, put on and swim back. 18. Duck Diving for Objects Individually or in teams dive for their own item – have a number of different items on the bottom. 19. Caterpillars Teams of 3 or more hold ankles of person in front. Last person kicks and front person swims with arms only. Team must not break apart. Race across pool or whole length. 20. • • • Rounders Batting team at shallow end and fielders spread out. First batter throws ball and fielders fetch it, then all line up one behind the other and pass the ball beneath their legs. When the last fielder gets the ball he holds it up above his/her head and calls ‘caught’. Meanwhile, the batter goes through all the batters legs and back again and when he/she reaches his/her original position calls ‘safe’. The batter is out if the last fielder calls ‘caught’ before he/she gets back to his/her original position. 21. Musical Ball Pass ball round in circle, teacher with back to children blows whistle – one holding ball is out. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 76 | P a g e 22. Races in ‘fun’ Strokes e.g. dog paddle with barking 23. Relay with kickboard between legs 24. Red Rover Two children are rovers and start in middle of pool. Remaining children must cross pool from 1 side to the other in any way they wish. Rovers grab someone by legs and say ‘1, 2, 3 Red Rover caught’. Those caught are then rovers also – last 2 caught are winners. 25. Chain Tag All hold on to next person’s waist to form long chain (first and last don’t link up). First tries to catch last while rest must stay together. When caught first and last go into the middle of the chain and 2 new ones take over. 26. Swimming, diving, jumping through hoops 27. Fetch Write numbers 1 to 8 on pingpong balls and throw them around the deep end. Start 8 swimmers each with their own number from the shallow end. They must find their own pingpong ball and bring it back to the start. 28. a) b) c) d) Tag Chinese Tag: If ‘It’ touches someone on the neck then that person must swim with their hand on their neck until that person in turn touches someone – on the leg perhaps, then that person has to swim after the others with one hand holding their leg, and so on. Underwater Tag: ‘It’ cannot tag anyone who is completely submerged. If any part of the body is above water, and is tagged, then that person is ‘It’. Body Tag: Before the game starts, decide what part of the body must be tagged by ‘It’. If the members all agree that ‘It’ must touch the head, then ‘It must tag another’s head before that person is ‘It’. Different parts of the body become the object for tagging as the game progresses. Tag with Floating Base: Use a kick board for a floating base. ‘It’ cannot tag anyone who is on base. 29. Circle Passing Pass a ball around a circle more raplidly than one in another circle. 30. Tread water for time. 31. Chain Dive With everyone holding hands and swimming across without breaking the chain. 32. Tandem Swimming Tandem swimming – lying on back, contact between swimmers is kept by pressure of feet against side or under arms of next person. The last one is the only one who kicks. All use arms – backstroke, double arm backstroke or elementary backstroke. 33. Over Under In teams one behind the other, the leader passes the ball over his head to the next person, who passes the ball between his legs to the person behind him. The ball continues to the last player who swims to the front of the line and starts the process again. This may be played in shallow or deep water. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 77 | P a g e 34. Moving Tunnel Teams of two in waist deep water. All stand astride in a line facing opposite side of pool. The back person duck daves and swims through the front person’s legs. Continue like this until the team reaches the other side of the pool. 35. Hoop Relay Teams of four, two either side of waist deep pool. The first person runs across the pool with the hoop around waist and collects the second person in the hoop. They run back, collect the third person and return to collect the fourth person. The group of four ‘run’ across the pool, all inside the hoop and continue the relay by then dropping one member each lap until only one person remains running the last lap. 36. Ball Dribbling Teams of three to five. Swim across the pool keeping the ball under control between the arms, then throw the ball back across the pool to the waiting team members, who are treading water. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 78 | P a g e FOR THE VERY YOUNG 1. Beware of the Dogfish Teacher is 5 metres in front of children who are standing in shoulder depth water. Teacher calls out “Beware of the Dogfish” and children must get back to the end before the teacher can catch their legs. 2. Ring around a Rosy, pocket full of posy, ashes, ashes, all fall down (under water). 3. How many fingers? Chidlren must tell you how many fingers you are holding up under the water by going under and opening their eyes. 4. Poison Something (e.g. beach ball) in middle of circle is poison and not allowed to touch you. (Children may blow on ball) 5. Diving for coloured marbles, etc. 6. Follow the Leader 7. Pingpong Blow Blow a pingpong ball across the pool doing dog paddle or breaststroke. 8. Ball Push Push a small ball across the pool using nose or chin but not hands (may be used as a relay). 9. Jump for distance 10. Glide for distance 11. Biggest splash – winner makes the biggest splash with: hands and arms whole body, off side legs • • • SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 79 | P a g e 12. Logrolling – roll across pool like log 13. Floating Fiction Contestands line up with backs to finishing line. Each has a sheet of newspaper. On “Go” kick on back reading from newspaper aloud. 14. Balloon Blow on Back On back, kick across the pool, blowing up balloon so it bursts before reaching the side. 15. Wheelbarrow Race In pairs, one lies in water legs spread, partner stands holding ankles – push to other side, swimmer may use his arms. 16. Alphabets Stones with letters (2 sets A-Z and 4 sets vowels) are thrown in water – Groups of 4 or so. Two dive for stones and two on edge make up words of three letters or more. Team with most words wins. 17. Washer Recovery Winner is one who picks up most washers off bottom of the pool in one breath. 18. Over and Under Two balls to each team – one ball goes forwards overhead without touching water. Other backwards under water and must not surface. 19. Footed Ball Two teams heading in opposite directions push beach ball to goal with feet only. 20. Virginia Reel Two teams standing in water and numbered e.g., 1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1 On calling number, two must interchange places using stroke called by Referee. First in place wins points for team. 21. Forehead Carry Relay carrying flat object, e.g., stone, washer, on forehead, no hands. 22. Partner Tag In pairs holding hands, one pair “it” tags another couple without letting go of hands. If couple breaks hands to avoid being tagged they are automatically “it”. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 80 | P a g e SWIMMING: GENERAL INFORMATION School Sport ACT gives all students access to their level of competition for swimming. Every school can have its own swimming carnival as an annual event. These cater for the serious swimmers as well as novelty and fun events to encourage participation by all students. These events are great to foster school spirit and a chance for the school community to come together as one. School Sport Regional Carnivals and Swimming Selection Trials (including ASC) Schools then pick winners from their own carnival or swimmers who are competitive in time to compete at their Regional Swimming Carnival / selection trial. For 8-12 year olds these will be held in 2013 at the AIS (subject to pool availability) on: • • • • • • South Weston Region: Tuesday 19 March (Entries close Fri 8 March) North Gungahlin Region: Thursday 21 March (Entries close Tues 12 March) Tuggeranong Region: Tuesday 2 April (Entries close Fri 22 March) Belconnen Region: Thursday 4 April (Entries close Tues 26 March) ACT Swimming Carnival (12 years and under): Tuesday 7 May ACT Swimming Carnival (13 years and over): Wednesday 8 May (College entries close Friday 12 April) There are events in 50m in the 4 strokes for all age groups (8-12 years), as well as 100m events in all four strokes, the 200m Freestyle and 200 Individual Medley for 10-12 years. The Regional carnivals for the 13 – 16 year olds will be held on: Northside: AIS on Tuesday 26 March (Entries close Thursday 21st March) Southside: Tuggeranong Pool on Thursday 28 March (Entries close Friday 22nd March) ASC: AIS on Thursday 2 May (Entries close Friday 12th April) In 2013 we are putting in place qualifying times that need to be met in order to proceed to the 12 years and under Regional Swimming Carnivals. These times will be sent to all schools very early next year, and will be advertised on the School Sport ACT website. There will be a cut off date for entries for the Regional Carnivals to be received by School Sport ACT and Lorraine Wuth (carnival competitions coordinator). These dates WILL BE STRICTLY ADHERED TO, and late entries will not be processed. This is a directive from the ACT Schools Sports Council to facilitate the smooth transfer of data and the efficient running of all carnivals. Please ensure you have your school carnival well before the cut off date to allow for wet weather contingencies. Multi Class Swimmers There will be changes to Multi Class swimmers who wish to be entered in events. Students with any disability MAY CHOOSE to swim as an able bodied student at the Regional carnivals, as long as they meet the qualifying standards and qualify through their school carnival. If these students wish to be considered for selection to go to the National Championships, they need to swim at the ACT Swimming Carnival as a Multi Class swimmer. These students will need to fill out a nomination form for the ACT event. This form will be available through the School Sport ACT website, and also distributed to all schools. Multi Class swimmers who swim at any carnival need to provide an assistant to help them if they SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 81 | P a g e require it. School Sport ACT and carnival officials will not be undertaking this responsibility. There will be a Classification Day for Multi Class swimmers requiring it on Monday 6th May 2013 at a venue to be advised. School Sport ACT Swimming Championships and School Sport Australia Swimming Selection Trials The place getters from the Regional Carnivals then go on to represent their School/Region at the School Sport ACT Swimming Championships at the AIS Pool on Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 May 2013 (qualifying times must be met). Events for 8-12 years are the same as Regional Carnivals. For 13-19 years, the program includes 50m and 100m in the 4 strokes, and the 200m and 400m Freestyle. School Sport Australia Swimming Championships From the School Sport ACT Swimming Championships, an ACT team is selected for the School Sport Australia Championships that are held later in each year. In 2013, the School Sport Australia Swimming Championships will be held in Adelaide from 8 – 14 September. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 82 | P a g e ACT SCHOOL SPORT SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS PROGRAM OF EVENTS 9am Start, Tuesday 7 May 2013: AIS Swimming Complex, Bruce. 8-12 Years Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 15-Minute Break 23 24 25 26 27 38 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Age Event Qualifying Time 10 11 12 10-12 8 9 10 11 12 10-12 10-12 200 IM 200 IM 200 IM 100m Freestyle MC 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle MC 100m Freestyle 4:00.00 3:45.00 3:30.00 10-12 10 & under 11 12 10-12 10-12 10 & under 11 12 10-12 10-12 10 &under 11 12 10-12 100m Breaststroke 50m Butterfly 50m Butterfly 50m Butterfly 50m Backstroke MC 100m Backstroke 50m Breaststroke 50m Breaststroke 50m Breaststroke 50m Breaststroke MC 100m Butterfly 50m Backstroke 50m Backstroke 50m Backstroke 200m Freestyle Extra Swimmer Qualifying Time 3:46.00 3:35.00 3:26.00 1:00.00 55.00 55.00 50.00 45.00 N/A N/A 43.00 41.00 39.00 1:40.00 1:23.00 2:00.00 1:00.00 55.00 50.00 1:36.00 49.00 45.00 43.00 1:50.00 1:10.00 1:05.00 1:00.00 1:36.00 55.00 53.00 49.00 1:50.00 1:00.00 55.00 50.00 2:55.00 1:35.00 48.50 45.50 43.50 2:45.00 Notes: Each swimmer may compete in a maximum of seven (7) events. 200 IM - Each Region is permitted to nominate up to four (4) competitors in each age group (10, 11, 12 years). 100 Freestyle and Form Strokes: Each Region is permitted to nominate the first 4 placegetters in each age group, 10, 11, 12 years, i.e. a maximum of 12 swimmers from combined 10-12 years events. Five (5) swimmers can be nominated for the 50 metre Freestyle events and four (4) in the Form 50 metre events. Nominated swimmers must achieve the qualifying time in order to swim at the ACT School Swimming Championships. If a swimmer swum at the Regional carnival, and/or has an official long course personal best time faster than the Extra Swimmer Qualifying Time but was unable to compete at the Regional Carnival (because of illness, school selection policy, Regional Carnival nomination rules, school excursion or ACT School Sport representation in another sport) they may apply directly to Sue Knight, ACT School Sport, to compete in the ACT School Championships. Subject to the availability of vacant lanes and the ranking of the times submitted by other exempted or similar swimmers (e.g. swimmers absent on medical grounds) these swimmers may be invited to swim at the ACT Schools Championships. Nominations are to be made on the Request for Inclusion in the ACT School Swimming Championships 7 May 2013 available on the ACT School Sport website, and MUST BE RETURNED BEFORE 12 April 2013. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 83 | P a g e ACT 13 YEARS AND OVER SCHOOL SPORT SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS PROGRAM OF EVENTS Wednesday 8th May 2013 at AIS Pool 9:15am start Boys 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 Girls 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 Age 13 -19 13 14 15 16 17 - 19 13 - 19 13 14 15 16 17 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 19 13 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 19 13 - 19 13 14 15 16 17 - 19 13 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 19 13 - 19 13 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16 17 - 19 Event 50m freestyle MC 50m freestyle 50m freestyle 50m freestyle 50m freestyle 50m freestyle 200m IM MC 200m IM 200m IM 200m IM 200m IM 200m IM 100m backstroke 100m backstroke 100m backstroke 50m butterfly MC 50m butterfly 50m butterfly 50m butterfly 100m freestyle MC 100m freestyle 100m freestyle 100m freestyle 100m freestyle 100m freestyle 50m breaststroke MC 50m breaststroke 50m breaststroke 50m breaststroke 100m butterfly 100m butterfly 100m butterfly 400m freestyle 50m backstroke MC 50m backstroke 50m backstroke 50m backstroke 100m breaststroke 100m breaststroke 100m breaststroke 200m freestyle 200m freestyle 200m freestyle SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 84 | P a g e Hi all, Attached is the spreadsheet all schools will need to use to send me their entries for your regional swimming carnivals. The sheet is password protected to save teachers mucking around with the macros and formatting that is embedded in this sheet. The school needs to fill in the columns marked in yellow. If the teachers want me to seed their children, then they need to enter times. This is the preference for the swimming families!! It needs to be in the following format (ie minutes followed by a colon, then seconds followed by a full stop, then tenths and hundreths of seconds) To give you a couple of examples from last year - 2.06 for a 200 metre medley was read as 2 seconds as there were insufficient figures for MM to read it as 2 minutes. In this case it should have read 2:06.00. For a 50 metre event I had a similar occurrence 42:00.00...MM read that as 42 minutes. In the case of times less than a minute it just needs to be 56.70 ie 2 figures before and after the decimal point. The teachers just need to type in their school name at the top of one of the pages. Ignore the drop down menu on the front page - I will add that in later. BOYS AND GIRLS NEED TO BE ENTERED ON SEPARATE SHEETS USING THE TAB AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE!! Please note that it is first name followed by surname. MM will fill in the ages as I process the entries. Can you do the date as dd/mm/yyyy please? I would suggest that you get this info out to all schools ASAP. I am happy to enter schools as soon as their carnivals are over. Schools need to send their entry list to me at [email protected] and cc'd to you so that you can keep a check of the schools that are dragging the chain!! SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 85 | P a g e ACT SCHOOL SPORT REGIONAL SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 PROGRAM OF EVENTS AND QUALIFYING TIMES 8-12 Years Boys Girls 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 15-Minute Break 23 24 25 26 27 38 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Age Event Qualifying Time 10 11 12 10-12 8 9 10 11 12 10-12 10-12 200 IM 200 IM 200 IM 100m Freestyle MC 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle 50m Freestyle MC 100m Freestyle 4:30.00 4:15.00 4:00.00 10-12 10 & under 11 12 10-12 10-12 10 & under 11 12 10-12 10-12 10 &under 11 12 10-12 100m Breaststroke 50m Butterfly 50m Butterfly 50m Butterfly 50m Backstroke MC 100m Backstroke 50m Breaststroke 50m Breaststroke 50m Breaststroke 50m Breaststroke MC 100m Butterfly 50m Backstroke 50m Backstroke 50m Backstroke 200m Freestyle 2:10.00 1:10.00 1:00.00 55.00 1:15.00 1:05.00 1:00.00 55.00 50.00 1:45.00 2:00.00 1:15.00 1:10.00 1:05.00 2:00.00 1:05.00 1:00.00 55.00 3:30.00 Notes: Each swimmer may compete in a maximum of seven (7) events. 200 IM - Each Region is permitted to nominate up to two (2) competitors in each age group (10, 11, 12 years). providing qualifying times are met 100 Freestyle and Form Strokes: Each Region is permitted to nominate the first 2 placegetters in each age group, 10, 11, 12 years, i.e. a maximum of 6 swimmers from combined 10-12 years events providing qualifying times are met.. Two (2) swimmers can be nominated for all 50 metre events providing qualifying times are met.. Nominated swimmers must achieve the qualifying time in order to swim at the ACT Regional School Swimming Championships. If a swimmer swum at the Regional carnival, and/or has an official long course personal best time faster than the Extra Swimmer Qualifying Time but was unable to compete at the Regional Carnival (because of illness, school selection policy, Regional Carnival nomination rules, school excursion or ACT School Sport representation in another sport) they may apply directly to Sue Knight, ACT School Sport, to compete in the ACT School Championships. Subject to the availability of vacant lanes and the ranking of the times submitted by other exempted or similar swimmers (e.g. swimmers absent on medical grounds) these swimmers may be invited to swim at the ACT Schools Championships. These Extra Swimmers Qualifying Times are available on the ACT School Sport website SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 86 | P a g e Nominations are to be made on the Request for Inclusion in the ACT School Swimming Championships 8th May 2014 available on the ACT School Sport website, and returned BEFORE .11th April 2014 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 87 | P a g e ACT 12 YEARS AND UNDER SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 INFORMATION SHEET. DATE: Thursday 8th May 2014 VENUE: AIS Pool, Bruce TIMES: 9am for warm ups. Carnival should conclude by 2.30pm. The gates will be open for competitors and spectators at 9am. PROGRAM: Attached and available for viewing on the School Sport ACT website CATERING: A canteen will be operating, however choice is limited. Healthy food should be bought from home. COST: $5 per student is needed to cover costs. This money is to be paid to each student’s school, and an invoice will be sent later. Spectators will be charged $2 per person, and will be paid directly to the pool as they enter. ENTRIES: All students have been entered in the events shown. Should a child decide not to swim an event, then can I please be informed so that we can add another competitor to take their place. ALL STUDENTS MUST WEAR A CAP AT THE AIS. DISTRICT OFFICIALS Obviously we will need a number of officials to undertake the other tasks associated with the technical aspects of conducting the event (marshals, time keepers etc). Each district will need to provide 2 officials to assist with these tasks. I would appreciate it if district conveners could provide me with the names of their officials, and their job preferences by Friday of this week so that I can allocate roles and get that back to you before the event begins. Officials will be supplied with lunches and tea and coffee. SUPERVISION Districts will be responsible for the supervision of their team members. There will be no access to the pool deck other than for competitors involved in an event or warming up at the appropriate time and meet officials. . Sue Knight (Convenor) School Sport ACT Ph: 6205 9279 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 88 | P a g e AIS Pool Operations Schedule Event Details: Organization: Event Name: Contact on the day: Mobile: Date of event: Local or Interstate: Venue Access Time (Officials): Venue Access Time (Competitors): Warm up Start Time: First Event Start Time: Event Finish Time: Venue Exit time: Expected participants: Expected parents/spectators: Age of participants: Catering: (Please Tick Requirements) Visitor Centre Canteen Access: Snacks only Lunch Coffee Cart (Espresso Coffee) Lunch Packs (please contact ESC to confirm booking details) BBQ (please contact ESC to confirm booking details) Request to self cater (Subject to approval, please contact ESC to discuss details) Equipment: (Please Tick Requirements) Electronic timing: Split timing: One button backup: Three button backup: Beep start: Standard set-up: (Please Tick Requirements) Long-course set-up Short-course set-up Side lane ropes: False start ropes: Announcers table – Microphone: Recorders tables: Starters stands: Presentation dias: Chairs per lane East end (Number):_______ Chairs per lane West end (Number):________ Competitors clothing boxes: Marshalling area: VIP seating / area: Claims table/claims board: Programs table: Bulkhead block outs: Extra tables, screens, stage risers (Please contact ESC to discuss extra requirements) Water Polo Change room (if available) (Please contact ESC to discuss requirements) Merchandising (AIS to collect 12.5% - Please contact ESC to discuss details) Event Officials List Attached (Those who are running the meet and should not be charged entry) For details regarding set-up and technical requirements please contact Pool Reception on (02) 6214 1281 Booking requirements or changes please contact Tara Schwarze on (02) 6214 1036 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 89 | P a g e AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SCHOOL SPORTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE NOMINATION FORM FOR THE ACT 12 YEARS AND UNDER SCHOOLS SWIMMING CARNIVAL TUESDAY 7th MAY 2013 at the AIS POOL ENTRY FOR MULTI CLASS STUDENTS Name: First ____________________ Surname ________________________ Age: ___________ Gender: male female Date of Birth: ___________________ School: ______________________ School Contact person: __________________ School contact email: ______________________ School phone: _______________ Classification/Disability: _____________________ EVENTS: Please tick √ Girls 10 - 12 years 100m Freestyle ( ) Boys 10 - 12 years 100m Freestyle ( ) Girls 10 - 12 years 50m Freestyle ( ) Boys 10 - 12 years 50m Freestyle ( ) Girls 10 - 12 years 50m Backstroke ( ) Boys 10 - 12 years 50m Backstroke ( ) Girls 10-12 years 50m Breaststroke ( ) Boys 10-12 years 50m Breaststroke ( ) Please email back to Sue Knight at [email protected] and Lorraine Wuth at [email protected] before Friday 12th April 2013. You can fax the entries to School Sport ACT on 6205 7799 if that is easier. Note that no entries will be received after 12th April 2013. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 90 | P a g e AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY SCHOOL SPORTS MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MULTI CLASS NOMINATION FORM FOR THE ACT 13 YEARS AND OVER SCHOOLS SWIMMING CARNIVAL WEDNESDAY 8TH MAY 2013 at the AIS POOL Name: First ____________________ Surname ________________________ Age: ___________ Gender: male female Date of Birth: ___________________ School: ______________________ School Contact person: __________________ School contact email: ______________________ School phone: _______________ Classification/Disability: _____________________ EVENTS: Please tick √ Girls 13 - 19 years 200m IM ( ) Girls 13 – 19 yrs 100m Freestyle ( ) Boys 13 - 19 years 200m IM ( ) Boys 13 – 19 yrs 100m Freestyle ( ) Girls 13 - 19 years 50m Freestyle ( ) Girls 13 – 19 yrs 50m Butterfly ( ) Boys 13 - 19 years 50m Freestyle ( ) Boys 13 – 19 yrs 50m Butterfly ( ) Girls 13 - 19 years 50m Backstroke ( ) Boys 13 - 19 years 50m Backstroke ( ) Girls 13-19 years 50m Breaststroke ( ) Boys 13-19 years 50m Breaststroke ( ) Please email back to Sue Knight at [email protected] and Lorraine Wuth at [email protected] before Friday 12th April 2013. You can fax the entries to School Sport ACT on 6205 7799 if that is easier. Note that no entries will be received after 12th April 2013. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 91 | P a g e ORGANISING CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVALS SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 92 | P a g e SCHOOL CROSS COUNTRY CHECKLIST TRY TO DO 6 – 12 MONTHS BEFORE BOOK GROUNDS AND BACKUP DATE (School Sport ACT books the venue for regional & ACT events – Stromlo Forest) BOOK TRANSPORT DATE TO BE INCLUDED IN YEARLY PLANNER 6 WEEKS BEFORE BOOK A SPORTS TRAINER FROM SPORTS MEDICINE – form included at the back of this section ADVISE STAFF AND CANTEEN STAFF OF DATE CHECK GROUNDS BOOKING, INCLUDING COST AND AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT PUBLICISE CARNIVAL DATE IN NEWSLETTER LIAISE WITH STAFF ON OFFICIAL JOBS CHECK ON EQUIPMENT NEEDED ORDER EQUIPMENT (WHERE NECESSARY, from School Sport ACT - 62059174) ORGANISE RECORDING SHEETS (SEE EXAMPLE) ORGANISE PROGRAMS SELECT DATE FOR HOUSE MEETINGS INVITE GUESTS ORGANISE CERTIFICATES, RIBBONS AND TROPHIES ARRANGE FOR FIRST AID 3 WEEKS BEFORE BEGIN COLLECTION OF MONEY AND NOTES CANTEEN FACILITIES (IF REQUIRED) CHECK TRANSPORT ORGANISE AND DISTRIBUTE INFORMATION AND PERMISSION NOTES TO PARENTS CHECK RELEVANT DETAILS OF REGIONAL CARNIVAL ARRANGE COURSE AND PLAN RELEVANT GUIDE MARKS (witches hats available from School Sport ACT) ONE WEEK PRIOR CHECK THAT THE SPORTS TRAINER HAS BEEN CONFIRMED DISTRIBUTE PROGRAMS AND JOB LISTS TO STAFF MEMBERS (TRAINING MAY BE REQUIRED) MEET WITH HOUSE CAPTAINS (IF APPROPRIATE) COLLECT EQUIPMENT COMPELTE TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS PRINT PROGRAM PUBLICISE CARNIVAL INFORMATION IN NEWSLETTER (AGAIN IF POSSIBLE) HOLD HOUSE MEETINGS MAKE WET WEATHER ARRANGEMENT (contact at Stromlo is Jeff – 0417 248 374) SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 93 | P a g e ENSURE LABELS ARE DONE e.g. Name: Age: DOB: School/House: CANCELLATION ARRANGEMENTS WITH RADIO STATIONS ORGANISE STUDENTS TO ASSIST WITH: o REFRESHMENTS FOR OFFICIALS o PLACE MARKERS o RUNNERS ONE DAY PRIOR CHECK AND PACK ALL EQUIPMENT MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR STUDENTS NOT ATTENDING OR PARTICIPATING CHECK TRANSPORT DETAILS CHECK RECORDING SHEETS SPEAK TO STUDENTS ABOUT ALL ASPECTS OF ORGANISATION AND EXPECTATIONS BRIEF STUDENT HELPERS IF POSSIBLE DURING THE CARNIVAL IF POSSIBLE A SLOW WALK THROUGH OF THE COURSE IS OFTEN A VALUABLE EXERCISE SET UP EVERYTHIGN EARLY – ALLOW TIME FOR UNANTICIPATED PROBLEMS SUPERVISE OFFICIALS – CHECK REGULARLY WITH ALL OFFICIALS HANDLE ANY PROBLEMS THAT ARIVSE ENSURE TOILETS ARE SUPERVISED REFRESHMENTS FOR OFFICIALS AFTER THE CARNIVAL PRESENT AWARDS COLLECT AND RETURN EQUIPMENT CHECK ALL EQUIPMENT IS IN WORKING ORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING YEAR AND MAKE A LIST OF NEW EQUIPMENT NEEDED SELECT SCHOOL TEAM TO GO TO REGIONAL CARNIVAL DISTRIBUTE NOTES FOR NEXT LEVEL CARNIVAL BOOK TRANSPORT FOR REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES PLACE MAJOR RESULTS IN LOCAL NEWSPAPER SEND LETTERS OF APPRECIATION COMPLETE STAFF EVALUATION OF CARNIVAL ARRANGE TRAINING FOR SCHOOL TEAM IF NECESSARY THANKS TO STAFF/STUDENTS/PARENT HELPERS SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 94 | P a g e ACT Cross Country Championships Distances Race Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Time Age Gender 10:30 10:35 10:40 10:45 11:00 11:05 11:10 11:15 11:25 11:40 11:44 11:50 11:55 12:05 12:10 12:15 12:20 12:25 12:45 12:50 13:00 9 9 13 Primary & Secondary 13 Primary & Secondary 8 8 17 10 17 Primary Relays 10/11/12/13 10 15 15 11 11 14 14 16 12 Primary & Secondary 16 12 Primary & Secondary Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Boys Girls Boys & Girls Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Girls Boys SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL Distance 1500m 1500m 3 km 3 km 1 km 1 km 6 km 2 km 4 km 4 km (4 x km) 2 km 4 km 4 km 3 km 3 km 4 km 4 km 6 km 3 km 4 km 3 km Course 1 x 1500m 1 x 1500m 1 x 3 km lap 1 x 3 km lap 1 x 1km 1 x 1km 2 x 3 km lap 1 x 2 km lap 2 x 2 km lap 2 x 2 km lap 1 x 2 km lap 2 x 2 km lap 2 x 2 km lap 1 x 3 km lap 1 x 3 km lap 2 x 2 km lap 2 x 2 km lap 2 x 3 km lap 1 x 3 km lap 2 x 2 km lap 1 x 3 km lap 95 | P a g e CROSS COUNTRY EVENT MANUAL One month before the event familiarise yourself with the course and have a walk over it. This will enable you to adequately mark the course, locate checkpoints and any obstacles encountered on the course. Contact relevant authorities to ensure that vehicular access close to the event exists. If necessary have signs guiding parents/spectators to the event. Talk to previous organiser(s) about courses used previously. Equipment needed Witches hats for marking the course. Different colour witches hats or flags (if possible), should be used to identify the different courses for age categories (one colour per age group). Stop watches One for each timekeeper. It would be beneficial to have 10 or more timekeepers if awarding points for first ten places. A multitimer is most appropriate for timing these events. Note pads and pencils for recorders Sticky labels and textas Write competitor’s name, house/school, age/year. First Aid equipment Ensure that kits are well stocked and that they are located on the course as well as the start and finish line. Chairs for course marshals Water and cups Ensure that water is available on the course and at the completion of the course to prevent dehydration. Large insulated water containers are available from School Sport ACT – 62059174. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 96 | P a g e Markers on the Course For the race itself always assume that students have not run the course before and put more markers than you think necessary. Even if there is no alternative route for a student to follow, running for long periods without markers can often put doubt in a runner’s mind. Officials 1. Marshals 2. Starter 3. Course Officials 4. Judge/s 5. Recorders Placement of Marshals Ensure that marshals are placed on parts of the course that are particularly confusing. This is important on courses that cross over themselves. Make a course map available at the start/finish area for students so they have an idea of where they will be running before the race begins. Recording Ensure there are enough recorders so participants are not kept waiting. It is often best to have three/four recorders, even in small schools, as often competitors will finish close together. The most efficient method of recording is to take the label from the competitors in their finishing order and stick them onto large sheets of paper/cardboard labelled with the event name. The multitimer will produce the times (of say the first 10) and this paper can be stapled to the recording sheet. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 97 | P a g e CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL OFFICIAL LIST VENUE: DATE: ORGANISING TEACHER: ANNOUNCER: STARTER(S): 1. 2. MARSHAL(S): 1. 2. JUDGES: 1. 2. 3. 4. TIMEKEEPERS: 1. 2. 3. COURSE MARSHALS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. RECORDERS: 1. 2. 3. SUPERVISORS: 1. 2. 3. 4. FIRST AID: 1. 2. SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 98 | P a g e Sports Medicine Australia Please find attached a booking form for Sports Medicine Officers from Sports Medicine ACT. You can complete this form and fax it into the SMA office and they will arrange for a Sports Medicine Officer to be at your event. Please fax the form at least 4 weeks prior to the vent you are organizing. SMA can organise a Sports Medicine Officer for you if you cannot give them 4 weeks notice at times but it cannot be certain. Things to remember about booking a Sports Medicine Officer: • • • • • • Make sure the billing address is correct. All Regional, Zone and ACT events should have the billing address listed as School Sport ACT, Sports House, 100 Maitland St, Hackett 2602. If you are organizing an event for just your school make sure the billing address is your school. Convenors please make sure you state your school/contact numbers and what type of event it is (size etc) on the forms. The more information you provide the better SMA can service you. Confirmation of a booking will be sent to the convenor. All SMA Officers will be wearing their yellow and red shirts and name badges at all event so they will be easily recognisable. Please provide any feedback you can to SMA after an event, whether it is an improvement you would like to be seen or it is simply a message of congratulations. They wish to continue servicing everyone with the best service they can offer. SMA have posters on drinking fluids in sport, warm up and cool down information to give free to schools. Simply contact their office. SMA contact: Phone: 6247 5115 [email protected] or Fax 6247 6329 Sports Medicine Australia ACT Branch 100 Maitland Street Hackett ACT 2602 SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 99 | P a g e access online SCHOOL SPORT RESOURCE MANUAL 100 | P a g e
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